Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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J'tllrcrer. lyrarr'-'r toanr paftof lft. ally
n i-i rtiitnvr. , ' Hin'ncM Office . . "J
1 J 1,1 rltOM > jMpflt Killtor . Xo
K y riumblngCc !
i 'cunrll UltifTs Lumber Co. .
The democracy of Council Bluff * will Join
tuat of Omaha 'in n Jollification tomorrow
Mr. anil MM. K. H. Pothort' will cclobrato
the thlrtlelli amiivort.xry of tholr marriage
tomorrow at the school for the deaf.
Otis , tlio la-months old son of Mrs. Wilt-
fonp , .Ml 7 nvcnuo D , dlctl at t > o'clock yester
day mornini ; of spinal trouble , alter an ill
ness of two xveeki.
Two now dim ft engines have boon
brouqtit from the c4it nnc. put at work on
the Uurlintfina road between Council HluITi
und ( Cotton. They wore built at the Rogers
Locomotive works.
Pour car loadi of car.dv nutio by Council
JHufTj tlrms were shipped away In ono day
tul wcult. Auoul thirty hand ! are now otn-
tiloyail roK'Harly ' In tbii Industry , besides a
number -'uncials.1
Regular convocation of Star chapter No.
4 , Hoyal AUM Masons , this eveulnir for
work ir. ttio M. K. M. < le roo. All Ito/nl
Arch .Masons In peed standing are cordially
Invited. ll > order of the moat excellent huh
pries' , .
Frances , thn Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. It. S. Morrow of Umuli.i , died at i : : t'J
o'clock yesterday afternoon , very suddenly.
Ttio remains arrived In the city lust evening
nnd were taken to the rastdonco of J. M.
Morrow , 'JOdS Sixth avenue.
Jacob Ci.irJncr , who was arrested In
Omaha several ilays ao. was tncu baforo
.lustlco Swearin on yesterday for sloailnc a
lot of cartridges from the lien .li p.iric club
house , llo pleaded KUllty and was sent to
the comily j.ili for twenty days.
Paul Ilir.ich , who lives on upper Broadway ,
Is conllnr.d to his homo by a severe fracture
ut the anklo. In pushing alotiR the street ho
ran over it pita of earth which nnd been loft
by some gradcri without any light to warn
passers-by , and was dumped out of his
wacon , rmullltiK in an injury which xvlll
Ueop him at homo for weeks.
Marriage licenses wore issued yesterday
to the following parties : Ilarr" B. UrooUs
nnd Anna I.ootnls of Council Hlutts ; tier-
hurd J. ( Icrdcs of 'i'olodo , O. . and Marie
Kumberger of Omaba ; Ki.ward J. HlHckman
and MaRKic Hey las of Omaha , Tba two last
mimed couples were married by .Justice
S. Mc.Mullon , an old of 1'ottawat-
tamlo county , was thrown from his wagon
when driving near the corner of Llroadway
and Sixteenth street , and was badly injured.
Ho was taken to Uin residence of ht son-ln-
law , Albert Hnasion , S'jy Avenue H , where
it was found thut one of his ribs wat broken
nr.d ho was sufferine from a nurabpr of
brulsns about the face and head that wcro
moro or loss serious.
A short session of the rtUtrict court was
held yesterday afternoon and thu ciseof
Moscliemlorf against ttaonjo H. Moacben-
Uorf was board by , Iudpo Smith. She asked
for a divorce on the ground that her husband
had been uullty of cruelty toward tier , ou
ono occasion ooatlnc her with a chair < md
otherwise maltreating her. Tuo defundaul
made no appearance , ami a decree was
granted her on default.
James Far'.oy ' , who keeps a saloon on Main
street , between Tenth und Eleventh .streets ,
Has tbo distinction of holnc tl.u only saloon
keeper in Council blurts wbo tried to keep
hm nlacc open on flection day. Or at least ,
bo was tbo onlv ono that was caught. Ho
was brought before. Justice Swearingon yes
terday for a trial , found guilty and sentenced
to pay a line of $2i > and cnsts , nr else spend
llvo days in the county Jail. Ho spoilt tome
time roum'inK up the city trying to liudsomB
friend who would put up the necessary
amount , but along toward evening gave it up
PS u bad Job and went to Jail.
Ilhinkrts at the Itnston Store.
We sire fully prepared for this cold
flnnp und liavo Drovitlod for tlio cnra-
forta and wants of the people , and before
buying anything1 in this line visit the
liortton Store.
\Vo quota you a few prices to fjivo you
epmo ideu of what wo nro doing in this
lino. All bltniltcta bought from manu
facturers direct.
10-1 grey blunkots75 ; 1M ( extra woipht
$ l.2"j nnd $1.50 ; 10-4 extra peed viiluo
81.GO nnd 52.00 ; 11--I till wool blnnUots.
line yarn , 84.00. 81.2-j und $5.00 ; 11-4
extra flno wool blankets , largo fcizo ,
strictly sill wool , So.OO. $ .5.75 and SG 00.
Lost Woilncsdny , pair of ffhisses with
Bide brncos. Hctiirn Boo olllco.
tt > ns.
Mr. Henry Mai.villn of Mosiortown , I'd. . Is
in the city , on a visit with bis brolbcr-ln-
Inw , Uov. T. F. TUicUstun.
GoorecV. . Hewitt has cone to Franklin
Urovo , 111. , In response to n telegram an-
tiounclnt : thu death of a relative.
lames H. Harnott , secretary and manager
of IHooinnrcn Hros. &Co. , of Cnlca o , was
In the city yesterday'ja bis way to tbo 1'u-
cltlu coast.
