PI it.MATT A nAirv i.MifhAV mM ? ia inn > SPECIAL NOTICES. AllVKHTI'KMrCNlrt m TIIK'SK TOMIMNB wlllbotnkpnnntlin-Wp m for tb > nrenlnn n < l until 8.H ) p. m. for the morning or r > nnil r c < ll- Nri mtrcrtlremrnt tnkr > n for leu tlmn 5J cent * for tlin nrnl Inirrtlon. AllnilferllccmcnH In tbpun ooliimni ) ' < tent ; orcl lortlinnrnt Intcrtlon nnd I ftsnt n word for neb nub 'uncnl Inncrtlon. or II.W pt-r line per iKunth , Trriiin cmli In ndrnncc lnltl t . fltnie ( , ( iftnbolo , Vlc.fnehtounl n n until , All drcr- IHetnpnl'mint run ronnccullTOlf AdffrtUPr * , \ < r ifnur llne n numlioml clirck. c n nnto tlio IMtorHnddrcBUPd lo n mimbrrcil | i > tlc-r In c roof liltlli.lAnuwcrs to nildroncd will be doll crcd on tlio picccntntlon of the cheek. SITUATIONS-WANTED. V THAX-n.tNO HAI.KSMAN WIIOI.ItSAI.R Antotorst f , years In Nebraska territory liefer- i-nrrii Address II I , lleo MMJ ' * _ A1IV A COXIPKTKNT MUSK. KOIl I.AIlV IN conlliiuincnl wnueo tt. or n Hek child or I" " ' for less. Apply Mrs Mclls n I rnticls , 103 p. ai\n WANTl'D MALE HELP. ' I ASMTVl'K- - who nro oul of employment nrnliirlti-d lo enll and reuIMer their tinmei nnd nunllllrfilloii" wllli nur empto ) incut department. X\n mske no ilinrifo to either employer or em Ployed liropln nntlwu tin. w take plon uro In ilolneall wocin for the worthy sleuournpher nnd Ifpewrlllfl 'Iho Htnlth Premier 'lypi-wrller Co. liwi < Mrnnm t. . Oinalia Neb 3U > " . XVAN1KI > . IN AsTon UK ? iTllTdHT VOl'NO _ ) miin nboul h ! years of tine Host re.nremes re- ijnlrcil OIIH who understands Metiournptiy nnd ijpOTrltlnuproferrr-d Address P 111 , llee K > , IJ-SALAltV OH COMMISSION 'IO AfJIINH TO JJlinmlle Ihn Patent ( hemlcal Ink Krnslnu Pencil 'Iho most iitpfiil and novM Invention of the n c Krn c Ink tlinrouKhly In two seeond * XXorks llko insKle. SOD lo Km pur c.-nl prollt Auculs mnklnit I'fl per week. XV'o also n ant n K 'iieral nBPiil lo Inko < -lirree of territory and nppolul iiib nitents A r.iio i-hanre lo make money , xx'tllo for terms and ssm iileofrrnslntf Monroe Krnser Mf Co \ Sb , l.n rrosse , XX'is. s- ' l > -XVANTii ) . 10 l0VI > 'I A PACKINd IIOfSK 1'mini who ItioroiiRhly understandn cullliiK nnd curlnc. A nmn nhols well roeomiiiendod enn havn a steady Job nt Rood par trod I ) Harris. IJU llodlte , Omaha. 1.M li * "CIIOC'KBUV AND siileimen Aildre , stntlnii experl- . . . .e , inmi'i trnxcli'cl to nnd full pirlletiliirs ( inly tliosohnvliiifCilnbllsheil toutes xlll bu r ' r A. Tyrrell , U and II Lnko street. ( p-XX'A.NTKIl , ( OLAIDHKII' * XV X ( . I < Jl 711'Kll ldi > Apply lo AtucrJi-nn NX'iiloi XX'orks Co. , Hnnbiilldliik- ' * * i. , , T > XVANTCP llKSTI.iXIAN : TlOOKK LTI'P-H , [ ' -1'doiiblo entry Unto lii > rn mn bo seuli. Addroii | Link Drnnct na loiinull lllulTs , In XI1V , Ib * ACT1VP XX'OIIKHII I OH " "III'PP PlIOI'O- crnphs of the XX'oild. ' coitliiR f IW.OIIC. holiday lionaniit Acents wild wllh min'rs. Mr Kdnanl " 'I 'Henry lloycrto ? n. I'n , clonred IM ) In onn i > eki Ml.lennlii x ( lark , Salliln. Colo. , f > ytln < lint ilnr. Oiitnt f I ( W Terms free Address ( llnbe Illbio I'uiillslilne Co. , TW Cliestnnt streel , Phlladnlnhla. Pn , or : . . Dearborn streit , ( lilcnco , III MJII S5 * TVANTKt7 tPHOLl-TiUiilsr : : IIK51IKST I' intei nalil and nli-ady work Kimrnnleed S. Knrpeu .X Ilroi , 164 nml 165 Mlrhl an a\o ; Chl < .nco , 111. MI78W WANI'KI ) , AKVIN ! I 'Oil "CIIOXVN .IKXVi : I .S" or llenullful dein * ; " colic rnplilly for Christ mm pre enl ; bent U'rins. J. M 1 ruiicli A Co , I'm- ton block , Oiiiahn. il J77 M * l > li ( HAHOAIN-KMKIAM1 TIIIHTV-ACIIK I'lrael just oiitoldo city limits , enn oiler for rJ76 per aeru mid tnko i < to h In tiooil property ( loo. N. lllckn , IM N X' . I.lfo bid * . M. ! 20 R -MTI"I2. ) UI'IIOI.STKHIJIIS. STAV AXX'AV from ( liliniio and Jlllwiiukee. tilrlko on M.WJ 18' "M XVANTI2I ) . A (1001) ( bOI.ICITOll TO UKI.I , DlenHiind colTee Klilrlduo A. lliiuserninn , 21th nml Ilnmllllon XI.S4 18 * 1WANTI.O fil MthT-Ul.ASS CHINA DKCOHA- .I'torii ( iood M.U : slenilj ork Koken llnr- livrahuppl ) to , 'M ' Jliuket .trvct , t-t l.ouls. MO. -p iiooKKKr.i'iii : , YOUNO .XIAN xvini SOMR l cxperlemo nnnled Imincilbilely. Apply In own I linudnrltlnir ulnllnit culnr > reiiilreil | and Klvlng lolerences HotViiT. city. MST1) ) 20 l-M/N XVAVriJD ON SAI.AHV , ONK XX'IIO CAN J'lenrn ipikkly Apply ul 15liIoiiKlii ) ) . (011)10 l > ljr , ut Mnircroltlrp f > XVANTHI ) arillST Cl.AbH illl.ICKUS. .1. F. JJllocli. Amos nvoilnlry .JUS 13 * | r WANTKII. A Kltlb'l-Cl.Aha K 1 ninkcrnt..K . N. Hilh. ) . FllHT Cf.ASS 1II.ACKSM.TH. Al1 rutlon A. X'lcrllnu Iron XX'orku .1 * 17 p WANTKI , AliKNTH f.1 ) ! ' > JIO W I'Kll DAV 1 I'OlIeetlim siniill plcliirc * for us to copy nnd en. Inrcc. bntlafnttlon KiiiirniittM'd nnd MOO onltlt frc'cj. A. Ouiino \ Co ,6ti Itvuile slroct. .N'oir X'ork. MIW IS * W. A JTED-FEMAr.E HELP. C rook mid Ininidio.B , wberu necond ulrl N kept. lira K Mill a\c .XUIli I'J' ( -XVANTI'.D. ( illtli roll C1HM1IIAI. HOUSK -'work ' .Xlri K Uosi'i.iiler , 1711 l > niiila C01 /l-\VANTKD. l.AniKH \Ol\OMICNTO V lukc IlL'lit plcftfiint Morknt tliclr oun lionit's , ? I.U < JloflU ( perdny can bo quli'tl ) innile ; woik oent by nil. II. no pntiTBinlnir I'nr imrtleulnrn ml dri < n < ( Jhilio .Mlk' Co , lloxM.ll , llo.loi : , Xlnsi. Ks- tnbllsbeil ISM ) , .M..i 1)1 ! /i i-xvA.\"ni : > , COOK AND WAITHIS ; IN PIII- VV fniull ) ItufereiicoB rciiiilred. Inciilrol7l8 | itreet .M 111) ) 18 I / l-XX'ANTii : ) , LADIIIS AND ( HHI.H XX'AM'KI ) TO V 'do our now work for us nt hoiiu ; Jl lo fb n week , 'iif-lly mndo ; no painting and canvassing send M'lf'addri-Nst-d envelope. Keho Mnnufiictnrln I'linpiiDy , I Liberty square , Hoslon , Mass. JJ5 13' ' ( I--WANTKI ) . KXPKHinNCrcl ) M'HHK TOH X baby ( nomnn nbout 2J years old ) nt Wl North lHhstioel. JUKI IS' f I A ( Hltl , KOK ( ) KNKltALHOlSlWHK : : ONK X thut slinips at homo ; whlto proferred. 2017 llarney streel. XIJI318 /1-WANTKD. tlllll. KOIl ( iH H01ISK- \Vmnk nl : x > K. 2nib at. nl unco. 8il 17 r C-\VANTID. : ( iOoi > ( iinii Toil r.KNiitAL : llOUM'WOlk. Appl ) 1072 BOIUIl lUtll EOS IS- /l-OUODUIHhlOH lloUdliWOUK , 517 SOUTH V'.fetli. S < .7 17 _ /"i- lilt , roit ( iKNKiiAi , 6.4 ' . ' I'lori'OBlreut , eomerstb. FOR RENT-HOUSRS. D-A IIKMHAHLI ! IIOMI ! OP 11 IIOOMS. PP.lt- nlslieil or unfurnished. Pnrlles folim In Cull fornln , Apply oil premises , lIlJni.uthTuiith street. 4S7 D KOH HUNT. f > uooit ixvi rAOi ) N sTi/Fori line. AppI ) rl. XX' . corner ih nnd Duiiulas MltM D-.OH HUNT , NIN1C-HOO.M IIOl'iK , MODKI1N Contenleiues , ! 