Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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B \ \ T1LTON. - MA A Efi.
A ' l i inhmK ' c.
i ri. UL luffs LaaalKT O. .
uc of -
T ie ' t in
i" -Hi J f Biso > 's
2 i „ , - * . t'i Mrs. tS. H Ji clW " ' , W
I ir " . Ui an n form Hn new Wi-
111 L. . r.T I ncmal .Bo b a oT Hes-
It. re fjr mother fcr B. H LJUWMJ
Ot. '
U .u < . ii > iinr | Harmon v chuwtur So.
"i r < .or if ho iCmturti * tnr 'it Vttiotii"
rtr i - i B i. By orJer oforthv
M.v n
T- * * o. .v u prr 4in"rn erwit&d msr-
riase c"t , " " rpvi rrtav Jotmtitn * Jen- * * ! !
Htul fcT-i tVamt of t'ooncil Bluife. vVriUiin
I JUB as un-l Nallie I'eUn&on of Omaha. 'Ine
Inf r wore marrutl 'iy JusUeobivfurinirfn. .
rbn infant ctulilot Mr. ami Mri. Walter
i. ' mll.l .s dBiiufrmiMr ill * rhti Eidtihrant * .
rms erosip , .1 iJiie Smith win < -omiic.iid to
dl miM tistr . cmrt vrstenlnr tn rd * r tnlgh' tin il tha bwlsldu al 'U" lltliO
T u * UM drtii-s . .inwn aUm mil war van-
oHiMs ar holding tiiKbtlv tintni'i tn '
Fifth avciiufj Mi'tlioillstcaurch nnd oon-v.tinr-
nine of a rcvif * l uitprent Is EanUcsf. Tbr < *
icera mppcinllv * i.iilful in tfn art of tallilni ;
to railway men.
Thu rt * Jcnro af < itorro .V Car'er. i.'IJ
Avptiun 13 W.T thd icftio of : i small tltt
Weiliifsduv niubt. caused uy a lump ex-
p.i sion llio front prrt nf thu hous wn
turn what finnucil , Out the rtr vvis ex-
tlncui . .lod Ov pfivertnt } it iMtii tied quilts.
Thu YanrK Mun's ClirUtmn asaoclattnn
liclu u uiiinn aieHVtni ; 1 i t evi nin2 at Um
First Pr slH'urun vniirch. U was -veil
nUi.vmrd ind 'h-J uxercl < > wer- > very ItiUT-
cstlni : Dr 1'Uultn iloiiverml iin address
and tntiKkf w-is fumistiBtl Cv ttiu mumoers at
tlio ntFortntion
Jim l ar in 'a iK a jun tjelnnsitnu'cvaune
mnu niitned sbeilbnn somu tMno an" and
roftisud to eivu i' Uack. SHUtiiC lit ! aid not
bave . ' Y'sterdav maraini ; ne sncsltrd
Into hliellliun s place , dropped Uiu fan on
tbu and ran as if thu null t z caileutor
was after him. 1'bo nolicu were aftur hiui
durinii the alU'ninon w.tii a warrant fur His
arreu'on Uiu cnar n af larcctir.
WoriUot rniHlvVimlnir
Our fall order of winter underwear ia
now on sale. We invite inspection on
this line of merchandise ; it always has
bcim the pride of The store , and we in
tend making it more so thnn ever tins
wiiiaon. H.ivinj placed our orders curly
in the year when the mills were runoin * ;
11' lit. t enabled us to make better CI > H-
tr-c'a ' w * h the mnnufafturers. which
ri'pr--i uf "ome of thu moat reliubio in
thu east.
Our New York buyer placed our
01 dors .uon , ; with our"eastern connec
tions , mak HIT an ortln.r of over oi.'ll
case * of underwear , and for Inisreilaon
we thinli our advantage better than tiny
merchant 'n Iowa.
Gr-ij riboed vu-ts. extra long , also
w late at 25c. Pants at 33. ! .
Three ci * ( " ladiu * ) ' plain .ind riDbed
vestfa and pants , nu-ely liniehed goods > ,
at ! ! . ! and JJL'c ' , ia worth comparison.
Our -50c line of ladies' underwear is
compo'-ed of live c-ises. all different
miikea , white , ecru , gray , natural , both
plain and ribbed.
Lames' bne ribbed vests and pants in
white , eiru and natural is a bargain at
Plain knit vests and panta 31.00 , il.2u
nnd 31. . " > 0. very line wool.
Saxony wool ribbed veals in high col
ors at 31.25 are worth seeing.
Dulles' oil wool black vests and pants
reduced f am SI.3D and 31.75 to S1.25.
Equestiian tight , in black all wool ,
extra weight , il US and iil-10.
Gents" gray shirta and drawers , all
null made. 2oo , . .S.'io5c. ! ) .
At 5Vc we show a fine soft grey , ran-
di m-in xuil and camei's hair uuxture-i ,
the best ine of - > ilc goods in the market.
Our 7"c , $1.00 shirts unit drawers in
natural wool ire better thibuiison than
ever , rur Jl.iiogaruiiMit being made from
pure Aust-Ulan wooL
See oilier bargain * ) marked Sl.oO and
iin nil the popular grades. )
Wo carry six dillercnt lines and a full
linn of sues.
White and grey veals and pants lOo to
Red all wool underwear 2oo up.
Fine grey all wool underwear from
5o tip.
Infant's shirts in merfno. all wool nnu
Pothenngham , Whitelaw A Co. , Coun
cil Blutfrt , in.
N. B. Mail orders promntlv attendutl
ta All orders sent either per isxnre" !
or mail free of charge.
Mis D wv of Now York In visltinir Mrs.
Churlts T Stewart , 2H Harnion strvet ,
ll8s Ida fasauy laft ycneniuy for Mount
Pleasant , wnerosbu will vt-dt tho" Missus Mc-
Miss OP ah Cook Ore * three times a
\\oulc. Du * > urt HI cauls.
A late invoice of eteneiUo curtalnl
nnd Smvrni rugsat'ow ' pri.iut. Cuunm
RlulTn C urpel company.
Gentlomun. thu'litiust line of [ all ironds
In the city , just rueeivoJ. Uoitar. thu
tailor , jlll Broadway.
Silhouette i-OL'iiil , Blsbv'd , uitifght.
\rint il Ills r-iy.
The toanl of supurvison was ousr duriiitf
a Bood stmra of ve terdav itti ttm Bills of
pt-oulu wbo huil ni'lpi'd ttiu knncnroo DJl.ot
law UnocU out thu prahlbitiuu tuny a wcett
nt-o , either Qv bnrninc thn inidnicnt oil aver
thu returns or by funnsliin rooms for ibu
roi ag bomua la b sot. up in. I here suemrd
to bo a rurpnulnc unnuticlly in the fata of
tiia hills prt * < iintil , the only VHnmions uenitf
tuMly soLOutiUid for by thu ililTerenuu in p o-
pla'a Iduua as lu hoxv uiuuh thn oauiuy
fatliera wou dstanil wittouta ircmorof pain.
'Ibu bills af iJiu jtidces anil clcrlii ran till n.le
way from SI toilli , thi * quir thinir about it
toinn that 'heimutl nil ) % v n put in -enur-
tilly Uv thu inun wliu nun a job that lasu-il all
nisht , and ! nu arju onu bv ifaa man who
dtuu't Uuve luuuu 10 . ' lani
ao. 1'bo biir nuu woru
rut nn two for i bu most part Lrs trouldu
nan had wilti the onu fur r om renr , Q th
luaulonln bad oourr iu < a as to tbu value of
real extttu than of personal eiJuru. Is is es.
timaleit that ttm jifii < in tulip il ! run up
ron > < * ffhura in ilio v'uiii'ty of { 2.U90 uufuni
tnuy ara all snitiiHi.