Dr. J. M. Maroy of Kansas , who has lately
Invested In Council Bluffs property , has to-
moved to tbls city , wbero his fathc'r , Mr. 'I.
M. Macy , has so loot ; resided. Dr. Macy
] recently purchased what Is known ns the
Klnlc property , corner of Fifth avoauo and
1'ijnrl street.
! Captain and Mrs. D. B. Clarlc wont to
Uogan yesterday to attend the funeral of
.I'icobT. Stern , an old settler , who died en
Tuesday , IIRCI ! 7S years. Mr. .Stern came to
Harrison countv Ions before the days of
railway * nnd has resided there over since.
Hu was a quaiser and a most oiltmable clll-
rou. _
I'lro llrondu.iy and Cornur of lloiiton
Our Into loss by flro was covoro'i by
two policies , both in tlio COUNCIL
By 7 o'clock the next morning after
. llio Ilro the sot-rotary was on the ash
lioap , pencil hi hand , ready to tl < ; uro the
loss down to bodroclf , which ho did , toy ,
saying that1 it wns his duty nnd no
< Miinlt part of Ills business " So lone as
§ ho did not p ? ) below bud rook wo hud no
' .I roiiBon to complain , consequently tlio
KoUlomont was not only prompt , but in
every way satisfactory , so nnioii so that
In addition to . iUOO.OO ) ( seven policies )
carried by tills company befo.-o the Ilro
we now add to it $10,000.00.
Belli" ; intimately acquainted with the
secretary and directors wo cannot bo
porsuiidod that hotter indemnity can bo
obtained than that offered by our homo
company , hoaldca wo boltovcf in patron-
\7.\i\g \ \ \ worthy homo entunvlsos , every
thing holng equal , and unless wo do wo
fhull contlnuo to bo dependent on for
eign capital and corporations.
Instead of bolting a h'nt on election
wapor one of those hnndsomo IOA--P
wino or brandy sets at Lund Bros.
Killed uyu llnriB.
John UanUio , a welt known farmer llvloR
In drove township , was the victim of a fatal
rrcldent a few days airo. While pasjlng
throuRb bis stable Uo rocelvod a Kick from a
vicious none , sad was Itnockod down. Ho
wjas picked up In an unconscious condition
and taken to tha houin , where a physician
attended htm. All olTorls to save bis lifo
\voro fruitiest , us within twenty-four hour *
After the accident occurred he was dead.
Ton shares cnpitil stock Citizens State
bank for sale. M H , Shuafo ,
S , B. Pro voll , watchmaker , 740B'\vay. \
, Don't forgot that Siva I no Bella the
JJlmUuret Btovus.
- ICOpaoplo in Una city use g.ituvoi
Ti nM. Co. puts 'em lu ut coat.
How tin Returns fron PflUawatt.imi8
County Figure Up.
Oloin Vfitii for Nearly AH Ilin l.pmllnif
dld.itct lliitiincr.lts ( Miiritr ( Inn An *
oilier with TruillHC Scratched
Tickets Oast for Elinor Olllcers.
The election returns are V ! a t In from all
of the precincts of Pou.i.v.ut.i'nlo county ,
Mil ttio nHult as atmoancsd In yottcrday's
Ur.E is not malortally changed. Tha late re
turns only BO to omphama the tact that It
was a very close election , and to RIVO the
successful candld.UOl n lo'san in ttio art of
hanging on by their oyo-bnr.vs. Tlio follow-
i llio total number of votei rojolvoa by
each candidate , nocordins to tha tUura ? on
llio In the ofNco of County Attor.iey Hand
rlutts :
ruit I'ltr.siDE.vT.
Democratic < . < > 13
ItLMiubltcan 4..W
PronkM Ml
Prohlbltlnn 5-
McOi'O 4.fil ?
HaKor > 4ll. >
( JllluttO 41) )
Taft 40
WlllnrJ 4.1V )
Mono 1.1 Til
Maolvonxlo 4i"l
Orr. . . . , U
JL'iidt : of TIC : nivriiicr counr.
llcnjatntn 4.K13
M.iey 4rlfl
lliown 4i
Orinm 4.6V >
Hewitt I.I" '
llnrke 4'W
Marih 4..VJI
Mntihons < .0'U
Lldlotto 4lr'
ci.Kinc of TIIU msriucr onuiir.
Warren 4.I7T
atiipfel ols
Hohrcr. 4.554
Sliopar.l 4.r.H :
McLaren 4'-KJ
tou.srv 51
\Viiils\vo r tli
' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' " " "
Cnrr.u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.Vii
Kernoy . . - . 4.W
Ciimutioll 4.227
Wiitlclnx 418
L'hutehlll aw
AcoutPd of Trading.
Considerable hard fooling toward Marsb.
democratic candidate for auditor , has re
sulted anionc thn detnocrits from an investi
gation of the returns. It is the opinion of
the frlonds of Kobrer , and ho nas a great
raanv in the city , tnat his defeat , was the re
sult of his bcltiK traded oft for Snepard , in
the houo that Mirjh might DC elected in this
manner. Whether Marjh himself had any
knowledge of this cour o thay do not know ,
but they claim that apuejraacos are some
what suspicious. The fact that In Hslltnap
township , wliera Marsh lives , he ran tnirty
ahead ot Ins ticket , while lOnror ran behind
the sa'.no numbar , is pointed to .by Kohrer's
friends as an indication that the trailing took
A mooting of tbo countv supervisors will
bo held next Monday , wbon the returns will
bo canvassed ar.d the result ofllclalty an
nounced. At the same time the Hoard of
'I'ownshin Trmtoes will meet nnd canvass
the returns Irora the township election.
