H . n t\ Till ? OMAHA DAILY fo AVKDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 0. 1RD2 OMAHA LIVE Sl'OCIt MAIjKFJ Cattle and Hoga Co rc , Strong tvnil Dlglior on All GrtdeB. RECEIPTS WERE UNUSUALLY LIGHT Offering * ol Itri-r fnltloVrrn Dcclilnlly l.lmltnl mill Ullli n Viryitlro Uencrnl nriniintl Unit * .Snlil Quito Ticcly. OMAHA , NOT. . The expected light elretlon day rcculpli C'imu. inuMiia for Iho two days t-,5 Ocnltlo , 4.9)0 ) ho s timl J.l sheep , iiKatnst 6,033 cattle , 0oil : IID H nnil 2iM hcep Mond-xy ind Tnesdny of last weel : Offerings of beef ciilllo wore dccldcdlv lim ited , nnd with ntry nctivo pcncriil demand nnd fitvarahlo reports from cnsH-in markets tliotrndow.-ubrlslj nntl the -imply sonnet- nmisleil. The market wiii anyxxliero from itrcntztoU'cliUhur tliiin Monday on miytlilns klllera could possibly nsu. foinmon to faIr native irr.ifl crs bronchi UO ) lo $1 4 > nnd sonio pretty fulr cnrnfud htci-r * lironjiht (4..H Micro xtcro nbsolnlely no Rood wi-stcrn Lcut " " lioro , Din u tils strlni of TuMins liroiiBlil . . ( . vcnrr.illv considered 11 Mrnntr prlio. i en o'clock found finding over mm the ucm Cows ii'nil mo I stnr-K old freely at sto-uly to Mroiu prices ; < Miuino s ilos of tioiir'to ' Drluio con * nnil hi'ltVn oin nl from tl " 0 to H.i'1) ' ) . thu be bulk of tin ) tlutent Mi lolling at from l-Mxi nmxiir.is , HtiiK ext ii nntl sins s w nro "H * trv modcntosuplilv. nclivo dommid find flrm tit from JI.-I1 to U.I5. ( Jo-iit.ion . to olio eaotil ciilxcs wi-rc uontl sollt rs nt from ! . ' . . ) * " . ! ) . Tlid Hto Uor and foudi-r tiiulo full tlio du- lircssliinlnlliicnci'of tlio olci-tlon p\cltoiiiont nnd the very limited supnlv or t-otid riitili' . Prices. Imwox-ur. rn I'd firm on unvihlns tn.it- ilonlerH nntud. The umnlry xx s ipbrndiiVly"rcalrl'cUliil ' ! lioiitescniuti\o b lies : IHIKSSEII IIKCI-- No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r No. Av. I'r J5 . Of ) } IOO II. r.40 $1 J3 ' 'U 10 lOC'J it H rows. I 00 ie : > 2 r. on 2 : . 1 0) ) I 8) ' . ' 01 i ! : > MI B M SI7 lt.17 J O't IGTl ) 1170 l'l.Ci10 ' i ' . : > 771 : : iu iur J < 1 1 T.'i .I01I 2 iu Bit TTI J 4.1 I SI 2 II 41 " ' " n & 1 UM 2 20 im 11-S 2 21 IOJI , 70 i M 2 2.1 u ll - > you c i a J " " fci * i. i oo 1 639 1 50 120 2 15 4. JS7 2.W Ctt-VKI. 2M -GO 4 'O 140 SOI 0) ) 4 25 .111) ) "i t , OJ SUJ 4 5) , . , ' . ' 0 G 00 IHI'.t.H. 1. . 070 1 n. , lan i ro inn 2K ( ) 1 1100 I .Ml ritiO i .HJ 17UO 21)0 ) 1..IG.U 1 r > U .1I4U 1 Ki 2(15 1..1IUO , .17uO 1 U5 14SJ 2 33 oxu.v. 1..1320 1 7.1 S1OCKKIIS AVI > FEKHBIIS. 15. . 701 2 Ki .1 S7II 2 71 8 808 271 i. . n 1 . H.4J B 7,1 1004 285 EO. . 1)78 ) 2 43 2 8l'iO B 7.1 on ) I. . 050 2 5J 7. . i-87 3 75 1U1K ) II2J WKSTUIIN CATTI.n , No. Av. IT. Av. IT. 21strcri . .lOT.i ti : n WVOMtSO CATTI.B 18 cows . S70 1 M Acows. . . . 7(8 ( I1 M 1 cow . K0 ! 6.1 Islas. . . . HID 1 71 1 cow. uo ; 210 2 sirs , tlj : UiiO 2 V.I 1 str , ti S40 3 23 B sirtljs. . II'U ' 2 21 Oeo\\i NM 2l' ! ) 1 steer l d 2.13 1 steitr. IlilO 2 M OCOHS. . . Oil I a ( ,0 TTcoiVB 07S 2(0 ( Ilfccuurs O-'U 2 Ul 4 cows. . . IKli * ; b."i II cows OJG 2 . . > i ciif. . . : no : i en 2115 : i oo Tstucrb. . 1010 : i 25 10 steers. 10t'J : ' 325 COI.OItAIK ) CAT1LK 831 strTox .lO'-'li 2 ( Aliens lions -Tlio supply on ale was thn smallest for ft Tuesday In several monthx. 'the mar ket \UIH all of luc hlihor thui Monday from tart to flnlbli , nil buvbrs taking hold fieely and clearing tlio puns liy the middle of thu toronooii , ] < vticinu sales weio it from J > .5i to lAUi. but the bulk of the ho-is. regardless of welKht , sold ui , from Jl .11 to $3.i ( ) , aitnlim J3. II toj.1.511 ycaterdny nmt Mill to J1.4J l.iat Tues day. Iloprcieniatlyo sales : No. Av. " I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r. PI 1111 - - ? . - > 40 - 24 U ft CO 80. . . . IOJ too & ro 120 OUJ 75 2.11 2uO 6 5'J'/i ' 70 . bJ 550 6 2.8 ft I . 72. . . . 227 200 .1 M 07 . . .2715 ICO 5CO 219 120 M. 240 , - ) 0 ! ) 63 . . . . 22J SO .IVJ 41) ) 5C1 81 . . . .B.'J .T.'O & > Cl 2114 203 -)0) 69. . , IIIO I'.I ) % .M 270 20) &IX ) 07. . . , . 275 200 ft 53 68. . . 2-iS 2)J 5C- ) 09. . . 231 240 ft 55 7J * . .ri7 l-'O 03. . . , . 270 " 5 .Vi 7.1 . . . . 2.17 1.0 10 . , ? ° "so r > 57'i MS . .IIOJ ICO 7.1 . . 22) ) 40 r , ni 78 . . 221 0(55 ( C8. . , . .2ft I 1'JJ f < ( , 'i ' 71 . 278 240 0(51 ( 75 . . . . 2,0 r , co 7H. . . 121 r.w 61 . . . 217 2sO CO . . .27t. 210 5U > 70 2(11 ( ft CO BltfcKi1 Tlio iimrUnt was active mid atrons on coed muttons. Quotations arc nominally us follows : I'alr to peed inUves. t.l.lOU < " > ' : fair to coed woBleins. ji.2W : l.2" > ; eommon RIK ! took sheen , 3J.2V&I-25 ; uood to elioKo 40 to 0Mb. lumba.il.U. < ftl.7 : > . Keprcbuntatl\o sales : No. Av. IT. 400 Utah wethers 109 IIIO IlorolpU unit Dlnpotltnin < > ( Stoclc. oniolal roL'olptRiiiid dUunsltlon of stojk as ihonn by thu l > oofsot ! thu Union Stock Yards company for thu twenty-four hour * endiiu at 6 o'clock p in. , Ninembur S. 18J2. IIEtKII'TS , . OniCAiio , III , , Nov. ? . The nvonini ; .loiirnul ronorts : UAni.K-Itocclnts. 