HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9 , 1892. 8PEG1RL NDTIGE8. TilVKHll FMKNTS MM TI1IMK COLUMNS A * | | | bo luted until 1J Wp m for thn itTpntni nnd until S.'JO i > . m. lor tlie mornlnx or Similar cdl- ? / < ! advfrtli'crnent UVen for le than ! J cents for IhcflrM liitertlnn. All ndvpni-pnientd In thMfl eolnmns 1M cent * ft word for the nminkortlon and t rent n word for rarh mint -ii"nl Insertion or H HI per line | > or montli Icrnnensh In advance Initial' . fl iitp , ymbol * etc pfirh count > n word All ndfcr- tlseimntii mint run con pc.ntlvcly Advertiser * , iy icqiirMlna n numbered ehpck ran hnvo Inn letter * artrtri. pd Hi ft numhcred lot ; r In faro or Till IILF Miswers no nddro'M'd will bo dullvirul on I lie | > tf-critRllon of the clu tic SITUATIONS-WANTED. _ "A " HAKI-i MTUATION WAN fTO IIVA"KlIIST AclnM and cnkn bnkcr Work llrM . PM or no pay AOilreni l'frtjnounicp isl ! _ _ _ _ _ -A itu s iiovVASI S A PLACI A for 1 onrd and no to rdiool Address P < t T-WMI MAN wnn'TTmTiTTsii SLV Apralycnra experience In ifcnnral Imnklrit find various kln.H of railroad iilllco nirk du'.lrei posl tlon Kltlntholefnluliotifo In < lm lin or n bank In largo town I cut reft rcncoi Addrcu 1 ' * * > , WA NTFb MALE HELP. sA.VrKll. . BAl.KMMKN ONAI.AIlV " "COM -imliston t" handle the new patpnt chemical Ink craMiik pentll The iireatest nelllm ? novelty ever produced eia"e Ink thoroughly In two fpconds tionbrnslon of paper , W ) to MrJ pir rent profit tine oKints .tilt * , amounted fi. " 0 In SIT uiv * an iilhor 113 In two hours wo want ono uicrectlo em c-r l numt In each ntnto nud territory 1 ur termn nti.I purllciilntK address Monroe Ilratcr MfR lo. A T , Ln i rns < c Wls < * Tl OMpTTItNTHTrNOOHAPIIKIIS ANDTVl'K- liwrltir dpirntnri who nro out of einplovnient firolntlliMl to ml ! nnd renl'ti-r tlulr nnmeinnd nunllflcntlonn with cinr omplu > ment di-piirtmcnt \\n ninko nn eharso to either .cmploi'r or pm iiliiipd Drop III nml KCM us wn tnko plonmirolii ilolnunll necin for the worthy utonournpher nnd typowrltM 'Iho iiiltli Premier typewriter ( o . lliiriif 1 iirnnm l .Omiilm Nub _ 1ANTpD IN AN OH K I ! . MIlltlllT UIIJSO I 'IIIBII nboiit liiyonrn of me Host ri'fBrinccs rp- qulrptt Dun ho iinilcrKlnnilt uti nocrnphy nnd typuwiltlnKprofi rrcd Adilri" s P IU llto M7 T > WAMHI ) A 71 OO I ) H AH S' | m M A 1C I ! It Al ) I'dtO'ill I Miwood , xwanton Sob 7(11 ( ii * U-WAN'i I'D , T'sKi't/i. nropi.i : rou iippru I'lolro h < p must have oxporli'iicj nnd wnid role I Mitrmnn , ( lypsum tlty Knn 70511 * 1OI.NT $ WAN'Ir" ! ) Oil ) Ml.VUHWAHH , IJcullery , MnlclipH nnd Jewelry niado nu\v nirnln The I e t itiulpiicil plant In the west for turning out all kinds of plntlmt In Hold , ll\er hrnsi broiiro .and copper \\nwntitrillnblonKonta In nvcry wcslnrn town to solicit orders th o .Manufactnrliirf Co , Lincoln , Nib M 4 ' " T ) M"KN"vi m OOOD HHI IHIKNCKH TO BI'LL J Ihollday k'onln Now rlRs furnlshid free. Ameri can Urlnuur Co . 1WI lion aid st < 70 ll t-\\ANfn > . if.xi'Kiiir\rii > ntoi KKUY ANII J'KlnsiwHrp silesmun with rbtiibllnlied routes Aildnns ntitlim uxptrlcncc towtii trnvc led to nnd full pnrtlcnlars Hurley iTyriull , 11 nml / I like t . Lhlcnso. M8M It * 11 AOICMStntlM II UI' , MfMH ri.t > TIIISO 1'bettertliin no'illo nnd thrcid , llk wiiolcnn , Bluvec iimhri'llan ono yd IDoI I ! yds. l.5c by mall \ Vluyner A , Co , I'rovldonco , It. I- AID < j 11 > WAN'IH ) COAT MAKUIt 1111 : 'Inllnr. l.Mfl 1 nrniini utrcct T > WANTWD , MAN AMIWIKK I'Ircn ( < ir2womcn. for lioii * > onurk In fiunllynf i lilriiiinto.OTmllcM from Omnhii lliiMiinn or onu of Iho women , must bu n thoioiiKhly coiupufnt rook , thn titlicr iiiMiHtcsi and houseiiinl I Iho rnliirywlll bo fifty dollnrs ( fi JOO ) pir monthil lrc l'.ril lite t'ICll ' II-\VAT nvi : soi.iriTons ell n\M'a I'llniiuony < hurt , " nhlch will iMinblo anyone to pin ) plniiu iicuinipiinliiient lu llltLUii mlmilon N H Hand , A Ilospo'n mu lo store il'i.11 H' "R-.WAMKIM TWO i.xi'nitiK.sai'n OHADIIU J Jmen Apply nt once Otvon llros , 22nd nnd N t ( -otith omiih-i. MWI 10 * 1) -\\V\IH ) IIOYK'1018 YHAHS 01.1) I OK > i.ancinl etoro work and to deliver piickut.es "Mrs 1J-W1 KAMSIKim WAN I III ) . WA(1I ( S JUIIiOl'KIt IJmo. Tnrnsnurtntlon frtu "I * II .Moboney \ ( o , 81 IN. ICth.t IU8 10 TV HLACKSMl IH WAN IM'IJ A 1' ISHOMUhLl ) . I'llpmlltoii Cu , Nth Address 1 W 1 nrrnnd , Hriitiilli'hl llnmlltnii Lo , Nth 917 18 * Al.l NTH \\AVri'l ) KIT 11 I'l 8ICV , ' 1 O dlo Ainold H Automatic btcnm Looker l.tbernl linn * AplY | 1OT ti 'llth l'3l'J ' O-\\AN3 Kl ) , 1 lIAMftrOll HAIM.ISII COAI. AP Uply nt tha Aniqilcnu 1-ucl tompiiuy a yurd 5Uth nnd U. T trnrks1 ' 1UI 8 T ) WA.NTI'D. OH 1C ! ' II'IV ' , IM'IIJIANII.Sr I'O- i' ltlun htatt ; Uo ( nnd uakt'H cepcclnllr. Address 1'iHllci . R-WAVH-I > "in NAMKS AM ) AI)1WI" ) " U3 of.cneri.ctlo uu-n nnd womoii open for permn Hint worl. Wo U\n excluUo territory \V iiuirnntir > food workers t3U n wnekn tnrnlxh onion fiiriiituro. doll\ cry lenm nnd iienHutiportid I tertlulm , ( niriutkln Inn monopoly It will HMO S'ipiir cent of thuronlMllsof \oryl > odj I nil pnr llcnlun hy n a I l.ltluiurnphii , pnmphlctMtic. . free ntioii unlpt of io tnkt' Addrcxn Konl | nr Co Wi'llvtrtilroct , llotton , "ln s MTO dS" B -\\ANTI I ) . A YOU.SO MAN IV Olllt MEII- tant tnllorliiidcpnrtinviit , with experience nt the I luitlm ntal. MV7 ? 10 I ! .STIill A TAooN HUJIIKI.lNd AT tliBContl'ienlnl MI78 10 H-WAMKI ) , A COIOHHD MAN I OO1C AM „ ) illnliiK room wulU'r at the \ \ clter , M' ' , nnd .Ma N lUthftrett. .MOd 11' T-A1'N18 ( WAN'I hi ) KVI'il\ \\IIKHr ToTt > > lhi > nc > \ huok by losltth Allen ulfo.iimntithii nn tint Itnio Prnjilpin " fi ncl ' * c for ontllt nn t bo Ihn Hint In tlip Ih'ld I IhiMill loriuH AddristJ W lllir\lo ! 0o 1US Wiibnsh incline lliknKO , III -M " 71 BUAVTI'K ' ArjST | < , flOO'lO JIOOO PKIt DAY niilictlnu ( lunll pltturi n for us tu uipy nud < n Inrirn Mitlsfntlloii t'li iniiilii'd nnd n tlU ) oillllt lice A Jiunnui Co ,60 IU'.ulo tlri't't , Now York M'I70 'J1 : HELP. -vAN'hl ) . A ( JOIID dlltl , 1011 OKMIKAL lioii'nnork , brliit ? rofercnccs Mis Oto Tllilun , HIS. HUh Btrtot. Ml * ) / i-itivr : oKWAdKS TO U > MPKTKST uiu. , V 'must bninid ; cook nnd liundress Mrs .1 L.M 'I hurstun. Jll'3 ' Knrnnm .M75J I _ / 1-WANTItD. A NKATOIfMI (11 KL ' 1O AhSIST tvjn tnklnccrruof a baby , . ' 13 ! Dodxo st , corner of.tllh nvo Kj ) ) l-\VAN'l III ) . A NKAT MI'VI ( ilKL TO 15 I ' 'K ave IUJ 8' f t-WANIIU ) COMP15TK.M' NUIt-rJ GIHL 1S- Vil ilm 40JIN Zitl st IktO I lANTF.I ) CIUI.M1U nilLrii\HHIK : MilIt vvillimlmiii HIUH loth t ' .137 If ruiitus \ VSIKDTOA'-sivrv CHILDIIKN V 'uud si loud n jrk. 