'I4 L.iku si. Inquire C I ) , XVood worth _ , Mill Knriiam , ISO -B-HOO.M COTTAHi : . 3lli MASON. 1) ) HOOJl house , modern , Ulsl \ Mason Apply WM Mason. fID IIOOM ' 1IHICIC IHHJSK WITH MOIIKUN J.'luipro eiiieiiti , on 2Ulh si near Lenvcnworlh nmilroiith.'i saillist. 4W -I'OH lli.NT : , IIOUSKrt IN AL I < PAHTO 01- clly , 'IlioO. P la\lscompniiy , liOJ Piiriiam st. _ 4'J1 Trou HUNT. " To iiomfiiousK , slis CAPS , .17(1010. liei'd.V Belliy. Iliinnl of Trada 4 d OM'con'Adi : roit HKNT. ryHNI-HUD lIJimu'i HOtldK , ItltAbONAIILi : TK1IMH , l\ \ lVlV Dodge. SI771I \ \ KI.A'IS , DXVI'LLINIJS , COri'AllKd IN ALL Im parts of clly , Kilkenny A Co. . Cuiitlnvntiil blk. _ 431 D-NI Wt-HOOM COITAIiKH ; HATH , HOT A NO cold "liter , nil modern tiiiprim'nieuls licslrublo locution tor-business moo In beautiful .Stanford ( Iri'lo. I oiiM'nli'nt toOiuahii mid Eolith Omahn. . \pply ( , . iiuuUiT. room 4 , Now York Ufu build- lull -MCU _ _ _ - D-IO IIOOM HOl.'tfK AND 1IA1IN VUI4 KMMi'l'T : st. Kountju Plaio , IM , J , J , lilbson , WI ) lit Na tlunol l.u.ik. 774 \ M XX' M'KAM-IIKATKI ) JHIDHItN PLAV& . /Kllkinne ) room 1 , Cunllnenlal bluik. Oil TV HOI hK OK 14 lUMISIS. ALL MOItKUN CON- Jv\knlenoe. , pleasantly located near business con- ler ' Apply IKJu Clil.uk'o si , or U'S. fVlniHT , Hill 1'ainaiu .MWJ Y. " * 'oTri.K } T. ' . ' HAMK 1)WUI.I.1.M1H COHNiit : 4 i'f lloil.u mil 17th and 17th nnd ( apllol arenuu. ICI.nen rooms each. Near now poiloillm sllu Ken 11 ( ! . liar * A Co. H.il III ] IV-0 AX I ) 8 HHOM 1IOUHKS .N7KAT "illjTi .I'scho'il. Knqulrp2iilUCapllo | ATH. M ! SO * D.V .INK HOXIK NICKH . IJHNldllKI ) TO A rtupxnslblo parly fur from (1 ( lo I ) uionlhs. Ad- ilr < s II2-1 ( leu. M3 20 * Droll HUNT. DKSIHAHLi : D-HOOVt HOIWH , mmlt-riiliiiprovuiuniiis. iiuUhborbood tbe bosi H. U PalU-rsoii , 4i Huiugo block. MIW IlVlll llltNT. NO. Zlll UAPITOI. AVKN'UK , II ' rooais , iiiodtru. 'Ibe o. . " , linrts Co , IWi t'urnaiu t- \-A7 'SKVf Hill CKHo-SI5 , MSI ! Tioii. ! ? L/nr > t class inod.rii Improvouicms. | 's.rk avenue. /ailDtfUnuseoiu park. J , M. Hlchnrdi , 1111 bo. 3.M iiltMji. _ Jmi LI _ _ _ _ _ 'fKOH HKNT , A NICK C HOOM COTTAOK , CUT Iwater und newly papernd. llUNSTIhst nesr larpam ; v-rlco 1000. XX" . . Hloeliol , Til U. llitb st. KOU HKNT.T-HOOM MODEIIN Kla . I.ANHK . liillist. D - \ I.AIKIK LIST OK CIIOICK HOUiKS. slorvs. Bsts. etc. Houses from I4.U ) ptr uioulh up. li orgf J. 1'itul , IWi . 'uruum. lit , a-J6 D-.tll IIFNTNKAHIIA.SSCflXt I'AHK. llrlck hninp. otBht roomi. t > . SS01 Poppleton Bfcnne. corner Poppleton nTcntift and Sd slreet , south and ri U front , nnljhed In onk , nllh linnil- como mnntfls , bfitb , splendid fiirnsoc , brick col- llrlck'hoiirV. eljht mom * . No , ltd Ponth tjil street , oak finish , with nlco Imlh , furnnec , clly wMer , cistern. KM , sewcrsiiei brlrk cellits ntc. f 10 OU. Kltvnnt btlck liouM1 , .So. .VJUJ Pncltle slreet , otm of the finest finished nnd cosiest cUht room houic In llio clly. with nil modern conrenlenccs Includ- Ini elf-Bunt porfflnln both tub. hot anil cold wnter. suilonnry laundry lubs , lc. no finer locu tion In thncltr. t-VUO. ) The nboo houses nr all on pn r-d slrecls. con Tcnlont to motor lines. In nrrfetlly hcallby Iocs tlon nnd pleasant nclihbornnod. ( Iporgo N , Hlck-i , SOS N.L.lf" Virro'io 1)CItOOXl 1101'SK ' FUUNIKIICIl W f-OI'TH ICtb. Inquire nt COS. llca'onnbto to pnrllo without children. MW7Z11 U- foil IICST , A M'.XX1 T IIOt > M IIOI' K. moilcrn conrtnlpucm. nenr writ pnrnnm nnd Sllb. fSi per moiitli Ur Slnltlrc room : lldiislni block. M4IU2I " " "FOR RENr-FunNi3UEt > ROOMS. \ fKUHNMIKI ) AND rN.THSHHI'.l ) STPXXI I'healed loom * penr IHuh srlionl , nt J8IS Dnvon port st lleferenea required. Mrs M i : Hntledua l7-ifp7i.xisr wirff OH WITHOUT UOAHO via t'J' 17 IPITK or KIIO.NT HOOXtS AND HOOM lo I - -.lit ( Ml Uiiiil I. IClli.Jd lloor \I1VT 10' E : SOL III HOOM ADDHKSS H 3. , IIKI1 Xl.lpi 1)15 * 17 IIOOMS 1 t'HM-HII.O OH U.M'IKMf Jfor light hotuckfcpltiB. 803 N. Mil 't'C'L E ntllNHIIKI ) A.NII UNtOllNlilIKI ) IIOOM3 chcup HII3 XVohfler. _ _ _ I/-i 11111:1 : : iiooMtt CI.STHAI.I.V : JfnrnWied for light hoiisckeeplnt : .North ! 3d st > " " "FURNISHED RJOOIS AND BO'ARDT I ? r.i7ifiANTiv : ritiiNWur.n KOOXH. riusr L oh m bunrd , nt Tbo llolnu , WJ nnd H N. IHlh. I . ' 3 17HOOM ANL 1IO.XHI ) IN PHIV.XTK PAMII.T JL for two Kentlemnn with rn.Vrencof nt H per week each ) all modern conTonlone > s , SIS N. ! ! W t n"IsTrKi rruxisiiH ) ritosT IIOOXHVITII L HrKl cl " lnhle bonrd If < l lruil nil modern con- vunlunius , li-rius lunionnblo ulJ N TJHIi it. _ _ _ MH.S 13' { , - Hi 0X1 A\l > IIOAIll ) mil S ( IKSTI.KMI'.V. t Cor Slst nnd J lient . Soulb Oniiilm I- I ( III bnrl _ _ _ If 'IIIIIIIK llllOMH , CKNTIIAI.I.Y I.OCAT Kit I furnlnlicd lor llnht bolnckerpliiir itiitilrn : | nt 105 > ortl 3d si. _ iu i _ 17 MCI.I.V PI IINHlir.l ) HUOXIs XVI I'll IKI.XIH ) 1nt the XVel tur 6lll nud 613 N IDlli st MSV , 22' l. > . , i ( KI\ 1 1 iisf inTi ) ' MJmTTii : \ > T FIto. T I room nlth Hlrott > nml liny window , nil modern tPiiipi , prUnlu fiimlly , bonrd. i'.2.'iSllb 11 ; fo.l 18" 17 i on IIKN r , i citNisnini HOOXI A NO IIOAHD , i I'.WiCnpltol nre 'JIJW i.i-TsirinA" i riiNisiiKO Hntrrii IIOOMS AND JL tint ilu ! a biinnl , all ronvi'iilrncos. prices mod- urnlu 2105 nnd I1U7 IIOIIKI.IH ilroi'l Mill ' 'I * " " " FOR RRNT-UNFlTRNiSHED""ROOMSl r -4 ? lOO .nrniT.fllN CONVINSNINC Kiii TO Vjrfnmlly wltboiil children ; 21JI l' ° arimm. Inqulra tuli I'ttTlon block. 70S GiTIIUKK IIOOXIH KOIlllOt'SIIKKKl'lNO , KUIl- . l or unfiirnlibed , modern convonloiirnn ; rtunm bent 1711 Mcliolni street. A1I35 31 * G-ir. r.NririiNiyiuci ) IIOOMS , DIMNO , kitchen , bnth roomn Iluslnosi location Kent SIO Adilru-M , II > 3 lleo < a IT BOARDIKO. H-Hll HlST , TWO VI3UV ll HIHAHLi : Fl'll- iilxhed or unfurnished smith nnd en t llrst Hour rooms at "Tho I'renrcr , " lltl No. . "itIt St. Msril in * FOlT RENT-aiORES fi ND OFFICEsT 10II HHNT.Tlin 4 dt'OHX' IIHH K HL'ILDINC , . , B Kitinain st. 