Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    11.1 li.V 1HM , i 'IMMKlhAV. ' MnVtfiMllfiilt. 1.1. IftlVA
\MHIWIIiS\\INIII \ \ \ 111
i- . M ( , An Allotttl r w Miil
Alf KOI fllUO
. ' ' A. . i * ! , , MITJWH
M i
. . 1 1 HfWfUil l 'I H *
, . * , < W M SI Itl8 Mil"
/ m ( mm MUMM 'Iwlil A l' ,
> . < ii. < l HffHHMH Hi
, rfif , ftiltKlrIK I UK
I , w II IfflVlMlnii < M
1 1 u" > MPM l > ii irtiiitM' '
,3 MlhfiMMHrt III * BHlr llm
, * > * i i ( tin ( tni'i'liits ' * ! Ihnl II Will
r ( HMriP * rt limll iiitifiiinl cl
i i u Hrifllii t'liiHirM ' "If II"
. . j M * vi.'llill . Hit tilllm IrtrlllM fltKiill
iii i i M Mnituhiitltitliiit wiiiiiiiii " nf
„ - , IM Muiiitimt U I' , II Hiniiti , ninl
fli , .n n I lijr Ilii' li'luntil ' 'I'oild
| ,1 , .1 UHHil il ( hill Mil hns nltrmily
if i I , , . | | | tlO'lltl nl iiouiiloin I'orti , '
[ \ \ i . J , ' !
Illllllll > l ll Mllllll'1'4
I < Mi ii liny tlil < nlti'ttioni
\ \ < . - .1 .loiiii ami Virifll
( him HIM n . 111 dm sinin ptiniimiHitry I
lui1 inn will' to iiiiiii | nniuriil lor siivnn
MI . . uml lUninii Th" nny * vM'fu
| . | in-il MI HIP iipiiiuintliirjr on llir 1Mb nf May
Iml nnil until i'tii up ftntii onn n ( tlio
i inliliii Mi HIP linrtlnvnsli'in piilluf tin'
nUIn ful nti iliitiK u iiiitiilltv | nf 'Vlicnl ( nun
Hii'li niupiiiti'i' ' , John II Ki-lh - , II srritis
( list HIII lioyi hinl siuiiii dlftli'tiliy in colloi-l-
Ilil' Illi'i' piiV Irntn Ki'llr and "iry took tlio
t.lli nl uml > ' ! H Hi milnr lu 'ct ovnn , Thny
Mint iuii and linlh i-titori'il a plea of
iliiillv MI Kininl Inrci'ii.v I'hoy were fun-
H'tu't'il in ihn pi'intiiiitiiiry ' lot'nni-vt-nr cnch
nil I w < to pliii'nl ' in thai Institution last Mny.
( 'In il1 imiHiiM' is it widow und in dostl'ntn
i Hi niiisinnrrs Mho wrutn n vorv iilTrclInu
Ipl'i'l ' Hi llm tfovi-i'iiiir , anil Ihn JildKo nnd
PIIKIH iillnu nt'iininv ' In thn ciioo united In
cctinilliiit lii'r iippinil ( nr I'lpnniney. Thncom-
liiUlllllnii ill Hi"lr nonlt'iu'o vlll tflvn the boy ?
than' nhorir in about two woolc.
'I liiinl < KH IIIK I'riii'liiiiiiillini.
( iiiveriior llnril this iiftnrnonn l suml his
'rimiilHKlVlutf liriu-littiiiillnii , on'luiu ' upon tbo
lirtiplii uf Ihn slu'i1 of Nebrnska to ilovolo
Tluil'ilnv Noviimbcr''l , tu u day of thanks-
ulvlni' fur thn tpiiny blessings nf thu your.
II Is ( liivi'innr lloyd's llrit nnd lust pro-
rlniniitliiM n ( the Kind nnil ID ns follows :
Aniilt" r rmr \villiiUb t-mloil : thn sou-
WIIH hn i > run Hiitlriiniriii : tlin hnrri < st tins
iTlll'l1 I'll Hill plOllllHOOf hl'nltllllP , till ) " 111-
Kit s dturtt nlli'st * tu nli'iitvi Itii.nslrv und
'Ibrifl tlin Imniliimlileiisiif i'rnsn | rity. Imvu
bl'i-ll bnll'i'i'iiiislv iiuviirilmli praen brts been
pti-Mirttt.l to nr in-ill li" I'unlrnt-unlit s npiin
IK nnil iill v unit Hlth nnr Htuto
I Im I i'in > tl 'on ti "f I'riivlili-iioo hits IIPIMI he-
Muwi-ii ilpnn n * ti t on > ' In initrriul loipeets ,
' III n Nn in HIIIIIri'liitiM' blusHlius nhuMi ne-
llin fiom tinui Hiini'i' of o\ll. 'Iho druiiil
'Ilillntu iiliiKiiiMviin stuyrd nt llm milt.ils < if
llirtinlii tl Hlti-MHof nloini nnd Hood luivo nut
'icon ' iipi'ii n1 * , and dNuxtui's iniilii'il band liua
illlll flllll-ll IIJI'MI III" Illllll.
| Wn , llii'irf'iii1. nt n tii'iiplo. rnliili-liiK III our
ni'll I'linl tlniii'd I'xliti'in-i ) MB a titutn nro-
ri 'n priisprriiiiH nnd liniipy nsan IIIIULTI !
tail if Ihn must KlniluiiH imtlim uu n.irib.
Illllllll 'HI ' plnpi-lly iniivuil to a Nuasun of
III 1'iiiifnriiillv , thiTifuriwith llio n-cntn-
ifllnliitli'ii ' of tbo pri-sldi-nl uf tbo I'nltoi i
lntiH I liiini'i I * lloyil.KDvnrnorof tlmonin-
inniiii i-tli nf iNntiriisUn. do linruby i-t apart
'linisdii v. tliu t mily-f < > iirlh diiy of Nuvoni-
nr , in u ilny to bn obiurti-il for thu ulvliignf
iniilis totlinsltUliiK Of psulniiof prune , to
ID olTnHnit of prayers unit thn working ot
mils of KIIIII ) Hill lo mankind , nnd to tinoli -
rviini'i'of tlin day In u proper nnil llttlns
lanni-r On thai day Inlinii iienplu Inviisulo
II Hi'i'iiliirooi'iipittlon and
in iniinnnr as uon-
I'li-lii'i-il i-liili'i. rcmli-r iiiiui Siipriiiiiu 1'iovl-
nni'ii Hi inl , < Uinu fur iiiuiiMi-tri'i'i-huu. with
ixoi alloiiH for riMitlniit- l bli-Ht'n ' .
( liven iinilni' my blind and tlin croat inal of
lii-KtatK. l I Incolii. Ihn IMlillul olty of .Nr-
> rnsl < n IhlsllHi 'a > \o\onibt-r. . A. I ) . I'd. ' .
lintni'Mly .HI H Hi your of thn Hi iti' . anil of tbo
' ' i'f Ibn t niluil M.iU's Mm ono
iiuiiilri'il nii'l HUti-iitt-i'iith.
II ) HII Kiiturnor. JAM us K. Horn.
JOHN I AI.I.I.S , Si-cri'taty of btatu.
