Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE AL1UiiE
J'nllf ' llcolwlliinnt Funilix ? ) One Vnr ' * ! JJ
J ) llr ntirt t tiiKtnr. Ono Vtir . . . . . . < . . . . Ijro
MiMontlm ' ' "
Ulitcc MonllK jfJJJ
f-wnil r IICP. imp llr - { "
l-nliirdnr IIr , Onnrir . . . J ;
Vklr llccuno Vcnr . . o IW
Oirnlin.lliP I cr HtilMlnE.
honlh omnliii , corner N' nnil ZT.tli Strontl ,
founell lllnr > . 121'onrl Hlrrct.
fTikneo ( inict-.Si ; rimmlitr "f Comrnnrc' '
Kew Icirk. Ilnnnm ir.M nml IS. Trltiima ItaUJInj
M uliliinon : i.l 1 ourtcGiilli Mroet.
All rpminimlmllons trlMInc to nit * nti'1
fdllorlnlnimUT nliouM bo uilJroni ! ' ! tn llio 1..I
) lorlnl Dcpnilnicnt. ltd
Allhti lnp s Icltcts nnil roinlH-iiifC' tlioiilil I'P
dilremicrt to'I lie HptH'utillMilMii fonipflnr Uninnn.
Jirnfin. clircki nml iiontolllco orders to bu nmitu
p / Melii tl punier < if the loinpniiy
Flnloof Ni'lirmlin. I
Cfiunlr nf limichi' . (
N. I' . Kelt. lni lli"s NinnnRnr nt TilF IU'K 1'nh
llstiltiKcoiiiinii- | ixiloinnljr siri'ir Hint tlin
nctiiMrlrcuimionofTiir imi.v HKF for tinwiek
ending .Norpinlicr R. IS'tt. cxccilln | Ilio extra 3
o'clock oilltlon was n follows-
Piimlflr. n < tula'r ' . k. . WR"
Mondiir.rlol ( > pr.1l . ? . . W n
'I itfKilnr. Mivcmt'iT ' I . Sl.l 0
WcilnrMlnr NuTcmliirJ . .1W
Tlinrrdnr. , Vivi inUir.l
I rldfiy. NdTviRlHT 4 -I.I"1
tuttininr , .NOK nibcr "i si S , I
N. r. rat.
Fnorn to liofuro tiinniul mibsrrlbpil In inf l > rci
enrn tliln&th tlnr of .SiirninliiT. IVfl.
ticRl ) W II HAM * Notiiry I'ulillc
( Irrilliitliin lor Ortnlipr , tI !
NIIIHASKA : stood u ) ) for NobnuUa.
OM ) EN'uhAND Is { , 'ottiii } ; ready to burn
limo light.
NKIIKASUA'S rcpud tutors lutvo Imeu
Tim dcfiunor.s of Xcbraskn linvo ttil.oti
to tlio woods.
Till ! Omaha caiididalo for governor
got there with both foul.
TV ) TIIH way , did you notice lioxv luwti
didn't go democratic Tuesday ?
Tin : % oters of Nebraska linvo fore
closed their mortpngch on tlio calamity
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kil'-SNoirrnu Dr.eit will now civo the
people of Nebraska iv lest on mortgaged
Btatistics and calamity.
IIKI'UIII.ICANS will please not
their eyes cast of the M'ssisbippi ' river.
All Is d'nrk in that direution.
CUOUNSK'S plurality will piobably run
to 15,000. It was u m ignilicotit victory
lor etato prldo and state loyalty.
THK domncratlc p.irty xvill uoxv pro
ceed to do uot ti single thiiicr which
their terrible plntform promised.
IT NOW begins to dtiwn upon the nntl-
Omnlia fm-lionists that Lorenzo C'rounso
tvns about the only man in the state
with whom the party had any chance :
of marching to vintory.
Tim republicans of Douglas county
Jinvo redeemed the pledge they gave
tlio slateconvention , at Lincoln by re
turning n. tremendous plurality of over
o.OOQ for Laronxo C'rounso.
HAD prohibition carried two years
ngo republicans would not have elected
n man on the state or congressional
ticket and scarcely n corporal's guard
to the legislature this year.
HOW Council BlutTs republicans fairly
rolled In glory Tuesday ! The Ninth
ilistrict of Iowa hns nont Senator linger
to congress by'a line majority. Wo
elinko with our brolhren across the
Now WD bhull hoar a great deal of
gush about "tho verdict of the people
ngnlnst the high tarilV robbery. " But
Iho fact is that the democratic major
ities were rolled up by districts most
lionontod by the MeKinloy law.
IOAVA has also been redeemed. The
election of nine , and possibly ten , re '
publicans out of the eleven congressmen
ISA magnificent result and shows what
that state tsan do when unhampered by
vexatious local questions. TJiero are no
Hpots on Iowa republicunlsm this year.
A CONTINUANCE of the present kind
of weather for another wcoic will enable
the paving contractors to complete ilea
great deal of work which they had
feared would hnvo to go ever until
fiprlng. It la u good thing tor the labor
ing men , who aio thus given employ
Tun Nebraska warehouse law
pears to bo ratherdlllloult to understand
in some of Us provisions. The recent
decision nt Attorney General Hastings
ns to the meaning of the Insjioution
ciliuiBO Is lo the olTcct Uiat owners onof
public warohmuos must not store tin
of their own without having it ed
in the Hiitno manner us othur grain.
Ono firm In this city MJOIIIH in hnvu mis-
iiiutorslooii Iho law and , porhajis , olhors
liavo done bo , This , wo believe , is not
the first lime that it has had to be inter
preted ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THIS city never witnessed a proai-
ilcntinl election HO quiet as the ono just
ovor. ItIIH frco oven from the or
dinary animated disputes of partisans ,
nml ono might hnvo travoiscd
Direct in the city without seeing nn - I
Ililng to indicuto that a gront buttle of
uallotarnsln progress. To these inlet -
iiccuslomcd to thu Auslraltan ballot
eystum the Sabbath svlllnoss that
roigncd in the vicinity of the
jiolllng places Boomed strange. The
peddler of ballots , the briber ,
the eloquent and olTonsivo "Inlluoi.cer , "
the tutin who has a special personal 1
favor to atk , the bully who practices
upon the feeble-minded and undecided
voter all the o were absent , and their
jibs on cb made voting a plcnsuro itibtoad
of an ordeal. The rapidity with which
the polling proceeded showed that the
voters are becoming fmmllnr Kith the
nyetoin , and for the same reason thi >
< xuntlng ) uns more ofleullvyly managed [
than heretofore.
