THE OMAHA DAILY 1JE& : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 14. 1892. SEWS OF OMAHA CHURCHES Arrangsmcnts for the Coming of Evangel ist B. Fay Mills. CONCERNING THE MAN AND HIS METHODS ikenn Unrilnnr Trlli of llm Hpls UHHirnl Council Thetcik' * Work iir llio AnnucliitPil rlmrltlrs ) r- Ijn n l nl Inn Xolri. ijfncu the days when Jonah ontcrad the teat city of iNlnovch and began to warn the pcoplo of thulr imminent danger and threat ening dcstrhetlon , religious ovuncolists have pushed the work of calling men from sin nnd inliiulty to lives of virtue and honesty by the mlontion of methods M various and "p-'cullur tM wrro the Individual dispositions of Ihu ' 'nynngellsts themselves. The city of Omaha is soon lo bo visited by llev. 11. Fav Mills , a young revivalist who seems to hn\o a plan of wor < c in rarl particularly his own , out resembling Evangelist Moodj'n plan very closely. Ho has met with marked success ull the way from Malno to California , and the religious pcoplo of Omal.a are hopeful that tno sorlos of meetings to bo held More In December will result In u wonderful revival of religion in Omana and In n marked ineroaso in the Christian army as enrolled In the various church organisations of the city. Never tioforc In Omana have churches representing so rnaiivnllToront denominations enlisted in n similar manner. Tlio prepara tions have boon In progress continually for tr.ontns. Twenty-six churches nro banded together In ono grand orintil/.ltion ; for the upeclllo purpose , of ondtnvoring lo icach with llio gospel of Christ and by personal Inllu- cnco tno cnliro population of the citv of Omnhii. In tbo organization of the vatlous committees , Including tlio canvassers , ush ers nnu chorus singers , nru enrolled tlm names of not low than MO Christian inn nnd women plodcod to active co-operation nnd dullnlto work , all under Iho Direction of th'i general cxectltivo conunlttoo. The idea of tills grmil organl/iillon , and this method of unrrylnir on an nvnngolistlunl movoincnt in n InriioVliy , originated with Mr. Mills. The plan to bo carried out in Omaha will ba along the satno line as these adopted la Cin cinnati and Cleveland in meetings conducted there by the rvnngcllst. The different com mittees have taken ut ) their work with great earnestness. Thu music committee is holdIng - Ing Its regular rehearsals This oonunittoo consists of a chorus of ' 'IU trainee1 voices who will hlng under thu direction of Mr. Hlllis. The meetings will bo hold in Exposition hall and supnlomontary meetings will bo conducted In tlio churches that have united In the effort. A grand rally of those most Interested in the Mills meetings , including imstors.Sumlay school teachers and eillleors , members of sub committees , etc. , will oo hold In the Young Men's Christian association building Hun- day , November'JO , nl 4 p. in. It is expected that sonic ono from Kansas City , where Mr. Mills is now conducting u sorio3 of meetings , will bo present and address tlio mooting. A cordial invitcv.itm is extended In all to attend this electing. Tln > Up HtMiptl Convention. Sneaking of the work of the triennial con vention of the church recently held in lialumoro Uean Gardner had following to say to Tin : HUE : "Tho conven tion was a memorable ono clucliy for thrao things. First , the adoption of the rorisoci ana enriched Hook of Common I'r.ivor. I' or the past fllteou years certain cnangos have boon proposed and certain enrichments have been rocommeudod which , after n good deal of discussion , havu t)3cn .adopted. Ttio present uraycr book is thu same as adopted 100 j ears ago and in ail that llmo it has been the recoirnl/.ed book of worship. It Is hoped that tlio booic as revised and cuilchcd may-ftlso remain in use for 100 years to como. The now book will bo placed on tbo market soon and will then bo the only authorised book of worship for tibo in tho" Episcopal church. It was proposed by some ono to have ttio book copyrighted , but tbo proposition was promptly voted down by u very largo majority. U was determined to place the book before the church aid : the public nt the , possible oxpcasu and HO make it the