FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. viAi > OMAHA KIM HAY Ami ? MI NO , XOVK.MnKIl 11 18119. V'iT\rmi > I IUI ny " " ll 118 " ° | Q- on alt . I. . I..o - nn , il- ilI. , I. up- It. tfO t. I'll- 7. Adams-LcoDoMHuhn. U. B.S. Kiminajr. I'liolps nnd Ilnrlan W. 1- . i"i V'lirnft * , lcd ! Willow , lllti'hcoeU. Dnndy , Oonpcr. KrontliT , Chase nnd Hayes -I.cwls w. ill liiu'soti. I.lnco'n , Kellh. I'orklm. PliOT- cinic. I.OJRII , lilmball und Hooker Henry St. Knynoi , R itotJsn. I. llldinrdnn .Tohn.M. llroekninn. Hi llcnrr OiTde . I ) : . .lullHmltli. . I. _ ' . I'awneo-C. A. Schappul. It.V. ; . M. Olf- : i. 'Ncinuhn C'hurch Howe , 11. ! H. J. John- ' ' . - How. It. 5. Nctn.ilin and Johnson llii-ndoro Finllli. It. H ( itoii John Sliieinlr. I ) . : Ooorso > V. l.ul- T. r.i-ss-.Tolin A. Havlcs. II : A. S. fooluv , IL W. C i a anil Utoo-.lnlin r Watson , II. II. Sarpy-Cliunnco Kuy , It. ID. lloiulii A. Iyutioa. . It. : A. I.ocUnnr. H.c. A. ( . < > > . U. ! W. .N. Niison. It. : T. I ) . CramIt. . : M. U. HlcKetts. K. ; J. II. Ivyner , III ( ieor.-o W. Amos , Ir. , lcinirles ) ; WUhnull , 1) . II. Wishliitfton : W. II. lla.ler. . U. I' ' . Itiiit-iii-nrxo ! ' . Kussti-r. II. III. Hurl anil \ \ asliliiBtoi. K. I' . Slssnns , It II. Do.liro-N. I' . .Nelson , llj.lolui I a mil , l > . l.'i. ( 'iiinlns-lloniiet tiolilsnutli , K. Cumins , D.iUola and Thurston - - It. I. vlokp , II- K. \ \ uyiiianil Slanlon T. S. ( Joss , H. 18. III.VOII-K. I : , KitU. . , . , I'.i. ( Vtlnr anil I1 ( iron-Arnold l.lckoir , I ) . 20. K'nox-.l. ( IVHISO , I. 21. Antt'I'ipo I. . II. Sutor. 1. 2. lloone-Wllllain A. .Mel'utehcon , I. 2i : .Muillsnn ( i. A. l.ltikliurt. 1 > . i'4. ' IMnlto-Wlllliiin Shofp ; I. 23. I'l.-itto anil Nniico l.Mblicrnseii. U. Si. ( I'olf ix-.Iilin Van Ilou'on. I ) . 27. S-inniler-i-J. N. Unflln. I. : ) ' . ft. Ol on , I. llutli-r Ucurpo It , Coltun , K : ( Jliarles 1) ) . ? ' " "yewnril 1 . .T. llruwn. It. : It. f. Itliea. tt. Ianejstpr-Il , II- O.ikley. U ! Joseph nii. It.i A. .1. I'ornlah , It. ! K. it. Spcnenr , It. ! J. I' . I' . . McKesson , li. , , , . . III. Siil'.no William Ktuip. „ . : John N. \ an- ' " c-i1. II. lllncls. It , ; I1. II Jaiiien.il. : in. llano anil Millne-John A. \ \ ardlaw , H. III. .lolTersoii - ( ! . . ! . Carpenter. H. A Thayer-K II. .Iciiklns , tt. ; ' (1 Th , yiT and .It'll'ersoii-Ueorze Crosa , H. U7. fillinoro J. .lensoii , It. ! Kichard DOJ- : ; \ Voik-Charlcs ICecKIoy , tt. ; Nathan Jolm-mi. It. : i < i. I'nlk tieorjo Ilorst. I. 40. MflTlrkW. . 1' . I'ortcr. I. 41. Iliiullton John II. Uiln , It. ; I'roil N'ow- "l V'lay-S. M. KMer. I. : R A. MeVay. I. 4:1. : Nii knl-i-li. A. Kelt nn. 1. 41. Webiler--Austin Itllny. I. Ti. Ailams I'etvrllrlltllli. It- 4ii. Wi-Iisti'i' null Adams 1" . A. Harmon. T. 47. llnll-.l. | j. Johnson , 1 : llonry Schlot- feldt. I. 41 * . llnwiird. Cliarlos Gr.-iminnr. f. 4i. ! Curflclil. Wliuuliir , lireuluy , I.onu. llliiino , Tliomiii. llonUiM- mid ( Jrmil ' . II. ll.irry. I. iVJ. lloll-ll- . Henry , l.jd. K. inlth , I. M. llroniiaiul Iljelt Uliarles Itobinson. U. fi2. Cliciry and K'eya 1'aha .1. II. l-\irns- uurtli. I. Kl. Sheridan. Dawea , llox Hntto and Sioux J. H. WooiN I. ftl. l.liK'oln. I'lieyeniiL' , IColth. 1'urKlns ICim- liall. Demi' , Seotts lliulT and Uauner CJ C. I.iii.'cnfellor. I. r.3. Viilli-y llnnry I' . Ifhoiles. f. Ml. fii-tor nnd l.oin Donlitful. f,7. SlicrinanAlbert - - DloUenson. I. iis Itiiiraio-Jolin Wilson , It. ; A. J. Scott , I. f > n. D.IUSIIII .1. O. l.viK-li. 1. (1 ( 1. Keiinipy Kil Krli-k. I. Gl. rrankllii .hiliiL's Dlniintc'.c , I. C2. II ii-lmi S. riiltoii. 1. Kl. I'licfp.-K. Hoili-riiian. T. 01. l-'iirnas Jnfin Hli-vons. I , CV lud ! Willow Doiiblful. Wl. I'lonller and liospor 1'or.I. I. n * . Illteliuiick , Dimdy. Itaye.s and Chase I , , t ! , Ku'cle ? , I. IX Till : 1MUST ItlSTItlCT. 1 IL-UI an < l l.i-yan ISoth Ululiti to II ivo IJeoa I INTOI.V , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special to Tin : Hcc.l The result of the oioctipn for con- eressman in Lancaster county Is ns much In doubt as il was lasl evening. Both partlei claim the election and both base their claims on the result in this county. Field claims the county by a plurality of 410 , while iJrynn assorts thnl his opponent has bul 2UI in Iho countAt the icpublicau headquarters Ills is claimed that the district will give Field a small plurality , according to- the following schedule : mir.n's .aiie.i-ter 1'axvi.co Jolinsun . IDs Total IIIIVAN'S PI.UIMUTIES. Otoo ' ' - Ciss HIS ltlehiirl > on 73 Neinaha "Tl Total Sli I'leld's net plurality n At the ( Ibinocrutlc lioaUqtiarlors Iho llcurcs vary bul little from those Riven out last nitjlil. The followlnjj Is tuo sia'enient upon which llryan onse * hla claims to the victory : iwv.v.Vs ri.ui ! U.ITILS. ' Oioo . HI3 I'ass M > Ulrliardwin 123 Nciuaha -IW Total DCS Lancaster r. 2lU I'nwiuiu 1'I3 .loliiibon 2uO Total roc Ilryuif > nul plurality. The ofllcial count commence.in this county tomorrow morning , and until it U completed the rival claimants wld doubtless ( lash their respective schedules upon the public as tlio only 01104 entitled to credence. > Congressman Jlryan stated to TUN ] > IK : representative at 11 o'clocn tonight that his ligures gave him a majority of 15 ! ) in Ibo district. I ITAII.S : OK TIM : von : . Itc'iilt ill tin. Count liitliK State HO l"ir nn I'olloulm , ' are the .special telegrams re ceived by Tin : liii : : from the various counties where the count has been finished : . \il.iiim , n\sriNn < , Neb. , Nov. 10. Latest canvass of vote on irnvoruor ( jives Urounso , 1-WI ; Van Wjcit , 1,055 , and Morton , 776. ] ) IIBWKTIII : , Neb. , Nov. 10 , Blaine countv vote : Ilarrl.son , (10 ( : Clovt-land , i.M ; Weaver , ( Hi ; Croiinsi- , Morton , ! ! U ; Van U'vclt , IS ; Mnjors , IKij Wolbaeb , ! I3 ; hrad r , 5i : ; Allou , ( XI ; Crow , ill ; Ka- lot line , 6l > | Moore. flS ; O'Sullivan , 13 ; Mejtuynolds SII ; Hartley , M ; rn- : ! ? us , 01 ; Gntowood , , VI ; Fries , fiOO'riy ; , r : > ; Drowncll. , 65 ; Harry , ( W ; Parks , 51 Unnncr. fiui , Neb..Nov. 10.