PIIK OMAHA DAILY BEKt SKH'UKDAY. NOVKMBKR 1& 1802 , THE DAILY BEE . . i i - * ' a - ya E. nOHKWATI It , KDITOII. MOHMKO OFFICIAL 1'APKR , OF THE CITY. TniMS tilRl'IIJCIIIITION. . Jlillr Don ( nltfinul Hunrtnr * Ono Vesr t * < ' Drill ? nncl fiimlir Ono Year 1U t" PltMonllid . ' ' " 'Jtir * Month > ; ; > ' UPCnnn 1 car ? K ir Hi * . Onn Xi > ar . . . . J liteOno Veer . . . < " lw OKKICIM wnjBnii , ini I'fp liiillillnir. Poulh Omiiht , corner N nnrt Kth Slroati. Council lllnRf , 12 1'enrl Street , riilcniro onicp. ! II7 rimrotier nf fommiTM. hew \ ork , llcninn Kl , II nnd l. > . 'I rlhuno llnllillnj XX'ullnRton M3 Fourteenth Mrcot rOllttKHl'ONHK.NUI ! . All commiinlcnllons trlntlnt tn nrwj iind tdllorlnlmnllcr uliould bo niMrosseil lo llio i.J- Hotl l Drpnilment. llfHINKH MnTlIIH. l < tiers nrnl remlttinrcii fhonlil lis ' Im lirol'nlill'lilntfrompnnr.Omnlm. P. clinkii mid iiontuniro onlcrs to bo mnilo r'/ntilcld tl cunler uf the comintiif. THK UKK PUBLISHING COMPANY SWOHNSTATKMKNT OK UllCUIiATION. einloof NclirnxVn. I County nf llonslni" , I . N. I1. Veil , l > n liinti nmniKPr of TUB lUr. I'liu- llnlilnBcompitnr. iloi-s onleminlr wi-.ir thai tlio nclimlrlrcalnllmiof I'llf. II XII. V IIEK for the Tt-eX rncllnc fxircnibrr 6. IRU oxnnitlng tlio c lrn o'clock nllllon tuu ns follows. Hnmlnjr. CUot.rrnn . Monclny.Octoliprni . : . , , Vnpmlnr. f > nTcmtipr I . . . , 'L. \X'i'iliir < l rMm'ml > pr2 . i1,1 ! ; Tliur clfij..V > U'iutior3 . r ? ' , Krlrtojr. NoTnnlicr 4 . ii . , " , . icr 5 . zt.iil J.worn to tiofori-roonml miWrllioil In inr t'fcs- rrifellil84tliilBrorNnTpinlinr.il'.1. . . . . . \V. It. HAI.I..Notnrr I'litiUc. ATM-HRO Clrcul.itlnii for Oi'tolior. 21,131. Ciiuis Si'KCiir 1ms u right to ho proud of his re-olecUoii. No\V wo must expect to ho compelled to rend n lot of rot uhout Unby Ruth. FAICINO election returns to soil u foxv extra copies la u very Miuill business. Din Wyoniitip eo dernourutic in spite of xvonmn sulTrufio.or bccuuso of woman POLITICIANS xvlio imiijrlno Unit Gov ernor Mi'Kiiiloy is presidontinlly de funct do not know whut they uro mik ing about. _ CIIIM and Hawaii uro having minis- torinl crises , but the attention of this country refuses to bo diverted to these foreign TIIK Koolc Islnnd and tbo Milwaukee huvo a ritflit to doinand joint occup nicy of the U'lion depot at rout-ontiblo rates nnd the people will too that they got it. IlM'ii AT democratic landslide results in the permanent , retirement of Mrs. J. Ellen Kobtor from republican cam paigns , Cleveland was not elected in vain. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB duke of Marlboroughils dead and the duchess probably realizes by this time what a blun 'or it is for an Ameri can woman to trade her wealth for ft title. WHY doesn't Mayor Homisenforce tlio ordinance that requires the street rail way company to replace its unsightly wooden poles xvltli lion poles on the principal tlioioughfares ? i3 old l\ikf. b\ielofij nnd the popu list organs still cling to the hope that Weaver hns carried Nebraska in the face of the figu.es that bhow Harrison's pluralitv over Wcavor as moro than ( 5,000. WHAT joke id this xvn hoar about Gov ernor Boies being appointed Secretary of AgriculttiroV Holes could hardly accept that position and give up his place as governor , and his ambitious designs are Wilson's seat in the United States senate. OMAHA took part in the late elections aoo the handsome pluralities civon the republican nominees but at the same tune kept right right on doing business. And as a result her total business , as represented by the bank clearings I , shows an increase of 20.4 per cent over election week of last year. TUB city of South Omaha has for the present abandoned the effort to get bids on the sloping of banks bouaiHo there IB such a demand for men and horses that the bids presented are unreasonably high. This shoxx-s I hat the labor supply is not in OXCCKS of the demand , and it is to bo hoped that this state of things will continue. Now xvo hnvo planted pome more telegraph poles on Parnam street nnd ' the network of dangerous \vlrcn is get ting thicker and thicker. A great lire is llablo to Hxvoop the city any windy duy.and the killing and maiming of lire- men xvhioh is bound to result from the deadly xvircs xvill bo directly chargeable to the rocklcss negligence of the council in permitting these overhead xvircu lon obstruct our bu-tinoss streets nnd en danger life and properly xvhon they can and should be under ground. Till ! detection nnd arrest of a largo , party of contract laborers from Uolgiuin at Kllin island on Thursday xvas n good stroke of business. Thu enforcement idof the alien labor laxv is demanded by the interests of the American xrorkingman and approved by all good eltiv.oiiB , Those mon had boon Imported by ate Pittsuurg glass concern and xroro teat tnUo the pluces of striking employes at loxv xvugos. Tlio return of the men and the prosecution of the lirm that had on- gngcd them may teach a wliolosomo losson. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : monthly oioji report just Issued from the Agricultural department shoxvs that NuhruaKu's average yield of corn per aero this year is 28.7 bushols. Ohio , xvjth 20 bushels per aero , is the tinly state that equals thin yield. The Knisxs ) : crop is reported as 1U.H bushels pur aero. For the seven states known as the corn bait , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Iowa , Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska , the aggregate production Is paced bins hid ropo-t at OOO.OOO.OOO hu hhols. This falls far balow the yield of tha same Btntos last yo ir , which , according to the boat estimator , wus about l.imO.OOO.OOO ' bushels * Undoiiblodly tlio truth as teen this year'a crop lies bomowhoro between these widely d I ( Turing Jlguros , lor it is as xvork after all. Tilt : Ml IKMAT ,1MH/A/ / Tlio prcspiil oongros look a &lep for ward , ' .bought a short out' , tuxr.tril the revival of the inorchiint inarlnu , by nn act nllowlng certain steam of forolijn construction 1o like out nn AincrU-in r < gi tor , The Kifty-llrst congrnsa pnjsod an act iiitondud tn < * llinu late ! Ainuriunn sliipbuildlng by the pny inont i of mall subsidies. This legislation will undoubtedly bo repeated by the next congress. After the larill nnd the currency question" . Unit of restoring the merchant imirlii' ! perhaps of the greatest 1m- portaiv If xvi are to o.vlend our foreign markets , and this is-what the democratic loaders say their policy con * templates , it is manifestly of great importance topc portance that xvo shall ho able to cnrrv our products to such markets in our own ships. A coinmi'tcial country is at a horious disadvantage that must depend xvholly upon foreign vessels for the transportation of its products. This country annually pays to Kuropouu ship oxvnors moro than B''UO.OOt,000 ) in freight charges , an exceedingly small nart of xvhlch is expended in this country. This money is paid to the foreign em ployes 1 1 of steamship companies * , to Kuropoan ship builders , nnd to the mer chants tibrnml xvho furnlsli the supplies for the ships. It is traiisforn-d from the : pockets of the producers- the United States to the coders of the xvoalthy .ateamship compunios ol Hng- land , Franco and ( Jormaiiy and holiw to enrich tho-o countries. Itmuybc true that if wo had an American motvhant marine equal to the demands of our foreign commerce the producer would have to nay jus > t as much as he now does tc got hi * products to mtirkot , but the money xvould bo kept in this country and expended among our own 'people , U the benolit of all interest" . Tlio groxvth of shipbuilding hern , creating u demand for a great do.tl of labor , not only in that , industry but in others which it xvould draxv upon , would malori.tlly inrrouso the consumption of the ! products of the farm and factory , and thus the money xvould ba redistributed an aK to American producers instead of going to tlioio of Europe. When ono reflects upon thu enormous amount of money thut , has gone ; abroad in thib xvay during the past quarter of n century , it booms ama/.iiig that s > ome more panic-it and practical cflort has nol been niitdo to restore tbo merchant marine and rentier the American people ple imlupondont of the 1-J nopnan s-hlp oxvncrs. Wo hiivo paid to thcio foreign capital' tsfurfrcightcliargoson our pro ducts witniii the last twenty-llvo years a greater Mini than the national debt amounted to at , the clone of the xxar. As our foreign trade groxvs this outlloxv of money xvill incrcasj , xvhilc there is the additional disadvantigo of a depend ence th it puts our merchants and man ufacturers entirely at the mercy of for eign trnnsport'ttion Iino5. This is cer tainly neither n creditable nor : i profit able state of afl'airs for a great nnd steadily growing commercial nation. The democratic warty xvill noxv have an opportunity to deal xvith this im portant question in its own xvay , and xvo shall sco whether it has the xvisdom to give iho country a murch.int marine AinoriCiUi in tlio broadest sen o ono built as xvcll as oxvnod in thib country. FOR THI ; ; BS ; ; ) BAT. When President Harrison retires from olllco on Iho llh ot March next ho xvill carry xvitli him to prix'nto lift ) the re spect anil esteem of the people of the Unitc-d Status , xvhon : ho has bcrvcd so faithfully und so xvoll. Political oppo nents no loss than these ot his oxvn party xvill honor him for his sterling manhood and his stead fas I devotion to duty. Says the Noxv York Sim : It is a pleasant thine to roiuamber that Iu ihn canvass just ended fuxvords liovn been said or written concerning Ciener.il Harrison xvhlch represent him as anything but xvhat ho la , namely , a man of supurior intellect and elevated character , nnd a chlof magistrate xvhoiu the country can nlxvays regard with ndintration. These and similar xvords from demote - cratio sources alTord great satisfaction to thobo who hax'o supported the foaled candidate for president. Such commendation of its uhn-cii standard bearer is nol xvithout BigniMi'nnco to the ropnbla-an party , as a , tribute to the honesty nnd blnuority of its purposes. . So long as it follows the leadership o \ [ men xvho command unlvorsal respect and admir.Uion and it has many men of that kind there can bo no sapping of vitality , no loss of popular CDS ) Ililunco and no permanent retirement from ( poxvor for the groit organization of which 1'residont Harrison is an ex _ emplar , rw.s / AXI > CO.WH/.Y.UVO.VA There i.s no dilTeroncc of opinion in the political parties regarding the duly of suppressing trusts nnd combinations to control production and prices. Both agree that this should bo dona and the party which xvill succeed to power in the government next March is pledged by its platform to enforce the existing laxv against trusts aim to provide whatever other loL'iblntion may bo found neces sary for thuir suppression. The laxv that xvas passed by the last republican congress has not accom plished what xvas expected of it. In but ono case , as xvo remember , has it boon olluctive in breaking up a combination of tlio character described in the act , In that case the United Stutoa circuit court