Till ? OMAHA DAILY BflE : TUESDAY , NOVKMBKK 1/i / THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL , ULUFPa CFFICEi - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Tellrcren ty cfirrlor Co nnr part of the olty II.VT , TII/TON. - MANAGER. 1 EMPUOXEb MI.Mlt MKXftl\ , N V. Plumbing Co. Council Ulufts Lumber Co. . William Scott , xvho pooled n , pod or1 * , chcok Sunday night , xvas lined Ml TO In police court jcstnrdnv morning- . Whoever xvill return tir-23-J Sixth street block anil xvhito bull pup , iiluru iirjand ono eye , clipped cars , will Rot reward. A laprobo nnd xvhlp xvoto stolen from ix bugiry belonging to I' . K. Kmnr , xvhllo It xva standing In front of , the Herman ( Jnthollc church Sunday night , The picture * of I. M. Troy nor and tj. II. OtfdGii iinpeaiIn iho lust lisuc of the YontiB Moil's Journal , an Oniaini publication ilo- voted mainly lo llio inlorusis of Iho Young Men's Clu ifcUiiii ussoctalion. Uogiilur cominunlcation of Jlluff City IndL'o No. 71 , Ancient , Krco and Aei-optmi Mnsotn. this evening. All muster Masoni in good standlui ; nro cordially invited , Uy order of the xvorslilplul inavcr. Meetings nro In prourwi nt the l-'lfth ixve- 1,110 Meihoiilst church every niirht under Ihu In.tdnntitp of tin1 rcllror.ii evangelists , Jonnii ) Smllh nnu Ado'.ildc ' Klioiman. llisreporled ttiat conversions nro of nightly occurrence. All members of Iltuvltoyo lodge No. IM mid liumbnldt lodge No. 1T1 , Independent Order of O Id l-VHows , uro requested to meet ut the hull XVodnesdiiv afternoon HIJ oVlorh to attend the funeral of Anton IlinK. Visit ing Odd Kellovvs are invited to pirnclpite. II. I ) Vim Brunt's ollico was entered by buritlnrs bunilav night. They eiitored uy prylnn opnn tlio ri-nr xvimloxv. and niolo a co.il bolonprii : lo l-'rmik Van Ilruni , and ix trunk and vnllse , together xvltti some uiulor- rlnthlng of John A. IClllnn , a voting man , IV'IIO Hlnupj 111 ItlU SttMO. llurrv W Montross of Di' . niat , H. I ) . , nnd Miss Anna Kutren of Council HlulT > wore nini-ricd .xiisterdnv noon at , thn Caihollc pur. MoniigQ by Ilev b'.ither Ucnihnn They loft rm thu ovi'iiitn. itnln for a bridal trip lo llol- drffgo , Net ) , 'J'hcy xxlll bo at home in Do- ! 3mct December 1. Ooimiili'raliliJlinprox'omentinro bfliift oiatio In the ofllcc of thu Western Union Taltiuraph coiniKiny. The ollico proper is being moved to the front of thu room , a handsome dcsi < is being put In and enlnrgcil HWitclinaards are iiolng mndo so as to allow moro xx-itv-i to ho used This will enable the eunipjnv to glvo prompter service. The following parties xvero prantocl mir- ringo licenses yesterday : Henry W. Mont ross nf DcHmot , H D. , nnd Annlu l-'aKon of Council Hluff ; . ! liti N. Willis nn t Kmnm F. Leslie of Omaha ; William I1. Honncsoyof Council UlulTs and llattio Kline ol I'lntts- mouth ; James I'alcrson iinil Adi Ward of Pottuxvattauilo countv. An Italian , xvhoso nnmo could not bo learned , tried to commit suieldn Sunday af ternoon at Iho Union I'.iclllc transfer. Ilo scorned to bo out of His rik'lit mind , nnd kept nnylng tlmtsomo ono xvns after him to rob him of hfa money. .Suddenly ho tlrow a revolver and put it up to his head. A lu.stander IcnocKcU It nxvay , but xvhen ii went olt the shot teen offeet in llio Italian's \vnsl. The weapon was lultcn n\vay from him and he left on the evening tr.iln for Iho east. MX\-I : i : : ou 'i nr. ixicss COIMIS 01- : At tinllniton Sir | < s ( Jiiniu'll Itlnir-t , la. iilt-iiu'h hoax'y dark suiting * , lc ! ) a yiird.Yard Yard xvido jacqu.ird fancies , - ! Ka yard. I'jtiglish checked suiting and Scotch p'nids , all wool , ! lc ! ! a yard. Changeable Irriduboont Ixvills. 40 inches xvido , a bargain at 'loe a yard. Ladies' cloth , l inches xviUo , a full line of fall colors , SOc a yard. Over 100 pieces of all-xvoul serge and cashmere in every iiu igiiinblo color at COc a yard. iMi'otmn : xx'ooi , < iooii ! . The sxx-ell thlnq for the fall of 1892 is Hhoxvn by us. The nexv txvo-toncd. inntcln Bn in an endless variety of ox- quifiito combination of colors. roi'i.iNs. This fabric , although not noxv , is one of the popular xvoavos for this fall. A lull range of colors. ljrico Sl.OJ a yard. STOliM M'.IKtK.H. Tlio most prolltable iiialerial for fall xvcar is ohoxvn in an ond.eib ashortment of xvoavcs. i'rlcoa f om Too to 91.oil a yaid , 10-iNfii xviiii' coitus. A beautiful cloth much the same as hurgo xx'ith a moro i > roininont cord ami much heavier a full rnngo of full oolois. 1'i'icc $1 a yard. SI OTC'iJ CIIHVJOJ'S An entirely noxv weave , very heavy , beautiful iinish. elegant i > hiidcn , a very dcsiiable fall niatorial , I'rice 9\.M \ a ya u. KANl'VCllKl'OXS. Wo slioxv nn endlcbb variety of lignred cropoiiH in all the loading sliadoi ? , a full line in three qualities. Prices , 7oc , $1.1)0 ) and $1.25 a vnrd. falhK 1)101'AUTMKNT. Our Importation order of silk is noxv complete xvith all the now weaves and fancy novelties of.the loadintr makurb of Kuropo. Changcablo surahs nnd talTotJs Too nnd $1.01) ) . Colored china silks fiOe. 7uc and $1.00. Fancy arinuro silk IHIc , ! ) Sc , $1.11) ) . Kvorx thing in silks is to bu found at our counter , including cropc do chines , rhndames , faille silks , pcuu do solo , etc. Sllk-and-wool bengalincs in black and colors , $1.2o. IJOHTON STOHK , l-'othcritigliam , Whltolaxv fc l'o , . Council lilulTH. N. H. Mull order ? promptly attended. All orders xvhuther per express or mail i of charge. > \.ll , I'.liS.ltllt ll'il.1. O. W WIrt loft bistovoniiiK for u bubiuess trip of a month to Minnesout. Harry \ \ clsinuor. wno Is ntatiunod In l.i- uota , is In tliu UluiTs for a shun vUlt. Mrs. M , II. lliilnl tingnnn to San An tonio , Tex , , to visit her s ou , John W. italrd. .luhn