XIHK.r.i / ' / '
. . I , l'ini > ii A V
Iho republican1 * of Nonr.i Uii Imvo
reason lo congr itulnlo tin in ci\v6 upon
the uulfomd of the conli-st in till
Tno democratic plot to cuptu'ro the
clei'lonil v.olo of XobnioKii bv throwing
Iho bulk of the democratic vote to the
\Vea\or elector * ha. mi-earrlcd. There
en ii bo no doubt that Nebra Ka xvill rust
lior oloctornl vote for Harrison ,
although the plurality may bo compara
tively small.
LorotiK'i Croun'o has been triumph-
nntly'oloclcd goxvrnor of this slnto by
nt least ] i.,000 plurality , and all there-
publican candltlntcs on the state ticket
nro doubtless olcclcd by pluralities
ranging from 1(1,000 ( lo 1i,00l. ! (
Koturns f.o far received Indicate Uiat
both houseof ! the coming coining Icgis-
latino will bo tcpiibllcaii by a small ma"j
jorily , insuring the ruturu of a repub
lican to the.United Stales sotinto. This
ii most gratifying , beo.iuso "unexpected.
The most extravagant o.stiumto of ro-
pnlillcau Mrcnglh in iho next li' isla-
turon - a memborshlp of fiom ( > - to " " '
It Is now certain that at least three of
the six icptibUoan oindidulos for con-
gre = s liaxe been oleutoil , with a possibil
ity of the election of 11 vu momboii * .
in view of the tremendous odds
against which the lopublic.ins of this
slalo hail to combal. coupled further
with the fact that they wore loft en
tirely to their own resource ? , the
splendid victory achieved is a source
of supreme satisfaction lo every re
publican in the slate.
cii'irhii < M.IAM / ; ! ithri'ii ) .
It is now conceded and virtually set
tled that Orover ( Jlovoland lias again
been oleUedrosiilonl | of the Uiiiled
Stales. The ilemocraU have carried
the solid south , which , notwithstanding
the predictions of wild-eyed YVeavcrilos
and republic u visionaries , remains
moro solid tian ! over. They have car
ried New York' , Now , Ioroy , Connocli-
cut and Illinois , which nlouo give Cleve
land and Hlovoiison u in ijorlty in tlio
electoral college , They may even carry
Wisconsin and Indiana , which tire very
clo = < o and claitnod by both parties.
Ail the other northern stales , excepting
possibly Nenda ami Montana , xx ill oust
their electoral vote for ll-irrihon. Sagebrush -
brush Nevada , with only 10,000 pooula-
lion , hna berne the only trull of Iho
great populist uprising which ventured
into the arena of national politics at
Omaha July , xvith the st-it-lling decla
ration that tlio count-y is on the verge
of ruin.
Our views , as to the cntiso5 that have
led to this disnstcr to the republican
party are fully given in another column.
Stillico .t to say that on the Ithof March
next the democratic
party xviil resume
control of tliotgpvornnionl and the do--
linies of Ilio nation for four years to
como ivill remain in its hands.
nn : riFi v-rnmn cuxaitiss.
There xvoro elected lo the present
house of roprasonlativod " 37 democrats ,
oighty-sevon republicans and eight farm
ers alliance men , the democratic ma
jority being MH. The house of reliro-
boutatives of the Fifty-third congress
xvill contain ItoU members , txvunly-four
moro than tlie membership of the pres
ent hou o , the following states having
gained i-ongrosainon under the hint ap
portionment : Alabama 1 , Arkansas 1 ,
California 1 , Colorado I , Georgia 1 ,
Illinois U , Kunsas 1 , Massachusetts 1 ,
Michigan 1 , Minnesota " , Missouri 1 ,
Nebraska . ' 5 , Noxv Jersey 1 , Oregon 1 ,
Pennsylvania 2 , Texas 2 , Washington I ,
Wisconsin 1. The six representatives
gained in Iho south xviil undoubtedly bo
democrats , so that thai section xvill have
tlmt much added strength in the next
congress and xvlll be able , as in the
present house , to control the organiza
tion ami mosl of the committees.
As xvus pointed out before the olec-
lion , thu choice
of a uemooraliu pros-
and xvhilo It is probiblo that the demo- )
crntic majority in the next house xvill not
bo as largo as in the present ono , there
appears to be no doubt it xvill be
great enough to enable that party to
carry through the loxvor branch of congress -
gross xvhatovor loglsl-vlion it may unilo
upon. The republican vole in the
Fifty-third congress xvlll bo larger than
in Iho present congress , and there will
bo , probably , moro roprosenlatives IIof
the third party than now , but the in-
dications are that the democrats xvill 1130
able to do as they please , regardless of
the other parties , although they should
combine in opposition to democratic
The next house being conceded to the
democrats , it becomes interesting U ) in-
qulro xvliat may possibly bo the political
complexion of Iho senate nflor March 1
next , the Di-csunt senate having a repubv
lican majority of six. Tlio legislatures
of txventy-lxvo btalos xvhtHo members
xvoro chosen on Tuesday will have the
selection of successors to fourteen 10o
publican nnd eight domocratio senators ,
xvhosolorms expire March B , 18SKJ. The
republican Hunalora xvho go oul are ' :
Fclton , California ; Ifaivloy , ( Jonnocllciil ;
D.iwos , MabsaclniHolts ; Htookbridgo ,
Michigan ; D.ivis , Minnesota ; S.indorfl.
