Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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George W , Hall , tlie Insurance Man , Dies
by His Own Act.
III * Mind AfTcrtril liy Worry , He Dclllinr-
ntrly I'mitnrril for tlm litiil nml Com-
inlttnl Hulrlilc I'our Areii Klllcil
n Itnllronil l.nlinrcr.
Ocorpo W. Hull , mnnnRor of the Stnndhrd
Ufo Insurnnco company , shot and inatnatly
killed hltiuolf nt his roiidonco , 'J703 Farnnm
utrcct , about 10 o'clock yoslcrdny morning.
I'oinpornry nbnrrutlon of the mind If sup-
po d to ho the causa.
La t Saturdny mornltiir Mr. Hull suadonly
disappeared from nil homo ntid the matter
nlouir with a complnto description of the man
WHS loft with the uollco. Every effort possible
was tnaOo by the dotoctlvos to locate the
mlssltiK man Omaha , hut they could
not Hud him for the very good
reason that ho was tint In the olty. Tno de
ceased rotunicU to his homo shortly before
8 o'colck Sunday tnornnlg and spent the day
with tils family , olTctltiK no explanation us
to nia absence. .
Yesterday tnornlnp without saying a word
to anvoiio Mr. Hall entered ono of the ser
vants' rooms on the thlril lloor , closed the
door , sntdown In n willow reciting chair unit
llrcd the lotul ihot.
Tno weapon used wan u now Colti 44-
caliber revolver. Kvldcntly the muz/lc of
the weapon had been pressed close apoinst
the rlcht temple before the triffirer was
touched. The uodv fell from the ehuir und
lay on Its left sldo with the right hand
Uloso to the right hand nnd with the
ilntihiK muzzle Just peeping out from under
the coat sleeve lay the revolver. Blood win
patlurod on too carpet In front of th chair
and a great pool of the crimson lluid staiucil
the door minor the lioaa. On the forohond
end temple the blood had clotted and drlod.
Illrtlfo rouiKl Him.
No report was hoard , and ns thu husband
and lulhor did not como down Mrs. Hall
ascended to the upper rooms and commenced
H search. She supposed that ho hnd gene to
the bath room , but us ttiot was oranly the
Bcarch was continued until tno servant's
room was reached , As thd wife opened Iho
door the horrihto slgnt of her husband
lying in n pool of his own blood mot her
gaze. With n cry for holn Mrs. Hall started
Uown the stairs nnd alarmed the household.
Word was at once sent to Ur. Coffman who
had hcon treating the deceased for some
time ami to several liitlmato friends of the
family. The case was also reported to the
police oftlccr on the heat and then to Iho
That Mr. Hall was temporarily insane
there Is no doubt. For a lung time past ho
has suffered severely from lung trouble and
nervous prostration , the effects of which the
doctor says no doubt unbalanced bis mii.d.
The deceased was an old-timor bero in
Omaha nnd was about 00 .VCBM of ngo. Ho
cnmo heroin 1670 and has mndo this city nis
homo ever since. For years Mr. Hall was
assistant auditor of the Union Pacific Hall
way companv , but resigned his position to
talto the management of several Insurance
A widow , two sons and n daughter sun-Ivo
him. Tlio children are all grown nnd the
ions nrulu business.
What Ills Son Nllil.
In Kpcnltinc about Iho denth of his father ,
] snao Hall said : "For some months past , in
fact , for nearly a year , father has at times
acted queer und wo havu watched him
closely. Ho brooded over business
troubles inoro than ho ought to tiavo
done , when there was no reason
for it. When ho loft homo Saturday
morning ho was rather despondent uud when
ho did not return at night wo commenced to
Worry and so I notified the police to look out
for him. Sunday morning ho came into the
noiiHO just nbout breakfast tiino and seomeil
glad to see ux nil. Ho did not offer any ox-
planatioi. of his absence beyond saying
that ho had boon out In the coun
try attending to some business.
Burin ? the day ha came down town and
had n talk with 'several business men about
matters preliminary to bis work and ap
peared to ho in good bpirlw when ho re
turned homo. Last night ho spent at homo
and retired uthla usual hour , apparently in
good health and spirits.
"This morning there was no noticeable
change in his condition. My mother saw
him go upstairs and thought nothing of it
until fully u half hour hnd elapsed , then stio
began a search of the unit airs rooms. When
the body was found messages \vuro sent to
the doctor , coroner und relatives , i am
positive 111 it fnther had worried nbout his
Illness unit business troubles until his mind
\vus unbalanced.
Several days nco inv motlior took nn old ro-
Tolver nwny Irom father for fear that ho
might do some harm , Lut wo never expected
this. "
It was found upon investigation that the
revolver which was used by the decuanod
wns purchased Friday from thu Cross Gun
company , for which Mr. Hall paid $111
Coroner Maul looked ever the nurronnd-
Incs of tbo tr.igodv yesterday , hut has not
decided when an inquest will bo held.
imn\v rotm ACIJS AXI >
Clmrloi Ku KleH * lleait Piillnil Mini Wlicn
lie Hint mi InUncllilii llnnil.
Good luck wns too much of u su rnriso for
Charles F. Kut'glns , n laborer on the now
bridge nt East Oinahu. and bo dropnad dead
from joy during a game of cards Sunday
A number of laboring mon were sitting In
quiet game In the hoarding house oftlco on
thu islund nnd nearly every ono had nut un
his pile.
Hugclos stauod his last cent. Ho hold
three aces and on the Inst round drew the
fourth single spot , cant. Ono glnnco at thu
card won cnouL'li. Without a word ho fell
ovitr onto the lloor dead.
i Heart dUeaso was the canso assltrned.
A ptivsiuinn cnrtilloa to the cause and the
body was bunod nt 'J o'clocit yesterday after
noon. KugBlei wns n single mini nbout 40
vents of ago and his only relative In this
; country is u slstor who lives In Maryland ,
DN'il on Hut Street.
About 1 1 o'rloclt Sunday night Mr. . Stephen
Girard was found lying dead on the siuo-
1 wall : noai Imiiuuuol Imtpltnl.
