THE OMAHA DAILY DEB : SAIDUKDAY , NOVEMBER 12 1802 WILL SUCCEED SHERMAN Secretary Charles Fostsr to Represent Ohio in the Scnnto. WHY THE CHANGE WILL BE MADE Slirrinnn iMir < lo Oc'vnle tlio Next Fan Yenr lo mi Iiniortntit | MUtorjof Hi * l.atft Civil Miir faltliirt WaiTiixrrros BrtiRir < > r rue HBE , 513 Foi'iminvtii STHKBT , ; i WASHINGTON , IV 0. , Nov. II Secretary Charles Foster of tha department tvill soon become Senator Foster ot Ohio. Senator John Shurman has promised to rcslpn in favor of Mr. Foster nnd if the touiuor of the Ohio icglsinturo is favor able the change will bo tnajo early In the icsilon of the legislature this winter. This information TIIC Urn correspondent geW from two reliable lourccs from man inli- tnatoly associated with Secretary Foster and Senator Sherman. It transpires now that , a short tlmo bcfort the Ohio legislature convonnil last wlnier , nnd tbo election of Seniiior Sherman's suc cessor was to take place , iho latter determined - mined lo abandon liU campaign for reelection tion and retire to private life. Ho had boon in Iho Un tttd Slates senate for a ocrlod ot About twenty Dve years' in iho lower house of congress eight ycnrs , had served two terms as secretary of the treasury and being nearly TO years of HRO fell lual ho could Affora to retire to urivato llio rather ihnn continue a struggle for re-otccllon which promised onlv duloat. At a moment when fcjhtrmau was about to rcllro from Iho Hold and permit the election of ox-Governor For- aker as bis successor , Secretary Foster wont to him at his homo In Mansfield and ocgged the senator lo star lu iho field forro-clootion. Ho finally yielded , went to Coluinous and opened headquarters and with the very earnest stipnort of Secretary Foster und tne Jailors friotids bo was successful. Determined tn Koilgii. Shortly after his ro-olcctlon iho senator out word to Mr. Foilur thai within n foxv months , or as soon m the tamper of tbo legislature was right , ho would resign and rocotmnund as his tuccossor the socru- tnry of tbo lror.sury. Koconlly the senator has Intimated that Ibo tlmo may bo soon as tlio Ohio legislature convenes. Senator Sherman desires to devote the remaining days of bis vigor lo iho preparation of a book upon Iho laic war. u will bo mostly of loiters from bis laiciy deceased brother , General William T. Sherman , und will , il Is stated , huvo many extremely interesting nud uew features. Senator Sherman wants to complete this work while ho possesses his present mental vigor uuu feels Ihut ho has not lone to wait , II is therefore expected thai ho will bo ex- Senator John Sherman within a few weeks. Senator Sherman called upon President Harrison this afternoon and later upon Sec retary Foster. In conversation with ttio president und touchfuK upon the recent elec tion Senator Sherman siilit thai the demo cratic vlctorv was due lo tbo prevailing un popularity of the McKinley bill. Il had not had Utao to vindicate ilsclt and il seemed for Iho present lo arouse feelmcs of ill will upon tbo part of the mechanic nnd laborer against the manufacturer , tbo former be- liuvlng thut iho latter received dispropor tionate advantages under Iho law. The sena tor expressed the opinion that Ibo law would Crow in popularity if permitted lo Bland , al though be recognized In It some inequalities which tbo republican ! ) would have modified or rectified bad they been continued in power , Tbo senator is looking well and Imppy. .May ll npioliit Spoil Iluntrrn. 1'rcsiclcr.t Harrison , will , ll is believed , ex- ton d the civil service law so us to lake Iu tlio eovornuient printing ofllco and Iho bureau of cngravieK and priming.Vncn President Cleveland was about to retire ho led as a legacy an extension of the civil service law over tbi ; railway mail service and the special ngouts of the various executive dODnrtuionls. Democrats in Washington who claim 10 gel their Information from ihe confidants of tun prosidcni-cloci say ihero will bo -clean swccu of the department forces nol directly under the protection of the law early. As u consequence none of Ibo men now under ibo civil service law will accepi tbo vacancies existing iu Iho departments above ibo civil lervlco prado. It Is said ibal some clerks could bo assist ants lo thu HeaJs of the department but Ihoir glory nnd increased power and uay -would only Insl ihree ninulhs. lu view of