HuUilay photos , out priuen , 11. , % for
cahinuU * , for HU nays. Cuttagu jmllurv
' J'
RJley'i old-dtand.
Coal and wood ; best aad ohuapoit
Mibbouri hard wood in thu ulty ; piromut
dcUvery. H. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
Thu Radiant novulty bivsu burners
are the bust buaUi.-a tu the city. Su j
tlium ut i3.falnt ' <
Eoyal A'ch Maaani Jfwt ia B nlnr An-
-Irfllro * nT UVIrttine : mil Mtfter
lln ) " * Mpotlnsr U'nlarleo
a tH Nail.
r it
MoytM .Vrch Mn-oiis n-a h id
morning at th Manama tempki.
( ram ail | tn * of i a WHS pi-went , to 'So
number of in , < t . " > ' . at tfca opening , tha
nutnMr b na ojusiticmolr incraated or
arrivals durmit tnu roranuofl. II. v K. J.
Bibcock , rpctarof sl Caul's cttuna of tbil
cltr mndP un HU Jros- ofT tueitm on ttebaif
of-tto Members if the lou a of ' 'aunoil
Bitiir- . unit W.t.lntti Utlbrntsam of Cra-eo ,
crsnil higa pries' . tti4de a rwpin'o for ttto
visitors. This * uiluwna b * toe rtMdmg
ot 'he .inntml report < if tbe hiijli priusl ,
wbiPb how tl ail 'jraticttw ot ; he aMer to be
in kr Ml eontiiUon. The report of lb trein-
urn * sboui'il Uiat tn tutul ruteinu af bis
jiSec durlnc thu rear bad oeon j"4. . ? ? and
Um disutinatnents JVHU 4"
W uerioo. To. , was tbs nmce Bsed upnn for
'hi ; pxt mii"iuu nnd October IlM 1. f'.H.
lor Uiuitiio. .
I hi' lulloutnc ulHcef * Wfra electcu for the
ionuuear r S. Flptchir of Atlantic
cmnii aub prte.t. VV i ran ; of D < ? *
Atolni-i. aopiuv ran l hicli priest. A. N.
VtVcrMti \Vashln2ioB , L'ranii Itlnt" t , T
\Wld. aratni siiKbu. T J. Van Horn of
Mount Hit-jaunt , grantl treiisurer. Aitiu -
cute ot De * Mointy. cnitid * ecretarv rtju.o
illlutiM will Uo insiallpd this mnrnlnu tid
ua cskiiiii will prodiOly be completed bj-
The \ . l T. O. has .uulfu t vo m-w
i.tcKs to iu Inrt'u tnd will an w r cnlls
it- li Hour * * , dny nr inulii. 1'uluimone ,
7' ) : olllci . S Main
MIH .1 .1VadPWortli w 1 ! take a 'im *
'cd number of pupils in VUILU C'liture at
JO" l'.rstavpiiue.
The gonitino liurr Uak * t v ( H a-o K. . . .
.n'y . ' uy 'hna waiao. 7 ! " Brotilway
Call and S < o
Snhnuetto six-ial nt I. C Bixfo
iveniny. Kvcrj body welcome.
VII Vbiiilt ii lliilrlii. |
Six pcuplo cnmoux-ur fi-oui Omaha \Vpdnta-
Inv nicht foi a ntbc , qutut 1'ltlu ' ronnii un ,
anil four of tlicia ara uo < v in the city jail , all
ijre.iuse of tue iib oncc ol a naimln DC-
Rca to one of ttio p rtv Tbo bturoln w.os
not one of the Uvc-cent-i-p.ioUauu kiuil , so
thnt ttic oiTei e xvnjctt is rlnimcU to have
been committed is uot so nisi nilicant as it
miyht seem. In fart , it ivas a gold pin vrttu
j aiamonii. or soinctliitii ; liUi1 tOnf. setlic ; : ,
anil tun value of It is tiseii at $ ) . i'da party
' .vent to a roudhontu in K st Brondu-av anil
spent iho mcnt there. On loariiifr , U H.
Kupcn ot ICuarnuy. "eb. , r.otu-cil ttint th
nairpm. which bo bail been carry-
iu ( ; in Qis poekntran mUsinc.
Hu nt onra surmi'uil that it bail
tJi-un stolen , ami tfettluc into b'b ' bug y drovu
in hot liustetoiUi ) point * tlat.on. wa'ura hu
to'd ' tin i urr of His v.-oes 1'hc rest of the
Em.-t.j- baa pollen a lilt'e toe start of aim , outer
or dome * nmu fust urnrmir tin-pnhcs over-
tnnl , thrm just belf-vr the Northne era
Ufjiot They were brouint up in poUca
court vcstenlay inornln ? on s11'bnrsB of
larceny frum a U iitdmt ; rtir-y cavu their
nuini'3 asV N Morcau. ( ] : ireiiL-o Uunnull ,
M.iy Folev anil Mienon Lurov The Foley
psri tppcarcrt 'o be a neiv bund at rolico
court Business , anil tola in a straiEntfo-vanl
\vr.y a storv that maun tuini a look bad tor
on i ) at least of ber companions , bhe claimad
tbut bin ; suxv Monrnn taka tbo pin cut of
Hanert'a porket. Tha pin was after-
waria fouuu ivintr in tbu bottom of tbe
psr which had been occupied by the
four parUf wbo ara now in jail fha
Lcroy"voman wafa bcant adrainistenni : i
severe roasting to acr youoircr coapanion
for telline tnu story sbe did to tbe court
Tbu c-isa has been continued until tbis laarn-
iuir , when one at least of too carty will in
all prounmiity De bound over to the grand
] ury.
Thu correct naino of tbu Folev sirl is s"id
to be Belle fajrri" . and that of Donnellv ,
jfbwton MuCov. fbi'V tiavo bec-u uspccod
for some timu pist o. " beir.i ; too mtitnaU"ind
it is siinno ed tlmt McCoy , wbo bus a wife
and children , will Und ihuvonl "panuiloons1'
on tbe ( ioorpliiiu when bu anes home. The
reit of Uie partv reiristereit theirright names.
Miss E. J. DiiL. . is olusicg- out nor
stock of notions nt k-ss tlian cost , 500
Main sueet , opt.o = itu Kiel'3 hotel.
TOixiople m tnid citr 1133 jii Co. rwtn.'PTj in it o-iat.
Coal and Woou. ftukett& Pre-iton.
Gliii Broadway. Telephone 14.
U'.ntiMl IV'jl. KrlKtltxnril.
Since William Walton was bound oror 10
thu gnind jurv on tliu cbunjo of jnaot-
Inir Ji-rrj" Euix nbilu out buntmj. bu
has cotisultea an attoraoy and bis frtonas ,
and tt boa bcuu decided lUat tta cusu against
him sbail not ou ailowod to ya by uufault.
Tburo are a uoou manv f'ODia 'vbn huva investigated -
vostigated the case muro or luss and have
como to tbu coaclusion that tbo bov is not
guilty of raurdur. and only mot with his
warm reception from tail carouer's Jurj' an
account of his evident iiiteutinti to decetvu as
to tbu circuaisiuuces of ihu a if air.s tunics
nuw stand bu must stay In j'Ul un
til tbo srauu jurv cnnvetit * * m Jauuarv ' ,
wbuu bo will uuuuiititfilly ou dlsc&arccd for
lacK of eviuum < to pruvn tbat au bad Jy
sinjhtust motive for sbuaiin ? bis frtcud.
Tbu onlv ihiii , uati ruuitfro a Mlu aum-
murv treaiiuert b h us rtn-tuvad it > a unud le-
son about lulling ttio truth tbu next 'Imo tin
no's into trouble. Ilif. ( rionds claim tbat he
would uot Uuv = > patched up tot ) storv bu dm
if Im bad not ureii frightened half out at bis
wits , anil ibcv havu accordlimir made a tm > -
Uon to hnva his waiver of examination sot
aMiti' . This na D un done , and be will be
brought Detoro Jusure liaramar niam tor a
tlua afternoon at J o clock' .
