THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTY-SECOND YEAK. . . OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER lo. NUMBER HO. I10LJUN AND HIS COMMITTEE They Will Get Together and Cons'der Ap propriation Legislation ! V.IIAT THE HOUSE MAY EXPECT TO FACE It I * rxnriMl Hint n l.nrco llollrlrnry Will llnvn to Ilo Mrt In 1'rnnlon Ap- liriip"11'1 N"10 stllrt- lliiR 1 iRiircH UUc-ii , \VASIIISOTOV , 0. C. , Nov. H A c lllll to Issued very soon for a mealing of iho homo nppronriatlonsrommlttco ntnooo Mon day , November ! iS. ' 1 bis will plvo the com- mlttoo ahoul n woelt'a llmo In w Inch to pro pnro some of the regular annual oppfoprla- tlon bllU for the no ion of congress when It meets for the hccond sesblon , H Is the pur pose to push rapidly nil of the measures for the maintenance of the povornment novt j oar , mid as the Ireasury department hus promised to submit the estimates for the District of Columbia , the pension and the forltnunllont appropriation hills by Novem ber Ub , thoio scouis to bo no Kood tcason why thohousa should not have one , nt least , of thcso nppropriatlon bills leady for its notion ns soon as it meets. Tlu > exceedingly heavy p ivmcnts mai'o ' by the treasuory In the Hrnt quarter of the pres ent lUcal vcar luno caused some dismay nmonp the members of the approprlitions rommlltco. Tor thn thst four months of the year thcso paunonts have oxcr > eapd by tlli.000,000 the oxpi'nditmos forthocoirc- sponulnp period In Iho piccodltiK fiscal Near , which mentis n total mcrciso for the present your of fSom,000. ! ) whllo the apptopriulions for tl.o vear nro onlj f 1 . ' ,1101.UDO pie itor than the appropriations for the last jrar. In plum Knpllsh that means ( If the estl- mites of the committee hold good ) a dellcioncv on ucconnl of pen slons of t ) ( iODO,000. which will li ivo to bo met by conmoss nt iho next session , in Hddlllon to nn nppropilatlou for pensions for thn next fiscal vcar of certainly "ot lejs limn HEO.000,000 , so the totnl nppiopriKtions that toneross must mal.o foi pensions next ses- flon wilt agi recalo not less than Sibfi.OOO.OUU With this cnormom sum nddod to the othoi npprjprmtlons necessary lo cairv on the pnvctiimenl und uccrcased importations ( and consequently receipts ) tondlnp to result from iipltatlon of the taulf nuostion. It will bo seen tlmt the appropilitlons commlltro 1ms good reason to fcol ilismaved at the out- lonlr and doubt their ability to pioveut u do- ilcicncy In the national account. CM.VII : < rui \ .vi i : SI.CIM : i Ilo Ulll Iliivc SunnIMIlliilllJ la Solrctlni" tlir WASHINGTON , I ) C. , Nox- . -Special [ Tologrnm to Tiir Bn J The most Important and delicate position in the xvhllo house cs- lablisbment which Mr. Clovelinut xvlll have to till U that of private secielnrv. Colonel Lament , who filled the position with such dis tinction duiing Mr. Cleveland's Ilisl term , has now so many ousliicsb'intorosts in Noxv Yoik thai ho could not accept his old place ( without n uront and unreasonable personal 'tactlllcc. ' Colonel Lament was piobabiy bet tor paid for Ins services as tmvalo sccrotuiy Ihan any pet sou xxho has tilled thnt position before or slnco. When ho came into oflko the snlao ailaoucd lo Iho position was fo.fOO n year. Piosidont Cleveland paid Colonel Lanmnt $ il , ! > OU inoio each of the four yours In which ho served as private secretiny. Just before Colonel Lament loft tlio ofllco coligiess mcieised the sal uy of the prosi- donl's pnvato soiootiny lo Jo.OOO a jcai. Colonel Lament rofusoil to accept the addi tional sum becnuso the bill had become n law durlngtho line when he vvns sctxiupas Ilio prlvnlo bociotin v of the piosldont who Igned It. Mr. Ilalfoid was the llr t iiiivato socrotcty who icceivcd Ihls sulaiy. Piesi- dent Haulson has not palu Mr. Hnlturd ntjylhing additional to Iho salarv allowed linn bv congi ess. Uvon $3,000 is not a I in go ' Ralniv'fora man who to llvo n-i the pi I- vnto srcrotarv of the picmdeiitmusl in older lo maintain "iho dlgnllv of his position. Colonel Lament imnntiilncd H vco hnml- Fomo establishment in Washington nnd Mr * Limont and ho cntoitamcd n picai < l al. Mr llnlfoid has not done any onteilumlng. Tlio continued and linullv fatul illness of his wife rendcied this Impossible. It is u lltllo earlv , pmhnps , -peculate nile lo the social finture- HIP now admlnisirn- tlou. 1'ho linn ) wIntui sea--rin of Iho Harri son iidnrnlstuilliin has nolljn tii II seems llkPlv that It will bo n rilhrr iimet wlutoi , Thodoatb of Mi' Uniilson will cast n gloom over ofllclal circles nil thtough thu season. 'Iho Impending change of ndinintsti.illon .1.i i , too , will hnvo iidopipss'iig ' ofiVtH. lolhoso who foim the ofllclnl cliclo this wlnlor the Boelnl possloilltlos of the xxnitoi of 18'i.t 10M < i liavo llttlo InteiosU Hut Ihere Is u I irgo : social oiamonl In Washington xvhich is per k tnaticnt. It does not clmngo with ndnnnis- trniloni , and whllo It does not lecngni/n of- llcial Eocietv ns iho loading socictv of the mi- tlonnl capital , it depends for much of ills most plaoorato ciiteitnlnine on thn ofllcul sot , To Ihcsn poniilo it is n innltci of boino moment thul the Whllnpjs or some ether poncroiis ontprlamcra should como to Wn h- Inctnn during Iho now Cleveland togime , Tno Whiinoys were undoubtedly the most Invlnh entertainers of the Cleveland admin istration. They spent nn enormous sum IIol money on balls and dinners and puvc to Washington socloiv n Rnjcty which II had nol knoxvn bcfoie anil xxhluh lias had no pir- nllel in any winter of the llaiiison iidmlnis- tliilloil Possibly , so SQVS Ibo political tros- mps , the WhlinovH xvill go to London. sIt llicy do they maj bo expected to cuip-otha 'rocoid of nny other lupicspiitatlxes of the ) United Stint's In the cipllnl of the Hiitlsh nation Mis Whitiiov goes In foi u irood I i uio She never hesitates to leave bpr post > us hostess , lei lha pli'ismo of n wait/\\itn n joung nnvnl oftlcer at ono of her oxxnen- icrialnmonis , and If it tlncnti'tis to intet- fcru xvlth bar Piijavnipnl nf llfo in London , nil a H vri.v npl lo irivo the Ilutish coin t snmo new Ideas of the ( ipplit-at on ol Its Iroi- - bound utliuctte. ] fbound lin ri'Nt < > d in xtrix < Invplnul. Social \\nihinitiin , of course , Is much | n- tcroi.tud in seeing Mis. Cleveland again , and u I tuns t ns in mil in seeing bnby Itillh. Tlio ' Cluvolands mnv otijnct la having ilmtr llttlo duugUtor made a bubecl ; of Mpectnculur com- inentand nutuo , but iho people of WusMiic j ton ore hound