4,030 liii.ul : . shlpinunts , l.M'O liuail : inarUnt stroiu ; Im.st n.i- tUcs. H.iCJr : > 7S ! uood to cholfo. f4.40OA i ; otliori. $ j.iU'tSI.'j : ToMins. J..jjJi'iaOi tteaturns HCO 4.fiO ! cows. awa-lIB. lions Itoecliits li.OD ) lioail : shliitniints , 6.400 livail ; innrKut higher : lonuli unit coinnion , tX4VBribU ; jmoluirs unit mlxitd , S'l.tl.'ijfi 685 : prlniu houvy nnil biileliurs' wiiljlug I'lT : . CU.OO ; 11htua , ' > .yi ; uUli.j : nul p c , il ID ® -HocolHts. MJO he-id . , - - : shlpmonts , * .COJ ho.ul ! nnil Let. him etruus ; common nu- cloctudt natlvi's. J.L'ffi'i . ' ) ; vri'stmis JI.2H4 6.20 ! TOXIUIS. tl-Ol'iiHSj ile-ilcaiiJ. J04ti.7u : ; Umbs , ( UL7&U5TA. KIIIUII * Oily l.lvo Mouk .Mnrknt. KANSAS CmMo. . . Nov. 8-CATTi.K-Ite- eelpts. 4,000 : blimtneiita , M.jjO ; btcurH , btroiiKl feeders , dull. lowers Tux-is o.ittlo lOj lil.-lior. HoprctuMtatlvo Hales : Shipping slcori t.CMJ \ . .Vi ! Tuxus and Indian stoura , JJL2.VU2 Ms looker * niul fucdois. } . ' . , 'iS.-l25. llons-ltecelpts. iLOTOs shlnmeiiK 2 Oj ronr- . i- . , ton , II.O ) ; lumliH. n- > . St. I.IIIIIH I.Uo Miidk , . 1'.n1l'q- ' > l0Nov. . 8.-UATTiE-lteoolpts , J.fiOO ; Bhlpmcnti. not roportcd : higher ; native tours , U.'JJiW.'JJj Texas and Indians , U2t liousHocelnU. . 2.W ) ; uhlpmenU not reported - ported ; mnr&nl I0o lil.-lier : liuavy , J\40iJ.\8j HiiEBr jtuuulptn. ' fOOi'bliVpniunli not ro ported ; btronKi natlxo r.niK'i' , J2.7iil 76. . . . . . . . . . , . NOXR WIIKAT Steady , do- { "nnil Improxln ; ; : holders olfor modoi.itolv RO , J red \x Inter , f > s > UdTO.'is Oiiil per oontul lu- ( ; celuts. ixhoiit past three dujs 42J.O U cvnlaU IncluJIniW.OJj Anierlc.in , COIIN K.is'i-r. ' talrdunmnd ; mixed wmtorn , 4i a d p r c-ontal. Itocolpts Atnerlcun corn t > st tlirci ) ilnH L'J.KO centals. ! 'BAh IJunuillan , 'ia ) id | i r I'ontiil , OIIK I'rlino xrebtorn , U > j per Ulil llACON-Lonif anil short cloir. 5.MI ) , , < 5 cd per owl. i Ion ; clear , about 43 Ibs. , 4.iathl' l.Aitu-l'ri'iiu Wfutorn , nominal , TAI.I.OXXrinn Aniurlunii4a i > u per cvxt 'I uiil'K.STi.Mi Si'iniTt ' 'ln'Jd per ewt. Cliiolnimil .llm-krtii. ( /'INOINNATI , 0 , , Nov. 8. WHEAT Strong Ko. 2 rod. iv'o. COHN J'ulr demuiul and Qrmor ; No. s mixed I3c. -In peed demand ami stroner ; No. 2 tolxcd , \VHlbnr-JI.IS. _ IMilladrlplilit ( irulii Aluikcl , Piiit.ADEi.viiiA , ! ' . . Nov. a WIIBAT Finn No. 2 rod , Noven ihur. " fir.'ic. COII.N Noinltmlly unchunued ; mixed , No- OATS-l'Irnii No.2nhlte , JUjiar.'o. J'luuuoiul Jsote * . LOMJON. Nor , 6. Amount of bullion done Into the Itnnk of I'nilnnil on balin'-ci toilnr , Nor. R. Thros per cent rcntoi , Wf > io for the Account. Inlnlii ( itnln .Murlirt , Toi.ni i , o . Nov. t.-WnxAT Ilnll bill flrmi No. - rn li nnd Novoinbar. 7l < ic. _ J foiiyiilut ! No. V. 4l'iC. OATS Hull ! cutli.iMc. "MatidKomo 1 thnt hnndsomo does , " nnd If Hooil.i Snrsnpjnlla doesn't do hnciitomol.f tnon nolhlnR ilooi. llnvojou over tried It' There Is n force nnd cbarm nbout work of ( . .ItuVllllara , who will npocar hero at the Fiircatn Btroot Sunday matinee In n now musical comedy , for wnlch ono ' vnlnly ooks ntnonir the armv of boisterous anil noisy tinny men of tha present dny. From the Injs when Ous Williams xvns u merry. sltiR- ntf , dancln- ; drummer toy In n fodor.il rogl- iicnt , llRhtL'tilne and cticentif : tlio dreary nnrcl'oj of his regiment , tno sunshine of tils inturo tiai nuver , o'on lo this day , boon dimmed or obscuro'J. tlo It n natural po t tint ! singer , sltnplu but mlrthlul and sympa- hotlc , and ono coos tuvay from tbo clean , vlioluiotno and tiomrlv pcrfonnancos tin elves refreshed nntt bettered. "April Fool , " the farce coinoUy ho Is now prosontlnc , Is sntd to bo unltiuu , novel nnd tJi-iinf'il ' of Judicious liunttoasvivln * ; Mr. Wllliutni all the scope iccnssary to display his peculiar and plcaf.