Until the ofllclal count Is made It will bo Im-
nossible to ascertain who has been elected on
, ho township ticket , from the fact that a
creat deal o'f scratching was done. Many
of thi > tickets that were stralpht runublican
on all national , congressional , Judicial and
county volua were stratched almost beyond
recognition when th oflices of justices of the
paaco and constables were reached , and ooth
republicans and domociats are now claiming ;
these oftlces. The independents , wbc
claimed at first that they would have a sure
thine on the election , now concede that they
arc out of the raco.
Hosiery at the Boston Store. No matter
ter what'kind of hosiery you want , you
ire siiro to find it nl our counter. This
has lonjr been an acknowledged fact
among the people of Council Bluffs and
surrounding country. Wo endeavor to
make this department comuleto in every
respect and think now with our fall line
of onyx and royal stainless hosiery , it is
01 o of the flnont lines und best assorted
stock in western Iowa.
Wo h.ivo just received seventeen cases
of fall hosiery which \vo have put on
sale , and invite your Inspection.
Full sixed wool hose in ribbed and
plain at lUc and 20o a pair. As usual
wo have made grcnt olTorts to C3i the
best v.iluo possiolo for .ioe. Wo think
wo have succeeded and are prepared to
show three dilTorent makes , ribbed ,
plain nnd ribbed top.
Other bartraiiH in wool hose at , ' ! 3c
ami . ° > ! ) c n pair.
Imported cashmere hose in both Gor
man and English inukcs ; wo show in
both blacks and colors at 43c , COc , SSc
75c and Doc a pair.
A full assortment of lleoewl in ladies' ,
misses' and children's , prices ranging
from -5c to 60o a p.iir.
P. , W. & Co. , Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
A Ills Hay Tomorrow.
It Is likely tnat tomorrow , Saturday ,
will end the auction sale of the Burhorn
Block. It is likely that today and to
morrow will bo tho'ltibt days. S iturday
will bo a cleaning out day , when every
thing must go. and there will bo some
rare bargains for somebody.
If you don't to buy hard coal you
had better se Bl.xby about those oil
burners. They are adapted for use in
hot air furnaces , hteam and hot water
boilers , with no coal or ashes to hindlo.
MI/.mill Temple , No. 9 , will give a
dancing party at Masonic temple Tues
day ovonluf , November lo. Admission ,
2o cents. _
Potatoes for pale In lots of from flvo
bushels up. W. S. Homer , Uo Main
Boston store closes every evening at 0
p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays :
Contract * Let.
Contract * were lot yesterday by Dan Car-
rlgc for the erection of bis now block on
Main street , between 'i'nlrteantb a if a Four
teenth avonuoi , , T. 1' . U'eaver gets tbo con
tract for the brick work for $7'J 15 , and the
lirra of VIfor < fc Co. of St. Joseph , tlm for
tbo atouo work , for fT > S5. The contract for
tbo carpenter work U to bo let Saturday , nnd
tbo work for erecting tba structure will be
commenced at once , as it is to bo ready for
occupancy January A , IS'.U , It will bo SOx
100 foot la size and nvo stories In height.
th hm already been barpalned for as a ware-
housa for a .now lmpi mont tlrm that has
bcn organized by local capita.UtA. U will
bo a great ornnmont to lower main street nnd
a valuable nddltlan to tbo implement dis
Mri. "Wlnslow's soothinz syrup for chil
dren teething relieves the child from pain ,
2"i cents a bottle. _
Handsome now Ingrain carpets arriv
ing daily nl the Council HhilTs Carpet j
company's. Prices of oarpjts are going '
up daily , but the old prices will remain
In force this wook.
The A. 1) . T. Co. has added two now
hacks 1fi 1 to Its force and will nn wor calls
nt all hours , day or night. Telephone ,
179 ; olllco , S Main street.
The Radiant novelty base burners
nro the bint hcito.-s in the city. See
them at Swaino's.
Judson , civil engineer , 32 ? Bro.xdway
The members ot the Youne Men's March-
In club nro requested to meet at T:39 : o'clock
this evening at the ofllco ot the undersigned
in the ( irand hotel annex for the purpose of
pjrfcctlnc a permanent orR.irnz itlon. A
move is on foot looklne tow.irJ the formm ?
of a state league ot republican alubs. and It
Is the desire of many that thn republicans of
.his city ou represented In the league.
V. It. TllEVNOIt.
Constipation cured by Do Witt's Karly
Genuine Hound Oik , K'ldlnnt Home
1' . I * . Stewart stoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole .t Cole , -II M.iin.
Hoautiful now fancy chenille table
covers , the latest now thing of the sea-
fcon , at the Council HutT ! Carpet Co.'s.
Coal and wood : best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No.I Main.
Gentlemen , the lineal tine of tall goods
in the city , jUat received. Hotter , the
tailor. , 310 Ijroadwuy.
The genuine Hurr C.ik stove ? are sold
only by Clia-j , Sw.iino , 7 : { " Hroadway.
Call and snc them.
See these oil heaters at Swaiue's , 737
Davis for drugs and paints.
, i .V.N u VXVK u f. > rs.
The rehearsals for Frank LanoN benefit ,
which takes nlace at Boyd's theater on
Wednesday evening next , are prosrossmg
very favdrably , The local artists who have
voluntooro'l are rnipondine very promptly ,
and already the success of the oeuellt per-
foi mance is assured.
CJus Heege. the Sivedtsh dialect actor and
the ajthor of "Yon Yonson , " is a German.