An r.tti-nnlxn Hi-nlt-r In Iron ,
MMe Sboi'inan , n ono-nrmod inhabitant of
, thu UIIHS an itiurtiir | , is In ] ail today on tbo
chnrKO of itrnmt larceny. About ton days
ntfo n liit'Ku iiuanlity of iron work , oust iron
unto , bars anil KUH pipe vas stolen Irom
"nvoiiii1 brick yards , northwest of tl.o cit3' .
: A low days ntturwnrils ttio stolen propurtv
i loi'iitPd at. Charles I'olsl.y's Junu sbop
North Ninth street. DetoeUvo Pound
1 no Utlllculty In dlscovurini ; thu fact that
hcrinan had brnuilit ; thu Iron to ttio junk
loftier and hn wai iiccordintrly arrested Ibis
flornooii Ho protests hm innocence and
as uinployoil K SV. Collins to dufund him at
li p'ollinlniiry hoai-inif.
I I-IMII tint rolli'o ( 'nnrt.
lli'tcctivo Morrissny of tbo city police
force jnitprnnv found n vnluablo cold wntoh
which had noun stolen from n lady in this
city Singularly onotiKh no natnuH nru men-
tloni'd on thn police register. nill
Ui.0 of the crooki retnlnod at the city Jail
nn thn rliiin-'o of irunetal mlsdctnoanors is tne
iiiitdi lutis Print Siy of Umahii , wbo was shot ,
lint winter hy Ulllc'ir Kemp of tills city
white attninptlliK to avoid urriMl. tyO
I.V AdaniH , Hie propuotor of an O
r.lrcct testntirant , was lined $ . * > and costs this
inornltiK I'-riin ' iissanlt on 1C. I' . Li'oinmi , , u
lull rolloclor wbo calliul tiround profcsMon-
nllv S.iturduy ovonliik' .
I'M I'roctor wns arraUncil In court till a
inonilni : on Hie cliafKc ot liuvuiij . Ho was
KIT in toil Sntimi.iy night after bavlni ; en-
turnil Ivlson's unlooii for the purpose mof
KcttitiK u bill uhanccil. Ivlson utalmod that
ho ti'iik tno much chaiie | , but thu evidence
MU lllmsy and Proctor wns released.
Illi ; lti-iiibllr.iii | Miilmitloi.
The rcpubllrntin of Lancaster county cor-
eied thutiiRulvustth nlor.v nnen it came 17to
rolllni ; nu . \ MK inajnnlv for the county
tti'liet. l''or state < > enator KKulestun's in-
_ oiHy was 2f > ' .cj and Moore' * 'J , lot. l-'or
representative thu majorities Klvun the 10-
publican nominees wcro us followsOak -
liry , 'Jiil : : , llurn . J.tXJl ; Cornish.Mitt ; .Mu-
IlCijsson , iir4 ! ! , Soencer , J-lu'.i. For district
H. Strode him
SB u majority ever
| .ce n of ari \Voodwnrdlmd n plurality of
f.OMJ over | { oi , thii Independent and demo-
[ rnitio candldutu. The vote on thu amond-
"Snonts win an follows : Forrnllrondnnioud-
linciit , ; i..Wl , ngninst , I'i'.Hl. For school fund
mi'tidmcui For , 1'JIO , against , , riSli.
Mnkloi : n I'KIV Cliinir : ,
Now that the election linn finally pasted ,
Um statu nlUenm will turn their attention i teD
' .tiolr iniiny duties with nmoued interest.
There uioimsiM 10 ba but few changes In the
Icipltol ilurlny HIP nuxt two yt'ius. Socru-
fary Allen will doubtless retain the
VHIIIO force of cierki , and this will glvo Nel-
.on Mcl'iiui'll , the booklienper , unothor
i of i nit-o. Mr. McDovvuli has hold nls
[ position fur iho piwt eleven years and 11 Is
generally I'oiiceilud that it would bo next to
( inposilliu to bold aspislon of the IcgiMaluru
Iwlthotit his a 8ist.inco. 'I'll ore will bo i no
Ichaneo in thu ofllea of tlio commissioner of
malic lands und buildings uml but few in
| ttio oftl % o ol auditor and treasurer. Mr. inW.
Summer * will rotnln nit poilllon a us-
auornojr trun ral. The secretaries of
Klutu Hoard of Transportation all ex-
the hnpn that them will bo no changes
their ctlli'O ) Thn/ feel iiutu | anxious to
thu sovctal lines of work already
The H-iud of Public Lands anil IlulMlnKi
IIH taken u hint In economy from tbaciocu- )
hvo iloDJrtniiMit. nnd n Kont-ral riHluctlon i in
ImlnrlOK hm resulted. The s In
itio ncvtrJl Hutu Inntlmtlons buvo boon
fci cci nn an riual | lootli'i ; . nnd nil draw thu
uulfrrin nalury of I.Vl per inunth. Ttio ropers -
Jlictloii ullucli particularly the bookkeepers
LiUlin Llui'oln , Muslim : * and Norfolk esy-
] 'u ' tin Nuvoral employe ! bavo been dls-
ireil and their untloi addoil to tbo.o dlsul -
kieiily atilsneil to the ttewards. Thu proba-
luulty U that u number of reforms will be in-
! > HIUteU and the ovcral itato institutions
ntfcil on ft much inoroeconomical DasU In
| the future.
Tliu ntutocunvasimc board will meat on
ilopilay , November ' 'S , to cotnpllu tbo bftlcial
Irwturti * of the state election , The return *
Itroin the several counties aru coming In oyorjr
T T. und uio ; of theui will b in b ; tha lait
Ivttiiiki City HuBit * tu Combine ,
T , Mo. , Nor , It The old
M M if"8 * <
II M l * ni rcm into Hfl .
r t rn1 flf
rts tf (
'f.iirt ' | < rt < | U-rllll" ttlf
lltHI H > flMll
, . t M Ihf th ) r1 lapfclwl bf Iho I'tit'
'PWflP ' P' ' ih itst vdfillir. nml thot Imititl
H Fnlliel fflnf * thiui Ihtij witilil niirepssftiiiy
flf rtl nn < i SMSIOH. I'olllW .ItltlRD
HH ( tt.t I'tmnoulor ' Hllrn I'ohti
i Iha lit-nplMl stiprtKfrs , ntul thpr" * < > l
Hid whillllnrM ai their ftrlnnllv
ninl i-mmnvowl Id iltiiltl | ) Mm tlt'ft'dU ' nnd
of Hid ( ( fulfill
llPrKn sitltl that the eotislntil nun-
the ppttt olTdiiilors hail only llm
In hnrtloN nnil o.tllons thnin , whllo
I Im vni'fMil * , nr Iho ulitM wiiu-h wouldn't
wnMi If atty Kind of ItiKi'iiiiHy wotthl kfop
lliom ftom II , 'onp i-iiino to rcenrd n ti-rm In
Hut rminlv | all , with fntrly fool provetnlor
nnil n wiirm hivl , n very iiuiult of a simp ,
nnil laiil lln'ii pians to tint In us much of
their tliiin Ihpro its posniuln dnrlni ?
llm cold wPiUhnr filinlnnls of nil
Unarms wi-io thiuo herded together ,
nnd It was tiotbitm moro nor loss thin n
I'rlmo IniMib.ttor for the yountr. I hey
li'nriit'il front the older ones , and the on-
fori-oil iilli'iios * in which nil urn kept K' VO
HiPin nmtilo llmr" to plan more oxa etiitoit
t-insodnoss us soon as they could jrel trat ,
Kvi-n nf this msiinii'lunt tuitiishmuni many
ol iboso suntciii'eit do no k'lit their 1111 , as
ninny urn imidmiod out because of the plons
of tiiosn unpendi tii tipiin thorn for support.
