TttR OMAHA DAILY HRIfe SATITRDAV. NnYKMRKIt. 1 ! ? . IRW ! J3PEG1RL NOTICES. . FMKNTS Klt T1K- ! fOMJMNR AKVF.UTl unlH I ? Tp m fur thn CTrnlns nil until I M it m. ( or tlie mornlru or Mindnr eill- tlnnXt iMlTfttlfernent 1-iVcn for losithnnM cents for thn flrit Insdtton All nrtTdlmrnicntii In thp r < rolnnin m tent n word fur thn tlrollnkprtlon nnil t n-nt n won ! for ill ouii'citiriit Insertion in fl " per line per month Term" cfi li In nilrnnco li Hl l llvmo * . crtnlioln clc.riuh ronnt n nonl All ntlvcr Ifftdnfrnt * ratmt run roii'pcutlvrljr Advprtlspri , t > r rc < | Uf ( lnif n numticroil chi-ok < n Imrc thn Icttirn n.ilrr | ncil to n mimborcil I tier In ciro of TinIII I Answer * f o inliUo-fpil will bo delivered on Ilio piestnlillon of Ilio dice * WANTI'.II - POSITION HV MW A rnphcr will natk Jor mini ! WHKI-I Addrp P25 llee 'IliL ' KXI'I'lliKNCKti iioOKKKHTU I'Minil ntniKlii'i ' jri inn I fine pon'inn find RIIOI ! cltf ' M./J l' * Tnfrnir < > Ail 1r < - I'll lice > _ \V\MBI . Ill NATION ( IS A FA MM IIY nmnnnil nt'c itouM pri f. r tsklni : cure ( if ( f > ( > < l Mock wlfo r in tnko rnro of ho i p ntiil Iin Iiml l fi-nti ( jperlincu In il-ilrjr work n "P ( H hoc Ml. 9 ! tA'ii'iN v\A.s'ni \ > in WOMAN "TO cook ( nil at 111" . Oll'ornli t I.Vi II * AWA'.NTKO. A rosuios uv Aui M MAN who him 1ml llvn jcurn cxpi rlenro In tlu > riilii- lilnit mom nml vnernl "lore tlisiof clly refei ? nce. . Aillrui IH. lice Miss ! ' ' ' WAI'Th D MALE HELP. " - ' ' : : ( . \nn us Asirnpi : writer 'iiwMinrs wlm nrp nut of employment ere lnvlti'ii to eill nnil reuldiT tln-lr iinnies nnd qnnlltlcntlcirn Mltli niir employment ( 'epartmenl. \ \ o mnkp no iliirgo to either employer ( ir cm plorisl Drtip In rind PM m wi tnkn plenum in < lolnunll wu i in for Iho worth ? Mivionrnplior nnil tpiwrUI .t 'Ihn Miilth Premier 'I ) pwriter ( a . i Inrimni il ( imihi Nub 3K - iv A"N iimtr IUHHIIT votis 'innn ntimii Id ypnrs of nno llc l H'Turonr-us ro- qiilred tni | wliit nmlcrftnn It ti'ii'iKtiphy nnil tlpcirrlllni ; profi'rriil AililriI' 10 , Hie fa ? T > " "wASTi't i * iTiTi. I'Rvi'KK roiMiri'iMr IJtiilru show mml hnvn atpprlpnco anil w.inl rotiu 1" Mil rmnn. Cjpnuni I lijr Kin 70511 * i > MIV : WITH ( iooi ) ithi i 111 M r.s 'io si 1.1 , I'hnllflnr Ktinl * S H rltr * fmnMud freo. AitiiTl cnn \\rlniri ri 0 HVCI lloninl > t 770 U' 1) I Vis | , | IM Ts | I'l < - MKNIHr I -ifm'r limn tio"dlo nnd ilircnil * ilki xniilenn , itlovcn ninhrc In- ( inn Ml Im 12 vd d5o by mall \ \ Mrtjn r , * f ( u , 1'rovl lcnc < > , II I. Ms"fi 17- AflOMI 111VM I'll AP IllKIMUlM.II EMI I n fa Neb Addre-i 1V I-nrrnnd , Ilrnmllfld llninlllun Co Aih ! U7 I.T p-u\siin 'iifiTl < AMT-s AMI Aimiirssns J 'of enprn tir men nml woini n opt n for permit nenl workVo plvo pxcluMvn territory \Vi ) Biniriintro K" < iit workers HO n neck \ \ fnrnlsh onion fiirn tnrp ilollvcrjr li'iini nnd nei | iiiper nil Tcrtlptnir Our nrtd In In n tiioiiiiiiiiM Itnlll iinvu 25 ppi cent ul tin ) ton ! bliit of PV Lry body. 1 ull pur llciiluri by until MtliOErHiihr iniiiiplilptn etc. free iition reri Ipt of pontnk'i' Aitdic's Konlinr | to&SdlncrMri-it. lloston , Mn MtUJ dV n ANTI'K A roioiii'ii MAnvuc ANII wnllcr nl tlioVel i-lcr , Mfi nnd .M3 7f I . 'Hi Mil-1 IJ * ) -\\ASI 11) ) A I Ilf-T CI.Asv. A | | , Alti'l S'l ) 'tnllor A HiTKi-trnnil I nlrnuint Ni'l Wi II' " ' 1 > - \ \ A'STI I ) V AVIIOI 1.-A1.K ( .IUl4JlllY : -I'liouxv III this i Itr. uennipi t > nt till ! ikrk Ail < Jri'm , Klvnu , rerinncI'u.llci nllli e MIL" 12 BTvAVI I -Sdl.ll llOlt IHI I TIIRASIIIIY OK rtuiK bllilpBiind oilier IiclUli > tooKp 111 Me Iniiua bnliilliu M'1 ' ' 1- -SAI.A'III mi toMMi ios HI ACKNI" 'Hi tiuntllo thn 1'utvnl ( licink il Ini. I rnslni : I'tncll Ilio mofll luetiil nnd novel liiMniln uf tin * nur KrnHen Ink thi'ron hljr In IUII < H < . .nilmk8llkc' iiiKRlc .Ult'i X ] PIT eulil iirolll Acvnts mnklni : f'fl per weekn nlro nnnt m.cniTi nucnl lo Inku diiTnu of tt'rrlluo nml mipoliit ub LCIIIH A rnro clnincc to iniiki tiHiiicy VXrlti Cortt ins anil ham plo nf ( > rnsnK | Munroo l.ra e V'fy 111 \ r ( > . l.v Croisii' 4i'i T ) \ VTKI ) . HUM' ( M.ASS 1 \ I'milKVCKII -lJlhllp nlev ) nn. UoaUm fclore , Oiimlin 12312 1 > - > VANTKI ) . irM'HIlllIM nil I'VII-M-ltlflllT J'nicii lo lundle rntcnt 1 lectrli , loot Wnrmor , \V K Ulmer , pnUnKc , 11 i-llrik' . f < cb 124 If T ) -WA.STI -OIIIII.SO I AMI ( .IIAIIINO 1IOXK J'l liunitdlotcl ) atlAN ZtnlV II NclrunM110 M110 1 ! * > -WAN'ici ) ( joon BIIOUT ( rooic. no 'per week and rouni It > Mnln , ( ountll ItliitrH .MIIJ li l-WANTKll. i.OOIt MAN WAI'IKII , AT 13 N 'Mnln , Cnuni II llliirr. Mill 12 T > WAN'IKI ) IOMAV MAN UKO 1VP. I'tlon.i keep book9 ( ( O mo nth J II bnillli , 517 flicely block ItI II * 1 > - AM-i- . A t.ooi ) m.Ariib\Trrii itv ISA C J'Snilth , llrotk. Neb ID3 13 * "n-\VAvrn 'loiio WKST. A p I'mnn who IhoroiiKhly unilcn-lJiniN riilllni ; and curl HE A man who Is well rixoninieniliMl enn linvu aitpnilrjoh : it tiooil pn > I reit I > Ilurrli. 15W I > odR .Oinalii. 1SI 17' B- WAN r hi ) . 01 run nov Toio PKII .MONTH Motnnso Aililrcnt It I , lieu olllco. 1ST II * n YPAKS oiji , ( .oon 1-JwlnUr Jnbfiir rlclit boy llefcri-nreii riKinlrnd Cull 312 lice liullillnicnrllUI I'urk ntcMinu Monrinr nndTuenlny Jroin 10 lo It p in ill'Jl U TJ-IinilSY PAI.KSM .N , ONFVIIl ( IS I'AMlIv- J Mur nlllicbrnckn tradeAitilri i > 9 II h , Hen Ml'.H ) ! " AT ( ) N ( K. r.\IMtlllKNCii : > IMl'I.BMKNT Knlusninti one trim In noqnnliiti il nllli Nebrnskiv trnile bluteeirptrlonee , etc. AUdii'snlt * I'lo 511W U- _ _ l.vrKU" , STAY AW PIIOM I'lllCAQO .ind .Ml.Hiinkci ) Ktrlkuon. MITI II' 1) \NTKII mKIKKBKI'KUS , ( . l'ler litciionriipbi'ru. nRleamen tciuheis po tc-r < Mxik4 inc'Clmnlt'N mid nil persom untiling HI ik of nn > kind tu ( nil nr ntldreKH nlth tituiup I 1 UUKO Knipliiyinent lluruiiu , 1US 1 Kill nrcnne , nn in i. f bliiiKO 111 Mi ; U * n Alii. Vi r A rA'iuot i I AMI : MJU I'Ni'M- J > ployeiPlll > on work for flS per weik \\rlto to uiu lit once J II da ) , K'l .Madison tnel. Chlc.iKO III. SII70 II' IWANTKI ) . MI N Tl ) ' 1 AKB OMIIKH8 K'lt cl.'urn Ironi dflalcn f. ) U ) to flWJwJ p-rinonlli snileiiieniiK Aililrihii nltli Msmp llronn llroi , V Co , < 7 Donrhiirn utrcel , llilniKu , III illSl 14 * . Obit sPUISI. iN K OK JJJcnns , roltnn.Tili'H , ciiiilniertx ilre > i BOOdn nnd Blncliniim. ani'iperleiiieil hnh miinn lie ilKllitho ri'lnll countrr trnilo l.lliornl ( OinnilKtlon nicnUlilo linn AilJresi ilaonfactiircr , but stl. Hi in Mawr , Piiin M17JU' > A\dl MJ MAN WHObl'KAKI.KIIMI'.N TO 'ilrlro bulclier UUKOII ' .to Jluiicii , . ' ; ! . ' s Ilth Bt .Mlo ; U * WANTEP-FEMALC Clli : - > T ( ip7HS ' 1 ( ) t ( > \t I' I'.T K N T Id ! ! ! . , mnsl be frooil cook iiud latindu'as Mr .1 M Ihiirit'ili BWH I'nrnnni .M7jJ p \ \ vviisii "JTiTii. ion ( , i snitAi"ncirsK- V > norkln Innill ) of two Must kimn Inm to cook < .errnnii or Pnlieinlaii prcfcrmVII1 ! pa ) uuod ntl'/J.