Nobody who hears his inimitable broken
Scandinavian would ever susnect that , how
ever. Heegu la tbo originator of this peculiar
toiiKUa on tbo stage. Ho has some imitators ,
a , indeed , has every nuthor and actor who
has succeeded in making n hit , but Hcapc is
the only man who has been able to thor-
ouehly master the Swedish brogue. Ho has
the additional advantage of naturally IOOK-
Ing the Swede , a qualification of nature and
not to bo It is not surprising ,
therefore , that "Yon Yonson" has been
meeting with great success in its career
across the continent. The character is new
to American audience ; und is not loss pleas
ing on that account. Sunday night next
"Yon Yonson" will three '
ooen a nights' en
gagement at Boyd's theater.
Gus Williams , America' * foremost Gor
man dialect comadlan , will apnoir hsra Sun
day at the Farnam stront in a brilliant
musical farce comedy entitled "Aoril Fool. "
Mr. Williams deaer es several fortunes bo-
siduj the ono he has put in a hanHouio : homo
on his 103 acra farm in New York state ,
where he und his lovelv wife spjnd a many
of the summer weeks as he has 10 spare from
his theatrical wont.Ever since ho was a child
wonder , a sweet , round faced boy , with full ,
lustrous eyes , singing teniparanca ballads at
Brooklyn'tnoetiggs with a pathos that melted
bard hearts , ( jus VMliiams has bncn true to
himself as an artist. Ho has not tried to
play Hamlet and h&vln ; a delicious German
dialect , he has never outraged tbo proba
bilities of natura and has never ridiculed
Gorman pcoplo In his acting. Ho has held
the mirror up to nature in his si-nnlo way
and has told his stories , recited his poems
and sunp his song * his humorous or tender
songs in a way that has touched the pee
ple's hearts.
Manager Day , of Wonderland and the BIJou
theatre , has returned from Denver and has an :
otncr surprise In store for lady patrons this
afternoon. This will ba tbo second of the
winter series of souvenir matinees at which
every lady visitor will te the recipient of not
only n baautlful Dus useful present. The
house \vn- again crowded last night notwilh
standing the fact thu people have not yet
fully recovered from the election hurrah.
Tbo play on is giving great satisfaction ,
while the famous specialty bill is something
really wonderful In its startling nnd inter-
csllngc charater.
of tlm Mlnnr.iiuli4 | Mill * Thu I 'or
vlgn .Mnrkct. , Mtnu. , Nov. 10. The North
western Miller says : The Hour output last
week was Slii.OOO barivU , against S-Jil,025
barrels the week before , 201 , V2."i barrels for
tbo corresponding time in 1VJ1. The yield
Ibis week will Do'JIO.OOO barrels.
Sales of Hour by local mills last wee about
equalled the output , tnotigh it is admitted
that the very low prices had to bo accepted.
The bull ; nr the trade Is on domosticaccount ,
Wnllo foreigners bid quite freely they want
to buy at present prices for January und
February ship-nent. Mlllors as a rule are
unwilling to sell on this basts , as freight
rates will soon be much higher. A somewhat
stronger wheat market would doubtless set
foreigner * to buying freely. Direct export
shipments last week were 71,930 , against
O.''i barrels the preceding week. Lon
don quotations per " & ' ) pounds , c. 1. f. , are :
Patents , Ws 9ti < < i ifii Ga ; bakers.
low grades , Us ilacM'3 ijrf ,
Salvation OH , the people's liniment , Is
guaranteed thn best. It will euro you.
\V < * tnru Union .Stork ,
NEW YOUK , Nov. 10. Tuo directors of the
Western Union Telegraph company met to.
day and determined what disposal should ba
made of $ iiSOJ,000 : additional stock au
thorized by the Btockbotdur.H and ilnallv
voted into existence by tbo directors No
vember 1. The directors decldud today to
distribute 1 per cent of this in December as
dividends to the stockholders uud to place
tha rest of U In the tre.iiury as a reserve
with whlcu to Improve tno system and erect
now lines. The balance will bo nut on the
market as soon as Western Union stock
reaches pir , for under the law It cannot be
, sold below par.
lc Appoint men ti.
Nr.w YORK. Nov. 10. Tbo controversy be
tween the Coney Island and Crescent City
Alhlelio clubs over the light between Jim
Hall and Bob FltzMtuinons has been settled
In favor of the Now Orleans organization.
Charley Mitchell will also aucopt tbo Cres
cent Citr club's offorof J50.000 for ago be
tween him and Corbolt.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
0 It nroirf-
fdIT you buy nt
yuir own jlsk
nnythlnp purport-
iui to be Doctor
i I'lerco's meJI-
( \ cine ? , M > M by un-
/S authorized deal-
> ! crs nt less then
' -.I tlioroculnrprice * .
You risk tlio p t-
tinft cf old tattles
, , refilled , dllulirr.4
( rsntilno rnoufclnes , imitations , tnJ
To prevent oil tlifj , nnd to protect the pub
lic from fraud nnd imposition , the genuine
ffuaranteetl modlrHitr * of Pr. H. V. Pierre
nro now sold only through druggists. I-CRU-
larly nutuorirod ns eppttts , end at the follow-
Golden Medical Discovery ( for I.lvcr , Diced
nnd Lunc Discasi-s > , § 1. < U I'ovorlto 1'rc-
Errlptlon ( for woman's v.-c.0 < lirsscs nnd ail
ment ? ) , $1.00. 1'lcasnnt IVllctn ( for the llv-
tr ) , Ho cents. Comp. Kr.t , Ijmart-AVrcd , CO
cents. Dr. S-aga's Catarrh Remedy , SO cents.
