,1 < " .fT/ ' / ' ' , nivr A r.t A rvAirv nrr\ 'pirn-cnAV vnvirivf nun it ian < > 'WORDS FROM STEVENSON His Address at a Politloil Damonstralion at Bloomington , 111. LOOKS BACK OVER THE BATTLEGROUND lid .Synipnlliixn with I'rrnlilimt llnrrunn 111 Illi llnrriivnincnt iind I'ajs Itrpnli- IIt'll : ) .Noinltlrcn n < ; < iinillliH'iil | Vll tt Tliry Will DII with llio Tnrlir. Hi.ooMtxr.TON- . , Nov. 14. At a political demonstration Vice President-elect Steven- konsaldVhllo : as democrats we rojolco over the great victory wo huvo achieved , wo should noi forgol ibat wo nro all American * . Democrats and republicans alike , wo have ono country , ono dcsilnv. The glory which attaches lo llio Amorliian numo and Ameri can uchlovumunts belongs osriusivclv to no party or sect Ion , but is the Inheritance of all our countrymen. Nor should wo forgot that wo nro equally Interested In having wise legislation and honosl methods lu govern ment. . ,1 may bo pardoned for saying that iho campaign Just iilpied tins been klnijulnrly free from persrfnul vllllticatlons : this should be u mailer of rejoicing lo all men who place n high ultimate upon personal ctntrurlcr nnd who valuu llio good name of those lo whbm nrccoullded important public Irusts. CoinplhiirntK lllH O'imii | ' nl * . "I take pleasure In inuring testimony , i.s 1 did while thoconto'-.t was ns yet unde termined , to the ability and high iiorhonal uhuruutor of the gentlemen who were cnndl- dnlcs for thi ) ofllcos on the republican ticket. In Ins great domestic bereavement , thn pres ident ( it the United Slates IIHH the heartfelt sympathy of nil his countrymen. It bus boon truly said tnut Iho lute cuinpuUn rcfiillud the era nf coon feeling which marked the admin istration of President Monroe. Muv wu not liopo ihat the grout political struggle of IS'J'J between two ciminani citizens Hurrisoii and Clovuliuid the chosi-ii representative * of thu two great parlies , will inaugurate a now eia In American politics , ami llmt calm discussion uud rusir'i'tful consideration for the opinions of our opponents will chur- r.ctunzi * tlio presidential contests of ibo future. While this coircat has bei'ii waited upon n high plane , Iho issues Involved have been mum lluiless clearly and dislinutly du- lli.ud. Wu llrmly Dcliovo that thu well nro of our country nnd of Its humblest citizen , inu bound up in Ibo success of thu great ills- tone part } ' of which wo nro members. Wo fnvora lanro measure of commerclul freedom , to the end thut employment , bo glvon our own skilled labor uud that Iho United Stales bo llio successful competitor in the markets of the worlu ; w favor thn free admission ot raw materiul. U is u part of our polilical croeil that the tariff Is a tax , uud Iho tux is paid by iho con- Biimei.Vc earnestly favor the reduction to n iniiiimnri of tarlfT taxes noon Iho ncces- knrlos of lifo. We bcllovo Iho power lo lax is-limited by the public necessities , to the cnu thut wo mny have stable govern man t In tbo statca , avoid men disturbances , and fcccure to nil sections of our country the prosperity und happiness which springs from good government , Opim.sl'll tl ) tllO I'ori'll Illll. "Wo nro unalterably opposed to the pas- Bilge of the force bill. Wo favor the strict est economy in Uiu expenditures of tbo pub lic money. The verdict of the people bus ocen pronounced against n prohibitory tariff. Iut ! let no apprehension bo lelt that business will bo imperiled. The reduction of thn tariff wtthli ; safe lines will conserve , not destroy , tiic business interests of the country. "For tlio lirst tlun. * In almost the third of a conlury iho domocrnlic party will control all departments of the government.Viththis great uowor will come grave responsibilities. You have wisely sclented tor the highest olllco knpit'n to our constitution , a stulcsmun whoso administration has stood a critical irst , ns n guaranty ot what Is lo follow. Ilcst assured that with ( jrover Clovelunu as president and with the senate nnd house con trolled by men of his political faith , the ov- eminent will bo safely administered nnd legislation will bo In the Interest of all ihe pcoplo. " ii > ri.T IN TIIK DAKOTA * * . South Dakiitii ; .nvul tn Kopnliliu.iiilsiii llur Nortlii'ro Slater \Vis Nor. Siorx KAI.I.S , S. U.Nov. M. Kettirns from UU of ll-o .VJ counties In the stale give Hnr- risen 'jr"iT ; Weaver , I'.Mi'.ir ' , and ( Jlovelaii'l. ' 7,1 % , a tilurallty of S'J7i ( 1'or Harrison. The romnitinig counties will probably mnlio little cliuugo in the plurality. All but sixteen countie.s civo Shi'ldon , republican , for gov- nor SM.itlU ; VanOsilull , ludopcndent. l.1M."i , nud ( Jnni'hman , ilemocrat , 11,4.17. So far as hoard from the sen.iuistcnds : Republicans , IW ; Independents , . " > ; democrats , 'J. The house stands : Kepubllctins , , 'iS ; iiidopcndcnts , lil ; democrats , 4. It ii believed thut the legislature Is favorable lo the rosubmisMoii otthn proldhilinn umcndinunl and Roches ter , N. y. , panics nrn already coiilotnolat- inL' tbo establishment of a $ > U,0K ( ) broworv In Iho city. In .North Dalcnlii. DiSMAiii K , N , 1) , Nov. 14. The political Imttle nf | SW is ovtr In Norlh Ua.tola and from the reports now In , and careful esti mates upon tlioso yet to como , It is evident thut the entire republican ticket has been Kiiowed under witn the exception of con- t'rnssmnn und ticcrotary of nUito. The randi- dntcs for these two ofllces of the republican ticket were bulh Scniidinuviuns. A ( jucslloii liaa been railed ns la DUM. tlio eligibility of MM. Jliseiihulti to qualify us supurlnlunilenl M.of public Insinietion. Shu evidently hud llio most voti-R. but it Is probable tliut u Ilorco contest will bo wopod ngainst her tnltiui ; Iho olllco on the ground Ihat she does no' , lill the rciiuircmi.-nlH ol the luw. ToVlriinii' M hilstrr KCHII. Lixrni.v. Neb. , Nov. 14. [ Special to Tin : fliiEKluborato | preparations nro being jnado to give Mr. Kysai a cordial welcome upon his rehirn benin next wcoit. Thu re- ccpilou will bo of rean an entirely nonpamiuui iinturo , Mr. Kuan will bo met nt Ornahu by n connilttco composed of tno follnwlnc well lnowii L'llucns : Judge Alton W. l'"lild ( , John Filzccrald , John 1Hulton , U. H. 4lcrr > , ,1. 1) , Oalhnun , U. H. Oakiev , C. H.I . Hull. W. li Howard , C. T. Jiojirs , , 0. IW. . J\Ioiher \ , N. K. llarwoou , J. II. Wright. J. W.J. . liiliimn. h. W. Hurnbani , John Fuwell , jHtnns Kuiloy , William McLn\i''liliii. I ) . W. Huff. 11. ( .1. McArtbiir , T. M. Muniuolte. W.F. . M. Hull. II. M. liushnoll , F. U. WiMturmun , Jlonrv Voilh , K. li. SlzerV. . 