Don't fciryut that -s.vtunu selU the
Elmiiurdt stoves.
Set' tho- oil humors .it Sivnine' , 7.J7
XlorH liiiu * > \VantHil. .
If you Iiiivo any dilllculty m fitiJinf.
tciuints lor yiiur hou c u'.law us to puc
ourai'd on it for tun Jays , you will be
Dliituti wuh ru.iiiits.
Tbu format installntion servnws of Rev J.
H. Davis it. pnt-tor of tbo First Bapiiht
cburob will 'auu plut-a Suuaay afvemoini at
; t o'clock. Tbu invocuuoii will bu ov Ru" .
W C. LeviclJof uvtButbary BapUttoUuruh.
-unpturts readlnij uv RBV. H. H. Barton of
tbe rrinltv Metbouut will be foiloixed
pmarbv Huv. tl. I' Dudley of tun iSroiul-
uv Methodlil. Kov.V P hellinirs of thu
fint Bupiist cburvti of Omanu uill preuca
! Mir nrn ai I ' . I Mluh in > a
i hnit if 'h > * hu'vll , v i tw IP iiM1 ret ! * IT li f
J.ifcrnti > Vi > , and nnnull jf 'lieh ii-n
f 'ftp nt i 4 Ifnr MopBi'n I'ht-'tM. ' Mr
Dftttn win r * > uiBit. aud inv MTTiom tvUl tte
atOMl n-it * 1 tij n n and 'M beneoieilna. Ida
will bear treat ia legist to tlia But ) .
of t * dty. ai , rail M IB jilHir
D vl ' * ind
for Mle. M ( Lihrnifa. .
. \ dull- Hit < l InfnrniiUllni.
Mayor Reert of Munatvn vrta IB
Hammer's court Tf -rir ( tor tbe
of hrt/inu nil rrnutation as n htw
eiMtnt and nt. tc iccomtttrnmUnt :
vindicated. Several weetts ao B * wat nr-
rcitcd on i warrant from Jastiaa C n < '
court , cfiurgln ? him with the mrrnv of
i bushels of oorn north M cents n
Thu infortmtiioii was Uleit nr John
Tec-.voml i ; ntin who ttiu u * > en ilvtda ou
MJioa of K ed-3 nroppi-tr for some time pu t.
K ed nuii wj e ' d to his tenant I0 t tt ,
iiiicnt < > n arnwaole fov < x > th parUes for htm
Mi nay ino rant , a suireostioti wai < < b. Herd
sars. was trontmi witb ( li lam. K * d there-
utxsn proceedml to mtih i low on the
tsnti'i crons without colni ; throuali tbu
preliminnries of tilinc a nctitton ant
cettifi : .1 urit or attnchoant. The case was
tarten to Tustico Hammer an n cinuisv of
venue , and whan itvas called uo yesterday
tlia tesUuiony introduce ! by HoKwo"d wns
to thu jtTi'i'l that only nbnut forty-ave
itiishels had open taken Ta cjuet-r discnv-
ervvis ; l o innae 'hat .Iu tiL-e t'oues bad
ni'Klectod to out nls John Hanc-ck to thu in
formation or to till Oii 'bo Ulntilt orn\ idea at
thu top for the nntnu of tlie Jn * < tico before
whom thu casu was to IN : tried , t'bu casu
wu : not rcutiy in eourt it All. and the de-
fendntit was disrtinrod summarilr Whether
another utt of he tame kind will ba ooui-
nicnceil renuins to oo ' > eu , as tbo proseout-
itii ! wltuess. accouipinied bv tuu .vbolu towu
nt Mnnaxva. uho nad oomo with him. oitfcer
B wiluiwses 01 * as , sppct tors. lelt ilio court
room ivi.haut sa % mhut te would do.
S. li rp.Hveivuchniuker : , 74'1 li'w.iy.
Don't foi'r ( t to attend thu thirl ttn-
nunl bill ! ami suinKsr utvuii by tlia ( ifnnd
iiutol b il buys at Mnsotue teuipiu , Nov
ember Si
Day A He = s hnva n lnrrc of men work
ing on the "onils through thu ICioin
trnut. Buy flve or tea tu-res there while
it is
Tliti OlkHit1. * * CoMtrni'tiMt rrtitn .t M 'Tic.iu
Ilurty-lUo . rs AJIII.
Physicians v > ho have heard the slory
of Philndi'lpliin's wiininn leper , says a
diMpatch from tliut c.Vx to thu New York
Tribune , pronounce her ease uniiue in
j 1 ' its development. Seldom , they say. baa
' the disease fallen upon one of the Cau
casian nice , and ilil. lesa frequently uuon
I anv native , in this country and climate ,
rfuun rare caeeof leprosy as hive been
reporteu in people of American birth
have usually b * * < > n contracted In foreign
j lands by intimate association with other
. victim * . . The conuitian of the woman
ui question was lir-t brought to the nt-
i tention af the health luthoritiua of this
i city in Auyruht liiht. up to which
time no one hail -suspected what
I her real tifllicuoa wns. She was-
! examined bv n well known specialist in
i skin [ Ie t'xnrcssed the
I opinion that - > he waa a leper. The
woman's appearance nndvmptoms
justified tbo conclusion. Hut * limbs
were covered with daiK blotcheji of
thic-jened and discolored cuticle. =
of these l > eing equal m sua to the palm
of thu hand , and .n hue approaching
bron/e. Her fiue waa diaiiirured DV
spots of similar nature , though .smaller
and somewhat nodular in form. An-
aestne'-in , although not marked , waa
sutrgu ted in the comparatively blight
sensation apparently produced upon
the blotches by pnuUing them with a
pin. At the samu time the patient's
nppelite waa of the best , she suffered
no pain , and no other unf.ivorr.ble
"ytuptoins could bo discovered.
The doctorsnuestionedthe | woman por-
ai-tently to flnil out if she had at any
time been associated with another leper ,
and finally learned that thirty-live years
ago she hud lived with .1 Mexican family
in this ? city. TRo head of the family
sutfered long with what waa pronounced
elephantiasis and she hod. cared for him
in bib illnesf. which ut last proved futai.
The Mohican's son also died during her
j. vj , _ . ( . ju the family , from wiiat was
tuptJOscd to be tyjhoid fever. It was a
number of y ara after ther-a incidents ,
about the tmi : aiio of the v\Oman's
children was born , that lirst the warn
ing lesions appenri'l on one ofherlimbs.
The spots -oon ills ippcari'd. however
and -ho feit no alarm. Her liitiu ones
grew up to manhood and \voicanhood
her hair whitened with age , all without
further premonition of the dreadful fate
awaiting her. Some three years
ago a few blotches made their ap
pearance , at iirst so small and feu
in number iw to attract little at
tention Last February they began to
increase with alarming rapidity , am
the \voman Bought medical advice. The
physician who -\as lirst consulted fanei
to dingonozo tno trouble proparly an. ;
treateu her sever-il months without nn
proving her eondit.on. Then she came
to Dr. We ! h of the Muiucmal hosnit-
After hearing her story th" ciu-
) were convinced that they had found :
I genuinu case oi lopro y , which they be
i lioved had been contracted from the
j Mexij.-m years before , his -uppo-ei
i elephantiasis being identical in some o
I Hi forms witll iipri- ( . ' To at-suri
i thi'uiHlvi'ho'vove - % tin1 health olllcinl
i submitted I'onio ' of th. nom-in'a ti. 'ue U
I tlio L'nivsrhity uf Pennbylv mm for IMC
I terioiogical examination. This revoaici
i tbo pre-nnco of bacilli resembling tho- *
of tuborculoiif. The information thu
obtained only served to support th
opicioiin already expressed , the mi'dica
niun declaring that the bacillun of Up
rosy strongly ru-embles that of tuber
culocis , while it is uuhko thu germ o
any other duuase. As the woman ha
nonu of thu v'motoiin of tuborculosi
there nnn but the onu altorautivo con
ulunion that she was a leper.