-o 2Mh .ui nil , ' M o , \ Mr\r * wvs'irn is i \ pu\i OWN V. In Ainiirlnu llejt folllnu arlUlu In the doiintr ) lfa > ork ut hofuu or iiHay ljir . > prollin mid your tiiMomom "III imtrooUu > ou iluht nluiu Wrlli'nt onio for parlleulam and i > iilu l\u itnl tort Plcnxi look HUH lip .Miujc line lo room , < NSarnblorii. Omaha , N h. ' . "Ill1 L WAI , A DIIII.TO HUOI.SHUI. iTopTr nurk Inaiiniull f itnlly. KooJ wnici'i , rnfi mnevn quired ' 'IVIi allfurnli Mrei't MIUS 1. .WANTKII.'AljKTtM \ > N Oil IHIllhMM.N iflUh \ fln f mull t uf linen , irtieri ) hnuit'iniiil Ukepl. tiuul be Kiinillook nnil Inundiet * lut hnvn lefer < -ini' Aiinl ) ufloriiooiu , ruom to , Jllllnnl hotel , illiAndruw lto vniilur .Mill U- TWANTII \ ) KOI.IiriToiTri Hill 'I UIAMMl > V Mint , blbleii und other holldnr books Sll Me fjrik'iiii bntlilliu ; Ml'Ji IJ' M C\ WA.N.TKI'A i OMIT/I I-N r com , AI'I'I.Y V IJI' | IM n junnd UutilS Soulhitli are / MWI 15 * G - WAN I'l'l ) . A IIOOIl ( Mill. AT ONI K full ( J UN 'irallioun' ' gik ul 1109 l' plto | mo lit u C-\VA.N'iiii.ooi ) < ; iiti.i'OiiniNKiiAi : , IIOINK nnrk r > inall liuullr Mr * A II Joiulth | , ' .HUT lot tpencr > t. illM l.'i' -woiiKi.-Mi nouhKiiii'Ku : , jifTrTIKMSAT nila ki > oilOok. ItololDiiti * Appl > .N U eor- nerVillist ainUum * * . JOJ IJ * /'l-KVl'lliriKNrKl ) MJI18K M'ANTrui Jn'O.NCi : v to tnkv c.tru of ouoiblld. Aviilr iWV-t Mnrr' > I IV US 13 enn. urn CKsnuAi , App'y ' to Mrs. H J IlUkUe * UP.'N .Mil M1 S | M - WA\'ihi > , .ij ) UWA'ihi HTBsraiiApiinusOMAHA . .i-no ruuh Unit" IAnt r areci > ruUII ) I full M i , ? ! ! . n / " . MMliliUrnllornunn * ' ! " " ' " " ' " ' ' " " 'I M-n or * .If > o o ulllbo ' 19. nnd luvrt MUtPnikei.tlirlady ! Uo wrotn IK " 1"0110"01'1" ' ' ' ' q pirated to meet nnd talk with "Ul1 " ll . . ? / . or. 41 { MI * 7 1 * ' IHII , i on 'work , luiitttiimi-r.taii.l mng on tablo. A | ipl > ? uJ duor icul How .r , | .t . "iloj H- /1'WAMKU. hATl'UDAY ' O.NK I'KHSJN HP. l. | roliittrufllon . ken. tuoVi. wiuiiiou J II. Sinllh , UJMitvl ) l > ! oik Mu | > li * riiint > MAKh i-o A"VVKI.K \v o wiinK V for ui ut home. No cnniilni lleplr nlth ildrvnvil auiL iUtiiit > fJ - lit . . . . . .ru-iir. lollct Cu enriloiKVmuuu ) > Co < Incorporated suutli llcin ) . Mi ; U > FOK KENT-HOUSES. . \ \ A TliteTltAliTK " ( iVi v J nlibcdur iiiifuinUliciL ' 'H ' , ou preiultc * , et _ P . rou KKvr. b iioou unTAUK ON MOTOU iln ApplfH Vf , eorntr IU tail Uua lu luUIW nENT-HOUSE3. D-IOIimnt lllllfK MOt * ' . WITH MODKIIV In.proTprnenH. on 3Jth m no r I/carm worth liqnl " ieM t7S2"t'nt 4JU _ - FOIlKKNT-NKvV 10 IIOOM IIIUCK llOt'Sf. , 21)1 I.nki > treel 10 room IIOIKC Jii21 Davenport f-lrect , t * > per month , 1 * 11 Mnlmner It t . . n N SUtcenlli Mreet in SU It D " VOIl IlKNT. fTlOOM. MODKIIN iTTAT IN tlioLntuso block , ft > , S Htli * t PI713 4 ii'xjM iiiurK iijATtC liriT"5 iciii , il J mo ii III. ni 13 * 0Foil IlKNTTllOlISKS IN I'AinMOF city IlioO I D.ivl * company 1W5 lurnnm at 4.U \-Hm UhNT. 10 IIOOM lOI'-i ! : . 2Jb CASS , > ! l W Itfevl iSelhr. UoaM of Triulo m n Kill IlKNT. lralHAIIIi : VIIOOU niHlernlmprorrmcnt tiBlnhbornood the be t Ut I'niteri-on. Ci llnnu-e block .MIDI HOl'SH Iir.AS-ONAIII.K TIIIIM * , M'i _ I ) ( 111 * A I * I-fill'III R vMNTK.Il. 3 IIOOM 1 I.MH \VfJtnNorth \ Slut Mreet illy water l'i tl F llotiK ) ' oiith Kth street in * n DMATS DWI M.IM1" COTTAHK- * KALI , parts of ell ) Kllkeim * X to , Continental blk I'M DIIOUt < K Ol 14 UOOMs. AM. MOIIP.IIS CON- venli nee * , | ilea antly loeitc I neir huslne < ecn ler Apply is * , I hlcauo nt , or 1 , -klnner , Mil Inrnani MVi ) I- A I.Mllli ; l.lsT ( IIHOICK ( . . . I 'Mori . ilut cle tloii > * from 1100 per nionlh and up UcorxeJ 1'nul , IWi I'arimji M5MNIV 1) , NI.W7 IKidJI ( orTAIIK * ! MATH , llol AND iiiiilwntir nil modern ImiirovementK ( ' ( nlmtilo locitlon lor bii-ltii' men In beintlfnl stiinford ( Irele I onvenli nl lodmulm nnd onlli Omuhn 1)D . KlKiitiur , room 4 Ncvr\ork I.tfo bum ! Inu .M4'i.l D -IO lioull IIOLbl. AND IIAIIN HIM KMMISTI' M Kumit/c I'lncc. U. . , J J l.lbson , Mi lit Nil lloiml bn.ik. Dll ItliiiM DWI'l.l.l.M ) 107 sol III 17 I'll bl .S ( nr new pnMclllce. bulldliiK limit for uonrd Ini : nnd rrioinini ; * .IM > Inmes Ntvltur ur II ( . . tUrk.v Lo , Ills llMiiry st Mb 1)1 ) 1) ) Hill 111 Nl'NcIAU II XNS-(0\1 I'AHK llrlck house , eluht rooms No , ICUZ Poppleton nxiniu * t orncr Po | pleton avennu nnd H2d istieet pnuth and cast front tlnlihed In o.ik with hind Fome iimnteK bath , pltndld Inrnucc btli-k eel Inri etc tlSOU I runie houie olnht rooni1 * No SSJO Pnppleton avettnc , noulh trout uith bith , furnate , ete , ( 4' . IXI llrh k house elitht rooiu No 111) ' until 3M < triot , oak finish Hlih nlcv bnlh , fiirmno elt > water , tl ti rn L'n * si \ eraji' , brli k et llai , etc ? 1JOJ Kit .nut bill k hou e .so , iiu > I'atllb xtrivt one of the iliipst llliMiC" ! nn 1 < o le t oUlit room hoiKPx In HUM U ) nlth ull moiliro toiui nil mis Ini hid Ink' nliL'ant poriolalu b illi till' , hot and i old u ill r ptallnnnrv linndr ) tubs , ete no liner loca tb n In thurllr ; .JK ( > 'JliiMiboiilioii es nr all on paved ulreets , ton- TI nlent to motor llne In perfielly heullh ) loia Hun and pltasaul neUhlorhoiid UuurKO N. Illeks , , Xj ) N I.lfc MPI.'i 1.1 Di on itn.s'i vicin I > IMIIAIII.I : : st\.IIOOM loll.ifr Inrnlnlied complele for Ilio winter , no children . ' 18 .N 'Ith t. MIOUO HiD Dl l ( III IlKNP , llol si , . .Ntltlll\ ) r ( MtlM'.lt . ' , il HIM ! \ \ i Lister , C licist .Ncbruskn "I cle phone i o Ul 1' 01 ( Ul III.ST. N1N1 liniivi Iliil'-K MODI'.UN i iinvciileneiM V.H I.MkL st InijulroC. D Mood ninth Hlu 1 amain I ) ouM I Oil Id K , .lli MAMIS ' .i 111 HIM , , i' . nuukTii , JI.-.1 \ .M.isun Apply uU b Ma on D-ion itnsr 11AT 7 IIOOM , IIAM.IND : all oilier convenience' * In uood condlllon ( Hi Applv nt tljl I TOinoiitli ti.lli Ktretl nr to Itlnc unit llros , Iturkcr block , 1 urnam nnd IDth deuriiu ( linisiM I lr > I V mil 11KN T. MY HOI'sF , 413 N 'Ibl sTUKl T I'MtbiT fnrn hcd or nnfiir iMiod I'tM-e tlon Klvon liecc'inlii r 1 Hcnr ) un. MIJill DJIJOMI.I , IlKVT I INKIIOMlTlN ' Dl'MllTiT ftum non In Mn > I for MIKJ Mno rooms b.ith nnd u i fnrnuce hot nnd cold water. tIrKt cla * < n barn couth front ; lurki ) lot on motor line Le-t of luluh orh object Is lo kol pt.K'D tnken care of , lidicc noiiiluul runt nnd nc-ed ol luftrc'ucc * M. A Uplon I o . Ike. tmlidlnz . M127 II D-8 IIOOM IIIIIJ-iH W11II AI.Ij MODKIIN ION vunlcnces , will rent for 7 per cent otT to good Ituunl. 1 \VlllliiliH. . lit .Nit : bmiV. bldKM131 M131 15 D-AN KI.IUiANT 10 I'.OOM HIXDKNrK. 