Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    TTTF. mrUTA DAILY RKK rnXHAY 11 Ififl9
tljj \
Como Lucky Difcovcrio ? of Largo anil
"Valuiblo NuggtU
lie mnrtoiblOfVlndi In tlio Trriwurn I'lrliM ol
Anlorlcii tint * Nnino ol Iho ( liildrn
\ \ > ro Uiiparllieil llwrly
llnyn In Wcttorn .Mlnc .
California has yielded many Inrge nml
beautiful "nuggets" of gold , but for tlio
itizo of her nuggets Australia lends the
world , at least in modern times , nnd
there is no record of the hip finds of the
minors of nnclonl times in the nug-got
Though C.'nlifornlu has not produced
very many nuggota of the grant size of
the largest found in Australia , snys the
Kan > 'rnncIscoClirotiif'losho lins ylo'.ded
nn iintnonso numhor of very largo
"chunks" of gold tint ! of piece ? of curi
ous nnd bountiful shapes. Irciuured by
miners and others as "specimens1 nnd
ofl'ir0M' si/ > tli i' ' l'io ' pieces calleil
"chi'lsp.'iB. " '
Indued California ranks us a coarse
gold region ; coarse gold ls found ' "
almost every camp in the suite , whereas
in mutiv countries , oven in most other
places in the United State1) ) , ncirly : all
lha coM found la in the shape of line
duat or very mnnll grains.
The first bir | lumps of gold found in
California created ti great excitement
among Iho minors. They at once began
picturing in imagination matsej of gold
Inrcer thnn could bo lifted by a do/.oii
men. Jt was a common campllrc
There \vero iilloat stories of men sit
ting down to starve by luuo golden
boulders rather than risk Inavini ! tlwir
finds to so in HO-.ireh of transportation
The first nugget of sulHe'tent nl/o to
croalo more than a nioro local sensation
was found by a young wlio waa a
soldier in Stovotison's I'e.giment. It is
related that ho found it in the Moke-
lumno rive * while in the act ol talcing a
driulc f om the strc'im. Tlio nugget
weighed nearly twenty-five pounds.
The Under at , once hastened to San
Franei.Hco with his pri/.o , whore ho
placed it in the hands of ( . 'olonel Muson
for safe keening. Tlio big lump was sent
to New YorK and placed on exhibition.
] t produced great oxcitctncnt , and was
probably Iho cause of many a nviti
htrikin out for California.
The largest muss of gold over found
in Ciilifornin was thtit dug out at Car-
neil Hill , Calnvorns county , in ISJl. It ,
weighed 193 pounds. Other lumps
weighing sworn. ! pounds wore found sit
the tame plane.
August 18 , 18CO , W. A. Knrish and
Harry Warner took from the Monumen-
tnl ( mart/ mine , Sierra county , a mass
of gold and quart/ weighing I ! ! ! ! pounds.
It wnssold to H. H. Woodward of San
l-Ynnciseo for $21U0.oa ; ! It was ex
hibited at Woodward's garden for some
time , then was melted down. It yielded
gold to the value of * ! " 051. ! ) ! .
August ! , 1838. Ira A. Willard found
on the west branch of Feather river a
nugget which weighed fifty-four pounds
avoirdupois before and forty-nine and
one-half pounds nfter melting.
A nugget dug at Kclsoy , Eldorado
county , wilt ) bold for $1,700. In 1SG1 a
nugget wab found in the middle fork of
tlio American river t\yo miles from
Michigan blulT , that weighed eigliteen
pounds ten ounces and was sold for
$1,201 by the finder.
lu 1850 at Corona , Tnolinnno county ,
was found a gold quart/ nugget which
weighed 161 pounds six ounces. Half a
mile east of Columbia , Tuolumno coun
ty , near the Knapp ranch , a Mr. Strain
found a nugget which weighed fifty
pounds avoirdupois. It yioldiv.l 68,501) )
when molted. In 1840 was found in Sul
livan's creek , Tuolumno county , a nug
get that weighed twenty-eight pounds
In 1871 a nugget was found in Kanaka
creek , Sierra county , that weighed
ninety six pounds. At Rattlesnake
crook the sjmo year a nugget weighing1
10(1 ( pounds two ounces was found.
A quarthouldor found in French
gulch , Sierra county , in 1851 , yielded
48,000 in gold.
In 1S157 a boulder of gold quart/ was
found at ljllot hill , Kldorndo county ,
that yielded $8,000 when worked up. 'ft
was found in what is known us tlio
"llouUlor Crave ! " claim , from which
many Hmallcr gold quiu't/ nuggets have
* been taken at various times.
Sumo years ago a Frenchman found a
nugget of almost pure gold , worth over
85,000. in Spriiiguch ( ! ! , Tuolumno coun
ty. The next day Iho man became in
sane , llo was sent to the Stockton
asylum , and tlio nugget was forwarded
to the Fiench consul at Sin Francisco ,
who sent its value to the family of the
llndor in France.
In 1851 a mass of gold was found at.
Columbia , Tuolumno county , weighing
thirty pounds and yielding tO(23. ( (
A Air. Vlririn found at Gold Hill , in
the same county , a boulder weighed
thirtv-one pounds eight ounces , and
when molted yielded $0,500.
A gold quart/ boulder found at Min
nesota , Sierra county , weighed twenty-
two pounds and two ounces and yielded
$ .rCOO.
In 18")0 ) a nugget was found at French '
Gulch , in the tame county , that weighed ;
twenty-one pounds and eleven ounces
nnd contained gold to the valuoof $ I,8KI. ! :
In 1870.1. 1) . Colgroveof Dutch Flat ,
Plucor county , found a white quart/
boulder in the Polar Stir hydrauliu
claim from which ho obtained gold to
the value of ISSJOO.
At the Monumental quart/ mine ]
Sierra county , in ISO ! ) , wan found a'mass
of cold that weighed nlnoty-ilvo pounds
nix ounces. It was found in decom
posed quartat a depth of twenty-llvo
feet below the surface. This was the !
only "pay" found In that particular part
bf the mino. All the auriferous
of.tho vein at that point seemed to have
occn concentrated in that one nugget.
In 1835 u nugget weighing sixty
pounds was fouuu at Alloghany town ,
SloriM county. It was a mass of gold
taken from a quartvein. . Several
other lip-go chunks were taken from the
same mine , lumps of nearly pure gold
weighing from ono pound to ten and
twelve pounds. Those mnst-os of gold >
wore dug by Frank Cook ( afterwards
city marshal of Marysvlllo ) and others ,
hit * partners.
In 1H51 a Mr. Chapman and others
tlumnd a ret of claims on the middle
Yuba. When tlio water win turned
from the river into the iluuio about hoof
first tiling seen in the exposed bed of
the channel was a horbobhoo shaped
i > , mass of pure gold , which weighed
Ik twenty-eight pounds. This was cdH
I -vory handsome and "showy nugget. "
It WIIK eojd to Major Jack Stratman of
fa'ari Francisco.
The Sailor Diggings on Hho north
ork of the Yubii , just boow .Sailor
t favino , about three miles abe vo Downie
rllle , wore wonderfully rich in ug
goto. The diggings were owned nnd
worried ty i party of Kr.gllsh sailors in
18. " ) ! . Ill Claim thn sailors found a
nugget of purofjold Unit weighed thirty-
oil o pounds.
They also found a great nuinbnr of
nuggets weighing from five to fifteen
pounds ,
In French IJavlne , Sierra county , in
1S" > 6. there was found in the claim'of n
Mlssoui'ian named Smith a double nug
get of almost pure go'd. Tlio larger of
the two nuggols weighed fifty pound ? ,
and connected with it by a sort of neck
wad a htm D of gold that wolghod 'fifteen
pound . In taking I'lit'tho largo nugget
the two were broken apirt. The larjro
nnggct yielded 10,01.0 nud-tho Binall
one * : t)0 ( ) ( ) .