to gush over Die llttlo one. . Already Or. Sundotland , the pastor of the 1 First Prnsbylcruin church of Washington , linn put In u bid turough ouo of hU uonpie- 1 iallon for tbo pilvllrgo of b.ilitlzin bnby Hutli , When Mi , .1 nines L. Noins , n leader , of iho local democracy , was in Noxv Yotk ra- C6iilly Un told Mr , Cleveland tlin * Iho people | of tlioPirslPiO'ibvteiiaii chin oh weio count * iugon tlioprlviU'goofsecmg bab.x Htilli bap tized under their louf. This was n clolieito intimation thai Mr. Nouls hoped to SPO Mr. Cleveland living in WnMilntMini ajain tioforo lonir. Mr. Clercland thanked him for hU expiesslon of teed will iniU said that ho lib pod that llttlo Uiltb would huvo the onpoi- tuntij of being oapll-ed hoio. Il would bo verv appropriate If iho Cloxelands a Ued Or , SmulcHlaiid to iwrfoim iho ceicmony of bap- up- I tisui fur iheir llttlo daughter , foi u xvas upun who ofllciutc.d at their wouding. Dr. Sun- iiorland Is quiteroulldcnt of boclng Picsulent Clovoluuu baik In bis rongrfgutioii. and Us < iirlciilarly ! ; pleoscil noxv that the church should have boon lodecoiated leiently and made moro altrantlvo. Il isfcu otion qufatlon In the minds of souio people In WnsuliiKton xxhoiher Mrs. Cieve- laud wilt bo able to take active Interest 1 ? social nfTmu Hero nl llrbt w hleh she weald \\Iihtohnvo. It has boon whleporod abottl recently that maternal caios mlpbi " aeaiu c" engross her attention to the duties of other lutcroas bofoia very long. How much truth there wlu this , of course , there U no ttu authority here to say , Hutu u true , how ever , Mm. Cleveland will still bo qulto pro- pnr d ( or the duties ol her tint winter hero ( , which will not bsuln until Iho first official re- copilon is held al Iho wblto house on the 1st d T cf Jitnuarv , Ib'li. TO IMl'ltliitS. : Scrrclnrj Spaiitihnt ; Mnkr-n ttiitlnr Ulilch \ \ 111 rtnisn 1 hriu. WASHINOTON , D. C. , Nov. It Asslitnnt Secretary Spuulding has mido n customs ruling of ronslderablo Inteiosi to Importers and inen-hnnts generally It Is In offcct that a consignee nt the port of llrot arrival of Imported - ported inorcbatidise , shipped under thu Im- modinio trnnsportailons net , mav properly dcslgnito Iho conslgnoo at the li.terlor port of destination , provld d no other consignee H mentioned in the bill of lading Inn teller to the survov or ol customs at Cincinnati , convoylnj ; tills Information , Ml. Spaulolng say. "I'hc dopnitmunt regrets to be'inder the necessity of infoimlin ; jott thai complaints nil ) fretiiontlv | made In te- para to iho obsirtictiGiis pi u-aii bv j ou In the vvuv of thoontrv of mTchindlso recelv-Pd al your port und < -r tlio onttios law Thcso ob- slructlons seldom nrlso nl other polls , nnd thoio does not seem to be any satlsfnctoiy lenson for thulr PMSICUCO " Mr bpiulding luon d nncs nl lenirth the position of tbo department on this suojcct , and oxpicssos the hope thnt tbcro will oo no fui thcr mlscoi.coptlons on Iho pnrl of Ibo col lector. In I'll\ui nl thn IVmn } Iv ml i W SIIINHTON , D. C , Nov It In nn opinion delivered today by Jusllca Uroxvn , Iho United btites supreme couit ulllrmcd the Jtitlpment of iho circuit court of iho United Stales for Iho nouuern dlslriclof Ohio In favor of Ihe Mansfield , Coldxvater A : Lnko Michlirnn Uallwuy company , xxhlch Is n suit brought nvalnst iho company bv C"h tries Foster , now serrolinv of tlio tieasiirx. In issr the road xxns sold under foiecloMiro piocoudlngs for 5oOlOJO ) to satisfy $1,000,0)0 ) mottcaco und upbtors' clilms , npc'iegntlng $ ( ,00,000 ion years later Mr Poster , who was a stockholder In the Mnnslii'ld loud , brou-jht suit to have the proceedings sot usldo , iillocliifr a fiaudttlent conspiiney bolvvpen Ihu compmynnd Iho Poniuvlvntnn railroad. Tne loxvor court and this court both dismiss Iho bill on the ground of liii-lios , holding that llnne * com plained of might , by roasonnolo dlllgouce , have been discovered long boforp uof.iii iJin : tut. ( iitltnc lluail ) finJttiliiiiiiildni ; Ixj > i > rl. Illl'lltS 111 I UY114. Nnw Oitr.i XNS , Li , Nov. 14 Tlio Times Democinl's ban Antonio , Tex. , special biijs A mooting of prominent citi/ens and uusi- nos men was hold m , tlio 13oanl of Trade looms here this morn ins. and itvas nodded by their to inlso u fund of sO.OOd to bo milled to iboSlU.COJ already becuicd by IhiKovern - niont lainmnklng station , to compluto their proposed experiments here this wool ; . Gen eral Ur.xcnlurth and party will an Ivo hoi e to- mot tow , nnd ills expected oxervlhing will bo in readiness byThuiada } lor begin ning tlio experiments. Hon. J II. ICinp , sneaking today of the Pioject nt tlio citizens mcollng , said : "I'heio are a creat many mtoicstinR minor details connected with tlio xvoik. but speaking in a general vvuv , the Hist btep to be taken will bo to sejid two piofcbsional aoionuuts in u balloon to n Height of fiom one to Ixvo miles. Thov will bij bUpplicd xvilh n full sot of sciontlllo iiistiuraonts for takintr tno direc tion and volocllv or tlio air uuironls and tlio buuuditv of the nlmo-iuhoro They will loiiin tlio pol-t nt which the hottest euiionls of air ci oss o ich other and decide upon tbo most , lavorabloeltnalioti at wnlch to explode the balloons. "These balloons will bo exploded by moans of a slow match , and the concussion will bo tremendous and may bo heard lor a distance of twontv-livo miles ] } y means of the slow match process the explosions cm bo limed tea a fowceconds. The losellito und other pow erful explosives will be lircd on the prouml , \vlillo bombs will bo shot into tlio air. All Ibis uill DO done simultaneously iindcontlnii- ouslv until tain is produced , which icMilt u ill bo brought about uy icKing hot and cold air. "It will bo a grand and powoiful dlspliv and will uo worth coming huinlioch of imloj to witness. It is cnrtuln lo iittiacl Innidieds of people from the suirouti'ltn ' , ; oountiv , while proiuiiicnt gentlemen und scientists will bo in nttinilunco from Toil \\oilh , Chic igo , Kinsns City. St Louis , Mtmioap oils and Now Yoik. Tlio governor of Mill * nosota is ven much intei jsted m tno plan and sigultlod his inleiHlon of being present. "All the inlli oid compinlcs whoso line ? iruveisp or pynntr ito tne arid Ini.its of the west hivu infoimed us that they 'Mil hiivo ipprobciitalivus on the mound who will 3L L m.iKO , i report on the success or failuio of the I'xnoiimonls Wo luvo selected thiicitv because vvo ici'ard it as .1 very favoiaolo point for cuirx mi * on the work " Til I. I ///JTf tii > ' 1 lure Iliriitt IM | mil I llry 1 holt- * mil Dull 114 Wmtlinl li tip * i Ij 1H * ti 113 ( < ! WINSION , N ( JNov. H The prlnclpil business block of this place buiued last night and also two tobacco warehouse ) . The total loss is f.r ) ,000 and the lusurnuco $250,000. "Tuo lire started la Broxvn'b drug store , sproiid nipidly to the Iliilnos building , Yauha.n ! building and Pint Nallounl building Pho llrms burneJ out incluao Caldwell Ac Kapp , Yiiueuun it I'opper. Kosonbacher & Hrother , A. ICadden andS I ) . Allen , togolhor with the ofllces of H. C ! Uun Ac Co , Wilson \ , Uuxton , Jones ICcincr , Dr. 