Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    " " "Y * * "
r-r i ri TT XT T T ? tf Utf PC n A V XT n VI ? AT 11 PI ? fl 1QQ9
Ivory Industry In the Orescent Oity
Affected by tlio Lockout
Tronl.lo I'lMir.nt anil Ou-tnU nt tlio Ar-
nnirir Iliiulilcd lit Anticipation of
Jllnli nnil Jtow Street Car
1ra il ! n Entirely u'prnded.
Nr.wOitMUXi , La. , Nov. 7. Ths strike
hero has imumoJ more alarming proportions
nnd the prospect now Is that all city Industries -
trios , with possibly ono or txvo exceptions , fil
which uubn labor U employed will bo nt n
Undstlll from loony.
The conference between the merchants
and laborers committees wits resumed nt the
city hall jcstpnl&y morning , Mayor Fltzpat-
rlck presiding , and a two hours session was
finally dissolved without tesult. The irer-
chants pcroKtod In their demand that tbo
men should return to work before any at
tempt was made to arbitrate the existing
- difference * and the men were equally llrm In
their demand that nn arbitrator should Hrst
be chosen.
Later the labor committee of the mer
chants called upon the governor and xvero
hewn thu demands inatlo by the union's
ooinmtltco to bo arbitrated , The merchants
oomtnitteo ihon made the followingoiTor :
To withdraw tno domnutl that the men re
turn to work pending arbitration ; to nvbt-
trato 011 time und xvaecs ; to employ men
without reference to their bein r union mom-
ben , promising not to discriminate ngulnst
union men.
Q'no olcutrlu light workers decided to Join
s.i. .
i ,
the strikers , but the sanction ot the Interim
tlonal Kler.trlo Workers union must bo llrst
obtained. When they strike the city will be
tn darkness , as the gas men went out Satur
The 'longshoremen have refused to strike
and have resigned from the American Fod-
oratlon ot Lauer.
The Typographical union mot and decided
to go out. This will nraoiibly suspend the
publication of every morning paper In the
oltv , except the Clerman Gazette.
The Musicians union has joined the strike
nnd the theaters are without orchestras.
The French oncra house has closed , but the
other theatora have replaced the strikers
with laay pianist ? .
The guards nt the nrmorlos of nil the local
military commands have been doubled and
Arrangements made to call the troops out at
a moment's notice. Thorn has so far boon no
demand upon their services.
Street cfif travel has boon entirely sus
pended and the only means of transit to dis
tant parts of tbo city Is by hacks or wagons.
JMisw Oui.iiANd , La. , Nov. 7. The following
explains Itself :
"MAYouu.TVOFNGwOnr.ciNs , CITY HALT , ,
Nov. 7. To the Citizens of Now Orleans :
An extraordinary etato of aflnirs is presented
before the people ol this city , caused by a
general strike of tholabor unions of this city.
"At this juncture it Is Impossible to fore
tell the length and consequences of such a
Movement , nsido from the inconveniences
that will result to tha general public , as
well as the puralyzatiou of trade and com
merce of the oltv.
"It becomes my duty , as the chief execu
tive ofllcor of tbo city , to sea tnnt ponce and
good order shall prevail , that wise counsel
and conservative opinion ibnll assort Itself ,
10 calm nnd dispasslonato judgment in ay
ultimately triumph in the settlement of the
questions Involved.
"As chlel executive officer of the city ot
Now Orleans , I have but one duty
to perform ; it is a eimplo and
plain duty ; I mean to exorcise it by
a strict enforcement of the loiv in the
preservation of the peace and hi arresting
any movement leading to disturbance.
Therefore , us chief exocutlvo of the city , 1
hereby issue this , my proclamation , notify
ing nil persons that any nut , of violence or
disturbance of the public pcaco will bo fol
lowed by Immediate nrrost and Imprisonment ,
and tbo aid of all good citizens is earnestly
requested to co-operate with the authorities
in keeping the peaco. Respectfully.
"JoiiN FITZPATIIICK , Mayor. "
United Htntro C'nttor Intercept * .Slruuiorx
U'liirli 1'niKoc : nimrantliiuOIIU-flr * .
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 7. Tho'rroasury depart
ment's construction of the president's
proclamation of September 1 , which quaran
tines nil ships with immigrants In tbo cabin
or steerage for twenty days , caused tne de
tention of the Hamburg-American steamer
Suovinand the Hill line steamer , lUcbmond
Hill , In the bnv ail day yostcrdav.
The Suevin has -4S cabin passengers.
Among them uro eighty-nine clll/cns und 159
aliens. Some of the latter Intonu to settle In
the United States. The steamships arrived
at quarantine on Saturday. The quarantine
ofllcials inspected and fumigated her and
permitted her to proceed to dock. She win In
tercepted by the cutter , Washington , and or
dered to ranmln until orders wore received [
from Washington permitting her to go up ,
fciho dropped anchor under the shadow of
Liberty , whoso appearance was not ni pleas
Ing as It might have been under other cir
cumstances to the Americans aboard.
Thu Klchmnnd Hill was ulso passed by
tbo quarantine ofllelals. Shu 1ms slxtv-ulno
cabin passengers and six steotMtro paston-
jov , who ure cattlemen. Sixty of her cabin
passengers nre aliens who intend to take up
! > ornnnont rnsidonco in the United States ,
As the Treasury department wns cloRoil
the agents of tno staumsbips could tint got
an order releasing them. They remained at
unchor nil iik-lit. As they have clean bills
of boalth thny will doubtless bo allowed Isy
the federal authorities to go to their docks :
toino time today.
I lvhillnor3 are duo today with aoout 1,000
toorago nun IXXI cabin passengers aboard.
