Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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None of the Talked of IndifTeranco Waa
Noticeable at the Foils.
IVomen to llio .Number of n Tlmmnml Voting
ing on the School Hoard CnnilUliitoJ
lltuliicin 1'rncllcally Snipemlotl
The t'outoit on Councilman ,
Quiet , stronc and steady was the vote
cast In nil the eighty-eight votlnp precincts
in this city from the tlmo thnttho polls were
opened at 8 o'clock yostonUy tnoniltiR. So
continuous vita It that It xvas cstlmntcd that
nitioty per cent of the cntlro vote wouul bo
polled by 3 o'clock this nfternoon.
How It was gomi ? was of course n mystery ,
for with the Australian ballot system there
Is almost notbliiR on which o bmo oven con
jecture , and thcro were few Indeed of the
party loaders nround either o ( the political
headquarters who were willing to hnzird
even n ucss as to the stroiur'.u that was
being developed by their respective candi
dates. From the very start It was set down
as an oitabllshcd fact that the man who pretended -
tended to bo nblo to furnish any Information
as to the \vny that the vote was going In any
ward or precinct or In tbo city at larco was
n romancer with a lltllo more audacity but
oo moro real knowledge than thouvorago run
of tccn.
An tmiualljr ! Henry \oto.
All that could definitely ba told Is that an
unusually Inrgo vote was polled , and this
fact , together with the claim of the reimbll-
cans that they gained by the registration and
tbo admission of the democrats that they lost
on their registration , Is all lhat any one has
on which to base an opinion , other than
What thev had bi'foro election day dawnud ,
and the counting of the vote will be the Hrst
dcflnlto anil rollublo intimation tint will
bo had as to tlio probublu result of the ver
dict of tbo people.
llcolnracro' .
Thosnloonstbrouchauttbuclty worocloscd ,
ind tbn very best of oruor roietis at all the
Oolltug places. The ( ( iilctudu about the polls
was even moi o pronounced than ay our ago , as
the old time beulcrs , cappers and roundors
bad not nt that tlmo received practical demon
stration of the tact that they were no longer
in It , and they hung about the vicinity of the
poll : In tbo rain hnpo thai tbo situation
under the now order of things would not bo
D3 bad for them as It had boon iiaintcd. Hut
ihis year they needed no further lessen , and
in many of tlio precincts their obnoxious
presence was not intllutea ur/on tbo voters ,
and thov were conspicuous only by the un
occupied spieo that they wuio wont to till.
The good elTcets of the now ballot were
moro apparent than before , and the voters
commented upon it most favorably , though
EUggcstliiK that a tow minor amendments
weio r.pcossary to make it operative In the
most desirable form.
In muny precincts , n > aero Intelligent class
of judges and clerics was noticeable , mon
DOtter litted for the worlc asslcnod them , ard :
whllo they pnvo material assistance In expe
diting tho'votlni ; their prescneu gave rlso to
tbo bopn that the counting and announce
ment of the vote woulu bollkowiso hastened.
Disclosed tin ; ( > i > \ rnor'H Telegram.
Many were llio uulclml roir > arlis drooped
nrounii tlRiiiotirntu : stuto headquarters re
garding the telegram sent to the demo
cratic national rommlUco last evening by
Governor loyd , U1 which uo suld that It was
his pleasure to say that the Wuavcr electors
. .would bo elected In this state by tJO.OUU
vplurality. The governor was censured as
being not only too previous , but several
thousand-out of the way , oven in case
Weaver munagod to carry the stale at all ,
on which polbt many of the democratic
oracles were tar from being sangumo.
\Vero at Worlc K.irly.
People who were upon the streets at
daylight wnro led to oelievo that
> the city hall at ICIghtoqnth and Farnam
ilrcols was n pront wholesale establishment.