--nanner county vote complete ! Harrison , 107 ; Weaver , IN ) ; Morton , ill ; .Majors , ISt ) ; Sunidur , 17f ; Crow. ) U5 ; Mooiv , 17(1 ( : McHoynoldt. 177 ; lleeUman , 10 ; liouuy , ivj ; lllatt , 171 ; ( Jerinu1 , i7 ! ; Ilumphtoy , IS7 ; dunnett , 107 ; Cluvelana , 2S : froiinse. IS' } ; Van Wyok. 170 ; Wolbacli , il-J ; Allen , 1st ; Hnsturllne. UI7 ; O'Kullivan , ! I2 ; Hartlov , islj Wollo , 171 ; Horihorjtor : , 115 : llastlnus , 17S ; HtrlcUler , 101 ; Wlgflns , ill. Consross-\Vhltehnad , IsU ; IConi , 17S ; ( Jatewood , 2S. Beauto St. Huyner , 1115 ; Darner , IV.1. Homo Dicbcrson , Ui ; A kern. ' AMI ; l.lnsenfcltcr , 170. lloiino. Ainiov. Neb. , Nov. 10. Harrison , 77-1 ; Cleveland , 1SSVouvor ; \ , U'.U ; Urouine , blU ; Morton , 27.1 ; Van U'yek , UJS ; Majors , bt7 ; ; \\olbacti. 271 ; Shrader , S''O ; Allen. a.'i5 ; Uro iv , iIW ! ; ICiaterlini. , 0:1. : . C'oniro < > Kclper , 2.Vi ; MeiUlojohn , S37 ; I'oynter. U7S Senate lluifman , democrat , 2Slk I'aciuvooiJ , liidependont , lO ; Itiloy , republican , S3U. County vote complete. ii n itii i u iCfaiisi v , Nob. , Nov. 10.County vote complete : Harmon , 1SM ; Weaver , 2U- ) ; is'Jj N7 ; ast- jii : ; mil , zer. Ing , 151 ; ( .CO.MIXI'KU ON iCCO.NU 1'AUC.j J COMPLEXION OF THE HOUSE Analysis of the Returns from Various Con gressional Districts. LARGE MAJORITY FOR THE DEMOCRATS Tliry Will ll.-uo Kvrrythine Thrlr Own \Vi\y In tliu lliiiKo .mil Iln 1'rcc to Work Ilio itoforiiis Tlioy llit\o rroiiuscil. 1) . C. , Nov. 10. An utmlyMs of the congressional election returns shows thai with returns missing Jrom twenty dl - tricts , la which Ihe roault is either unknown entirely or is very close , the democrats have elected to seats In Iho house of represonla- tlvcs for the Fifty-third - congress eighty- eighty moro rcprejenvitives tlvin the repub licans. This majirity dOiM not include nine members-elect , who uro classified as either fusionisls or third pjrty men , nearly everyone ono of wliotn will act with the democrats In any ; proposed reduction of tariff taxc . Their support , with the additional strenglh tbo democrats nro certain to derive from securing soran ot the twontv districts put in the unknown column , mauo It ns con servative estimate to say that the democrats will have a majority of 100 members or raoro once tbo most Important question likely to como i before Iho next house nf representa tive. ' , viz : n revision of the McICinloy tariff law. A number of the fuslonlits nro also thoroughly ( In accord with the democratic policy as far as ll goes oa all other questions. For mstancj , McLiitrlln , of South Carolina , and Pence nnd Hell , ot Colorado , who are classified with the third party men , are in general accord with the domocr.xtio platform 'uvo ' on the currency question , the llrst na has nlllatico Ido.is nnd the two last na are radical free comiico men. Three out of live of tbo fusionlst * elected in Kansas Ufi ulno simply democrats , of what way bb culled the radical wing of thu parly , llou tlio lloiisu Will Muml. weaving out the twenty unknown districts , the next hou'jo will coi Ut of JO'J ' democrats , 117 rt publicans and nine fuMomsts , or lulrd party men. An analysis by sactions ot the vote Tues day for coligross'mer. shows that the soith- ern slates--Maryland , Ml * ouri nud Kt-n- tucky being included in tbia category will bend lir democrats , only tour republicans und ono alli.uica democrat McLiurllu of South C'lrollim to the next house , with four districts , two n Wcsl Virginia , one each in Kentucky arid Missouri. In doubt. Of Ilio four rcpuhliuan congressman returned , two come Iroin Tennessee , ono cacti from ICen- lucuy and Missouri. ' 1 lie only apparent re sult of the liclii made against democracy In the south .vns to strencthen ils hold on pub lic affairs. In North Carolina Cheatham , thu colored republican , is defeated alter sur viving the landslide two years ago , and in Alabama n solid democratic delegation is re turned , notwithstanding the efforts of Mr. Magee and others to split It. Of New England's twenty-seven votes in the next house the republicans get twenty- one nnd the democrats six. Three coining Irom Massachusetts nnd three from Con necticut. The Second Now Hampshire dis trict Is plHccd in the doubtful column. Tno tour middle states , Now York , Pennsylvania , Now Jersey and Delawaro.havesoventy-tbroe votes in th'u house , of which number lha re publicans ' will casl Ihirty-uine and the dem ocrats ' thirty-four. In thu Wc.st. Fifty-six congressmen will bn returned from the middle western states of Ohio , In diana and Illinois , According to the returns , democrats will reprnsenl lutrty-lwo of the uistricts , republicans twenty-three , and one , the .Sixteenth Ohio , at pre-cni represented by Pearson , democrat , IB said to bo exceed ingly close. Although this is the only doubtful district named In Iho press dl.