She was taito.i to her homo on Fowler
i nvcntio , In Central park , and physicians sent
for. 'Iho doctors declared thnt donth wns
| caused by heart disease , und Ur. Uicketls.
i who had attended thu woman for some tlmo ,
tfnod n cerlltlcato lo thnt affect.
Piles of people hiivo ntlos , out IJoWltt's
Witch Hiu.el sulvo will euro them.
Ho INoil It to Nllnnoo tliu Aim in of nil
Kli-cnloii Iioanr ,
Gcorgo MilU , the capitalist , is wearing an
artistically blackened pair of oyoa that fur-
nlih Indtsputaola ovidouco that iho judicial
position nold by Charles Ogdeu dos not pro-
Tent him from forcibly resenting an Insult.
Judge Ogden nnd his friend Charles Groan
were at dinner ut McTajuo'a whpn Mills ,
who had boon drowning his election so'r-
rows , cntno in nnd hjgau abusing overv-
Doiiy In tno tiouso. Ho llnally approauh'ud
. the tnblfl nt which Messrs Option and Uroon
Ircru I seated and be .in an attack
upon thuin with hU mouth , usiug
'very ubusivo langnago. The gen-
i tlemen both bore the ubasu for botna time
land ondeavordd to Indiica Mills to go nway
and leave thorn. This only lingered him iho
inoro and ho finally applied nn epithet to
Oudno Ogdun that could not go unnnsworcd.
il'bo details us to tbo succeeding llslio sat
urnalia nro very monger. It did not itit
long. The judge was un alhleto la his college ! -
lego days und his good right has lost out
llltlo of Us prUtlnu struneiu and none of Its
icieoro. Ueforo Iho spectators oould really
eo what had happened Mills was helnn
taken out to a doctor's oftlco and the judge
hud rosumud hla salad nnd hu conversation ,
USD Brown's llroncuiul Itochos forcougbs ' , ,
colds anil all other throat troubles. ' 'Pro
eminently tbo best , " Kev , Henry Ward
ZKecber ,
Brlinrlilrr XC'O'K. . Mock No IT on Snip.
Wo purolmictl thfs ontlro stock nt
nbout ono-Tourth its vnluo. If you nro
In need of hosiery , underwent1 , gloves or
corsets , nUoml tlili sulo , ns goods will
bo Bold nt prices thnt will astonish you.
Kcntl n few prices
Schneider s fancy j ho3o , worth SOc ,
now l ° , { c.
Susnonders , worth 2oo. now lOc.
T > 0c Hiisiilors | ) ! ( redticod to lilu.
Fancy silk end suspenders , 2oc , re
duced from Too.
Men's shoulder britces , worth 60c , now
Gents' llnoii collnrs , host cjuallty ,
worth UO' ' onoh , novv 8c.
Schnoldor'8 ovorshlrts worth $1.00 ,
now die.
Ladles' undonvoir : , lotip sleeves , only
lOo oneh , worth 60c.
Lntlics' ctuuol's ' linlr nnd natural wool
vcst.s nnd jmnis , only 6f ( ) , worth "oc
In this stock there wns about IIvo
crises of children's underwear that wo
will close out. at nbout one-half the
regular wire.
Schneider's yarns are now on sale.
COO pound * Dost quality Saxony yarn ,
onlv Oc par skein.
10th street.
Samncctiissoi-iation wllltneotnt Hoyd's
new theater tills evening at 7:150 : to
take part in parade.
Frescoing and Interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohnunn , IflOS Duutrltis street.
Heal estale.
Bargains only.
Mv word is good.
Vf. O. AlbrigliU
CUl3N. . V. Llfo bid ? .
A Now r.ngliuiil rl lKinkiil\lMc Dliinor
IB wortli traveling a long distance to
obtain. All Now England points can bo
readied in the shortest time and most
comfortable manner by the Lake Shore's
"Chicago and Boston Special" leaving
Chicago daily at 10:30 : a. in. , reaching
Boston next afternoon at H-10 : and inter
mediate points at a correspondingly con
venient hour. Close connection is also
nmclo with all diverging lines. U. I' .
Humphrey , T. P. A. , 727 Main St. , Kan
sas City. C. 1C. Wiluor , West. 1'ass.
AgU , Chicago.
H lyiU'ii HIMM
Tlio Schneider it Loomls wholesale
notion and furnishing goods stock is
now on silo at amazingly low prices.
This was the largest and best , linn in
their line in Omalia. They carried a
splendid line of goods and our purchase
from the asMirtioo is s > o favorable the
goods will bo sold at lo s than half usual
If you are likely to need anything in
stapfo or fancy notions , ladies'or gentle-
moil's furnishing goods or childicn's
underwear of any description , now is
the time to buy.
The immense stock to select from nnd
endless variety in leading styles , aside
from the sterling values in price and
quality makes this the headquarters
for cloaks , wraps and jackets.
Look at these line fur trimmed jack
ets at $1 75 , at $ " > .oO , at 8i.50 ( , at S7.CO , at
S'J.OO ' , at $10.00 , at $112.00. Compa-o Hip
price aim quality. Sjo the endless vari
ety in children's school cloaks and note
the prices.
This department is fallowing a larger
and more complete variety than ever bo
foro. The active trade makes It possi
ble lo have " all the latest styles coining
in dav by "day.
Dry goods and carpets.
l : ilcoml > e und Iuriy : Altnr Ilio Cliulniiaii ul
tliu llo.iril of rulilluVorlm. .
Membots of the Hoard of i'ubllo Works In
dulged In another old-timo war of words yes
terday morning und it was all about ono
of tbo sewer contracts.
Ou Iho 1st day of November the contract
for the construction of nsowor along Twenty-
fifth avenue , from Bart street to n point
twouty-llvo Icjc north of iho north line ol
California street , waa awarded by the boa
When the members convened in special
session the question of tnis particular con
tract was touched upon. Tuo chairman In
formed the other membari that ho had not
transmitted the contract ayd the bond to the
council for approval. The information llrod
M'tjor lialcombo ami ho nt mice proceeded to
arraign the chairman lor his neglect of duty
in the c.iso.
Major took a hand in the arraign
mcnt and for n while tlnro was n lively
scene , ( Hirkhnu or maintaining
Hint ho hold the right horn of thu dilemma
und that ho had not been urdorod to scad the
papers to the council.