Morliol of thia cltv hns Johipd Ilav- crlv'a mitiHtrols. Hu will bo lu tlio city lor a short visit on thovJolh , lion. Thomas liowman left last evening for Lynns , lu. . to attend thu winter metulni ; of uio Sttitu l''irt'inon'b Toiiraameut iissoum- lion. lion.Miss Miss \Voavor , supervisor of drawlucr In the Chirneo bdiooh , and Miss Kvans and -Miss Iloliiius , who oceiuiv slmlbir tioltlnns in Omaha and ( Jr.uij Island , were In the city . \n > tcnlny innliing a tour of Inspection of the bCliOOll , Ur. O , L , . - .Mi-Cartnoy , who has bi-on Hi - nocicd with Dr. Woil , the dontnt. for ll O time , U'uvt's toilnv to make his nt bmnu In St. Paul , where ho will opt-n tlnntnl JTOIIIH , Duilni ; his stav in this ciiv U-i han bnronw n trroat favorite ami urovvn hlnui-lf 10 be a iiMster of bis | ) iofo-.sion. Ho will t Hu many roim'ts and pleasant momorUs xvltb him to hU nuw homo. Mint hy liu On n ( inn. Jerry BIIPS , a tiny about 10 years of arc , xvho lives near t'alrvlew i-emotery , met wltn u fatal accident yesterday ntternoon. Ho wa * out huntlns f.ijulrrou near Mynster pnrliik'a with a eotnnuilun natii''d \Vllllam Walton , \Vatton ( . limbed a lice and left HIIOX bi > low xvltli itm only pun ibey Had. Wldlo Wntlon was In tlio tree ho hcant the pun go cff , LooUiug ( town'bo saw ICaox lyiup on tboXM-ound ilobnlf cllmued and linlf turahlrd dowp , ami when ho reached the bottom found that the load hud struck bU companion In thn nccK. cuttlnt ; the Jut- l r vein unit Killlni ; him aliiion iiiilantiy. Thp remains xvcro picked uu and Ureucht ny.Ho ICitop's undcrtaUliiK i'0"m . whore an in- queat will bo hold today. The dead boy was ino ken of Frank rJnui , H touiutcr , UVIUK ou K.ist Bruudy , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS County PrlsonoH Try to Slash Their Way to Liberty , THEIR EFFORTS WERE UNSUCCESSFUL Alter .XUklng u ll plnr ol I'orco nn Olllccr't KeriilTor Settles llio Trouble Dclnlli of the I'lMii to There tire txvo candiUtos : for the lown stnto penitentiary xvho are cloiinor tliU morning , In all probability , than they hava been before for many a long day. A nd there nro several moro xvho have co.iio to the con- elusion that liberty Is n moro eluslvo thine than nn Ignis futuu * or nn election bet A scheme XXMS concocted yesterday bvho prisoners in thu county j ill to in.iko . a bjKl bronk for frceuom. With llus end in vlovx a llr t cl iss light wiis gotten tin at tlio noou hour xvhen SlierllT llaz-Mi was out ot the citv nnd both of his depullus 'had gene l.oino lo dint.er. The light \v.is n free-for-all affair , Jt xvus evidently thu hope of the urltoners that tha Jailer , a boy whom they reckoned on being able lo bundle , would KO Inside the corridor for the purpose of quelling iho dls- lurbauco. They xvoilhl knock him down , disable him If niicuisnry , nnd xvalk out of tno ] > ill at their leisure , llut their plan failed ( o xvorK , for tliu Jailor contented biinseif xvith staying olitsldo and oiilormit them lo batmvu tuum- sulvos , u thing whlcn they refused lo do. Mrs , ll.i7.Rii then wont , lo llio Jail door , but mul xvuh n tin runt ot abuse from them. Word was sent to Diiputius O'Urien and HooK ? . , rind bolero long thev arrived. U'lirlon tvent Inside , but he bail no sooner ( lonii so than a couple of r.i/.or.s were Hashed on him in UHI hamls of " .Snbor" Hum * , ono of tint men who held up the toll-Keeper at thu tnotoi bridge , and William Hi-n/on , wtio shot at Ofllcer l.eueb and It , now uuiter in- oletmunt. uv the prand jury . U'Hrlon Immeiilately pulled hU revolver frnin ins poeket anil shot Hums through the lust lliu-cr ol tiU rlutit liund , sending the ueauon llyhu ; Iron his lutml. Hcn/.on anil lie t'iai > , ) lfd , anu no received ncvcral small call on nis llrat tincer before lion/aa dceiileil toiciic.it. Ben/o.i then took ioiiuo In Hie sloel cvlinder , UUIIIK the riuor witli nttn. Ho refused to t'lvo ui > tcu weapon , and the hose was biou ht to play on htm. He stood on the bu.iK lit one corner of Iho cell and look a shower hath for half ua hour , at thu end of which Hum ho refused to surrender as stub bornly us at llrst. Thn same kinu of treat ment was L'lven to Burns , who was llnaliy taken from the cylinder to a cell by hlmselt upstair * , to bo kept there on a broad and water diet. On bis way upstairs ho took oc casion to warn O'Urlen ' imainat Uonzon , sayIng - Ing ha was u desperate character , and would kill t bo first man about the J'dl bo qot a ctianco at. The greater 1 irt of the trouble was caused by Burns , HCIIZDII. Murahv and Hcnuesny. the two latter b linn the Icllows who wont through the Pottioouo roiluonco. They showed their Intention to c.iuao trouble by raininir a stiowcr of iron spittoonu , dishes and bottles ou uvry one , vho came nenr the bars of the corridor. There were niilto a number of prlsoneis in the J ill who had boon nut in for trivial offenses , amoni ; others beii > several saluonkcPiiorj wno Had neg lected lo pay ihotr nionthlv lines. They asked In anxious touosof voice yestordav affrnoon if tlmy could bu released on the payment of their fines. _ Don't forgot , to attend the third an nual ball anil supper given by the Grand hotel bell boyi at Masonic tcmplo , Nov ember L'll. The lladiaut novelty base burners are Iho bust hoate"s in Iho city. them at Swaine'd. A late invoiuo of el.eneillo curtain , and Smyrna rugs at low prices. Counci1 niulTs Carpet company. JJoston Btoi-o closes every evening at 0 p. iii. , unless Mondays and Saturday * Instead of hotting a hat on election wager one of thosa handsome low-priced wino or brandy dots at Lund Bros. Gcntlumcn , the finest line of tall goods in the city , ju.it received. Uoltor , the tailor , U10 Broadway. The gcnuino liurr Oak stove ? are sold cnly by Chas. Swaino , 737 Broadway. Call and see them. Coal and wood ; best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the i-ity ; prompt delivery. H. A. Cox , Mo.1 Main. Ten bhnrns capital stock Citizens State bank for sale. H. II. Shoafc. Oetuiiue Kound O.ilc , Itidinut Homo P. I1. Stewart ritovc.s and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , -11 .Main. Davib for drugs and paints. Mi s K .1. Davis is closing out nor Rtock of notions at less than cost. COO Main street , opnooito Iiel's hotel. ICOpooplo in tins city lisa gi3 steve ? Iho Gas Co. puts 'om in at cost. ins mnm.v ; : xv.