THE OMAIFA DAILY Ktifl : WEDJtBSfSDAY. NOVEMBER 10 , 1892 , WENT CALMLY TO HIS DEATH Poisoner Neill Meets His late on t'Ji Qnl- Without a Quiver , LAST DAYS THE HAPPIEST OF HIS LIFE \to Illtcli III tlm l'rneoeilliic nt the Ilih I'rlMin nn < l tlm llocly ( if llin Mur derer Interred Under tlm I'lnc * toniM In Quick Iline. I.ONIIOX. Nov. 15. Thomas Nolll , altM Cronm , the imirilcrtr of Matilda Clover nnd sovcrnl other unfortunnto elrls , paid the penalty of lilt crimes nt 9 o'clock this morn- In ? . Notwithstanding orilers that the exe cution bo private roprosontn- tlvo of the Associated I'ross was ndmlttoJ. Nell spent a restless nl ht and this mornlnK pnU Httlo hoed to Iho ministrations of the chaplain. Hangman Illlllngton entorad the cell few mlnutos bo- fora 9 and with nssUtanta fastened a leather belt nnntnii the condemned man's waist. Strops from this securely pinioned his nrmi utlhuulbows ana wrists. Nclll submitted qulotly without uttering n word. The procession to the Callows was then formed , hoailcd by the ulilof wardoii , fol lowed by the uhnplnln trading the burial Borvlco. Nolll oamo next wltn a warden on either sldo. Ho wuiuod llrmly , though B ( loathly pallor overspread his ln .o wusti , lio\\cvor , showed no other signs of uuiolioii. 'J ha ImiiKinnn brouelit up the roir. Arilvcu at the nraTou ! ! , the hhlto cap was pulled down over bin aves nnd Hllllntrlon guided him on the trap door , tianoutli a cross beam from which Iho ropu Uatijjlcil. The ImtiKtnim's assistant then pinioned Ncill's lejjs nnd thu nnoio wns ndjustcd aiouiul the neck. The executioner stepped buck , pressed a lever nnd Nrill fell I'vn reel into a pit. Tlicro wcto convulsivu twltchli RS of Iho inusclos for u few seconds and than the body liunir motionlnss. Dnath was ovldontly in- tnntniiL'ous and nalnlmi. Notllvui rcmarltublr culm nnd snlf- nossesscd J ht iiefnro the can was drawn down ho tlmiikntl the prison oflldiils for their Ulnnness. lie r.uoiiipd tusl ncd tohlsate. . Ilo told the undprsncrllT Unit the liut two days had hcon Iho calmrsl , perhaps the happiest of hh life. Ilo declined to taku stlmuiant * tostiUain him in the Until ordonl. Hilling- ton savs tie acted remarkably cool und placed himself on the trap without direction. The body was out down alter hanging nn hour and n cast of the head taken. The corouor's lury viewed the bodynud returned n verdict in uccorilnncu with the fact. Ttio rctnain-i were placed In n cofltn with quicklime nnd buried under the Halftones in the prison corridor where liavo hcon mined the tomalnsof n long line of noted criminals. IllHtiiry of Ills Clinic. American renders mnv , perhaps , bavo for- KOttoti thn principal Inrldents In the series of rcnmrliublo crimes of which Thoimis Nolll is nccusod. A rcsuiuo of tbo events that led to his unrest and trillion tbo clinrgo of wilful murder Is , therefore , Rlvnn , On the i.ljht | of Anrllll , last.-two cirls named Alloo Marsh and Emma Shrivctl , npod , respectively , ! ! 1 nnd Ib yours , received a man in their apartments nt ! 1S St. Hanford street , Lambeth. This man rotnalnod with tno | 'lrls until 2 o'clock next mornini ; . Shortly nftor ho loft the house the two girls were found In nnony on the Moor Dy tbo landlady of the premises , Mrs. Voftit. Tuu glrlR belonged to" the unfortunate class , und an ofllcor was notillcd and tuny wore re moved to St. Thomas' hospital. The Marsh Klrl died on the way to the hospital and tno Shrlvell girl died throe hours after she was admitted. It was thought at first that the cirls had boon poisocrd by canned salmon , of which they bad p.irtalcon , but it was subsequently learned that , they had been polsonod with strychnine. On examining the rooms occu- picd by the tilrls a letter was found , dated April 1 ! ) , accepting nn Invitut'.oa to tikn tea Ivan thorn next iiliiht. This letter was signed Ucorgo Clifton , but it afterwards transpired thut the writer xvas Known to | the girls as Prod. No trace of the author of I the letter could bo found , and for a time the case wus > rofuricd to as the "Lambeth mvs- t tery. " When the matter of the dontn of the two tlrlb cnmo before tno coroner for Investiga tion thalonlclal received n letter , which was proved to bavo been in the Handwriting of a woman named Sabbatum , whom Neill was nt ono tlmo 'encaged to marry. In this letter the writer said she was in u position to glvo Valuable Information , which would show that the two girls had been poisoned by a young man named Hnrpor. Trlrit Ills 11 tin ( I at Itlnrkiniill. Tno letter was placed In the hands of the police , und from irqulrles that wcro Insti tuted , tboy discovered