Mr. Cleveland's bill of sale 10 J'ammany u ts onlloved thai the headsmen will beclu'lbeir work In March and show Illtlo mercy. Sotno of the hlgnor oMIcora in departments knowIng - Ing this bavo not yet returned to Washing ton from the election and il Is surmised Ibal they ara at ihcir homes arranging to re-enter business as soon as the now regime lakes hold. hold.Wbnn Wbnn President Cleveland drives down Pennsylvania avenue to thu executive man- Ion on the -lib of Mured bo will bo con fronted witn Iho largest and most ravenous lei olTuuimuarilra and ballet DOX stutters from the south ttial bo has ever hoard of , and they willhavo come for ino suolls and doler- mined not to bo turned away. It is surmised tbai Ibi-y will in many Instances bo disap pointed us civil service luws huvo made iho supply of patronage- small indeed , rri-parlni ; Morn Stiitm. Colonel \\illiam H , McLean of Terre Haute , Ind. , In saia to bo slated as President Cleveland's commissioner of pensions lo suc ceed General Knuin , Tills was the Informa tion given todiy by D. I. Murphy , who was chiel dork of Urn pension ofilco under Gen ' T eral IJIoclc , nnd who is now resardcd us the * loading ' democratic pension authority in 'Washington. Mr. Murpoy has JUKI coino Irom New York , where bo had talked with Clavclniid'ti most Intimnto advisers , and il was from ihoui lhal ho learned that Colonel McLean would uudouotedly bo chosen lo taite churpo of iho pension"oftlce. . Coionol McLean was llrst deputy commissioner of pensions under General rtlncii and was re garded by republicans and domocrals as one of tbe most popular uion then iu iho govern ment garvlce. ' lie was sovt \ \ qualified for tbo plico that n number of rupu congressmen from Indiana and cltoxrbero appealed lo President Harrison { o retain him as deputy coinimi- sloner under the republican administration. I'rosidcnt Harrison did so for a liruu. and Colonel McLean win uboul ibo last of ibo prominent drmocrats to rotiin. Ilu hu < > re cently been elected to thu f > tuto sctiuto of Indiana , tnil lilt frlcnda hero suy Indiana's sonata Is so overwhelmingly democratic that bis service in thai capacity is not essential. Ho was colonel of ttio Forty-third Indiana regiment during the war , and was H power among the soldier element al that time. tivwt tor HID Army. The following assignment to ronmcnts of ofllccrs recently promoted are ordered : Cap- lain William A. Shunu to iho Eighth cav alry , troop Li , to duto from Ociooer 5. vlu Wood , appointed professor United States military lu-uduniy ; First Liomununt William H , llcan to thu Kighlb cavalry , troop M , to daio from October 0 , ! & ! * ! , vlco ShunK , pro. moled. Ho ulll romoln on duty with tha Second cavulry until further orders ; First Lieutenant John J , Persblng lo ibo Tenlb cavalry , troop U , lo date from October'JO , IblK ! , vice livuns , promoted. The following transfers In the Fifteenth infantry nro made : First Lieutenant David D.Mitchell from coiniuiu ItocompauvD ; First Lieuteuuut Alexis U. I'jxtou irora comuany 1) to company I ; Captain Orin U. Mitcliam , nrdnniico departuirnt. Is rolievitd rrom inti cciion duty ut Midvuie steel works , I'ullatlelphla , and will report lu person to tba commanding ofllcer atVaWr - vlllo arsenal. Went Troy , for dutv nt i that arsenal , 'lha Jollnwing named olliccrs aroaoiallcd nt Wlllotti Point , > i. V. . tor in i strucliou in the torpedo service during tbo tormcouimeucinc December 1 audNill report i for duty nrcordlnglv ; Second Lleuteuant 1 Sidney S. Jordan , tfth nrtilltry ; Second , Lleutenaut Edward F , McGlncbtln , Fifth ; artillery : Second Lieutenant Frank II. Keoich. Flflu lufuutrj ; Second Lieutenant Wills U'liio. Tenth infantry ; Second Lieutenant - tenant \Voltor M. Wblimau. Second In- fantry. Civil ( > frvlco llui Cume to Stay. Attorney General Miller docs not intend to jilgoou onto these offenses ogalutt tbo civil uwrtilub ircra reported durlu ? the icceal THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. I SWBI1MK BLUM. Toilet Articles , Always alive to the wants of the public , this department di rector never seems satisfied with a gradual growth. Not only to out do his best , but to absolutely smother all former records , by a brilliant and magnificent effort tomorrow and during the coming week. We make the story short , the facts plain , the lists long. We Carry Only the Best