Among tlio lleot are thu Auranla , the Allor ,
La Drotugno , the Ponnland , thu Dovonlu and
the Zunduam. Those sbipi , througn a health
ofllcor , will bo able to got special permission
from the Trensury department to brocood to
their destination ,
If you have piles DJ Witt's Witch Ilaza
inlvu will surely cure jou.
Tliejr Cull It u Illlzzaril ,
MAIISIIAI.I.TOWN- . , Nov. 7. A northwest
billiard has prevailed here since morning ,
tbo lira I of the soakou. Too weitlhcr is grow
ing much colder , IVth
ST. I'AU , Minn , , Nov. 7. Snow , with
blizzard propensities , is falling hero today.
The full Is comparatively lignt here , but In
the stvto It has already fallen le a depth of
six Inches. A hard storm is raging in North
Dakota. Alucbloss to stock is feured.
Tlio most astonishing results in healing
wounds bnvo uo < .u shown by Salvation OH ,
Dork Act- * Mill Krgniiut in : * * .
LONDON , Nov , 7. The Moscow id
ent of tha Dally News describes the ler
Of a destitute widow living in the vIlluRO of
juan iuiUoe , who was allcgud to be a witch ,
And the trial ot eleven of thn vlllftfror * on the
charge of bolne concerned In tbo murder ,
Tno poor woman wni first nttnckod by n mob
led by the vlllajro elders and a crowd. Bha
wns maltreated and left for dead , but re
gained consclomnMs. Then another mob
dragged her about end llnrtlly beat her to
dontn. All the prisoners stoutly mnlntaineil
thnt they had a right to kill B witch , Too
prisoners were found guilty. Homo of them
worn sentenced to Imprisonment and others
to lose their civil rights.
.American Chnlorn.
I'Ymn lieDnliIltvnltt / , l/i ! < icjm , IHij/i /
"T. 0. llurnott , the democratic cnndldato
for sheriff , was takou violently 111 at Clear-
UrooK. Ho had all Ilia symptoms oC Asiatic
cholera , and for an hoiir or two it wa
feared ho would die. T&ov finally gave him
n dose of Uhambarlaln's Colic , Cholera und
Diarrbiua Uotncdv , whlcn revived him until
n pnysielan arrived , " That is precisely
wlinttho manufiicturcM of that modtclno
riicommcnd for cholera. Ssnd for n physi
cian , hut elvo their medicine until the physi
cian arrives. If cholera become ? prevalent
in this country next summer this -op.ira- -
tion Wlil bo In great demand because It can
ill way .1 bo depended upon. For solo by
Dl npp < mrnucu of u ( 'litrlM llmcUsmltli
CutisM Homo Uneiliir : s.
The continued nhionco of M. M. Ander
son of Clurks , No' ' ) . , from hl homo has
alarmed his relatives nnd friends , nnd yes
tcrday the Omaha police were nslod to
asulst In the snarcn for him.
Anderson came to Omaha last Wednesday
fort.ho purpose of purcuaslnjr material used
by him in Ills blacksmith shop at CUi-k-1. Ho
made the ourchusoj nnd the jjooJs were for
warded to him ut bis homo , tjiuco that tluio
Anderson 1ms been non oil.
Ilo had considerable money on his person
when ho arrived hero , and his relatives think
thcro Is a possibility ot foul play.
Anderson wns until n year ago nu inmate
of the Inr.ano asylum at Lincoln , where ha
had bean confined for several months. His
mental derangement was duo to an uxccss in
drinliln ? , and It U thought cot at all improb-
nblo that the missing man may have again
taken a convlval turn and become mentally
ns well ns physically unbalanced. Ho was a
resident of Clarks for manyyoaM , where his
wife and family live.
Perfect action and perfect health rcsul
frotn the use of Dj Witt's Little Early His
ers. A perfect little pill.
aur THIS troithit'it r.itnifu
C. I' . IluntliiRlon Pay * Millions fur the Iron
Mountain in Mexico Xuiir flimingo.
Duruxflo , Mox. , Nov. 7. Ono of the larg
est mining deals over In Mexico has
Jiist boon consummated , The deal was the
purchase of the wonderful Iron mountain
near Uurango nnd the extensive steel and
iron works In that city by O. P. Huntlugton ,
presidontof thoSouthoru Pacitio. The price
Is not doliultely Unown.but itw llrunup Inlo
rnllllens of dollars. It is believed tbat Mr.
Huntlugton already hud the bargain ns good
D.I raatlo when he oxteudcd tbo Mexican In
ternational railroad ito Mexico.
Mr. liuntingtou will make out of his new
possession thu largest wonts on the Ameri
can continent , controlling uot only the mar-
Hot of Mexico , but the entire south. This
Iron mountain Is tbo largest deposit of Iron
In the world. The Iron is carted from the
earth's surface ana. yields ii \ uor cent of Iron.
Thn famous traveler ana explorer , Ilutnboldt ,
claimed It as the eighth wonder ot tbo world.
Tha mountain was owned by a evtidicato
of Scotch , English and French capitalists ,
nnd has been worked in a desultory wny for
Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing syrup for ohl.
drcn teething relieves the child from pain
25 cents a bottle.
Ucndbcut Cyclist ( Jot there.
CHICAGO , 111 , , Nov. 7. Harry HlllUrd
Wyley , the "dondbeat" oyclistwbo ] ran from |
Now Voric to Chicago by way of Wheeling
and Indianapolis on a wager that ho could
complutu the trip without the expenditure of
a cent , finished his journey at the city hall
hero yesterday afternoon at 5:05 : o'clocic.
Wyley loft Now York at 0W : ! a. m. October
17 , and was given throe weeks to make the
trip. Ho has some llfteen hours to his
credit. The conditions of the wager were
thnt ho was compelled to oat at least three
squuro me.ils a day and find a good bed ut
night , was not allowed to defraud anyone
or receive money to pay his expenses. His
journey lias been an unqualified success , and
as a result about JJ.OOi ) changes haud.s ,
Piles of peonlo have cues , out DoWllt's
Witch Hiuol salvo will euro them.