great tract in behalf of Christian unity. "Tlio second important matter was the adoption of the new hymnal. Af ter years of discussion and fruitless attempts to settle upon a book the mutter was disposed of In tlio same bpint as marked the settlement of the lit urgical question , the convention deciding to adopt the ropoit of the committee. Wo have a hymnal now with some imperfections , but ono that contains most of the hymns and npirltunl songs tna' : ire lovca by Christians the world over. U H especially rich in litany for penitential or noly da > . "Tbo third mutter of urout Impoitanco in the convention was the wonderful manifesta tion of the missionary spirit. This was manifest in all the delibciatlons of the con vention and it tlnully culminated in the setting ting aside of live now missionary Jurisdic tions In this com.try and the appointment of coven missionary bishops. Then there wns a marked expression of sentiment regarding Christian unity. Men of nil schools of thought In the church , cnch in his own way , 3oinudln tlin bopo that they ail might become - come ono In thought and aspiration for tbo n-lvancemon' of the cause of Cod. Friendly overtures were received from special com mittees appointed by other great denomina tions for the mirposo ol carrying greetings lo the Episcopal convention. "Tlio convention odopicd as a posllivo batls lor thu fntuio what Is known as the Lambeth platform. At n meeting of ull the blsnops connected with the Anglican church held ut Lambeth palace , London , in 1SS',1 , the following was adopted and has bocomc known us the Lamucth platform on Chris tian unity : Klist , the uccoptiinco of the canonical ncripturos of both the old and now testaments ; second , the acceptance of ttio episcopate creed as to the baptismal formula nnd tno Nlconocrocd with regard to thostato- inontol Christian doctrlno ; third , the two sac raments Invariably administered with ttio words and elements appointed to bo used by our Lord ; fourth , the historic oplscopnett locally adopted to tbo varying noads and periods of timo. "Tho spiiit evinced by the convention was ono of grout breadth and OHrnustncss. Tlioro was a ueslro on Iho part of all to bink individual . vidual profiironces out of bignt in behalf of the common good. Jt was the largest con vention In Iho history of the church. Nearly oil of the sovonly-livo bishops were present , and tlio delegates must have nutnhorod in all over 000. " Aimiriatc'd Utiiirltlni. Secretary Clurk wont to Davenport , fa. , During the week to purchase plno wood from the lumber mills to supply the woodyard de partment. Ho bought llvn carloads. As teen as this arrives tlio society will bo prepared - pared to furnish the best kindling wood oIn the market , Whllo In Davenport a short was made to headquarters of Associated Clmritiaj , which were founn In u largo nnd : commodious Industrial building. This build ing was erected last yoor ut cost def f iiXM. : ( The Associated Charities ofllco * , ofo contion room ? , committee rooms , OIL- . , occupy the first lloor. The basement contains the cooking school appartments and the laundry. The laundry U a prominent fcuturo of the work. Aside from giving employment to many who would otherwise bo compelled to bc , tbo poor woman of tbo town , vho have no facilities at homo for washing and ironlntr , are allowed to talio their washing to this \vcU-ouulpped laundry. Tlio sowing tohocl for girls is on tlio second lloor , Ttio nverugo attendance is 150 pupils nt every meeting , Tbo term of tuition for each pupil is tbo length of time necessary for her lo complete the folloivbc : Sample of patch work , ono towel , two handkerchiefs , one llnnnol shirt , two suits underclotbcb , two sleeved aprons , two otlitir suits underclothes and ono calico drcs . TbU Includes cutting , lilting ana making. Ono man In Davenport offered f3OOJ pro vided f 10,1)00 ) more could ba raised for tlio ' building. It required only u short time to ccuro4tho required amount. Will JOinu one In Omaha maun n generous otter toward un industrial bulldlngl rho ladles of the Onmha City Mission have en industrial school of lf > U pupils and would have twice that number If tboy had a lultaole bullUlutf. It U Impossible to uccoui. plish the best work In their present bulldln ? on Tcilth street. U Is wonderful to co whata grand work they r doing under such un favorable circumstances. They could Intro duce other industrial lines of work , work room for women , laundry , day nurterv. etc. Under Associated Charities it Is hoped to open a workroom for women In n short time. The hoard of trustees elected the following ladles a sncclal committee on the workroom : Mrs. J. M. Thurston , Mrs. .1. 