Soaps at 5c Cake. Diamond , large cake. Glycerine Balls , Kirk's Royal. Soaps at lOc , Kastman's Aloha , Cleaver's Unscentccl , Pure Olive Oil , Green Castile , La Parisienne , Cape May Boquet. Soaps at 15c. Shandon Bells , Pear's Scented , Cuticura , Sweet Violet let , Apple Blossom. Soaps at 18c. I'rench 4711 , Camelia B < quet , Deletrez French Violet. Soaps at 21c. Packer's Tar Soap. Soaps at 35c. French 4711 , half pound bars. bars.NE1OK.WEXAR. NE1OK.WEXAR. New reefer scarfs in hem stitched plaids and crepe silks. Choice assortment at lowest prices. FAUNTLEROY SETS. Something new , stylish" and jaunty ; good quality ; reason able prices. ARTICLES for the TOILET. The stock today" is a pride to us , because of its greatness completeness , itought there fore to be a satisfaction to you. Top notch is the condition of this stock. Strict attention to the wants of the people and the handling of only reliable and serviceable articles , has built a large and ever increasing business. TOILET WATERS. Murray & Lauman Florida Water , 21 c. 4711 Cologne , genuine , 55C. 4711 Florida Water , 5oc. Maria Farina , Wicker bottle , 650. Colgate's Pansy Blossom , ounce. Kirk's Shandon Bells , 23c. Lundborg's , per ounce , 350 Lilly of the Valley , Violet , White Rose , Apponax , Sweet Brier , Popular Odors. Lubin's Celebrated Per fumes , 500. Crown Crab Apple Blos som , 5oc , Crown Lavender Salts , 6oc. Pinand's Brilliantine. 35C , Blue Seal Vaseline , Sc. Red Seal Vaseline , i2c. Calder's Dentine , original , 2ic. Dr , Lyon's Tooth Powder , sic. Viola Cream , 3oc. Patey's Cold Cream , 2ic. , Tappen's Swan's Down Pow der , IOC. Pozzoni's Dove Face Powder , 2OC. Pozzoni's Medicated Powder , Lubin's Nursery Powder , 150. Palmer's Almond Meal , 2ic. NEW ASSORTMENT Hair , Bath and Flesh Brushes. Boys' OVERCOATS , Anything bui .overcoat wea ther , yet the overcoats are go ing fast. Styles and prices arc doing it. For instance , Boys' Over coats , 3 to 10 years , $5,00 qualities are now $2.5O $8.00 qualities are now § 3,50 $13.00 qualities are now jj 5.OO And again , Boys' Overcoats , 10 to 17 years , $7.00 qualities are now $3.50 $9.00 qualities are now$5.0O $ 12.00 qualities are now $6.OO $20.00 qualities are now $7.00 A word about our Boys' Two Piece Double-Breasted Suits : All wool cheviots and worsteds , plain and mixed effects , worth up to $7.00 , Tomorrow $3,75 This is inducement enough to be on hand early. BOYS' ' SUItS. For the great sales expect ed tomorrow , this stock has been made complete in sizes , and more than complete in sorts. If you are in want of boys' clothing , every item should in terest you ; it means money saved to you. Hero's n bip lot of thrce-ploco short ) > aut suits ; cheviots , worsteds , tweeds , homespuns , In fi/.es 10 to 1C years. Youi * time is valuable ; wo simplify the selection by inakinjr three lots. Lot 1 $5.OO. That means wi sell .vou all suits that have been JO nntl as hipli as $0. Lot 2--$6.0O. Includes till ol our suits that have boon $0.50 and up to S12. Lot3--$7.OO. Comprises anything in our stock that has been $12 to S1K King Waists , 55c. No need to extol their merits , you and everybody else knows all about their fit and wear and price75c and SI. Iloro is a laud-slide in price : 65c each buys them tomorrow. Bargain Basement. Items of interest for the pru dent buyer : TIIHEB STYLES OF Solid Brass Coal Hods Regular $4.90 grade , $3.50 Regular $5.50 grade , $3.95 Regular $6.50 grade , $4.25 .lapanned , iluoorntcd and galvanized iron conl lindUV. ; . l-ie , Me and t-Oo. Pokers ; to , fle , To and 10c onch Coal shovels , 7i- . 0.12i % , 16i2 < V eadi. Ash selves land > 1-V each. Heavy Galvanized Ash Cans in ti hill lint' of t-i/.os , at 25 Per Cent Discount Kepular prices ransjo from $ " to S-V < 0 ouch. You save from oOc to ion every purchase of these goods. Japanned Coal Vases. Heautiful styles. livery person who has a lireplai-o'or urn to in their house , should have one of tlio e vases. No duster or miis'inco nit ornament to your room. 1'rlcos rantje 8i.U5 : to $3. China Department. \Vo want your ( . 