The whnlo muttur was disposed of by the
ohalnnin being Instructed to transmit the
papers nnd hnvo them there nt to
night' : ) meeting. In explanation , Clinlrmni :
Dirkhausor said thnt the land throueh wlilcli
it was proposed to construct the sewer waa
in dispute ; that the question nud boon ro
furred tu tha sewerage coinmlltco of tin
council and that the report hud never go
back to the council. Knowing thobo t'nols
ho had not transmitted the papers In the
case. Hosldes this , there wus'nn nzreeiiiout
witn Hoggb A ; Hill , the owners of the land ,
that tlu-ro should bo no permanent improve
ments until the grade of the street had ocou
established. Tbo owners of the land ob-
jer'.cd to the construction of luo sewer and
ho had no doslro to plunge the city into a
Aniorlriiii < 'hiili > r.i ,
Horn tlir Diil'i lln-ciltc , Wli'ian , H'n'i '
"T. O. Human , the democratic candldato
for sheriff , tukon violently 111 nt Cloir-
urnoi { . Ho had all the syinptomj of Asiatic
cholera , and for an hour or two it wns
feared ho would die , They flimilv gave him
adoso of Chambrlaln's Colic , Cholera nud
Jiarrhiua Uemedv , whion rovlvaa him until
n plivslcian arrived. " 'J'lint is proclsoly
wlniitho mnnuf.ioturoM of that inodiclnb
rucommeiid for cnolora. Sind for n physi
cian , but ulvo tnulr medicine until the physi
cian arrive. If cholera becomm provnlont
in this country next summer tbls pi-opara-
lion wnl bo in great demand bouiuso it aan
nlwnys bo depended upon. For sale by
drugjjisU. _
The SwiMthox llllliL' * it ( 'imlnilluii uf M my
.Minor ItnlilirrliM.
Yesterday Cwptaln Cormuck nud Chief
Dotcotlvo Hnzo put ( loorgiJ Ivjngroon , John
Haley und Howard ll.vuciSna lu the svvout-
bax auu for uu hour Uaut tuuin in hot
When the scnnco was over the
ofllcori were sutisliod that they had
done the proper ' .hlnir when they
arrested this trl'j of toughs , Thov not
onlv confessed to six rf''ui-rloi which * have
occurred in the last tea days , Uut , t ld where
some of the plunder was planted , Mrs.
( JnUIor also Identttlod a couple of thn men us
thn men who entered her house , 3153 South
Fifteenth atroat , nnd fctolo a gold watch anil
chain. Bovcral ether * liavo Identltiod prop
erty utolen by thesoyoung tonirhs. Hut they
won't steal niiything more for awhile , for
the judiro intends lo keep thorn out of temp
tation for some months ,
Ignorance of the merits of Ho Witt's Little
Karly Hlsuri is n misfortuno. Thojo llttlo
pllu rcguluto thn livor.curti headncho. dvspep
sia , bad breatu , constipation and billousnoss.
Cliurlvr AmemlmimU.
A number of important amondincius must
bo madu to tno city charter by the leglsla ,
turo. TUB UBI : Invites cltl7.n of Otnuhu to
malto suggestions p rtlnout to tbo subject
through thu columns of this paper.
An botinst pill U thu noulmt work of tni
- apothecary. DoWltl's Little Early HUcr
euro cettailp&tiou , bUlouineti and tlukhaud-
aoUo .
IV P ! ( II'IIM I Mlfll
Special Conioll Conmlttoo Will Baport
Agaimt Oily Making Any Oonoissions.
irtho Uniiin Depot i * llullt Now U Will
lluVlthmu llnvltic Otlior llo'tdi
llurrcil Out of thn Cltjr
llntlrimil Nona.
Signs of the tl.nos tioiut to the rcjuotlon of
the proposition bv the Union Depot company
to complete that tu.ion djpot at Tenth nnil
Maroy streets. It It Is complatoJ it will b3
without the city ol Otn.iba entering Into any
agreement lu the premises , utul luuopondout
of thu citv waiving any rltthts or canceling
any bonds thnt it holtU against the Union
1'aclllu company.
\\eoks iigo when now llfo was Infused
Into the depot tiuttor u special cotnmlttoa of
tha city council was nppolnto.l to brine about
If nnsslblt ) a settlement of the old
dlftli-ultloj , that worlc upon thu com-
nlctlon of iho structure that marks
tbo ulto of the proposed Uopot tniclit
) o resumed. The "committee mot
times and considered proposition nttor propo
sition , thus hoping to brine about nn aiiilmi-
hlo suttlotiient finally City Attorney ( Jon-
neil told the cominlttoo thnt he hnd mndo u
proposition to Attorney Kolluy of the Union
1'nclllc in order to got a b.isls to work upon.
The proportion waa this :
The city to waive Us call for the brldpo
toll arbitration bonds ) .
The citv to waive Us call for the depot
maintaining bonus.
The city to convoy the union depot grounds
to the proper company.
The i-allroads to waive the J150.000 depot
bonds voted bv the city.
The railroads lo relinquish olalm to the
land known ns the Wluspear triangle nnd
fenced In by the city.
On thu ICnllriMiilSlilo.
Mr. Thurston said that his people wanted
to build tbo depot and hid gouo to work
lu good faith to build it , had torn up the old
uopot and had rocolvoJ from the city
encouragement , but they were hindered bv
prlvnto parties throuph Injunction. Ho
wanted the tltlo to the prouuds to bo clonroil
up and thought that if this vvn-t done nr.d iho
suits withdrawn the depot would bo built.
As to the accretion ho was willing to glvo
the city tlio land , rosorvinc a reasonable
richt-of-wny througti It which is glvon by
ordinance. But to do that ho wanted the
city to confirm tno tltlo to
the bottom lands , and while ho had no doubt
nbout the title vesting In the company ho
wanted to avoid the uerloJical cry through
the newspapers thai the Union I'aclllc was
holding land that it had no title to. Mr.
Council generally thought the proposition u
fair one , althoUL'h ho expressed n doubt
about the bottom" ! mils and pirtioularlv the
blocks L , N , O. l , Q , as to confirming the
tltlo of Iho rend lu thcso.