There ivcro forty-llvo waeons of nil sizes ,
ages and shades of color backed up to tbo
entrance. There were an ciiual number of
drivers and eighty-eight special policemen
running from the building to the wagons
carrying boxes and packages. All this stir
was onubcd bv the fuel that City Cleric John
Qrovos uml his assistants were getting the
election machinery started to the eichty-
elght booths In the nine wards of tbo city.
Upon Mr. drove * had devolved tno duty of
liandllntr the city , the countv and tbo Board
of Education ballot boxes , 201 In till. The
delivery commenced atU o'clock and an hour
later every box was out of the building and
on the way to the booths , where they were
placed In the bands of the judges and tno
Alnny Women Voting.
In every ward in the city the number of
women voting on tlm lio.iru of ICuticatlon
ticket were unusually largo. Ttio question
raised by llio attorney of llio board as to tno
method lo ba employed in swoannir In the
woman vote wn carried out b.v sumo of the
election onlemls but in most ouses tlio voles
' were recolvua without question or protoit.
It ls conservatively estimated mat fully 1,000
women will have voted by ibis ovcning on
theechool board mutters.
' . \Vitnn Council Contest ! .
The fight on councllmon In the several
words was ( Very wnrmlv contested. In
the Sixth the opposition to Spccht
was very hopeful but the Indications
nro tliht ho will bo returned by a small
majority. In tbo ICighth Hungato has tno
advatitafo although the ward Is largely re
publican. IliiBCull will nrobably bo returned
from the First and Klsasser from tbo Second.
In the Fifth Napoleon Ouhoff U using every
effort to canturo the majority , but the Sauu-
ders forces claim that the election of their
candidate is assured. Major Wheeler is
Rieotlni ; with very dotrrminod opnomlon
amonp the republicans in the Fourth , many
of the olu line men of the party going to
W hillock.
Itnllrond Urn Intnicft < Ml ,
Union 1'iiclllo henilqunrtor.i was closed
from 12 to - o'clock In order to allow
the clerks un cpuortunlly lo cust their bal
lots for llnrnson and Ketd. The oillcos will
close for the day at 4 o'clock to permit those
who have nut voted lo cast iholr ballots
which will carrv the btulo forCrounse ami
the republican ticket.
Thcro was little doing in railway cir
cles. Cioneral apathy scorned to con
trol the action of the local railway world1
Heads of departments were out on tlio
streets "saving the country , " whllo the
underlings gathered in groups to discuss the
political situation and indulge In "mouth"
bets , In fact tliero was less attention
fibown to a national campaign than
over before and the hundreds employed
In tlio railway ofllcos felt thov were do'lng
their duly In voting their tlekit without get
ting out and shouting for their several can-
Travel on the railroads was unprece
dented ly Imht , and until after the election
this condition will prevail , Local tiukui
ofllccj uro being boot open and thai is about
all , no tickets being acid to points east or
Jiut to Itronk thu Monotony ,
A , doinocralio judge of election , appointed
In one of the precincts in the Third xvard ,
hawed up in nn Intoxicated condition , and
was not allowed to tulte part In the actions
of the board. Ho visited democratic bead-
quarters and almost worried the life out of
everybody about the place. lie wanted to
be advised as to the proper course to pursue
in getting oven with the policeman who
ejected him from the voting booth , out ro-
colvod llllln consolation.
Cblof Seuvoy reported to the mayor at
noon that ono ol the judges in the First
ward had bjcomo intoxlo.tlod and asked
what course should bo pursued In cases of
that kind. The mayor consulted the city
attorney and the latter gnvo it us his opinion
that no other judge could bo installed In the
place of the liinbriato , but ttat tbo other
rcembrr * of tbn election board should Iguoro
him and go ahead and perform the work
entirely regardless of anything that bo might
ay or do wbllo In a state of intoxication.