'I2t , Hnriioy 'I WAN 11.1) ) A ( illlL , VOU 1IUHT piiiYA'ir - flMllll ) 10' v''I \TAN'III ; ) A WOMAN 'i o7o rooKiNu AND v' iiprnl lnMispnork , miiht bo n k < > oil Iniinilri ss iikiu t : > W pfr neck , i In Iniull ) Apply Ull ) IIOUK- f \V\N1 M ) WOUKLSd I hti ncnt and n mini cook llrliiK rHfiriuteii Apply at 1U-J I'nrk luonui' . ViO 1U * MI K AP KAit.sn i\ . mlllluury falueliidlei Cull HI J J ! iu ! el ' .M.1 'J * 7l U"NT | D. L\DIPS AND WIMI MK.N TO li > ork it Hit Ir homes , enimtnul tunpliiymeiit KIM I pilceh pxperleniu not ntiissnry. no tun \ns Hi ? Addri'im Htundnrl Mfu Cu luck box III"n ht in'i ' 1 ramiDilhniii , Muss Incluiu sliiiiiji , iiiiMiilun pnM-r | f MIVJW * 7l LADIKH MAKi ; (1001 \\KKK WHO U Mil II II ] v fur us lit hflino Nn rtmrumlin : Hnply with ndiUvr cd and alniuped iimlnin' , Uumun'n ( Ullu apirntl\o lulltt Co , Incorporr.tnJ , Miulh 1'ond , ( i UA.vini ) . ( ititi , M > it ( I nurkln fninll ) ol ( wo Must know how to cook UiTinnu or llohiMiilan prclirriil Ulll pii ) jkod gnuu. Apply at 4'jU ho SJth avoiiuo Uii VVAN'IKII. C1HL KOli ( lUSIHlAl , IIOUSK ork , lOiJ Park HVtuuo. Mm W \\nlluturk p l < AII.lHP BI'S Vl'hl" MAKKIIS WANThll > Uabtl thii'lnllor , IMS rnrituin t. Mfu } | | > fl WA.sTpD. A ( illlL KIllTiT'SI'IIAL UnUM { < > - ivorlt &lr Jo H Llarkson , u.'l f. athIIH.I ! U * ft WAN 1151) ) . TWO I'r.llSONH iIT:7r.IVIC"lN. : I ' tructlon * III boukktrpln.- II. Piultli. 617 : hecly block MU7I II' FOtt llENT-HOtJBES. D-A nittniAiiLK HOMK orw IUIUMS run ' iilshcd or unfuriiUhed Parties coins to Cull tornla .Xpp'y on prcuilsu , UK 'outh tenth slri-ct , _ HKsr. iotM ; ) cTyn-.M ! i7'os'MOT on /llnr. Apply \\.cornir th and OUUJ.-IM Mil" ! ' Sorlh7t strtt'l. city' water , IS. I ) , putt , JVU gotUh 17th ttrui'i. miiiuli DIIOI HK Or II IKXiMS. ALI MIDKHS ( COS vcnlunrri , pli > a > antly looalod near busliusi rou- ft. Apply lJ < i Lhlca u st . or 1..S.klnntr. . 11.11 iurnara _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ D-A LAHlJt : l.lhT OK ( IIOICi : . US. tores. Halt. . US.Uh do. llunn's frgm 154)3 ) per month mil up. OccrcoJ. Paul , lUi ) Kurnaai. Mb.M Mi * _ DNKM ! IILOM COITAOKS. IIATII. HOT JlND ciitit wntrr. ollmixlrru Uuprovciucnu. Hc lr > bli li.ru 1 1 on fir biiMncm men In brauilful blanforit llrqlu lumculcnt touwahn und south Omaha Apply ( , S. K Ull HIT , room 4 , New \ ork LUu build a U . AI.U parts of illy. iUlkcuojr & Lo , lonllusutnl Mk. ! a FOR KENT-HOUSES. fonUwi'vl. n -10HOOM IIUICK llOfSB WITH MODKHN J lniprorrnint l . on SUlh t near I < caTCnworlb nqnlrontgnSMlhit. DKOU HUNT NKVY 10 HOOM It KICK 1IOUSK. 21JI I ako ulreel. 10 mum house , 3.J7 Davenport treoti r < o per month. P 11. Mahoncy , V ( o. . 813 N Slitoonth street niill 11 4itooM liuusrT'ttoTi.j\XKM\OHTH : vr , tlSW 4 room IIOURD , Sll outh Jolh pi Hw 4 room IIOII Pfl Hlco M , 7fO Morn Vt\0 with r > room * up stairs , city water , tld M Hugh ( l Clnrk , 1518 Ilnrney. .MS43 I0 _ H I.'ABT HALF 2.111 DAVF.SPOHT ! < T TO -i' innll fnmlly Inuulrottiia Cnpltol nve 8098' rtOH HKNT , 7 HOOM. MODKIt.N TLAT IN J-Mlio I ntmo block. ( XX ! S 13th t ill ? II " MIOOM IIUICK riTvrsi , 1470 s ir.Tit , m month Ml 1T D IOH lir.ST , I'l.AT 7 HOOM ? . furnished , every iiiuvenlcncp To pnrty that will buy furniture four roomer * will rinmlii Apply at Ual7l > 5 South lull street Lloiuor Mock I ) -POH KICNT , HOICKS IX ALL PAIIT ( IK city TheO P Davis company IMS 1 nrnitm t -Kl ) ! IlKNT. 10 HOOM IIOU" ! : SOU CA S , 11000 Heed .VSelby , Hoard of mlo IIS > POH HK.ST. DKHIHATtl.i : 1) ) HOOM HOIHP , modern Improvements , neighborhood the best L Pntturnon , 41 } HatURO block MU1 CU1TAUK 8113 MA'-ON 11 HOOM house , modern , 31 t & Mason Apply 3013 Mmon. D-IO IIOOM HOfSr ASD HAHS ZOI4 i\IMI : TT st Kulintiu Place f > J , J J. dlbson , M IU Sn lloiinl lioiih , "I Dll-HOOM HOUSi : , HLAfaON MILK II'IIM" , HIU Pudge M77'J II ItOOM DWCLLISO 107 MU 111 171II ST Scar new poMolIlcn building Hullt for bunrd Inn nnd roumliii : SM-O Ininoi Ntvltor ur II I ! . Clnrk A ( ii.lJimiariiey i-l bUi l)4 Toll HrM'Nr'Alt II VNHIOM PAHK Hrlck lion i' . pluht rnnin Nu i-OJ Pupploton ultimo curlier Poppleton inPIIIIO nnd l.'dMreet , foulh nnd i a'l front llnlihi "I In oik with hntid pmno mnntt-K bnth spltndld furiiact1 , buck ccl lirs pic. IIJOU I rime huusu clKht rnomi , No l.'O Poppkton avenue , eonth Iron ! with bnth , furnntu etc , flilKI Prlrk hoiip-p eight rnonin So 1141 South ,2d street , onk llnlnli with nit ; bath fnrniico fit ) wnltr , el'ttrn uns , Bi'wtTiiKP brick cclliis. etc II1UO ripznut hrlik liouni * , Su 1)cl ) > PntluV ctrt-r-t one of tbi > ilniit llnlslipd nnd ( osliitt cluht rotim IHIIISI Inthcdty with nil inudi rn cuiivtnli'iitiH Inilml IIIK ulPcnnt porcelHln bath tub , hot nnd told wntfr Btnllonnry Inundry tubs , etc no llnur locn- lion In Uinrlty IMW Tim nhovn houses nro nil on pnvi'd stretts ton- venlcnt tu motur linen In perfictl ) lietilthj loin tlon nnd pitas int nolahhorhuod ( icorno N Hicks , "AJi N 1 Mfo -DHI" > MAKIN ( . DOS ! : Il\ MISS II. M ( blT iulr.li , 'llrnrd block , 21th street ctitrnnce , Ed floor .M'J.IO * FOR RENT-FUnNI3HEP E-MCL1.Y I UUNldllKIILAIUlK I ItONT ItOOM. I.-J N Ktli SI ii'-n.jUMmir.n AND I Jliontcrt rnniiK npnr Hleh uchoul , at 2014 Huron- port Bt llufcrcnco required Mrs M K ltutlc > lie 1. 1U _ EitooMS. . i uit.NACi : HIAT. : INQUIIIK 210 N. mill t M < 8 1 ? 1 UIIN18IIK1) UOOMS 1O HUNT 'hniiBC. now furniture , modern convcnli-ncos mi DoimlnHKt MW4 li * E-S10CLV rUHMbllHI ) 1'IIONT HOOM. 17SJ npltolnvp .MSS'11C ' * 1.1- HOI 'MS1T1I OHI71 ioiiT klOAIH ) siol Ijloutln ! 'Mill * E- 1 HAM HKA'inO , 1 L'llSlbHLD HOOMS I OH rtnl , GIW.-J Ulh at . U13 13 E SICKLY i im.Nismi : > st'iu : or i PONT rooms wllh balh , lil'nt nnd uai , 203j I nrnum 1st llonr I'jS ' y * EOM : or THU L\unici-T AND iirsr ILK nl hcd rooms In the tlty nlso ono other room , nlth llr t cln s nccotnmodiitlon1 * of a prlrnto fnm- lly 'MrB 'Ihowpson , M ) .S tM at. M'.fS-IS * FlJ Nf3HED"ROOM3 AND SiDAnDT H-KLKdANlLY UllSI Iini ) IIOOM4. Tllisr .1- elms bonrd , nt The Dola'i , 2W nnd 311 N. Iptli _ 4J3 _ 17-UOOM ASI IIOAIll ) IN ntlVATH \MILY X for two K'lntleuu'it wllh rofcrcncos nt ? o per week c.ich , nil modern convonlnnr s 615 > . ' 'Id * t M100 T7i-LMl ! ritOST ItOOM NICI'lA r L with etrlctly tlrst clniH honrd. for tuo i.eutlo men or ninth mini nndnlfo with prlwitu fnmll > , no thlldren , house nonl ) furnlihcd , u M < r > ditlr nlilo homo , centrally locattd , terns roiifonnlilc AddrehS I1 67 , lice Jl.7 ! 