Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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mi \ W v nii.v in..1 ? * \vi.hvr ? < nAVTnvurni.n in i o >
I clivrrrrt lyiirrler to any pirt of t1 ! ? city
on 1 t > itn\fs ] } Hin'nrm Office
Wll Killlor
N Y Plt.nihngCo !
I'ounll Ult.lTs Lumber Co.
Theca oof Mr . Mnry ( ' Oordon acalnt
Kobert Hnln Is Mill on iti the district court ,
uficroecupvinif thtco dav * .
Ihoienillnr tncotlfiK of the Women' * Ke-
llof ns oeliitloti will Do hold tint nftnrnnon nt
the losl'loiice ' of Mrs. M. li Wothcrbje. ( W3
MM. P M Oaull ontertnlned fiooial lust
ovcnlnj ! nt IHT riiltlonro. 7i'i South Nlxtn
Mreot , for itio henellt of .St. Paul's chinch.
Kho wns imlMeil In entertaining by Mr .
Mvorsnml Mri. I ) U' . Uushnoll.
Member * of 1'ounrll Hlutf * lodcn Xo.10
nml HnwUeyo lodtfo Xo. IS I nro ieiiie | .ted to
meet nt llio nail thl tifternnon nt ' _ ' o'clock to
ntti'iitl the funeral of Anton Kink. Visiting
members of the order arc InvileJ to purtlcl-
'J'ho moto'ifrs ' of tbu Women' * Chris
tian imoriiitloii ni requested to icuol at Mm
reslilenco of i ) . II Lucas on O.ildund ave
nue ut .u o'clock toftttoml In it bolv the
fun rm 1 of Mrs. l.cutzlngor , which Is to Do
liolu nt tu o clock.
Sheriff Ha/en lias returned from the ra t
rnd of llio county , lirniKlni ; with him 7 K
llltchrock , xvho was Indicted ov Urn intml
Jury lor tlio Inrci'iij of n con pi o of guns from
lr Wcst'j biiu'LM. HI * coin ruin Ion , .1. Hob-
bison. lus also ijcen InUictcil fnr tlio simo
I'nttawUtnmlp trllio Xo. SI , Improved
Onlcr of Keit Mon. will incut this cvoniiiR in
i cpulnr council In their wlpwatn. corner of
lirondu'ay unit Main htroots , nt Iho olchUi
run. A fJll attoiuluiito of the members Is
desired , as hutines * of Iniporlnnro will bo
brought boforn Iho tribe.
Marnnco licenses \\cro Issued yesterday
to the followlni ; t ouplcs : Harrv N. \\ols
inger ot Mltclicll , S. U , nml Uonrpiu K.
Droiinenian of Council 1 Hulls ; ( ! . ( ! . Dufiv of
Wroplnjr U'nter , Neb. , unit Tracy Sliobcr of
Ku'lnt. , Xob. , Theodora Christcnson nnd
.loh.uinn DuUcnhuri' of Coii'icll HlutTs.
Tlio fitnurtl of Airs , .lames Gr.idv was
larRelv intended , all Iho llremen in the city
thnl could bo spiroj from their uutlos nt-
tcndiiiK In n bodv. 'I'lio coflln wis almost
rovcrod with tlowcn , and the hearts of the
friends wno tondcrly cared for tlio patient
BiilTeror were acoply touched by thogeunrous
cvidenea of public sympathy.
A beautiful doll with .natural linir ,
IB on exhibition nt Miss Hugsdnlo's
inillini'ry pnrloM. It will bo pi von
nwn.v in : v short tiino to dollplit homo
cliild , nnd nil of Miss Hsitfsdnlo'H ens-
toinurs will bo pivcn a chnnco to pot it.
A tii'kot pees with cnuli $2.00 imrcbnsp.
'J'ho doll is Inrt'o BI/O , nnd a beautiful
creation of nrt.
run iMti-.ti
in- :
At tlio Itostiiii Slim1 , ( 'oinrll Illulfr , l.i.
'ili-incli heavy durk Miking * , lOe a
Sardido jacfjirird fancier , iilo a
Knglioh chocked suiting nnd Scotch
p aids nil wool-'i.e ! n yard.
Chango'iblo trridescont twills10
ini'bcsido , a bargain at13c nyard.
Ladies' cloth , ol inohea wide , a full
line of full color ? , fiOc n yard.
Over 100 pieces of all-wool serge and
cashmere in every imjginublu color at
COe a yard.
Tlio swo'i ' thine for the fall of 1892 is
shown by us. The new two-toned
inatelabso in nn endless variety of ox-
quibito combination of colors.
Tills fnbric , although not new , is ono
of the popular weaves for this fall. A
full range of colors. Price $1.00 a yard.
The most profitable material for fall
wear is shown In nn endless assortment
of weaves. Prices f om 7oo to $ LeO a
yai d.
40-ixcit wnii' conns.
A beautiful cloth much the same ns
Borgo with a moro iiroinincnt cord nnd
much heavier tiftill range of fall colors.
1'ricc $1 a j tird.
An entirely new weave , very heavy ,
beautiful finish , elegant shades , a very
debit able fall material. Price $ l..r > 0 n
ya u.
AVe show an endless variety of figured
cropons in all the loading shades , a full
line in three qualities. Prices , 7ou ,
81.00 and tl.iM n yard.
Our imporlation order of f-illc is now
complete with nil the now weaves and
fancy novelties of the lending makers of
K tire po.
C'hangcablo suinhs and talTotts 7oo
nnd $1.00.
Colored china silks fiOc. "oc and $1.00.
Fancy arinnro Mlk OOc , 08c , $1.10.
Kvori thing in MlKs is to bo found nt
our counter , including ivope do chinos ,
rhimaines , faille bilks , pcau do sole , etc.
Sllk-nnd-wool bengalincs in blue ! ; nnd
colors , $1.25.
Fothcringliam , Whitolaw & Co. ,
Council Hlulls.
N. 15. Mail orderf promptly nttonded.
All ordern whether per express or mail
bent free of charge.
i > //.sr > .v.ii < J'.in Km ii'iii.