'Ilia hulldltiK has n tlreproof e i Jin-lit basement , eompb-lo slunmhcillnx IHtures : wnturon nil tbo Moors , uas , otc. Apply at the unieo of'Ihii lleo. UI3 T-Foll HUNT , roUlt-STOHY HIlTciC XX'AHK- ' I house nllh Irncknuo. Kiujulro J A. Crelshloii , SCd Isl Niilloniil Hunk t > MU. 41101)17 KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T ffOUNV'S ItAlAi ( OI.I ) MKTIIOl'OI.lTAN ) S ' XX' Co i Dofliro nnd FOurtPCiitk ntrccts , Can be renled for ball , pnrllt's , nocli'llwi , elo. 1'or dales npply 1H11 Now X'ork I.lfo bnlldlni ; . . MT2' ' il. WANTED-TO KENT. 1 -2 I'NKUltNISllKI ) nooxib. XVITII Oil XVITII- Ivoiii board. In c.KChnnno for new furnlluro 1(27 , _ llee. M.I7 18- K : XXANTKK , TWO LAllCK UNI UHNISIIIID rooms for mnn and wife , with bent and k'as , table bonrd either In house or vicinity. Address IE 83 , lleo. SHI lb' K WANTIID. IIOOM. JIODKHNCONVIINIKNCK- ' . vlcliilly SOIh nnd Lnko , by travullni ; taloiiiinn Address It J8 , llee. 40b aj STOHAQE. Mn cTifi.\p7 ] cLTAN , XX-KLLS , mi Piirnam street 'JI Mb'IOHAdiOUIl : IlKil.V OH CAUltlACi : uiri-fully looked lifter ( leun , dry , airy room 18th null Hnrney Driimniond Carriage to. to.ITO ITO 1)11 WANTED-TO BUY. XTx'ANTii ) 10 innsoxn ; g PKH CUNT il tlrst inoriKii'e . Heed A Belby , _ 14 Hoard Trade. lo.m T XYANTKD TO 1IUX' . 3 8KCOND HAND Oil ' new hlcli Krade safety blcjcloi. Pncumallu tires , In uood LOiulltlon. Address P. O. box . Ynlentlue. Neb. _ MJTO JS -XVANTKI ) . TO IIIIV VACANT LOTS CHKAP JA for cash , $4X ) 00 to fdUO Must bo barKalns. List wllh Hutchlnson A XXoad , 1WI I arnmu street streetM3I5 13 FOR SALEFURNITURE. . O -KOIl BALH AT A IIAIIHA1N , OFPIOH OH bank , fnrnltiirn , nlio food burKlnr nnd tire proof safe lli'iullo Muerlcan bnvlmis bank. ti Y-Fl'll HAI.IJ ; KJHNU'UHK CHKAP. ' 'II /Cnpllol nve. XU'i4 18' o - OK SIIVIJN HO.M hl'iAM hented Hat , all rooms routed rial C , 'ill bout llith street M-'Si Hi * 0 ion SALIC , ruiiNiTi'iii : . iniiiN : ) ) ( ; , i/ic , of ill room Hat. almost ne" ; completu oulilt for lioiiNpkiicplnif , 01 " 111 eAchaiiKK for Omahn real < UiH' I bit with four roomeis lor rent l-'lnt I' 705 . . ItitliHl. , flniiHurlilPCk. 401 JfOB SALK-IIORSES , WAQONS , ETC. , I ) -IOH HAI.I2 , A M.VI'Y DOLL.XH TOP 1IUCOV forl-iAUO II r. Cole. Contlnenlal block. ' 'I'J FOR aAI.K-MISOJ'.Z.LANEOUS. Q -I OK HALK CIIIIAP. A .1J-I10HSI } POXYL'H ' niitomatleeiiKluo. also ouo Ij-horio po ur f/j' / , rlkhl iuiulno : botti In uuod repilr. Inqtilro of Post nor PrlullutfCo , IJU7 llowurdstruot , uiiKilia , .Ncli. Ml : i.L. . - I'M , PUPP.I.d , HOOM W , IIAHKCIIHLOCIC. - T'lANO I OH SAI.IJ , NBwTHAI.i'1 ' PHICIJ POI ( nub l' l ( npllol avenue. M''SI It ) ' -ritl.feH I'OLSTCIN ' COXX" AT , W15 N. UITH MM7 IB * Q-O..K .NO 0 IIAXTUM HKATKH AND ONIJ NO. 5 nation hot water henier , In perfect lupalr , used mil ) Inoseaiuns , will sollibcapi addruis It 1.7. llee. 3/J IS' MISOELT.ANEOUS. UMIbCKLLANKOL'S. Wunli'd all 8 to ID room mrntern dwallliiR , fur nlihed. XX'III pay llbcrM rent for IbttHlnlurmonths ' XX'nnled a few ituuil loans from i.UJ | to JJ.WO. XX'III iiinko tbo very lowest rate of lulurcsi. MO.No delay , r or rent , lllki rarimm slreet , three story and baimuient , { IUU per mouth. LSI. , Howard street , an olpnant warehouse , thrao- story nnd biisflinent. Hent low to wood tenant. iVJd i iipllol avenue , V room modern dwolllnt ; nllh stable , t blocks from blub si-boa I ItOti .S ' . " 'nil t , b room moJoni dwulllnu , t.'O J per innnth , lyu N. 30thst.Src om lUOUorn dwelling JjOOOpcr month | l N. lHh ! St. , S-raom dwclllnir , city water , i vor , etc. , 11500 per month. > .1 7 Patrick avenue , I room coltane , fOOD per moiilh , Ctuiiral Park , Sroom cidtacc , II. ( X ) per month S ri'iom ii'Ddernboiisiinuar llanscom park , < WOO per tuontb , hhrlxer A.O'Ionahoo , 1IW I'arnntu < t. UTO 33 M A HOMK aH ) LAIIIKH DUHINQ COM'INK - l\ui nt. babies adopted 'till Cumin j struut.Onmha . , .M.IIU.V.'I1 ( CLAIRVOYANTS. Q-MHH. NANNIP. V. XVAHHBN , _ .NT , Orellablo buslntiis uiedlum , fifth year al 111) ) N loib S-MIIM. DH.M.I.ISKHAVK. PllCiPlllTK.-b. VSlA Irunre clairvoyant ami llfu reader ; lulls our Illn fromrrndlw to traie : can bo con lulled Jl'y iiiliilrsnf llfu ; has the celebrated l.'nyptlau east plain lo unllo the sepnraled ana cnusoiuarrUKi wllli ono you ! OM > . Coma one , conn all and bo con Tlncod other remarkable powers. Olllco nnU lost iBiieo4l7 b. 1Mb st. , hours Us ui. toKp. in , Mrlc I'forliHrl and pbolo of > our fuluro wlfuorbas | < bauilscnt llirouub mall for f5 tw , chart nlono tlJCO , All letters coulalului : 4 cimti | u ilaiups prompil nuswt'r.U. 7U7 Mf MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. riv-MAssAnis THIATMINT. : KH- I mitl Laths , scalp ud hair irealmeut , wanlcurD and clilropodliu 11 rs Poll,3li" < n IJth\Vltuhcll blk. 4iM ni-MMK , &TOWK. MAONUTIU llttALKK. SUi Cor. Utli uJ Ujdge. Jl' MASS/VOK / , \.TH9 , liTO , 'P-MMK. LA HUH. MASSAOB , till SOt'TII IVTH I ftreM.HM floor , flat 4 M1M IS * " I-M A1)AMK SMITH , ITJI CAPIT ) ! . AVKNUi : lloom S , lid floor. Massage , alcohol , inlphnr nnrt sea baths. MIS. . IS" Tl MMK. CAHSON. tltl IIOt.OLAS 8TIIKKT , .11) lloor. room 7 , masjsue. alcohol , sulphur and sea baths , M40II1 MUSIC , AllT AND LANGUAGE. 0. K HKM.KMIBOK. IIANJO 1 KArilKll.N cor. ISlh nml llnrnorllnrnor street entrnnce 017 MONEY JO ' o'AN-nBAt. STATH. " ' rlty propaily.H OX ) and upward .1 to 7 par cent No delays XV Kurilim Smith .V Co .ISlu and llarnoy So7 'i nnaldlllnnnlchiritoiror co-n-nHilon or ntlor ney s feoi W II. xteUi. Kirn Nnllon.it ilink hid * MI W- KNTlfAL L7.rs'Tx. TItl"ST CO . I1KK HLIKi ir-r K 11 XHIHSON.IJ s. x LIKIC. \V-7 I'KH CKNT MOSKV NP.T TO HOIHIOW > ' ( 'rson < ) mnhaclt prnpjrly Nn exlra chnriei of any kind VX'hy pny hliih r.Ues' Xliuii Is ctieip Xouerueel full benefU of low rules from ( Hobo Loan ami Trim CO. tlilli nml liudxa. MO \\r-Moiim xii ! : LOAN'S I.KXS THAN r Pun rr M lncliidniKnllchnr.es Chnrlcn XX" llnliiey. Oiuiha Nat Innk blrtu 501 \\T- i ANi > 2 VIAH : LOANS ON CITY AND KAUM M inorlKnscs Heed \ Solby , 311 Hoard of Trad. r-MO.NKV TO LOAN AT LdXVIMT 1IATK3. TlieO P. Dai Is Co lilJ Karimiu slreet Ml NY CHIAP MOSKV. SKIS o. x\ ' . P COATICS 1011 I'nruam W ' iMtivATi"vi7)siv. isv AN u I'M > tra x < loan * , low ralos Alex Xlooro , lleo hhU 5)j 1\ r-OMXHA SAV1NIH HANK MAKI'.H LOANS > > t on real eilalo at lowest nnrket rate * Loans mndu In small or Inrxo sunn for < lmrl or long tlnio No commission Is clmrued and the lonns nro not sold In tbo east , but can always be found nt the bnukon the cornur of Htli nnd DouKlns strcels. t"V " "V T-MOVKV TO LOAN ON IXII'UOVHII riTV propoity , lowrnlo. A. C. 1'roit , Doimlni blk. _ 510 W ASlllOXVIOAN AND I'ltUdr CO . SH N. V. . . l.lfi' lend iitlow rnt i furo'itilca ) irlty on Nobraikuor IOIT.I farms or Omihn city propartjr - LOXX'PVT 1IATK3 PIIIKLITV THUpF _ CI piiu > . Itl/J Pntuain slrecl. A\ ! Lr-I.AIIOB I.OA.NN MADK ON