Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    Br *
TTIR OMAHA mTI.Y 11MTJ. FttinAV NOVRMllRR 1A lfl < V >
John K. Johnson of South Lincoln In
Inlin llnnnli Siinl by n Cincinnati CoininM-
ulnii HOIIHP Simmon * Dlvnrcn Suit Con *
cliiilc.l ( Id.nlp lit tint Ntnto Homo
Other Lincoln
Li , > 01 s , Nob. , Nov. 17. fSpccial to Tun
III i | John 1C. Johnson , n youtiR man who
bu * for some tlmo pant made his residence ut
SSouih Lincoln , U under atrcst tioro for the
ncllliiR ut mortgaged proportv. In August ,
Ib'.H , Johnson ivcnt to A. W. Jensen , n money
loancrlu this city , nnd oorrowod JIBO , giving
us security a chattel moitgngo on n tumn of
hews and n WIIKOD , together with about 100
; tons of hay. The note was not p la when U
hccHina duo nnd some time ago Jensen
l learned that Johnson had disposed of the
Ipropcity without saying anything about It
lo him Johnson bus bnrno a favorableropu-
1 tnllon imd these who nro acquainted with
him were surprised nt the news of his arrest.
L Ho wns taken toforo .Indira BorRolt nnd will
[ bo triPti next Mondiiv. In the meatitlino ho
[ Is at liberty on his personal recognizance.
Sulil IhuMiUky Tulrf.
A oasrof considerable intcrosl WAS tried
Del ore I'ounlv Judiro Lansing this foro'ipon.
Huns otitltk-d lilies & Co. against John
Jlonwlt and rpw out of iho sale of n irunn-
llt.V ot whlsKv whiiti thu defendant , had
bought for speculative purposes. Itonwlt
bought thu whisky something llko n voar
ago , nnd lust March placed U in thu hands of
JllloH X Co. , commission merchants of Cin
cinnati , for aulo Thu sale win made , and
when the bill ofchurRCs was presented Hon-
wit llaily refined to p.iy U. Ho then sup
posed Iho sale was off and prococdod to soil
to : t Chicago party. Hlles t Co. were umlsr
L'outiact to deliver the liquor to their cus
tomer , ami , ns n result , thev were shy about
JlitH ) , tlio price of whisky Imving advanced n
point or tuodurlng the controversy ever the
payment of Ihu charges. They now sue
liduwll for that , amount , together with tholr
commission on the original sale , amounting
to $7. > .
llrnril In l.lni'iilii ( iiurl lioiniis.
The dlvorco coso of Or. .Simmons against
111 * wlfo wns concluded In the district court
this ulternoon. The testimony in the ease
\\tmt In show thnt Mrs. Simmons was ad
dicted to the almost constant use of opium
und alcoholic stimulants and that whllo un
der tltrlr inlluenco her contluct was nbusivo
and cruel in the extreme. The court granted
thu divorce and awarded Mrs. Simmons all-
monv to the amount of MSI * , to bo paid in
innnthlv InslnltinuntH.
( iiorgc nnd Pearl Oolnu , used b und n
yearn icNpuctlvoly , havu coiiiiuenccd suit
against tnc Sullivan Transfer company for
K , ( H ) damages. On Octouer It Iho children
wotc passing nloug tho&ldowallc in front of
Iho ilefoi.limit's ' barn when n largo door
which had been Iroproporlv fastened fell
upon them , nrpnirlng tbo bov'.s leg and
Mivoroly injuring the llttlo girl. The suit is
brought in ttiu name of thu children's father.
Ten a 1'hclps this afternoon commenced
j Milt for u divorce from her hut > hand on Iho
I ground of cruelty. Una nslts for tbo custody
[ of her youngest children.
Kva Martin was this afternoon granted a
I decree of divorce from hur busbiiud , to whom
I she was married In 1STS. She alleged ox-
) trerao cruelty ns her grounds for action.
Lincoln In ItrlcC.
Clnra 1'ottcr , u woman brought to the ic-
liuno hospital from Omaha last Tuosdav ,
Idloa at tbo Institution last avoning. She i
liinflRllicd that every ono around her wanted I
I'o poison her nnu refused to talco nourlsb-
| moiitof any kind.
Theodora Horn attracted qulto n crowd at
Itho corner of Ninth nnd O stieets this after-
Inoon. Ho was to saw half a cord of wood in
( payment of mi election hot and ho did it In
; rpat shnpo.
( Jcorco ijiiwnrdo.U under arrest on sus-
Frilcmn of beiuq cocnectcd with some of the
recent rohburlos thai have taken place in
this city.
Only ono calender was brotiL'ht into police
rourt this morning and Judcc NS'ntors turned
htm Icoso.
< inssi | > ut tlio Htiito Ilonso.
Thu Nelson Car Coupling company of
Oinnlin was Incorporated today by papers
lllcd with the secretary of state. The com
pany proposes to manufucluro and soil pat-
tint car couplers with n capital Block of
511)0,000. )
tiovomor-clect Lorenzo Crounso was a
caller nt , the stnto huuso thU nftornoon.