Thnspo.ikcr wn verv much In favor of n
wmkhniiMi and roni pile , whom nil could bo
Hindu to work , nnd In case they hail others
looking to thnin for support their ouriilni |
rnuld bo ilHrrtuil to that purposo.
The citrhartir nruvhlos for the butldlnp
of a worktioiisn ami Its umliitonanco , and It
wns deemed to be n cr.vlnj : need of the hour.
The Jmliro nlso advoe.iUnl the frequent visit-
Inn of Jail ami cninmnl courts nnil tno ox-
pi easloii of opinions as to what measures
would bo tinnolli'Ul In improving existing
conditions , Ho know that tbero was n semi-
mi-nt nKiiinst ( oinB lo such places unit it was
thncausuof tlto ilnchnrno of a number of
criminals for waul of prosecution. Just ns
loni ; as it muted it uouli ! bo impossible to
carry out itnv very extensive Ideas of i-ofortn.
Mr. Cobb felt G.'illcu upon to ibo city
council for fnllliiK to build n wonthouso. and
denominated that nucust body thu main
spring of the Inaction that prevails. In certain
circles , lie looked forward to the ilny when
Iho workhouse , oat. and ctmin and rock pile
would bo thu lot of the petty offender in
Omaha , nnd invested the occasional oracle
ot a whloliHli for wlfoboalors and chronio
vat-s in whom the nrinciptos ot vnuratioy
were too ctceuly m tilled to uo easily eradl-
Other speakers tavorcd the whipping post ,
bin the roc is pile scorned to have moro friends
In that connection than any of tbo romeittos
Dr. Dur ca believed that the uostnnd most
efllcaclous' means of punishment was the
natural consequences of the act. Uo thought
that n spurious charity thnt enabled many
vagrants to keep Irom working was in co
partnership with ttio wickedness ot the evildoer -
door , onu" hero it wns thnt ono of
the great bensflts of too Associ
ated Chanties was manifest , for
it wns inudo sure thnt an applicant wns de
serving boloru bo wns Kivon nny assistance.
The doctor advocated the plan of putting the
vaRrant under the ported operation of tlio
natural law , where ho couiJ not be protected
oy a spurious charity , and need would at
once bo the natural law thnt would correct
him. H was simply a question of
"root hog ; or die. " lie would Imvo a rock
pile securely fenced , and turn therein those
who would not work , ana tell them to worlt
and po to the cnto and draw their pay from
the paymaster to enable them to pay for
their food und lodylne nt thn proper quar
ters that were opaiated tu connection with
it , nnd if they would not then work to allow
them to sleep on the rocus and llvo on fresh
atr until they dlod. He did not think that
nny of thorn would die of inactivity , nnd at
the same time bu was certain that they would
not bo anxious for a second term.
The clue will take a second whirl at the
suhjeot at a later unto.
I'rlclitlnl Tn-iU IIK-III Iti-ei-lvnl l > .y n lloy nt
tbo Hiinilsol Two TnncliN.
The little 7-ycar-old son of Mrs. Fannlo
Tale , iho colored woman who was murdered
nt Sixth and Pierce atrools on the night ot
July 1'J , 1891. is in hard luck. Al present the
child IB living with William Ltltlo , a LO
man , who married Ella Boll , a IS
colored prostitute.
The family lives In a shanty near
Sherman uvonuo and Mandersoa
street and for aomo time past
neighbors have been complaining to the
police about the tioatmenl of iho child by
both the Hull woman and the white man.
Whippings with a big leather strap were n.of
daily aim almost hourly occurrence ! until
now the youngster is in a' terrible condition.
About a weak ago the lad was wbippen
for knocking a hot griddle oft the .stove , and
according to his story and tbo report of
neighbors wns compelled to sit down upon
the hot lid urtil ho wn horribly burned.
The police investigated the manor and ox-
ninincd the boy. Hi ? body was found to bo
one mass of scnr.s , scabs und wells. When
his ragged pants were removed shreds of
llosh and scab > which stuck to , his clothing
were torn loose.Djtectivo Tom
Haves * tiilkoil with thu woman nnd
she said he hud accidentally fallen
upon the hoi Iron , but us she didn't con
sider the burns serious sbo had done noth ;
ing to alleviate the child's sufferings.
A recommendation that thn woman bo ir-
rowed was appended to the ofllcor'a ' report ,
and this wilt prob.ibly bo done us seep ns the
police are satisfied of Intentional cruelty on
the part of Liulo nnd his wife.
Every ponnv tells. You can got Snlvn-
tion Oil for''i conti. Best liuimcut in the
Wiivrit tlin WlilDW'n Iliiiioer.
OMUIA , iSov. 14. 'I'o the Editor of TUB
UKI ; : At thn season when the democracy
bus to alt appouranoos forsaken tbo great
American Kaglo and is adorned by tlio barn
yard factory's trade mark , republicans cau
do lltllo moro ttinn graciously drop oil the
porch , hoping for a victory tour years hence ,
and thank Clod that Uovd cannot deliver Ne
braska. Bui as republicans nro Ameileans
and have still tlio rlKht to live , ttioy nro also
privileged to question acts of the democratic
Lust week the homo of Richmond or
son , auditor of dlsnurjomcnu of the Ion
Pucltlu railroad , at Hurt street und Lowonvo-
nuo , was bnuuHtully dcrorated in honor voof
( Jrovur's election. On Friday evening : a
lurtio supply of enthusiasm was uncorked
und a howllnir time was enjoyed by tbo mass
of the democracy rending in that section i of
the city , Hut tvbat has interested mo most
li why ilia conspicuous thing in tbo crowd
should huvo been the flag of Great Britain ,
which wai carried lute the crowd and en
thusiastically waved nnd cbeorod , Can TIIK
HUB give an explanation of such couduct
upon the part of supposed AmericanI
W. G , Lim.Ncorr.
They are blind who will ! ,
Dot try a boi of
for the disorder i uhlch
grow out ol luipalrnd
IllBotlou. Fur it. .
Wrak Mloiaue'i , Con. '
llpntlOBiUliuiilercil' '
I.lTrr , NleU Head * ,
iirhp , ur nny Illllnui1
u d Wrrrnu * allmrnu , they take tha
plice el an enhra msdiclne cheit.
Of sll drupeUti. Price 25 cents a boi. <
New York Depot. 165 Canal St.
1'elfillo Urn IVinlty f.r *
Orn t V
mill ihn f1lfpr iniii falls
tur IIHiHilttiilifttf | I'lti-f nf tViirlt
-I'flljmici' S'Hll's ! .n t liny
oil liiirtli.
Nrw llUEv , Conn. , Nov. K. AtiROlo I'o-
Irlllo was hntiKPtl hero ttili morning. Ufo
Wns putlnct in llftneti minutes.
1'nirllln provloi" ) to tno tnurilcr was cm-
plo.vpd by n hardware innnutnrturor nnd
wa itulto a gambler In hU leisure hour * . It
was on ni-connt ot n loss of $ K ) nt monte , at
which ho WM nn ppirl thrower , that led
Polrlllo to Ulll his brothcr-ln law , Mtchnol
lit1 moo , \\lin put up a JnU on htm with a New
York profi-.sHlotiul unmblor. The critno wns
cominltli-d April Is , Wl.