J , A Chutcuill will sponJ the winter la
Florldn ,
A. O. ( iiilnes of Lot'knort. HI. , Is in the
city visiting his brother , M. U ( .ijlnoi , iiiul
iilho atlsiidliiR tha national KiitherliiK of
Moilonicodiuon at Orniihu , be bolng ono ot
the Uolcgatcs ,
.ludeo Joseph I { . Uoed of this city and
MUs KVHIIS of Mnlvorn uro to bu iniirried In
th near Hituro. The hrldo-eloct U ono Inof
the belles cf Mnlvorn and U president of Iho
lead l UK bank there.
Another I'lno Itculdmu'i' .
J.C. nnd W. Woodward , nrchileets ,
luivo jiml completed the plans nnd lot
thu contract for another line residence. :
Jt will be the homo nnd property of Mr. !
W. C. Dlckoy , nnd will bo located nt the
head of Uonton btreot , U v. ill bo the
handsomest residence on the Hi root , lo
cated in n natural giovo nnd in onu ciof
the beautiful of the locality. Hoth
the exterior and inluriorcoinblnu togivo
u \\oiiileifnliy planning ullect. Ono of
llio main features is the nrrangomont of
llio looniH , which for economy nnd con '
venience cannot bo surpiiFbcd , and the ,
whole IB a striking oxumplo of the hand-
< omo homes thnt those arehltcuts have
bccouio famous for creating.
Ton shares capital btot-lc Citizens Stnto
banli fur nalo. ! : . II. Shoufo.
Atom lloiuinViintoil ,
H you luivo nny dilllculty In finding
tenants lor your house allow us to nut
Dinrtml oint for ten dnyu ; you will bo
pleated with fu.illlt8.
The Rtulliint novelty b.xso burners
nro tlio b'jjt hoitu. ' : * in IHo city. Sou
thoin tit Swaino'ti.
S. IJ Protroll , wntohnwUor , " 40il'way.
The A. 0. T , Co. hag lidded two now
lincks lo ila foreo and will answer call a
nt all hours , ciay or night. Telephone ,
170 ; ollk'o , 8 Main btreot ,
DarU tor drugs und naluU.
How Young Jerry Tn'x ' Really Mot His
Danth Mouthy.
U'llllniu Mutton Ti.lM . tlio Trim Story of
tlin ttrcnilfiil All.ilr llclcirithu Cor *
oiirr'i iliiri Ilii Wan l'rllit |
curd at I lr l.
William \Vatton U now sufforlng ( rom tbo
effects of nn erroneous Idea Unit t.o could
pull the wool over the eyes of a coro.ior's
Jury. Hoti the younc nun who wont hunt-
lni with Jerry Unix Moail.iy afternoon.
Krilx was shot during tha altcrnoon , unj hU
remains are now lying at Knep's undertak
ing rooms , whore an tmjiiosl held yottcr-
day. Immediately afior the shootlnc
reported at the city marihal's o 1113 by Will-
ton , Mufilnil Tompleton and Iljputy lAi vler
tool : 11 trip to the nlueo whores thu body was
and made n Iborojjjti l.iveuljaton ; : of the
BUiroundincs. They found n very stranue
Btatoof affair * . 'I'tio pun , which according to
Walton's story , had n-Jno olT wlillo l.i Unix's
hands , \\.is lying fully tun feet from thu
body. ' 1 ho bodv was nbiolufjly froj from
povidar irurk , walch showed that the mule / -
? lo of Iho uun hnvo bjja at least lit or
seven feet away ulion It wont off. Further
more , it w.n f Jiiml 111 it , the shot from the
Klin had spread nil ever the side of the dead
mmi'H face nnd neck , nml hU rli > ht shoulder
\vus riddled with tlio pellets of leuu , almost
tis fur M the spinal column. They nt onca
dotermlned that llio story which Wa'toti
tolii was faUn , anil that Unix hid boon shot
bv the nun when It was In Wotto.i's linnds
They accordingly went to worc ; on that thb
ory , which was followed out at Iho liupis&t.
Wnttou himself was the llrst witness at
the ti.iiuest He.luck to his lirit story , not
of the result1. , of the marslmi's In-
Unix , he said , had carried the
pun from the tni.o they lolt homo until the
shootlni : took place. Ho described In detail
the positions ot himself mid P.nK at tbo
llm the nun went olT , althotiKn ho eo-itra-
dieted hlmsciriii n number of Instances , ami
his whole htorv w.i ovidentlv a putrhwurk
of falsehoods , do.iljicd with .1 view of held !
Ini ; himsplf from t o conscuiicnccH of an net
of which ho considered himself tjuil'y After
ho had la v.iln tried to m.ilio his story hung
together ho tauon Into uackroom and
told by otic of 'bo members of the jury that
he uasdolni ; himself more burin KOOI !
by tolling such a story. After belnij allowcil
to loo'.E ' at tt.o body with Ibo snot in the back
hoas nifiln tnlton out , and then ho admit
ted that he hud made up a story.
Ho was ivcn ; another chance , n'ld ho then
atlmittcu ' .o Iho Jury that ho had been slund-
mpr with the gun resting oa his Iclt arm ,
nomtimr toward JOtilx , witli hH llniror oa tlu
tiifpt-r. A rabbi „ suddenly mipoaied ami bo
started to run , but slipped and fell. The
Kiin ivi-nt off mid tin saKnix fall. U.illini ,
"Oh .leiry , " and sclng that his coniDanioi
did not move , ho frixhtened and tai
baelt to town. Mo found his father unu tob
him that he hud shot.Icrry. His father told
him lo inn rliht to the city buildim ; ami no
titv the nolico " of what had happened. Oa
the way "no decided to tell a story which
would throw the lespousihlllty ot the afTiiU
on Uie dead bov.