Governor Boyd , Attorney ( Joncral Itast-
IIIKH and Commissioner Humphrey returned
this torenoou from Nebraska City , wncro
thev went lo nivestlRato complaints
that had been made against Superintendent
Kakostruw. It scums that on Columbus day
seven of the pupils were not in
clined to participate lu the exorcises
und when requested to do so oy the
fcuporlntcndont refused. Thov were Kivoa
the alternative of doing ? o or bolnp expelled.
Four of the rebellious students pave In , but
Ihu otluir three ateadfastly refused nnd ito ito
suspended. They laid tholr cns < > before the
L'Ovornor nnd the members of the Hoard of
i > ubllo Lands and nulldlnes. Tbo investiRa-
lion yesterday resulted satisfactorily to all
rallies conccined. Tno superintendent was
iixonoratcd and the rebellious students lakon
buck into iho Institution upon their promise >
to obsurvo tbo rules in ihufiituro.
I' Tlio Kccrotanei of thu Stnlo Doanl of
I Transportation went to Plain view today to
investiRUto n petition of the residents of that
pluco for a nuw depot on thu line of the Chi-
riiuo , Minneapolis , St. P.tul . Omaha rail-
Attorneys Wootworth and Clurley trans-
r.ctcd business before tno supreme court this
afternoon ,
TUoItv of Hastlncs rOL-lstorecl pavlnp
bonds to the amount of fl.1,000 with the audi I-
tor today , ' 1 ho
vlllnco of Nlobrara also reir-
Uturcd bonds 'o the amount of fl.OOO for the
purpose ot putting lu a system of water
\ ( works.
A force of men commenced to place the
legislative halls in shape for tlia coining ses
sion of the sonata and liouso.of representa
tives. The carpets are being cleaned , the
dusks repaired and lilted with now locks and
brolcon chairs supplied with missing IORS , etc.
IT is 'mi : HKST.
Tlmt In \\liy I Iti'iiiiiiiinniul II ,
: Chamberlain's couRh remedy gives the best
satisfaction of any cough medicine 1 lundlo ,
and as u bollor leads all other preparations lu
\ , Ills market. I ll boeuuio It Is
1 no host medlolna I over h.indlnd for coughs ,
told * and croup. A.V. . UaldrldKO , Mlllon-
T u I.ini'olii Women < Svl Illil ol C'liihlut
mi ( Imuliii llotnl ,
The prnorlotors of tbo Oloba hotel found a
Dally nn I heir hands at an curly hour yeatur-
day iiiDrning.
Wednesday two well dressed ladles from
Lincoln arrived lu the city and at once went
to tbo Ulobu. One of them had a bubo about
tbreo weokn old. The liulo child wan loft In
1. Iho care of thu hotel attache * wnllo tbo
' X mother and her companion wont out , Uur-
/HiiKtUonfiunioon / they returned , puld their
i oil ! until this
morning nnd went out ogain ,
stating that they would roturo during the
> i ovcnfnj- . The ovcnlng were owav , whllo
i night and morning followed in rapid suoces-
' Ion , but the women did not return to claim
' ? tholr own.
' Tbo rulld was turned over to Countv
, Apont Mahoney und transferred to the
county poor farm , uhoro U will remain
'until iho county authorillna can look up the
vLlncolu conuccilon of the two wuman.
A Sum Curu lor ( 'roui ; ,
Furmci-s como 111 leen inlioj to my store to
gutCUuinborlaln'x cough rumcdy. Many of
thwm , llko mysnlf , nrn never wtlhout it. In
i tholr homos. U cured uiv boy of a snvero
' RttiicU of croup and , I bellovr , saved his llfn.
K. Daltou , Lurav , Uuasell county , Kan.
' 1'hu remedy ts a certain euro for croup and ,
if used us soon as the hrsc bymplonis appear ,
will prevent the attack , For sale by drug-
Jew uuil ChrUtlun ,
At a supph-munL to his lecture ot last
Friday uIb.tjan | tbQ."Mi > Miah irom a Jewish j
1 ttaudpolut,1' Her , Leo M. Frauklla wUl thl
Frldnv evening deliver A Icoturo on the
topla , "Tho Attitude of tbo Modern Jew
Toward ChrUtUnltr and the Christian. "
This l n mnltor which In the past cotn to
have boon Rnwl * misunderstood , and ills
to brlnit out the true relation of thn Hebrew
to hli Christian netfihbor that Uov. Frnnlt-
lln Is tlellvcriiiK these lectures. Tno lec
ture * thin tar delivered on the Kcncrnl
topic , "Kooohd of Jewish History , " srom to
Imvo found penornl favor , end necessarily so.
for the speaker , thouph outspoken in his
views , is liroad and liberal In his sympa
.lows ami Kontllos uro Invited to the
services , which tnko place nt the Ilarney
street temple Friday evening at 7:80 : ,
Constipation cured by Do Witt's Early
( IiOl MinuhiK tor tin * hrrniul Ucck of tlio
\Vlnlor 1'iirklni ; * I < MIKIIII ,
Tbo second week of the winter nncklne
so.isou , which properly bopan November 1 ,
shows up well for South Omaha. The first
week's packing of iiops showed nn Increase
ofIOut ) head over the satno period of last
year , and n largo decrease at the throe otter
Intro packlnp centers.