1C. Jf.ncj" . J. Jt. OXeill and Ocorco J.uu Woods. Mr , Kguu ; Mill arrive In Iho uuB. ' city Tuesdny evening. > . Later in th' ! wock uo will be lendcrud a re- ccpUon and bumiuolul one of Urn loading . lioioli , tliu llino and place lo bo announced later. I'opnliotkVllt Vntn ivnli thn IlKiiiiirriUD , IlAKitiKHt'un , Pa , Nov. 14. Among ibo ' vinllor.s to Ilia Hag room at tbe cnpitol this inorniiu was United States Soimtor I'offer , r ln wlfo and daughter. They were ci.ioutn fro'ii Ivunsas to Washjnston. Ho wus In ox- ' 'ciMloiit humor over Cleveliiurt's election , and declurcd thut the populists wcru satisfied , llosaiu : "Tho liopulibts will vote wilh ihe tlotnci-ruu.1 Ho is conlldout of Iho election ot a populist to the vucunt seat of the lute Senator Plumb of Kansas. 1'nlli-il to l n Tlinr Duty. ie , Iu. , Nov. 14. [ SpoclulTclogrum to Tut : HEU.J Iu canvasilng iho vote todux for Cusi county tha Hoard of Supervisors /ound ihal tbe pnurns from ( Jrant township rvcro not coretllled to uy the Judges of elec - tion , and the township wax thrown out. leuIt - - \vlll defeat Hruco for county attorney , Andruw * for recorder and Hlggs for member of the Hoard of SupsrvUora , ull republicans , otherivlo elected. Jlr. Uluvciunil Shtlill.v III New VOHK. Nov. 14. Mr. Cleveland did not reoolre ull his nailers today. Ho coin- , plained durlngthn morniupof having asllcbt 'bilious attack , but later In tbe day bouuid It liau worn away. lie udmlticd. however , that bu felt faUgucd , a lie hax been bent busy every aay alnco the election receiving visits from prominent democrat a who doslrod I to offer ibtlr cougrutulatioim. Held H < Jlio t Duiirr , Li o.vu , Mo. , Nov , 14. The domocraw ot thU place Saturday night celebrated the dem- ocrntlu victory with a ghml dance around a groal boil nro , ending up With cistlng each otheri IiaU In tbo Hume's , Not content with that , they seized the hoadgcar of all Iho spec- tntori of the scene and burned thorn up , and then , parading thu streets In fequudi , robbed ercr.v pedestrian of his hat , and c.rr lni : it to lliu tire consigned It to thu flames. The iwult U that nearly the whole male popula tion of iho town U hntlcss. Xnrtli rtattn l > einorril 1'nrado. NoitTIt PI.VTTB , Nob. , Nov. l-l. fSpoolftl Tclecratn to Tun llEn.l Tonight the few untcrrltlcd domocraU of Lincoln county hold R demonstration In boner of tbo election of Orovor. The republicans turned over tholr torches to the cuumy. Ono noticeable fea ture in the parade was a keg of boor mounted on n wiigoti nnd dealt to the thirsty demo crats us Iho parnuc wended Its way around town. A great number of professed peoplo's punv tn'n ; joined In the celebration of demo cratic ! success. I'linl All Thnlr CniiiiMiKii Ktpninns. Pnii.tnci.riiK , I'a. , Nov. 11. Chairman Harrityof the democratic national committee - too said that in Iho roconl contest Pennsyl vania democrats bad contributed inoit libcr.-dly to tbo c.iinp.iUii fund , and thut most of the tnotiuy hud neon collected in vnry smnll nmounts The coinmlilco , ho says , wus enabled to nay all the expanses of the campaign from the liberal contribution * received , nnd Is ontlruiv frco from debt. Air. Slovi'iitiiii Di-nle a Humor. HinoMiSdiox , 111. , Nov. 14. Hon. Adlat R Stevenson Sild tonight to a rooortnr of thu Associated press that ho had not given out for publication any Interview regarding n suecim session of concrcis. Mr. Clovo- liiud , ns the president-elect , ho said , was the proper person to sucak upon this matter. Itn | > lllilliin < ! H | > Ing III Ohio. COUMIIC.I , O. , Nov. II. Oniclal returns from the la to election have been received from llfty-ono counties nt the oQlco of tno secretary of stale. The result Is a slight gain in favor of the republicans ever the un- oftlclul returns. < > / . ' truiti : Tlrkfls lor Ihn Tout Illll fl.imu In Omit Dnimiiil nt Vulf. Niw : HAVK.N , Conn. , Nov. 14. Scenes slm- ilnr lo thoau on the opening of u now reser vation to settlement were witnessed hero today when Yule wns allotted her share of ttjo Iti.DW ) tickets to the YnlQ-Havvurd game at Sprlnslluld next Sanirday. Tno line wus formed ut nightfall yesterday nnd the s'liilcnls camped nut nil night awnltlne their turn at tliofUKM ) tickets to bo dlsirlbulod. Cards and vnrlous other ntnusonieuts helped lo enliven Iho wtitt , and when iho sale opened llio piccipiluus baste of the crowds facilitated tuo delivery of tickets. ( lOtlimii'fl llnrso Slinir. Aiw : YuiiK , Nov. 14. The olirhth annual horse show opened lu the Madison Square garden toariy. livery horse in the show ap peared in the pink of condition. The hit of entries includes fVSO horses. The following lirsl prizes were awarded lo- da.v : Jumpers Mayor Grant's croy goldlnp Ox ford ; Clydesdale stallion , Queen's Own ; Sir Prlnco ofViilos , dum Uuckley Kate. Coaching stallions U.iuscuV. bred by M 1 Hague , Fruuco ; Uallowuy's , riuden , 4-years- oldorovor , James T. Hydo's brown mare , Clux. Thorougbbron stnliloiis , H-yoar. * cr over Mikado ; breeder , D. I ) . Withers. Arabs Imperial Accionistu ; bred by G. Ilermunos , Spam. Koadsters ( non-standard ) shown In wneon Joseph Aniostlnis' bav muro , Mary. Pricsvoro then awarded for pacers , mares or geldings , or mures and goldniHS. followed by other lirst prizes as follows : Quulillcd hunters Charles Carroll's brown editing , Imp Honest John , sireHyrn Gwyno , dam by Sir Hercules , Thoroughbred uuahfied or arreon hunters "Tbe-Outchoch's" grav gelding , Jack High , sire Jacobite , dnm by Dow Drop. Cruel ; > < | II > | H nl. KiiimuH City. KIX-A * . CITV. Mo , , Nov. 14. The Kansas City annual fall shootlr.g toutnamont opened today with a large number of crack shots present from all over Iho country. ' I'liNt shoot , ten llvo birds : lliitcliollor and Dennoii.dlvJilcd lirst money ; I'ui toranil Dlns- nion * divided second. ; slioot. ti'ii llvo birds : Porter look first ' money : llrnni'tt. second. 'llilrd shoot , ten tmvels : 1'oi-lcr took first lunnev. ' ll.iteliulloi'set'oiiil. I I'linrlh slinot. llfici'ii targets : Porter and Itfiinutt divided lirst monev , llutelielliir see- OII'l. ' I'lfth i > liool , ton turrets : Porter and ISoii- ni'tt divided Hist money , Kliinan i-eoond. fiiilliiplnt ; nl N.