Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    ! i
Prospective Lawmakers Who Will HRVO
to Frovo Their Claims.
llojrit County1 * nirrtnm llrliiR" fntti 1'nnif
hicnrp Scrluim ( tvrrslglit i-Nprnl : cr
iiilor' : < I'nsllloii Assnlli-il luiporl-
unt qnrKtlniis t llo DrclilGil ,
following clojcly on the counting of the
votes of nu exceedingly intoroiting election ,
como two vcrj important questions concern
ing the cotnplixion of the ipgMatuto , and
the right of certain mun tp sit therein.
Jloyd countv , Hranll and apparently Insig
nificant as it appears in connection with the
political situation In this lato. will ilguro
with consluornblo Imoortanco at the coming
session of the Uvlsluturo , anil all hucauso of
an oversight oa the part of the last lawmaking -
making body of the ntato , which failed to
provide for the representation of that county
in the lower ifcgisiallvo hull ,
As lone cs it was known politically simply
ns unorganl7Cd territory , Hovd county was
provided for in a Huimtorlal district , but
when it was organized and attained to the
dignity ol being a countv by itself tbo legis
lature nonlec'ed ' to hitch it on to nnv leglsla
tlvodlstrlctorlonnltolt a legislative district
by itself , and rlpht there Is the rub.
The votnrs up there did not propose to bo
left without representation , however , and ut
the recent election they voted fo n repre
sentative from their midst and elected C. J.
Bltuso , n republican , by an overwhelming
majority. Hut that wns not till tbat they
did in this direction.
Some doubt oxUtod nu to whalhcr thov
were entitled to a representative all by
theiuHulvos , and thov Ilgurod it out tbat if
that was the case they ought to hnvo been
altnchcd to Knox county. To mnko
things aura they decided to vote fur
I tha Icghlativo tlcUot iinmtnntcd by
Knox county , and thov did it in a
manner-that Chester Norton the
gave , re
publican nominee , ! ! OU plurality. Inasmuch
ns Knox county gave .1 , C5. Kruso , iho inde
pendent nominee , n plurality of but I'-ln ,
Hoyd cnuntj'-j vote completely overturned
it , and the complication wus oomploto.
The slluatlon now resolves into this * If
Uoyd county is entitled to representation , It
is either by itself or in conjunction \\ith on
adjoining county. If it is bv iisolf , there
will be 101 members In the novt house of
loprosontullvos distend of KO , as has bocu
counted ou up to this tlmo. imd Iho republi
cans will hnvo foriy-nlno of that number , with
the democrats and Independents tbo same
ns before reported. If , on th other hand ,
Boyd county goes in with Knox- , the inde
pendents will lese a representative and the
icpubllcnns will gain o e , piv'lng Uin latter
forty-nine out of HO , and bixtthree on joint
ballot , or ono neiucr a majority limn they
now have.
Knox county , however , does not tiilto
Kindly to nn increase in its leprcsentativo
territory , and when iho vote of 13o\d county
ivas scat , down to the ooiintv clotk of Kuox
to bo canvassed that oflluial refused to oin-
vass it.
IliMiiitirully Tmiclrit l'p.
NIOIIKUIA , Keb , Nov. 15. ( Special to Tin :
13m.J A few years ago it wns ono of the ox-
pooled occurrences tor KIIOX county to visit
the various republican coi.vontlons with
double-hendor delegations. For the past six
.years , however , no such thing has occurred.
IJut now wo will have nn opportunity to go
Into the logislaluro with a contest.
I'liero was , homn question whether Boyd
county belonged to Knox for legislative nur-
poses , especially for representative. Counsel taken and the republican mid democrat
nominees from Knox county sent their cer
tificates of nomination to the clerk of Uoyd
countv. and ICruso , thoinaopeiidcntinombor ,
sent in n petition for liling. It was dis
covered , however , that iCnox county was not
recognized in the deal , and , oven though the
law only provides for 100 members , Boyd
county put up candidates of their own and
the certificates of nomination wcio ignored.
Chester Norton , the rcnublican nominee
from Knox , hnnpcncd to bo in Hoyd county
at the time thoiicUots were printed , and not
being able to gain recognition from the
county clerk , went , bofoio , iu.igo Kinkuid of
Holt county and procured u mandamus
ordering the clerk to Include his name uiinn
the Boyd countv uallots. This ho did by
writing his nnmo in the place loft blank for
the votes.
Uoyd eour.ty gives Mm ton n rousing vote ,
AIU ! as ICruse onlv received Jortv-two plu
rality In ICnox county , Norton is elected.
The county clerk of Knox county has Issued
Kruso his.ccrtllicato of election , Ignoring the
Hoyd county vote , and Kruso expects to hold
his position bv claiming that Boyd county is
not Joined to this for leghliitivo 'pui poses' or
anv other.
Attorneys who Imvo looked the matter up
, clnlin that Boyd county must Join ICnox.
U'ho county was unorgnnl/eil territory until
iho summer following thn silting of thu last
legislature and organization really had not
taken place until lust fnll at the general
election. Thus It ts that Mr. Kiuso will
have to bo tnlcon uown from the list and Nor-
tou seated in hln stead.
11 mr lliu Kx-Sponker huuiirud thn Voles ol
Clay County Doiuorriim. ,
Lixcoi.K , Nob. , Nov. I.1) ) . [ Special Tolc-
praui to Tin : Bp.ij.J Considerable comment
lias been ox mod in this city today by the report -
port that the election of ox-Speaker ISlaor to
the legislature from CI. y county would bo
contested. At a lito ho r this uftornoou
there was illcd with tbo clerk of the supreme
court n case entitled , "Stale of Nebraska ex
rol.V. . .T. Turner against Herman U. Stein ,
county clerK of Cluy couiuy , " In which ho
gives formal notice that ho has implied to
thi ) supreme court for a poromptorv writ of
mandamus requiring him to Issue toTuruer u
fcrUllcrvio of election to the hoiiso of roprc-
KOtitutivos from Cluy county , llo asks for a
hearing upon the application on Tuesday ,
November'.l.\ .
In his petition the rclator sots up the facts
that ho was regularly nominated for the leg
islature by the republican party , und that
iilsnaiiio was nriutod in correct form on the
ballots ; UmtJohn I'almer was also nomin
al oJ by tbo republicans ; tbui H , M. Kldor
and K. A , McVey were nomliiutcd by the
pooplo's indopondunl party und ilso by the
domocrutlo party , In prcpailng tbo ballota
the county clerk placed the names of Kluor
and Movoy upon tliu ballot and Diluted u.'tor
each nnmo tno words "dBiuoonit-naoplo's
Indoiiondcnt , " but on the wrilton dom.iud of
Killer und AloVoy and upon vl.n written 3fu
1'iind ot iho chuiriuon of the county central
co unlUccs of lioth the penplo'i. independent
and domocratlu paitlos , i na uy th roils of
legal proceedings tbu coi nt/olork changed
the form of the ballot BO us to present iho
iintuci of Cider nud McVoy lwic' on ouch :
ballot , once as thu puoplu'H indcpendont can-
dlJato and onoo ns iho democratic c naldate.
lluw thu Vutw Mood.
The oftlclal canvass o ( the ballots cast in
Clay county blinus that tlioru worn cast for
H. M. Klder ' " orul
, people's indoponueiit , 1,41" , nua
forK. M , Kldor , democrat , ' 50 ; for K. A.
MoVey. poopla's Independent , 1-IOT , and iV.or
K. A. MuVtiy , democrat , Sll. There were
cast lor W. J. Turner , tlto rclutor , l,4ai
votci. Thu rotator claims that the use of
the bnllol nhovo dnscrlbcd nui a docoptlon
und a fraud practiced upon the voters of tbo
county ; ( hat wlillo many democrats would
not havu voted for u people's independent
oaudulate , but seeing iho iiatiui o [ S. M.