Ur. 1'iorco's rcmedifs nro the rlicnj-cst
you can bUV , for [ /nti ; > i < ; onfi/ for thf { ; nod
vou get. Thev're j tarontced to rive tails-
faction , or you Uavo your money '
Improved Safely Elevahrs ,
for. < Ji'i Street ulid HliAve . Oonn.-ll IllulT
All I , n Isof Drnm ; nn 1 Clo.inliiT dnno In tin
l-'lii" > t t-tylu of the art , I'.ulad nil I st\ln9l
itbrlL'3 nia'lo to lo > ' > c as rood : n n3'.T
Work proiiitly | done ninl Uuliverot In .ill
parts of iho coautry Sen J for urlco llsi.
L' . A. MAOtlAN. - - I'ltOl'lilECOIl
tUioadwiy , Near Xort'i ' vflttira DJ.IJ.
Ojll.Ui' IM. lO.Ti.
An ordinance or ! crfns tlio Ainarlcan Water
Works Company to tiiko up and loiocato
certain Ilro hydr.intt In the city of Omaha ,
licit ordalnod by thuulty council of tlio city
ofOmah.i :
j-c.ctlon I. the American Water Works
Company bouid boroby is require : ! totakenn
and rulocato water , li.Tdr.iuti la the city of
Uniaha us follows , to-\Tlt--
Ono at UUtb and Ca sliis ;
One nt Mth and Ciiniuron :
Onu on Amos avunuo uetwcen y.'iut nnn S'lr.l :
One at ' . ' 'ih ' and :
Ono on fJrand n'vonWbctwecn Mth andllTth ;
Ono * t : ntli and Corby :
Ono on I'owler venie : bctwocu a4th and 33th
strct'ts :
Onu at IiJth MK ) Ohio :
Ono at 4uth and Patrick avenue , at brick
yard ; > i AO
Onoat loth and WIrt : , r
Oneat Rlondoand.aist. near Prospect Hill
' '
cemetery ;
Ono ai 2.'lrd and Araes avenue ;
One at II.Hi and Corby.
'I ho said hydrants as ubove spiicifled as
taliun up to bo located In thu places following ,
Onu on ! Cth street between Howard and
Jackson ;
Ono on ICth street between ChleaRO and
C'asa ;
One on ICth street lietwoen Casi and Cali
fornia ;
Ono on ICth street between California and
Webster ;
Ono on IGth street between Webster and
Hurt ;
One on 2'.lh and Bri tel ;
One on''Mb and Itrlstol ;
Onion Kith street between Cumins and
I/ard struct- , :
One on ICth street between Capliol avenue
ant Davenport at root ;
One on Ilitn Mieot between Davenport and
Chlc-aso st roots ;
One un street bctuecn Karium and
llonzlas stieuts ;
Onu on 15th street between Capitol nvcnno
and lodie ) street :
Onu on Hth street Jjctwccu Cap tel avenue
and Dodeo ( street.
Section" . TliHt this ordlnanco take effect
and be In force from und nftur Its
Passed Ouiobcrlbth. 1 > ! < - '
City OJerk.
i : . P. DAVIS :
President City Council.
Approved Ojloberiltli. l"fi.
UKO. P. IlKMT ? .
M ivor.
An nnllnanuiMiocIarlns the necessity of grad
ing t'lth struct from Dodo struet to Cass
street , anil appointing throu dtslnturettcd
unpr.iisvrs to : i > - ss mid determine tlioilum-
acus , If any , to tbo nroporty owner , which
may lu caused by siii'h uradltiT.
Ho It oulalnotJ by the city council of the city
nf Omaha :
ScM-tiou 1. That it Is proper and necessary
and It U liuroliy duolaro I prnpcr and neces
sary , to srado : ! 4tli strent to Its present
nstabllbhod grade. Including iiGi'Osonry ap-
pro.ii'lius thuroto from Da list1 slrcct to Cats
sliei't. onc-balf iho cost of salu grading to bo
paid by tlio city.
St't'llun " . the mayor , with tlio approv
al of tlio city council , aupjlut tbrco disinter
ested ; i | > iir.UM'r to anprulsc , assess mid doter-
inlne the dam IRO to propurty owners which
nriy biie.inso J oy snuli Rr.nlln ; , taUIng into
consltlural on In making such appral'imont ,
the spBL-lnl bonoflH , If uny. tosnoa proporiy ,
by reason of MII | gr.idlnf.
Hootlon : l. Thnt this ordinance shall take
effect undbo In for.'o from
anil after H > ji.m-
azo.PassoJ November 1st , 1W.
Uitv U.erk.
1C. P. DA VI.- .
Provident City Council.
Approved November * tb. li'Ji.
OKO. P. I ) KM I P.
An orJInanoe hH'i\liii ; cnrtilci additional
water hv ir.ints In the city of Oinah.i.
Ho It ordained by tlis ulty oiunoll of tlio city
ot Oaiiha ; ' ' <
Heot'on ' I. Th it the American Water Wors
Coaipany bnnnd thu viiat ) N hnroby orderoj
lo iilaco a < ldltlonal vt.uii.-r liydruus In the city
of Omaha , as follows :
Onu at ilia corner of ( irovo s trout CIHh avei
nnd DaVL-ni'ort ttruut ,
Ono at the Ir.tur.suuHoii of 27th aremie and
\Vohstcr stretit. '
Soctlon ' - ' . That tlni ordlnanco blrill take
ctfout and bo ID foroo from and .iftor Its p.t > > -
Passed November Ijt. ' .
r.p. DA.
J'H'sldunt Oily Council.
DApproved Novcmbcr.'th. , li-ai
' ' ' '
To all owners of lotsbfparlbof lots on Shlney
trfut , from -etli strc'ut to 2)th ) avonuo.