-iKhvlllr. . Tei-.ii. , Nov. 14. Today at West Side park the tr.ick wits heavy in rain and mini. Three favorites were beaten. SumnmriBS : I'lrsl race , selling , llvo f'irlonsb : Sly.l.is- liiin it tu I ) u'lin. ( ii'tnitu n to I ) 8o-und , Itliuu'liiiS Last is ton ) ihlril. Tlmu : IOA : iroconil race. KI > | | | II ; , al.v nn I iino-Imlf inr- Iniiis : lHti ! | ill to M won , Itlldaro FI lo r1) ) hi-C'ind. Whltlior d to I , third. ' 1'lino : 1:28. : Third race , h uulleau , five fin-loiK.s : Ed Oiei'nwooil (2 ( to II WDII , Mini Mosoly ( ( ! to 1) I ) oiii ' mill. . QiilniliirH Kin ? ( fi to 1) third. Tlmo : li'U. : 1'onrlh race , onu mile : Quotation (8 ( to I ) won. Ktlipl Hi-ty Mln.'i ) beeond.amiioH (7 ( tar iiiniri. Time ; 1-17. 1'irili nco. sclllnir. II vinml one-half fur- lon s : ItiTolvci'iil lo h won. Illiinnn ( S to rr. . ) si'iMirJ. A iilun | ii lo li third. .No Ilino takun. . , v/ir.s IIP i / . . * * rKisn.t r. till IHMlic. A'aia-"u's ! li'gislniuro will munt In i-eznlur si'ssioii loilny. ' 1 IIK ' second trial ot Miinrlce btcrllnicor .Siirn- nol o'roseiii for lliu iiiiirdvr of I'oli.-eman " ' iir.inl bus 1'iuiiii In San I'm OHCO. ' ( | ili'.v-'o " - ci'inplalns of a M'-irclty of all Kindof 'tallies ' vo ( and the consiMiiient Il - etc. n ; ; lilgh nr u.s vhirul for boots , ls , etc.TIMI TIMI niiiru ousc.s of < inullpov have broken on out at HID si.iu > litiplcil nt .Ni > w Iliivcn. Coiin. ' . nii't fo.irs are niiti'rtalnud linn thn dlsituso will heixiniH i-pliliinilc. 'Jht llii > oi'd ol < m iinifiietni'Uii uoinpauliis of tin- country are , it Is olllelully staled , to tin consolldalud into OIIH Iminensu uunrurn with an unoi'iiiDiis ciipll'ill/illon : , I Aii\lciy at Clilea.-ii iljoni tliu lirls Mnrlon I'liL'u was roliiwt'd bv Ineiimlne siu.iini'rs. whloh iiiinoiiiii'.td they had | iih-ed : tin , I'u--o nil' Ivowunnu.ti. . , upiiaiontly in good hhapu. l.owU l.'iw-oii. nl.'hi i-ltirK at tli Truvourton on luilel nnd . iiij.iriiiuiiit IIOIIMI on Ontario strent , ' I'liivulanil , O. robbi'd thuHnfuof lnitwuin * fju and tl 0 and loft the nlly. lln ) iad ljci.ii oui- pioyod at lliu place but ono wocl , , The doii.iirn > r lo llu > InUiutiounU broir.'ht niriilnst l.ubor loninrssloiicr I'ock of New uw Vmk nml his liii'iio raiihnr for dustroyliig nniillu iiropcrty. lia-i lii'i-ii uililii ' ' ' ' Ciiilo of Albany , 'inil ootli ninn d. KMIITIS who hav'i1 lieun oxaiulnliu the hnoks of thn l.onib ird Inrtstniimli'uiiip'iny V of Kalis > K Ullv. slate llio def ili < illons i of Ivnbi'/zlor . / Itns.oll win uiiioniit to flin.U ) ) , iinJ tluuuof ll'io .koopor l.uwls ll'.Vdi more. Thu einplovp.-i of .1 , l'.ilntor ' & tfon'i. Iroa works In dm West I'.nd. I'llthburjr , were noll- lled loduy th tt hero iftnr llio mill would run Kliu-li , only turn Inslyud of lliroo t been tuns , as has ilincnsloni for some time. Ii. I * . TlianipMin nf 1'i.rtlanrt , Ore. Is In re- eulpl of u liilok'iun , from reMu 1 Hocrot.iiry ofstulo inter tunderlii.'lilin iha ipnoiiiiniejiiof mln- - Isiur in Turkey to sn-coeU Inh. ivslancil Soloiimn Illrsjh , , providing ho imti i-ntor upon hli dullesliy Ueceiu'iei-1. Tl'e wholrs ill , tohai'cinloiliir * of ( hu coun try met at it. I.OU > . , Jlo. . and havu nr aiil/.ed a nattuirit n stool illiii. Thu followlni oHIi'Dni ' woiep'outud : N. l"iiivoi' ; of lc.ilsvlll < . - , Ky , , | > ri' lU'iil : It. 'AS l.sjn , .Mlildlelon , l ) . vice- pri'sldent ; K.l \ Toawntiir , l.oulvvlllo , Kv. , KuiTetirvand truiKiirer ; J. U. llutlor. P. ( J. bor. , M. 0 , K. 1'iidiiy. oviioullt u uu.inniltue. I'oroisn , The soflal-deinoerau uro In Mission nt liur In , A illtlcioncn of opinion ruc-trdlii ) ; Uo inerlls of HIM w irks of Ihn fwuJUli palntur Munch of lins caihcd u illsruptlon of Die llerlln lly iivotoof ais t * us the Kronen Knainber of Uiiputluauuollshed tliu wine sronrra' prlvll-'iru to iiiiinufaulnri ) ali-otiiil - from their u portion nf llurr Vulunclu. ownerof the Vienna nnaruh- Ist p iier.cnvimfi. . ami llorr Kri > ld lander. - Ihu oilltor of Ilnr IKIJIOIIUITJ hcoii nrius'.eti for advocutiiiK In Uio columns nf thoV.nukiinft tliu ui.0 of ( lyiiiinlio : i uni | the enemies of the uiiarc.ilal cause. On rrlday last P. O. ? chwiica. fdrmerly of Orookitoii , Mhin. HMX round inunlerud and nutueil Mluh.irUon i\ith h'upceti'il ' and u possu \iQiitIn sunrchol'him. ' . I'pon llmllns Him ho resisted arruit , del-i ? armed wltli two revel vers , and wus shot dn.id by one of the posse. AI muni L-iiuciit tiiii llrutu. tA. . Swansea of ya | North Twonty-uightU avtuuo wus at the police station u &in last night asking for the nrrait of on unknown man who had nttcmnicd toftssault his 0-yonr- old druiRhter last Friday. Tha rufllnn Imd enticed the iilllo ono nwny Into the weeds with a promlio of candy , torn her clothes nud otherwise mistreated bor. Last evening Iho man had again appeared and Mrs , Swtinson gave chase , calling for assistance. Shn succeeded in catching the man by the mat , but ho Jumped ever n grnno and nmdo his oscune. Two or thrco men hud jolnod In Iho pursuit , out failed to capture ilia fugi tive. //.l.VtV/.lllll'fl ( Ilia 1J7.M/ * Clii'.vciinp mentis Narrowly Avoid Heine Tiiken In liv n hiTliullnr. UIICVRXNK , Wyo. , Nov. 14. ( Spoclal Tele gram to Titi ! Bnr.j Don Hlanchnrd , who c.imo here well recommended about six months slnco. Is now Doing hunted by Sheriff Kelley of this city lu Kansas. Hlanchnrd undertook to organlzn n company that would construct nnd operate n smelter. Tno citi zens contributed S''OO.OOJ in cash mid ptopariy , but ll was not turned over to him , us the committee in charge of It grow suspicious of his motives and power to carry out bis promises. As the ngentof a mvlhleal eastern syndlcnlo ho baann operallmis , coiilritttnig to have la-go cxcavallons made , which ho paid for In promises , nud In ono Instance a forced dr.-rtt for over JtfJl ) on a Terre llauto , Ind. , bank. Thn urufl wus rejected and the man to whom it xvns glvon swore out a warrant for Htanchnra's arrost. It Is on this ctmrgo thntSherlft ICollny is now endeavoring to urrost him in Kunsas. Had HJancharil been successful In hl < plans , which were very In genious , he wutlld have buncoed the city out of fiuO.OOO. Will KitalillKli an KIk I'nrin , IUWM.N8 , Wyo. , Nov. 14. ( Special Tele gram to TUB HP.C.I John Kiisutn of Snake , rlvor , who shipped fourteen oik to Wash Oraftof Ashland , III. , a few days ago , Has received Information that they arrived on tluio. Mr. ( Jraff , who owns several thou sand acres In that vicinity , is devoting bis energies to the cultivation of elk , having aboutssvonty head. Hols nogotlallne with B. I.Ittleford of Snake rlvor for thirty'rooro , with the intcnlloti of abandoning cattle and establishing a largo elk farm In control Illinois tioi , having now the largest number of that nonle nnlmnl east of the Missouri river. AiiiUMrisn i-'un leiu.istr. Serious