decided that the laxv is Lu tional and subsequently the ll t of .liistico instructed the federal district attorneys throughout the country to take steps for enforcing the laxv. Special agents of the department xvero also di rected to collect evidence for institut ing proceeding * against several of the larger combinations. Suit xvas brought against Iho whisky trust , but it fell through on u technicality and no clTort , so fur us the public KIIOWH , 1ms since been made to renew it The proposed prosecution of the cordage trust did not materialise , and indeed the numerous combinations denounced in thu plut- foiins of both the partjcs are allowed i to go on as ' if their existence xvas entirely lawful'and there had boon no il li tion for their suppression. As there re mains less than four months of the pres ent administration it is not likely that the Department of Justice xvill be dis i posed to commence proceedings against any of the trusts , uud there uro obvious reasons why the mrxltor nbould bo left to bo c.u-oii for by the party thai xvill administer the por.Turnout for four years from next March. That parly xvhl ho expected to curry out Us p'cdgc In relation to trusts nnd monopolistic combinations existing in violation of the laxv nnd doomed to bo inimical to the public interest" . It xvill be expected to lose nollmoin proceeding against the sugar trust nnd the nnthra- clto coal monopoly , xvhlch are plunder ing the people to the amount of millions of dollnrs annually. These combinations lire independent of the ttirllT and xvill not ba seriously nIToctod by any clmngo of tariff policy , as some of the others may bo. They must bo reached by the direct applicilion of the laxv. O.io of the Imperative duties that xvill devolve upon the democratic parly xvhon it re- turiH to pnxvcr , In order to keep faith xvith the people , xvill bo to rigidly en force the ntitl-lrust laxx , and if that bo found inadequate to the .suppression of trust.- ! and combinations , to auuplcmonl it xvith legislation that xvill bo sulllclunt. ro.\r///.V / ( AXD AiumiiATittx. Tlio collapse ot Hie ( rroitt strike in Noxv Orion lit , xvhlch began on October 12-and has nearly paraly/od business of all kinds in that oity , upDcars to bo duo to the impossibility of keeping up the courage of the thousands of employes xvho had not n sitlllciont personal stiko in tin- result of the light to endure Iho S'lcritii'.o longer. It xv.m u sympathetic strike so far as most ot the unions xvoro concerned and embraced employes in scores of industries. Ono feature of the surrender of the .strikers is gratifying to nil xvho like lo .see \vorkingnriii have fair and oven generous treatment xvhon he is forced to yield. Through the efforts of com- miMoes representing the unions nnd the employer ! . , together with the governor ot iho stito , an ngrnomont xvas reached by xvhich all of the btrikcrs xvill betaken taken buck , except xvhoro contracts have been made xvith the foxv xvho noxv fill their places and the question of wusres is lo bo bubtnittcd to arbitration. At thi.- , distance this SJOUH to bo an arrangement that must prove mutually salisfacto1 y and if the employers exorcise good judgment in dealing xvith the de- | foaled unions thcic in iy ensue an era of good feeling that xvill be profitable xvoll as nleabant to all concerned. If the outcome of this great struggle proves anything it prox-os that u byinpa- thctin htriko embracing unions ciifiafred in industries not directly dependent uion ono another has little ehanco of success ; for xve bolicvo there has , never before boon xvilnessod in this country n strike in xvhich so lurffo it number of unions tool : part out of sympathy. But xvithout attempting to dibcuss the morita of Hie case it is pleasant to note that in the adjustment of the quarrel xviso counsels - sols seem to have prox'ailod on botli sides. Friendly and reasonable confer- euro is n good remedy for such differt ences , and if the arbitration concerning xva-jcs is conducted in the right spirit its results cannot fail to bo mutually satisfactory. SU.MK A'UVDKl ) HKFOItMS. The adoption of the Australian system bus given us ballot reform , but wo still lack reform in the method of canvassing election returns. Tlio refusal by many of the judges and clerks of election to carry out the directions given by the county commissioners and mayor for a uniform count , beginning xvith the elec toral ticket and ending xvitb precinct olllcors , caused a great deal of con fusion and delay. The only remedy for this is a laxv that will require election olllcers to count the ballots in a given order. To expedite the count , provision should also be made by laxv for counting tlio vote in metro politan citlos from hour to hour , us is done in New York. Another needed reform is that the canvass of the vote shall begin llio morning after election and continue as rapidly as possible until all the returns have been rocoix-od. To xvait until Iho lasl precinct has made Its return delays the canvass txvo or three days. Such bungling is tolerated in no other city in the country. The county ofllcer.s should have nil their blanks ready before elec tion and the mon xvho are lo constitute the canvuBsintr board should bo notillnd to hold themselves in readiness to bejlii xvork the morning after election. ILid this method been pursued the cnnvnss ot DouyiiiH county returns xvould have been completed Thurnday. This is no rolh'ction upon County CJlork Saokolt , improvements for compiling and civn- x'asslng the voto. Mr. Siokott has sim ply folloxvcd the jirecodont heretofore established , not to