- lip talent. . At Ho * , il's tlicator November 51. S1 ! and 2.1 n id iimlnoo as ( JUrlc & Con's com puny ap- ic.irs In Iho stipcro spectacular entitled "Bei : Hur , " lortlio tjL'nollL'of the Associated Chart- .lesotOmulin The Columbus , O. , State Jour nal SJVT ot "Hen llur : " The climax of icenli' ernmlour h roachoJ In the closlnt ; tableau , 'Iras' Story of the NJio. " Wordi can huroly nicturolw boatny. A noiolty is introduced ti the unfolding of the wiitor lily uud tUo shells. _ 'Von Vutison" presents American Ufa In nn aspect not commonly umtar-ilood nnd sol uom sect ) , the "cones nnd Incldi'iits belli * of the lumber rcf-lons of the northwest , nnd It seems to have nutdu qulto as fiivoraOlo iin- ircsslon on licniou "cull" us It did in the lur wist. C'mrncter ' plnya nro always more > r less ff.vofililv rurolvcu by Intolliecnt nnd cultured midlciuoj , the f.ivor b iiis ijriidu- nfd by the ulevorncss of iho chiu-acterizA- ion , nnd tucli plnvs have n wider ritiKO of lationii''o than the oidlnary itritna orf.irro- comedy. TUo well rouuded chaiacterlzation does nnt oasllv near out. U c.m bo seen igulti nnd iiL'iun , a.u'h tlmo with muled picas- iro. Mr. ( Jus Heect1 , the author of "Yon VoiiEon , " has opened ui > a now Held In His study of ihn Suede , and In nn artistic sense the 'success of ihnt uioco must must reit upon his delineation of the Scandinavian ctinraotcr. The play , liowovor. U said to possess stroiiR poltits as to plot and sltua- Lion , mid thu sconerv and effects to bo novel. spectacular and tntllllnp. "Yon Yonson" will OIIPII u three nlchts oiiK'affpmont at I3oyd' ' Tbojter oti Friday evening next. Dr. Hull's Cousti Syrup is the best in the mailrei. A slnglo boitlo will courmco jou of its c.scolleuce. Trr it. r.\on Ciniit llooiiMVerc Dc Tbo sovcral divisions of the uistrict cour found but little to do yesterday , the litigants , jurors , lawyers , bnilitTs and officers boinir out Kn/inc upon tue bntllo of Dallots. With this condition of nffair > existing the wearers of the ciinlno sat iirounn their rospectlvo rooms for nn hour or two tins morning ana then uont away , ndjotirninp court until to morrow. If you have piles DeWitt's Witch Haze salvo will surely euro you. NEW YOHK VALUES. iItitU'li < > l ! ! ! ; 1 lenrcs frnin G ithaiu's Inx Hull. The tax commissioners of No\v Yorlc city hitvo Di'cicnted ; i ilotiiilotl roporl to the mayor , bays the World , c'ovoiiiij } the oponilions of thoit * dcpnrtmont for the pro-out your. The report shows that in IfcOi ! , IfeO banks wot-o iissesdeil ; that tht.'ir' capital V.MS $07,122,800 at par ; actual value , $112.011),2J8 ; ntsosscd for $ ( )8,0-J2 ) , .jS ; sworn olT , & 20-02,938 ! ; not asscbscd value , iJ7S,180,0)0 ( ) , Tlienumbor of pieeos of real estate as sessed \\cro 101U10 ; naiiioa romaiuinpr on personal tix book , 10,070 ; sharehold ers of bniilcs , 21,089 ; corporations , 1.-112. Unaor the law allowing clcrpymon to liold $1COO worth of real cstato exempt from taxation $50.000 was sworn olT. The Trinity church corporation has 31,000,000 worth of property exempt from taxation in the L-'iist ward alone. Thcso are some of the other largo itetna in the exempt list : Battery park , $9,000,000 ; Castle Garden and sea wall , $1.000,000 ; subtreaaury , 32,000,000 ; cus tom luni = e , $2,000,00(1 ( ; Governor's Island , ? HoOO,000 ; St. Paul's church , $ l,7oO,000 ; Now York tun ) Urooklvn bridge , $4,000- 000 ; City Hall prtrlc and buildings therein , * 22,000,000 ; postolllce , $9,000- 000 ; Ward's island , $3,000,000 ; H-indall'd island , $2,000,000 ; lliv- orsido park and drive , $1,151,000 ; Washington square , $1,759,000 ; Un ion Theological seminary , $050,000 ; Tompldiih square , 82,000,000 ; Cooper institute - stituto , $ S-)0,000 ; L'nion square , ? 2bOO- 000 ; Madison square , $1,500,000 ; Young Men's Christian association building , $000,000 ; St. Luko'b hospital , $1,2-50,000 ; Columbia college , $800,000 ; Lenox li brary , $750.000 : St Patrick's cathedral , $2,500,000 ; Hlaekwoll'slblaml , $0,000.000 ; Hoiorvoir park. $2,000,000 ; Central park , Sb7,000,000 ; Hchcvuo hospital and college - logo , $1,500.00 ! ) . The total value of property In this city exempt irom taxation is } , 'i02,171,070 ; divided as follows , : City , $202,8f-170 ; ! : ; United States , 18Si1J,000 ( ; state , $5,000- 000 ; ch'ireliox , $ o3,03L',700 ; hosiitals , sohooln , etc. , $20,315,500. Owing mostly lo special legislation the assessment againbt trust companies bhowod a fulling oft'of $ l.i02,92S ! ; rail road compinics , 98,07-1,351 , and ether fompanlc ? , t2i > 00,9iO. ; Upon the subject of the unjust exemp tion of corporations the report says : "In the fiii'-o of express companies wo wcro thin year compelled to strike oft our booUs $3,170,000. and in that of rail roads reduce as cHsmonls to the extent of $8,083,351. Foioign corporations reap the henollts and claim all the privl leges of resident corporations , and bo * cause they elect to bo known as 'foreign , they claim exemption. " Piles of pcoulo have ones , out Do Witt1 ; Witch Hiucl salvo will euro them. AUNOLD'S HOUSE. A rumuus I'lillailul'ililii Muniliin Turn Dunn. One of the most interesting structures lu Philadolphln , located at 032 Market street , has just been demolished , hays iho Philadelphia Press. It wns the last of the old frame buildings on tlio whole length of Market street from the Dola- S Total WANTED I..urn of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER COM PAWES.ST.R.R.COMPANIESetc , Corrpuponilrnro tollcllcd. N.W.HARRIS &COMPANYBankers , 103-163 Dearborn Streot. CHICAGO. 