Ohurgns Against a rroinliiDiit I'olornilo Man. DIXVIH : : , Colo. , Nov. 14. A special to the Times from Colorado Springs says : William .S. Johnstonc , a well kuown business man of Mnuilou Springs , was nrrostod Ibis morning on a charge of Digamy , It being alleged that bo has two wives liviug. Johnstono married bis present wife ton years ago ut Muuttou. The alleged Mrs. Johnstono who caused his arrest says she married Johnstono about twelve yours ago at , Detroit , Mich. , nnd that lifter a brief honeymoon he deserted her , und Ihat she has uocn bunting for him over slnco. She further says that Johnstono was a widower at tbo iimo she married him , and that his first wlfo died very mysteriously. Johnstono hns wealthy relnllvos in the east , ono of whom , a brother-in-law , lives in Chi cago. Mr. Johnstono Indignantly doulos iho chapges , and says thut there has been a great mistake rmuloor else it Is a barefaced attempt at blockinjll. m a TAX. Carter County , Kentucky , Will Not 1'iiy nil UojiiU Duljt. Ky. , Nov. 14. The citizens of Grays > on were reminded of war times today when more than 300 mounted armed men en tered iho town and rods through the princi pal streets , followed by nearly an equal num ber on foot. The demonstration was caused by the railroad tux. Collector Peter Urown had lavica upon some land and advertised It for sale today at tbo court house , uoor , and the citizens of the county had risen In a body to oppose thu sale. A coiamlttae waited upon Brown and he was induced to forego the sale and resign his colloutorshlp , after which the citizens retired In an orderly manner to tnoir homos. This Bottles the railroad tax question in Carter county , as ll will bo Impossible to find any one lo accept tlio calleutorsbip. SOUTH n.iKur.i rney 1'cnk .Mill Crushing Ore mid Itcinly lor lluxnies * . HIM. CmS. . D. , Nov. 14. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BHE.J The Harnoy Peak tin null begin nrushimr ore today. The pro duction of Black Hills tin is boguu with bright prospects of supplying a largo shuro of the homo demand for tin. Thu mill is thu practical embodiment of the hitcit iin- provomentb in machinery for the separation and concentration of ores. lniirrlal I'l'dunilKin. ToitoNTO , Ont. , Nov. 14. A special cable dispatch from London to tte Ulobo says : i'ho special committee appoiutod by the co of the Imperial Federation loacuo to co dellnito proposals for a federation of iho ? elf-ovoratng bodlos of tlo Brltif b empire has made an exhaustive and very Im portant roporu The committee suggested that the Imperial council should llx the num ber of delegates to bo appointed from each RClf-govornlng colony , togotber with the British representation. The molbo-l of retiring funds at the outset should bo loft to the choice of tno self-gov erning , states , hut a uniform policy should oo ( found and substituted. It is proposed that an Imperial conference bo summoned to consider the question of the conference , if it is Uenmcd necessary , to bo presented tiy a royal commission. I'reil My In Troiilila Attain , Sunday night the local police received a tclophono mossauo from Lincoln stating that I'Vcd Sly had been arrested ihoro wilh uta half dozen new ovorcoals in tils poMosslon which ho was trying to soil. Nothing of the fort had boon .stolon in the capltol city and as Sly carao from the dlrec- lion of Omaha It was reasonable lo supposa thut he was wanted hero. bo prisoner Is an old tinier In the thieving no ind will steal anything not nailed down. S'ot long slnco Sly got out of Jail lam called upon Cnlof Seavey ; ho declared hu inten tions of reforming und offered , for a consid eration , to put ibo uollco onlo a lot of crooks n town. The offer mu not accepted by the chlof of police , but Instead Sly \vu ; placed under survolllunro. Tlmsu Tex , , Nov. H. Taking of torn- . many In the commission oasis win resumed In the federal court room this mominir. edA largo number of witnesses have ocen sum moned. It was said by one of the lawyers In iho CMO this morning that a number of railroads , encouraged by the success of the . application for an Injunction , made u like ap plication to Federal Judge P.irdcoon Iho Georgia commission law , which was rafujed. The only difference in the wording of the statutes of the two stales Uvhero the word "conclusive , " relating to testimony , irdU iu the Texas law , the word "autllelont" is used In ihu Guprgia luw , i'AK.IUIt.lI-IIS. General Agent IJartlstt of the Milwaukco Cement works has gene oast. J , G. Hamilton and party , connected witn the Norfolk bugur beet works , nro iu the city ; on Dusiuoss. Mr , and Mrs , L. E. HOCK ot Mllwaukooaro In the cltv , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. areS. S.of Watson Plckrell of the Department of Animal Industry , Washington , uas gouo to the capital after snvorat days spent ut bis homo at Beatrice , NKW yuiiic , Nov. N. [ Special To'.oram ito I'IIK HER. I Omaha K. M. Hulso , Hotel Barthoidi ; W. 1C. Smith , Hotel Albert. Council Blufftr-J. L. Emerson , Huffman bouse , ICoarney It. I ) . Watsou , Union Square hotel. Unicuio , III , , Nov. 14. f Special Telegram to TDK BKK. | The following Nebraskaus registered here today : Palmerlioune Jsines 1. U'ooJard , Omaha ; J. H. AlcOray , Lin , coln. Lolanii Miss V , Q. Wcub , Omaha. Victoria MM. J. B. till ! , Unoolii. Audi- loriuiti A. H. Fischer , Omaha. Uroat Northern K. C. Morahouso. Charles ICen- ncdy. U , B. Clmluunbach , Omaha. Grand Pacific 12. L. Lumax , Jamas Larnn , Oinanu. Tromont L , B. Billet , A. J. Grimes , Omaha. NEBRASKA'SWE ' COMPLETE g IV KetttrtiB Becoived froraIacn ! of tbo Ninety Connties'iin ; tie State , Ir . THEY OUGHT TO /PUEASE / REPUBLICANS llnrrUon'n Plurality Ov r Weaver Very Mtvirlv Five Tlininuiil.Vlille Cronni * l.riiiU Vn m U' uklijr ' ' Mnrn Than Ton Tliinnninl Vntc , _ Tut : DKB has received complete return ? from every county In the state on president and governor. The touts nro ns follows , which mny bo chaugoJ slightly by the oftlclal cau vass j llairlson , K'J.fiO'l Cleveland 25,311 Ilarnson'H plurality 4,91 The totals on governor ores Croiinse ? Sn.s"J Morton Van \Vyok \ WU2I 4'l,4ill Urouiisii's plurality There nro still eight counties which have failed to report t ho vote cast for other state o nicer J. The votu by counties Is as follows : Vol un I'rosUlnnt. Ilnr- Clovo- COU.NT1E9. rlsou. land. Adiinis lfl'3 land.3j.i Antnlopn Bill ISO Ililllor l.oiia 4)1 Illalne CO 21 Hurt l.SW ICO llox lliltto 507 820 Drown , 303 07 lln nnor 107 28 Itntr.ilo l.B.VJ 374 lloono 884 18o Oudar 708 223 Olliy 1,502 203 Chase 355 81 Olioyer.no fi)5 ( 210 UUstur 1.8J3 280 Colfax 811 537 Duuel E.V ) 103 iMindy 'MID 103Wi Dakota 4ui : 108 D.iwsUn 1 152 108M Dodge 1.40 DoilRlas 1(1,453 ( 2,7111 lUwes 8)4 ) ' . ' 80 Dl.xon 058 : I'rinkliii Rllt L'JI Kiirnas ' hJ7 107 I'll ' I more 1,511 27(1 ( I'nmtlor 708 HO Oairo 3,370 .I'll ' ( Inrllulil 125 IU Oreoly 2iS ) i.vr limit , . 