'lliomas , and the rooms of tbo Twin Citj club Whllo the hro was in progress nn Incondlnrv lire was dlscoxoind neat the Uichmoiid X Dinvllle pissanpop depot pot , and Abbot it .longs' lobicio waiolionso und O .1 Shepp ud's leif tobicco factorv , tocclbi'i1 with eleven bouses and sotno small lieu 1 0 shniitli" , woic consumed Mil xx M KM , WIs. , Nov. 1 -Tho 1 Ini go dry poods stoio of T. I. KolU As Co , Wisioiibiu stieet and Urondwnx , wns piiUoil by Hie tuts motntiifr. Loss fl7. , l'0li ' In iiU'il , Ni \ \i > \ , Mo. Nov. II Uldoiado Splines , a lloui l"uiis ! town seventeen mile ; from lien , was \lslteu ba destructive tliocs - tunlnx Ijlnvon buslnos * houses wi'rn do- slrovi'd. 'Jho JOSH 11 estimuli-d nl U.ujO , p.nllv Insniud. Tcihin , Jov. II A tire occurred In this city > cstonla > , ilostio > lni ! ( Whousus ) Jho houses dcsliovcd urrn the usual bnmboo sirueHiios , tlmt burn liUo tinder wbon onro n Ilio is minted. Ni.w Yoniv , Nov. IIA tire brolte nut shoilly bcfoie 1 o'rlocU tnl uftornoon In I'm ' IHIKO fuiiuturo waieLoiuo of I ) . . InI. Howe fi yon , Hroolihn. The bulldinc : Is I.n four-stor > brlclt stiiiciuro , ( IxlOO ) foot. llnloin the llnmes weio checked the IB was yuttod. The lo s is ยง 1.10,0(10. ( IBc I'irriiii 1,0 , Pa , Nov II A tlio at Me- Kcoiport this e\c'iiuiK destroyed alctii tene ment bouses on Kicvoiith Htrcot , lemlorinn 11 f teen families nnd neatly 1UO pouoi'5 homu- IUJB. Loia , f.'i.UOJ. I'll ) lur I limrVnrIc , NI.W YOIII. , Nov. 14 , Deputy Sheriff Youin ; toliv locolvod an nttauhnioiii for for $10,121 ngamsi the IHoJlx I'ublishmg company of Noxv Yoik and Washington , ! I ) C. , In fn-'or of Ken lion Prc'onvnt & Ilros. : printers , for xvoik done and material fur- ' ' ire 'J'lio printliic was douo for the ro- publlenn campaign counnittoe. The Ilrodlx company , U Is Bald , sublet the contract to Krefiimn llrothera for # . ' 5,00i > and the latter llrm bus ivcuivod but t < iOOJ on the account of work done , und have attached for the batnnco clalmod to bo due. The sheriff solved the attachment on a number of par sons , Including Corjiellus N. lllus , treasuior of the republican committee. Itooih' * llliilulay. YOIIK , Nov. 14. Kdvvln Hooiu passoa hU llfty-tiinth birthday at the Players club , Gramoicy park , All thn members of tbe club who wuro there S&turday night signed a brief note ot felicitation to iho dUtln- puUlied actor. About ecvonty llvo members cpuonded their uutogmrh lo thu testimonial f t'OOUU iit f Ti i on Ttfi\nn\T I PIIIPT RESTLESS , IIUi\GRY \ RED MEN Cheyennoi and Arapauos Pretend to Have Bad Blood in Their Haarts. WHITE MEN'S ' WAYS NOT THEIR WAYS running H I'nur Siilntlttilo fnr thn Agnncy nn u Sniircn n ( I'lniundnr Ulint Uniit- inlMlonnr Mnri-ini Snyx Murshul llu-tlutt Diinunic. WASIIISOTOS , D. O , Nov. 11 The atten tion of Indian Commissioner Morgan was led iv called to a press dispftlch from Until- rlc , O.l , statlnp In ciTect thnt Ihoro woto } xvcll ' pioundoj fours of trouble amoni ? the Cheyenne und Arapahoe Indliins In Okla homa diulnp Iho comlm ; wlnlor boc-iino of iho roducilon In iho food bupplv fuinishod bi Ihu government , and stalinp oven now thov xxnio In a state of sreat distress for xvunl of food. Per Ihis condition of at- fnlts , the dlspitrh. stated , the Kovnriunont Is by many poisons hold dlioctly ro ponslblo. Coinnnssionor M irsin slid. "It xvill bo n sublclont icplv lo this statement to plvo Iho fuels In rupirJ lo xvb-xl the Chovounes and Arapahoos have actually rocolvod. Tnov number iliJO , : Since the year IbDO there has been expended for their bcnollt for rations , clothlnp , omploxos , etc , iho sum of $1,101) ) , * S'O in fulllllmont of lieaty stipulations. There has also bopn CKpo-ided in their behalf for the same putpoao since 1S7J , the sum of Si- " . ll > IS' ' , all of which xvas n pratulty , pivon by co'iuross to supply tholr nocossltles and promote their civilization , and not called tor by anv ueaty. "In Oclober , 1 93 , the Chaycnnns nnd Ar- apihncs ajioed to sutrender to the Unite I States a liupe oart of their rosorvalior , tno price to bo paid by tbo povoriimont bcinp $ ) JOOJlin cish and * lOU&OlJ ) to bo placed In the It eiisttry to Ibelr credit lo boar In to rest nl ii pjr cent per nnnu n "In a-cordanci xxith ttils nereement allot incuts hive b'Pii mido to tko Clicvonnes und Ar.iu ihocs of lliJ .n res of th choicest land lo each man , \\uinun and child of Iho tribes , and in further fullillmeni of lha npicomcnt , there has DCOII pild them within iho la"l IU- loen .no-libs $ TOJ.OOJ ill cash , loss $ li"lJJ. This sum was paid to the .ittorncj ? xxho had rrndo cot tracts with the Induns , anu xvilh tlio consent of the iJdians xvas taken out of Iho J5JJOOJ. The llrsilnstitlinsnt of intoron on the 51,001000 , ninountint ; to fli'i.OJJ , became duo on Iho 1st of July lasl. Payment of this sum is jiislabotu 10 bo made , the Urn Insliillmout huvini ; Jual been sent lo iho agent , und Iho second installment will bo sent , as soon us Hie lir = l is paid. "It can hardly bo e.p3ctod Ihit the pov- tirniiR'nt xvill continue to subsist Indians out of the public treasury uro have bad their lanas allotted nnd xvhoare rcceixins larce cish pa > ments Thcso Inuitns have absolutely no mound whatever for complaint against Iho gox em inent. This unrest amoa ? Iho Indians is undoubtedly created by those xvho hona to bonelited in some xxny. Ourlng iho last camnalj-'n unprincipled men stirrea up these Iiidlmsfor polltictl piupasos , and it anv trouble occurs will be largely responsible for iho rosull " i\riii.ii ) nton mi : 111 : 1:1. VAUO- . 