Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    KDAY. NOVEMBER 1802. K l
Wheat Wes on the Jnmp Yesterday and
Frlols Imptoved.
Considerable . \Urin Among "UiorM
Mnnlfrttcil nt lho Openl'iR III Wheat
nail Ilium Win ( loncinl
Until lu Cotiir.
CIIICAOO. Ill . Not 11 Whcnl win on the
/ump today. The govern iicnt nop report
wustho cause ami pi ees were lifted 1'ic ,
closing within ve of llio lop The Ilitntes on
corn niuildled Iho nil and th it core it lefffilf
with n loss of V"its Is unchanged nnJ
provisions a sh ido ea lor
A good rtoil of il inn ninon ; shorts was
manifest nl the opening In who it There was
n general rush to enter and the m uket for n
tune wns tiilto | excited. ' ibles ttero itril.
nnd lower , but Ih s hid little or no Intliioncv
here , nor d'd ' the fad tint 1'arlrldso I.oj , in
nnd others sold genoiously on the ad-
xnn o. After Iho noon hour the n ar-
hot had nnothcr spurt , but the rulliu
ga'osstnt Itb-irltsomcnh-it. Ills Hoinotbltu
iinusiinl for llio gotornmuil to m il.o a report
un thu tthnit non In Notomh-'r and oper
ators did not look for any i ipart. | , ist
month's percent ucs Indicated a orop of 11V
000,030 bn , base i on Iho pi-rcontisoi of acre-
use published In luno and the ateruo yield
per note published In October confirmed the
estimated in rn no and the Indicated vlold as
then published lliitthn report asIvcn oill
bv thouotcrnmoiitsivs th it llm ylol 1 will
notctcceil.iw.oio.oiobu mil It wns t'lls ' wlncii
created tht > stroiulh and an advance In tliu
market. Ittasa decided surprise.
Thooiicnlnj w is ibont from V lo'Uo hlghei
than testerday , dosin. fUnri's rued llrm
nnd nrlccs wcie imtanrcd Mom ' e to ' 4.0
inure , man nee nun easier -ino prices declined
he for Deii'inbi-riiiid'ic for M it. I'ulii dc-
toloind htrciutb in I th s tlmo nrlus were
iidtiitudl ' .o foi Di'iimbcr and 'ii- foi Mit ,
rti'ed ' triennial and thu cloiliu tt is j'je
hluhcrfor Picombui itud 1'iiC liUhcr foi .May
th in thoclosliiK Humes of lostcr.lay
Coin was net to nnd uii'-Lltlel Opening
tradtHwaro fiom 'Bi ' to Sio niiotelho Unit
llguresofycsti rliy tbo gutornmont lepoit
til lehutbo vlcld in'raciont 2J I nu , and in-
illoitlngaiiiipof I 0 1 0) .ooO bn bcltu eon-
Mrucd by EOIIIO us bullish Iho udMinco
hroiiulil a en at number of selling orders , a
coed deal of lontt nroliorty comln.'oiit nniler
xvhlclrtlio prn a fidiiallt \ siiiKe-dolT e. it Inn
the ostlm iled arrltnls Mr tomorrow c imo In
lit 171 curs , which caused the mat ! > ito main
ndtanei'V' . but did not liibt us contlniied
Belllnc liy piomltieiit hoiibes. supposed to bo
netlncln tbo Interest of loius , einaidadi'-
cllnoof fiom 'to to 7 e. Tbo miirUet then
ohunsuil MinnnutiMl sto nlv and closed with
( loin ' e to ' c loss The report nidii ( d pioti-
nusestlm lies about IVW.ojl bn The near
futures worn ii-Utltoiy easier thin .M ly ,
xvhlch tended to depress that f unite.
Oats atLriucd bilditlr bUhi'i. Opening
t lies wpro niailo al fiom Us to'io art v nice ,
there bolnu consider iblo excitement in May
There waa wood i o xll/litK by longs "id atlt'c for
Slay theniippuiiiGil to ' > a liberal offerings and
It wasdlllli'iilt to execute all orders and nt
that llcuto ciilv nrlci-s doellncd "gi1. 'lop
leached J'Jo and n-icted within 3 e
The'protlslon in irUot not ttrv ictlte.
The principal ft' itiuo nt the tnidlim In the pit
wi.s selllni ; of lannary nnil hnyln : of May 1 ird
l > y WfUht .it.V dlih-rpnio In price and In sncn
lotsiis weio wnnieil Ihn prices \u > io at the
liest for the d iv soon iiftci tlio oiionln 1- lun-
uary poll , only onto louche I u point as liU'li
asltclos d ) mti < r'liy and wound up ut a dp-
cllne'if m , i' for Ian ry comp ned with thu
oIosliiK 1 < ud ns al"00 isk-r and closed with
n losvof T'tv. ' lannary iils wnro cotniiiri-
lively lirm , the doolluo In thorn holu , ! oiiij
bhlpnors wore anxious to secnio teasel room
and tliooirorhuh not Li'liu > ur i > , a unts were
iililo to Ket Uoudt n nee In r it PS in Hull'ilo ind
{ It ; win nild foi whe it , iiid . ' * j.u tut 101 n
Kstlinnud luolptt for' morrow \\heal ,
S5 cirs : corn , KJ , nib , U.j uui.lio's ; ,
14.0 Oho id
Tlio loulln , : futures mu'ol ns follows :
Onsh ijiiot itlnna were ns folio vs
ri.oun I.ltllc hloadier ; dualois islilnj bol-
toi nrlces ,
WIIKAT N'o 2sprln- . 7PCi7lliC ! N'u . "Siirlni- .
f o bOI7c. No Jrod. 71 Sit71'c (
COIIN 11 l-'hur : No 2 , 41 , L ; No Jcasb , 40'.cj
o J , yellow , 4IW4-'e.
OATS No 2. Jl'.c ; No 2 nhltc , 34(9v : No .1
tUtlte. : i l , ' & ! ! ' '
KlIC No 2 , WI'jC ' ! : 2. ( .Ifciile ; No 3 , f o b.lCffilllc ,
No. 4 , f o b .t'J tdi If
I IAX bfi DNo 1 , tl 10
TitiOTiit si ri ) I'r me. Jl II.
Poiih-Mcss per bill , tU'.0012 12' ' } ; lird. per
KIM Ibs. iO.i'Q'i.l ' ; short ribs , sides doosci ) .
17 lCa7l ) , dry .siltiil shonldors ( boxed ) , ir.,0
CS721 , shoitcleai.lilcsdioxedl , JscilnSOI.
WIIIHM Distllleis1 llnUhcd i.oods. pei gal ,
6imn * Cut In if , j'iSi'je ; granulated , Vjoj
ttnnd.iid A , fi'ac.
The following "ere the receipts and shln-
incnlB loday.
A n i u 11 H I i H i IIMM
.in omr li i ooo
f ( , IXIJ U.SOJ )
Un the 1'iodiiLC oxeh in o to lay the butter
mnr > t \ > i > llrm. ere unery , -'hCIJ'-i' ' , dalrt ,
J7 ® 'oe. ix's. ; Him ; httluily fresii. v.'it.Mc.
SI. l.onH Mm lii'H
ST. Louis. Mo. Nov. II. I f.omi rirmer
WiinArV isbomoHh it iiiisuitliid inn hUher
njid closed 'jt&'to uliovo
vtstorday ; cislillu-
lahetl al Gv ; .NoteinLcr , 07J ei December , OD'ni-
bin : May. 7e ( ! bid.
C'oits fusil higher at 4P4o ; opilnns ad-
tn IK i'il curly hntdecllnro liiternnd eloiod Uu
under yesterday : December and > ear llnlshod
ut aU'.o : May , 4J\e.
OATH-A elwdo better ; cash and Nuvomber ,
SO > ; .t ; .
Jhi-tllihi'i : at IS'.o. '
- .Steady , Iowa , COilWe ; Mlnnctotn ,
.v lliehcrnt 'i0'l1o. ;
I.KAII Weak ; JJ.ii for oft MlBsonrl : fll.7
foi ehemlcul ; speltei unfcj : ti I
- '
i and nnt'hangcd ; ere imery , ; -7
i oa'ry. ' ! . © . ' ,
I'oiis ( jniot nnil iiiiohanzcd at IS1 ! ® 7c.
COIIN MKAI. Ku.y nl il.7.\
Wliisuv Mo uly atll. a
llAMUMi I'm ' haiued ; 'ida'ic. '
L'OTION ' 1 Il.s I'nebaiiKedi J1.01.
I'OIIK Oulef johhliu' , i ' . ' .so l.jiil , nomln il
fttl'Jtio ' , Dry Hilt meal and bacon quiet and
unUiiuiEod , with only a tin ill job trade ;
loose shoulder-- " , il.W , thorlj , f > b3 ; utrlp-i ,
10.5) : boxed lotH , Tie morei bhini dui ; , , f7. ; > :
longH nnd ribs , fta Ss a. " , : ahurts. iSLJd
Biunr cured IIHIIIH , tll.'iuiiil- ) .
ItECUii-To I'lonr. 4.0JO bbU i whoiit , , ' 4.00)
bu. ; corn , i-Uuij bii.ioiu , 10,000 bu ; rye ,
bu. ; barley , 11.000
Hllli'tir.sT * riour , 7.00D hhU t vrhoit , SVOOO
luiorn. ; r.i.OiHJLiii | mis , 27.0JJ bn ; rye , 4,0) , )
bu , ; burley , nono.