Thu second week's packing shows up even
bolter than the llrst and Is a straw showing
the direction of the wind. During the sec-
end week South Omaha packers slaughtered
M.OoO bogs , against -lO.OtK ) one year ago , or
an Increase of 0,000 head. Chicago falls short
of ono .voir : ngo W.OOO , ICnnnasClty Is behind
53,000 and St. r.ouls loses lli.OOJ.
South Omnhn Is tbo onlv packing center tn
tbo country showing u rain thus far In tbu
regular winter imcklnir season , tbo others
falling behind several Ihuus.tml the record
of 1891 and previous years. It Is u sullied
fact that whllo lln ) other packing centers
miy : fall short seine weeks In the
parking over last year , South Omnha
will not Imvo a ucclc during the season
which ulll show u decrease from
1M1I , nnd most of the week's ' packmes will
show very largo Increases. Tbo local uaclters
nro iluuuhtonng liberally , but tire not doing
near 'vhiit they expect to when hog receipts
Inciense and prices go onwn u few cents.
They nro nol doing much noyor.d supplying
present dcmnnds for Iticir products , nud not
very materially increasing the stocks of pro
visions in tuo torat'o rooms. South Omaha
will inaken record during ttin present packIng -
Ing season that will bo n source of prldu to
iho citizen who has any of that commodity
in his makeup and will convince envious
rivals itmt this city Is going after second
place In a manner that betokens the urUo
will bo caplurcd.
1'im lltiiinliii : TriUni.
Inimcdlulely following on accident talk of
regulating the running of railway trains
through the city is Indulged In to n very
Inrgo extent by Iho citizens. It all ends
with curbstone agitation , however , and
matters iisiuino their evorv day ways and
the trains go tearing through tbo city at any
speed which happens to bu scheduled. In
September , l Ss , an ordinance was pis od by
tbo city council regulating tno running of
trains and iho beauty of it lies in tbo fact
that it has bei-n a dead letter ever since , no
attempt belim made tn enforce its provisions.
Tbo ordinance * provides thnt railwnv trains
shall not run through the city limits at n
sliced of to exceed ton miles per hour. A
majority of the citi/ons bavo not boon aware such an ordinance \\ns in existence and
talk will probably now bo ns to why the pro
visions of the ordinance are .not enforced ,
instead of why Iho city administration does
not pass such nn ordlnanco.
ItViis it ( .nniilno Surprise.
Liftt evening about 125 friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Kaftorty entered their homo on
Twenty-fifth street , between N and O
streets , treating thorn to a genuine surprise.
Mr. and Mr * . Itafforty , although taken una-
waros. were equal to tbo occasion , and
caused their friends to pass a very pleasant
evening. The party brouglit with thorn
lunch , music , etc. , and there was no lack of
pleasure nud amusement.
llroko III * dollar Hone.
O. II. LInnabarry , a well known citizen re
siding nt , Fourteenth nna O streets , raot with
u peculiar accident yesterday , tie was walKing -
ing near his rosldnnco and something at
tracting his attention ho turned around
quickly. His foot caught in a protruding
root and ho was thrown to the ground , his
collar bono being orokun by the forno ot the
fall. Ho will bo laid up for a few days.
flinglo City .Viit n.
Mr. and Mrs. \ \ illlam McCraiUi bavo eono
to Kansas City.
Ofllcer Tubbs is on duty again after o lay
off for a few days.
.1. U. Butler of Croscoat City , la. , was m
the city yesterday.
D. B. Olnoy hns been called to Chicago by
the death of hi ? father.
T. O. Day of Silver City Is in the city
visiting his old lluio friend George II.
The Infant son of Mr. end Mrs. John
Holas , Twenty-first and P streets , will Do
burled today in Laurel Hill cernotory.
Mrs. D. Uoelenck of Cleveland , O. , IB visit
ing ner brother. N. B. Mead , the manager
for the Western Union nt the Exchange.
All memoors of lodge No. 53 , Unllnd Order
of the Trouound , nro requested to bo present
this evening at an important meeting at the
Harry Chamborlin arrived in tlia city lost
evening from Donnlson , la. , and Is visiting
with friends. Ho leaves this ovonlnig for his
homo at Clnrlnda , la.
Upchurch lodge No. U , Degree of Honor ,
will meet this evening nt Ancient Order of
' United Woncmon hall. All members requested -
quested to t present.
Frame Saunders of Torklo , Mo. , was In the
city yesterday on business and visiting his
FOU "Dora" Snunders , noad buyer of cattle
for the G. H. Hammond com puny.
The ladles of thu First Prosby torian church
have decided to serve dlnnora nud supper *
Itoday and tomorrow lu tbo room recently
vacated by Charles Singer on N street. Tnn
proceeds will go toward paying for u church
No action has yet been taken In regard to
suspending business at the Kxchaugo on
Thanksgiving duy. The Union Stock Yards
icompany announces that the yaras will be
open and running us usual on thnt day. In
all probability the day will not bo generally
taken advantage of as n holiday by these
li.lercsted In the stock Industry.