49 i.vrn 5 llarlan f > 72 100 I Hall 1,540 ass Hayes : i43 70 llainllton Holt 1.231 Dili 2iii Hooker 11 i > , - Howard 03 * 2.10 liiiror.son 1,400 M I Johnson 1,147 23ti Kournny W > 2 Til Keith 208 KB ICnox 8)0 ) 329 Kuya. I'nliti 202 83 Kiniuall 107 24 Lancaster 5,8i ! ) 1.201 I.o.'an l7 ; ! 25 I.nup 117 (1 ( .MailKon 1.157 4ii8 Morrlck S45 KM Naneo ' . . , , . . , (1)8 ( ) 78 NnckoIIs / ' . . . 1)9) ) ) IK ) Nainiilia ; : ; - . d10 ! ao ; Oiou , , . . . . ' , (1,503 ( I'awnoo , , . 1,200 2'T I'lioliw ! . . . ' 741 81 I'ondns ; C > . . . , 'i VA 00 1'olk .4. . , . J 700 U" Plallu 704 C6S ' I'lureo : . : . . 'n 3S4 2S4 itock : < } . : . < : ii9 2S4M Hlchardson . , /.t.l.'JLS 1M Hiillno ' , . . . . 1,715 4113 .Sioux ' . ! . ; . . . ' ' U'S ' 4113M HcottsUluir l. . . . ' : 213 43 Reward , . ( . . , J.3I1 703 Saundurs / , . ' , , . l,44tl M7 Harpy ' . -V ( . . 592 Ml Stunton a' . ic ; KQ ' 'II bliurinaii . . . . , , 474 Tnurbion . . . ' . , . 4(18 ( f.8 Thavur ' . . . . . ' 1.270 MM Valley : J.P..J ! 571) ) 1.-I3 Washington ' - ' i1"018 * ' 541 Wayne . fi'fl 2TC Webster : . . , . ' . - . . . . , ' ' 1.019 1C3 York . . . : ; aT.-.V.v 1,01 * 1C3ai Hltchnock > 403- 77 Lincoln M3 168 lied Willow ' . . . 800 15S .Mel'herson ; . . ' 23 10 ( iosper 3.W 65 Wheelur 65G Thoiims : i3 Hherldmi 160 Uberry 149 Itoyd. Cuss C'uinlng Totals SS,03 ' 2. > ,3H * plurality. Vote On ( Sitvornor. Crounso. Mor ton , Adams lr > 07 nth AntL'Iopu 7:19 : 2il ( Ilntlur DIB 1M ) Illiiluo 53 33 Hurt l.MIJ ; ioj llox lliltto ; . . 415 2w : Brown 3.3 i.i i 1 too lie 810 273 Haniiur 18'J 31 liiltr.tlo 1.04J CMU Ctiniln * 8U3 1,040 Uhiy 1,510 30'i Uediir G-'S 574 Chase 21XJ 1GO Uhoycnna 4iC ; 3'0 Ouster 1.5G9 SOJ Colfnx Ml B70 Douel 2J3 110 Dundy 32U 76 Dakota XS 40. ) Dawson i , 1,053 309 DodKO 1,318 1,082 Dl.xon ( W9 433 1)1DC 751 280 Doiialas 10.2'fi 7,373 I'ninklln ww 2.1U Kimum S34 241 rniiitlor ! . , OS5 IKt I'Mllinore I.atn 217 I'Ma' 2,6ss , 1,8110 ou G.irlluld J2-.2 21 Cree cy 2J1 317 ( Jrant ! ) 27 J5 llainllton l.-.VJ 023 llool.nr ! ID 023li Howard 430 3W ! 7li llayo.s 310 194 = 17 Kan ; i.atw HIS 1 Holt 811 4i ( 48 llarlan ; fi34 114 ill .Idll'erson I.i'li" 702 76 .lohiison ) . ' l.OM 4. > G Kourney > 774 IbG Koltli 1UJ 109 ao Kuyu I'alia li" ! 105 118 K'lnih.'ill Ul 20 ii. Kno.v 7K ! ) 428 i70 Lancaster S.27I1 I.7UO 18(1 ( Ixisnn I l-l ( 27 18(1Kl l.on n 10S 27U 1 Maillson l,0t 00 1ra Jlurrlek 745 VHU Ml Nancii " 615 113 MlMl Noni'iha 1,003 wo )75 ) Nnukolls Ull 377 11(1 ( oioo i.wa 1,427 I'awnuu 1,110 331 I'lorco 341) 4w ; - 1'iirklns -'jf ' . ' - ' ; - > I''H | -4 IJhPlps , i K ! IKJ " ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' I'olk1"/ ! ! ' ! ! ! . u77 1U1 Itlohardboii lA.-jJ 1,751 737 118 HOCK. . . . . . . . . , . . ! „ WB 100 Itll l-fc : : : : : : ; : : : : ; * : : ! : ' 41S 805 88 IN7 U-'l Howard . ' .l.-'iJ l.-W 033 165 Scotts IHutr KII-'MO lftl 71 nil iHu'nfe ' : ; : : ; : : : : :1 : ? : ! : ; ' J ; B30 nilroi 701 Sherman , .4 15.1 (140 ( Htanton . . . . , , . , , , . . > [ , . * . , -M 2.VJ Tli lira ton tffft"J 101 \tffft Tlii-yar .ff. . . . ' , ' 1.1M K6 > KS3 Vulluy H..1.1 Xli 1V7 75S Wauhlni.'loii . { . . . ,4 U 1V7MO CM Way nn . ° MO i. vt 50) ) \VubUcr " * 34-1 York- ' . .J4. l.OM'J 431 llllclicouk .i.t , < 4U < J 127 l.llll'OllI if-rt ; 2JO ( nil Kud Willow .H.i.V 70:1 : Mol'horsoii 111. . ' ' . ' ! 28 10 L'l ( Jospor . - 307 109 510 Wheeler. , , . > . . . 1W. 45 HS 'I'lionms 35 34 18 Shurldan - l 221 Oil ( ) hcrry , . * d 1 l.U/J 1.580 Totals . ' . . ' , 7ii,09a < 3,4d plurality O .MA II A' ! ) Count of tlio Votes liy the Council unit Its Tbo city council mat In special session last nlehi to canvas * the vote cast at the recant election for nlno ward couucllmon , one from each ward , and itUo'to oanvnss ibo vote cast for and against the Issue of of pavliic and JIUO.COO ' ol sewer bondi. 'bo ' result of tha canvas's was as follows. fllldTVVAIIO. . I. 8. Iliiscall , ind 812 rharlu ; ) HriirluH. dem , , f > 34 ri. A. Cutler , rep , , WO BEUOSD irAiiu II. E. EUuMer , doui 1,051 , A. C. tlnrln. rep . , . , . 8W ' I' . II. Schmidt , If Sit William llxjr , ind ilotu „ ITS Tlllllll WAftll. A.It Mi-Andrews , dent MS A. l > , Whlto. rep , M Ulotmnl II n M Mi. hul : iv. rnui.TH WAIIII. Till , WhcHnr. nip I.KVi ( JcorKO C. Wliltlojk. < lom US3 KlFTtMV.vmi. } V. A.Saunter * , rep 1.112 Henry Oslhoir.dom 8lt ) HlXTII WAIII ) . OhrlU Spccht. rep I.MS Kd M. ItmiTii. deni l.ofll HtiKli rituckniiin , lud till RKVRNTII WAHD. C. I. . Tliomns. rep , (17(1 ( ( J. T. Kvnnsdom ( MO U N. Iii'Mcop. tuj 141 Daniel llnrr. Inil 70 Kuiimi WAitt ) . Clnrlns K. Driliiur. . ' rep T.'iT J. II. llumutu. ilnri. nud Ind 5 NINTH WAIII ) . rliiirohlll I'arkor. ilatn ( XT t' ' ' . J , Johnson , rep fCi * I-'nrrmviiiR luitids 1 ? . 2i Asiilnslpavln. ! bumls 1.RHI 1 orsotvor bonJs ll.rKl ! ARiilnsl sewer bonds 1..V.3 I'lll' till' X'lllMll Illlll'll. The lionrd of Kduc.ulon mot lust night lo ascertain tlio romlU of tliu recent olec'ion on live now members of th.U hody. President Spaldlng occuplod tlio rhnlr and Secretary Conoyor road tlio returns to the tellers. About n dozen spectators watched tlio monotonous operation , conspicuous among thorn several of tlio ciimltdnton with scratch blocks nud busy pencils In hand. After tbroo nnd a half hours of Ilcurlng ttid do.wi ascertained general ro- snlts , nml several members slipped awny , breaking the quorum. Tlio ether members nelltior corrected the clerical errors , milto a number of which Imd boon discovered , nor footed tlu < figure * by wards , but ilia presi dent rend -tlio approximate totals and de clared Messrs. Akin , Uurgo s , Ouryoa , Kno- ooll nnd Thomas ulected. Following nro the results of last nlzlits canvass , ivhlch will bo changed t > nt slightly by the correction of the clerlcnl errors. II. O. Akin , rep ' . n..K)7 ) .1. K llnrjess. rnp . . IViSI II. 1' . Thomas. " rep . 8ti"t ) Hi'iiry Knndult. rep . H.ir.i ; . .losuph T. DtirvDii , dein . t.,853 . ( porgu N. llleusitem . n.G ) N.I' HilllJir. ' . ill-Hi . 5.1)117 ) \\.A. Kuliy , rt-p . fi.Mii li. M. An lor.son , inil , duin . ! > . ( i l liana . S. l.nndur. dum . f > .l' > . ) l.oulsSpliron ler , iluni . f > .4H Kiv. John Wllll.'im-i , Ind . -l.434 oiguW. I ( U\MUr. Inrt - Itov. .losi-uh Slili.