Klder , ' followed by the word democrat , rated
for him through lpior.tncc.
Turner ullepes , thut ho wus justly and
fairly oleclod it the fraudulent votes above
pecillod nro excluded : that if Iho votes to
oust for lOUor , tbo Inuepenilunt , uud ICIdur
tbo democrat , bo not consolidated ho would
b vo u plurality of sovenleen votes ever
Klder anil twenty-seven over MaVey.
S. W. Christy , iho Eonubllcun caudldata
for utato senator In ibo Twenty.llftli sona-
torlnl district. oomprUIng tha couutlea of
Ctay ana llaiaillon , also commences asluillar
action against County Clark Stein HU
competitor wai L. L. Johnson who wus nom
inated by both tbe Independent and demo
cratic parties. His name nppcnroJ twlcn on
li.illot. In Ilanillton county Johnson's
nnmu iippcnrod but once on onch bnllot. If
Johnson's votns In Clnv county nro not con
solidated , Christy will have n plurality of
llfty-ntno votes HI the district.
Coii l < li < riil > li ) I'crllng In Clnj' ,
Cf.\r Or.STrn , Nob. , Nov. ! . fSpeclnl to
Tun Brr. . I Notice wns served on Countv
Clerk Stem last night of npplluttlon to the
Minretno court for n mandamus to coinnol
him li Is3tio ccrlltlcalcs of eli-ctlon to
Christy , Turnnr and I'altnor for senator nnu
reproscnlatlvos pfT the reoubllcin ticket.
And It Is now undnr- > teed thnt the fusion
candldutus , .lohnson , ICIUor and MoVcy , have
comincnccd nroccrdings In the district court
to comnel the Usulug of rertlflrnlcs to thorn.
This will in nil probability result In a eon-
Ilictof nuihorllv. This tnovo grows out of
Iho peculiar form of the ballots. Vho eim-
palgn committees of the democratic and in
dependent pirtles Oomandort to hive thn
names of tholr cnndld.ilo ) nrinlod sonnrntcly
ou the billets , and conscquunllv the rotiirns
allow each of thnm roceivinR votes ns liulc-
por.dcuts and In another pinco as democrats ,
Considerable fcnlinc Is being manifested
over the matter on nccount of Iho charges of
unfalrncis on iho part of the counly clerk.
South lalotii DdiiiocraU Now Itn.xljIn
Id-rntvo 'I hrlr I'ny.
YVMJIOS , S. I ) . , Nov. 15. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Uii.J : Ihroo di'tnocrntlo lawyers -
yors , It. C. Wnlsh of Ueilllold , U R Whit-
cbcr of llishmoro and S.Y. . TraMi of Scot
land were toilny consultliiB with Otto I'ce-
nilllcr relative lo a federal appointment.
Tliov all wiint the sanio place , that of ussht-
nnt llnltcii Slates attorney , now hold by Mr.
Walsh , law partner of Uhnrlcs 1. Howard.
At present the salary ! divined liotwoun
Ilouard nnd Welsh , because Wnlsh stnjs at
homo und altuids to linn business while
Howard works for Uncle Sam. If Walsh
pets the place miner Ulovelnnd the nrraii p-
mo-it can contraie , except that Ilownril will
ao the homo worn. It Is nil nrniuRCd lhat
Hartlotl Trlppand Otto Pooinlllerill at
tend to the distribution of toiioral patronauo
in the Btiue for Mr. Clevolnnd.
.luilRi ) Tripp who Is in T.iuomn , Wash. , has
been wilttcu for nnd ho will go to Washing
ton to look alter the affulM there whllo I'oii-
miller wort the other end of thu string in
South U.iltotn , and they will piobably have
tholr liiinds full , because there will joacrcat
scramble for olllcop. U seom-i that tlio young
democrats who Hid all the woiK and ran for
ofllcc In the late campaign want ofllcoj as
well as the oldur uomocratsvlio sui nround
und husbanded tholr cash. The older ones
are Just uo\v very enthusiastic democrats
nnd the youiisMors rtu not lllto it. Otto
Posmlllor , whD o position us chairman of the
democratic state i-oinmlttee gives htm con
siderable inlliiouco , U saiu lo bo with the
youngsters. A. M. Hnitllsh and L. 1) .
1'.it ni or aio candidate * for the Vankton
pOHtmastorship. That poslticn will p.iv inoro
In the next four year * bocuuso the ollluo is
now second class , 'L'iioto arc no candidates
for the land olllco positions because
the salaries there aio to bo reduced. The
democratic politicians ot the stnto will op
pose an extra session of coimress for the
leuson thut tnoy want the ciuostlon of ofilces
bottled Ural. This Information is from a reliable
liable source.
KAT1C KM'llt , !
Tiuly ( iciod til tlio Mate Kngngu In n
TEK nun , Neb. , Nov. 15. fSpoclnl Tele
gram to Tin : BKU.J This bus been ucmo-
crr.lio day til Tokaraah and lepubltcmis hnvo
found what consolation thov could In con
lomnluUng the handsome majority Bur
county rolled ui ) tor Croiinso. All day long
enthusiastic democrats huvo boon preparing
for tlio rntilicntlon tonight , in which they
desire to ox col any demonstration made by
their tcpubltcau brothicn during the cam
paign. The best of humor has prevailed and
thu republicans of this ami neighboring
touns willingly loaned their torches lor
Iho occasion. Kvory store and dwelling
where the inmate's were of demo-
crutlc Droclivitlcs was a blaze of
light , while iiinumorabli ) lanterns decorated
the fences and innntcd the sacred unclosnru
of the luvorcil few who hnvo so suddenly
found thumiulves .1 p.ift. of that great and
murhty throng who in a few months will bo
us loud in their clamor 10 turn the rascals
out as they are in their &houts of victory to
night. Arrangements bad been made for
excursion rates nud special norvice , and
there was u luixo crowd in altendanco fro.n
Blair , OnUlnnd and Lyons. The procession
was tully a ( juarter of u mile in length and
the flraworKn magnificent. Attar Ibo march
ing the several bands entered the crowd and
in the absence of speakers dlspunsod demo
cratic enthusiasm to the luno nt " .Marching
lli > Snmo Inu 11 : - | ) ) - Kociiril the
i\KlliiK : still I.IMV.
Cnmi Hirim , la , No15 [ Special
TelOKratn to Tun Hiic.j Moro than twenty
of iho leading rormolicans of tnli city were
intervlowed todnv as to what should bo the
nttiuido of the republican party In the fn-
turo in ro ard to tlu prohtbitlun uuostion.
With ono or two exceptions they ovnruasod
the opinion lhat Ibo present law should bo
repealed as soon as possible und that the
question .should bo kept out of politico
llll > : illt till ) I'UHlDlllKlK.
Thomas J. Smith of Aiutworth Is at the
Millard. lie is a member of the executive
branch of the republican state central com-
tinttco nnd chairman of the Brown county
control coimmttoo , and oiiRinoerod the lli ht
which was successfully waped by the repub
licans ot that county against the combined
forces of the democrats and independents ,
and which resulted In the election of the
straight republican tlclcot ever that of tbo
lusionlsts , That the tusion of tbo opnosini ;
forces was very I'omplolo was evidenced by
the fact that only ninety straight democratic
votes wore cast in iho entire county , while
olRhtv olchl were polled in Ainsworth pro
duct alnno two years ngo. The electoral
tluuot received n plurality of 1UII out of u
total of ni.'l votes , and every reUblean ) ! on
the tlcltut earrlod the county , Mr. Smith
says that hK county was ignored by the
Mult ) contra ! committee , nnd was apparently
Kivun up as hopeless , and ho Is tnorofuio ex-
i-eodlnulv jubilantnvor the outcome ,
.Nut III ll Hurry In Durluri' .