Mr. Thur-iton replied that his pooulo had
always had those blocks in view for future
use , but thought tboy were not the ( coy to
the situation. These blocks were conveyed
in Ib03 , with a proviso that "In caso'tho
pastern terminus of the Union 1'aclflc rail-
roaJ on the Missouri river shall not bo lo-
caled anil continued wituln ono and a quar
ter miles of Farnara street , In said city of
Omaha , thun , and in that cast * , the promises
hereby co'ivejod shall revert to , and becorao
reinvested in , said citv. "
Tlio committee made another attempt to
bold a nicotine to talk the matter ever and
ratify tbo proposition , but it was a failure.
In the meantime the Milwaukee and the
Hock Island roads came lu nud objected to
such an arrangement , urging that it would
freeze them out of Omaha or else thai it
would place thi > m at tbo mercy of the Uniou
Pacific company. That feature of the case
hunt : the dopot'doal un fov the time being
and loft every thiug In the hands of the corii-
Opji.iso the Concussions.
Yesterday Chairman Prince of the corn-
mil tco t > aid that he was about ready to make
his report to the council. It iniah't be pre
sented tonight and possibly it might
go ever until next Tuesday night , but when
it did roach the council It would bo adverse
to going into the deal proposed and submitted
to the council commlttoc. Ho said thai ho
had talked with n great many of the promt-
nont citizens nnd the heaviest taxuayors of
the city , and that they , ono and all , " were op-
Dosed to such conoassions as were proposed.
\Vitn those opinions existing , ho did
not fcol Justified In placing bU
opinion against the judgment of the
citizens of the city of Omaha , who certainly
had nothing to gain bv a persecution of the
railroad companies. Inopposiig tbo agree
ment , ho said that ho wa * thoroughly con
vinced that the citizens were actualod by a
deelro for the welfare of the city und not by
any solllsh motives.
Mr. I'rlnco said that ho had not talkeil
with the otlior members of his committee und
for that reason ho could not say hoiv thoj
felt regarding the mutter.
KiiitrimtlH Tint Acriiio till ! Union I'.iulllc ul
U" KliiK Through
Mr. Lennox must decide whetner the
boycott inaugurated by the Atchlson.
the Burlington , Burlington & Missouri
Ktvor , Hock Island , KioUrando Western ,
Colorado Midland and Denver & Ute
I ! ran do against the Union I'ao'.llo is to con
tinue In force or bo raised.
It Is claimed by the above companies
that the Union 1'iiolflo has practically shut
them out of missongor Business in a very
lnro territory ; that on account of the
through car service with other lines cast of
the Mlssmni rlvur they are being greatly
bandlcappd In Iho handling of their DIISI-
11039 , nnd ns n last resort are compelled to re-
talluto by inaugurating n boycott.
It la also chimed that from the whole
northwest t'arlllo coast country the Union
PiU'iflu uau illmo31 entirely stopped business
relations with these lines through certain im
portant gateways ; It has systematically
gone tovorn and from tlmo to tune Issued
bucli instructions as have placed the nbovu
roads In it position wboro they now will demand -
mand that they bo placed on an equal footing
with their competitors , or the Union I'ltclliu
must accept tha Inevitable und nil business
relations between their companies must
cease ,
Dumiiml u Mndlllc.ition ,
At. a called meeting , hold in Denver No
vember 5 , ut which the general passenger
agents of the roads Interested were
prusnnt , to consider tbo attitude of the
Union I'aoilk1 , the following resolution was
unanimously adopted :
Kukolvcil , That a commit lee of four , i-oii'int-
ing of loprusontiitlvoiof the Danvur and Itlo
Qriiiido , fcuntu IV. UhlfiiKi ) . Koi'U Island I'u-
ollleand llurlhuton .Missouri river roads , ho
nppolntod to incut Mr , and confer with
him with it view of Euuur ng a modification nt
oxIstlnK olrciiliirt relative to Inlereh.iiuro of
business with our rusnuutlvu lines , nnd to rupert -
port ut a ineolliitt of the above lines to bo Held
lit ChloHBO. Nnvomlior II. Mioiild thla coiii-
inltton fall to ui'conipllsh satisfactory u o illl-
oatlousof simh n of hinlnuis , ( lien
the lines Interested ngruo to Isstio a ulrcnlar
clvlni ; notluu of dlsuoiitlriuanco of bnslnuss
relations wlili the Union I'.iultlo railway , blui-
lliir to tno folmwln.1 :
To cuiinoctliij HUPS : Tlio Union I'aclflo
railway h is by Its current circulars mill o\-
Istlni roiiiUtions prohlb toil the Is-iim of
in uny ouu-w iy ana ruiuid-trlp tlulaits rimrimi ;
In ii.irt over ilio underDignud I nix , or m.idu
stiloof snob ilcUuU pr.u'tK'iUly liuposslbtu
thus clusliiK to our lines mid ru v.tilons
conncctipus catuw.iys that wuio fonni-rly
upon to us , and Implying by tbulr iicti a < h- )
tlru to cu isa intoruli uuu of biHinoai with
tlioio companies. In view of thusu facts wu
hivn no rocoi.rtnliiitM accent the
unil tborofnro rc iioi'tfully rrinii'St you to ro-
inovo from M.tln * all tlekoli or ordurg for
sunn ro.i'llnit or r the lines of the timlcr-
slittiod , uny nurtlfin nf which * over iho
I'nion I'aclll.i nvllu-.iv , nt nuuh tleUoti will
not lie by the undersigned roads
nflo" NnvcmborSi.
Mr , Linux if ( A Chicago to meat the
representatives of the roads nnd talk
ever the matter 'which ' has cnuson stioh n
potturL'od fO'iliRjnnrtionp rival lines for trans-
contlucutal buslnost.
Why thry Kirk.
A nasongor man when n > ked n * to the
hUtory of the tKIaiV which has led to the
ulrnlncd rolutlon.8dd : "The Union I'aclllo
has Instituted a boycott against nil our lines.