11' G ( IIOOMMODI. . UN ( IINYI LMNCrr . MO fnmll > without children , 2301 frnrnnm Inqulro Ml I'utluii blotk * U3 BOAKDIKQ. n 1 OH HUNT , TWO YintY DPSIKAIILi : Hfll- 1 nished or nnfurnl-hud south nnd oust Urst door roomi at 'Tho 1 renter. " 118 No 33th M. MS70 12 * FOB KjSNT-Sr ORES f _ ND OFFICES. T KH HltST'lIIK 4 SHIIIY 11HII 1C III ILDINO , O i I iirnum nt The bulldluhai llreproof ce- mint bnsntuent , complt to Btuamhuitln , ; llxtureit ; w iti ron nil thutloont , cas etc. Apply at the olllco . nf I he. Hoc 'Jib FOK UE 'J. ' MISCELLANEOUS. 7Kons3 HALL"II.I ( ) MMHopoi.irAs7 ? > ' U < or lludKO nnd knurli't'iith etrtuts Can bo rented foi I alln pirth's Midi ties itc 1 or dntcs npply "ili Si iv \ oiIIKI biillillni : , M7i ! di * RENTAL AGENCIES , . 'tnl maimutrsof ' oiith'imihi 'llipy liuvo stores , iojsin otlicei and rooms for lout B'T S14 STORAGE. M S10KAI.K ClIIIAP , CLKXN , WT.LLs 1111 rariiniii sin it. 4J4 WANTBD-TO UUY. N' WANTI D ' 10 HUV SOMI2 8 PKIt CI'N P Drat iiiurlBBEG * . Heed .t Hollij 311 llonrdlrndc. T M'COND I'AM ) I100ICS llci'Cllr ' I Oil CAall ' nt the Anll'iuarl in book sturo , I1IJ hum un 1"T 1)77 n I0 M' " - ) . A SAH3 CALK H H -1" tradu. 1) (1 Doun FOR SALE- 0-niiisniiitn oK7 HOOM fcniAM ni\'iii D lint ' for sale , full of roomers Mi a lull street , Hull' . M78I ll O-ioit SALUmiiMi'uiti : AND \LIIY ihlnt. complele for LoiiscWccplm ; , of a 7 rnum lint at Hat r , * 05onth loth street 1 Int ran ho rented with Jour roomers M015 14 * 01 Oil SALi : AT A IIAIIH AIN | OJ"r Il1T7)7t imnU furniture nlso irood hnri.l.ir anil IIif proof fnfu ln < | Ulnmurlt | in wuIIIB b ink II > H _ "SAI.K-HORSKS , WAGONS , ETC. > uni KALI : . A M\M IH > LLVI "MoivnuiTnv lurflJOU H i : Culi > , l oiitlnenlal block'ij I ) IOH H.MK 1IU , HI \ \ \ 'll'.AMrAt.i7s 1 ami hni ness mtmt uu sold nt unco U ) lohn son 444 M'Hi bulldliii ; Mb ; . ' | i > FOR SsALK-MiaCELLANliOUS. ATL uTbTpT 'srmilT ' " roll K'"i > > t\U ll auloiiintlc tuiuliio , Hlvo OIIQ 1.'horso ponur tip * rlnht piiulnii , both In k'nud repair Inqiilru nf 11 si ler , I'rlntlni. Lu , I Ml Huw.irdHlri.et , Omaha , Sib MI41 ( y-iTM vT7rf7T' TiTciiTiTnTioirt7nAs"Tiuii K ' J _ Q-1'IIG PUI'Plhd , Hl'OM J } . IMHKKIt IIIOCIC Q-l OIlBAI.I hlSrONlillANil NO " 5 luTMTsfT _ Ion typewrller , cheap for tasli trunk C Hell , Itith street . Q-A" Bl n \ I > AST CAIIlNLIMlllAsli ) PUNlJ new , for mil * choup liUl Cap nvt'iiun .MsiO' ' -OKh\I.K ] , OSi ; I PHICHT PIANO ALMOST nru nt hnlf prlto If lulcnnt onto Limbo ic ien , < Uthst .MW7.ll ) ' MISCEM ANJJOUH. HOVKIUOA'Id. Sllllh CLISANKD , DVKD , IIK- IialrudthDtp , lojj lion ird struot , uKIcu rpjia 'I IIA IIO111C IOH l.Altll.'S Ii.UlNiJ < 'OS1'ISK mem.utlcj adopted ' [ Cumln itrvot Omah CLAIRVOYANTS. S 'S STIIULT. ( LAIl vujniit und trance maJliinii Indero'idnnt roloio ; tclh past nnd future ; luamutlu trj.ituiont La lies -MTUNI , * S-MIIS. lU.M.LVfiltAVK. PllOl'Hhl U. d. DHAD irunro clulru'yant and life uader : ti-Ils your | ll fruni irjdlotu Bia\t ! can bo lunsullpil on ull ullnlrsof life , Im thu cflcbrnted I k'rpllttii breast plate lu unite Ihu rvparitlrd and eanso luarrliitrt vfllh ouo > ou love Ciiuieona , lomenll r.nd bucon ' tlnecd of lur rumarkublu powirs ( JIUio and resl dtnco417 * . Illh tt , liuurs \ . m toapm , t-trlct llfti chart nnd photo of yuur future wlfoorhus banilsent tluouvu innll for IVIX ) , cliart ulone fj USda All letters couialulng I cents ID ttauipt promptly aninered. 7 17 | or 1-MHS N'AN.NIK V WAHHP.N , 1.1,4u. A.i , rnllablo builm s uicdluui , tilth year at 11 j N It lh. 497 MABSAOE , MArHS , ETC. M'-MASAQ | { THKATMKNT. KI.KCTMO.TriV' I mal baths , icalp and hair treatment , inanlcuro aud chlroporttit. Mrs l'o tSI9K b lth , ItuhHI > lt- rl-MAl > AMB SMITH. 13JI CAPITOL AVKNUB. X Houiu 1 , 5d Hour , Massava , alcohol , sulphur adsea t lbs - u MAS3Aai : , BATHS , ETC. Co f1-MMB hl'DWC , MUJSKTIO I1KALKH. SOi L DouKlan block Mme terre will li.ivpon sale at lirr parlor * only , n full line of her munrpiiucit toilet articles which nro meeting with uch ccnoral 14 * \T fl K OKLLKNIIKCK IIAS'IO 1 KA ( 1IKK.N W ' cor llth and Ilnrney llarnoy direct vntrnnc ? MONEY 1O LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. \\r-LOANSOS 1MPI1OVISD : | I'S'IMPUOVIU ) ' city propertyHuu nil 1 upnird 1 to 7 prrpcnt. No delayi W rnriiam Smith * Co , IJlh nnd llnrnoy W -0. T 11AIIIIISO.V 1 > I2MF11 \V-7 PIII : CKS-T MOS'KV MT : TO noitiiow ' emon Oninharlty property So prtra chnraet of any kind \ \ hy jny him rates' Monpr Is cln-ip \ mi lin eel full benefit of lunr rntet from ( llolx ) I oin nnd I nut I o lull nnd notice KM . . . 1.0\SSLr > S'lllAN 7 PIMt CT ' ' Inclndinit nil PhnrKO < Charles W llnlney. Oiniha Sul bunk bids' Ml \ \ -l AMU \ KAIt IOASHOS tl 1'V AM ) \HM iuottu tL' ! Hcvd \ Soltir , 3I ( lluuril of Trndo IMONKY TO 1.0AN AT LOWKST UATHS , The O P Davis Co 153J l-nrnani street 601 1. I. 107 I'KH OK T . . _ . cotrnilsslnn or ntlur iiM'sfeoi W H Melkle , Urst National Hank hldz f.11 WCKN1I1ALLOAS.L ' 1 llbST LO , IIKII Ill.tM m ; } wniKM' MONKY , SKI3 O W P COATRb , 1011 hnrnnni W. 7 pitiVAi IMONKV isrs'i i > MOUKI ' loin lour rntos Alct Mon re , lluo lihU I \\r-tl\l\ll\ -\V1S'.S ) ' 1I\ < K MAKI.S 1OAV-4 ' on rent c tatw nt line ( t iniirki rntns I.iinns iniiilo In niiill or Inrnu miins for ihurt or limit 111111- , M > Lo iinlsKlnii H clinruud itid ttio loin * nro not mid In thu 0'i't. hut i in nlnn > i bj foninl nt the bnukon tlmcurnur of lull mid HoiiKlas struots Wl \T MOSI.1 H ) I WAN ON IMPHllVLI ) ( I TV property. Ion into A C I rust , Dounlnshlk . MU \ \ rl.lllia I/'A S M VOU UN OMAHA , UN- 'coin round ! tllutis Imslnps' pripsrlr i ! per cent AlBOninill loins UeoriaJ I'aulUtli Inrnnni MSoi M5- \ \ TVStllOSYtO WASH IHU TCO 1H N Y T T I .Ifo. len Is it In T rtt3s forpul" ! sn irltv an Nobrmkaor Iowa fnrnnor Oiuillicit ) ' proparty. \\r-1.0W I'J' 11A1KS 1 Illil.H : Y 'IHUST TOM " piny. I7C2 rnrnnui itrcpt M'U. % LO LOAN CHATTELS. x- 1 > OOU WANT MOSEU 1111 ! 