'IIINA and GLASS "WAHtf trade , nnd will give you luoro for your money than any exclusive deal er. er.Our basement salesroom Is now on the NIMBLE SlXl'KNCI-i plan of SMALL PKOl'Tl'.Stins is why you always llnd us busv in tluit department. This Week We are more than busy open ing beautiful new holiday goods. We show you all that is new and novel , and save you 25 per cent from crockery prices. That's What Counts , Another invoice of Japanese novelties received yesterday ; a beautiful line of the latest fad in oriental ware "TOKANA- BI" the Japs call it. Comes in vases , rose jars , tea pots , jugs , and divers things of beauty. The only line ever shown in Omaha. You should see them. MEN'S Attractive gooils nt special prices al- wavs makes this v lnp of our IHQ STOHK a perfect beohlvoon Saturdays , Tomorrow will bo no exception. Neglige Shirts 50c. The. o tire luncy striped doir.otswoven , colors , fust and washable , dark colors , generous width and length , all sizes up to 171. Cassimere Shirts $1. $ Extra heavy weight , fancy stripes and mixed grays.Vo heartily recommend this shirt for its wear-resisting mmlitios Flannel Shirts $1.50. $ liuautlful patterns , silk stripe , dn-lc colors , strong , well made and full sizes no scrimping here to save a few cents. Men's ' Hosiery 25c. Woolen and camel's hair so'ts : , coed , heavy , warm winter stockings , the kind you pay Mo for elsuwliO'O. Men's Underwear $1.50 $ Natural gray and tan colors , Jieavy ribbed , warm , soft -no sticks or scratchy burs to mnko life a burden. Try a suit , you will wear no others. Ladies' Handkerchiefs , 35c. Silk embroidered. Haw Milk hns ad i vanced will climb still higher before the first of the year. Notwithstanding tliis fuel wo secured "LUG LOT1' of sitU embroidered handkerchiefs at even \ great reduction on old prices. Tomorrow shall oll'orour purcha a 100 clo/.ons richly embroidered ladies' handkerchiefs at 85c each. Our early importation of these same styles sold freely at 50c Buy your supply for Christmas Presents Now , campaign , now that tbo sijoko of battle has clonrcd away. Mr. Miller is looking iulo information submitted to him by iho civil service commission wilh a view to vi/orous prosecution of the offenders. Ho has already sent Iho panels in two South D.ikota casus to tbo united States district attorney of thai locality witn instructions to prosecute if there is sutilricnt ovidenca lo convict. Ho has two otner cases before him now , relating to the collection of campaign funds from federal o Ilk-era in Alabama and Louisiana , bui no nas nol directed iho disirict uitornoy lo act In Iheso cases. The civil serrico com mission also has iwo more cases which il ex pects to lay before tbo atlornoy cenoral at un early day , bui ihu localily of tbo otlenses uro withheld for iho present. President Lyman , bead of tbo civil service .commission , returned this morning from Connecticut , wboro he went to vote. Mr. Hoosovolt has also been absent during tbe campaign. "The election has served to give another possible justification to the civil service system , " said President Lyman today. "Tbero has not boon nn election in uany years when so little abuse of the public service ha ) oc curred. The fact thai Ibo commission bad made BO few complaints of offenses emphasized Iho general acceptation ot the civil service Idea. Tim politicians ap pear to hnvfl accepted it ns conclusively as iboso who nro coulomntuously referred lo as 'reformers. ' Not a single case caino before us iu which the managers of thu national committee had In any war transgressed the civil service laws. Such offenses as wo have recorded huvo occurred In remote lo- ca'ilies ' and are duo undoubtedly to Ignor- unco of the luw rather than to an intentional purpose lo violate it. The civil service sys tem has corao to stay. " .Mlftri'llHiiciiiig. Scinccl ; Ford was toJav apnolntod post master at Ozirk , Jackson county. Iu , vlco Tuomas Hoyd resigned. Nebraska's two senators nro expected bore next week. P. S. H. Tlio Ollh-lu-it AViiy to Cure ) Cold. Do yon wish lo know tbo quickest way to euro a cold I Wo will toll you. To cure u cold quickly it must bo treated bafuru Ihu cold has become soulod in Iho system. Thu tirsl symptoms of u cold is a dry , loud cougn ana sneezing. The cough is soon followed by watery expectoration and the sneezing by a profuse watery discnargo from iho nnse. In severe caios thi-ro Is a thin white coaling cm the tongue. What to do ? ll Is only nec essary lo take Chamberlain's Cough Komeilv in doublu UOJBJ cvcrv hour. That will greatly lessen the suverilv of the cold nnd in munv cisns will effectually counteract it , and cure whut would have OBOU a covoro cold within ouo or two davs1 time. Try it and bo convinced , t5 ! aud 5'J cant Dottles for sale by druggists. HUSHING PUBMO WORKS. Mrevt * Tluit Will lt Imprntml Iliifciro tlm Collt WlHllllIT fl > \ * III , Next Monday morning A : Callahau will bopw Iho grading of ino Miliutrv read from tuo Hamilton street viaauet to Urant street , and for the period of ubaut ten dura the neopio roildinf ; In that portion of iho xitv will have to do u little walking if they Kel down town , us thq motor tracks .vill betaken taken up wnllu tlio prndliig U under wuv. 