DUIIIPO and his bioibor were rlJIng whou
Putrlllu met them. An Italian woman wit
nessed 'ho tragedy from her ynrii , saw
Petrillo Krasp Pomoo hy tha arm nnd hoard
blip say : ' 'If you don't Rlvo mo my money ,
thiI''iiO you stele from tno , I'll drop you llko
n uenr. "
Doineo replied. "I haven't cot your
mnnuy. "
Then Petrillo shot Pemco nnd ran. Mo
was captured that nlk'ht Just is ho had com
pleted preparations for Illiiht. Ho was con-
vicied at thu October term In IMM and sen-
tcnrod to bo hiineod November H , t.V.U.
Up to n few weekmro the murderer wns
tin-most .stubborn pi honor tne authorities
have ever had to subdue. Several times ho
has tried to kill hlmsull by hanging to ttio
cell door and bedstead with n sheet , nnd on
ono occasion tried to cut bis throat with
r.iKtrod pleco of Iron ho had secreted In the
Jail. Today's hunting was the llrst In Now
Havnn in elovun years , ttio last being lu IbSl
when Chip Smith wns executed.
Vainly AiH'illi'il | | liir Alii.
Shortly after 10 o'clock Sheriff Chnrlos
Tomllnson unit-red nls cell nun road the loath
\\urrniit to htm. It n lengthy docuinotit ,
nnu while ihoshorifl' was readme ; it Petrillo
becamu frightened mid repeatedly called
"I'ollcu , police1" \\l\an \ Deputy Shorlft
Peck wns pinioning his arms bo repeated the
cry of pollen continually. His spiritual ad
visors , Hov. Fathers Victoro and Cocltran ,
urged him not to give way , out to no effect.
Potrilto struggled llko n madman. Ho wns
deathly pnluYlicn taken from his cell , nnd
whllo uu the march to the scaffold , nnd oven
whllo on the scaffold , ho kept up tils cry for
tno police. Uo was so wonk nnd trem
bling that bo was assisted up tlio four
stops to the scaffold by Deputy Shurllts Peclc
nnd Tucker. Ho was given n chair but for n
moment only. Deputy Sborlff Peek placed
the blnck cap ever his bead and udjustcu the
noose whllo the tmesis were repeating the
prnyors. The oftk-cr was very nervous ana
his work was done in n bungling manner.
The noose was not lightened , neither illil ho
place the knot in thu proper position under
the car. All this lime Polrlllo called for the
At exactly 10t : ! ? o'clock Deputy Sheriff
Pond stopped toward the button on llio scaf
fold. When Deputy Sheriff Pock readied
his side they stamped on the button nud
Potrillo dropped. Ills drop was at least
eight feel. Ttio knot slipped under nU chin
and Putrillo's nock was not broken. Ho
slowly tttrangled to death. At the end of
four aud throc-quurtor minutes bo beared a
uigh , and from that tim-j ho sighed about
every tlftcon seconds. There uos no tivitcli-
lag ol ttio Hubs , probably because they were
so tirmly strapped.
Previous to being placed in the cusket the
body was thoroughly examined by the phy
sicians. The vertobrtc of the neck was not
dislocated. Death was caused by strangula
l'rei > i\nitlonfi fur tinllxrclltlim of I'DlSdnor
Xiillt Alinuit Coinploteil.
L.ONDO.V , Nov. 14. All the preparations for
the execution of Thouiai Noill , othurwibo
Cream , have been coiiioluted. The execution
will DO strlotly private , only the necessary
oftlcors Ueinc present. No ono will bo per
mitted to see the prisoner. Noiil Is silent ,
irritable null moody. The wardens hail their
early relief from the responsibility of their
charge. Their vigil has boon ono of nnxiuty ,
nuil they are hnuntod with the suspicion ttiat
Netll has some unknown resources which ho
can effectively use altho last moment tocheat
the avenger of justice.
liillington , the hangman , saw Noill today
through nn inspection wicket , takini ; notu of
his boignt and build , while the convict paced
to and fro la his cell. Usually the hangman
has an Interview with iho condemned , maltIng -
Ing Iho closest possible survey of his Dliis-
hiuo and tailing an eye measurement of s10
strength of iho neck and tr.uiglni : the wolght
of his body. This appears to have been
spared Nolll.
The hangman will not appear at the cell
until nearly 0 o'clock. Bllllngton performs
tbo work of pinioning in 11 vo minute * . From
the cell to tno scnffold. a long ( lagged corri i-
dor , is a minute's \valic. The scaffold , which
has a muvnblo gibbet , is orcctcd In the court
yard v.-ituin an enclosure , making it Invisible
from nny point on surrounding buildings.
The drop will bo made promptly at'J o'clocU
and at the enmo Instant a black Hag will bo
hoUtea on the prison HagstalT to miilto Itnown
to the ontsido world that justlco has b pen
The formal inquest will take place at noon
and will bo followed immediately by the
burial. Tha body will bo incased in a coftin [
tilled with quicklime uml placed under Iho
llagstonos in thu corridor over which the
doomed man treads on 'nil wnv to tno scnf-
tolil. This is. perhaps , the ghastliest spot ifm
Iho world. Under the Hagclng ot this corridor
rider huvo beor. buried the bodies of a long
succession of notable and obscure criminals ,
Initials or numbers cut in Iho walls indlcnto
the moro recent sepultures. Many inscrip
tions tmvo been ollucert by tlmi1.
Netll had two Interviews with his solicitor ,
Mr. Walters. In the lirat ho guve instruc
tions for iho drawing up of his will. Mr.
Walters called again tonlqhl with the docu
ment for NeiH's signature. Nolll nuido BUDO
FREE "For DIG Ladies , "
"Delicious Desserts"
COOK BOOK Mallod Froo.
Bond nurno nnd nddreea to
EiasticStii'tinji ,
Trusses ,
Crutch S3 ,
Batteries ,
Syr/ngss ,
110 & 11WID
114 S 15th St. ,
Next to Test office.
iinf > ' * ! > n Inl Mr W uor nr pil him lo
iritihe 'Until'1 ' mm Urnlinni nf Ilifl rhnp
liun nil mltKfil tilln Ih.riilniirpit . | rt titilmr-
dfii IIH ttiinil lo d > o lo Uin nhinlAln It wm
onlrvlii'ti MrVilrr ( < tliiUlu-d rnlinrtlnR
hint Ittftt Nri'l ' iromfil lo full * rrnilffl hlo | > o-
ii Inn. Hn hroKn dott'ti tfittinliitoir nnil con-
1 * Inilr-Iili'ilncM to tin' 'nllrllnr , ntnl
ilntt llio li\w\i r hrjil * | mrul no effort In
tiM llf" . The scinm nt imflliiR vvn
H | , 00(1 ( nniro triini ri-iir ,
It U prottv liurd fur phonic vvlio live In n
InrmlnK coinmnniiv whuro J.'ft ntt tioro 1 %
( ( itumcnM ft IHR prollt ti tic told tli.U fnrm-
cr * In Nnrtli Onivo'ton nrn ttnikini ; from J3W
to * l.iHi ) > nn nrro pnrh yonr In niMlne ) ie.if < ,
puiit' * , tn wborrlo ntutTII \ tttiiiH Irnllt nnd
VCKctnblc * . Thin' di > not huvo to wort hiilf
n * linrd tu tlin nortlu-rn ffti'innr. oltlinr , The
North ( lnlvo tnn AMorlntlnn. throucli ttiolr
IOM ! ner-nt , I'VnnUliti Kllllnirn , Oinnlin ,
Is ipiikint ! rmnnrlmiilo offers with thnlr prop.
ortv , both fur inttlHinptit uml Invos'niont '
piirpo < io < Drop u line to Mr. Wlllliinii , or ,
bettor still , cull upon him und get full pnr-
lieu. IIM nbonl this property.