OMAHA. LIN- > > eoln Conm-ll lllulli business property ; r , per Also small loans ( leoruoJ. Paul , liil.'i Piirnnm HTt , d 15' MO.VEY LO LOAN CHATTELS. X "TO UtMVAXT MONEV ? " "THIS PIIILITV : LOAN IULXIIANTKI ; co , HOOM 4 XVll'H.MILL 11LOCIC. SOUTH isth COIINIH : IIAHMV : ST. XVH MARK LOANS ON FIMINITUIIK. IIOllSK CAIIItlAllKSS'AKKllOUhl2 II BOM I I'M OH l'13lt SONA1. I'ltOl'liltTY OF ANY KIND. / XVI LI. / DO WI2Uj TO XVOU / / 'AUj ON US K1UST / roil OUIITKUMS XX'lT.lMIIKT YOUIl A1MMIOVAI. . you cnn piiy tlio money b > ck nt niiy time nnd In nny amount > oil wlsli , .I'lil Una roduro the cost of onrrylm : Ilio lonii In ( iroportlun to amount > on pay. IK X'OU ewe n bnlniicu on > our furnlturo or other persomi ! property of nny klnil erlll pay It oir .or you nml carry II us loin ns > ondoilre YOU CAN 1IAVB YOIMIMONIIY IN'OS'i : Illlini FIIOM ' 1III2 'I1M12 YOU MAKH Al'l'LlCAlIOX. No pnbllelt } or removal of property ho that you eel tin' nsu of bolli money and property IX X -DO YOU NEKDMONKV ) 1IIK OMAHA MOUIOAOn LOAN CO. will lend you any sum which yon wWi , small or In.KO , nt tlio lowett possible rate , lu Iho quickest possible lime and for nny length of tlrau to still sou. you can ouy It back In such Installments us you wHh. when you ulsh nnd only pay for It ns IOIIK its > ou kei-tilt You can borrow on lllsKIILI ! ) KlJHNIl'UHK AND PIANOS , IlOH ! > Kk < . XX'AOONS AND OAHUIAtiKS , \x'Aiiinou8i : : uccKiiMd. OH PI5HSONAL PIIOPKHTV OK ANY KIND ON T1IK DAX X.OU ASIC 1 OH IT wltbcut publicity or reuuvnl of property , llemcmbor Hint you cnn pay nny part of the loan nt uny llino nnd that every dollar paid lessens the cost of currylnu the loan lluloro borrowing cle hcro call nnd ceo us and yon will find II Kreully lo > our ndvnntnue. OX1AI1A MOIlKiAC.i : LOAN I O. , Hiioni II. CrelKhton block , 111 South l.'ith fclreet , next to poctolliee. THK JLDKST. I.AIHJK r AND ONLY 1NCOHPO- IIATUI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 040 MOSIV : .w. ro. no DAYS. CIIIAP : HATIs : nnd enKy pnymentH. on furniture , pianos , llvo stoek , ele. . without ileln ) or publlclly : cash on hand. Dutr ( in en , room 8 , llurker block. fi3 ! V-WILL LOAN MOMCV ON ANY KIND OP SC Veiirltj ; strh-tly eontldcntlul. A. 15 Harris , room I. Continental block. f > 13 -PlllTCHAHI : ) , 51 DOUiLAh I1LK IU & . UOIXIK. filJ I Xtlluu. LOANBI ) CHKAP AT YOUIl OXYN tlluu. Nebraska Loan Co. , till ) Douglas ft. XX 017 X -CHATTUL LOAMS , 18J N. V. L1K3. MOHHIS. 453 M. ' BUSINESS CHANOES. y' CASlI Kill MKHCHANDISH , t500 TO ficMWO : qulckl X'an Patten's Huslnoss KxchniiKe , b ! & Hoard of Trade , MIM IH1 * Y 'MTLK AlilTltACT HOOIvS. ONLY SKTsToF title- abstracts of Hall Co. . Neb. , for sain or ox- chuiuie for luipio\ed. clear , renlty orelunn clock of merchandise Itest openiut ; In the stnto for per iniineiil piiylin ; business Too much other busl ness on hull J lo Klvo lliciu proper nltenllon. Ad dress XX'III lam I ranjc , ovtuor , drand Island , Neb. AllLI.Mi'lON I1OTI5L LKAHH POH HALK , ia > di or tliue.3 months' biislnessl,000 ; If 1 cnn- not sell mint a hotel clerk nt once : will tilvu lull charKo of hotel , must furnish uood reforeneo ' ; nd- dreseJ ( > HlenhiK , hnrness denier , ArlliiKtou , Neb V -7.obo IMlT ICI-tN XVITII W > MK CASH CAN Lsecuio half Interest lu a nee nr.d throat prno- ( tleo | MI ) lot ; fl'.OuU cmli besides oook uteounts (0S' uildretslui.1125 , Heuoltlce 30J ( S' \ IIO YuXVA.STA 'l.VI ! o I'KI' DO S'O. I wnnl n HnoHuloonV A dry goods , urocury nnd hnrilwaro store ? Do you nnnt , n Hlatlonery , eon lectlonery OKTS , tobaccos , papers'Address. . ) . U. Illshop , I'loueer lluslness AKCIIC > , bherldun , XX'yo. \r-KH WALK , AT A VKHY LOW KIRUIIK.TIIIS ! Jeutlro state Interest In ouo of Ilio bent lest puy liiK miinopullesiioH beforu tlio public 11 Mill KUMI 'i percent of Iho conl bills of etcr ) bed ) nnd pro illicit beltur results. Kvcrjlioil ) ' niiln It and will * hnve It when wen. A larKubiiHlueHS enn be donu nt tmo In every county I'ull particulars by mall AddressJ K. K. , ll.'il L st. Lincoln. Nub. MMd V F" HAMS. 0 > 'K OP THK IIKST IAJOATKD I mid pn ) lux meat nmrlela In the city , or w III i-ull luilf lutorest lo rlnlit man. Cash nalusoier iOIC'J dally Poor himllli Ihn reason fur sellliiK Addiesi li l.'i , lleo. Council Hluirs. MJifiyj 1' - roii SALi ; OH 'KXCHANOIS rou A uoon farm or unimproved .Neb land n llrst class stotlc ofdriiL's and neciissnry llxlures that will I co nbout f 111,110 00 , In Omaha Nub. , well located und ilolnuii Kood cash business. K , X' . Hale ) , indB ? Neb ; Ui' > V -CLICAN ( IKNKHAL .MKIICIIANDISK h'l'OCK J atk'ood dlKotint lor cash. X'nn Patten's llusl- ness KiflmiiKO 555 Hoard of Trade. 37421 * Y-roil HALK , OH XX'ILLTHADi : IXU A PAHM , a milliner ) sloro and bitslnois hnvlnti a Kood Irude. Low rents , line location , well uJvi-rtUud. Addreis H Jl , lire. VM 2ij * KoTl"HALK , AN INTT.IIKbT IN ( INK OK tlio besteonl tlrras In Ilia city. An excellent np- porlunll ) for ainun ucqiiulnted with Ihecoal bus ) . UI'BB toteeuro n protlluUlo position , w lib Iradoul , ready cslnbllshvd H. K. Hurrls , iW N. Y , LI to. M40T. t JOn EXCHANOE. y rou r.u'UANfii : , uoon IMIMIOVBII NK- f-t bruska furius lor an ) Kood real or ehutlel properly. Puslolllco box 1 , CUuiIro i , Neb lil nil * r/-45U ACIlK Ot' CLKAH LAf'D Iff OVK"OK f-t till ) besl winter whuil dlnlrlcls In" Kiinsis to ox- ilimik'Ofor IU or 'JUuiro trac't nour Omaha city limits. XX'III pay cash dllfervnce If property liyIs Kood , Addtcss , ulvinji prleo and location , O2il , llea onlci-s. ii.iji TiTAA'KA'utKii ) KAiixT xvinciil"xvriu71icx A/clmiiKO for H stock of unueral incrchundUe 1'or particulars address . , li. Coryell , Nellgh , Neb. V -CLKAH OMAHA III5AI. KHrA'K'cll ' MDSK. , A/uctuul valuation. Mouuy lo lunii. Hoi j | j , Omaha. sat / / - 'OH K.\CHAN(1K ( ! 60 ACHK PAHM IN ILLI- /Jnols lo exvuuniio for elevator In somoKOOd town , ItJ ) aero I nrui. Improved , In lonn to ex- cbanvo for Kami In Knttern Nobra < ka or Kansas , > elir si > KxclianiiQ Co. . Hen llulldlni ; . an tt y-DKMiiAiiLi : PAHM , IMPIIOVKD , u MILKS fJtroiu Council Hluns. for KOOil Omaha or toulli Oiualiu property , I5WW | address HiSO , Hue. 33i It * y. WK HAVK ( 'L'faTOXIKH WITH OMAHA PltOl'- Jetly and cash for an Interest In sown mamifnc- I turluu buslnes. Must bo nood- Can Imndlo i urge mounts i ill at lloom 4U Hen Huildln/ . Nx- brnska Kxchauuu Co , ; yt V KOIl K.