THE DATLY BBJS R , EPlTon. EVKUY MOKNINO OFFICIAt. PAPBtt OF THE CITY. * TKnM8 oKHtWUIllPTIO.V. tyl\t \ Dee ( wlltinut ennitMl Ono y ar f J > l ) llr nlHiind r. ono \eu 10ro r , o < > t M hnndny Hep. onn Imr . JCO P nird r llf , Ono Venn . . . . I (0 \\ecklr llff. uno Yrnr . , . . 1 W OKK1CK9. Omiih . Tim I'm South Omrihs , corner N no zntb Council IllntTi , 12 1'earl Mrcct. ClilrtRO onin ? . 817 Clmtnlicr nf rommcreij. New York , llunnn 1.1,11 unil l. > . TrIBune llulldlnt V uhlnRlon. 612 ronrtPcntli atrpct. COIIHK8PONOKNCK. ' All romtniinlcntlonit tclBtliiB to ncnt nnA * ailorlnlnmltcr should tu nflitrciscd to the i i- ilorltl Depnttment. 1IUH1NKP3 I.KITKIH. AllbuoliiftK lrttnr niul romltlnncci nlionM lie dclrrsrril to T lie llco l'iihll > lilnit 'onipinr. llm h . DniTlK. clirrk n l po toffirn orcH'rs to bo tnado t / blo lo tl corilcr or tlio comimnr- THE HBEPUULISIIING COMPANY BWOHNSTATKMKNT Ol' CUtCIJI.ATlO.N. fiUloof Nclirn Vn. I xl1lSJl"'nV0nKl"VB.aor ! ! | or Til. n P b llnlilnKC.imiinny. iloc < unleiuiilr , ; " JP"-1 ! ! ? . . I . lor tlio - rek ctn l rlr"iii tl n of Tnr. IMII.V r.i rnillni : November 5. IffU. exeuitln | tlie c tr 3 o'clock cillllPn. wns i > follows : r. CrtolrrKO . r. ' 'otrniluT 1 WcUnp l r. NiiicinlxT J Il.iirnlnj. . Frldiir , Mirniibrr . . T , November a Fnorn to ln'forn mnniiil nub crlboil In mj prcs nrc tills Stli il 7 of NnTnmh T. 18'J3. \V. II. 1IAI.U Not ry t'ubllc. Clrriilntlnn for Oc-mbrr , Wu'i.i. ' sco you latoi ( our yonra Itxtor. TUB people's party In Nebraska has pone lo smnsh. OMAHA IB nil rlfjht now financially , musically nnd politically. AND Jerry Simpson id rnturnod. This' ib tlio most unklndcBt utit of all. No ONi : is liulf so intich surprised ever this election ns Oiovur Clovolund. No\v quit talking about politics and po to worlc for Omiiliit and Nebraska. NmiUASKA is still shaking handa with Itself ever Umt glorious Tuesday vic tory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WHAT reason tlio democrats of Omaha have for a jamboree pusses all compre hension. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK ( all crop of politics has boon har vested. Now lot us Imrvcsl the ( all corn crop. Tun west will bo henceforth regarded ns worth saving by national campaign committees. IT'S dollars to doughnuts that the democrats will not repeal the McKinley law during the lie of the next congress. Tuosn unclean birds in the county jail were sadly in xvant of n bath and ihoy got it. The only thing lucking is soap. _ IT IIKAIJW looksns if xvo xvoro bound to got thnt legislature nftor all. And that is a great deal moro than xvo ox- pcclod. _ TIIERK is ono consolation. Wo will have no moro olcclions unlil next fall and the unsightly election booths that hnvo bcon obstructing our streets for months will take : i recess. GOVKHNOU JOHN II GBAII has boeu elected in the First Iowa district by a Binall plurality , xvhlch , taking till things Into consideration , was the most xvon- dorful republican victory of the day. FIIKD NinvBKKUY , who ( athorod the fatuous Noxvborry bill , xvhich was prepared - pared by the indopundonts , has carried hia logitiliuivo district by a plurality o ( one. This is not n unanimous endorse ment , by any means. G'OAkcosls$7.50 per ton in Chicago , the freight to this point from Chicagoi.s $2.75 , which moans tlmt coil should bo Bold hero at $10.25. But xvo uro com pelled to pay $11 for it. Have wo an Omaha coal combine':1 : Governor 13oios xvatchcd the figures , booing Iioxv Stevenson xvas elected nnd loxva had gone back on de mocracy , ho probably kicked himself all ox'or the c'ipkol for refusing the vlco presidential nomination at Chicago last Juno. is ono tiling about the Aus tralian ballot system that favors the de feated. It takes BO long to got at the result that the defeated candidate ia not instantly stunned. Tlio nxvful truth dnxvns upon him gradually and ho is thus given time to summon his fortitude. Now that the stnoko of battle has cleared nxvay it la portin out to remark that Chariot A. D.uia is probably the "worst sufferer. Many republicans xvoro earnestly opposed to Clox'oland , but none positively hated tlio man nstlio editor of the Sun has done for years. SOMU deon urtuilun wells have been bored in this stito : without finding wvtor in paying quantities , but the city of fJalvostwi , Tux. , lw } recently bored a well 3,070 foot in depth without ( hiding nnyxvntcrat all. At that great depth largo logs , boa wholls and other relics of remote agtH were encountered. The well cost i"l,000. ( IT nous not nppo'tr that Chicago rotors resontoil the uumuuratiu opposl- tinn to the World's fair interest of that city , In Noxv York , xvhoro tnat opposi tion was centred , it came almost entirely from domocratio sourcoi. But tlio democrats xvill all have ofliccy noxv und with the money nnd lolburo of pliclnl life I hey can go to the fair , oflorta of the manager * of the western railroads to come to an ngrod- Biont on rates have tluia ( tir amounted to nothing and there BUOIIIS to bo no pros- fioot tlmt tlio present confusion und bad feeling will soon ho nbatod , "The trouble is that xvo have no faith in each other's promised , " said ono of the olllcials , and this tolls the xvholo story , The general publlo looks upon the war Vrith iudlfforeuca. TIIK nfnrMt ; > noo1 ; Knn sK i. The oloetlon of a ropublicnn jjovornor nnd legislature in Nobra-.ka ino-tnimoro to the people of the slalo than n victory