1IOH11TY IOAN OIIAUANTKK CO , HIKIM \\lIIIM.I.Ii 11I.OUK. SOU 111 lith LUItMilt 11AH.SKY ST. LOAN YOU ANY 80M LARQBM Oil 1 SMALL , ] FHOM I TEN llOLlAH3\ \ Ul \VR MAKB I.OANM ON HMINI I'NH II , HOltMiMUlllAdlCH , WAH1.IIOUM. Ill- CI IIM 4011 PKHbOSAI , 1'ltOI'KHlY OIT A.S\ KIND OrilTI' KMS WILL MKKT YOUll AIMMIOY- ALOIICAII pny tbo inone ) bnok nt nny tlmo nud In iin > ntnouiit you wish irid thui rtduco tliocottuf cirryini ? the lonn In pro portion to thu niuoiint % uu par. If yon one n bjl incu on your ftirnlturoor other ppr ona ! propi rt ) of nny kind , we will yn > It ullfur you nnd cnrr > Itnsloiu ns } ou " ' ' \o"u''CAS HAVK MIIIH MONKY1NOS12 II tJUKItOM IUK IIMK YOU JIAKK TUB AIM'LIL'VIION. No publlcltv or removal of proicrty no that you K't the use of both monty nud property xDO \OU NELD.MOMJ\r 1 UK OMAHA MOIITOOK LOAN CO. will land yon nny num which you wluli , Binull or InrLO. nt the lowi st possible rntts In the quickest polblo thm > nnd for nn > length of tlmo to suit 3011 \outnn pny It bntk In such liiftnllments HHJOU wl h , when > on wish nnd only pny for It ns loiic nt you keep It \oo tnu borrow on UOUsKliUU ) llMtSUtinK AM ) PIANOS , UOItll \\A.OSS AND ( AHHIACKB , WAHI'IIOUSK UKLKIPId OK 1'l.lt-DNAI. PIIOl'hltl'Y OK AS'Y KIND os' Tiir DA\ iou AbK ton IT wlthcut publicity or rcni.mil of property , llemomhur Hint you cnn pny nny pnrt uf the lonn > at nny time nud that ettr > dollar paid Icsttna the cost of cnrrylnK the loan lloforo Lorrou lu r elsewhere call nrd see ua and rou will Hud It greatly to your ndvnntnge ONUIIA MOItldHI3 LOAN CO , I ooin II , ( rcltliton block , III South 15th sired next to pOEtoDlre TUB JLDI.M' . I.AlttiKSr AND ONLY ISLOItl'O HATED IAJA.S COMPANY IN OMAHA. IUO V-WILLLO4N MONBV OS' ANVKIS'DOK SB vcurlty. strlrtly conlldantlal A I ! llii-rls , room 1 , Contlnontnl block SIS If-PltnLII Mil ) , 01 DOUGLAS HLK Iti A DOIXilT V 5U Vr MONTY I.OANKI ) CHKAP Al YOIfll OWN Nebraska Lonn Co , 1110 Douglas st f > ! 7 X MONTY .U ) liO % DAYS f'lII'U' UVTI" ) nnd cutty iii } uiontH on fnrnlturu pianos llvo stock , ntc. without doln ) or publltlty , caah nn hand Dtmdnen room II irktrhloc SI'J X-MOM \ ! IL ( AS OS HIHVlrljHH PI\M ) > J horn" * nni.ona nnd collator il htcurlty Husl nisi tonltdt'iillnl bred lerry , room Ui Itnuiso blk X DO Yl.U NKKI ) SIOSC\ ! ' 1 UK I IDKI.HV LJ\N UUAKANrnK CO. , lloom 4 , Uhllnell block cor I5th nn I Ilurney nl * . WILL LLSMU ) AS'Y SUM. THOM JIU TO IIO.OJ ) os' Tin : i ) XY iou AMJ lou u1 We mnko luans of any size , liritJ orn null , on household good * , pianos , horias wiions , wnrehouso receipts and personal property of all klndi , In nny n'liount , wlth > iit dalir , piib- lltltyorremorilofproporty , choipust ritai rnd easiest payments tiKtt Ud I'l US I' 323 x- IOA.NM , ow N. Y LihMOKIUS. . 4S3 Nl , BUSIN SS CHANCES. . V rOH HM.K , rnw siiAitm ( jiu ) i\cii ) - OK J. thecipltiUtoo < of ttu I lr < t Sutlonnl bank of Arapnhoo Sebranka at hJ per cuntof UN pir value Address Perry L llolo cishler , thu Hank of Arnpu hue. Ar ipahoe , Nub MJil V - i i SALI : . AS I'.SI'AHLISHKD CIMTIIM , 1 limn bnslnei * nllholllca llxtiiros nnd l."i Kioil limiin se < urcil liy tluttil uioriKi.o on I loll it > rnl In iimnl n IniniJI'J to ( lUlcnih Will hour lu rust I uiillniihh in K'VII montlra tlnin to othur luiBlni'addrCH9 P 'J , lleo M7I. < i ) v-nnt SM.K IIAI.P on IVIIOLI : 1 III null tilabllihod Mro Ins Alley , In one of thu bppl tunn In Nell lor particulars uddreM llox h.'l ' HnH ius , Sob 711 u V-MIIUIIAMS imriHHJL AMOLNIcm , iledcd No collecllon.no pay. Vnn Pitten'a 1 Ailnuii ; ! ) MS Hoard of ' 1 rado .M777 II * \-C\ ll PMD rOK SIO ( Kh OK ( , ( ilJ ( LON 1 llili'ntl.ll. Vnn I alien Iluslnuss l.xchanco. 555 Hoard of I role M777 II * V * T A LOW HflLHK WH CAN HI LL HAHI I ) 1 mini xlocks for tilth Inqulra of Sebrniku Kx chnnxo I o IU biilldlnc 811 11 1 YKWfcAl i ; KDHUAbll. A DKY ( JOODS hTOCIC und llxturta ; u rnru bargain for punon who moans biirluesii ( ontrally located , Only cash luU. Aihlr.m I'47 lluo M IJ shA" V-AHLISnoN HOfKL Kill BALBi ONLY A hotnl In town ! 3 months business over tl.UUO , \ \ \\lllsellforcnkhorontlme. AddivssJ u Hlt-sa Intt , ArlliiKton , Si b ilhiJ 14 * Y' NKWMIhPOl ANDCONHICriONKItYferoHK tlipup for cash A 11 Mocuin No 440 N Jllh t , Miulh Ouiubu MVoV-10 * FOR EXCHANGE. fl y-lillt U\rilANK ! , ( IOOD IMPHOYKD NIC I hrniika lurm fur any good real or clmttol proj'i rty 1'ustolllcu box I , Chndron. Neb 3M ell y-roit i\i : iiA.siii : , M IIKAII noitbKti I-OH ' niurchaudlio. Dux U. ( } Uurwull , Mlb 74117 y-460 ACIlBd OK CLICAIl LAND IN OVK OF /J the best winter who it districts In Kansas to ox chaiiiii ) for 10 or .M aero tract Hour Omjlm city llmlti \\lll pay cttiu dlHuronco If proptrty li good Addrets , tflvuu price and location , Oiii , lleo ollict's y-IIUMSUrS PltOPKHiy IN OMAHA I'AM.NU ' - aptru'nt un the Invistnicnt. worth ulunt .JJ , . ( iu. cxilmiitu fur California ur Horlilx fruit Inrm. felcknoss requires a change uf climate ; a b rialn Nebra ka ' l.n'limigu Co , Iku hulldhu M7.iJ II r/ CLl'vi ! OMAHA HLAI. KbfATK rot | MILSKT 'Jaclual tulnatlon. Money loloau Uuxilbluiulin. / ' I IIA\K AI.DODK.UIMHICII I WILL KX- /-/olmnwo / for n stuck of uentirnl nu-rcliuiullsu. Kor partliiiluri addreti I-.U Lurycll , Nelliih. .Sub. WJ NW y-KOH K\CIIAMK ! , 50X LII IIOWK rCALH. /Jhalf price. In bay or Brain Jolu.il. Ulllls rtsU dnnco , Iul7 N. d , utllcv. 1414 Doili'o et. IW a y-rXU iXCIIANUK : , 1(4) Al ICKH MILK HtUM / diuntyieat.fprlniideld , Howard ( o. Kan i on dwcllliu louse und U vacant lots , all Intldoprup erlyi lurui Is nice and line ) . 