You uru hereby notillol that the under-
slinod throe < llslnt rostoj frocboUlers of the
city of Omaha Imvubeen duly aupolntod by
the nmyor with the ot tbu city coun
cil of nald city to a > uss Ilia dumavoof the
owners respectively of thu property nlToate : !
by theohiiiKo of trade nf i-hlil y struct , de
clared accessary by ordtuanro No UlUI , pabiod
July -JO , 1 'J. . spurove.l July.'S. h'Ji
You are fnrihor notlllad that luivliu ao-
oeptetlaaUl appoint iiuutaihl duly ijnallllodai
reiiulred by law , wo will on tlio UtliU.-iy of No-
vcmbor , InJi , nt the hour of o'clojk in the
inornln : at thu otll 'o of ( Jh.irlei P. lUnJumln.
15 U DuilKo street , within tha cnrporutu Ilinlts
ofKalUclty. meet fortho Diirpoioof consider
ing und makliu at,5B.sinoni. of damage to the
owners respect vely of said properly tilTec'tcd
by raid mailliig , tr : < lm Into cotmlditr.ttlou
kpeulnl bmietlt . If any. Von are herubv notl-
lu-l to bo present ut the tlmu an I place afore-
sil 1 and mulici auy objuctlon to or htati-monts
i-oiicc'rniir.'snhlii , esiinciitof d iiu.igos aayou
may consider proper.
( JII.Vltl.R4 P. HRNJAM1N ,
JOHN I' . Vlt\VK ,
_ . . . . Coramltteoof Appralsert
Omaha , Nob. , Nov. 1 , IbJi
We Sympathize
with those who bet wrong on
the last election ,
We Congratulate
those who were the luckv ones
and were fortunate enough to
We will inaugurate a
Dress Picnic Sale
for your benefit for
2 clays only , this
Friday and Saturday.
ttr *
5 worth $2,00
Wilson Bros' teck scarfs and
four-in-hands ,
ISc Each.
Goods valued all the way up from 50c to $1.00
and our Overcoat Special and Suit Sale will
still continue for these two days.
Corner 13th and Farnam.
The autumn Is the time to paint , and ono coat brightens nnd preserves houses
and buildings nnd adds much lo the value an.l beauty of your property.
Would You Like ! o Buy Faint at Wliolesele
\Vc want to sell you paints and everything use : ! in painting at wholesale nnl
less. The lest boiled oil youbouglityou probably paitl 70u a pillion for it.Vo will
sell you ono gallon or 100OUO ; j.illoiis "f uny brands nt1'Ja. . Now \vo have caught
your attention , road the rest of this and compare these straight cash prit-os.
St. I.ouis lead , "c per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil , u gal can ,
Oinalia lead , OJe per Ib. Sl.GO per jral.
.lopliii lead , ( He per Ib. . . . .
. Hurry Bros. , hard oil. 1 cau , $1,75
load Tic 11)
Clionp )
Linseed oil , boiled , -lOc per gal. Other hard oils , from $1.03 to SI.50
Linseed ol1. taw , -liiu per ( jul. per # 11.
Paint oil , ! toc nor jjiil. Mineral paints , dry , from 1J < ; to oe.
Barrel price , lie per gnl. less. Mineral ] ) aintB , ground in oil-lu to Cc.
We imrnntco to bo ns prood ns nny mixed paint.Vo will sell you at Si,2
per a.lon. ! Has never been solrt for less tlianfl.aO.pur fra lon.
As good a paint ns other 'S soil you for 51.50. Wo will sell you atil.OO
or gallon.'S
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wo will snll you at " 60 per gallon.
On all other goods our prices nro equally low.
1 and 3 , 4th St , MasonicTemple.
Moro sold than all others combined. Do not bo deceived by imlttitorg or by
those claiming to Imvo almost us good a imichluo. Buy only tlio SANDWICH
CORN SHELLEE and bo protected by direct guarantee from rolliblo nuuuifae
turcrs. You can uhv.iya depend upon our repairs being Uout in stock by all locu
doulora Apply for our agoncy. Send for cntuloguoi and prioss. SANDV/IOE
NUPAOTUItlNQ OO. , Coa neil Bluffs , low o.
The want n1vortl < iii < ml nuuoarlnit In
no spiH | > r Atn often the most Intaronlnv
part oflti content . They onro i the urs n
nor-iln.-tlio il.vllyT | I\O \ ot tlio people irho
\r iit oniothln and who ure wlllln.f to do
\\rAN rKI-Po ! t on by > xpcrlcncpil , com-
' iiDtPiitstPnocrnulier. C'un give peed refer-
rnccK.V 9 , llco ofllci )
" \\7ANTKD A ceo I clrl for ccncrnl lieu e
' worit. Mrs. J. S. Orotzcr. COJ Kml Pierce
O HANtIK Krov , < s In K.orldn . iin MjTlTf ornbT
forsuloor trado. UreuiMhioliK Nlohnltun
_ _ _ _ _
C IIK.M1 timber lnnd In Miiinp ota for mU
In qii intltlcs to Mill. l-my : p ynicntv
llrceiiMiioUK Mvholton.V fj.
Ip A MM nnd city lotn , Money loino.l on
Mock und craln. HOA ! pstato for < Moi
Dnollltu and tnislnc i n-ntaK Monn lo.tnnl
for lee il InvoitOM. London Jk Tovtlo.UlJ t'o irl
/OUKJ OIIANfin-Clciir uiurternctlon of
- l.iml fi i Oonneit lllu.Ti property : will D > J *
uMi for t.i lorcncc. Ureensliielui. N ohelion
10. * li.'t Hi.i.iflwar.