Shuvat ! told that she would liavo to
o t < i thu LuiKT lazaretto , whore two
olhi'f vicUins of fit * dread ttisaiibo wore
already confintd They are both < limn *
tnu n in advanced sumus of loproay. At
her urgent entranty , to prevent her
children from baing oitraciaeil , thu oiiy-
hicianb agreed that itcr ii.iinii shou.d
nov r bu maue public. Then ho went
to her ionir i.oiirtnmuiitit , which dent a
ulono will terminate. > he is (17 vi.s
n.old. . unJ h.i * livjd all her IKu in this
city. A soparatu building has 'w'en
ureuted within the Municipal ho pi
Uil grounda by the city for
the Ubu of the thive l pei3. Within a
few weeks u Hill havu been furuinhud
Highest of aj m Leavening Power. Latest U S. ( ov't Report
m' * h ti uiu i MI i t'i
I'ti TIIHI' vh ifl ' i-Ti'nni 1 tv 11
n , " "i in ' biT * * * f t MSl n OIHH fn i-
ciil1' . ! n this ' "til ilwfr tint thf e'M'i
fowl wl. ! tH pn i ! Jr Nl' i''wwh' ' * \ i
attflndnnt.rho voltiti'ai / n for ( i - -
for thi * tiir 'w T iuur ! " . \
is nn old Tinn T"m yunrs \ \ > - hna
the ow v
Ul > * * rvnttiitiN nf i I.or of tnti Itt-nulilnl
III * < iil irr.
It fa not evnrj \ * > nr ihnt tins thprtnoin-
ntr drops to tMrty'li V" " s > wlttwr.fro
in otiifiorn Twwa. n > * ili i thy * inorninjf.
invq n writer in th Country ( ; . -'i-mnu. !
Thia to th fourth , winter " * nta 'hnt > liv
jf ne was rwu'hed on my back r > ° " oh.
About the middle of tin1 month * heavy
fall of guowrune , and for a < rteli the
thermometer mnrKoii voider evuiy . .iv.
The nrtlria in unbroken wlu'tv fs-
pnn o. iX'-ept in the mmodinic vioiniiy
of thu gitiv < iiholt rell hunvateaiN.
" \h. " i murUed thumHtron. th l rds >
are all jronu now. " " [ will o forth
aw. " T ietlietl. o thouldcr'ngmv tar
get ritlu. Ireing cnrefui to wrap up > \ ' ! ,
t sitiliLil forth.
A fo > v atejw brought inn to tin'rov. .
n bit uf primeval \Vnnl . in vvhu-n I suf
fer not even the duful brush to b < - di * < -
turljeil. Them isu't any mnro thin
three nuru'b of iU ynt I piofoi * it 'o inv
three tu-ros tuut 1 SHW in LVntru unru.
It nnluro without har'irtiloon luiv
\\ihi.Miiiluh\ays f'llt of jl.ul > ui prif .
Thu laatlrciipo man m ouuiuno hinihu
trut's tower aloft , 1'fting1 uo ivvcaitn nf
branflic" . Unit touoUiur bv infitrsi\eot
anil thu wild ( rrtipu. to thuir toumuHt
Thohittorswyot .s a ntinitint .TOW or ,
antl on < hrititinug itf vivtil icii oerni1 * )
nre 111 fruquent dcmnntl to de < " -it ' * ho
honii * m.idu Christmas true in ' .ion of tiio
traditional holly. I hait na lid h.uuii
hickory aaiilini ; ft > taunud vitti birttir-
sweut , and with tnvt < of oeimr tic-U to
tlio uaad ! biaiiclu's. : ia any holly tioo
that I over tiw in the woodb of Te ino -
see and MissisMiipi. The .jirla ind
tiicii"fel ows" toke it hi'iirtv inlet " .t
in tnakiu-r this ti-eos i-s nuuriy UKo tlm
lianiliivnrK of nature as poUlt ! . Th-a
reitolt is fruqueiiUy very inten'htiiiiJ and
Scarcely had I re..chcdthosisirt of the
grove when I heard thu ilarm notes of a
tlovk of quails. I halted , and peering
round , discovered them huddled in a
thicket af plum --proutaimd hor-eweeds.
I turned aside and left them in peace. I
made up my mind -onu > year * ago that ,
so far as I could , they should roam un
molested over any land of mine. Their
cherry whistle of "Bob While" is autn-
nier cuinlen ed. Besides , winter ia enemy
enough for them. They ara not a hardy
fowL A sudden fall of temperature is
death to many a quail. The skunk , thu
mini ; and the weasel run riot unionir
them. To me the wonder is that one
should survive.
Everywhere under the plum and crab-
appltj trees the snow vas- packed by the
feet of many rabbit ? , who feast upon
the fallen fruit , which they no-e out
from under the snow , Thev are very
fond. too.of the young shoots of a dwarf
upland willow , which { irows plentifully
on thu poor points of Uie brunus over
looking the creeks. Thev ara also ex
ceedingly fond of the J > ! irk of last year's
growth of sumac , ihrttfinL11. and thereby
killing. Jianv a sprout. This is their
only useful otllcc : in other respects they
aru a nuisance.
In the midst of the ti-ees an atmos
phere entirely diiTerent from that of the
prairie prevailed. The iir was temper
ate. A small llqck of horned larka
were busy ou the snow above the fallow
plowing. These bJi'ds'are much -career
than when the prairie was first settled.
I know of no reason for this , as I ni ver
knew of anybody kiliiiur one. Their ex-
termin itioii will be a loss. Tjev are
essentially a bird of the road , tinaing
much daify food dropped by the tmvei.
Their song is a faint yet curiously faith
ful copy of the meadow-lark : nence their
common mine.
Standing by the side of a bur-oak. I
was presently saluted by a chattering
blueiay. With his t3-pieal squalling he
collected a haif-dox.en or more compa
triot ? who. after pretty thoroughly 111-
mo , Ilew elf , doabuc-s re-
me ac hnrinlesA downy
woodpecker tapped aw y on a uead
Dranch aliove me , inakinir the bark liy
at anv rate. Some nuthatches were cx-
plorintr the shngbarit h clcories near by.
and chickadees chirped contently amid
thu lower branches of the grove. Crows
were noisily oros-ing the prairie to the
woods along u ueurtiboring creek , but
stooped at a hedge whe-e a couple of
large ha-vKs were -ittinir motionless ,
watching for a breakfast of various uen-
i/ens of the hedge. The crows evi
dently did not like the looks of the-e
kites for they let them alone and
continued their ( light. I heard the
cheerful warble of pmelinches goinj
toward the house , nnd was vUitetl by , i
Hock of snowuiidt * , brown and slate-
colored , feeding in < i patch of earslf si
weed at the edge of the grove , a. line
specimen of the great northern shrike
sat motionless on the top of a young elm
in a dra-.v ol the prairie The name bv
which this bird it * generally known is
uiousehawk. He Is" not often seen in
summer , but in winter is a familiar set
ting in thu landscape.
I nalkcd toward the house. A rabbit
started up before me. ran a little way.
and then sat down. I drew a bead on
him and carried him home. As I laid
him on the porch the matron -iinl
"Weil , you did liud sumo uitln life"
When I gave her a synopsis of nu
stroll , "Indeed , " * aid shi , "I'll match
vou acainht tha world in finding Hrlsl"
TakeTimeto Deliberate ,
but when the titnu for action a-rives ,
-.ton th.uiung and buv a bntt.e of gfiiu-
inti Cat Ibbnd anruuul sii.t. Ii.Bint best
natural aperiout and .iitaraijws o\tan' ' .