60 acre * broke , fur koud liul.lu property In Omaho , louncll Illuils or blauxtlly. Aliclcar , AddreisJ SJOLo'Jhur man , la. TG8 u < aooii AS Niw : AdJre i P w , TOR KXOITANO2. y-KOHSALKOIlKXCIIAS4IC,4OOI ) ' Init liotinoii tin Ifaspd cronli , term of Irnaj ni cnm , a snnp , ninit he ta iii In n fotv dny * : all cntpd nr tca ! roller miiX with walcr power , pxchango for lands ) neil luAited rtnd Inronstant pporntlon , irooil buslnpss o/f him Inrm nnd cltv iropurty for dry Kooli , lyiott and shopsdriiK * . rroc rlC9 , hnrdwnro and alltklnds of tncrcha'idl o f TIIII want ijnlik pxthnuko "rite ua Nphrnvka i : clinnito Co , lleo bulldlniT M77S II - fMOHTII ( ) OP Kl.rAlIA. | ) PIIOPIIHTV. IS'- plnillnrf nrntiso vrorn III lull bpnrliu olck'int nlntpr tp < otti oichnnito tiirAthinhn properly 4his property Iselenr uf Ini'iimliJunie Nubrnskn l.t- ihatigo Co , lluo liiilldlntf g , M77dll for nil < "i li or tnkocood Irhprovcd firm imd < In NebrnoVniir Rood rp ldcnc property well lucitcd inOninhilo > nl oof $ iOJ > ir'i M bilanco cn her -noil tiatv * Write Loci llux U ) for pnrtlrulnrs , Omnhn Nubrnsku M.ln.'i ci.Tus 8fiCK7ii in-lNTit , " > i li sHT , WILL JtnKc real cstnto \ raunoy Uox2u5rrntikfiirtlnd 111 IS V-I OWN 1(10 ( 1'AHMS IN NP.IIHASKt. KANSAS / Jnnd tiaktitn \\lll sill ilii'np nr i'xchniiKO for merehnndlse , hursi'i and cattle AddrcM box ' , < > , 1 rnnkfort , Ind 11 V , I y-WAM-KD TO i\CHANKIC : , IMPIIOVKD 40 Jaerps land In Michigan for I ( "no nnd furnished liutulur stoik of k'oiids III Nehrnrkn or lonn Ad drci > 9 lock box 44 , Sprlngport , Jncktun Co , Mich. / - \ \ ANTKI ) , TO TltAIlK MII.K COWS KOU /-'work lenm , nildroM I'M Ilcc , t'2' ' > ti' SALE-BEAT. KSTATB AVONDAI.K I'AttK The latest nnd finest nddltlon In Ornnh * ' ' ' ' " " r''In'tVi'd Aue i.'isili" : Si Iota Ml 111 AlrcAdy. Which 1'roTi'a They Are The HU-nost In the .Mnrkrt Thti tJCHiitlfnl nddltlon li InMdo tha one mlle circle Clue blockto cnr line and ' " ' ' ' ' ' " " . 'b.M'.V e'Vl'lNu'lKs" . \VAI.K TO Coino ijulck , net price ) , terms , oto * . ' ' " . OiVly' % Lots" Out ! : of the CO yet : : Itciiiiln Unsold : * tftt . t . . . . . . . . . . . * Trees botOut Strocts nnd l.oti All ( Irnded i ruusr IOMTA Y , I nrnum btrect. MD34 USI'A'IK , M > word Is \ \ Q AlbrUlit , 621-2-3 .Sew Vork I Ife f/23 I Oil SALI ! OH Tll\lB UY THU OWNKH 100)5 I. utrcs of Nebraska a finest farmlntt land nt a crcnt sacrlflto. U. H. Peterson , 14U 81 Hh st Oumlm. MM NJ piilSOS * fc HKIlll1UK , LBADINll HKAL J o tntodoilcra of South'Ouahi ) We only sol bnrtrilns List yoni pruparlj | with them S.'T.NH A TA IIAHOAIN , J C I01LOTd , SJxIlj foot each , moro adjoining If ileslrod rnst fronts' H W corner lUth mil ArhOf bluest locitlon In city forms ! IP ice Illock frft n llth St tuotur line Chnrles Ilnnloy , lOJI-o IQtliat. Omilii. Mill K KOUMZI : PI.AI i : , oN 6 'niooji MODKIIN homo H 500OJcish. who , will ho tha first to know this M Just a $ 'UJJ biimnln J J ( ilbson , toloa ent Kouulr.o I'l IOLraOm ' , < J7 , tlrst Nnt bink 1 131 170K SALK-QOOD HKMDB.SCB LOTS IN 1'OT- -L ter A ( Joorpo Co ' nddltlon , fist Omaha , JJSOOO toJ4UOUU , 1 10 tush , bilnnco. uonttily I Ota In sttoln \\oodV nddltlou , on cnr lluo In I nxtoiimhn Jr JOOto Jl LIOJ ) ) , ( iood rcnldunco lots In . _ ' ) ( npdltlon , on mill nry road , motor line , fiWuafb JJUOOi ) , terms easy. Atrn prnpt'rt ) near < ) ii\alit \ nnd South Omihn , niltnblu for 1'nrdcnlng pur'po cs or subdUldlnp Jnll for prices , Doslrntilo cottnBOs In Kood roild no9 locality iinrcnr llnof..TOJiNto ff.OJJ UJ , smiill cash pay ment , baluiuti * monthly I'utter AKJcotn-j Company. JGth nnd rarnini Sts 210 A III ! * -AUlllUf. . YALL1IY ANII STCOND bench land In ea tcrn NnhrnilcH , Ri > ntly undulnt nu ilthust of neil line ortlmrd. oud buildings , Ivlnif wntt-rf throe and ont' hnlf nillts from need 'unrl et ; i oed school and church tloso by. lrlco 'IDOH ' pernore Lund In the vicinity adllng for ff tlOlnnd FiJOU per acre. Knnu will rondlly rent for ? > UUOUpor > onr , ( "i h renu Addrasaa K.IIarrl- nn.UI2 N Y. i.lfe. Omahn MI.T7 FOHSALK. A MCKIIOMK IN 1DLKW1OK , NKW furnaio. bnth , sttTcrutfc , paved street ) a bargain lohn (3I11U , residence , IUI7 N. Kd , onlco 1411 Dodxent r97 8 MANY PAUM4 rOH 8AI.K VKKV CHI AP. easy terms ( leo W. P. Loatcs , 1PInrnnm st M'UU fp\VUOACUK LOTS AT A F .IllJAIN , AIIOUT 3 1 hlockH from motor line .leusun , DOUK ! is Co , will nell Itss \\m DM .dornieyur , llccmcr. Neb 7H IJ' AMNKLY IVHUOVICI ) AND CULFIVATKI ) farm , 171 if.ci In Antclnpn count ) , Us miles fiom town , cho ip for tiinh , yood rcnson for cllInK ThuKrcjlist b irKilu ol the ecisou Nebrnskn Cx- cliuni-o LO , llei > hulldliu M77S 11 ' 7OH A I KW IA\S , A HVAP- CLKAH LOTS 1 less linn | ij inllos from Oiimhn postolllco for ( IIJUi * ich Ifhold lu lump Nebraska J. ch inco ( o , lliobnlldln. M7781 OIlLI . FISH PLAOI1 IOH A CAHDKSTIt orn splondld plnc for poultry I liavo 40 ncren with 5 room hou&o tnblo nnd thicken hou annd tool Bin-it hnlf mllu from 11 AM nnd Missouri Pn- t Illu depot ntl.il'latte 11 miles from Omahn , nil fenced and under cultivation Will soil rcasunnblu No trade llujh U Llnrk , 1218 llownrd atrect M (3 10 6 HOO'M 1IOUSH COIl 41TII AND DKCATUlt HIS In oo 1 repair. In fact house Is now \ \ 111 sell on monthly payments Hugh ( t. Clark , 1213 Harnoy bU S ) 7OK ; bALK ; ON/C.OUNrOFIHAril \ .MODICL fl room cottnuo and lot , west pnrt of city near motor Only n percent Interest on deferrml pay ment Wolihatu , room 414 , Knrbach block , tel IB89 MS94 II \\rANTKI ) . OMAHA I OH DKS MOISTS LOl'S ' " Wnntt'J homo for clonr lots ind cash Wnnted farm near Omnhn for tntih U anted , purchaser for f'-o ' ) mortKnve \\untiit , | iurthti"er furf..KW mortKuKo Wnntid liu lntns property forcnsh und lots \Minled , pnrlncbuklni'nii piopirtv Iur cash. I \\iintcit lu rentHloro niur Pill und Douglas Wnnted H > house tur hlo idy lennnt Wnnted , IU 'icrcs cnnlenlni ; Hud. \ \ nnlud lo luun t < fO w nt 7 l ur rent , \\nuted Omnhn prupurty and tnsh for farm ( J. P Ilnrrlsun \ > liN. \ . Life 023 0 EU.LIIII S Oh' I ItOM flOCO ) IOfW.000 IN hOMK if DIP llnpat property III Ihn city , tirlnirlnu In iood lenUaml central that 1 IMi to eichuin-'U for uoml furm Ininln or clear property A K. Illluy , loom 417 , lluu l < liltr y.M 'j AN TLKOANT HOMK 1 Oil SALK I 1IAVK Jl'Sl coiuplcliid oneof thu hnnil'iiniost cottnn a tu Omnhn , fnrlnt : nh ! on J2d nlmt just north of Pncllle , lth Inr u grounds I4KI70 fiot , ( oturud with beautiful nlinilu und fruit trunt Homo Is substnntlnlly built thrniiEhoiit with nn tlewunt bathroom port i lain llni'd tub , Mntlaiinry mnrblo nnsh ntjiid hnrit wood Itiilnh , epaclohs porcbts , ( pendld brick ct'llnrs , etc. Drlvo around nnd tcu thu property , or call nnd le ( nm ahnw It to you , nud obtain prlco nnd terms ( . ( .orto N lllckx , Mi N Y l.lfu biilldlnir , .MllTii 13 HORSES WI ypRED , HOUSTS WISTKKKI ) ON pl/U / KAHM 81 UHIN Ilroa , I2lii Parkavu > [ i 407 NM 1 WILL PAHH rOK A I.IMII'HI ) NUM1IISH OP 1 horses at U W per heal perg month , horses lent for nnd returned without t'M/ft chnrto. Aitdrtss M J. Uelth , Urulna Nob. j,0 < 710 DJ HOHETS J I'D AND CAHK6'MH ' , II MONTH UP. li ( i ( Juni , P o box IM/jVputh / Oiuaha PANOINO pm Private lessons I'liilllic dally in Join nny tliuj btavoami now iltiiL * * t iunht.1 Ihu Carlyle , liar varddnvotd Wuntiviirtli , Mhaltou and Columbian j.anclcra , Itesldontw. 