Montana ; 1'addock , NobrtvsKa ; Stowurt ,
Novndu ; Illscoclf , Now York ; Casey ,
North D.ikota ; Quay , 1'onnbylviinin ;
Allen , Washington ; Sawyer , Wisconsin ,
nnd Win ren , Wyoming. The democrats
are : Gray , Delaware ; 1'asco , Florida ;
Turpie , Indiana ; Cockroll , Mitsourl ;
Hiodgott , Noxv Jersey ; Halo , Tennessee ;
Faulkner , Virginia , ami Wills of
Toxits. As the situation noxv loolcs'tho
republicans are likely to bo In ho -
iiiinotily in iho eunato aflor Mnrcli i I
next , but the greater probability is that
the independents xvlll hold the balance
of poxxor there , and In that case their
coinbin itions xvould generally bo made
xvlth the domocrats. U thus appears tu
bo probublo that '
the l-'ifty-lhird coni
grebs xvlll bo democratic in both
branched , or at any rate that the do-
| moeriio.x xvlll hi-in a position to control
legistitioii during Mio txvo years be
ginning xvllh December , 180:1 :
A iliM-lliio In Iho speculative spirit
throughout Iho country has boon noted
for several .VO-UM past and the results of
thiH decline have been shown In an In
creased . Mnbllily of values and a settling
down of ovcrj kind of business to a safe
' itncl solid bat-lA A cuilotts fcnturo of
this falling olT In speculative operations
1st lo bo found In the exchanges of Now
York city. Noarlv all ol the operations
ln the New York Stock exchange are
now ' carried on by a comparatively
email number of wealthy commission
houses and professional operators , in
cluding capitalists connected with great
corporations i whoso securities are dealt
in. The business of the slock brokers
is greally | diminished and their prolils
correspondingly reduced. The member *
shlpoflhu exchange has remained at
its full legal limit , but the value of seats
has ! fallen 10 per cent in the last ten
years. :
This Is accounted for by the fact that
there are now fewer lamba willing to bo
shorn than formerly. In other words ,
the people have learned by experience
thai slock speculation docs not pay and
are leaving the professional oporalor.s
lo praclice upon one another in their
own way. The volume of business In
Ihc e.xcliange , despllo the great Increase
in population and In the products sub
ject lo speculation , has not upon the
whole increased inuoh in ton years.
Potrolmmi , in which Iho small and Inex
perienced dabblers in Iho market used
to do a great aggregate business , has
almost entirely ceased to bo bought and
sold. In 1SS" the operations amounted
to ; illlOJ ! ! ( ) f)0 ) barrels , but in IS'.ll ' only
| . " ) ,02S)00 ( ) barrels changed hands. In
this product alone thousands of men
have .speculated until they were finally
ruined. In cotlon and grain the oporn-
lions continue at about the same volume
as in former years , but the small opera
tors , have nearly all withdrawn from the
dungetous game.
It is a good omen for tlio future that
the speculative fever has alutod , not
only in the great exchanges but every
where else. The prosperity of the coun
try depends upon production and not
upon operations alYoolod by chance or by
tlio shrewd machinations of the boomer.
Ijusiucss , tact , industry and steadfast ap
plication ; are the true foundations upon
which lo build fortunes. Tlio gteat
west is building upon such foundations
and it has been found to bo a good pol-
Tlie defeat of the republican party in
the national contcbt xvill bo ascribed by
Iho democratic organs to a revulsion of
popular sentiment against the policy of
protection. It xvould-bo equally logical
to claim it as an indorsement of the
democratic proposal to restore state
bank currency. A candid investigation
of the cause * xvhich produced the result
xvill shoxv that the tariff question , xvhilo
given the greatest prominence in the
catnti.ugn , really played but a minor
part in the election. This is apparent
from republican losses in the large man
ufacturing btalos.
Xoxv York xvas carried for Iho demo
cratic candidates by superior organi/.a-
lion and the complete abandonment of
all democratic factionaldilloroneos. Up
lo the limo that Mr. Cleveland made a
compact xvitb Tammany , xvhich led that
organi/.ition to put forth all its efforts
and brought Senator Hilt into the cam
paign Noxv York xvas a doubtful elate ,
with Iho chances -favorable to the re
publicans. The placation of Tammany
and of Hill brought the xvholo poxvorful
machinery of the democracy into notix-o
operation , and from that time the republican -
publican chances steadily decreased.
When the democrats of Noxv York are
united and harmonious they are suc
cessful , as the political history of that
htato for the last twenty-five years
shoxx-s , and their organisation htib never !
been more perfect than this year , llav-
ing the political machinery of Iho state
and of the cities of Noxv York and
Hrooklyii comp'etoly under their con i-
trol , and an uiunlo supply of money ii" ,
they wcro able not only to hold the full
strength of the party , but to draxv voles
from the opposition. The trroiit ma
jority obi lined by the democrats in Nexv
York is loslimony to thu value of organi 1-
zation rather than to the influence of
their principles.
Tlio victory ot the democrats in Illi
nois is also duo ehiolly to other c-iusos
than Iho tariff issue. The republicans
made a fatal mistake in renominaling
Kifor for governor , nnd it xvas apparent
from the outset that ho xvas doomed to
defeat' and xvould inevitably lo a damag
ing incubus to the party. lie had lo
himself exlroinoly unpopular , xvhilo is
opponent , possessing qualities that com
mended him to the people , is one of the
most popular men in ttio state. The
question raided by the compulnoiy ;
school laxv , for which the republicans
xvoro responsible , also played a very iiu-
porlanl p irt in the election. Thu great
change in the vote of Cool ; county from
that of four years ago bhoxx-n that thous .
ands of German Lutherans and others
xvho sympathised xvith them in their
hostility lo tlio bchool laxv Iransforrcd
their biipport from the republican to the
domocraUo party. Tliwp may have
been 1 etlll oilier ( Mines for i-Dpublican
defeat , but these noted were the most >
important. I Olher questions xvoro also
mure potonl e oexvhcro than tno tariff
issue i in determining the action of
voters , particularly in the nurtlixvost.