for politlonl principles. U han ,1 direct and Important bearing upon the mnte- rinl lutcrosli nnd the future xvolfuro ot Nobraskn , the peed cITccl'i of winch xvlll bo presently apparent. It Ii an usui - anco to the country that n majority of the people of this state are honest nnd patriotic ; I liaL they do not bellovo in subtroasury and lint money schemes ; that they have no wish to repudiate any part of their just obligations , nnd that they desire to promote the progress and prosperity of the stnlo by oxory ; proper . Tlio people of Nebraska have most omplmtluitllj robukcd the misrepresen tations of the solf-Booklng politicians xvho hax'c fought to discrotlit the state by persistently us ortlnu' that the people are impovt-ri ! icd , that they nro hope lessly in debt , that tlio pursuit of ngri- culture is unprolltablo , and that Ihero is no substantial ground for tbo claim of prosporitv. 1 { ejecting nil facts xxliich refuted thulr uliargo3 , the apostles of cabunlty apuenlcd to tb6 popular pits- slon.i and cupidity. They railed nirainst all existing conditions , but proposed no rational or practicable plan of reform which intelligent und conservative men could accent. The result 1 th'it ' they are beaten , not so overxvholiulnjjly , perhaps. n j could bo desired , but de feated byavoto sulHciont to vindicalo the intolllgriico and honesty of the people of Nebraska nnd to nsMiro the country tlmt tbi.s state is in no imme diate dnligor of any legislation that could operate unfairly or unjustly tomy interest. Tlio olTecl of tliN , wo i-onli- dontlv licliovovillbii ot great benefit to tlio material xvelfaro of Nebraska , and thi-ro IH rcamn to expect Hint this will ho hhoxvn in the near future , ft is of coiir o imposslblo to Hay what inlluonco may bo cxerlml upon the busine" ? of llio country by the success of the demo cratic party in the national election , but In any event Nobraskn xvill got its sburo of whatever contributes to the growth and prosperity of the west , and this it could not hnvo expected had the repub lican party bcon defeated. ( .Jiving duo xvoignt to the adverse cir cumstances tlio republican victory xvas certainly a most "signal one. It xvas made po iblo by oarm-bt , zealous , un tiring work in arousing republicans to their duty and by an intelligent , eanuid presentation to the people ot the issues. The ( acts and arguments xvoro with the republicans and the people xvoro made to see them. The opposition , xx-hilo vanquished , is not destroyed , but it is so badly damaged that if the republicans faithfully do'thoir duty during the next txx'o years and keep thoh < pledpes lo the people they xvlll have nolhing to fear when they again ask the popular sup port. The opportunity is again theirs to prolong indefinitely their control of the political nlfiiira of Nobraskn. CO.VC/ ; A'AII'VltLlC HO.I/JS. / An organization recently formed for the purpose of promoting the building of good roads , a subject in xvliich in my prominent mid influential men , includ ing Senator Mandcrson of this 'state , are just noxv taking an active interest , has prepared a petition to con < asking that there ho founded in Washington a department similar to the Agricul tural department , for the purpose of promoting meting knowledge in the art of con structing and maintaining roads , and that provision bo made in such depart ment for teaching students so that they may become skilled road onginco-s. A permanent exhibit representing dilTor- ent methods o ( construction and the best road in itorials and machinery is also asked for and an appropriation is ro- quoslcd ( or the erection of a building at the World's Columbian exposition for the purpose of a comprehensive road exhibit. A convention lias been planned by the organization , to bo hold soon , at which this subject vill bo further dismissed. It is a largo undertaking and is open to the objection that a multiplicity o ( de partments under the control of the gen eral gox'ornmrmt tonOs to make the lat ter too complicated and cumbersome to boolTectix'oiv in magou ; but there is no harm in senking to arouse public inter est in it , and if the people demand such a department they should have it. The petition xvill huvo to bo signed by a great many thousands of those inter ested in the public roads before congress will take the nctioa desired. Ai lo the exhibit at the World's fair , that is an other matter. Such an exhibit xvould bo of practical x-aluo and xvou'd ' cor- tnlnly do much to attract attention to this import-nit cnbjoct. run itKsiii.T IN JOIIM. There la vast consolation lo ropubll- cans In llio magnificent victory won by the party in our neighboring state of loxva. In Iho midst of general demoral ization in Illinois and the east , loxvn , xvliieh lust your elected a donioonilic governor , lias given its electoral vote lo Harrison by u plurality of ever iJO.OOlt and has nont lo congress n dclo ! * itlo'i often ton republicans und only ono , ngninof llvo republican congro-umon. Tills record en lilies IOXXM to the distinc tion of the Ir.vmioi1 republic in s'nto ' of 18 ! ) : ! and puts nn and lo Iho most san guine of domouiMilu suspicions of its political virtue. The cause for this great record is patent and clear to any , oven student of the figures. This tromond - oua huulalldo xvas the direct roatilt of the xviso c'oui'so of the ropuolionns of that state in their staia convjiitlon xvhon Ihoy ignored the disturbing ques tion