begin the canvass until the last box is in. It is to bo hoped that ho xvill break away from this precedent next yoirnnd begin the cuiivii&H the morning after the election. Tim Board of Health at its last moot t- ing considered ono subject that xvill no doubt develop into a problem of some ! niftrlanco | next summer if there is 10a renewal of Ihc cholera scare. The use ! of xvoll xvntor in the outlying districts of the city , and particularly in tlio region - gion lying near Iho Prospect Hill ceme tery , i said by the health olllcer to oo the prob'iblo euuso of much of Iho sickness f i om eonlagious diseases. While the mortality h.is not boon great t hero hnvo buen many cases of more or less severity during the past foxv month y. During October , uceoi ding to the report 1 the number of cases of contagious disease xvas seventy-nine , but foxv of those xvoro fatal. The substitution of city xvatorfor that noxv taken from xvolU may become an imperative necessity before long. The change xvill bo expensive and may meet xvith opposition , but public health t must be guarded. ATTOHNBY GIJNIJII.U. Mir.i.nn re marked in commenting on the election that it is up-hill work io-oleoting any man to any olllco , nnd a Washington dispatch says that It Is thooplnfnn there that u plank xvill bo inserted in future platforms' which xvill itself determine the question ol a second presidential term. This subject was somewhat dlb- cii.-bod in advance of thu mooting of the republican na'lorml convention , but the prevailing opinion among republicans xvafl that there was no general popular sentiment unfavorable lo u second nrm. It U qullo posslIjTC , however , that the projiiillco against a president paccocd * Ing himself tiny bo far moro common limn has been miphusod. Ttio fact Hint since Lincoln nnd Grant , carried over by peculiar circumstances , or by 1m- monso'populnrity no president has suc ceeded hlmsolfJ .il not xvithout slgnlll . . J. . * n * e-inco as Indlcnfljij ; n strong popular sentiment opposed to aiich succession. It is hardly to bo doubted that it the question of limiting the presidency to one term xvoro siuSrmtted to Iho people a large majority would bo found to favor it , xvith the provision , perhaps , that the term bo made longer than four years. Wo do not think that the one-term idea had any appreciable effect anywhere tn the Into election , but it presents a ques tion that Is xvorthy of the consideration of Iho political parlies , and the ono that first declares for n single presidential term xvill doubtless gain In popular strength. IT is noxv eight months since the council established the ollli-o of city olectriclun , but the ordliiuncix dulliiing his dutle-3 nnd poxvors und logulutlng the inspection of oloctrio fight , motor and telegraph xvlros is still slumbering in a pigeon holt ? . What other inference can bo tlruxvn than that the franchised corporations huvo a deadly grip on cer tain I'ounolltnon ? OlllKlt /.I.VM.S TVI.IA The antagonism ot ttio Hnusn of Lords to any homo rule bill that' the Commom are llltolv to adopt bein assured , It becomes In- 7 to consider hoxv that nntuironism xvill bo met , nud by xvhat moans It caa bo overcome ) . It tins been currently reported tnnt Mr. Gladstone Intends to secure A ma jority of the Lords by croatlnt ; nt tunny noxv peers as It may bo necessary to produce , anil Lord Salisbury ulvns weight to that rumor l > y explaining how ho and his colleagues pro pose to ineoL such a mox'e If it Is madu. Ho says that the tiocvly cro.ited peers xvou'd bo refused admission to the houio , nnd | ho cltu.s some rather doubtful precedents to support the constitutionality of such re fusal. It U dirtluult to see how this could he done. The letters patent under which paera of tlio realm are created carry xvith thorn the right to a seat In the hereditary chamber nnd to dispute that right xvould bo in oflect an uct of rebellion against the sovoreisn granting It. It xvould bo n kind of treason and xvtion itcamo to tlio point , the Lords xx'ould hardly venture on It. Hut if ttio Lords present a solid front against homo ruic , public opinion mseht not supnort such a wholesale creation of peerages as would bo necessary to ovnrcomo It , and nnotlior con- tingenry xvhicn has not yet boon mlht possibly nriso. The queen might refuse to sanction the issue of the rcquUito letters patent. In creating peerages the queen usuallv deus no moro than carry out the suggestions of iho premier , but she has tlio power to Uo uioro. The creation of piorasos is In a special sonsohor personal act nnd she might refuse to bo a party to Mr. Glailstono's purposes. | Considering that her oxva sympa thies are all xvllh Lord Salisbury in this strugple , stio xvould nlmoit certainly do so if assured of public support and according to the cloction returns England xvould bo xvltu her. 1 Altogether it Is improbable that Mr. Gladstone < will resort to any such coup < lo theater ' as the creation of from aOO to 500 noxv poors. What lib Is much moro UUoly to do xvhon tha Lord ? ro'joctthb homolrulo bill is temporarily to accept the situation and proceed to a further reform of the ballot on tbu princinlu of manhood suitraso and ono man one vote for at proiont ths Briton can i vote Iu us many election districts ns ho hap pens to possess roalcstuto in und having Uius r.idlL'ully popularized the electorate , dissolve parliament and appeal to the country. It may bo sniil that his no.v ballot reform bill might also bo throxvn out by the Lords , but in that case he xx'ould hax'o u popular issue xvhoroxvlth to go to the country , n much raoro popular ono