.Ni\v Yurx tlnri < ut .
NWT YIHIK , Xoy. ll.-l'r.oiiit Kecoluts , 51,010
jiVpi : eviiorlR. " .I'OO ' bbls , II 03) ) htelci ; more
uctUo and tinner ; x.UiH. ' , ' , "OJ bus. ; low
cxlrns iaKiL' \ winter whoM , low sradus ,
IJ.(02'J.7i ( ; fair to'.faney. J.7VaU73 ; .Mliiiisota ,
| J.OC4M.'Jji straights. U45QI 13 ; piueuts , Jl.Sute
4.HCoitN McAt. Sto illy bin quiet.
\ViiE\r-lteeelptt. . .67,0)1 ) bu , : exports. S7I-
COO bu ; htiH'f , , ' . ' .ihlibO bu. of futures > ; iiict
l.OOO.MO bn. ofuiiot.
bpoltt tery dull , tint llnncr :
No. 2 rrd , "il' QlTnvi ! In ktorti nnd uleyiitcr ;
UTtatiUo nlloulj UMW7 ie f. o. b : Mo.
B ITU , 70'tto7JJ4e ; ungraded red , 7Ji8
TOI e ; No. l nnrthorn , 8liUs ) | > 4oi No.
S northern , "O'lii'uvc. '
Options \ iM-re i
uctlte. Irregular nnd exolteil , opculnu i
tlrin nnd wdtuneliuiileon the internment
report , foreign ImylnK and lU'lit inculute i , ro.
ueted * 4tJUo on lownr cublcs , adtaiued 1'git '
l.Seon Vvuil btrout buy.iihhortt covering >
livro and at the wst , reautod ' , , 'j5Sooiluwer
oublix uiul elostd llrm i > t iO over yestor *
ilnvjNo. . ' 10 I. 7(1 H-lK closing ut77t.e ;
Juuuiny. 7M7'Ji ' r , elosuu tit 7ll4o ) : rubrn-
iiry. Kj'i5ihi'4c. ' eloaini ; uiBJJ Muy , t
cloblnj : ut bl'ie ,
llAlll.BQU10t. .
ilAiatt MAiT-DnlL
C'oilN lteiolit ) , i..W ) ) bu oiporK W.003
tu.i BuloB , 1.8'i.ooj bu. of futures. 171 oou bu , of
Buot , noi uulet , Urinrrt > o. : . Mo In
elevator , fiir mu ulloii. Options advance. . !
U0-V , Ueollneu Sie , advanced W' taui
fo luwliu' tbo ttest , und wheat closed Steady
* t hOHo over yeiterdny with tr aloi fair ;
Norember , M'Jo , clo lnj ? Wiot Peeombcr. M > {
avVe ) , olnslne nt MSci .Tnnttnrv , * > IVe. closing
ntM'inj ' Mny. 5 ' 'ftMo. ' oiosltu nt oiuo
Otis Hopolpt , IM.OJ ) bu , ctpnr ! lOOilhu t
rnt ] > * , . ' 130.09 bn of fitturen , bu. of
spot , "pot mnrkct inodcrnti'ly Rt tit c. firmer :
options cutlet ami ( Inn : Motombnr .fi'u'i '
Docei.ibi'r , M , / fl'if. closlne it Wie. .Inn-
nnry. .w'i r iS'io ' , i-icslni nt 'H'.oi M-iy , 41'iiU
4ISe. closini nt4Pic : No. J white. 'iijc : mixed < 'iC , whllu western. SOttllei No ! i
t'hlcauo , 37io !
. .n. , . . . . . , stotily.
lloTS--liill. ttcik ; state common to choice ,
ISH/Jlet I'icKlccoist , l ift Vic . . .
SuiHit IIuw , dulli rclliied. sloulyi fair do-
maiitl , .
ttMtSSES rorolzn , momlnnl ; Now Orleans ,
riiilot. stonly.
itu B 1'nlrly active , sto-idy
Eijna I'lrmeri fair demand ; receipt * . C , iO ,
Ilinrs Qtilot. * tiui1y. _
\\oot , A el I to. llrini domcatlc fleeces , 2 > iiT.i :
pulled. 'Jrffl. ; Tex is , Il'ci3l.
I'ou'c-xiodcralu dcmnid and itendv ! cut
meat * linn ; ploMed shoulder8'iCt tnlddltM.
nulnl. l.ard lowcr.nulcl : western to im cloicd
at fufiO , iilo- " , none option sn'c . l.lOi ) tierces ,
Nntmnlcr. Jn Oit'i ' 10. rlmliu at ? ) :0 | Doepin-
bcr. : M < < ' . dosing it iSHblil ; January , H.IJi
IVhrunrt , Is | |
lit tit n 'On'el. ' firm.
Ctin.i : Hull llrm.
I'KI IIION 1 alrdeiiiMidi ,
II " 0.
t ( ii-i-Lii " * * % 'H ll.ll stci It f i-i'IP. ' Jl ! 70/U1 ' -
, . , I nclianjc'd ! slrtuhts : u llil j'fl\ '
I.Ctli-t.MlIct ! domesticHtO'Si.l.'J'i. .
Oiniilia lllilf ami I alloM.
Illlifs-Nn I uTi-oii , i'ic ' No 1 irioon sitlted
4 ( < 14V ; .No. Jan en inlliMl V14o to laiUf ! No
I irieen siltol. Ui to 4 I lb . 4'4iNo ' J creuti
Hiluil. Silo 4 1 Ibs l'4i' ' , No 1 veil oilf. S to n
llit.iic ; Ni > J vi all-sir , f to IT ll.s , Ic : No I
tliy lllnl.irito' < - , Nc 'J dry Mint , 4c to 1e : No
Idivsiltod V-toic I'nrl enrjd hliloi om-
b ilf i-ont HIT pound loss than fully i-nio 1
Mil l Il'i l.Ts-tlrecn silted , eii-h I K fill 5 1'
KM't'ii sited shcirllius ( short wnolo 1 o irlv
sUlns ) . i ill. ri © . ' " > e. diy shPiirlliii * isliort
ttnoliMl rauv slilnii , No Iach I ( IIJIOi' . dry
huirl'irs ishnit oo'ed eu.y sUns , No J ,
oicli. , div Hint Kim is and NuhruVa
liutehei tiool pelt , per Ib . actii il wolsht. 1) )
Cill'iiin v IHni Kinsisind Nolir i < kn tnnr-
r'l.ivoni pi-Its , per ib . iii'til if wi-ljhl. ittlJe :
di ) limit ilortdo liutehei wool polls , pel Ib .
iittnil Ht'l'lil. ! OTM"n' , dry Hint I'olorulo
iiiiiri.Unool pi'ltH pur Ib ictiril ni-Uhl
Mi He : dry nlom.ind huehs , m-mit ttekht
7itOo. ( Have fu-tiut oT ( , us It Is useless lo
pay frelubt on Ilioiu ,
T\iiott XMI liil'r ! Tillow. No 1 .IV- ;
lallou. No L' litl'io. ' KiaiM , tthlto A , A\e ,
tthlln II. ! ' < i- , jruisvnllow. .
IMO isc. dnili.1 ! , olil bnlter. J ( ? . " i' neos-
ttax , pilme , Kutinrouch t illou I jl e.
K inn is Cut Mat l 'l < .
ICtSstst'ny. Mo. Not It \\nkr-Qulcl
nnil hluhci . Nn - h irJ. CI2.i4'i'i ' No 2 ted.
t/T'i liis'c
COIIN-\\ lute , hUhri , inlxcJ , Me uly ; No 'J
\ thlti.V. .
D us --ii IMK ; No ' . ' mixed. 'JraJe ; No 2
tthitpfit l'i
ICi i --irdiu : No " , 4S-
I'l tx S.KI.O . sloult . H71J ftf.
-sioul > .
II tt siiu , , , mipli IIIRU I ; timothy , J7.,0ii
8 Mi : pialrh. W 02s oil
IILI r .n i.'nh't ' and e is > , ere unery , SIS
Site : d iliv lirawi
KdiH rirm nt tfl'iC '
Ki i niishoil , .11,03) bu ; corn , 4,1)0 )
bn ; o its. 1.70J l
\\lieit , 470D ) bn : corn , U7.000
bn , o Hi , j.OOO.
Oni ibti I'rodueiHaricot ,
O IMC I'r I'rle i hlckcni ire comlni In froaly
nnd dni-Us IIK to unite tjiialt
aio scarce. I ho cooler no ilber h is Improtcd
Hie L'liiiollmillon I'r ilile ihlcUens. { I 00 ©
1.21 ; grouse. $1 0 , quail , 41,71) ) s-nlpu.
JicUsnfne. tl.J)561.ii : plotcr. Sl'li ' ; i.
ploter. tl 2itl 1) : ctnt is-bacl > ducK-i. } 7 0021
ton : K-dheatl dmd.x. fill ; milbiid dncl.s.
$1.11 ; bine wins to i' ' . < 4 71 : KHIOIIdif toil.
* . 'iO ; mixed dni' ' > s , il 1) . liu'lv nbblls I0 ( 9
4 21 , sin ill i ibblu , Jl 2101 " ' ; siiilrrol | . tl 10 ;
antulopo > uldles , HMHc ; deer s itlillos , llifJIC- ;
itntolopo c1 nc ISMMCPIC ; dee-r carcasses 10 ®
I2c ; llto pi.reotis , JI.J'U 13.
llnTi-ii-Co-iimon. I We. f ilr lo good , I" ®
Itic ; Clio ID daliy. th-iilic.