'Iho cut on tbo street u ill run from tbreo to eleven feat , with a llgai fall In one or two pluecj. Tbo heavy cut makes It unposslolo to KMdo the street without romoviii tlio tracks , Tno city authorities are uuxlojs to have ibis street pruaed this fall , and It is the Intuntloa to puvo Hamilton street to iho viaduct aud Military avenue from that point to the city limit * next season , This , how ever , is with the unaerslaadinc that the county uses u port lor. of tbo proceeds of the fl.VJ.tKA ) of raid bonds In improving Military avunuo from tbo end of tbo city pavement. llu h Murphy , the contractor who has the contract for ropavluj : Loavcnworth from Sixteenth to Tivonty.uintU street , has attain commenced the pushing of tbo laying of the brictt and promises to have tbo street com- plolt-d wltbiu ten Uay . The delay in tbo work ha > bctfii cauiod by l he scarcity of l > avln brlcK. Tbo demnud for this material lias Beeu so Croat Ibis season that nearly all of tbo nrlck puviuc icon are for behina oa their contracts. Next weult tbo Standard I'avlnjr compaoT will begin the laylui ; of asphalt on tbo several streets oa whlcb ll bos soouroa tbo contracts. Al the csiou of tlio Hoard of Publlo \ \ ems held yesterday afternoon , the con- ircct for the "reconstruction of the sewer in district No. 1 , In the alloy between Dodge and Douglas , and from Sixteenth to Twentieth street , was let to Hnmann & McDonald , tbov beluir Ibo lowest Didders for the work. Their bid was f 1.30 par lineal foot for an eight-inch , onu fi.CO for a ten- inch pipe sower. 111 Oldi'li Tillies People overlooked the importance of pertca- neatly beneficial effects und were satisfied with transient action , out now that it is con- orally known that Syruo of Figs \vlll per manently euro habitual constipation , well- informed people will not bur other laxatives which act fora time , but dually injure tbo sy3tem. THEY'RE SINGLE AGAIN. Jiiilco Keytar Umlops Several of Cupld'i .Stupid llluntluri. The divorce mill was presided over by Judpo Keysor yesterday nlternoon anil several misflt marriages were declared off , freeing the interested parties from the yokes which palled. * Mary Hasson had but hula dlfttculty in proving that her husband , Anthony , bad been a brute o' tbo llrst water. Ho bad failed to furnish food for Iho family , and not only that , but ho had kicked tbo woman of his choice into the street and the cold ana cruel world. The coveted decree was { ranted. Sarah Robinson had n husband named Daniel , and sbo also had n tale of woo. ThU uusbaad , Daniel , had nicked his wife about tbo premises , and not satisfied with that , ho had broken three or four of her ribs , The plaintiff went out of court with her divorce in her pccKot and tnocu < > toav of the cnlltiivn. At ono lima Alice L > . Smith had bad n busbund who.o naroo was Harry. Harry was mcst anything but a good husband , and besides being ugly and nppljini : the rod bo had too frequently looked upon the wino when it was red. The woman in the case was rewarded by being furnished with a decrco which has shut nor of Harry. May Llndhosl bad onjoynd tbo company of tier husband. Frank , only about six months. After that ho whipped her , knocked her down and toro bur dresses Into strings , refusing to buy more. This plavful conduct resulted in a separation , and now a divorce bas followed aim the ex-wife gets her maid on name , which was May Cook. The "No. 0" Wboelor & Wilson , with its porfrcteu tensions , uopor nnd lower , is the only lockstitch machine that makes nn elastic seam. It Is the dressmaker' . * favorite on that account. Sold by ( Jeo.V. . Lancaster & CJo % fill S. 10th street. llul tlintr Permit * . The following permits wore issued by tbo superintendent of building * yesterday : John II. Mason , uvo-story and basement brick sturti , Thirty-ninth ami I.eavun- wnrth ' Hir ets . 