-patchcs fiom tlifso states , experience warrants the belief that other districts will bo found to bo doubtful as the ofllclal count progresses , several dis tricts being always nip and tuck between the two parties. The states of the northwest and agricul tural west beyond the Mississippi river will send Uvenly-nino republicans , fourteen dem ocrats nnd ilvo fnsionists to represent it in the next house , with two districts from No- musha in doubt and tbc entire seven from Minnesota placed in the same column for luck of Information as to the successful can I- didates , The republicans stand tbo best chance of securing a majority Irom the time unknown districts. The live fusionists from Kansas it is said , with tlio cxcepticn of Dnvls and Hnkcr , ara Inclined towards democracy. Tbo silver states of Idaho , Montana , Wyoming , Nevada and Colorado split oven on'ttio congressional election , three republi cans coinintr from the two latter states. Nowlaml * of Nevada , however , is inclined toward republicanism. Tuo Pncillc coast is entitled to cloven con gressmen. Washington and Oregon each will send two republicans nnd California will send four democrats and perhaps moro , three districts being cloab between the two old parties. IloivTliuy Will VOIP. Following is a table by states : jo Later returns pluco the vote In ICausus for congressmen very much la doubt. . riouiiKs ritu.u cui.oi.u : > o. l-iiiiill | > t und thu Dcinorrali In the Vl- rriiilrui-y In Thut Stutf. DiiNvr.ii , Colo. , Nov , 10.The returns from the elate , with.tho exception of tbree unim portant counties , have been received. They do not represent the total vote , because in many Instances the majorities only are given , The figure * are as foliowj : Weaver , 10.-HO ; Harrison. M.tt * . l-'or Uorornor tValto , people's , 83a7i ) ; Helm , republican , 0iw. , Maupln , democrat ; 6ml : ! . For Congress First district , Pence , peo- ple'u , 10W3) ) ( Joe , reputlicau , 13,074 ; Taylor , j dotnocrAt , IVM. Socpriil district , Hrl1 , pee ple's. 2M.7.V ) ; Eddy , republican , 11SIC. L. M. Uoddard , people's , for Minromo Judge , ran ahead ot hli ticket nnd will have proonbly 14,000 majority.- The Inglslaturo so far ns Inanl from is ostlmatcd ns follows'1 Scnatn Populists and democrnX 1'J ; rbpublioans , 11. Of tlio hold-over sonutors &U' ' nro democrats , five repunllcani and ono psoplo s party. This will glvo the republican1 * 1(1 ( votes In the sen- nto and the opposition 10. It U nol thouijhl thai this will lie chnnccd , ns tlio tireclncts not yet reported nro small one * . In the hounc'sb far as hoard from there are thirty-five members elected on the republi can tick t , thlrtqen on the fusion ticket of the populists end democrats , and fifteen straight populists. l.ATKsV rillMl KANSAS. t'upiilUt Stnta niiil Mrctoral llclcot Satil to In ; Supt-i-Rsriil Tlicr . Tornv , ICan.'Nov. 10. The domocr.ulo nnd popullsl state cecirnl committee clnim thai Weaver and Cleveland eirriot the state by from 8,000 to 10,000. The republican state central committed admits tbo dufeal of Itruco for auditor , but claims the election of Smith. Conservative estimates nro that the republi can state nnd electoral tickets are dcfc'ituJ and nol more than ihreo congrasimon have been elected by that party. The republican , * of Kansas have suffered n sore defeat. Returns from all the counties , the last of which ; worn received nl 10 o'clock lotiiifht , show that the third party has a in iorlty ofI.127 on president. The republicans have saved from the wreck three congress men out of cUhr. and Iho legislature by the small uluriilliy of ono. The populist ranjor- liu-s on stnto olllceri are slightly below that of Weaver. UPJIJblicans concede their defeat. Choi'- man Simpson of the ropubllo.ni committee udmits that Iho taco of Iho returns shows a populist victory , but says he will not give up hope until the ofllcial cauvass shows republi can defeat , The fuil returns show that tbo lealslaturo will stand thus : In the senate , 17 republi cans , 23 populists ; in the house , 05 republi can' , 53 populists and 'J democrats. Thcso Ilcure.s show a populist plurality of ono on joint ballot , with the two democrats holding the balance of power. The republi cans , lioxvnver , have a sufficient majority to orzan(70 ( tlio house and will probably unseat cnonsh nopulisli and seat enough republi cans to give thorn a majority on Joint ballot and insure the election of a republican sen ator. CLAIMS .MADi : IV OHIO. the election In this strata U still in doubt and the indications nro lhat only an olllcial counl will decide. The democratic utato commilleo have authontlc roturtis from sovonty-slx counties and estimating results in the other twelve claim thai Cleveland has curried iho state by 1'JTi ) , and tliatU'avlor , dpinosrat , 15 olucted secretary of stale by a greater plural Ity.Tlio Tlio rcinbli"n cammlltco has received word froni nil the cauuMos cxcjpl four , and ostimatinR the results In these claim Iho elec tion of Taylor , republican , for secretary of state by 1-lUt anil that Harrison has , carried the state. The