A controversy occurred between n judge
named Holmes uiid a Bohemian voter In the
Bovotuh ward , and the outcome of It wet
tbat the judge was knocked down. It wan
Alleged that the voter wanted Instruction ,
n to voting a republican ticket , and the
judge , who was a democrat , instated that be
jBUSt iiot veto a ttralsUl republican ttslcot ,
but would hnvo to scratch it for nt lonu n
few of the domocrntlo nominees. This was
the only voter whoxo rights wore questioned
by that judge ,
At South Omnht.
The day pasted quietly in South Omaha
nnd there is not n semblance ot excitement ,
Knch side Is doing qutot aid effectual work.
The democrats mid people's turty workers
nro exerting thnlr greatest Influence
for the Weaver electoral tukot.
The republicans are cot Idle , and accomplish
ing n great deal.
The voters nro turning out well nnd every-
thine points to a full vote being cast. Up to
tbo noon hour about 1,203 of the 'JU30 , voters
registered had cast tholr ballots.
Tno packing housci closed several depart
ments nt noon In order to give tbo employes
an opportunity to voto.
Rcnl estate.
Binx'Hlns only.
My word is pood.
W. O. Albrijfht.
621-2-3 N. Y. Llfo hid * .
HAVI IN : ituus.
Illitiikptn mill CoinTorts.
\Vo nro hontlqtmrtors in this lino. Wo
liuvo llio Htuclc on displii.v and wo innlco
tiio priccH lo back ni ) the nbovo asser
tion. It in nocil ot blankets go to Uny-
dons' , wlioro yon can lintl wliiit you
want from tlio clionpot uollon blanket
up to tlio llnost ( Jalilornia blankets.
Cotton llannol blankets at flOe , otliors
ndvcrtiso tliein as bointf wortli $1.00.
11-1 Kra.y biankota , C-pound , ut $1.03
anil $ ) , ! ) " ) a pat" .
12-1 sllvor yray blankets , wolfjli 0
pound ? , at $2.5 ! a pair.
11-4 { iray blankets , 0 pounds lo pair ,
tit 83.7 . SI.IJ.'i and $ i.S ! ) a pair.
We are sollinc largo si/o 11-4 blankets
for same price for which others ask on
10-4 blankets.
35 pair of white blankets , no two
alike , all more or less .soiled , being a
sample line , inn fit bo sold tomorrow.
Comforts at We , fiOo. 7 c , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
$1.50 , $1 7o , 82,00 , $2.2.3 , $2.50 , * 2.7.3 ,
$2.88 and $3.00 uicb.
Down comfortH , O.\0 , worth $0.75 , re
duced lo close at $4.75 each. Only a
few of them left.
Miillnuu Wednesday.
I arifura street theater.
Persons wishing ; peed seats to see
Our Irish Visitors had bolter secure
them early , as the hottso is crowded at
every performance ; 2-jc , any neat in
tlio house.
oxn r.xitK K.VUUKSIU.V
To tlio City of Mo\loo mid Rrturn ,
For tlio meotintr of the American
Public Health Association and Interna
tional Medical Concrcss , to bo hold in
tlio City of Mexico November 29 to December -
comber 2 , 1SU2 , tlio Stnta : Fo route will
soil tickets at otio lowest lirst-duss faro
for tlio routitl trip.
This is an excellent opportunity to
visit Mexico , one of the most delightful
trips imaginable , at very little cost.
A special party will leave Omaha
Saturday , November 1 ! ) , and join a largo
party from Boston and other eastern i I
cities at Kansas City. 1
Tlio faro for the round trip from
Omaha i- , only $ G4. < JO.
For further information and reserva
tion of Pullman accommodations call
on or address , ii L. PAI.MKII ,
Passenger Agent Santa Fo Route , 1318
Farnam St. , Omaha , Nub.
Another Kink In tlio I..iuituveled by llio
Attorney Ccuoral.