Tnrrlblii KunVrlncs In the Arctic- .
S\N FIUNCISCO , Cal. Nov. T. Acoy Ivor-
shaw , cook of the Helen Mar , who en mo
down from the Arctic on the noiugn , tolls n
story of lord bio sulTorlng nnd hardship after
the wreck. i''ivosurvlvors succeeded in pot-
ling on the Ice , nnd for forty-night hours suf
fered from cold and exposure , Mato'Ward's
logs were frozen to the knee ! and ICorsbitw's
loll foot was frozen.Vhon rescued by the
whaler Oroa they were nearly dead. The
Helen Mur earned a crow of tblrty-olirht
men. Of those twenty-eight were lost.
( iulihli'il un Kii llttU KHtiitt * .
LONDON , Nov. 7. A receiving order was
made touny under petition for the estate of
.1. T. KdesVaker of Studley castle. War
wick. Tbo nubilities tire , f > 00UW. ! The es
tate con Utb of 3-l'AI ' acres of I anil and a lot
of brood mares. TlivshciilT h In possession.
DUuitroiM Cyrlniui In Trvns.
Oju.vr.Brox , Tex. , Nov. " . A cyclone 100
yards wide inui n mlle long swept over the
Islrtna seven mlh-s down yesterday , leveling
ovorythlug before it. A number of house *
were dmnollxtieU , One iniiii was killed und
olghleoii wuro lojurcd.
An American Cliulorn Victim ,
Tniuiu.v , 1'crnla , Nov. 7. Ills reported
that 1'lu'odorn Child of Harpcr't > Publishing
bouse , Now Vork , has died of cholera In
Ispubau. Ho was uiakiuc a tour ot the
Board of Education Discusses the Intsrcst-
! ug Topic to a Finish.
AT THE ELECTION JUDGE'S ' DISCRETION on the Sulijpot of ItrffUtrntloii Itcnil
nnil Uipuunilrii by the Attorney on Ilio
Honrd nml I'lunlly I.nlil
The Board of Education had a tussle last
tilehi with tlio problem orvoraon votlne nt
the election today. Attorney Baxter wai
present anil jrnvo nn opinion upon the matter.
Mo held that there wore only two ways In
which It would bo legal to rcoolvo the votes
ot women , First , by having them resistor ,
and second , by having nil who had
uot restored follow the amo rules
and rocultttlona IMd down for male
voters who had not registered. As the women
of Omnha hud not roRistcrod ho was of
tnooolnlon that the only wav they could
vote under present conditions was to pre
sent reasonable excuses , ns nrovldea by tbo
law , for falling to resistor nnd prove tnoir
stnlemouts by two witnesses. Ho thoHRHt
tbatlfn woman prow.ted herself at tno
secreiarv's olllco uud look oath that she hud
noi boon permitted to register or that siio
was Informed thnt It woulu not be nocojsury
for her to roalster ami produced witnesses to
prove those statements she would have n
reasonable exou o and should bo allowed to
Ho quoted the law upon the subject which
roads us follows :
Sao. 13. Any person offering to vote whoso
iiEimo Is not found on two of said registers
bh.ill furnish to the suld judge ; ! or election his
ufllduvlt. snbsenaod and sworn to before the
secretary of tlio Ito.irrt of Education , or bo
fore the city cleric or some person designated
therefor by the mayor of any city comprised
within the scnool district , u-ivln his reason
for not appearing before the supervisors of
registration on any i\\v \ of registration or re
vision of reslstr-itlon , and shall also set forth
In suld afUduvit hlspluco of residence and the
facts necessary to show that ho Is a qualified
vot-r In said election district , and shall prove
before said judge * , by the alllduvlt on o.itb uf
nt least two freeholders , resident of said elec
tion district in which he offers Ins
vote for at least ono year Imme
diately preceding said election , that
they know such person to Do an In
habitant nnd qualified voter of said precinct ,
and upon flllns said alHduvit with H.ild judges ,
and in u UI ntho proof herein required , such
person shall bo entitled to voto. Any person
offering to vote nt any election herein pro
vided for mnv bo challenged und the sumo
oath shall l > u put asuro ptovldod In the
general o ootlon mw.
Sec. no. That all acts and parts of nets In-
conslstont with this act ( Including un net of
tholo isluturu of the state of Nebraska en
titled "An net lolutlvo to public schools In
metropolitan cities , " approved March Jl , ! Si7 ,
and all acts amendatory thereof ) be and the
same uro lioioby repealed.
Mr. Elgutlor offered n resolution to make
the opinion of the attorney the sense of the
board , tbat women could uot vote except oy
conforming to the same provisions as are ap
plied to male voters who have not registered.
Mr. Poppletou moved to amend the resolu
tion lo nianoit the sense of the board tbat
all Judges should bo instructed to re
ceive all votes offered by women who
complied with the regulations pro
vided in the general law without
regard to registration. Ho held that the
Intention of the law was to give thu women
a chunco to vote , and It would be unjust and
outrageous to disfranchise the women.
Mr. Eleutter thought tbat < t would De
dangerous to permit tbo women to merely
swear their voios lu. . They might vole In
half a dozen places.
Dr. Glees eaid he had a much higher
opinion ot tbo wumon ot Omaha than that.
Charles Wahrer said : "I am opposed to
tno whole scheme. 1 don't want to see
woman's suffrage at the polls. God knows
they BUffer enough at homo. "
After a hearty laugh and some more talk
pro and con , the whole matter was laid on
the table , and the board decided to let the
judges of election oocldo for themselves us
to whether or not the women should bo
allowed to vole.