of prohibition and made their lighten on national issues. In vain Governor Boies made his tour lo all parts of the state , orating on corn failures and pro hibition , The people gave him an audience , but the very olomoiit in the republican party xvhiuh oleotoil hlmgov- ornor lust year paid no hoed to his ixd- vlco this year. As THE HKK freely predicted , the republican city vote xvas tr.o largest in tno history of the state , caused by the return of the anti-prohibi I- I10 tion republicans to their party , lu the city of ICeokuk I hero xvas a train of103 ) republican votes ever a year ngo. Woodbury county , In xvliFoh Sioux City is situated , wont democratic by 1,600 lust your , but this your it was curried by the republic ins. CjUiicll HlulTs xvont republican tin I thn city of D.ivonnnrt sho.vcd a loss of MM ) democratic votes ever last year's lljrui oa. Llko republican gains xvoro shoxvn In ovcr.v oily In the stnle. The conc'tislon is Irresistible nnd the logical outcome will bo that Iowa will bo sensible onouch next year lo pilch her battle on the grounds laid down bv , cxpcrlcnco nnd common sonso. Thero-xvns ntJch biastl'ig of the olTc'Jt ' of the "prohibition tlefocttoa' ' nud that cleft-'lion will not amount to ever 8,000 votes , an ! n ignleant ! ( number compared with the libjrnlH xvho returned to the p.irly. KnunlieUm has lu.d its day in loxx'a. Tlio coii icsonnt ! delegation Is the slronsrost over sent from that stale and. from fJovornor Gear lo George D. Per kins , they can bo dcpondod on to rolled credit upon the talc and present ngloxv- ing contrast to Ihoso of Illinois nnd the stales to the oast. And thov are men xvho xvill guide llio party In their state into snfoand sure lioids of campaign and victory in the future. r/ Kr..tAKS innr : TO uitL , The imul nrdenl friend of Mr. Cleveland - land xvill probably concede that the chances xvoultl hnve been largely ngnlnst Ills 1'iirryliig Now York If Senator Hill had not taken nn imtivo port In thocain- palgn and marshaled his friends to the support of the ticket. It xvill bo remem bered that as long ns llioro xvas a doubt ns lo xvhal Hill would do there \\-as lit tle interest or onlhusiasin in the dome cratio campaign In the Umpire stale , and Iho fear Hint ho would sullc throughout , llio contest-- caused demo crats everywhere lo regard the outlook ns gloomy. It is most conclusive testi mony to the popularity of Senator Hill xvith his pnrtv in Noxv York , vital- over may bo lii * standing xvith demo crats eUoxvhore. that as. soon as It was publicly known that ho xvould outer Iho liiilit and loyally support the llcket there xvas a manifestation of interest and enthusiasm xvhich g-cxv steadily until the cln o of the campaign. It xvas dem onstrated that the voice of Hill xx-as nec essary to arouse , umto and harmoni/.o the parly , and xvhcn ho spoke ho fully vind entodhisclaim lo the leadership of the Kmplro state democracy. I'orhnps no one rcali/os this any moro strongly than Mr. Cleveland , but it re mains to bo seen xvhclhor ho has the soiisd of gratitude to noknoxvlodgo il. Folloxviiig thu usual custom ho woulti invite Senator Hill , as liaving been his rorctnost competitor for the prosldon- tial nomiualion , lo lake the first plnco in hib cabinet , but the narsonnl relations belxvct'ii llicm bcnug bomovvhat stt-aiued will proven i. . this. It should not , however - over , prevent some acknowledgment of Hill's service.- , , even though Mr. Cleveland - land may lake llio vioxv that as a bonoli- clary of tlio dcmocratlo parly and a recognized leader it xvas his duly to support the ticket. Senator Hill is not likely to bo considered for the cabinet , and doubtless does not desire to bo. llo Is hardly litto ! for that kind of service nnd it prob ibly would not bo congenial to him. Even the sona'.c , xvith its greater freedom of action and the lib- faonco of ir.ero routine duties , does not suit him. It is likely , therefore , that Hill's recognition and roxvard at the hands of tlio next administration xvill consist in giving him pretty general and absolute control of the patronage ir Noxv York state outside of xvliat Tam many xvill dictate , and unquestionably he xvill be satisfied xvith this. It will enable him to hold his friends so as lo bo prop.irod to mike another contest for the presidency four years hence. 11 IB SOUTH. The forces xvhich xvon Iho b.tttlo for the democracy are Tamminy and the southern xving of the party , anil these are the forces which nviy be oxooctod to control the administration of Mr. Clove- land. In order to xvln in Nexv York the loyal and zealous support of Tammany xvas absolutely ofl-sontl il , and this was secured by a compact which thora is every reison to bolio/o bound Mr. Cleveland to permit Ih it organization to name the persons xvho will bo ap pointed to the Important federal offices in Noxv York city. Tint some arrange ment of this sort xvas in ido Ihero scorns not to bo a reasonable doubt. It xvill bo remembered that for txvo months after tlio ChicTgo convention tlio Tammany loaders sullcod and gave no bipn of their intontlonsi. When the Cleveland mana gers had failed to accomplish anything in their'efforts to induce Tainmniiy to declare itself , bocnusT Iho loaders of that organization xvnnld take no second hand assurances , Mr. Cleveland was summoned lo Noxv York und motCrokcr and othorri. Immediately thereafter Tammany hold its ratification mooting and Senator Hill xvas