\C1IAMJK _ OH 1IAUIJA1NB IN" KM , umikie , csll or ivrltu , Alex Moore , U u bUlk- lit JGXOHAJJtJE. CnnlfniinL l y-fowiTiooVAHM STfN"NK UK\SKA" /Jand Dakota XX'III sell cheater r-xfhnmjn for ' " lintidUe , horses nndeatllfi Address bo > < > t , "fj - - - rrankiori.iiiil * vyii / -KOIl K.XCIIANOi : , 11 HKiMI IIOIIIK1 * KOIl 'j " merchandise , Ilex ti id , llnrwell. Neb. , . 711 K * y.Oil HA 1,1. Oil K.vril XNC.K. 'A1IOPT M.OJJ Oil /JfO.WO woiili of dry Rood" , clothing , boot * , shops nnd iiroccrloi. wMI selected nnil clean stock , now running sales over } IW ttnllr Will name itood price for all ci h or lake t-oodlm pro ted farm IsmH In Nebraska or too.I resldonca property well localoil in Omaha ( o ruluoof liUOOor { .VAX ) , balnnco cn'lior pied notes XVrlto Lock Ilex 24J for parlleulars , Omaha , Nebraska. MlniS ' / w IK * i > or t um na KoittooT AND /'Murk , II M < ) 00 Clenrcll } property nmt cnsh tor ! , .V H > I llnrdnnrfl murk. in ) nirc ( own .nrm , clcnr. for pooil I Intel. f 4,3)000 ) liriig ctork lor clear Onmlinptnpnrly , Iowa or Knstorn M > brakn lnmli > XX i > hatn customers for nil kinds of nierchnndl o for clear Inml * and cnsh , Nothlnir tou Itritoor mail for n * lu hnndlo. Nebraska r rchnnRe Co , Ilio Itullitlnu S7 JW _ _ V H'HMTrilH , IIUIIIIINO. KTC.ALMOs I' Nf.XV /Jofnidt room tint , rnmplptp ontllt fir hnu.r- keeping for Onm1) nrcnl istnlu. Unt for n nl wllli four roomers H t K , TiCi S lt.Ui street. lloilxir block IIB y-IXIALL sdCK ( ir.NKUM. MIM ' nenrly nr-w. In KIIOI ! runnlne order. Iwnutclcnr " Innd or propert ) nnden < h. I nil oil or nddre o.l. "XI 1 Inihey. Auburn. Neb. : v.'l 10 * _ / ' ! ( ) KXrllAMlK. A (10OI ( ) ( il'.NKItAl , HIOCK 'Jot sroeerlen for improved ell ) or town properly or we lcrn land Address box tv > i , .Moiiinoutb , III. POR SALE-lli2AL K5TAI5T. M ANY KAH.MS roil SAI.K VKItV easy , terms ( leo. XX * I' , lo.ilc * 10' ' . nrnnm st. TiFA nTiiiTATN , ! i ruoicK i.or . roiin foot /V cich morn nljilulnelf d.slrel Kist fronts ! S. XV corner loth nnd Arbor Flnoit loeitlou In city forra < ldence lllock Iron llthH molorlln. . CbnrloiIInnley , IOJI o tilth St. . Onuliv MJII l01l SAIi-OOD : ! HKSIDKNCK 1.OT9 IV I'OT- J tcr , V ( ie-ireoCij 'n niblltlon. Kn t Onmha , tJ5000 toflUlM ; I ICca h , bilHtico monthly. l.ol In ateelo.V XX'ooiH' mldltlon , on enr line In Knnomnhi. t7' > Umio tl..llOU ) ( loud renldencolois In l.noay's npdltlou , on mill- tnry road , mnlnr llni..tJJJUO to } 4WXI ( tornn easy. Acroprnpcrtr uonr omnlin nnd Soulh OniAln , nullnble for u.irdenlmc purponos or nubdlvldhiir , Cnll for prlcei DeMrnblu cnlta-jcs In coed re ldonei loonllly near cir line JJ7UJ nil lo SI.OJJ.OJ ; xumll eaih pny- mem. bilnnei mnntlil ) . Putter \ Uuureo Cotuimiy , IBlh nml riirnnm ' Is XIAO nlj 210 A Mil * I ! AX IM'I I'D I , YAhl.UY ANII bench hind In enxtern Nebrnnlcn , Kently midiilnt- liiif , richest of neil line orclurd oed liiillillnui , llvlm. " mer , three mid one hnlf mlli-s from C'loil nmrlel iioiid school and elinrch eloo bv I'rleo Mil ( HI per nere l.-in I In llrj vlclnllj nellliiK for WiDlnml l)0ipor nert. Firm will reidlly rent f or f TO 00 per sear , t-ish leut. Adilrois C. 1' llnrrl- Mill. HUN Y I.lfo Onnhii. .MIJ77 'invTiib'Aciii : I.OT.S .x r A"T fT\iN ( ; , AIIODTJ 1 blocks from motor line .lemon , DounUi Co , will sell less XVm II N .dormoyer , IleemiT , Neb. 714 1)2- IT'Oll HA1.1I-AN KI.KOANT IlHslIlK.NCH LOT iJu t lhl fble of llmnconi pnrk ; coxered wllh line rlnidu Irecs nnd fruit trees ; will mnki ) n benu tlful homo , enu ( itiotn for next ten ilnys nt S.50 : ! ( fee N. llltkt. , IJ.Ne York I.I fe. M. > 1 18 A HAH.AlN-LAHiiCHNI.H ( : ( ) I.OT XVITII TWO lolliiKes , close 10 motor nml paved street , at less than lot value. Nice six-room cottage , full lot , paved street nnd onn block from motor ; nlsoKOod four roomcollaue , full lot. only JIliM , also t o clear lots. XMII trndn nnd nssuuio. Also have four tlno brick houses , eon- trnlly located , well rented mid Itiihl oncumbrniico , to trade. XIHie. llrown block. Ml00 1JKAL KSTA'IU , IV HarKalusonly. M > uord Is iiooil. XX O. Albrhtht. ' 621-2 J New k'ork Ltfo ' M3 17011 SAI.r , ULKUANT , NK > V AM ) .MODI2KN 1-bnllt elKbt room cottiKO , near llnii eiim pnrk ; nil modern comenlemei ; tiplendld nelKhborhood , ple.i-.iuil location , paved nlit < cK miitor line , etc ; n xpluiilUI liMr-nlii If Uiken Ut ouOo. ( juo N llleki , . UJ.N X l.lfu bide M..U1 18 nilHMIAXIPLACi : AilltK PKOPClirY IS TUB rhenpcsliin llfmnikot Unity Just thlnkof It , prices from ? VK ) to JS'tO per acre , onu third to ono- toitrth down b-ilniico In one two , ihrto ami four yenrs at T per cent Interest XX'III Klvo deed nnd nb struct. The'motor Is now rnmiltiK lo Hurnliam Plate It lll have pined road within a year fiotu the city. lias nn H.ro ) school hoife. pnsto nice nnd other tiii-diies" wlllilu threli blocks of It for fur ther particulars cnll on I. A , I.OVuren , 60S llronn block , cor 10th nnrt DoiiKlax. sole ntroiit U"17 COUTH OMAHA ItKAI. KiJTX'fn OXX'MIHS TAI.K OnolUo. 'Iho C'nlbolli ! Hnll assoclullon wnnt' to piirrhnso n lot , well luea.cd wllh roferoncc lo busi ness tenter. All ownl-rs of property dL'slrini : to sell may submit description , prlco nml terms to O'Nell's Heal Kplnto q . .ncyouth Omnlin per Com on Grounds. M24C 1'J I01l SAI.n Oil KX ( HAN(1K 1OH LAND Oil 1 fnrm near line of K , i : . , t M. V. H. H , 430 ncrcs clear laud In Howard counU Nob. Address II IS , lleo olllco. J.a.l 111' ITOHHALl : . CHOICK TI'-N-ACHi : THACT XVITII i-small cotuiKo. jii'loulsldo clly limits : n bin bar- pain If sold within next tun days , lioo N Hicks , .M N. Y. Life blilR. Mdvl 18 HJ i ! isT7IIAHOAIN , A MAO vincBNT rites r acre , on motor , neni school , nn elegant btlo fern n home , at a prlctf less tluin Is asKml for bicic ucres ouo mile further out ; must bo sold nt once. C 1) , Thompson , Ui' ' Kurbach block , llth and Douglas. Wl 17 Oil SAL15.10 ACHKS OPOOOI ) LAND .1 MILKH from Omalir poslollle. Miltablo for nrdonlnK , n barunln , cheap , p'irt cash baluneo to ault. 4. 1 acres k'ood fiiiniliiR laud In Douul.is count } , IH mllCH iroin Omahn 'Iho income Is H.liOOn > onr and lh hay crop , a bargain , price fU.OOJ , $2tW down , Imlnnco to suit. Nebraska LtchanKO Co Hoe building. 372 It HORSES WINTERED. nonsiMwiSTKitnnoNOUii PAHXI , STuntx Hros , I21H Park ave 407 Nil TXVILL IAHK KOIl A LIMIT B I ) MI.MIlKIt OK 1 horses al M M per heid par month , horses sent for und rum ned without extra charge. Address M.J. XX'olch. ( Iretnn Neb. 7iO l _ OIISKS ricn AND CAHRD KOII , i MONTH UP. (1. U Cans , P. O. box \M \ , bgutli Omaha. 