No household Is complete without a case
of Cook's Exiru Dry Imperial Chumpaguo.
It's the best apurklmg wluo mado.
Indlnt'Kon , Wantof AmittHtF\tilntt
aftrr Hlfali , romillniji , SMfiirw of 3
tilt Stomach , IHItnua or lAvrr Cum-
) > ' lnnti , NtrJt Ilritdarhr.Uihl CMIIi ,
I-'limlitngnnf llrnt , TMtnirtu of Kplr * t
it * , nnil AH ffrrvou * Affcrttont.
Tocura thi'se complaints we mutt re
< the came. Th pnnclpil canio if ( tenirillr <
to lie found la tlni tnmiicliiind llverl > < u
[ Ihetr lien orjuii rlaH ami all utll lit urll , from J
! ' twii ta four 1'ilU mice a diy for a uliott lira * 5
. will ri'inofo Hit eill , and restore tlio luffcrer
i to < > unl nd laitlng liesltb.
| Of all ilrUFfglftUi. Price 25 cents a box ,
dew VnrU Djpot , 305 Oannl rU.
Monday ani Tuesday livening.
Oiinlw Opera Fdival Co.
. . . .IN. . . .
" "
I'rlco nf Tloituts ; Klrst Hour. tL50 ; ba
cony , tl.OJ , TSc ; i.illory. 5jc.
Tliealer ,
The Hit of the Season.
( All Minuter )
Mutinous Wednesday and Saturday.
Klrcllan relurnt Mill tiaruail from IbusUgo Tuoi
liar uvenlnu , Novvaitxir 0 , fltctluii night.
AI-I , TIUJviirc :
AMI Tilt :
Mascot Specialty Company.
KO JlllJllEH
An Indian Trritlor Tolls His
Story of Kicjftipoo Indian
Sag.wa. .
Cured of n Distressing Stomach
Trouble by Klcknpoo Sngwn-
Flrst learned or the Medicine
through a Soulx Indian.
Hero l another Mnrrimm thn frontier of
the wonderful curative properties of the
Klcknpon Indian Itcmrdlo * , nnd proof of
their nigh regard iunoft the frontiersmen
and Indians.
G.S. Acvr , Inninn Tinder
The following lotlor from (5. S. Asay , th
Indian tinder and inlcipreturnf HiiMivlllo ,
Nobra kii , gives positive ptoof of thn cum-
tlvo , tonic , anil ulnod pmlfyltm qualities of
Klnkitmm Itllllflll SnifWIt.
Ilt'MIVII.l.K , XKItltASKV , .Illno .t.
Sdinotlmo n utter inffot Ingeveiely with
stomiieh tiouhle , nnd dynpi-pMii whlcli hud
been gicatly aggravated by thu ulkull water
of tlio wi'ttoru country , and when I had
rcnehril that Mage where 1 conlil fi-t'iiucntly
hold nothing on my btomuoh , und would
oven Ihtovv up water ns anon us drank , I
learned fiom a Sioux Indian who had been
on n vlilt to the Klckupoo ttlbe of a wonder
ful remedy called "Sugwii. " I got him to
procure some for mo. The effect wns ic-
inutknhlc. I tried to get moie from the
InclliiM , hut ho would not li-tinu Iiavoniote of
his. Ho priced It so much lie would not give
It up. 1 thru learned that lli'iily A Hlgelow ,
of Now llnven , ( Jonn. , had nn ai-rnngemcnt
with the Klckiipon tribe , and was putting
their romedlcs on the market. 1 "out und Kot
a liotllu und found It lo lie tinumo as thnt I
had procured ftom the hlonx Indlnn. I got
inoio , and utter the ti'o of a few bottleI
wns not only rolle\ed hut cutiiely cured , und
hare stai/eil ctitcd trcr flnre.
I cnn' cut mi } thing MCI brforo me. Knit
Itnron , which u od to have a mostdlstrc-"ilng
effect , I cnn now cat nnd relUh llko nn
Indlnn. I Imvu also used the Klcknpno
Indlnn Salvo for my lior ci , when lliey.hnvo
heen pHlsovetolv on burbcd wlic fence * , und
It heals them right up.
I cimnot ipcnk ton highly of the Kleknoo )
remedies. I keen them nil In my titiding
pott , and uhecifnlly iccommeiid It to uny-
G. S. ASAY ,
Indlnn Trader nnd Inteiprctcr
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
Iff D p KT T Kfn'l ' three 2-c. Mamjn to pay post-
* I lk BUD , anil trill mull jnu Tree a
thrllllnir anil IntensFljr Interritlnit bonk of 1"H
irneo , until toil "UKK A > D SDKMCS AJIOMJ
TIIK KIUKAIMIO 1.MHA.1H. " Tclln Ml about
the Indlnnt. AildreM , IIKJ V A HKIKl.OW , nil
Urand Aienue , Neir lUtcn , Conn.
Cost Less Money.
1520 Farnam St. , Cor. 16th.
Lady Olorltj In attendance.
Ilrlng this ad. to got special prices.
Sealed propoi ils will bn received hv the nn-
derslKiioil until li.10 o'clock p. in. , November
S18 ' . ' , for vltrltlcd brick , iiccorilliii ; to 3Cl-
lleiitlom on Hie In the ollko of the Hoard
ot 1'iibllo Works ,
IVir paving parts of the following streets (
and ntlcyj In the cltv of Umuli'i , comprised lln
H ii'Ct iiiiiirovoiiiont ( ll.lrluts Nns. 4Mi. 137 , 45i. !