I'oiii rut ( lilcUi-ii , 7'jdibc ; gccso and
duj'Ks , s , , iiuKojs , lOe.
( ot ton Mill hut.
Ni iv Om.KANs' . l.t. Nov. II I Irm : mlrt-
tlll ii' , < xi.ii , , . , lo t in Idd I In A S ll-li" ! coed 01 ul-
ii uy , i 1 liu ; net receipts , (1,1'li ' b l-- > ; gross
icci'lpK Miis bilm , exports to the continent.
T.sill li ilt's ; ( otsUtisi- . 1001 ill s , s iio , 5.SJO
b llm. siocl , loricc-tedi'JIO 17s b lies
NKtt * OIIK. Nov. 11- Iboi-irlt eotton nnr-
Itol heio toiij w is bnojiint o-i luftotcr
exeiti-met l of jestordiv from the got-
eiiiineiil luport and made tin r.umoo
of IJ and 14 points with Inijo bitylnz
ordt-i" 'HiLiuifler there ttcto frciiiont |
lluilii itluni , mil thoc'oso ' asan'tlnit ycitc-r-'s pilcest mils lOpoIius upon Notcmber.
nnil 2 lo I po nt . on the other months 'llm
diiv'ii silps ii'nchi'd fully rilifs1 bales , i.nd
\va-j LI ol ! > In Tiiini uy an I M irch optlun-i
Oil tl nl.nt.
Nhti VOIIK Not. ll I'bnior.ruti The mir-
Kct oppiiid fi tameless in I was dull
ont the div rcmis > lt inli oil.pot silos ,
none ; December option s ili-s , l.OJilbbl" at H3C
( ii'ipjc : Lima nil , biles notio , I4c > bid ; total
s'lh s , Ti IIJJ bbU
1'iiiios ' "til ) On 1' imci. fair dam ind ;
cimlc , J7'nt > c , iol ovt , J'c.
TAiiottstioiu ; tviiitud ; city ( SJOO for
HosiN ( Jnipt nnd steady.
I iriil-tsiiM' I'lrmor and tjnlot at 3l'i55
1,1 voi ponl tlnrirLts.
T.uKitroot Not. II WIIKAT Qulut ; holders
ollpi modcr ili'lv ' ; No 1 I'ullfoiiil i , fis S'sd'ct ,
( < s'i | pur rental ; n u wcsiein spiln ? . is I'd1o '
dsJd : So Jicd winter. flsU'idtfis ' IOJ. Keiopis
oft\hoit foi the pnst tltri.0 d it s , IbO.OJt ) cent -
t ils , iiiLluillni IdJOiil Ameili-
I OIIN tjiilel , inlxod wcstoin , 4s J'4d | or
cent il lii-rclpts of Ami-rli-in torn foi the
p ist tin-end 15 s n 10) ) u lit il *
HCKI - , \ i I mil i wes.Vjs ! il per tlouc.
II uos lon and shoit do ir , ! ) J Ibs , 403 pet
c\vt. \
Ollllillil I'l lilt Mill IK t.
CJltll'fs-Not. VorU Coiuonls 2s313c po I
10-lb. bisKct. 1 nzc lots. JiO , c
< * i u OIIM \ ijiiAiKI'cr ci ito $1 105il.7j
Cu n OI.M t I'PAII ? . ' VliJJ 7i iicr box.
Ai'i'i useittrn , * i.ooa 171 , Now York , il 00
461 101
i.'i ' IM i. 1'or box II 71
IItvtMs IVi bun h , S.'O ft',50.
Amiiili in ltcfilii-rilnr IliTf ,
Ijt i iii'ooi , , Ni.t. -AtiKiui \ \ KKHitnnt-
AIOII III l -roH.iin l iilors , M ncr Ib . bind-
on u u is 4'td put Ib
I.OMHIN. Not It \MKIIII IN lin mill HAidii
III LI1'oie pi Hli is Is 4ili < ilm > d per Hi ; lilnd-
iii | u lei * , J-ji > , pei s | bj , by the uuic iss ,
llltlLd tllllKl't. Voiih Not ll Optionsopcnoil hire i v
stiiily unl iini'hnii ed to 1 > points lowet ,
closing sleidv nnd iiiuh 111:01 : to 1 point *
i.ovn ; sa.cs , 'Ji,7ij h t s , ln"ln Mm * Diicem-
liu ? I541 , .laniiiiy. fll.'Jii'oiiJ.1 ; rehunry ,
flilili Minh , il4'HQ.Hli ) , .M ii. ( ! 1 BJI4 a I.
Dctober , tU2J ; i 7. HO 13.
'I iiuliTlull. . .
Ciin u.o , III . Not. II foiinsaliii'in .V Dty
to lot 1,10.1 HIOH ' t'om'iiliiilon coiiipani ;
Win1 it oiii'iicdc. . ' hlghoi on llgblcr receipts
aril the hulllih Inllneneo uvoiiuil by Mr.
Dodge'i. nncxpuc'tcd i ommcnts us to the Id
llolh Ioe il and outside bpcciilatois led
lo lini buck whit they hud ii slciJuy , fen -
Ing an tidt unco to 74 Sic for December and Mo )
fur May wheat ( ablos weiu lowtn without -
out exi'optlon and elo ir UICIM were sin ill.
Shlpputx eio not bidding any iltnnco
spiml , of and after tbo m nl > t hiuin tent
it i er tbo he ity loneh so'd liberally , Kit liu
It a rilhei toppy look at the closing
adtan o Corn wns hciity throiuliont
UiU , lll.o coin , was mipuoried hi
a ratlmr dllTereut quality of unyln , :
Vihllu the leading lon.s sold tcrr freely
through bioUerd I'nn Inionhi.'ijril all day
under llmteiy bcit iiuallty of selihubyln-
shlits I'lio c'ounliy : is uaiiil h is got loadetl
on the adunii-u on abisis of nbiml J 1 OJ for
.Mat poil , and no Ho noi believe they will
miiKi ) a pr-llt ) on It I , ul and rib ) nru tillers
iiuinlninatod , bin ihu longs aio Killing sellers
on Inr I cuois
I'uiCAiiO III. Not 11-1 fi. J.ogiin A. CM to
Diincin , Ilo Iln.'cr > x. Co Iho whom m ir-
Let has been blind nnd strung today wltli
coneral buying by commission nous b Thu
December future continues lo resist alt olTotla
mane by tlio short * In that month to widen
thu nrcul I'ownr , ! tboolosn a rumordeny-
in j Ihn mithimtk'Uy of ibo govornmunt ruuort
on whoit slnried frco sullln ; iiuloldy a half >
cent , I ut ns the rumor w is iinfounUe I the
market i losed llrm , unl wo thliiK the
II n a I report on wneit will then
about 4IO.OM003 , bu and tollovo who it
should bu boiuht for hljher prices Whllo
bboitln : a considerable rediicuon from last
month the gotuinment reporlon eoin nab not
so bullish as expeito ! , und cuiued free real-
I/Ins hy the long- , .
on. hrllv-5 AMI IIO.NDS.
\Va Another Alliance In 1'rlrc * In
Majority nl Cna. .
NKtt VOIIK , Nor , 11 The btouk market
ilurlnir the f rouler part of the day was aetlvo
and Dtron ; ; . ttlth a further ndtanco In prlcoi
In a nmjoilty of the Issues traded lu ' 4'here
was conlldent huyliuof thucriiuer > . I.ouu-
t lllu.x. NiiHht Ille , I.nckawanna , Union 1'aolllo
uii.l other Icudlui : slocku. the improtcment In
which tvuhdjual to from ft to I par cent. At
the naino time the specialties , more particu
larly ( leneral Dcctrlc. Oonter . \ . ItioGrunilp ,
( Jreon lliy .V Wlnona , l.iuledo Uas und I.O'ils- '
tllle , St. J.oulsV Texan wuro In shaipdo-
mund and rose aiiynhure fiom ii to 2lt
percent. I' he Improteiucnt , howotur , wus
sub uuonlly | lost nut oulv In these stocks but
In the joneral lUt a neil , on iictoiint of a o-
lermlnod raid \uiorleun su arhlch onr-
rlcd that stomcdowu from 110 to lOJ'i. A good
m any itoo lam orilur * wort oaciiht uu thu way
down the execution of whloh o'CBlcritcd Iho
dorllne There vn iinili/ubtedlv consider-
nble llqiildttlon for the loiu account , but the
bonrt nut In ndJitioiril short lines not only
In Hum but In IM'tllllnc nnd rittlpfoedlnz
nnd In Chtciitro tint as vroll ns In thi rullway
sb re . Diirliia tlu Inst Hour. Hoiulliiunnd llio
liriinzor * wore t iKotonsly rildo I MI I y oldi-d
a point nr so from the hlnhnit. Ililllinore , x.