that abouu the snmo tlmo the coroner had received the letter. Dr. Harpur of Harnstaplo had also received n letter , admitted to bavo been sent bv Neil ! , In which tie demanded the sum of Jlr > ( X ) , nnd Intimating that unions the sum xvns paid the writer would give Information showing that Dr. Harper's son had poisoned thn girls. Young Harper was nt tbnt tiino a student nt bt. Thomas' hospital nnd lodged in tbosamo house in Lamboth with Nolll. On Iho churgo of nltcmplcti blaccmail ! , prc- ferrud neulnst , him bv Dr. Harper , Neill was arrested. Consluorablo Interest , IVHB mani fested in the case and it was Increased when R newspaper published n story to tno effect that n I'lrl named Matilda Clover had died In October , IS'JI. under almost tnu snmocircum- tnncos as attended the deaths of the March nnd Shrivel ! girls. It was supposed nt the tlmo of the Clover girl's dojth that she had committed suicido. The body was exhumed and an analysis of the vlscorn revealed tuo ptosoiico of Hti'.vchnlno. ' 1 ho peculiar maunor of the death of those girls called attention to tbo fact that another girl , nair.nd Kllon Denworth , had alcd under suspicious circumstances , nnd further Investigation by the police ravealcd that , Dr. Hnrpur was not tbo only person Nolll had tried to blackmail. It was lournod that tie had written lotleis to Dr. liroadbent , a well linoun London practitioner , to lion W. F. D. Smith , son of Iho l.ilo lit. Hon. W. H. Smith , and la Countess Uussnll , who , durltiK the trial of Uar iiuit for n judicial Reparation from nor husband , Karl Kusnoll , In Ueocmbor , 18'Jl , hud roooivcd a letter , alleged to bavo been written by Neill , nccusinir the curl of having noUoned the Clever girl. In tbo letter to Dr. Hrnadbont the puvsinlnn was also accused of poUonliig her , \vlnlo Mr. Smith , In the letter tin received , was accused of administering strychnine to the Denworth girl. It should bo nnrno in mind that ut thu tlmo these letter. * were sent no ouosuspccted that clihor the Clever or Don worth slrls hud been poisoned nnd that tuts fact , nnd the fact that bo nml attempted tn bhii-kmaU others , were only learned subsequent to the arrest of Nclll for uttemuting to blackmail Dr. linrp r. Ill * I.lfiniml Antecedent H , The police , bnforo lhl § , had awakened fo tbo fuel Hint Neill was a most Important prisoner , and u close InvesllL-ittion was mudo of his prior llfo and untocoilcnts. They > found thut Nolll uns an American , and ho appears to have been ut ouo time , n student at the St. Thomas hospital. Ho c.dno to Knplnnd In S'plomber of last yonr , and ultimately tool ; up.irlmonts In thu Lamboth : palace toad , nhlch ho occupied from September , 1801 , to January , Ib'J-,1. Ho then wont away , Intimating tbnt ho was pcilnit back to Amoricj. Subsequently ho returned : aud remained In London nt tbo same lodg ings until bis arrest. eIs When taKcn into custody Noill had on his person unumbur of pills und capuutoa and Isn numitlty of uux vomlc.i. At the preliminary hearing In the How strcot police court , ryu Klrl , bcionglnp to the sama class as Uioso who h d been poiaoned , guvo dumacltiB ovi- rtenco us to hu clvlng her some wnito pow , der In a capsule , which hu salu was for vcr complexion. This womun , . Louisa [ lurvov. was suspicious of Nolll and hli alleijod meal- cltio and throw the capsulea uway wi-on ho did not see her. Ho thoueht she had token them nnd that night ho tola an nrmmmtauco that Lou had alcd suddenly whilu roiurnlug to herresldencn In u cub , evidently thinking she had died In tbo cab In which hu bad placed tier when thu Inft Ulai. Neill , though ho was described as an AmoricuD , which is , In Kngiund. ht-ld to bo bynonymousvlth u uativo of the United States , U rcullr n Canadian. There U odu Caledonian und American slue to bis uuroor which places him In uu ununvlablo 1 mlit hat of it libertine aud porformur of criminal I operations onromon. . In the eourso ot his llfo he had boon in oloio contact with tbo police of various cities la the United Statoi and t'aimUn , lilt Orlinlnnt I'r : ctlce n n Doctor. . In Canada > Nolll , or , ns no was known I there , Dr. Thomas Cream , had tin unonvla- bio reputation. Ho studied raedlolno at Mo- ( HU collcgo , Montreal , and was graduated In 1870 , Ho tonk up practice at Kingston , OnU , nnu had been there only n thort time before ho WAS suspected of Illceal practices. The body of n young woman was found in a shed back of Nolll' * ofllce , nnd a post mortem ex amination showed that she had died from thu effects of u criminal operation , Thoueh the people were mortally certain that Neill had