democrats elect ono congress man and iho republicans ten. Al U [ > . in. the situation In Ohio Is that the official count ulonocan decide , the result. The republicans suffered a relapse this after- neoa by discoveringiu mistake nf 1,000 in their footings. Tbi reduced the plurality of 1,701) ) , upon which the republicans have bcon tiKUrliip , to 700. , v' ' The democrats aro'clalralng the election of Cleveland .elector } jy 5JO plurality , but think the oDldalount alone can decide the result on state tiuSoti-- ' C.YMFCWNIA'S CI.O.SI3 VOTE. Cluvfliim ! n l.pnctli Alunttl at the Tlirnett Quarter 1'olc. Sts FiiAxrisCo. Cjl. , Nov. 10. Complete returns from San Francisco and about three- lifths of the rest of tha state glvo Cleveland U'J,7S. : ! UnrriBon 07.80 $ , Weaver I70j. ! The democrats elect four 10e congressmen , the ro ot'blicans probably two , with ono In doubt. e1 Ueturns still romn in vfiry UowUvund inoi- cato lhat tlio.residential vote will have 1d narrow mareln either way. Sixteen hundred precincts clvo Harrison 101,721 ; Cleveland , 101,1201 ; Weaver , 18,033. Five hundred and uineiy-nino precincts nro still to be heard from. Later returns on congressional candi dates do not change the former estimate 11of three republicans , three democrats and ono fuslonlst , democrat tind people/a. Two proposed amendments to the state constitution , providlug for the election of United States senators ny a direct , vote of iho people , and an educational qualification for votori. appears to have been carried ovcrwhclniingfy. The legislature is still in doubt. IOWA .STII.,1 , IN MXR. lU'piilillcan IVinclpUn I'rcrail In tliu IIiuvl- i-yu .SI ut is Dne MOIXKS , la. , Nov. 10. Latest figures pico the total republican vote al'J'JS.OOO nnd Ibe democratic at 536,000. , This includes an estimate for several-counties , but cannot DO fur from correct , a * of the eleven counties ten are surely opublican , though the lOlov- cntli district is still claimed by the dooio- cr.U ? , but merely us n possibility. Cr.iiAH Hu'ins , Ja. , Nov. 10. ( Special Telegram to TUB HUE. j The olllclal vote of Lynn cuunty has been completed. Harrison bus n plurality off/- ; , ! and Cousins , ( rep. ) for congress , has ! I7I , Tno republicans elect ! every county ofllcer by pluralities of from JOO to100. . Sr. PATI. , Minn , , Nov. 10. Partial return * from fltty-flvo out. of eighty counties mid estimates on tno remainder show Hiir-.ison'i plurality will bo lll.a'l'.l. ' There nro not fil - dent returns at hand to indicnto ler the four fusion doctors have beer , defeated or not. Tno democratic committee claims their election. Itf publicans claim the clue- lion of the whole republican electoral ticket. Nelson , republican , for ioveruor ; , is prooauly elected by 10,000 majority. Of iho BCvon congressmen the republicans claim live and conecjle Iwo to the democrats. | I The democrats cluliij ibrco and auolbcr In doubt. ' 3 llrpulillrniig Uulry Now iTampslilrr. CONCOIIP , N. II. , Nov. 10 , Hoi urns from 207 towns and cllloaglvo Harrison -I1.1 , 1 10 ; Cleveland , 'ilt.S''J ; proalblllon and scuttor- lug , lu l , Forgovornor , Buiith , ( rojiuulicau ) , -10,070 ; McKlnnoy , democrat ) . ! Hi 70 ; Carr , ( nrohlQilloiil , .1,418 ; Noyoa , ipaoplu'd ) , 'Jit ! , The re'iialniiig lo.wus will nol materially change iho result , Smith will bo elected by b majority of iipwanU of 033. This is iho llrst timoln sevor.iliyears a choice for gov ernor oas boon made oy the pcoplo. WUronilu WIs , , Nov. 10. Kcturns to noon show u democratic plurality intho stnto of fully 5,003 , Four-con pressmen nro repub lican und six ( lomqerutle. The locislaturo is democratic on Jolgl ballot by iwonty-i.lne. Thu Sentinel roldrns , with parts of uvcntv out of Euty-eigh counties estimated , glvo the democrats u plurality- governor of 4.TJS. Tbo ilfiure g slighllv smaller ou tbo electoral ticket. " U'rut Vlrirliilu lliiiiioi'mtlr. .EsiuN' , W. , A'a. , Nov , lO.-IJcturns to fur Indicate tbo democratic plurality In the state U about 5.SOO. All democrats ara elected to congress except possibly one. The legislature is democratic , u nu , ST. Lot is. Mo. , Nov. lu. Complete unofficial official return from the Eighteenth Illinois cniifresslnnul. district assures the election of Foreman , democrat , by l.OJU plurality. / Indiana' * ltutiriu ( , I.NiiiA.NAroi.ig , lull. , Nov. 10. Heturu from all except thirteen counties at demo- [ crailo headquarters S.LOW a democratic pla [ CO.NT1.NUED OS SECOND 1'AOE.J I I ArrAlKo AI lllhi ! vAlltAiN Awaiting the Convening of the Great Cardinal Consistory , THIRTEEN CARDINALS TO BE CREATEDnm Ciiinlrlo < Antotii ; U'lilc i 1 liryVlttlloAI - lottrcl I.un I'lr.isiMl ultli Ilio .Mili.icI InVliloli III * ltrprc rntiithu \Viis Trc.itcd nt Clilcnii > , [ Copyrljlitcit ISM lir Xew York Asioi'lileJ lrc * . ) HOMK , Nov. 10.ll H now prour.blo thai the pro.U cardinal consistory will take pl.ico on the 10th of December. Il H expected the pope will create thirteen cardinals out of the seventeen vacancies. This estimate does not seem exaggerated. Five are certain , viz : Tours. Rouen , C-rau , Uipuotro , Porsico. The nrchblshop of Seville appears equally cor- tain. For IJnsland there U yol no question. Austria demands thro ? , bul the pope will accord only Urati. In his last HuJionc" , tut Prussian minister renowoil tbo kaiser's