Ulilo and ( 'lies ipoukoX Ohio common , which
hnil previously adtancod 2'i ' percent nnd'
per cent rcspcctlt ely , rondo J about' to I per
cent \\blln llm Industrial stoel.s show not
losios for the diy of 1 lo PA par tent , the
ehaiiRi-s In railway harcs wore rotnpnr illtolv
ll ht. Hemline nnd Missouri I'aclHe lost I
per cent. ItocU Island * i per cent , nnd the
nibor still sin tiler frnctlon ; On the other
hind the Cnton Psolflo ami llurllnston .V
ynlncy left olT a sh ido bettor. H-ilIwav mort-
Kan's were nctlti ) , the tr ins ictlons foottiiR up
JJJJlOiO As a tiilourlrci moved up'i to Pi
I'ho I'ost stjv I'rn'iitily llio botti will ho
he-ird from pretty I'onllntiously from now on
roBirllm ? llio non coiuroM and the Indus-
trfiil" , and they havn in lilt mt.izo In the hid
speeulitltc name ejoete I by nil such stocus
ex-tent one or two.
The nru the c oiiiu nnotatlons fi I
the lemllliK stocks on the Now Voric Stock uv-
ch in-'O todaj .
All ) ll 0l ! > 1 tontril
Ailniiii K pre I,1)l I Norfolk A.U' pfil 4J4
Alton l II < l Sortti Anirrlrnni o I-JH
ilu | irctrir IV ) Northurn Pncltlo l" (
Ainolli ia KKin- | 1.5 do | ifil . tlH
llnlllmiiru. Ohio 'N.I , Nurtli i-dtori . 1U > 1 <
t'nmiilT I'nclile 'N.I"I ili ) nfil . HIM
Uitiiuln - > outliiin 17H , N \ lentrsl III'J '
li ntml I'm 111 * ' ' N \ * N rni
tlii < X Ohio Oiitirln x ttesti-rn
( hli mo Alton III lire-ton Imp
Hi ) llur t yiilnc ) Ofi-Knn S
( lilinm ) dm n t I , x t' .N
Consnllilitiil dm I'l I'nilllc Mnll II
r i t vt i. I I 1'i'orln Doc A K . IIK'4" '
C < ki lout V Iron rilMliuri ; . .
Cotton Oil ( e-rtlf s I'lilliiinii 1'ainii-
lit I llililMin
t > I. A tt . IIS Illclniionil Icr U
l > II V.I , pfit i'\ ilu pfil . . W
I ) A. ' I co . | ( lllodrnnilj ttuit 30
Ua t tutin 4'k > iK' pfil . ' I
Krlo . " ( Ituc-X Miml ! - " ( >
ilu lit I I5UI I , , V > ! Utpfil T.I
I ort tt > ) ! ! lit -I I'lllll . T.IKU )
( SriMt Nnrllioriii ) il ni iio iirt ii
r t K 111 | iM ' "Hi "I I mil V uinnlm i > l !
lloi kill * ? t tilli-y IJ ilo pfil
Illli eli l ontriil lu I' ' I "toulhern I'nilllc
t l-iiiil X Diilnt'i II -niiii llPlliicrj
Knn A U-x pfil . ' , ( Irnn roil V Iron
Ijiki-T'rlii A.IMI ' 'Hi let is I'liciHe . .
lu | iM , ; ; > . i A o i MI pro
I like shore I I' ) t iilon 1-nrllk' 4 < H < i
I i-'iil I rni * 41i . I S iiiro | i- '
I inll t Smli * 0'i > t I Al' iHM
l.dlll' I ! T tl ll } j t do pfil . . ' .H
M inlnlliinl nn 1 I \ti-lls I niio p\p Hi
Mi > ni | > < il4 11 "J > to u-rn I nlim
Mli'ilkiinl oiilril 11)1 ) \\noollni ; K.
Mlxoinl l-tdllu i\ \ ' ( ilo nfil un *
ttoblli- I'ldu II , tl Vit I , 17' '
.Nnslulllu ( Imtl "I I ) t U ( 17H
.Nntloniil ( onlt.-i- 1 II l.i'ii l.ko
ilu pM 1114 Nnlliiu l I In
The totals-lie ; of stocks todiy wore III uoO
sliatP" , inmidiiu Atchl on , hoi ) Hiltlnuro
.11) ) nln fiJ'l ' , I hie mo II is 21,400. ( hosipeiko
.1 Ohio. 1'.WO ; Del iw ire. I.iekiut inn i .x.
Western 4,103. Dlstllliis. UOIO ; Cries V-0 ,
( toiiprni Kleclllc. 4 l,0i , lonlslie .x. Nashtille ,
4 1,00 ; Norlh eslLin..l.1 ' 0 , Non Cugl ind 7.MJJ.
Northern I'iclllo ntufurind. r.lOi ; Koidln. ' ,
47.100 , ItlcliniDiid Icriulnil , 11 > 00 : St I'anl.
2,1IOJ , Union I1 .Cillc' , 11,1 \\estern ) Union. J.8DO.
London Iliiinclil I'.eUcMi.
ICopyrhilituil 1SJJ b > J-nms ( , or 1 i Itunnett )
LONDON. Nov. II. [ Sow York llera'd Ciblo
Spool il to TUB Itrt I I ho stock m irUel nro-
bpnted several features of Interest as IO.T irdi
motements of pilccs , but new business
has been soiwwli-it lestralnod In
xlow of the sutilemont lonimaiiciiie
Monti iv. Consols opened 1 1(1 ( to 'rtil
lil her. but c-losptl ntii b iiuoil I nil I in rupi-o
piper Impiot oil ' | il I nrclu'ii envoi nimmt se-
cuiltlcJ h ito shown i good deal of iriogn-
lailtt. On the continent ll bourse" ,
llrccU 4s bite cltcn way ' per co-it ,
set or il Turkish Usnos are otslor.
while Iliiniiulin gold , llillin and
Uusslnn 4s mink a sm ill Improvement. I'hll-
1 in bonds al mm prrlo I fell be ivll\ , bin h it o
since pat li illy IPI on-red , elo-ln ; ' to 1 per
cent lower lli.i/lll in. Argcntlno anil llucnos
Ayios bonds clo-e him at an ndt met-
ViMio/uolnns also aio better Homo
riliwus Into been moro 01 less dull
all dav , at Uios imi ! limo they aio tert in-
actltiItrUbton deferred his f illen oil'i
pi i ci-iit. CI. itliain nreferonco > t noi eeut and
soveial othois J percent bill .southeastern de
ferred recotcicd ' 4 nei cent Amerlc in o
been oxtri'ini-ly dim all diy. New Yoil > has
beer fieolv sondltii I ny'iu ordeia I'inal
iliuitatlons.iro best l ccnenl udtani u helnjj
eslibllsbed , Incindliu l'i percent In Dc-nvoi
piefoienoe , I" liar eont In f.ouistlllo .x ,
N flit tile. and New Voik IVnti il ,
'a net cent in ( Ilk igo > x. MllnanKoo and
' to 'i pi r rent In all otherI'lnadhui
lines , l.onotnr. are not so well supported.
During the aftcinoon they Into lost Iholr
enlv linproto ncut Motion Is In quiet do-
in md. Hunt lo un h ittben obi nnud al 1 to
l'i pei cent In Iho discount market bll s
bite been * > iirco ! , those Hi tno and thioo
month- , wore quoted at 2-4 lo J't ' per eent.
Ne-H Yotk Mutiny
S-.iadt. raiiEln fiom 4' ' ? to b per cent ; inst
loin at .1 i cr cent and closing olRrud al C1 ]
pei cent
I'nitiFMcili'As rn.v I1 H'Bit ' ® i'ar ont.
STIIII.IN ( ! I-CGIIAMH. ; Is lirm. ullh actii il
business In n inkers1 bills it Jlbl'i for slxti-
day bills and iti'i f jr dem mil
i no closltu ijuotatloin on bo id ;
t' - ti r .K . . , , i > v tiiiinai I'ntou ts no
I' l < 10111) H4i V 1 ( uu Ort 111
I X 4'6 IIV 10'J' ' ' ( North I'm Illc lili
I'llPltlC t Hill Jj lU. j Mirth l'aclllc'ml- >
I.oul-liii i ft puil 4a ' .1114 S tonuolD ( , .
MI * oiirllj- Hll jN \ \v fen Deb * B. 1 ! ) ' .
I mm M T sot La IW aft L VI tl lon , u
linn now Jt . ' " UI St I. .VS V Oon tt
leiin now cl Is , i -t I'fiiii rom-iiis ' -
( niniiln so 'ncli Mill - t I' ( A I * Ists , -r , l-iclllcl'tii llii Tct I1 I. I , 'Ir HcM 84
II t. It ( . 19 Hl ( lex IMI ( J 'Ir lien 84yj
ril < - 'JmH . lllilj I'nlon I'acllle Ills 107
M K A P ( .on k > Bl'i ' ttosl Jhoro . .
tl 1C A I l.i-n 61 l-i'l ' It li tt
ISoston slot ! . Onol itlniM
F1OS7OV , MisNot II The following are
thueioiliu steak qu ) t iilom
Atcil X lop I ) \ Iloilun V Mont
lll)4tllll \ AlllllllV ' 2-il
lluntun A , tliliu- 171 IViiull'i' . .
( II x ( J ll
I lu hlinn ; K It OH'L'Ull
Ulnc V I'uro tl CJllllll./ 117
I lint A l'iro tl pfil 70 s mta ro ( .opi r 8
Mn s ( , 17 t'anuiraclt . . . . ' 8u
Mux ( Vn ni 11 . . . IIH tunliton Lit 11 to
N \ A .N 1'iulanil 41 t lldston l.-inil I'D ' ' 4
ilo TH . IIJ \Vmt in ; I I , in J Co 17'i
Olil uloiiy . . ij Illull'Idk-phon.- JM
Itiillaml l oin . i LaiiHon toro a . JMP.