\ TOO iu.x\\ : . riniiiirhil niuliarrnihiuunt Cam CM Anto.i Itiuli ( oTiiKtt IIUO\vn I.llo. Anton Hlnk , who kept a ijrocory nt L'Ol Main street , shot and killed hlmscM in- frtnully yesterday mornlti ! ; . Ho had been complainiap of fcolini ? unwell and did not \vont to Ket up at hla usual time. His wife went down stairs lo attend store while thu clerk , Billy Smith , wont to breakfast. Shortly after RohiK down he heard her lltllo ( 'irl call her lo cumo ui > stairs at onco. She xvcnt up nnd found her husband lying on the floor by tno bedshlo unconscious , xvith the blood strcnmlni ; from u Kront hole in tno mludlo of his faivheixd , She at llrst thought ho had struek his head against the xvashslund thai stood near , but a moment later she diseov- ured iiIIS-ealibL-r revolver lyinj ; near him von thu Hour and she learned tlio awful Iruin. Tlio coroner was notllleil nnd the re mains \xcro laUcn lo Lunltlo > 's un dertaking rooms , xvhnro It was de cided to hold an trnjucst atI n. lom , An examination uhnuod that the rcx'oh'er niiist have IIMHI held tlnlil uiruliibl Kink's xvhen It xvent off , ns the t > lln xvas noi powder burned and a lar.'e ahnro of me powilor had evidently exploded after it KOI be noalli the skin , at > the akin was forced oiit- xvaid and two IOIIK tui'lsions running atngnt ; angles ban bron m de , Tno ball hnd KOIIO clear through iho head and come out at the back. A number of reasons were nsKlirnoil for hoar Mlicldu. Ilo was ill n very lralilitened con dition llnauclally ana hU health bad been vcrv poor for a IOIIK time DU.S' , Itisujo | uaut by bis friends tbatallltln over u year QUO Im met with u sunstroke that unoal- anccd bis mind , and uvorsmcu bo has shown the cffuots in his actions , An Imiuojt was notd during the afternoon , and tno testimony of Mrs. Uink , John ijchulu , J. 1) , King and W. T. Smith , bent bartender , was huurd , They all agreed lint Mr , Kink's actions liad Indicated int > anitv ut lime : , ever since he attended the tunarul of n friend on thu lllib of Auirutl , ! bU ! , and was Riinjtruc'li on his way home. Hnutira toniinony was csneelally Inteicstlnp. lie btalcd that bo iui.1 Kink bud bad a conversa tion u few dayH ana In which IfinK aid that if the doinocruls didn't Jo boiler than Iho republicans on tin ) subject of iTohibitlou ho was fOlJt : to kill himself ; ho couldn't mnlto It pay. Smith tried to lulls bun out ot his noHiiondrncy , although at the lirno he thought ho was trylnirlo ] oltu him boeauaeho ( Smith ) was a republican. After the icsiiiaony was nil in the Jury retired - tired and Immediately rendered u verdict , that thu deceased came to his neatb from n pistol shot , tired by hla own band while In u ill of temporary aberration of the mind. Thu deceased was Lorn in Buehau , Ger many , mid caou : to ibu country aoveniron I ycurc a o , locaiiut ; lu Council llljlla , Ho hd nlxvay stood well amonp hM n soclrtto At the ttino of bis Oeatb ho was SO ynars of ago. 110 Umves a wife and two numll child- ron. The funonxt xvlll tnko plaeo tomorrow afternoon nt U o'clock from the rolilonco at tba corner ot XVIllow avenue and Main street , under iho auspices of Hutnboldt loilRO No. 17-4. Independent Order of Odd Follows , ol which ho was n member. See tlioso oil heaters at Sw.iino's , 737 Uroadway. _ .Morn llmtsr XViintril. It you have any dllllcnUy in finding tenants lor votir house * allow us to put our card on It for ten days ; you will bo pleased with results. s , NICHOLSON it Co. Dentil of .Mm. l , < Milrniirr. e. wife of V. Uentzlncer , died yo tcr- uay afternoon at n : : ; ' . ) o'clock athcrrcsidonco , avenue K , of rancor , after an Illness of two months , npcd10 years. The deceased xvas a tnomhcrof the Women's Christian as socl.iuon and the Presbyterian church , nnd xviu noted for her earnest xvork in charltnblo lines , runcral announcement xvlll bo made later. Constipation cored by Do Witt's ttarly Ulsors. _ _ Day & llesf. have a force of men xvork- ing j on the roads through the Klein tract , liny live or ton acres there xvhilo it is cheap. S. B Pro \voll , xvalchmnkcr , 740B'xvay , The A. D. T. Co. has added two now liauks to its torco and will answer e.ills at nil hours , day or night. Telephone , 17 ! ) ; ollluo , 8 Main street. Judson , civil engineer , IMS Broadway Potatoes for Milo in lots of from live busliols up. W. t5. Humor , -5 Main btrcet. Don't forget that SAMUIO sells llto Klmhurst stoves. OLD I11ON3IDES. Kviiiliil-rriiri's nl tlin Ciirorr iif Iho lllstnrlr CiiiislltiUliill. Noxv York Sun : Not many people may know that the old frigate Constitution , boienownud in our annals , is still in cluded among the vessels of the nax-y. She is dininanllod. as might bo expected at her ago , and is kept In that condition at i'ortb'iiouth , N. II. She is a craft of UiOU ! tons displacement and now carries no buttery in plnco of the forty-four guns of the days of her glory. It xvas the Constitution that , after the inauspicious opening on land of our xvar with Great Britain eighty years ago , led off a series of splendid victories on tlio son. The honor of the first capture of a British xvar vessel undoubtedly belongs - longs to the Essex , Captain David Porter - tor , xx'hoso defeat of tlio Alert occurred six days before the Constitution de stroyed the Guorrieto. But the Essex carried thirty-two thlrty-txvo-pounders and the Alert only twenty oighteon- poiiudors ; bo that very soon after open ing lire the crow of "tho little British craft , xvhieh. having captured one of our transports , had made up to the Ks ox , talcing her to be a merchantman , xvero compelled to quit tholr guns and xvithin eight minutes to strike their llag. This conquest , though gratifying , xvas iu- ovittiblo ; xvhorens that of the Constitu tion was gainou over a craft nearer her oivn wizo nnd strength. But xvhilo yielding the laurels of p.