T'le giMimno imported ar'uli * . bin ino
iiijnatui'o ul "Fibnur v MeniH'lb < iii t'o. .
Agents. Now York , mi ever % ixitt e.
A.IK n sof Dye ii anl * " uanln ilmm iiua
I tlrMs.tJ.BOf tuu art. t'aduj alU sli.nei
thriua niiJu to , uao. uuuj , ii au r
U'urk ynmipt.y dumf and iioliv rflJ m tU
p .ttbut iuu - ojii'.rynJ far ur ut > .i L
C A. MACilAN. - - 1'UUL'i.lEruiL
Uruailw iy NSir if ri t t J i i
C IDf I II VfVt. Il Ti
Or Uie ? j > iu c Itauit Ii . .llUlr turcU
as * aUuiliiUirrliiv Dr.
It oan ba invra in 4 mp i i c0 or ' < , or In food.
= ! Ure at hetultrnt. lll b alai lr
wul c eel a ptrninrnt acit ip lr
pitieat i A moc r&ie dnfik r or
t. Ilnu b eu iiven in xjwu nd
pi ante. i d u Trry tnttann a ptrltet onre au tal.
, OM d. u mm r Pull. T i. r = > aat .avr iotiK )
( lib IBB tflhjiar , t twooiBM aa ult - i
7r tb liquor profit * 10
.ui.iiKN tt : < ii ( ii ; 4u rep ji. m > H .ioi. o
* * -
TV ] M B * " of
auiiu i. i a. lilli and Dusia * sts. . H-tn * n i
< l > i- ' \ no . il
- a > i a. t di IBX i
aauarj ua ur. . j. uojaaa u
lie i - n 'ii > in L ii m
i i id is n '
Would 1 You Like to Bay Paint at Wholesale
j ' VVv. wan' ' . ) * i-ii \ HI jvtinta vul - * \ t-rvthnisf i ti in. tiij \t t' ' . t'rt nnil
I .t > . Tbe , t 101 * * il n' ' HI 'joiiij'it x iu nitibahh pain * " a nm ' 01 * t. \ \ > v . ' .
j * nll von rtii j.ilUin or lon.'HMi illmi-i of mv hntuls . . ; 4' ' - . Now v 'm..i
your nttenitun. r * id thie4t of this xntl i-oinpir in < * t vi4u ! u > u pi . .
St. L iui i l Kd. To per Ib. B " y 13ro . h u-d oil , j at can ,
{ lend , 'lf Hi
per l.rtd w > r g il.
! ln lenil. u- - . per Ib.
. np loml * a pfp i'\ Berry Bro * , Imrd oil. I g.I. can. * 1."i
| Lmn < nl oil , boiled , We per nl. Other hard otis , from il.lM ) to il.-W
Lmeceil oi" . n\v , JBc per * ffftu
Phint oil. ' * " < wrrti. . MitiL-r-ii pi'ita ' , Urv. f.-otn l-fi * to * i .
, irii e 'Jt- , ftii less. Mi'HTii n.tititsjnitma 15 oi' . to to HI
' The Acme Mixed Paint
2 ia i i V.- n > * j i i a i ai . ii a x
Dt'r _ ' i .1 i i.i i. -r > 'en t > i i or - - n > * , jo g u on
v o v . . ou at * I ' " '
> r t : i. u .
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wv j - cilou it " ' , ) j"i .on.
i ! i. atiio jooaa < i ir n . < - iru > , i.i.l n\\
1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTempb.
More sold th m ai' others . 'om'inL-il. Do act V diio. . M 'iv .11. t itors or oy
those elaimin juj have almost as ijood a Buy oniy the SANDWICH
CORN SH3LXiEH and be protected by uirect < juaranteii from rehiblu manufac
turers. You . -an alwiye di > ptnd - knut
inon our rcpnirs beingknut in btock by ail local
dealers. .Vnjly for om a : cy send for catalogues and prices. SAJNDWICH
NUPACTHH.ING CO , Couai'il Blj'fa. Tovva.
> K 'he urt n aT < 1 it u l i l nt-i * I ni.v
wi will t-il v u Hnd 1 * * * * u lat Ui.ln till.II
M'KIT i t.s r Kr iH - Kulltlj | > . n II'
Plum - raiikiu - ir * nuti. a- * , f < pr , ir iii * ui.i. ttiu
e/3f S ire. Co.
Jewelers and Opticians.
Fnruain auJ nftuuntli it
ToP lvcr on. \VmtlSmit'i. . U.W Mi-run1 mil
hair" it iwr.iliiism. . , KountztaeteuM > l.
Ciiliurmu Kii i itziIns wife IH-ruj.iii
Kau'itzu. Lutnt-r K unt/i * . rhnrieII. .
Jvounize M it ) it i < i trdinur. Vil.iilnu Ruth
C etin-Miiiiii llro vn. M ir-anst \ . Do > ur anil
Mary Dun Olli.ii
You int berfliv not II > il tliat tin * underJ
sicaeil. Uiree iliaiulertistiitl freoliumurs of thu
city of UnuUiti. UHVM Luen duly tpiiumted liy
tlio niuvor. null the .ipuruvnl of tlm olty
cnuncil of sail ! uity tu a e < > - > ihu < i 1111:11:0 : to
tliu owners resDectlvuiy of tliu nrupertr
ili-o nrnil ny onlliiuij ni-i-oss iry to be .unru-
prt ituil f r tlio use of i.ild uity. for tlio iiitr-
pu-e uf oDeiiuu Htiii oYtonillns Htli strPsr.
from the uliu- unit nurtli of % : clioi -itrut'U
nurtb Ui tiie Mintli linn if I'aditiifk I'lu c. mil
fJora tliosoutii linuof I'liiluueiv 1'i.iro niirtti lu
Oliiii sireol. anil upi-uiti. : anu cxTPiidiiij Cl i k
strcxl. In Ctiiiiiiii liiiin s inliltlliln frriin its
urexunt wi'sicni tunniniis wit to Utli itrot-t ,
so uxtemliMl. us shown bv .i-uud lu at ,
rroin tno oltlcb nf tlm eity fii int'or.
\ou ara nntllluil , time liavlti ; .iccctitotl
* uul appdintmiint. and duty iu illIIu I 19 ra-
quireil liy law. we will , on tlm Jsitlulay of
: \oroinlitr. A. I ) . WJJ. itt Um liuur ot ID
o'l-liii-K in tiio foreiniDii. ut tie ailU-e of-lir.vor
i O'Dminlhic. 1KCI I'lrn-iu otnitit. witJiin tlia
oorponauiiiiuLs if i till -Ity. nu-i-i fur tliu | ) ur-
po.u . uf oonsiilurm inil in iliins the assos'-
nient of ilam.tSL U > tlia owners respt-otlVB v
uf suitl vruperty by reuMin of such ta < iinx anil
joiirotiriutiiin UiurtHif.
Tim urtiportv bijlcincliu to yon. nropo-iU to
lie .tptrMiriat 'l at * ifura iiil. mil ivtiich IUIH
liet-ii ( Ji-uliir sit nei-estiry by tlm < onnell bv
onllnatii-u t < i .itiroiri | | > ilu to HID USD uf tliu city
hums sitimuii in HiiiU < 'll ? elf U'liuinu it tin )
aunty uf Doii-i is. inilMtitu of NabnisUa. it.
dufei-riboil .i fill u\vt tfiwii
Property In n.uiiu jf I1 Iver on
Tliiuii t IU' fuet of HII' ! uu 13 of tliite-i t
33 fuat l t.ii Hit * in tiiu S W i uf thi ! sK1 * of
w 10. T IS. II 13 E.
l'nirty | ) n tliu n inio of J. wood Sin I til.