announced lo take part in the campaign. A "satisfactory agreement had boon reached , and as Tammany is held logotuor by the "co- hohivo power of public plunder" there can bo no doubt as to the nature of that agreement. Whether or not the south xvould have rein ilnod bolld without the force bill ap peal to the fears anct prejudices of the people of that section is altogether prob lematical , but there can be no question that the appeal had tlio otTuct to Insure the Kolidity of that section. It xvas amore moro subterfuge as at llrdt concolvod , thrust Into Iho campaign by Mr. Dana to enable him to support the doinuuralio cause without directly advocating the candidate , but it provo.l to bo an olToct- ivo Issue in the south , and g.ivo the ilo ) mnerncy 159 votes , bomo of xvhich they xvoro in danger of losing before tills issue - sue xvas sprung. The cry of "no negro domination" unq loslionably induced thous-mds of voters xvho had gene to the populists to return to the democracy , and democratic victory xvill cause them to remain xvith that party. It may bo snt doxvn as assured that the next domocratio administration xvill bo dominated by the south and Tammany. Tlio hitter will doubtless bo content with the control of the federal patronage xvlthin its jurisdiction , but the southern democracy , with its control of legisla tion , xvlll demand the rlu'ht to bo heard regarding almost every act of the ad ministration. Mr. Cleveland did not fall before as president to show his ap preciation of Iho southern wing of the party , and ho certainly xvill not nogleot It noxv. With the democracy of the south ruling it Washington the country may safely inllclpato so i o radical changes of policy during the next three years. f ; . . . . .IYO77IBH HfcsvS.lf VKVH OH/lf.H. / A temporary i inunction rostmlnlng the mayor nnd council from taking iriy notion looking tinr rd the abrogation of the contract by xMch the Union 1'nclflo mil way comp.iny is obliged- nlTord equal facilities atTtmsonablo rates to all railroads tlmt may < jloslro to avail thorn- solves of the proposed union rtcpol and its terminal facilities has boon filed In Iho district court.of Douglas county. This action xvlll prevent the council from taking any stops that might per- palliate the embargo against railroad conip uiios that desire to cros into Omaha and share the dopol and tornn- ml Indlltlos of the Union Dopol com- > nny on fair and equitable terms. \Vhilo II Is true that the Hock Island uid Milxvaukoo railroads have secured the privilege of crossing the Missouri jver the Union Pacific- bridge they can > o barred out of the union depot by nn oxnction of oxorbltnnt tolls tliat would > u practically prohibitory. Tnno roads could doubtless build a dup ) t of their adjacent to the Union Pacillo tracks , loinoxvhoro between the bridge mil South Omaha , and that xvould bo no .letrimont to Omaha , but inasmuch as the Union Pacilic can ab'-og.Uo Us con tract xvith the Hoclc Island and Mllxvati- ice nftor a throe-year notice , those ronus xvould scarcely dare to risk the liurchnso of costly transfer grounds and erection of a passenger depot unaor such conditions. Tlio fact IB Unit the Union Pacific depot grounds xvoro donalod lo that company for the joint use of all r.ill- roads that might , dcslro to avail thorns - s of its terminal facilities at Omaha , and Omaha is vitally Interested in having those rights reserved , at , least until a competing railroad bridtro has been built xvith terminal facilities nc- ccssiblo to nil roads that may dcsiro to run in or out of Omahn. This uoliey , It seems to us , Is dictated as u matlor of aolf-prcsorvation. Any compromise or compact that would release - lease the Union Pacific from its obliga tion to keep the union depot open at reasonable rates to nil computing roads xvould , in our judgment , bo a fatal blun der. IT i.s staled by General Miles that tlio reports in xvhich ho xvas made to pre dict xx'ar xvith the Indians are oxngger-- atcd and that the condition of the In dians ( on tlio reservations xvhich ho has recently visited is Mtisfaelory. Many of them are making ; good progress to- xvard being .self suppcrling and possess largo herds of horses and cattle. Gen eral i Miles in lines tiuit the Kioxvas and ( Jomanohes xvill soil their reservations to the government ! tnd take lands in severally as other tribes have done. In this cnso they xvlll' receive the interest on 82,000,000 , which the government xvill pay them. 'Tbo Choyennes nnd Arapahoes in Iho Indian Territory are tlio only ones from whom any trouble i anticipated , and CSsnoraJ Mllcs belie vos that they can be managed. In their cas > o action by congress is domnn'ded in order that they may bo provided xvith sulHciont food. It is certainly cheaper and better every way [ to keep tlio needy red ir.en quiet by fcdding them than to permit them to become troublesome on account of xvant. Very foxv of thorn are nblo or willing to support themselves. WllY is it that tbe local grape groxx1- ors dispose of their ct ops in the early fall and abandon Iho market lo the Cal ifornia fruit , much of which is poor ? Nebraska and loxva grapes are not equal to the best grapes of California , of course , but they are preferable to some that are noxv sold in this city. In the eastern stales domestic grapes are mar keted in great quantities all xvintcr and sometimes ns Into as the last of March. They are not , as a rule , kept in cold storage , but