A quejtlon as to the full scope and moan
ing of the Nebraska warehouse law has been
brought UD by the action of Woodman ,
Hitcblo & Co. of Omaha , who , after laklncr
out a license as a public warehouse , hnvo
been receiving cram for slorape without in
spection by the state. It has been claimed
by some Unit under the present law a public
warehouse must have public insneclion.
The quoslion has boon submitted lo Allor-
ney ( Jencral Hustings and Ihe following
opinion rendered :
"Section 9 of Iho law says lhat it shall bo
the duly of nny warehouseman of classes A
nnd IJ to receive , lor stor.iire or shipment any
grain that mav ho tendered to him in Iho
usual manner invMch wa'enousos uro
accustomed to receive the same in ordinary
and usual coursoot business not making any
discrimination between persons ac&irlng to
avail themselves of warehouse facilities ; and
tnthucAso of every warehouse of class A
such zraln in all cased shall bo inspected and
graded by a duly authorized inspnctor and
stored with grain of slmilur gr.ido and
received nt tbo same time , us near HS may lie.
Section 'J , or rather par.ifrraph U , under sec-
lion Ilia , says it shall bo the duty of the chief
Inspector of cruln to hnvo a general supervi
sion of inspection of grain as required Dy this
act or laws of Ihls state under
Ibo aavico and Immediate super
vision of the .Hoard of Transportation.
Under the law regulaling those warehouses
1 am constrained lo boliuvo Hint the parties
mentioned are prohibited from tailing in
grain of their own into this public warehouse
unless it has boon properly Insnautcd la tno
same manner us other grain. "
Tlio Oulckcst Way ti > Cure n Cotil.
Do you wish to know the quickest way to
curoncold ! Wo will toll you. To euro u
cold quickly It must DO treated before the
cold has bacomo settled in the systom. The
Ural symptoms of n cold is a dry , loud coush
ana sneering. Tbo cou'h Is soon followed
by watery oxpeutoralion and Iho sneezing by
a profuse watery discnarga from iho noso.
In severe cases Ihero Is a Ihln whllo coaling
on tlio tongue. to del It Is only nec
essary to lake Chamberlain's Cough Komodv
n rioublu doiuj cvorv hour. That will
greatly lessen tha sovorltv of the cold and In
many ciuns will etroctually cnunlcract Itand
cure'what would hnvo liaoii a Bavoro cold
wiihln ono or two ilnvh1 lima. Try it and bo
convlncjd , ! ? o and fi'J cent bottles for saleby
Si'llli.-cl tlio Tiirlirniii-Htliiii ,
John Steuanok and llio liowlos became In-
volvcd in a quarrel last night In a saloon ut
Sixth and I'aclflo strools and Stopanek re
ceived a dcop gash In the back Just under
Ibo right shoulder blade , Howies , bis nb-
sallunt , was arrested. U was a question as
to whelher Iho consumer piid the tux , witli i
slight variations , which led to the dlfllculty.
Tha trouble originated over thu payment
for drinks ordered.
Siopanoli's wound Is not aorlous and ho
was Bonl houn. Both men uru employed In
the cooper shop at Iler's brewery.
An hones ; pill is the nobioit worn of tha
apothecary. Oo Witt's Little Karly Utseri
cure constipation , biliousness and slckhoad-
Drath of Jiiinci MnV'lttlr ,
Mr > James AjoVllilo died at bis residence
at Thirtieth miii Aliplo ( tttnn \trtnjlnf
aged Ul years. Ills illness was very brief
and bis dcato was a severe blow to his fain ,
fly and children. Ho WAS taken ill \vil'u
nuuto Urigbt's disease at 7 o'clocK and at 1
o'clock In the afternoon iho and ratiu. Mr
MuVitlle was born in Dumfries , Scotland ,
and hud been a resident of Onutm during
the past twenty-two ycais. Ho loaves live
children , one of whom , Thomas MuViltln , U
well known In connection with local politics.
ii.vvnr.N linos.
Onttlnif I'rlcrn In Slinn Drpnrtmcnt.