< \ < l < i > il kn li-tlini fiinrprnliii ; llm Aittt *
Optloit Hill ,
A fnir roproncntatlon ol the moinbor * of
the Hoard of Trndo tUlundod the ro uli\r
mooting iu the oflloo of the socrclnry lint
A conimnnlcntion from II. C. Mlllor cnllod
the attention of tuo board to the null-option
hill , which htxs passed tlio house , nnd will
prolmbly ho nttiotiR tlioilr t nionsurcsconsid-
ored liv the Bonntoon the rens , otnblliiK of
eonuross , The PIISSIIRO of this law , the
writer claims , will rnin the RMII | btiMiioss of
N'nbrasita , xvhlcli is now on
better hnils tlmn ever before ,
nnd proinlsos pront development If
not Intt-rfurod with by uimlso loKislntlon.
Mr. Mlllor uslts the board to call u mooting
of the ooncrossmon ittul scnnlors of the stiito
to comldiuthu itmttc" , nnd the aecrotnrv
wns Instrtiotcd to wrlto to cacli of ttio ilium-
uor.s nnd inctnburs'uloi-t Inviting thiMii to
such n moctiiiK.
The iluntli of S.itnticl A. Howells wns ro-
portud nnd referred to the proper c.onunlttoo.
L'lianipmn S. Uhnso , U. H. IJrown mid
.Intnos htuvensnn worn iippointeil dolocntos
to nttond thu IsMcarngun ennui in Notv Or
Tbo sccrotirv roportoil the linancos nf the
bonrd inn most fuvornblo condition. At
the close of tbo present year , nftor nayine
off nil Interest und other debts , oxcoot the
original ninrtpaco nn the rniildlni. , there will
roinnir. JS.ODO in the treasury.
Are you a lover of chamnagne ! Do you
wUh a superior arllclo ? Try Cook's ICxtra
Dry Champagne. It is fine.
Sent hy Dtn.iril to tliu l.iulloi of
Ihn Worlil'ri l''ulr llunr.l.
At tlio suepestion of Mrs. John S.
ono of the lady managera of the World's
Columbian commission , Iho Messrs. Oxnurd ,
iho nrront Xabrasitn sURnr mnnufacttircrs ,
sent some samriloa of sugar mnnuf.icturoO
from bcols grown in this slate , to bo sum-
plea by the lady managers al their session
held In Central Musio hull , Chicago , dtirlnc
the month of October. There worn present
the lady tnannftera from every state and ter
ritory In the union nnd Jhcy unanimously
pronounced the sucrar ns good us nny tboy
had over tabled. Orto of the lady man-
npors , Mrs K 13. Clinty of Wisconsin , became -
came quite enthusiastic on tno subject , re-
niiirnius that she had lounil the suinr vorv
loolhsnme , nnd expressed the hope that the
Kontloman who had sent il would send u bar-
icl nexl lime.
The scicrotury was requested to send the
following letter to tho'Mossrs Oxnara :
GICNII.KMKM : I hnv6 tlio honor to Inform
yon that mu moot Im ; tot .tho Hoard of Lady
Mnimcersof the World'h Columbiacommu )
nion. Meld lu Chicago , til. , October "J , on the
presentation by Mrs. Hrlssa , ' of vniir eompll-
inunttiry Klft of boot sntfar blade In Nebraska ,
u vote of thanks wns extended to you hy tbo
bo ml. bt'SAxU. COOKB.
peon-tary of thn Hoard ofi \ uly Jlimacorj ,
World's Coluinblnn Conimlision.
.1liirrliiic < l.uirnsrs.
The following m.irrlano licenses wora Is
sued bv Countyludco liller yusterdiiy :
N'nmnanil address. ARC.
j Trap ! , .Idluison , Plnttsinoiith , Xob . ' ' 0
I Anna SWIIIIMMI , Umnlia 'M
I Anton Swabodn , Omiiliu 22
1 Anna Sown , Omaha " 1
j Nols .laeobi.011 , Knst Oinnha ill
I Kaiollnu HutKiisl Omahii 1 ?
I I'red A. 1'iitimn , Dinah i < 5
1 .lennlu Kiepps Oni.iha Ji
" I WYsloy A Hiilman , ( ) miha : ' - ' "
"l Ijlddlu U , fchnllui. Uiiiaha " .i
I .lohn I'ox , I'nplllimi. Nub " 4
I Ann i I'asi ) . lti.-lluviu > . Neb "I
" I .lamus Ilyrni- , Omaha 10
"l Maiy Murphy , Omaha %
Itnl tlinu ; IVrinlts.
The followlnp permits were Issued by the
siipnrintendent of buildinirs yoitorJay :
A. Har.'cr. ono and one-hnlf-.story fr.tmo
eottaRe , Thiity-sccond and Gold
streets I 1.2."iO
Ton minor permits 1.5UO
Total . 9 73J
Cures Pain Promptly.
Attention Woodmen
Kvorybody is invited to nttond
thu rue-option to the hour ! ollleors
nnd ilelotftitcs of tlio Modern
"Woodmen of the Ainot'Iea , to ) > o
'ivon in JOxnoHition Hull , Tues
day ovoniti" ; , Nnvuinbor , 18th ,
lfeLnt ! ) 8 o'olook.
Kvot-y Woodman in Oinalia ,
witli their ( fioiul , is cxpcctuil
to ho probdit. ,
- -i/ >
Vi-ncrabhi Consul MV.'E. Cntly , ( Jo pr-
nor .lamps K. Hoyd , .CowKiTssiiian > V. J ,
Itrynn , Mnyor ( loorjp T. Hoinls , Hcnil
Consul \V. \ A. NorllirolU anil otlti-r oinl
\vill iiildfitlio
Wewlll rni | ) u
Krwirh J'rniT.rallon CALTHOO
five , unit u Jfeal Kiurnnlrr Uml
I \l/l'llll lll Itr | orc .iiiiir
3li-nllli , fitri-nulli auj Vltior.
t ir itax < l fiJY if satttfitit ,
AddroaoVpN MOHLCO. .
rifu IrrBU , lUfumlll , UtlO.
Tooth i'illodVith
UU l' t I > / tllU
l < 4tlSl IllVUII-
unr.Tii i\ritArriMi : wiriiour i'Ai < QIC |
AruM.6r.Tui1 rionrii ON rtinmnt rois
1'orfei-t fit eii'irantuul. Tuulh ovtr.iDtolln I
tlio lunrnlii . Nun'unui liujrtoj in uvonln
uf ft.unu day.
riee npitoliuunsuf Itoinov.iblo HrlOzo ,
Bi-u 8iueiinuin | of Kluvllilii Klustlo l'lttl ' :
All work warr.intod ui rupruauntoJ ,
Ullluo , l bird I'.nur , t'axuin IIUiJ c.