In Soptcmbnr , ISoO , U 1' . Wardoll ,
now in Virginia City , found in Mad
canon , on the middle fork of the Amfr-
lean river , a nugget of solid go'd ' weigh
ing nix pounds. Tlio nugget hud in it a
round hole , and the llndor made use of
it in hK cabin as a caudlo-tlick. It wn ? .
douhtlc" , tlio most valuable caiuilcsticlc
on tlio Paul lie coiiBt , After the nugget
bud been thus u-rul so long that it was
cove'-tMl with c.indlo grease , the owner
sold it , grcasu and all. ,
In Iho early days of placer mining in
California colored minors were proverbi
ally lucky. Companies of white men
wore always re-idv to take in n colored
man as 11 ptrtnci' , bulloving ho would
i bring them good luck. In 1SS ! ! a colored
miner \\ho w is out on a prospecting
trip found on tlo ! loloof | Table moun
tain. ' 1 uoiumno county , a nuirgnt that
wcighud thirty-live pounds avoirdupois
and yielded over 67,000.
In a drift mine at Remington Hill ,
Nevada county , in 18'ifl , tlie lulf of a
smoothly washed boulder of gold , , uart/
was found , which yielded I.U7 fit ) . The
niiggnt was smooth on all the rounded
side * , hut had on one side a Hat , rough
At tlio time the chunk found
it was remarked that thoolhor half of
t ho boulder might possibly bo-soniowhcre
in the > -ame claim.
In IS'iS the ownerof the mine hud a
hired man who was engaged in drifting
out pay dirt. This man found the othur
half , which panned oul&I.-t.0.7" ! ' , making
n total for thn wliolo boulder of
SI ) . 10. ' ! M.
NearSonoi-aTuolumno countyin 18'iL' ,
a nugget weighing forty-five pounds and
containing gold to the value of about
&IU'JO was found. The Under had a
friend who was far gone with consump
tion , yit was trying to work in the
mines. The owner of the nugget saw
that by working in the water and lifting
heavy boulders thi3 man was fast kill
ing himself.
lie told his friend to take the big nug
get and go bick to the states and ex
hibit it , as at that lime such a mass of
native gel 1 was a curiosity , to see which
many would willingly pay a reasonable
bum.Tho sick man took the nugget to the
states , got up his lecture , and did well 1
wherever ho went For a-timo the
miner hoard from his friend pretty regu
larly , then for months lo = t track of him.
lie began to think his nugget lost ; that
his friend had been mm dered and robbed
in some out-of-the-way pl.ico.
Oio : day , however , iv letter reached
the miner from a Innkor in N'ew Or
leans telling him thai his friend had
died in that city , but had left the big
nugget at the bank subject to his order.
The miner wrote to have the nugget
melted down , and in duo liino ho re
ceived a chock for .1 little over $8,000.
Pocket mining as practiced by Hie
export ! ] of California is a br.inoh of cold
hunting that may bo said to stand by it
self as an "art. " The pocket miner fol
lows up the trail of gold thrown on" from
a quart/ vein and strewn down a moun 1n
tain slope until lie at lust readies the
mother deposit , whence the gold scat-
torcd below proceeded.
This is an operation which sometimes
requires many days to bo devoted to the
careful washing of samples of dirt taken
from the elope of a mountain. Many
rich pockets have , however , boon found
by accident. One of the richest of the
p'ockot mines in California was that in
the Morgan mine on Carson Hill , Cala-
voras county , from which $110,000 , was
taken out at one blast.
The gold so hold the quart/ together
Unit it had to bo cut apart with cold
chisele. It i estimated that tliis mine
yielded . i,800,000 ! in the years of 1850
and 1851 , and now pockets have since
been dihcovorcd almost yearly somewhere -
where in the peculiar fo/nuition at and
about Carson Hill.
The telluride veins of Sierra county ,
extending from Minnesota to the south
Yuba , havajicon prolific of pockets. A
biy ; pocket found in tlio Follows mine on
tins bolt yielded ! f2.30,000. Many other
pockets yielding from 83,000 to ' $50,000
have been found in this rogion.
Many rich pockets have been found
about ( jnifrB Valley , Nevada county ,
Auburn , 1'lacor county , 'ind Sonorii ,
Tuolumno county. The "Ueeco pocket , "
Crass Valley , contained 6-10,000. This
sum was pounded out in a hand mortar
in less than a month.
Near Crass Valley a pocket thatyiold-
cd 400,000 was found by a Hick"pilgrim , "
who was in search of health and knew
nothing about mining.
The "Green Emigrant" pocket vein ,
near Auburn , was found by an emigrant
who had never boon a mine. It violdod
8100,000. Tliis find wns made within
thirty yards of a rjad had boon
traveled daily for twenty years. No
nioro "pay" was found after the first
pocket was worked.
The "Dovol" pocket in Sonora , along-
side'tho main street of the town , owned
by throe men. yielded S uO.OOO in 1871) ) .
It was nearly all taken out in thrco
wooUs. The "grit specimen. " showing
arouroseent crystali/.ntlon , sent to the
Purls exposition , wiiri found In Spanish [
Dry Dlgtrings. Klilorndocountyweighed
over twenty pounds and contained over
$1.000 in gold ,
About $8,000 additional of the same
kind of gold crystalw wns taken from Iho
same pocket. The formitlon at this
place Is blato and a line-grained Brind-
stone filled with crystals of iron pyrites
in cubes.
At Ainoru'iin C'ninp , between the forks
of the Stanislaus , in 1HSO , Lu Uoy Hold
found a pocket in ilio ' ' rass roota"
from whloh ho took out ? 6-00.
Nuiir Magulia , Hutto county , 1870 , n
pocket pulu its Under $100 lor two hours
The above examples ol the richness
of the pockets often found in quart/
veins must sulllco. ThenJiavo boon
taken pretty much at rumfoni. A full
history of thoblp "pockot llnds" in Call- .
forniu would iniiko a volumo. .1"d
Sint'o tlio dlbcovory of gold nt Siittor'a
mill California has yioldud over $1.000 ) , -
000,000 In thut metal. How much exactly
will nnor bo known. Tiio C'hinose iniibt
have carried tuvay nn immoiiEo amount.
In 16SO the government tried to muko
them report. In eighteen counties of
the Htiito there wore partial reports.
The amounts they acknowlodjrod ob-
tainlng foot up $1,761,244 for that year
nlono. Those who know tno Chincbo
minors know the kind of report they
would bo llkoly to mako. If they ac-
knowlcdgo securing 41,751,244 in lalo cas
1880 , what must they hnvo obtained in
all thn yoari before , when nil the places
wore now and prolific ?
Outside of California , few nuggets of
note have boon found In nny of the I'a- '
citlo coast elates nnd territories.
The largest nugget over found in Ne
vada watt ono tnlcon out of tlio Osccoliv
placer mfno about 10 ! yours iigo. It
weighed 24 pounds , and ia suppose ! to
hnvo contnlnod neirly1,000 in gold , A
hired man found and stole it , but rn-
pentlng gave u ; > to the owners In n
month or two over $2,000 In MUnll bars
all ho had loft of the big chunk. In
the sntno mine about a jvnr ngo a mi-
gel worth $2,100 wns fount ! .
Montana's largest nugget wns ono
fomd by Kd lllsiiig ntSnowShoo gulch ,
onthol.illlo Hlnckfoot river. It win
worth &l , 161. It Iny twelve feet bolo-.v
the surface and about a foot above Iho
Colorado's biggest nugget wns found
at Hrcckenrldgo. It weighed thirteen
pounds , but wns mixed with loud car-
hoiuilo and quart/ ; .