115,000 John I'runcK iwo-sturv und busoiuei.l ( rainit dwollln ! ! , Tlilrty-sevonth and M ibon slreets . h.OOO Tour minor punnlts . 450 Total Jcnoranco of the mnrlts of DeU'ltt's Little Karly KUerJ is a misfortune. Tbojo llttlo pill ) regulatethrt liver.cure headache , avspep- si3 , bad , constipation and biliousness. .Murrlugu l.ieriuoi. The following nrirrlaijo llcoasos were Is sued by County Judge Eller yoiterday : Namuand address. Aso. I Crank Ii. Dudgeon , Omaha ii'i I llcrtliu Meyers. Omalm 1 11'cr AiiL-nst Kdqulst. Omuhu HO I Anna riirUtamt i > Wullandcr , Omnlm. . . T I Jnhu Iloiu , ElUliorn , U ? . f Mary Uruguu , KUhurn . . . . " ' , Deserving Confidence Tuero Is no article which so richly deserves the entire confidence - dence of tbo community as llrowa's Urou- chlal Trochei. Those suffering from nsth- aiRtla aad bronchial diseases , coughs aud colds should try thorn. Price i5 COOK , Real estate. estate.only. . My word U good , W. G. Albright. 6iil-a-3 N , Y. Lifo bldj , DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Very Little Interruption to Trade on Ac count of the Election Occurred. PROSPERITY REIGNS IN EVERY SECTION lupreccdriiteU Activity In Muiiutuctiirlnc Centers , ana IluslnvkS iiveryivliero Ke- jiorted Good Clearing House State- incnts OnVull Sstrcet lor a Week. New YOUK , Nov. 11. K. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says : The presi dential election has interrupted business lo some exlent iu all paru ol the country dur ing the past week , but by no means as much us usual , ana at utarly all points the volume of trade has been fairly maintained ana tbe unprecedented activity of industrials has only been interrupted by tno election holi day. The uionoy markets have not been dis- lurbed , though worklup somewhat closer al several imporianl potnls , and foreign neces sities und the scarcity of commercial bills hnvo caused some decline in foreign ox- chango. itrimrt * from titles. Trade at Boston has been fairly aolive with wool from Illinois fully employed and the consumtnton largo. Tlio wool market had antlcipalod an ndvuuco in pnco which did not occur , though sales amounted lo 1,000,01)0 ) pounds. Colions were firm and Ihe mills are all busy. The bool and shoe is moro quiet , leather sleuuy. At Philadelphia most trades have boon dull , but iron is llraier. Manufacturers of tobacco are pressed to tlio full capacity. At Baltimore business Is good , with col- ectionj better than won ) expected. At PHUbunr iho production of Iron in creases , but also the demand , and the gen eral tone Is slightly bolter than before , wilh large orders for wrought pig. Glass , es pecially plate , u in largo demand. Trade at Cleveland U good , ibo demand for manufactured iron exceeding the capacity of ibo ii.iils , which in many cases nro working close. „ Business at Detroit is very tavoraulo and at Cincinnati foundries ! are running full time. time.At Indianapolis trio trade In drugs Is ex cellent , Kuccipts of products nl Chicago were curtailed , but wholesale trade was largo and llio demand for monov is heavy , the weal drawing largely upon tbo Chicago supply. Less than the usual Interruption occurred at St. Louis , The railroads are crowded , ol- ferings of grain being unusually large. Colder woalhor i tup roves trade aud collec tions at Milwaukee , Some Improvement i scon at St. Paul and trade at Minneapolis'Is''materially better than last year. u MitUfucKiry 111 Onmliii. At Omaha uusmess is "satisfactory. At Kansas City trade is healthy and at Denver business and tilluctlons fair , Prospects are moriv cmcuragiug at Louis ville. , r , At Nashvlllo trade is fair and at Little Hock depressed by tbo small receipts of cot ton. ton.At At Memphis tbe election interfered to some extent and al Now Orleans business is at a standstill , though cation advanced in price and tbo demand for cotton is good. Tbo government crop reports indicate smaller yields tbau were expected of wl.cul , only MW.000,000 bushels ; of corn only 000.