-lds , liul l.ffill IO * .lohn Qiilnn. Ind . l.tttt .Inlm lConte. . lad IOM Charles Wuhrer , inil. rep FIRE AND POLICE. Important Koiillnn lliulncis Transact oil liy tliu lloaril liHt : NlKl'l. Iu a communtcallon to iho Boord of Flro and Police Couimisblouort. , which was road at last night's mealing , Chief of Police Snavoy rocomtnondcd the oppolntmont of Mounted Ofllcor Shoup to the position of fifth sergeant. The board concurred und the ofllcor was promoted. The lease on the premises now occupied by Ibo city Jail and police court room expires next Mny and the committee on property will consider iho advisability of moving ut the expiration of the leaso. OfllcerF. 10. Evans and Dotoctlvo Vizzara were each granted a lay-ofl of tcu days. Fireman Joe Laux of Truck 1 , Fllzpatrick of hose company No. 5 , Bond of No. 4 and Van- deriord of No. 11 , were each u'lvon a ton days vacation. J. D. Murphy was appointed a special policeman for duty on Farnain street. Garrison No. 51 , Army and Navy Union , sent in a request to the commissioners aslt- ins the reappolnttnent of ex-Sergeant John son ns a patrolman. The request was referred - forrod to the committee on men and dli- cinlino. Gas Inspector Ullbort reported the wanton destruction of class In street hi in us by school boys. The police have bcon iiistructod lo nr- rest every boy throwing stones nt lamp posts. A letter will also bo sent to the superinten dent of schools asking the teachers to warn the children of Ibo result If they disobey tliu ordinance. Sworn statements irom THE HUB nnd World-Herald us to the circulation of thelwo papers durini ; the months of Ausuat , Soptom- uor and October were submitted in connec tion with Iho annual publication ot applica tions for liquor licenses. After considering the mutter llio board adopted the following rcsolulion : Itoolvod , Tluil tbo board finds from ilia afll- clav ts Illwl hy the World-llorald mid from iif- fldiivits lllod by 'I'm : HEI : . that Tin : OMAHA lints Is thu noivi-p'ipor having the lar esl clr- eulallon in DoiiKlas eonnlv. Arrest ml un l.mlirzzrr. Sr. Lot'is , Mo. , Nov. 14. Superintendent J. B. Simpson of Ibo Missouri division of iho \Volls-Fargo Express company has received a telegram announcing the arrest in the City oC Mexico of Irmcio C. Valeria , n young Mexican who is said to have cut quite a dash in St. Louis sorao years ago and who is charged with having stolen $1,484 in cash and diamonds from tbe com pany in Mexico , where bo was employed as a clerk iu tbo mocoy department. Valorto in Is a handsome man , is a splendid dresser and has bad a splendid educulion. lo Vlsltni InV 'iv OrlitniiM. NEW OIII.EANS , L.B. , Nov. 14. Mayor-elect Gllroy and family of New York arrived hero today enronto to California. They culled on them objects of interest , and toniunt the parly qccuplcd a box nt Iho Grand opera house. * Norllnvi'HUtrii Dlvlili-nd , n Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 14. The dlrcclors of Iho Chicago & Northwestern road mot hero for the purpcso of declaring the regular dividend of B ner cent on Iho slock for tbti half ycmr , and I/ on Iho passed four quarters. Both the dividends will uo paid Decnmber22. ( / niton tin Klru. G.u.vi'.sTox , Tox. , Nov. 14. Anolhor cot ton lire occurred this morning In Ibo hold of iho ship Aiblay , at the wharf , loading cation for Havro. There ware about 1.030 bales of cotton In tbo apartment , all of wnlch wa wore or less damaged by lire and water. I.OUAL ItUKrillKX. The procram of the Cainolio Mutual la. Henovolent association this uvomni : will bo sturted no Inter than SI.r > . John Mullen was hold up at Twenty-first and ( /lark streets about 0:40 : o'clock lust evening and robbed of f JO , No clew und no arrests. Ofllcer Hussell yostorrtuy evening placed behind iho bars Tom Kelly , who had in his possession , a valuable mantel clock which bad been stolen from "Tho Manchester" Novouib-jr 18. The patrol wagon was uopt going last night with the regularity of a slreoi oar. Captuln Mostyn and all the sergeants and detectives took imrt in swelling ttio list of names on Jailor liuhoul's rcgUtor lo thirty- six baforo 1 o clook. Smoke was soon issuing from the basemen lt windows of IvOsUo's drug store , Klxteonlh and Douglas , und a still alarm wns tent In i , Ono of the proprietors was summoned who ut looked uftor the suspoctcd llro without the help of the flro deportment. The reculnr session of tbo city council , to to bo held tonight , will bo of short duiatton , as the It has boon decided to meet nnd adjourn until Thursday or Friday night. ThU Is out of roipoct to Councilman Howell , whoso the father died at Denver last Saturday , Detectives Savage and Uempsoy last night bo gathered In Frank /Ammormta and booKed him ns a suspicious character. Ho Is ouo of of ihe men who oroko Into a South Thirteenth the strdot jewelry store a woeu or two ego and will answer to the charge this morning , Mr. M. Hnykon.wbo for a number of years has been the general western ugent for the Ketcham Furnlture'company of Toledo , O. , has resigned and hits g'ono with tbo A. H. A nd rows Furniture company of Chicago. Mr. Haykon'B headquarter * will boat Dou- vnr for the present. ing. Handsotno Invitations have boon issued , bidding the recipients to utunid Iho annual the ball given by Overland ledge , Hrotborhood of Locomotive Firemen , \Vusblnglon hull Ju next Monday evening , November 2 [ . The history of this lodtro as onterialners guar- anted the nature ot tbo occailoa. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Much Municipal Business Trnusaotetl at .nn Aujouructl Council Session. WHY ONE FRANCHISE WAS REFUSED lutrrrMii r hc City to Ho PrcitPot Ml by Itrqiilrlnc Oliancn to Itc Mmlo In .Sumo l.lnm Niitri mill r rniMinU. The council mot last o veiling in adjourned session , The ordlnnnua granting a franchise to ttm Union Kloolric Llnt and Power cam- pnt.y was b.