His father , Maniuol Watton , was next pul
ou the stand , r.nd without Knowing- ho dc
tiled tie ! IIOV'H stutemont. Hjsniil that the
bov's hrst words whoa nu arrived at the
liouso , all out of breath , were , "F.ithor
Jerry's ' shot himself. "
Thcie nas uuotber illscropaniami the
boy was recalled in order lo Bh'eblmanotha
clianro to correct himself. Ho stucic to hi
second story , however. Frank Knix , thi
lather of tlio dead bov , was then put on tin
stand , but nothing of much value was oO
mined from him , tin havlne been in Harmon ,
Nob. , when the accident tcolc place , aud
tmvltiK artivcd home only about ten minutes
before ho iccoived his .summons to appear
Defoio the jury. Ho siild , however , as did
onth tbo other witnesses , that ho had never
known of any trouble between the ooys. In
fuct , they had never bail verv much to do
with one another until last FiUlay ,
The Jury thou retired and a few minutes
later returned with the fol.owinp voidict :
"We , the ] urv , line that tbo deceased
c.imo to his death by bcm ? shot by a RUII in
the hands of William Watton , and recom
mend that the said Willinrn Watton bo held
for a preliminary examination.1'
Walton was immediately taken before
Jiistlco Hammer , whcro an Information was
Hied cliart'liiK him with murder. Ho
waived examination , nnd was taken to the
county jail to await the notion of the
jury. Ho showed but little fcelliifr dining
the later proceedings , although while ho
WHS civlng his testimony and undergoing a
catechism at the hands of the mcmbors of
the jury , hu win visibly agitated. Ho has
all the "appearance of n VOUIIK iruin who is
not too slioni ; in the upper story.
Piles of poonlo have DUOS , but DoWlti's
Wlten Ha/.s I salvo will euro them.
Miis K J. Davis is closing out nor
stock of iiot'ons ' at le-JS than cost. oOO
Main bticet , opnoaite ICiul's hotel.
UOnooplo in this city usa gis stovoa
Iho Gas Co. jiits 'om in at ejst
1'iiuiitliiKr I'll ' ) Vntrn.
The county hiipervisors met yesterday
mornlnsr and losumcd Iho onicial count of
the vote at the locont cleellon , which was
commenced on Monday. Tbu township vole )
showed tbo following result :
N. Sclini/ . 1 fl'iit
A T. Whlttlosoy . I.C'U '
o. Ilonscl . \r \ a
John I'ox . , 'M1'
Ovid Vi-In . I.Vi
11 11. K , old . i'.tU'i
A.M. Iliilcliln-ion . ! IIO
It Mulsh
( iiiortio Mcl't'Cl ; "I.1
w.v I'om-f air ; ,
( J.A Itohlnsiin ISO
K. II. liiinllniT M
Ucorjo lli.nicr yj
I ) 1C. Doilsoa I fill
M. Do (
H. Hherr.idi-n
ini'siniuo : m.i. VAUA.VCV ) .
J 1'Voa i-r . t.RT.i
( ii'oiKttV I.DIIK . i..Ofiil
James Wild . W
/.iirmuulilon. Jr
II Cahin tx
idr.ihjnt :
\V. Me Rul flu n . | , , KVJ
U II. Whlti' . lhi(5 , (
M Oiill.iirhftil . 1,707
.1. I' . It.iluT . " .ON !
J. A. Slillillnj ) . -.1-1
- -
U , W. Jiiukson . V.WI7 ,
Ci'or o ll.ill ' . "Jll
A. II IlrukCi ) , S7
ri ) ; , rjni.tiro : KII.I. VACANCII.
\V , Meradiien l.fGI
U. IIhlto \ )
A partial count of the vote on county can
didates Hlioxvoil the folloxvlng llRuros on the
demccrnuu and ruaibllu [ n candidates :
Camiiuoll . 4.841 ITU
Warren . 4iUl (
Mil rah . < ,745
4bUJ 117
t'OlNTIIECOIlllKlt. ! .
llohror J.749
bliojianl 4,8il 114
llp.MIur. "
The lauiob having In chiirgo the selec
tion of the nnlads , priostes. es , Arab
maids , blackbirds and buttorlllesaro re
quested to have tholr clitbaos ready to
meet drillnmstur at any notice ,
No ITnlim Doiiiit.
A private telegram from Daa Molnes re
ceived In the city yoslonliy puts a ijulotui
ou the hope > of tbo cltlzons of Council Bluffs
that perhaps iho railway commissioners
mifhttuUo pity ou tbe city and order tbo
railroads to build a union depot. A decision
was banded Oown yesterday , which ordered
tha Culcjgo , liurlluRion & Qulany , tbo Cnl-
Uoclc Itlaai i 1'acino , the Kansas
Itv , Kt .loscnh & Council llluffs , nnd Iho
'bunco , MllwauktJ V St. Paul , to tnnlto nil
eccssiiry Improvomenls In order to mnko
heir dcnols III lor u o as depots There
vns no M mil ni : n count the Union 1'aclllc ,
ho llilcneo ! fc N'orthwo , lcrtior Iho Wnbaih.
I ho oxnct contents ot the decision c innot he
earned until todav. when H copy of Ilia ilc-
crco will probably bo received by tha oily
attorney , bat Ibo is enough ,
Dnn't forgot to attend the third nn-
uial bull and supper given by Ibo CSrntul
lotel boll boys ut Mitionlu temple , Nov
ember ' . ' - .
Day V Hess hnvo n force of men work-
ng on the ro.ids through the Klein
tl'It . Htiy flvo or ton ticres there while
t is
A late invoice of cl.ensillo curt ain
ntitl Smyrna ings allow prices. Council
Hhi Ila Carpet company.
Hoston store closes every evening at fl
p. in. , unless Mondavs und Saturdays.
Instead of hotting a bat o'l election
wnjjer ono of thosj liiunlsonio low-priced
wine or brandy sots tit 1411111 ! llros.
Oentlomon , the linost line of rill goo.h
in Iho city , jiiat roi'civo.l. Helter , the
tuilor , ,110 IJrondw.iy.
The genuine ilurr stove ? ai-o sold
t nly by ChaHwaino , " : ' ,7 Hroidway.
Call and see them.
Coal nnd wood ; best nnd cheapest
Missouri hnrd wood In the city ; prompt
delivery. If. A. Cox. No. I Main.
See those oil heaters nt Svvainc's , 7 ; > 7
Judfon , civil engineer , > ! : H Brotdw.iy
Don't forgot that w.iino soils the
l.linhtirst stnvcs.
WliHli nnt.iriils constantly glting in the ihapp
nf linlH , | ilmili | > , t < riipt < fin , kiT , rte. 'llico
show that the blood Is rontamliialeil , anil ciino
a ° "lstaiirn inii't bu nixi'ii ID rolii-M- the trouble.