19 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O6tatnft. ) . BOSTON. I lOT ISl'ltl.SCj , bOUTlt DAKOTA. TUB CAIll.b' - > i bndur Amvilru. In tlm . llluok llllln , 3.60J leu. ubovo ihu nun , A crlup , briiilnif ntuio.phere , . l.ovelr ieni'rr 1\\cta \ \ warm medicinal waturit liiiU'i-iiroilllminiinilj of | ) tlent . 1'lnail pliinifa l > atU In ttfu U. b Tliu I\UIH : , built uf pink sand tuiu' . urcoiiuidittcs dV ) iiruploi ttrlotljr ilr.t clatii oimn Uiuiluco | , ti-iuulifM , ulectrlo llshls , rlclilr furunlifd , line ldo > t-Miidalu. Hblu u ipoclaltr. Mnoniiluiiin. , mild wliitorn. ItoduouJ ratu > br the ri'k or muiilti. TlirniiBli iralni from Chlcnjo. O H. M.lllllK.N. Thu i : > inii. Iloti-prluxi. Dakota l > u | iiuindkil > pur'ii Notice , The following dos have been Impounded ; 1 liaiuul. 1 xviilti ) noodle. 1 hrlndlo hull dog. 1 yullo\T sheuhuru , . . U n ot redeemed within 4 davs silil dogs vrll be drowned. JOHN HI'UUUL. vnro to the Silniylklll , nnil lift history covers 11 period of n century nntl ti qimrtur iind teems with names uf ruinous 11011 nnd tlio detail * of fntnoiiB events. \ grrat xvarohoiiRo Is to occupy the site , ts present owner , 11 clothing morelmnt , laving acquired titloto It very recently. In 1770 tno properly , not liowovor In ho condition It nfforxvnrd * nt-suinud , Into the hniulH of Jacob IIH/.t- lolinor. When licnctllct Arnold thinned his f unions nnd Infamous Iron- on ho wrotu to Clinton In Now 'fork unseating tliut nn emissary bo sent to 'hlladolphlii for ti confoi-onco. I'llnton ' vns given papers tuul details thttt his gent might gain mlmlttnncc to the city , nd Arnold outraged to moot him In ills- rnlso ottlsldo Uio nilt/.holmer property , tor sonio nights the traitor loitered iround tno house , p.iylng occasional IsiU to n tavern tiroarU tno corner on ovcnth struct. ( . 'Hilton was too suspicious to send tiny DUO , liowovor , nnd Arnold xvont down Market street to bis house In disgust. 'iVhen hU carriage was pursued In Iho trcot by n mob in consequence of unpop ular enactments Arnold took roftigo from ho malcontents in MiU hulldlng. Tlio lothcruls wntitcd to burn it down , but the Intoi-fut-cd. The roons great precession in the oct'iisioti of the Imnglng of thorn rn I tor in clllgy nftor tno consummation jf his Isc'iirlcllike net in 17 0 wtis re- lowed from tlio xvindoxx-s of this house , intl speeches xvero mule ; by the city'a : clobritlus. Tliotivcrn around the corner from ho llltlo house win the center of mich vild rcvolry that Washington felt bound o linally refrain from going there , llo lad no objootion to the tliroo-story cottage1 , however , nnd II xv.ia tlio seono if the intorvlows ho hud successively vith JolTorson and with Il-imllton in on- le.-tvoring to patch up the dis-icroeniont of thcs.o twosttilcsmen Durltig Iltimll- on's intiiguo xvith Mrs lisynolds the overs nsirood to moot outside tills house , is the pamphlet now in the Kldgivay 'ibrary shows , and itvtii watching hero -hat the husband cluimad to have found out what was going on. The next famous man toisit the lit- le house xvas Washington Irving. He called to verify some anecdotes con leutitig the father of his country with , ho building , and found many valuable otters and papers stored in its attic , of vhleh ho nmdo use in "Tlio Life of Washington. " Like all houses which i.ivo passed their prime and relapsed quietly into old age , tlio structure was ttill/.cd by tenants for various purpose' , tnd " it ceased to bo conspicuously "nterosttng until 187o. In that year it irst became llio resort of the city's scene painters , and so continued for many rears. Tlio Bohemian club , composed of members of the painting fraternity mil kindred spirits , met thcro every Monday night until a year or two since. Ilmr Soldier * Out 'Inli'icro. S. T. Merrill of Lake Crystal , Minn. , who was a. soldier and did service llght- .ng Indians in ! ( i2 , snys : "At ono time .ho men had to march to Port Hidgely , a distance of several miles ; and after they arrived there they suffered for several - oral days for something to cat ; but the jrontcs't harnship they liad to cnduro was to do without their tobacco. Noth ing takes the place of tobacco with the soldier. In the course of time tlicy loft c.unp equipage , sutler'b poods , etc. , oo- liind and moved to new quarters. As loon as it was known that tlio sutler wagons were coming and that one of them contained a good suipl5 ) : of the weed , si number of tlio soldier boys went back to Intercept the train. Several miles out [ rom camp they discovered the wagons .joining ; a piece of underbrush and iiinbor was selected an the place where : hey would meet them , Kuch man took iloiig his blanket , and after the wagons itul passed the boys put their blankets over their heads and crossed and re- crossed the trail. As soon as the driv ers saw those figures , and supposing .hem to bo Indians , they put the whip .o their loams and away they went. The toys kept up nnd closed in on them , i'lio drivers stopped , threw oat goods of various kinds in boxes to lighten their oads , and this was just what they wanted. Among the boxes thrown out ivns the tobacco , and what they all ivanted , but on went the wagons to camp. The boys got the tobacco , divided It , and went into camp by u roundabout way. After the loams reached camp ii cavalry company was sent bacU to drlvq oil the Indians. The .joods were soon recovered , except the Lobncco , and from that day to tiiib no ono but tlio boys knew but that the Indians raided the wagons and got the tobacco. " The liucst machine designed for use in oloc'rii : sp.irk photography Rives remarkable results. Articles inovintr nt ttie rnlo of 1,000 imlos an hour u.m bn photographed , and , by the introdui'.tlou of a revolving mirror , u spocd -1SO.OJO mlloi un hour can bo copad with. The m > rror ts worked by olectrieitv , which 11 nbout 159 times as fast as u riflu bullet travels. Dr. J. TJ. ( Jebhart of Hot Sprlnps , Ark. Is reported to tmvo solved the .problem of Boncratinc with Q primary buttcr.v a con tinuous electric current of sufficient power to supply lieUt and small motor power for dwelling houses. The Hygisnlc Treatment of Constipation and Ordinary Dyspepsia. Sir John Andrews , the English professor ser , believes Unit. In the vubt majority of cases constipation may bo buccessftilly ovotcomo by talcing a teaspoonftil of tlio genuine Imported Carlubtd Sprtitlel S-ilt dis'-olvod in a tumblorful of xx-utor ( half u pint ) , cold or hot , early in the morning , anil , if iiei'ossiiry , on going to bed. GHADK OUDINANCIO NO. Annrdlnanco chiin.'Inz thn crude of Oeo.itur htrect from 37th btruot to'-Otli street , and thu Intursectliu htruut. In the ulty of Omaha , and ri > | ) u > illn | { M > much of Grudo Urdlnuneo > , ( > . KUand so much of all ordinances In con- Iliet herawlth : lloltnrilalncd by the city council of the city of Omaha ; Section 1 , Wlioruas It has boon declared mu.'Cisnry to ehanjo the uradu of Deciilnr hlruet fiiini 37th Ntroet lo 3'.lth Htruut , and eor- t iln parts of the IntcrsoutlnK btioots herein after ipt'clfloj ; Anil whurdus tliruu dlstnturostod freohold- 014 have heon aupolntuj liy tno in lyoi and continued by iho city ccMini'll to appraise tlio damawea arjln | { by reason of thu chuiuoof gr.ido heroin mentioned , and Whereas , s il I auur.ilii > M af torilulyqualify ing according to law and o\iiiilnliiK : thu nroo- orty nlfcctcd ha\o ronorto I no diumi-'u > - , and Iho o.ty council liiibuduptod suld roporl ; Therefort * . the k'radoof bald pnrtsof Deltatur s trout , and Intcrduutliiir strtoia Is hereby changnu and ejtablUhod M > that iho olova- tlona iiliall bo as followH , the uradu between thu iiolnta cltod lielinr urlform straight lines ; SectionJiadoof Djo.-itnrMtrcot l.luvatlon Klevutlon of ninth of Ninth Ouib , Uurb. Kast curb of 39th street , as ( iltaDlHhed v KAU ICO.r , Webtcurb ( if'.Mlh street . . 1403 uas East curhof 3Hthalroot , . . .110.0 140,0 \Vestcnihof3ith \ street , ai imnhlMhed 103.i 1055 Section a. Urudo of 3ttth mreot Klov.itl n of NVe'it of Kast Ourb . Curb South curt ) of ParKer street us established 1'IS.O 137..1 North unibor Deo.iturbt. . .1405 1100 bonthciirbot leu.ttnrst.,14j,5 liu.u North curb of I'nuikln street , as i-Htabli.beil | IffiO 127.3 .Suction 4. So much nt Ordinance No. 833 and so much of all ether ordinances defln- Inv the cnidoj of tilt ) aboro htrcisn , an cou- fllols with the provisions of this ordluiuice , Is hereliv ropealuu. Section a. Thla ordlniuico shull take effect and bo In force from and after lu lUsJ-iye. Pmsea November 1st. 1M ) > . JOHN Guovr.s. ( Jlty Clerk. E. P , DA Via. President ulty Council. Approved November4th , IH/J ULU. P. UEMIS. ' ilayor. TT.TT Which H'W0il | / hart , BlcluioRS , nifTerlnR nnd ilc rpnlr , or lirnlth. r.trongth , nnil spirit f You can tnko your cliolco. All chronic ( Us- c.x a nnd dcrnnpo- nients i > cctillar to v/otncn nro jicr- . _ . , . . . - irsnnctitly ruroil by Dr. Pierce s hftvorlto 1'rcscriptlt n. 11 ro- rtoro3 tlio fcmold functions to honlthy notion H removed tlio obstructions nnd nipprcsslona which catiso t roil Mo mid ml = cry. For ro- rlodlcal