performed the operation , there was not legal ovluonco enough to wnrrnr.t his nrrost. Public opinion , however , forced htm to loava Kingston , and ho went to Hamilton , Out. Ho was shortly afterwards arrested on n chnrgo of killing n woman by performing nn abortion , but the charge could not bo provrd against him. Again ho changed his rosldonco , this time going to Chlcjco. This was about liT3. Ho had only boon In that city u short tlmo when ho was arrested on the charge of causing n woman's death by malpractice , This crime was proved ntrnlnst him nnd ho was sen tenced to Imprisonment for llfo. Ho sorvoa thirteen yearn of this sentence nod was then released on account of III health. Meantime his father died , leaviac him ? 10,000 , nnd ho went to Ijiiginnd soon nftor his rclcaso H was said that whllo Neill was in Ontario hu was forced to rnarrv n irlrl ho had wrongod. ilosouuht to escape m.irrlaso oy ( light , but relatives of the girl caugut him Just ns ho was boarding n train nnd ho was marcncd to the nltar at thu pulut of n pistol , Uu Octoiior 17 Nclll was brought up for trial nt Iho Old tiailoy. Justice Hawkins ptotldod. The attorney goticrnl , Sir Charles Webster , nnd Hon. Uernurd Colorldgo nnd Mr Mill uppuarod for thn treasury , and Air. Oaochnn and Mr. Warburton represented Noill. Mr. Wtillon was solicitor for the uc- cuacd. The court room was crowded during tbo live days of the trial. Evidence was sub- . milled proving all the charges mudo against him. The case aeuln&t Nclll , though wbollv circumstantial , was perfect. Thodofenso did not call n Kinglu witness , which , In a capital case , was regarded us peculiar. Neill's coun cil relied upon assailing the testimony of the witnesses lor the prosecution , who hail sworn to Noill's belne the man who hnU boon seen In tlio company of I Ho murilcroil girls , plaimniK that it was u case of mhnkcii tdontlty. The ovtdonco tbnt ho wns the poisoner , iiowuvor , win over whelming and whim tlm c.isu w.u given to the jury tl.oy were out only ilvo iiiliuites. hi'lilcncril to He.itli. When they nn noun cod tholr verdict of "CJullty , " Justice Hawkins nt once sentenced tliu prisoner to do'ith. In passing sentence ho suid : "Tnii Jury , nftor bavins llatcnod with thu most patient nttontlon to the evi dence that has been ollercd in this moil lorrlblu crime , und liuvinir paid nttontlon to tha most ublu nnd eloquent speeches nd- dicssi'd to tin-in on your behalf , have felt It their bounden duty to Him jou Kuiltv of wil ful intiriluf a murder so diabolical in . character , fraught with so much cold-blooded vruolty , thut duo uous Imrdly trust ono'b Hclf to uojcribo IU details. I do not know wiuit Induced you to take life , with so much tnrtuio to the poor creatures , who could not have offended you. 1 do not Know what motives actuated you , but I do know that the crime is , to my mind , of unparalleled ntroclty. For this cntno , of which you hive boon pullty , our laws Itnow but OUQ penalty the penalty of death. That sciiitenco I now pronounce upon vou accord ing to my dutj' . I would ndil ono word : that vou should , during tha short time of llfo rouialnltit ! to you , remember that when you descend the stops from where you nro now standing , the world will be no more for you bcok your pence with Alinigbtv God. Pray Him in pardon j on for your great sin. Ho alone ran pardon. "i'lio crime , I have said , can only bn expi ated by vour death. I proceed to pass the sanlence of the low , nnd that sentence U that you bo taken from lionco to the place from whence vou camn , nd thence to a lawful place of execution nnd thuro bo banned by your nei'k until you are dead , and thut wneii you uro dead your boay will bo buried within the preeineu of the place of execution. "May the Lard have mercy on your soul , " added bo devoutly , and llio chaplain und others in thecourt room exclaimed , ' "Amen. " ru'ill never fnUor d. Ho listened intently to the judge said , but the solemnity of the occasion did not outwardly affect him. The Jailors touched him on the shoulder , nnn bo quickly turned nnd wont nwuy with them below , from the public nnzo forever. Aftoi1 Nnlll was sentenced , un elTorr. was made to save him , it being clecluroJ that ho wns iiisiiiio. But tbo attemot availed noth- inp. inp.Tho The jurors who convicted Neill were ex cused lor six years from further jury duty. Is'o flowery rhotono can tell the merit of Hood's S.irsnpanllu us well as the cures accomplished bv this excellent medicine. WILL PROSECUTE SMITH. Architect' * Toronto \\lfo Will I'r r r n Cliuri ; , ) ol lllgHiiiy. Each day furnishes the county authorities with