'jOj t tut to rtt. MtJJM'i LOST. LOril-ONltllllOll IU HSin IIKTWKKN 'Illl ! corner of nth and famKlu nnd 1Mb and liar ncy , u currlauo robe , I'UTiie return to IIOU lion nrnslruet ' * JUi-S-IU * HAIR DRESSING , llumirs as npll as nun inllut We. llrunnblutk' Jll May Hull Lin Imlrdrirslmr and manUiiro , rett'iitly irlih Mhuiitli lullllmir ) i to W , DHESSMAKINO. I NUAIJKMKSri IO 1)1 DHKSS1I AKISII IV l faiulllcs nollcllvd Mist Sturdy Jitouth wth trcet > H-.itill | > TON REM IN C TYPEWRITE For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the'WQRLDl MEGEATH STATIONERY OO. , t'aruum Btreet. Improvement is tha order of the age. " \Vo never oxpoolol , in our moat san culno moniLMits , such nn increase In sulcs : ti conitniMiuod on tlio llr t of September - tombor The Smith Promlor TypeWriter - Writer is having ononnous H.tlos which nro witlo and far rcnohing. Thcso are the ronofts uo txro rccolvlug I'totnour nmny britnoli oHlecs Send for a doscripllvo catalogue. TYPH-WRIIER CO. , tarn it , llju'jt , Js ) . U. U. MAYIIHW Manucop. Unlike tlie Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals are used In the preparation of \V. ItAKEK & CO.'S IBreaMastdocoa tuftlcJi in alitcltitrlu pure and aultible , Itbo.amorfthir.threetlmtt the strength of Cocoa mixed Mllli Stnrcli , Arrowroot or _ SiiE r , nnd Is far more ceo- nomlcul , cnstlny less than one cent a cup. It ii delicious , nourishing , and EASILY DiacsTcn. DiacsTcn.Sold Sold bjrGioror ! ) rtcrjnhtri. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Ma B. Or IIio Ji | ii ir Ilnlill I' < > < IIUI > Cured by utliiiiiilslriln , ; Hillniiics > ' Tt can be clvcn In n cup ol coflcc or tea. or In food , mthout the Knowledge of tbo patient It In absolutely harmless , nod will effect a permanent and speedy euro , whether ttio patient Is a moderate drinker or an aloshollitVreek It Una been given In thousand ! of cufcar.nncl lu nvery Instance a perfect cure hasfol. lowed It nrtrr r all * . Thesyatotnoncelmprpfznated r-ltb the Cpealno , 't becomea an utter Impossibility for trm liquor appetite- eilst. MM IJFA P | I > IP - . Prop'rs , Clnrlnnull. 0. Ktiliu .1 Do. , 15th anil Dnuirlna Sts . 18tli and Cutniiu'sn. Wholesale , Itliku Hriico St Oo. And lllub. irnaon Uru.'Oo .Oiuaha Neb . uly ( lenulne. rHItMe LADICH , aik rel'l " ' (7rr ilcr Rtifltik Din J ' i MOM i rrnttj lu Ked &n4 tloll nirtalllcv 'bAjiri srftlp-1 wldi blue rlbbflii Inke IKI oilier * ft/lit Jangfrout i ttni and triltatttm AtDrUKl . i i Plunpi. tur partlcuUri tcallutnuUlf and "llrllrf for I u.lltn. " In lf o. br r t > m . Hall JIKKIIl rriUuonUli AtnePofir. ( hehrTcr ! ( - btlilenl Co .Mnillitun Hqunrtt RHILWHYTIMEOHRD 1 eavus uintLisarox .t Arrlr > Omuha. Dapot IQt'j 11 O n i i t l.en oi IULMU.IMHOS * MO IUVKII I Arrives Omnna Dnpnt 10th nnd Maion Sti | Oiu 1US ! \ m Denver Vumlltulo t uj p m 10 IS a m " . . . . .Doadwool Kxprtsi 40 > p m < M n in , Denver Kxpress. . . . . . 9 J j a m 4 Mp m Donrer Limited II 40p m f.CO p ra . . . .H.istlnKS Locnl n .7p m 8 13 a in Lincoln LiicnKICicaptSun I 11 VJ a ra I i-nvoj K. c.ar j At7iT ! Omaha Depot IJfi nnt Mini St < Oniha ' . 'SJ a ml . .Kaunas Ulty Diy Kxprois . .I HOI ) p Ji ! M5p mK | U. NUht lixp via U I * Irani ! M ) am il 15 p in | . . . St Louis 1'xnresi | . " < 0 am ( Joln CIIIC U.O. It I A I'Ai IHI' . I I run Kast Union llcpot loth A Mitrpy St * I Kint. IU U ) n m Attnntle ISxpros-i. j t. JO p m t.40 p in VestlhuloKipiosi 1.19 p m 635 p ni Maht hiprjsj. . . . . . . .I t j ] m ( ioln ; I c'lIlLAGO. H I , & I'Ai UUX rrora West I Union Depot 10th nnd Marcy ats WoiU I JO pin I Denver Limits 1 . . U .IJ 8 50 m I Kansas City ( Kxeum Sunday ) . . ! ' > ! > I envoi UNION PAUKIC. Omaha Union Douot 10th and Marcy ts 7.55 a m . . . . . .Haatrlcu Bxpress c 4(1 ( p m 9 9 a m , . . Donvar Bxira3i. 40j p ra J.15 pm . OvarlaudFlyar. . . . . . . . 70J p ra 4 lj p ra MlunSp K * tstrmsbx Kxax Sun ) 1331 p ra C.40 p ra . . . . . . .I'aclllo ISxproi 101) . ra 8 JJ u m . . . Doivur Pnit Mall 4 'J p m Loavrs"IClilUAUO , " M'lU X oTT PAl Omaha | 0 U P. ilnpot and Margv bti T Dinah * 70j p ml I'liltavo Ktpruis . . > I .M i a m 11 TO j ml tlileiigo ICupross . | 4 ? ( ) p m Leaves f dlOUX I ITV . "c " PACIHC ( Arrives omnha | Depot IQIh and Marcy Sts 7 20 a ml. . . bloux l Uy Passjn.'H * ' . . . IJS p m | . . .SL Paul l.'xprou il UP > m oaVL's I bUIUV l ll'V A PAL'IMU. Omaha ) Honor , 15th nn \Vobst 1 ) r sti Om-iha CUO I'aul l.lmltod I onvts I NOftrilVf.Slr.ltS Arrival Transfar ) Union Dupol , ' niincll lilutn transfer II a a m I lilruu lixpress li 4) ) p ui ( .il | m Vestibule I liultod , , , . luO a ra 73 p m Pastern I lyor 1 W p in 7 0 p m ( RxSunl Atlantla.MalKBx Mon ) 841 a ra I.U a m ( KxM Carroll PaMutwar ( hi H ) ' . ) . li ra Laves I MISSOUUI I'M IrlD. Arrival Oinitbfi I lleiot ISIH \VubsterSti. . I Omabt 440 _ ht Louis Canon I ) < ll IIHIAUO | T I. A PAOIrTCT Tranifur Union Dspot ( .ountll 6.U p in . N'lkht Kxprosi JO M a m . Atlantic Kxprjss 4 1A p m . VeHlbula Limited Itaves U. Ctil' JOB A U. IL lArrlvei Tinusfor Uulon D poU Council IlluJfi 11 rjiitftr 10 00 a ui . . . .Kansas City l ) y A it p lu 10 li p m . . .Kansas ( Itv Nliut Kxpraii. I UjJ a m 10 IS pm . . . . . , et Loul * Hxpain I li' ' ) a m 1/eavrs -ItlUX Cll V 4 PACIKIO Arrival Tram for Union Depot. I'linncll Hlnli I Iranifar 7 4i a ni bUui Illy Aocuinmuuallun | lbUU p in t MJIJII . . . . .hi. Paul Hxufni . | _ J Hi Leave * II HII'AiiO. IIII.li , N V WU1N ' | \ 'Irainforl Lnlun Depot ( 'oumll illuiTi Urn. ' I0u ami . Lhltaja hxprusi I f.lt ) p m 1015 piu . , I hltaiu Kxprcil . ! ' 3i a m 70jp in | Lrujtun l ieil . . . . . 110 40 i ra OMAHA.IS ! LOUIS \rrlvif I I'J'dtiput. 