Itutlniiili mil | > M 70 I \t atcr I'owar . . . .
UU Ion i nl . II'I ' I'untril tl . . P.OJ
Alliiiu-/ Co uiow ) tl ) | M B I A. r OJ
Atlnnlli ! III .1 II i OJJ
' nn I'IIIIK lsd > Mining Oimr itliins.
closing qiiut itioin tor mining blocks ted iy
tsoro as follows.
AIM . , . . ill ( iplilr ) .Sl
Ilillnor . 15 II I )
lloli htti Til 111
licit llulchur . . . 11,1iO .Su\ailn . . . Ili
lloitlu ( on iO I'lilon Cutii-iillil itu'J 116
lliolljr 11)0 ) UUI 10
( on C ill A. Vn .1 lellow Jin ki-t . . t'J
( rnwn I'.ilnl Ili I'oiiiiiiinoiiHcaltli . . 10
doiilil , t Lurry 'li ' 6
llnlu V Sore.rum. 151 6It
Mulkan . .S II 6
. Son \orlc tSlnini ; Oilut.illiHU.
NKW Yoilk. Noi II The fo letting al 8 IllO
closing mlnliu quot itlons :
liown I'Dliil . . . I Plymouth M
Con ( nl \ \n 'Tu , rl rrn .Novuila y
Diailwouit IIK ) I'tiinihird . . > ' .
( ioulit X ( urrj . . 75 j Union ion ' ! J
llulu A .Norcros * . l.i ! \iillo Jacket , 71
HIJ Iront-llvur . 10
.tuulc-in . I.'O l ulck Silver , . MIJ )
Norlli binr. ilo pr toiri.d UJW
( Intrrlo . . . llulner . . . . 10
riiinnrial .Niit ( .
, Mo , Nov. II. Oloirlius } J'J07-
Nov II Thru ) per cent rontos , , DOf
40o foi the acuounl
N'Btt YOIIK. Nov -Cioarltus. . * 1J3IJ.4I ( ! ? ;
IlllllllU-Cb , Hi.O.'l..sS.
I ! tl.TlMOItB. tld , Not- --Oloiirlns" } 2l5-
Us , b ilancLs , (411,0,1 , Mom-y U pc-r cent.
I'lUl.un i.i'liu , I' i Nov II , I'loirln.'s. tll-
PIO.Ijl ) , Ualuncci , 11'JI.Jjl Money , &Q.U per
Mi.Mi'inTenn. . Nov. II. Olomlnn , Jifl- )
, l-il , } | 'J.'JJ7 ) ' New Vorlc oxc'hiingo
selMii0- p ir Oin.hANs , I , v. Not II , Clearliust..nji-
2l | ; Now York exchange , uoinoieielal , tl per
fl.POJdlicoiint ! bank , pir ,
I.dsnoN , Nov 11 Amount of bullion cone
Into the HaiiK of KiiKlaml on bilancu today ,
lil.'io. ' . Whale oil , i'lS l b per Ion
HUSTON , Mais. Not. l | Clearings , { tO,07fl-
OR ) , balances $1,0 4 415 Money , 4 percent
I.xchjiiiro on Nuw York , .lu to IJo discount
OIIUHIIO. Ill Nov -Oloarliiits , * I8.200,8I ! .
New Voik ou'h.uijio linn .it .1 e prom u > u.
Sterling oxchun o utuidy ; sixtylav bills
becomes ttoub'osoino ' , di-
h'oiUon tlcfoi'tivo
, fllcoping
un imjiosaibility , tippotita
L'ousod. tnico Johann
Hoff's Malt Extract.
It iiuts liUo n chin in and
tastea t-plundid. jo buro to
got the "fjoiuiino , " which
iniiBt huvu the sUrimlmo of
" .loliiinii HutV un the neck
of every bottle , ami take : nn
Diibatituto , Una Jolmnn
Half's Mult /.M
Bonbona for '
Sere Throat , Coughs , Colds
Jl M i. drmin 1 tlif-fc1 * Moneyrilhcr \Mcrj
MVS.'lV bn'lances'tiJIili7. . Mo'iiev qitiot i-it 7rtS
per coin. I.x-ehnfl.i. on Now Ybr , Mo to 73o
premium. , , t
, IVI.
I.lttlc Chniico In lliol'ullln Slluitlon
i Anil ' l.oitor.
OJIIIM. Nov : : II j-tlccolpts for the putflvn
iliyt foot up UMnfi'nttle. 111'iyj boss nnil si2s
ilu-ep , agaunt KVIM citllo. IS W ) hois 1111 !
fi.vii sheep the cdirc4onilliu | llto days list
There wns no p IrUAulnrchango In thoc itllo
market al Icistso fitVas beet sti'ci * tt e'ro con-
e'crncd. Ofli'MnirA \ \ this line wcro iloc-ldcdiy
llmlleil I'alrlo xunv dflcent cornfod cattle
sold nt from SI0.1 to t4.SJ. and sales
of the ordinary grass and pirlly fed
eitt'o ' vreto m ulo at from ii i down
to } IOO I'hu run of western * Is about
oter. Uocolpts today were mostly cows
and foe Icrs \ \ Int were snort onntuli for beef
ttpiit tolbo Ullcrial around J. < 1 loflio A
fair ppiirinco w is Directed , although Iho
inarUl lathir eisv nnil trading not
actltu by imy means.
I lie cow tr ulo was onlv inoJorttolv acllto
nnd prices ruled tvcalc to a dlma lower thill
I bur-day ' ales of poor to torv codcows
snd holfors wprc at from ! 1.23 to $ . ' 11 the bulk
at fiom if Jih ) to $ . ' 40. Hulls , oxen and fitiss
wcrosloadv lo weak al from $151 lo < ! iH )
Cnltcs were In liber il supply Veals sold
freely at steady miens from 510) toifiOO
1 , irgp c.ilt es and ieailings wenl at fiom il M
'Iho foodortrado wiismoloratoly lit ely and
prices were sulist intlallv ilncinnud I. x-
tri'tno sale's wcro tfrom Jl ) ) to l UJ , the bulk
) f the ilpcent Moo' * selling at from 12 IJ lo
Jisi liuprcscnl lilies ties :
llltUiSHI 11P.RP
Not I'r. No. At' I'r ND At. I'r
II > f\i \ Jl II II 1I1J * l 40 J llli JI7i
i n.'o : i 2) l HJI , i ro i IHO in )
10 HIS ,1 JO 1 1113 I W 51 ll * > > 101
1 Illl ) I Jl I 1003 .1 .10 41 1111 41-0
.1 1I1J .1 L'i SO 10J7 'I 70
1 741 121 11 lOdfl 201 10 Oil 23.1
2 710 I .U 21 70J 2111 21 lO.'li S J. .
. ' 12 , li
VI 2.1.1
[ i i 2 ai
I ) 240
)4 241
0 249
11 210
us 2 40
I ) J 10
17 2 40
Mil 240
) ) 241
IJ 241) )
II 240
M 240
) ) 210
II 2 11
11 2 41
Jl J4i
till 241
.HI 2.1) )
SIM 2.1)
sll 2 11
urn 2.i )
2 IJ
II ij JM
i 2 l l
! 27 >
I 2 SO
010 2b5
743 500
113 100
ID .100
I 10) )
111 .100
114 .10D
UJ 300
1110 2 00
1.70 JOO ) 200
151 20J
1 140 2 03
f'J ' ) 2 J )
U03 2 23
2 15.0 2 10
HOT 210 2 UV5 J Jl ) 1 Ii43 250
IJ 201 1')3 ) I VI ) S fl ) 17 74 27.1
210 0 < iuG S.1) ) SI 1011 2 hi
10 .17' ) 221 1 S'J ' ) 2 5J 40 ! ) | l
1 770 2 Jl ( ft " 213 2 llli 2 hi
I 4.11 J li 2 7 > 0 2 ,10 1 IJJ ) 2 hi
II , 710 24) ) 7 7i 2fi ) 1 Illil 2 Si
21 ( n7 240 0 , TS ' 'U ) S 1021 2'IJ
1 'IS ' ) 2.1J S ) ,774 , 2 W 1 000 ,100
1 774 2.1) ) 11 Oil 270 1 1100 IOO
I 10 IJ 2 1) ) 2 1110 2 7) ) 61 10 .1 riflO
i is ) 2 D ii iot > 'i. r > 2 ion .101
J 1000 21) ) 7 037 271 1 'JiO ' JOO
No. I'r. No I'r.
1 cow and cilf JJO 00 1 surlnger . . 32113
1 cott Hinl c lit Sd ! 00 1 sprltuei . . . . 2700
1 spilnger 2i (0 ( Isprliuct . . . . 2s (0 (
1 sprliuer . . 2100 1 milker 23 OJ
1 sprlngei . . 23 GO
No. Ax'.p I'r. No Av. I'r
2icows. 701 $ J 10 11 cows 'liiJl,0 ' ,
JJ cows 771 1 4J IJ fotdurs IOJ7 2 > 1
J'cows 7oJ 210 'Jdiltcs. .170 210
4ciltes . .UO IOJ .1 elites .01 421
Scons Sll 210 2 sir. tlI04J 200
II Mr. tig II7J 221 1 steer . . lo ! ) II10
1iteoi I21J .111 2'M feeders UJl 2.11
CJ stecis 104S .1 Oi 111Ueors. . . IOV ) .1 11
5 cows S.'O 1 .V ) 8 eows . ,7 > i 210
2 fccclcis 3 3 " . 23
IDAHO CAllI r. .