additional oviuonco touching the rascal ity of Sidney Smith , who i ? now confined in the county Jail. When Smith returned from bis trip to Canada forgery was the only charge that was preferred against him , but now there arc others , and If bo oscipcs conviction on tuo Informations already filed ho will have to face the court again And answer to a war rant which will charge him with having al together too many wives. In skipping to Canada ho left ono wlfo In this clt ) . As soon as ho crossed tbo line ho | roniotuberca the Injunction that it was not good foi man to bo alone and at once pro ceeded to take another wife to hU bosom. During tlm month of June , under the nnmo of H. .1. Thomas , In the city of Toronto , ho led n Miss Pneuix to the nltar , there and tlien promising hu would love , cherish und protect her until death did ttiom part. Kuosequcnt developments have proven to this Canadian lady that marriugo Is a dUmnl failure nnd she Mas decided tn prosocutc Mr. Smith to the full oxtunt of the law. A I'onr Nuinu I'lrin. When you find a four nainu firm you are proltv sure of an institution roprosontlmr considerable responsibility. The llrm of tlass , Hants , Brim & MeLalii.near D.iWHon , ( Jeorgln , Is not an exception. It U , in fact , ono of ino most substantial business houses in Terrell county. The following is an ex tract from u recent letter from 'born : "Our customers say that Chamberlain Modlclno Co. of Dos Moincs , Iowa , manufacture three of the best medicines on earth , viz. . Cham berlain's colic , cholera and dl-arrliuu rom- | edy , Jor bowel complaints ; Cuamburlalu'c cough remedy , for colds , croup and whoop Intr cough , and Chamberlain's 'pain balm for rheumatism. " 5 < > tent bottles of caon of those inodlclnea for sulo by druggists. "Old .lloitilllt ) V , "What's your occupation ! " asked Judge Borka of a milk nnd water blonoo young man who stood before his honor on the cliargo of vagranov. "Cleaning tombstones , " ropllod the pris oner. Then Iho Judge inquired what prnparations he usoit to ramovo tbo weather stains from the hoadstonns of the di'ud , but the young man didn't know. Ilo wab elvnn twenty days iVith Jailor Bonnet nnd will assist In thu dallv cleaning of the Hours of Iho county . Jail with nothing but bro'vl nnd water to till " the uchlniT void In his stomach. NOMKPO , Iowa , April 10 , 1SU1. Dr. J. H Moore , Dour Sirs My wlfo has used aooutslx bottles of your True of Llfo and thinks that she has received greater bandit from It than any niodicino she has overtaken. Yours truly , L. H. BUTKIS' , ( Jen'i Agent and Treas. West Colieeo. Sluco receiving the ubovo testimonial , I am In receipt ot u letter nnd chock from Hie lie v. L. H. Lufkln of Toledo , Iowa , April U. tteud Hov. J. W. Kdnworth , Croslllne , ICaa- sas. six uottlos of Moore's Tree of Life. For sale by uruggUts. Toll from u A workman ongaced on a building 'on . Dodga btrcot , adjoining the American Na- ' tionul bank , fell from a scaffold at U o'clock : \ vcstorday uftoruoon , but was not seriously Injured. Ho roiumed work after a short rest. An honest pill Is the uobleit work Of the npolbccary. DoWltt'a Llttlo Karly euro coimlpaUou , blllouiuait aud ulckhoad- WILLIAM WISECAR ARRESTED Lincoln ' Police Meol with an Offender of Some Notoriety. HE WAS EASILY LOCATED AT YORK After i : cnpliiK n ' " Term In the t'cnllcn- ttATj tur Iliintilni ; Away with Twn I'.lrU tin llrroincs i > Tltlcf , Li.xcot.y , Nob. , Nov. 15. | Special to Tim HEK.J Wllllntn Wluogar Is nealn behind the ban at the city Jail. It will bo roraauihcroJ that Willy oc cupied a considerable part of thc > public's attontlon last spring by his oscap ndo lu running away with n man's wagon < ind his two daughters , toirother with an other young lady. Ho was captured near Crole and tried upon the charge of enticing the girls Into a llfo of shame. HU trial was had at the time , but ho escaped the more serious chnrgo and was rewarded bv having a full page picture of himself nnd his thrco protegoi In the leading organ of pink lllnrn- turoof the country. Hu thoi loft the city , but neglected to return n watch belotiitlne to Thomas MnNatnnrn , which ho Ima borrowed fiom the IntteiM room Dotectlvo Pound has hreu keeping n good eye to the wind ward for Wlnugar nud tno other dnv ho win located nt York. Ho Is now awaltlui ; tilnl on the cnnrgc nt larceny from lltu I'ntlcn Cniirt , A railroad mail plvln ? his imtno nsJohu Moore was scntoncod to the county Jnil for thirty Utiv.s this morning for stealing an overcoAt from n dummy in front of a local clothing store In thl. , citv. S. Araco , nn Italian frill ? vendor xvas