Sick headache ! licccbam's Pills will ro >
Hove ,
riiniiriil n ( ( iuiirKitV. . Hull ,
The of OeorgoV , Hall , the well
known Insurance agent , look niaoo at 2
o'cloi'It yesterday nfternooa nt the family
residence , U70S ITarnam htroot. A la go
number of friends of the docouscd attended.
Beautiful Moral offerings almost covered the
buick crrpo casijot. Kov. Dr. Duryea of the
First Congregational church and Uov. leS.
Wrlcht Ilutlfrof the St , Mary's Avoiuo Con-
grepationul cburcli conducted tbo services.
After short services at too house thu ro-
mums \\uro taken to Prospect Hill ceinuterv
and interred. The pallbearers wore : H. rvI.
Smith , U. W , Hurlbort , Captain Hustln , S.
T. JoslynV. . U. Uussoll and William Flem
That is All RoRistrnr ? , Judges nnd Oletks
of Elccticii Will Reosiv. .
\VlllhiK tci I'ny Mnrf , lint Uimlilo to lln < "
fin Amount tit Stutittory ItltiilMiicn
liniitluo Worl < til
When the city council convened last nlcht
It was with ploasuio that the members oh-
served that the llguros of Iho Indian squaw
and the frontier cowboy , which had adorned
the nlcovo tn the roar of the president's
desk , hod been obliterated by the nproading
of n coat ot red paint.
The flftccn gentlemen nt once got down to
business and took tin the question of paying
the registrars , Judges and clurks of election
for the services wnlch they performed some
days ago. In complying with a former ro-
quoit , Cltv Attorney Council wrote that In
his opinion the law was plain and thut thcra
could oo no mistake. The registrars wcro
entitled to M per day , whllo the Judges ami
clerks at election were entitled to $0 each
for the entire tlmo , one-third of which could
bo paid by the city , one-third by the county
nnd one-third by tbe Hoard of Education ,
Mr Hlsasnor movi'd that they bo allowed
$ T per day for cacb eight hours service.
President Davis refused to put thu motion ,
declaring that the allowance of the amount
was contrary to Inn * .
Mr. Tutt'o ' said that ho would appeal from
the decision of the chulr.
Mr. Slcol said Ihat the registrars knew
thai they would gut out ? fl per day nnd that
the dar would constlluro the entire tlmo.
The decision of tno chair was. sustained.
President Davis slated that ho had no
doubt but that Iho mou were entitled to
muro than $ : ) per day , but that ho could not
vote away money when It was contrary to
Then the whole matter was settled by
allowing the registrars $ ; } per day each and
the Judges aud olorus fO jach for the entire
By resolution the .Board of Public Works
was Instructed to biro tbo necessary mon
nud pus > n to completion all sldovvulks that
had bcou contracted.
Messrs. Kdwaids , Lowry and McLeanu
weru appointed u special committee to ascer
tain nnd report the reason why the city was
so slow In settling with Us contractors.
It was decided to hold a meo'.lng next
Wednesday nicht for the purpose of consid
ering utl matters now In the committee of
the wholo.
The old bill of John F. Coots , amounting
to $1,741.OS , for changing tbo Farnam street
ontrauco of tno city hall , was allowed and
tbe amount ordered placed , in the next appro
priation ordinance.
The proposition of the Cutler Manufactur
ing company lo nl.ico u mail chute In the city
hall ut a"cost of fSlO wus rejected. The same
action was taken wltu reference to the
proposition of the American District Tele
graph company to place an alarm system in
thu building.
The mayor vetoed the resolution ordering
thu location of tbreo gas lamps in the Ninth
ward. Ho gnvo as hit reason for the vote
thai the lighting fund would be overdrawn
to the nmouutof * - " > , UOl ) bcloro the end of the
fiscal year. Thu veto was rejected. Follow
ing this there were a number of vetoes on
the ordering of crosswalks. These veloes
wore sustained.
Tbo resolution to locnto an arc light at
Twenty-ninth and Wolwcrth avenue was
vetoed and the vote was sustained.
Thcro was a protest ngainst the construe
tion of the sewer o.-i Twonty-llflh aventio
from Burt to California street. The protest
wai placed on file nnd the contract for tbo
eonstrueilon of tlio sewer approved.
The ehlnl of police presented a statement
showing that ninety-nine policemen worn on
duty at thb booths on election day and that
I they were entitled to 115 for thei'r services.
Tno committee on nollco will look into iho
Justness of tbo claim.
Snpr-rintendont Tilly wrote that as tbe
rush of tno building season had passed hn
could dispense with tbe services of S. I.
Morrison , ono of his plumbing Inspectors.
The communication was referred.
Thu comptro.lcr notified tbu council that
Thomas Kllp.urlck bud returned his war
rants , amounting to $ < 5 > i (15 ( , for his services
as park commissioner , no feeling that ho
was not entitled to the amount.
City Engineer Uosewator wrote that an
ordlnanco had been pussod ordering thu
gradlug of Twenty-fourth street from
Leavonworth to Hickory. The way tbo
grading was provided for thcro would bo u
1111 of twenty foul at the crossing of Pierce.