4"0 and 491. ( inluteil Improved y ordinances
Nos. : i..i7. aitic , 'c. " . ) . ! , : r.H nl : )0o ) rcspoc-tivoly
nnil moru purt.euluriy described us follows ,
No. iso Center street from lOtli street ; lo
No. 187 Alloy In block 5" , city , from 17th
street to MUi streel.
jjo 4i3Alley tn block 110 , city , from ITth
street to IStli street.
No. 4jo :7th : striiot from Jackson street to
I.oavenworlli htront.
No. I'll ' Alley in block llHtf from 16th street
to 17th street.
In the city ot Omnha.
K i h bid to specify n price per sqnnrn yard
for the paving complete on oncli Htreot und
ulley separately In suld Improvcmeut ills-
Work to bo done In accordance with plans
ami HPCC Hoalloiis on ( lie In the ofllcu of the
lloiirdof 1'iihllo Worku.
Kuch proposal to bu mailo on printed hi i nits
furnished by thJ board , und 10 ho Hceomp.m-
led by a cor Hied cheek In tlio sum of
ub.n 10 the elly of Om ihu , na tin uvidonue 1 of :
good faith. ' ' "
The hoard roinrvos the right to award thor
contract on all the b.ilcl districts togotlii > r oren
on'ly , sulijcct to llm i so-
lecllonof thn inulorlul hy the property own-
eis or the mayor and city council , to reject
any orull bid ! , , umi r - - -
( . 'hull-mill of the lln.inl . of I'ublie Works ,
Omaha. Neb. , iSovcmVur , ! ) ! ts.1C
N S 0 I. 1C
Von are lirrohv notlltell that the bunks of
nan li now milling on uji luti li , I.I and Jlof
loMIU.ipltol iiilililloii.uil'f tot-i IB and . 'JICoyu'H
hiibdivlsiim of lot U UjUlol | nddlllon , In the
elly nf Umaha havu lu-on , declared by ordln-
uncii No. ; itl. . to ho a iiiilmnt'O.
Von tire heieby dlrinjiei ) to abate Hald niii-
sancu by i-udlng down , Iho front | mrt nf silil
hiih loU , DO IIH to prevent1 the w.iHtlng. railing
or wuuliing of oarlli thi-fufroin upon the adja-
rnnt Nldowulk wllhln thirty dnys from Iho
.Kth d ty Uctober , 1H/J. oj-tlilil nnlsanco will ho
ub.itod by thu city juithorltlej nnd the expense -
pense thereof levioif as u NP3olal t ix n nlnnt
ho iiroporty nn which uulil niilsaiico nxlsu
Chairman IIosriTof 1'iiblle Works
ni-4-5-7-H :
Ninlcc ,
Impounded November S. ono sray horse ,
about li ) VOIIH old. If not iclcomed , b-ild
horse vrlll be hold at pnblle unetlon Nuvembur
12 at lUo'olock a. m. , ut 2-'d ami Irfjuveii worth
btreots. JUH.N SI'OKUI , , ronnilm iHtor.
; . * >
' 1 , o8
fy tliw tlooJ. urubAfe wl ftfiTA" '
like lK > rt inixili Jiiti kjii > o lor LiUou > I
new , roiutliuitlvii , ilj l < p . icuji
bn Atli. Luulut hu , liOtti tliui 11. load tf *
_ , OI > | H lltu. u.rtiUI ili.nwlciu. ; | < ilntul *
f f direction , iiliuplci , patluw c < iiiii lt-i- *
' lonaiidcTenSl ' 0 irfwuUUiBfromJ
.re Moodor n rulluru l > j the utomkcti , ll cr ut la- A
- - - -
- -
imclloujL rcrxjuk *
irlr 2
> eel
Proclamation and notice of submlMlon lo thn
clrctow nnd lotfnl votON of the citr of
Omnhnof th nuo tlon of Issuing bonds of
thuclty of Umnhnliithnninouiitot ono hun
dred thoiuand tlnllnwtIM.OW ) topay fur the
conitrucllnn und innlntcnanco of sewers in
the city of Omahn. . .
, .
To the elector * nnd locnl votoM of the city of
I. ( loor'uo I1. Ileml . mayor of the > cllv of
Omnlin , dolsiiio this , my prnelnmatlon , and
liy the authority vnstod in mo iissuh mayor ,
do hereby Rive publla notice 13 the oloctoM
and lc < nl voters of the city nf Onuili-i. thai n
ponrral elpctlnn will bo hrld In.ild pity on
TiiMdnr the PUhtli day of Novomlier. 1 < HB , for
the purpose of suumlUInt : to said olPClors and
leffal votcM the question anil proposition foi-
0"sh it bomlsof the oily of Omaha in the
> n in of onn htindrcd thonoand dnllnM
( JIOO.WO ) bo Imiiod for the construction and
maintenance nf sewers , to run not morn than
twenty (20)yonrto ( ) draw intoroM. not lo ex
ceed live percent per annum , with Interest
coiititi ) ) iinnoxpil thereto , ami not to be sold
for li'M than p.-ir. the procoodi from the sale
thereof to bn oxpcntleil for the comruction !
and < iialiitoiiMiiei ) of o rrs In Hie city of
Umnhn , iind Ilio pruocoiU thereof not lo Itn ul-
verloil f rum the olijoi'tt ihoreln speellleil. "
Thusii'il ' niicfltloii and propdslt'dti shall be
suhinltted to s ild oloi'tots ent re In the prop"
form prnvUlml liv law for oIllelM liallots witlj
tlie words "YKS. " "NO , " prlnteil thereijn. All
of said Imllnti liavlnc nn "X" inarli fnllowlnr
the word "VK9" shall hncountvd In favor of
ls < mln said tmnils , ami all ot ttnld linllolj
Imvlni ; an "X. " mark follow Inn the word
"NO" shall be counted nnil considered n.3
a7nln-ttlol ! inlniof n.ild b.mds. .