fined $1 and costs for chasing a couple of boys down n dark nlloy with A lovoher. Harrv Pugu. nn old tinier was sent up for fifteen days for constitutional drunkenness. ( Jeorgo Brndsliaw , the votiui ; follow ar rested for hlealing u watch I rom too resi dence of II. 13. Howard , was this morning lined J.VJ und costs nnd sent to the county Jail in default of payment. Frank Uudonlck was lined $1 nna costs for his assault on A. ,1. Tyler last Saturday night. The case of John Burke for assaulting Dick Wright IMIS continued until December 111. \VlllltK llocclvclApiuiliititil. . The dinlciiltv botwcpn llonrv Oliver and his brothnr-in-law , J. R Lansing , who are the Joint owners ot the now Lansing theater , xvill bu settled ono way or the other in the iieiir future. Mr. Oliver bus Illotl notice in di'trlct court that ho will on next Saturday npplv for ibuappointmcntnf U' . M. Shlpman us "receiver or the thoator. Ilo ullirms that Lansing refuses the sum of J'i.fiOO for rentals ioceivod during the mouth of September and ? 50l ) from tno sama source in October. Ho also asks for thu appointment of trustees to divide the monthly proceeds from the rentals In order that ho may receive his share. Ilciird in Lincoln Court Itoonn. The district court has given J. H. Mc\.ur- try until next Saturday tn think npbouio good and sufllcieut reason why he should not bo ordered to pav HainmaltorSwisher ? 5UO. H. D. Mulr todav applied for a temporary Injunction rcslraitnuc Charles Lonlth from interfering with Ins control of the block on the cornurof Fifteenth and O streets. Muir purcunscd the block last August , piiylne ; Lowlth $ J."iUOU for the proportv. H. II. Kutidall nnd C. W. Pearce were today appointed appraisers in tno condemna tion proceedings against the Kendall & Smith dum in Iho northeastern part of the city. It is beliuvod that the removal of this dam will in n laivo measuru prevent the an nual spring Hoods along the Salt creek val ley.Tho The case of Fulllnglon niraiost ox-Cluof of Police Dlnuos to recover the value of gam bling tools dostrovod after the famous Ivy Loaf raid was today sot for hearing for uc xt Friday. UiiKKlp lit tlio Stain lloiuo. Tbo Nobrusica State Poultry asioelation \ lucorroratod by artlolos tiled with the secretary of state this uftornoon. The ease of tne Norfolk National bank against P. Schwenko & Co. was filed in the supreme court this afternoon. Louis Ehrllck , wno was convicted of as- HBUlt on n 14-vonr-old clrl in Seward county and soatoncud to Ilvoyoirs' imprisonmonc in tno state penitentiary , has appealed liis casn to the snnreiuo court upon the grounds that the conviction was not based upon sufllcient evidence nnd that the lower court erred in many of its rulings. Steward A. S. Campbell of the stnto insane - sane asylum nt Hastings was a caller at the stnto house tbis morning. Kdltor M , A. Brown of the Kearney Hub was a state house caller this afternoon. Private Secretary Mornssoy wont to Omaha this afternoon. Secretary Dilworth of the State Board of Transportation wont to Hastings this after noon to return tomoriow. Supreme Court 1'roccHilliiKS. The suprnmn court assembled again this morning pursuant to its adjournment of last Thursday. The case of Duggan against Hiinsen was continued. Tha following causes xvero argued and submitted : Knqlc bert against Tiavail ; Parsons against Bub cock ; Ballaru atrainst Thompson ; Uulta porcha nnd Hubber Manufactiinns ; com pany against Village of Opallala. Tno court then ndjournod until tomorrow , when cases from the Fourtocntn district will bo called comprising the comities ) of ( iosper , Fuinae Frontier , Kcd Willow. Haves , Hitchcock Cbuso and Dundy , will ho culled. Constipation1 cured by Do Witt's Llarly Illsers. I ONI : I.VCUIIUIN : T < i thu rlty of .M vco anil Upturn , For Iho mooting of tlio Amoricn.ii Public lloiilth Ar.boolntion nml Ititonm- tiontil Moilicul Cimirrcbs , to bo liolil it IIi the City of Mexico Novombur U9 to Do- coinbor - , IS'JI' , tlio S.uita Fo route will Bull tickotH nt ono lowest llr.tiliss : ; fnro for the routiil trip. This ia an oxcollotit opportunity it vlalt Mexico , ono of the most doliphtfttl trips iinanintiblo , ut very Httlo cost. lln A special party will leave Onmhii Snturduy , Novoinborlii , anil join u largo : party from LJoston and other custom cities nt IviuiBiis Uity. The faro for the round trip from : Omiihitib only 8(14.00. ( For further inroriniilion and reserva tion of Pullman aucoinmodatioiia call on or address , K L. PAI.MJIII , PusBonfjor Agent S'liita Fo Itouto , 1JUO Fiinium St , , Onritm , Nob. In Search Tou nlll find at Kxcrldor Springs , Mo , one of