Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    XT w fj * y * * *
& * ? * * wm li .my > > '
Why tin Will of thoLato Edward Cfignoy
Will Bo Contested.
Ilolntlrctof tlio Di-ccnui-d llcclnro Tlmt lie
IVnii .Mrnlnlly IncupiltlP nt l l pnsins
of III * rnipiTly Othrr Nr
from Lincoln.
LI.VCOI.K , Neb. , Nov. II. [ Special to Tun
HEK.J The Cnpnoy will co.itcst c.iso was
begun before County .ludRO Lansing this
forenoon nnd it gives promise of being ono of
considerable Interest. ICdwnrJ P. Cagnoy ,
whosolast will nnd testament Is disputed ,
died In this clt.f something over n n o ,
leaving nn estate valued ut nboul S'O.UlX ) .
At flMt II was supposed that ho loft no pro-
visions for Iho disposal of his propsrty , but
six months 11150 the will was founu In un old
nccrctnry ut Ihc residence of lion , .lolin
Flujcrald , ut wlili-h .Mr. Cagnoj lived nnd
died. The will beiineiithod ttio cntlro cs-
into to Mrs .John Fiiz.'crnld , with the pro
vision that l.i cnso there was a contoit ono-
half of the Droperty would rovorl to Father
Fitzgerald for nso In his work ,
while the leimlmlor should go for educa
tional worn In the Catnolle church. The
will Is contested by thu mother , brothers
nnd sister of the deceased on the ground
tnnt Cagnov was of unsound mini ! when ho
miido the will nnd th-it ho hud also boon un
duly Inlluenced In drawing It up the way he
rriim Mneoln Court KOOIIK.
The case of Marquolto .t Sons against B.
W. nnd .1. V. ilrugntol was clvcn to tbo Jury
this afternoon , The ciiso Involves the pay
ment of three promissory notes agerogatlng
in ninnunt $ IUUI ) .
In the ease of the Younc Men's Christian
association against Fr-mk Kawllngs the Jury
awarded the plaintiff { ( " 15 lo.
The Jury In the t-aio of Mason Great ;
against Vim Viilkenbnrg this forenoon re
turned n verdict nuardmg the plaintiff the
sum of $ IO.'I 0. " ) . Tim c.vo grow out of tno ic-
fusal of Iho dofondni.t io tnko n certain con
signment of corn which had bcon contracted
Marv Hrown cncio Into district court this
foicnoon with a [ letitlon nsuliig that Fisher
ft U'estover bo lostralned from selling her
Dcrsoiul nroporty on a chattel mortgage
given bv her husband She alleges that .she
never signed the mortgage nnd claims Her
exemption rights.
The contest over the possession ana con
trol of the minor childien ofViillnm and
Mary Ucr or. referred to in these columns
Inst week , has Dually reached the district
court. Ueigoi- came into court , with a poll-
tlon In which ho ulloces that ho was ( -ranted
n divorce from Ins wito in Ivi'J and that ho
was Riven the custody of tlio little boy.
while tlio court placed the little girl under
the control of her mother. Ilo ussorts that u
year ago ho made an agreement with his
divorced wife , who Is now Mis. Preese , by
which the children were to I'o educated
together , but that in last April Mrs. Prceso
had both children visit her and smeo that
tlmn she refuses to glvo thorn up. Ho tolls
the court Ihat they nro growing up in vice
and inoiidlrniy < nml asks for an order ic-
itoring them to Ins custody.
Mum Ille .il Voting.
In ndditio-i to the thrro men nrrostod for
Illegal \otmg Wednesday night , two inoro
unvo been pieced under nriTSt and will prob
ably havn llieir preliminary cxntninullon to-
morrow , Lnst night Chief of Volieo Otto
nnd onieorMoirlssey placed under arrest
Lee Foster and Ulehard Wilson. Tno two
men tinvo boon employed n.s pr.idcrs on Iho
Kockilslaml railroad in this city. They voted
In pr. cinct A of the First ward anil Chief
Otto , who mudo tbo complaint , says ho has
indispntntilo evidence ihat bath came to tills
city from Denver less than live weeks ago
and thai they voted by certificates signed bv
prominent ward politicians of this o'ty. tie
also stales tnat ono of tbn cnrtllicatos was
signed by a icputliean nml the other by asa
democrat. liison acknowledged to tno chief
that ho was paid SI for his voto.whilo Foster
says that ho sot n bottle of whisky. Hoth
men assert that they were drunk when they
cast their ballots.
lloanl In III" 1'ollvi ) Court.
Two co'orod ' men named Leo Logan nnd
"William .luliy , were mrested this morning
us suspicions characters. It is believed that
they nro connccled wiln n gang of thieves
who have been operating in this ciiy for
ionic lime past.
John McUullough was plckon up in an un
conscious condition nt the corner of Ninth
nnd II stieoth nt about 1 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing , lie had a deep cas'.i in Ibo lop of IIH
head , nnd when brought to the htalion could
glvo no account nf his injuries.
Frank Harrison nnd Unarlo ? Allen ire
under arrest ut tlio tiollca station , but the
police decline to give un the nature of their
offense. Hoth uro doubtful , aiiil
it Is nolieved that they mo Implicated In
5omo scrlonoffense. . A'llen Is the nun
at by n police ofllcor last , summer while at
tempting to cscupu arrest.
Ueorgo Uouso lined $ IS 00 in police
court this morning for an asswnlt upon II. U.
Sawyer on the eaily morningof November 1.
.No Siutil.iy Hull rinjiiif , ' .
Sometime during the base bull season i of
IS'.M a number of the nluvcr.s in the Lincoln
AVes'orn league team were nrrosied for play
ing ball on Hundav. The case was carried
to iho district court and tlio men arrested
were found guilty of violating the Sunday
laws of the state and wcro lined accordmgiv.