than Irish homo rule Parliament docs not assemble until next February , but tnero are some lively scones ahead of it xvhea it , does got. doxvn to work , and n struggle between Lords nud Conimons more momentous and Interesting than any history record ! Is already assured. Italy Is holding a general election , the re sult of which will dotormlno the domestic policy of the kingdom and its foreign rola- lions , especially xvith the ether members of the triple alliaaco , nnd xvill hax'o u powerful bnarmg upon the question of peace or xvar in Europe. The present Italian trouble is u financial ono. There Is a chronic tlistlcil in the builgot , caused partly by vast extrava gance in puolio works and partly by the uo.ivy military expenditures imposed by the triple allunco. This evil can bu remedied only in ono of txvo xvnvs : reduction of ox- pensoi or incrjaso of income. The latter means increase of taxation , aurl that is out , of the question. The government dares not lo propose it , for the nation xvould not on- iluro it. In Uusslu , of course , the people hava no volco In the mattar. ou Franca xvondrous thrift and patriotic i. i.id otic ardor immo them able nnd xvllling to ondura great burdens. In Ger many they are too xvell drilled to resist thai Imperial will , xvhioh , they are told , is thu supremu laxv. In Austria-Hungary thcro nro plo.'isa'it conditions of life , Uriel also a cor- taln military enthusiasm , thai reconcile the people ) to their burdens. Hut In Italy there U moro inuopandonco of popular spirit and moro desire lor ease and prosperity at homo and less /eal for glory or rovcngo abroad , nora that to their present taxes the people give grudging ttssuiit , and against any Increase they xvoulit protest too vigorously for the comfort of the crown. There remains , then , reduction of oxpundliurai , xvtuuh may bo effected on either civil or military itoins , The ministry already promises to reduce the : military badstet from J.000,000 to $111,200 , . OiK ) . On that scorn , /inducial / equilibrium intent bo attained and no general popular opposition xvould be 'aroused. This lus.t named course , hoxvex'cr , xvould bo fraught xvitb giMVo perils to iho po.icu of Kuropn. Huch u cutting down of army oxpoasui xvould mean a trront reduction of actlx'o mili tary .strength , and that xvould seriously affect ifor fect the tiiplo nlllaufc. Italy holds nor place In that loairuo or neacu on too undor- Htanillng that sh keeps pico xvllh unr irvo comruaes In Instant readinass for xvar. Tna moment , therefore , blip relaxes preparation nnd reduces her army ; to u pcauo footing as she xvould do by tbo'fchungo proposed tbo uili'anco is practically dissolved , * * The ( J or man briny bill , although the repre sentatives of Uavura and of other south Gorman states are ktioxva to bo opposed to it , Is regarded as certain to obtain the apuroval of thu federal senato. It rt'ill then corns bo- faro thu H lohstug , xvhich hu 307 inombors , and in xvblcb , therefore , a majority is I'j'J. Assuming that the chancellor oan obtala been asslstancoof every membarof each section of the conservative party , ho xvill enter too contest xvith l'-7 votes. Uo wlllnooJ sovonty- txvo inoro In order to oDiaia a bira majority of ono. Ho can oxpsct no bolp from tha na tional liberals or from ths irelsiniiUo party or from tha socialist * . Tbo auxiliaries xvhioh are inuupinblDlo to hU sucoss-i muit ba sought among tha clericals or ceuirlus , and It u by no moans certain that thcso Catholic s xvill act together on the military question , The clorlcAls of south Cl or many hnvo nlroaily ovlncod ix ronillnoM to ditruDt their party sooner ttinti to co-opnr- nto xvith Iho Prussian Catholics In bohnU of measures xvhlch xvill grievously ixuRinnat ox- ing military anil fiscal biinlom , Chancellor - lor Cnprlvl has nltemploJ , through ttio ( ! or- man minister to tha Vatican , tn por.stiaJo Leo XIII , to Interpose In lui favor niul direct south Gorman ( Jnthollos to support the nrmr bill. Thcro nrn as yet no Indications tlmt the pops is xvllllng tn assist in enlarging the resources nf thn triple nltlnuca , which has hitherto Mioxvn itself ns hostile to the pap.ioy ns it I.s to l-'runco. AccordIng - Ing to Citprlvl himself , the safetv of Germany Is staltod upon the passage of the nrmy bill. The fate ot this bill xvhl depend upon the vote of Cathollo members of tha Reichstag from south Germany , nnd these votes , ngain , xvill bo largely inllucncod and lirobablv detormlncit by n suggestion from the ' ngod Itunato of the va'.icnn. Halt the nightmares xvith xvhleh Ktiropo is oppressed xxlll disappear xvhon Uermany coasoi to ba under the rule and control ot n military Ca-iiir xvhoso ministers are practic ally , though not theoretically , free from parliamentary responsibility. Relief from tills rule xvill some day rome. U'hothor the first step In obinlnlng this rollot is to betaken taken now xvill turn neither tinon nowspinor ( lisctisjioii nor on the dobxtcs ; of Iho Heiclis- tap , but oti the powurs ot the lenders of the ooiitvist party to donx-or the votes thov con trol and on the readiness of the Impoiliil ministry to pay the price domutulod for these votes. If the usual bargain can bo uri-anucd of concessions to the Roman Cathollo church In return for support in the ItolchstEur , the military bill Is certain ot passage , nnd the supremacy of constitutional Institutions over incro militarism xvill bu again postponed by the allmnco belwoon tno conservatives of Prussia mid the ( Jntnollcs of the empire. I , unking I'nrunril , Lot us nil take a Dig iltiuk of "adversity's sxvect