3/OIS SAKVChoiccit f-xrm In 1'ntlawattv-
iii o Co. . 4l'J ixere * , we I locitud ant Im-
proM-.l. Price SIO an IIITO. R II
-inACUKS and for i.ilu ; lictwiicn Conn oil
I ItlnlTs mid Onmlia : u b.iriiiln If'ii soon.
tireonsliio.ds , Nli'liolnon \ ( "a , idl llro.ulwar.
Ifl'K ' K.\C1IANIU-.1) : ) ncr < in Phillips
-L ronlltv , Co'o. . with lmimm > inunt < , for
Mivl ; of dry aools ; and clothing or othar
imlso. I. II. Sheaf c.
ON i\SV : payments .Vroomlii < i , e on South
ut structGreanshleaU , NiehoUun > ti Co. ,
'I llro : dway.
Al.h On sisiid payinontn. irillt nnil
Biirtlen Unl noir Council Uliiltj li 11.
lioafe. llroirtwiy un I Uiiln troot.
1/MJflT I.AXO. : Ui ncrix for sulo : Inside city
limits , lirccn hlultts , Nicholson Co. , 6JI
Y\r A. Wont ) .V O 1. Imvo si ) no of the Hnoil
* t farms in ioitthivostorn low.i for nale.
'all ' nnd scum f j M.iln treot.
HOM K an 1 tnnity w. ntcil \inlinnroveJ
nrouorty In nortli\ro < l p-irt of city llicea-
hlvld * . Nicholson .V Co , fi.'l Ilro tilwny.
1710 M KKXT-Tho folliiw nir dnelllnin !
- * - U ) room < lwo Una. i.M Park uvc. , JIJ.
" -room ilwolllnir. 7J4 So. t.lh st. . Jl\
. -iiioiii ctwellinf , PJtitlnd ivu. . ili.
7-rnoin dwolllnc , OH 6th ava , $ . ' . > .
It-room dwell n. , | . .th t. nnd Avoniie I ) , I7i
7-rooin dwullin ' , ! . " . ' llroidwnj- : > .
10-rooni duelllnff. Ml Ilcnton { . . K ) .
8-roimi dwell tic. Iirj Avunuu ( ! . $115. Vv
fl-room dnnlllnc. 1IU N. l.Hh st. , $ M.VJ (
fl-ioom duelling. R"U A voniio It , $13.
7-iOini UtfollInK , , IID lilnuoln nve.SIO.SV
7-rodin dwelling , 2 0 lUrinony st. , SI3 ,
7-ioom dwoillns , llaimllt Place , i.j.
C-room dwulllns. 411 Curtis st. . * f > .
fi-rnom awollln ; , 5'.M MynitcrMt , . { U.
5-roim ( dHollln ; , lill ! lird nvo. , } l i.
4-1 oem d nollln ; ; . 5-1 My tutor si. , } I2,51
C-room ( Inolllnj , Grnlmi'i KVO. . jr. .
C-ronni dwolllnir. T.0fith ! ) .ivo. . ! 12.
n-room dwolllns. Ilabbltt I'lice , JI'.S ) .
T-room dwollln < . Mnrnln sllo , (12.1SO.
4-room dwclllni ; , 415 Park uvo. . JI2.W.
n-rootn dwollln. , 2i ! " ( ! Avenuu A , ! IO.
S-rooin rtwollliiB , 4DI N. fith St. , flfl.
fi-rootn ilwellliiB , > 01 N. 7th st. , JIU.
4-room dwclllnc. H'l.'ifth nvc . tU
e-rooin dwolllni' . 'iO.i 4th . < t. , Jin.
4-romn ( Iwolllns. us Vines ! . . { 111.
4-roorn owolllnx , SIO N. 7th. JIO.
B-room dwelling. " : > I7lh nvo. . JH.
0-rnom d nllln : , Kl'4 Avonno II.JIO.
0-rooni dwulllnf , 1M" Avenue II , ? 1J.
fi-room dwell Ins , 14i | : llrondtvay. $10.
C-roorn dwelllns. I9.1 Stliivo. , ill.
ti-rooni dWBlllnz. 17uJ Avonuu A.JM.
S-roorii awclllni , Hnilmn uvp. . nr , Illjb , } * ,
4-roorn homo. ITJ'I i > o 9th > l. . JIJ.
S-room dwollln , : I12' Avanuc A. { D.
4-roo-n dwelling. SS I Avunno D.H
5-room dnetlliit.0' " - A vunnu li. * i
4-root'i dwcllliiK.010 A vi-nuo C. ? 3.
0-rooni dtTBlllns.'Istst. . and Avmno M , 11
5-iuom dwolllns. 70n S 'J.r.l ! kU. $ . * .
5-rnoiu iln'clllnir , ilili. Avotuie A. { } .
4-room tiwollinif , 3m N. | hi st , , f7.
4-iooni dullln2 till o. 1st St. , JO.O ) .
n-ronm ( Uvelllnz , yi'iO ' Avonne A.Sl
fi-room Uwo'llnz. yin l.'ith nvu. , Jl.
f -room dwelling. . ' J3 < Avenue I ) , * ! .
2-rnoin dwollln - . 1IOJ Avenuu I ) . 1" > .
4-room dwelling , yvjijvunua t ) . H.
'f-rooin dwulllnc. S. flth si. . $ \ .
4 room Uwolllns. fill Avu. C. i.3.03.
4 rooiii ( Iwolhn ; . S03 1'iirU nvo. . $1'.13.
7-rooin dwolllnc. " 14 Mvnsti-r st. , JW.
fi-room dwo'lliur. ' Cii ( Vanh nton ave. , 913.
7-ro > m i
K II. Shoafo , rental a nnt. Ilroadway nnd
Main street.