They carried their c.iso to the supreme court
nnd yesterday afternoon that body decided
that base ball ptaylng on Sunday wns a clear
violation of the laws of the stale. The H ) Ill-
bus of tlio opinion Is us follows ;
"Under the provisions of section 211 of tlio
criminal coJonny person nf II vo.ira of ago
or upwards who shall on Kumlay onga o in
sporting , etc. , ohall bo lined in a sum not
oxi ceding 'J or bo con lined in the county
Jail noi cxoecdim' twenty days , or ooth.
" 1 May mi base ball
; on Sunday cmnoj
within tlio definition of bportlng nn.l render :
the person engaged therein liable io the
punishment provided for in section .ill. "
runt II.ill Tiimiirrotv Alleriiuuii ,
The socoml game in tno championship
terms of tlio Interstate Foot Unll Icuguo will
bo plwycd In this
city tomorrow afternoon
between llio teams representing the Ne
braska nnd Kansas State iinlverjitlc-i. The
. gnmo will bo called ' '
promptly at , ) o'clock ,
and if tbo weiithor Is favorable will bo wit
nessed by several thousand people. 'Ibo
Kansas Loam is looked upon as iho otrongcst
In the Intcrstnto limu'iio
and the Nebruskn I
boys icalizo that have
they a dcspcrnto contest -
test bo tore them. 'J'ho innko-up amicigbtof
the Kansas team Is us follows ; Dunn , right
end , ir > U ; Mnttison , right incule , IT& ; Coleman -
man , right guard , IliU ; llninll ! , center , I'UO ;
Huddliison , loft guird , l.VJ , Meiidull , luft
tacldo , 101 ; Bhoi'.inl , lofi end , M7 ; U'llllnin-
Bon , quarter bni-k , III.1) ; Kinrle , left half back
BUI ! cnptain , ItU ) ; Uhamplin , right hull back < ,
lii ( ; ; Plait , full bad' , tiri.
Tbo innko-up , position and weights of tbo
Nobrasun cloven nro ns follows : A. K. Vent ,
rlehtcnd , IIW ; Howe , right tackle , ISO ; J I. U.
Yont. right guard , 18'lj ' .lonos , loft guard ,
175 ; Sinclair , left tuckle , 170 ; Church , loft
end , 111) ) ; Puce , quarter back , leO ; Fllppin ,
loft half back , 1'A ' ) ; Johnson , right half back
and captain , 1IU ; Oliver , full book , 15J ,
North Iteuil ltiliteil : liy Iliirduri ,
NOUTII Ilr.Mt , Neb. , Nov. 11. ( Special
Telegram to TUB Unr..l Uurslurs made a
raid on tuo town last night. Four private
residences wcro gene through. They secured -
cured f.'i and some clothing at Mr. Dowflngs ,
a kult of clothes , overcoat and hut at J , H. i
Johnson's , KB nt Jerry Dion's , besides uolp.
intr tbcmsclvos to i midnight lunch.
I'ull Ironi u Citr.
CiUiwoN' , Nob. , Nov. II. [ Spocl l U'ole-
gr m to Tun ntK.l Chuuncey Dygcrt , a
lirokcman , fell from n car last night uour
\\oodl.oko nnd was Instantly hilled. The
unfortunate man had worked but a short
time on this division. Ill * remains wort )
hipped to Norfolk , wuoro bis wiio and
/Binlly rostdc.
Uuin County
D KOTA OITV , Nrb. , Nov. U. ( SpecUl to
TIIK UKB.J Ulslrlct court Is in tesiion at
tUi j lnco with Jud oV. . F. Norrls prosid-
ing. Tom Joyce , who lias beou lying In Jail
for the jmit four mouthi , beluu held to tbo
district court on Iho chnrgn of passing coun-
torfelt money on several of the business men
of South hloux City , hod his trial yesterday
and was acquitted. As soon as released ho
went Into a store and pnsiod a counterfoil
dollar. Immediately being recalled ho
claimed to have done this Just to show how
smooth ho wns.
The trial of Jim Cooper for holding up
Pater Mollelor in company with "Billy the
Kid , " who was killed n few weeks slnco in a
prize fight , Is now In progress ,
Jloorcnnlrcd the Itimrd ,
OIM.NII Isl.iMt , Neb. , Nov. 11 fSoocUl to
Tin : IJcn.l The board of o.xamlneis of the
Slaio DoarJ of Pnnrmacy mot In this city
yesterday and reorganized ns follows1
President , II. D. Hnvaop , Grand Island ;
Drst vice president , W. U. llalln , Ulalr ;
second vice president , U. AI. Clarn , lllalr ;
treasurer. Joseph Uced , Nobrasun City ;
secretary. M. 12. bliult ? , Beatrice. The
next meeting of the hoard will bo held at
Lincoln on the "econd Wcdnoiday In Feu-
Malio a Hit-lit Pnri-hnso.
] ) the entlro wholo-
sn | ( notion nntl furnililtiLr goods btoul :
from f , , , nssi nc'j of Sclinuldoiunil Looinls ,
will bo0'iii on Montlny niorninff the great
est sale on stii.o | ) ' anil fini'y notions ! anil
ladles' ami uontlometi'.i furnishing yooila
csovfc heard of In Omiilin.
Anil STlurday ovonliiff.
_ Fnney feathers ou , 7o , lOc , 15o up to
l-'lno ojtrlcli tins 25c , 30c , 33o up lo
Indies' line foil ImU Me , 0 jo , 75o nnd
51.00. iictntil vahio 7o < J up to $1.50.