It the mildly to funo out these poi-
soii4anilciiablu JDII to
"I li.i\n hid for jpar .1 Innnnr In mv tilnnil ,
\tlilcli Hindu inn drt-.ul tnvhaxe. as "mailmils or
phnplptould ' ho fin , thus musing tbo shaInirt o
iiojaiifo. Aftortakingthronbnttli" )
my o Is nil i ami hiinuith as It
should boapiictilo ' plciiilid , Hlfcp
udl , and fret llko riumlng n Tout
ll from Iho n uo ; H.S. S.
CIIAS , HEA ros , 73 laurel st. Pliila.
Treatise mi Mooil and slln ill'-rnscs uiallrd fixe
SWIi'T Sl'LCiriC CO. . Atlanta. a.
if von ' h i\c t'lnanl ness
I'li-eMi'i Is iin.\t
your f.tuc 1 > to
Dirty. l.oilllness
How to Cure Freckles
SliH'u ti ! ( limlnnlimiif llio uorlil piotty ficoi ! mve
been hn I tit vrltll Iri'trKIOH an 1 thu niiint hmmttrill
i om plu\ Ion H In Men up bj t'lj-e ' un llill ) Metul'liu- *
I1 * ( lie tnilv cum cncr known. Dis vivonM Ii MM II
.M VA1J , , tin * wnrl l ruiiit'.l ) nnd CnmiiletUm
hpi'clali't. Mine Valu bit trentti I t h1 uls
ot Kuropo tutlc iit tli * Whttii i Ion to tin l fit ? * i'leh
rltiot ot tlm \ \ Tnl. \\iitf tier in t'OiitiiluiK * ' . Mtiu
( nn intiVit > on tu1 I'll I "nt. She r.ui in i'o > nu nunt-r
autiln fl\irn nniy h\ir to ti * natural I'ulor. Nodyo
iiM-d nnthltu' li it ni'j liclnc. "li"cii ili'tfulo ] ) ) otir
bii-t.MH nut > imr-iiiko ! i olitt t , i ore > ou of unrsklii
b'emlili.nn 1 lor h"r luiiin : Ucaiilv' Hrxic. ! It Hill
1 * nuilli'l you froi All ot MiniUilo'x reniftlips
wilt I'c ' "liii'ia'l > nn fioin < lilc.iu-o , orun citi ui't
tlioiu Irom ) ourunu * Hu tvill Rt'L them foi 3011.
( Jo to > iwrtlrii Ut on MoruHj nn i ti < * t n hilllt1 of
l > t Kroekla titke It linnm itiid npplj It uu orllnz Lo
tiliof lion * tin MonUtn , I'u > dar unuVtilncHlay , nu 1
on Simlay you tll n < 't ' haru a tro ktu , Vourrtnu-
p t'xton will LU us ported an whi'n a Itltlo babj. 1 lit3
mibioliitel ) truo. rrtccll.U'J.
Mnio , M , Yale's Templa of
HGSlalfSI. .
lliii-aa ) , ! ! !
" ' "
'Iqit. "I
The Orieinal and Genuine
tlio ruoct djllclous table ttiJ zest
TI.EMAN at Mud.
ras to hit brother FISH ,
r.t WORCE8T1U' ,
IIS ) ' . 1651. IKJT Jt COIJJ
LEA At 1'EHIUNb1 aii\TS : ,
! that tbclr p&uce In
ottoemed la CA.11E ,
India , unil U In my
opinion , tlio most WKI.S1I-
palatable , M well
an Iho molt whole-
nnmo " uco tint Is
made. " Ac.
BgwgjBoj Mtatiflgiat ;
eee that you get Lea & Poirhis'
BIgnitureonovery Lottie of Oriclni' & Qnnuine.
To nil oiMiuraof lots or paitsof lots on Woolworth -
worth iiM'iinu fiom Soi'Onil hlrui'l loSi\ili
strupt !
Von nro lieroby notlflod that Ihu iiinlcr-
nlKiird. tlucu dlslptorcstud freulioldurs of tun
eltv of uo bosn iluly nnpolnlud by
thu niiyor , with DIM approval ofthn city coun
cil of 8'ild eltv , to assnss tbu IIIIIIKU | to tlhll
onnnri ) ro poetlvoly of the piopurtv.ilfeetoil
hy the iiiMilii of Woolwortli iivi'imo. from Sue-
olid street to Sixth Hiruot. ilucluroil uitceiisury
by unlln.inco No. UH , piseil .Not ember 1. iMt. ' ,
npiiru\cd NuvL'inber a. IRW ,
von iiiu further not I HIM I , Hint liiulnz ao-
c'ontud kald apiiolntiiient , and duly niKillllcil
us reiiiIred | by Un , n will , ou Ibo.I tli duy edof
Nuvumbor , A. H. IM1. ' . , it tbu hour of 4 o'rloc'U
In the aflnriioon at thu olllco of lit-or o .1 ,
1'ixiil. in ! > Farnuni ntreul. wlihtn lliocorporntn
limits of sild fliy. mi-lit for the purposu of ,
i.'cnsldciil2 nnd inuUlp' ' HID nstctiini ! ol
duiiiiiVn to llio owners ruipfetlvoly. of s.ild
property , iitToetud by H'lld c'liiingu of Kr.ulf.
tiikln. Into cunsldomtlon special beiicllls , if
Von HronntlfloJ to bo piesont at the tlmo
anil placti .iforei ild , anil make any objections
to or stateinuntk voncernln/ ild anetii ml
of dumiiECf .YOU 1'iity eoimlder uropor.
\ViM.IAM 0. blllUVKIt ,
It. W. UlllbON.