ILOstocis 1179 J 10
1 hull .111) I .n icilf ,1) 171
d COW9 . . . 71,0 173 10bulls llli 1 hi
1 cow i > ju jj i cow 10'j ) 21)
14 fcedeis KM 2.1.1 Jciltes 170 270
IIoim Hec'elpts weio hcnty. ttltn onncx-
ei-ptlon , tbo ho ulest In about two months.
.M.uket wasSc to H'e ' loner thin Thiiisdiy'B
uenoril trade Milnpnn bought freely aim w is no lot up In Iho l c il ( Inn mil. but
with such lluoril offerln-s and be irlhh o tst-
ern ndtlce 4 pi lees n itiually ruled lower.
( oinmim 11'ht und mixed to cholc.o huaty
weights sold at a ranjo of from ? 327' , to
H..171. . the llg bull , of tlio filr to guo I stnir
ic'Kardh'si of weights sollltu it from ? 1 II to
$ > .10 lluslnesstas mole-rately brisk at the
Incline mil Iho p ns wi 10 olosotl some limo
befoie nee . the bulk of llio satotal from fj li
tnifliO , ig 'Inst. Ji.'O to iiil ) Ihnrsdiy and
t''jr1) lo fj.lj last I rlduy. Uopreiuntiitlto
b i es :
No. At. Mi. I'r. No At. Sli. I'r.
4 17 } ,2i 70 , . . .JJ1 2iO 541
81 170 UJ 127"3 M . . . .J'li 240 141
J . . .111 fl . .i lil _ . . . .110 .oJ .111
" ' " "
2 "ViO 3.11 7 ! . . 2u7 2sJ ! n3
,1 2s , ] JJ I.- , ( ! . " , ) . ' ) 141
11 . . .201 40 5.1 71) ) . . . 2iO h ) fi 4" )
117 .Ihi SO 45 . . JU .03 .141
( il . 211 Hi ) .Hli li . ! ! 7il 2)1 ) 641
( H . . . -Ml 10 S 4J 7'l ' . . ilii ShO .1 li
11 241 21) .141 411. . JIT 40 .14)
dJ 271 .1-0 .140 l.i ill o20 643
b ) JIJ 20J .1 4) ) 13 M7 .115
10 \ ff14) \ ) ( D . .OJ BIO .141
00 .J'l ' dOO .140 M . . . .201 10 547' ' ,
48 2.0 IJO 1 40 70 2il Id ) 547'j
.18 . ,24. 2V ) ri4J'i 10 . . . : ul 2sO ,147'i
Ui . . 271 200 ,14J'a ' 70 . .II lu ) 5 47'4
10 . 'Jill HiO .1 IJ'i ' U ,111 l.'O ri47 > ,
7.1 .Ul I'M ) .14. " , 70 .211 2tO 547' ' ,
10 . . . L7 ! l.'O 54J'a ' 6.1 2i3 , ( ! ) 5 474
Ci . ' "JO K ) 5 4J" 57 2'8 120 .1.17' ,
.1' ' ) 211 IH ) fl 4J' f > J 'Jlil l > ) f > 47 > ,
51 . . .270 10) ) 5 4J' . 70 STII IJO 5.1)
OJ , . . .1 100 1 4J'i 7(1 ( .214 liO IM
01 2JJ 1) .1 4i ( )7 .2)1 ) 120 SfiO
05 241 PiO 1 41 ( .1 . "i" 8J 5.10
71 .231 201 ,141 ai . .2. ) . ' - SSO
( U 277 1.0 5 41 7'J . ill Ilil fiOJ
Vj .27 IWI ft 41 VI 'J.II 40 15J
01 . r ! 100 141 CO . UO 210 150
77 21 ! 1W .141 Ul . ( il IW 51J
5H 201 2011 S41 " SI . , .JJi 4) ) .11)
,11 2U.1 20 .ill" < S . . 243 BO fi 13
41 21.1 SM .145 W ! . . . .212 4) ) .1.1' )
70 27' ) 8) 5 41 17 . 21J 40 5.10
71) 2 3 SO 541 SJ . . . .SMI 200 .1.1)
-J A troublesome skin disease caused
me to scratch for ten months , and \tas
cured by a few 'clays' use of IjKKsXvU
M. II. Woi.i r , KiKKa
Marlboro , Md.
I was cured pomo xcain ago of White Swelling
limit ) ( ihynsliiIKff | < 3EiiS ! and hate had m >
rjiniitoms of "BTVC'iflMf " " " uf the dis
ease. Many prmnincnl iilir > lelans alten.lcd
me and failed , but h. b. 8. dhl the work.
I'AUL W. KlKKl'ATKICK , Johnson Clljf , Ttm
Ticitlw pn Uloo.1 nd Slln | ilsta t , luille I fi
I lOTHl'ltl.M.S bOUlll IMKIU'.t THK
I1 iiml uf Ann rim In tliu Illiick Illll.'M ice
utiott ) Iho mu A trUp bruinutmoiiiliere
lxi > tlj rioniT-r Ihou Miiria iiit-illcln il water *
liuvocurcil UioiuHtiilj iif iiatloiit" llnuit pliniifo
tatli In tnu I .s 'I tie itiin : , limit uf pink nin I
loao ociiinoiUte 4ipmplo - ) , utrlellr nr < t uluii
ina-n lire pluit-i ) xli'tiu lie it ulc-itilo lluhU rklilr
furniiheil line irUlu vcr ,11 Ijlu. tibia u mieclillr
HMO alituni" ' mild wlntori Ili-diiceil ralu Iif tlio
Mtuk ur muutti lliroiiifli Irnlnt fruui elhlca.'O
O & MAlllll-.N. The l'l l llutb | < rliiK , Dakota
164tolOO tatdHtcfblcniro
Illll X.ll r IIur l , lr
C&t.l ( uf ( > f UiM Jmtnuaci u I in
foiuil li4 Mu'l rwuu I iO lint II
< HB , drtrril , rf titry irlirlt
fijulic ) I y Ptivli cr llrum IMJ *
| H\lL l.nulnk ln llunkiiufi > r AiuAltui 1U1
I 1 MM 1 "id. " IDJ luuu U.Jji i luiin , . . .
I Afm "U l u4 S , . cl 4 Lul tt Un4 Kutic.
71 2V1 5(1 ( 41 71 ' .7H K1V
fil sti ioi 4.1 i" im
no " 41 KM ft 41 f UO
2j , Sll ' . 1 ft 45 01 < 0
11 . ( .I 8)S ft 41 71 2HI 241 RNO
74 , . 2JJ S ) ft 41 411 SI ? R ) il.lO
M .21 ! ! S-M fi 41 411M ( . 21) ) SOU .1.11
41 . OTS 20 ,141 41 JIO IW .110
' . 277 8) ft 41 f.n . 'JiO IWV ) ,1 10
r'i 2.17 8J ft 41 CI ? > ( J UJ nil )
SM IM ,1 4i 0,1 .SO ! 4D .112' ' }
. . 'JTI I. ) .141 M . 2 * ) ! 40 lif > ! ' 4
. I'd 2JOSi .141 4S ! fl ) - ftVi
2.11Ml Si fi 41 f.'l . H2 " 3 SU
Ml TO .141 .11 , CU 1 V ,
. 2yi rjj r. ii 71 vu : 4) r > v >
.sis r , 41 r > 4 JD f"i" >
2IB 17J .141 01 211
III ! IOO .141 51 . SIO IW ( .1f'7'i
t 21 II 10 1 470 ' 100
.170 II 00 1 . JIO 50.1
Sun -Hood muttons continue Inictlto de
iniinil nt steady to strain : prlci s None ttcio
lecoltcd toilny ( Jiiot illons are nomlnnlly
tinclianircd Snino eomnion Mcxlcin ttntlii'M
th it hate been In llio yards i couuloofdajs
tvcre taUon by a luonl Hlniithtcror In lieu of
nnvthliiR netter I'alr to itooil nxt'trs.
> J.i0 4,1) ) , filr to coed nuOnrns. ! l .S l Vii
cnmmun nnd stock sh t < n , < J.JVitl2i ; rood to
cliolio 40 to oj-lb limbs * l OJ4&I 71 U"pro-
sontatlt o sales :
No. At l'i
ini Mexican wethers. 11 JI71
121 .Mexican wethers . . . 71 .171
Itrrolptt anil DUpixlllon ol Slot l < .