In ordinary collars. It is xvoll known that the grapes groxvn hero compare xvoll with those of the same varieties raised olstxvhoro. There ap pears to bo no good reason why they cannot bo marketed Inter , thus increas ing1 tlio aggregate demand and afford ing encouragement for more extensive planting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK latest addition to the navy of the United States is the splendid cruiser Olympin , xvhlch was launched in San 1-Ynncifico on Saturday last. Tills Id the largest ship of her class yet designed for our navy and is ono of the finest unarmored - armored cruisers in the xvorld. She is . ' ( ) ) feet in IcMigth , frl foot beam niul 21 foot 0 Inches draught. Her coal capacity ia 1100 ! tors , xvltli xvliich she xvlll bo able to run lli.OOO miles. Like all of the noxv ships in our navy , she is to bo fast , her guaranteed speed being twenty knots. Tlio cost of this splendid vessel , accord ing to the net of congress authorizing her construction , must not exceed 31,800,000 when she Is completed and ready for sea. Tin : next thing in order xvlll bo the consideration of charter nmundments , The labt logislnturgtfjioppod tlio charter up and loll it very defective in many essential points. All these omissions should bo restored nnd such other changes made as hnvo boon found neces sary by the experience of our city authorities within the past txvo years. Itcudy lur Aiuitlinr Itoiiml , ( Iliibc-Demoeiat. Lol'i own up. \Vu xvcnt for tlioinand ' 'xvhoro are wo III tlm itlclit ritiro. ICicht bundrud South Dakota Indians voted tlio runntilican ticket straiyht. What U tbo mailer xvitti the native American ? Nmr lur I /ttcltieon ( Unit. Well , It's ovor. and the sooner xvo hnvo the funeral and KOI back to our old routluo the Duller tor ibo country and all of ui. iuolut tlm Adi < Tnonttompt nt "fusion" in Nebraska has resulted rather disastrously for tUo dome- onus of that state , as iboy BOOIS to bo olilellv hitorostoJ In a political quurrol nnioni ; ilium- sulves. ( live TliKin Plmityol Hope. Inter Ocean , Though dofuaiou llioro Is uo reason xvtiy republicans slioula ho cast doxvn. Tliuy uuvo uuao n ( 'rand flent for principles , und ( Jufout ( Iocs not cuuiiL-o cr make loob vital to Ibo prosperity of ttio country tbe principles they fouelit for. llopublloan.4 cfin only hope I'm' ' * lnco ltirir opponents nre In poxvor the * w ill bo nlloxvcil to oncr.tft tlicir Itlww on tlio Mxva of tto land nnd lot llio poopln JUUKO from nolusxl oxpor.onco xvlnrli nro the xvisost friends ot the republic. Niillilnc lo Up . \ hniiipil Ol. Chlciitn Trtliunf. The ropubllcnns have boon dofcntotl In Ilia nnllonnl contest , but tlicy hnvo in nil o llio bcsttlglit ttiov hnoxv hoxv. Tue.v liavo done nothing x\nlch they uro ashamoil of. They have left nothing iinilono xvhlch cnukl bs done lionornblx- . Wore they to flpht the battle ever nyolii they xvould adopt nolthor ucxv policies nor iioxv'inotnDds. The Srcrct Uillot sjtnn. . To tlio Australian ballot must ba given great credit In eliminating from Iho cam paign In n Inreo mcnsuro Iho Illcgilhnato use of monev nnd liquor , as xvcll ns much of the "buttonholltu" fuaim-o. nnd the various forms of bfiborv and Intimidation. Tlio noxv ballot laxv has broil in force throughout tlio union , xvlih the exception nf < ; omo snveii or plcht southern states , The olToct has bcon lo tnko tbo * from the piano of personal Inlluonco and Inti-ro-st nnd gh'o It iti educational basis on publlo measures nnd politic * . AH n remit , Iho rounlrv hui had a ronltMt of stamtlr.T wiiped on Ihc slump nnd In llio press , In tracts nnd street discussions. i > oi. inv.ii. n i > i.i-ii.ti'Kii- . Who will control the palronajjo Toblna , \Villhinior \ James K. ! Poor lllllo Euclid ia I ; nockccl clear out. All ho can do is to ifoop tlio Hoard of Kdac.iltun from moving Into the city hall up to .Innuary 1 . The Lincoln post ollk-e , xvhlch xvas to have been the great bo no of contention , xvlll noxv bo suiToiidercJ to the uncommon enoniy. " \ \ ts told you so. " "Gnlil Hug Uulo is Rt an end. " Jcroinlnb Limontalion WUcox. The Ijouble-Kiidcr Is hlililv gratified with the defeat of its oxvn cnndldalo for vrov- ornor xvhoovor Hint tuny have been Van Wyck or Morion. Mr. I'oy n lor failed lo counocU The World-Ilornld's political inlluenoo Is apparently greater m Noxv York tbiin In Omah-i. The straight-iickot conspiracy in Omaha seems to nave been something of a suecos * . Toho Castor Is said to li.ivo denied anv complicity xvith the private and confidential circular. Ho says bo U not a democratic monkoy. If Mr. Euclid Martin ba called upon to prosldo over the democratic ratification mooting Saturday it Is expected that ho xvill donv that ho xvas a Hill man prior lo Iho Chlcaeo convention. At the ratification mealing Saturday the democrats xvlll oxtraut mighty llttlo comfort out of the Douglas county returns. O.V .1 1WT Tli.lll. . I. Italy rut-stilt of tlio Kill niul IIU Iliilr 1,111ns. DI.MINI : ( , N. M. , Nov. 10. A dispatch xvus received Ibis morning from Lieutenant Bean stating tbat his detail from Fort 13oxvio Is In hot pursuit of the Ivid and his band of Apactios. Thov came so near them in Doubtful canon , Arizona , that tbo Indians had lo leave camp utensils to os- capa He expects ere Ibis that the gang xvlll be captured or many of thorn killed. Cnncnntrittoil Ualilognuus. Ofllclal dispatches state tbat the French forces Imx'o captured Cana , u