Tlio pioneer nuggets of the Tnlled
States were found in the placers of the
Appalachian range of mountains" , where
gold was discovered as early as
In October , 1.S2S. a negro found j
of fine gold In Hour ( 'reck , Ga. , hut the
discovery did not attract much atten
Presently the snmo negro found a
nugget in the Nncooeheo river , worth
several thousand dollar1' . This "find"
stnrted a io'.d-liuntlng furore. Several
other nugget s of considerable sl/.o have
been found In Georgia at various limes.
The largest nugget ever found in the
Appalachian mlnlmr region wns that
due at the Hood mine in North Care
lina. It weighed eighty pounds.
Iti the same slnto some children play
ing along the creek found a nugget that
weighed twelve pounds. The quart/
veins of this region generally show a
good donl of co'irbo gold , good sl/ed
lumps but seldom weighing as much as
a pound.
Miirvcloiu Cult In World's ' rulr Kr lm- :
Tiiore Is probably no man in Chicago
who has a larger acquaintance or is a
nioro familial' and striking figure on the
Rtrcot than George Fair , nn linger of the
liny market theater , bays tlio Chicago
I'ost. White the Growler WAS standing
in the lobby of ihe llnyiiinrket Inatevon-
ing. in wnlkod the genial manager , ac
companied by two very plainly droned
cia . Those individuals wore seemingly
absorbing George's attention. Aftur ho
had seen his companions comfortably
bonted in ono of tlio best boxes in the
theater , ho returned to whore the
Growler was stnnding , nnd , being asked
who his iniiibtorinl-looidng friends
woru , icplicd :
"Thoy are farmers from the southern
part of the .stale , old friends of minoand
tills Is the first time they hnvo ever
been in a city of any si/o. They came
to Chicago to see the biulits In and about
the city and the World's fair grounds.
I hnvo been allowing them around , and
in doing so , although 1 nave lived hero
the greater part of my life , f littvo seen
and heard a foiv now things myself.
"After they had been no'irly evu.-y-
whcro today , from the bottom of the
Washington blrett tunnel to tlio top ol
the Auditorium tower , we found ourselves -
solves about noon far down on the south
side and stepped into the first restaurant
wo cnme to to got something to eat. Any
surprise my friends mnv hnvo felt attho
general appearance of the interior of the
place wns nothing to what they must
have felt later when 1 gnvo my order for
ono bowl of soup , one plain steak ,
Frankfort Kiusnge , mnshod potatoes ,
scrambled eggs nnd n cup of coll'uo ,
and our waiter transferred tlio order to
thp man who was dishing out the Severn !
things in the following astounding Inn-
gunge : 'One swim , ono boot loir , ono
ride on the cable , mashed Murphies , a
shipwreck and ono muddy. ' My farmer
friends had FCOII and heard many novel
tilings while in Chicago , but this caused ,
them as well as myself to hold our
breaths. I pretended that it wns a
very common thing in a really
swell , first-clnss World's fnlr restaur
ant , and quietly nskod the owners of the
Illinois circus lots what they would
have. Ono of them looked at his friend
and then at mo , and ns my outward up-
pearance evidently satisfied him that I
had a thorough knowledge of my posi
tion , in a very uncertain tone of voice
asked for a cup of tea , cabbage without
the corned beef , a couple of turned eggs
and some wheat cakes. Those farmers'
fnces turned nslicn white , and I thought
their hearts would i.op beating who i
our waiter yelled :
"Ono light Chinaman , old Ireland
witliout _ shamrock , white winirs
slapped on the back and n stuck of
whites. "
" 'Whnt'll you have ? " said the waiter
to rny s-econd friend , a ? the color com
menced to return to bis face. *
" 'Lord , ' Biiid the delegate from south
ern Illinois , 'givo mo the same , with the
exception of the white wingb and wo
all blinked nnd t-ied to look wise. "
SC3 r j i ) . / j r :
IlcroioSiivillIci ) for 11 llrotlier V IIff for
I.I fc.
St. Louis ( "Hobo-Democrat : "I have
seen a great ninny men killed , " sniil
Hitrko McMnlion. "I wns with old 1'ap
Thomas at Chiokaiimugn when his corns
stood lilfo a rock for tlio flower of tlio
confederacy to bent and break upon , and
with Grant when ho hurleJ his columns
at the impregnable heights of Vicks-
burg. 1 have boon commanding ollicors
torn to pieces with a bholl and beardless
boys dead on the battlefield with their
mother's picture pressed to their cold
lips , but I never had anything all'ect mo
like the denth of a couple of young rail-
rend mon in Texas seven or eight years
ngo. I wns riding on the engine of a
fast passenger train , and at Waco the
engineer got orders lo look out for a
bnikoman who wns misBinir from the
freight wo were following. Ho was sup
posed to hnvo fallen between the cars
of his train , 'My brother is braking
on that train ; I wonder if it can bo
him'said the fireman. 'I'll keep IOS
steam while you smnd on the pilot and
watch out , ' replied the engineer. The
fireman took his post in front and wo
pulled out. We hud just gotten well
under way when the fireman gave the
.signal to btop. Tlio engineer applied
the air breaks. They failed to respond I ,
and wo wore on a down grndo nnti could
not stop , The missing brakemnn was
lying on the track , badly mangled , but
conscious. Ho raised his hand and fran
tically signaled the train , but the groit
iron machine wont pluncing down up'jn '
him at a rate of twenty miles an hour.
The fireman cast ono depnalrintr look at
the engineer , ti.on sprang in front of
the pilot and hurled Ills wounded
brother oft tlio track. Hut ho wns not
quick enough to save himself. The en
gine caught him nnd crushed belli logs
oil at the hips. As wo picked him up
ho said with a quiet smile : 'It's no use.
boys ; I'm done for. Hull envod Ned. '
' Wo laid them down In the baggage car
'side by side. Nod put out a feeble hand
and clasped that of his brother. 'I've
got my time , old follow , ' lie Bald. 'Hero ,
too , Nod ; -vo'tl make the run to the next
world together,1 was the response , nnd
holding each other by the hand they
dl cd without another word , "
Piles of people tiavu ones , out UsVYitl's '
Witch Hazel salvo will euro thorn.
KIINVIWTourr.0r 1 l ernes ,
Corrupondrnrv ollclteil.
103-IOS Ooorborn Street. CHICAGO.
19 Wall Street , NEW YORK ,
70 State t. . QO8TQN.
Hcf-vy Stoj'ca of Wheat Ponmlad Prices
Down YoHonhj.
OMP of tlioVr.ikc t ifr.ilnriM Win tlio I'cr-
blitont Sliiirt sJllIni by
ninl ( ) lbcr'J'culinc
Stnrk lu'ul lltiitili.
OniCAno. III. . Nov. U. A bl ? club to pound
linrat wa Iho bo ivy st > c't of whoii
proved to lay. The initkot ruled \vpak.
nnd notwithstanding a r.ilty on dauroisln ?
rocolpH iiiul o'i l > nlllsi ! adv. 001 from
Iho ceronl cloio.l wltli a loii of ' < * - I'orn and
cuts nro nlso uif Uc otcli. .lolm cnd.ili v opunly
bnylnt pork SIMII that nrtli-io tiu It'iu ' and
lard an I rlln ut the omso to slinw a
V nnd S'jn ' rospoctlvoly.
Tin1 nmrkpt onuncd inlrpnioly slow
nnd ducldi'dly wctk. Sliurls iLidcmorcd veiy
fri-t'ly on yujlcrday's bxi'lli'tni'iil and llicio
wni llttlu duin in I from BOIIITO , whlln
Ionics who n prollt woru in.ikliu ui-tlvo
ulToits 10 ssll and secure it. There was , too.
u protptTt of another cpnorom Increase In
the flsinlu supply. I'orhaps Ilio wuakpst
fontuic. or at lunst the ino > t dcprussliu uni > ,
was tl. o pcislstcnt short scllliu liy I'ar.lrldjo
and oinpr lo.idlne tioan.