Wo offer Wednesday crontbnreninB In
flno fihocH and overshoes. It von will
need u pair fcoon IT WILL PAY YOU
WELL to attend this sale. Road carefully -
fully and come or mall us nn order.
Goods from the best factories only.
Infants'flno patent leather COo slioc *
at JMc.
Children's flno hntul turned donpola
Sl.tlOHlioes , 70c
Children's flno dongola pat , tip , $1.25
shoos , OOc.
Misses' flno dongola pat. tip. $1.75
shoes , SI.20.
Ladles' dongohx opera button $2.00
shoe * , $1.20.
Ladies' line dongola opera button $2.50
shoe ? , $1.0" .
Lndlcs' line cloth top patent tin but
ton $ U.50 shoo- * . $2.40.
Men's fine B calf dress $2.00 shoes ,
$ l.fiO.
Men's flno hand-sowed calf $5.00 shoes ,
These goods are son.o of Iho finest
made , livery pair warranted , If you
want a line shoo cheap , tsco those.
Boys' line $2.dO M'hool shoes , $1.50.
Child's ' 75c buckle aictics , 50c.
Misses' DOc bttclclo arctic ? , (15e. (
Ladies' $1.00 bucldo arctic ? , 7oc ,
Men's $1.25 buckle arctics , Hoc.
Mall orders promptly Illlcd.
Dry goods and shoes.
Frescoing anil Interior decorating ; do-
filgns and estimates furnished. Henry
Lcli in sum , 1508 Douglas street.
Underwriter * ' Ilitniinnt ,
The Nobrnsun Association ot Llfo Insur
ance Underwriters Is already preparing for
tha annual banquet. Mrmbcrs of tbo local
nsboclatton took lunch Monday and held u
business session afterwards at which they
took the preliminary stops to got ready for
the most elaborate banquet over hold by the
association. The executive committee was
nuthor./cd to make nrrau etncnts for Iho
banquet , iho price of plates not to exceed ? . " >
each. The following coinmllleo wus ap
pointed on hotel : C > cargo StcrnsdorlT , O. II.
.lolYrles and .Tuhn Stocli * .
Tno committee on invitations Is as follows :
Messrs. Uall , IJell , Gould , Hawks nnd
The association also decided to begin a
movement looking toward the passnco of an
anli'i-cbaic bill at the coming session of the
legislature. Messrs. Stcrnsdorff , Steele , Wil
son , Collins nnd Jeffries woru appointed u
committee to draft n bill to bo presented lo
iho next legislatureTno object of the bill
is lo niaito It an unlawful act fur any llfo In
surance ugcul to soil life insurance in the
stale by giving ruuales on tbo regular pre
mium rales as sigrced between Ihecomnauios
In the association. This bill was inlroducod
two years ago and came within four votes of
passing Ito house.
The annual banquet of Iho association will
be hold on January 10 , the second Tuesday
in the new year. The following members
were present at the monthly meeting and
lunch yesterday ! O. II , Jeffries of the
Massachusetts Mutual , A. D. Scelv of the
Equitable , W. J. Hawks of the Travelers ,
John Steele of the Northwestern , P. E.
McMullon of Iho Providence Life , E. 13.
Hull of iho Union Life , O. II. lirown of the
"Squltablo , CJeorgo SternsdorlT of the Homo
. , ife , J. E. Musgrave of the Manhattan , F.
" " . Goodson of thu National Life , W. S.
Wilson of the United States Life , U. J. Bel1 ,
of tbo Stale Mutual. W. P. Allen of iho
Mutual Life of Now York , Ed Walsh and D.
I. Collins of the National.
Hut Ho Oiill Soivnil Dollars Ahead on This
( Iccanlun.