Ofllclal receipts and dlsuosltlon of sti-I. ai
slioitn by the books of tint I'nloti Stock i irls
compnny for thci twunlj'-fonr lioiii i ctulliu al
So'cloeU p m , November II. IS'J. '
UK l il'is
I Et X Ml S
Cnro lloiiilliiM . ' llnnil l lloml
n i'l T ri7iTii l "
lilol'osn toxin
in > LIII HOliS
Oinnhn Pntklne To I 41"
llmii It ilnmnionil in 21. ' f , ii
awUt.x in fl'i 710 , Illl
Mil'O Hllli ) I'mulnir Co l.u ; J 1SI
I I * uililu | > 9 , llo.tnii
\\lilto \ ! x I ) 174
Anilri'w linn
II llprki r V lpi.nn 111
xiiirrl- 111IJ
fKi | Milpir | unit Hi'clr list
lolnlK i , S.s
I'lilcai ; ! ) IMe Mod. lluilict.
finnan 111. Not II [ Snpci il Toli-zriin to
Tin llci 1 Pbero was a filr dem ind todat
fin llio dl Heroin jr ides of c it tic und iltlioiub
llm snpn'y wit prut t > full for ,1 l'i Id iv It w is
absorbed on a basis of stoudv nrlce-i I'ho pro
lorllon of f ill to mind steers was larger thin
usual mil tbev ttern not n-idllj motctl al
former ijiiot itlon" , hut for hntclM-rs 'iml
e nn-rs stock the miirkot was btinn-- , the de
mand pxceedliiK the snpplv I'ho t in jo ot
tallies IM fiom $1 2i to fllJ for poortooxtii
eovts nelfnis nnd bnllM fiom * U ) < ) lo * > .7i for
dri-isod beef and shipping sici-rs iml from
II 71 to ? ! U fort lockers and foe-doi <
I'hi. liiij ; m-iiki't , ri'inalned In nn unsollli'd
condition , the piciallln , ; tone holiiK one of
weakness There was i KOOII deiinind for
shipment and loc U pu-ktrs seenii'tl Inclined
to Inti't > t , but there tppuitcilto hi-a enuril
oislni'llii it Ion to piv llm prlies of Ihn d iv bo-
foie lloldeis were llrm. howet cr. anil an ex
amination of the published s lies will Mien
there ' was no decline : Intluu I , tne i irly niur-
l.ol was lalhe-r stronger llian yosteinnt. The
close was e is-y at from Jl 'JO to $ .170 for poor to
prime ll hl and fiom tl.13lo 15 Hi foi medium
and homy tvoUhls 'Iho iii | illly aten cd
prnltv good nnd i io t of the hens were
welched il from $ i 10 to J-l 7o.
1'at weslein threp bold around tl T > , nml
that llunri ) was paid for fed Texiui" The lamb
miikons \ \ Rained In stienjtti , nnd Is nun
iiiote,1 | al from Jl OtofiiOJ Tboro we-io fun
sales al heller 111 in i.i 75 , and noi many I ohm
lle-'celpts' Cattle , t./OO , hos < - . 21.0JO ; sheep ,
'I lie T'vonlnc Journal ronorts :
tHTTi h Hocoliils , 120)0 ) heid : shlpinont *
1,100 beau , in irkot s'ow , lower : hist it ultcs
$ > 005J1V ) : oibor $ J.SOI8J. lexunx ? ' .Jli9
.110 : slockors , SI MX6I hi ; cows. $1 l t'&l 71
lions Koi elpts 21.00) ho id. shipments ,
11,000 head , m irke-t stciili : intiiMi mil LIIIII-
mon , tl J0 < i ( * > 0 , niekliii inciuiixiMl. ) i4itfl7 > ,
prime boat v nnd bntclii rs1 el--bts. fi LOCC3 i > 0 ,
lljlll , fijliai "i ; hltlpi HMd pUs. 14 'if/.i 40
SIIKI p Itocelnts. ti.ljO bead , -tblpmoittx ) licid : miikct lower , nalltits | ili ( ,
5 IJ'ii troatorns { J 5JS4 03 ; fee-deia , W liOiil Jl ,
Iambs , HVJirlGO
Nrtv liirK llt sioiu tlwrknt.
NKW VOIIK. Nov. II. Ilhi t I's Hpcelots. 1TS
hcid. liieludhu' 41 eartorsilc. . Mnkotfirm ,
lOe. pei IOO Ibi .hlffhor. N Hit o slcois , $1 t-J'B'.OO '
pi r IJO Ills : Color ides , $ ISi ; bulls anil cows.
Jl 7.1&-VJ3 : dressed beef steult , 7 < 3s'jC nor
pound. siiinii.nis | | lomoriou 7.1 , beetca unit
s I7h iiiiiter | < > of beef
UAl.trs Receipts .110 hold : market ' ( c
lower per pound Ve il . Jl.OO'A.7 ' 0 ncr MOlbs ,
cr is er" . J'.ll- . woslein iltes , itJOJ ,
SiiEhi- AND IMMIIS Kce'clpts 7"OU head.
Market dull , ' 41per pound lower ; sheep ,
$ J. 17'fI 7i ; lambs , $ > life ! 00. dusic-d mutton
dull , VS-i'je. ' per pound ; tlrosscti I imbs lonei ,
lions Kocepl ! , 211 bond conslencd direct
Noiulnalli stouily. Ji.OJffill.'Ji PLT i 0 Ibs
K msai city Iito sioih tl.irl.i-l.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. Nov -OATTi.r Io- !
culptH , b,700 : shinmontl.lilC ; m iruo'dull ;
stc'cra. lOe lower ; inw ste uly 10 lOo
lowe-i : Texas steers dull , loHclower : fcodois
.le-tlto and strong Itonresont ulto silcs
lri"si ) < d beef ind shlppltii ! sle-cis Jjiiil27i. : ( ! © IM1) ) : Te-xaa and linlltin sti crs ,
fj.ivi , btoi-kcis nnd foede-is iJ.'lAIOJ
Mods Itccelpts IJsilO , hlDiiiciits. 10 The
m irkct was lOe locr Ih in tbo cenet il mii-
kutyesti-rd ly.eloslni vtroiM ; n'l ' Krades , Jl 10
Oi.U'i bulk , Jl US ! li
MIKI'IKceoints J.I 10 , slilpmrnts , 1,230 ; peed
sluup wantitl ; le-tltu and ntron , ollioii ,
steady ; mnttoiic , SI OJ , 1 nubs , si 73
St. 1.mils I.i\ii stork tlnrknt.
tr. IiOt'1-1. Mo. Not II LATr.r Ilecolpts ,
2'KIO. shipments J ,00. m irkct liMti-t , filr to
coed niiJlto htc-frs. J lOittl.ll ) , cliinco , f4 7i ®
100 , nu ilium to ioi > il 'I iis and Indl in sioers ,
iJ.0 ( ft 10' ' : sp ijpd holfeis J."JWiJ OJ
Hods Ittenliits , 14111 , siilpiiieilts 22)1 , mn-
kolstoidt ; lieaty. ii.tJ ® ! il. u toklnx. SiooiJ
51,0. Ileht. $ .i.2i4tliO (
SIIPEP Itccolpls , WO ; bblpments ' 03 ; nnrkel
steady ; nalUo miittoiia , } .l J3jii50
Titlen in timr ,
ox'on C'oiiiinp ! -
lion xiolds to the
xtoi ilei fill illccts
of li. I'ICHO'S
Golden Mullen ll !
jy , IJiscox ci y , llv llt :
x Jr won't innKo new ,
eX rj = luiign but itttill
. - " iiinj.o diseased
onob lionlthy
Trill. Thoro's icnson for it , too. Consump
tion is Lunjr-qriofuln Fcir otcijfoi in ) 1f
bciofuln , mid nil blood taints , the "Discov
ery" is n positive cnio. It's the most potent
BlrcDRtli-H-storcr , blood clean-u.r , uiiil flc-Lh-
liuildcr Irnowu to imilicnl science. Tor Weak
Lungs , Spitting of Jtlood , llionthltis , Atth-
inii , Cutnirh , uml oil liiiM ilnj ; CoiiHlis , it'a
nn unciiiuile-il icmwly. It's /iimunfmt (
one.f it doesn't benefit or cure , vou Imxo your
money ' bnck. You'to otei > thiii | , ' to gain
from'it nothing to loso.
It's osjipc-iully jiotcnt in curing Tetter , Ktilt-
ihciini , Kc/oma , KryilH-lns. | ItoiLs. t'nrlinn-
cles , Sere I'JI-H , Goitreor Thik Neck , nnd
KnlniKOil I'luuils , Tumors und HttellniRs.
Gieat KatiiiK Ule-ora rapidly heal under ita
licul u inlliieiico.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho ? and bhoop market In the weat
Wood Brothers ,
touth Omah i-rolephono UJ. -
Market reports by mall anl nlro cheerfully
furnish" ! upon appllcitlon
Perry Brothers & Company ,
I.Uo bloat Coin mission
Itoom 01 l-xch.uin'o linlldlni , BJiith Omaha.
loU.liono | 170 ,
Foaled propos-ilh will he recoiled by the on-
deralKiioJ until 1:11 o'eloju n m , Novomb-jr
lain. 1SK , for cradln. and sloplni banks of
eiirth and filling lota of real esl ite , Hie condl- (
lion of nliloli hai. beendBelarcd u ntilsanci ) 1(11by
uKlliiuiiia * No * < tl , Jiao. J.'lll. JJJI , V'bJJ , JJ.J
" " ' ' '
l tvi City
' anJ Jolliers'
AX1) T1JX1N ,
OniflliaWAwiilii , &G3 ,
( OMI'tNt '
I 'IVnnli ftwiilna * tnriivi
IIOH B KI1:11 : - I llm civprsuf sll kl > a .
I Htm "oil
llllKnrnaniSI | f irrntaln iiOJS. . IdN
i HK-vn.isr :
BciiiisOiiialiaBarCl lil , a'DaxonT"
lmportor nnil infr , II ur j Ulcjrlo * il I nn monllilr
, tvtlni- | iujmrm * l.'i.S IHIi st
noos" N o s H o KS.