Oi' VanWyclc waslu thoclty with
his wife n short tlmo yostenlay njorniiiir. Ho
Insisted that he was feeling Ilrst i.ito slnco
thoolectlon , nUhout'ii ho looked Momowliut
worn. When asked whether or not ho was
a candidate for the United States .senate , ho
replied that. ! ? ? did not wain lo he inter
viewed about it ] uu at tin * lime , out said
said thut uftor n while ho would say what ho
Irjd to say and say it frankly , Ilu thought
that u man would bo very foolish to do unv
tullihiK about a possible candidacy until It
was dvllnlluly known- Just what the rom-
pU'.vloii of thu next lot'laluiure would bo. llo
listened with n great auul ol interest 113 tu
Hut siandiiiB of the Ihroo parties In the two
houses of the legislature , nccordui ) ; lo the
reports thus far formulated , and discussed
the complexion of the national body that
will bo 11101 Interested in the action of the
Nebraska loslslatuio.
I fritoi > ilninonriitH ( leltihrntu ,
Cuusiov , lu. , Nov. 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bi'K.J A great demonstration was
that of the democratic ratification here to
night. Over n.UUU people ivllnonod the
clvlo parady , Don Iho and pyrotechnic dls-
play. Addresses were maua by lending
domucrau t tlm ICIehlh district , among thoui
being Hon. H. T. Willetts.
l'uttl oii [ ur I'rralilunt.
i , Pn. , Nor. 15. A con pi o of
men mnrohod lu the democratic
proi ssloii last night
111 Jubilation over
C'lovoland's ele < tbo. Ail-the surrounding
towns were n p/osentod. "I'nuuon for
preslaeul In IbOe , " was uii Inturlplion on ono
of the Danuers ,
, Illtfli ItolliT Ktiuhell Ciunicleil ,
In ihu case of tno state against Frank 1' .
KltcheH , chargoU with huving obtained $700
from thoCusuy ou wortbluss dratu , aim 01
trial In the criinlun1 , court , tbo jury las
night relurnea u verdict of gullly us chargei
in iho iadlcimont.
I'erfecl action and parfoct hoaitb roiult
from thomeof DsWiii's LUtlo Karly His
urs. A perfect llttla pill.
Omaha's Unterrifiod Attsst Their Joy with
Jubilnnt Demojstrations.
lit thn I'lirrRoiicrato Itrnr
Tntflu-H mid iiPitvTin norm iiyViiy nl
l.rttli'B HIP \Vnrld Know I liey
Are Vit A lite ,
The democrat * got il Into their licnds last
night thnt U wns their tlmi to Iiowl , and
they howled. Thuy thought that they had
something to bo tickled ever , nna without
waiting to doeoromlv rotur.i thank * on the
day sol npjrt for that purpose , they pro
ceeded to turn themsnlvoa looio lu Iho most
Informal manner Imuffinablo.
What tin Infernal rackut they did kick tipl
1\Uun it corner logonlnc up a Jollification ,
the democrats can louiilly walk uway with
the whole bun lactory , for It Is the same
with nolso as with votes Ihoy can turn out
inoto ' with fowcr ylven iiuinbor < > than ntiy
other people ou this popullst-nHlteled foot
Hut ihcn. there will bo more nblo-bodled
OomociMts some dny that is , if nil the 10-
year-old boys who were In line lust
night live to grow up and vote thnt
ticket. Somoof them uiidoubedtly will , but
It won't bo safe for the union-tiled to banic
on the Thurston drum coin * and some of the
other republican organisations that word cu
gaged to lend their services temporarily to
the catiso of exuberant democracy.
Bui it was a cieat demoiHtrntlon and no
mlstnko the greatest by far that this city
hns witnessed since the night beforuclecllon.
There were rooiters , ullvo nnd dead , in
numbers thai Insure a panic li. the bouitry
inaikot for months ID cocio : horses In dr-j -
that before the days of electric transit
would have sup/jested / a raid on the
barns of the slroul car compauj ; plus hats
that wore dta-.vlug pensions when Thomas
.lefferson was in the white house ; more tin
horns than Ametiean inetorlea will turn out
during Cleveland's administration , and the
entire left-over stock of election clears from
an unsuccessful state campaign.
And perhaps you think the parade wasn't
a hummer , but it wns , and It hummed in lbl >
difleicut tunes nnd language1) . The line was
M ) lone that It made n ropublicun tired to
look the whole length of it , aud tbur binned
so much red 11 rn and lizz wonts that the
manufacturers will have to work nights or
the ropuollr.ius won't have enough to go
around in Ib'JU. '
The Siitnoots led the nrocossion , and
threw their protectitit ; presence around u
carriage In which were scaled Governor
] 5ovd. Or. CJcorgo L. Millnr , fjnucral Victor
Vifiiuaiu , und Judge W. C. .lames of
Council BlUtTn.
iXuxieamo the Second Ward NouDariels ,
hut whether the nnmo applied to the men in
line or the new breed of roosters they carried ,
could not bo ascertained. If it was the
birds , Iho brand will not become popular.
Bryan's Guards was Iho nnmo ot a Lin
coln marchini ; club inlnto uniform thai
came up from the capital city to sue that Uio
congreshman from Iho First district got back
inmo alive , and aside from the ban a 3 Ui in
vert ) iho only uniformed orcauizatlon In
; I1O.
The Jacksonians acted as u bodyguard for
Ir. JJiyan , J , Sterling Morton , John A.
Jreichlon and Euclid Martin , und not ono of
ho quartet got away.
A tiillybo coii"h was surmounted by a
lannor which proclaimcil that il had been
iionopolizod for thopccailon by the World-
loiald , and above all was a placard with
ho words , "Wo Are Strictly in It " Tliu
VHS the only real surprise to which tbo
housamls of spectators were troatau , and
: ianv a man read twice before ho could sot-
sfnctorily solve the meaning nud rouli/.o
hat iti-ould _ moan nothing bul "strictly in
he parade. "
Tlio Union Paclllo employes inalo thee
o t nloasliif ; loatiiru of the parado. with
eng brooms to the tops of which were at-
ached railroad lanterns with globes of var-
ous colors. They cirrlod u hugo Iranspar-
oncy which demanded lo know when tbo
Juion I'.iciiln hondquartoru renubllcan club
vould uiako another parade , and another in-
imntcd lhat a few of the Union Puclllo boys
voro democrats.
Spiiiiktiii ; Alti'r AViilkjni ; .
The line moved down Douplab street from
Mflcenlh to Tenth , thence over to Karium ,
ip to Sixioenlb , noith to California , couu-
ormarcmni ; to Capitol avenue , anil thouco to
'ourtoenlh nnd down to the Paxton , where
Iho line was dismissed. Thu crowd pourr-d
11 to iho rotunda , and filled nil available
.pace near thn bar , after which Iho auontion
of ihoso not otherwise engaged was uskod
'or n few rnlnulos whllo short speeches were
dollvtrod bv some of tbo party loaders.
Governor BOM ! was the llisl speaker , and
after concratulallnf ; his fellow democrats on
.ho cleition of a democratic president , said
: hat the partv would assume ijravo responsi
bilities with ils viclory , and there were im
portant plednes to bo cnrrlodout. Mr. Bryan
was next Introduced , and said IhOHamotliini ;
with n few variation ; . , calling nttontion to
the fact tbat thu tunv would have all
the branches of gor'ir.ment , nnd iho re
sponsibility woulu therefore he nil tuo
preater. He declared that the battle had
foucht solely on the tnriff issue , nnd
the American people bad decided thai they
wanted no tnoro of u protoctlvo tnriff. Not a
whisper did ho utter about silver , nnd in
closing iravotlio pttrt > permission not toeloot
bun alter it coason to want bun in olllco.
M. V. ( laiinoii was called for , nnd ho
roasted the Amciicaii Piotectlvo association
lo i\ turn , nftcr tolling how Connecticut and
New Jersey bapnonod to go democratic nnd
claiming tbat the republicans carried Dela
ware by Intimidation.