short distance from Abomov. the capital of Dahomoy , nfler a vigorous resUlanco. The French loss xvas eleven Killed and fortv-txvo xvoumlud. This is practically tboondof the campaign against King Uohnnzm. The London Chronicle in Us obiluary nr- ticlo on ibc duke of Mnrlborough BQ/.S ho was by habit a breaker of thu moral laxv , and by desire a founder or oconomio laxvs , butauds : "Wo may say of bis later years that they xvero an Improvement on his earlier onos. " The London Times says the late duke of Ixlarlborouch xvas bis own worst onomv and by scandals In his private life tbroxv nxvay the certainty of attaining a position of p.reat iullucnco m the oountrx- . Advices from Hnvll tell of nn nprlslnr at Capo Eiaytlon nipped in the bud. There xvero many arrests and It Is rumored some oxccu'ions. ' J. M. Lnrraldo and Dr. Toldo of Venezuela huvo been appointed commissioners to the World's fair at Chicago. London Truth savs there is no foundation for tbo rumor that the prince of Wale ? nnd duke of Fifo will visit the Chicago exposi tion. tion.Tho The Pans norrespondflnt of the London Daily INCWS savs the Carmaux Mining com pany bus decided to relnslnlo only four of the convicted rioters. This may reopen the xvhnlo question. Dolr.iuil Aiiiorlr.ui As ST. JOHNN. . B. . Nov. 10. A verdict of guilty has bcon returned against C. U. Weldon - don ana II. K.uulall on u cliarpo of conspiracy to defraud the Total Abitoncnco Llfo nsso- elation of Chicago and Golden Uulo Insur ance company of notion. Regarding Hov. Slauoy Weldon the jury could not agroo. l > y ml LiiKliili Symllciitr. Hxurroiii ) , Conn. , Nov. 10. Negotiations for the purchase of the I'ratt and \Vhltnoy works by an Knglish syndicate have been practically co-nplotcd and the plant xvlll bo In Ibo Kintrol of the Knglishmon within a short timo. The terms of Iho purchase xvoro S,5UO,000. b' IlK'flTKX.t. Slfllnss : lloxv to remove xvoods Slarry tlio widow , Chluacn Noxvs : "Wlnitdld It"quelled the friend of tin ) duffluluil c.indliliitu. " 1 htronsly suspoei , " roiiliod the liittor , jiun- Blvoly , " votes dm U. " WnshlnstonStar : "Diiyon fonr a dnprosslon In linsliioss 111 the resultof tlio olootloii ? " "No. sir ; I am a bailor. " Jiidgn : "Vou llvo ou Iloacon street , do you not. Mint KniuMOiiV"T , . . , , . . "No Mr. ilaxfUlns ; I llvo In a liniun that h Hltimtod at onii mdo of that tboroushfnro. " I'hlladnlphl.i Ituunrd : Mr. Wobborly I snp- POSII your rather Is a good pirty mail , Jlns IioiiliyV" MUs Oobtiy Dant A peed party nmnt xvli.v buw ulHUid roil lull ; . I'apa \ lee old und fat t'ldanco , und p.iim nuvur goes , to purtlts at HllV Iloiton niolio : If mint niun x-olol only as thny pray tliu ballot boxus wouldn't bu liulf full. Oil Olty Illl7ard : loHiro ) ) sensible. Thov puvur run cli.incu-i of luilng a htuau on the uleutloii. Alchlsmi Globe : I-ms of ponnlo fool . . _ nxviiy , und then howl llul tliu rmison why thov don't jut ; rich U that no ono glvm thorn u chanuo. 1'hll.idolphta I.nilirnr : Oflloo-liolduis have heard x'ury Illtlu of the kti fo In tlio cam paign , but a gooU dual of f uric ovor. I'hlliidolphlu Itcuord : Mrs. 1'irllnxloii ad vised Ike. xvliu Is now of imo. to vote with llio party of supuilor mortality. lilimliainplon London An cxchanKO ro- mnrks that rupnlilluaiiH are not smllliix Ihoso days , hut xvo du not uo liow lliyy can droxvu gnuf else , lloston Transcript : Thorn's ono s-itlsfnctory tluuicuboiit boUliiJ "a liolnlcs. I.vory niun limy Invest his money xvltb llie asauraucu th I should hi ) loio ho xvlll rooulvo the sumo ro- i urn a us the man who wins. Chicago News Hocora : "Bo tlio sarcastla thtutiir miinaior iilil yourcoiulo opera xvusn t iiiiliouy iHJu'i iwHtriiiiM'iJirt lior1 Vun. llio Idiot I Why. half of Itlcoplod from Strau a' opcnm mysulf. " TIIK I1KO1K1IA OIIATOIL /Idniidl C < iiniutu ( ( > i. Jim Jones , lie xta un orator. Uio bent you over Au'orvry time ho raised Ills volcu II foil an' brolcu In DVD ; Ho always spono for Georalu-but xthon his tuiuU xvurubllin , I lloeltlppul tu Toiinubjec , au'tlion old uoor- I jiu ; spoke for him. SOME RADICAL lEGlSLAflOX Democrats Likely to Imitnto England's ' Direct Incoma Tar. PENSION LIST TO BE MUCH RFDUCED niul IIU frlpiuli Drtprniluril In r.\fii Up Thlntrilli tlio Old Union Vrti-rinm nl Ilio Vcr.v I'lrnl WxsmsnTov Drunur or TUB HUB , ) r > ii ; FouiirKKNTii SmitRr , > Wxsnistmiv , D. C. , Xov. 10. ) "Put your Idle mouoy inio good ro.M ostale , " U xvhat PoHlnmilar tJoneral W.xim- | maker i > nld today x'llllo discussing the out look ' In vloxv of Ihn democratic adinlnlstnx- tlon. Mr. Wnnnmnkor , who Is n prlmo builncss inim nnd xvho traveled over Induntx nnd some other statoj nnd inado romtbllcrxii pooches during Iho campiigii , U ono of tlo ho o xvho bollovn that capital xvill bo wary o t maiiufixclurhig interacts till It Is socn xXX vliat the democratic corifrats xvill da in the vny of noxv tariff , anil Hist xvhorovor ami XXXX vlu'nnvur money U xvltbdraxvn from Ihu XXCi Cic ommon ohonucls of Irado real cstulo an pro- c : Intcs In value Thu snmo vluxv Is unlerlalned by Hon. L. \ Mlchenor of Indiana xvno is n corpora- ion lax\yir hero and has much to do xvith naniilncturcra. ' ! bcllcvo tlmt doslrnblo cal ustulo will noxv ndvanoa in value mm u uoro rapidly limn at llio withdraw , * ! of cau- IIb from manufacturing , shipping and oilier b Jiisiuess interestssahl Mr. Mlenoncr to J I'nit HKI ; correspondent today. "Munufnu- 'uring Interests