palni. Internal Inflammation , ill- ccrntlon end kindred nilincnt1 ! , it is n jxisltlvo jcmcjly. The system Is Invigorated , the blood enrlclKxl , digestion lmpro\ed , melan choly nnil nerousncsa dispelled. It's n legit- Imnto medleliip , the only one that's guantn- tcrtl lo pivo satisfaction In tlio euro of nil " female " complaints. If it falls to plvo satlsfnction , In nny cose/ the money jald for It ii returned. A llttlo book , on "Woman nnd Her Dis ease * , " scut ( o nny address , tenteil from ob scrianon , on rw-oipt of ten rts. for postage. Address , World's Dispensary Medical As. sociatlon , t ( > ) Main Street , llulinlo , N. Y. ToP. Irorson. .1 Wood Smtt'i. II.W McOiiro and heirs at luwnf AuamtiH Koilnte. nurcnso I , Cahi'riio Koiintrj ( bisvlfci. . llermini lyiunlzu , l.utucr K aintzc. Uharlcs II Kniint/o.-Miillldii n udtncr. Ad.illno Ifnth C omcntlne Ilioivu. .M.ir arot N . lloyer nnd Muiy D.iri Viltur. You are hnubv tiotlllil that the un lor signed , tliroo disinterested frjoh'Udors of the cltvof Uni ihu , hi\o boon duly anne ntcil by thu nriynr. nllli the aliurov.il of the eltv council of laid city , to assois iho lUmieu tu thu ( ittncrs respective y of the uroportv ( leeiaii'd liy or.lln men neoois iry to bu uuurn * pn itu I for thu use ot < . .il I city , for thu pur pose of onenliu nn 1 i-xton Iliu Mth sticnu fioin the allnv next north nf Nuiholiis stroft. north ' totliDiotilh llnoot PaOdock I'la e. an I Mom the south line of P.idduck Place north to Ohio stiuut , and opeiilni an I e\t"iidliii Cl irk stiect. In CunnltuhiiiiiN addition from Its liresunt western tornilntis wustto 11th street , KouMcndcd , as sh IHII bv pi it Issued to us from tlio olllco of the city engineer. ou aru notllled , that liixlui ; accepted said apimlntment , mil duly < | U tlldo I as 10- iiulrcd Dy law. \\u will , on the 3iithdnv uf November. A. I ) . . I * ' ) . ' , nt tlm hour of III o'clock In the furiMirmn , at tlioolll of Mil Ivor \O'linohoe , 110.1 Parti nn street , within tha cotpor itellmlts its ild cllv. moot fur the p'lr- iiuu of consldorlns ami iniUlii ; thi > assess ent of d itirigo to the ( > tiers fspocth-u'v of } said piopertv by reason of such taKlnj ami apinoprlatlou thereof , The pmportv belon ln' ; to yon. moposol to be appropi Kited as afoius ihi , and which has boon deelaiod necessity by the loiinoll , bv oidln.itu'o to riiipropilnte to thn n u of the city lii'ln sltnnled 111 sal.I ullrof Oniah.i , In th" county nt Donal is. and Htitu of Nebraska , Is dcsi'iltii'd as follows town : I'ropci ty In namu of P. I verson The u ist i'i' ' , feet of sub lot Uof thn east 3D Toot nf tax lot S In tha N\V > . , of the HP. of oe 10. T 1.1. It 1,1 T. Pioperty In tlio name of .1. Wood Smith. A ktrlpof land < X1 fuet hie runnln < north and south through sub lots.1 and Gof lax Itt 11 , tlio oist line of s'lld Mlrlp nulnz lU'j feet m > st of tlio line between tax lots 4 and 11 In section U. T is. u n u. Property In the nnmcot Augustus Koiint/c and II. W. MeUmre. The followliiK pircol yr tract of land : lle- Klnn'iiK ' at the > , oitUiwril corner of lot I'D block 5 Paddock Place ; thcnco soiilh to the north line nf t'lark street , produced from C'unuln- ham's addition ; thence east about H."i feet nlon.- the north line of said Clsrk street , to the west line of t'unnlnshuii'x uddltlon ; thence south alonx the west line of Cunning ham's addition W feet to the south line of Clark street , thcnje vosLiilcir < s Uil south lliu- of Cluik stieet to .1 point In a line parallel to thu rust line of tax lots 3 nivl ! > . uti I sild line ' tartlnx'll feet west of 'ot ' fl. hlo-k III" , city : thcnco south uloiii said II,10 to the north I nr > of tax lo * h : thon''o wutt Ui feat to the'wost line of llth street ; thence north pirillol lo the cist line of tax lot * 8 iml fl to tlio south lliioof Cl.uk street , prodnco 1 from Ciinnlnt- ham's addlt on ; thunce In : i norlliwestorlv ( II- loctlon to tha north line of Ulnrk street nto- duced : tliunco north to tli smith line of Pad- douk I'laco ; thoncu o.lstOl feet to place ot bo- liuilir . Yon aio 'totldod to bo present al the tlmo and place aforesaid , and make nnv objections to or statements t'Onctirnln ; said prupoicd nppropilalhm or assessment of damages as you may consider proper. proper.W.M. . G suiuvnu. , .1O1IN F. l.ru. . . .IOI1.NV. . UUIU1IN5. Commlttco of Appraisers Omuba. October 2J ' * , iti'Ji nldJt ! ORDINANCE NO. 3321. Au ordinance orlorluj ; the Improvlnx of Slst etieot from Wlrt street to Spencer strcnt. In street Improvement district No. 477 , salil Im- proviiu to consist of p ivln.5 with \itr tied brick , and dlrectlnj ; the bout" " of pibllc worl.s to take the necossarv stops tocanso such work to be done. Wheroas. the m