Ono important factor in oat ringing
the support of xvorklngmcn xvas the
strike nt Ifoinoslead , xvith ilu bloody
sequel. This Incident xvas pointed to
by I democratic and popullbt demagogues
lo l incite thu xvorklng people to hostility
by I charging the responsibility for the
Importation i of I'lnkorton police and the
arbitrary course of the C'lirnogio man
agers upon the republican parly. This
xvtiH i very olTectivo with thousands lisof
-i xvtigo xvorkors ovoryxvhoro xvho sympa
thized I with the Homestead strike.
It must bo obvious noxv to every man
xvho i IIIIH Homo kn'wlodtro of Iho practi
cal < xvork of politics that tno national republican
publican | commiltoo made a most serious I
mistake i in neglecting the xx-f > " 4 - ho * I
extent i It did. Acllng , iWpre.'ltl ' < l.u
under i the counsel of - . "
xvhoso capacity for pulilical lndison has '
! atk' , Tnu
fpsn Halo
tate seu-
tins been so often imnlfostod , the com
mittee assumed that the xvoslorn ropub-
Ili-ann needed nothing more to win xvlth
than thu old batllo crlcn of the war , .i > ul
xvo noxv see tlio folly of this nollon. The
wiser and shrewder tlomocrnllc man
agers looked can-fully aflor Iho west ,
and nindo 11 sitcg-Jul ollort to draxv ro-
emits to their r.mfcs from the mass ot
foreign-born votoijp xvho for any reason
wcro discontent ] } ! xvith local policies
and condition * . This xvtts conspicuously
shown in Wisoohsln and Illinois , xvhcro
the compulsory school laxvs hnd aroused
a gront deal of resentment among l/.tth-
ontns and Catholics. They centered
their energies , nlno , unon tlio hundred
thousand nexv voters In Chicago , xvho
weio largely made up of mechanics and
labo-urs 'employed in the building
trade1Thu republican national com-
mittoc , on the oihor hand , had put all
their ogu * iu Iho Noxv York basket , with
Iho idea tlmt the capture of Nexvork
would compensate for any defection in
the xvo t. They poured their money
like water into this rat holu , in ullur
disregard of Iho danger signals from Iho
It is noxv manifest that these "Na
poleonic taclii'3. " as General C'ltirhfton
boastfully called them , have cost tho'ro-
public in party the presidency. It
xvould have been much moro sagacious
to have made the light in Nexv York a'
folnl and lo have massoTl all the moans
at the command of the commiltco in In
diana , Wisconsin , Illinois ami every
doubtful blulo that gave u majority to
Harrison in 1S8S , With those stales
and the noxv stales west of the Missouri
secure republican success xx-aa assured
beyond peradvouturo. It xx-as Iho niK-
fortunc of the republican party thnt the
illness of Mrs. Harribon practically
uarrod the president out of the cam-
pnign. Had ho been able to take part
in the councils of Iho national executive
co in in it too Iho fiitnl blunder of allowing
the democratic national committee to
operate | , unopposed in Illinois Wiscon
sin and other western staled xvould
scarcely have been permitted.
Wlnlo free traders and ttirill' reform
ers xvill point lo Iho defeat of Harrison
us Ike consequence of popiilar'roviilsion
nirninsl protection , the fact remains that
the tariff issue had very lllllc to do with
the election of Cleveland.
demand for incrun od room und im
proved facilities occasioned thereby
have caused a considerable number of
manufacturers in Omaha to contemplate
Iho erection of now buildings. Of the
three brewing concerns in this city ono
is noxv completing a remarkably hand-
boino and commoJitus structure xvhich
is said to bo tbo largest single broxving
plant in this country , though there are
olhors having numerous buildings xvhich
are larger in the aggregate. Another
brcxving company in this city is noxv
making plans for a large nexv structure
to accommodntc Its groxviug business
und xvill begin work upon it in tbo
spring. Several factories of various
kinds in the city will bo enlarged next
summer ntTd other buildings xvill bo
erected for 'tho '
acc'oinuiudatibn of new
onlorprises which are oxpcclcd lo bo
established hero xvithin the coming
year. There is a croneral feeling of
hopefulness among tlioso interested in
the building trades and the prospect is
good for the employment of alunro num
ber of men in this line of xvork. The
employment of labor and the consump
tion of materials attendant upon activity
in building must alxvays bo a benolit lethe
the community.
Now lot the people , putting politics
aside for a time , devote their energies
to business. Even those who during
the campaign affected to believe tliftt
the condition of the people was desper
ately bad and discouraging in this and
other , . xvcstern stales should noxv got into
line . with the orogress of the time , ne-
knoxvlcdgo . that they have not been tell
ing . , the truth , and help to push forward
the work of developing the mighty re
sources and promoting the prosperity of
the xvest.
I-'lltlWIt.lVKI.KN ,
To Euclid Martin Your icxvard will como
in the sxvoet bv-unU-bv.
It Is llQushtthat.xvuoti ! the returns from
ClonUuf precinct are nil in it xvill bo found
to nave t'utio for Strlukler.
The Rhost-dnncora at Fremont and Lincoln
who have boon mulclng tucos at DouRliu
count year-ln anil voar-out xvill have to crawl \
into their liolos nnil null the holes In after
them. Uouijlas Is the only reliable republican
can countv In tbo state anil xvlthotit Omuba
the narty would bo lllto the piny of flumlol
xvllU liamlol lettout.
Will Ciovernor Boyd iot that cabinet po-
Billon noxv I
Judge Doauo resigned too soon.
lik'uor man than Mr. Strlcklor have baon
defeated many a lime , many a timo.
Henry Llvosoy'a fclqnds stuck by 111 in Ilka-
nilumanllno plaster. not silicon.
Mr. Undid Martin political methods , nro
not like these of C'ovurnor Boyil , out they >
uro qulto n < rfToettve. It xvlll probaaly
never bo known whotber Mnrlin'H famous
note of warning ntruln t the ghost of prohi 1-
bition nindo moro vntos for the republican
ticket than dlil Governor Hoyd's "nei-iouul
and confidential" clrei/lnr.
Victor Vlfquam lia , lJoon uutionoil ,
, T. StcrlitiR Mortoli'fl Chicago bureau of lnfonnation''has ' been closed for ro-
t' .
i lij
Oenoral Van \Vyclc will not sign many
logtsmuvo bilH.