xvlll bo nt ix Rtaudslill until t ho noxv congress ro.'lsos Iho t.xrlff. That v vlll bo at least eighteen months from this t Imo. The noxv congress will convene thlr- i ccn inonins hence ana It cannot net finally u i pen so vast n measure ns n tariff bill utido'r | ! ivo or six months after II convonm. Moil vill bo chary about loading money ou long imo und for temporary or permanent mvost" nciit xx ill prefer lo p'ut it Into good real estate. AiiriiiiiiiM : lo HIO Tin-in : "Tho now tarilT iaxv defeated us. Wo xvlll nv loxv sco xvhat the democrats xvlll do In Iho ni vav of cutting doxvn tiio till IT and maintain- i ng ! the covonimunt.1 Colonel William U. Morrison of Illinois , n 11b number of llio Intor.Uiitc ( Joinmorcooommls- blon and ono of the most prominent land ro- f 'ormor * In Iho doinoeratio piicty , bind todny that the uoxv oongrnss xvould not xvado rashly or xvlldlv inlo tbo ICclClnloy net and lu cut- t Jug U doxvn xvould afford our manufacturers "mcldantnl protection. " llo saM that the noxv laxv xvould bo for llio purpose of raising revenue and necessarily xvouid cairy xvith it proluclivo foaturos. Tin plulo tvlll go upon Ihu free list. 1'ig iroi : , coal nid : much of the raxv material xvtnnli the manufactur ers consume \vllt bo UDonlho free list. The sugar bounty xvill be repealed und thn duly lovlnil 1 for Inn promotion of our relluerie's xvlll 1 bo strlo'.tcn doxvn unless the plnnlcrs of Louisiana ' can resist tlio temptation , and ills not ballovcd they can. Already much is heard about what xvlll ho done xvith our pension list. The democrats claim that the soldiers , that is the union vet- , of course , votad tuo republican tlcltut almost solidly and therefore can lay no claim to democratic charity or justice. It Is tbo belief that there xvill bo n noxv pension laxv passed to taxo the place of alllhoso upon our statutes. It xvill bo a codillcatiou of the present laws and it Is stated that the noxr laxv xvill only pension these xvho xvoro xvoundcd or thoin who are dlsablod from dis ease contracted In Ihu sorvlco and nro pau pers. It is stated f urthor that Iho democrats propose to reduce the pension expenditures moro than ono hair , and possibly Ihoy xvlll turn the pension ofllco ever to the War or partmcnt. If the froa list is to bo so greatly enlarged and the perpetuated tariff reduced so greatly tuo exp-nsoa of the government must , be cut doxvn , and Iho ponslon list af fords a fruitful field. Aliy : Imitate Kngluml. A direct Income tax- such as England has nt present xvlll bo propjod but ills not thought that it can bo passed as Iho popu lists In both bouses of congress cannot sgroo xvith their democratic brethren upon this point. It is not bDllox'ud cither that the 10 percent tax on state hank Issues xvill bo repealed as all ot tno republicans in the sen ate are opposed to it and quite u number of the democratic ssnators xvlll not vote for it. The democrat ? in congress noxv In Wash ington say the state bank blunder in their platform inado ilium more trouble than nil else nnd lhat thny xvill not pursue the sub- joct. The national banklni ; luxvs will not bo disturbed it Is thought for tbo same reason. Congressman McCroary of Ken- tucUy , ono of Iho foremost and most influen tial do'nocrati la Ibo city , shook bis taoad ominously today ns h < > talked of tbo differ ence of opinion tbat xvlll prevail In the next congress and tbo divisions which xvlll occur In efforts to mnko noxv laxvs. It is tbe evi dent belief of tba leadlne democrats bora that nothing of oonsequonco will ba done lu i the new confirms although , the poxver of tliu democrats to tear doxvn and destroy Is vastlv grantor than tbelr ability to upbuild. Mrssr * . Morrison and MoL'roary both say tbo democrats xvill KO at tarilt rovUion xvith croat caro. Both declare that xvool xvill go upon the free list ana that thoiovill bo as great reductions m the duties upon f'irm products as upon those of llio lactory. Ono thing is vury certain noxv and tlmt is upon tbo tariff qtii'stlon the democrats xvill bavo en easy xvorklng majority oxren though the balanoo of poxvur may rrs't xvlth the two ul- liaiioe senators. There are three or four very low tariff republicans tn the cn t nnd no high tariff democrats. Uepublicann tioro nro congr.mtmtlng Ihelr party th tn repub lican senate will not aj ln perform the tlinnlilcss work of preventing the ndoplion of n domocraUo tariff moasuro. Ilinr thn 1urllT The tariff ts conceded b every ono , demo. rrats as well as republicans , to have boon the ground upon xvhlch llio ndverio victor * was won. In view of this fnct , tlio pollllRix'l fiUnro of Uovornor McKlnloy \ % n .nailer of much conjecture hero. It xvas laxv for the fnturo and not enough time had olnp'cd since its udoptloii to vlndlcato it. UcsulA * , tl aroused the hdstlllty existing between the onst and xvost , botxvcon the farm nnd factory. No one boltuvos Hint any personal or publlo act of President Harrison bus xvoakonod the party. There I the usual talk * about an extra ses sion of conereM. Itva nutlclpntod xvbcu Mr. Cleveland cnmo Into power eight vonri ago that ho would hasten congress together for his reforms , and the nmo prediction xv made for President Harrison , but neither had the remotest notloti of calling an oxtrn session. It is not nt nit likely now. It Is announced hero that neither Mr. Whitney nor Mr , l.iunont , who hail so much to do In bunging about Air. Clevolaiul'H elec tion , will