Tim pro' nro of Ihuso olforlins nn the mar
ket with irmloso dull and narrow w. is most
deiMorall/'n ' ? . I.'itur thnro was
rally on tbo ailvanpu In thu clo ln : vaDips mid
tlicj MI. ill rei'L'Ipts al iirliniiry nolnH The
oppnlnii was o.ilcur and urk'cs about from sc
to ' 4" lower , but rucovorod , Dccoinbor ad-
f "VP and May > , v. thrn hccamu wuakur
and duullnod 'n' for Documlior and
from t'to ' > | C for Mav , 'ind elosnil ahonlo
lower for l ) i'pinU'r ( nnd ' , < i for May yos-
torJny. Thu Hunt provalcnt miess mi the
visible supply fur Monday wan Hint It would
shuw mi Ini-roiiso "f Icsi tn in - , ( ( ) . ! ) ' . ' IM
I'uii2ildi2o was iifTeilni : tohotand txtio
that ll Viould Ini'ruasi'll.l'Cli.lliil ' Int. or more.
Corn , tho'iili a traction blu'her I'.irlv , soun
bpuiimo win c and hut 3.e , p'Ht of niinMi wns
( liirilly riK'nvprpil. The u.iriy iironitth was al-
Iriuutoil to thu Ijillllsh natitro of I'rinic's 10-
IHirt. uhh'b rniter.ilpd ivluit ins so oftun bi'i'it
said Uuloto. ill-it thn lusnlts of Iho hitsMnus
wore pvotywhoio ( Ilsapuolntnii and added
that tlio crop would not cipi it In woUht TU ppr
t'unluf an avera : e. lliiwt'vor , ho. ivy real/- !
Ins and frou stiort solllnp ovpieaino ovcry
othorponsidcr itlon and V.CMKUCK mid doptn -
sloninlpd , There was some upward IIHIVO-
inont I. Her , lint the pruvullliiK ntlniuiil was
l ) its was lionvy In Ihp fiii'o Df MIIIIO vpry
bullish mntliiuMils In l'rhno'3 toporl. Thuro
was Kuod Mulllniton the slron ; spots , lotus
1-iKliu pro II IB.
Hoi ! | ) rodncts opened wo ik and lower on
the from .V to li'c drop In ilio pilco of llvo
ho s nt thu yards , bill Cu l.ihy tin m > I an 114-
BrossUo bnrvr. a-icl the shorts got frightened
mm pulprk-us up .sharply on all products
An onslor ffulliitt ruled , dining the closing
rrelqlits wcienotker anil ' c lower , at " > i.c
to He for whc it. and 'J'Sc for corn to Hnirato.
Kstlm.Uo.l rccolpts for Monday : 310
oars ; corn , ' . ' , " > , ) c.irs ; o. its , Mious ; ho s , " 3,000
ho. id.
Tlio loading futures an-ol asfolloHs :
ui'lnum. . i i.ou. IMO.SK
WIIIIA i So - '
Nnvcinbri 72' '
Docuiulier .
Cnu.N N" 1-
' "
Miiy . 4 ; 47.H ,
\lsNo 2
No\ umber . .11
December. . .
Mni . . . \5VuS \ ; ir.'ii . '
.MLs I'oiiu -
Jniiu.iiy 1:1.I : r : o 1.1 ITU
Moy U 71) ) U 40 U Ii5 "
Norcmbc. 8 9' , r , : < K s
January - * ' Ul , ? L
Snnitr Ituih
Jnnuary. . . ' r 74 o to r. 7:1 G 671 ,
.May fi K c. ui
Cjsh ( | iicitillons wcru : is follows :
I'l.'iun I'lim : wlntor patents. } l."iOa'.03 ' :
winter stiuliUta , JI JQ. ' ! 5' . spring blraUlitii ,
i..7'.1W..10i baU6r , I. ' . < B'J..n.
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnr , T'J'.c ; No. : i iirlnK ,
GyR'Hc ; No. a mil. TJ'ic.
CoIlN No 2. 41'o
OATS No. ' . ' , : ilUi | 3lSc ! : No. 3 while , f. o b. ,
MjiiWCc : No Ilwblte. UJatllo.
KVE No. ' . .We.
ItAiti.KV Na L' . file ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 4' ;
No. 4. f. o. ! > . . -
I'l.AX KEll-No. I.JI.OO.
TiMcnnr SF.EII 1'rime. ? I.S9.
I'OHK .Mess , per hbl. . 8l..03C12.IOi lard , per
10) ) Ihs. , i' ; short ilus , aides ( loose ) , tT.S'Sfr
7.V ; dry Bulled shoulders ( box-oil ) . f7.aOf4T.t : < :
short cloarsldos ( boxed ) . $ = UOSS.US.
WIIISKV Dislllleis' ilulshcd coeds , per sal. ,
SIUAHrncbaned : cut loaf , SiJG.i'ic :
grannlalod.&Uc : standard , . ) ' § ' .
The followln. , ' woio Iho rocolpls and
mcnts today :
Flour , bbl IH.CM 15000
\Mioiit , bu I ! .OOJ 1.11,009
Corn , bu iT7irju . ' .U.UUU
Onte , liu 18I.UOO IMI.OOJ
Hye , bn. II.UO ) M.OJO
liniltfr. bu S7.UOJ 411.00)
On the Produce oxohuiuo to lav thn biittur
mir"t : wns llrrn : croainery , 2ISIWi' ) : dalrv ,
SttQffe. KKS" . fli-ni : strictly frusn. S.'Ssft-lc.
No\v VOIK .ll.irKPtH.
NBW VOHK , Nov. -rr.uuii Ueceiuts , si.noa
IiK "i ; oxuoi Is , .1,103 bbls. 7.60D sacks ; f.ilr
( lemaiid and firm ; ales , I' ' . < OJ bbs , ; low
extias. } J.OOjj.7.1 ; wlntor wheat , low KI .idea ,
fluiif..T.l ; f.ilr to fancy. te. ya 1.71 ; patents
11.00 ftl..I ; Minnesota o.o'irf.l.00a'l. ' . ' . ) ; itral ht .
{ llSltl.l.l ; patents , fl.'J.V3l.8l ; rye mlln run ,
} ) U ( Ltl.O" .
Cons McAr. Quiet but stu.ulyellow ; wcat-
orn. Vl 0 : ! . in.
\Viir\T-ltoealpK \ 2.11,0.11 hu. : exports 'M.-
O.V ) hu ; sales , l..VJ.d il ) hu of futures nun
: ilCO ( ) hn.ofspot. Hpols dull and o.islei'iNo. -
rpd , Tdii'ii'iP. ' In sloro nnd olovalci ; W t < it ti\e
alloat ; 7T' ' ( < it76o f. o. b : No. . 'I mil , dvc ; nn-
eiadcd rod. 7iT7e ; N I nortln'rn , fli4S4' Oi
No. U northern , T'.lu.T I' ' c. Options opened
noa't ' anil doclliipil 't'fi'tu ' ' on Corel- ; ! ! soiling
nnd rcilI/liiK , closed null with Iho Iridliij ;
Phlclly local , switching ; No.- lo.l , Docomher.
7711-IHc1 , Ploslnir at Tr'a" ' , .hiiiuniy , 77yi ( ! < 7s'jc ,
olos'n ' al Tb'j'o : Mai L'h , hl.V rtj.Mlic. clos.nj
alsl ' c ; May. HI'iiR1 ' * ! 7-IOc. closing nlMUu.