inilU , philosophy , " It xxou't unuloct Clovclnud , but it will onablu us to look xvith coaraire nntl coiilidonco to Ih''ii. Ciniiii | > iH'c ol tlin I'trsliloiil , /uliisn Cll i > ( < n The composure xvhlch Mr. Unrrhoii ilis- nlays In thi hour of dofoal will appeal to iho nd miration uf iho public. U is not Imposst- blu t'.at the gioat domestic ! grief through winch ho is passing renders him less sensible to his political disappointment than hu xvoild hava lieun in thu nb-iutifo nf lliosoro boroax'e- ni'-Mit xvhich is iibsorhmg in its Intunslty and excludes other catisus of I'olltlciil Art ci itlclBin. .s ( . Lnitli Clnljr-ltfiiMi rut. The Globe-Democrat reluctantly printed a line picture of Grover Cleveland on its llrst page yesterday. Ah , but if yon Imd seen ttio splendid > ) ortrait of General Harrison xvhlch xvas ready for use , but xvhich , oxving to cir cumstances xvhi'cu xve tried to control , but couldn't , was not used : a facu and head xvhich Rembrandt could not , have bettered , siiriiiouiititifr thu body of a Cochin rooster , thu pride ot the perch and tbo glory of the coop -making "a combination nnd n form , indeed , where every god did soooi to set his seal1' to L'ixo the world assurance of a xviu- ner the omnodimcnt , as u whole , of the highest I ideal In picturesque portrait paint ing. i Compared xvith the unroostored lliieii- ments ' ot the stuffed but elected prophet ot ' XVlllinm struct , it xx-as truly a case of tlv- ponon ! to a Satyr , and moro. too. Vet it xvas ruthlessly iI relegated to ttio lumber room of the I c-eat defeated oy a lot of vulgar election statistics which xvero thiust upon us late at night. It is griavous , indeed , to see tha highest ideals of cxccllonoo in art thus rudely shattered oy the x'atidalism of ignoble suffrage. _ Illllltlli Ulllllil .NotXlll. . Cl : ca\i \ i Tl lljliiir. It is of no use for any republican to lay the ' llatloring unction to' his soul that If Mr. IJl.iino had boon tbo republican candidate the result of the election xvould have been Clovnlaiid'a defeat. It xvould ht-vo boon es sentially the same as it is now. The outconiu xvould not have been ns bad In Nnxv Yorl : and Illinois and Indiana. The democratic majorities xvould liavo been smaller , but. thn underlying causes xvhicb led to Mr. Ilnirl- son's defeat would have draecuJ dovxu Air. Hlaino in the sumo disaster. Porsonul affec tion and admiration for Mr. lilatno uoiilcl huvo gained thousands of voles fur tliolicknt , but it xvould never have changed the result. Mr. ISlainc xvould hax-o Deoii bo.iten. It can now bo seen that it'xvas n good thina that liu did not run. only to moel with aefcat and his devoted friends xvith fresh disappoint ments. The fntob would have been against him. Ho xvould huvo received muny Irish X'otes , but cotonough to have uiaau headxvay against tbo many solid Gorman , Polish , llo- bumiau , Itulian , Frouch-Cnnadinn , Hun garian , Russian , Sxviss , and other Europeans' votes xvhich xvoro piled up by tco million against their employers aud protection. IX LAllOIt'H FlKUt. Union bricklayers In Hoston commenced xvorlting on the eight-hour scale last xvuok. The Karmont cutters in Houston , Tex. , hiivu miulo a domaad for a xvorlilug xvcelc of lifty-eipht hours. Tno third annual convention of the United Garment Workers xvill bo hold in Philadel phia on Mio " 1st iust. The llftluth nnnlversary of the National Tvoographlcal union , of Austria , xvns recently colobrutud in Vienna oy a banquet and ball. Furniture Workmen's ' Fire Insurance as sociation has a membership of 7tbl ! ) und assets In its treasury to tno amount of 11- llfi.'JO. A goner.il strike of members of the Elec trical Wirumon's union commenced last week iu Nexv York city and JJrooKlvu. Of or quit xvorlc. There nro ninety-seven local branches xvhich IIBVO a grots momberihlp of ube t S.OOt ) . alllllated with tlio Spanish National Federation of Trades Unions. . Out of 1(57 ( cases In xvhich the national Kox'ornmont iustitutod prosooullons for violation lation of the contract , laoor laxv. 151 xvoru successful , tun unsuccessful , nnd six xvoro olthor comiirnmUed or abandoned. Grand Chlof Mlssi'nor of the Hrothcrhnod of Cannon says that railroad labor oriranui- uoiis hax'o u surprise In store for ompluyurs In thn shane ot nn International orgam/.ation , xvhlch includes ovrry railroad umplove , from truckmen up. The organization , lie said , will bo in wlmpo before Januiry , nnd niuut- ings are noxv being hold throughout thu country , The iuLOinu of the Hrothrriiood of Kail- road Trainmen for lust year iimoiintcd to $ , 111,107.1 J and the disbursements tof.Vil- 141.IJ ! ) . Of those Bums $111 , ' , ! ' . ) ) was received on account of the bcnetlciary iund und f < < 0- ? s.17 for thu gmiornl fund. On account of the beuuliclary funJ tillWl xvas disbursed nnd ol tlio gonuiMl fund Jfill.'JtlO.ll. The liiotherliooii tins a inenibtrship of nearly " ) ! , - ODD und u cah balauco in its treasury of about ftO,000. _ I'lnvdiuly .XI.ty ICntlrn , hT. LofH , Mo. , Nov. II , J. H , Soverlgn of lies Moinoj , Ja , , log'l adviser of the KnigtitB of Lubor says thu coiihtitutloa and bjlaxxbff the order xvill undergo a thorough revision ut the convention here ntxt XVCOK , uut xvhiit cnnngos xvill be muilo ho Is yet 5 Dislodge Bile , Stir up the Liver , i Cure Sick-Headache , i | Female Ailments , I Remove Disease and i : Promote Good Health , I > OoTorei with a TuUUu & Bolobla Coating , Faraous tlio world over. AJ'X ( or llcccham's unJ take no others. Of all driiKgiiu. I'rice XI > cents a boi. , ! New V ork Depot. i < Canal St unnbloto Mtnt Thn