Tc'lcpltnii.t UHi. llifiiil Far 11:1111 : S 4.
'lulu Kltivatoor titttirwiy fro.u UVa
t-treo teulrauco.
"Givon up to Dio" by tlio
Ho Tliniiks Cod lor Siimva anil 1'rajs '
( or 11s Siirrfss.
I.I m NunUTII , KNSS , Aiu I" ' , I1'
I ilocm It my duty tu ti'ii'lrr ' this my ti-tl-
innnliil as an of for of guvtllinlu fin "hat
"Kleknpoo Indian Sa-jwn" Im' done for mo.
1 ciinn1 nut of the in my in tliu full of ' " " ' , bro-
J < CMI iloun by I'bionlo d.\ | ) rp la In Its wont
form , and nKu I'liliiiHomi'iit of "in
bi'ait. 1 roii-iilti-il thu ln"-t lib > --lcliin- ,
ami vlsltod In-tltntloni In tin-I'.ntt , ninl onn
anil all told mu the sunn' tliinj : , I ni'vi-r
could gi't wnll.
Hv sinf tlon of nn did rotitnulo ' ' < * > *
A'iri-d/ / ) ! ) ! ) /Mifiiin Ptiffirti , ami tlianl. ( , ' < / .flu- " .
.SIIKWII ha * rlniugril my llfi- limn inlM'iv
nnd pain tu one of hcallli ami alinlni's" , and
1 can now rut tun thing > \ lihoiit ilistii" " . My
Ill-nit Is nil ilghl anil my frloiuls nru n lon.
Tinpliydilnii whokiinw of mv cn o ijnil
lu-nid nf iiiyuiini xnlil that a innllolno tluit
iHpupaliln of iiiaUIng sni'li a IIIHIn - not only
cniloi L' but cliecifnllj leeommcnds to niiy-
oni- .
oniIf this tc llinnnlul compi ini lprllio nntlce
of any soldier who Is snffi-ilng , let him tiiko
thu word ol mi old pniiiiadp , Imv u bnttlo nt
Indian Siigwa lit once , nnd ma\ ( foil juotnor
yon \Ulli tinsnpceiia of this ii-nu-d ) It the
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
Send three 2-cent
stamps to pay postage -
ago , nnd wo will mail you free a
thrilling and Intensely Interesting
book of 173 pages , entitled " LIFE
Tolls all about the Indians.
Address ,
021 Grand Avenue ,
Now Haven , Conn.
Driving the Brain
at tlic expense
of the Body.
While \ve drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Hx-
ercisc , pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
slrcp such are methods. When
loss of flesh , strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
coifs Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil , which not only
creates flesh of 'and in itself , but
stimulates the appetite for other
Prtpircd by Scott 4 Kownn , N Y. All ilniggi t
That von may know what a wonclorfn' , ox-
quislto , llf civtnK element Oxyjji'li is , wo
liavo prepared barruU of
nc onn
anil ror 30 days , offer
Inhalations Free.
It roillyi-uri ) Coughs Colds , Catarrh , t ron-
ohitib , Consumption Nervous Prostration ,
"Oxygen Boo c" freiv rill or writo.
Suitu&lO tihuuly litiililiiig , Omahn , N'l ) ) ,
National ank.
Capilal . .77 . ' . " . . .7. 7. . . , $10llJJ ) )
Burplns $ li5ODl )
( lfllcr iuillllri'0tori ( HonrrV. . Viitm. prmliljnl
n. COu liInir , vlca nroililuni , D. r * . MvirlcaV V
WoriB.Julm ) , Uullliu J. N. IL f trlo4. l.uuli A
liood. cunlilar *
Tliu Onl ; IVrfei-t Vnulnul
uml llccml . trluuu In tliu
U llm only nyrln.'t ) mer
mti-nii-il l > y wbli'li VUL-IIIH !
In wllmi run Im n liiilul > -
itTi-il witliiHit Icnktnif uml
Mulllim tinI'lutliliu "r u -
u-i-Httiitlin : HIM IIKI , nl u ict
bt'i , unit Hlikli i an uliu bo
iikiil tnr rn tul hijurttun * IT
.sl-T ( III IIIIKII liri.ll
AND HAIHI HI'lllllilt
Price $3.OO.
.Mull nnlers nullolti-il
HicAloc&l'enfoldCo. '
10th Street ,
. .
I'liytlcuni' uruierln-
tloni uurufiillly pre
pared ut low prices.
Now \vc have a sale specially gotten up for ,
the BOYS : BOYS must wear clothes and BOY&
must have bargains. Don't allow anyone to
even insinuate that tbese are not bargains un
til you have seen what we offer you. Cold type
won't , express it. Seeing is believing.
BOYS' all wool suits , ages 4
to 14 , in two pieces , single
or double breasted and four
different shades. They are
generally advertised as bar V
gains at $2.BO ; some even
ask $8 for them.
to with capos.
On account of the sizes being broken we are
selling them at ha if their value.
b see them
s to buy them.
Corner 13th and Farnam ,
onwNAXcn NO. : ; : ; i : : .
An orillnunco ordoritu ! thu rouoiiiirui-lli n ) f
tlio sewers In sow , r il strict \o. 1 indch.iu ;
Inv. tliu ( Srmli-s nnd sl/es of ho o s and it -
le'HiiK the boaid of public woi k-i to t.'iM-
tbc no < M uy stL-im to t'aiibu the rccunsttuc-
rion if h ' s imu.
He it enl . .null by llio eoiinell of thu elly
nf Onitili L
H e ion 1. That tint portion of the srwv s
ti s wi ' -trn t No. 1. lyliuOit of the \M"-I
Ili.uufiT U-tn'i't. 1 u nnd tin same U hereby
uiili it'll i ' 'iinsiriu tod.
. - ei-lloi 'J I'h-it HiesftterliiM'Hirillstrh-lXo-
1 fh ill bi * i Di'tinM l lifted as follow v 1 In 'lmilii
nt the nmiihn ion Ihiest ! line of 17th sin-el an i-luv.ition of Stf.ct nlovu llio ritv
( latniir thi-m-i- o.t un a line fi-i't nmlhof
nnd pir : il ol ti tinennur liiu-of 'ho ' nllisy lit-
tui'Cii Hong , ns and llod/c h'.iirct- \\lllintrn
ilpn si'vii-r to u mi nlioliloi'atcd < in tin-
Ino of 1Mb - lii'ot with iin c'li'vntliiniir " !
fi'i't nliovttin - rliv d.itnin : thi-m-u uoit on li
s inn line xvtlb n s lin'b plpr > - vvut ton in in-
noiulo atod In I'm center ut U h Mn-ctulth
nn I'h-viitluii of 117 fi-i-t al nviMm L'lty dntum ;
t.ioneiwtst on thn simo lfnu with an 8 Ini-li
pipe ' .nner to a llusb t ink louali'd ' "J fiuit
of the east llnu ( if 'iitli itrcet with nneluviitlon
of t.'fl 7."i-um feet abiiM ) the city datum.
All tbo iifon-siild uliivatlons to bunt thu How
llnrsof said HOIUTS nl thu polnN iinmi-il.
The allmimiMit and urades of said vwers lo
bustr.iluht llni'sliL'luci'n m-inholi-s iind other
points spi-i'lllrd , ns Hpriiet It-able , nnil ao-
fordliu to plans mil hprellloatluns tiled with
tlio hoard of public works.