H has openly discriminated n alnst us bv
selling tleUots oror certain thniugh car
llnoi which It connected with ; Ims
tnken up our tlcuots tlmo and ngnm
and turned tr.ifllc which logltlmatelv bc-
longcd to us ever their rou o and in fact tins
placed us now lu a position whuro wo mo
utterly helpless from a largo section of the
country. "
And nil thU dlftlcultv grows out of the
fact that the Union ParKlo Is looking lifter
Its own ; that It will not tike pisionger
business from rival roads nnd make iho
short haul when u ha < * n road from thn
Missouri river o the Puget soundand on the
quiet several passenger ngunta who nro in
iho combine say Hint the Union 1'ncllle't
position Is imprcgnnblo from lit ttandpolnt.
Mr. Lomnx , It Is thought , will not nbnto n
tilllo the position tukon nnd the boycott will
be liinuguratcd.
HAD A .sroituv niniATic.
U'ontrrn I'a tiMigrr AIJUIIIH HaMt 11 I.lM'ly
Sl'Slldl. .
Cinctno , III. , Nov. H A considerable
falling olT in eastbound shipments is reported
for last woolf. Tno entire shipments from
Chicago by all 'oids is aunouncad as ( H.TiOl
Ions , against 71 509 tons during the preced
ing week , and against Or.lU.I tons for the cor
responding period last year , an Increase of
1,3U5 tons. Lake shipments during theweek
footed upTJ.DIO tons against 8)tI7 for the
procodlni : week.
A stormy debate was the only result of
the conference hold hero today between the
general passenger agents of the Union
1'aclllu and ChlciiL'o Northwestern on ono
sulo and the Hocl : Island , Burlington , Atuhi-
son and Danvur it Uio ( irandoon the otner.
On all buslnoss to Montana nnd Oregon
points tbo Union Pacltlo claims that it
should rcculvo the n.mcngors from Its con
nections at Kansas ( Jity. Omaha or Denver.
The Hock Island , Burlington and Atuhison
having close connection with Iho Denver
& Rio ( Jruudo at Denver , Colorado
Springs nnd Pueblo , has been carrying
Helena and Portland passengers to
Ogden before turning thorn ever to
the Union Pacilio thus allowing the latter
rend the smallest possible division of tbo
rato. It Is clalmoJ the Union Pacitlc , by
uny of retaliation , has put into effect on eastbound -
bound business the same rates from
Helena , Omaha , Kansas City , Chicago nnd
the east by way of O don as apply through
grangers ever the Oregon Short L.ino , und
that it has also bacn cutting rates on through
businiiss in connection with the Northwest
ern and the Alton. The conference today
amounted to a quarrel and n lively ono.
When tha tlmo for adjournment came , how
ever , it was agreed that another mooting
should be hold tomorrow , and It Is probable
that u more dispassionate view of the matter
will load to nn adjustment of the diillcutiej.
The presidents and poneral managers of
the roads in the Central Tralllo and Trunlt
Line associations will meet in this city next
Thursday for Iho purpoio of considering the
general rate situation nnd putting traftlc
affairs in the best pos iblo shape before the
beginning of the new year.
The com-nlttoo of mana-jora of western
roads was in session several hours today ,
warning out the details of the proposed
tonnngo pool schoiuo. It was than decided
to adjourn until Nnvombar 30 , nt which time
the Missouri Paeillo has promised to have a
representative present.
Work to lc I'cisllrd oil the Now South D.l-
Icotii I.lne.
YAXKTOV , S. U , Nor. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to run BBB. ] The first scraper full of
dirt on Iho Yankton end of the railroad ,
uhich Senator Poltlgrow is constructing
from Sioux Falls to this city , was moved
today. Men will work nil through the winter -
tor in the James river hills along iho line
east uf this city. H. S. Morse of Chicago ,
vice president of and u stockholder in tha
Maoon , Dublin & Savannah , ( Ua. ) railroad ,
has become the associate of John T. M.
PiL > rco in t'.io construction of the Yankton &
Norfolk railroad and will como to Yuukton
to resldo. Ho will arrange a southern con
nection for the road at Norfolk.
PrcHldiMit Clark on liiipr'jvoinoiit-4.
Air. S. H. II. Clark was in a taluatlvo
mood yesterday , something remarkable
for him when It cnmos to airing matters of
business , although socially ho is ono of the
most genial of men. In conversation with a
BBR man ho said that it did saem to him ns
if the people of Omaha were standing
in their own light , in view of
the fact that the few interests
with which ho was connected in the city do-
slrod to go ahead with improvements If only
permitted to do so.
"Woliavo commencoa to build the now
holler shops 150 leet east of Cnss street , be
cause wo want them nnd yet for all time to
como their location will bo a detriment to us.
Wo have relocated them because wo do not
want iho peoolo of Om tha to bolicvo that wo
are opposing the building of the Nebraska
Contra ! bridge. The location was decided upon
long before the Nebraska Cmitral was
thought of , and it is foolish to chnrgo us
with conspiracy to retard the Nobraiku Central
tral movement. All tbo material for the
shops is on the ground nnd thny will rapidly
bo pnshod to completion.
"Those shops will In nowise mterforo
with the shops at North Plntte , but will
simply increase our forces hero. There
will hcroafter be no wiping out
nnd patching up old engines when
thov have outlived their usefulness ; wo will
build now onus. And to shoxv you how much
wo have been retarded in our o ( Torts to build
up Omaha and the syatom wo were com
pelled to buy six engine boilers In Chicago
which should bavo boon ma-Jo hero. Wo
have located the boiler shop clear of Cuss
street Just so the people cannot charge us
with obstructing the building of tbo No-
bruska Central. "
Hallway N"i > t nnil rurionaU.
General Freight Azont Crosby of iho E.
& M. has gene to Chicago.
Charles Kennedy , northwestern passenger
agent of thu Hock Island , Is in Chicago.
The Omaha Grand Opera company loft
for Now York bunday vln the Itook Island.
George L. Loomls , chief clerk to the gen
eral manager of the Burlington , is out on u
shooting trip.
D. \ \ . Aldrldgo , traveling passenger agent
of the Northwesternami Mrs. Aldrldgo hnvo
returned from Cniiada.