Omaha. Nuv 11 , Wi. XlOillOt
77/rrc'd / o
H Trcrncfi lie-
twr-n llio help
tlmln tnlknl of
nnd tlio liclp
Hint's niidiYiii-
tail.Wbleh tlo jou
want when jiu
nro buying tneill-
's clno r
If you're Mills-
flo < l with noril' ' , yoii'\.t ' | them with owr.v
blood-ntirlller but t < rt . Thnt ono Is Ir
I'lcrcos Uolilen MnlU-dl Disoovrrv AVith
that , jou ( jet n { iniiitti'trc. If it doesn't
help you , you hnvo > ' ' ! ' nionry 1-aclc. Ou
thlJ filnn , n ine < llcito ! that jironiiw-s help ii
in tty sui-o to clvo it ,
Hut it's lurmi'v the mctllrin ? is ilHVervnt ,
that itn Mild dllTcrontly. It's not like the
< uiKipnillln , whlrh nnvild ti > Iv yood for
the blivxl ii Miuvli , April , nnd May. At nil
wasons nntl in nil PJIMSI. it < inxs pel ninnent Iv ,
ns nothing olto can , nil Iho ill
from n (01 ( pld llvor or f roi i Iinpinv Mix-Hi.
It's the / ( / MiHxl-nuriflrr , mid It'i tlio
rhni ( > o t. no inatlcr now many doses nro
offered fm1 n dollar.
With Ibis , jou my only for tbo peed you
yet. Can jou inorol
Till- , SHOKTliSrm \ TO
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul Rdilway , ad repre
sented on this map.
prtouxc"17' yfaGol
l 7 it3I" " < j DAn RAPID ? j
p vuB DEs aioi\Es
Klcctnc Lighted , Steam Meal
ed Yestibulcd trains leave
Omaha daily at7o : , p. in. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
Teeth nile.lltli
on i' tl t if t'lo
It itust Invon-
in.Tii K.vntACTPti winiouc PAI-J ou
Ari'Mjsncor TiinioN : : itunnm rou
. - . ( i > ) .
Pot feet fit Qiitiantuul. cvtrictoa In
thu iiiornlnz. rtow onui Insjrtea in evonliii
of simo d'iy.
i-eo snei'linons of Uo > nov.ible Ilildse.
Hfuapvel'iiuiHiif l''le\l'lo ' I'll istlc t'Uta
All worl.'iiiitoil as lopjeaenteJ.
Ullk-e , I lnr.l I'.OJP. I'.ixton Itloj , .
Tclcphiiii * IDS i. ICil i ri I r. r nitii S'i.
"J uUo Kiev.i toni Sta i wiy fro n Ul.i
trpo lentiiuico.
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best.
Send us SI.'ID nnd uc'llsciul sou too tngravca
c.niK tr mi a new I'ljijicr ' phlc.
Send us III ) els. n < l jour priii-m ] > lntc ( in be licld
am ! ic i tiicil ) .uul c'll send joii 100 rn-
grn\cd .jttl
We pay express charccs.
( lj-lc Cobl.'B I.DIItry Co )
136 Wabnsb A\c. ,
Or ( lici Ll < iunr Ilnbtt'I'uattltrl.r Cured
by lulmliiluleriiiRr l p. Ilitlura'
< intilcri Siircin" .
It ccn be clvcu til a cup of coCcc or tea. or n food ,
vrliboul the knotvl dcedf I he patient. It lf absolutely
b rmleefl , nccl TCill clfect n permnncnt and speed ;
cure , whether ttio p tloJt li a moderate drinker or
an alcoholln wreck. It tins been ctvon lu thousands
of oases , and In every instance a perfect cure hAsfol.
lowed. Itnrivr Knll * . 2Uoitcm oncolinpreirtiated
rrlth Ibo Cpeoiru- bfpomrj nn utter ImiinaiibilUy
for tha liquor appetite to exist.
UOI.IIRN Ml12CiriU CO. . Prop'ra , CUrtnnnll. 6.
' " ' -ni.Tf l ok rr rwrll ' ' ' - Irft * * . To be hffrt of
Kiilin.1 Co. loth and Douglas sta . IMh anl
Ciiiuiii als.VhoIus itu , Itiaki ) . llrico .Vu Ui )
; ind Kloli uUijoii UruiOo .Omalfi Nub
To .1. A Ituntollo. .MIKo Votcir.i , I'ltliarino
I.oulilln , M.Lvpren hiiiciisun A. 1' . Ulirlsto-
plierson , Clnr.i I'ord , ( i , II. I'.llsuorth , Jonn
"Mobr , ( Seorsi ! II T/selmclc :
You are boruhy nollUod that the iindfr-
signed , thieu dlilnlt'reatcd ftecholdon < il the
city of Uinah i , ba\o buunditly : v | > pjntol bv
tlin mayiir.llh thn approval of theelty conn-
I'll nf slild city , to ussess the daiiLicit to the
OUIIOM it'spectlvuly of the property ilerluiad
by ordlnnni'o neeoasary tn boaiiproprlnt" ' ! for
tbo use of kiild , forlbo puiposu o * open-
in and extuiidlnj Kith atluut from Vinton
htieet tosonlh clly limits.
Von me further noullril. thai havln ? ae-
enpletl i Id nppiiintiiiciit nnd dniviii | ulllcd as
required by liu. wo ulll , on Ibu 'Isl iliiy or
Nutfi'iibcr , A | ) . 18' ) . ' , t tlin hour of IDo'elofK
In tun foieiioiin : it tin ; olllco of T II. Md'ul-
loch rooniM.'N V. Life Iliiildiii ' . within the
oorpoialu limits of said cliy , niDct f > r the pur
pose fif cons'deiln ' ; and miking the nssess-
mpiit of ilHinn-ju to the owners respectively , of
hulil pioporty. by reason of such t lUIn1nnd
iippruiirliition thi'ieof. tiklnirlntu considera
tion sjioelal bdiiellts , If rny.
Thnpiopurty liuloiivlii- you , proposed to
bo appropriated as afori'sild , imj which his
bron ( Ict'lnied nei'essary by Ibo council , by
ordinance , to upproprl itn lo the u-u of the
city , I'clii''stliriio In'ilil ( city of Oinnhi. In
tli" enmity of II nulnx , ami itit u of Nebrasl , i.
Is dencilbed us follows. tolt :
S'JO feet of w l.ifout fif lot 43 , S. H. Uozuis'
] . ( ) boiiu.
\Ves | iijfpfjt of lols 10 and II. Mottor's siibd -
vls'on ' of lot 41. > . li lioaors1 plat of Olj bom .