-iority to the gallant Essex on this beore , the Constitution , under Captain Isaac Hull , can claim them again for success in a trial of seamanship botiveen herself and a British squadron. Till then affairs xvoro looking gloomy for us at boa iiB xvell as on land. Tlio British frigate Belvidore , xvhilo convoying a fleet of merchantmen , had escaped from u xvholo squadroa of our xvar snips , whereas Our Nautilus had struck to an English squadron , being the first xvar ship captured on either side. Under these unto ward circumstances the Constitution , returning from Europe , foil in xvith a British squadron led Ly the Africa , n slxty-four-gun ship. During four day B she xx-as chased by this squadron. Through onlin and I through broe/o the flight nnd pursuit , xvent ou. At ono time she had boats out i toiving her ; ut another her crew xx'ero hauling upon a kudgo anchor that had boon carried out and dropped a long dis tance ahead. On the fourth day the longed-for xvitid came , and , xvith every sail" set , the Constitution droxv axvay from her pursuers , the kceno when live frigates xvere stnmlinir on the same tack and the Constitution xvas shoxvlng her heels to tno enemy being often recount ed eighty voarb ago. Some of the his torians describe this as the llrst of our triumph on tlio sea in that xvur. But in our time , of course , the fame o the Constitution is moro familiarly asso1 elated xvith her capture of the Guorriero1 It xvas on August 19 , 1812 , that the txvo vessels mot , both eager for a light. The scene xvas otT the const of Massachusetts. The British craft , commanded by the gallant DncreH , xvns llrst to open lirebut Hull maneuvered Ills vessel into the right position before ho replied. The enemy's nmzcnmnst soon xvent by the board , followed by her mainmast. When she struck she xvas , In faetsocompletely Ubod no that she could no' , bo tnkon into port , and haJ to ho blown u , ) . The Con stitution was superior in tonnage and complement , carried moro guns and thrown much heavier xvolght of metal In her broadside ; still the vessels xvero near enough matched for the victory to produce a tremendous impression on both sides of the ocean. Alison de scribes the "shock of this iinxvonloil naval disaster" in England , ivhoro the belief that Britannia ruled the waves xvns so profound that Iho American navy had seemed to bu a mere mouthful fo hor. hor.That That name year the Constitution , mid or B'tinbridgo. gained another great victory over the Java , olT the coast of B lull. The , Ia\-a , like her prececossor , was a : > S-gun ship , and in thu battle bho lo t her foromatit and ini//.onmiiHt , be- Bides a part of her bowsprit , while , to complete the parallel , like tlio Guor- riere , she was so wioi-kcd in tlio liur that she had to be blown up. It was great exhibition o ( good sea imuihlii and superior gunnery on the Dart of til American vessel , for , ah Cuopur says "tlio Java had boon literally picked to pieces by shot , spar following spar until aim had not ono left. " Her loss in killed and wounded was very heavy , Finally , in 1B1. * > , under command of Commodore Stewart , tlio famous old ship Hindu a uoublo capture of the Brit ish frigate Cvimo and bleep Levant Old Ironsides , as bho" had como to bo o-illed during tlio war , was launched at Boston in 1797 , and xvho knows but xvhon the 100th anniversary of that event comes in wind she may again bo put into com- nUslort , so ns to rccolvo cuntomilnl honors'P Mrs.lnsloxv1 * HwnnTnc Sjrtip for chil dren teething oflcnsthe gums and ulliiys nil pain. ' . ! > ' > contt n ( .6 . a 1 9. OATS ON THE PAYROLL. lliimlrril I'nlr . r.mplojiMl hy tlio Three hundred afrid'iidd cat1 ? are iniiln * tnlned ' by the United Status government , the co.it of their support being carried as a regular Horn oji the accounts ot the 1'ostolllco department. They nro dis tributed among iihriill fifty postolllcos , and their duty Is to Kpcp rota and mice from eating postal , .matter and mail sacks. Their xvoijl .js of iho utmost importance wherever largo qualities of mail tire collected' ' , ns' for example , at . the ' Now Yorlc postolllce , where U,000 to ' ) ,0M ( hagi ot such material arc coin * inonly stowed away in the huso * me lit. i-'ormcrly great datnago was often Anne by mis- cliiovous rollouts which chewed holes in the sacks and thought notliing of bor ing clear through bigs of letters in a niirht. Troubles of tins sort no longer oi'cur now that the olllfi.il pussies stand guard. Ktich city po.