Ladies' imported pattern hntaat $3.00 ,
$5oO , $ (1.00 ( , j > 7.o. ) up lo S10.00 , worth
$7. W up to WO.00.
C'opiod and domestic lints nout nnd
very stylish at less than litilf usual
2" > 0 ladies' fur trimmed j icicoH.colorg
black and tan , for $1.50 , ivorth 67.0 ! ) .
"oO lailles' inolton jackets in blue ,
black and tun , SII.S5 , rcitucud from { 5.00.
Children' : ) oloaKs nt the following reduced -
ducod < pi-Icon : SI.25 , $ l. ' > 0 , $173 , $ iOO ,
9- . \ Tlicso garments are peed value * .
Secure ono before they nro all hold.
50-10 in plusli jacuots , ill.75 ! , reduced
from > li..V ( ) .
\Vo liavo just completed the greatest
IMnrhnso of this line of goods over at-
ioninled bv any ono in the west.
I list think , llio on tire stick of i > eastern
mills bought by us at ID , ; on the dollar ;
o\ory dollars worth of this goa.s on silo
tomorrow morning. lA > r this occasion
wo Intvo put ID extr'i talospoonlo in this
department. You nmy not litivo n
cli.tiico to bay underwear to cheap in
you will at this sale.
1 case of ladies' vests and pants , fall
weiftht" , ale prlro lu ! ) each.
1 lot of ladies' natural gray punts ,
\\oith SOo | ) er jxiir. sale price -ou.
100 do/en ladies' heavy natural gray
nnd white junta , no vests in this lot , sale
price SOe , actually worth ( ! 0o.
1 case of ladies' natuiMlgray vests and
pant" , pearl buttons and. nicely finished ,
only flOc each ; this garinont was m.ido
to rotuil nt 7 > c.
I ( -a--o ladies' bi-arlot lamb's wool ve = ts
arid pants , woi-ili $1 120 , g. ) on fa ilo at Voc
; i c.i-ses of ladies' line camel's hair and
natural woil underwear , vests and pants ,
towe SI.GO ; sale prieo ou each.
" cases of elegant goous in natural
wools and i-amc-l's li.ur vests and pants ;
llioro i.s not one garment in this lot but
is worth 61.50 to ill UJ ; thev go on btilo
H16I.OO each.
Tn thiblot u ill bo found an elegant
1 onto of ladies' combination suits ,
worlh ? 1.2- ) , reduced to 7oc.
1 case ladies' n.itural wool combina
tion suils only $1.60 per suit , worth
1 case ladies' blnclc : : ud natural gray
suits only iU.OO , worth 6..00.
1 lot of line wool combination suits in
natural grtiv only $2.50 , worth ! ? ; > . . "ill.
In this line \ > -o will ] ) tit on sale over 10
casefa at just about one-half the regular
Children's natural gray underwear ,
Hi-ineb , lc ( ) , rise Io ! on each bixo. r.'s
Childrca'rt iiiitinnl wool and camel's
hair , 1-Jf for lO-im-h. risa oc.
Children's scarlet lamb's wool , 12je
for 10 , ribo Tic.
Seeial ] ) sale of gouts'underwear and
ovei'ahii ts for tomin row.
10. ) do/on gouts' jersey knit ovor-
shirls , sillc lacings , only SOe each , worth
Also one lot of gouts'jorsoy knit over-
shirts , como in dilToront colors , only 7Cc ,
worth 61.- " ) .
Cents' heavy natural gray shirts and
drawers only 50c , worth 75 < - .
1 ciiho of gents' heavy wool shirts and
drawers , natural gray , onlv 7oc , worth
$1 U"j. thW
Speoiul for tomorrow : Wo will HIOW
nn o.xtra line of gents' at
61.00 which will pay you to examine.
100 do/.on gouts' fancy nightshirts ,
nmdo from goood quality muslin , only
50c each.
Also iV ) do/.on gents' night shirts only
5'Je ' each , worth 7'ic.
1 etiao of gents' line camel's hair
only " " > o per pair , worth lOe.
I f-aso of ladies jo.'buy ribbed vests ,
long felccvo.4 , onlv " Hie eu-li. 1
IIAVIIIituos. : .
( il.tnil | Milo of ISuttcr.
Country butter at lie , 17c , 10j and 21c
per pninul.
Creamery bill toI2ic : : , 2oe and 27c.
In choose we ta'.co ' tlio load belli in
quality and prioo.
Voiing1 Amorle.x full cream clicogo , lOu
per i > ouud.
Wisconsin full cream , lOe ,
KanttM'ii process full cream , l"jc and
.Jersey full oroani ohooso , Iflc.
Swiss < -heo o , ll ie and 15c.
Urick cheese , lie , lilo and I5e.
Liinburger cheese , 1-ic and l < iu ,
Neufeli itul cheojo , iinpertod , 7c } per |
Hub snuo olicoso , lOo per pitelcugc.
IM onnple c-neoso , Wlo.
Tlio llnost Hockfonl choose , 50o per
) > ountl.
Tonnnco ilo Oamobort French cream
cheese. lOu per bo.\ .
Ainni'luan club house uhaose , Hoc per
jur.Edam chcoso , $1,2" ) cacli.
l > nltiinoro fiorih o.vstcrd loccivoddnily
nd sold in fcolld moats fur 2-5u pjj'r
fjimrt ,
Celery , ! 1 for lOc.
Capo Uod cranberries , 7jo per quart.
The celebrated Dougherty and An
dorson'b ininco ment , It for 25i- .