convention will ho composed of about 100 ilolegixtos , tt Is re ported that ( Irani ! Master \Vorltman I'ow- ilnrly xvill rollro from the t > o ltlon ho noxv holds , imil thnt hixvtll rocommenil ns his ccpssor , A. U' . Wright , penornl Inotnrorot tha order. in.uoitv ici.Kcrntff / > ' . Tilly Xli-n In \nrrli I'uriillim I'rrrlncl lln- RIIKC In n t > n | > rnit < t HI rniilc. Joiiv s OITV. Tonn . Nov. U. Noxvs 1ms roichcd ht-ro of the bloodlast olcriUm llgnt on record nt the polls nt IUj ( Itock prook , Mitohull county , N C , bctxvoun ropubllc.in factions. Ueork'n K. I'rlt liard , ropnbllciin iiomlnco for sheriff , xvm opposcJ by Isnnu McKlnnoy , Indcpontldiit republican , xvho xvns defeated tor the nomination by n small majority. , . Thocanvuss had boon vorv bitter The tlgiit xvas precipitated bv ono ot McMii- noy's ndhnronts kiincKlng doxvn an opponent. Immediately the xxholo oroxvil ol IHty took sides. A desperate btilllo onsund. Stones Knives and pistols xvoro luoil with torrlhlo effect. There xvoro txventy xvunndod of whom four xvill die. Thn xvholo population Is I : In arms and moro bloodshed if expected , t'Mi irrTn.tH.nr. I.llliuikiiliuilniiil llnr l.cclsliitttrent l.ucsrr- lic.iiU ( loM-iniuont Alnuist lt til < riiil | , SN Fiusdsio , cm. , N'ox11. . A loiter from Honolulu of October SI , recolx-oil lust night , sixys : "Business Is ut u standstill. The government Is ultnoU buimrupt. tov- ! ernmert employes hnvo not been paid for the lust month. The appropriation bit ! Is not through tha second roadlni ; und the queen und legislature are nt loggerheads. The queen insists upon appointing her own rnhl- not , The lust cabinet xvns removed by legis ' lative votes In just txvo hours and txx'o mill' utos after It xvas nnnotinccd. I'ursonnllv iho momliurs of the opposition ura distasteful to the queen , bho is reported to Imvo said be fore she would ucUnowlodgi ) this principle she would ccdo the kingdom to the United States. " tlio l.lniHI the Siini\v. | It tins just boon dccldrd that thn Indian squaxv und the cowboy , xvho together pose as the design for the seal of the city of Omahn , must i move doxvn nnd out. When Henry Lohmann secured the con tract for frescoing the council chamber , the document botxvoon himself and the city pro vided that , In addition to his ether xx-orlt , no should nalnt n counturp.irt of the design thut oocupleslhooontr.il portion of the lloor ot the court out 10 xvull uf thu council chamber , Jint bonlnd til president's dcsic. some iluy * nco ho completed th-j main portion of the xvorlt nnd started on the llguros. The outlines xvoro palmed uud thun the council called n halt , informing the urllst Dint squixvs nnd cowboys shoulU never huvo their faces p.ilntod on these walla. Tnoru thn m.utor toils nnd now 'Lo ' councllmcn nro cudgeling thuir brains , tr.vini : to studv nut some dubicn that xvill ba In Ucoping xvitn the balance of the interior of the council clnmo'jr. IICCOMTCII II .Mliollllll' . Dctootlvo Vl//arJ ; o ' .erday recovered a typewriter Irom u sacond h.md btoro , for xvhlch fin has boon .searcbing lor some divs. It xvns stolen Irom Mugealh , the lypuxvritur ugont. . i AM * ; ; n.n f.ii 11us I'lillnilolnlila Tliuos : A peculiarity of cer tain cranks Is that they can't ho tinned. tniH'Mintmlls.Tniiriinl : "What stumps mo , " niiKiM tins phllosupher , "is thufiel thnt the mini with a ciiuil. Ion. swallow Ib iiuini IIKoly to ho u iirolilblluinl.st thun Is his phurt-nccUud fellow ultl/on. " Washington Star : " ( Jot or job riinnln' a vol- lei valor. Is yoV" said thu Janitor totholioy \\lio b.iilis : shoes. iiH , I Is. " "XVi-ll. I's Rlad oil It. r.t diili's miyboily dat needs a heap ob brlngln' up It's you. " Toxns SIftlnas : Tlio cucumber does Its boH ufliT It Is down. Soinervlllo .Tonrnnl : It's no nsu for : i man to tiy and i-nloy looking .it tha priceless tio.isuii's uf nn art cullury when hu IKIS u big liolo In thu lee of his rUlit tuilcln. ! [ unit uuii feel It xxhllu hu Is walking uround , Chicago Inter Ocoin : A cyclone nny bo put down In thu list uf cutohllU airs. n. Orav & . f'o.N Monthly : "Do von suppose - pose b" liu ii > | i > c'tfd von boLMiiso yon uuronot rleh 01 loinrli'f"Voll , shu jtivo inu to imdor- -st.iiul I xx.is it man of no Intuicbt nnd not much principal , " llronl.lyn Hislo : I'lrst Actor What bion-jlit you liomu Poor In/ ? Second Actor On the contr.irv , business as sogooii that our niniiugur dioppud ( le.ul from surprise und lioirt dlsuusu , und xvo had to disband In Philadelphia Kccord : I'oiham the moit Riilt.ihlo ( il.ioo for a pri/u ll lit would bu u lUUIUlhOUbU. IioxTull Courier : Ghosts nro not atxvuy.s meant hen Ihu shades of nli.'ht uro apukon of , Noxv Orleans t'lonyuno : All the Urn escapes yet Invented nro to hull ) peoplu In getting ( town from lil h places. Nunu uro mndo tons- slat in climbing up. Ltoin.il riuiiiuhinont Is houelebs. IndliuupollH Journal : "Do yoncvorshod tours reul 10,111 on thu stniro ? " "I did the first two or three times my trunks xvoru levied on , " replied llttio Jvi , "but after thut I soiter got usoJ to It , scuV'V THE STIIKKT sxxirrKii. : II ttim Luilltfi : I do not mind thes } inonslions trains That all the uomon wuar. Nor thnt they ralsu such e oii'Is of dust Do I a Conner eaiu. Hut I urn vnrv frco tn siy "J'lxoiilil K t\-o thiini lots uf ruck If only t hey xx-nnid inn their tialns Upon u private Iniul. . MODKHN WOODMltN , Coming of thn llr < nd ( tamp In Outnlin It Mull I'rotlilrd for. The bond cnmp mooting of Uio Metier Woodmen of America , xvhioh nscmblfli In Exposition Imllln thin city on Tuesday noxt. xvill crobablv mark nn