4 bloekn from lonrl honso b ( lUtlfully tiiticrcd nnd pnlnted tliroiiclioiil slnco lust occniileil , pus , bntli i tlOMt. Imrn lor b horses , etc 'tar Loan and 11 .ul coniiuny MU1 ll > * " " D-7 llOOMs , aim AND WOlUVOItTII 120. .IIOOIIIH , I'nrk nvonne opiosltu | piirk , fjj 7 nioiun and Hamilton fls. 7 inonn , 2IUS I Ullk'las , .K > 5rooms , * illi nnd I'rttnKIln $12 , C. 1 llarrlgon.112 N \ lite M12J 11 D NI'W bTiAM : HI'A'IKI ) MODKIIN PI.ATs Kllkenney , room I , ConllneiUnl block M172 fill D-HOIl IIPS'1. A NICK IIOOM COTPAdP , CITY water nnd newly p ipcrcil l.i | N < 7lli t near larnami price tUOO W 1. Stuutzi-l , TH ri ICtli i-t .MlfiO YOU RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. I.T-KrilVI IIKD AND IJNU.ItSI-lIIIII blKAM Ijlieslud ruuius near LIU'Ii ecliool , nt 2ulb Daron portal Itulerunco recjulrcd Mr : .M K. Kutk'iUo ( ; . ) "I -l I'ltMslIKII IIOOM10 UKNT Mt\V IjlioiiBc. new furniture- , modern convinlencca. 2-.1I1 liniuliiKbt is t I. E Mlrl.Y HJIl.Mblll.l ) HIOM1 IIOOM 1722 Ef n | Itol live Mtso ! ( . f < ltd 'MSlllt ' Oil M1II101T IIOAIID. 2 5 ' | iouiua ! UI51i * .1 1'KAM HFAir.D , 1 UtNIMlhll IIOOMS | ( IU n nl UJJ13tc st Din U f i i UM > iiKiTi n K oi TKOVP Jroonih with bjlh , hcnt and pas , 2UiJ I urn'tm 1st lioor I'W ' 1 1' E 'SK OP i fi j LA lTdlv T AN II III bl I Lll nlhcd rooniH In HUM in also onu other room , H lib I rst cla s aeiontmodntloiiH of a prl\ato fii'n- II ) with buird .Mrs Jhuinpron , 5.'U N Ud rt n-lOK I.H.IIT Iior-l M hl'IV. 2 1L11 1 Jnl lioil rooim rnqiiiro 17117 DodkO ulreet .M1UI 12 * .T-Kc IIMSHKI ) ItOOM MI'lll 11A1I1. tbDO . IWJ 1 nrnam 110 H * KI.KfiANTI.V H'llMslIIJD IIOOMX rillSl' . claia board , at ' 1 ho Dolmi , ' .W nnd 211 N tu 4JJ I-IIOOM AM' IIOAItD IV ! > K1\ATK TAMILY I for two cHntlemen nllli re.'erurcoi nt J'i per neck inch , nil moderu convenleneoe. 61 j .N . : : . ! t MIW i7 NH"MV iritM-iinii IIOOM. HuTr/TiTus 1 for 'lOUiiK Indies or i.antleniL'n KlIT Doitce ulrcct. MIU5 I" 71 UtoN'l PMIUMl VSU'H IIOAIID , 2lo N 1 'I H 1 trett I4S1 , ' 1 NICTL\ rPUSI1HiOST ! ! ! : ! lUHIMi WlTTl elattii table board If do lrud all modern C n \onliiiiL0 , tLmiB rta uiublo tlJ N 2llth 5 IS' FOU KhNT-UNFXIKNISIIBD KOOMS. pi-4 iiTJojr fdoDKUN aiNTTtjN rsT-s ? To vJfmiiMyirllliiiut clilldrun 2JU1 larnnui Imiulra rii I'uxton block 7 7iI'nui.i HOOMK rmiinii'-rKKHi'iM , , nl-T Inlnhdl or iinJnriilfbc'd modiru tuuienlcneer Kteain hent 1711 .Mcholun utroet Mill ID * "BOARDING. U I "II IlKSl' , TWO ViitY Kl'll- nlrhed or unriirnl < hnd i-oiiih and < -uil IIrot tioor roomi at 1 ho 1 runner libto 2jlht Ms.u pi > _ FOR RKNT-SlORES / > ND OFFICES i ion IIKNT IHI : 4 > r ua ititu u HI ILDISI. I fill I'arii4m > t 1'liu biilldlni ; hn * a tlri'proof < v ineiil tmn'mi nt compute. McunilHutliu lutnro * wall run ul. Iho lloor * . .n etc. Apply nl Uiu jlllio lit I lie Ilin UH FOR REAT--MISCEtLANEOU8. , T-hOU'N\ ' tHAM. . ( "l.D MhTHOPOLirAN ) "i > 'W I'or DiulKii and 1 uiiiteinlli inri'tln ( nn he renU'd fcirliall" , imrllei , noeietlen < lu I or ilati-s apply Wi.Seworlt _ _ l.lluliulldliitf _ _ MIi' ! \ \ I-Hill tlh.NT-A III.NII ! NKM' HPU IKitlM i' butol , In 1'pit loeiillun "itli all uji'dern Impruvu iui < nt lu houth ( iinului .Neb Addre John I llnrimrd HtH > New York I.tfo Omuliu M'/M lo * WANTED TO RENT. KWAVIKIlbMAM. . KUIIMSIIH ) HOI si : OU tint , ruo'tern Improtrnivnu lonvrnlenl to inrn runnlnk' lo I nlon Uepol Mute prke aud location Addr . . U I. Her Ml b 13' " RENTAL AGc.N Jlfi3. Ll'hHsO.Nt- SllJllin 'lllK l.bAlll.Nii'lll.rN lal inHiinitur * of S-ouih Oiualm They liuve-Moru * . huuti-f uillie 'jJ rooiuj for rt it SJ' Ml M -nlOKAliK CHEAP , Cl hAN , W KI.Us im t nruum klreet. "l WANTKD-TO BUY. \T WAM'H ) TO IIPY hOHK 8 PKIl OKNT 1 > flnt iuorlkii'i : IteidJc belby , 314 llonrd Trade i i v-WAvruiiTAt-Ai'i : tAi.u it u iio.uto oi I - 'lrli'u'U. . Dttkil KIM II I TVTA"M'EU , 10 iii'Y ou I.UAMA"JOU : is pilnllni ! outttl In rJtjr. F M. 1' . , CL < b nth tl KU ll _ XT HIA\ llliriC IIOAItD ! MJIsT Hi : IN UOOI ) llcondlllon bpuurcr Oll ,3iu4 ICIh t. IU li M-WAMTBI . "ilKr > IIIISirBBTTUir I'UI'l'V ' , I iAhltv > i , t tlri price lit , Ilc , 1J 1 * \ \ \XTKD TO 111 Y. 3 HKCOMi IIASII Oil i new hUli urade iufc'lj bicycle * . I'nfiiuiallc llro In cooil c-ondlilun. dJrun I' , t' t > ox ra * Vuleutluv , * b. UHOIS f TOR SA1.KFURNITURE. . 0KOIl flAI.K AT A MAIIOAIN. Of Til U Oil hunk fnrnltiirr. nl < o itooil bnrclar nml II rf proof fp Inqnlro linorlcnn Snvlnas bank. U'-i " \A HIIKATIIAIMMl.N' POIIOASH . 'furnl hlnt ( ( if 7-room hnnn-i fltcrylhln * new , ml Klrtclly nrsl ila , only been In nut it fnn iioniliK. AiMre i Pfii Uci- MRV it * i-Hll AI.K ; IIOl'SKIIOI.II ll'KMTUHK AT JIUT - lilcne. . 418 N Jlil l , In bulk or dotnll. Icnry ( llbson MIM11 0-1 Oil 8A 1.15 ( FTlKAI lilKJII 1IM1D CtTiT. lovp ( Inrland , A M. Jaqullh , onice Oinnha Elevator CO M1W li 0-POKHAI.K A PKNI St'I.All 11A8K IU'llMll : hard con ) Move No M apply at loft ! Locust 0-IPOI.DHKPOIli : TlinsOTH. I WILL TAKK lUVifornn oleitinl uprlehl walnut piano , rich ml lull lonpil. trlcord tliioughoul chock action .ml all modern Improvement * n t'cnulnu Htrauii 11 if Hi ! ffl tonrllstf nnd profc slonnli IhH lire ro uppoiliinlly reeonlly linpurtcd Address U lice .M17I 1.1' 0 I-Kill ALK llFl.MAItliTNir POOL'I ( tooil ns new. nt o.-'i n I7th str * l > ' 0m m LK-lIOItSES , WAOOM8 , HT0. _ l > -HiuMAiK. \ * i\T\"i7oii\ii minor 1 forKUlKJ II F ( ole. I unilncnlal block 211 > -HinHAU A ll.NK III.Ah MAUrTlS VKAH9 old , chenp nt the \ \ Indaor sljbles on Dnvennorl nt halnrdny niornlni ; 111 11 * l > - E.Plll"AdOS , 'IIIAM AND I for kale cheap apply lo Jolin Plolncr Ssli Norlh ailli ulrwt UV li' Q-FOIl " .AI.K Ull.AlX A .10 IIOIISH I'OM hit nntomnllc eiiklne , also onu IJ her .o power up rlL'hl engine lioin In Buod rc'pilr Inquire of l-est ucr 1'rlnllng In , Io07 Howard trcol , llnriha , Neb a - 11AUCS70 , PUUCHAIID , DOUlil.AS III.OCK Q-POIl 811.1 : , IIIIMINdloN TYI'LWItirnil w th oliiht drawer folillnx dusk lUvim 17. I'nrker block MI2i > U Q -PLl. I'L'I'I'iKS , IIJOM M. IIUUCUl III.'H'K Jtt N2o Q-1-OllSALi : 1IASD NO. 3 UP.MINd -lonnpenilior uheip for cash Frunk i : Moll , is lith unit .Moi U * Q-loll SAI.I ! AT A ( SIIP.IT UAUdAlN , A Inly Mifetv blctele llurtfor.l mak . eiishlon llro , on I ) lived 1 months , JiJU-l Addron l'ij , line M1UJ U * Q-isnl.l-II : ( .P.llCU I'll' . ,1 MONTHS OLD , fi'innl splendidly marked well bred , for nalu II H liniktr blk l.V , MISCELLANEOUS. ! > OVLIIKiAlo. Hinrs ( .I.KANKD. DYKD , UK- IVpalrcdiheip IWj Howard struct , or.lce room 2 70S Ml * R A HOMK HIl I.ADIKS Dt IllSO COS'KlSi : mcnt.bableiadoplid 2 Jl Lumlnit ulreel Oiimhn .M 110 N24' p nou i : pini 11 = ; p.oAiii ) inum : DA\SA IV wick owner can use olher Ihreu days Address III llee I . . 