J. Sterling .Morton wns given a post-elec
tion inning and gave Van Wyck u final
lambasting with Iho political uastlnado , und
dressed down the party followers of thai po
litical memory in u manner thnt cnntuiod
tbu uuiilunco.
T , J. Miihonoy and Mnlthoiv Goring lot
the crowd down casilv , and after a letter of
legrotfrom Hon. A. J Popploton had boon
rend it was announced that , the preliminary
exercises were over , and thu enthusiastic
ilisciplos of domocraoycroturned loose to
cciuurato in the regulation inunnor.
hoiiiu Oiitaldun.
Among these from outslda who assisted In
untcaihing the pcntup eutuuslusin that had
been neciunulntlng for four years were lr ,
Alt > x Hear , of Norfolk ; Warden J , P. MuIIon ,
of the poullouliurv ; J. K. North , of Colum
bus ; W. II. Al. I'libuy , of Council Bluffs ; C.
15. Caapor , of Butler county ; Kohart Cles ( ? ,
of Fulls Uliv ; N , S , liurwood , of Lincoln ;
A. K. Campbell , of Hastings : J. E. Cordeal ,
of McCook ; C , JCoikloy , of York , and ,1. J.
Mclnlosh , of Sltlnov.
Mr , Clo gsiis busy after the domonstra <
tlon was over galhcring up the fragments
for a r.iUllo.itlon thut is to be indulged In by
Ilio democrats down In Ulcbimlson county ns
KOOII ns thev can screw themselves up to thu
nuccssaty pitch.
llntnl Oily Domoci-ut * .
DAVID CITV , Neb. , Nov. 15. [ Special to
Tun Bin : . 1 Lust night the. democratic club
held a Jollification meeting at tua o'noru
house , Matt Miller , Judge Dean , Manning
Thompson nnd other lights of iho domo-
noputl pirlv , made tlvo mlnulo speeches , toll
ing how it was done , why ii wus done , and
wlini woulil bo doio now that tbo country
wus saved. The club borrowed titty torches
and paraded tbo streets wltb n bnud nun tin-
born accompaniment , and gathered around
u bontlro ut iho corner of iho square , where
tbo kids soon obtained contiol of the torrhos
und ptocoeded to run thing * 10 suit their own
tancy ,
XobruDku OUJ'i .liilllllriitliin.
KiiiiinwiCA Cirr , Nob. , Nov. 10. [ Syoclal
Teleirrain to TUBDee. . } Tlio democrats
painted the town tonight. The Jollification
consisted of a line torchlight procession , fire
works , bonfires aud nolso enough to last dur
ing thu next four years. At the court homo
square speeches were inaao by local uouio-
cr.iU. _
Sli'lc hcadachol llcochatn's I'llls will re
Hluppiul Onu l luvuior.
'iho wo t elevator lu iho city hall building
IIAS been shut dowQ./o / n fovv days nnd the
ono on the onsl side of ibo court is doing nil
ol the work. This Is calisod by the fact
Ibnt the electric wiring for the building is
boine run Into the Imllcllnc nnd tip through
the .shaft In which thn elevator ror > os work ,
tt wns not considered safe to put tu Iho
wires nnd run the olovntor at the same Mrco.
The onrih tnovo * . Kvldenco , vou can liny
n lirst clnss liniment , ifsnlvatlon Oil , for S.lo' .
Tf yon wnnt to-sro tlio bust comedy
Hint's boon in Oipuhn tills soaeon ijo
anil sou Uim Wllliiiui ? nnd hia fliik'iulid
iiipixii.1 , in "April Ifool" nt tbo Fttrntiiu
Struct tnoiitof. U 'f-btits nny so\U :
IVron l it'-i'rli : ' > it Slitttorjr ,
The talk of Onialiu tlio pnst few dn.vs
lnv < boon cx-L'rlost Sluttor.v. The 1:011-
tlunuui lists nrrlvcil , mul ho will bo stiio
to have u crowded house nt Washington
hull , corner lltttnoy nnd Kiwiituonth.
hntlios mul ( 'onllcnion ndmlttcd. Ho
him lately como from Iro'nnd ; younj , ' ,
ublo j , oloiiuont nnd uonvlnuing. Ills wife
ia with him. She wns fortnorly "bistoi-
Mary Kliznboth'1 in the oonvont. To
uotumanuo at 8 nY'toclt. Hontoinbor to
morrow , Thui" < iliiy nijrht. Subject :
' Why I Left Iho Konian Cittbolio
I'rlosthooil. " Admission " 3
conts. Ho-
served bouts 10 fonts o.vtrn. His equal
bus never been heard inOnmhit.
.Minister in Chill < ll\pi III * Vlmti nil till !
Itcrrut Cli'tuluml Slidi1.
lion. I'nlriol : LJffan canio In yoitorduy
morning from tUo cast on his way to Lin
en In urnl slopp.'d In this city M requested
li.v a telegram received by him at Galov
burg from u number at citizens of tlicrcnp-
Hill city stating Hint a comuilUuo would
tncot him hero to escort blm home.
Ho lORlsluroil at thu Mllliird and there ex
tended n cordial preollni ; to a roprcjontntlvo
of Tin : lire. Speaking of the recent land-
slldo , ho Mild thru umunR tlio factor * thnt
contributed to Uufeiit WUH n KOneral inlsun-
dcrstumllnK of the tixrltT law.
"Noiv that Ihu uvdluiicUo has como , and It
certainly was an uvnlnncuo ns3 ovldonccd
by the suipnaitiK chmieo nil over the coun
try , upsuliinic oven the strongest republican -
publican states nnd putting the democrat
party In control of all brunches of tlio KOV-
urnintnt , 1 UODO that they will li.ive tbo cotir-
no | of their convictions Hint lot us see what
the bennllts of free trade ) arc. I uon't , say
that I ttinSc thov will do It , but I want to
se them net with soinu coiislstonay and for-
niulutu their policy iilonj ; the lines thnt they
have been uondomnliiK the republicans feY
following. "
Tno minister to ( Jliili wr.s askud about the
recently published report that there was
dnntror of u , tntwuon that country and
some ol her ceoai'aphiual neighbors. "Not
only U such n war an improbability , " ho re
plied , "but it is an imnosslbility. It ib en
tirely out of the question. The only differ
ence botwoeu Chill and Arcontinn is over
the boundary bor.veen lUo southern portions
of the tuo countrlo" , and the only question
botivcun Chill and Peru is over the prov
inces of I'ncbda anil Inca , which Veie
cedi'd to Chili oluht the
years HRO at con
clusion of the wljj-j bv" the tieaty of
Yakon. Hv tlio jrttp'ms at that treaty
the provinces worn "to remain under Chili
/or the period of ton years , \\hlchoxpircs
two vcais honi-0 , and ut Ihu expiration of
that time tbo peoplfl dl these provinces arc
to sav to which of the two countries they
will be pernricently mmoxeu. If ihoy do-
oido to slay with thlli , sbo will Day Peru
SIO.OCO.OOU , and if they conclmlo to go to
Pnru , that country will pay Chili $10,000.000.
Tbat is all there Is to that talk
of war. Whatever controversy mny
arise will bo Bottled diplomatically ,
or if that should not rasult satisfactorily it
will ho done by arbitration. "
"What is the pKO ont feeling in Chill
toward this countryJ"t
"Very friendly indeed. The fnolint ; of
animosity has cnUrpJy passedaway in
biifbor circles nau Hho-.fooling ol the
government .will eoHimirftftsuo Itself all
along do\vn 4 the , ssw"3. " . XUgrOf wus n
foolint : of rt'sentincBjtA unoiifr .the Chilians
usalilbt the Amoriuan * . VBldi hatT Us birth
a , ( jtoat many years aco'nniiji'had couliuucd
to Kroiv until the leceut trouble between the
two countries. Ifwas De'foro the discovery
of KOlil in California , uuniif ? the sold onuo
in Mexico , when n number of Americans
wont down into that country to prospect for
rich finds. Several of them struck it rich ,
but when they did the rebtilt was invariably
ihosa i.o tholt claims were jumped and their
throats wore cut. Then when the California
craze cumo on , the tldo turned the other
way. Mexicans went up there and the Cali
fornia minors paid them bacK in their own
coin their claims were Jumood ana thov
wore shot. A number of Chilians also sought
the California gold fluids , and the California
mining element , which was very oittor
acainst the Mexicans , seemed to class the
Chilians in with thorn , as they both spoke
the sumo language , and the ticatment thnt
was accorded them was not calculated to
inako thorn friendly toward the Americans.