V'u.if Ian.IflJfool uiu runiilninurtii mil
out Ii ilirotiJtiinh lots 5 mil 8 ofr-t.t ice IL tlm
oust HUB uf IHIII strip m-iii'-1 ll-"j foot vrbsi. o
th Miini'let werii ta.t .on t anil 11 in nection U
T r.ltlf fc-
I'miwriv in tlio uu inn of Augustus liannuo
iiiii H. W Mi-c.ure.
DIB f'lilu-vin pin-til or tniutuf liiml : Itu-
2iiui 11it tin * wiiitti.vnt Diirnurof nit a ) biiu-K
j I'-iinliM'U i lia-e : tlicnen so.itli Ui tin ) north
ut * > /1 < irx > in > "U prwInvBiI from Cuiiu n-
ii in 4 iilitltiun ; tlliillL'i ) Hast lluiu ll.'i fi-uL
.lull , ttiu uurtu ilnu nf ! Cl.irl. iru u to
tin- trust 1 nu of Cnnnln ii un - .tililltton ;
"iuiii-1 * s. nth liuiu ihu vu ± t Ilnu uf Cunnin -
ii m * i 'lit .in < i fttt tu the ( iinl4 lint * af
Cl r.stn-m tliena wd-.t-liunj a ilit luutti line
f aru ttrHI ui i point In i HUB p tr-iilul ta
tliut'iut inn if t-ix IIIIH i iii'i a iinl n.iiii HMD
oUiru 4 ftulAU3t of IK " . bio I. JH . ciiy.
an * ILU - > oii ii i.nnr salil HUB tu thu iiurtli I tiu
if ax lot i illume went 03 feat til Wit ) wimt
urn f i tu 5trttt. Uiiiiii-u uiirt'i uartli" ! ui
tnioiii-t : mof tax lot > s mil'I ' to tnu Miutli
inn f iirnirvvi. . nroiiiu-Bd from I'uiinlii--
luui s uiuit un. ttienuu n i niirtiiwe > i rv ili-
rur i nu u > i uu nurtli Unit af ( lurk i > ti-eiii pio-
i . I'll i IIHIK-U nortli tu Uiu * ontli Ilnu uf I'ail-
oi t. I'lai-u ttiuncu tfiibl iJ { t-ot Ui pmuu uf ut-
i iiuiii-- .
V ui are intlliiHl to bti nre uat at tlie tlirm
anil pluou a'uresulit. ami mnUu any jjjurliii.u
lu ur si itHineuU * anuorniui : tulil ur > ip > ii |
npliruprlulUin or ist * < iiiiiii uf < iuina.'e > as
JOI1N \ \ . leUIUUN5.
Committee uf ApprmUen
Omaha. October 2J. iwi iiJU ; > t
- Hied prupooals wUI bo rwetiivwl bv llio 1111-
U'Riiuuuit until 1 .t ) u'uliMik pni. . N'uviiiiilier
jiu. IKU , fur uiu ooiibtnjotlun af a iu ar In
SKMIT lUtrctNu. . 171. lu ttm city uf Oiuuln. as
puronlinuncu N'u.1 < ! H aiKUininiziu p < aiu ami
l citlaaUunk uu tliu In thrt jllluo uf tliu b aru
il uuMUi wort , ! .
Eauh pranitanl to bu niudit tin printml UlmikK
fureuli oil By tnu ' wr and ui b aucumpa-
by a ennlMoU fljttck In lliu uiu af ! J J.
ui lliu oliy ut Ouritiu. a * an uvidwio
Ttiu tfcutnl re * > rv4 * Uid rlichc lu rvjtmt any
ur ail bidK. anu Ui W4-TM Ji-fwi *
l > W Hi iKUl > EI1 ,
hainn ni < if tlm UnHri of I'uinuWurks. .
uuiau0'CiuJ : r ivtj , isu ut.-a-i ? la
Nnrli-i * .
' -ilod propovuls will be received at any
turnon nr iH'funi J u c-locK o. n > . of tin' t.S h
a iy if Decoiuljt-r. ItJ * . fur tlm printing uf nil
Mils fur tliuL' islisurH w Hi surli in.itUT as
m.iv hn ortlen-d 'iv elllii'r house thereof , ui be
printed in "bill furm " which is'slniHii and
< lu-iinitua ici < ij9iiiiu i ! > iindur Uio printliu-
I.IWB of the stntu uf > c'hrasta.
I'ortlio printing and blnilln : in clnth anvors
af ona thousand * ! , UK ( > ! f-iiule-i aaeh uf tliu bicn-
I niul r"uor-s uf thu auditor uf public ai-cuunts.
1 tre-isun'r. secretHrv of it.ito. u-omuilsisiciiiur of
| ! publlu iMiiili nnd buildings , -mil 'mro.iu of
j Inbor and Itiilustrinltattstiis : ind tlvo hiin-
I < irud uVKii enpiiuaeh of thu blrmii il rupuri of
I Tbu tliurnuy sonunl. uiiDerlntunduut cf ui i-
| lie inttrui-uou. stuilltirniliu and
I SiMiurnl. UIIB tlioiis.inii il.nui ioin-s n-purt
I statu biuird of truiihiiortntion fur Ifil nnd flru
1 thuii ! > ju < l ' .ViiU'i i-upli'9 r u .n. it.itu IKIHIM jf
I nJrk-Uituro for IPG , ind ; nl other rupurf and
I ilrii-iiiiipiitK fiat may bo urdured prtntt-d by
j the lu 'i.atiirp. rtYcept such an 111:13 * unter intn
I anu form > pnrt of tlio 'unrinl * . hiiiUss
} I uf mirk Is l > iiiiwa ind di-iiiniiu-ii us vlusa
I iJirctti.u under tm ! or-ntlns 1 i s of N lirask i
[ ! rim Inh work , uiucuu-d uiiUiT CIUHJ one.
shall I.B printeil in.mull Die i lyutun pnpur
f.i.irtBII ui niheilon h ) eis'it ' i.iu oiu iui.f
I ih't ) IIIIILwuli | * . HIIHU' pu u : pitpcr u > he
J twciity-fl.iit I AI pourxlb duuhle iip t Uiu
rt'-iin , mid except tlm ' .lie pazc. auuh IJHL'B
shall runtain nut ln > s than tnonty-flvo - . * > )
Uutii uf solid rniiUi-r ufevtju IT ) nil-tins in
lenutli. ind the llnt-s shall bu suci-t-is-voly
niimliBred. wltli i blanlt uu y in oauli spnoo
tiefrcen tiltlines. .
rim riiU-pa-'p uf said bills ili.ill uuntain not
Ifii thun i-irhtuen ilM 1 nes a iliovi * . with
three : t .ni-hus addltlunul fpai-oailowabiu for
dUpia.titiu m itur.
Each ' 'hi HhaJl atata what iliu b ddur Is will-
Ini ; to du thu wor . cumpluiu fur , pur pace , fur
thu thrto hunara 1 i ii rapivs oai-h Dill , also
tlm jirii-e for iddltlunai liundrptls that may bo
ordiTud of thu tiiinu lit1 ! at tim anm tinm 11 tiirni' hundred .UU ) iiiuiiidlii coin-
potltluu. pniier prc i uo.-W. slitchlua , tuiain.
and ull wnrK or uiaturial onturin line the
All wor ! . U\ICUUHI niler nlnss one sliiill ho
dnilvered in tjiiuu araer by ihu caa rai-tor to
tliuoilii-i ) of ttii > i-rr tjry of within tlinJH
davs uf t 'r the ropplpt - jf tin- order by saiil cuii-
trtuuir frum Um i-hainnan if moomnitlluu
un printing , mult her iran.liuf tlitniislatun ; .