13. Jordlno. Mrs. .1. B. Furay , Mrs.V. . 0. Manland , Mrs. Morltz Meyer. The headq-iartors of Associated Charltloj will be moved the llrst of this wceit. The association has rented the lioomcr block on Howard ana Kienth streets , The woodyard will bo upon the trnck and the association will have facilities fur fihlnplne old Iron and other material which may bb Donated , The llrst shipment will probably bo n carload ot paper to the mitts , for something w'.H bo received with which to assist In the cbnritv wodt this winter. The building is largo enough to store all the furniture , sloxcs and other second hand goods which may bo do nated , and also to lodco the men who re quire temporary assistance during the winter. In opening the new oRlccs nmv oflleo fur niture will be needed and will bo greatly appreciated If some ono wilt send tables nnd desks as donations. In delivering wood nnd collecting plfts of cloth- inglho association Is In conitnnt need of a horse , lllrlng n norse is ovpunslvu and the association wants to got the use of ono this winter for the fo-'d aim care of It. The sec retary can promise good care for the uorso. The dispensary physician ! ) have been taxed more than usual'lhis week. As the 'Winter comes on thn applicants for assUtunco he- corn o moro numerous , Sonm of these u ho coruo nro vcrv deserving people nnd in great need. Others , upon Investigation , are round to ba professional b.ignaiM. Ono of these appealed to a busincts man ulio wrote the secretary u nolo Wednesday asking that cajo to bo Investlaated , that 'he might assist the woman If fojnd worthy. The Investiga tion 11vented that for two months she bus worked p.irt ot ouch week nnd bogged a larger part of the week , aim with lior accumulations has gene upon n drunken spree regularly ovnry Saturday. She has twochilition under her care which she Is training for criminals. The most loucblne appeals corao from these who want , work , but who are not strong enough to do heavy work. Ono woman wants to board children by tlio day or wo 3 It , honing to make a living that wav. She has a family of her own , her husband broKen In health and her own strength so far failed that she can no longer support tlio fumllv by wash ing. She is willing to give up the two good roams of their little house to room CM and boaruuiM. She U willing to do anything butte to has. Many others are lllto her. Yesterday the secretary sent two helpless nnd dependent children to n homo for adop tion near St Paul , Minn. This matcos sixty- slx boys aud girls placed Into hom.s slnco lost April. The drilling for the "Ren Hur" entertain ments , which will bo given Novon-bor 21 , ' 11 and 2t : , is progrossinir finely. The 150 characters - actors are all selected. Nothing will bo emitted to make this n brilliant succors. Tbo railroad companies have offered reduced rates from nil points within re.vjti of Omaha. The rate will ba ono and one-third faro for lound trips. I'm' tlin llpmi Door. Following are the donations recoiveJ by the Open Door at 1(10 ( * Lothrop street , be- been September 1 , IbOl , and November 1 , Ib'JJ : O. A. Aborcrtimber , $5 ; Mr * . J. C. How ard , $ ; ! ; Hurwell union , $ ! ( ! .5T ; Sewarcl union , .1 ; 11. II. lllngwalt , $ ! . Fred Droxcl , ! l ; through World-Herald , ) ; Stanton union , $7,25 ; Crcighton union , $9 : Norfolk Baptist Indies , $ J.S5 : Miss Lilian Jones , 3 ; llev. IX J. Wcltli , SI ; Mrs. George Thomp son , $0 ; through W , 11. llussoll. J12.34 ; Mrs. Klla Pearson. 82 ; Mrs. E. 13. Kenyon , M ; Mrs. Meyers , . " 0 cents ; Mrs. Jones , 81 ; Mrs. Snnburn , $1 : through V.'illlntn Flom- Inir , 15.011 ; Mrs. F. S. Corvell , ? 