the most charming , all-ycar-rouu < ) .retort hotcld lu America , THE ELMS. Capacity 600 gncBta ; culalno unsurpassed. A perfect hotel nml complete eanilu- rlum. Superb hatldug cstabllehmeut with trained attendants. Surrounding * pic- turcequc , locution healthy absolutely free from Malaria. The famous tonic watcra free to gocsts. All clmrges moderate. For Illustrated painpldet and piirtlculara ad- drcea Excelsior Springi (7otiixiny , Excelsior Springs i joi-"i'am1Mit. Missouri ' Ricliardsou Drug Co. , Agents , Onnlia , Neb Best Cure For AH disorders of tlio Throat and Lungs Is Ajer's Cherry 1'cctoral. It lias no equal as a cough-cure. Bronchitis "When I wns n boy , I had a bronchial trouble of such a por.M < tcnt nnd stub born clmrnctcr , that the doctor pro nounced It Incurable \vltli ordinary remedies , but rccotnntcndcd mo to try Aycr's Clicrry 1'cctoral. I did so , aud one bottle cured mo. For the last ( If teen jears , I have used thli preparation with Kuod effect whenever I talton bad cold , nnd I know of nnnibpri of people who keep It in tin * house all the tlmo , not conshleiliif : It snfo to be without it. " J. 0. WooiUoii , I1 , M. , Foiest HIII.NV Va. Qoygh "Formoru than twcnty-flvo years , 1 Man a sufferer from IIIIIK trouble , at * trnded witli ooii ) < liiii ) { so scvcio nt times us to cause hcmorrhngii , the parox > stna froqucntly Initlm ; tlneo or four lioun. 1 was induced to try Ayer'.s Cliorry IVc- , nnd after lakinp ; fiur ( bottles , was thoroughly cured.Finns Hoffman , Clay Centre , Kans. La Grippe "Last Mmlng 1 was talson down with laprippc. At times 1 \\as coniplctoly prostratrd , nnd BO dlllU'iiH was my breathing that mybicast coinedas if confined In an iron cage. I procured ft bottle of Aycr'.s Cherry Pectoral , and no .sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that thn effect would bo no rapid and the riiro so complete.V. . II. Williams , Cook City , S. Dak. I'ri pared by Dr. . I. C. Aver fcfo. , I.oncll , Mam. Hold by nil DriiKKlKlH 1'rire $1 , nix hnttU'A , f 5. Prompt to act , sure tocure FOR FAT FOLKS. Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLS AND BANDS nnd QBE ITY FRUIT SALT reduce your wo ght without dieting cures the causes of obesity , such as dyspopsin , , rhoumat'sm , norvous- ncs3 , catarrhkidnoy trouble\ \ keeps you ho-ilthy , and bsautifl-o the com plexion. ClllCAOO ItMAtll ) OKTllADE , I : culn unto you 10 ' uy I luivo lost 13 pounds. iimkliiK 42 pciuuUH Iot In lu wcekH b. uslns 4 biittlfof Ilr.Edison's Obesity I'lll nnd woarliu tils ObusltyItMiid. Very truly youu. OiiAitt.hs H. KINO. I'rof. II Ai.r. Chlcaec University , wrHas to the t-'lile.-iRo lierulO. bept.'IS. 161. ' : Coiimk'iit innn should 'li.iy Mime attention to rudiiciiu thulrveUlit. . Wbon a man Is tionlilud with tliumiiui ) > in. dyipniisli. Klnnoy trouhlo or iiPMoiiMiG-i1' tlm riMluoInc ot u'uljrlit laslowci , iinlll the ( Miesllf I'llK Inuo curec tlio ( IHciiio that t.-uit-'erTolHMUy. the iilll softiMi mill beautify the skm of I hu face. 1 mil ut lllii ) ) ty to cite u cnso In point. Undo my lulvloo Plr Armmit-usoduu Kdlson Obesltv Hand nnd : ihnttlc > of I'llls nnu lost -'J ponntla In \vuc3l > 3. Olhci piitlents h.ivu boon ui Ijlenr. O A. fcoiT. I'rvcnno Outlet Ihimlln , writes to tliu ( . 'oireipondoiic" Uopartnient o' the Now Yoilc Hitulav World : Three joiiri imo 1 woluhod iionndi. hut after iiBliic Dr. KdKnn's popiil.-u ( Mu'sltv Pills and Salts 1 reduced to IU ) pounds und easily .it this uclgnt. 1 suw how innoh other cotiuRpomieiits of your valuable p.ipurs were Luncliltud nud wished togl\u the JJi.'s treat ment u tiial. Dr. Edison's Obesity Fruit Suit is tlio best ami fcimptost romorty for ro < rultitlnrr the tictlon of the liver tlmt hus been dis covered. The printed Corinitlti on the label of the Fruit Salts nliows llielr value to bulTorors from cxccasivu fat or llosh. Hand measure nt iSos. 1 , 2 , ! ! Price $2.f > 0 lo ii ! ( Inches , and 10 cents extra for oauli addiliiinnl inrh. Pills .Jl.SO n bottle , or three bottles for $1.00 , onoiifrh for onutioiitmuni. Obesity KruilSiiU $1.011 nor bottlo. You c-nn buy the Pills , Hands and Salt direi't Iroin our storey , or by mail or ox- prefls ( fa'/Corrosiondoi'o ) ! ( and floods forwar ded in plain , healed piuluuo. : NOTICI : Or. Kditfon'H liloclrio Holts imd FiiiRor Uin's ( , tire sold at our htorcs. Send for our speuial Klcctric Holt t'ircu- lur , settled. Kloctrio JJolts * 1.00 and up. Insoles 50 cents per pair. For Snlo bu UrtifjciIsLs. Wbolosalo ilni ists of Now York Uity wlio carry our goads in stock : UlwrloH N. Crlttonton fc C'o. , Mcivjs on Ar Hobblnh. W. U. Suhiollclin & Co. And oilier leading1 liotibeB. LORING & CO. , Pioprlotors and Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. . Now York Citv 10 K llninilton I'lum Ho&ton , Mass. iltl'ICiibt Wiwhinploa.Ht. , Chio o III. I.or Cut this out und keep1it , nnd bond for our full ( eight column ) artielo on _ ObdsHy. _ , THE "INDIES' PERFECr , ( \urNu 10. 