'i II' CLAIRVOYANTS. C-MADAMi : I Ull/ IVJIOssVfllKKT , T IMtir > vonnt and Irtmo modlum Indopan l nt wilons , ( I'll- | > al and f utuio , ma.'netli. ire itment l.adlnn enl ) Mf2 SU' O-MIIS SANN1K V l\Altlli : > . fl.AIUVOl'A.Sr , i 'reliable bu lnes9 meulum tlllh } cur al 113 N II Hi 4 > 7 nit M LI : UAYI : . puopiiirrubs. DKAD > 'tranii/ c nnd 11 fu reader lolls your llle irom criulle to crave , call ! ' lonsulluil on all alTulriiof life hi * the eelebrated 1 k'yptlan bre ist pl'ito lo unite the f > tparutcd nnd rinse mnrrlipu with one you love Come one , coma all nnd ho con- > lined ( if her remnrkahlo powers olllco aud ro l denw4l7b lltlist hours II a in to u p m , Mrlct llfechtirt nnd pnoto of % our future wlToorhus bind sent llirc.nuu mall for j > UO i hart alone f. ' IXI All lettiraiouialnlni ; I cents tu clamps prompt ! ) answirid 707 Id * i I MASSAGE , BAl'HS , ETC. I ' 'ii MA Ai.r IUIATJIINI : : , n.Fcriio'iiiKU I mat balli < * Maip and hair ireatnitnt. manicure nnd chlropodl-t Mrs Posl.'il.Hi b 15lh , Wllnue.ll hlk SMITH , 1,124 CAP1IJL AVKNUK , - llooni 3 , Jd floor Mnssaico , alcohol vnlnhur and sea baths AllSo la' 'P-MM11 I.A HLK MAbSAOK , 410 bOLTH liTH I ttri-uliril Hour tint 4 MI8I IS' . . . . .r. . VimvB. MA < } N irlC IllCALKK. 2JJ - . Douiilns bloik Mine --tone will Inv eon sale nt her parlor- only , n full line of her unxiirpaRsed toilet articles which lira mecllnx wllh auch Kcnc'rnl lav or. .MSsi 14 * ? ? 5 -o 'i r--- v-----J-----J---- . , , - - . - . - - . - - - - - , - . - , . . . . U-A YOLNU MAN Ol TJ WOULD 1,1 KK 'I Hi : acqnulntnnco with n rouuifclrl of 23. with t'OOil habits Addreai to j-'oi U , .Aimconda , Mortina , 152 13 -IM OIIMA1 IdVVANT13I ) OF TUB WHKIIK- aboulsiif Charles "IcDermld , last heard of In Mill l.akc til ) Iwo ) e r ak'o Auy tldlnifa of him will bc > thankfull ) received by lilt * eon , Mntthew McDcrnild. 510 N 27th st.Ne iork City MI5J U' U \OUM1 MAN OK 23 MOULD I.IK I ] TIIH ncqiinlntuiue with H youuitclrl of - ' < with good hubllH Acldnss to lloxiiUj , Auucondii , Mintnnn _ MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. ir-i ( F ( Jin.l.KNIIhCK. IIA.NJl ) 'IK.A ( 1IKII.N W ' cor 15th und llnrnc'y. llnrney alrecl ontrnnce in1 MONEY IO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r-LOANbON IMPIIOVICD ASD I MMPUOVHD ' clt ) properi ) , ? ! ( XW and up irds * . lo 7 portent NodelasU I am iiu bmllh X Lo ,15th nud Harnoy 6U7 /-C Y HAIlltlSON , MS N. 1 I.II K I I'M , ? -7 rin ( I'NT MOMY Nir : TO itouiiovv. * ernonOmnh iclt ) properly .so ejttru clmrKea of an ) kindVb ) pa ) hUli rales' Money la cheap \ on cancel full bunc'tlt of Ion rnleo Irom tilnbo I.onn ami trust Co loth and liodee . ' 4X1 \\r-MOUI4i VISK LOANS I.US'ri'l HAN 7 I'tlt C1 < v Including all diaries CharlenY Uuliicy , Omalia Nnt bunk bld0501 \ \ r-1 AND'KAIt LOANS OS1 CITY AND PAUM tuorU'UKUi Heed A , bolby , JJI Hoard of Trade. 'Ml If-MO.NKY ' 10 LOAN AT LOWKsT KATIW. TlieO 1" . Davis Co . IWi Farnnm blreol 601 \\r-HKAIi KsTATrt LOANS , f.T07PKU OK I1 < > no additional Lharicos for conimtsslon or atlor liet fees W II .McUlt ) , Mmt National Hank bids Ml -CHN1 HAL I/JAN & . TKUarCO , IlKi : I1I.IMI W , . . . . . . MONIIY , bin : ( i W 1' "COATKH ( .irnaiii WJ - . . . . 7\ PIM INKY 1-.I . ANiMiiitn ( ; vt , loans Ion rat f Alax Vlooru lloubliU 5J8 \ \ T-OMAHX 1-AVIN.S ( IIAMv MAKI'.S 1.ONs If ' on real estate nt lowe-it market raton Loans iiinde hi Kiiutl or Inrifo tiums for fhort or Inn ? time Nn l oiiiiiilssliui Is ( hnrk'eil and tlio loan > nro not mild In thu east lint uin nlwu > bo found at tbo bank ou lh tornur of luih nud Douulai alreula \ \ r-MOVKV TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVKD ri I'Y ' ' proper ! ) , low ruto. A C I rust , Douiilos hlk Jill ) \\r-LAIll.U I.OAN1 MADi ; O.N OMMlA. 1.1N ' ' cjln , CouiKll Illull * liuflueo properly li pin cent Al u bliullluanj Uc'ornoJ I'aul.lWJ Farniru Ms' . . ' N15 * \v . . . ( I. Jli N V Lifelondu allow ritx for i-'iulmsiuuiltr on ) bri > skaor lu\ru funns or Omiihi city pruporly. pruporly.WI WI Viov\i'- UATi : HDKLi'i v TittbT C.HM" 1 pnny 17ii2 I ainiun atreel MHIJ MON'EY LO LOAN CHATTELS. x- MOU WANT MONKY ? TUB HDKLlTi LOAN dUAUANTKB CO , IIOOM \M1HMKLL II1XCK , IMh COUNKIl H.M.Sibl ; : \ Wi : SIAKU LOANi ON' ll'IIMTUIIK. HOHHK- * . ( Alllll KiK.WAUKHOL'ar : IlKCrfll'l'a OK PIJH- bONAl. PUOPKIUY OK ANY KIND. Ol'IITKIIMi 1MI.I.MKKT VOUIt APPIIOVAI. Youiati pay lhi > money b ck at nny time and I.In liny Hinount you wuli u'lil th1 redme Ihoiosinf utrrylm : Iho loan In proportion to amount you piy IP UIU o u a balunco on ) our luriilture 'rnr olhnr | er.onal property of any kind wo will pay II oil fur rou iiml euro It u > lent a > ou deilru. UiUCA.N HAl'i : YOl'll.MOSKY INONfl H'MJIl ' 1 HUM iHK 1IMK MM .MAKI APPLIUA'llON. No pnblUllyor removal of pri'ieri ) o lhi > t ) ou k'ol Iho u i > uf both money and prupcrl ) V MLI.I.OAN MUNKV ON' ANY KIND OK SK . \curll ) i ulrlclly euntliluntlal A 12 llarrli , room I. Coullueutul hlocli IIS X-PliriLllAlll ) , 01 DOUULAb 1II.K. 18 A. UUIIIJK. an _ V -MOSKV UANKD CHIMP Al YOUIl OWN tlma. M'bratka lioan tx ) , IJliI Douglas it ill X MO.NKY-JO. IW. C DAYCIIEAI ) * KAThS and uaay pnyraonta on furullure , planoa , Uf o nock , etc. . without delay or publicity ; c ib ( in haait. Durr l.rroii , room e , Barker block. 61V -MO.NKYIOI.JAN ON KUIINI fUllC. . 1'IAKOS. liorfea. wairuai und collateral ccurltr liiikli ( ncn ouuuacutlal 1ruJ'rerrruou 1) llnuiKv.bU , g _ X-iUAnui. iANBrva A. " ir."uVi. MONKT TO l.O/CITCnATTEI.3. V-DO tOU THK OMAHA MOH CIK LOAN CO. will lend yon nny sum which ran wl h. snmll or larcp , t the lowest poinlbln fMp In Iho quicken possible tlroo find for nnj liMUh of time tn suit you Son can ray It back In men Installments wl h , when yon wish nnd rwJt > pay for U as long ns TOU keep It You can liorriiir on iior-KiioM HiiNiriKi : AND PIANOS , HOIfK * . WAKIINH AND CAllUlAO K.s , M'AllKHOUfK ItKCKIPld. Oil PhlfONAIj moPKIU'V OK ANY .KIND ON TiIK DAI Mil' A K I-Oil IT wlthcm publicity or removal of property Ilememhor Ihal you enn Jin jnny pan of the Inan nt HUT tlmu mid Hint evcrr llollnr paid lessens Ino conl nf carrylnu the Inan llofore borrowing elscwhfre call nnd soousnml you will nnd It urently In your ndrantave OVlAll \ .MOIIKIIIK LOAN 10. I nom tl , CrelBhtpn Murk. HI South IMh ulreel. netl to pinlofllcp THK JL1)is1. : LAIUIKSI ANllONI.INCOIll'O IIAfhD LOAN UOMI'AM l.N OMM1A. Bit BU3INi.SS CHANCES. \-FOK AI.K FKW 8HAHKS dim K VCHOF \ tlieenpllsl stock of th ) I Irn Nnllonil Pink of Atnpahoe Nebrniki nl S ) pur cent nf Us psr vnliin Addres * I'orry I , Hole culiler , Uio Hank of Ar.ipi hoe. Arapnhoe Neb M IK AT A LOW HdLHK \ \ K I AN si'l.l. IIAIID wnre lock for ra h Inquire of Ncbra ka Kx ' llee building Ml II Y -I Oil "ALE I Oil CASH A DUY UOOIM s roi'K unit llxlnres a rare Imrcnln for per on ho tnnnns business Cenlrally loeiled Onlr cnsh talkAdlrns , P K. lice M , u V-llll.lSOlON HOIKI. loll SAI.I' ONL\ I hotel In lnwn 1 tnontlK hii lnrss o\cr fl.lWJ 1MII Mil for ea h or on time. AddiessJ u Itlrss Ink Arlington , Neb M .il I. " Y CAMI loii Mcurii.ismsi.tjxi TO fjjuuo. qnlcX' Vin Pattens llu lness KuchuiiKi. _ ' ; ' < ! > llunril of Irnde MlVj li'll' Y -1011 ' . .11,1 ! I I ItMTPlli : OF A I ll-ThPN room meiim lir > iu > I house ( ontrillv located now fnllof loomers So I lop itlo i lot a first ilafs mill I hoiel toud iiiiorinnlu | | for a lady of limited capital nol much h ird work reipilreil roa- > on for nciline owner mnit leave the city all nt J II Pnrrotle room 2 , ' D inclin hlk Mlifl II' FOU EXCHANGE. y Mill PM11ANRK , dOOD IMPllOYl : ! ) S'V. " liruiku tariiM for an ) KOOI ! real or clnllcl prnpitty 1'oMolllco box 1. Chndro i Neb U. nJl' rS-W A ( UKOK CLK\ll LAND IS ( INK Of ' -I Ihobeil wlnlur wheil dNlrlcts In Kansns tn et ehnngo for 10 or 20 ncrn tracl near Omahi illy limit * \\lll par ci li dlrloreiico If property Is Kood Address , Kit Iiu price and locitlon , O.'d lice. oillua M.UJ 7-POIl KM IIANCII , 6J H15AD IIOUSKS loll ' - Kencral incrchnndlsu Ilex U d , llurwell Sob 7IJK' FOHSAI.I-onK.