Tlie polUshall boouonon tiiu day of salil
olootlon nt ekhUo'clock In the miiriiliitf nnil
oliiill cuntIIIUP open until sit o'cloek In the
evonlnitdf the same day nt the respective
voting places , as follows :
lit DK'rlct-S i ; corner 7th and Maref
. 'ml District N W corner 3th and I.e.ivon-
.vorth stieuls.
.nil District N 13 cornsr 12th nnd Jones
4ih llstrlot-9 R corner 13th ina Drst alloy
south of Pierce street.
fitli Dl lrlcl North side ot PaelBo street between -
twoen Clli nnil 7lh streets.
Ctli Dlstrlot--i-iit : sMo ot flth straetuoar
smith of ) I'nclflo troct ,
7th I ) strict rf R I'urnorof Park Wild
and \\llllani \ streot. avenue
sin DMrlct-H W corner lOlh and Hickory
nth Dlstrct-S ! V corner Cth and Center
tub District NV corner Oth und llnnoroft
nth District N E corner 13th und Vlnton
1st DUtrlct-N W cornur Uth and Jonoi
Slid DIslriet-N W corner 13th and
si roots.
Jrd District 3 W corner 18th nnd Liiavon-
worth streets.
4th District S W corner 2)th and Loavou-
uorth streets.
1th D strict S n corner 23d and Leaven-
worth streets
ilth DNtr.ct-n.iRt side of South 20th street ,
opjinsitu I'opptuton nre.
"th District S 13 corner 10th ami IMorco
Mh DIstrlet-S 12 corner Uth and William
Uth District N E corner Sixteenth and Cen
ter streoiM.
litli District N W corner 3th and Doroas
street * .
Illh District S n corner 20th and llancroft
r.'th DIstrlot-N E corner ISth and Vlnton
t reels.
Ulh Dlstrli't-3 W corner 13tU nnd Valley
llth District NEcorner20tli and Boulevard
Tiintn wAtin.
1st District-Si W corner 12th nnd Chicago
2d District N W corner Uth und Davenport
3d District South side of Capitol nvenuo
near ( west of ) Kith MreoU
4th District West sldo of 12th street , be
tween Douglas nnd Dodge streets.
5th Dlslrlcl N U corner luth and Capitol
flth Dlstrlot N E corner Oth und Harnoj
Tth District 3 E corner llth and Duuglas
Mh Dlatrtcl N E corner 13th and Jackson
Uth District B E corner 10th and Howard
streets ,
roniiin WAUD.
1st Dlstrlot N W corner 17th and Davenport
stronts ,
2nd District N W corner 2.2nd and Davenport
Did Dlstrlot N W corner 25th and Dodge
su toots.
4th District N E corner 17th nnd Dodge
Mil Dlstrlot N E oorncr IHh and Ilarnoy
bill District N W corner 20lh and Douglas
7lh ' District N" W corner 2Gth street and St.
tlarv's iivenuo.
6th ' District S W corner 20th street and St.
Mary's iivomie.
Olh Distiiot EiiHtsldoot South 19th street ,
between Ilarnoy street mid St. Mary's avenue.
10th District N W'tornnr ISth and Le.iveu-
worth htreots.
Hth District S W corner 17th street and St.
M.-.ry's avenue.
vmn WARD.
1st District Gust si loot Shormun avenue
opposite Mnnderson straot.
- . ' ( ! District S Ll corner Sherman avenue
and Wlrt .street.
Ilrd District SV corner Shnrman avenue
und Lauostroot.
4th District N W corner Sherman avenue
und Gruce stieot.
5th DlHtrlot S W corner 17th and Charles
Uth District Knit sldo of Sherman avenue
about.'IIJ feet north of Nlcholnu street.
7lh District H K corner lUth and Izurd
8th Dlstrlot N W corner 10th nnd Hurl
Oth District N E corner 15th and Oas *
10th District Kast sldo North 17th straat be *
tween California and UASS streets ,
llth Distrlct-H E corner 18tb and Oass
lit District S E corner 24th street and Ames
uveiiuo ,
2nd Dlstrlot S W corner COth street and
Grand uveniiu.
Ilrd Dlstrlot N E corner 45th and Grant
4th Dlslrlot S W corner 2llh and Manderson
fith Dlstrlot SI3 corner 2Uh nnd Wlrt atreets.
Otli District H W corner IKJrd and 1'arf.or
7th District N W corner V4th aid Corby
bth lilstrlct N H corner 27th and Bnrdetto
Uth District N 12 corner 2.'nd nnd Grant
luih DIslrlct N W corner 23th and Kranklln
Illh District S W corner 24th and l > unklln
' fiU DIstriot-S W corner S.'nd und Cl.irU
streuU ,
It Dlstrlct-S W corner Wth and Mason
2nd District N R corner 2Hh ! aveuue und
I'opnloum iivenuo ,
: < rd Dlstrlut H W corner t'Oth slreot and
Wonlworth avenue.
4th District NV corner CUUi street and
Arlior uttmit ,
Ath Dial riot South side of Vlnton street
noiir ( nuVtif ) south ! Cil ! uveniiu.
Cth Dlslrlot S U corner Iltlth avenue ana
Poppleton iivunuii.
7tn Dlalrlct N \ \ corner aith und Franc ! *
EinilTlI WAItP.
1st District Knst slilo of 2Gth atrnot near
( Fiiith ofiClinrlea street.
2nd District Wo t side ot - ! < 1 street near
( south ot ) I'.iul street.
; irl Distrlut N W cornur 20th and Nicholas
4th ll'utrlol N H corner 20lh mid Onininz
5th DIatrlcl Wrttsldoof North 2.Hh street
near iruirth o'J ( Juinliu troot.