3lar4li il llulliitt ill I'lnn Itlilc AiuusCMlol DUlurliliitlio liiilliini. Sioi.x CiTr , la , Nov 14. f&paclal Telo- Rrara to Tin : HhE. | ( ! eor'o U. Hartlolt , United States mirslml at Pine Kldgo uirciicy , xvlth jurisdiction over the Sioux reservation , hub been removed from ofllco and oxpallod fiom tbo icseix'allon for making statements lo ihe clloct that the Sioux are dusntislloJ apt to tobjl n ulust the government at any timu. Agent Brown nt Pine Hideo made the chutpes ngulnst IJ ntlett that ho , because ot n jmlousy nf Brown , his been endonvorinc to spiead dlisntlbfaction among the IndUns , and'ciuspd several patties of them to loivo tbo icsorvatlon. Hartlolt denies the phnrzos , and still main tains iluil un open winter xvill bring about hostilities or that nn uDiisni xvlll occur In the npiing at the flintiest. Ho licenses liiown of responsible becuubo ot bis men' . Huillotllins uuen on Iho resoi x'nlion eighteen v cars. Hroxvn has ooen lliero loss Uiantuociis. . B iillott wants uu ofllcml linliiiii OntliruiK In Cnlnr.tiln. Di NV ci : , Cole , Nov 11 lloveuior Houtt is In iccolut of te'.o-'r.niH from Meeker toll ing of Indian invasion into the Colorado National park by tha Whllo Kivor Utcs , xx ho niasnidto bo sUughtciiin : trimu nnd stcal- IIIE eatllo. The band is composed of more than 10J bucks and squaws and the local aulhoiilles aio poxvoil s. / / . / . ALL .tnit .11 Coin c'litInns T hut XV HI liii In Si'hslcin Tliiuc tlio I'ro-unt U'uclc , Mmpini , Tiitin , No\ ' . 11. Tomorrow morning ai 10.110 o'clock the rarmors1 Alii- auco und Indubttlul Union of America xvlll meet In annual session. Uovcrnor Buchanan will volcu the welcome on behalf of the stnlo. Amoni : Iho dolOKnloj aruvod are many of na- llonal repute , IncliidinRGeneral.I 13 U'eavor , C. W , Macune , lunatiua Donnelly. T. v' . Pow- dorlj , Unlle'l blutos benator Pufler , .iniry ' Slini)3on , Hen Terrlll , Senator Van U'yolc .vf CoiiLTOasniHii LivlnKiton and Tom Wulson i , Cioiieral .l.uuca PiolilFiank Hmiutt t. Alon/o vVardxvoil , Halph Uoaumoiit , II. t.j TuuucncuU , J II. Jamison , \V. b Morgan and Lilly Somerset , Mrs Lease , Miss Will- aid. Miss Dices nnd others. All Jiriii i , Tonn , Nov. 14 I ho Associa tion foi tbo Advai.comoiit of Woman xvlll hold its Ko slon , bsclnnlnjj tomorroxv morn- IIIKUI 10 o'clock , In the loomsof iho Nlno- tccnlh Century club Mis. Julia Ward llouo and nuiny oilier distinguished lauv ( luUgatos in lived toauy and were diiyon uboutiho clly this oveninif i\ll xii'inx , IVnii , Nov. II The convention ) of the Intcrstnto Head confess xvill onan herd \\cdnesda > , nnd many prnminont xvork- ois In iho cause of improved hlgnw.ijs will bo in altondancc. Allnr Illppnl ) MI'S scalp. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 11.--Tho steamship Adi rondack , which arrived todav. loft Port II111 Pilnco November 5. "On thai day , " said ono of Ibo olllcors , "utmost all lha people beamed to bo under nrms Piesidcni HIp- pul.xle , il was said , was about to stall Per ( 'jp3 Iiatleii , where an upilatiiR against his autuoritv soomcd Imminent , Thcro Is dis satisfaction among the puoplo of Capo lli isb - llon H was the people of the tioith who stood bv him In his tight ngalnst Lou'iinne ! < , and thov noxv accuse him of ingratitude , llinpulvte's oiblnoi does not suit bis former adherents. They think lie Jeans'tno much ! loxv aid hU former enemies , and there seems to boa voiy general foellngof unre.sithrough out the Island , The present threatened trouble has been long brewing , but has now ) \ assumed such formidable shape that Hippo- lvt and his followers nro crowing alarmed , ns some of thu exiled loaders aio leading spirits In tbe outbreak. lit'a Killed Illi SUtiT'/i llulrajor , Cii'TintiE , OKL , Nov. H. G. J. Dorr , a well known cattleman llvlnt ; near hero , xvout to visit his slsler on her claim savontcon miles fiom this place today , und found her in a compromising position with II. 8. Foss , another oatllomun. Dorr upbraided Foss for hl > conduct , ana xvhen Toss , becoming nugry , attempted todraxv his revolver , Dorr _ shot blm deai and then came here anil gave himself up. Viilod AKiilnot thu Mori git si * . TOLI DO , O , , Nov. 14 A special meotlnc of tbe RUurgUolacrs ol Ibo Toledo , Chicago > & Kansas City Itallrihd company \vns bcld herd todav to vote upnfiahn question of Pine IIIR n mortcogo of ' $1:1.500,000 : , consent for which wai asRoa bv * Ibn manoroment , The Interest taken in Iho matter wai so grout thnt over Inree-fodrtha of Ibo proforiod stock xvns represented. There was n largo majority cast apilnst thn proposition. llUXTKltS. Trial or KM. Smith nrtlio I.nne TliooloRlc il Snmlimrllpgun. . CINCINNATI , O. , Noy 14 Tbo trial of Hov. Prof. Stnllh , professor In the Lane Presbyterian Theological laminary , on the chnrgo of heresy , hisan hero this morning. The morning session was taken up with pre liminaries. At the intnrnoon session Prof. S nlth pre sc sented Ins case. . Prof Smith undo . .spccillo ot to three member ) of tbo presbv- to sluing as Jurou or judges. They xvero tor . Ijixvson , Kov. Koburtson and Kev. Pruncls. The tbroo ministers had , in inter views published in the newspapers , saulihoy believed him guilty of tbo charges biSi Upon motion of Uov. i-'rancls that Piof. Smith's objection to lha court bo not sus tained a largo majoittv voted In thu alUrnu- llvo. llvo.Tl.o professor then began In n calm way. devoid nf fueling or pisjlon , to present his case. He first argued iigainst tbo irregular ity of ilns proceeding , clairnlng that the commission In erroneous icichlni ; hnd no r IK tit lo inqllliu into thu ministerial standing oflndtxldunl members. Th U was a judicial process. Ho further charged thnt the com- mltlco ' was prejudiced , aptinlntid to repre sent ' ono opinion only. This , ho declatod , was avowed In opcti ptoibjlpiy bv the mod erator In making the appointment , nnd It was further evident from the foim ofthoiupott Itself. Ho further declared that It xvas Ir regular because this Judicial proceeding was tanen without the distinct ir.quiiv on the pail of luo presbvrlory , xvhich was necessary for iho ends of jtmlco , lo investigate iho alleged offenses. uln Tin committee had sent him a demand lo retract what Le had written , bul ns ihoso objections hod alreidy been virtually over ruled , ho simply put them luthoiecoid for such use as may lo poislblo horeiftur sitl Ho ihon proceeded lo remind Iho coorl of the necessity for extreme eiution In deter mining the i ] tiost i on admitted , lo allow no pi evlously formed opinions lo overt uio Iho process of reason. Those familiar , ho Bind , with the locent hlstoiy of our cum oh must teallzo tbat now xvo aio in tbo midst of Inlluouces uiifilendly to calm nnd unbiased consideration of the uoctiiinil Issue * . The very fait