The II * rl't-llrralil ' will uoxv conclude that
Mr. Kulor Is luxx-yor , und thot any previ
ous Htntonient to too contrary intibt be con-
alrui'il In it political sense.
It Is noxv In order for Governor Boyd and
Uuclld Martin to fuse.
Nebraska says to the world that she'd
rather bo right than president.
Thn result tn ( 'hlcat'o is said to bavo been
duo to ilio Chicago Herald editorials s-
IOB upfin PreilJont Harrison ttio resoousl -
billty for the cholera scaro. Thu Horu'tl
jjn mU'Jo Ut > lr.aioau4 believe that Jiurrl-
iftvr8-electlon uioant u terrible vultation
.MS ; M iTa <
General Harrlsin May TraVcl for Awhllo
Nnl Year.
.Mloriio.v ( loiii'inl .Miller Not Inrlinnil tn
Arrpjt Ilin ItfHiill ii H lln < Vnnllrt ol
thn rropln Snnin < if Ilio iif ; >
incuts Nut Antlclmtpl. | (
WASIIINOTOV Himnur or Tun Hun ; , )
? ili : L'ouiiTRnviit Sritunr , >
I ) . U. , Nov . , ( J. I
"Ovorconfldoiic < , prosporltx- , contentment ;
these wcro Iho ulomcnt wlilch contributed
to the election of Mr. Clovclnnd , " siild Attorney -
tornoy j ' Qcncrnl Miller tills nficrnoon when
It became linuxva that Iho democrats bud
xvon | a vlutorxut t o poln. "It Is very up
hill | ( xvorlt rc-c'lci'lliiR mixiimu to ntiy
on | ( continued the nresldont's laxv
ofilcor , "and wo experienced tin excep
Hot to the inlo xcstcrdnx' . I ilon't know
tbtit any other nmn xvould n.xvo boon any
silencer ' thun ( .lOiic.tal llarrhon or , in fnut ,
i strong , tint nhornvor there \vxs o person
x\ho tllil not cnre to have contlitlons In
llfo changed , xvho xvns satisfied \\llti thrift ,
m. xvho xvas unm-o.ii > culoiis fornny reason , it-
on xvho had n ( * rio\Mticu a xlnst tha proil-
tlont for omission or commission , or there
xvas nn Irresponsible Individual xvho didn't
caru xvbat happened in n mitlonnl way , ho
noted ucalnst the president. If there hnd
bean general business dUcantont , lack of
prosperity , Individual Indohtodncas nml nn
nbsonco of norsonnl ambition In the xvuv of
federal . pntiomipo , xvo xvould have sue-
cecdud. '
in inilliinii ,
President Harrison ' . -
.x-iu a froijuent visitor
to the tclcerniih room In the xxhltc house nile
o * this afternoon , but xvhon ho hnd oaten bis
luncheon ho c.11110 to the conclusion that his
predecessor xvtxs elected nml his onlv Interest
in n material way xvas conlorutl In Indiana.
"If mv oxvn state , dear old Indiana , stands
bv mo In this Hour 1 ahull bo .sntlsllcil , " said
the prnsldunt us he rcud nn cnroiirairiiip Ois-
patch from bis homo. The president then
resumed work upon a ItirKu nllo of papi-rs
upon his ile lHo li.itl ti henvv hu.irt from
hn recent loss , nnd tlio nttrnctlons of olllco
xx-ero incoasciucntlal to him.
At ntiothor time dnrhiff tlio afternoon the
president said. "Alter all my oxvn imoplo ,
these I kr.oxv nnd love best have proven mv
best friends. " Ho hnd just received another
dispatch from Iiullanixpolis Indlt-ating that
although his slnto had probnblv tint BOIIO re
imblica'i , she liul : como up nonrly lo the 1SSS
inixric , fnr nbox-o 1-.U ' , shoxviiiK that Iloositr
book is thicker than water , nud that hit
friends ot oarlv ( lavs xet stand by him. In
vlexv of the nppnrent lienvy ilemocnitio ( T.ilns
in Nexv Yonr , tlio interest nmt pride In Indi
ana felt by the prosklont xvoro nuthotlc to
these aoout him ) n the lictxt of recent events.
I'lilllS 1)1 I llC riTsllllM'.t.
I'rosltiont Harrison refused to bo quoted
upon the ro-tutt 01' the election or tn indicate
xvnathis future pluns are , but 'J'ltK HBK cor
respondent learns upon gooil authority that
ho will spend some iimu after the -Uh of
March xvlth Mrs. AlcICoe , his daughter nt
Boston. He may then travel for u time ant )
possibly L'o bnuii to his old boms in Indian
apolis. Hnd not the invo of his life been
tarfon by death there is no doubt that the
president xvould immediately tro to his old
resiuenue nnd resume ihn practice of law , as
ho has several times 3utd was bis intention
upon leaving the xvlitto lirmso , lint his future
plans are noxv doubtful , tie xvill beyond
reasonable doubt ultimately return to In-
Tin : HKI ; correspondent learns upon Rood
authority tonight that all of the cabinet ofll-
corn except one , Hacrotarv Husk \VUcoe- -
sin , bad souio days previous to the election
expressed their intention of retiring from
their present positions next March. The re
sult of tho. xvork of yesterday is not , theiefore ,
much of n disappointment so tar as officers
nro concerned , lo those highest In official
authority hmo bul lher has not bcou much
of n scramble for places during the past year
l"ew Appointment * tn
It is stntea that some of the places tioxv va
cant in tbo Department and there nra almost
a dozen good ones will not bo tilled , no one
llttod lor them noxv carini ; to assume the
duties for ninety days. It is not , likely ,
cUber. that tbo missions to Italy , Denmark ,
Switzerland , nnd otbern vacant , xvill be
filled. It can uoxv bo stated General
HnrrUon , for fully three years of his presi
dential life , doubted tbo propriety of his re-
nomination , and wns averse to makinir the
race acaln , but his friends insisted that be
xrbo Had done so much In the
xvay of legislation aud administration
for the country could best vindicate
the xvork aud having gix'en in an imnersonal
xvay an almost faultless administration could
moro properly and surely secure its endorse
ment at tbo oolls and perpetuate thelifoot
tbo party. Mrs. Harrison had apprehen
s ions"nnd looked with disfavor upon her hus
band's caudiunoy. There cau noxv bo no
doubt , It is thought , that u plant' xvill bo In
serted in fiituto platforms which xvill It.sell
dotormlno the question of n second torin.