Morsn-Goc Sboi C'liipin/ / ,
1IHI Ilimnrl ir'Ct
I iotirriirncr Dili nn I liniKlt -
sro- | l <
iiiililnit < . | tini > rlci
M < i < ii | IIIJIT inl , i
splllnsmlnu orL'"l win li t v.iry n'u ill o
mill inor hi it <
o iimnv IT'I il < > iin nif '
AIM in II > , iMI , It S'l M I I lIVlt | | III ) t ,
. . - , ' ) ' iiiiuir to ' nn t r ilil > i r en 11
UK n i I Illl lUrno
III II ' ;
I'll 'f * irujl Iro-l
COAL , CJKr , |
OmaiijCoil.CokcJJmc Co llrjle Cjwi'j Wor\5 \
llrttin \ I < oftcn\i. s p Vfrs , slviiil/ ! l Iron
cor Illh and cornice window cnp
tnotallo fkj-lklm ttc
Illl 1112
M. K Smith i Co. Vf Koc'i '
rjcni ) It ncillotii fur lrvnnolild
nl hlhi ! t'lioil" Corn > r pi'nt fiinii liln u nil
11th in I lloirnnt
m (
nr Mth nn I II inu-y
Omaln Co , llccbc i linnyai
pliol trol firnltiri I nrnltnrcCo
linj nir ; < ii i , i n , uji' jtroi }
\Vlioloiiln oil/
Blalic , Bruce Co
IJO'i lonci'l-o't , lOtli nut I
Un\h t
'HI \ 110 4 10Q
II lx c 0 of n II'I
III Xl'l I
IIOxl.l 111) )
II xd'i I
-IMIXlili )
HOxiil I
Kinxii'f III
'Mlxl'l 111
I' 1x0 Illl
11 0\ 17. '
JJOx I'll.
JO I X I Of 11 I'll
11 Ox 7
11 OX- 7S
ls ( "X ,1
IK Ox 4
uo\ ' ) Anlslleld
I.'OX in
1JUS 1" ) fl II
HUP Onl !
10 Ox n 'i ofM
18 0\f.11
OOMOf fi nimlibnll's sub
hub not- ) Cipltol
Oimpholl's idd
IsOv Cheiiy Rnrdeii
is ox
JOOv A strip of ground In front of
| j Uiedlt I iniLii.1
20.1 do
JJOx do
Is ox
A slilpof liiud In front of
n ' { I .s Ciodlt Kom.h'1
113 0 : do
.ID Ox do ,1
410x do 4 '
U Ox 110 4i 4I I .I Drnld Illll
IJOx i Diiiioniriaco
10 Ox-
1 Mix ,1
10 Ox 4
10 Oi 1
10 Ov 0
IllOti ) Hi
I'l Oxl ! Is
I'l '
nox 1 *
ITIX ; o
L'MIX in
JO.ilx 10
J nx
.1 II I'l.iio
11 "ixni
iio\w f Hillside No 2
H Ox 0
JI x')0 Illtihoni'lt'slst add
i.'Ov'.J 10 1'slbl idd
lOOt'iJ II
Hnusuls X tuhhlnN
sub of lot II , liail-
tlOx 10 IOU'B add.
11 Ox II
II Dv 1 1
Him I-Is A Stcbhln's
subof lot 13 I ! it l-
12 hill's ndd
10 OX
20lx ( n'JIftof t n Koiint/o sd ! idd
8M Kimnt/ K th 9
M R add
: i I.a full i I'l
Pi Ox IJ .1
lllxl ' I 4
11 1x4. ' I 4
1.1 ( lx IJ.I a 4
IJOxliJ 4 4
U'Ox'JJ.l Ki'iorve I.OWIl'rt Kill ) .
110 \ Ionotan' ) : > an I ) .
IiU > . 4
II ux 4n 4n
1H.X I )
lix 7B
1J.X B
Ux 1)
10 Ox 13II Mavni ! I'lnoc.
II M.ii hS add.
10 .1
II 4
1 ! 4
IJ 4
1M 0fi
M fi
4 ft
0G fiD
G fift
11 ft
,1 0
0 0n 0o
7 o
Morse A. ItriuiciN
00\IS plaeo.
1)5x44 ) IJ
1HO\C.7 10 IMi place ,
11 OK 21
2.1 Ox 7 10 MeCor.i li'k'n add
I50Y 1 nn
11 ( IV n
10 Ox
.Mnrray'ii to
IB Ox 1 lk ) iliDim.
20 OX
2) OX
11) ) OX
20. Ox-
20 OX
20 OX
20 Ot
18 UX 21
t ) 1x5.1 w 1'nrU pi luce
Ullxl 0 it 'J
1J5X2.1J itu 'JJ
II . 11x50'J ( Top pie ton 1'ark
IJ 11x50 11
HAnmvAui : .
Hector 4 Wilhclraj Co l-obcd & lim
Corner 10th nmt Jsck < on i Dcxli-ri tn ltirlwi\r *
ttrroti inprhniiii- tool *
I tlil ) IKuulii streol
HATS , r/rc.
W A. 1 , Gibbon &Co. , ,
llnln rflp Klrsw Kooit <
k'lnTii" tnlilrn < Ulli
MiO llntlicy
Ch,3 , ItM. \ . JO'ID ' \ . WML
llnrilioiHltnm'mr wool ltiimrli | < l Vmcririn 1'orl-
mrptlannl piriiul I in to--u-nl Miltinkn
ilourln * llivlrvib < < r nnil unl
vtn mid lloiitlti | ( julmjr trliitu i
1-IQ'IOlxS. ' I MIL ! INI'.UVf
\Vh > li il II ) l ir Illl i Importer" l 1 1 i ibhori nt
IWI I jrnim at. nillhiu'rv > noni Mtll
nldir'i t i if MI'
.1H U snulll llttl < t
r.U'iix. ; _ _ J oil s
Carpenter Paper CoT Standard Oil CoT
C'nrrr n fall toek of
prlnlliik nruppliu nn 1 lcnuiMl nut 1 I'jriftttlrt j
nrllliik'pnper cirt ni ilIM UVk' t. OlID HlJ.
1 1 r rtf
i 0\S ] ' | ItS.
Kiiii ! & Sinca 1 Cole-JHli'
Mfr of K t S" pinli
lilrl nnrt uvornll , etc. it-h r ; I < - luh
ru IHSoiilli lltli u l -li-i1iuni | < TI I
i.biih.iisi ,
iIlniU ! Co.
( .
Wliiuicy & Co.
i'rndinp frntti of ! !
Duller OKKI nuiliiiiillrr |
IIJ smith I Ith at- I orit < ri
Mas A. ClirkS Cx
I llnlinr
nn i KI
srovr. SVSll
i iu
.3 . aa
IH Hill )
.IxKl I
IJnxlIf 17 ' . 'I
' "
.iHU IS 2. .
, MIX I I'lVllcoxS2nd ' add
10 Ox r.Ssnbl tux It Ifiseu JNlJ-U
ledxi , . '
10 ( H 171) )
I ) HXI7I t iv It 24 . . . .
lOtt 0 lax It Jl hou.l-l i-l I
HMIXU7 t ix U.llhuo lli-li-l I
lJ.ix.IJl lax II .11 sco Pl-li II , , i
( Ir nl I us of b inl ( donn to nbonl Ihn level I
tliosnrronndln.'htrccthorallciii as fol.owsil
l.ots.liiiul 4 , block lie city .
s opine und 'radliu ilowu thu front portli *
of the followlni : bank-i of oiiilh ho un to prl
vent llm f illin'vim n'or wiifchln ; of uarij
on Iho l luwii un ailjaci nt tlipiiitiii
1 ! inkHof eiirtli on lots I and 2. blnok.11 , cltj
II inkof iinrib ( m tlm west Id ) fiotof bloif
" / " .shlnn's I'lilrd addition on the south slq
of ( biiilea birrol lioiwien 2-Uh Ntieel und 2-JI <
Hanks of r.irtb on lots I , 2 , I and .1 , A ,
haiindors1 addition. , _ _
II inks of earth on lots f > ami 0
Milnn'b addillnn , , .i
Hank of uarth on lot 11 mid the north hulfl
lot 14 , biinnvsldij uldlllon.
Hunk * of eurlh on lots H. 0 10 nnd .
O uirry ( ii irtlen , friiiuln , ' on llorrun tlrol
now < nllod I7lh avuiiuc- . HUH I
I'lllliiKof lotli bloult II II inscom l"l'it''fl ' ! |
IM IHK lots I. 2. a. 4 .1 i ) . 10 , II , l.'and Ul
block I. Kouutzu'Hlth adJItion , 1
( IridliiK buiil , of oirtb on the nouthfiif'f
of lot 5 uluuu west I no of a il I lot , bloc-k i , scj
ditUlon of J I. Uu lluk'o iddltlmi. fMntlu-'j
.Uih slrcul , in Ihooily of Om.ilu t-uch " < T
to bodonu In neeor lunco with iholnxliuu
of Iho board of public worh and ell v n Ji-
IHd lo bo mudoon pi luted huinUs fi.rnli ,
by Ihn board xnil lo bo aceomp inicil i |
ci Hilled eho3lf in thu HIIIII < > f il' . | uy h |
thn Lily of ( Jniahi , an uu otlJento of f
'Ibeboird reserves the rl ht to ifjoct
1 * . \V III UK IIA rhl"
Chairman lloiud of I'nhllu
Ouahi , .Nub , , "to vein Her lib , 1S/J-