demand , that Mirr. ICopp , bishop of lln-slau , bo included aiiioag the cardinals , but the oopo would prefer the archbishop of Cologt.e. As the Prussian government op poses this selection , tlio orchbHhop of Posen may bo thu final choice of the tope. At this consistory tils holiness wl.l deliver nn im portant discourse. Ills holiness restricts the number and dur.iilon of his audiences and secludes him- self in Ills apartments , working over two encyclicals , ono for the Jubilee and the other on the cliurch in the eivit. H is denied In Vatican circles that Miir. Satolli has ativ missive regarding scholastic questions in the United States. Jt is con sidered thai these h.ivo ueou regulnted through the Ireland incident. Cardinal Lavipori is examining a final re- porl on the Uganda affair , winch will reply to the asiertions of Captain regard und pre vent public opinion from beinir Icn astray as to the responsible originators of the troubles there. The report is about to bu Bent to leading English Catholics either to bo pub lished as a pamphlet or for the us. ? of mem- jers of parliament wishing to ilo justice lo tbe Catholics. . Cmirio or Uarlolto * . Serious differences have occurred between the holy sei ) , the Spannti govcrini'iit : and tlio Spanish parties. It Is known that on the death of Nocedal/tho representative of Don Carlos , his son , the director at Slglo Future , solicited the succession to tils father's post , but that Uon Carlos preferred a Spanish cr.indce. Xocnd.il then separated himself from "the King" ai being too liberal. The schism oollgod Oon Carlos to reor ganize his party. and it now has a ' circle in every tillage. ] ) caten , N'ocedoal and his set , have conceived Ilio idea of forming themselves Into a Catholic union on the basis of tlio recommendations of the papil encyclical cummulta , the pro- pram of which will bu to rallv to the exist ing monarch ? lor the bailer defense of the inteiestsof religion. I3ut Nocednl required tbaltho pope should write a now encyclical in order thut Iho power to nillv from the one side to the other might ba confirmed. Things being as they uro , Ihe state of parlies so precarious , the holy see will not compromise itself. The present truce will last only until ttm death of tno queen regent , against whom no ono desires to hasten the revolu tion. But nt her dealli rho'Carlolsts will actively mtorfcrn. Then there are the re publicans who , through Castcllar nnd Pi Margell , now multiply declarations of peed will toward the pope and church in assent ing ' ' that , the republic would nt all times re- > spool Catholic rights. In the face of tbeso contending currents the pope has decided not to trruut tbe now encyclical. Diverse Influences luvo been brought to boar upon thu bolv see ivgarding its attitude toward the now Knglish government. Il i > understood that the Vatican will observe [ or some time at leusl the greatest reserve. IMoasi-il u-llli llm Clilc.lo I'uli.'s. The holy father has caused n report to bo made to him of the Cliieairo leU's 10d the - Bj-mpathntic rocdplloni accorded to Mgr. H-uolli the , papal delegate. Uo ha * been greatly pleased with the honors rendered by Americans to ills representative , and nbo with the speech isif Mr. Chauncey M. Depair , the prayer ify Mgr. Ireland and the medal struck by order : of the committee on ttiis occasion. Referring to Ihe event ho said : "Tho United Slates form n great people to whom the fnluro be longs. " Ho awaits with some impatience u letter on the situation from Mxr. Satolli. ' The Vatican has advised the archbishop of Seville that he will bo creato.l cardinal at the next consistory. There Is a question also of au archbishop from botuli America boini : mudo cardinal. Tbo pope allows him- elf to bo guided in this cnolce by two great Ideas , not to reinforce Iho power ol ilio triple alliance In tlio sacred college and to augment the forciun element. It Is stated on good authority that the secret work to which the pope now devotes hlmsolf has relation to n project of the gravest , cnaracter fromnn ecclesiastical point of view. The pope has designated the successor of Mgr. Satolli in tlio coHogo of the propaganda as professor of high speculative thoology. lie I la n youncr French man named Poeulor. lie I bus tilled for Iho pust two yqars Die olllco of professor of dogma nl tbo Scrvltcs college in London unJ studied under Satolli. The pope nominated him in order thai the propaganda t bhall coiulnun the system of edu cation inaugurated by Mgr. Satolli. , CIIAII.MI.Nil.V CANDID. llcrr I.liilikiiiinlit l.nuturfM on I'r.iiirc lo. sulls oT ilia Cirniinv ; Strike' * . [ Copjrrluhtoil I3'J. by Jaaioi lior-lon Ma.inolt.l Hnitu.v , Nov. -Now [ York Herald Cublo Special to Tin : URB. ] Herr Klcbknocht , iho i famous social democrat , had a full house | at the so-culled Llukcllor saloon two nlKlits ace , when ho addressed his follow citizens upon the subject of his recent trip to France , The Iccluro was curious and sug gestive , Ijiobknecul spoke with much frankness nnd whai lie had to bay would have pleased French oars. At Iho opening of Ibo spojcti ho made au onslaught , on Uhauvtnism , in which ho ex ; posed the absurdities indulged In by the apostles of tbo theory of nationalities , and polntod oul how many races had boon mixed before tbo French and Herman nations of today bud bncn