\Ve > t lili feit of mill lot I. l.ilot X'O.
\\i'si 1,11 fuel of lot i : > ( Ul. Hill No. - ' .
Son'lii feul of uc. > f. ' ( ; fui'l ot lot , Iti , Oik Hill
No. i' .
\\rat 10 feet of lols fi. 7 , S Mottoi's bill ) of lot
S S. K. Ko.'iiis' nlui nf
North'.ill feet of uesl til of lot4JS I Ho/ >
! > ' pint Olciboinii
\Vest."i'i fuel sub lol I of tllot W.
Vtiu mo notlllud to bu picsuiit t the tlmo
Linionnd plncii nforus ild , und mnko miy ob-
Icctinns to or state neiitscoiiccrnin.1. sail pro-
| miU iipproprl illon. or uasessinunt or dam *
i"es , as you may consitlor proner.
T. It. Mi ' '
t'l'l/r.0(1 ( | | ,
JOHN ! ' . I'hAOK ,
Oniahii. OcU irtlh IP ! ) . ' . o..dtiJ )
Sualed pmposils nil ) bn roeulvud bv the un-
until It.ui o'clock p. in. , Noxfinber
L'18 L' , for \liilllril hrluk , ueuordhu toHpecl- \
lU''iUom on llln In the uftlio of thu Hniird
of I'ubllo Works ,
Tor pu\IiiK iinrts of tbo following streets
and Kiliiy.s In the city. Of Onmh i , compi Ked In
b'rectiiiiiirovoiiiiintulurlils Ni > 4 i' , IS7 , 481 ,
4IHI and 4i ! | , oiduind iminovcd hy m Jlnunucs :
NoxIl'.W. IiW , ' . X"ii. : iWi ( an I : i ) rcepuetlvely
nnd mure pirt eularly iluierlbu I us follows
tolt : -et
No. 4sil-t'untir ; i-tryul from 10th htieet to
No Ii7 Alloy In crlo'llc ' t& , city , fiom 17th
hlieet to Intb hliet't.
No 4vJ-Alloy in bloeK 110 , elty , from Kill
htruct to IRibijtienl.u
No. 4JO .7ih htreet tiitm Jackson street to
I.l VUIIttOltll htlllllt.
Nn. 4'Alloy ) | in block I'Ji'i ' ' from lOlh street
lo 17th struct. i * .
In tlin city of < > niuiiv |
Kirli blil loKiiulfy , ! a prlen per sijiriro ynrl
for thu p.ivliiK coinpieto on each Hiruot nl I
alley suparutuly In Maid Improvement nls-
' '
Worn to bo done * In iiccordanre with plans
tin I slice llcitloii-ouilllo : In tbo olllco of the
llo.inl of I'ublloVorM ,
Kach pioposal to hj.imulo on printed bl uika
furnUlicd by the bo ird , und to bo uecompiin-
led by a certlliuil cbcfiti In the mini of fVXl , pay.
ublo to thoclty of Oiii ilia , us an ovidunco of
Kood faith.
The board nserves tbe rich ! to annrd tilt
I'onlract on all tbu snld dlitricts lORnther erse
on each district bepar-itoly , subject to Dm select -
lectlon of the nmterlal by tbo property own
ers or thu mayor unit oily council , to reject
any or till bids , ami tn wiilvo dofecu.
rimiriiianor tlio llo rd of 1'iiblu Works.
Omaha , Nub. , NinumDcr b. 1SW.X
X 8 0 15 10
13i6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.n
Tlipemlneiit niwlallkt lii iiemiui ; . chronic , prlrnlitloal.tklnand urlnurr illume * . A regular nnd rote -
iHiurrli Ion iuiulnn'l nunlnem ' ' > ' * te ' * *
, iimiihuod , ,
nltlit hi fufm
IPS nml till * cf . ' . i'l !
u IriUlineiilforloMot tllulpimcr , l'n > lUn ' ' i
viici' . Mi > inilniiirln lrunieiili > uiiur mnllur uimb'u lo vUlt mu may tu ireiitPil ut Lome bi cotrt'spoml.
onUi > r. Onu pcr oiml Inlcfv.e * pr-lvrroJ. otpru Connuliallon nvcurvlr I'Uikril. no marki lo IndlcalJ lontrnln ur
M rtUTlei of Life ) .cnl f roe. Oaice liourj a a. m , 10 9 p. m , tiiDtfiijf Irec. 10 Co a , ui. reiioniK'nc to | m. bvnd i strully tuimi iirUulc. or reply. 'llouk
Now we have a sale specially gotten up for
the BOYS : BOYS must wear clothes and BOYS
must have bargains. Don't allow anyone to
oven insinuate that these ape not bargains ui\-
til you have seen what we offer you. Cold type
won't express it. Seeing is believing.
BOYS' all wool suits , ayes 4
to 14 , in two pieces , single
or double breasted and four
different shades. They are
generally advertised as bar
gains at $2.BO ; some even
ask $3 for them.
with capes.
On account of the
sizes being broken we are
selling them at half their value.
To see them
to buy them.
Corner 13th and Farnam.
The niitmnu is llio tiino to piint : , nnd ono coat brightens nnd preserves houses
and buildings nnd adds much to the value and bouuty of your property.
Woiilt ! You Like to Buy Paint et Wiiolesale
\Vo want to soil you paints nnd ovorythinir used in paintint ? ut wholesales nnd
les ? . The h-st boiled oil yoiiboughtyou prob.ibly piid 70i ; a gullon for it. Wo will
soil you one gallon or 100,000 gallons of iinv briindi r.t 10u. Xowvo hnvo cauyhl
your attention , road the rest of this anil compare thoao htr.iight cash prices.
St. Louis lead , 7c per Ib. Harry Bros. , hard oil , o gal can ,
Omaha lead , ( i c per Ib. . ( .
$ ! ! ( ) nor jrul.
.loplin lend , ( Me per Ib.
Cheap lead fle per IK lierry Hros , hard oil. ] ( j.xl. run , $1.75
Linseed oil , boiled , 19o per g.xl. Other hard oilb , from $1.0 ! ) to tl./il /
Linseed ol1. inw , lOc per gal. per n'iil.
J'aint oil , : { per Mineral i > : iints. dry , from Ikto Sc.