"It is u tnlcof txvo cities , " said Ponmastei
General Waaarankor today. "Xoxv York and
Chicago are resnotisiblo for it. They uro
made up largely of H foicicn oletnent and it
has been tills olumont xvblcb has ijlvoii ttio
diimocratlc parly the propondoranro of
strength In tbo irc'at elites of tbo country
mid thioufih them the country at large. "
> nt Aciiliist I'rotoctlon.
"Then do you not regard the result us n
vordlct ( of Iho American fieoplo iiRniust the
theory of uroU'Ctlon' " "
tlcr "By uo means. I
cannot believe that our people xvill uversnr-
lonuor the theory or praclice of protection.
1K 1 have just como from n trln through the
natural ! cus bolt of Indiana , xvhcrn I bad
bolorc mo practical Illustrations of tbo res
toring care of protection. All you have to
do J is to stick your umbrella in thu
| |
ground and you get u natural Kas xvcll
capable- giving uower , liahtand heat to
some ( jroat factories. Tin , [ ; luss and iton
works uro Hpnnclnt , ' ni , and numerous other
brnui.hos of industry uro takiuK ndvuntiico
of the MeKinloy uriff. Noxv is It possible
that tno American people meant to say yos-
loraay that these factories must bs abau-
"If the verdict xvas one of Iroo trade , then
the tin plain txorkt and other Industries of
the ens Doll , and oltowtiere laust nivo up the
struggle for u foothold. No , the American
puoplo gave jio hiich verdict. Local causes
broucht about thu rojult The txvo great
cities xvlih their fnreiKn population xvai ttiu
llrst factor , and the now voting booth xva
iicniimls ; ol SIICCI.SH.
"It was u liooth xvho struck u bloxv at
American freedom in ISIifj , and 1 am alinid it
was another 'booth' which yeatorduy ovor-
thruxv the pirty of unit ulux'ory mill protec
tion to Amuncau industriuji. AH for myself , "
uddod Mr. Wanumulfcr , "I fool no personal
disappointment , lor 1 < was well known thai
I had notified tlio president ihut J would retire -
tire from public Ilio xrhon my present term
was ended. "
Mr.Vunumakor had just como from
half bout's talk xvitb the prosldunt , "I do
not think Iho president bus the slightest
fueling of regret over tno losult , " said Mr.
Wauaumkor.Vhon a man's cup i lull to
the very brim , us it has boon with Air. Hur
If a man Is drowsy !
in the day time I
nttor a good ;
nl gbt 's
tlon and etomacn
_ dUordrr.
SftBI I by irinovlni : llm wnete
KIUL.O ) roittrr whlcU is ciojj. .
ejf iora. will cure all
und Nerriius llUnrdrrK , nud ulll
qolrilr relief * Nick Ilrudarlie.
Covered with a Tailelei J and Soluble Coaling ,
( OlallilruiriUtn. Prlcn UB conU a box.
Mew Vorlc J ) po . 385 l nal Bt.
Yi" for xvoolts , you cannot ndd nnothor
It-op. , Ilo fools for hl ii rty , oat not for
hlimolf. "
The c.tblnot anker * hnro haa i > Rroixt Oixv.
Unity xvns U knoxvn hero this morn ,
np < . that Mr. Cleveland \vns olootca
mil that there vu % ovorv nrobn
ollity tbat the ontli-o mimlnlstration
xvould bo of the same political fnlth M the
tocmlvc - , ttmti Innuniornlo cabinet ulntoi
voro nrrniiKcil. It soomcil to bo conceded
timl .Mr Cleveland would not repent the
Jlaritifr error of 1 > < S4. xvlion ho teen out of
tlio soiiuto sorao of its strongest dpmocrntlo
iiPinl'cM nnil nlncoa tlioin In hU cibtnou H
imo hootnoil iiRt-pod tbnt It xvoultl bo "o colil-
ict of surprlios" ui It WM foil thnt Mr'
Llovoland xvoultl not umtortnko to
pay politi
cal down
with tMblnot portfolios ,
Dciiinrrntio Culiliiot .Mutorlul.
Tno folloxvliic clvo n ttuninnry of Iho inn-
orliil inotitioncil m nvallnblo for cubtnot
timber ! Sccrotnrv of unto C.jrllslo ot Ken-
ucky , PbcltHol Vermont , H.u-ard of Doll-
KnssiMl of MimnctiiHotis. liormnu of
Mnrvlnnd , Whltncx- Noxv Yorw , Morcnti of
Alabama , Socroturv ot thu treiutirv-FixIr-
chlliU of Noxv Ynrlf , toor ) o Clmrloi Trncv
if Nuxv Yoru , hyinuti ,1. UaRe ( if Illinois.
Daniel Lniuont of New YorK , K. C. Hono-
ilct of Nexv York
Socrotnry of w r-
1'nlmor of Illinois , ox Governor
.Minpboll of Ohio. Uovurnor Kussoll of
\liissnclitisotts , ( ionoral HriRU ol Wisconsin.
of Mlchicnn. Kocrolitry of the
invy Mltclicll of Wisconsin , Herbert of
Amlmmn , Cnbloof llltnou. '
. V-'hltncv of Noxv
Yoik. Socrotnry of the Interior ( Jrav of
Imtlunn ' , Francis of Mlssouii. Vllna of Wis
I'ostinnstor Oonernl Hiirrlty of Pommy- !
vtitini. Dickinson of Mlchlpin. Attornov
ironuriil-UarlUlo of KentucUv , Collins of
.M.-mufhusotts , Cinrlantlof
ArUnnitM , ( ioxviiv
of Illinois , Corlirunu of Now Yorlt ,
ol M.isviclinsotts , Kuvnor of Mnri-lainl. Sec-
roliirynf iurictilturo Holus of loiva , Ilatoli
of Mlssou i , O'Fnrrell of Vn-Rinln , Morton
of Nebrnsitn.