Kvis Dull , steady ; western , .I''ji. ,
HAIII.KV Dull ; uoilorn , HV5I71)u ) ; No S , Tur-
onto , NX1.
HAIII.KV MAi.T--Qiiiel ; woslein. TO'SRJp ;
( 'aiiatl. . , 7Ji4s.f ; ully made Canada. il.OJft
1.0.1.COIIN Ttecolnt , fiO.OOl bn ; oxportF , Cl. 39
bn. ; sill's , Il'.UUJJ bu. of fniurps I..UJ' ' ) bn. of
siiot , Bpots stciulv. dull ; No. ' . ' . .IQUu In
nlovalor. M'io alloit ; uinnulc.l mlxpil ,
)7'iV ) > 3lie. Options di'ul neil o irly 'giR'ii1 '
with nnd the west , rottclt'd
' 40011 eovorliiT , closed dull with Novonihor
and Dccombor 'tlO'iO up. oilier months
down : Docombiir. . " ' 'J ft'ilc o'oslni ; at , llu ;
.lauiiury , 'il'n' ' 'iPaC. olosliiK at fll\u ; May. SJtf
5.1' ' , c. olosbu' ill. ' . . , ' 40.
O.tTb-Hueelpts. ill.O.ll bn. ; exports. Sj , OiO
hu. ; sales. ITJ.OJO hu. of ( inures , U . 'IW ) hu. of
upot. .Spots dull , lower ; opl'ons du'.l ' , lonvr ,
uestorn. : i'ftlSoj ) No-'J I'lileavo , ! lu
llAV--llull , BtoadyrsblpplnUJUO'iC ! choice ,
lloi'H"QululoaK"statp. ; . pommon tocbolce ,
IS Mc ; I'.u'lllc coast , | t.4Uc. .
SunAU Haw , iiilBtf.ilr | | , lellnln ; , 2 * c ; cen-
trlfn-alb. UOtoit. il'fit ; lullnud , fnlrly auiivd.
btoady ; oft A , 4 .1-,0/J. U-l c ; mould A. 4 l.l-llxit
T m seventy-seven years oia.
and have bad myago renewed
f ff atleasttweiityjearsbytbeuse
of-t > wit's hiwcific. My foot
_ and leu to my knee was a
rimmn sore lor two-At-ars , and physicians said
it .v..MJd notlxs cured ] HAJur taking hUcen small
botlles S. S.S. there is not a soruonmylmibi. ndj
Inve a new leas.o on "
life. You ought to YEARS OLD
let all sufferers know
of jour wonderful remedy. , ' * { ; -
I'alwer , Kansas City.
KEMKnV-eseelallv | for
old people. It buijds uii
. the general liealtli J'reat-
mailed free.
Atlanta. Ga.
Or Uici U < | iior llalill I < llltrlr Cured
by uiluiliiUlcrliiic llr. llului-n'
Uulilru *
It can be ffiien m a cup o ! oorlec or te . or In food ,
without th knowledge of Ib0 patient. Illi biouleljr !
harml 9. u > d wl" ( ffect it permanent and petdy
eurt. wbatlier tbo patient Id a moderate drloier era
a aloonollnwreolt. it baa been Klvtn la tUouf nda
of CUM , and la ererj Initance a perfect cure bai fol.
foif < d. llnrirr r' ll - ToeirilemonoclinprrKnaled
wltb Ibe tpeolflo. : t becomca a utter Impninbillt/
for ih liquor apbeilta lo exltl.
UUI.IlKN kl'KCIKIO CO. . 1'rop'r. . O.
4U-r a l > ook of p rtlouUr , free. To t > bad of
_ Ca , 1Mb nnd Doiulat Sis. , IStb and
niKalv VVholos ilu , Illukj , llr ICO & Ut ) .
und Hlclr.irason Uruua-Uui4U Xo'J
fi'tCi etnnil.irl A , 1 ll-lf.iPi''l i''info''IIonor '
A , 4'i-l'xtlVc1 out .f , . .
ivi ri.i-liut. ) i ( erin 10 I ,
, n.VHxM icj pntviler * I. I l.i-lit * ) : vr.inol.itcJ ,
41 ti-ioci cui-es 4 IMRUV : ,
J.oi A PNew ( lr can . tint' . slpi\ilvi OIICM
ucttln cimd to < Imiro. ' . * il I r ; now , Kul.'e
lUriSti ! uly. rilr : < loni.iticli tlnnicntic , f.ilr
lofxtri , ( ( ' ' , . ) ipin. a'tJfic. '
IJHIM t'iriii aiitl fnlrileiiiiinil ; wc tcni nrlinc.
. '
HID . .0Qii'i't. . itondv : wet s.ilteil . .VonUr -
ltiins < i''o ' < iel. rum i fili ' . ou.o : Te\is : ii -
lOtMUll .VI Tllll IIHiH , . "iJlTo ,
I'oilK-QiilPt anil Hli-iayt olil tn < < i , $ IJ.3/6
i..Mii ' now „ . $ : . ' . . ' uvlr t nr me , ? ! ' . ' . ' ©
I'l.Vl ; fill infill MI-HI nnil inU'l ] ; liloliic.l
iiclllo . 1Jt. ( l i | H4 > k cu < limiuk'r , si j picidoil
li iiii . Hutuo : nil til 04 , iliiit , -Imr' cliMi-
NovtMiilicr. ? "r-S l.nt.l ojionrvo.ik ! but
oUxi-1 llrni ; wi'ilort' stoini I'lmo I ut { .l.iW bills
s iln , none : niilliiii sap ! . nonp ; S'ovcinlior ,
5i.'in ! iuKu I ; HcL'uinbcr. } < .H : .Innu.uv. } * . ' 'i
llurTKH-yti.ot I , nrnr. ntMtorn ilnlrv. ICil2o ;
iTiMi.u'ry. 'JitMJ'ir * ; no'loin faelorv ,
; Mem. .tulli'f.
c-ijiiioL hut llrni : p'lrt s' ' < lmi. .mil1.
I'm tiiov Pnirly n il\o .mil sto idy : Anii-rl-
can. Siamwtl.VM.
I'oi'l'itli-Dnll ! liUo. ! II.Tililll.Sil
I.KAII - < K > ulol : ilotnoMlo. UsWUVi
Ti.s-atcaily an I iiu.ut ; str iinMit * . J.'i1. , "
Oiiiiiliu Illiiiunil riillinv.
lllDM No I urrcn'it ' * ! No I arocn vilteil
J'M'ijfi No. J errrn * . . ' . ' ' tn 'lA.IUi' ! No
I irrccn K.illoO , U' ' > lit < J Ibs. . 41- , N ( > _ > irtcnn
SUltl'll. ' . ' > Ill I I 11)4 ) . .I' . , , ' ; No. I TDtl I'llf. S to li
UK. , lie ; No i veal c.tlf. i to n | ln. , 4t.j No. |
< liy Hint. ( , c to TIM No. ' . ' ilry Hint , 4r to , 'o : No.
I ilrv stltuil. : , , to'.c ' I'.tti i-iir.'il lililoi our-
half 1'i'iit tier iionnil Imi fully onto i.'r.i.Ts-iiiot'ii siiicii. utolt .iva fl * 'A
Krt'i'ii su ti-l Sim ir.hux i linit nnolnii o trly
sulii .i. uioli. I.Mii.'V ! ! ilry sliPiirllittfA i nni"t
Hoolud I'uriv nklini. No. I , u.ti'li. , ' > ( ilOr. dry
slu'.u ilnj " isliorl wuolpil oar.y skins' ' . No. . '
each. . "IP : drv Hint K'-itmn mil'-t
Initrliur wool pt'lt . per ID. , upnml wi'U'lit. 1) )
mi'ii't ilry Him Kniisi : iml Noliiask.i ninr-
rilnwool : pnlts , per Hi. notuil wulclit. VUi-t | !
ill V Hint I'olor.tilo liiitolict wool poll * , per II ) . .
lU'tiiai ueUht. lv ( ; " , ; dry Hint I'oloi HID
tiniri.iln wool polls , pur It ) . , aclil il wiiUht
S't/jllc : diy iilevi's and IJIICKI , ncliul wclitht.