They wont homo and tolu of the treatment
they received , ana thus the socd of national
animosity was sown.
"Then the war Dotwujn Chill and Peru
contributed a Illtlo fuel to the The
United Stales , while not taking a band in the
controversy , was not disposed to sco Chili
hog n lot of Peruvian territory to which the
former country thought lhat it was entitled
us the result of a victorious struggle , and
Chill promptly charged itin to the supnoscd
unfriendly fooling with which shu credited
Ihis counlrv as regarding her. Thut cx-
Slulus the fooling aowa there when the oul-
reak caino. "
"Did Chill really waul to go to war with
this country l"
"Yi-s , the old ministry , the one tha't I had
my seances with , fell very ugly nnd wanted
to see It through to the end , no mailer hpw
bitter it might bo. Hut the present minis
try , both the president , who is an excellent
man , and thn cabinet , are vorv frlondlv to
this country , and expressed their apprecia
tion of my services fn bunging about a f > ot-
llemmil of then existing dllTcionces. "
"How do you explain thu report of the Im
pending war that 'vns circulated through ihu
American papers ? "
"It is very Himplc. It was brought to
Panama by a traveler from Chill , and there
given to the Associated Press. It Is simply a
rehash nf iboso old rumors lhat have bran
going the rounds down there for years , but
which moan absolutely nothing so far as the
actual probability of war is concerned. "
"When do you K ° back to Chilian soil ) "
"I oxpuct to sail from New York the Ilrst
week in Decomber. I ahull run down to
Lincoln , remmnlne there about a week , uud
then go back lo Now York. I want to got to
Washington beforu 1 leave this countrv , but
ox poet lo bo ou the water In considerably
loss teen a month. .My family is now In
Santiago , where Ihe'Jr fjavo boon since I loft
Chili ou the ! IUl of Ipati Augusl , If I was al
nil of the lUoa that lltero was iho .slightest
possibility of an otitbntik , I would hardly
feel as comfortable as do with them dowu
there to bo in Iho midit'of It.1'
llriinlviid kil'l.liirnln.
Lixcot.v , Nob. , N.OVI 1. ) , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun.Minister | Egan arrived
at Lincoln this ovonlilg 'and was welcomed
nttho depot bv n lurgoinuinber of his fellow
townsmen. His carrlnga was preceded to
iho Wlifdsor hoinl by tlii Harrison and Kold
Flnmboau club and il'bUjfii ' of music. A re-
caption of an oiitireiy'jiqormal character was
holu in tun hotel parlors. There was no
speech making. Mr.itligan will be iho truest
of lion. Jotiii FiUuanlldiclurlnir hU brief stay
In Llni'oln. Ho oxueolTlo remain bore eight
ur ten days before rdi rjliup tu Washington.
Ignornnco of the miv'tW of Do Witt's Mttlo
Curly KUoi-J is n misfortune. Tliojo llttla
pilUroguUtotbnliver.curu huadacbo , uvspup
sin , bad UruatU , constipHlton uud biliousnost.
ilolli ciiilin thii I.t-KUlHtnri * .
CIlt : > r : , Wyo , Nov. 15. The chairmen
of both committees clniin the state legisla
ture find it will taka the oftlolal count to do-
tormlno thu result ,
You Unn't want u torpid liver ; you don't
Wftutu bad complexion ; you dou't want a
bad breath ; you don i't ' want a boadaobn.
Then use UeWitt's Ultlo ICarly Klsor * , tbo
little' pills ,
Ci.EVEi.isu. O. , Nov. 15. J. C. Conrad ,
wholes bio jawelrv , has failed. Lluoilllles , ; ussets , toa.ooa ,
Mrs.Vlns1ow' * Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething softens thu gum * and allay *
gll pain. S3 o.-nts a botllo.
Bicnnifil Session of the Hold Oamp of
Modem Wcodmon of Aracrioi.
l.ornl ( 'omnuttiT.i 1'icp.irnl for u Prupp
nnlrrliiliinipiil ol tlio ( lui'MH smile ul
the Legislation tolie , DHcimcil
( Ullccis tu lie Cliusrn ,
There nro 15 * dcltvntos nntltlcd to
potion lit the .sessions ot tbo hoail camp nf
the Modern Woodmun of America which U
holding Us ulgut biennial meeting lu Omaha
ant the indications now nro thnt the full
representation will bo present.
Following nro thu ufllccrs ot tlio present
bund cainn :
William A , Northcolt , head consul , Orcon-
villo. Ill ; lltrtuu C. ItuUgei , hoail udvner ,
Limning Mich. ; Chnrloi U. Hiiwes , bend
cluik , Fulton , 111 ; David , bend
b.inkor , Cirand Island. Nub. ; Frank Swal
low , head physician , Valley Fnli , Kan ; W.
11. Unwson , huiul uscott , Sluylon , Minn. ;
Louis 11. lluaso , hu.idulcbrnmi , ICiglu , 111. ;
Lunlo R Munich , head Buntr.v , C'ary , III.
Hoard of Directors J. W. Whllu , cbnir-
man , Tamlco | , III. ; .1. U , .lohnson , Puabody ,
Kan ; C. T. Hu.ulucuur , Wnultugnn , 111. ; A.
U. I'nlbnt , Lincoln , Nob. ; ,1. N. Kecci1 ,
Spiiiiulltld , 111.
Audiilng Committee II. O. Lnrrn-
cuu , chairman , Wlnonn , Mum. ; Hum
phrey I'ieico , Appleton , Wls , ; 1'orry
1'crkins , Des Molncs , la.
KitnuU and Revision of Laws Cotnmltlco
Dr. V ll HutchtiH , cliulrmaii.Des Monies ,
Jn. ; Joseph 1 > . Kcurns , Fulton , 111. ; Alfred
M. Cavrtti , Hi l'a o , 111.
Cnnnnlltcu on CredentialsiNlnrvln
Qunclieiibush , chuiriiiiin , Dundee , 111. ;
A. 11. Holltster , Madison , Wls. ; J. II ,
13. Welgunt , Luuvunworth , ICau.
\Mnil Thuy .Mny llo.
The session promises to bo n very harmo
nious 0110 us the questions to bo discussed
nro those upon which tno members of the
order nro practically agreed. Tno mutter nf
removingiha olllco of Iho head secretary
from Fulton , 111. , to some larger city will bo
consluered , and tlio scntlmont seems to bo
utmost unanimously in favor of such n
movement , tbo Fulton people , of course , op
posing the change , Thu general looting is
thnt the head olllco should be lu some laigor
citv. There is talk of building n permanent
homo for the headquarters of the order.
I'eorlahas offered u site if the ordnr will
erect the building in thnt city , and oilers
will probably bo received from other cities.
There is a sontimenl in favor of Iho re
election of Iho present head o in cor 4 ot the
order nnd this is very geucrnlly cndoiseil.
Omaha bus n candidate for tbo noMtinn of
head banker in D.I.Thornton. D C. Xlnlc ,
the present banker , will bo supported for re
election and the chances nro against any
change being made.
An effort will also bo made to secure the
election of a bond phvsicinn in cni-h state In
stead of having ono head physician ns at
present , those favoring Iho chnnco nrguing
tbat ono innn cannot pass upon L',5UU to 'i.OWJ
npplloanls ti month and no the work justice.