Mfnuf.cturors Association Planning to Hive
n Permanent Exposition !
l're < l < lcnt I-UBO Honor ! * ttio Itonult of Ills
Inquiry , sh cm I lie ( Ircut Interest In
Such n n IJntorprHo I'or
licet Sugar ruclnrleii
Tlio : oxOiMitlve committee of tlio Manufac
turers and Consumers association mot yester
day nttornoon In the association's rooms In
Tiin Hr.r. building. The following wcro
elected members of the association : Arling
ton Mill company , Arlington , millers ; The
Hoyn Photo Supnly compinv , Onuu.i , l > to-
ILK frame * ; National O.I and P.ilnt company
pan , Oinuuu.
'Iho regular bills were road n-id ordered
mid as soon ns approved by the Huance com-
The Apollo club .submitted n proposition to
glvi n concert for iho friends of the manu
facturers. Tbo scheme was to arrange nn
entertainment something on the order of the
or.u given lust winter. The subtect was
thurJUglily discussed and it was Jecldad not
to accept the proposition as the ajsociatlon
would not bo Justillcd in going to so grout tin
expense. ) )
President Pace stated that thev had bcon
looking up the exposition building question
during the past week. Ho had seemed nn
estimate on n brick building ttVJxiSJ foot ,
walls twenty-Hi o loot high with a quarter
pltcn ronf. Siich n building was estimated
by tno architect to cost f--.OOO to $ .V > , Ou ( ) .
Secretary Holmes stated that ho had con
sulted another architect who hiul inada the
snmo estimate nf the cost.
Parties owning land euntrnlly located hail
boon soon and there was no doubt about the
posblbility of securing u good situ at a
reasonable annual rental.
The plan propo oJ is lo organize a Wllld-
Ing company Independent of Hie manufac
turers association. 11 would bo n stock
company and ttio building would bo used for
expositions , conventions' , concerts and for
whatever purposes n largo hall might bj ro-
rjiuroil. The president stated If such n
building was put up In a central locuion it
would b2 a navlng InvostinonU
"Wo could hold an exposition theio next
spring fur twenty days , " continued the
bmuUor. "that would eloar up Sl.OJJ per
day. Wo ran our exposition last spiing in
the ( JolUoum building under disad
vantages and yet wo took in $50) ) u day , anil
Uiiow we could aasllv double that
with n jiood Ouildinc in a Koo.l location.
iMo'stM. IMso md Holmes were appointed
a cominlttao to scouro written propositions
from parties who h ii ) suitable cro'ind ' which
they inU-lit bo willia ; to loau for nn exposi
tion building.
Several prominent business men outside of
the association wcro ( inoto.lns heinz greatly
in favor of having an exposition building
and us ready < o t.iku stock in sucn an enter
prise. The point wj.i made the erection
of such a building for the purpnsa of dis
playing gooJs of Nebraska manufacture
would bs a great advertisement for iho Ne
braska manufacturer * and would do mow to
promulgate tbo homo nitronngo movement
than anything els : ! could do.
It was agreed bv all present that if an ex
position ' was to LIJ held in Omaha next
bprlii , . " something s > ho.ild bo clone toward
providing a ( wilding nt once , as the old
Coliseum building was too bmall , besides
being located in nn inaccessible part of the
city. The proposed building would bo fifty
feet longer mid ten feet wider than tno Col
iseum building , besides being nrrangoJ on a
nlnn that would allow of tlm space being
utili/cd to a much greater advantage.
The secretary outlined several .suhomes for
increasing the consumption of Nebraska
immufaelurcd goods , which were approved
by the committee and ordered carried out.
Itc-t Mi ar htielorlrfl.
M. A. Lunti , editor of the IJe&t Sugar En-
tcrprise , was , in the city yesterday. Ho says
that the United States Real Sugar company
is desirous of building soim oeot sugar fac-
torle * for the season of 1S')3 ' ) , and is looking
out for favorable sites on which io build.
Mr. Lainn also savs that if the cinipiny can
: i Kiiarantco that o.OJO acres would Do
planted In sugar boats within n radius of
twenty-five miles of the location of the fac
tory ' llio company would be willing to erect
a I'actoiv with a capacity for 1m iillln r > U"
tons of bsots per day , which means turning
out nbout lifty tons of sugar per day.
Mr. I < unn is of tno opinion that such n fac
tory in the vicinity of Omaha or Uougl.u
county could bo made u craml success , aim
ho is willing to moot n nuniour of business
men and point out the advantages that
would bo derived from the establishment of
such n concern. All Ii3 wants Is nn opportu
nity to address thi'so interested or those who
mibccoini ) interested , and if the lio.ird of
Trjdo will take the matter up and ot up a
ineelins ho will Rladlv attend and iilvo some
v.iluublu infonnation In regard to su : ir boot
cnlluixprovlalni ; ho is civon propur notice.
He has nwakc-iicd a lively iutoniit in the
subject lu thu cast , whuro ho has bocn lec
1'orfoct action n-id perfect health
from Ihoiueof ) Witt's LUtlo Early UU
crs. A perfect llltlo pill.
iiif ; and Interior ( locoratlny ; do-
fil ns nml ostimatua fut-nisliod. Henry
Lohniinn , leOS Uousrlns ati-oot.
( ut I'rlei-s in Slinu Department Saturday
1'inn Muti-H anil Overshnes at I'rirL-tt
Thillll \ SiirjirUciVoii ,
Some of the llncstshoos in our store at
a great Hacrillco to close out , nionuy ro
If not as represented. Como in
forenoon as UIOFO prices will crowd our
department later.
Ladies' line 2oe rubbers 12c.
Gilt Kdgo , Haven CJloss and Alma , pol
ish , 2oc ; shoo dro.siing , 12c.
Hi.xby'ti bhoo drosbing for ladies , fie ,
worth 15c.
Infants' line patent leather 50c shoos
Chlldron's fine kid and goit $1.00
shoes 70r , si/.os (1 ( to 8.