T7.'ii . lltivci fo-tuut oil , us It Is usuli-ss to
| tv frolslit on IliPtn.
Tu.t.ow AMI liiKt ! n r.tlioiv , No. I. : i toi
l.'illow. No. u1. : .
ijfpto. KIPISI : , whllu A. H P ;
ifroiRO. white 11 , ; | | ; irruiip.ollow. . .li-j
itioasp. ( Uik , " 'HM enl bultur. dili'tiM lcos-
wax , pilnip , ; toujjli tallnn' . I'jUiJi1.
Ol ! .MurkiM.
Nr.w VOHK. Nov. l.-l'iTitoi.KitM-nn11. :
stn my : priiilo In liil ! ' ' '
, I'arkiM-s. > J'i ; t-rnilo In
Inilk , t.'l i rollnpil. NL-'V YiirK , iiMi I'lilliulel-
plna and linlttiiinri' , f.i'i : rullnud In bulk ,
Mr.if4.l..l ) ; rmtoil. nn-iilcs.
t'orio.s ( KIII : oii.-Htioniiur , ijnli-t ; ,
' > i' : yuliotr , J.v.
TALLOWnon i'liv . ' .
: if .on for pK s ) .V bid
HOSINDull. . .
Htc.tdy : strained , coiiinion to
Rood. iLSi'tfll. ' l."j.
! ' : \ \ - ( < t anil stoaily nt Mll'IPii1
l.os'DONov. . r.-Trni' Hi-iiiirs - - ' . ' §
'Jd pnri'wt.
IIM : IS-i-iv s jiLTowt.
\VIMMOII : < Jl'ls pit ton.
Both tlio method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and ref'reshiug to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidney ? ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem cflbctunlly , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figa is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable substances' , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOc
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one \\lio
wishes to try it. Io ) uot accept any
I6li ! and Howard Streets ,
DO Itoomsfnrratlpnts. OMAHA ) NEB ,
For the treatment of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
Pih-s , Fistula , FKsuro nnd Strl -
turc ortlift Kcctuni p < > rinaii < 'iit >
Iy cured without the use of Knife ,
'J.itjnturc or Cnustic ,
EiK'losi 4u. In Hlniiii ] < t nnd out 107 put1' HOOK
on DISICASl'.S nml Oui < slliiii Illiink-- ,
win bo .MAii.iu : ntii : : .
lOtli : md llonun ! ls , , Oncibu , Neb
W , O MAXWI ; | . | , . M P.I'U'S. XrBlldi. ll.l , pit r.
Wcll.cotno anil IIHVK tlioin ( ixainliu I hy ivir ni'tli'lan '
frvn of rli'irtci * . iiml. II nj. ( ! > sirr , llllu I Hh n iMlrnl
M' KCPrl < KSir BVB 1. 1. ASS-
ihn iii > i > l In tliu world II joudnnnl ncuil ilii ! ii-s
WH will it'll ynu miin.lii IVHI ) you what to Mo. ( ) , )
ht'l'.OI'ACl.CS or KVi : dl. MitS I'llIlM IUI I I' .
I'lnln. rimikp hhiii or while Kloiio * , lor I'niluclliii ' ; Ilu
cjc , finniAJuai'iilrnp ,
Max Kley@r& Bro.Go.
Jewelers nnd Opticians.
I'arnam an. I I'lftcciuh Struots
Union Stock Yards Company
llest'l \ and &hoop inarkot In tbo west
Wood Brothers ,
touth Cmaha Telephone Hi * . -
JOHN I ) . IAII6M\N I . . , ,
WAI.TKU tt , WOU. ) f ' „ " " I-8"
Mnrkat reports by mall an 1 wlro cheerfully
fnrnUbed upon applloallon ,
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Itoom Cl txcbanKo llulldln , ' , Hjutb Omiha.
Tiilopbono 17Ji.
010 Aim (11111 ( nni tors' Directory
Oiiielia.TGjt-toii ! IK ) .
llolis , ; ( OVKII4 lln < ( "ir-Miif nil kl ul .
. rt IIM nnnvs PIP * i- 11
11 l.i I arn.ini < l
r ! ( UM Wix , I it'I
M , t ) ,
Morss-Coo Si03 ! C iiipiii/ / .
, , t „ „ | , -lt . , , , ,
wlt'i ' mcr limit * .
j ? ; ' yj' ' ! j ? s7' ' " . ? -
OnuliaCoalCokf.liine Co Ili/e Coraiij Yoi-lis nnil soft pnvt. . r. Mfn. Kilv.nn iron
cor. Ifiili sn.l cnrnlco , iiln
nictnllo kjllilit . etc
lll'J ' , IllJ Duiliie.'t.
M. K. S'inilli i Co ,
Dry , notions fur- Dry Dooils Co .S\'tloi
uKIV | Coriior '
lltn niol lln * M-.I ' funinhlnj uno li
' 'or. Iltii an I llnrm-y
Omaha 1'pholsljrin Co , I llecbc & linnyn ,
fi-nltiri rn. , !
. ' 1IUI < l-'nli I JHi MCJ HI
\Vholctalo n llr
D ! : ru.
ie , Bruce & Co
I0ti ! niul Hir I/ st.'Ojt
Umalm. Umsh'i.
ri Sl.'KOlAtilST.
In thu ttcatmcnt of all forma of
nun all Wo.ihiiu-4 an 1 1) ) sorrier of
T\/TT7'JVI with Io3 < i > f conraso. ambition.
1VIJLL1N ami vitality. Dglilpon years of
the most rcmark.iblo hticcai * In
Ibo Iro-ilmonlof Hi s cmss of diseases , which
Is prove' ! hy Iho -Hinony of tli ni-
lands who have boon cure.IVillo for clron-
lar ami ( juostlou list , lltn antl I'aruim
hts.i Omaiia , .Vel ) .
BB 3 §
Truss 33 ,
Crutch 33 ,
Bat ten's 3 ,
Medical I ,
/Id / & 'JUFID (
1US. 15ti Sl ,
Next lo I'osl ' office. .
To the oivneis of all lots or narlsof lots on
Tnonty-slvlh Htreet. fiom a noliil IT1 fcol
lonih of I'opplpton > i\onii'j to Hickory slreot ,
nnd Interrupt his fclrcHta.
Von aii < 11 etc I > v nnllllpd Hint the undcr-
sl''ucd. Ihroo ( Il-Iiilpruslu.l ficoholdors ot thn
ully of Omnli'i. h itu benn ( Inly nppo'nlfil ' hy
thu mayor , with the approval of the oily coun
cil of s.ilil city , to assess thp dnwago to the
OIMIDI-S -pcollvoly of thn proueily iillcclod
bythochnnaiMif KMiluuf I'wenlv-.slxlh slipot.
fiom a point ono hull Imd anil smt'iil v-llui
(175) ( ) fcol Koillh of I'opp uldii avpiiuo 11 Illelf-
oryslrceinnd liilerspctln HI reels declared
necessary by ordinance IH ! , passed Oclobnr
51th. Is'.l. , improved OuloberU'il . IhO.1.
Von aio fnilhor nollUol , Hint huvliu IIR-
ceplod said appolnliupiil. and duly < iinliflid | !