\Vhllo the cnhlnot 'Un has rncolvoit
much attention today It is foil tbnt Mr.
Clovclnnd xvill disappoint nil nlntotnnkoM
mm present u "cnblnot of aurpnsos , " Indooil ,
M ho did oiyht vcars apo. There is very
little doubt that no rcntthlluiui Imrrior xvlll
stand betxvoen tno country's Interests nml
cletnocnitic tcnrtunc'cs , ns the sonntn did dm-
In r tlio administration of Clox-uhuid lofon > .
Uopnbllcnti senators In the city sixy the ma-
lorltv of the pooolo linvo
iipptirotitly not nn-
| ircclntoil thu services nerformoJ bv a re
publican sonnto from 1SS.1 lo 1SWL
P. S. II.
rioi'i.i : or
Lieutenant SchxvntUa xx-ns the socoim
Arctic explorer tokill lilniU'lf within a xvooit.
Tlio othur xvm .lames K. Unntott of the
Jciinnctto expedition.
Six brotliors of thn Frost family nt Kansas
City oxvn the folloxvinir lot of odd tiiimoi
.tacit Frost , Winter Frost , \Vlilto Froit ,
Cold Frost , Karly Frost , ana Snow Frost.
Jonatnnn Ue"dy , tiorn tu liorks county ,
unnsylvntilii. in 1T ! > S , and noxv livlntr near
Mlllmont , Union county , tb.xt state , cast his
1 presidential vote for Jatnus Monroe In
Colonel Henry Wattcrson has shaved off
his luxuriant iniistHcho. and intends to depend -
pond upon lloxvln xvhlslcois ns facial ndorn-
11101111 , throuL-u xx-liu-li tlio h-vcet south xvind
CU xvliispor its Ideal measures.
Tno mother of Charlie Hess still llx-es , u
somnv-strieiion xvoman , xx-boso boautltul
hulllias been premnturetv whitened by her
Krciit uricf , out xvho still hopes on xvlth a
inothet's endless love und fuith.
Ilubbard T. timltb , xvho xvroto the music
ot lf Istou to .Mv "
Talc ot Woo , is n clerk in
tuoTroastirv department , nnd a fnvorito in
society at the capital. Ho is a Hoosier bv
Birth and once trax-elod in Frauds Wilson's
The original Tom Saxvvor , Mark Twain's
hero , xvho is a xvlno doator iu Hau Franoisco ,
says that Mr. Clemens xvas his oxvn oripinal
in "Hnckloborry Finn , " nnd thnt many of
tbo incidents i elated actually happened to
to thn author.
Luclus Smith , nn 0-year-old tiMmn , xvas
killoa a foxv days a o In Norrlstoxvn , Pa. ,
and at Iho inqtinst it. xvas developed tlmt hu
xvas a Gorman rofutreo xvho came ever hero
Iu 181S xvith Carl Sehurnnd received remit
tances rocularly from the fatherland.
Mr. Gladstone is an early ilser , nnd by
Ualf-nastfi in the morning the U. O. M. Is on
deck , nnd can enjoy a couple of hours' xvork
In his library wl'tiout tbo fuar of bolus in
terrupted by pompously ponderous deputa
tions asking for the c.irtb and Ilia fruits
Cjcncral Sherman's olil homo on Unrrlson
avenue in St. boms Is to bo sold br ai < cllon.
It Is a handsome old mansion , locally historic ,
und xvas presented tu the central by bi *
frionils anil adinitors In lSi'3 iu recoiriiitlcn
of his urllllant set vices throuchout the ru-
belllon. The purchase price xvas $ JOOUO , , und
this sum xvus raised very nuickly at nn Im i-
promptu meetiiiK of cilUen.s nt. the Planters.1 '
House ono evening just after iho peace of
Cardinal von Schreuborn Is one of the most
striking personaltllus of the Koman Catholic
urolnoy. A clunt In attituro , bo betrays in
his carrlapu and iu his Kcsturos the fact that
his earlier years xvcru passed In iho nnny ns
an oflleor of cavalry. Ilo nerve I for several
years In 0110 of tho'crauit hussar rojiinonto ,
rose to the rank of cantain , utid xvns txlo
brated for Uh cansplcuous gallant ) v during
the great battle of Kcpnifrgr.uU in 1S(1tho ( (
cross conferred upon him ns n reward for his
buhavtor on that occasion beinc the only ono
of his nuinorous oril r.s xvhich hn usually
wears on his scarlet robe on oeromoniniis oc
casions. Ho loft the army and entered holy
orders in 1STII , and before lone was uppololcd
to iho nrchbishonrii1 of Prasiuo. Ilo is ono
of the yomiBPst members or the sacred 10I
lege , b. liitf barely 43 years of uco.
TliruxiK rrcipiuits Out ul n .lob.
f/i ( ( w > Mini
The cotmtr.v oxvus a deut a Kt-atltutlo to the
lennjjnroo bMlot system. The
prosOnt cm-
ivxlsn hn boon the qulotost nnd niOJt oMerl *
In the history of American politics , nnrt tl.n
most sftllsfLolorv condition Is unmlstaknblv
nttrlbutcrt In n lurso monsuro to tbo Intro.
ilticiion of n voiliiR oyntom which for iho
llrst ttmo secures nn absolutely lecroi ba'lot ' ,
A I Iqlilliic Attllmlo.
rhlladrlfhtii Incjntrtr.
From struttiiiR nbonl
xvlth nclilp on onn
sliouldor Prlnco HlsmarcK has taken to
stnililiKj nbotit xvlth n chip on txvo shouldors.
If ho has lil < xvav thrro xvlll bo n light before
long nnd bo xvlll
probably get enough then.
Dtll-ott 1'itf'IT * * .
It seems boy on d belief , vol thoie Is said to
bo n nmchlno Invented to
lake the pinoe of
thopiitient and long-sufferlm ; telephone girl
If strong enough to stand
n good hard run of
profanity it max- possibly xvork.