that xvo are levying our ' confession of fnilh seems to make minus O'u sensible than usual lo doctrinal meas ures. The solo question noxv before us is the nufllcloncy of tbo chaises and upncltlca * lions ptOiuntu 1 by your committee. Lxcept Ibis , ovoivlliing boarlut ? on the case , ot sup pojed to bear on it , should uo rosolutclx shul out of voaiminds. . tlo tUen took up the charge * ngninst him one by ono and raised objections lo Iheir biilllcleney. ! Un Ibcsu giounds ho asked thai HIP cbargoi icfeirod to bo Uilckon out. At this potul the presbytery adjourned. z.s or j. inon. Ulll VIcot In A n n nut Session at J. . I.nulsTuil { tj. ST Louis , Mo , Nov. 14 The genoial ns- sombly of the Knights of Laoor vvlll meet nt WorKiuan's hall in annual convention tomor- low n.ornlng. Todav tao committees on crc- dontlals , tinanco and law vvera in session nt the Laclode. They have all ncarlj comh pleled the \\oik neceisar.y to bed _ ne Hie assomblinu pf Ihi-f convSntion" , und us soon as Iho body-meets ovciylblbg will bo In toiidinoss tor the .presentation of tbo 10- 1F polls . ' Jonn Davlln of the executive board paid today thai innonp tho'moil Impoi taut things to t bo ccnslderod uv tbo convention vxould bo the question of restricting iminlprition. "I preiumo ! , " bo said , "that If anv thing Is da- cided upon it will bo in the fotm of ic-solu- llons declating against unic.stricted Humi liation as ono of iho pnnclplos of Iho oidoi. ThoKuighlsof Libor evci.x xvhcro xvill agl- lute the subject mid endeavor to create popu lar sonliuicul so us to lead to national legis- lalion lo keep out tbo pauper classes of Ku- lopo. " , Speaking of the report that Mr. Poxvderly Intends 10 icsign as master xvotkmnn , Uon- erat VVoithy Foreman Hugh Cavunnugh staled tonight that us his tetm of otilco was noxv oxpni'd ho could not resign. As to n rolusal to bctva aaaln In Uio eanm i inacity , Mr Cavauuugb and ether nHIci ils who are In Iho oily doclina llial therois no giour.d for believing ho will tuba such actlo-i. 'ThPio is , " said becretarvjlajos , "so far as Unown no opposiiion to him " ( jt-neial Master Woiumin r. Y. Powdprly reached tno city late this .if tot noon. Ho 10- fused to tulle lo/urnlnc ; tbo lepoitlhitho intended not to accept another tcim or Ins present oftluo. General scciotaiy Haves , hoxvover , stud : "I huvo lanced xvith Mr. Poxvtleily and ho assured mo ho vvlll not leave us , and that all repot is lo Iho contrary are unliuo " M i iti-ran.1 Soiui ) DUputn Goiicuriilii nil Important ipl oiln In Mlm Mutluu'ri I. ilu. PUXNCI CO , Cat. , Nov. 14.--In spilo ol the denial by Margaiot Mather , Ibo aclioss she was married to G. A Pabat , son o : the mllllouaro broxvor of Milwaukee. Het niece , who nccompanios Dor , ndmlltcc to n f i lend while beta lluoo vvaoks ago lha MUs Mather xvas man led to young Pabs near Cbicigo shortly after the actress" dl- vorco from Ijiuil Haberkain , Tuo niece made this admission lo nczount for thu in timacy oxUtinir botxxepn horauntand Pabat. JSoforo Miss Mather's ' imivul heio in Oc- Ipbt-r Pabbt enijiiifod n btiito of ttneo rooms nt the California hotnl xvhich xvoio occupii'ii ( luiiug .Miss Mnlliei's ongi.eiiient ( by Miithor , her nlcie , unu Pabst. Ho xvas voiv devoted to her. It is said bo xvns voiv wnlliig to many her , but hud boon unnblo lo gain her consent lo the mairingo. Lo-i AMU I.ES , Col , Noy , 14. Mnrpniot Mather haj gonuoist , .lust jofoio her dc- piituio she posltlvoly declined to neo a 10- porter or P peak ubout her alleged m.ti riau'O. Her nieca vxas ficuu and positively dpnlcd thut thu man iago bad taken place and lur- ilior denied ihit she | iud admilicit ibo nur- liago in Sin Prancisco. _ . . Cole , Noy. 1 . F H WaisoHold ' , business manager for Margurot Matuar , H hero. Hosnvs that so far as ho knows lueio Is noi ibo foundation for iho loport t that Miss Mather has married Ucorgo Pabst of Milwaukee. Ihu Doiith Itnll. UM.CKIII , N. C. , Nox' . 11 Chief Justice A. S. Morrlam died this morning of diabutcs. Ho served in the state leinslnluro and was chosen United States srnntot In 18bJ. Txvo jours UKO ho xvtH cloctod "chief justice. Ho [ xvill bo glviin u stale funeral. Louisv n I.B , ICy. , Nov , 14 , Sanlor Bishop Mllus.,0 ! Iho coloieu Molhoulst Unlsconal church , died athU Home , corner ot Twenty * nlnih nnd Walnut su-oets , atT o'clocu tills moinint. nf lorn long Illness of nsltnnu Ho was bom u slave , but early displayed un np- tltuda for study , and through bis own efforts succeeded In obtaining u ooi ( oduciulon , COSCOIIP , Mas's. , Noy. 14 Lillian Emer son , vvldoxv of Itjlph Waldo Kmorsop , r10 poet nnd philosopher , died yaatordny , aged : 70 j ears. Movpmniitiiat Uci'iin teimurs. At Queeiistoxvu Arrived Ohio , from Philadelphia. At Coponbapen An Ived Italia , from New York. At Anivvorp-Arrlvea Illinois , from Phil adelphia. At Loudon--Arrlvcdi Malno , from Balti more. V ' At Gibraltar Arrived Werra , from Noxv Yora. Al Philadelphia Arrived Indiana , from Liverpool , unmi At Uoston Airlvoa Boston City , from London , At New York Arrived Straits of Gibral tar , lioiaHlo Janeiro , FIERY FRENCH ANARCHISTS They Meet ni l Counsel Tint Extumo Measures Bo Adopted ANOTHER CRISIS IN FRANCE'S ' CABINET Nulrs on thn rnlltluiil Situation f.ononil lliironnlc nr Itiiislu tluiiiulit tn llnvc llprii I'nNiinnd tn t'rmnnl HIM I'uii- Ulniifiit nl DUIioiiL-nt DltlPinl- . Nov. 11 A mil's ini > itliii * of : nlnurs , was hold at Carnnux vcslerdiiy , nt . j which resolutions xvero ndoplod docliunif ! that they would pursue In concorl with the proletariat of tbo whole world a policy ot [ lolltical and economic evolution of iho middle class by moans of social evolution. At n mooting of nnnichlsU bold hero ycstordiv , n wet km in named Gojrgos nd- I'ocntcd the use of dynamlto by ibo working classes to pain tholr end's. Ilo commanded thu author of the tcrcnt explosion nl Iho jolico siatlon In iho U i < s ilua Honfant's. The inuotltif * bioko up in u tow. A num ber of blank wai rants for the airost of anarchists li ivo been given to the pollco and detectives. At the same tlmo much adverse comment has boon caused by tbo fact thai Iho anaichlils hold their meetings under tro vety nose of the police. Noxvs- piper reporters huvo no dlfllcnlty in tludini- Mil xvhcio the meellngs are held , mid 11 is claimed Iho police should suppicss such galherlnRS altojzotbi'r. Tbo present week is HUoly to bo a inoinon * lous 010 lor iho Pioneh cablnot. Thcro Is a gtoxvlng opinion that ibo mnilsiiy is only awaiting n