Cliildron's line kid SI.2-5 shoes OOc ,
si/.os ( I to 8.
Mis-os' line kid patent tip $1.50 shoos ,
Misses' flno goat and kid fcchool shoos ,
Si. 18. worth f..00.
Ladies' dongola button $2.00 shoes ,
Ladies' fine cloth top $ , 't.OO button
shoes , * 2B8.MKS'S
In incn'H shoes wo oiler eoino rare
bargains nnd if you expect to buy a pair
so'jn don't lot tills opportunity go bv.
Men's itlco dross ' $2.00 shoos , $1.50 ,
Men's elegant 'cordovan SiCO ) shoos ,
A genuine hand welt flno calf $3.00
shoo at * 1.00.
Childron's 75o buckle arctics , 50c.
MlbbOb' DOc bueUlo arctics , tr > e.
Liidios $1.00 biiclclo tin-tics , 7oe ,
Men's $1.23 buckle arctiiw , 03o.
Dry goods and fahoca.
Powder :
The only Pure Cicatu of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used iu Llillious of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
n v ' '
TiWTBiMHriif ft * i
Ai Indian Trader Tolls His
Story ofiiKickapoo Indian
Stogwa ,
Curocl of n distressing Stomnch
Trouble by : Klcknpoo Sngwn-
Flrst lonrnod of the Wodlclno
through rUSoulx Indian.
Here 1 nnotlirr toiy from the frontier of
llio wonderful 'curative pnipcrttc * of the
Klcknpoo Indian Itemed1" ) , mid pioof of
tbclr Mull legnrd anioiig thu frontlcusiiicu
and liullans.
fO" / - < v v
S. . \ < : AT , IndlnnTinder
Tlio fnllo\\Iii | ( IrtU-r from ( J. " . A nv , tile
Imtliin tiinli-i nml liitorpii'lL-i-nf itiHln llio , , glM'M pn-llivtt iiiottt nf tinrtlin -
tl\i' , tonic , mill blood pinlfj liig iimilltici of
Klckiipoo linllun 11 ; , ' " .
UlItllVII.I.K. X'I"U K * , .IllllO .1
Sonu'tlnic nun nfturMiffiiliiKcxi'iclj with
Ftoiniicli ttoiibliiiinl ( | > > | I"-H | ] | uhlrli had
bi-i-n ( jitMitlj iimji'iivati'd liy the iilKnll wiiti-r
of HID ui"-li'in coiintiy , : mil \\ln > u I liul :
leiiolied tliit-tiiKe : vvliL'io I toiiM fn-ipicntly
liold iintlilni ; on nivtoiiiiH'li , mid unulil
CM-n tlnow ii | ) wnti-r us .oon : is ilimil. , f
Iciiinuil fioin n MouIndliin \\lio had IK-L-II
on u % l lt to the Kk-Ua | < ni ) ti Ilie of a oiuler-
fill icniedy called "bii wn. " I iot l.lin to
PIOI-IIIO some for me. The effret win le
nunKuMi' . I tiled to cet moie fioin the
Indian , hid he uouhl not lot me lii\ : e muie of
Illn. lie pil/.ed It-o much heoithl nut U i !
Hup. ' I then lemneil that HeaU .1 tSl i-low ,
nf N'i'U Haven , ( onn. , had nil aiinn ement
with thu KleKapno till- , and uui putting
thetf ii'iiieill.-i on thu niaiKet. 1 . - cutnmlot ;
a linttle and fnnhd II In lu < the -ante : > < that I
liail pinciiieil tinin the b'.onv ' In Han. I Knl
inoio , and after tliu n u of a few bottle * , I
AMU nnt only lelleved but uttirely tuitil , nml
Inn e ttiii/td cm fil ti er tlnrf ,
I tan eat uiijlhlu set befnio me. nlt
Jlaeon , \ \ hloli n-ii-il to imve n inostill tii < iiiiK
effeet , 1 run now ent mil lell-h like an
Indian. I Imvu : il"O n-ei ) Ihu Klukaon |
Inillmi ahe for ni ) lioi ei , w ben they Imvu
lieen enl e\erelv nn ba.-hud who fenec-i , mul
It heitli them ilht np.
I eunnnl spea't ' too highly of the Klel.npno
veineilk' " . I keep
them all In niv liailtm ;
po-t ouu. , and chcci fully iL-cniiiiiu'inl It to any-
( ! . S ASAY ,
Indian Tinder mul tntcipiotcr
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
T * > tniltlirriMnm : | to piyiimt-
. aWj n , , , | „ , , , ,111 | IU | | jm , fro ( , n
thrlllliu nail InK-nni-l ) lati-ro tln'4 hoik of 17:1 :
JUKIontiiii'ci ' 'iiiii'KM ) SCIMN : MIDM ;
'till : MlvU'OI ( ) I.MIlVNs.liH | nil admit
Int Inillniis.\ihlrrM , lll\I\ : S. lIlliKI.UH , C'JI
Areuuocir llau'ii , Conn.
for Fanners , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , ChappeJ Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wale :
Cod-liver oil suggests co i-
sumption ; which is almost u i-
fortunate. Its best use is b >
fore you fear consumption
when you begin to get th n.
Consumption is only one of
the dangers of thinness.
Scott's Emulsion of co.l-
liver-oil makes the thin
plump , and the plump are
almost safe.
Let us send you a book on
Scnrr A noWNE.Chcmuls , j > Souih 5th Avtnue ,
New VorL.