1.23 ; Mrs. W. T. Cummings. * .i ; Mrs. W. II. Potter , SI ; Omaha , COKO and Lime compnnv , M ; "Don11 throuch the World-Herald , $ ti ; Mrs. McClainl ; C. A. Stonehill , $5 ; Dr. A. 13. Sotners , $ : i ; Hov. Dr. Duryea , $10 ; Mrs. Rector , f4 ; Mrs. Torby , $1 ; Merdou Grove union. f.V. L. IX Holmes , $5 ; Mrs. J. Don- son , $ .3 ; Engineers , $15 ; tnrnugh Mrs. M. E. Oration. flO ; Mrs. .1. L McCucuo. $ ! U : Mrs. Kilpatrlck , $ r > ; Milton Koffors& Son , $10 ; I1. Colpctser , fl2 ; C. M. Djlt$11 ; John A. Wakelleld. 525 ; W. V. Morso. $10 ; through Mrs. Austin , ? . " > ; through Mrs. Web ster , SJ..VJ : through MM. A. S. Potter , $ ia.50 ; Mrs. Laura Putman , SI ; Mrs. O. M. Lender , 55'Crawford ; union , ? ii 20 ; Fullerton - ton union , $2 VJ ; Ctmdron union , $520 : through Mrs. Blackmail , MS.12 ; W. T Sua- mau , $2iO : ; Mr * . George Giacomini , S'i ; Buckingham union , $15 ; Mrs. Lobcck , $2 ; throush World-Hurald , lit ; Tobias union , * T.-17 ; through Hov. A. U. Tnaln. $112.1 ; Miss fonnloArnold , ? . ! ; Mrs. E/.raMlll.ird , M ; Madison union , S3 ; Airs. A. 13. Jaquitb , $3 : Hov. F. W. Foster. * I2'J ' ; Mrs. Mitchol , * ( i.)0 ; throuKli Kov. Sterling , SI 30 : Mrs. J. T. Coots , ? > ; Mrs. Plielps. SI ; Davenport union , Si.ltl ; Mr. , ? 3 ; Miss Em ' ma HinOfc , M , VJ ; Coloildgo union , ? " > . -IS ; A Friend , $10 ; Albion union , SI.'l.US ; Watson 15. Smith union , $ ! ) . "i3 ; South Omaha union , * (5.3i ( { ; Mrs. Hov. Williams. VJ cents ; F. J. Burnett. Si ; Mrs. Hull , $ MiO ( ; Mrs. Aue. Pratt. f'J ; MUs Georglo Valentine , RI5U ; Mrs. E. S. Diindy , f ; Mrs. John Grant. $7 ; Mot/o Meyer , 412 ; Mr . E. D. Frank , $12 ; Mrs. C. C. ) ; George Joslvn , $4 ; Cash. $ ' 2.50 ; II.V. . Cretner , fli ; Shriver i\iO'Dono ' hue , ' { ; Goorco Hradonburi ; . ? 10 ; Ulair unionn.tOMrs. : ; : Dr. Womorslo.v.fl.IUl ; , l. II. Dumont , $21 ; Gcoriro P. Howls. $ < ! ' ) ; Mrs. M. A. Smith , * 7 ; Mrs. E. M. Mors- nmn , $1 ; Ilcrman ICountzo , $100 ; Lyman Hichardion , fin ; Truman fiuctt , $12 ; A. S. 1'ottar , M5 ; William Fleming. $ ( ! ; Miss Malhison , 2 ; Inmates , $ ; ) " > . Klmball Ice company , city water company. Hoddlng Boo union , Sowurd union , St. Mary's ' Avonuu Congregational young ladies , Mrs. Ax tell , Mrs. I3ryon Heed , Tildun union , Drudshaw union. Clothing-Liolcs of the Plrst Congrega tional church , Craig union. Madison union. , . ICigbtylivourds of c.irpot from Toka- mnh , Craig and Crawford unions. Provisions Craig and Tokatnan unions , Union Puollluhotel department. Hex , llalev A ; Co. , Samuel Avcry , Mrs , Woolworth , V. Allen , South Omaha union , First Baptist , Hathlobem , Eden nnd South Omaha Baptist churches , llox of soap , W. A. Pago. JolT W. Bedford , half ton liurd coal. Nebraska Fuel company , ono ton haid coa' Wo wish to uxprobs thanks to the press for all favors received , to tlio physicians and to all our friends , who L.IVO responded to our appeals , and trust that occasion for renewal - nowal of this , o-ir acknowledgmonls , may bo afforded us nt the nrproucbini : public ! tha'nlu- giving. -Miii. G. W. CI.VIIKI : , Suporinlmideni. Aniorlfiiii Cliolnr.l , r/nin / the Duly Itevcille , H'/iic > in , H'.n'i "T. C. tiunmtt , the douiocratlo candidate for s her i IT , was takun violently ill at broolt. He had all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera , and for nn hour or two it was ! feared ho would die. Thov dually gave him ailoso of Chamberlain's ( Jollu. Cholera and -Olarrhiua liomcdv , which rovlvoa him until a physician arrived. " That is precisely what tlio manufacturer of that inedicino recommend for ohotera. Send for a physi ' 1- cian , but sivo thoirmedlcino until the physl * clan arrives. If cholura becomes prevalent in this country next sumniur this prepara tion will be In ann great demand because it can always bo depended upon. For sale bye druggists. Rcnostuto. \ . Miirgutnti only. My word la ( ; ond. W. G. Albrlfht 6 1.L'-a N. Y. Lifebid' , ' . nnd intorlor ilouoratliipr ; do- anil estimates furnibhoil , Henry LolniKinn , 1508 Douglas Hlroot. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Youths Who Have B. oi Lol Aitny by Healing Dime Novels , QUEER DISCOVERY OF TWO POLICEMEN Music City Youths unit Their Unilorjrnnn < l Itcntlr/voui-HOJ-H with n Touch of llniimncn In Tlicir Niittiro Note * from the Mnglo City. Oaicors Wilson and Snoettlo located a rcm- dczvous for small boys , ct Tw. nty-nlnth nnd I O streets , yesterdav nftonioon. A number of boys of from ID to U years of ago had ox- civntcd on the level prounil lo a doptn of bevcn feet , and had n very cozy cnvo about eight foot iuaro | nearly completed. They had secured n steve and had the place llxcd up In diniQ novel slupo. \VhontnooHlcorsswooped down upon the nlnco they found four small boyi at worlt decoratini , ' nnd llxlng up the interior. The boys wcro almost friciitencd to death by the uppuaranco of the olllccr.i nnd comnlutely quaked , fortfoHiuij about the uhno novel bravery they were to show when any ono upon their possessions. The olllcers seo'jrod and con- tlscitcd n number of tiroarnis , among wtilch was n rlllo whinti hart pnrformod scrvlca for many yeirs. 't'ho boys stated thtt the othnrs bolonglng to the juvenile hand had gene to Gtlmoro on a hunt nnd would return In the evening. Tboy wera irlven n tip nnd ilia not show up at tlio rendezvous. Thu boys promised faithfullv to abandon the c. vo and were notarrostpd upon the stroncth of the promise. They nro all of respectable fatnllltouid their parents will bo acquainted with the fuel. Aim lit : i Mrc. An oxnlodinc lamp in the canning roe m nt thn Cudahy pao lng liouso yoitord.xy after noon about ! ) o'clock called out thn lira de partment. The explosion of the lamp was discovered Immediately and the llaiucs were extinguished bjforo nny matorlal damage was done , and the services of tno llro com panion wcro not ncoilod In puttini ; out the blszo , which would nave boon disastrous lint for tlio prj.upt action of these near at hand. AtiiiMiilmciits tii tint City Cliiitcr. : The city council will moot this evening , and ono subject of importunco which should corao up Is that ot nmendmants to the city charter. In several place ? the charter Is defective , and in many others can bo greatly Improved. The citizens are only waiting for the council to call a , conference mooting , i and as the time is growing short , thov OK- psct that , soma action will bo t.iKou by the councilmen at tonlght'ii incotlng. .Magic City -Notos. S. Croolts of Lexington was the guest of H.V. . Carey yostcrdaj- . Mrs. Stella Kouinson of Colorado Springs nnd MM. , ) osio Hoadloy of Chenonso , N. Y , , are visiting Mr. and Mr . J. C. Carluy. Lute UlancliarJ , fnr.norlv with the South Omaha National bank , has returned from a month's hunt in Doucl county , along the Platto. The oxtorlor worlt upon Frank Dolozol's novv brick block on Twonty-fourth street Is completed and the workmen have turned their attention to the interior. The young son ot Mr. and Mrs. .lamos rlnulo , who died from the nifonts of swal- owing a quantity of concentrated lye , was buried yostonlay afternoon at y o'clock. The funeral of the late Jeremiah Qoudgnon occurred yesterday afternoon from the do- ccascd's rijaidenco ut Ttventj.llrst and I treats. Services were held ul St. Agnes cnurch. Frank Pivonkn has given notice that the new apartments for tno citv otllcials In hia low block nt Twonty-jixtu and N streets vill bo ready for occupancy not later than December 1. Mngio City lodge , Independent Order of < oed Tompiars , has n public installation of olUcors at the First Methodist church this evening. In addition lo the Installation ceremonies - monies a fine musical and literary program will tjorondorod. Refreshments will also bo served An honest pill U tno nodloit work of thu apothecary. UoWitt's Little Karly Hlse euro constipation , blliousnuss and acbe. READY FOR THE CAMPS. Oinalin .Modern U'liiiitiiirn Unto Krorj tlunR III Cinxl nliujir. Arrangements have been completed for the head camp nicotine of the Modern Woodmen of America which convenes nt Exposition : iall in this ci'y tomorroiv morning , and pros- 'nt ' indications nrc that It wilt bo un occasion of vast nnd lasting Importation to the order. The special Woodman train from