Then there tire minor changes m the ritual
to bo considered und also a new plan for
handling the reserve fund.
Tbe morning session yesterday was devoted -
voted to tno work of Iho committee on cro
oentlals and to the preliminary ar
rangements thut always dcmaiia attention on
aucb occasions.
C'oiitliioiiccMl llnrd Worlt.
In the afternoon thn camp .settled down to
business nnd rondo teed propiess. The re
port of the cominilleo on croaenlinls showed
Ihiit the full quota of 1)7 ! Ualegutus were
ulicUdy in attendance. The reports of
ofllcerj for thi > past u\o yours were read nnd
referred to the proper committees. . They
showed Ibo older lo bo in u very satisfactory
couditlon llnauclnlly and called attention to
its rapid growth in nointof membership.
The roporl ot Head Banker D. C.Ink of
Grand Isluna , Nob. , showed lhat Iho lotul
amount recolved In the bouofit fund was
Sl.lW.SOl ; iO. Tim disbursements amounted
to ? l.yi'JOO ( ) ; , leaving a balnncb on h.inii ot
S30.M14 ill ) . In the general fund the rereipts
WL'rolTOoi'jyti : ; disbursements , fllO.bilii : > b ;
balance on hand , > ! > ,1'.MUS.
lload 1'bysclun Fiank Swallow of Yaltav
Falls , Kan. , room-ted that ho had received
and acted on ! )0OS7 ) applications for member
ship during his term of oltlc , ol which 1,5SJ !
had been rejected. 1'ho duuth rate had boon
gradually reduced , nnd would cnnipiro
favorably with that of any or the old line
companies. A considerable part of the ses
sion was occupied in the discussion of tuo
plan of moltiiic Iho ofilcial paper iho olllelul
.lolico of assessment , and the matter was
Dually loft to the discretion of the commit
tee on revision of laws nnd rituals. The
compensation of delegates was nxed at f5
per day and milugu at thu rate of 4 cents pur
Itjcoli In tliu Vmltom.
The ovoiiuiR session was in the nnturo of
a reception to thu visiting del > * gutos , and the
uall was well tilled with members of iho
order with ihoir fninilies aim friends. The
meeting was c-dlod to order uy W. 10. Coduy
of this city , nnd as Governor iioyil and
Congressman Bryan , wbo were to partici
pate in Iho spoechtnaking , were busy cele-
urallnc with the democrats , a hiilf-Uo/on
delego'es ' were called on to occupy tno
Interim. Dr. Kerr of Springfield , 111 , , was
tholinoi > t sueakor , and called nttontion to tha
rapidity with which the order bad developed
into n magnificent orgnni/aUon of 7,1000
men. ft demanded a high standard of char
acter from aupllcants for momborahip , and
as n result It was composed of thn bust ol < ; -
raenls of good citizenship. Dr. ICerr wus
followed bv Dr. Swallow , Head Cniinlniri F.
F. A nn a lee und others.
Mayor Bauils pel formed the ploasnnlduty
nf welcoming the visitors to Omaha.
Ho said that It was only u few years ago that
the "Ancient W oodmen of America" yielded
up tlio grounu on which they now s'tood to
the Modern Woodmen. The original wood-
miiii were conlont to build tbolitppous on
tlio banks of Iho Big Muddy and listen to iho
bowl of Iho covotes with no wish lor civliu ilion -
lion , but iho modern woodman do-
mmidoa union depots , packing bouses ,
schools , churches ami loneilng
business blocks nnd other evidences of civil
isation. The order of Modern Woodmen in
stilled the lundamontal principle in Its
best souse by making provision for tbu
wants of loved ones whoso husband and
father had baon called away by death. I'lio
Idea of insurance wns still young , but the
Iho fraternal features of tbo order were as
old as humanity i solf. The snoukor duvotod
his concluding sentences to a hriuf review ot
tlio growth and industries of Otnubu ,
llnjil uud llrjan Snrlr. |
Governor Boyd was warmly greeted as ho
stopped forward to proffer an ofllciul wel
come In bobnlf. of the commonwealth of Ne
braska. His romiirks were briot , consisting
of a few sentences of cordial t'rootinjf , lifter
which W J. Brynn nddod a welcome in bu-
half of iho Woodmen of Isobraikn. tils ro-
mnrKs were devolod to allusions to foma of
the desirable fedturos of the order which
furnished a comparatively Inexpensive
method of Ufa Innuranco , and developed the
elements of fraternity and kindrcu sympa
thies among its numbers.
Tbo response to the welcoming addresses
was made by Heud Consul W. A. Nnrthcotl
and then the meeting adjourned. Thu
Seventh Ward baiut enlivened the proceed-
IneR with cxcollont music.
This evening Iho visiting Woodmen will
bo ontorUined by camp No. ' . ' 0 ut Ihoir ledge
rooms in the Continental block and tomor
row night they will bo tendered n oy.stor
supper aud pall at Goodrich hul ! .
Vanilla Of perfect purity-
Lemon Of great strength-
Economy In their us .
and dclicloutly as the fresh fruit
Ot Vtlcn. X. Y , itifforcil smoroly from ll > cr
mul Kidney trouble' , cainluj : prcnt piin mul
That Tired Fooling 2ffiS ° d
any nooi' , but 10 Buceonsfut mul satlifnctory
WH Hood's ' Kirsnparllla Hint Iio II.H t.iKoit IH >
oilier mpillclno nml li tiuw well. Tlio boat
known Iiiilnrjnnd Ilrrr roint'illC't ' nro SO
happily coinblncilNltli tonics anil altoi allcs lu
Hood's SarsapariSSa
thnt It Js nn tinonuallcd rcmcily for nil troubles
with thcsn Impoitnnt ordain , o > crcomps Tlmt
Tired rcpllhijnnd iiiukm llin -iit
HOOD'O PlULO euro Habltuil Uonitlpitlii.i by
f-.tnrliiir novNtilt o tmioi UioftHraont.ity
If so , buy one lliat ctnnnt Instilcn. . The
only thief-proof \ \ uchco arc those uilh
Here's the Idea :
The bow has a Groove
on each end. A collar
runR dowu inside the
pendent ( stem ) and
fits into the grooves ,
Firmly locking the
bow to the pendent ,
so that It cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
* * * i
To be sure of pelting a Non-pull-out , sec that
t license is stamped nith this inarK.09jjM
It c.inuut be had \\ilh any other Kind , yzjf
Ask your jeweler for piniphl''ttor send for
one lo the famous llcss Tilled Case imVcrs.
KeystoneWatch Case Co. ,
for Farmers , Miners and Msohanics.
Cures Chafing , Cluipp.-d Hands , Wounds , Dunn ,
Etc , A Deligh'ful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet
KlicuniUisni ,
Chronic ,
mVfS XL Nervous Jr
Wj'W M
} fV ft IUSCISC5.
Dr. Searlas & § @arl@s
Consultation Froc
I'm tliuTroatnunt of
Chronic , I'rivatc ' and A'ervoj ' ?
M M.r.Nt I'l MAM
PJLKS , I'lSrtJI.A , FH3UHK IJi-minmtl/
Cured vitli'JUt tht > u > 01 It.iff , 11 itui ) or
All nmlnilli'S uf a private or di'liralo
ll.Hiiro , of oitliur < ii > \ , | io-iltl\ol.v I'lirod ,
Dr , Scariest Seines , mu&l
No\l ilnor lo ru-.lolllro
\l \ Hobb'9AralhBBsstcnErtb.