Vo-ir dfills'5' ' IrteP8 Seon'i Dnulnon of coJ.livcr
oil all drugguu ver > w.'iero < lo , | l ,
tlio Wondcrf 1
SIIIIINI | reined y
prehcrl leil fore
o vor 5O year
curoN nil Ner-
.Lack ol nieino-
10 ,
IVllllOf II I U CM ,
Boforo&Aftar UBO. iinis : ioii * , L * (
I'liotoifrarli J frorallf" ' W unli ooil , or
dluiliiiitlon ofthcCeiieralUo Orciin * ,
clc. , mid nil 'CU'vctm canned by \ lint
abiut-M. 1'nt uj ! oiivcnli-nlly ( u curry
111 I ln > vcht iiocict. I'rlc-o 8 1 u | mcltin.'o ,
or O forfS , wllliu ivrltfrn Biiurantco
io euro or refund tlio money , if u iiruwlet
IrlosloBoilrou omo WOKTHI.KHH IMITA-
i-HI.V lu nlaco of 8ANATI VO , enclose price In envelope -
lope nuil wo will eend bjr rantl. 1'aiiuililet III
iiiuln eule < l envelope Irec , A lclre it
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch Olllco lor . itS.A .
JJ68 Dearborn tstreut , OH10AUO , ILL ,
Kulm & Co . DriiRslMJ , Cor is'-li ft Douglas SU.
j A l'ullir \ Co , DniKiiitti Lor 141)1 ) & JJcugUs
bis. , oiKl iltugEisis ctaTallj ,
( Inblt t'lireu In I
. An | Illli-urfil. .
> r. J.
la * urop for irtlculri i tluuotiilj l tel
"llrUrf fur I u.llt * , " ) * tttt rt Vj r loru
Hull. IO HUH Ttiilcxmiili A'an t\iptr.
11 "UID1B I'lITO '
The Ontr 1'orfB'l Vttlnil n
llcclnl > vrhuo In
Ihcorlil. .
li lltpnnly < rtliii < - overltiTpnt-
p > l by which viulinl Inji'i lloiK
rnn I'ondinlnl'lenvl ' without IOAX-
Inn mid iilllniilhnclolliliii ; ornt-
i "llntlnK th ( - of n viol ,
niiilnhlrli tun nl In' IMP ! fur
rrctnl Injodloiu or Irrunlloi.
80IT ItflllltCU liri.n AND
ll MID iifiiniat siuii.k
Price S3. OO.
Mall or > lpr < olicipl (
Ihc Aloe & 1'cnfolil ' Co. ,
15th Street ,
e.ti-fulliy . prepared at low
\ \ III !
i , i' i i i / 11
li ltO < t l-lk'0't *
JKI.TII l.XTU.UTrtl WttMIOUL' I'At i 01 !
\Nontt i
\ruiisiror : runru ON mnuiK i run
1'prfcct nt Kinr.intool T-it'i citrai-tol In
lie innrnliitf. Now onus liujrlo 1 In uvoiiln ;
uf s into d'ty.
feu siiL-ct noin of Ilo noi'.ililo Urlclis
t'i'ii aUiliiit-ns | ) ! of l ° lu\l'lo ' ( ! ) istl - I'l Uj
All unfit u.irr.uitoil ,11 risproinnti ! 1.
Dllliie. ililr.l 1'ionr , I'lVtii Illjit
Tei ( < ; ii : 11 > 11 > r . i > 1111 r i. ' i -i s i
Tul.u Illov ito.or Ft i'r\v ' ly fi-o n 111 i
Btrco tontr.inco.
That von may know what a woiuUrfu' , ei-
u ! ? to Hi'
, glvins element Oxygf n isvo
liavepropareil barrels o !
anJ ror 30 ilnys , olio
Inhalations Free.
It re illy euro Coughs Colds , Catarrh , 1 ron-
chitN , Con-uinptl in NarvouProhtiation. .
"Oxygen U > o' : " Ir > o c ill or write.
StmoSlO Sheely Hui dins , Oin.iha , Neb ,
National Bank.
Cnpilal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. .
$ ( > > , ) ) : ) )
Officers aniIDIreetori llonryV. . Vnft praslJiit
It. C. Cnxhliu , vlcu projliluiii , i' . s Miiiirk3V V
Morse , John i , Cullini J. N. IL I'atrii c , I.UTIJ V
Hcc'U. cnshlcr.
16ih and Hovsani Streets ,
GOIloomsrorl-allonU. OMAHA ) NEB ,
/ * > r'Tv-v-it
r'Tvvit.3a& * -
- S3a
Chronic , Private ! Nervous Diseases ,
Mrn AND n MALI : .
Piles , Fistula. FNsurr and Stric
ture of'tlio Kocttini poriiKir.fiit-
ly 'iir < Ml without Hie use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
EC lust Ir In stamps nnd our K'7 ' pnpt1 HOOK
tin DIS1AS1 b and ( , 'uisil , n lllanUs ,
will lie MAII.l I ) riil'i : .
HUh nnd llonap1 Ms. , Oiiinha , Xeb
W.C MAXWH.I , . M. 1) ) . . I'll ' S. Jlmllmi IM. u.irr
T I' . IVCMOII..I. WooclPmltli. II.W.Meriiuiaii'l
hulrat law ot Ailjliislns Koiint/c. fleeeiisu I ,
C.itlieiino Koiint/o this wlfei. Herman
Kount/e , liilther Kniinl/e. Chat Irs II ,
Koiinl/e. Mull.da ( "i.inlnier. Ad illnu Until
Clvim-nilnu l.tonn. M tr.'aret N. lloyor and
Miuy IJor.i Ollvei.