75.13 ! TfHUI'INfJ IIOIISIC3 A SPHCIAL'IY Dl'lllNn JVw inter uionthH nt reasonable rates nt Unity's farm. Learu otdnt Cotton's livery slnbla. l.th and Cnssor I Ml North lilth. . or address Kianlc Hull ) . Honey Creek , Iowa MlnM - LOST. L ANIJ HAHMCV AND Btorot KOld locki't find cluiln , heart almpo , InlUnlM \ . II on hack , mm rub ) , UircoliinoKtunoi tin lac o I'lnUer pleaeu rutuni to tlio Croc lie1 nnd NOVELTY MANUFAOrUREKS. O ( Ull 1SLKCTHOPLATI.Ni PLANT IS THOH- ourhl ) eiiulpped lo plate , polish nnd bulTlunll klnditof iiietuls ; we nro also ll llxed to do all Kinds of llKht manufacturing In li.rtnl LurKO orderi sollelK'd : work ( 'iminnteoil Al , wrltu for ( wtlmiilcs. ciiaiiiMBiinfiutiirlni ; < o. , Lincoln , Vcb. Mukersof "Noblo and "Lincoln 'su lm ; machines. Ml37 HID HAIR DRJ.SSINO. 1 WOULD HK PLKASKDTOIIAVH MYOLDCUS- tomers ax well us now call nt 'Mi llrown block Jll i Xlay Hffteklu , hnlrdrenslni ; and niniilcuro , recwnlly Hllh Hclindoll , millinery etc. VOI 1)7 ) * TON REM IN C TYPEWRITERS 5 c Sale , Rent or ( * ° Exchange , BEST in the-WORLD ! MBQEATH STATIONaay OD. , 11104 PROPOSALS FOR 'fij&lLDING iJnlli'il Htittcs I mil mi Hnrulco , Pine HKl o AKciiey , r < niili | Ualditiu 'wv. Id. Mi , healed iiioiosils. ondm oil "Proposals for lumber "ImloAs nnd iiiiVilWli'ie " , , tliouuau nmy IIP. mill nddressoil loitlii nnil rslnul ! ate rino Klilso HRonuy , t-outlLUiilii ) ( , win ho ro- oelM'ilat. this nuoncy niiln , ! ocloolc n. in oof December tl , Is'jl , for fiirHHlfhiK nnd dollxor- Ine t this nccney ul < oulPiUTeiiil foot iibsorlca In in lie r , nil jmlr blr.ii > hliii-iv , audoor lock * . 801 window Hash ami lU.Mu iioniuU itbsortuU nills , n full Hit and dcscilntlon of whlcli iray | in oblalnud by ituiiliontlon to tlio uuilor- fclanod. llldilors must stnto spi.vlllcnlly tlio lilnrt nnd urleo ( if o.tcn artlclu' o tie red fur delivery under u contract. All itrtlult'S xrliuu delivered will bonulijoct to n rigid Inspuctlon , Tlio rlKhtls rcservod torfjuot nny or nil bids , or any pirt of nny lli ( , Jf doomed for tlio best mturvst of Ilio service. uiunnin : : iacli : bid mu.st bo ai'oompuiiloil by a cortl- llcU cheek ordrdft upon seine 1'iiltod Slates depository , or HOlxunt natlorjal I anU , Iti Ilio vlulultvof tlio uMldciico of HID bidder , niiitlo nuv.ihlu to thu order nf tliu comniU-doner of Indian nil airs , for nt least finer oi'iitnf thu itinoiint of tliu pruiiosnl , nliulichoi-k | or draft xtlllbo forfollirJ to tlio 1'nlli'fl hiatus In uaso nny tlililor or bidders rueclx'lni ; nn' ' award uliull fall to promptly uxouuto n o-jn tract with eooil und uulllcleiit utiriitlos , otliornUo to be returned to the bidder , llul iieconiliaiiluil by ousli In llou of u eortl- lli'il I'liiu'l will ; not bouonslduri'd. I or further Information uuiily to Captnln R. U llrowu. U. B. A. , ActlUf Uultud SUtei I ludluu UKOUU Nlsd.'U FAT PEOPLE ! Von cnn rcrtnco your wHsM from ten to twclity imiinilt a inontli , nt lioinc , wllh- out Btncvlng , nt rcnsonnbto coot by Ilio tuo ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In tanny ycnn rrnctlcc , causes no HlrkiicHN or Injury to the liftiltii.Uhlgbtj Indorsed. Scuil for proofs niul tcstltnotilftls. DR. F. B. CLARKE , V. O. Uriuvcr l.t . Chlrnco , IIL AGK.\TM WAXTEB. El a s tic 5h ; 'c'.i ' Truss * Ik I //virWi/is. / ? , Batlcris-s , Aton Medical Sunlit i , AL11E&1OTJLD I US. I5l'.i 51 , Next loPost office , "Improvement is the order of the age. " \Vo novop oxpoctotl , in our most san cruitio inomonls , such an Ineroiis-o in snlcs ns conunonuod on the llrst of Sop- tombor. The Smith Promlor TypeWriter - Writer is hnvlnp onorinous snlcs xvhioh nro xx'ido nnd fur reaching. These nro the reports v > o tire rocolving from our many branch ollloos A TRIAL MEANS A SALE Send for n dosoriptivo catalogue. 1609 FdinainSt. , Oinabd , Xcb. E. II. MAYITPAV RH1LWHYT1MKOHRD Leaves I CHICAGO liaul.INU 1'O.V jfc ij I Arrlrj Omaha I Depot IQfi in I II nj itti | O n i'l i 4.45 p in Vultlbale au > a m I'.SO n m L'.IJ ' a m 11.50 p in . Chlcaza P.zprasi . 4. j p in CM p m . Chicago .t to TI Local . liD ) p in Leave ! IIIUULIMITO.N & MO. HIVftll Arrlvai uiimna [ linpot lUtb and Mnsoti sts Omahi. 1U..5 im . . Dourer X'uitlbule Exproif. . . TiTrii m JO.n n m Dead wood Kx press 4 0 > p m 40 p m Denver Kxpruis litJa : m 4Mp m Denver Llmltud 11 4Jp m C. . ' p m Hastings Loail tl " 7 p m . .Lincoln LocilEic0ptSun ( > . . Il.'k ) n m 1C i1. Bl' J. ft 0. II I Arrlvo Oinuhn I _ _ Depot Utli nil Xlmj-i Sty I 0 < i ih i. ' . ' , ( > ) n ml . .Kimiai City ITTyT xprins..Ti7i)0 ) p il ! ' . ( > p ni1C. | C. NUht ICxp via U. P.Tram | 1,4) , nm U ( j p m st Louis Cxpresi I fl 10 nm _ ( jolntf I CHICACO. It. I k PACIMU Krom Kmt [ Union Depot IQtli .V Maroy Sis Ka < t. _ lOUIaml Atlantis Kxiro | fit ) p in 4.4(1 ( p m X'estluiiloKvpiim 1.10 p in mi NlKht lxpru3 H.JJ n m fiolnu I CH1CAOO. It. I , i PAI'IKIC. rrum XVosL I Union Depot luth and Marcy at' XVost l..upiii | Denvur Llmltol 7. . . 4 , IJ n m 3 53am [ . .Kansas City ( IC.ciintiilinlay ) . . 7U.i p in leaves I UNION PAC1KIC. I Arrival Omaha. [ Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. | Om.iliv T.'jj a ml Hoatrlco Ktproji 0.4U p in -J ) ral Donrar Hxprou 405 p m 2.15pm1 OverlandKlyar. 70) p ia 4.1 u p m. UlunSp'ifS Astrnub Biax ( Sun ) 133) p ra 0 40 p m , T..Pacific ISxprois. . . . . . . . . 10 40 a m Bl ) p m | Dimvur Kill Mail . . . . 4' . ' ) p in Leaves ICHIUAUO , MIL. It bl' . PAULIAnUo Omaha | 0 U. P. depol and Marsv Sl I Oinah * 705 p ml CblCBito Rxprun . . * . . * | ' > JX A m 11.30 a ro | . . .ClilcAito ICxpnm | tM p in Leaves I SIOUX C1TI'A PACIUC. " ( Arrlvos Omihal Depot. UlMi - . _ nmt Slaj-cy t | Om.-Un 7.3i ) a ml' . , bfuux Clly PussitnjB' . | H' ' J ) < i 63J p m | .u Paul KxprcM . .llliOJ i m Leaves | HIOIJX CIJ'Y It PACII'R lArnvui Omaha ! Depot. ISth mil \\Vbuir sts I Omahri MU _ n m , .st Paul Llmlteil . . . Leaves I I- . . I. . * MO "VAI.LKV. lArrlvot Oinahal Dnpot. 15th and WelH'or111 Hhn-ihi POD n m . , . Duadirimd ii OJ n m Bx. Hat ) XVyo Kxp ( Kx Xlon ) f > 30 p m . . Norfolk ItSx. dund.iy. ) . IDJi.i m liQJ p nil St. Paul KxprriD . y ! J n m Leaves fiTllCAliO A lArrlvoi 1) ) . P. depot , IDlhjiiuOtarcy his I _ OTI-IU _ reaves iCUIirti.DA. NOHTHtVhsrnH.N'IArrlvtii 5'rsnsfer | Union li-pot , I ouncll Illnlt * . | rrnnifar Jl.HU n m . . . Chlcavo Kxpresi . . . . 6 4U p ni 4 5) t ra Vcsllbule Llmlled. . . . 