A resolution was adopted Instructing the
Board of Public Works to withhold the
awarding of the contract.
The committed on public property nn < ;
buildings reported against the purchase of i
typewriting machine for the Fire and Polici
Commission. The repoit was adopted.
II. T. Clarke complained of the manner In
which the street sweeping contractor wa
doing nls work. Ho said that many of th
streets wcro spopt during the day , whll
others were swept early in the evening.
The ordinance taking the two blocks on
Howard , between Twenty-second nud
Twenty-fourth siroots , from the flro limits ,
came up for passage.
President Davis opposed the passage of td e
ordlnanco. Tno laws of the city wore not teat
favor pots , nor were they to liiako llesh at
ouo mon anil fowl of another. 'Iho grea
trouble was that the lire limits were not ox -
lenaivo enough.
Mr. Munro said tlitro were no pois.
Mr. .lacobboii said that It was a dangorou is
precedent to onaolish. If the ordinanc
WHS passed , It was only the beginning of th
cutting dowu of the lire limits.
The passage of thu ordlnanco was do
The city electrician ordinance was Intro -
ducod ngnin nnd rofurrod to the commlttci
of the whole.
Ignorance of th'o merits of DoWltt's Llttl
Early Klsors Is a misfortune. Thejo UttK
pill * regulate tholivor.euro headache , dyspop
sia , bad broatQ , constipation and biliousness ,
SpiilluilTlinlr riium.
Detectives Savage and Dempsey early yes -
terday morning gathered In U. H. Brown an , .i
Frank Wilson , two young mon who won
equipped with all tbo paraphernalia for
' doing so in o work. "
They bud a revolver as big as a small can
non , a bluck handkerchief nin
for a ui'isk and un
old sloucn hat. Tuelr enterprise was nipped
In the bud and they were baokod for curry-
lug concealed weapons.
An honust pill Is the noblast work of the
apothecary. DoWitt's ' Little Enrly Htsora
euro constipation , blllousntMi ami Hlukbeud-
Kopnrtod Sttln to thu U'hUliy Trim.
A dispatch from St. Louis says that tbo
whisky trust has purchased tbo Nebraska
and a good deal of it , comes to
the clothes that are washed
without Pearline. It's spelled
differently , but it gets there just
the same. Not with Pearlme ,
though. The rub , rub , rub
that makes all the hard wear
and the hard work is left out.
Pearline washes- without it. Practically , it washes without
you , and without any of the troubles , drawbacks and losses
that you want to avoid. But you can always depend
three things that Pearline washes with. These are upon ease
safety and profit. '
Beware never
you au imitation , be huueit
Distiller ; rompnny of tfdbnukn Cltv , Ilia
htftfixnit Crescent tllstltttirliU of 1'okin , III. ;
tbo IhuHon compnnv o ? Clncinnnll nnil ttio
C cntrnl llUtliiinu company of St , I.oitu ,
Mr , P. H. Iiorof tni * cltr , an ortluor of the
trust , \vn < shown the disputed nmt snid thnt
It wni no\vs lo him If anything of the hind
had bean dnno , und thnt. ho placed no reli
ance In the report. '
Iti rc ponso ton lolo rftrri of Inquiry Mr.
l-Vctl Smith , iccrotni-y 9f t'io , N'obr.iikix Tlty
diMllicry. sntd tbcro wa nb olntclv no truth
In tlio report so fitr ns tllii N'obrnsita City
plant was concerned.
OlllrinUtlui llniiRloil HIM lliviril nT Cilucr. .
tliin lii'nllni : | Hi'timn.
Sscroinrv Conno\or haj dlicovorod tliit
the ; i cleetion Jittlj-s in t'ho ' l lfth projinct of
the : Sixth ward rettlr'nbJ tholr poll books
Irrc-Ruimlv ' Ililed out. They fniloil tovrlto
In the hooHi iho nitmcsor the mon who voted
ru the pnllinc plnco Only the tmincn of the
wotni'u appear in Iho neil boolu. There were
In tl > u nolhborliood ) of SOU vote * rnU In thnt
precinct , ns shown liv tlio footings on tlio
tnilv shcot.but the neil books ulvo ttio naiuos
of only forty-four votrri , nil \vomon.
The judges ptobiblv cliccltcd iho roRlstra-
tlon booUs us the itnilo voters c.isl tholr bal
lots thinking It unnecessary to wntn the
mimes of thoio vouistcrod in the poll books.
The error catinot niter Iho result of the elec
tion , however , for even if the entire precinct
wns thrown out the result would rornnln the
( Inirun llrimn llutl I'lrnly nT Itrinoiin for
till Attctnit ) < Ml ull-siiiiiclitcf.
Gcorgo lirown. n laboring man , mndo a
fcubla olTort to end Iho trials of this weary
\\otld with aduaoof morphine , ntlllT South
Thlrtcontti street yesterday mornluif early.