Ho looked as green as a persimmon in
Aucrust anil as simple us the Simon found
n nursery lorn. Podunlc atmosphere
yathorcU about him , and ho seemed as
-Imid us a hare , says the Chicago Mail ,
[ lllitted for Chicago did ho seem as his
] ueor looking1 clothing clung to
: iin gaunt , uncrainly and ulti-
tudinoua form. Hesitatingly ho
accepted an invitation from a
chipper-looking oliup to visit n resort
where ho could gotfcJ for SI withoutany
trying on his p rt. and ho shrunk away
Trom n , sympathetic individual who
whispered to him that ho was about to
outer a den of thieves.
Stummeringly ho acquiesced in all
that his guide told him , and his ox-
sliuped oycs took on a moro innocent
sraxo as ho listened to wondrousstoriosof
big money nmdo by sundry parties that
had been led by baid guide.
When called upon to put up his money
ho drew out from an inner pocket a com
fortable looidng roll of greenbacks and
falteringly sot up n. $5 note. Timidly ho
drew down the winnings ( $10) ) and was
about to _ turn away , his inexpressive
face Billior than over , when his guide
whispered to him that ho ought to try
his hand again.
As clay in the potter's hnnd ho seemed ,
ana next time , ut outside suggestion , ho
put up * UO and again was iv winner.
The Quincy street gang of llvo or six
who were present eyed ono another with
decided satisfaction. Not often did so
irulliblo u victim f.ill into their hands ,
r.nd they could alTord to lot him win
several limes before scooping him in
completely. Wlwt nice , crisp bills ho
did have , to bo mire , and ho couldn't
possibly hnvo less than $800 or SIOO. Tno
pals nudged ono another and smiled
knowingly. Ho pulled in again and
took in $40 , which ho stowed awny
Bomowhcro about his person. Then ho
baid , i woolly , to hib clriporono :
" 'Ulooged lo yor. 'n' rcoldn I'll bo go-
in' . "
"Don't do it , You'ro in sweet luck.
Try yor hand ag'in , "
The reticent green ono iissontod , and ,
following his guide's directions , shipped
up $50. Again ho was winner , and
with u Billior expression than over on
his ftico ho turned about. What a plastic
youth ho was. Tlio guide hud but to
speak , nnd he did.
' 'Put up u hundred , " said his inontor.
And forthwith it ciuno and forthwith
ho won SIOO.
That wus the last. Thenceforward
greeny lost one tlmo after another , until
llnally , with u stupid Blare , he turned
to his companion and duulurod himself
"busted clean , "
"No , no. You've some of your win
nings loft. Try your luck once moro , "
sum Mentor ,
Hut greeny was obdurate. Play ho
would not , hut edged toward the
door , and \vhon an attempt was made to
head him olT ho sprang forward lilco n
soared rabbit and was soon kiting down
the btroot and out of sight.
The shrewd gamblers counted costs.
In their possession was $150 in brig lit
now hills. The awkward stranger had
tul.on iiwny with him $ ; t(10. ( It now oo-
curred to ono of them that ho invariably
stowed uwuy his winnings and only
played his now bills. ICxnminntion
The only Pure Cream of Tartar I'owder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
showed every ant of thorn to bo ix conn *
tcrfolU Hltorado got bitten somotlmcs ,
for this is nn o cr true talc ,
Supply nPXKinrnlilft Decraitftlnc.
Kmoralds nro-iald to bo steadily dis
appearing. In tlio ' 60s nnd 'OOa oinor-
alds woio the tnTrorlto jewel * , nnd were
worn strung am a thread lllto pcarlc.
Such n strinydf emeralds was exhibited
in n jeweler'HH window In Untor den
Linden , and rrna estimated to bo worth
1")00 , ( ) marks. Now emeralds are no
longer poHshafl like diamonds. Fault
less stones of a.deop color have always
been an vnlttabliyas diamond ! ) . Tlio rea
son of the scarcity of cmcrnlds is the
decrcnso in the jirotlitotion in the Ural
mountains. Knfornlds were first dis
covered on Iho right bank of the Toko-
wolor , noal1 Katharlnoburg in 1880 , and
in the first years the liar vent was a rich
one. Now tlio decrease , both in quan
tity nnd qtmlityshnrdly repays the 1 ibor.