1,00 a m ; .aa p m . . . . .Kaslurn I'lyor. * 1.30 p m 7.SU p m IKx Sun ) Allantlo Mall ( Kx Mom B 45 n m f.4t it in ' iHxh ) i.'Krqll j'anuniftfr ( l z S ) U .SO p _ rain IJHBS'I Miasouni ArrlvoT" Omnhal Doi.ot ISth and XVobster an. Oman. I IU pin I . .ht , Louli fcxprTsi. . . b 4 > n inm 10 Ulpinl St. l.oul > Kxprost . . . . I ! > > p in 4 iUp n [ , . . . Nebraska Local B Ml n inm Leaves I UMAI1A * P LOUH. ( Arrlvui Tiansft-fj Union Depot. Council MlnTl | Transfof 4 (0 iiT | ht Jjouls Canon 1111 . Uli p m CHlCAao , H 1. A PACIKIU lArrivn" Transfer ! Union DepolCouncil UlufH Transfur CM p m ' Nlubt Kxprull H.a'J a ni aiu' . , , Atlantic liiprJii 5.5 p in p iu | Veillliulo Limited r..K ) u m leaves I 1C. ( ' . . SI' . JOK , \ C. II. lArrlvoi Transforj Union Dupot. Council Illulfi { Transfer [ _ mro roar rom -IOUX CITY A PACIKHi Arrlvet Transfer ) Union Depot , Council Hlnffs Trnnsfor _ in .tflguz City Aeeoinmouailon liuuop ni tM p m . . . . . . .ht.J'Aul ICxprsii I'JIJl leaves CHUA ( < ( ) , IIUHL'N A gUlNUY.lArrlrn 'Jrnnsfer | Union Depot , ( 'ouii-ll Hj ufli I I'l OTJ ! i IDOVu ni' ' , . . , . , , Chicago Kxpr i ff tu p'iu JO LI p ml ChltuKO Kxpruti Ml a in IQip iu | . . . . . . . . Cretton Local . „ . . .J IO 40j > m Leaves I OMAHA .V hi. I.OIIH IrriT ) UuinhalH. I depot. lUth and Marcy Bis IllniV As nooft n nnr tliniVi the con- illtloit of liver , Monmch nnd l w eli , xvltcn Ur. rieivc's I'livivrtnt TelloU linx-o ilono tlielr xxork. It's n xvwl < tlint l < n't l\ \ , II nlslioil xvlion yon'vo stoppoit in It I tig tli out , cither. lt' < lasting. Tlicy mir , n xxcll nt icliexc. And It's nil donn no nttlillj' niul CTiitly 1 Tliciv's nonp of tlio > iolcncix Hint xx cut xx-ith Iho oUl-tlnui pill. Ono tiny , wignr- caitcd Tcllct's n Rcntlo Inxatlxo three to four m t ns n rntlmrtl. . Rick Hondnchc , I'on- Htluitlon | , Indlci-sUon. nilioui Attnck niul do- rniiKeiucnts of tlio f.oiinclt ( ! nnd lweK mo tirnvpntctl , ifliox-ol nnd cured. As n l.lx-cr I'lll , thov'rv tnirquMcd. Thoy'ro jmivly VRCtaliU' , ixrfeotly h.irinlcss the Mimllost , clicajx t , nnd wdest to tnka They'll ) the p/uiij > c < f jitll j'ou cnn liny , IHXIUI O tlicy'ro { ; iiiitinfiV/ filx-o satisfac tion , or your inonpy I' rettirnoil. You only j y for tlif p.ixl yon get. Can you n .k nioa > ( , Tlmt'H the iirriitlnr pltiu nil Dr. Tim-os uro t > old ou. If so , buy one that cannot lif stolen. The only thiefproofVatchc < arc those with Here's the Idea : The bow lias n nroovc on ench mil. A collar runs down Inside the ent ( stem ) nnd Into the. Grooves , firmly locking the bow lo the pendciU , so Hint It cannot bi < pulled or twUtcil off. To bo sure of Retting a Non-pull-out , see that lhocn i > stampcilx\iththUtr.uletnarl.tiB& ) It cannot bo had xxith any other Kinil , yzsl A > , U > nurje\vcler for pamphlet , or semi for one to the famous lloss Killed Case iiiAcrs. KeystoneWatch Case Co. , inilLAUELPUIA. Act gently vet prompt- SIOOB'SAct tlio I.1VF1I , Kin- DR , SIOOB'S SKIS ami II01VKI.S. ( Us- pclllnu Hcadaclies , Fov- ns nml Colds , lliorongh- ly cleansing tlio system of disease , nnd cnrci linbi'ual constlpnllon Thpy nro sugar coated , Jo lint gtlpc , very small easy lo tnko , mid purelr TCRCtnblo. J'Siiill'i lu each vtnl. IVr.'cut digestion follows their uso. They absolutely euro Kirk hcail- arhc , nnd nro recommend * Hi bjIcadih ? ! : } > lrUni. I-'or sale by londlnR driicclstsorpcntliyjiiin ; ; t'urtn. nxlal. Addrtsi HOBE'3 KED1CIHE CO , , Props , San FrvJs'o or t'OIJ SAI.K IX OMAHA. NEB. EY I nhn ft Co. , O > .r ISth & Dorc ! w Wa J .A Puller A Co , fnr Hlti . Di'Kl .Sts. J \i Fosurai.'o. Council Itlifts , la " 14 YEARS Suffering cf ITciT.ui- DR. MILES RESTOHATIVC NERVINE , " I Says A Y. Stark 1'enn Van , N Y , " 10 vrs.ofS.ck Headuche cured by TWO Itoltl.s. " ifmellno Tllnt , Ottawa , Ohio , Nenlno la the quick remedy for jroo nt il illloc iMedicul Co Elkhart , Ind. 1'ursaloby Kiihn Co Car. , I5tli niul Douglas n rnao nurK.j & KID GLOVES TJicabovo braudH of jrloxos lor silo : by The BostonStore 3 N. W. Cor. Kith and Doujjltia , THE SHOUTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibulccl trains leave Omahri daily at/105 p. m. , ar riving ut Chicago at9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. P , A. NASH , Gen'l Agent , CEICTAIN ADXKIITIIIKUkVrS 1T.M ' Tllil'X lUVilJJ wdo fr > r Ibt plrnvxrntl Sl > r n erIn Van Houten's Cocoa In .n , . , , . . , , . , . Ilr.MVII.SKV III.\C.iil. I'rof. ur.ll-dlrlur Ht lJ Urr llj I ! ! , J.m.duii , Aulbi.r off Ui Hlnitdard * 'if .itlbo..k of I li * > ruivMllrn. * * whoociWIjvrltCMui * TulluVTbi * ' Krom | l * c rtlul i | i Oil lb * ( It Ud rU < llr iiiur * iiutrlti > ni lliu oilier Coco * * . It li rriulitlI'ur * * tuil U l'Jf ll < t tlU * Jl tu VAN llouTiM'i COCOA H - < ri'arvkcHon / i VAN Ifourvn'tCutuA MfiM fj trfiulljr rj < .f J # J i Ut * * f tf / rtj i - ( aUJwri/y > ( ft-f J , ttatUK-Ttty ceafTtantttdt v a frrf ta mmt "ATRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE. " COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH OS Lss. BO I AT QUAVKI.OTT2. llitUlr-ml' Itociillrrtloin nr n I'.itnnut Ilitttlrtlclil , t Iwvo xvltnosiod from reasonably wtfu position ? , tltouuli 1 xvrm Incidentally shot nt on both occasions , two rcnt huttlos ono in lliU eountrv ixtid nno In Kinopo , writes M. llulstoml in tlio Now York lobo. At ( ? nxvolotto , wlioro the Oormnns bout back' the r'rnnch Into Molz , Isixv ( Uirlncr the notion about four or flvo mile ? of the Gorman formation , The ( lory fronts of the two armies were Hourly cijjht miles in length , ami the llrownrlo excoodotl iinythtnir I hnvo over noticed in our political iirocosHioim or txl Coney l.liiml , 1 snw the qulolc licstrnullon of a ( lOriinn ro ltnont of uiivjilry , nlnion in plainly in I ilia tlu > StonunaU fhnrno of tlio Irish bricnda at Piuilurluksliiii-t , ' . J had a powerful class lloltljjl'is * , I niciin-at ( Jrnvo- lotto , nnd Miirvovoil the lutllo uonui for hotiM fioin tlio hill the Kin of I'nis- sia anil Moltko and HlMiniu'l ; ocouiii > i\ with the uraiid Cornmn stiitT. I ho ipoi'tui'lo wns woiulorful , anil thcro novoi * was a stmUuit of a iaiiorainn. nioro liitorc-itoii Ihiin 1. The ai-luiil liiittlo ho tin the cyolornnui in HOIIIO iospoots , hut the oiiornh on tlio siriukon Hold uhilo the strikiiifr in jjolni ; on do not gallop into the mouth's of the onoiny's KMIIIK as nuioh us Uiov can dn in the cyi'lorainio hiMlnossMillo the lljlit is on , even lo the tOitutorod oar , the totil thunder of 1,000 uaniion- Ilripjj f-holls is u Holoiiin sounil that you hardly loullzo from nhcut-lrou or bheop- tilcin itnitatioiiB. The ( load moil , and horhoa , too. are dltToront , the hoi'hos , espoi'lnlly , If the MUUO ( jround wan ftiuuht ovoc thrco days before and llbor- nlly llttorod wltli slatiihtorod animals this Is the month of August. A horse Klllod with a cannon shot ots a moat horrid facial o.