1 1'YOll hnvo Tuythlni for silo or trade st *
L 1C. II. She ifo. llrn i lwiy : ; uil .M tin strfiflt.
AHAI1OAIN. li-nBre frn t and itardentraok
" 'i ' milt's from poitoHloo.'i\i acres in Krnpoi ,
aero In blii-khorrlcd. SSi iinplo treei , 74
liluni trees. JCioherrv treu < , duolllru , stable ,
etc. Price HOOJ. No trado. Rll.
yi ACHE ? . Inside city limits : will sull In loti
-Jono .icro nn to suit buyer. Orcenshleldi.
NlchoihOM . Uo. , C-'l HriKulw.iy.
II' YOU like kind treatment and bar/alns'ln
it.iI ctito cill on ( irecnshlolils , Nlobol-
son & t'o. . Oil Ilro id way.
I CO ACRES of ulour land in cvistdrn Ne *
J hr.i * ' < ii to o\clmii2o for a gnu 1 residence la
Coiincll Illoffs. Want ho M .4 an 1 lots for No-
braslca laud. Johnston .V I'attun.
\\7nilAVKaKondtoiiMit. for u llvnor ilx
1 ' room hoir.d four or flvu blocks from post-
ntnVo. Uruui < ihlolds , Mcholson > V Co. , till
GCU3 acres o' choice plno lands for sale ,
; Purvis , MK-i. IC.isy Inrnis In-
( Itilii'nf .Mrs. . 11. O. lirouiii , or A. T. Klco. 18J
Uhslicot ,
EOUIT'YIn coed Council IllnlTs property.
Must bo sjJ | tuii wui'K. ( iroonshloldi ,
Nicholson Jc Uo.
Wl" llAN'KcnslomtMM who want houses to
ronl. llivo : > ou thu hoiuosV UrcciHhlelds ,
Mobolson A Co ,
"IJANCH of ' .VliO auro < . noir Ciis/enno. Wvo.
liflno Improvemunts. sjini stj'j Kuos ivltu
r inch ; lines I In the stale. Will nxuhaino for
Council lliiir ! or Unrilri nroparty. ( Iroen-
fihiclds , Niuholann & Oo. , Oil Ilro ut way.
iioit r.xoiiANOKl"n.oja "siojirVf l-unerTT
J. merchandise fur low i or casturn Noliraslci
lunil. ( ircunshiuUls. Nichnt on > v Co. , Oil
H'tvay. agents for uilmlnUtriitor.
7 rfsEKNS IIIKM > * . NIOIIOI O.N ft UO. .
VJaaenis for lulin'nlstritor. hive for sale
ono of the bestOJO-.icro nto.-1 ; f.inni In oil-
AI1STKACTS nnd loins Kami nnd oily
property bought and bold , I'usoy a
Thonias , Council IllnlTs.
IIA KM , near Mnndnniln. la. , for sale on oaiir
1 terms. J. K. Itlco. Council lUiHr * , la. tradoitond rlly proiiurty for worlt
horse * J. It. "Klee. loiin"l ( Ilium ,
GAItllAGK removed , ciisipoiils , v units und
eliliiiiiuy.soiomml. II I ) , llnrlto. Oily Illdg.
IjlOIt SAIjI-I Ilardivarj st 'jl(4 In Iowa mil
J-1 Nubraska , lnvolo3s.JJ.WJ to JI2.0J ) . K IL
' _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"IllAV UAhKS-Por s'ile uliOMfi , tliron I'-foot
UUM-S , with Iron lilinds. 1'r.uiU ljuvlii'a
cliiarstoru. II Pearl strool.
I rooms tu rental 111 ( Jlon aro-
"I71OK SAI/R. chuap , or In ovcliHiine for land.
-L' an fhtttlillshnd bnsinssi. P , O.
boxd/J Connull Ulnir , la.
, [ , trade tbo C K. Miiyne Btulllon ,
NT - Clav'I'achun , Jr. " for wor'lt lipr j .
K. Itlce , Council ILulTo.
1 UriT A blluU pin wltl > opal tattln. . I'ot
Jrowuril return to lion ollloo.
MONDAYS In It. A. p jrlori , olilllroii , 4 p
in. ; it In ti , T'li : p "i. rio.'UN u'cnnd and
fourth Mondays , U p. m. Music furnUliod par-
tics uad ululjj Aildri'yj ut K. A , Parlor * .
Ooiinull Illtiirs , or lull Farnam Bt. . Omulia.v
" ( 'li&m tiers , Inilructor.
Sfliinftpr < : Attor"eys .
OdlllUllb , | Ca i/ , , | io Htttto ani court * . Ituo us 'L 4 und 3
llcnro bloow , t'ounull Illutls. li. :
Sealed proposal * * t I bo recolvcdiy \ the nn-
iur iKiieii until 1.U : o'glouk p. in , .N ovum Her
Jiih , ihir. ' , for tlio fonntrii'itlunof ' a suwor In
BowordlstrlL't No. 174. In Out city of Omuha , u *
pur ordinance .No. : i fi. iiccur luij to plans and
spucllloulluiu on file In llio III no of the UoarJ
ol pnlJlle wonts.
l.ucli pruiKH it to bo inuihi on printed blank *
fnrnUliud t > y tliu hoar ! and to lie uccoinpn-
tiled lV u'lirtlllixl uliook In llio tiiini of tw > ,
payable to thu city of Umuliu , us an uvldonc *
. ,
The lx : ir.l reiorvc * Hie rl ht to reject auy
or all olds , and to wulva ilufuots.
Chalrmnu of the lloaid of I'ulillc Worki.
Ouiahu , November lOtu , U'Jl ulJ-ll-17-14