Act ( jontly s ' prompt
; ly on the I.IVI II. Kill'
OR , HOBB3 MKtH nni ! JIIIUDUs , ( Ha
, Fo
jicillnB JieaduclicH -
fis r.nil Colds , thoroni'h-
LITTLE ly tlcaiislni ; the syMcm
of disease , nnd cnrcH
liabl'uat constipation
Vegetable They nro siitfar rn.itou ,
il.i m.t hrlppiry fiiiinIL
easy to tnltfl , nnd pan If
rrsrUlilc. J5 pills in racli
\lal 1'or.'jot. illgosllon
follows thulrute. Tlii-y
( lisoliilcli ruro ilili t.iml-
ache , end nroreciunmcuJ-
e1 l > r Icnams rbytlclins. Knr sale by
dnmnlau orncnt liyiu.1 ; trft . tlnl.
K3B ' 3 KEOICIHE CO. , Props , San fp.nwo K
f uhn & Co. , Cn.r IMh & IOUKU M * .
J.A I'llllor A.Cn , ( il. Ullld. DnllKli
Vr'.i fosterio.
Eiast/cStoz'dnj ;
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteriai ,
Sy ring 33 ,
Atomizspj ,
Medical Sutftis i ,
114 S. 15H1SI ,
Next lo Test office.
German Savings Bank
At Oniuli i , n Ilio 'I to nt .NVIir.nKn nl
oloicnf lHHIi ! - > < No * Mb , isttt
l.o ii < und i1l o MIIIII $ Xi'Ii 91
Jionlr ifu , i-riiroil mil
.invented . . . j ; ni
Olhor s-toe < i In-ill * nnd
tiiiirl-'neci \ \ 0)
Duo from inn loii'i ! 1) ) inlis.f'J'il | ro
Due ffiuii sliitu it
li.iiiM'li , & ; 42 ftM 01
Itonl i stair , ftirn turumil
ii , | ff\
nruipt null
"U f.l
ii'iil otlior o
. in-tin ror ,
\rlmiKiM I for ( 'li'iirliK | >
' . 'N.I o- ,
Hills of li inks 'MKMOI
, nlexoK nn I nnu. . l,4l < on
Total . .
l.iAllllil I'll S
i'.llllll ) ! llook pillil III 01
"iiiuliK fund I , 'im 111
I' mllMdi'ii prollls IMP. M
IHMiMiiN uniiilil. . . ; m ID
Indlvidii'il deposits sub-
. ,0 I to c MC J BI.SJll < u
Hi in mil oettllleatiH of
tn.fi1 > - . W
I 111 ! ii < rtilli-iitu < 4 of ( Ii'
ili-pis t . ' . ' : ; i. Hi
nu 11
tu d 112 . . jii ( > s ; "i'.m
H l-t i > iivilih ! ) mine
lotnl . . . . KTJIVI'I Ol (
Mute of .Ni'hr isl > i. fount * i > f ) iml is- <
I , I. . I ) I imter. iMihlut of ihe ui \ iniitii
bin ! , , do solemnly auoir I' ' u I 10 alunu'
statement Is ti'iioln tillbi l of mMI "Wloilgn
und hi'lh r. I , I ) . I OI I 1 ii , i ashler ?
Hnli orlliwl nnd snorn lo liefono this Kith
uuy of November , l 'i' '
IS-KVI ! iU'sTM | | ui
.Nut itI'aullo. .
lOIIOPl Utt'St -
I'niiii. MITs , n
( un .1 , K vnnv ii
111 NIIV llni i N
U D. I OVM i u
lure inis
or TUT
American Saving's Bank
At Oni'ilni , III tinStall - nf Ni-l-t.i , , ul tlio
i'lur nf linsliiriNti * Mil. | si'
itr.MM'iti'i : *
Iid'ins anil iliM'oniit-i
uthurmoiiks , bonil-i nml inorU.iKfs
Dilifiiini n itltinal lianUs. oitnlifin nllnio anil ll\liiii-i.
< nrionl i-\i-iisi's | ( nml t i\us p ilil
Clu- kanil otliur uiish lioiut
III Isnf ollii-r lianks _
I'liu-lldii'il pipi'i ouriuni-y
und i-rnt1) . .
Total , .0" u '
I'nplliil Mncl , . p ild In. . . SOlW.niHl 01
I'nilh lileil piollis . U'o.T. . ' '
Drin mil I'oilllk'ntus of
ili'lio U . .1111 IH
lime eiM I Ilk-ales of de
posit . . . J.'OM < i > isi I 'I , 'l
Total $ > 1 i,75 II"
M.ili'of Nebt-isK.i , I'oil.ily of l > nulas ss
I. A. ( ' . 1' nu'll , C.ishlei i'f lhi > : ilin\o
li-iini'il haiiU , iloso'einiilvsncit ' th it Hit nboMi
Hi lU'llll'Ilt Is tlllV III lllO Ill's ) 'if hll.n Itt ll-lj.'ll
and 1 elier. A. V. l'd\\ \ 1 M , , Cashier
Sulisi-illied and sttoin lo lii'toionii this tVli '
( lav o iNm. , 1 ll. 4
IsUAl.l JAMI.sS I Il\ l T. \
Notary I'u'iiio '
Pol' . lvur on. .1. U'ooil Snilt'i. II \ \ Minrean '
hulls al latt ot Aimnslu-i lioiint/e , iiei-easu 1,1
I' ilhei'iiiii Kouni/o ihls ultV ) . I Ionium !
Koiinl/e , I.ntliL'r Kuiml/c I'h.iru't 11,1
Konnl/e. Mntllda ( iirdiiior.dillnu lint hi
U omunilnu Ilinwn. , " \lir-.iiul \ N lloyor tindl
.Mary Dor.i Olher. I
Von aio heri'liv nollli" ! Unit thn imilrr-J
Mmiuil , thruii dislnturosiuil froelioldori of tin
oil } of Uinnh'i. havn bouadnly niipu nted by
the in n-iir. with tlio npniuvil ut thu I'lt'L
counullur s.ilil city , to nssesf ( ho iluiii.i'-M ! ill
Iho IHMIOIS i I'sinv-1 li i > y of the uiopcrl
drt'l-in'il ny orilln.ineo ni-i'i-ss iry lobe a mm
pnitoilfor Iho HOP of s ii | i-lt > . fur the pn *
pnio or oiiLiitiu and I'vti'ihiln Illh si i on i
fioin lliu illov ni-\- | iiurlli of Null ) is'
inn Hi In HIL'siinlli line iif I'.uliloi-l. I'l.i
rinlii Ilio sou 111 11 nu of I'adiliii-k I'l.irn ninth I j
Ohio slri-el , mil oieniiri | an i o\i mini i C l.i- '
siiuut , In t'liniilnIntm s iidillilini from ll ]
nri'-enl western lerinlinis usl t ) I Hli .stroi'll
so iivioinleil. as shiun h > pint Issnud to nj
from llieollli'oof I lie pity ensjiiietr ;
ton am nollHrd. tli.-it li'ivliu aceoptoiu
said aiiiiiimunl. | | ( an I dnlv 0,11 ulliuil as nvl
qiiiieii IHl.iu. . \vn mil , on HID "iilhdavoM
iNovoiiil'i'i. ' A II. Is1) ) * , at lln IIDIIIof 101
oVIo < K In the foreiinoii , al HID olllo ef Shrlvnr j
A. O'Doiinlioi. ' . Illll I ,11-n.ini stieul , ullliln thn'
001 pnnilDiIinlts ) f s ild i-Ilv , inenl fni Ihn mu'- <
| ) osi ) of eonsldorlnj and miMiu thu asses--
niuiit of d iniimu to thu iiivnurt i"spei'tlvo'v '
of .s-ilil propurlv by reason of such larfln ; ; and
iili ) oirlatlon | tliuK-iir. i
Thn piopoit v Lcloiuliu toy on. piopn-Uil to ]
bo appioiil | itinl as nfiiriH ilil. anil whiuli liasj
hiinii deularoil nucossiry liy the onncli , bvl
oiiilii.iiii'n to .ipproprlate to tint USD of I In ) cllyi
bi-IiiK slliuileil In s ilil clly ol' Dinah.i , in lhi ) |
i-oiinlv andhtilu of Ni--T'sKi ' ,
di'si-rilied as fol ou s to\v ll
I'lopi'Dy In ii'iinoof I * luMsnn
Tln < u 1st I'l'i ' ' fent of su1) ) ol I" of HID o ist |
HO fi-ulof tilot lln the K\\ , of tin > > l' '
IILin. . T I. . . I ! 1:1 : P.