-tmastor U allowed from $ H lo ilo a year for the keep of his fi'liuo stntT , bending his estimate for "cat meat" \ViHiln gtot : at the beginning - ginning of each quartet. Care italioii not to toed tlio animals too high In or der that their appetite for live ginno may bu keen. It Is laid down as a rule that : no moat shall bo glxon when there is i > a nioiii > u or a rat to bo caught. Cats are kept in all the government building * at Washington. In that of the State , War and Navy depart ments they tire employed not only to protect the nriculess pi pers stored there , but to guard ugiiiust lire. Twice the War department h-s been sot allro by rats ijnawlng matches on ono of those occasions in the ollico of the secretary of war in the middle of the night , A year ago the troaMiry had nine cats , but they inndo themsolvo.s obnoxious and all wore given away but * two. Those are as wild as possible , get ting t a living by foraging for themselves. Mii'p tire notoriously ton I of chewing up money , but they have no clinnco to got at Uncle Sam's paper cash which is ki-pt in looms witli iron xx-alls that defy their tooth Hals occupied the pension ollico in great numbers xvhl'o ' it was in process of building , taking up their residence in Iho walls and floors ns > fast a * they were put up. Two years ago four cat's were introduced there to gu.ird Iho records of the old soldiers and they have driven " most of the vermin away. The best rat killer of the quartet , r.ot long asro , being frightened at something fell from the Bccond gallery fifty feet to the tiled floor and xvas killed. The xvliito hou > o has two cats , one a black and xvhito female , kept in the kitchen , and the other a black Tom , which belongs in the stable. Mrs. Harrison hnd four lovely Maltese pussies , but they all disappeared stolen , very likoly. But the cupi'ol is the gron test place in Washington for cats. The hugo structure is fairly nswarm with them , and at niirht they scamper about in tro is. Nobody knows how many of them there arc , but tlio xvatch'nion reckon them by scores. They are all vagrants , and xvlld us kaxvks. 'in sum mer they are scattered about the neigh borhood to some extent , but in xvintor they gather about the building. At about 10 oVloak every night they begin a mad racing through the empty corri dors , which are imulo to resound witli their cries. The acoustic effects pro duced are astonibhing. Lot a single grimalkin lift UD his voice in Statuary hall , famous for its echoes , and the ellenco of the night is broken by a yell like that of u damned t-oul. us loud as a locomotive whistle. A favorite place for cat. concerts. is the xvhisporing gal lery , down beloxx' , known as iho "crypt , " where the feeblest sound is magnified into a roar. Imagine tlio demoniacal ensemble of half a do < : on feline songsters in such a spot ! Tlio British gox'ernmont pays certain sums , regularly passed through tlio ac- counts quarto , ly , for providing and keeping cats in public ollcosilockynrds ) nnd btorohousoH. Hats and mice used to doagreit deal of damage to paper in tlio imperial printing ollico of Franco , but now a mim is appropriated yearly for maintaining a still'of cuts 'there , xvhich are fed twicn a day and carefully looked after by a in in who is paid for that service. In Vienna four cats nro employed hy the authorities to catfh mice on the premises of tiie numiei- mlity A regular allowance isoted for their keep , and after : i reasonable period of active .sorvivo they are placed on the retired lint with comfortable pen sions. The Midland railway of England supports oiirht cats at Trent , which are berne on tlio company's pay rolls for ' milk and moat. Thci'r duty is to guard the hundreds of thousands of empty corn s icks , and the importance of their xvork may bo estimated from the fact that txvolvo xvoinen are engaged all the year round darning holes eaten by rats in the sackii. 1'orfootactionilii * iv. iiiH-x from the use of DJ Witt's Uttlo Early His or * . A perfect little pill. l.onlc Out tor Motfinrx. Now York Times : Nox-ember is nl- xvnys conspicuous for one tiling , .so that if there are no other very marked phe nomena , xvo are always sure of having 0110 distinctive feature , nnd that is the moteorrf. Tlio earth in November win surely plunge through the great meteor /.ono that lies in her nathxvay about Iho 14th , and meteors will bo seen on thu nights of the llith , Mth and 15th , though no ono can toll beforehand xvht'thor a more brilliant display than usual will reward tlio patient xvatch of the ob server or wholhor the falling blurs will bo few and far botwonn. Every your bring.s us ono stop noiiror to Iho oxpi'Oted epoch when the meteors xvlll full like the raindrops in n tropical storm and the heavens xvlll nooin to bo on lire. The your 1W)9 ) is sot for this grand i-olcstlal illumination , and 'tis not so very far away. Each succeeding year between now and then mav show us an increasing pyroteeliif display. It is thought that in course of time , iintond of a number of years elapsing between siu-fcssivo moteorio hhmvorw , thorp .will bo a display xvoll worthy of our admira tion each year. The motours are technically known as Leonids , bee uiso tno point from which they seem to radlntj ih in tlio constella tion of the Lion , wliieh is known astro nomically lib Leo , and is eiibily diBlln- guishod from other groups They move Hxviftly , are ehnructori/.ed by a green ! sh or bluish tint , while tlio trains they leave behind uro brilliant , and roinain Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't ' Report. for snino o 'otuls The bnit linn1 to Ion : for Leonids I * abntil ! t o'cloi'U In tlio inornliir ( , when Lee IB xvoll uhovo the h.ri/ou , thouij.i I hey niiix bu soon nt tiny time dxirlittf tlio nlKht. Thu Lminhls litivu n ronuintlc hl loi-y. It linn boon iirovon tlmt In the yfiir 120 of our onx Tomplo's comet cinnu very near Urnuut , winch turtiotl tlio coutot from its conrso nnil impriBonud it xvlthln our system. It hns over since continued to rovolvoln the orhlt In xvhich it xvns compelled to move by n resistless poxvor , the perihelion resting on tlio earth's orhlt unit the aphelion reaching beyond the orbitof Urnnus , The