Dr. Towno and n stomach niiuip wont to hU
rulloT , and thn imtrolvimou "tirouphl him
back fro'ii the Rates of death to the police
H" hnd written hall a Ooran letters to his
family Hiving his rousons lor tnnkini ; the
P'.UIIRO. ' Ho clnimoa thai his wife luiil sold
nil his furnlturo nnd cona to CtikMgo ; that
his thniKliters were colni ; to thu bad nnd that
hH soc-lii-lHW with whom ho wus living hud
been nutniR as , no son-in-law should. The
Physician thoutrht ho hud been on n sprco
ana ho was booked nt the station as drunk.
If you hive piio lj\Vlti'j U'ltoh Hazel
snlvo will surely uuro you.
.11 ii.lor U'hrrlrr on lliinil rroinpll.v.
Under the provisions of the city charter ,
city oniujrs > clect uro required tn illo their
bonds xvith the mayor within ten days from
the date ot tholr noliilcatlon of election.
Of the ofllcurs olectcd on November 8 ,
Councilman-elect U.ui ll.Vheolor is the
first to comply with the requirements of
Hint provision of the luw. Mr. Wheeler HloJ
his bond yostonlay morning and 19 now pru-
paroa to cxorclso I tin duties of councilman
from the l-'ourin wnfd of the city us soon ns
the tiiiio arrives.
Piles of ncoiilo have oiioi , out IJoWttt's
U'ltcn Hazel salvo will euro thorn.
.llarrmvo I.II-CIIHIM.
The following murriago licenses wora Is
sued by County Judge Ellor yesterday :
Nnmi * un \ address. Aso.
I Nod II in ey C'opulnnd , Omaha L' , !
1 lather Diitonpoir. , Unmha ' . ' 1
j Curl .lohun y indbori ; , 'llnlTnlo , la -8
I Ida I'otorsuu , Omaha Ill i
! I'd ward MclJrath. Oiunliu. 'L |
( IHlen Connolly. Onnhu' . "i
Why is Pears' Soap the
best in the world , the soap
with no free alkali in it
sold for 15 cents a cake ?
It was made for a hospital
soap in the first place , made
by request ; the doctors
wanted a soap that would
wash as sharp as any and
do no harm to the skin.
That means a soap all
soap , with no free alkali in
it , nothing but soap ; there
is nothing mysterious in it.
Cost depends on quantity ;
quantity conies of quality.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ; all
sorts of people use it , espe
cially those that know what's
If lr FohiMirV treatment nnd euro of consiimiv
lion were miniptlilnifiiuw ami nntrlcil , puuplu niL'lil
iliuilitiiint wlmt IIIIH iiruvoil list'li' ilirniKli a record m
tildusuiiriirHiidtuthurs , mo. unjust whn
niul fnr nil ilt < cns4 of tlio I.iniii. N'o Irontniont
In the norlil rn-i nliiooiit nmny | ic'niiiinciit i > iin > > or
sriiiiiiiniptioii tnltH crnllt an lir ch iiiai'n Nothing
in llrol cl llllrocll _ ; ) [ nn iHirocllvoly on the '
iiiiil uimVo tiavTt 01 "cuiWunipliuu ui
Dr. Sclwnck's ' Pulmonic Syrup.
When nllolfe fnlUlu cnnicii to tlio ro cno. .Not until
It Hiiin.uiul only iiinir futllifnl Irliil liunlil iiny ouu
ic'ipoutl. II Inii lirmu'lit Hii ImpL'lim tu Hii > nnil
ht'iiltli. It Imitiirniul tlio ilo.iMlr | of I en tlininiiiil
IIOIIIUH Into Joy It Isilulnx It now. It lll cuiHIni'U
tnilnlt iliro'iuliont tliiiu.'i'j , lr , rioli n i'a iinutloj
lruntl > n on i nniiiniiillon , II/vr und stonutoli due.iiln
liiiillrilfren to nil itiillciinlk. | | Or. J. II , fchuncku A ,
bull , I'lilUiluhilil'i , I'll.
'Dft ' R. V/ / , BAILEy
leVflli Killed With
lout I'.iln by no
l iMtost Invoii-
I'l1' llout
> i >
M5ilJU ! <
1'orfcctnt Kirirnntuol. Tuatli oxtr.iotofl In
tliomornlni : . Now onot.lcanrtoJ lu uvonliif
of 4ine day. -
hue snuclmonsof Uonioynlila llrldio.
guuaiiuclniun nf Kloxlplo Hustle I'lata '
All work wurr , . itoil 11 * rfcifoa | ntoil.
lliu-J li'umr , l'ixtou IIUc.
'Idcphunu 10S5. Ultima 1 Fariu-uS.
'lako Klovato- Stulrw.iy fro u 131S
Strco tentraiico.