iyor and -ltv council of the city of Omaha have ordered the Ininnnin , ; of ' Mhtstri'ot from W.rtatrootto Snoncor stiect. Iu street Improvement dlntrlct No. 1,7 , ) > y p.ivlu the u uno and allow el thirty days lo nroporty owners In which todejlsn ito and dc- termlno the nritcriul desire , 1 to bo used for such p ivliv. , nnd Wlmroas. the said thirty days h-ivo expIroJ and the property ownord own n the majority of iho front , ice [ n s ild Imti-oveincnt. district li.uo not petitioned for ihu p.ivliig uf s ild btront In said rtUtilct , and Wheieas , the mayor and ulty council of s ild city do hereby determine uuon the mateilal so bp elded as iho material to boused for such paving , theiefore , llo it ordained by iho city council of thu city of Omaha : Section I. That that part of Slst fctrout from Wirt alieet to t-pancor "trout. In Hticet 1m- unuoincnt , illbtrlet No 177. bo : tnd thosi'iit'ls hoicDy oidorcd Impo\od. : said ImuioMMiient to consist of pavliu with vltntlcil Drue. f > years' cnarantoo , accoid'ni ' to the spoolllea- tloiisonlllo Inlho olliccof the board of public wet ks. K'otlon 2. That the board of public works Is hereby ordered to c iu-0 s il 1 work to bo dona an 1 to filter Into contract for the snmuilli Iho lowi'st responsible bidder under the speci fications on tlio In the nlll-'O nf s nil ho ird , Section. ! . That this oiCin.inro taUe oluct ( and bo In foroo from -ind after Its passive. Passed October 18th. Preslilunt City Council. Approved Octoboi Slili. isui UiJ'j. p. nn.MK M lyor. PROPOSALS FOR PA VINO. Pealed prnpos ils will bo received bv the un- ( li'rsl iiol until 1.ID 1 o'clock p m. , Novembei Ui. 18 * . ' , for \ltillled brick , acconlliu : lospucl- llc. it loin on Uio In the otllio of the lltiard of I'ubllo Works. I'nr paving parts of the following streets and u ley < In tin ) cltv ot Omali i , ciimprlsi'il In H'luut , Imurovomont dUtrlJts N'os 'Sii , IS7 , 4HJ , 400 and 41)1 , ordore I I npiosedy ! or.llnanci'H Nos , ; r.97. U.W. ' , Il.'ilJ , ItOS mil . -UK ) reipuotlvoly and more particularly dcscnboJ as fol ous. to-wlt ! No. 4S'l--Centcr ' street from 10th street to lUhstrour. No 437 Alley In block . ' > " > , city , from 17th street to 18th street. No 4 Alley In b'o.-U 11(1 ( , city , from 17th stioot to IHlhslroiit , No. 4'JO ' 17th htruot from Jackson stieot to I.oiivonworlh fitreou No. 4l ! Alloy in block I'J3 ' ! { from IClli street to 17th street. , , In the city of Omaha. i ; i < h bid lnsu'o.tya ; ( prlco per srjunro yarl for the paving complete ! on uach slreot un I alley Beparatoly In said Improvement dis tricts. " Worlc to bo done In aecordancr with plans and HIICC Ilc itlotis < ) n Illo In the ofllco of the Hoard of Publlu Works , r.iui ; ) proposal to lj made on printed hi inks furnished by thu bo.lrd , and to bo accompan ied by a certified check In thn sum of } VJlpiy- ( ; able 10 the city of.Um hi , as an ovmcnuu of Kood faith. , ; . The board roiorvos the rlirht to award tlio contract on all the bild districts together oren on uach district hoparaloly. subject to tlio selection - lection of iho material by the pronorly own- en or the mayor and city council , to inject auy or all bids , Clmirmnn of tha.llo.ird of I'ubliu Worki. Omahu. Nob. , .Noron-Dor b. ! , ' . * & Q DEFOR ITV BRJiOES Eiast/cShi'dfiji , Bat ten' 3 3 , Medical S ALOK&P2SPJLD 114 & 15th St , Next to i'ost ' oliice. OMAHA ircrs'and. . Jolliers' j _ AWNINGS AND TKN'TS. Toniil" , nwnliu" . tnrpin- HOHSI : lln , roTpf of nil lilnil , 1113 Knrnnni tlnin ItnniiBrs , rtp. xp-nl ft furrntnloiiiio ; ws , li'th _ _ HICYCLES. BemisOoialiaBaiCo" " "M , a tiiitMitlcnnnil mfrMlour Illojelo oM nn innnthlr BOOTS AND SII01CS. Morss-Coc Shoe C mpiny , llit > ; . * f.rjr rori" " wltlimcMiinn Kintcnflall Jones SAiinr , , mf " Aeants "lino , t . utiiior , " "I'l'iy. ' II u n ii- mi I 111) llirnor . stroot. trot't. COAL , CJKI-J ' ' , | COUN'U'B. OraaliaCoil.CokcJJinc Co Eajlo Corahj Work IlrM tnil oft coil. i : Mfr . Enlrnnl/pil Iron cor. llitu nnd cornlrp , nlniloir c n , trccti , mplnlln MiyllKliti , tc. Mill. IIUIIwlKu-st. ' GOODS. llccbo & llunyin fi"iltiri | rurnlturofo. . . lir.uji : IIUI Hi i ) | ti un > . \Vlioldiiljo il/ I oio ; I D. M.St -ike , DniC'3 & Co ltUl-t0."i Jonns . I0li ! an 1 \ Iiv * cet Uin.iUi Ouiaho. HAIimVAUK. llcclor & Wilhclm ) Co , l/obcck / CotntrlOlh i nt Jnckson In tnMr rvnl itrcott liici-linnlc < looh. 1IJI li.niiln tlritft. HATS , KTC. W. A I Gibbon & Co. . , , . . , , Wholrsnlo nKc.Mn , utrnw KlOTr > , mltlcus IVlh mill llnrncr. LUMUKtl. Chas. IL Lee. ake3eiT iimlmr. woo t Impartol'iirrlcin TertIan - Mil pt Ian 1 e.Mn iiil Mllnjtik)9 noorliii ; Uii onion nil I fill nil lTlltollllJ LIQUORS. M1LL1NKUY 'nd ' . I , ObfrfcMr & Co. \Vliolcnnltllj nr ImiMirtcru nail Johbcri of 1001 l\iruam mllllnorr nntloni Mull oril i4 prompt * ! UJ-l3Miiitli lllli it. I OH.