chnnco to dlo piadually. The Jliambor of Daputln ? has alroadv abolished the duties on cut tain drinkables against the ndvlco of the minister * , thus diminishing the revenue by SS.OJO.OOO finncs nnd up- selling iho llnauco mmibtci's budget sehemos. On U'ednosdavtho eovoinniPiit will ptoss its bill asking for pnxver to suppiuss violent nnnichlst papeis. It is uclioved that Iho Chamber will rrjict Iho bill , ns u mode of censuring iho pi line unnUtui's \\cuknoss in dealing with the anaichlsts. On 'Iliuisday the Pan mm einnl question will be debntod , and this Is Miolv to brine out u ui Ms. Tbo iruv eminent m iy elect ono or all of those questions , or thol ianco bvvlsb convontion. Should the ministry ba over thrown , it is li telv Ihat M liibot , the pres ent . minister of foiolgn affaiis , uad M. do Frovrincl , the pioaont minister of war , will be totaincd in iho remodeled cabinet. T ho outromoof the week's events is watciiod with proit intciost , In pollticil circles. The radicals xvill not lose an oppoilunity lo ovoi- Ibrow iho government. i-.v 1111:1 : : . Lsc.ip uli" , ul a Sun iif tinI'll in o nf Minite- ni'Bin. LONPOV , Nov. II A dispatch to the Standaid fiom Vienna says that Iho lual is proceeding nt Palate Dalmia of tbreo Moritenograns , who aio cnai ed with hav ing murdered n natuial son of Punco Nicholas of Montenegro. The uamo of the son was Giujici , and it was brought out in couit that ho had hern n continual soutco oftiotibloto IItl piince. , . Grujica- was "supported by th-o iTlncoTniut xvus reckless in his nablts tlP his demands for monev vxoic i ocular a-iil perBlsteut. Finally Ins supplies xveio ctrtoff altogether and this xvus resuntcd bv the joung man , und ho undo ox cry effort lo annoy the piince and mnlco him iiluulous. Numerous family documents and s.itiucal poenib relating to the pnnco xvoro wriuon by Urnjica and wore tend in coutt. Many sen sational ( > toi IPS aio nllont in rcgaid 10 Iho disclosuios that huvo been made 01 arc to bo made in connection with Ihe cnso DKAI'H Ol ( jiMit\l : , lEOKO.NOK , Olio of Itnsil i's I lhtliii ) * ( ipiioiiils Mipposnl In II iv n Hi un 1'iiUiinpil liv Iliimiili'i. Mo ( o\x , Nov II A sensation has been caused hero by the sudden death at Tash kent ! , in Asiatic Russia of General Doronnk. Some tlmo ago Gonotal Uoronok xvns ap pointed a spOLial commissioner to examine into the administration of the province in which Tashkend is slluatcd Ho mnde an exhaustive oxaminalion into iho afiaiis of Iho province vv lib Iho result that ho dlscov crcd hrogularitics Involving u iiuinber of ofllcMls. UoionoU was upon tlio point ot untuning to Mosrow xv hen he was tHkou stiddunly ill and died in a few ml null's. It Is suspecti'd that son.o of iho oftlcinls ivboso honor was thought to.uflor , had .11- laiiKed foi his death , feaiintr that his dis closures would result in then punishment , possible in exile lo bibeiin Aposlmoitem examination will bu mudu lo learn it ho was poisoned. A iltnlniis l.nvoi Kills Ills Kit il mid Sticrt- IIPIII I mill Shunts HluiKoll. LONDONNov. . 11. In the llttlo village of Poteitavoy , Dovonshlie , jestcidav William 1 Williams , iho uusticccsnful suitor for Iho hind of I3milv Doidgo , a fauuci's daughter , shot ana killed her and his rival , William Kowo , as thox xvcio luturnnn ; l'i am chinch , and then shot himself , piobably falully. 1'MI IPS8 llf lllO Spllllll'lh' Stlllci * . LONDON , Nov , 14 Tno second week of the great cotton lockout opens with luciciv'ol prospects of the trouble being loinr conllnucd , Thoio are iiOJJOQ ) spin dles working full tlmo ; 7"iJ,0)0 ) on half tlmo nnd l'ii)000d ) nio stopped 'Jho Mnstais fodbiaiion has askud the ownois ol spindles working full tinio to bet'in lo shuituu Ihe tinio 'llmrsdav All limn as sented , except the masteiH at HolUii , xvho spin n vpti in cotlon mobtly. They jilend that their hands HIP full of nidots nnd lliclt mills miiat woik full tinio to 1111 them. 'lliu I'nir Ulll Iliintr XVciltli. LONDON , Nov. II 1'ho rniuticlal Neivs BII.VS U lliinivi iho long expected boom In Aineilcnn lallxxuy shatos maj como at any llmo. Amoilcan speculators. It dcclaio- , , have not yet grasped the potcnilut sources of irulllo exnausion that vvlll bo uiTorded by tno Columbian exposition. There Ib nothing cxtravnguni in the estimate tlmt of foiolgn money will be loll In Amciica us the harvest of the exposition. Ameilcins xvlll ba literally - ally iiuiduncd with money scoklng ilivost- me'itls. Anotlior D.tnniiiltiOmruun In rraiirit , PAKI" , Nov. 14. In a village near Llmofjes tonight n dynmlto oomb exploded on iho doorstop of a dwelling. Much aamuco xva& aono to the building , but the inmates es caped injury , though very badly seined , The Inhabitants of the village ore gioally blttrcd up ovci Iho outiuRO , ( Jits n Million I rum tlio DuUo , LONDON- , Nov , 14 , Tbo tunoial of the duke of Murlborough took place at Hlonhclm palnco today. His life was Insured fcr j 1,000,000 , xvhich xvlll po to the duchess to icpuv tier for incut sum spout in putting Blenheim In icpalr. HiM1I Not .Xliurj u Trilled * . LONDONNov. . 14. Fintbor Inquiries among tno fi lands of the prlncu-of Wales and ido Lord Hoscbery throw discredit upon the re port that the latter Is going to marry Prin cess Victoria , second uuugbtcr of iho prlnco of U'uleb. lhrm < Kind nl ruoplu Not UinilVil. NKXX YOIIK , Nov. 14. Colonel Woabnr to day roccUca lufgriuaUou thai a 0Id Irish criminal Is on his way to this country , sent here by the Urltlsb ntithoutli-s. Ills nnmo IH William Nngtp , and bo hnd been tititlorfolnp n txvcnty venrs' sentence In the Dublin penltcnttiry. The government | ) ir- doncd Nuglo on condition thii ho Join his btothor In this countty They pave the con vict Miftluiont money to como here. Nngio will bostonpod and returned to Ireland. 