comet ro.iehos the otxrlh'fl crossinc plucoonon in thirty- thrco nnd n quarter yours , and then the ( rent meteoric showers occur , lit the cnso of the Leonids the motcor sxvnrm follows llio comet. Mnny nstronoinors holiovo thnl llio coniot Itself IS the thickest part of the tnvtirm nnd thnl the niotoor swiirins nro simply the debris of the comot. Ifyojhxvi pini OiWii.'iVitn i dual snlvo xvlll suroij- euro you. LIBERTY'S NEW NIGHT DRESS. II l < n'l ( JnlliDime. . Tint si | , XViMir * Ili-r Illiiiliini ol I'lrn .Xlri'iil > . I'voninir slrolloi'si nn the linttcry have inlstod for Mtnu time the lights of the ti'oddosrt of Liliei'ty on I iodine's iBlainl. About two inoiiths 11 0 the niithorlties uoucluded to miiUo omo doclduil lin- provonionU on the lights atiys the Noxv Yorlc Sun , and the btultio xv.ts hhroiidod in ( larlviioxvlillo they xx'oro bolnj ; com pleted. For the pant xvculc , however , a partinl notion of the xvholo new li hlln lias buen alTordod by the sij lit of so much us IMS boon accomplished by the eleott-ieiiiiijj who have thowoi-U in hand. The f oddo-ss now xvoars a fiery diadem every nijjht. It is coinno ud of txvo imp- ullol roxvd of ineiiiideacont lights , whoso are of xvhito , roil and bltto lass. in rcjfi'-iu1 ' siicccs'ion , of the o rows is made ti | ) of twont\-sovon lijihts. oiuh ; ono of which has u poxx'ur of liflj ea-idles , iniikin < ; a total power of - , ( o inilloJ. 'i'ho Ken- oral etl'ect as soon from llio Udltery in the llory eroxvn upon the brow. The torch is illiimitiittuil with a single are lisrht of llOlU , ) e uullo poxyer , which h t > hnvo u lar o retloiitor to multiply its luminosity. In addition to thisti sl\y- llpht ; IA to ho inserted in the top of the torch. TJio olTect of this xvill not bj observed * on a elour night , but xvhon over tlio air 5s misty , or co.itainsdnst or fo { , ' in tiny quantity , liiu sUylitjht is ox- pooled to throw the light , high up in the ait-and to cause tin intense luminosity overhead. This skylight xvill contain glass of tlilToront colors , xvhich will mivko a general cITcct of a softer and .moro gon'.nl light than the ordinary olootric carbon titYords. To orown the xvholo , a powerful searchlight , placed on the ground in front of the statue , will bo turned full on the fico. Becctiam's Dills eurai SICK licad.iuln. ol tli Memory. Among the tyrannies ol memory there is ono xvhich particularly DU/.xles mo , says : i xvriter in the Atlantic I cnnnot uuderatand xvhy certain blight incidunts , certain unimportant traits of jiorson or miinnur , should in the nftortlmo b"como as a shorthand symbol , gathering up the xvholo s'uu.uion. the entire imugii and "atnfo.inhoro" of the noison rcinem- hoied. Tno most distinct rcurcsent.t- tion I am able to form of a friend of mine ( no longer living ) i.s upon this xviso : Hooded and cloaked for a winter xx'allc , 1 see her at ii certain point upon the path ; she is in the act of taking1 a stop forward. Whuu the one stop is completed this men tal portrait vanishes instantly and can bo reproduced only in thn xvay I have described , nnd only t- fudo again at the same juncture. I have even como to dread the edged ino cisivonc'ss , this scrupulous circumstan tiality of memory ; nnd I often fall _ to speculating as to xvhat now happening xvill bo in future recalled with special poignancy. Sometimes such forecast acquires almost the mournful quality of retrospect. I very xx'cll know ( though I do not knoxv xvhy ) that , xvhon a fiiend of mine turns the le-if of a nexvspapor and folds it carefully back between thumb and flngor , this net xvill bo among the characteristic memories 1 shall treasure regarding him , and xv'11 ' be fraught xvith unaccountable and dis proportionate putros , should memory and I survive him. Thu telephone has been known In Imlln for generations. An o'eclrlo ' road balxvocn Anlxvorn anil Brussels xvill reduce llio llmo 75 per cent. Ills announced by oublo that n storano bavter.v omuibiu is in successful operation In London , carrying txventy-six passengers. The "Add to Ihis lliu ilispatnh says : suc cessful nciaplution of pueumntio tires lo otmiibu c-i , just accomplished at GlasROiX' , anil the nrospncts of coinforUblu strcut , transit have been xvondorfully improved. " Marshal P. Wilder , almost lost in ono of the big leather chairs ut the Imperial , entertained a quartet of friends for half nn hour last right , bays the Noxv Yorlc Advertiser , "lloro is the newest ami the Intvt from UK H iwory rcstntu'ant , Mnn goes In dotormlnod to bent the tvnttor ut lili nxvn pnnio. Til give nn order hu xvlll hnvo to call out to the cook ns 1 give it , ' says the man , 'Walter , ' ho saye , 'give mo txvo punched ofjgi on lonst and have the yolks of the egg * broken. ' Walter looks mud , 3t'i-.itohoi IIH ! hand , then smiles and ytlls doxvn to the klichon : 'Adam nnd Kvo on a ruft wreck 'oml' " An tittiiitcnt oTrr the ono that's inn do by the proprietors of Dr. SIIRO'H I'n- tnrrh Heinody. Unnnual , hut made In good fnllli. It's a iv- xxaiil of $ . " > ( X ) for tin hinirnblo cnw of Catarrh. If rou hnx'p ono , tbo ninnoy'ii fur > ou. Utit \ u uin't Knmv xxlu-tlicr > i > u Vittw < mi' , till > ou'xo trkil Ur. SjiSi'V lleiiirtly.Vlint' . - i'lrnrable by nnv otlu'i' ini'ii'H. yield * tn that. T.y HT mll'l , n > itblui ? , ' I'-itisini ' ni-.il hcaliii1 ; ii-iiiHirtle' ' < , it cim-s the xxtst ci : vs. nn matter f lioxv lout ; stinidin ? . That's t' ' > iviivui tbo money can Iw olVcreil. TIIMT'II n ri > 'c nlKiut it , to by Mire. Iut ! l ! s mi Miwll that the proprietors nro xvilllng to tale : it. The syinptnms of cntaiib nro , li-nilm-bp , nlistruct'lon of ioso ; , ilLselinrKiw fulling bit" throat Miaii't lines - and ' Id , piofusn , xx-atory , ni'i , at otliM-s , Ibli It , tonndrv.i' ! , latimus. piirnlont , bloody , lint rid mill ireii'-lvi ; eyes xvruk , ring- In ; ; In tbo i-aix , d < l : ftuv , ( ( Tcnslvi' biiiith ; snioll and taste linpahvd , and ( -oncnil debil ity , . ) aly n tow symptom * present ut. onoo. TliodoM SaoutitAn. 