A.I v\iirn o\i-L'iin-i iiiiilurluhs ihrt'u .n li.ill
bu prill' L-U in ! oiu priini'r. lirov.i-r mil nunp-i-
reu type , oa papi-r ui lii * iilnu Ini'lies Ion ; liy
ls di > wide. sln.Mu pu i * . piipnr ui > iu
furty-tlvo I'll pu'indh bi t m n-iin of twunti-
four by thirty alxhitii bool Kauli bi.i under -
dor iliisinn > u slinll ntato nliat thu hlddt-r N
willlnr to du tintrurk i-aiiipk-lu fur. ptr pizu. :
nn Hiu-h report uritum HI tlioi-l.s- , ini-iuilln.
runipuMtjUii , papur. ypjwuru. . "tiU luii-.foiit-
i.tS nnd all wur ) . ur nuturla ! LHUTIIIint" ih
worl. miuliftt. G illry and oaJu piif muat
bu tumii-bud nhun ni | > iroi bv thuo'tk-irs if
tlm utm-iiino dupartnifiit or tnulm rtiino if
tlio uooiinutee on uithur iirin h
nf tlm IrB'slatiinVurk whi-n i < m ultuit t < i
bdi li vereil free ufpi'iiM > it t hu Male ! nme
1'ttioo * ilb far < uirU in < -i-u of HIM mov j
olriseos will nut bd ian ldin-d un i-ns 'lie - > mu
uu aL-t iiiipiiiiitd by u Ixjiid in ilu < iiim if il > o
tlioiifcunil t5..4JidollnrH ) vilth t-ruiir uore suro-
tu ! % ; l hut In vuu tin' nurty iiroiio iiu fur mi h
cuntraul ihall iw t irloJ tlio , amu iu-h uiu-
tv 11. ' .ruii.n tv .1. unys iftr the i v ird to
him ofiii'li i-uiiirjct. unlvr into boti > in for tliu
I iiillhfiil iicrfoi i niK'H liifn-of , ipmv m-i | uy
hn\ and ttm thu terms uf these prtino itln.
rnio | > iiiailiuil bu m rki'd * l'niMistlH | for
puhilti priiiUn. " and iddru ud tu nm ntani
uuHrd uf iirinliii ! ; ui uaro uf tlm sei-ruuiry uf
alaU * . U nroln. N 'H.
CuntractH uu via-9 aim < li an iburo iiitliu |
ttlll bu uManli-if is a wtiolu.
Cnni mi-Is un iiln ! tlirf'.81 O.S.T | > OVH 4pitrltlid
Mill hu aniinliMl in vrhu.u or in purtan Um
buard in iy olnrt.
-.imp.i'S of Um nork hi bo * jxueulid unJur
claim unw Ii mil Uinju i.Ji nmy iiu ieuii at tlm
olllre of the - t-rut ry uf uiiu.
I'uiilr u'ts un .il' ivo clHkMts out * 'H and tlireu
ill ui run two -J ya n from Dcci-nihur Hi , lii. l .
iivuopt ttm rapurtv uf Uie board uf tranauurtu-
uuti anil lUil" iHinnl of aeriuiiltun * . tlm Imtur
to buuuinp utml traiiln l\ty duys after Uiu : uf tlm U4inuai-t.
1 1m Htutu orinttii'4 Uounl rtiM'rves thu ri ht
SHerewry uf jtato.
I'rintin ; Hoardtam rroaHiintr.
Aiiditur I'ublu' Aix-iiiints.
LlniMiln. K4iU. Xov II. In * . _ ni7ilAt
In piirsiuiireof onllnMiiw Nn. JJ. r < Miilrlii- |
wut raud ; * rtxiune4ttuii tu l > u Hindu ui Um
proutjrty llnao in Um jliuy but J4ruii Jlstirwtit
.ind 3M av nu fnim tfarniun fctrvrtta DIHIKU
iire t. uoniun > e > l in NtnHt iiiimiVMiiMiiit dl -
triut Nu 4U1 inuiooiy of Uiualiu , you < n *
liMruby nollllml ui iitnKnall iitxtf-uiir , ' uuiiiiw-
tain * with urjicar jiul au uiuinn ur tuu > rilc.
and uiuwiiplMu Mi4-b < ir. nn ur twiiora O
iff uiOiir i. 1W. its it IM th uuri u ti Ui p iv Um
alii-v In Uiu * M ! dliinet ,
I ) t - l ,4t Omatw. N'BU. Uiik ITlh day af X i-
vs ber. Us *
p ty MMKUA-hER , >
Cnairwun Itu in ! uf 1'ubl \Vori.i
CO-M3 . 3JF3
t t *
for * i Ucxi , nu * nd
fur lam ) nrrfU.rm ,
ut Iw r1 m > t.
1 , " > K * \.H i M rum IB I'nna-nllamit
l n 4i . iip tt > d ami iBiirOT tL i r.ti
Ho in m-n > K II tintfi\
! . ' < H KXi'H1'i : -
in ' 'matin.
i o'o with "nppor ( mi-nii ( tirti > rkir 1r > iii
! . .r uttwrm tM. K II
f4'H 4I.K '
I'n w frnlt * n i ic\i
1 : -n. I nnt' . .nn n ilia * K. U hv ; . ' ii
in I Mttln Mirt I
mf tin ,
t < * r il0 i
* t' * tniii trt t
lV"m n * mil
M n ' \ i.
l-V" T HIP fol ixnna < l > i lines
m tw. ' I j. \ \ iHi k tw . * 4'
ti IwrtlltiK "VIHi Mil M Mi.
m inrollliiii ta.
. rath t tr > rt An o O S-k.
MMII J-rllHu. . l tai HKMltlTnr. S * .
i iui juni : . a lt uni > i > ! . . HV.
- i nut , i , . > i inc. JZ .VTJHMU < i. MUM.
- " . . .ui.lHrian..ON IMh < „ . *
. nuiin tat Ar < * nnei H MH.
. .
- < < u lvt < > ilnic w llmuiiinr M. Mi.
- in ltri inn . lUlili.u I'lacr H' '
"Mninlwwiijs - Mrn tcr t. . VII.
. - . , iin IWH Unit. i < s nlim * .l
< r , , < m iHoiiincI MrnB' .M-JIJJ3.
* r" iiin-iwtiii ic < arnh m avp M
i " "in ,1.11 1'Mic. ' LOU mil avp . HI.
. -uo ni Jiviiliit lluliii ti l'tr ! . .ltM9.
nmni rtwHUtui. Morn iiCTlilo > 1. .
i-muiii 'Iw l'lnc. < nS la ktve. . , WCfo.
J n < > m , l- ! llnr aViK Amiue A , 118.
. ' pm l plllna. < l \ M I f. Hfl.
-T IIIPI luiillllLMl N ; tt > U. 510.
< .1 1'iu ittci mi : , HU.-IU ar . JI4.
niiiil. niMllliic. > o .ttl ( . . MIL
4 . m IITO line. .41 \ ini-it , $ ia
n-'oiiin Ineiltnj i. Ifth avi , 11
f r'Kiti' ittTHiitnK l C5Ti ntt4 ? B. > IO.
r ' . m .iwfllliii : Mr7 Hill atill
K room Iwelllnii nx > XrpniiB < . 1H.
rm tnniiln trab ni nve n , < nr HUM S3.
t m iiu iinii o 1TUI vi ' 3h HL. 116.
.1 r tmu 'IwHltlnc. M Arntiu A.M
4 fora Invillnu. r.vl Avnmir I ) . JK.
mtu tni.i | | IB xs in line II. IW.
4 i > rt.llnt ! AW Art-urn- . fS.
'i r"iiin ini'i'lnc.tft U nod \rciuiil.\
j nmin lutitiiiiK. Ttvu 4) n. f *
s-rmim twHiliat. lu Arrnni' A. < .