National Bank ,
CniHul | , . , , . . . . .7. . . , $100,03 13
Surplus 905,00 J
cmcfrinartnireciori ilenrr W. Vntoi. praildtat
K. O. CuibluK. rkco urai'-tuni , IX a Uaurtoa IV , f
.JuUu.CCoUla .J. . _ ti..L' lrlot. i irU-A-
Both the method niul results vrltcn
Syrup of Figg ia taken ; it is pleasant
nntl refreshing to the taslc , nnd nets
fcntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
liver nnd JJovrcls , clcansea the Bys-
'tern en'ectnally , dispels colds , head-
nclies nnd fevers nnd cures liahitnal
constiintion. ] Pyrnp of Figs ia the
only remedy of its hind over pro
duced , pleasing to the taste ? nnd ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly benoficinl in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and Imvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in DOe
and $1 bottles by all lending drug
gists. An/ reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand "will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
: Kid Gloves
J Thpy last loncrr and wear lii-ltcr than
any oilier makr. Tin-yarn stilishuutl
made fioni Bclcctcd skins only.
If your dealer does nnt have tlicm und
J yon \MinL to know Hiiiiothing ulx > ut the
! bEST CUUVES MADE wrllo to tlio nmtiu-
fnctnrcr lor his Illustrated hook about
; uloves.
MAMTtcTinui ,
J Joii.vutnvN.x. Y.
Why ib n , wii u some
houses always need re
painting ?
The owner has them painted
in the Spring ; by the Fall they
have a dingy , rusty , faded look.
A neighbor's always looks
fr esh , clean , and newly painted ,
and yet is not re-painted oftener
than every four or five years.
The first "economises" by
using "CHEAP" paint ; the
second using nothing but
trictly Pure
" Dutch Process"
White Lead.
The first spends three times as
much for paint in five years ,
and his buildings never look
as well. < t
Almost everybody knows
that good paint can only be had
by using strictly pure White
Lead. The difficulty is lack of
care in selecting it. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure
White Lead , "Old Dutch"
process ; they are standard and
well known established by
the test of years :
"RED "
Get the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
Mix them ( for color only )
with strictly pure white lead ,
and you will have the best
paint that is possible to put on
a building.
For sale by the best dealers In paints every
II you are polnc to paint , It will pay you
to tend to us for B book containing informa
tion that may savr you many a dollar ; it
will only cost you B postal card to do so ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets ,
I'rnpofciilK tor UuiiuivliiR Ulcctlon lliuilliH ,
BoalL'd inopoauls will lie rceiilvod at thu
romptrolli'r'H ollloc. to 4 p. in. , Norrmilier .
ISUi , for thu rnmoval of tlio bootlis to Hturuuu
linubu ittitl thu rii | lnoliiK ut thu MOVI rluctlun ,
The contractor niiruelni : tu lopluuu tliuin nil In
Kood onluri thcoitr buini ; iitiuiuxiiuntu rtliat-
ovar for nnv wiibtu of nmiorliil ur tirnakiiKO
iiliovo tl.u foiiir ua prluc. Thuxintriiotor ru-
cuilvliiK ono-thlrtl of coiuract iirlvu hun thvy
uruKtoiuil mid two-tli rcls when thuy slm I
nsaln bo replaced. A eortlfloil chouk of * .o to
iicconipiuiy onoli lild. TUo rlKht Is rosorvcil to
roloct uny or nil hliis.
Novoiulwr 14,189i TUCOUOltU OI. ON ,
> <
RIPAN8 TABULES riiruluUi *
the Ktoiiuuli , liver und Ui i-l4 , purlJ
fr tlio blooil. are wi/e udt > irrclualI |
I thu * * lunllclnu kluiu u fur Mllou * I
nt . uuibitliuvtlou. djr.ltptla. fuul *
liroth. litaum he , lieurtl'urn , tout of
iHllte , iLrut l voprwlAu , i lnful
ioa.andevtirynlrtAHerMultlniffroni *
Impure blood.or a fiJIiire by ( he * , U > er or lu-
ttvluiett U perform tkttrproiiorfunctlanB. I'taxim , ;
'inraa ' tooveneaUatranbMwntedbylaUA ftorf-
* ou
' uuhm L I'rlc l > y uiail.I ltr < " , t t laraiiU.Jtr.
I ItlTANB ClltUfCUL Oo"lM-prm' . . .N w Volk t
in full blast.
/V w y-W
/ /L A bine i\mi black
j 1 lining rv/cvV collar ,
* '
5 shades , Mack , tan , o.\/i 'rf bitc
and In-own , in enuine k
and fit us nctl ( is those
which sell at $ u , now .
Heavy anlntni me/ton in Mack
. anrf brawn , worth Yj.c ; ,
now . 9.00
A beaver in two si/tufas , bine and
J/.OO b ack\ also a kersey same color ? ,
. single or double brcastcdjlanncl
lining , 200 of I/ion , worth as
high as $ r6 > now
4.50 SPECIAL Alt wool cheviot diagonal ,
. in two shades in brown and
' ; tt' , at . / SO
in any fabric or color extant , from
$4 to $30
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
Worvo Seoda , "
the nonderful remedy
is sold nltli n writ *
irn riiMir * ' lo euro jlll nervous illi ca e1) , fliich AS Weak Memorf ,
iOisot Itiitu l'ow < r. , llmulnrticVakofulnuM , host Mnnliooa. Nlnhtly Einla-
. , .
slnn * * NcrvnnsriG q la"attiulo.nllilriln and lots of pnwt > rnf the ( ivnorntlvo
Oreain In I'lttiorsnxi-niisoil . ' liyovci oiprtion. jo'itlitul errors , or ciccsstvf
lire " f Kibr.crn. , opium or ntlmiiliuits whlcli onn loud to Inflrmlty. Coniump-
tlon inn Ihmuiliv. 1'ut . iipcoiivnnli'iijtocnrry Invcpt n cki > t. til per pact-
ncolijr mailirt fo"$5. With $ ' ' .
ovnryjiin1cr 'i' trfrcii imlttti. iju irantte tontn
} * LORR orrrjunitlhcmunv. Circular fruo. Address A ur * c ' < l Cu. , C'lilcuc" , 111.
For sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , Dotlfjo Blreol.
In tlio I ic.'ilrnonl of : i'l ' forms of
finfl all WoiiUnnss anil I ) soidi'rof
wlih loi-tof fiitirauo. iinibltliin.
and vltullty Cislitcun yuaraof
tin1 most ruinark.ililu siicLVSi In
tlio tro. Union ! of tins class ( if liUna-itii. wliluli
U lirovn'i by tlio nnivi'rsil ; tiiHtlnionr of tlinii-
Hiiiiils lie hu vu Uoou LMiiuil , Wrlt for olrou-
Inrs unit niiditloit list. 1 Uu mill J'.irniiin
( iii.inuH >
IGtli and Howard Streets ,
I'or tlio treatment ( if
Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases ,
riles , Fistula. FJKStm- and Slrlc-
turooi'tliM Kc'ctiiin '
ly cured without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Cntistic.
EucliHi ; If. lii htninps niul riur 107 IIIIRO HOOK
un IHSKAHIih nnil iui < slliin IlliinUh ,
win bu ritr.i : .
irriuN\TioN.\i. s ANITA HHJ.M ,
IGtli mill HoMurtl Sin. , Onialiu , Nrb
W. 0 MAXWKI.UM , 1) . , I'lOK. Xf.lUN lilt Biu.r
Our Writing-paper mnd Envelopes ; \Veddlnt ,
Xnvitatlons ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United Status. Send for samples ,
( UU Cobb' Ubnurr OO. )
16 Wabub Avc. , ChlUgo.
Farnam Streef
A merit .Vs Character Actor.
In Ms ncn lunmntlc coinciljr MICCCSS
\ piny llmt " 111 bcnr neuln und
'our nlKliln cdljinu'iic'lliK Hiindnr iiintlncc , NUT.
Mutliion VVctlnciilny
Tim iiurmnn liluluct Coiiicilliui ,
IT.TB I In 1 U now rnrMon
Snppnitod liy
llll.l.V KKSNKI ) . Tlio Irlili rmnpilliiii ,
MI'HTIIA illiollOl ! . Tlioll ( > riiiiiiiNlKlitliiinle.
I.l'iTl.i : CAHI.NO , TlioClillil Wnniler ,
'I liri'O Nithts. coniinoninx \ I'rliliiy. Nov. 18.
Mittiiil'iY Mnllnuo
iodine mill Ininu' lro I'linlnrtlun of thndreat
ItiU'rnutiiiiinl Mclo-Dranintio Snccogf ,
'i Cur Lonilmir'-ii > ni'r > ' - '
Ainiiylni. .Mi-rhiinlriil KI1
V&VB Ilio Tin Wlilln Via hi ullh Ill-ill .Mnnti nnd
hullH nnil I nil lllkvi'il In KVI-IJ I'aitleiilnrl
.Nli'l'i ; Incl li'iilnl In Act II , - < | ilko" llminp'oynnil
nllllllim Oii | > nu llr.-uiil-vrw I run Ml fp , In full view
UTtlll ! HlllllUllll' lll'llllklll' linilM'llMlllllUl
All tills WruK.
Over tlic Hills to the Poor House ana th < ir
Alhnmbra Vaudeville Co.
Inuliiillni ! linsirviMloiiln I /I II 1
NO iiimii'.it , IAIUU
y. M. t A. HALL .Sntiirlny I1. MIII I nu .
. .
Nor. Ill , 1 > ! > . ' ,
I liu I luliet I'ni't Tlic liilnill ililo Iliimurlit
III' rrvc'il t-culu 1'xMinil ( I "lid upc'in 'llnir'Unjr
iniiriiliii ; ITIh tit U n in nt C1.U10 .V KiMjr'9. IIIH
iffT MONDAY , M. 21
Evonlner Conco t at 8:16. :
Incoinpui itiin Concrrlh hy Ihu Orlfi'nal ' ,
I'an.oim nnil Only
Dodge City Cowboy Band
I'rop and Uon'l MaiiK'r. Dirjclor.
MI.SS IKlltA WIU'.V. l'4-lma DOIIIKI Hoprnnn.
Mr. A. II. K : II.I < , AiiKtrli'U'MfuvurltuCoriiutliit
IMhis MAIIIK. MrNKir. crimtun I. tdy CornetUt
Mr. lUid'li Koreiu tlio riiunoinunul llanto.
Ilo crvod Heuti. 75o and 11.03
AclYiinco iiulu ut Max Mayor liro. Co. ' *
Juwulry vturo.