'UrnOnly I'orfo't Vaxlnil find Jll'clul fjrlngu lu tlm I * | ji > only yrliun nrer Invcil'cil | .y nlilcli tiltfliill Injiiltniit vim lui iilmlnli' lTlll ) Hltllllllt llM'iilltf II II. I ulliut. Iliu < Mtiiliu' nr no- l-i tlltllu Hi" II > U III II M'V Mil , nil ttlilili inn iil'u ha iiVKUnr ri ilul Injvtlluiu or KI/KT / 111 IIIIKU lliri.ll ANil IIAItll III IIIIKU Price $3.00. Mall onlnrii lloltjil. llieAloe&l'cnfoldCo ' , IDth Street , ci ; I'll ) lclun ' | iru orlptloim nrjrully | > rjp urud ut lotr crlcos. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , a DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB Capital , . . . . . . . $ ( ) , DJ ! ) Surplus $03,001) ) omctrjautllHrfclorj-Uearr IV , Vntei , proilrtjnt II. I'.CuiUtnt , Tlcoiircjlcloni , ( ! . H. \ UurlcoV. . V Mor e.JoUm. Colllan J , .N. IL I'Mrlci. lwl A Heed , cutilor. Tl-IE IRON BANlv. DON'TMISS IT ! You don't need to sacrifice the lives ot your lovedonoi when Dcplillicriii and Membranous Croup nlllendntiscrthonoleliborlioodof jourhoinf * . Tln-ro U sure IIIK I He medlplno TO IMIK- . 'i.NT : cotitTRlon of them , nnd llicroi \ also a uro sppelflo incdlolno for The Cure of Them ttticn they Imvn not run beyond hum-in roioh , Wrlto to DB. C. SIGEL , In Crete , Xcb. , f lu ncoil of uny trcntmcnl , and joti will find hat h i treatment h.iTtl nn man ) years'ox- icrlnii'tits and xtudv hnsoeourpd him n sue * ess uhU'h nlll notdlsiippoliityoti YOUREYE S ARE TROUBLING YOU I iVoll.romn nml Into lln'ni CTnniliiPit liy our ron of linni' * ant ! , If lit ' "rtl'f , Illlo I wllh ti | tlrol iur"l'KHKW llo.X srKrr.\Ol.istir : 1VI5 ! ( flASS < Iho lt ' * t In tlm\\orlit If ) niiititnot niMit utfi p will | p | | > mi iinn'liilM ' i < ion nlinl. tiitln. ior.vriiK : ! < > r CM : < n \ IKS i IIOM MUJ ri1. 'lilii. iniiki' . Mut" or whitesln"c , fur rmitucllitKlba Meyer& Bro. Go. Jewelers and Opticians. rnrntitn und riftoontli Streets Von cnii rcdnro your weight from ten to trvcnty pounds [ \inontli , at lioincwith out etnrvlng , nt rcnsonnblc cost by the use ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , pcrfcclcd In mnny jcnre prRclleo , cnliscit no kiii'HHor luliiry to the lu-alUi , Ulilgbly Indorsed. Send for proofs nnd testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , I * . O. Drawer 1.13. ChlcnRO , 111 , AGKXTM 1VAXTKD. nro i M STM/J r nnon on tins. REAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS I'lllsT The cmI llollil.iy No. ( otiliwil to SM | tH ( M ) ( tf that tiiiKlili'ftiif quattcTly iitibllciitlouy , "Tales from Town Topics , " Out , DtC'inb r llrst , all no ws and book stands and railway triiiia , price 60 cents , will bison t K l-i lil li To ml who send > ! " > . ; m < nth tilnl ? iil-ulptlon to TOWN' TOP 10 > . The largost. raciest , strongest , most varied and ontortainlnqwooklyjournul in the world. bKOMi. To all wh. m III VIMUIC HI nlll h < < > < ! ! t.Toi\.v Toi'ic'tnml "l'\l I si HUM lNi'loi'in" troiu ilntu until Iniuiiiry I , l ' . 'l.r ' > JM'rlni : . > V > nfthu InliiiltiiMu ilirirlt-rlj ( ruKiilnr prkpSJ 'ill mid II niiinlh" ot thu Kri'Mtvitof funillT ncokllua iiuxiii r piluu ilU ) jcnr yi-iir ) EffTnkp one or the ether nircr AMMINCIlnnil icmlt llilK'jt.iln les , iinlors 01 New \iirk KicliiniKClo TOWNTOPICS , 21 WcstaScl fat. New York. Clmao riitrK.i & KID GLOVES The ubovo brautls of crlo\cs lor aalo by TheBostonStore N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Donghis , Unlike tSie Dutch Process No Alkalies OK Other Chemicals are used In the preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S BrealtfastCocoa is ttb.inliitcly jniro anil soluble. . , . . . . . l.10jrtl/ f llf. > f. tltaatrcnytli ut Cocna mixed with btjrch , Arrowroot or . - Sucar , and is lar moro cco- jl , cnitlnij 133 than tine cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing ! .mil - - " - Kohl f > crnlifre. W. BAKEE & CO.Dochester ! : , Mass. Bogus White Leadanci adulterated paints would have no sale did they not afford dealers a larger profit than Strictly Pure White Lead The man who best guards his own interests is never per suaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good , " or "better , " than Strictly Pure White Lead. The following brands are standard , manufac tured by the "Old Dutch" process , and always strictly