I'ooria will urrivo this evening and the delegates nnd olllct'rs will .ako up their headquarters at the Hotel Uolloiio. Il is expected that routlno business will occupy ull of the llrst dav , whilb Tursday evening will uo devoted to a puolic reception to tlio head otleers ) and delegates attbo hall. Iho committee desires to extend an earnest invitation to everybody to bo present on this occasion , Addresses of welcome will uo made by Governor .1. K. Bovd on behalf of the stuto , by Mavor Ciiorso 1' . Bemts on be half of the citv and by Congressman William .1. Bryan , who Is n dclc ate to thn head camp , on behalf of the Modern Woodmen of Ne braska. 'V response will fo made by Head Consul \\illtaui A. of Ciroenvillo , III. , who is n most pluaslng and entertaining talker , and who will full/ sol forth tno bene fits of fraternal and baiiPllciar.v societies in general and ot the Modern Woo union of America in particular. Wednesday evening the Hoyal Neighbors of America will exompllfv their lloor work for tlio benotit of the baud olllcor * and delegates - gates at Omaha camp r.'O in Continental block. All Woodmen are Invited to bo present. Thursday night nt Maple Camp Mii , In Cioodrich ballon NorthTwonty-fourtnstreet , a ball and oyster supper for Woodman nnd their Indies only will bo Riven , The puss word will bo collected at the door , and the entertainment will bo strictly a Woodman affair , everything to bo free. The committee 011 outrrtalnmentlmvo been indefatigable in their efforts and it is ex pected that the hundreds of visitors will go away \\cll satiiticd with tlu mooting and will sing the praises of Omaha around their bevoral camp ilrcs for many moons to couic. nfiti.iNOTON' , iaApril , 4,1801. Dr. J. U. Moore Dear Sir : Have been troubled with catarrh in my head mid fuco for throoyeurs times > \as unublo to bear bad a constant ringing In my oars and for two years wts almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called romodioi and been treated bv regular physicians and noted specialist ) , but failed to get any relief , 1 tried ono bottle of Mooro's Tree ol Life Catarrh Cure , It gave immediate relief and ellcutod a permanent euro. J heartily rucominomj all suffer ers of this disoiuo and will cboorlully glvo any further Information on being addressed at my homo , No. 2J.J Svvamiuy avo. , Burllng- on , la. IA > i sale oy all dr.uagsu. ! Hoipactfulllv , 11. L. K u. Korsnlo by all drucglsU. Current Toplr * Itrmiinud. The Current Topic club will again resume Its Monday night meetings now mat the chairman , HCV. Dr. Duryea , has returned homo from a two weeks' trip through the CE'S aking Ylie only 1'uie Cream of Tnrtar Powder , No Atuuioniaj No Vlutu. XJsed iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. onit. The quostiiTD for tbM ovontnp Is "Should 'there U * Ha'lloil Chance In the ( Jltv's TrcAtmoiti of I'oity Crlmlnftlsl" JUUL'O Hcrkn , ox-i rosccutinR.Attoruo ; Si las Cobb nnd othont good sneakers will take part In the cllsciuUon , which promises lo bo qnlto Interesting. "Iho club oxtonils n for' dial Invitation to all those taking an Interest in such matters tot/be prosont. Ifyouliavo pii < m HeWltt's Wltoh Hazel salvo will surety euro you. ONI : t\cim4iuN : To the Cltj-ollJIrilco nnil Upturn. For the moetlnij of tbo Amor-lean Public tloiilth Assocltition and Intortm- llontxl Moiltciil C'omrrcjs , to bo liolil In the t ! City of Mexico November U9 to De cember U , 1SD2 , the S.uita l ° o route will sell , tti'hets tit ono lowest llrst-clusa faro for the round trip. This is an o.xi'oHont opportunity to visit Mexico , ono of the most dolifrulful trips Imaginable , at very little co tt. A spoi'ial party will Icavo Omaha Saturday , November li ) , nnd join a largo rarty from Moston anil other eastern t'ities ut Ivittisas City. Tlio faro for the round trip from Omaha Is , only ni.lil ) . For ftirtlior Information and reserva tion of Pullman aiTommodatioiis call on or address , K. FJ. I'Ai.Mint , Passenger Agent Santa Fo Uouto , 1310 Fariitim St. , Otmlia , Nob. One of the largest successes in the way of Flavoring Ex tracts in the world is the Price Flavoring Extract Com pany. Their