Von are liciehv iiollflod that the uiidnr-
slunod. llireo diblutoru-iiuil freeholder * of llio
city uf Umihn. hn u boon duly annoiiited by
llio nriviir. with the of the elty
eonncll of said city , to assessIho ilum 120 in
tlm ownois respeelhuiy of iho multeity
dec ared liy onlln ineo no'-ess iry to li ) > appiu-
pil iled for Iho use ofaid elly. for the pur
pose of oiunliiK nnd exleii'lln Mill slteot ,
fiom ihoullnv ne\t north of Nicliol-is stit-et ,
nurlh In the south line of I'aildoeK 1'la D , nml
Mom Ilie Mmth line nf 1'addoel , I'laeu north lo
( ilili ) stieet , and opeiiur- I e\li-iidln.r ( 'I a "It
Ettcut , In C'liiiMliuham's iiildltlon frinn Its
uicsunt e tern It-rinlnns west to I itli street ,
hiioMiindi-d. us sliiwn liv l-siied lo us
from llioolllce of the elly enslneor.
Inn an ) nolllled , Ihat haxlm ; acecplnd
said iipjiolnlmunl. an I duly ( | ii illlio.l as re-
oiilKul liy law. wo will , on llio "iillid.iv of
.November. A II. . I > ' ! . ' . t III" hour of IU
( iVIoi'ls III Iho forenoon , attl Ill -o of-luhnr
.VO'Donohoe. HU.f r.iriiniii slieul. wlllini llio
eorior.ilolltiill | > . its ihillv. . meet for Iho pur-
POM ) of eonsldorliu nn'l ' in iKIiu llm .issues-
niL-nt of . Iho owners r'spe. llve'v '
of.aid property by reason of biicli tiiitlnz iin < l
iippiopnittloii ihureof ,
Tbo propoitv holon.'Iiu toyou. ninnnscl to
lioiipiiiopilaioil as uforo'ild.ind wh eh lias
been declined uucuisiiy hv llm i oniieli. bv
ordliiaiu-u lo .ippioprlntn to llm use of tlio elty
bellU hltiriled III lid elly of Um.ilia , III Iho
county of Diiiialiis. and stile of Nubr.isl.a , Is
ilcni-i Hied us foliow'ti tow it :
1'roperly In naum of I1 I vpron -
Thet-ist I'l's ' ' foul of snh lot I''of Ihnojist
II ) fuot of ta\ lot H | u iho NW'i ' of the > l.4 ' of
on I" . T IS , It ii : i : . ,
, , . ,
1'ioporty in the nimoof . \\ool S nlth.
A strlioflai ) | . | ( lfoel wldor iiiiiilii.'iiorlh and
nuth t n ron ih sill'lot- and ( . if IUN Ut II. Ihe
otst llneof sOd Hlrlp bnlnu' 11J' feelwnbto
llm line bolwoon tux lols i iiuJ 11 in bet-lion 1' ' .
I'ronorty In iho namoof AilRilstiH Kounliro
' "
' ' ' pirciil or tr.iet of liiidi llo-
Klnn IIK nl thosonlliwusl uoinorof lot 'flhlin-c
fil'addoi'l. I Ineo ; Ihenen sonlll I" Ilienoilll
line of I'lurn sliin U priidneed from ( iiiinln.-
h m's mldllloiii tlionco i.bont l"i | font
nloiu llio noi Hi llm > of Hiild ( | : irKklii-rl. lethe
the WIIHI line of OiiiinliiKh nil s aildltioii ;
tlioni'osiiiitli alona tbo west Una of < - iimiini-
h.m > . adiliilon M fuot to iho sonih line of
Ol nl. Hlreot. UiuiiL-o west alons s'lld bun ill line
of Hark fcll-t-ul to a point In a llnu ul to
the oust linn of l \ IOIH H nnd H. iiinl h.ilil jinn
bUrliii.-U feel wo l of lot n. bin-U : i .i-liyi
lliKiieo honth iilon.'sald lliio lo tbo noitli I no
of Lixlnth ; lliunt-B i t'i ( ' fonl lo llio wuat
iliioof IMli Htreol ! thcneo norili par illul to
lliiieiifil line of ta\ lou S and 11 to llio south
llnoof I'l.irk Htrcnt. produco'l from I umilinr-
Imin'uaddll on ! Iheui-o In a noi Ihwestiiilv dl-
roellon in Iho north line of Ul.irU . .liout pio-
dnccd : llicneo noiih t i ihiihoiilh llnoof I'.nl-
( Inulc I'lueo ! tlionco eastOJ leut to jdaco of bo-
' '
-intlfiod to 1m urount at the time
nnd plneo aforciuld , anil make liny objoi-llons
to or stiilomonts roneoinliu fc-iw propuned
upproprlnllonor nhsuisinuiil of daiua oi as . | . , r. ,
( MIVjli | { | : |
JOHN ! ' . I'l.AI'K.
JOHN \ \ ItDlllllN .
Comioltlco uf Apprtlscrs
Omaha , October VJ , lb t.ld.'H
* e . !
Wftft TAaWJ,7 , ? l
. o ,
ii n , ' ; | V'-\ ' ' " " , '
laIK aillrani , luw < > '
| | , - . l .i .
uliltkllon plini-lt-ii , wllow 4IIIUJI1CI J
. lon , i > dmrjui iilll ir/r / { iiij
Impure Uooil.orafnnure' " HIU lvma < It lltrrorln
"KMUiM - ' -
lorrtorm II--
lai liliii'il''i'rtVti b iimll , I V" " ' t ' wiiilTr , ! ' .