-oiiglit lo the attention of the council by Ohnlrmnn Hulls of llio ordinance cotnmlltco , whosalu several uhnueos lu th.1 franchise were necessary nnd the committee wr.s not i prepared to tii.iKo any rceomnionda- tloim , Mr. U'yiimn thought the fruncluto too vnluitblu to bo given away without the city ' Imprests wore protected In ovcry par ticular and there wai no chance for specula lion There Is nothliif ; In thu franchise to show when the company will commence operations and there should also bo pro vision that the plant wilt bo Incited lu the city and operated hero. The ordinance- was referred back to the commitloo without any notion , notloMi Mi , Haley's motion that on electric light bo placed nt UlKhtconth and Mllroy street * was carried. wasTi' ordinances were passed ordering sidewalks laid upon several streets In the city.Hugh Hugh Murphy called the council's ' atten lion lo the fact'that ihe d per cent ro orvo on the paving of Q street from the vlaiiuot teas Thirty-third street , amounting to will bo due December ! IO , and asked Ihat the amount bo Included in llio approprlalloti sheet. Kcforrod to Treasurer lloctor. Property owners petitioned fora sidewalk on the west side of Thirty-second street , from , ) to 1.streets. The attorney was In- strncivdio prepare mi ordinance ordering ujoHi sldewulk inld. Hut ono bid was received for removing snverul years' acruuiulntlon of dirt from the Eton pavement on Kallroud avenue from N street to ( } street. Dan Hunnon was a bidder , and offered to do the Jon tor $4)J. ) This was consiuorcd excessive und the bid . . . . was ivjacled. Mr. Haley considered that thu cleaning of Iho pavement would prove morn of a lienollt to the Swift 1'iicitlng com pany and the Union Pacllio itall.vuy com pany uiun lo the cllixens gonerallv. A mo tion provaileo , uud Haley , S will uud U'ymaii were appointed a commliteo lo wait upon those companies and ascertain If ihoy will not moot the expense of cleaning llio street. Mayor Walters rofii.-ied to sign a mini tier of warrants and in writing gave his reasons for so doing. Among the warrants the mayor rofuscu to sign WHS one for fill In favor of Fire Uhicf Smith , expense of bis trip to Louisville , Kv. . to attend the convention of iho National Associulion of Fire Kngincers. Anolhor was In favor of City Attorney Van Duseu for S. > 0 rent fur llvo month. : . The mavor gave his reason for this that In Iho past but. M pur month ha& been paid for olllco rent for the attorney. The mayor's veto of llio Sinllh bill was not sustained uy the council. The claim of Attorney Van Uuhen w also tussod ever the mayor's voto. Mayor \Vnltorn alto vetoed the bill of Fred noliet for four days rent of Dullditg for registration - istration and elecllon , ntnounllutr lo $ . ' " > , and Iho vote was su tolnod. Mayor Walters declared iho ofllco of street commissioner vacant. Ho uld so because of Ihe fact Ihat winter is approactuntr , and there will be no work for Street uommls- sioner Tobias until soring. The inuvor's nt- tention was calloil to the law governing the powers ot removal , and ho stated he would delav iho manor for ono week , pending an invesllgation ot his powers in removing un appointive efllcer. \ The ( 'ominittoo on public buildings was in structed to secuio olds for removing cells in the city jail from their m-esent location to the now quarters in the Pivonka block. Tbo attorni'i1 was instructed to prepare nn ordinance ordering tire hydrants placed at Twnutiotb und Q streets'Tivonty-llr.it und Q .streets and Twentieth and U streets. .Mr. Haley suggested that tlioeunnty should pay the expei.se of roirintintiou of the. Into election. Attorney Van DUHCII cave it ns his opinion , wiihout liivnstiznlion , that as long as ihe registration was under iho super vision of Iho city , the city would huvo to meet the expense. Mr. Huley moved that the clerK forward to the county clurk a state- moiit of the expense of registration. Thcro was no second to the motion and it wus not put.Tho The council adjourned until next Monday evening nt 7 : ! > 0 o'clock. l Ii.uj.1'dvlth Kiiili//.loiiioiil. E. W. Waterman has caused thu nrrcst of John Saho upon a charge of embezzlement. Some time ago Saho landed in South Omaha , without monev and no immediate prospects. He found a Prussian family iu need of a sowing machine , and struck up a salo. Ho then called upon tValormun , who Is a dealer machines. Waterman employed Saho upon commission as nn aecnt , nnd tno two loaded a machlnn Into the wneon nnd took H llio homo of the Pr'issian fui'iily. Whllo Waterman was chasing the team of horses , which bad run nwnv while the two men car ried Iho niachino into Iho house. Huho col- lectcil $10 as lirst pjyment upon the innchlnn and skipped. Mo was arrested in Oinuhu yesterday by Uotoctivo Viiw.ird. Ki't | Opi-ll 1 no l.lllc. Chief Hi'fkeit Illcd a complaint with Juuge Fowlurycstcrdny chargini'U. A. ICitch with violating a city ordlnanc. ' . ICitch conducts st nt Tvvonty-sovonth and L stronts and the chief Kays ho kept open his place after It ! o'clock Katurdnv night , which U in vlolntion of the provisions of the ordlnanco , governing the limo saloons mnv bo uopt onou. Ofllcor Kinlneer arrested Kitch , who was released upon his own rucognl/.anuo to appear Wcdnoaday morning to unswor to thu charge lodged against him. Noti's mill I'rr < ioiiil4 ! , William JlroJorlcu Is homo from Chicago Horn A daughter to Mr. and MM. J. W , Hall. ( i. W. Mayflcld of Loniivllln is In the city vlsltlag hU BOII , Colonel K. ( J. Mayfleld. Councilman Wood , Prank Clifford und ThoinaH Uolding Sundnyod In Kansas City , Frank Cockroll rctunmd lo Dos .Molnos , . , yesterday , where ho is attending flt-hool. W. H. Clark ol Collide Spruigs , In. , Is visit inf.'his daughter , Mr , ( . ' . H. hull' , of t isU city.Thu Thu Indlo * of the Pruibirtorlnii church will give a dlnnor nnd suppurThursday uftornoon and evening on f. stroot. Tbo police force netted f WJ.40 from the ball thuv ' gave a fuw ovei.inu's ao. finch nieinbor'of the fp/no rec-elvod Jid.lO. A. ItolcnbauKli , an ICIuhoru orakmnaa . , got his right hand between the bumpers yo - terday morning , und it now minus the third fiuger. C. I1 , Van Aken , formerly a well known merchant of South Omaha , now located inS Chicago , was calling on his Inonds h-iro yos- torn ay. The voung people of the First Christian ' church'will glva nociablo Friday evnnlng the residence of C. P. Pomuroy. Twonty- llriit und I strcots , The ladles of the Kastcrn Star are anxious learn whom the parties are whi ) took from Masonic hall a larcro number of dUliifi belonginc to that order. Hon. W. N. Uabcock , general munagor of Union block yards , has gene to the Pacific coast upon a pleasure trip and will absent for soma time. A number of the ollcor ( < of the head camp the Modern Woodmen of America wnro in city yesterday and visited the stock yards and packing houstu. Muglo City lodge , Independent Order of Good Totnplurs , bad a nubjlu installation of oftlcors at the First Muthodlst church Irtit ovonlufcr. The attundanca was largo uud tata good tlrno wat had. F. P. Freeman , the real ettato man , narrowly - rowly escaped torloui Iijjurv yosierdav morn- . A horse driven by him took fright nta locomotive and ran away , brlugliigupuvaliiit platform In front of the Exchange , Mr. Freeman was thrown but luckily escaped In- u- ironio court of the ttnlled Stnte % today nf Irmod thodoclslon of the territorial snpfomo court In the SAII Pedro and Canon dot Aeua mid grant cnio. The ilwolsion Is against thd ; rnut nnd throws the Important mining dli- .rlct open to minors , Olnrk'n .MlnlKtrrlnl Vlrllin Krnil. HtciiMOND , Va. . Nov. 14 , Kov. J , II. tloffett , psstor of the llnptut. church At North Danville and rocognuod prohibition oador , who wns shot by J. T. Clark , n law rerand prominent democrnot Init Ftldnr. in dead. -Snrak Thlrl'i Illc limit. SKA Isi.r. CITT , N. .T. , Nov. U.