SlY lllL'll lUIR'llllll pll-CI-S ihllll bl ) | )1.1CI(1 ) ! ( 111
viid ; "CHi'r ovi'ry Si' fi-i't , nr as ill routed Invilt -
IIIK by thn ' Ity onKhioer.
f-uvMT Inli'ls lialt Im cnn'.tiiu'tiMl in sild
Mtti-i ill-tili'l atiirli iiomls iii tin- city on-
Kinei-i mny iliri'i-t.
Sn t.nn ' . 'I' tbo hoard of public \\niKi lie
thu nnini ! N hi'irby in-ti iirti'd to tnliitin - m-i"
i-ss irv slups li > < . .HIMllm coiiiliiiutlon of the
bi rr In s ilil
huL'lliin I Tbnt this or llnnm-c shall t il < o
i-iri-i't nnd bu In forei'tium and aftui the ( Into
nf Its p is--ico.
I'aSMid Oi'toLi'i ' 1-th. I-US.
City ( Jlerk.
11 1' DAVIS.
I'n-bliluiit L'lty Oounell
Approved Oelobsr'Itli. . ivij.
liio. : I' . HUM IS.
rmiiiiiils | lor ItcinotliiK Kli-ctloii liuotlin.
Honli'd proposals will lie received at HID
rouiptmlliT's olllec. to 11 > . in. , Novbinhrr V.'d.
lilt. ' , for the of thn booths lo stora o
linitsu nnd tint rniilnelng al lliuiuiM election.
The conir-ietor lureuhu- replace them all In
KIIOI ! order : the ell v Iiulir4 aCnoi-\penso .vliiit-
uver for nnv waste of inatnrlal or hrnakiigo
alioxo llm prluu , Thn c out motor re-
eiilvlnstono-tlilrd of contract pilcn when thi-y
i in htorril and two-ll , rds uhi > u tliey alia I
again bu reiilacii'l. ' A rnrtlllml clinuk of if ,0 , to
ai roinpany o.ieh lild. Thu rixht Is leservtid to
ruioct nny or all bins.
Soviiinhor ' 11. ISir.1. TIIKOIHMti : OI.SON ,
I'oinptrollui' .
To .1. A HenlDlli ) . Mlko Vntor.i , ( ' ithailnu
I.ouhlln , M SL-VL-rnn Miniiisnii A I' . L'luUli-
plier iin , I'lar.i I'nrd , ( i. II. I'llsuurth , .lonn
Mohr. < ieorio U T/u-hnuk :
Von aru lieruby iiiitlllnil that thn nniliir-
slunud. III l on disinterested fiuulioldiird of llm
iilty of Oinali i , li ivu heun duly aip | > iiiilul h/
thu mayor , with thn of tlmelty eonn-
rll of hhld rlty. to nhirss thn d 1111.11:0 lo tin )
owner , * resiiectlvely of tlui propnrty dni'lariid
by ordlniiu'ii : nn i'8ary to buappriipriat-d for
tliu nsnof h.ild uity , for Ihu purpose of open-
UK und nxtnndln Kith stieut from Viiilon
Btll'L't tOblllltll Dlly IllllltS.
Von aru further nolillcd , that liavln : ai
oupti'd H Id aiipotiitninnt und dniy iuailllud | as
ruiinlred by lawu > will , on the 'ist d.iy of
NoiHinlior , A. D. JMi. ' , 'it ' the hour of 10 o'clock
In tlin fill iinonn , at the ollli-n of T. II , Mcdil-
lui-li. room hi. ' M. V , l.lfo llulldlni. . uitlilu thn
oorp'ir.ttn Ilinlin nf Maid olty , muul f.r thu pur-
| ioie of cuni derini ; and muklii4 thu u-ness-
men t of d'liiuuu lo the owners resnoet I vuly , of
said propurty , liy IOUMIII of Biioh t lUltur .in-l
iipproprliition tlieieiif. t iknr. Into I'oiiililera-
lion SIHCI | | | ln'iiellts , If my.
TJn-propi'rly lielnn-'ui' lo you. proposed to
hu apnroiirl.itnd as at'oit'S lid , un J ulueh has
bi'ini ih'eiared nucussiiry by Ihu i-oiinull. by
enl niuiee , to iippriipnitii to ihn HSU of tlin
ulty , tuliu situ ito In s ild elly of ( iiniilni. in
Iliiii'oiinty of Uoii''lus. ituof NubrasUu ,
Isdcacribi'd us follows , to-wlt :
K 20 fei'tof wOJfoetof lot 411 , H. K. KozufT
plnl.Okulioin.i ,
West KIK'ot of lota 10 and II. Moltor's kiilnl -
vUlon of lot l > , S. I ) . Ito.'itrs' of OU.iliinua.
Wi-il liiifi-ut of nub loll , t ix lot VD.
\Ves , nn feel of lot l.'i U.ik 1111 , No. 1.
iT foul of oit I'll tmaot lot 10. O.ik Ulll
No. i ! .
Wctt Infect of lots a 7. 8 Mottor'a sub of lot
4 : S I' Uo.-nrs' IlUt of Oliulinniii.
North . ( Ufuut of e l i.U of lot4 , S , I. Uig
urs' plat Okahomii
Went M fniH sul ) lot 4 of ta.\ lot ' .U
You nro iiutltlud to be nro > unt nt thu time
tlinuaiid plai'u iiforosiilil , and inaKu imy ob-
jeetloiiH tn or hi ale iiunUuoncornlii/ i pro-
pn Uil appropriation , or iisxussnioiil of il.uu-
iiiusn. as you may coiinldiir unipi-r.
T. II. Mlii'ltl.l.OUII ,
Uniuhu , Oct. Cath ItiJ. , u..dl''O
Tol' . IVITMIII. ,1. Wood Sin ith. II.W.MuUuronnd
linlis ut luwof Aiiunstns Konntre , uocoiisn I ,
1' K < > : mt/e ( bis ulfcl. Herman
luuiiit/e , l.uther 1C , iinl70. Charles II. '
Koint/o. Mntl < da Ciiiil.ner , Ad.illiio Until
( ' pini-iiilnii liiunii. ' . lloyer nnd
Mm y Dor i OllMM- .
Vtm .iro huruhr nolillfil the nnler-
l4iu-il. ihlon dislnti'iusloil fri-oholdurs of tie )
I olti < , f ( inmlei. h ivu Icon duly npnoiiiteil by
l the in ivnr. with tliu uf thu cltv
council i-f silil ; i'ity. to assess tliu duinuio to
the IUMII-IS ri spL-i-thi- of llio uroporly
di-i-'iin-d ' ny or I In inrini'r'ess iry to bo appro-
pri itml for the 11-0 of.ilil elly. for thu pur-
liuso of optniiu and I'Muii'liii ! ! l-lth streiit ,
finin tinnllnv ne\t noilliof Nicbolns Htiout ,
noilli lo tinonih IhuMf I'aililiick I'la e. and
Mum the ' ontli I'ne uf I'.iil'liick I'nieu north to
( liilii siii'i-l. nn 1 oprnin : nn I evlenillie'lurk (
, ! iee | . In riiiiiiln liain's adilltlini from Its
pn'spiit wi'stcrn ti'iiiiiiins nest to Kith street ,
) so I'Xtunil'Ml. ns hhiwn by pint l-sned to ns
i funii the ollice or the city en'uieer.