Barrel price , -c ] ) er gnl. less. Mineral paints , ground in oil , lu to Oc
Wo guarantee lo bo us good ns nny mi veil paint. We will bell you at SI,2
per Ballon. Jlns never been bohi for lobs thanl. 30 per g
At good n paint txs ether dealers sell you for $1.09.'o will soil you : it $1.00
or trillion.
Our Barn and Roof Paint 00t
Wo will soil you nt 7uo per gallon ,
On nil other goods our prices nro equally low.
1 and 3 , 4th St , MasonicTemple.
cyS V H f'e ° z Wtsun
& mS
Moro Bold than nil others combined , Do not bo deceived by linltutoi-H nr oy
those claiming to huvo utmost ns good u nnohlno. Huy only tlio SANDWICH
.CORN SHBLLBR nnd bu protected by direct t'liaranteo from rolliblo iiiniuifac- '
turcrs. You win nlwayb dopjnil upon our rapalrs bolnjr ko t In stoul ; by all loual
deulors. Apply for our a oncy. Send for cnttiloyuos und prlcos. SANDWICH
NUFAOTUR1NQ CO. , Coun oil ClulD , Iowa.
\v LTANTii : Ulrl for ceiirnu houioitorlf , IM
rourth nt , Uno.1 w.icci.
\VA\Tii : ) (1rgtiilit for city ohuroh Ail-
' T < lrp C 1.1 , HOP , OotniPll IllulT'l
UV\lt\l ninl city loun. Money Unnot on
storK innl mlii. Itoil i-stiito for i\U\ .
I'lVi'IUnin ' I hiiMiim * rentals. Mnnoy In.ino i
for looil Inroitori , I.UIIRVO & I'ouic , VI ) Po.irl
II Oil "Al.1' t'liotcost farm In I'mtttTntM-
iMiH'o,4il IUTP4 , no. I lua U ml nn l im-
| iroe I Prli-e jMiin .ii'to lilt shcnfj ,
1/01 ! nXi'llAMil : nlT-o'linnio on sOtTiT
* "tropt npvrflili iiMMiuo , i-lciir of uiiouin-
brniicc , for hotnn In Diifxlin HniKcnm 1'mo
Kiinnt/u I'.ncii prpforitd Will put In J''O
iPo. Urpentlilo Us. Mi-lio on , \ Co.
l/tMxt'lIANiil 4) ) nmiT in I'hilmi
* rinintv. I 'oo , with Immm oiniint' , for
slivl , of ilry uiiols and i-lothln ? or olhtir
niil o. I' II Slicafe.
"IJ'OH SAt.K Onsmi I piymotiM. fruit "nni\
KariU'ii Ian I mur Council Ill'illi ' IX II ,
. Itroatlif ty in I Main strisot
\\T \VDODA. . ( . ' ( ) . Invo of tha Mnett
' * fiirins in soi .bnoslnrn lown fur sale ,
fall and si-o in Oil M iln si wu
1/UU r.\t'IIANli ( : Unnd 4-loiiii bnl ( < loon i .
-1 xih "ireet for 1 ind. ( iiecashleltls , Nlcbol-
sini .V L'o.
IJXiU UKNT The Jollowlinj ihMillln < ; si
A-1 10 rniiiii dwo llnir.j.ll 1'iirk nvo. . m
' loom ilwHiiiu' , I''nil ' i\p , t\ .
T-iiniin \\olllnit , 111 i fit h iiM1,1.\
li-nioin ilwoli u r , Hlh it. iiiui Avuiuio I ) , J2\
T-room dwulliii * , H.U llroidttiiy. tAs
10-rooin ihvullln ; . : < St lU'iilnn * t , $ . ' ) .
S-rnum ilwnlllni ; . ill'.1 AMMIIIO U , IIU'IY
li-toom ( IwnllliiL110 N l.ilhsl. . JKUt
I'l-lOOIIl \\OlllllK , WU A MMIIIU II , $1" .
, -mom dwi'ilttiir , .113 Lincoln a MI , fir , 5
' -riiiini ilwiiltln. , - U Iliirnuiiiv St. , tlV
T-inom ilwollln < , Hull ) ltt IM ice. t J
S-riHim nwolllnj. VM MyiKtor-t . } ll
ri-iiHiin Uwnllltu , In"-,11 d H v , ' . , | | i.
4-ioiin il\vnlllni : . . " Jl Mynsti-r it. . tIJ.'il
0-roiin ilwiillliiR. Or.ilriin live . ? H
r-roinn iluiillin. . t > oil oili nve . II- ,
( i-roomdwoliln , : . ll.iiihlti I'l UT. '
? -roi > iii iluollln.- . MornliiL'-lilo , il.'W.
4-roinn ihM'liln' * , 4r.ri I'.ilk IIM > , JU'.V.
ri-iooin ilw Iln - , "il li AMMIIIO A , fill.
r.-riKini ilwi'llln. . 4J1 N. fitli HI . Jld.
ri-rooin ihNollliii : , ml N4. 7th s ! . ? lu
-l-rdiim ilwelllnir. UOhih uvo.TlJ.
C-IIHIIII iltMi'lliK' ' , fiU'i 4th > ! . f I' ' .
4-Kioin il ollliiir. IIS Vine si . fill.
( i-rooia iluolllni ! , " > ? 17th itvii. il I.
fi-roii'ii ilMollIna , ISA4 * Atomic II , tl ) ,
t'-ioiitn ' ihM'llini : HUT hlh ii\c , , f ID.
li-ioniii ilwo'lln. ' , 17Uoniio A , $ ID
fi-niiini uwolllnir , ( ir'ihiin tiinr , llljli , KV
4-ruiilii lituisn ITDISn Dili tt. , ? tl )
li-room ilwoillnj.- , 'H''i A vonnu A. H
l-rixini < h\uliln ; , - - 1 Avenue I ) , j * .
fi-rmim ilwulllinf , Sfii ! Atenuo II , i ) .
4-riiiiii ilwelllnj ; . OIO Avenue O. H
( i-rooin ( Iwillln , -1st it. and AVPIIUO M , li ,
fi-ronm ilwollliu. 700 S V.lnl st. . $1
fi-iooin iluollliif , 3110 Avoiuui A. U
4-ronin dwolllni ; , O N 1st su. $7.