F. A. Nash and wife of thoMllwnuUco have
gpno lo Canada. Mr. Nush will go on to
Now York hol'oro ralurnlng.
J. H. Buchanan , prouorul passenger nzont ,
and K. C. Morouotiso , conoral freight agent
of the KlKhOk'ii , want to Chicago Sunday.
A. B. Smith , assistant tenural passenger
ngonlof the U. & .M. , will nttonil the annual
tncotlngot thoTranamlssourl I'assongor asso
ciation totluv ai Kansas City. It Is thought
that Mr. MuFodtlon , serrotarv of the associ
ation , will liana down liU opinion In Iho now
colebratcd raio of tlio Burlington against
tbo Klkhoru , which was heard hero last
ween ,
Parties trying to introduce now cough
rc-m-tlies , should know that mo pcoplo will
have Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Worm V/orda frotn Pntlonls
Who Hnvo Tasted the Special
Methods of DPB. Copclnncl
und Shopnrd.
It would bo onsy to fill n column ovary
woolt with stutcmontH from wail known
men und wumoii nil ever the ircut woht
who huv" found voliof und euro nt the
hnnils of Drs. Copolnnd nnd Shupnrd ,
who nrc , omplmtlonlly , the puoplo'a phy-
siolmis. Their torins uro low , thulr bus'l-
no s molhoilM fnir nnd honorable , und
lliolr results remai'Utibly lutcco dil. A
few s.unplu tosliuiontcd nro hero ap
pended :
MUS U A 1)\VIK . wlfo of nn Implement
< loalor. ( tliKNVNO ill. lOWA.nrl in ! hue ticon
cronllv lipiiellllfil by tunr rilairli tre.ittm'nl. My
iicnernl lipnlili n imii'li Imiii-r mil tlm o terrllilo
lionl.tnhi'Kl liml furjiinri nio entlrul > none. nl o , n
choklni : fcolliu iiml IIIKITV Ilinuuli my diost "
MIH I I. lt'IIIN-OV Ki\llSiv : : , Milt , under
entoof'Piit. 2s. lw.ii. nrllo "I wnnt lo tithe nn-
ollit-r iiiiintlrt tri'MliiKMii. n > inir iiiiMllrlni * limit
helpoit iiioncrciit ilutl M ) iisthiini 1 hotter I
inn work nml U don t nmko me fin-l vjrj tired i inv
cnmitloMnn li liutter. I ! < ! Imltt'r nil ovnr I tiupt
Ilii' licit meilliMiii * trill il'i ' nn Hindi unnil "
MIK onitTiii i IK i.on MisnitMi IMIVT
\VIS "iiyi 1 hiil : iiiuoli niiunnili nnd lutiirt lr < mlilo
with tnlnt | iell nml < Tiimi | . Mr ntomnrli nunlil
nche nnil triini 11 inn ur llin-e ilnv ut n tlinv t wni In
Eruit nKuny. ilnrU spot * tuinlit niinc he fore my
ejo nml I win ill/.xy uml well I trlrtil Inmit iloi1-
tor . lull lr ) Coiiulnnd nnd lir | > iril irerelho only
ono nlHiruiilii help mil 'I'lioj liuxo enllrol ) uurcd
mo , mul I am BLI tlinnkliil. "
That Is Why Mr. Flaherty Glvos
Testimony ns to the Suc
cess in His Case of D.'s.
Oopcland nnd Shopnrd.
"Vcs , lr : I knowDri ( "uielnnil | nmlhrinri | ! , nn.l
1 liii\e crent ri'iivon to lilo * tliu day thnt took mo
to them. " 'Ihchpi'nker , Mr .MlctinolJ. I'lnherl ) . I *
nclork i > inplneil liy Iliiyilun Hm < In tticlr ittc\
stuio. * 'Mnney oiiulil not linliiio mo 11 pn hnck to
tlieroiiilltlon I nn-ln hi'ldri1 I iiiet tlu uili | ) li'l.iii9.
t hml Iiml rntnrrh M'vorul > . Mj m > u ivns
ntoi | | > oiiiiieiitlrel ; | ) o I Inn ! to liretitlu > til roll Kb
niyinontli 'I'noor throj times n ilnjr-nniuctlnias
nriunur I Iml bli'Oilliii ; from my no u ami tumuli.
This mnlo mo DO uenk 1 ooulil not do linril ork. I
hnd liumlticho nml lckneH < i of tin * Htotnnch nlnu > t
rontlnimllj , mul ennlil not U-i > p Hlnk'lii nul'cj
Illlud my uurn nnd I xlonl ) i/ot < | iilto ikMt. Myojt's
were wcik mul watery
M. J. n.AlinHTV , with Iliiydeu llros.
" 1 m nlwfljs lmt\klnK nnd rnthlnj ; qnnnlUlcf of
( UKiistlnK mutti i that linng und tlroppMl from my
hcud trick Into in ) throat 1 was never uhle to rlc'nr
It out entirely bccttfo 1 could uot Ki't nlr tliro-JKli
my noso.
"In the inoinlriK I would cot np tlrod nnl Orowy.
hcud luD'Inir full nnd tulTinI mm ni'hlni ; li-nrfnlly
I tvns dull. mlernhlo ulttiont energy in d desiiond-
cnt nil the time , ttlien 1 enl to DrCopclnnd mid
liepnrd J\K I have tnld , m ) no o nun completely
Btoppc'd. nndhen lr ) hvpanl UMimlnod mo ho said
It TV. tilled \tltli polvpiiH iironthj thnt nonld limn
to 1)0 tnkcmont. M > I piuparud nivsolf to nndureo
whnt 1 ituppoKcit would bcinuiy painful uzpeilcnrc.
ImiiKlno lion Lngrvunblu n.ia my dlsnppolntiiicnt
1 > llOU
or even lnconvonli.'iu'e. Dr. hupard Tory qnlcMy
mul > ury Fklllfully romo\cd th , ! p tlypl from my
no c. nnd almost Imtnodlitoly I Irul thtiMnllsfuctlon
of lirciithliiKtlii. ujh mv noilrilHiiU'iln Tln'y I'.HO
tri'nti'ilmy falnnlinl lionhlu rcuulnrly , nml todn >
I nm snnn.l ami i\'ll. My hunt mid throat aroc'cir
my hluht nnd li.'irlnir nro splendid I pine , ) well nnd
fee ) frt'-ili mut ni UliLnt nil H no . Dot tori t opolnnd
mid Micpard do-torpo nil the pr.ilnc I ulvu them ,
nnd more t o. ] sli.ill ruconimend thorn ut ovury
opportunlt ) "
S5.00 A MONTH-
Catarrh trente I at the uniform r.ito of
$5.00 a month mucllc.n iurnishecl free.