; llll-ANsniUUfCAI. CO..iaH'
Kinds of Suits
Ten of each kind and each kind different , are shown in our
arrest show window today. Iv.tch of these suits bears a. card
ivhicli tells you in good plain figures , the price which is either
six dollars and fifty cents or ten dollars and fifty cents. These
suits were placed in the window to attract y6ur attention to
lotify you that today " "The Nebraska" begins another of the
great special sales"whieh have made her famous throughout the
.vest. . Two styles of these suits those in the two front rows
are marked
The ones in the very front row arc "beauts. ' They're made of
good solid all wool cassimere in a handsome dark brown
with just enough color in the broken plaid to make the pattern
attractive. The lining is of double warp Italian. These suits
are in round corner sacks only. Tha "squire cut"sacks in the
second row are mighty tony ] They are made of substantial
fancy black cheviot in an invisible plaid. The coats are cut
double-breasted with square corners and in the proper length
for this season. The lining is of soft serge and the price is
six dollars and fifty cents. The third and fourth rows are-
The third row arc sacks round corner sacks and such
sacks ! made of elegant dark gray all wool cassimcre lined
right up to the queen's taste with very fine Fanner satin , triple
stitched finely tailored. The frocks in the back row are of
" "
that "never wear out" sort of
goods good old honesty cassi-
mere made up honestly stitch
every such suits as fifteen
dollars and sixteen dollars usually buys. Usually you "et
better goods than you expect at our specials--.7Ts so"this time.
FUR OVERCOATS have never been so'd ' by us. The
urgent calls from our customers for them have prompted
us to add '
comp'etc assortment
open today--at such
prices as only the Nebraska gives.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
/ $
Doucilas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ttii mlnant epei-lillit In norvons , chronic , prlvnte ,
Uonj .
§ lln nd
exlitt-rod f radualu m nicilclnn. ni Jlplomaj nnd ceriinoitu * . ommrj itlienite * A nnriar aaa
. , ebnir. Il Hill trcuttnit 'rllli llic
nnrrli. operraatorrhuci lost tnnnlioo I , mlu l < . , crrnteit IUCMII
TrAknuin. nliht . .
jrrlioOA , Klset. > o luercurjua * . ! . Nevr Irunltnent forjoit loii i Impnmncr. i/lililllv. , ' ntrlctnr * . eon-
visit me mar be Ir nle-l at humu Itj corresian | < lciiCH. Melt of flinl poiror I'artXi unnblo to
or lniirum
curoljr . picked , no mark ) to liiilh-nlu conienM or tenJcr. Uno enonal nl * sent Dj mall . ureiprun
Sundaji freo. t orresponJi-ni-c 111 a. ij m. tlrlctly SoaJ ituiup privnio lot rtxplx. Hook ( Myauirlu of i fa ) ftftol titM. Ufflou prrretrail. boun Ba. Coniullatlon im. I4U 0. nk >
In the troatinont of a I forms of
sin.l all WciUnos .in. ) I ) firderof
A/T1./M lth lo uf ( outage , amlillloii.
1VJ.H/1N and MI ilily J.iulitueii ycaisof
llio inii > t iuiiiiiiUablositic < iss In
ho Irnilmont of tins c.assof ulsemoj. wh.uh
s iirovo'i by llio testl uony of llinii-
ls who have boon eiiiod. U'rlto furolrou-
i und ijiidstlon lUt. ll'ii mul I'.nniiii
Mk.f lllll.lllll , 'Nl'll ,
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are tiRcd in Iftn
preparation of
which l absolutely pure
and soluble.
It hai more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mUi'il with Starch Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd la fjr inoro economical ,
( ostiny lets ihiin one cent n ei < ) > . It
is lU-llclouB , nourlkhlng , m < S EASII.T
Sold by Crocors ovorywhore.
W , Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mas
Von don't need to sacrifice the lives of your
Dcplitlicria anil Membranous Croup
will cndnnzerthn n idghboi hood of your " ' > " ' ?
Thiirolsii hiiroi.i ) ' ' llli iiiBilloIno TO I'lU.-
VKNTcontHglonof them , and thcio U also
snio tpoulllu nii-dlulnu for
The Cure of Them
wlmri tlioy liavc not tun beyond human reach
\Vrlto io
IH ) , C. SIGEL , In Crete , M , ,
If In need of nny Irentiuiiiit , nd you will HnJ
i hat bib troatiiH-nt-liafcoa ou nmny your * ' oj-
Dcrliiionis mid ulndv liunai-oureil him u kuc-
cess wbii-li will not dlnappoint you ,
DUIl/D TiiKrniR
Opera Festival Company.
Gounod's Immortal Opera ,
F A-U-S T-
Saturday NUht : Vurdl'H Pnhllmo Oporo ,
Thoto l bo iii > f.itnrday inntlnuo ,
Thraa Tim is , Commencing
Sunday , A'oi'cinl'ei'j > .
V.c orious Always ,
Tlinslrnlol by QUS HEKCJI3 , and Mil , .
) iis' htipuilieoiiipany of ( iliivers. Including ]
be : Luinbei meii'H ynai lullo.
' 1'lin llio'iKliu ; of llio l.uu ,1am'
Thu Lumber Camp In Winter' '
Tlio KUln.iy Matlonl
ailo opoin S itnnlny at usn il pileeH
: ' ' ' ' '
Ernam Mrael Tlieatjr , 'r'ulcVsa
' 1 onlijlit. M.iliiii-i- in ( | .iu >
All lau htor , Conni i-.irlv If you want a s-at.
4 HlfiHTS , I OoiiiuuiiK inn Hiuul.iu.
MATIHEt. f Nov. l.'JLIl.
Q U B W I I x Lx I A. M S
And IIH Meiry Company in
Amnteil liy llnss an < l r'iMns. : Ameiiin'n
J'ravi'ily Aillnlv .1 Jnn lin ciali I luuir Innti
. )
ASH Till !
Mnscot Specialty Company.
Trusses ,
Crutcfies ,
Batteries ,
Syringes ,
Atomizerj ,
Medical Suppliei.
114 S. 15th St. ,
Next to Post office.