\proslonwhiuh inoroi.sou after u day or two of doaih. Thi day after the Imltlo of Onivolotto AiiRUst IS , ISTO-ArohiUald Koi'hos , Moni'iiro 1) . Conwav and myfolf f.ot forth to o.xploro Iho Hold , anil Forbes , boin tr an old poldior , insi--toil on Kolnt ; on lo the i > iul < ot lino. 1 was a Mtraiioi' ) in a Mrangp land , and did not fancy KoUliitf mixed ii ) ) with --Ivlrmishors , the rod lojrjjoil Prunch hcinp in full x low. Forbes had mich ronlldoiiuo in I'ruiu'li marl maiith ! ) ) that hoaa amused when ho was bliot at. and 1 wim not scared m > badly as you think ; but I w H not that kind of a war corro- spoiuU-nl. The fact ia , 1 had views that \\onldValhor I o buck to my own coun try and assKt in tiiiviue it apain , in a comfortable olllco , us I mi ht bo no"duil. So Forhusniul 1 pvrtotland Mr. I'onway , who was porenoly unuon- Boious of diui or , hut did not want to walk Inm.suir to do.itl ) , east in his lot with mo. TlionConway and I separated sliRhth' ho was Invoaiiiratlng somo- tlilny : and 1 was not nnd I was beside the road when two hoi-Homon loclo by with oidoilios fol'owhiff ' , and my trained eye doloctcd the well known and din- tinj'uiHhed ffoiitloinoii , as v\o would fay in the porsoaal column C liauoolloi1 lils- niiirck and ( 'oiipral i'hil hhcridan and I said unto Shorldau "Hollo ! " and lie sitd unto mo likewise , and wanted to know what the dovll I was doing , and I to'd him a well as I could jnUl I then hi that pun of the country "very ' i'liil did not boom to see auj tiling in Hint ream K , but Bisnuirulc had an oar for Ainorican humor and gicotcd it with a formidable hiiillo. I said to Shoriilan " ' : 1'lcaso toll mo what li.ipiJiiod ] ) yesterday. " "Did you sco Iho li'rlit1" ho inquired. My an- /jwcr / was : "I siw all I could , but do not know anything about it , only the Fivnrh stood up lo it along hole. " Ho said quickly : . "Hut they were boatcn north of this broken and driven into the fortifications. They can't got away. TJciidquurlors ( the king ) goch tonight to Pont u Moiifeiou und tinciowii prince is on the march fur I'.ii'i.-s. ' " Then 1 botfitnto know xx'hat I h.ul ix'itiiu.i'il. . ' 1 lit * o ii'lici- pallia in n li.iltlo M'ldoin SIM.- more than ; i imminent of it , and Iho ciiflit-si'i'injr i not nn import.nit o.\ici'ioiico | for Ilio IHH- lorlim. cxoopl in ir.oroly dosoriptivo ixriling. Kiirhteun yoairi after the but- tlu 1 tox'ihitud the Hold anil .could not lintl my o\i'i > phico on the hill , though I sought il dilitroiilly , siiiti there XV.IH no chuntfo t'ix'o in thu prosunco of the inoiiiiinonts and Iho nbsjnco of the armicb. I tut Iced with Shoridiin nbout this , and he said ho xvna fjrotttly DiP//.lod lo lind positions in ihu batlloliolds xvhoro ho hitfl commanded , and ro for red lo the then recent x'isils tosoino of thoin in the x'alloy of Vlrffinia. Ask .votir ( IrucKlst for Ciulnby' Hex Brand Fluid Hoof. HO'H sura to keep It , Lie- cau.su thu best trnda tlomaiuls it. A CONFEDEUA.TJ. PATENT IEell < - < il llni ( iotiiniiiiont 'Unit llulml the viulli tinJ'niir X'riu-H. Of tlio innny pt-ojilo xvlio think they know a roit : doil nbout tlio eunfudor- itto nox'urniiiont only : t fo\v nro nvviiro of tlio fact that the confi-'d-iMuy xvns Hup- plied \\illi : t piilunl olllco anl tluit it is- biicd ivitunt * in jn t nhont the H.IIHO Rt.vlo as that practiced liy tlio United Stiitos. Ifoxv iiiiiny invoi'ilioiiH received stK'h oi'otcction as could bu thrown mound thuin by tlio imuor xvhlcli ruled tlio honth for four years limy nox'or bo Icnoxvn , Buys tlio Wasliln loii Star , Inn it is L'ortiin that at loiibt lif- toi-n rocolved olllclnl reco 'nillon , for on it wall in tlio olllco of Mr , . .linncs \ . Norris - ris IH nn original docuinont which as sured .lohn Jj. .lono1 * of Tally-JIo , North Carolina , Unit for fourtoun X'u.irrf from the 2lth ( dny ol AiiKiHt , 18(11 ( , ho should liuvo "tho full nnd uxclu- ri'lit ( and lihorty ol nsiny and vending to otlici'H to ho usud * ' n now and IHO- fill iiiiiii'ox'oinunt in cnrrii < io whonlH. This wa- " the liftuontli jialont issued by the ciiiifuili ! ! ncy. ItVIIH hlrnucl b\r Judiil ) 1' . Hoiijainin , iiltorncy cnonil , and ( 'Oiiiitoi' > ) i. ; iiud by Unfit * li. Khoilo.-i , coininis-'loiicr of | iitcnls : Mr. IMiodua was Tailed Htntoh coiniiils-jlonur of pit- onts prior to the xx-ar. Accoiiipanyln" the parchinent , whicliis jropcry ) ) Hoalfid ana xvhli'h cost Mr. . ( onus theoiiinof 9 II ) . aru tlio customary hponllicatloiiH and draxviii ri. 'J'ho poninuiiHliii ) illnplayuil in Iho HpoiiillttatioiiH IH uxtromuly buau- tiful , xvhilo Iho ( Iriixviii , which nro In India ink on linen trucintf , otiiild lutrdly no impi'ox'od on. The whole forms a moil liituruntiiif , ' and vilimolo oux ollil' . TIII ; iii.xi.i't .XI. KUII. ; E N'-Tltl'MIJSTS | il it'tiil mi rt'i-orl No ' . 17 , IV.Ii. tiuiA.Nrv in.r.iM. X | ( ) CiikMii in and liiisbniid tn } ' , I1 Hull , tut 17. liloi'U' ' . I'tunMt I'mi'ii . J 103 II I. Mnnloii nn < ivUu iii.laiou- , Iliintoi , lot IH. blouU I. llnulhiin.u ; < , ' } ) > Mur.-nlut I'luary in h .1 .xiurumij- . lot ,1 IdouU T > llniiHciitii I'l.ifi' . . : , ) ) ) ( 'iinr.iil Viiiiiitfurin in nmlMfc in ( < II i'diiii oriiiuii. .Mi ncri's lio.'liiiiln , ! utu nolni'J roilH wnfku uuriiurbxv nU - 1- J.l MM I'otor Tliniiiiis nnd ulfo in M.III 411011 I. nut rdiiijiany , lot II , lilutik ' > , Itlvoi- tliluuilO ntO I' I1 rrouiiiiii ) nml wlf4 Ii ) ti W llnttur- lldlil , lot ft. rremimn'HWliI , . . . . 6)0 h'linutiiA li Cotiiiilin , lot II , siiinu. . . , f > W T I' Hull lu J 1. l.oiiv. luH'J ! und ill , An- ihllold , t I.- ' . " County of Dunlins to It I. Copsiin , lutlll. I lixilc. . , and lot . ' > , lilncU .i , IJiiticlitt add 2 ITS M > fjiVial < & O'Krcffn und wUcstoW Jt Hr.idlfy. lot I. ' , lilnul- ; , Mrtijvo.iic A O'Kuellu'siiiliI 7UO gUIT 4'f.AIM llfcKIIS. Mnn-113 Hu ( ! ii\TMS ur nnd wlfo In T I' ' ' Hull , lou b. ' . ' < ! , .1 midI , AilUllolil mid ( roflle ) , ? ,030 IIDUII9. Jnippli Colotniiii , spool a 1 iimtter. to J'lioiniiii MulvlUill. lot S , block ? M. Oniuliii .1.700 VotnUiuuuntof truu > f.ri. , I 1M,7J