\niANii ; : AIIOII tsojooit /JpKWiTorlhiif drr KOiuls clnthlnit boots , abocs nnd trocerlc'3 well xeleclcd and tleui sloi k. now running dales over $125 dilh Will name ti od price for all ( ith or take1 wood Improved farm Innds In Nebraska or coed niUdonte proper ! ) well localeil in fini'thn to value of $ i.H/o ( / or SI 6jU , bal nice cn h or enoit nnteV rlto Lock Hot 2U for pnrtliuln- Omahn , Nebraska fKiJn.ti y-fl.KAN S-UM-K ( irTKN ( nr\l7M II > K WII.T. ' -'take real estnta \ nuinu ) llox ' . ' .ij.l rankfoit Ind 111 15 r/ I 1I\VK Af.OOD i \ UMI1UII I WILL l\ * > ( . hauce foi n stock of KOIII ral inerrlianillKU Per pirtltulara address t li ( _ orell NellKh N 'b 1--I NO' r/ -l OWV IW PA II M IV NL1II14 < > K % KAS-A- A > and Dakota Will sell cheap or excliun e lor mi rchandl e. homes und calllu Address bov 7i > , 1 rnnklori Ind MM : ) rCLKAIl OMAHA HKAl. h-l ATI I Oil MD'-K /-'ailual valuation Mono ) ; lo Unli llojli Dninli i /-POII i \CIIANOK. innAOius : ) s MILK n 1 0X1 /-/count\ > eat " -prlnirlleld , SOVTiird ( o , Knn , on dwflllm : loiiiimid , > 0 > aennt lots nil Insldo prop I'M ) , farm Is nice and lute. ! , SU nires broke for Biiod Inside property In Oin.ihu Council Illntli or toiixllty AMiluar AddressJ b .lone' Ihur limn la , 7US I ! ' f/-rOllK.\ClIASfiKS'iU 1IAUUAIS8 IN Uf.AI. AJestntc tall or write , Ale\ Moore lieu blilg yIHAVKNOltM AN AN DTIlorriNdb PILLIONS ufurclinnKC prlio for the two JiUIW wnnt lander or town properly Illseleyihenandoah. . In FOR SALp-REAL ESTATE , AVONDAI.l ! PAUK The latest and Hiu-st addition In Omaha. " ' ' ' ' ' " * : 'Pliitt'ed'A'ug 2U. isiii' 26 Lots Mild Already. Which Proves They Are The Illitcest" llnrgnlui In the Market. This brauilfiil addition Is ln ldo the one , rullo circle One block lo car line and " " "ONLY H.MINIJIKS" _ WALK 1O CKSTBII Come quick , i.ul prlcei. , lerms , elo . . * ' " * On'ly V > Lots"oiit . ' , ofthodOyct : : llemaln Unsold : * . . . * > > . . . . . ' . . . . * Trees bet o'ut Streets and Lots All drnded Y TlllJ-1 I OMPAN Y , I7U. Knrnum Street MOTI > KllbONS .V lKUIl'J1IK LKADINt ! UKAL estate.doih-re of boiith Omiha Wo only el s I Istyourpropurly wllli llipiu S27 Nil ATA IIAUdAIN. ' . ' CMOICK LOTS. SJxIljfeot each , moro ndj ilnlnu'lf dcilrod Kn t fronts' S W cornel luth und Arhor Klnent location In rlly forresldoncn lllo fio-n lllh it molor line Charles Hanluy , IDi ) so lUMi bU , omtho. MJIl K-KOUNT/B Pl.Al K. DSI.I IIOOM .MODKIIV home. $ > M > tyj.nh who will tta Iho rlrsl lo know Ihls U lust ii $ ; OJJ hirgaln I ,1 dlbson. uenl Kouiilzo Plate , room d)7 First Nal bmlc l0ll 8ALi-iOOD : IIK-IDKSCK I.UIM IS POI' 1 ter A duorvo ( o H nil lltlon ITuit Onmlia MJJOO to flUOOJ , I 1C taih hilnnce monlhly I on lu toeh' V llooils addition , on car line In KnttOmalm J7VJWIO fLVKiUI ( .ood renldunio lots In Luc" ) < audition , on mill tar ) road motor line , f JJI OJ In H' ' ) ) 01 terms easy Ai re property near Omuhn and ' oiil'i dm iha , pultablu for ciudmiln purpose * or subdividing till for prices Ilislrablo cell iitm In miod retldineo loi-allly mnrcar mmS ; 7UJDJ to ( HOI ( , urn ill t ish pay incut h ilauc i monthly Pottur X ( .L'utu'tJ Cumpuny , Id'th and I nrnam ts M.iruijJ 210 A ' ! Ki IU MJT1HJI. \ rA"l.LHAND SrTOM ) benih land In emlurn Nebraska gently nmlnlat Ing. rklifsl. iir mil tine orchard KOOI ! hiilbllium ll\lnc water three nnd one half mill M from good mnrlct good nchool and ilinrc.'i ' elo > 3 t > y Prleo t IU UU per m Land In the tlclnlly nollliu for f i lnnd ftJIW PIT nun. I arm will rojilll ) rent forf vxJiriper year , ( a-h rent. Address C I Hnrrl mil J12 N'Y i.ifu'llmalia MU7 PANV IAIIM * pint BALI : VKUV 'nnAi' , Leaef teriiia tioo W 1'toates , 1H rurnnni st rPW4i4)ACIIK LOTVT A ( pTTllJAIN , AMU I , 1 blocks from molor line i.imin. ( Doiiului'o < nllltellleia Mm U N .ilffojuycT , lloomer , Neb , , 7JI 1)2' ) Oll A PKW 1 > A\3. A 4S.\l > 9 CI.KAIl LOTS J li' " than m miles froin'Omnlm postoltlcu for " 'each Ifaold In lump Nr < lir.iiku lUchaiik'o Co , bulldlnt ! ( ' Mild 1 IJOIl hALKON tCI OIISl'OP DKATH A JIODK. . I Groom cullik'u und lotr rrrst partuf city near motor Oniynpc-r 03nl lntere > t on deferred pay meut Wulshaiis. room inSJOtrtnch block , lei I' ' J JSt M iHI4 AN KLl'OANI | | OMirF(5l | 8ALK-I I1AVK Jl'I ! roniplcti-d oni'Of tliu linndsomeit tollavit * In ( iiimha. ' fuclnKouh on . "Jloftri'i't. Juil north of I'aclllc nllh IITKI' yriaiuJji bOiKO Hut , iot red with hcnutlful uludii ana1 ftuli trees llc.ino . l > kubiluntlally built Ihroii-Ui'nt with tin elegant bath room , pori.ttliilti-llned tub stationary murblu wash at mil hard wood llfl'h : npneloiii porclie viiendhl hrlck tellari i Ic j.UfJve around and MM llil > properl ) ( ir rail nnrt Wijine ehon U to ) on , und obtain inliu nnd lerurj > i nrve N lllckn , .loi N V l.llo bulldlni ; MVTo II I.SAIIM i.AMIS -ft. 1 2IJ ncrek near lllalr. mpcr ncre | . , J urres , Mirpy f i FO PIT litro HO Vul ejr f n flUperairp Zli , l'tM ) o ll" > per ai re 271) , ' 1 liiirston Co ru ir i ncre 120 , near Oioahu Ix.ipurr.cre lit ) , ne-rSii - - diualia | -jj > crjore MI. 12 mill of Omaha , 155 per ncre I'.tl. Cnm < i tUparncru j I HI rhrrldan ( o , HOO C. F Ilarrl enl li"\rY Life WI A HAIlfSAIS'-LAUdKIOllXKIl Mir vv c\otv \ tu motor and pateil Uriel , lf i than loj valuu Myj lrotitu lotus * , full lot. pared stri-et mid ( ino block from minor : nl.ui.ood four roomtolta x. full lot. on'yIIIAJ nUo two clear loti Will trndo nnrt UMUnio Alto hare four Mno hrlck hou e , ( nil trolly located well rented cud light cncuiubrnncr , lo trade /.ttlle. llrowu block. MIW lj-lll bALr.