- 000,000 bubbuts und a very small vl ld of cot- tun. Wheat is monger than a week ujn , with DO great cuaugo in corn and oats , but moderate trading iu either. Cotton bus risen ovar oue-half of 1 cent with sales of -Iso.COO baloi on Thursday aloiit ) , exceeding by UO.OOO bales the largest previous record for any day. The output of piR iron November 1 , was Iil,0s3 tons weekly , on increase ol 13,053 tons over the mouth of October. Deliv eries of rails for the year are small , proba bly not over 1,260,000 tons ; bar * are more active , owing to car building , hut plates are quiet and now orders for itructural work ore scarce , copper is In moderate demand at ll c ; tin hardening ut l0T'c ! , and lead weak ut W IK ) . It has been the dullest era known for anthracite coal , and tbo Hoadlni ; finds it lerminnls crowded , through only working Ihreo days In thq weelc. Thu bituminous trade bas been nclivo and increasing. Business in dry goods has been dull. Wool was active and many shoo factories will require - quire their lull capacity until Christmas to till their orders. In spite of storms the movement of live stock at Chicago is larger than a year ago. Stocks declined with some rolling \Vednesdav , but were strong with covering of shorts on Thursday.and the mar ket continues in the bands of traders , indi cations from Europe are less favorable to im ports ot gold. The business failures occurring through out the country during tbo past sevoa days numberSlO. For the corresponding waaa of last year the figures wereSi'l. ' CLKAKINCi HOUSK STATEMENTS. Omuhii still Continues to Show an lucreaie Itpportu from Other Cities. NEW YOUK , Nov. 11.-Tho following table compiled by Bradstreot's gives the clearing house returns for the week ending November 10 , IS'Ji. ' and the percentages of increase or decrease as compared with the corresponding spending week lost vear : CITIES. CLEAltl.NGS. New Tort MJ.T.V.Mi.i ) | . . . .i 1G.O Chicago IUI.lTS.r > T > I iloiton W.WJ6I8 r . | M. I.uiil 9.1 SanTranelnco M. ! iHltluioru 14.04UI4S . . a. ? 13..VS.M111 , I ' . ' .5 ClDdnrmtl 15.irjl.S10 T.ti1 Knii-in t'lir lo.oai.lM . . iluftalo 4.0 , OUlHYlllO sicisisjcl ' c.rolt T.CC4.2II s.4 , a Cleroland JU. < ! JM.lll.l { 0.41. 'rovldi'iicu. 1U.2 ipnrur . . 3.1 Bt.l'nul .ri.i l 1 7 , . 14.1 iiilloiiaunlU 2.745.V.T1. 3J.O ' ( 'olumbui. o. . IH.O iloustun. . . . . . . 14.G illclmiuuil -M3I.7I. . 7.0 llartforrt I'ortlHiui. ore "iii Waililncion , 1.7T9.1GI "i'j 'corln 1.IA7.IO < l.i'v..OV.i i v ball I.nko Cllr 10. : , f-l. Jo epli Ilillulh IW.2 Hocliu&ter . . S.3 .Mlanln New lluvfti 7.0 tu rlllBll rill C.I \\orrentcT IB.II I'urlluud. Mu. . . 11 I 'ori Worm 17.1' ' ' ' 8.7 lKlir.ji | ! 'io'f. ' Wui'u ! " 'ails lea Mollies ilrunti KHn | .MU.ilO .1.4 Norfolk 20. & VVIIiniiik'ion , Del Teroinn 1'JJLUU ' Lowell li iu.ii' > : 27. Lincoln K'J-J.IHl' WIcUllH lllrmlnjim.ii . . 'J.I l.eilnk'1'm. Ky ' ' New iiuiHuril 01.UO. 'ik'.s 4JI.5J1 4.6 Illnclittmluu 'T2VtlO Havunniili lli'lcnu vr. Mlrli Sxi.lll IJreM Kiill 4 I.Ml ! Kiuixirlu. Knn Mi3l Onlveoton C.7IS.7BJ' S3.7 Total UnlU-d bUte . . . | l I.IW.UTJ.W ' II. ' . ' OnUlile New Vortc . I Ml. il.iv.T1 Duliilnli ) ! ! ol MsntruL. . . . . lU.Ui ib Torunto. . . . U , .Vrf.Jt X , n.o lUllf.l. . . , VUUM U'.C llamlllou J3J.T41 Tot l lilt wculc'i lotali. \V.\I.L hTKKKr I'OU A WKUIv. bpecututlon on tlin iiecllnn Iteudereil the Mnrlict Very ( iiilot. MEW Voiic , Nov. 11. Dradsireot'a weekly review of tbo stock rnnrUet ay ; Although little covorlnj ; of short cantracti oa Satur day and Monday last gave a rather strong tone to prices , tbera was no market worthy of the name just before the elec tion. Speculative work really began on Wednesday , which resumed its strength with the Rtroat , when the public was completely Informed as to the outcome at iho polls. The tirst facts upon vrlues was indicatlvn of surprise , mlnglea to some extent - tent with apprehensions that the corning change in the national administration in volved Immediate and radical alterations of fiscal and economic policy. While consid erable bearish nressurc was brought to bear on Wednesday's market , the remainder of tbo week has witnessed u. return to normal speculative feolinp Kith a reappearance of tbe bullish tendencies that Uavo uocn a fea ture for some time. Tbe niar ; 3t is not a wldo one and is plainly subjected lo Iho same professional manipula tive influences which have played such a con spicuous part of late. Europe bas taken lit tle part iu tbo action of the money market , anil continues to be an obstacle to the devel opment of any general Dullish movements. In tun connection tbo unexpected and sus tained advance of foreign exchange at tracts attention and creates a gooa deal of