10th anl Mnrey Sti | Omih M Ixiuu I annun Hill IIj 1.1 m U , si' . P. M to lArrlvos Depot lith nml \ \ bsterStt I Omi > i nit in City VciMin nodallun : ii ) i p m louxcity ilxprenlrix SunJ/ 1241 p ra cu ) p m . . , , St. Paul Limited Jlii m ( Vli p ui lix I l < ui Of Interest To Dyspeptics. I went to K el lor Spring * , Mo , In March , IH-vl , f ndfrlni ; with chronic c ie of ilr prp < ln. I h d iHtn trrMMl by lomo of Iho Ix-nt vhjxclnns In the connlry ( al Kan M ( .Mljr , < InclDtmtl and llaltlmorr ) , lint wltlionl relief , I win very iniifh ills- rnnrngrd bnt\vn Inihiccil to try the \'i- \ ceNlor SlirlnC1'Viitern. . I cxicrlfiicril | nlmo l tnimeillntn relief After ( oi thf Ir u e , niul pnlnrtl In the llrM thlrlT 'J8 | wiinili ! InclRlil , nnd from thit time in the present , n | irrlnd of o\crclelit ycnr , f lmhnil no more trouhlo from ilT pep" ! " ' My weight lun I went to r.xrel or nrlnp'i us * 110 ( Hjiinds I now weigh nbont lOi ) t > oiiiuli < I fully hellno tliefnvntf r properly used will cnre nny en c of ily ncp ln TliH IpperhnpsnmphiB slnlirauit , hut they rnreil tno nnd I I. mm of prori i of otliem whoha > o lieeu tx rnmtionlly cured of the enino i nmplnlnt uy the no nf thrso witcrs. ( Signed ) \V I' Jndqo of 1'robatc Court , Liberty , Jlo. , Oct. aj , l.soi. The icattrt are Imttteit only y tht Jiictl' i\or \ Spring * Camiittiiv at Excelsior Springs Missouri Hicliardson Drug Co. , Agents , Onnlia , Neb DON'T You Sec Vour Stunt I'llpnits ( irowliiff Thliincr Ihcrjr IKiy. llicy Arc Using Dr. lltlison's Obesitys Tills nntl IJaniK NO DIETING , NO PURGING. It hns been obundnntly proved thnl Iho use of lili nou olectrln band * or hli nbuslty plll , or both for which the nuonts of thlicountr ) nr.itho well'known II in of Lorlnc , V Co , 42 Kext Iinil Street. Now ork Cltr , I * Iho ono unfo nnd etrectlvo wny of ni dutlnKOorpulincy 'IhoObeslty I'lll nromndofrom tin ) wnlors of thu Oormmi Imperial iprlnKS , Kovorn- ment Ownership i Tholnnd or pllltnro u od s'pintoly , nndmi\koi > rapid and hctlthy euro Or. If used tocetl er , they hlcp each other In action nnn obtnlu b-ltor results Cured His Rheumntlsm and Obesity. AriUTOltltlM , lldTFI OilciKO , April 23 , 1813 nontleuicn | ' | OMO sLtiilono JS-luch oboslt ) hand toMr W I. Lurroll m IhoMnnt "troet 1'hlla- ili-lphlK , C O I ) I.IKo your nbuilty bund nnd pllU xor > much 'Ihoy liavwreduied my weiKbt olKhteon Coinuliln the Init tire " 'io < i 1 he ouosltypllls vo driven anay nil rhcumnttc troulilp \SIIIIVM1I. DHEXKL How to Got the IVopor Mcisiirement Measurement for the band li the Inrgist pnrt of thonbdomon Iho numbers \ . 1 I on thu bund In- dlratn where me inurement should ho tikcu The bnnds c-ost 52 'iJ c oi for nnr Iciut i no to TJ Inches but for ono larger thnn 8i ( Iticlux id IIIcunts uitrn for enih nddltlunnl Inch 'I Inn n 4 > i Inch costs $ J U ) , nnd tbo pills miy bo bought for } l ttl \ Ixittlu' Yeti can buy the pllli in 1 bands dlrool from our tores , or by mail oroxprcas DR. EDISON'S OBESITY FRUIT SALT A FRUIT LAXA.TIVB. Contains Ml thn vnlua'jlo Saline Conilltueiti of KKTir. la clfcrrcscent , tastoj affect and pleia\nt like < odn REMINDS YOU OF CHAMPAGNE A delUhtftil substitute for Soda , Lcmonndo , Hoot Iloerorimy uthcr Liinuucr bevcrup A ND HELPS YOU TO GUOW THIN. Dr l.'dlson'u I riiltSnlt Istlu bott nnd simplest rcnud } for leKiilatlm ; the attlon of the liver tu t ha > ot betn dlwtoveruJ It Is very valuable after uuy ixtc8 < i In oillni , or drlnkln.in warai weather It Ion 013 tha tumperiitiiro of tliuboily nnd ktcps ono Innrouifortiible , huiltby tondltlun In the buminor months I'RICI ] ONi : DOLLAR I'lMl I50TTL1 ] , SOLD BY ALL DltUOOIfarS. \\holcsnlediUKKlstsof Nn Yorlc City who cnrr ourKoods In stotk Churlos N Crlttouton Co , MuKuson .1 Ilnhlilns. W II Stliluirolln & Co. , and other lending homes NOTICE. Dr. Cillson'a nioctrlc Holts anil KluRor Ulnss nro sold ni our Htores Sunn for spoclal Eloo- trlc llolt Circular Honied. LORING & CO. , 42 P West 22nd St. , New York City. 10 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Muss. 34PEitBt Wtwhinpton St. , Cliic o 111. What is this anyhow It is the only bow ( ling ) winch cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases * 5j& stamped with tin's trade mark. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Walch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. Ilt HC.WKh'lS NUIIVIS AND JJllAIS' fitSSlp iiiitnt , n iuUa for ilymrlv uminjn , Din , Nil ruUla li ' UiCh Mirroui 1'roitruoa omul or Iqnor or loLiioji , iV uotiilnuii , Menttl Ojuroi. film -oitiionof t.U'lralri oni.lndnn mr , uiliiry ilicuy.doitii I'rjiiuira on A/o. llnmimii , 1,011 f I'n wur In uliuur JDt , Impotuaol.jucijrrlu * jnl all Kcinala Wi > i < na ii Inrulunttry Ifitm , 1i r- tuaturrlimoi'iul br out uvurtlin at ti ) Driu relf i'iu > ) i > Tur In tuUJiico. \ mjitU'i trJituii ; 11,4 forlhtiy mill. Woouriatj slT li JCK t > oari Kuchorltftorii ux < > * IUi i > will j > l wrlttn ruaranteito r f4nj If notojfil liu'trint a InujJ only by Tlioo-lori- . iMirli driu lit , sola outbeaU corner I'Jt.'iinl Kami u t "THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK. " BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE S . .v rtitnnnctl.x. The Nortb Amorlcnn n rlow for Novem ber , cc'ldot bclnc vcrjr in , ton p M usunl In tlinoljr nrtlclos by fnmou < wrltor * , prcicntt from Mr. lllnlno tlio fullest uttorauco tliat that fttfttosmnn hn > nmjo on the Issues In- volrod In the foritiL-omliitr nntlounl con test bohvcoii the pirtlos. Hl nrtl- clo u ontltloiiTho rrosldontlal Oi minlpn | of 1S92. " nnd is written with Kront vigor nnd ohnractorlstlo purity of stjlo. "Tho Uomocrntlo Outlook11 On- Bcnbcs the nrtlrlo contributed by Hon.V. . V llnrrlly , chairman ol the ( loinocratlo nntlonnl coinmlttco Atr. llnrrltv , with r innlltuil dogrooof frnnldicts , pees over the LTOUIH ! mul urpos ninny ronsoti for his bo- Hibi tn M l liu control of tinKoxoriimctit will biN tranifcrtcd to the ilctnocmtlc parly by the Noxotnbor ulectloii. ' l { v Ilisliop I'0s3 can- tnbulin nn nlilo pntiur on "Pollllos null the I'ulplt , " mm 1'rof II H HoyosfnU nrtlclo 01 "I'lio Hoatminnvlnn In Iho United StntP " ci\e nn iPtireHtinc nccountof the conditions ( of Ufa ninonir thcso now citizens and points out Uu'lr vnUio tn thn country. IhU month's North American Hovlotv 1 $ re- plftolth ' oxccl.onl mailer on : vnrloty of timely topics. The vvhlaulcnl humor of Tntuk U , Stock ton's latest production , "Tho ( Jlockt of lon- ilamo , " mnUun Ms book nlUo enjoyable to olu and uiine toadort. There are seven Btorloj In thn voli.mo , In o cn of which somn quaint conrcll U olnboratoj with n mnllor of Inct 'criousnuss of tnnniu > r that is ns artlsllo M It Is ntmistni ; In ils ofT c't , ' 1'hcso slonon incluJo the lltlo tale , iinrratlnc Iho oxporl- cticcs of the Kirluho tuod to mnlto nit tlio clocKs in the town k-op tlmo with hur own ; a story In which thu u-lophono pla > - > the | rltctptl p.irl ; n chnnicturlstto ucoount of the uilvcnturcs of a couple on