7/KM < ; < > / i n ; : * tin tii : ItiiinnrIhrt Ihu Mrn ut lli > inrlr til nnd \iliidtit | Inxtns Vn < \ \ I'liUpiiltn ; . Pirrsiu no , Pa , Nov II It is highly probiblo that within iho next Uvonty-four hottiM n dacldod chinco will In its piano in the sttiko noxv on at the Carne -lo Steel com- pin.v's mills nl Homestead , Lnxxrimccvilio nnd Hoaxer Palls What the oxaol chauicter of this ohnngo xvill bo Is hnd to foreihadow , but Its solution xvlll hkeiy bo known uro many hours pass by , T.icro is noxv In session nl the Pitlsbutf * ollleo ot thu Amalgamated association n meeting ol tbo lending men comi.rlstni : tbo ad visory boirds at Homestead , Ilcivor Falls nnd Liixvrcneevillo. This nipotlni ; Is ono xxhlch xvlll determine whether or not the strikes nt the pliioes nini.ei' will contlnuu The moptlncxxas in scsilon nil dav , and when It adjourned tonight tbo tnuinbois of thondvUorj ( ommlttco icftisod to savnin- thing of the proippdlng't. Another meeting will b3 luld tomorroxv 1'ho prolonged strikes nt the bit : Carnegie plants , together xillh heavv expc'iises Inc-inred thiourli suppoitins the idle men nud vebtordnv's trouble vvhloh capped the cllmix.'has tendered it absolutely nucessaiy for thu lendprs to again meet nnd net upon the oiiotis condition in which the men hnvo been nlnreu. Pothips iho lending event which called torth todnv's ns- spinblago was the paillnltostimptlon of woik nl Hoaxer Falls nnd tin piospecls of Ilio llrm mealing xxith ns much success at thai place as thov had In Homoslcid nud Lixv- runcevlllp. Prom xvhat could bo Ion nod H is thnuuht lint llio leidcrs , thiougb thu in terested lodges , xvlll Issue another m nilfosto nnd uno the men lo continue Ihe Oittlu This xvlll piobablv bo done , slnco minors of Impending bieiks nnd weakening among the moti hail caused many of the wunk-kneed to io over. Last night it vvns reported hero that an other light hnd lalcen phiC3 between the coloied nonunionlsts and stilker-t nnd that Iwo of ttia iiPirroej h id UJen shot. This had net been continued nt midnight. ii sun ittni. : . Pa , No" 14 Homeitcad is vet tiulvciing under vestPtdav's bittlo The CNcltomunt xxns Intense all dnj , but th io xvus nodisoidar , except in the exoning , when the coloied men who did the shooting tvpto Inkon fiom the lockup to the tl am on the Mononpuliola division of the Pennsx Ivanla raid. Th"ii n 1 irio ; noxxd assembled ind hootpd und jecud so that the deputies thouglu ifint an nltack would be m ido upon Iho pilsenois , but ihe luitcr VVPIO psi milled lo got on the train wi hotil Injuiy The heiling of the elhl ( coiotod mon and four slilkeis Impilcitci ! in Sundiv's lignt c nno off ai I o'clock in the lockup and Ihoy xvcic all hold in tsiJO bill each. Al 11110 o'olouc tonight a quauoltook place belween nniimborof coloifd nonunion lsts and Homestead colmoa im-n , jtistoutsldo the Ninth Avenue Methodist L"plscopil church. The nonunionlsts aioxv their ic- volv-pr-i ana oighlcen or twenty shots were Iheu , but no ono xvas bit IHnitig iho light two xxhlto men came up , and ono nf tiimn cut n ncgio xxilh a knlfo The wound , however , xvas sllghl. The ilcpullcs .nrived by this lima and nrrestca the white men and two iiegioci. The croxvd then dlspaisod. All o'cln k this moinmjj cveiything is quiet. is// > .1 s , CustnniH OHlupis it Ni'U Vmk Vlil.j.tii 1m- ( .ipturc. Nix Youu , Nov. 11 Among the pis- scnircis who landoJ ln t evening from the sleamer La GouigOfno ftom IIivio vis . well built , bioiid-shouldiuod mm in lailiion- ablonttire , whoio nppairnnco nttiactod the attention of Special Customs Inspector Bioxvn and Donovm. lie xvas taUen into the examination room nnd was obliged to remove bis clothing. It was found that ho woronooiit his body something tint was n cioas botv.eon a woman's cor.iCL. and u lifo piesorvor. In it WGIO pnc'nots containing sixty-eight valuable cold xxalches. The watches VVCMO soi/cd and the man was looked up in ilus Ludloxv stioot Jail. The watches are xalucu at J-I t , ( > i)0 ) The piisoncr. xvhon anaicnud befoio United States foininlivlonoi Bbieldn. slid fiat his n nno xv ni Louis M irbot and that ho was a b ikcr und bad lived for soveuxl icais in Seattle HQ went to SwitJilauJ In July last and boiiffhl lha watches theie , ho said , foi $1,000 Ho was held for p\innln ition and toma-dedto jail in default ol S..odO The man's it no IB Louis M irk , nud ho is a rosidonl of some toxvn in "Washington , vvhoio il ib believed bo keeps u jowoliy sloro. ruiHinri'Li r. i\liliiMiiii : nl a inllii < llnilitr Klllx I Ixn Mm mil ! illin 4 Di'sfi iiclliiii. Hi ADINO , Pu , Nov 14.An onelno draw ing i n train of empty coil can on the Phila delphia & Heading road bloxv up near Schuyl'till Haven oaily this moin- ing ( , killing llvo men , loitlng up thu tiacKs , dUmnntling iho locomollvo , hurling I the itunros. | and scattering do'trnction nil mound. A Ini o ctowd galhercd finm Iho btinoundlng coun- Irv t and got lozolhor Iho icmains of iho uillioideis , whoso bjJIoi weio fearfully dls- llgured. 1 The killed nro : " ' . \ \ II 1,1 \\1 MM IvI.V , llni'ii in , UiiiijM M.SiiU'lv inniiuTtor. UILLIAMKn I 1C e\ti i Ilium in Mn IMI i , DIIIIIIIVN a llroni in , proh ibly fat illy Inlini'il. iyn ' 1'hoexti i uiigiiiecr nnd lomin , nnd the in jured bi.ikoimm IIHII biouulit do\vn n train und xxoru ildlng Dick in iho CUD xvlth the regulni crow. The nxploiloti came xxltbout any vvatnliii ; vvhalovpr. fin..11 s/ ii. Domini Us Alli'gnl to lli > 'lulu snniit 1III I'l I'll III L' I'lllllllsi > , SXI.T LXM , U T. No11 ISnocIalTcIo. pram lo Tin Mi r ] Stitohooil roc Utah ) , Ati/onaand Noxv MJMCO noxv seems to beef nssutud. The Wusliington cot respondent of the bait Lil. Trlbuno telegraphs taat ho ofh In n pobiiion lo stnto thut n deliberate bar gain xvns madoslx vvouks ngo for the Imme diate iidmLilon of Ut ih under domocratlc auspices in c iso the church throw lu nillu- once to the party In Coloialo , Wyoming and Idaho , Dr George L , Miller of Omaha idU alleged lo have engineered iho deal nud reported - ported in poison Us consummation. Hugh Wnllnce , formerly of Salt Lake , had boon rainbow chasliu' on dllloiont linewhan Dr. Millet proposed the trade xvith iho church Wallace's , plans xvero at once laid nsido and Dr. Millet's KChomnas ptomptly adopted , .Ni'M \ < iik I.KOhanun liiuil il lnii , NKXX Yoin. , Nov 11. [ Special Telngram to TUB HEr-Uschangowasquotod ] as follows : Chicago , 5J ( coils premium , li ton , par and lu coils discount ; bt. LouU , 7J cents puunlum n / ; i / t'uitiWA s. s. ntll \\i < lm il.iy MinilnM- , \Vliun It Ulll III ) Cnnifi III .Si lil.l l.l , . D. C. , Nov. -Foro.-Ml for TucBdav . For Nebraska- Fair ; cooler by Wednesday morning , winds becoming noitli- wostcrly. l""oi loxv -Fair south , light showers , fol low ou b ) full north , slightly warmer ; bouUi- en-U'rly vvlnus , thby 1 orttio DiKotnsConorulU fair , coolci by \ \ < ilniudiiv inori'iii ; wlnJti Uocoiolag norm vvoatorly CAUGHT ONE SMART CHAP Paris Detectives Olovorly Trap an Auony incus Pyuamito Ihreatjuor. HE TALKED TOO MUCH FOR HIS GOOD In the L'niilliUMiro nl Ml < Olnriirlli IU A\rolr to u I'lilli n CiiiilnU < IIIho , outline ol Ills I'Miii mill I.IUKllMl III ,1 til. . 