-A VKUV DKSlllAllf.K IMT foil hKC - - uud cla holul. largo boarding house , warp. houko or tusll manufacturing pur.o | e , , ; centrally ocjlwl duiliilf luluo. wllll.ulla uil lc o for luBclvrni If pruferrt-d. l iok Into lhl < t once on e y pay , , . - cle r luu ln ! " l' 3neot ibalrebcrtiiiropirl half JO } at ( lue. \V allace. * ! ! Urowu blk , luu and Uout'lM. IU 11 FOR SAI/E-nEAfc KSTAET. KKAI , KSTMH. HircnlnMinly. My word l good K I ) Albright 131-3-3 Now fork LIO f iroltSALK. KLKHANTTKV ACItKTItACT > V1T1I L i m ll cottnue clov to clly Will mnVe nn ole caul hoiun and Is oppilatly id > lrnble for fruit ard \cgclalilr-Knrilriilnc rnn be flatted Into 4 < choice lots , take ' Dr H i itrchn e price In coed farm land ( ircouaup nnd lot lco N Hicks , as N \ . I.lfn bid * IM I * i > i IIMIAM PI.ACI : Arm : is TIII : I'eheipcsl on th" innrkct today JUKI thlnkof It , iirlcf s from f-VX ) to f.ViO t cr acre , one third lo one fourth down balance In one. Inn , three nnd four yr-nrs al 7 | H'r ecnl liitrrett. IV 111 give deeil ml nh nlrnol 'I IIP motor Is now ninnlng to tlurnhnni Place It will 1in\i-invert road within n > c r from thpclly ltn nn IMUO school hnim" inxtotllcp mil othi r bii lness within ihrro hlocko oi It I or fur thcr particulars ( nil on ,1 A I ovcren MS llronn block ror irih nn < 1 Dotigli * i > otp nuent " ' 2 17 TO LEASE KEAL ESTATE. MVM.KASK ( .III Arili : * iO Al UP. * t NDKuTlfiT I llvnllon. iiiianco psntute Including 151 nciesln blue src . ro Mil lions * torn cribs cill'o "beds , tMiinry ete Uu. tine i farm in liosper ( ouiitT Immediate po se tlon Apply to I * Lonelh ( I M , Lincoln Ne > > MI40 11 * HOUSES WINTERED. I0ll > \\IMl.iiKDU.N Ublt FAKM Sll IHN 1 llros. IJIt ) Park are id'7l I Mil ! loll \ LIM1THD Sinillltll OV i her i"nt ( I a per haI pnr month horses enl for and n-lurned without e\lra ihiirgc Addri > s M J Vtoh'i ilrclni Nell .ID IU nolf-l-o I-HI AND f-AUit > Kill. l MONTH 11' ( ! ( . It mil , P O box ll < > , oiitli Onnha 1 1 KKI I'INll IIOIIMCS A VIM.rlAl.l \ HI IllSt. Hlnicr tuotith * ! at reisonur K > ralos nt Itnlly s Inrin Ix-ive word nt lotions liver ) ntnbl IMh nnd I a > or I i'Jl Sorth IVth or nddres- rank llnlh Honey Creek , lo n Ml ,1 A ) ' LOST. r n-i - nTrni.T itfvD PIKTMm : K Jjtlnder pleise telephone No H.M MISS 11 I OVI A IIUOWN 'LlAlHKIl POCKI.'IIIOiiK IJi-ontnlnlngnlont t0 Owner's nimo iiiion phy MUiii * premrlpllon 1 Inrter will bo rewarded by leturnlng lo llee dtlico U'l " f INT A I'Tlli OP ( lOI.D HIMMKD KK JJ'ln ) e * A suitable rewald will be pnld on reIn In uliik lo 'io < I rrklno ftreel 1"J I J' rorIII.AKSD IAN POX 1IOPND IIK- iJturn lo CJU bo 17lh nnd receive rewaril .MI74 U NOVELTy MANUFACIUHEKS. . iiui'lilr einlpped | lo plate , polMi nnd bull In nil .lints of mettils we tire nisi well tlM'd to do nil .Inds 01 light muiuifat luring In n etal Large irdPrn ullcitpil worl guatintecd Al write lor Mi-union ( hnsp Miiinif ictnrlns ( o Lincoln Sob , ilnkcrsof Noble nntl Lincoln Donlui : m u hlncs MI37 DIJ DANCINQ SCiIOOL. Mil AND MilMOI11MIS DASdNl , > IIOOU I'U'Capltnl n\e now open I Illi In-n Tuevlir , Ijp mntiirdiy ; III n m and 1 Op in adults 1 m sday nnd I rldi ) s p \tiesmbllr1 * IhiirsdiM m Private lessons dull ) PupiHi in jiiln nil ) llmJ liuiuind n MT iHn i Inught I'ho iarlle , liar r.idi.ntolueiiiwirlh.Mnnltoaaud i olumblan inclers IteKldc'iice . ' 'J-j lioiUe bl MJJ ) Slj DHES5MAKIKO. I.-A IIID.NAIII.K IIOHKS M'oiti ; oi.Kiiri IN 1 tnmlllc'9 ty liny or neuk Inquire K.'l ( apttol 15 * Tj'M'FUiKM K.D inn : < MAKIII Mtiiis 'M'Wliik'In finillles lultlne and nttln liefer IPS Address 1' > ' lice 117 HAIR DRESSING. } MOI'LDIIK 1'LKS1 DT01IAM. MYOLDCUS Itoiuers HH well us nc-n cillnt Ml llrown block Miss May liBteklu lialrdrefslni ; nnd mniilcuro , rccentl ) with ilirdul ! , millinery etc l."J II * THK Ki.VITV AlAlilvKI. pljcoU on record Nov. 11. WAIillASTY IFED b .I'liiiinoii ' mid liusb mil to T ) .1 Hell , lot b. Uloclt IP , Is uiuflden's a'lil. 203 II Jultur and wife liiTliuiiiiis Hoilur , lots -'to I , , lilcc'k 0 . South Oniilia. G.G09 J A l.riiron to.I b Gnllun ot ul , all Itiler- cst In lot I. Griirun V I H ic's nilcl. 1 J h liritrim ot nl to U A ( JrllTcii , uiul trto- tlilnlt lot I. H tine . . 1 Loan nnd Trubt coiniiiiny Irits- tee to B .N Hovel ! , o 44 feel lol fi , biovk lilt ( iiiiahn . Ti,000 ) IJ 51 ( Sliuraiiil htisUatiil lol ( ' Ttv.imley , lots h anil ii. block 10 , Ivuiinlzo 4lh iidcl , anil hit 4 , Marlon Place . . . 1 I C 'I u i.nloy and liiisbnnd lo H r r.i'-'iiii. trustee , -iiiiiR' . . 1 A J1 I'ul.oy : tnd wife io SI I' Iloitrke , lots -7 nnil : > . Oinalt i llullilin and fa\- Inirs .itinulntlon iidd . 100 C N Tlioinns to M II 1 hciiiins. lot St. block : It , Poll dr.V Cobn's 2(1 mill , lot 0 , block 'J , lots 17. 21 and 24. block 4 , llronti park DO ] j A HeunottMierlffi to Unmhi Savlocs b.tnk. lotD , hiuc-U II. Ilauscom I'iuco : i,410 Tot'il uniouut of transfers $ feO.Kil REIV1 IN C TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDl MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , IWI F.trnam Mrcet , Omtti i "Improvement is the order of the age. " \Va never oxpo'toa. in otir most sin triiino tnoinonts. sui-h an increase in salei as t'ominotu'oil on the lirst of Sop- toinbor. The Smith Promioi * Typo- \Vrilor ii li iviuj , ' ononnous e.ilos which nro wulo and fur rctiohinff. Tlicso are the reports wo are revolving iioinout1 man } branch A TRIAL II8ANS A SALE Send for a descriptive catalogue. THE SMITH PBEMIEil TYPE-WRITER CO , , 1609 FarnamSt. , Oinalia , M. n , II. MAYIBW TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibulcd trains leave Omaha daily at7'.O5 p. m , , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH Gen'l . . , Agent. tt'r'rr out all nfoA/ nil t > r , , < t iltfllght. Hut \ct drink drinkSVLPHOSMIXR In the morning , When yon w Uo up In Ihc ninrnlnp wllh a drj throat nnd olTciitUc lirctilli , uotlilns fiord ) iiicli prompt relict as n refreshing nripcllzlng drink of Sft-rnoSALINB mild inline npcrlrnt nnil cllurdlr. It IK botllcd only lij the ftltlor f-prtnyi at Excelsior Springs for Write I' amiAM fflllSSQUtf Richardson Omiha Neb Drug CoAgents , , Extract of Beef , Do you want n cup o ! Hecf'Toa ? Sue that it is tniulo Irom the Uun uino liK'oinparaljly the boat , 1'uro , jmlix * tablo.rcfrcshin , lls- fcohiils the Baron I.oi- blp's bicnauro n bhio on oaoh tibol , thus. ARE YOU SUFFERING Female Weakness , Catarrh or Kliemnatism , c Chronic , Nervous or / " $ $ tv 1'iivale' ' " * * Diseases. IF SO , CAtjIj ON Dr. Searies & Searies Consultation Free 1 ui tln > 'I renlinctil of Chronic , Private anil Nervous Diseases , MAM : AND TKMALI : . ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES , ORGANIC WEAK NESS AND DISEASES OF NO MATTER HOW LONGSTAND ING OR HOW OFTEN PHO- NOUNCED INCURABLE. NERVOUS DEBILITY P1LV.S MSTULA , FIS3UKE I'e-manently Cured without the usa ot linifo , llguuro or caubtlo All maladies of a private or dullcnlo nature , of cither ' ox , positively cured. Dr. Searlesi Searies,113 Norfctn PoU Auew ani Complota Treat-uoat. cOnsltllai o Buppojltorle ) . Olntjjjnt la I'a.iuloi , ulia la Hjt iiudl'llij : * i'oiltlTo I'nro for BilerniL Inlsrnal bllnilor UlooJItuUoilru Curonio. itoaoiior ileraJI- ri'0' . lnl' "au 'r ' b never b-on known to Ulltlporbur u for jj , njntUj mall \V'li7 uilorfroji Uilsiurrlt > lo illmio wuei a wrlttJT 'uirtnUJ li DoiltlTBlrKlren wliliUbjvoi or rofunl ihcnunirir notcuro-l soil HHiurorfrJS Snmpla ( .luranlsj liluoii bj Kuhn A.I o. Dru/iUli , solo Azcau.coraar litl' and 1'unifi iro9 * f" u SGJ RRILWflYTlMBGRRD Ixravui , (1UCA ( , ( ) IlI'KI.IMiTO V V Omitl.n I litipoi 1011 111 III.M iti _ | D inn ( ( i p m . .lliUfcVj Voitt04lJ t'll ' a m iron nil . . Ch UA t l-xprtMs . . . . SUJ A m llMpinl , . < bliiuo l'.iiroi , , I 'ii p m tW p m ! ( iilrjjo V IOHJ oi-il i b ill p in ION A * MO llfvis.ll "AFrTrji I OiMint 10th anil Mmon Ms I Omaha III ,5 t ill lien r IT ViMU julo b < prun | 4 Uj p m 1UI ) k < n 4 Oi p m 4 M p m . .Dunver htproii li li i ra 4 . ' 0 p m . . . lionyor l.luillcl , II 4Jp m ( .Wp m . . .HnstlriKi Local h 17 p ti ( li a in Lincoln l.ocil Kr ll I ) n m I otoi < K i Af J A ' ii Vrriva Dopoi lOlh nnl MMJ-I _ _ _ ' , ' . & } ft in i . K n ai CUT llajr hiprm * , I * i > 5 p al I' ' 15 p mK , C Nlehl iip rli U 1 * 1'ranil 1141 nrn ' .Mil' ml . . . * i l.nnlj Kxnroi _ | _ s ( O iini Uolnu I CI1K Alifi It 1 \ I'AUIHC rrum Fn l [ Union Onpot IQlh A Marcr fan Kail. . Atlantlu Kxpr i li it p m 4 41) p ni . . . Vislluulo ICrjneti 1,1 ! ) p m 6.M p in /hl Kvpri-ii _ . . > al a m iio\a \ , i , A. tt ) a \\fnl ll'nlnn DopovlOlli anil Murcr Mi I Jpni . . Di-niurLlrallnJ I .1 n in . UnnBas I llr llrjr ti nt uiul.if t . J i p m llllKll I UNION Arrival umnlm Irnlon lep'iIOl'i nn1 Mirer * U _ OTIn \ * 7 in | , , .Hoilrlcn tCtpreil . ( iTT p in I'M 1111' ' . . . .DonTur Eiprott . . . 4 Uj p m Slip ni OrArlnmlrljar. TO ) p m 4 lu p lu UlU'iMp ui siriui K KI'KI ' nut 1231 p in f 40 p mi .T. ,1'aclrtc Ktpr ii 104 ] i m ( j ) j > m . Denver " ' J'jiL. ' 4 - ' ) p m j * fe jcii7i'AiJo "viurjt tTi. irAi omnlmlo I' 1' ( lopol and M rr fcu ? tj ) ml ' p ( Mcnto Kxprmi j'JIi n m ll.U.i m | l'i5J p m * Y ( ? j tuouA i irr .v i'Ai in * . " | Arri"rcr" JJi" li ' . Hwpot , loth on t Marcr sii 5U ami . . Slum I Itjr laiiwiuB'.7. . lit1 JI < 3j p nil . .St. l' iil Kunrmi ( IUIU i loarei | rlKIL X ( I TV \ I'AtfMc lArrirji Oiiiahn ! Depot lith nnl WelnV ir > ti I ( Jmitii e.UJP _ m ] .Si I'anl l.lmltol | .i .j ' l avui I * ! , A HO lArruoi Omatial lopul. IS'.h Djil WelKWMtt l .ilJ a in | . . Do3lwooil ( tfxiiri ) " , I "i 11 p m W < W n in i K * HaLI Wyo Kip ( Kx MOD I. 6iJp m 'io ) p ml . . Nor/ollt ( tti Wutilari . . 'IDlj ' \ in < ! ( ) | i ml . > U I'1 il K iirn I il 111 ni lwl'.SI ArrinTT Oruaba'l ' ) clcpol luth ana Marrr _ ! _ I'M a in ttfi. nun'ri I Hrrutl ranuu.'tr I 10 40 a m . . . . Cnlcajo tiUi y m 4 03 p in . . . tetiltiule l.linlUi y.1)t in ' , U1 p m . , .Kaiurn Hjtr 111 p m i 40 p tnjiKr * * iin > I'hlc I'JYI ( Kt Monii'v | a m IJIHVLS , _ _ Yr nit r | Union lie pot i tiunUI Illutli | lrnnifr ) l ft u m . ( 'Ulentfii KcprHii . . , , i > 4 > p ni li ) | m ! , . Veitludle Limited . . . . H.O a in JJO I ml . rnitorii I'lrur . . 1 31 p u 7.JO p niICi | Hun ) Atlanllo Mull ilCt Mpnl b li u m f.4. k mirSl' ! | -roll raxun ur ( Hi 81 H : n li ra Jjirut lAiUK Arrival I'ei ol Ittli an I WuUiliT Hli I D-naui I lu p nil . it. l-oult Kiir | > i . . " 7 " ] 14i tv ji .0 Upiii < . . . Kt l.ouli hxproti . . . | 4SSpm 4 Up u Nc'l.i.nUa l , fal HM u tn uTtAHAA r | 5)IIMrrlfoT" IwpDt ( oniicll 'lull I'fraiufur " 4 4(1 ( in M Louis Lj.noa IJdli _ , U li p m iTuift I i lfitA ( ( .i II I. A I'AtlKUArtni \ TrnniNr Unlua DepvUfoundl Ilium ITrainfj- ( U5 p m ( . . . . . . .N'liilil Kipruit „ . . 8.1) a IP ! UVJ in Atlantic Ktir'ii | . . i tiS p m 4 tiS p hi . . . . , VuttUiul l.liultnl _ I2jj B 11 I eare i K ' 7s"lTur : A ( i if lATrlr F' Tnjifori Unlun l > pol , riiuiielllllulT _ _ | Iraiufjf . ml . . .Kam.M Our Tijf 1 , . 1015 pin " . .hautaii Itr Vlsht , iprjn , . , . . . l Mi Ji i i .11 , „ JO li 11 ro . M Iftali ici : l..tJ a m Icarus { -TofTxTfi vTc Tranjfer [ IiiloiiJicio | LCyiiiirll Illuti 1 4S a m bloui I Itr Artu'niiiuUalloh IM li i . r-1 I 'mill Kiprm f * ro O. ifuiu..N iTiiMTT Tranifor' Union liopot. Coiui.-li illuiri J'JUi BUI 1015 p in Chlcairo Kipron 7JiP III . L'ruton tactl TJfffiT't'OMAHA A tit. IXIIJIS. i Uoiahall' . I' depot , luili ami MtrcBli | Onri ( n ml < < l ) Xun I'annun HqT | I Its am L arr > I U , si. I' . i4 4 O lArrlfui Omalia ) _ D pot.lllh MiJ VV b l r SU | _ Oio liam Hi ) iui..Slcur ; cur Aucuui-uuUilluu n Ji p u I li p iniMouiCUr i ! r > < IM. 3unJ 13.11 p u COOp ml HU I'aul I.lrnlUJ , Ji ru US \ > uilUiricroftriu ug r i li m cinntr r/iycrri ivoj , Itcoord of tint Action on r r IVmllnir Sjlliilil nt Oiiliiloim Itrnili-rpil. LINCOLN. Neb. , Nov. -Spoclnl | loTun Hrrl Ailho session ol ttio Kiinrcmo court .vcstcniay nnd ted tovornl lniM3rlnnl | ( led- MODI tvcro rontl-ro\l Uno nt tlio most Inter- Is tbnt ( lec-lnrlnp Similar oato bull to bo sport within the inoaninR of iito , nnd Uictoforo punlshublo tir the line nnii Itnprlsonincnl , Tolloiv * Inc i ttio record : Hntuon rol , Ciomolcln v llo.vtl. Motion to vocato uUnit&scil Ttio fol'ottliitf crimes were nrpucil nntl sub- inlltisl : Stnto nx rcl Uivolev county vi Milno. Oiimhn ( ! m Mnniiritctiirinecoinptny vssivnmon , Oinntin Sireot Knihvnv uoiu- IIAV vs I.ochia'lsL'N. blucklo vs American \V iitprorli compinv Omnhu Stixsci ct > tnpnn.v Dtivnl \4 Uinnun Sircol Hallway company , con tin tn 0. .1 H. llcnlil of Circclcvcotint.vbaradmlttcil | to practice. Jc'flur * xsO.islimnti , vorJIot sot asldo nntl nllm summons orilwrotl Si'hlnnK v > John- soil , ( llMtii9 oi ! Hush v < ICritriinv National lianU , uHinHsi'ci. St.ito s l'\trmcrH ami Alor- cliiints batiK , snlo of real ost.ilo conllrmcd. Stone vs Neole } ' , subtniitzd on mdtlou to re- Itntnlp. Ttio follouliiK cnu o < wore nixnod nnd ub- inlttfil.Vc ltrti Home Ininrnnco coiupiny \B Utolinnlion. Spnuldlni ; vs Overmlor. lliilTulo Couutv Niiiionnl ImnU v Sliurpo. Hlitlccslec vs l > vin. Kico vs ( ? lbbs. Mfcti- lirmi Sloxo fonipinv vs Miller. Xnars va K'cu Hulicitson vs Huflalo bounty Nationa banli OidNntlouil built vs Wells , plaintiff lo snrvo nnd Illu tintts In tciidn\H , c'Ulsu con tinued. ( jilc'rost vs Xatiilirr. plnlntllT oworod to serve anil lllo urtofs In tliirty davs , cnuso continued , Orxnfiis vs Mollnn etc . comp.uij , nlalntUt el\'ii thlitv Jnxs In wliiuli to hoivu uiul fllo bticfs. CIUHO t jnilmioil I'tto follovxitiK rntiscs wcro continued ! Tootle ' vsVriLtit , Cuiiiplill ( vs IMrrls , Plrst iS'ntlotitii biuiK vs Hnrs'ow , Soounlloys Utltlli VS SlllUll. Court ' adjourned to Tucsiinv , Novcmbor 15 , nt D o'cloeit n in , ulii'ti tlio muses from ttio Tuiitorntb district , i-uiislsUnu- Lincoln , Lognii , Kfitli , C'licxoiinc , Ur > ucl , Seotis liluffs. Ktmbtll , n.ionar , iMcl'liuisoti , Aitlttir tiutl I'l'fUins louiilleilll bo c.illud. The I'o'irici'tiili Uisulutlli bu called No- vom'icr ' 10 , nnd tliu riUcoatti tlutrict will bo c.idud N'o\ amber If. 