nn iibandon stu.tmslnp ; n ChrlsliiMs tnlo for bins , \\hich uili tank with the best of tlio nuthor's work ; uui- ciolo stoiy with iv cllimix both grotcsquo n ml uisastrou" , olc , otc The illustrations. are numerous nmlcluiorlv ImruiDnlzo ultu tno spit It of the btorica. Piiullshcd by Charles Scribtioi's Boiii , Now York anil for sale by the Mcgoalh Stationery company , O ma tui , Nob. Tuo of the most distiiiRuUhcil students of the tariff nnd frco trade in England con- trluutu nrticlnt In the current iiumbor of Iho Forum. Sir Thomas H. Fnrrer , under the head of "l tiBllsh Views of Ihu Molvmlor TatllT , " sho\\8 how il lias u flout Oil ICnelldU ux purls , anil Loul Mashinn , the Inrgcit lex- tlio inanufauluror in Utoat Drilnln , con tributes un nblo pnpor ontltlod , "Has Kuehu.a I'rolltod by Kroo Tradu ! " Atnonp the nolnhlo urlicifs in this Issue are ono on 'Tho Lltnnrics of the United States. " by Mr. Alnsworth R. SnofTonl , llbinrliin of con- RIOSS ; Mmo. ModJosUa's paper on "Un- Uowoa Theaters anil the American Stngot" two Illustrate o urttulu on municipal KOVOHI- mcnt , ono by lion. Joseph Chamberlain and Iho ether bv Mr Clmrloi Francis Adams and 1'tof. EdwmuS llolUi-n 3 contri- bjtlon on Iho planol of M.irs. "Uulh Matsh. " by l \ Hoan , the author of ' 1'udnoy i ; U'alp , " "Colouol Juuson of Alabama" and oinor stories , is n well worked out ploco of fiction. Tlio scouo of the story is laid in Atooslook county , the most beautifully romintio uounlv in the sturdy old Btiilo of Maine , nnd the talented writer lias constructed n chaunitiftly uiitten utory with n well % % orUccl out plot. U has a tragic cplsoda which , of cnuiso , nilds to the alti.tclivcnoss of Ibo narrative. The nharaclors are all Rkiltfully ihaun nnd the author displays consiiloi.ililo nbilily ns n descriptive willo'r , Publisliea by the United Stales 13ooi com- punv , 5 and 7 Uast SUloenlU streol , Now Yorlc. Woslorn subjects rocclvo a larco share of niton lion in llaipor'h M.iiriu.mo for Novem ber. riomo foituros of the Columbian oxpo- sllion are described Uv F. D. Millet In an iirliclo on "Tho Designers of tbo Fair , " Illustrated xxilh nhotojjraphs. "Tho New Growth of St. Louis" is the sUO- ject of a crautiio article , bv Julian Halph. Dr. Joun Allen Wjoth conlilbiites nn inter esting Lhnnlcr of ndvcnltita nnn oxploiatlon in tbo northuobt cnliilcd. "Nalhanal J. \V.\olh and Iho btruiKlo tor Oroiron. " Hloh- nrd Hardltip- Davis has a very onterlninlnft Texan siorv In ibis number called " 1'Uo Uov Orator of Zepala Oily. " In "Alusknna ; tbo Legends of Alaska. " Prof , llushrod \ \ . .Inmos has Riven In ver o bis impressions of that lar northern coun try which of Into Is ntt muting consltlornblo nttonllon. The meter Is that of Hiawatha. Those who tnl < o ilclUbt in studying ecionco through tbo medium of ooolry nill llnd this work Just to their lasto. The honk is Illus trated with many p-ullv excellent photo gravures and the typography lenvus notblufr to bo dosticd. The November number of Cassoll's Family Mngailna Is a canilnl number. Among other attractive features are : "Bur- barn Melville , " nn interesting serial storvj "Tho Uhnpot of the I'yx. " an Illustrated paper ; "Two I'opulur Sulcs of Alt NeedleworK - worK , " a paper that will intoicst thn ntmhln- lingered inoiiiUers of Iho f.nnllj ; "riinCouit- flhip of Foreman 13 ime , " n slorv for men and women , anil "Our Belongings Iho Ulrln , " a story that mothers will toad with pleasure nnd Interest A highly dtamntio novel laVlln Colum- DUS in America , " by O. I'Mlkonlmist. It treats In n fascinating manner of the discov ery apd conquest of this continent. Whllo adhering 8ltii > llv to Iho fads of history , Iho author hits presented hcio many romnntlo and hltncrto unknown Incidents in the pri vate livoa of Columous nnd his followers , and these facts , logothorviti ! fancies of his own , ho has interwoven into a work thai is at onca thrllllijulv IntureiUiug nud strik ingly politic. 1'ubllshou by Worthlnetuu company , 747 Broadwav , Now York. otliur Itoiiiis iiiitt-ltcil , "Monny , " by ICmllo Xola , trnnslatnd by lionjimln It Tucker and published by Woriuinglon company , 7-t" Bioaduny , Novr Yon : . Homnnco , n monthly tnaga/lnc of com- plcto stories , for November. Published by ICotnancft I'uDllsliln'company Clinton - company , hall , Astor place. Now York , "Hypnotism , " bv .lulcs Clnrotic , dosttlbod ns the I Host lltor.irv sunsatlon of the d y , PiihlUhoJ by F. T. Noely , Chicago and Now York. ' Mountain Melodies , " by Cy Wurman , nud published by tlio nutnor. Sold on trains and al news KUnds , M ill nrdrs ( to bo addressed to Cy Wai man , Denver , Colo. You don't want n torpid liver ; you don't want a bud complexion ; vou don't want n bad breath ; vou don't want u hoadachn. 'I hen use DeV Ill's Mllla Curly Misers , the famous llttlu pills , Cool Air lor Ilimtnn , A conipnnjisbolnj orgnnltod to build on the Hack b iv at HosUm u vatrlger i- titi r plnnt , from whicli plnop llllcd with u conllnunl flow of cold ulr will bo luld llint Ruction of the city , Tlio will connort with n coil in thu of every ono who doaliuH to use It , and It will bo nrrutiKod BO Hint the tompeiutuio can bo raided or loworcd tm dc&iiort. It IB obtnn.ilod that lift UBO will BIIVO nnnuully lid , 00(1 ( touu nf lea and do away with Its iinhuulthfiiliiusa , incon- vonlotu'o nnd wnbto. Thu worvico will cost no inoro ihnn Iho Icu would coat and IIIIH the ndvuntn o of niaklnt ; a room cool nnd dry. whon'au Ice inakua It- cool and dump. Thin cold air can bo used in food Hunts , ' .vino collurb ( ind sloopin ; ; and Mr , Winslow's eoutliiiiL' syrup foruhl ilrcn tcutlilni ; relieves the child from pain ii'i icnts n bottle. Till ! ftlMl.l'V AIAIIKICI , TNBritUMU.NTS pficert on rovrl Noi , 8 , 1ibJ. . ' . WAHKANTV DEKD3 , J 0 U'cutli and wlfo to John Uauckn. lot lu. llnelc A I'ottcr & . tf'Mi'ri add to Hiiiith Omaha , JIV3 f-amolo Mlclnml HiKlowkv , lul l.'SbiiinJ. ( ISO Mlnnlo I'll or and husbiind In Isuao A Culm , n iiifootlotw. Itcidioli'aViI add. 7.COO J I' Mitrloii an'l ' wlfoto K K Darllnx. w i , lot I. ' , b oik 10 , I'.trkcir'a add . 1.009 1V 1 Illrldiuiisor nd wlfutoO I'UrlUUb , Jr . lot. 1. I lock 7. llnntvoiii i'lnoo . , IO.TOO John dullaulior and wlfo to J W Nichol son , lot I * , biuou 7 , Lincoln 1'luuo , , . , ( DO J'otiil uiaoyntuf tnmxfors , , , , . Ho Travrt.'er , UUe Baeshn-nn Pill * 70 u.