1'ioportv 'u ' thn naniPof.l U oou'"iiiltli.
A stniiofl in i Ml foul wide niniiln iu h und
out h llnoiU'liMil' ' lots.1) mil li nTI i\ li I II I lull
iiiisl llni'of s 11.1 tilt ip iiHni ! 11' , feet west ol
tlinllne hetwcen t'inils I and 11 In suetlonllf
T niJ Ml J
lioi eil\ In llie naiiiint Aii'-'iistns Koimt/u j
and IIV. . M. C lire. ;
Thu f' ) loinn , ' p iii-el or Ir.u I of Ininl , llo-
Ulnii tu at lliesiinlhnu t em ni iof lol 'II hloclc '
fi I'.iililoi-L I luce ; thina-e sn ith lo lln norlli
line of ( 'I > n < slini't. proilni'inl fioin ( iinimiL'-
h iin's adillllon ; tlieni-o n isi itmnl M i Tent
nliin. HID nollli llni ) of H ilil ( I ul > slieel lethe
the \vcil linn of ( Jnnnliuli nn x aildlllon ;
thoin-esniilh onir lln1 uexl Inn1 of ( "niinliii-
linn's aifdillnii i'i ' feel lo HID -oilHi line of >
( Jl irk struut. llien.'o uiisl alon s Id south llnu
of t talk sli-piil to i point In u line p-uiillul to
Hie east line of 11IOIH M nii.l u. m I H ifd I no Tent iM'st of lol \ hlo K .U" . ully.
Huinc'u south alniUH.ild IIID to Ilin noitli I nu <
of lix lot h ; Ilieni'O west III fo 'I to llm vnsl
line of I Uli hlrrnl : Iliniu-o norlli n ir illul lo
lliooisl line or t.i\ liil < H mul H In Iho south
IIIID or I'lai-li Hlri'et ' - finm I uiinlil--
iiani'-i a'lillt ' on : Hiencn In 'i not Ihueilerlv ili-
lui'Hon lo llni norlli llni ) of ( lurU htiiiol pto-
ilnceil : IhoiK-i ) inn Hi lo thn sou Hi line of I'.ul-
< lo"l < I'liro ; llninci ! I'.ntlii fi-i't li of bo-
U'illlllll' . ' ,
You aru Motlllml lo hn niusenl al Ihc limn
and plui'u af.iiiH ilil , and makn anv objections
lo otst iliiini-iii'i niiujiiilii. H ild | irniisuil | )
appiopll.ilion in iissi'siineiil of dam itfos ai
, .
lux | , , ,
JOHN I I' * M li
JOHN \ \ it iiiiuN-
CiiininittiM nf Aiiiinl-urH |
Oniiili.i , dc-lobni . ' ' . M. . lilM
To tlin owniirs of .ill IO'H ' or nuisur loiH'
I I'lll Jsi * l ll siiiu-l , fiiini n mini" ,
Koiilli of l'oiiii'iiin | | \ on ui' lo III' Kory i
.mil Intelsi'etliUhlrt'ciH
Yon aie liurebv nolilli'd t at lli < i.niler
slunril , Ilireu | . | ; - . ( I It' "li ) dutrt ol HIM
cliy of Oiniili i. hiM ) IIMIII duly ii'iiiu mo I by
ihu mayor , ulih liir .ipiuoMil of ll itioiin -
ill of slid 1'itv. to lo-bfis llieilnni igu lo Ilu
ortiieiK ruipei'l vo y of the pionuitv ull'c'tul
liVllniL-lMiiiuor i nliiof I nenlj ' Mil Mieul .
fioin n IIDIII ! onn linn mul and M tuiil v llui I
lli'o fi-ul soiuli of I'onp i-lon iiuiiin < ri llfi'l.-
oiyMii-et und Inlerii-L-iliu hiiei'lH. dia'l.iiuil ' ! ;
m'i- * , > liv nidlin n UK i. | ii si-il Di-lolinr {
' ' . ' I Uulohm JTt b'l
.Mb , IH'l. , nuiiioi (
You , nu fiutiiur notlllal , Ural liavuini - ,
eenlml Halil ppnlnlinenl. aihl ( Inly ilialill | ( ' " ,
IIH rt'ililiri'U liv l.i iv. e will , nn Hut iwiial ) t
firihilay of .VitrinliLir. \ . I ) . Hr ! .it IlioliourJ
of Iliri'io'clock ) 111 the iiflernoon u ( thu ollli-i l
nMiimi.ii.I I'liiil , inn r.niiaiii html ivllli'n' ' '
the loruonitu llni in of HI ! > I tlt > i iniI I for the j
ii npnsdof L-on > l leiin i and mil. ui ; Ilio a > > |
NDSHineill of ilama.-o In Hie oiMiei-4 liMH'u- |
Ivn.v.of . sal l pr jperH.allei li d > y H.ilil Hi nisi1 ,
of uruilii. t iMns into . (
"YOU aio notllliiil M Ic prCHiuil at thn Ilino ,
and pl.ii'Kiifoies.ilil. ami m il.rnnyi
tOOl Ht.ltlllllOlltHl'onCl'lllllIB hjtlll II' ' . , . . , , , .
of ( ltiiins : " . as yon in iyonslili < r iiroin-r.
\V , ii H
.lAMtH HTO ( KIlAl.t :
Omaha. .Vm.lltli. IMlj NI8IHH ( _
Tothuiwniiior ! nit lots , p iruot lou/ind / ri'il ;
niil.ilii nloni Uitli Hr i'l , frutii lirind a\ < * '
nnu tel owler a tliili' .
You no huruby nolllli'd I hit Ihu iiniler
bluini I , tliren illsliiloriHlril freoholilDih iu tin
city ( if Oniiilu , h tvu biicn ilil.y uiunlnle'l | ' b )
Iho mayor , lth thu npiiioval of tbu ( - . < >
con , ii-1 lot Hild oily , to umo > , H lla duiiiax" to
the onnitrt lu uoullvoly of HID iironmty (
niri'Cteil by chuniiiiof Kr.iduotfihi-lii.'ol : | fron
( Irinil uvenno lo 1'owliir iiveiiin , dix-mim
iiiicosniry ny oiillnani'ii N'o. Ill ? Ui-iolio I ;
J'.ili , Iti'j.'i otiprovuil October UVihi 1W
Yon mo fiirtnnr nolilloJ thut , having at' ,
copied ililiiiipiiluliiieiil , nnd duly iiiuJlHc | \
an rciiulrud by luw. wn will on the Jlnl ; > J
of No vein Lnr , A. II JWat Ihu horn "f ' I
o'clock In tliu foiunoun. ut Ihu ullleo oil
John I' Kltti'lf. 'ill Chiunbur of Commun-iil
v/lthln thuroiiior.itu llmluofi > alil rlty , niooll
for tlio purpose of eriiulilerliii ; nnd niakliKI
thu a 4 < miiiiint of Uiiin.iKU lo tliuowniiH rol
vuocllvuly of it.ild proiiorty. iiiruotod by .iini
eliiunio of iri'.nle. l.ikln ; Into connkluritloni
ipiiclal lioncllti. If uny. , .
You nro nollllod to bo proienl tit tha llni' )
und pUiooafniiiiald , and iniikiitiny ohjontloui
tooNUtuint'iith concilium. ? * uM aisus nii'ii-
of duinui'd * as you may iu > iikli r 11 roper
JOIIN I , riAt'K. ( hulrnini
' ' "
Omuha , Nov . ivti. "iita.HO I