success is attributed to the perfection of Dr. Price's Delicious Flav oring Extracts. This perfec tion was made possible through the new processes discovered by Dr. Price for extracting from the true fruits their natural flavoring proper ties. Any housekeeper that will use Dr. Price's Orange , Lemon , Vanilla , or any other flavor , will pronounce them faultless. The purity of Dr. Price's Flavors offers the best secur ity against the dangers which are common in the use of the ordinary flavoring extracts ia the market. . HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSINd. For Farmers , Miners and mschanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , I3urn3 , Etc. A Deliah'ful Shampoo. S.USSSAH Specially Adapted for Use in Hard If so , buy one that cannot be stolen. The only thief-proof Watches are thoie'witli Hero's the Idea : The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the pendent ( stem ) and fits into the grooves , firmly locl.lnc the bow to the pendent , so that It cannot be pulled or twisted olf. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out , sec that the case is stamped ith this trade mark. fljSfl It cannot be had \ulli any other kind , \ J/ / Ask your jeweler for pamphlet , or send for one to the famous Iloss Filled Case makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. VI Hobb's Are the Oast on Earth. Act gently yet prompt , ly on tbo MVKII , IUI ) . DRJOBBiS NKVH ami II01VDI.S , dis pelling Headaches , Fev- rig nnd Colds , thorough , LITTLE ly cleansing tha system of disease , and cures Vegetable habitual constipation They are auiar coated , Uo not gripe , very small , follows their UEO. "They absolutely euro tlrk lifta- mclic. and aroreromuimd- el br Icniiiti ? r-yM11" ' For ealo by leading ' irBibtnorHcnthjrm * ; ' . ; fc&cti. orUI. Addrtsa ' 3 MEDICINE CCL ) Piops , Ssi : Fianw.o n Cliicije , fOI ! 6AI.KI1K OMAUA. KEI3. , CY f ulin A. To. . Co.r ittt'6 Donglaj Sl . J A Fuller &Cn , Cot. HIB i. Iouel ' > 3U. ' " CuuucilIUua .I "DR R , IMLB ! Killed \Vltb nt iu Invun- tlonl inr.Tii nxTitAornn wiruour PAH o'ror : Tiim : : ON uuuunn rent t O GO * I'orfcct lit snurantool Tuath oxtrictu'l In the : uiornliur. Mow onoi Insorto4 In foostiecl'ionsof ' Uomoviihlo Ilrldco. § uo uooliiiunsif I lexlole iiiitln ; : Pluta All wnrU wurrantoil nt rupruaontoil. Olllce , thlr.U'iour , t'axton Illujf. ToIep'i'Mi lOii , 1(5 ( tut hUrilii Take IMov.ito- Bu'rway ' fro.u I3tb ijtrco teutrauo * . DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL ily , atonic and mt a Itstim ilitt 4 the rtrculst on , tours uji thn frt , iniriHo-9 the blood , givci bruli'm-ss and ii > , nlth . to women , strength to injn , and Is ) fin.f Miulorscil Iiv iihviioians a ul jnnrp dv.xt.O'il thl'iKpr * . ' U is the lBt l or VNEUBIONtA. Ht-ar In lutnil that IblFyNPtirt' Malt hai crown in Papula ity or veir- ! , Hut it m acknowlodzoil as the only mint r medy ol Its k nil on the market , that It coutTl isu i luvl ml , u"il that It In- varlnbly lono'Hs nl' ' who into llftfmtly us ? It. 3otltl omyour Urnia''t ! or uroe r. b'enil for phamphlot to THE DUFFY MALT WHTS.xEY CO , ttoch 'S nr , N. Y. Von can rcilnoo your xvolflit from ten to twenty iinuiiilH n month , nt lioinc , with out Elarvliig , nt reasonable cost by the use ol Dr.-Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In sunny yenrs prnctlcc , camps no nloIini-MS or Injury In the litMiltti , Is highly Indorsed. Send for proofs and ( erllmoulals. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P.O. Drawer iii. : : Chlcngo , 11L jlf Barytes and ether adulterants of White Lead are just as good as Strictly Pure White Lead why is it that all the bogus and adulterated white leads are always branded "Pure , " or "Strictly Pure White Lead ? " No one ever puts a mislead ing brand on an article of mer chandise , unless he wants to "work off" an inferior for a better. cThis Barytes or Baryta , is a heavy white powder , worthless as paint ; costing only about one cent per pound and is used to adulterate and cheapen the mixture. No one ever adulter ates white lead with an article costing more than Lead , t , If you purchase any of the following