UK rt-nnliert by law. wo will , on Iho iwenly-
llflb day \o\pmher , A. I ) . 10. ' . .U Iho hour
of thicii o'uloc't ' In Ihn nflornoon at the ofllco
of lionr oJ. l'.inl , 10)1 ) ( ' 'arnam btieol. within
Iho coruonito Ihu ts of nalu city , mod for Iho
purpose of consl lorlns and making Ihn as-
spssmenl of damaKo lo the owners respppl-
Ivolv.of sal'l property. alTuoteil l > y said ch.uiKo
oCzradc. l.iklni ; Into comildoiutlnn spoulnl
bouullu , If liny.
Vou HID nolltlcd to ho presnnt al the I line '
nd plaeo aforon.ild , and nial > o any objoctlons
to or btatcmouts I'onccniliu ; Hald ussos mont
of dnmazPs , us you may consider proiier.
CKIIIKII : .1. I'Art , .
\V. ( i. Sunn rn.
JAMEH Siui'KiiAt.r.
Omaha , Nov. Illh. 16) ) } . MVdlui
To Iho owner * of all lols , parts of lots and real
ostalo alim4 'Ulli > IIBOI. frum lir.ind avo-
niio lol'owlnr iivonne. ,
Von urn hoiohy notllloil Hint Iho under-
slirnod , ihrL'odlHintproilod frceholdnrM of Iho
cliy of Omaha , h ivu boon du.y i.puolnted hy
the mayor , with the approval of Iho cliy
council ot said oily , lo tm n tbo damano to
thn owiKir.s iusPctlvuly | of thn property
affcclrd hy chuniio "f crado ot-l'ith ' sticel from
Grind uroiiiiu to I'owlor uvvtiui1 , dcoliuod
necessary uvordlnancn.No. IDT. pissad Uutoher
! ! Mli. Ib' ) . ' , approval October 2.h. Ihu. ' .
Vou nio furllior nnlillol Hut. bavin ? ao-
coptud silJ iippoliitniPiil. ini'l duly ( | unllllnd
UN ri'iiulriiil by law. wo will on iho tflril day
of Novoml.or , A. I ) IcW , al iho hoiir of ! '
o'clock In Iho foronoon. l the onicu of
John I' Klni'U , .111 Mhambor of Commorco.
within Iho cm porjto llmlls of s'lld city , nipot
for Iho purpose of consldorlni ; and makln ;
Iho asiesmnPiil of damauo to I he owners r -
biicrlUoly of H ild properly , airectol hybrid U
clMii.'i ) of pr.ido. tikluj Into vonsliluiallon
Bpoolat bonuflu if anv. . .
Vou tire notified to bo pro.eiit al Iho time
and plnco afoiuiald. and miiiio nny objoclluns
loin hlatomonls concoriinu H ild Hs osmeiil
of damasos a yon .miv ooiwloor m | i3r
JOHN V. ri.AUU. Ululrninu.
IIUK ; : < ; K j. I'AUI. .
Omaha , Nov i , is/ . ' . nlOJIOt 4"
To all o nur < . of lolsor parln of lots on hhlrlpy
HI reel , from Vnlh xtreoi | o llh uvonno.
Vou are hcmhv noiillfU that iho under-
iUned Hireedliilnt'jioHtcl frncbolders of tbo
cliy of Oinaha hiivo buuu duly uupoliiled by a
tbo mayor > rib Ihu approvj ) of Iho ully conn-
oil of said Plly lo a oa tbo dam.tifi' ( if the
owniirurtiapo'itlvuiy of iho nropurty alfociod
by the chatiae of trade of Hiilrlwy jtrcci , du-
Hcflor 4 Wihclnij Co. tobert &
Corner Dlh nt Jackson Dpulcr ,
ircoti. inci l\niii- \ tcioi .
UJl luiu-lis itront
lints Mn | , sr * ii
" * < . niltli-ns.
nnd llntiirr. I
flu * . II. Leo. i Jo n \Vatf3'jf \
Hl lutnlior. i lnii-mr
| < I.Am rir > in IMrl-
tloorliii Inn li-i ni'ni Miri ! | < ik < t
.inJ iioitflii , -
i Vnliii-j wiiltell u
; i
FnVIt 1. Obcrfcl-lw - & I1) ) . ai
| ' ( . > r itiul mbbcriot
tullllnnrj iiKtltini Mill
oMou prnnipi
an U.sinitti mi , , t
PAl'KU. | OIjx | -
Carpenter Paper Co. I Staiulanl Oil CoT
nr n fall t.ifk of '
printing nt | < plnir uml Hi'llnoil
writing p IPT , CUM an I
per etc |
Kinz & SmcaJ. I
Mfr of ' K A S" ptnti ,
vnlrl * nnil upr.illi rlc. oincri 'I'1 ' ' * * Mill ftlrool - -
ni ls oiilli UllMt. I li'b'idiuiioTI I
PuomicB fo.M.MISSION"
wiinncfi'ci ' llraucli & Cj.
) .
llullcr , ( nilnrp. frnlli or nil
.IIUHuuth liili.t. klniln , orstt r <
Jas A. & cf
I'lUler. ohfl'o nti
I'O lllrynnil * ns
: JITfoutli uth it
OinaliaSlovc leiairW'ks ! | Jl. A. Disbrow & Coil
nnd w Her i Miumfnclarorj of
" . " ' blinds
il ol otovn
. '
12)7 Ilou Hoc , Utii nnil IJ.IM iti uf
clnrud niu'pssary by oiilimncn No .lini , u ssed
.Inly , W , IM ) ? . npprovcil .Inly ; i > . isu. , ' .
\onuro further nutllk'it havliu no-
coptensald uppolntiiK-nt an 1 duly iiii.illlicd aa
iciiilrt | > d liy law. wo will on tinllthdiiy of No-
vcmbpr. IHirj , nl tliolinurof Uo'Hoi < k in the
inornliii : at thu ullK-o of I'lrulciil1 ll-jiijamln.
1ft ti l > odse , . , within thn roiporatiIlinlti
of said city , meet for tins unrpo.c ot consider
ing nnd luaKIn : assO' iicnL of 11:111111 : 0 < o thn
o nprs icspuiM.voly of silo property uflec-ted
ly < .alil vrailliii . '
; ta'dtu- Into eonsldenithm
i-paclal hfiiellt-i. If miv. Von are bi > iubv notl-
livil tu no prpBPiit in the time nnd idneo aforo-
f iM and innKo
any objection to or MiitiMiiunt *
roncernliij said aBspssmt-ntof d.imajios asyou
may consider pionor.
IJIIAKI i : < P. IIIN.IAMI.\ : ,
JOHN r. n.u'ic.
. . , . roinmllteoof A | > prnl < > erf.
Omaha , Not1. . Nov. I. hi)1. ) .NJdUt
'Jnl1.1 verson.J. Worn ! Sin lib. ll.W.McCuroaml luwot Aiitfiislno Konnt7C. iipcuusoil. '
Citliorino Konnt/n ibis wife ) . I Ionium' ,
Kotintvc , liiitlior Id unt7c , Charles II. '
Koiinl7L . Matilda Ci > Hnlh
r oiiicntlno Kninn. aiol N. linyur and
Mury lori : Oliver.