pure : "SOUTHERN" "RED " SEAL" "COLLIER" Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. The National Lead Co. man ufacture a line of colors to color strictly pure White Lead any shade wanted. They are put up in small packages ; one . pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Lead. By using these colors and strictly pure White Lead you know that you have pure paint , which you can not know when buying ' 'mixed" " " or "prepared" paints- For sate by the best dealers In taints. If you are colng to paint , It will pay you to send to us far a book containing Information that may have you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so , NATIONAL LEAD CO , , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo , ' 4 Kinds of Suits Ten of each kind and each kind different , are shown in our largest show window today , liach of these suits bears a card which tells you in good plain figures , the price which is either six dollars and fifty cents or ten dollars and fifty cents. These suits were placed in the window to attract your attention to notify you , that today "The Nebraska" begins another of the great special sales which have made her famous throughout the west. Two styles of these suits those in the two front rows arc marked The ones in the very front row are "beauts. ' They're made of good solid all wool cassimerc in a handsome clarlc brown with just enough color in the broken plaid to make the pattern attractive. The lining is of double warp Italian. These suits are in round corner sacks only. The "square cut"sacks in tlm second row arc mighty tony , They arc made of substantial fancy black cheviot in an invisible plaid. The coats arc cut doub 1 c - b re a s t c cl with square corners and in the proper length for this season. The lining is of soft serge and the price is six dollars and fifty cents. The third and fourth rows arc marked The third row arc sacks round corner sacks and such sacks ! made of elegant dark gray all wool cassimerc lined right up to. the queen's taste with very fine Farmer satin , triple stitched finely tailored. The frocks in the back row arc of that "never wear out" sort of goods good old honesty cassi- mere made up honestly every stitch such suits as fifteen dollars and sixteen dollars usually buys. Usually you get better goods than you expect at our spccials---it's so this time. FUR OVERCOATS have never been sold by us. The urgent calls from our customers for them have prompted us to add a complete assortment open today at such prices as only the Nebraska gives. Corner Douglas and 14th. Streets. PERMANENTLY CURED Ol N O PAY WE KKl-'ISR YOU TO 2,500 PATIENTS. Financial lliTcrcncc : Nal'l ' Hank of Commerce , Onulia. No Djr.TJiNTiox from buiii < )3" ) . No Oponition. Invusll'jiuo our Mothixl. Wrltlun u'imr.niteo tnntiRO- lutcly Uuroull Ulwlsof Itl I'T ( : K10oMolli \M.with out Iho use of Hiilfo or syringe , no natter of liow loiijf b tune ] Ins. EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. , OMAHA , NEB. brnd for Circular. Ask your shoe dealer for tlie THE NEW JERSEY SPECIALTIES have no equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only. Big stock on hand. ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , ' " HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * i > c"ir . purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe aim always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches on the Face , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrluca , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Di/J-sir ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , a , Nettle Rash , Pa'nful ' Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to thc Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , diS'a , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or diS' ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. "Norvo Soodo , " tbo vtomlcrrul rpruodf U olil nltli a wilt- . Irn eunranlcr to euro All nrrvoui dl utic , such n Wiak Mtuiurr. I I/oaxif iliulii ruwcr , H aUuchn. Wukofulneei , Ixot .Manhood. Nlglulr limit' tlons. narvontnuM. I/attitude , all Ur ln4 andloBtof power of lUuUt'iirrMlru Organi In silliertoi cnuBfil hr ovur uimlon , joullifiil irro' czcttiiivr uieuf lobncco. opium urntlniulunu which noon Iniwl in Inflrnmy. COIIIUIIIIH tlonBiialiimimr. 1'ut upconriinlon.lijcitrrjrliivctt ix/cket. Ml vorimcl' nt'Olir niuilifllo'U. With ovary t' iri\ervin \ iiive < linrltt < n uwiranltt tucurl ci orrtjundthfaantv. Clrcul r free. AUrtru &A > r BKt | t n. . C'blcugo , lli. For sale In Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 1515 Dnd o stroot.