I-loom d\\ulllnt ; i"iJl MI. 1st "I. . } 0.0) ) ,
fi-ioiim iluolllrr.tli)0 : AM'iitio A , jl.
n-ronui ilwo Iln. : . ' 1'1 ' IMh uve . $ X
A-ionni ihvolllns.HU Avomiu I' . It
" -riiiini il\\olllii. , 14IIJ Ateiuin I ) . t.i ,
4-ronni ( lui'lllnv. ' . " - ! ' > AMMIIIO I ) . ) L
I'-IODIII ilui'lluiK , 'II."J f > , Dili st. . tl.
4 rooiiil olllnir , fill Axe ( . ' Jl.tuj.
4 IODIII il\\olllni ; . " 0.1 I'.irU .ivi- . . fl'.M ) .
7-ruotii ilvsollliiK , ' 14 "ilynstrr Bt. . J- > .
ri-rnoin il o llti'j , iiW. . hliiitoii art ! . . Jli
7-ro m ibu llln. , VJJ 7lh iii'it. . t-f
n-ionni ( luullliiK , Mli A\cline A. $111.
4-ionin iluollln . 017 Mill strool. JIO.
,1 tooin d\valllnr , "O'-'I .Id utciine , $7.
II II. Pho ife , "rental luem , llm.ulivay ami
Mill n street.
I 1 YOU have invlhln for nalo or tr.itlo S33
- iI' II. Shu ifi > . Itr.i i l\v iv anil M nn ntrofit.
AIIAIUlfVIN , li-ierofni I suul uanloii tract
24 mill's from postollkio. ' . " , .icrija niKrapesi.
! 5 iiuio In liliu-ktidrrlut. ' 'SI iiiinlu tracs. 7 , " >
Ilium tioes. : A ehurrv trom. ( luinlln ! ; , stable ,
i't' . 1'rlcoH.OO ' ) . No t ruin. IXII.Mioifo.
6'i At HKS upper llrn uhviU' Hulondlil plcisw
for pluUlnr I'hn.ip for c ish , nr ulll
( \uh.iiiKH for iniproveil leslilt'iieo nrnporty In
( "nuncll ItlulTs liiuiinslilu.ils. N'lelio'.soii A" Uo.
Ifia ACltCH of elo ir land In aistorn No-
lir.isl > ii to uxuliansa for a gtm 1 rosldonco In
Counell llliiirs. Want hn isus .mil lotrt for Nd-
bnisK.i hind Jolinitiin & Viiu I'.ittun.
AI1STUACTH nnd loins I'arni nnd eltv
pioperty I oiiL'hl und Eold. I'usoy A
Thomas , Council ] Hurl's
100 lots In Conlrril suit.
M lo'.rt In .Mullen's mill.
in lots in Hiiylh-i & I'.i
KJlols In Mump' * Kt.
HO lots in I'ottur \ . Oobb'r. .
" 1 lols In Itcur'H sill )
l.'i lots In Ili'cr's mid.
Pilots In lllu'hliiiid mid.
18 lots In Iliilelilnson'saiUI.
4" > lots In Tiulov'o : iIU. (
II lots In Kld.llit's add.
I''O Ints In NVrUhl's mid.
KJ lots In I'lerco's mid.
Lots In oveiy addition to the Htychoap for
ensh , or on piyincuts. Uall und < IUQ 111. INU
iroublu to show piopmlv.
Ureunslilelds Nloho'son & Co.
1 17 ItHOADWAV for sTlol \'lll pay 10 per
Teonton liiM'slinciit S..IOJ cash. J. J. Olu-
3on , , ! 07 I'lrst N.itUnril b in ! < , Oinuh l.
J/OU IIIINT Nc . fi-iooin lurnlslicil eottaKo
on motor I no ; suit iblo for yniinv roiiiilui
obf.ip ill r PHI I
f \UIIAOK rcmovo'J , Pi'ispoiiK v uilts mill
VJcbliiiiioyscluinoil. 1-1) ) . ItiuUi ) . Lilly Ulilg.
IJIOlt SA1.H llirdwiri : : Ht u' < s In low.i nn'l
J.Vobr.isUa , luvoleji , tJ.JUJ to i2UJJ. ! i : . II.
iAI n , cbi-np , or In i'vh uue for land ,
ust ihllshud liusinu'ji. AJ lie s L' , O.
bin ( Council It iitr. . 1 1.
HOUSES mid eiit'.lo wlnturul nn ( jeer o T
U'll/hi's firm , opiinsltc W.ih.isli loiiiul
honso. I'or trriiis apply to .Limes llilph : nt
fin in in K. 1 > . WiU'hl.Hltl i lluirll Udwln DluDk
MON AWTiT ir'A ? | TiT
inailil : ts 7 ; lip ni hinli H je > nd un 1
fun rlli Mondays , ! ) p. in. MIHL ! fnrnlsliod pur-
llus and ululis A'ldrosj ' .it H A. I'.irlor-i ,
Council II I u ITs. or lii.M I .irn.iin st , , Omaha. W ,
K. Clininljcr.s. Instructor.
Improvad Safsly Elsvalors ,
I'or n'i Micotand llthAvu , Ooiincll IIluff
All kinds of Dyeliu nn I Pleanln j done In tha
iilust btyloof the urU I'iduJ an 1 eUlnot
abrli" ) ma Jo to liulc m t-oid an nuw
Worli promptly done aiul dullvovj , ! In .tit
puilbof llio country tcnj foi uncu lUt.
o. A. MAOiiAN. - - I'ho
l liroudw.iy , NJ ir S'u-t , i v.nt i a iJ ij u k
Council , III , iwi. to ti
, - < V7v ( Irlcliiul uinl O.ilr lirnHlnr. A
- * 4 ( li & 'TV W tf § . , . ttlwtyi i ll . , iilc. , tony , tk XT\
* " DniT.I.I tvi ( A'lfiwfrr t ffnjffiA lHn A/AX
\n4 \ lu Ifttl Mi O'i-U ui. ll.iS .
Jiiu utvrf /tV/ * JairM ui niu *