For all other dUea o > tha rates will bj low
and uniform. a distinct su -
Ue.Uod. Sund for sympto.ii bl.uilr.
Axnrn1.1 , M\V : VOKK
\ \ . H. OOIMOUAXD.M. D.
PpeclnHlPS.Ciitnrrli. . Astlimi , llroiulillh , .Nervom
lll VILtl ! > s , 111..oil Ill-Oil-U" , UllUUIIlHtlKlll , O iIHllllll- |
ttun und all cl.p'iilc ' iitlt Llioni til lliu Tlirout , l.un s ,
Mountcti , Kln. I Ucr a nl Kt ine > * .
Dllicc lliniri ' . 'In 11 n in. , 2 lu ! > p , m. , T toSi ] m.
aillulu ) , 1U . in. ID Ijin.
for Farmers , Miners and Mfuihonics ,
Cures Chafing , Chopped Hands , Woundu , Duma ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
tlio XVonilrrl n 1
Spaniftli rt'iueily
jirchcrllx.'il lor
over 5O ypar t
cur UN nil tier'
- .
Before &Af lor Use. icinisniiMin , Lout
I'liotograpli J from lift ) . Jtl H 11 li o < < 1 , or
dlnilililtluii of IlioGoncrutlvo ttrtfiiiiii
etc. , mid nil ollVru cniiHOd liy i > n t
aluificM. I > iit up I'onvi'Hloiitly lo carry
In Ihc vct.1 iiDcfidt. I'rlroblu pucknuut
or U for 85 , ivltliuvrltlcu iuurantoo
' . ,
fSoBosou FOino W IST1II.K81 * ISIH A-
'A'lO.V In iilncooJHAN'AI I VO , Encliwo rrlcu Incnyo-
IOPO nnd wo will nend l > f nail. I > nmjihlct lu
iiiniii Nfiilf il envelope tttit , Atiilremit
MADRID CHEMICAL CO.pBranchOlllcclar U.S.A.
U53 Dearlrarn Street. OJHOAUO , ILL.
SANATIVO Is sold in OMAHA , NUI ) , liy
Kuhn ft Co , UruKsitU , Cor 15:11 & Dona'as ' fats.
J. A. I'ullcr ft Co , UruKRltu Lor i th tc UoiiijUs
bts , and ilrugKlf U ( le''irjlli.
I bog to call Ilio itttontion of the pub
lic to the ubovo populat' brand of uuro
rye wlilsUy and rospootfully uslt 11 com
parison with uny olhor brand of pure
rye olToroi in this mitrkot. It is ftu
Buporlor to nny othoi- whisky tintl ]
pruurantoo its nbaoUito oxcolloneu in
Jlavor as well us Its purity find its wholo-
BOiiio olTootH. Tlio public is invilod to
cull unil ry it.
Homy Hillcr , Old N 13th St. , fuinily
wlno and liouor liousu. Eainond hotel
' - i llll I I II
_ _ _
Kinds of Suits I
Ten of each kind and each kind difTercnt , arc shown in out *
firmest show window today. Each of those suits boars a card
which tells you in tjood plain figures , the price which is either
she dollars and fifty cents or ten dollars and fifty cents. These
suits were placed in the window to attract your attention to
lotify you that Unlay "Thc Nebraska" begins anothr.r of the
great special sales which have made her famous throughout the
west Two styles of these suits those in the two front rows
are marked
The ones in the very front row are "beauts. ' They're made of
good solid all wool cassimerc in a handsome dark brown
with just enough color in the broken plaid to make the pattern
attractive. The lining is of double warp Italian. These suits
ire in round corner sacks only. The "square cut"sacks in the
second row arc mighty tony. They arc made of substantial
fancy black cheviot in an invisible plaid. The coats are cut
double-breasted with square corners and in the proper length
'or this season. The lining is of soft serge and the price is
six dollars and fifty cents. The third and fourth rows are
Thc third row arc sacks round corner sacks and such
sacks ! made of elegant dark gray all wool cassimcre lined'
right up to the queen's taste with very fine Farmer satin , triple
stitched finely tailored. The frocks' in the back row arc of
that "never wear out" sort of goods good old honesty cassi-
mere made up honestly every stitch such suits as fifteen
dollars and sixteen dollars usually buys. Usually you get
better goods than you expect at our specials 7tTso ? this time.
FUR OVERCOATS have never been so'd ' by us. Thc
urgent calls from our customers for them have' prompted
us to add a complete assortment open today at such
prices as only the Nebraska gives.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
TS * eminent speMHI t In nnrvons , chronic , . , .
, nrlrMe. tlooj tt\n \ and unnnry ilheiiet. A r i l r an )
tglstoroiJ Braduato In nicilolna in JlplomnsHml cfrlinrHtc'nlinw. Untlll treailni : with tliucrvatuii f
. ucoe
nurrli , jpcrm .iirrhoc : , lost miulmo l.iemlusl . wcnlincn. nuht Icisui. liupniunvr iriihllls. stricture. BOM-
. , . .
Jrrhcjon. ulout Tiirlrncflc.ctc No mercury une.l. Nen Irenlmmit rorlosi ofinl power , I'AriUi iinnblu to
vUllnionmj be lr > "ilclac homo ti ; aarrt'ipomlvnci > . Uelliln IntlruMinnli
* cr nunt til mall or eipreia it-
ourulypiirkeil. no ma hi iolnil ) < ute roiuniin ori nder. Uno , > oriunal Interview prcruirod. Cuninllat'on
trre Corropiuti-nro . > tilctl > nrlvn'.u. . IMjrilarlu at Ufa ) Mat tr * . UlUuu buuriUB. . toll > . u.
euudJixB IU a. iu to iJ ai hujjt
IGtli anil Howard Streets ,
BO Itooms for ratlonts. OMAHA , NED ,
1'or ilio tic&tmcnk of
Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases ,
L'ilos , FiHliiIit , Fissure and Slrlc-
turt cil'dio Kocdini periiianeiit-
Iy cured \\itliout the use of Knife ,
Uyaturc or Caustic.