20 Years' Eipcricntc. jlKAnint OF niSKAsia OK MEN AND WO.XIKN. i'ltOriUKTOU OF T1IK ' .s incuii.x : , ntsruK- cAHV Ol' ' J11.D1C1NK. Itreatihe following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd T.IHIKS : Dlf. cwwuil the Kyoaml ICnr , Kit * uid A ) > oplexy , Hoiirt Dieetise , l.lver ( 'onijiluiiit. Kidney Complaint , Harvouo Doblllty , Wontnl Depres sion , Loss of rflR'ihood , Seminal Weakness , r > liil > ctc . ] irightur > l'ea est Vims' imiice. Kheumatbm , I'nraljsl" , Wblto Bwelllng , Scrofula , Fever Eorcs , Cnncors , Ttliviors nnd KlHtula In ono removed without the knlfo or drawinc a drop of blood. Woman xx lib IIIT ilclloato oiw.iis re- Btored to health. IWuiay tuicd xxiihout tupplus. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all Itlnds. S5O to SliOO forfeit lor i.-ay Wonoroal Dla- case i cannot euro without morcury. Tape Worms removed lu two or three home , or na pay. Hi rjurrholils or riles cured. THOSE WHO A UK AFri.ICTEl > V.'lll save life and hundreda of dollura by calling on or usliK : OR. G. W. PflNGLE'S HER8AL MEDICINES. The only riijsh-lun wlio can toll ivlmt alll a iicrsouuitlmut. . All corrcsixindenco strictly conndential. lledicin1 eont by oxpreas. Address all leltcra to 8SS Broadway. Council BL ut'fs , Iowa - ' ' I'rac- Sim & Saiimicrs0Tysth'o'l . o ami fodunl courts. Ituonis .1. 4 ami 5 S llenro bluc-K , Council lUuIU. l.i. Tolhonwneraor all lots , juris of lolsiiuil re.il O'it.ilo aluiu : itli ) 'tn ol. from ( .r.iud a\o- nuc to I nxvlcr axvnin * . You aio liL-rcliy niitilb" ! mat tin ) iimlrr- ilsnu I , Ilirei ) dl-liituriiileil fivubiililiTt. nf the elty oCOniubii. hive hiien itmy . .pDiiiiiled hy the in.iviir. witli the uppi-ival or the t-iiy council o ! Slid oily , to 'ISMI-S the daio.ijio ID tliu unnri-s reiii'i'lIxi-lv i > r lluiiropiity iiltoctt'd by I'li.iuaodf Bi.idoof iBilbstri-ul from ( ! r ( avouim ! > 1'owlor siVL-nue , di-cMirod necoss.iiy i/y uiiliiiiiiii-u No H'T. ' p iss"il ueioljer ' . ' "ilh. li'l. * ' ' , npprovel Oi'lnbi'i--'Tib , iNIi Vim are furl HIT nuiillel ilial , liiivms ae- cupti'd s.il I appointment , i.nd ( Inly iii lillicd as riMiulruil hy law. xxo nil ! ou IIKI . .Inl day of Novuiuter , A. 1) ivj ; , at Ihu hour of n o'eln'U In thu forenoon , nt Ihe ollleo of John V I lacK , ill CbainOor of ( 'oininerci' , within tbo corpor no llmlls of said olty , meet for tlio purjio-iu of ( onsldorliiK and ni'iklti thf iisiesMiieiit of ( liiiii.iKi1 in ibeownoM rti- hpectlvely of s.ild proporlv , iilTcniud hvsild oliiiir-'o of irr.ule. t lUlu : Into consider itlon Bpcelal bencllls if any. Vou mo notllled to he projont at tbo ilmo and place nfoio-ald. and make my objections ti > orbtjtninents ooiiuorniuj said iissosimuiiD of d.unaxo * as yon may consldor proper JOHN V. I'l.Al'K. C-hiilrniRn , ( IKOIMJi : J. I'AIIL. JAMICSSIOt'KIIAI.i : , Omaha , Nov 4 , iblli. nlOdlOt * i-v. jiiiteks- s sa s. ' ? . Twin Oity Steam Dye Works A. sc'iionnsAC'K , i > ttc > i > uin rou. GLSA3MING- OP aOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Oiniilia Onico , Io2l Kurniiin St ; Tulopliono 10 1. ( 'ouiictl MlutTu Olhuo mid \Vork Cor , Avu. A nndUlli at. ; Tolopbona U10. Send fur elrouliirs nnd prlco list. JELEPHONE 157 724 BROADWAY , COUSTC ! ! , BIctTPPS , IA. Plrst class In every respect. Proinpt attention given to transient wo'k and satlsfacJon guarantoad. DJOM tor-ms to ou. of town uge.ns , NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS KMPLOVMBNT. WANTKD lllrl for Ri'mir.U housework , 109 ' 1'OUtttl II , llOOll "IUC * . Ur.NTKD - OrnUt forrlly ohnroh. Ail- _ drc C 1:1. : Itpe , Council lilutTi. _ HflTCMIKU wantud , ono nblo Irt miikp SRKP. Applvtn Ueoriio Mesohandorf , IWv llro.ulwny01111011 ( HlulTt. HOUSES AND LANDS. FAIIXI nml city loim. Money loino'l on stock and L'raln. llexl cstato for iiln I bu-lupsi rentiU. Money loano I (01 ( lee il Invt'sti'r * . 1/oiiK'i" .VTowlo.ilX I'ourl I OIt < XIK-t'lioi'-ost farm tn I'otUwntti- in o I'd. III -i TIM.vo I liu itud : in I Im- | im\ol I'rli < it iin , u-ro. lilt Slmtfrii Nell \N ( 1-A nl < * o home on rf , 7tn Mieot in ur ( Mi tivi'iiue , ole-ir of oiicuin- liriinrp , fn Iii-iui In Oin ihii Munii'iim Pine nr Kiinnt/c I' ai-c | in > -m-il Will | inl In $ . ' .5) ) ilillerunrc ti'iooi'-lilo d * . Nli'hii.snn A I'o. I/di : I Xi'll Wit : II norm m IMiTlilni * - iniintv , Con , xvllh Iniiirnvoiiionl" , foi Mo-h of dry an.iis an 1 cliilhlnnr otlmr nnl r II II Slioafc. ijUlIl SU.K-Onsint I piynonls. fruit and - ' irnr.k'n 'an ' I n.'ir Co mull ltlilT < K , n , Hicafo. llro.i Iw iy in \liitn I slroot. \\T A.UloT > i Cl. ( IMVO so i ) oTTlio tliiau ' > tarni In soi .hwnilorn ( own for s.Uo. full and SL-O in V-'i XI ilnslreuu Ii'Olt i\ril : AXttT.-IlKod 4.room hnu < on 8. Mh slront Tnr laiiir. tlrocnshloUH Nlcliul- n n A Co. If.Oi : Itr.NT Thn follim nil dttoTllimsj L' ri niiim dxMi mi' . ' . 1:11 : I'.irlc tivo. , ? | J. S-rniiiii ilxro Hns. 7.4 So. < ih - l , jft ( -loom ilui'lhiiL. . IL-'J Vnil iv ( > . . * i\ . ' , roniii ( hM'll.ni ; , ( il Kith nva , t.'i , li-roiini * dwell n - , 1 'Ih ' st. mill AVIMIIIO I ) , JJV -rio ) > ii ( IXMillm . l .il llro ulxvny , $ i" > . HI-rcHllll ll VM'illll.1 , . ! 8l Hl'lltllM St. , 'Jl. S-nioin ilxvoll n i : . : il. Avenue II. $ nl. 1\ ( > -loiini dwclllns ; . 110 N. I.Xlli Hi . fli.tt n-niiilii il\\uliln > : , V-M Ax'iMiui ) I. , IH. 1-i'oiiin ilurllliii.110 liincoln axe. . JlO.'lV ' , -rniiiii ilivoilln . ' . ' o Ii iriiiiiny si. , t\ ( 7-100,11 il\\eilln4. It'iiiiitll I'luci' . i ,1. n-ioiin ilv\olll i. . Ill fiirtlsst. . ill t.