- ) . Caipcnlcr Paper Co. Stiinddvil OifCo I'nrrr n 'all tooli : of lirlntlnK. wruitpliu nn I U'llnt'il ninl nrllliiK pnpor , cirJ m oils , .i\lo per ote. ovsrr.us. Kins & SnciL : , Daviil Cole iCe , MfMOf ' It A S" p nti iVIiolonlnoyH > r * fanor Ami overalls , etc. ii-li'ry HiUtli itroat loli'i'noni'IU ' COMMISSION. llr.incli . & Co. Wliiincy & Co. friilti n ( all llutli'r. cifiti nnilpoiiltrr kind- , iil'JMiutli Ulhit Jas A. CLirK & Co. Hatter. ohjM ) , ou > poultr ) niul t \ tig. olTt-uutli UtlnU STOVK KEPA1RS | SAK1I OmihaSlovellcpiirW'ks M. A.lisro\v ) ! ) \ & Co. ami witor llulinf.irturnri ot nib. Httnclnnonl for nny iloort bl 1 n its nuJ kind of aloru in iJQ inuulillniti llmnoh of- tlcc. Utli nnd Iinri ] ill. _ - _ * , < x' x > k' ' HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and > ic"'tc , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe aim always effectual. A reliable remedy for .Biliousness. JJlotches on the Face , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Diz/ii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Ileadache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , ' Nausea , Kettle Rash , Pa'nful ' Digestion , Piin- pics , Rush of Blood to the I lead Sallow Corn- , - plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabttle after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing ; that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. PERMANENTLY CURED or NO PAY \Vi : iti nu : YOU ro 2,500 PA HUNTS. I'inaui'iii ! llclcrcnce : Nat'l Ibk of Commerce , Omaha. No lri i.NTiON' : from biiiinnsi. No Oporatlou. InM'sllu.iioniir Method. Writ ton 'n i inn too toubiu Inlolv I u MI u II 'duels of IU 1TL 1(1 ( ! of liitlistosnltli out tlio u-,0 of luilfo or syringe , no n alter of how lon.t The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , SomlforOm-ulir. * w-J 8 N V. Mf llldUMAHAH 3 9 " Karvo Socdo , " . . . . 1 tbo wnmlerful rciurtdy UUiM B'UM W U H W > f Kn m r .v H w " 19 ( lUlll r. I til AVtl ( - Irn Biinrnntrr lo euro ill ! nrrvniu tll-i-njcs , mull in Wi-nk Wimorr , ' 1 I MO rowrr. Hcdiluclic. Wnkofulnoai. Lcwt Maiiliiwiii. MBItlr Kiulii. J eloiu Nnrvon iic > .l.a8iiltido.nllilr-iln5 nnillotsiif pnworof tbulionerntlro * Nr Orniuln : . . .K. nlicrao.trau'0l . . . ! / > * .ni..n. * .r utlnitilnntn hyorrruxurtlon. irhlrn Hnnn joutlifiil Ipml tn Inllrnillr. rro s.or l.nnNiinm inc ; 9lT . . , , . . . . , . . ' UTrBI'RI'u. .VrOltK 1KD ) f fTJU7Itt t/lC HHJItli * ,1.MI .uv " * * - w w > u For SAU In Oiniha by Sliocni in A. . MOjiinoll , 1515 Dodjjo stroot. 11 4 isox'ii ' o ID ; ; 15 0x5' ) 10 I" 0.5XV ) U JJ M.OX.V ) IB jl l l 0x31 w33 of U 17 IJ . , 140x51 } < rOx5Q 7 17 in.Uxanolof ! ItB 17 ll.llxl.tl II 17 00\I50I . , . . ii.jKMf i-j 17. : : ' nnx'iioio ft of it is n 1.1.5M If 17 10,0x6 oaOftof It 15 21 135\50 115 2.1 Jfl.lKV ) 17 -.1 140x50 1H 21 ft'oxio i 12 Ox.M f 17 24 10 5x50i , -'Xl01 ' i piVllcox'i2nd add CS anb 1 tax It 1(5 ( 6ee 2I-15-1J lax It lOsou 3I-IJ-13 u tuit 3i Hooa-n-u lOUxlO" t.ix It'll sec | b-l i-l.l 12J1WO tax It III oo 1IM.V1J ll.no ucon Ueulurcil by ordlnunco No. Wil to uo iiuisiinocs. Von inn liisroby dlrnctcd to iilinto snid mils- uiift-s liy Hloplni ; tln < lotH buruln dcKcriliud within tfilrty days of tlio Unto of ililh notluis or b-ild iiiiisniucs will lo nlxli'd liy tlio f ty authorities nnd Hie oxiipiiiu tliorrnf lovlml us u Butclal inx iisalnst thu pnnicrtv on which itinl iinlmneoj rxlst Date , , th. . d - . Clinlrinnn of the lio.uil of 1'iiUliuVorl. . of tlio Pllv of Omnlm. ii 4 5 7 8 9 JNTEBBASKA National Bank. U , S. DErOSITOSY - - OMAHA , NEB Copllal . . r. . Surplus . $ ( )5,01)J ) , ) OfflcorinnctDlrccton lleurr W. Vatoi. proililonl K. t'uihlnf. . tlcoproildeni. U. A M rloj JV V jlor.e.Jolin ) , Colllui J. N , U. t'atrloi , Ixinli .1 Ueod. ca.hlor. TI-IH1 mON BA.NK. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , lien cattle , ho ? iiml shuo | ) iiiirkct In the vreit COMMISSION HOUSB3. Wood Brothers , toiitli Omaha Tolopliunii Ili7. - JOHN l > DADISM IN. I . , WAI'TKII Ij WOOD fM .Market ruporls liy 'intll an 1 wiru uhuurfullr fnrnUlieil upon npiillo.illon. Perry brothers & Company , Iilvn Htno'i Ooiiinilxilon. Itoom til l.xuhtin--0 llullilliu' , bautli Omuha. Tulcpliunu I7il7 TUB SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chici o , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map , JCEOAR RAPID * i'DKSUOIKE * ) Electcic L'at21. . Stii n Mea ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at/105 p. m , , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a , m.j City Ticket Office , 1501 Far-j nam St. , Omaha. F. A . NASH , Gen'l ' Agent.