Bth District K i ; i-ornorU'-'il iinil Hurt streets.
7th Dittlrlut yV corner VUth and Uusi
1st District y W corner if.'d and Oumlnz
.M Dlittrlut NV corner lOtli nnd Oumhix
; nl Dlstrlot N K corner 10th und rurnatn
4tli Dlstrlot North slao of Davenport stieet
neir ( wo.t of ) North : d uvonuu.
Alii dlslrlot b K corner UUt avenue and
Doduo blreol.
Cth District S W corner Win avunuo an' '
In witness whereof I have hereunto not mv
hand as mayor , of sivld oily of Omaha this
: iyor.
Attest : JOHN UHOVUS. City ulerk.
National Bank ,
Cnnilul $40U,05J
Surjilus $05,01)11 )
onceri anilDlri'clon HonrjrV , V itai ,
II. ( . iu.blriK : , tlco uriulJoal , I ) , ri. Maurloa ; IV , V
.Morio.Jobal , Colliui J. N. IL lUtrlak. 1.011 A
ItcnJ , eaililor ,
We have purchased
at private sale for spot cash from
Steinhart , Heidelberg & Co , ,
753-755 Broadway , New York ,
Who are going out of business ,
their choice line of
Cassimerc , all wool , diagonal fall
overcoats , blue and black ,
Fine overcoats in meltons , kerseys ,
diagonals , cheviots ,
Elegant fall overcoats in all fabrics ,
including vicuna and homespuns ,
All silk-lined homespun fall over
coats , also cheviots and vicunas ,
Winter overcoats in chinchilla ,
beaver , kersey , meltonfur beaver ,
rough wool , montagnac , $10.00
Ulsters , in domestic and Irish freize ,
at the unprecedented price of $6.50 |
Scotch cheviot , chinchilla and beaver ( jj O A A
ulsters go now at jpO.ww
Fine fur beaver , Shetland and elegant
made ulsters at $9.00
These coats sell on sight , and we don't have
to tell you their value , for you will see the
bargain in them at first glance.
Corner 13th and Farnam.
Thoonlr I3 ? llr irtlii 3l Cldnois phydotii
iKlit years * Btudr Tea jeirs pricticit oicpar' .
ucuvrlthall Knn rn OUouui , Traati mico'JSJfullr
allohroaloc.-uoiitlTCn up br othar rtuotori Oill
end Buoldinortrlto for quoitlon Ijlunlc. Da not
tlilnkyouro.-no hoi lei boa | U5) ilaetortilli
youso. buttrr llm Oldnuse < loutor wltli his 119 * nn 1
wonderfulrn'tioitlei. and roc.ilVJ now bsiodttuuJ t
periuBiinntoiiro-iTlinlottiisr dootnri cinnot n\n. \
Herbs. Hoots ami IManti nnturd'i rooiudloj hli
uieitlclnes. TUts world 111 * nlttiosi. Ono tbouiaa.1
tcitlmonliili liithrou yoiri' pructlca. Nu Injurloui
decoctions , no narcollo ) , no poltaa. UMIunu
treatment anil pcrronncat euro.
ng csie > sueosstfullr trdit t mil curst
von up br otlior doctor' :
Tlioe. CoiiKlilln. 4IU llarnor itreot , ohronlorhou.
mrtlsmUjroam. kldnBy nnd llror tnribloi.
Thoa. L'ulvort , 12th nnl b'nrnirn strouti. Ken3ril
dcbllltf.lnJIuiJitloii , los ( of atrunrtti mil vltillt/ .
Took inodlclnu for but not nu roller ,
Jl. It. AnJjriun. 1IJI iluiulnt ntriat , flitxrfi
nStliniH aU bronchitis uf Hftajn y , utilli'lliu.
MRS for nnlo tlie following prcparal roiimJIoi at
fl.UOnbottlo. six botlloj rorfjlW , for tbi euro of
Astlira * . tintirrh , silofc llBiiltolio , Inll onloa
lllooiirolionlns , Ulianmttlmi , rooiiln U'oUnon.
Kidney nud IIvor Uum | > l.ilnt. No aK'OnU.
onlr by Cblnoao Mudlclno Uo , Cnpltal , JIUJ.JJ ) .
Office , IClh anJCiifjrJi ! SU Ojii'n , Neb
To nil on ners of luls or parts of jots on Shirley
street , from * > th street to 2.1th avenue.
You nre licrobv nnlilloil that tlio under-
slaned IhrcoiilHlnteresloo : freeholders of the
elly of Omaha Imvu been duly nnpoliitod by
the mayor w Hi the uppioviil of Ihu city coun
cil of h.ild city to assess the diiinigonf th
owners respn'jllvoly of tlio nropcity nriected
> v thoohniiKoof Kradoof
pfared necessarv hvoriliniuu'O No. IllUl , P sied
Inly SB , Ihl)2 ) , iipprovoil July 28. ib'X' .
You are further nutllled thnt linvlnzno'
copiednuld nppulntinoiitiind duly ( | iialltiodas
rciiultod hy law. wo will on the lllliilny of iNo-
vcinber. Ih-r. ' , nt the hour of ! , > o'cloek n the
murnliiJ ! at tlio olllro ot ( tlinrlcs 1' , Il3njiiinln ,
l.'i U DoilKC streel , within thn corporate limits
of said city , meet for thu uurposoof tonsliler-
IIIK and makliu iiHsu-Hiiionlof UiunnKO lo the
OWIIOM rchpuctlvoly of said proerly | ) nlTocteil
Ijv said t-1.-ulIns. tnuln/ Into consldnnitlon
bfiuclal htnollu If anv. You uro hereby noilI
lied to ho present at the tlinn nnd plncn nfore-
salil and nuiko any objeullon to or btiitninonts
conconiiiiir said > mciilof d linages usyou
may consider piopnr.