Enolnsr 4c. In hlnnips nnd our 107 lingo HOOK
un DIM \M > , inil giifstiiin Hl.niKs ,
\iiii LU MAIIII : ) run : .
inih nnil Ilounr' ! Sis. , ( Jinahi : , Nub
W.O MAPI I. . M. l > . I'll' " < l nll i. ll.l. n.irr
onnf iictilf rhnin pli
Kill yjin' miU Toi yinri praitiail i > ir' .
ncuwltli .ill H'l i vu illtuiui. Ire il smnmfuilr
ullltronloc un 'lv.i : mi liotUor il n'lur * Dill
unit BUU him or > rrlto for uui'itlon blink 1)1 IUE i
llilllk your 04 lull in iluii IMJUH. ' > ' " 'ir 'I ictur tjlH
JOUHO butirr t ni fill i iia ili Jl f wllli lili muriiil
woinlurfiilri ) iioillui iiiiilrnajlvo nu-r ho uu I k
< ii -nlMt ol ur iluovitri oinn'ii ' tflri
Ifllis Ituutt uti'l ' IM mHr.llnrJ roniuilloi till
miMllcliiei Tli wurl I lil < wllrnii. Una Iliuuiiil
li' lntlir.u joirt' pr.icllaj. Maliilurluai
ili'i'octlum. nu ii'ircullix , no | ial < ? .i. Unttunil
treatment ui > 'l iicrniaaunt ctirj.
emi sa'smfallr trji'.n ml ours I
ii'n iii | li > - otlior iloctnri :
Tlioj roiichlln. 4IU ll'irnny strsot. o'ironio rhoa-
nmtli > mfijro.iri. kid u < f anil llvor troatilui.
Tlio * t'ulvurl , Uih an I 1'nrntn ulrjati. KOTsril
( H'tillltr lnll < jitluii , liim at Btrulii iilvlulH/
Touk. muUlcliia tot > o irs but ; 0l n'J ralljf ,
M. U Aiilur on , Hit i.'uiilif xtrut , oitir-l
uncliltli of llfltun yu TJ un lliu
IUi for "ilo HID folloivliu prep > r : > l ronelMi nt
llUUaliotile li bottle * lurfjW , for lli > ) earn of
Antlmui , ( 'utirrli Slc < llaadnoliw , ImlUnillU'i
Hluoill'oUJiililK. ltlieilinill iu , KuiailoVoikiiOii. .
Klilnojr niiJ l.l r CoaipUInt .No uiiimU SOU
onlr br CUtiiuaJ MeUU'liu Cu , Caiiltul , IIJ.JJJ.
Offics , Ifilh aoJCalifonii Sii QJII'U ,
rrlbnlilbMl. nrutnte uu.l iili < iuuli J
llhi' l rt mi illrllHjo nl ir bilious J
< riiiir.lliuilli'n , < l ) | "l'-i , 'u Ji
Urialli In i ilw InIIIAI llun ; ! , low uf
i'i l"f . piiil 1)1 1'lfflon ' , iluful
- - alp tllon I'lnii'Ics ' , wlluH Kim-lLi t
ulllni/r /
SK | oiiaiidciti > Alii < iMri { < jia *
Impure blood ornrilurcbyllioHoniiiili Ihtrurln-J
* tr tuuii to IK'tforill thdr.roi l fimilloiu Hfijjiil *
3 vA.ftT NICiHT :
Tuesday Evening , Nov. 15-
Victorious Always.
Illiisliiitol bv GU3IIEEJE , nnil Mil A
I' i vis1 t"in M li riinii ) tny nf pl'ivi-rs , liii'liiillin
thn f ir-liimt'd htiinlioi IIILMI'S Qu u tullo.
MI-CM KTAUTI.IM. H'i\iin : :
Tin' lliu 11In. ; i > f tin' lo. linn'
Thu l.tihilh-r ( 'imp In \\nilrr !
Thu li' lluluiiv Million !
'JT5-N KillT.
IIcilisii I'.ifl.t'il In Ilia Dnnis N'
MATI.MH \MJ.M-I ) : A\
And Illi Moiiy C'liiiipaiiy In
A 4i ti-il lif Itnnml I 'iTC > \ , Aincrlcii'i I'rvuilcc
Trnvu t > AillitH. .1 I.III/IH cntli I Junir ( unit
Farnain Street Thaaiir iJ01'Ui ,
'Ibruo nliililH : unl Hntunliiy Mnthinj. eonimiinclnil
'J'liiirmlnjr NuM'intiDr ITtli
/nii'ilui'n Clniriirtur Actor
In Ills now lomantlo rniui'ijy miccu'Sfi
'J EXR. R Y"
A plliy tliul will I'l'nr M i'liiK iikinii mid nunln
All tin * \\ci < l > .
Over tlic Hills to lliu I'uor ' House and u.u
Aliinmbrn Vntulevillc Co.
( .1 M It Mi ADMIiMDN
mH f liK'Ind'iil.i' ' i il eo.itu
h ( ) li MiII I.U
MOT rrjorti.iinn llatill C'liri'ii In
Jjjs Ifr. J. .Nii'jilit'in. J.i'liunoii. < ! . '
In thu treatment of nil funm of
and \VuiKnesii ami Dsorderof
TV/TIJ" K.T lth los of cuiiniKu. aiiibltlOD. !
IMlliLN nml vitality. Klehteeiiyuuriufl
tliu mojt romiirkitilo UOCM Inf
tlio trti-vlinoiit nf tliu clum of dlsna4ei. whlcif
U pruvu'i by tliu u-utlinouy ui tuouj
lunilavshu havit IJDUII cured. Wrltn for olrouj
Inr unil uuottiuii ilit. iltu uU l'iu * i-
blt. | Uui.ilm , > * ! > .