You iiro lieiobv notlllod that tbo iindor-
fclenod. tbreo disinterested freeholders of the
city uf Uiunbn. hax-o linen duly appointed by
the iniiyor. with the approval of the cltv
council of laid city , to aso s tbu ilumiico to
tbo ' owners rusjioclltc y of the property > '
dcc'nrod hy onlln uieo iid-uss iry lo bu IIDPIO-
pri itud for tlio use of . .ild city , for the pur-
posu of nncnlirj nnd oxtuiidlnv : Mill street ,
fiom ( lie allnv next north of Nioliol.ix stioot.
north to lliQMiiilli linn of ruddock I'la o , ami
Mom the south line of 1'nddocU I'lai-o north to
Ohio strool , and oponiiri an I oxU-iidlns I'lark
Ftruut , In fiiniiliijhnm's iiddltlon from | U
pie-unl wcstuiu lurmliius tuist to l.lth street ,
luuxleiidcd. 114 iliinn by pint Issued to us
from thoofllcuof llioclty oimlncor *
You ara notlllod , Unit having uccoptoil
aid uppolnimcnl. ant dulrqu.illllua ai rc-
( | iiirod Dy law. wa will , nn ihu ailhduy of
Novoml'er. ' ' A. I ) . , ivjj , ai tint hour of (0 (
o'olocU lu Clio forenoon , iiltho olil ' 0 of Shtlvor
\ O'Donoliue , noi ; K.iriiuiu stroel. within tha
corporatollmll- ild oily , mucl for the pur
pose of considering uud iiKiMnu thu usscss-
nioiil of dain.iKo lo Ihe owners r spoctlvoly
of ald ptoputly by reason of iueli tiikliin and
apnroprlHtloii thuiuof.
Tbu proportv bbloii7ln to you. uinnn < o I to
bo nppioprliitod as iifuroi-ild , nnd which lian
been deolurod uut'i"- , iry by Iho connoll. by
oidliLinvo to itppiopilnli : to the n-o of tbo c > lty
lplu ; ' Hlliiutod In I ciiy of Oiiiah : ) , In tbo
counly ( if DoiiL'lns. nnd si ilo of NohiabUa.Ii
dt'hi'ilbod us fol ous town : *
1'iopi'ily In iiiiino of 1' Ivoison '
The D iil I'J'i fuel of sn1) lol I , of the oust
iti ) fcol of lax lot H lu Ihu N\V'i ' of Iho fl ' * of
i Id. T 1.1 , It I'l ' i : .
l'o ; > jrty u the name of.I.Vooil Smith.
A strlpof bind Mfo ol wldiiruiiiiln { iiorlh and
oiilh lliroiuhsoli Icts.'i and nnf Inx li.t II. iho
o.isl llnu of s.ild strip Duln'J ll.3 frvlwohlo
thu linn bolwuvn lax lots 4 and II In bectlon 19 ,
T 1.1 , It 1.1 ! „
I'roiiorty In ibc name of AiiKiistns IConnt/o
and II. W. MrO.ntc.
The fo.lonln ; , ' p.ncnl or Iracl of land : llo-
KlunliiK a I thn hon Hi u list uorncr of lol ' 'U block
.11'.iddocU I'laco ; Ilioncc south to thoiioitb
line of Uliiru hlroot. proddi'od from ( 'iinnliiK-
li ill's iiihlliloi ) : tliuMco IIJH ! ulioul II' . " , feut
alou r iho norlh Hun < if Hiild ( 'lnrl < sticot. to
the \vcil line of ( 'umilii h IIII'M nddllloii ;
iliuneoHoiilli nliuiK tlio wi.'st Him of ( 'iiiinlnu- '
ham't n'ldlllon Mi foul to ihu sou III line of
Clinic itreot , thoirjo wostaloiiK N'lld xoiilh Una
of ( Jlnrl ! slrcul to .1 point In a line p irallcl to
the i > nsl llnu of taIOIK H nnd ! > . nn.l K.ild line
Martins 'U fei'l wcsl of lol n. block IDIi. oily :
Ihuiico Moulb nloiu s.ild line lo tlio norlli I no
of tax lot H ; llieniM ) wosl M foul to Iho woit ,
Una of nib stri'ol ; tlioneo north pnr.illol to
Iliu uml line of tax Ion 8 Hiid II lo the sontb
llnoof Clark street , produced from ( 'iinnliiz-
liaiu's ndilll on ; thcnco In n noi ihwoslnrlv dl-
luL'tlon to the notlli line of Clurl. Klioul pio-
ducod : Ibunuo norlh lo iho south llnu of Pad-
douk I'laon ; llioneo cai.lU ) fuul lo pluuoof Uo-
Von are 'inllflod to bo prosonl at Ihn lima
and place a'nrosald , and make any ohjoetlonn
to or Ntatoinnnlx ( Oiioutnlmi Nuld propotud
appropriation or assussmunl of damuKos ai
C'oiumlttcoof AppralsiiM
Omiilin , Ootohor',1' ' . nM , ' t
'I'o . ) . A. Ilonlollo , Mll.n Votora , LUlhurlna
Lochlln , M HJVOIUII hoiomon A I * Chrlslo-
idioison , Dliir.i I'd id , li , II , iilsworth ; , Jonti
Mohr , ( luor 'o II T/scnnuU :
Von aru horoliy nollllcil that tlio nndor-
slunod , three dlilnloiostod fniclioldura of thu
city of Omah i , n ivo boon duly app uniu.l by
the mayor , with thn appror il of ihoulty connell -
ell of shlil ulty , toiihsnss Iho il'iniaxu lo ihn
oiHieri n'Mieclh cly of the propurly duularocl
by or llriiincn necii8 > ark' loboaDiiroprliil'.i I for
Iho nn/of K ild oily , for Iho purpose of oiiun.
in.- add oxlnndliu I'ith ' HIIOUI from Vltiton
bticct toboiitbolty limits.
Von nro further notilh'd. Imvln : ac
cepted s Id appolnlmonl .mil duly iiiudllnd a
rciulici | | by law. wo will , on Ihoisl day of
No\0'iihor , A I' . W ! , 't Ihn hour of IU o'clock
In Hi" fornmion al tlio ollloo of T. II. MoUul-
loch. room 81. N V. l.lfu Hiilldinwllbln tha
uorpnralo llniltt of nald oily , IIIODI for Ihu pur-
IK.SO of consider. n-t and mukliu thu imoss-
mnnl of iliinaxn to Iho owncri rospeullvuly , of
said propony. \ > t reason of uiioh lakliu and
Hiiprapri'itiuii thuroof. t iklni ; Into considera
tion Hioilul | ! honcllts , If tny ,
Thoprupurty nolon iiu lo you , propound to
bo apprujirluleil ai afoiuBilil , nni whluh hu *
bron dcoliircd ncuusjiiry by thn council , hy
nrd naitco , to appr , > prl > to to Iho mo of tno
city , toliualtirilu In Mild city uf Omalm. Ill
thocoiinly of DoiuluH. r.nd Mt-itouf NuhraSka ,
dcsurilicd m fo low * , to-wlt :
S W fcul of w Uj fcol ( jf lol 4) ) , H ll Itoora'
plat.Olcihoni , ) ,
Wosl Ifitfclof lols 10 and II. Mollor's snhdt-
vlNlon of lol H , H. K. Ko tori' pUl of Okahunrj.
U'i > bll rcuiofrt.ib loll. l < v lot IX ) .
WcslC'l foot of lol 1.1 U.ik Hill No. . ' .
Son'hT foul of won % 'U foul ot lol I' ' ) . Oak Hill ,
No. ' . ' .
Weel IS foul of lotsO. 7. 8 Motlor'6 sab of lot <
" . S. II Konirn' pUlof
Norlli ; U ) fool of WVMI ' .U of loHO , S ,
* , ' pliiiok honiu
\\i ) i-nfcolsiil ; ) lot 4 of tax Inl'.U
Von iiro notlllod to bn present nllhollmol
time and placu aforesaid , and irmkti uny obr I
Jputionu to or mate nciilnconccnilii. ' . ai i | ) ro- j
po ) J upproprl illon. or amossmonl of
oi , may " "Ji" " '
JOHN K I'l.Al'K ,
Omaha , OcL 26lb IbJ/ / . u..dl