Important epoch Iu I thehlstorv ot thnt. order , llonit ofllcors for Uio ensuing txvoycixrt are to uo clcototl , nntt the Indications nro Hint several measures fur reaching niul Important In their probablu ro sullswiii come before ttio meeting for con ftldcnillon. Tlio groivth of Uio Modern xVoortmon of Amorlca during the past txvo yonrs tins been ll'tloshort ol marvelous , the membership having nearly doubled In that tliuovlillu thu groxvih of thu trontury bnlaiicu has been still more flattering. Whun ttio present head ofllreis went Into olllco two vonrs ago thov found the tro.tsnry in dubluml the order oh the ycrgo of dissolution , but they xxont to xvorit xvith n xvilt nud an iinilcrstnnolug of the tnsk xvhlch xvns before them , and so tireless - loss and xvcll directed have burn their labors ; so keen hits been their Insigtit into iho ro- iiuiremcnts of thn order thnt the .Modern \Voodmpii of America Mims ! today on a soldi and MitmniiUiil footing xvllh the future bught before it The head c.iinp so slonn xvill bo held In im position nail , beginning Tuesday mornluff , und continuing every forenoon nntl nfior- noon for tlir" ! ) duvs , or longer If nccossiirx1. A special Wooilmiin train xvill bo run froin 1'eorln , 111 , nnd an uxcutsion rnto of onu mid line third faro xvill prevail on all railroads entering this city. It Is oxpuotod Hint thou- shiuls of Modern Woodmen from nil over tin ) Juilsuictlon ivill bo In Omnlm during Iho mooting nml Uiu camps of the city have niado most elaborate iirrniigumcnts for their ontertninmeiit. Tuosiinv nvoning n inibllo reception xvill bo held at Imposition hall , xvhich xvill be frco to all , nnd to xvhlch nit nro earnestly invited Addresses ot xvolcoinu to tno visiting afllcor * nnd delegates xvill bo made bv Uovernor Hoytl , on behalf of the state , bv Mayor ISamls. nn behalf of tbo cltv , nml bv Con pressman \V J. Hryiin , xvtio is an oiithusl nsllo devotee \\oodcrnft , on buhulf of the \\oailmun ot Nebraska. Responses will bo miulo bv llend Consul William A. North- cottof Greenville , 111. , nn eloquent und en tertaining orator. Wednesday night tna Hoyal Neighbors of Amiirlcn xvill o.xomnllfy their lloor xvorlt lor thu boue.Hl of thu head camp nnd visitors at the hall of Camp 120 ! In In Coiillncntnl blocic. Thursday night a grand ball unit orator supper xvill bo given , for Woodmen ami tliclr Indies only , at tlio Homo of Mnptu camp , Iu Goodrich hall. No nun unu gniu admission to ( ho building xvho ran not glvo the pass xxoid , and no hulv can bo ndmittoil tin- IcbS uccompanlcd oy a goiitlumnn luix- ing the snmo. ICmcoratc nrrancoinont.s have been nmilu for this series uf entertalnmonts nmi It goes xvithout saving that they xvill bo IOIIK roinemboreil bv tiioso xvho sliull bo In abundance. Thu llvu camps ol Umnlm ivlth their total memborshli ) of about ' .wo lusty Woodmen have put thuir .shouldi-r * to the xvhunl nnd have sxvorn bv the licnnU of thnlr venerable , eonsiils thnt thu hc.ul camp muutlng ut Umuhii snail bo foievcr looHed bncls to , nud cited as a crl terion on nil fuluiu similar occasion * Omaha cnmp 1-D adopted llvu moro rniull- dates lu.si Wednusduy iiiglu. The title of thu "Hustlers , " xvtilcn has been applied to them , seems to bo xvoll onrned. Smrldi' nl u Uitns.is 1'ostmiistnr. lloi'r , Km. , No11. . Postmaster S. M Teats con.mlltcil sulcldu yoaterday iiftornoon in tlio postofllco by shooting himself in the head xvith n revolver. Ho xvas llnnnclnlly embirrusscd , nnd four ot losine his plnco iinder the democratic administration caused Him to become bulcidallv despondent. tTox iro. / ; . > Ai' mi : Vine tlcitre .Amni.if. In their rubbers nnd In thuir nlnd-xruvud i Their iiinbrolhis dtlpplng Hoods upon tha huads nf lloston iiiun ; The funmlu vntors rallied , Not u innlhurN iliuuhler ilnlll-d : Tliey eiiinu up wet lint duuntluis , utralght to the polling pen. Stitolv mtildciis , .isoil lussos , ( jl-irliiK chilly through thuir glustos , Haino : < l the tfckuls most sevoiely , never p issod thu tlniu uf iluy : Tlijhloi drew tholreliuit urotcctnrs ( irlinly iluiud at thu Inspcetuis , HrniiJlshed thuir nmiirullas proud ygrandly , coldiy stalked itxxoy. Nninnnnf them thnt xvoiulnrpil If yliup shuh idn't blumloroil. Iflmr voie us tr.iiiscciidciital and boyonil dmpntc ordonht. Votns ho'iiu ' they i > ro relurnlnz XX'llh ( h'ilrii iwnsi triumph hiiruliig. llou m uiv do/.un of them knuw whut xvus thu U jht ubout ? llnppy mntron" , wisest lusie" , Hotter th iu tlio llrou uliu clussns , Thu clinic of the mind cute , or thoo-toterlo soul fnoiis. It Is to ho u voter , A elvill/atlon motor , A vitoyuimu ot Hojton over whom tlio codllsb hiooils. AIL THE SAME. THAYER , IOWA. _ I suffered for a Ion f Bn Pain , . . , . , _ . time with strained A Long . . . . , , _ . back , and was in bed Time. . four months. ST. JACOBS OIL I" Bed cured inc. i\ J. C. Stout. Months. J. irccsl Vaniif'ielnrcrs and Ilotullors . iUluihlniln ( ; limorld. We won The confidence of the public long ago by dealing squarely with all cus tomers. We are manu facturers , the largest in the world in fact , and importers of line cloth ing for men and boys , thus making our styles exclusive and original , livery garment is made unJcr our own careful supervisoin makingpossibleour perfection of lit an\ \ workmanship. Then selling direct to the wearer saves you at least one profit and many dollars besides. Tak ing all this into consideration our prices must necessa rily be low enough for any one. Yon will always be satisfieJ with what yon buy of us no matter how little you pay for it. BrowningKing&Co L I5ti ! & Douglas Sis/ /