Tlio harvest ol emeralds in Lalmchtnl ,
in the Sal/burgor Alps , has also proved
disappointing , BO that emeralds nro now
only lo bo had from Australia anil Mu < o-
nonr Santa Fo tie Bogota , in Colombia ,
in any appreciable quantity. The latter
spot lias been noted fop its emeralds
einco Iho sixteenth century.
1' I'.UtiiaitAI'lll.
K. I. . Loin UK wont to Chicago last night.
Mavor Cashing went to Chicago yesterday
Uichnrd O'Kccffo ' wont east yesterday
afternoon. v
William Day , manager ot the Eden MUJCO ,
went to Denver yesterday.
A. M. Milter , jr. , Is In the city arrotiitnc :
for iho reappearance of Uus Hergu in "Von
Yonson. "
Harry Hansom , traveling passenger agent
of the Nlapara Fulls Short Line , was In the
city yesterday.
John Hyde , who Is In charge of the agri
cultural department of the United Stn'o <
census , was in the city yesterday en'-outo
John Lalor , who was private secretary to
Mr. Dickinson , lias resigned to tuko Iho posi
tion or ctiluf cleik lo iho conoral Rtiparm-
tendent of the New York & New England
railway , with headquarters ai Boston.
CIIRAOO , III. . Nov. S. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bci.J : Tlio following Nebraikans
registered hero today : Sherman J. U. Wll-
llanii , Omaha. Tremoni A. C. Cr.imcr , U.
U. Gould. 13. M. Uules , Omaha. I'almor
Melvin Edwards , Colorado ; J. A. Sherwood ,
Arthur E. English , Omaha. Victoria F. A.
Josoy , I'uoblo.
Both tlio method and rcsultawlien
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
Rcntly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eflectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fbvers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of'Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the ino&t
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any- reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one Avho
wisbes to try it. Do not accept any
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
10 TlisanJ
reading this that
IB Ibo only rcliabln euro for Urn tired feeling pecu
liar to women enlTeilnK vllh "fa' ' < heart * , pain In
elrto , shoulder and trm , weak ami Imnery eH'lle | ,
irroculnr pulec , fUntlng , emotlicrlne. Thousands
teMUy lo their permanvut cum. KLEQANT IJoon
Tor salt ) by ICulin & Co C'or. , 13th anU llouglai
Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding
Invitations ; Keception Cauls arc sent ,
nt reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States. Send for samples ,
( lata Cobb't Library Co. )
lid Wobiuli Ave. ,
Tlmt AYKU'S Sarsaparllla CUHKS
( minus of Scrofulous Diseases ,
KrupHons , Uolls , Kczctna , Liver ami
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Klietu
inatlsin , niul Catarrh should be con
vincing tlint tlio saino course of
treatment \vn.t , eriu : vot' . All
that lias been said of tlio wonderful
cures effected by the use of
* 3l W C ± * 3l V3l V 9 B H * 3J
d. ITS dip dTI IScJL
tlic past 50 years , truthfully
applies to-day. It is , in every sense ,
Tlio Superior Medicine. Us cura
tive properties , strength , eil'eet , and
flavor are always the same ; and for
whatever blood diseases AY UK'S
fcarsaparilla is taken , they yield to
this treatment. When yon ask for
don't bo Induced to purchase any of
the worthless substitutes , which are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest in
gredients , contain no sarsaparilla ,
have no uniform standard of ap
pearance , llavor , or effect , are blood-
puriflers in name only , and are of
fered to you because there is more
profit in selling them. Take
* E * ff * S & "t\ * & B n B 'a
t3rtB c.pcla ISacl
I'rcnnrcil by Dr. J. C. Aycr&C'o. , LowellMnt.