I ton aiu iiollllnii , tliut li.ivliiL" iiceeptod
i ' said iippointmcnt. mil iluly ipi illdo i as rc-
( iniroil by 1-iw. wo will , on tlio SMlidtiy of
\ovointM-r. A H. . Is ! ) . ' , nl tins hour of ID
o'clock In tlio foil-noun , ntthe ollluo of Shrlvor
, 'x O'Doiiohoe. Itlli r.irniin street , within tlin
corpor.iti'llinits if s.ild city , meet for tlio pur-
po-n of consiilenn : ; and in.iklnc the assess
ment of il nn IKP in tbo f.wm-rs i-jspootlvo'v
of silil ; properly by reason of sni-li timing uml
upiiioprlntlDii lliDii'iif.
Tliu projioity Utldir-'liiii to yon. proposo.1 tu
bo nppi'opiluti'd as .ifoievilil. mid which has
been dciilinoil nccossiiy liy tbo 'onnoll , by
oidln.ineo to .iiiproprliile to tlin nsuof thu city
lielntf sltniileil In H.ild ulty of Uinuha. In Ihu
ninnly of Hmmhis. andstite of NuhraHka.3 \
di'scillii'd n fol'ows ' town :
I'ropeity In name of I' . Ivc-rsmi
I'lit- 1ist I'M , feet of snl > lot I1.1 of thn east
: tn fuut of tax lot s in ibo NW i of llio SK'k of
K" 1 1. T i : > , it n r.
I'rip-rtv 'n thu nnini-of .1. Wood Smith ,
A si npof i ni'l ' On fi'i'l wlilii ninnlii 'iiur h I'i'l
enl b ihiou.Mi sub lots ' < -iinl ( i oft i\ lit II. tint
< isl iiniMif sild slilp in-liiB ll-"i fi'i't ' west o
1 he Hue I'elwuen lots 4 nnd II ill seutloti 10
T Ii I It II I.
I i , IIMII i v In the n. line nT \ir iislns Ivounl/a
nnd II.V. . Met' nre.
Tin ) fn.louiiiK p.nenl or tract of 1 mil ; lie-
Kliiiin m tin- southwest conu-i of lot 'JO block
ti P.iildocl , l luce ; tluiicisiMth lu tin ) north
Iliuof Clnrli sri"it | , prodnc"il fioin l.'iinninw-
li m's addition ; thuncu D iht about ! ! . " > fuut
nloii : the north line of said I'la rk sCruul. to
tbi' wust line of CiinnliiKli mi's nddltlon ;
tin-lieu .south iiliinK till- est Hue of Cuimllli-
b mi's u'ldlllon Mi feet to thn south llnu of
C'lnik street , tbonvo west nloii sild south HUH
of ( lurl , strcul to a point In a line to
the nnut llmof lav IOIK s Mini II. ami H.ilil line feet west of loin , blo-k ill ! ) , olty :
tbi'iici ) south nioui : H.ild Iliin to llio north I nn
of tax loin ; thence west ffi foal to the west
line nf nth street ; Ihi-ncu north | ) ar < illol to
HIP oust line of lax lot J 8 nnd tl to thn south
inoof ( . 'link htn-Pt. prodiicud from C'uiinlir--
i.nn'h iiddlt on : thuneu In u nortliwustorlv di-
roellon lo the north line of Olark atrewtiiio-
Incod : HioiiL'o north to thn soiith line of Pad
lock t'laoo ; tliunco u.istOJ ft'ut ' to place of bo-
Vnu me lotlllud to bu pinsont at thn tlino
mil place iifuiiHulil , und make any objuctloni
to or htiitoinontt lOncariilnz said proposed
ippropilatlon in nssHssinont of ilHimuu * in
yon may consider proper. .
] (
JOHN K. ri.Ai'K.
JOHN \ \ . itoiuiiNs.
Coinmltlco of Apiirnlsurs
Omaha. October ' , ! i. -Ji n4dS't
To the owners of all IOIH nr partsof lots on
I'vMiiity-slxtb si rent , fiom u point ( ? , " > fi-ot
iiiiilli of I'opplnlon niiui > lo Hickory Htroel ,
ami Intursi-ctlnu htreitts.
Von lire lieruhv notiflud Hint llio nndi-r-
l ni-d , tlirou illslntnri'slud frenliohlors of llm
clly of Uniiiha. have lienn duly uppolnled by
Ihu mayor , wild the approval of Mindly i-oiiii-
i'll of halo oily , to assess thf ilam.ine to thu
ownnrK n-spni-tivuly of tint tiropuily nlfxetuil
by thnohaiuiiof Kruluof I'rtout vlth stiect.
f ruin point huii-iieil und
u onn - s-oviint v-llMi
( I7. ' ' fret hoiitl ) of I'opp nton .ivunilo t l llli'k-
oryHtiunt nnd Inlorscclliiu1 Hlrnnti. . dnclnrnd
ni'cossury by ordlniini'i ) 11. ! pasM-d Outobnr
Sub , IMU. anprovcil October''It ' . IMU.
Von ntii fnilliiir potlflol , that bavin : no-
cepteil Kitld uppoliitinniit. and duly iiialltli'd |
us reiinlri-u by Inw. wi- will , on tlio uvunty-
iirthdiiy \Dvoiulier , A. D , lsr ; . jt the hour
of tliri'oo'iioi'i | in the nftornoon , il thu ulllo
of ( lporji-,1 I'.nil. IH'i ' I'.iruain ftreet. nithtii
tlin corporate llm tsuf salil elty. incut for thu
puipiiMiof I'omlili'iiii'i and Ihu as-
se-amcnl of ilaiimsn to Ihc OHII-II > ri'-iiii-c-l-
Ivnly.of mil l propertv. allcuted i-y nahleli ni''u '
ofurudo , iiKlni ; Into consideriilon spuclal
bciiiillts , If any <
You ale iiutllli'il to he prusrnt at thu lima
iind place aforoMHld , und inaKu any obji'Dtloni '
lo or Hfili'ineuts euneenilirj hiihl asscssiuont
of diiiiia es , uu you m.iy i-unuuler piopei
Oi.iiitiii : J. I'M u
\V , C S'litiVPii.
.lAMtS &ril'hIAIK. )
Omaha , Nov. lltli. tv.l. . M''dlUt
HOT Hl'ltlMiS , Kllfl'll DAKOTA. TUII < 'Alll.Sl
liuil of America In llu < Illack HUH : iMJ [ m ,
ubuvu llm noil. A crlip , liraclnj iitiiiosiilmru.
IKI\I'J | i-iencry Thi-in wnnu wuler
Imtui'iiri'il llmimui.l , nf imlloiiU. h'lnDlt iiluiiKJ
Imlli In Ihn i ; n Tin' liv.iiu , liailt or i > lnk nn , | .
none. ucvntuiiiliiti'i.tV ) tu-uplv. ttrlcllr tint olatii
iipi'ii llriiilnct , tli-iuu luut. i-Iuctrtu llutiti. rtclilr
Iurm liitl , ttiio wlilu vor m t h . tablu n iioelikltr.
r'luu uuluiimi , inllil H Intum ItiMlui'iid rntc bjr Hi *
nuk ur inuiitli TlirmiKU trnlut ( rum l'hlc in.
U. h. MAItDK.N , Thu l.vuui , Hot Sptlugi ,