A l.o l Cluml.
riitritin Afic.i Ittconl ,
I'l'o ponnilt crou In sotnu of the southern
slates is .said to bo laiiioutahlv poor. The
niitioiini-omcnl coiuos too late In tha day tu
bo made use ot by the cnlntnltv orator
i ! 1:1 n\ .
Thoxxiirsi iiliont
mnklim any fnsli > n with oilier
oriMiilrnMons Is tlmt
doUuiitcs '
oiimi' tn
JliiMii \vlih sn.'li iiiopiisltlons they xvonliln't
Kiiowlinxv to treat thmn
Chli'iieii Inior Dcoiiu : "I hi'ixr HIiiKlcr U
tryliu lo mnkuill urtNl of his son : luis lie
iliiiiuniiv xxnrk vnl ? " HpuiiKmilcl. '
, ,
vi s
ho draxvs
on his f.uhcr iccntiirly '
. , T ° , W" . TunicsCiltu Mr. Vnn Mriiili , I
tlilnk tlit > IIOHI hll In
your plottito N tint siin-
Vnn Ilrnsli-Hir. th it sunset .is i.milc by
sdiuo I IH pi > rson strlKlna
my pitlntini ; xtllh nn
( 'lili'iiKii News : 1'nrty Worl.or Tlio other
are elilnilii : our sUti- now bv \ ; < Mo
. ' ' -.v Slaliui'iTluiy ari' , urn lhcv HrHt
oin ! xoil. .
yon | nst Issidi u olrcnl ir i-l iltnlnir
II for IK 'iviii.Dlil. ' I'd IIUo to Knim if uu'ro
not ontltli'd to as many claims UH they .iro.
N'o\x Yuri. Sun : .lohson A conductor on the
Hltntitpd road suv mil tnnnliiR today , nnd aut-
unllyhelil lilstmln until I got onliutdo
yon tlilnk uf tint1'
tou. WoeKf huli'iiiild' And sueh .in nrK'linit Ilo.
Noxx Oi loans I'leaviino : The iiiiin x hci xirlll
not untie dixuixi'H miftodlt. and ciiu get nonu
tit tlioRrorory store.
lllmlra ( laottosVn cmi'l lilnine nrlnr for
belli' ' snpurtlltlotis uhun xvu i-onlunii > latu tlio
sti pots.
Wishtiutmi Srir : Ik'tnopn tin pinto mid
miller pl.ktp. tlipsu .uu llxuly tlnii-1 for llui nu\x ii HUM.
Smith. ( ! nv \ L'o.'s Monthly "I nm sci
lili'.isi ) I. bildyoiui ' .
, MrXVathlo In her por-
smriiu husband , thai yon sncituutlpd at lust.
In mntuhliu that nitlorn' Don't you think
thn di-sUn is xxiindoi fn Iy chaste "
" 1 should siy > > i , " rupllu'd Waiblc. "I run
nil oxer town uftor It. "
Kucliosli'i : The ipason rleli
IIIPII h ix 11 m iniiny friends Is bei'-xnso tlioy aiu
oapital fellans.
Atuhlson ( ilolio : A intin Is covlcil by thu
yonn ; men xtliL'it hn niunlus a huljp. hut tlio
old men know she will novel llml his slipper- ,
for him.
IVtrolt Prop. I'inss : Unmso Well , Mi-llrldo.
Is there as much lilllln , ' und foolnic us there
xvas hpfoio inurrlusuV Mvllrldo L'lio billing
has Inmeusod liu oly.
That mini | b : i coed onon li clirlstlun ,
And of hns no stlntod shurc.
Who ( iin put up Ilieenrtuln II\tnros
In his home und novci swear.
Snmnipr has dropped Its tnt cheer ,
Mukliii ; xvuy for tlio u Inter's liliuH ,
lliu munnish in'ilil will disappear
\Vltli \ thodudo tli at. wears tan shoes.
IIovv shy she looks , how fair , liow yoon < ;
Hut iv slyer inuldPn U seldom found ,
I'orsho ' Kucps n spilg of mlstlotou IIUIXK
1'rom her pirloi collljiK the whole y ar
ClfM'l , I.ITWX.
7)ritilt [ Till/line. /
AIL'a. m. his lea-hulred wlfo
I'acud up nn I down thu hall ,
As he Has cllmhliitf up tlip
Kiiluiiilns from "u call , "
Tim lady' * look xvns hard und "torn ,
Ilia onn xvns sinlllni ; , :
Hur iiorx'uimni'H xvus munlfi'st ,
\Vhlic hu could hardly Bland.
' 1 he Indlcutlons all hospoUn
A hlui iii's nppro ichliiK din.
Vet din ho not appear to note
Thi ! daii' < or ho In.
Uo simply sn.lied at her , did he
Alas ! Iho .iniluof mmi
And calmed liur xrith these soothlnx
xvords :
"I xvou tonljlit ) hero's ten. '
t n : is TU so : j& . T i s ivr ,
r.umtmco , llnuiliicliit. Tootliurlin ,
Sara Tliront , HwollliiK il''ro8t-liHcs ' ,
S C I J& . T 2 C A.
SprahiH , IlrulHcH , IluriiK , .SeiildA ,
THE CHAnLES A. VOGELEn CO. . Dalllmorc , Md.
Vaiinfiujtuion nnd Itotullers
ofUloihliiKln tna Wet in.
We won
The confidence of Hie public long ago by dealing
squarely with all cus
tomers. We are manu
facturers , the largest in
the world in fact , and
importers of fine cloth
ing for men and boys
thus making our styles
exclusive and origin il ,
livery garment is made
unlcr our own careful
supervision makingpossible our perfection of fit and
workmanship. Then selling direct to the wearer saves
you at least one profit and many dollars besides. Tak
ing all this into consideration our pikes must necessa
rily be low enough for any one. You will always be
satisfied with what you buy of us no matter how little
you pay for it.
OnrstowlososntGUlp. in , , exeunt Patilr- I JJV \ , CM Kill *
lOUlliiS )
, wlieiiwBcIusuntloii. in. | o. vui uiu u uuugius ! Slc . _ -