4 nmni 'Iwi'inni : n " V Ni ai J7
4 Ifiiim IwO'llllC Ml > t tW. .
. mom liii'llliii ; 10Ttfnuu * , K.
If r < n lU-HrnlllllL. . 'I < IMh avti. fi.
1- c urn IW 'UML ' J11S ArclllU ) I ) ! .
J m HO ii > li | < DE. ' 4 < HTOKU8 U. iS * . *
4-rmiiu I'Tnlllnc."In Vroiuu * I * . 34.
i-nnim itwilllu.339 a Mil t. K.
romu tncll'B ' : \Tcnunf.JII. .
4-r < iim Inulllnu. < 1'nrlc .IVA , m.
a-.niiim avri.iiinu , u Mrmu-rst JS4.
ri-n > "in ilwi'lllni : . ( Rl W.ifhlnstun nvo , Sit
7 rr-im iinHIIni ; > Stlinv JrS.
iinmtnllni ; . M4 * vnnut' \ . $ IS.
< roum < lwi'lllll > . 61T Mill M 110.
3-romo aiTi'ilinc JIM W ara tr
K. II Sbt-afu. wnial acenu ilroailwar aa Main
IK Vor hnru anrililnu fur -win ur trade sou U 11.
- Ui'ttftUr il > Tar nnl Mala ? trpt-t
A UAIlliaiN. 10 iur < * fruit nm Kanlt > n tnu-t jt
'Vnilifrum . . - .
pnHur.lco4 ni.rrs lu rnpe > ncta
in blnnkBerrl-s. sSi ipplu UM ! . Ti plum tiwm , rj
i-tji'rrr tnr dnnlllnc. "table etc I'rlef ft-"J. ( hu
traitt * B U.hcaln. .
14 1 * < IlKS upjirr Dronilwar | ili'nilii1 plcip Tpr
' 'until u : ilii-apfur ia ti ir ittll nil 11:1111:0 fur
"miir'voti ' n * lil * nv ( rourrt > tn Cunucil tllunt * .
-IM'MStllUlUj Aillltllll m X ' I
1"i * . * lli > it i-lrai Uuil In fa u-m N-lir Ln to
x ( 'lama * 'ur jooo rrfcldt-niv In I'oiinctl llllilli *
\ \ .nt 'KUM a anil luts lur S Ura&tai luuO. JuUnstuu
H-l lt.\C1 > anil uaiiM. Knrta nna rltj property
nnd sola. l'u oy s Thumak i uuuull
100 lulu In Central null.
.1 Inih in Mullen ndct.
w ItiiB in Ha > llrs t 1'nluiers'
S5 lum in Marnu s Int.
M lull , in 1'i.itcr .t Cubb a.
! 1 luiBtii lilvr > jb.
16 lots til | ! ( MT < nilO.
- loin ID lllKlilnuil oilJ.
IS lots In lluti.-hlnt.on K .itlil.
46 Intt In Turi-r ! a add.
ISUilsIn UIildlH a ailU.
I'J ) luts tn U rtKlifa julil.
Id lots In l"crco 8 x < HL
Lots In ererr addition to tile cltr chr-ip for can * ! .
< ir nn payuenu. > all anil sou us. NCI troulilu to
shnw property ( in-rnxlili-JUs. .MrbolMju v ro
* llTUUOAnW\r fci Will pir IB P"rnt. .
T. n Invostmect. fS li J. J lilbion
Vnilonal hank Omaha
Fill HUNT \uw Vroiiin inralflii-cl cotuito nil
noKir lln - nultablu fur youni ; cuuplu clit-ap
Inquire at acoitUuii > > u
G \ltllAtiK remiiri-U. ( " .fi > injin. rault-i and
clemii-il. U. t ) Uiirl.icltr liiilL'
Foil 'ALE luintuiiro stui-fchlti IUTH mut V-
liraika Involiws K. ffi to JliJJO E U. sbcafu
Foil ' AI.K clii'up nr Invi haimi * lor nnii , iint- * > -
tabllrht-d UuMUH3 Auilre 1' O. but J.J < * ouu
oil UluUn. la.
H.ilHH nnd rait It * wlnn-il an i i"irco
Wrtctu'a farm , uiipnuiti ) ' itin-b roumi tiuti
H'lir lertnhnniur to Jumn mil till , it farm or r.
Wrt.-lit. Mzih ttnur UnlihTln bliiuk.
Mi . .IiAVm It * p rora ijitiiln-ii 4 1 ru .
uili 1-- " ) n in ' or' . .ittinil tnil funr'li
u MU-- i auiianil > -iiih < .
llllrl - 't ' I' * "i iinvil ii flh.t.riid i arnuui
tt. ' maim uiifs IUMI riu lur
Improved Safely Elevators ,
n-ut mi iiuiViu. Uuiincll Bluff
Tn s
snj uiemuiit ,
W i hn'utir tmrwl iuiinru4if
i' nn t ilunii tint nex . 4) 11711 ,
vlio 4 main yillJK TII .4l.l _ HIM-
tnt - fntxr < u in AIJ v n HLH
t * iiivti * . atarrii. CiilrtK Knin M >
tlMlucH. . i not "iiiiilun Mirt'illk l'r < i.lmtl t.
iix i. \ I u o , riiui. i 41 ! < ir wr u . Ttin-41'IIfll'lli
Un suits j.u nlirfi jI I luk U uulin , .Ni-ti.
I o tlmuitoon * of ui ur u.irts it nl m
TWOIHJsixth m rout , from u muni TJ fuec
south uf I'uppmliin vuuiiu tu HluUory .irouu
and InlurM'uiiii. : tilnmtu.
You arthunliy mui'lm ! tlmt Ihu unilnr-
alnni- i. Uuuu dialnturetit4i4 fruuhu-durH Jf t au
L-iiy uf Ointii. lnoii duly uupomtHd Uv
llio tnujrur. ' .Tlth ttm tupnivuluf tliorltyiiun -
t-II uf HUIII uitT. Ui , iksi * s tin'lum i o Ui Um
OHIIITH re iiet-t vu y of Um pmparty Ifcuiit
iiytlmt-hiiiistiuf ifruluuf r uiiiyixlh tieft.
frum a uona unu IHIII rd and humnty-tlv *
ilTM fi-ut xmili af I'UDII * iUm ivunim t lln-b * *
ury Mrmit and uitnp iin ' utmti * , dui-l
iunMiry uy ontlnanuu IlM. POM > - d ' " -t
S.ili. IHIJ. luuruv. il Ooiul r''rt Ictf * .
Vuu uu furti.ur no u tin . mat iinvu ; .
< * ptd .alii iUiiomt'iiuiiu ' .uui duly iinaiih a
m r | Uirwu by i ttr. uu will , uu tlm tuuu'y
tlfih ii.iy of Nuvaiubtir , A. I ) . lsfj Jt tlm imir
uf Uirftio'uliM-k n thu iftuniooii at thu uint e
oftJimrjaJ I' ml. Ki.i H.irtiiim . trc' u tn u
Uiu iMiruunte 1m tHuf itai-i rltv , ruui-t fui > uu
p irj7ii > of Mm l'iur. use nnd nuiKluz tiiu : it > -
xmiutJiit of ilutna u Ui tilt * oinuTs r-in-'t-
iVMiy.uf Aal i uru4ir'.y uirui-td | yaaid U IIL-U
nt iroilw. t KIUI ; iiuu lonvidurattou spot at
iwimrilfc , if any
Vuu HIH mil ! HIM ! Ui be prennit at Ihu t mo
uti pluiw ufur uiii. aim uuku any uUjtx . / nt
if duiuajtM. you itiuy i-uiiii diir pmiwr
liulllllK J 1'tt U
W ti jHillVrit.
) AUtri 3(01 kllA E.
oiuatio. No * JUu , ISli.