consorrutivo sentiment. Sterling exchange it still a good deal below tbo cola importing point , tbe high rates for money hero beinc n tonctblo bar to any operations of that kind. Nevertheless , the action of exchange In tbo face of a moro seenro feeling in tbo London money market is a disappointment , und in dicates thai foreign capital bas not as yet 10- gulnod its Intoroit iu this market. Thu feelers of ibe market con'.inuo lo bo found among Ibo specialties nnd a few stocks , which , for lunciblo reasons , were attractive to tbo professional tak'iit. AinuriL-iiii Cholera , l-Vmrn Hie DiiilUtriitle ; , li'/intnim / , H'asb "T. ( ! . nurnott , the democratic candidate for sheriff , wu < taltoa violontlv lit at Clear- brooK. Ho had all llio symptoms of Asiatic cholera , and for an hour or two it was fuuroa ho would dio. Tney finally gave him a iloso of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Jiarrhica KeuieJv , which revived him until a physician arrived. " Tnat is precisely what the manufacturers of that meuicino recommend for cholera. Ssnd for a physi cian , but clvo ttieir modicum until the clan arrives. If cholera becomes prevnleul iu this country next summer this prepara tion will bo In great demand bec.iuso It can always bo depended upon. For sale by druggists. .Murvrlciiii , ( irutrtli of licrlin. In ibis ago of aurpmos not the least of them has boon tha ubtot.Uhlni : increase in population of Germany's vast metropolis. Wo can Und no parallel to It nnywhero , not excuptini ! tbo United States. When its suburos are taken into Its corporate bound aries , wbicb will bu done in a short time , tbo beautiful city of Berlin will contain up wards of 3CK)0OliO ) Inhabitants. This will make it the second city iu the world. In next Sunday's Uuis Frank U. Cor- pcntsr. probably the best posted. American newspaper correspondent on European matters , will glvo some intor- osllug lacts about this great municipality. Our numerous German patron i cannot afford to miss reading this lollcr. NOMRDO , Iowa , April 1C , , IS'JI. ' Dr. J. B. Moorp , Duar Sir : My ivifo has used aooul six bottles of your Trco of Life nud thinks that she bas received greater benefit from it than any modtclno sbo has over lukon. Yours iruly , L. H. BurKicr. Gcn'l Agunt and Treas. West College. Since receiving the above testimonial , I am In receipt of a letter and chocK from the Hev. L. H. Lufkin of Toledo , Iowa , April 25. to send flov. J. W. Konwortb , Crostllce. Kan sas , six bottles of Mooro' Troqpf Life. For sale by arugglkts. ONK FA1CK KXCUIIS1O.V To thu City nf .Mexiuo "nil Itoturn. For the mooting of the American Public Iloalth Association and Interna tional Medical Contrrcss , to bo hold in the City of Mexico November 29 to De cember 2 , 1892 , the S.iutu Fo route will sell tickets tit one lowest Hrst-cltiss faro for tlio round trip. This IH nn oxuoUeiit opportunity to visit Mexico , ono of tiio most dolipUtful trips iintitfiniiblo , at vi-ry little A Bpociul iiiirty will leave Omnlm Saturday , Novoiubor 10 , nnd join u laro r.nrty . from Boston and otlior oiislurn cities nt Kansas City. The faro for the round trip from Onmha is only $04.Ml. For further information nnd re3orva tiou of Pullman aiTommodiitioiiB cullen on or address , M L. PAI.MHU , Passenger Agent Snntu Fo Huuto , 1310 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. A Nu\v r.iiKlitiiil 1 liuiikngUIni ; Illnnor IB worth tr.ivollni : u long distance to obtain. All Now Knglund points can bo reached in the shortest time nnd most comfortable manner by the Lake Shoro'a 'Chicago and Boston Special" leaving Chicago dally at 10:30 : n. m. , reaching Boston next afternoon at HMO and inter mediate points nt a correspondingly con venient hour. Close connection is ulsn made with all diverging lines. 13. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , 727 Main St. , Kan- pus City. C. 1C. Wlluor , West. Pass. Agu , Chicago. PUREST. MOST RELIABLE. Ijold l < ftj ( oje t 6 rr erry old soul , Had lived 17 * ti/is / reat ajeoj oUrs , tlewould Recalled jor BULL DURHAM To snoKe 17 * f/is / pipe , - . And been rr\errier \ Under its powers , Thousands of Smokers The Millionaire in his palace , The Laborer in his cottage , The Swell on the street , The Sailor on his ship , Comfort-lovers everywhere , Prefer Bull Durham , Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. DURHAM , N. C.