bo connected with the now admin istration , although both have boon elated for olaoos in the caolnot , Whitney scoj an opening for nlm In the presidential line four years henna und Unows that his chktncos xvlll be better If he l ocp out of the cublt < ot. Mr. \\hituovmay bo United States senator to sucopcil HlseoeU. Unmont has made n creat success In busl- nrs sluco ho xvns I'rosldont Cleveland's private vccrotarv.Vlillnm M. Kamsov of t'lnclnnntl. xvho xvas Stanley Mutthoxv'i dls- tininiishcd law partner , Is mentioned stKiiin- cantlv ns being Mr. Cleveland's attorney Kamsey hm long bcon mi inlUiontuil Cleveland niun. l2\-Governor Campbell will , it is said , bo glvon u plnco in the cabinet I'li'slilpnt HtirrUon'Vurk. . ProMdont IlnrrNon is iiRaln atvoru In the troaiiimll. llo began writing his nnnuU mcnsHgo today , llo hnd put off this labori ous worlc ' much loniror than USUA ! In order to secure tli'e Ik-iil of the national election. If ho had .secured success his mossngo would of course havn occn a stnto paper of consldor- nblo Importoncn buarinu on the develop ment of the MclClnlii.v tariff , but in vlow of the sucuim of Mr. Cleveland llioro will bo little for the president to say on the ques tion xvhlch has boon htlhorto regarded ai the cardinal principle of the party. Mr. Hulford n.ilil thU nflornoon that the aio&sago would bo very short. The president already has before him thu reports of his various caQiiiot associates , nnd the niHSsngo to a con slilorablo extent xvlll bo a dicost of thu rou tine and statistical work of the departments. Nnns lor tlm Ami } ' . The folloxvlng nrmy orders xvero Issusd lodnv : l.e.\V'j of absence for three months , to take effuot PII or auout IK'coinber 1 , xvith pormls- slon to go bovond tin' sou , u granted bocond Iwioiuonunt John U'Shua , Seventh cavalry. Capliiln licorgo 1C. I'onu , assistant quarto'r- ina tcr , will proceed from Platlsburg , N , Y , to iJnrllngton , Vt. , on ofllclul bustnois con ncctod with lhoiiiuilormaster's | departmont. IjO.ivo ot abu > nit ; > for onn month to tnlto olToct on or about November i- with purmission to anplv for an oxtcnston of two mouths is grunted Captain Constant Williaun , Seventh infantry. I'Vst ' Llouton- nnt Clorinont L. Host , jr. , First artillery , xvlll report in person to Colonel Loouils lj. LiiMigdon , First artillorr , president of the examining board convened nt Fort Hamilton , N. Y , . > Tulv II ) , at Htieh time as ho may designate for examination by thoboirdnsto his Illness for promotion. Second Lieutenant Lucius L. Durfeo , Sev enteenth Infantry , will report In person to Colonel Henry C. Merriam , Seventh in fantry , prosidontof the examining board convened vonod at Fort D. A. Hussell , Wyo. , April 0 , at such time us ho may designate for examin ation Dy the board aj to his fitness for pro motion. The Inivo of absence granted Captain Charles A. Vornou , Nineteenth in fantry , November 4 at Fort Wayne , Mich. , is oxlundod live days. I'lio resignation of Second Lieutenant .Iitmos M. Andrews , jr. , First cavalry , has boon accepted by the prosidout , to talto elTeot NovomnerO. Virst Lieutenant William K. Snipp , Tenth cavalry , , is detailed ns recorder of the examining hoard convened at Ihn War department Juno 11 , vlco First Lieutenant Frn-icls D. Kuclcor , Second cavalry , relieved. P. S. II. IS ( lOOIf. Sciliius Aspect ol' llio .Mntormon'ii Strike In Ctiiclnnatl. CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 10. A feeble attempt xvas maoo this morning to start tbo street cars on the lines on xvhloh the motormen and conductors are ou strike. Tno police acoom- ' paniud txvo cars wnioh voro sent out , but it was decided to return them lo 'the ' barns be fore completing the trip , as a largo number of strikers assembled , threatening to do harm. Union men in all the shops nro being called on to turn out t" help the strikers resist any further attempt to run the cars. If thu Is done , it is almost certain thcro xvill bo a col lision. m n.tni.K3i Colimi/mi The Harlem bridt ( ! I thorn liny man Of anv polllk'al nartv orclan Who hasn't lio-rd nf that famous spot , Ur , liuylns hoard of It , bus torgult , ruslecl with lone renown II stiindB thuro - II lllillUF UIUIU i II * " " - - " , \\herolhocountrvhastcii' to meet thu And It I.CIH it tryst that , Is fond nlxvuy. Kicuiit for the clash of olsetlou duy. 'Tis llmro that thn waves of popular will Hoil sllnnily. in Kht'ly ' on. until They moot and battle , nnd ono. o orcoine. Uolfs bacU xvith the othur , vaimnlsliod. dumb. O fainoi.s hrlilsso. In the huart of I ho fray Of these hallols f men. oloi-tlon Uiiy , Knrlh bus no buttio foi irood or II Ulto tin. allont slrlfo of will 'tialust will. CO. I Man ii fad ill or * and llotallers of Uiothlnc I" tlio World. We won The confidence of the public long ago by dealing squarely with all cus tomers. We are manu facturers , the largest in the world in fact , and importers of line cloth ing for men and boys , thus making our styles exclusive ami original , livery garment is made under our o\vn \ careful supervision n ; 1 ui ( " - ( i-cilulicn of lit and workmanship. Then selling direct to the wearer saves you at least one profit and many dollars besides. Tak ing all this into consideration our prices must necessa rily be low enough for any one. You will always be satisfieJ with what you buy of us no matter how little you pay for it , BrowningKing&Co | 8.W.Cor 15115 Douglas Sis ,