'J by lnine < ( Jor.lon I 1'Min , Nuv II - ( Now York lljrald Ov ble-ypeclal to THE McK.I-A pair of sinnri di'tecthca hn\o succeeded In InyliiK hands on one of thoao pcisons who nnlo ntiotonioits lettoi , threatcnlni ? to blowup people with dMiamlto Iho cauluru WHM effected in a unit iiiu'enlous wa > Conimls- solio ot Police rainotto , who lool.s aflur St , Cio'Jttro's iunrtlt | > i , toeolxud n loiter un signed , but beating this posumuU of Loyallols IViiot fctalion , wirnlnp him that in n few dins heuuld have un explosion lo attend to , us thu nnniclilsti hud rciohod to blow up the I'liipliixmunt olllco of Coilln In the pissase ' 1 Ivoll. The commlbsiiio ol police sent lorCotllu nnd asUod him If umonp thn Imkoi'a uork men , who wcie on his books , thcro wore any of whom Ho had reason to complun , Collin pave tholislof his cllenls who lived nt LovulloH 1'eitot , and diow special mlentUni to ono named Dorinpe , who hud locently abused him in tiuoilim'np ' term . l'\\o ( K'toctlyos wou' ilotailad to lake up their icslilcnca at Lovallois I'ouotiuid rcpro- Beul thomsohes us Journeymen bikers In fccaroh of emplos ment Tbocnlloj for boitto after tnntdng Doranjjo's ' acquaintance. The lalter dr.inlt ficuly and spolio In the 1li ) . Tbo mititior. detcctue noticed a stillt- inp slmilaiily bcl.veeu Ins laiiKUiiio end Urn expressions in the letter Next Ihoy Induced him lo wiitc something fat them , and ns thii handwiillng ' WAS thu same ns of the anonymous letter they iau him in. ilo ut once confessed to xvutlnit tuo loiter , but de nted he wa * nn nmueliist , but ho is now in prison under oh.uvjo of sending u Ihreatenins letter. ttlnlstir in M ru Id. ' . The paillunciitnu sltuntlon Is , disiiuiotinp. Tbo minisirm nil probnblllty will bo oxer- ihiovxu toniouoxv or the d iv nfti'r on the questlpii of the liberty of tlio press , for it , does not u Mi totiko the losponsibulty of Iho piosicutlons called for in the Panama canal nlTatr Tno i'\cHcnmnt In the political and newspaper v , oild Is very pi oil Jxccji i b bi. Cniu. \ \ t \l I ItOIJIll , ! Voiip/ui'ln AiithnrltliM I'll 1 1 to 'ii'diiin ii I'lisii'MKi-r on ISdirit tli riilliiiliilplitn. ( roiiyrlclitcil I'Uhy liuimn diinlon lluimult I CAIIK x , Vonc/aeli ( xi i UnUcston. l'o\ ) , Nov. U. [ To tlio Editor of the lloiildl Ml ] lies , a cilminal under the common laxx , was on boaid the steamer Philadelphia Tba captain refused to give him up. Tno Ameri can consul said thai iho slcamcr was un aux iliary vosbel of the navy. It xvas nnposslblo for ( nn ni med foi c'o to bo ird uer , because llioy bau luKcii uxxav the ladder li'adlni ; up the side of the vessel. She left xxithoul her papcis. The Kovernmonl ib aboul to apply the law rolalinp to consipnoijs in such cases. .ILX-N Pirrin , Ministci of Finance M'l > Oxi'itlllil C'hlll'H ( .n\i > ilillli ill. fnpirUlilMl I'Uliv Innu'al. inloii , I'.oniiutl i Vxi I'lKM'-o , Uhili ( xla ( Jalxoiton , Tex ) , Nov. 1 1 [ Uy Moxicin Uablo to Iho Noxv Yoik Ilcruid Speelul lo Tins BBL. | The mcetlncr of the Chamber of Doputlcs lomor- io\v will bo of lively inleiosl. Anolheioto of xxant of conlldpiico in llinpoxoinmcnl x\ill bo mopohcd , liotli pulios xxlll bo urrnxcil l'i full stioiiKth for the test. Iho conserva tives claim un equal division of the xotos , \\hilothollbcialb say they xv 111 uavo a ma jority of four 1 ho action of Iho conservatives is cautlnit much ndvoiso ci iilcisui. Aurelis llascumin , iho nctuil subsocrotpry of fciolpn nlTuiis , lias been appointed Chilian onvoj to Kcuador and Colombia Much 10- pibl is i'\ie3iod [ ) in diplomatic ciiclob nt bis transfei , us he , In conuec-tion xvilh all Iho liiinistuihao piciilly iiinanccd all matieia iclnlinp lo lorciu-n nlTali" , Tlio lleiald's coiiospondont ot Montevideo - video telcgiaphs If.ul u pioposilton is bulii ulscubsca to cli'c-laio Muldonado uficoport. Prom jiuanos Ayres the Herald corio- spondciU tolcpiaphs that the government fi'aw a icx'oll ainonptho natives of HI ( Jriinil Chaco. ' 1'ioophavo received oidoiy to sup press any uprlulni ; . A ponoial stiiito iimoiip all the trades unions xvas inaugurated In liuonos Ax reo today. _ Cnlll il ( apiltl'M Illiill. ICoi | > rlKliU'l hi. iiy laiuun liurilon llcnnctt ] 111 ill iv , Nox11 | Now York Herald Canlo Special to Tin : Hen J When tbo Pnils Ilor.ild utrlxod Ihls moinltiK Iho Mow York leaaniR in tli lo II coiiiiiinod fell ilko it drnnunta bomb In iho foiclyn olllco , xvhoiii thu inoyemonls of ilia forclj-'n piosa are rou- { latcd. It bepnii lo bo mill/ad that iho llorald xvas n lili ; poxvur to deal with and Hint Catnlvl hid bit ofl mete than ho could chow Melt/er wu lockouud a. velvety pur- son xx ho might be do lit xvith , but his suc- ccs oi was icKiu'dpil with constoi nation , ns n xiolPiit poison xx hoould ilsl ; anythlnp und xxouM muko much nolso If thxvartod. Thoro- foio nt tlio lust mnmonl Iho foiclpn olllco lopiotlcd ils action end the slKiiaUno of Iho dccrco for iho expulsion of Melt/or xum withhold. In fiot his dopartuiois looked upon with regie t. Noihlni ; could bo moru amusing than ihoxxay olllcii ) consultations xoio secretly held to Unoxv xvhat should bo dono. Thii insult arrived at Is that itwiu dnnpciaus 10 expel honest nowupapor men. Mil ) llcvivdoilv nn Mm rmuil , [ Copj rlKliti'il Ir.U IIJT .luinui fiunlun llonnott. ) I'ANAM * , ( vm ( Jiilvostun , Tex , ) Nov. J-i , flly Mexican Cable to the Noxv York Iior- uldbpccial to TIM : Hri , | M. Maupp , who was foimcrly director of the Panama canal , nrilvca In llui. citv today. Hopreton. lulivcs of the canal who are heio are rotlcunt about the object of his visit , but It n thought hcio thai ho has bo cm i.cnt out In connection with the revival of the woik , nnd especially to got the maclilncty in order lo continue. The ports of Colombo uro now definitely opened to i'rauco. Clili. 111 i SI. l.uiiiM : ( < : llnuil , Sr. LOUIMo. . Nov. 1 1. Tlio Chicago &bt. Louis IMoctilo Itnllroad company hui com pleted six rnlloi of Us ( 'iado in Chrlsilan county , Illinois , and Is advertising for 30,010 ties. Dr Wellington Adams , the General man- iiijer , bild ton ropmtcr today thai ho bad Kiicefsfully placed iho second lasuo of M- ) ( HJil sharei of stock in Chluiironlil per shore , and Unit the next offeilnp of stock xrould oo made in | ) xv York or lloston. Ho addcu that the toirpnny expected to bepln work on the grade at once l-i Livingston county , lilt- Pols , und at iho Chl ace oud , and that nct'o- llitions for iinotbor coal mine niul the locu tion of the second power house v.'cre rcr/ nujrly cotikUuiuiui U ,