-Hurlne the ibsonco of the family of Captain Elijah iVhoaton , n wealthy ship owner of Tuekalioo. ahlcf entered the hoilso nud stole $ . 'WOvX ) , so clew. lor AtliMiiplcil Morilrr. A. .lohnson was nrrostod In Onmlm voitor- ( jnv for the oftlcers of P.iclilo.lunotlon , l.r Ho js wanted nt that pliiroto nuswer charge of issault with inuint to commit inurdor. VMIilt * Supply ot drain Ni.v : YIIIIK , Nov. 14. The visible .supply of grain Is as follows Wheat ' : , ( IT.'JOS.OOO ; corn. . , 8.WiOOUj rye , l.StJO- KJi ) bsrloy , J.TOJ.OOO. Klein lluttiT Ainrkot. Kuii.v , 111. , Nov M. TUo butter market vas nctlvo ; sales. l.'l.'J-JO bounds at 29 cents. ANTIQUITY OF WOODEN L.EQS. Jill-Ions I'lii'tn from Mythology Alioiit Aril- Ili'lul l.linlM , Who first invented wooden IORS ? Vul- jnn wns n cripple , and In cousoq tionco of nts dilllcuUy In wulltluir ho Is said to : iuvo nut do himself an artificial sup- ) ort . of fjold , but , nsAIr. Thomas pointed out lonj n < ; o , gold is not for ovorv crip- > lo , nnd every myth la backed by * n . illty. Atfiiiti , tlio devil , as roprcsontod in the drawings and enuraviiifjs of the nlddlo ages , says All Iho Your Hound , .s ' n compound of Pluto nnd Vulcan , i'ho latter was ejected from Olympus , the devil was east out of il < iivon. Vul- ii was frequently llsrurod wilh n board mil pointed cap. In the edition of Tyn- ' lale'H now testament , printed by .liitftfo 11 liVitliero is a woodcut roprcsiMitlnjf ho devil binvltijr tares nnd woarinjr not only the Vulcanlan board nnd pointed D. lint also : i wood on log. Another tnodloval roprosonlntion of the ' devil with n wooden loij may bo 'omul ' in ono of tbo | iiintiiii.'B ; on' the KHIU'S of the pulpit In the nnuiont little Iiurcii of Hclpoland. It is only fair , lowovor , to point out that the nrtillclal uipjiort in the Tyndalo woodcut rosem- iles moro u clumsy , imo-lonsoJ stool , upon which tliu Inmo le ; appears lo bo loublod ii | ) ut tlio Itnou , than a substi tuted wooden litnb. After all , thin iduntillciilioii. so far aa rofi'rds eostuino and lanioncss , of the iicdi.i'ViiUlovil and the anc.iont Vulcan , illhou h it osns | up n curious Hold of spocttliiMn to those who nro learned In matters of comparative mythology , yet llirows no certain lijht ( on the question ' is to when the wooden lofr. ns wo kno 't a complete artitiuinl "ubstltnto for est limb was lirst invented. w EXPLOSIONS OF OIL , LAMPS. .llllii Diuigor Itimtlt * II I'oiipltVI11 Only Krop < * ont. Kvon the explosive quality of the modern - i orn . oil lump in now n subject of doubt. An ' Ktif lish experimenter says that he ] liasi tried every way known to him to I nr.ike a kerosene hunu explode and baa ] not succeeded in doingHO. . His theory I is that iho varioim Bo-called exnloslomtl have merely been the ienitiiiff of spilled f oil caused by the upsetting1 or breaking ] of lumps , lie. moreover , goes on to aa-1 sort that the best quality of oil la slow ! to ignite , and if tmothorcd at once with * n piece of carpet or some woolen gar. iuent _ the II imo la easily put out. The chief thing1 noeossnry in such a case says the Now York Tribune is pres ence of mind. If the lamp upsets it must bo picked upa t once and net right , so it tdiall not have time to ignite the spilled oil. A metal lamp which cannot be broken is much less liable to danger | j than n glass or porcelain lump unless ! such a lump has a metal font. If people remain cool-headed , neither open a door ] to urontu n draught , as they usually do , ! nor rush out of the room to leave thoi lamp to work its deslriietion , there is/ / very little danger from n mutiil lanip.J But it requires presence of mind and ] coolness of judgment to piclc it up in- Ktuntly and mnolhor the Humes on the carpet or rug. it In just the same cour age Hint is needed in many events in everyday household life. Half the tragedies in the world are caused by panicky people who lose their presence of mind at tho'vory time that they need it most. If oil ignites on the kitchen IInor a pan of common Hour or a box of sand or common earth will smother it as quickly as anything else. H bus boon t > hewn that , electricity as a means of emlwiumg wlros into honoy-comti foundation is Doth practicable and economi cal. All disorders of the Tliroat and Lungs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. II lias no equal as a cough-cure. Bronchitis "When I was a boy , I had a bronchial I trouble of atich n persistent and stubborn - . born character , that tlio doctor pro- ' noimced it inciiralilo with ordinary | rcninillcH , but rrcoiiiiiiiniilfd mo to try Ayer'K Cluirry Pectoral. I did HO , and ono but tic cured me. I'cir Iho last Itflfcn years , I linvit itsml tbl propiirntiim with good clTi-ct whenever I tiikn a bad cold , and I know of mimberH of pcoplo who keep II in the lionso all the time , not coniildnriiiK it safu to be without it , " J. C. WofjiLson , P. M. , forest HHI.W.Vu. Cough "For more than twcnty-flvo ynara , wns a ( .nfferur from lung trouble , at tumltdvlth roiiKliliiK " Hovcru nt times as to caiinn licinorrliflK" ! the paroxysmal froijncntly luiitlngtbri'ii or four lioun.l I was induci'd to try Ayer'w Cherry l'cc-j toral , and afler taliliiK four bottles , wnsj thoroughly citrodKran / Iloffi Clay C'imtro , Kuns , La Grippe "hast BpriiiK I wns talcen down lagripM | ! . At limes I was completelj prostrated , and DO dlnicult was m lireathing that my breast m-mnuA as ll ( .onflnedlnan Iron rage. I procured s Imttle ot AyerM Cherry 1'iJctoral , and no Booncr had I began taklnu it than relief followed. I could not Uell < ivotlia | the effect would bo rapid and thf cure no complete. " W. II. Cook City , 8. Dak , AVER'S Cherry Pecton I'f c pared by Dr. J. C. A yt r & f o. , J.owfll. M Boldliy all l > ruggl U. IVIrvfl ; ! > bottli'i , | Prompt to act , sure to cu