evolved , Llobknecbt. declared ho coulil sen no strik ing difference between the workman of Paris , London , or Berlin , in passing Liob- knccht paid a tribute to iho good UiUo and blinpllclty of I'arUionncs , contrasting it in fluttering term * with tlio loudnots ol the [ average Berliner , anil at ono point of his lecture spoke of the surprise with which ho ha * remarked the calm , earnest bearing of the French socialists. He had tbo candor 'to ' ndiiilt that I'Vonoa ' had made vast strides lu educational reform , 1'russio , " said he , amid opptauso , "no longcr stands at the head of modern cul ture. " Toward the close of his address , Lleb- kncchl made a tolling proton against an Interview , "I am ready at all tunes to give strain lit answer * to tUralttht qucnlonk , " &aid he , repeating a phrase In a leiter be had cent me a few days before , ' bul I will no' bo interviewed. aysI I think thut Interviews bhoula be put down by law. " The objections of the veteran against these dreadful Journalistic indiscretions did not prevent him from obliging mo In writing with his views on tbo subject of the l.'annaux strixe. "Do you think that the strike was cither jti'tlfleJ or nocossaryl" was my flrit ques tion. , \3rrnt Victory lor Working Cl.i r , "YoV ho replied , "if the workmen had submitted to cnlvisxae's dlsmKnal Ihev would have uut themselves In tha power of the Carmaux company. " 11 Uli : it In your opinion , " lontlnued , "w s the rr-rtl object of the Carnuux strlko-wlio ordered 1111' "Us objact wnsto defend universal suffunito and save the labor .syndicate. The sKlko wn not ordered by nnv one. 1 1 was the workmen's " work. "Uho has been tlio v.'f.or in the Ik-ht , capital cr labor ! " ' Lalior. Public opinion was lu favor of the strikers " und that gave them the vie- tory. * "U'liat losses or advantage to either sldii can you perceive in the results of the strlkef Iliivn not ten weeks of misery and distress more than oiitwciglu-d tlio pur'elv moral sails faction HCfordna to thu inimTsf" "Tho lonsss and privations were great no doubt , " rop'lcd ' LtetiKiiecht , "bul moslly the practical gains of the workmen nro so great that the los o ? and privations do not count. For tbo llm time in modern hl < tor.t a government has benn forced by public opinion to take iho side of labor npainsl capital. The tlinoa nro .so ban ami business Is ? o dull that I do not anilcip.uo u.oro strikes in Franco than would have como without it. The intervention ol Clinn- cnceau. Pollolan ami Mllloraud Was neither an ndviintnco nor a disadvantage to our cause , but it was nn exi'cllcut symptom. H proved thai the French 'r.idlials ; lelt themselves dependent on the working classes. . Arbitration WHS not acivptod bv the ( strikers unconditionally. Li.ubot tried to render n Just verdict , hut it was not Just. If at thooutsol ho bad decided uiion what li.ii since been done , the strike would have been ended tliero mid then. The workmen were right. Klght is whole or il is nothing. ThoCarmnux ' strikers received but little assistance - sistanco from foreign socialist * . All tlioy received from Germany wns VJO fratic.i. The < : irtnaux opibodo in a great victory for the classes penerallv. As wo nro Inter nnlionally allied with tlio French social dutn- ocracv , as well as wllh socialists in all other countries , It Is also our victory. " M. OK I'AltlS AS A TKXA.NT. l.amllonlHVonlil ii l.lcl ll.ulior I.e Dufiln us l.o Di'llil.'r , H SPI-IIIS. [ CoiirrlRMud ISJ2 hjjimoi (3 ir.l > , i ll-nnalt 1 P.UIH , Nov. 10. [ Now York II jralU C.i- bio-Special to Tnc HB..j-ljiblor : , the Paris executioner , it aealii bavin * trouble with his landlord. About tnreo months ago , when the dynamite panic was rife , lie received notice to quit his apartments , us the landlord was afraid ho might ba made the object of Ihe hatred of Iho anarchists. Delbler moved to 1 Hue Michel Hicot , whore , without informing the landlord of his position as executioner , lie closed terms for a Itaso of nine years , and as soon ni the land lord , Clomonl by name , saw the slpiauiro on the lease , he cslci-ii his tuniinl if ho was any relation to the IXibler wuoio business is to attend to the guillotine. Uoiulur , who now had Iho signed lease 1.1 his nockiit , confessed hii idontuv. The landlord ueclnrei ! ho would not iiccepl him us a lonnnt , but could nol help himself. The result In * been that all the other tenants of1 the house have left tt. Clement has Implored Doiblor to surrender the lease , but M. do Puns Is tired pf leaning the life of \VRnck-ring .lew , nnd declines. Clements has now discovered , or pretends ho ha ? , a ( law In the lea-p , which ho snvs should have boon signed by his inolhisi1 , who is tliu real oivnor of the bouse , while ho is only her Buc.it. As Delhlcr rufusoi to sue the matter in this light , the case U going into Uio court for a decision , with the chances that tno executioner will win it. Oaprlrl's Crilirnl Unnilll l : > n. fCopjrrlglilcil 1S33 hy JHIIIPS ( Jorilun Iljn-iclt.l ncr.i.ix , Nov. 10. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bci : . ] Tlio tinpeud- lui - ? MUII't ' , . ( li . crisis . , of which . I cabled you U forecast Sunday , is assuming more definite proportions. The chancellor is becoming so doubtful ubout the possibilities of securing a majority on the armv bill In tlio faccof the bcathingcriticism of Prince Hismr.r < 1 and of tno 10. " ) members of the Uelcbatas who are pledged la rosisl It , l but this much talked of measure may be withdrawn ut the last moment , and this would make Count Caprivi's position almost untenable. Tno emperor , who , us I have al ready cabled you , has been constantly con sul ing Counl Waldurv-'o , now thor oughly appreciates the uravity of the situation , and it is believed that at any moment Iho return to power of Prince Bis marck or of Count Wuldorsco , perhaps of liotb , Is quite possible , and such a Mop would uo hailed with enthusiasm throughout , the empire. On tlio London Sliic-lc , iaiii s liiirilon lli-nii'-tl. ] LD.NIIO.V , .N'oy. 10. | Now York Herald Cable Hnecial to THE Uii.l-I'ho : : lord mayor's show greatly interfered with busl- ness on the stock oxohangoyestcrday. no of the home railways closed fairly n , weekly trafllc statements clviiij ; bettor re sults than oxpoctod. In Americans heavy selling orders had been received from Now York , and a nearly general dcellnu was cs- labllshail , including VVubash doben'.ure , which dropped 4 , nnd Union Pacific and Northern Piiclfic. which fell ' . , ' . Cnmullan lines were utterly neglected. Discount ratot were unaltered , three months bills belli ) ; quoted nt iyt per cont. Money could bo hud ut 1 to IK 1'er ' cent. roiiftts-ii'd Himself 1111 iinlD//lrr. ; VinxxA , Nov. H ) . Victor Italndt , legal ntlvUor to the imperial family , has voluntar ily surrendered himself to the poltco , con fessing that for a number of yc.m ho has : been oinbezA'.mg from the trust fund.in his keeping , llesuyg thai ho losl Ihe money in founding nn nnihraciio coil company. The affair IMS caused a RMai sensation " every where , as his high position led many persons to entrust their money to him. Thu amount of hit i4O4lin 3 is not yet Uno'.vn. lie could have cot ten away had ho nol cotifiast'cl. U is reported nU delicil amounts ; o ilViRJO ( , but notbing definite h known as yet. llrlel'ili ' llll'l'.il li > liuillsti-iit < ' , ninsiKi.w , Nov. 10.--Thorn was a liberal dcinonstratlon here last ulxht , : i,5)9 ( Doing prnsont. M. .Iniison mm oilier liberal deputies bitterly attacked the government. At Iho conclusion of the meeting 'Jr > 9J men mnrcheu to the icing's patuco preceded by u < mun carrying a red Hug. The procession was charged by n detachment of gendarmes aim the artillery und civic guards werot > uiii- monoii to protect the pulaco and ministerial department ljulldtnf..i , The paiMdors v/ero honarnleil into two portions und finally dis persed about mtdnlcht. Nothing inli-r : Tlini : Maldiii ; Itoinln , LONIIOX , Nov. 10.-'J'lio .Standard's P.irls corrcsponuont souils an Interview had with an Italian anarchist in i'jris a week ago. The Italian ( lectured thut the anarchists would muko no moro attempts to blow up inhabited habited houses , bcuauso they always Killed the wren.1 ; ( Arsons. Monceforlh , ha said , they would ' confine ) their operations to the bantts and'town halls. . He added tha * , two i of his friends bad Just left Curmnux and would bo heard of before long , ' Nothing U easier , " he exclaimed , "than to manufacture tko bombs , " . hiibiiilttml n Kdloriii Tax Hill. HEIII.IS , Nov. 10. Co u ul von Kulenbors , president of the Prussian council of ministers - tors , Induy submitted u luxation reform bill lo tnu lower house of the Lundta ; ; . Dlud ( il lliu ( 'holer.i , PAIIIE , Nov. 10. Tbo report of tbe death of Theodore Child U confirmed. Ho died 1 of cholera at Ispahan , Persia , \Vodcotday , No- voiabcr" . _ . Morn I'rcncli Vlvtorlm In Dalionipy , + PAIIIS , Nov. 10. It ia unofficially re ported tnut Colonel UoJdj tins euterod the capital of Dahomey , I ROASTED ALIVE IN A WRECK | Terrible Tate of Pass -iigors on a St. Paul Train in IOWA. ONE MAN AND TH3EE WOMEN KILLED Tlirro Otlirr 1'roplo ll.nlly Iliirnccl , lin They Kirupntli | Their l.Urn-Ito- ult uf H Oollinloii Ili'tvrrii , In. , No\ ' . lO.-At Hlijlil.init Center tor hist nlcUt ; on the St. I'aul road n fast freluht ila hod into a local frolalit , toloscop- Inc ; the eabaoso ami four other cars. A con sldernblo numbar ot piiople were In ttia c.v booie , several of whom wcu-o pinned In tha wreck , which caught lire. Tholr ploadlnc * for njHlstaneo were pitiful in tnu cxtrenio , but nothing could bo dona for them nnil tho.r were literally burned alive. The followmn are the name * of the dead : MISS LIX.X.IK 11UTI.K1 ! , OUunr.va. .MUS. JON'lOS , U tin in wn. U.VKAOWN MAN AND WOMAN , tha former supposed to bd a butcher of O.iUa- loosa. The Injured ate : Mils. Cl.vni : Mtt.sicK , Ottunuva , Mna. PICKSTT , Ottunivva. Ml s Llzzn : Coiinv , Sl ournoj' . All are badly burned. nisuowthouglittti.it tha unknown man bnrnod in the wreck la Jovopii Tbornlovr. Ttio unUuown woman Is supposed to bo MM. t.ofr of Slgourney. DilliiiiIiiii'H llrnUnii It Hill. OfiiftjfK , la. , NJV. 10. UsceiverVolU today , nl auction , Bold about fl'Ml.oaO ' of assets of the defunct ( Joininerclal National .nit to Jacob Uich for f I0.4UO. Mr. liloh acted for directors. .uo.v7/i/.r ciuir jirunr. retires of lull-rent lo lliu I'arnn-r mill llust- urns .Man. \ \ \snisoros , 1 > . O. , Nov. 10 , The monthly crop rjporlsays the average for corn in seven states u as follows : Ohio , JO bushels ; Indiana , VS ! ; Illinois , 25.S ; Iowa , iS ; Missouri , S ; IC'insas , L'.it ! ; Nebraska , L'S7. Average yield of buckwheat , i < 14.1 uuihcls per acre. In New York , 14.7 ; Penn sylvania , 11 r > ; Wisconsin , Kfr > ; Iowa , 10.7. Corn averaged in November returns ! ) ) ,4 , bushels per ncre anil promises an production of a little more than 000,000,000 bushels : , while the other great bread grain , wheat , by returns of last : month polnU-d to a product , based 01nc acreage investigations nearly perfected , not exceeding fijO.OOU.UOO bushels , with a possibility of Hhrlnkugo In tlio spring , and a certainty of lightweight. In northern states on the Atlantic coast tlio ! crop opjned well. In mo cotton slalos itUl was injured some > vliai by oxcesiivo moist , ure , causing rol und mold , ana in some dis tricts shortened by drouth. trcl In Ohio the corn crop Is welt cured , but chaffy from drying too rapidly , and the yiol't very < uneven , ranging from ten to sixty bush els per acre. Indiana product Is in good condition on early planted arons , and batter than expected on late planting and in view ol the long continued drouth. Local yield * are extremely variable. There Is much com plaint of lightness of ears Unit looseners in cob in Illinois , ana the sumo variability in yield : and quality as nlsowhnre. It Is well dried out and undamaged by drouth. Soffla was injured by hoing cut and shocked too early. There is much chaffy corn and th average weight , will lie litihl. Iowa corn 1ms ripened well , heavy frous fjoiug delayed till the last wocit of October , hut late planted ils shriveled from Iho rapid uryingofimmuluro oars. Part , of the crop is sound and good , and n portion very light. Low lying areas were damaged oy the excessive moisture of early summer. Wei weather in bpring and drouth in summer reduced the quantity and quality in Missouri. Tbo rtvcra o in Kansas was rouucud by the low yield ol seed com , ivbich , of course , was included in the aggre gate , Nebraska corn , early planted , has ripened thoroughly. Some of the latest plantiut ! was plowed up and ( .own to wheat. Varia ' bility of yield' makes it diflloult. to UK a fair averAtro. In low places there was EOIUO In- Jurv from frosts , The estimated yield of potatoes Is 03 bushels per amIt is 8i In Maine , ( KJ in New York , 01 in Pennsylvania , U2 in Mlcnl- t--in , TO in Minnesota , .M in Iowa and 47 In Kansas. Tlio crop utmost everywhere Is Thu tubers nru small , as a rulr , and rotting considerably In New York and tbroughoullhc west. The yield of lob iceo is loss than lint year , thu average being reported as (1S2 ( pounds pot ncro. all Kinds , against , 743 last year. The avenge ylold of biy is 1.17 tons per aero , nearly the same as in 1891. Tin : J--IHI : itr.vuitn. Kxulttng St-niPH lit Ilio Horning nf n I'enn * FUANKI.I.V , Pa. , Nov. 10. At 1:30 : o'clock this afternoon the county alms house , situated nt Sugar Creek , four miles north ol this city , wns almost lotally destroyed oy lire. Thcro wore soini tcrribla scenes enacted at the lire. There were about 100 Inmates nf tlio Institution , many ot them helpless , nn.f the rescue of thcso poor creatures was accomplished with great dllllculty. Had it nol been for the pron.pt , vigorous and courageous meth ods ndoptea In nmnv eases , there would have been lives lost. The ground was covered with onow and a Intturly cold wind was blowinc , The ill-clail paupers , many ot them feeble und nllinir , suffered dreadfully. There were many narrow escapes from n horrlblo death in the burning pile. Tha huildini ; was valued at ! 00,00. . > , and was In sured for fc'AlWO. The lire is believed to Imvo bcun Incendiary , There wera no casualties. lli'liliiii IEifn ! H I'i ; rm I mil on In l.iiiul. Nuw YOIIK , Nov. 10. The Ellis ialnud today made nu important dotoollon of a crowd of iwonty-nino contract laborers who were coming to fills country to tuuo Qthe plucas of sirlkori ut Pills- burg. Tnny were lielglan glass blow c\-f \ , und left Anlwert October 20 for this port , arriving yeitordny under con tract to work at a glass blowing establUU- incut ut pjttsburg. 'J'lio iiion iiaJ been en * gngud to tqKo the places ot strikers and work lor less pay. Tint men \\ero taken to Kills island und accusuu of coinini ; hero In viola tion of the alien contract laws. If u good case Is made out against the owner ot th glass blowing factory hu will bo prosecuted. HimlllluH Tciinbliiii , SU.T LIKK , U. T. , Nav. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : 15ir.J : I ) . Alexander it Co. , dealers In dry gooas , this uftonioos made an asilgnment. Llutjllllios , 155,000 ; usiets unknown , hut soinowhut loss. Tha creditors are mostly Now York wholosala houses , NKW YoiiK , Nov. K ) . Joseph P , Murphy , manufacturer of cotnii and woolen goods in , Philadelphia , has failed. In February. 18W. hu made an ubiignuinnt with liabilities 01 HS-UOU mid as ots ol ? . ! 7JOOJ , Ho obtained u compromlso ut10 cents on the dollar. CharJeh A. l urbich ol Pulladelpbla l sold to bo the largest creditor , his clulm being ubout i'.MOM. Murphy's liabilities uro cur * rently reported to he about I IOU.OOO. . \pp : > lnt 'il Corjiurul Taiinor. MIUVAUKKI : , WIs , , Nov. 10. Commander. in-Chief Welstorlof tuoUrand Army of lha Hepubilo has appointed Corporal James Tan * nor of lirooklyn ] udgo advocate general. This completes thu purnona ! slafl of the cgia iiiuuJur-iu-cUlof.