Hula by all lruyil i , 1'ilcu { I , MI bottlci , J5.
Cures others will cure you
In Paint
the best is cheapest
Pure White Lead
is best ; properly applied it will
not scale , chip , chalk , or rub
off ; it firmly adheres to the
wood and forms a permanent-
base for repainting. Paints
which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burn
ing before satisfactory re
painting can be done.
In buying white lead it is im
portant to obtain that which is
genuine , strictly pure , and
properly made. Time has
proven that white lead made
by the "Old Dutch" process
of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be 'ob
tained by any other method of
manufacture. This process
consumes four to six months
time , and produces the brands
that have given White Lead
its character as the standard
"RED "
are standard brands of strictly
pure Lead made by the " Old
Dutch" process. You get the
best in buying them.
For sale by all first class dealers In Pclnts.
If you are going to paint , it will pay you to
cend to us Tor a book containing Information
that may save you many a dollar ; It will
only cost you a postal curd to do so.
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo.
In tlio trontniont of : i'l farms of
mid \Vo.iUiHisH nnil I ) sonluriif
' w'l'i ' ' lo > * of t'ourncp. nnililtlon.
urn ! vitality , lllulituun yours of
tlm moat roiniirhHlilobiicuosi In
llio Iro.ilinont of this class of liUcnsiia. wliloh
It ) provo'i tiy tlio tesllinoiiy of tliiin-
sniulswlio havi ) boon ctiruil. Write forolrou-
lurs unil iiiestlon ] lint. I'lli "ml l'itrii.iii >
.Sty. , Uinuliu , Neil.
TheGripa ! anil Genuine
Impart ! tbe mot djUclous taste < f >
TLEMAN at M < 1-
ruto til * brother
llsy , 1851. COI.B
that their uuoa la
IntlU , n J J la my
opinion , tlm most
jii'.ulible. Di veil
w the tuoat wLcle-
nome * 3uco that li
piade. " I&C.
Beware of Imitations i
eee that you get Lea & Perrins1
Eljnstaro oil every l > ott > eof Orlzlaai U Gknulnb
JUUN UVHVAS'tt O0. > 8 , NKW V01UC.
Great Sale This Week
I Bierman , Heidelberg i Bo , !
S 7
-v " '
Saved on
Eacli Garment ,
$5O,000 worth of Fine
bought at auction is offered this week for below
the cost of manufacturing.
Men's blue Chinchilla Overcoats ,
guaranteed fast color , $6 ; worth
Men's heavy black all wool diagonal
Overcoats , elegantly made and trimmed
for $8 , which sell in every clothing
house in the country for $12.
Notice samples in our window of
| that elegant brown Kersey at $10 ,
the regular retail price in every
first-class house isj'S.
Next to this notice the handsome
gray Melton , half silk lined , at $12.
Nothing like these has ever been
shown in this city. They cost
more to manufacture.
Then notice that elegant wool
lined Eleysian at $10. Can't tell
it from a $20 garment. Our price
at this sale is $10.
Ulsters. Ulsters.
Ulsters by.the car and
load , prices upwards.
Of eX'ery lot advertised. We have all sizes. No 5
one will be disappointed. z
rfe + * Jl
In connection with the great sale of overcoats ;
we are making ; busy times in our Boys' Department - j
ment with
Cape Ovcrcoatn at $3.50
All wool double-breasted Suits at $3.5O.
And Boys' Ulsters $5 and upwards.
I Continental Blotlring Hofc |
Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts.
Ask your shoe dealer for the
New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co'sl '
equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only , big stock1 !
on hand.
Onrinlifci , Net ) .
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
XMiiJor. One i'triJnil InUrHi . * mtl rr4. Con Blt tn
. . . w7 Boo * . ( UffM/lM ot iltti uol tr * umoa ka nl kMI > > I
wdwi W B.IO U ( a. fttail ttaav lot m lr.