JAMKrf sTOl'KDAI.i ' : .
Coniiiilllee of Appr-'iNors.
Omnha , Nob. , Nov. I , IK)1. ) N.'dlUt
IGlh and Howard Streets , for Pall.-nli. OMAHA ) HEB ,
I > 'or the trcalmc-nt of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
PIles , Fistula , rissuro nnd Strlc-
turool'thtt ICtu'dun pcrininoiit : >
ly cured without , the use uf Knife ,
l.iguturc or Cnustic.
Enclo5i < i\ In stumps nnd our 107 papo HOOK
on DISKAHI'.H nnd ( .nic.stlon Illuiik ! . ,
lll liu MA11J.D I'ltUK.
10th and Howard Sis. , Omalia , IfeU
W.O. UAXWKI.L. M. U , , 1'ri-n. a.iit. in. > '
Anordln.iiicecrcitln : ; the sewer district No.
17i ; , tloflnlni ; Us limits , size of sewers mm Ions. and dlrojtlni ; the board of puhllu
nniks to take the nocuvt iry stops to oaiisu
Hie constiiictton ot thu sewer In said dis
lie It ordained by the city council of the city
nf Onmlia.
S-eutlmi 1. Thai tlio sewer district No. 1711 bo
and ilioMimu hereby U created In the city of
Omiihn ,
Section S. That Urn sewer district No. 17.1
shall eomprlso tlio following lots und tracts of
real cslute : All of blocks HI und 113. clty.nnd
lots fs il. 7 and 8 In block III ) , cltv.
Section ! ! That the snwor district No. 17.1
nhall bo foiiitructcd i.s follows : Ho lnnliiK
ut the miuilio.u on tint east line of Iblh Btreec
with un eUivntion of 115 foul , ulxiro the city
ilalnm : thence west with u 10 Inch pipe cotter
to a mi.nholn located In ihu center of I'Jtli
Glrcct and two foot north nf thoeentor line ( if
luo alloy l ) tn eon tnrnnm and DoiiRliiB , said
manliolu to Imvo nn elevation of 121 feelnhovo
thu city datum : thence west with uuHlnch
plposuworto u llnsh tank looalcd - , ' - feet cast
ot the cast line ofOld ntrcot and two feet
north of the center line of Hie alloy between
Ii'arnum and Dont'I" streets with an eleva
tion of I'M feet nLovo ilio city datum.
Also beKlnnlng nt the iniinliolo located In
the contorof IBlli s'root , with un iilovnllon ot
124 fuot above the elty dutiini. thence north
along the center line of lIHh street with u 13
Inch pipe eoner to it munholo located In tha
centerot < street wllli an ulevutlon of
] L'S feet above the city datnui , thence weal
alone the center line nf Doughis street with
in H ( null pipe xiiwur to a Mush tank located ? J
feet nabt of the east Hue of "Uth street ulth un
elevation of I.J3 feet above the city datum.
All the aforesaid elevation1) to bout the How
lines of said Bowers at thu points naniod.
The ullunmciit and crudes of said MUWOTS to
buHtralcht lines liuiwomi nriiiholeH and other
points siioellled , us fur uc practicable , und ue-
corillnx ti > plans nnd HpcullloulUms tiled with
Iho Loiinlof unblie workH.
Hlx Inch juncllon plcccrt hhnll ho plucod In
Mild sewer iivery" . feet , or audlrocled In wrlt-
luuliy the rlty engineer ,
hewer Inlets hliali lie coiiHtrnctcd Inn ild
sewer illslrlcl at such points IIH the elly en
gineer may direct.
Ho. tioiU. the board of public works li
livinby InMi in-led lotnku Die u-y htoni
tncauso theconstinctlon of the aewer In said
district ,
t-eutlonfi. Tliutsuch p-irtaof orill nances No ,
481 nnil MID , mill of nil other ordinances thai
conllict with the provision * of ibis ordinance ,
bound t lin HIIIIIO mo hcnihy riipualcU.
Section IS. Tlmt lliis iirdlnitnco Hhall take
olTocl and bo In force from und utter the dut *
of Hi
Oily Olorlc.
Ii I' . DAVIH.
I'roslduntUlty Uouncll
Approved Oolobor SUI-jm ,
Pi „ , „ , „ ,
. bnd of America. In tlio Illack Illlln , 3,100 fco-
nbuTo tlio nunA vrUw , liraclHK ntinoniihore ,
I Ixiviilr nenvrf. 'lliunn Mnrni uiuillclual water *
I havociircil tlion undi uf | jitlonln , KJnott plnnira
lutll In Iliotf h. Tli r.v.niri , hilllt uf pink uinl.
ntoiii' , iicciiiniiilatiM JVI iiooplui Mrlolly lint flam :
niien llruiilniTi.muiini hint , uluctrtu lluht" , richly
luriiiHliuil , UMO wliluTiiriiilalii. tiulu 11 ipaolnltr.
Hiininiluinnt , nillU ivlntiiri , Ili'iluc-nil mto lijr till )
Mi'c.'k nr inunlli. TlingiKli Irallli from Chluasu.
U , a. MAItllKN , Thu liv.lllrt , llolrilirliiXJ , Dukutu.
III the treatment of ull forms of
nnil all WuiKnota and DHordurof ,
jKi with lei of couniKo. ambition.
iluinl vltilliy. KiKhtuim yours ut
tn(1 iiou ruinnrkaljlo Hiicnasi In
tlio do ilinont of tins ulimKot dlseiuun. wlilph
Is provuu by thu iiinvernal tustlmony of Hum-
mills who have boon cuiuil. Wrltn for olrou-
l r uud ijueitlou llaU lltu mill
bU , ( Oiiiuiiii , Nob.