brands you are sure of having Strictly Pure White Lead. manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process : "SOUTHERN" "RED SEAL" "COLLIER" For sale b the best dealers in paints tvrywlierc. If you are Roir.R to paint. It will pay you to lend to us for a book containing information that may save 5011 many a dollar ; it will ( inly cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO. , o St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets. , St. Louis. Mo. nrndc P KID GLOVES Thoabovo brands of ylo\o3 lor sale by The BostonStore N.V. . Cor. 10th nnd TOE "LAK 111 SYFilNOEi. Tlio Only I'arlait'iliil nil Kwlnl syrlnu In the U'irlil. In tlio ( inly syrlnio over Invent ml Ijy nhlili viiulnnt liijiiitliiui cun liuiiliulnlstvruil wltlii > utluik < lim anil millliiit tlin clothliu or nil' ru i'Uiitlii4 the nvo of n > IM | niui wliltli tun also l > o iiMul | * u c'Linl liijfi'tlona of Irrluutlun. S01T lirillIKH Ill-Mi AM ) HAItl ) UL'llllrnt &I1KIJ. Price S3.OO. Mini niilers sollcltcl. Hie Aloe & I'cnfold ' Co. , 18th Street , NEXTtoPOSTOFFIOE Pliyslcaiu' prinorlntloas n.irufnllly iircpaiud at low in ires. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - OMAHA , HEB Capital 7. . . . $100,093 $05,00'J Offlcer andDlreotor Heurjr W. Vuloi , It. f , UuiUIn * . tlco iireilJun ) , i' . H. ilmirloaV t lorc.Joh l. Colliai J. H , U. I'atrlct. l. < rl > A THE IRON BANK. 4 Kinds of Suits Ton of each kind and each kind different , are shown in our arrest show window today. Each of those suits bears a card which tells you in good plain figures , the price which is either sb dollars and fifty cents or ten dollars and fifty cents. These nuts were placed in the window to attract your attention to lotify you that today "The Nebraska" begins another of the .jreat special sales which have made her famous throughout the west. Two styles of these suits those in the two front rows arc marked The ones in the very front row are "beauts. ' They're made of jood solid all wool cassimere in a handsome dark brown with just enough color in the broken plaid to make the pattern attractive. The lining is of double warp Italian. These suits are in round corner sacks only. Tl\2 "squire cut'sacks in the second row are mighty toi7y\ They arc made of substantial ancy black cheviot in an invisible plaid. The coats are cut double-breasted with square corners and in the proper length or this season. The lining is of soft serge and the price is six dollars and fifty cents. The third and fourth rows are marked The third row arc sacks round corner sacks and such sacks ! made of elegant dark gray all wool cassimere lined right up to the queen's taste with very fine Farmer satin , triple stitched finely tailored. The frocks in the back row arc of "never wear out" sort of goods good old honesty c.isai- mere--made up honestly every stitch such suits as fifteen dollars and sixteen dollars usually buys. Usually ygu get better goods than at our ! ' siTthis you expect specials---t's time. FUR OVERCOATS have never been sold by us. The urgent calls from our customers for them have prompted us to add a complete assortment open today---at such prices as only the Nebraska gives. Corner Douglas and 14th Streets. Ask your shoe dealer for the ' > ; IS , LSJIIEffiJJPt , THE NEW JERSEY SPECIALTIES have no equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only. Big stock on "hand. ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , a. , Nefo. Do you use Whisky Lends all others in Sold only at High-das ! Places and Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Drinking . Age and Smoothness. Drug Stores. DAULEMAND & CO. . CHICAGO. RUPTRU PERMANENTLY CURED or NO PA" WB KFFBK VOL ro 2,500 J'ATIUNT : Finaoeial llcl'erencc : Xal'l llauk of UoiuintNe , Oiiiab. No DJCTINTION : from btisinosa. No Oporutloi Invcsirjiuu HIMMiitliol , Wrlltou L'uiiruntttn to ulia lutoly Cnruall kiniHof KIM'TDItUof both wuos.wlU out tno use of Kiiifuorsyilnxe , no matter of how Jed BXAMJNATON , The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , ! 307-308 N , Y. LIFE BIDO. , OMAHA , HfB for Oirculur , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.