'J'ho foot of the docket xvlll bo oallod Tucs- dnv , November X2. On TnuriJax , HIP IsiU lust. Iho court will aicumcnls in tbo case of Mnry vs Mtcbacl Shcedy. Thu ( jucjlloii of Uiu constitutionality ot tbo descent act passed March 20 , 1SSO , Is hi- volvett In this case. Decisions In the following cases were linndeil cliUMi : Wlllnrd vs Nelson. Krror from Plattu county Aflinncd. Opinion bMr , Justlco W IMMI tlicsl3tiiiur ! of an Illlior ito porjcm Is rlt tied tun | ) ioinl 8iiry iiotu by tlio pijuo fiiui .nluiitly in ' film iiii'hu lu licllu\o th u ho U slun , u. ,111 Instrument of nu entirely ( lltTi > r- enluli iriL'icr , uitliiiui iinv ruiillornpellRi'ocn uf tlio iiKikui. tuo nuto e iiuiot bi' enrurcod < - \ ou In thu hands uf u hem i llcli' hiildor V liclil ih.u tlio insiiui linns fairly pre sented tliueiiso to the jury , nnd III it Hie ur- dii'l Is ma contr iry lu Uiu ovUlem-e Slublcrs ( iur.d. Urroi from Phelps county Anitmcd. Opinion bv Mr. Juslica Not \Mioti a c-iuso hriiutlit to this court upon i u IH > ii or potltinu In t'iror S snbinillud upon tlio record mm bill of exceptions , \\itlioiit ullhci u hrinf .ir iimoin. tint judiiiiieut , ordlnnrllv will lu alilrinc I uliliuul un luvus- Kalliiii of lliLMUi'stliins | pnikontdl. - In ,111 ac-i on uv ' a 11 iven au'.ilnst Ihu uc- ' ci'ptor of u cunu i tninnl ordnr fur the piyntunl of irioiK'j. the nl ilnt IT mu t n\or and provu tn it the uinUiioiis sllpn uleil In tlioonliir nine been fulfilled. In order lu until lo him to reeover. .1 I'lio nilnilsclnn of illozal evidence Inn ( .insult led to a eon null huii t u jury H nut MI f * nYlent ground for the reversal of .iient , the jndR- btnto vs O'Kuruo. I coiillout from Li n- c.ister countv. Inceptions huntolncil. Uiltiioii [ by Air. Chid Justice Maxwell. tinier the piovHons of section VII of tlio criminal rode unv person of U } ours of ago or UU arils V7hn sli ill oilman lay IMIK-ISI * In - sport ing , etc , sh ill bo lineil In the mini of not rx- eeedin-'f.'i or be confine 1 In thu county j.ill noloxcoeilln tvvcntv days or both. S , IMay InK huso h ill -nnilay cntncs within thn Uollnilion of Hpurllns anil ri'tijer'j the persons on-M-rlns ihen'ln ll.ihlu to the puiilsli- inent provided for iiihei'lion I'll. Nehr vs Ktror liotn tiapo county. Keversoil and romnndud. Opinion by Air. Chief Justice Maxwell. In lIlls st Ho a do ; Ins n money \ulne nlilch the owner mav reeover from ono who wrong fully and iinl.ivvfiillv kills hlsdo . ; ; V. I , , is thu duty of thu owner to pluco upon Ihu neck of his do ; " i iood .mil snlllclont eol- Inr with a niufillli' iilutii thereon on vvlilen shiill he pl.iinly Inscribed the iiiiino of Iho OHtier" It.i do , ; Is found running : it laive ulthoiit , Mteh collnr no aetlun can bu nialn- l.ilnril for Killing the ( Ins. ,1 \ \ h"n i div lu ( ves Ilio owner's uroiulsai or cues upon the public to id , no one having control of i Inni hiMtu ne ir , he Is running at lar . ' ultliln tlio me iirn.-of thu.sliiltite A donr lliil. perslntontly . . „ tepeop'o passing aiotu u puhlli'ro id In a . . . „ . . . . . in inner Is a mils , ini-o and m.iy bo killed by „ an ) person so .ibs died Moiubnusdvi Stale. I rtor ftom Djuelas county. Afllnned. Opinion by Mr. .lustlca Norviil. An ir.'i'nl , WHO , li uln ; : received property of another to sell on eon mission un curtain preserihul terms fr.iiidnlenlly , ind without Ihu kiiowleilpi' HIM ! cunsent of Ihu owner thereof. pleiUts It fur money horroiu'd hy thu npeiit for hin o n IISH and nenellt. vv til the In tent to depilvu lint iinner of his properly , li Kill tv of iMiilie//lemcnl. 2 Dvldeni'u In this e iso exatiilned nnil hold Hiilllelunt lo vuirr.iiil a cuir. Iclloii for that of fense. Montcoincry vs State ox rol. Ktror from Hull county. Alllrined. Opinion uy Mr. .Justico Nurval , Mulieiran vi McMnnus. Krror from flnrlan county AllltineJ. Opinion by Mr. Clnof .luhtice Maxwell I n erllio Issue mndo by Iho iileadlnu's and prr if ihi'iiuuitlnn In disii Me H.IS nhnlhu * or nut iho HOI Is ' iirulcst wilvcd' vvuro > .rlllun upon till1 null's vthen the ile/nn Iiml delivered Ihi'siniu t i ilin nlilnliir. Held , t u pi o- | iniidir itiei'of Ihe evidence tends lo stisiuln Iho iil.ilntlft's I'uiitinlliiii ' . ' . \\iieiu the attorney for the plaintiff In fiiiiiiiiiln ' up to Iho Jury used Inipropor 1'in- UIKOIO vihleh oDjuellon HIIK in.nle , ulieni- np'jn thei'onrl sildlo " the jury. "Von mint not pay nny atiinllon to that : bt.itoiiiuiit whatever " ete II' Id , tlmt Ihu I.ui ua'-'C' used , iiltlion-'li iinpioiiur. did not Justify u of the ( a > e. McC'oi iniu.c ( l.uvi'.ilinK Machine company vs lldiuiui' . l.tror from Atinnm county. Now Uiul trrnnlcd ntin LMHSU ruitiundctl for fuithcr prot-BPiliuK. Opinion by Mr. UUk'f .liintlco Maxwell. Mold that Ihu l < ; * Umon7 fallidl to hlaoiv n hiilistaiitiul eoniplliincii on thu ji.irl of Ilio dn- fundiint wllh UIK terniH of tha xunrnnty proved und tlmt Ilio vurdlel wa a ulnit tliu elenr tiel hl uf nvldnneo J vou ft lloulj vs .Monin , Hrror from Biif- fulo onunlv Arilfniod , Opinion by Mr. ( Jlltcl JllstlL/l MllMVC'll. l.vliUmu r\iinlii''l : ' nnd held la smtiiln % HMI veidli't Hinl tli iu In no muter ) il error In thn Insll net Ions , riciuhui vs. Hrotvn , l > ror from UrHsliiniC ton county. Afllnnud. Opinion by Mr , Juitico I'ost Aniit'to'i of ( ijcctinent under our pniolku may bi < jnlnu I with onu tu rueovur ronln und ptollis. U \i \ iinnco fur rents and profits may bo ro- lovorud In nn nclloii of ujo"lini'iil for [ lia st.tinioiy iniiioil. prior lo tlm survlcu of HIIJU- 1110114 therein I'll" fijicclnl pniv Islon of Ihu in cnpi In1. cinliniiiits net , uinptci HI eonipllcd ht itutrnppllon on'y ' MI fenln and pri ) ln MIII- eiuent | to Ihu ecivlcuof ninitnoiH In tlio eJect'iK'nUi'ilt. ' , \\tifibi r aiic" provUion isevclu > Mlvonsto diiinu/cs for rents und iirnlll * null- In tinorvlro of hiiiiiiuoiH Jnuluct- jneiil ui loiii'iiiji'iit tuny , iinnry , < AMien an ii-i'tiuitit of retl oitato in an aelliinof iijmttineiil In allowed for v.ilii iblu and l.istlniinprovmminu maiji * while In noi. hosftliin niidei n cl iliu of tllle. Ilio nin-isniu ( if hlo touiivi'ry Is Iheaiiioiint of hii"li IniUnivu * infills .duud to thu valutMl'thiipruiiiUiH J.vl- dciH'ooftliiicoitnf nipruveincnt * lireiii\'ctjvu ( if tlielrelftet. upcn thu valnn of land Iiu4. nIsslb o 5. I'.v Idcni'e oxamlnod nnd held not * iirH--I0iit , lountltlo thn pliilniltr In unnr. ( lufeiuliini , ) n an iicllnn'of ujuutniiint , to ro 'ovr for t ixcj puld bv third iiaittut Tk Ono I" went Into piHteailon of nropurly iiii.Ier u llllo bond uiotMitod by I , , whuruuy tint l.itU'ruvived touoiicey iiy t-ool nnd silllli'ient deed open thu payiiiuiit of liikUlliuent of tlio piiicli.ini Muncr ten TOJTS after ( iittu. MiliBeijiiunlly und tieforu ii.iyment of the i.ur rhiikB monur H brought an aul'oildf ejriet- luenl nnulnu r ui rouoinr ptmo lon of tne prumli > Hold , tliul K could not recover uiiiliut II for taie ] uid by I , in the ahionou of Kvldenuo uf u kpcelnl assl/iuiient by tha Utter. 't , i\ulcnco : oxainlnol and hold lo sustain Ihu llnUlni of the trial cunrl ai tn DIB rafieof | iiiirn\'incnt | * nuileliy ulnlntlir In error aud necuuyltu olalin.inU Carter v * lironrn. Krror from WaUilnatoa couuty. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Jui'.lct