-roiiiii txvpllln : . : < Mynsli-rst \ . } ll r-KHiir cluelllti- 1 : . ' < . .nl IIX'K. , fl' . 4-lOiiin duel 11 * . ' . ' ! Mvtistcr ' " it ; > si , $ l'J"il I'-inoiii ilwullln ; , ( Inilinin uvi > . M. . r-i-oiitn di > 'l n. . 1 .iKililh VL . , si1.1 , r.-iiidiii duu iliu , ll.ilililil i'l in1 , f i ' . ' . " > ) . T-rooin ihvcllln : . Mornlnesldt' , JU'M ) -niiiiu dxvrMln. , I'Ti I'M lit live . 1.l.'i \ ) . r.-ioo.n due llnM ( I AMMIuc A , $ .11 , ri-rnoiii ilxxolllnv. 4 'I ' X nth MI , } | ll Ti 1,10111 duelling , nl N. "Ill si. , fll ) 4-iMinii u .xeilln. . 14 . " > MI | tivi ! . * H C-roo n ( Iwi-ilin . .M'-ttli . , 911. l-iiiiiiii d'tlln. . ' . KM X'IIID > ! . . tl ! ) . 4 niiiiu iix\i > lliu. ! . 'I i N. "III. S10. k-nioiii Iwi'llln. JtT ITili iix-o. , ill Cr-riioni dui'llln . 'l 1 Ax'inio , $ ) . li-roiini ilMiMllu. , l.'i.'i Axenili- , fU. ! mom tlHt'ihnir. III. ) llro.idw.iy. } iO. ( i-rouiii dwelling. Ill.tlhtliave. , Jl . ii-rootii dxvelltn. , 1T.D Avcnnu A , $10. ' . -room ciui'Mlir. . drihum IITIV. nr' , High , 19 , 4-rnoiii | IOUM > , iTII u Oiliht.M. A-room dwnlllii ! ; , : n'J ) AX-PUIIO A , t\ 4-roiiiii ilxxoliln ; . -'I Avonno I.f < . .ri-ioni ( ihvullln ' . -1''ii Avuiiuo II. H 4-roiim dwolllnOil ) Avonnu C. $ S. ( i-ioiiiii dni'liliu' , 'JNt st. mid Ax-i nuu M , H fi-rniim duelling' TIM S 2.lrd U. ii. f-roiiin ilixulllne. MU' ' . Avonno A. H 4-ronin ilxveil'ii ? , . " ( IS N. Istst. , $ * . 4-iooin ihvcllliu ( ill MI. 1st "t. , JilO ) . 'i-iooni ( lunllliiL' , 'ItiiO Avonno A , K n-rooni duo lln. . \0 \ lull live. , $3. f.-ioom dWL'lliir.--liJi AVUIIUD I ) , i } . ' . ' -loom ilxvollln ' . 14 < ) J Avenue I ) , i. > , 4-rcotii itucllliie , --'I'l ' Avi'imo 11. { I. i'-room ilxxe.l iii. vil.ti S. Clli st , . n 4 room ilxxpllltu- Axe 0. JlIUW. < loom ilxri-llliin. " 0 : ; I'-irU avo. . JI'-MX 7-rniim diM'llini ; , ill Mvnster st. , f-'X. r.-inoiii dxxi- tin ? , ( ; - ' " > W.islila : tnn live. , Jli T-io 'in ilxxellln. ' . . " > . -'Tlli avu..f.'H , r II. Shu ifi , njiit.il ntent. Hwidway and Miiln street. 1 1 YOU Irivo 1'ivtbiiu fur silnor iradn sa il 11. Sin , ro Hr. i tw.iy uu I M mi slront. AIIAIttiAIN. I--aero fruit and Harden irnot 2' ' , mill's fnnii poslnMlee.'J'i ai'ros in urapos. 'i ui'tn In lil.i'Klii'rrlos. tfil unnlo IreO' * . T.I iniiln lines. : . 'n-herr-k trocs. tlxxn'lln ' ; , atatle. ) oli' . I'rlco t'.U'Ji. ' No Ir.ulii. 1C. II. the ifo. GiJ Al MK * nppor Hroulwav Hnlotidld pioca fur pl.ili'ii. Clii'.iii for e mil , or will i'xuliinvi : ; ! for Improved lusldenuu uioporty In Council llluirs. ( irunnaliluiili. Nli'liolauu Uo 1 ra AOIJKS of I'loar land In o'istorn Ne- J braslia toe\cliniiio fora KOO I rtwliloneo Iii Coiincll IHulK Waul liousoiind lota for Nu- lirasl.a liinil Jiihiistun fi Van I'atlun. AllSTItACTS and loins I'.irm anil cllv liioiii'rly louilil : and suld , I'lisoy ft Thomas , Council lllulTs. UK ) lots In Cen11 al sub. M lois In .XlnlU'n's add. : n lota In UiiylNs & Palmers' , K'J lota In Mnvno's 1st. IIU lots in I'ollIT .V Cobb's. ' 'I lots In Ucer'H ' lilt 15 lots In lli'ci's add. 'JJ : lots In Illsh'and add. IN lotsln llnU'hlnson'H add. 4i lots In Tuili'Vs nilil. niots In Itlil.lh'-'Kailil. . ll'Olnls In XVi I jilt's add. Iii lots III I'lereo'M ii'ld. l.nls Innix-uiy mlilltlon to the city chenp fo- easli. or on u lynn'iits. Call and niso ns > . . \u' ' lionble to show Di-operly. ( Jri'iMisliieliK Nlelio'.son .VCo. HISCEL.LANEOUS. GAUUAlli ; ri-ni.ii'i'il. cusspoiiK. v.iuil-t .in'l { 'lilmoi.'Vseiu nii\il. \ R D. llnrKO. ( Uly Illdi' . Ii DI ! r < \ ' . ' . II inhv irj Hlojks In low.iiinl 1 Nnliri-.la. liiMilcjs. tl.'HIJ loIL'U ) ) . Ii IL bhcafo lIM'UXlMin ) moms to rental III Cllen avo- I/UJK SA ! > ) ' . cheap , or In ovclmimc for bind , - > - : in est ihllsliud Imsinass. AiMrusi 1' , O , box r//l Council Itnil's : , l.i , \\fANTlvl ) Siiidonls in booUlicop'nit. ' Hiun ii ro.isou.ilile. A ( lit i ess or call on Mrs. Dil lon. .V > ' ) I'r.-inUlIn nvonno. HOIIHKS nnd uiitllo wlnluroil nn Ooorao K Willii's ( firm , opposite Waliash round liouso. Tor turms nnply lit .lames Itnlph ut fin in or T. 1' . \Yr-'lilsl\tii | llonr llaldwln block. DANCING SCHOOL. MONDAYS , U. A. p-irlot-i. uhlldron , 4 p m , : iiflints , T : I ) p m Ho.-luls .sueimd and fourlli Mond.iyh , ! > p. in. Mdsli fiirnlshe I p ir- IIH | and elulis Addrcm ut U A. I'.irlort , Council illulTi. , or ID'I FiiriKim si , , Oiuaha. ' W K. Cliambers , Instructor. IHSTSTUT3S. INFIRMARY " 73 PCJK T.-I 'Ji ' TREATMENI UmlriflMtiHi.n iiirttin ; i'i I ro inlui r i- < i MiiK Ho ituiLMil ill ii ir ; loriu of il ) o Ha rijijr | < liu HID lie il ui mJMluiil Iru iiiiiu it. fltuli furiMilniU ii'iirl ' aiil ntliiiluuJ. lloit ni ( vim 11 ilium In tliu wutt. IMIIVATIUISISASISS < XII Illool IIH i ua mcO'iKdillir IruttiM. HjrpUIIII' 1 ril iiM roinuvcl d" il Ili'i n/itiiu willi'jill ii .Suvv KiMl'iMlhu 'IVuilu'Oiit lor Inii of I'OiVUH. IVr ) ii niu' > 8 to vlill 114 itntx 1" ) ut Im.iiu li > fiirnitlMia lu.ii'U. All ujniniiiula4llo i t'linlt luiithil. Mullet uiiirliutra nnrilnaiilli/ ur fXlirim , ni'iiri'lir iiiuxul , uu iiur m inlliuui ciii li'iilnor un lur. ( Jnu pjr.i j nil Inlorfle v i > rut'j-rol ( Inml ifinmilt u "r na.nl hnuiry ut yuur ru j , nil wuwlilnt-11'l ' Iii iii uu tViMimr | | , our pnniTn mt- * & Hun i liiiiiiti | > uc-i | Mll -olo , lli , | infer llru'cus ' , ' for UnliiriulUoi mil 'iViuiel only lujniiluctory lu liiu JU it UUrullMITV , AI'l'LIANCIH , TIIII.SSIUr.K ) T IIIU' IUTI'l'.ltlia : AND IIKI/l'j. , Oinalia Medical and Surgical InstltC 20th nutl Broadway , Ojunoll Bluff J. Tcnmliituo rH fro ii niituraro n J tuanil iliur : uio ulc arjuir Hat.