_ tl'JIB OMAHA BEE COUNC'Il. HLUI't'S fclflJCi : - NO. 12 PEA UL STREET olIvpfR I y carrier lo nuv part of th ? city \\.T1I.TON. . MANAOKa 0 1 M 1-imciM-i.J 1 HiiVnMH Office j j > | plt | ; , ] | | . Y. I'liitnlilnp ( o. I'M r.rll 1'luffs Lumber Co. . A marrla ( o llcenso V.M Issued ynstcrdny to Albert I'lino and LcnuHief , both of Pot- tnwattatnlo county , Thomas Johnson of NcoU won in the city j-ostcrdav and took out his nntiir-ilbatlon papers preparatory to rnstinir his llrit vote for Hcnjnmln Ifiiirlion today. The Infant sou of Mr. nnd Mr < . Joseph \VVMJ died yesterday irornniB and \vi\s buried in thn afternoon from the mmilv resl- Uenco on Thnty-sccond street und Ihird nvcnuu. . ) . H. Tan Patten returned vosterdny from Calif jrnln. wlicro ho bin hcci : for the Inn two months , ami bronchi hU bride back \\Hli him. Mr. and Mrs. Van P.itten Will u-alio their homo in Coiiin-II HlulTs. Ucv. 'J' . Thlcbstun went \Vcston yesterday to ut'cml the funcinl of .1. O. tjiuinrd | | , who dlca thcto lut ; Hatunlny of ilropiv of tl.o heart , iiRcdid ycar . The dc- irated win well known in Council IJIuITi. No court was held yesterday In district court , cvorv onti bolnu too busy or too much Interested in lolUlct t liny nr attention to such trivial matters ns foi reinsures and such. No court will i . held toilav , but on Wednesday the pind win commence onro tnoro. tnoro.Vorlt \Vorlt on tlio par ona'o ) of the Herman Lutheran chinch Is prourosiini ! rnplill > . A fitcd shuro of Ihu work Is boinj ; done by the inemhors of Iho church nnd coimrscatloc , n tiumbor of whom expect to meet this cvenlnt : for the I'lirnoso of iloinc Iho lathlntr Any linlp Hint can bo furnished will ho hlghlx nn- precluttd. Some ono oxldcnlly'lins a prudco ncr.iirst , the canine population of Fourth street. Dan Uanlpi ? ntid T. A. Kn-Kland nro nmnnp the e Who imvc lost iloitH by polsonlne within the lust few r.uja , r.i.d tjnnnnv Mr. Cnrri i * found n douf bcloiiKlnc to some ununown p.uty Just In the net of expiring in hi * front jrnrd. ICeyscrVolli * barber shop , on Petal itrcot nuar the corner of Kifth avrnuc , was entered bv ImrRlnrs Sunday nlnht. The thieves cnicicd by unloiikliiK 'ho frontdoor , whMi was found bttiudlni ; open in Iho morn- linr. l''our boxes of clpnrs were nil that was missing , i'ho bo.scs cnntnliilni ; the cigars were not stamped , so that there l < n possi bility of their DciiiR iccovered In case Iho burglars try to sell them. Julia Powers died Sund.iv afternoon In tJarnor township of consumption at the ngo of 17 vcars She wns n prailuato of the listers' tchool of this city and had been teaching fifhool cast of thn city for two years untlfn few months no , when her Blrknoss compelled her to RVC ! up the woiv. The funeral will tnlo phco this mornini'nt JO o'clock ' from St. Francis Vavlcr's Catholic rhurch and the remains will bo taken to the Catholic cemetery for intoitncnt A Klckapon Indian xvas Jjoforo .lustlco Sweat iiiKcn vestcrduv morninc for a trial on the chnrso ot drunkenness. His knowledge of the Knullsl. laiif'iini.'Q was Imnerfoct , mid xvlien the J-ul e asked him if ho had been drunk ho looked m > sillied. Ore of Iho ofll- clalt helped him out uv pronouncing the wont "lire ualcr , ' ' nnd tiltlnc nn imncinnrv boltlo up lo liU mouth , whoioupon uoor Lo's face llchtod up , : u > d ho was sent up for ten dnvs to work on the chiiiii Dross Roods ; bco our line ; eel our nrlcoa. Wo hhow llio nobbiosl fjoods at a bid saving , holnjr cash buyers and cash pollorfa. Boston .Sloro. The A. I ) . T. Co. hus milled two now hnulCB to its foiro and will answur calls nt : ill hours , day or night. Telephone , 170 ; olllco , 8 Main street. Ask to sco our gents jrro.v underwear ntSoe , mnrlicd down from Me ; a hum mer. Boston Store. Caps of all filylcs , oaps of all prices , caps for boyb and girls. Boston Store. Cot a good dinner in the Kisomnn building today. Supper at G0. : ! ! Dos Molnos castile so.i | > 3 cakes for lOo. Roslon Store. l'fSO..lI'.llt.Klll ll'IIH. John J. Hughes has rotuinod from Atchi- BOII , ICnn. Ir8. Simon Elscman leaves today for isor homo in Suit Lalco City after VHI'.IIIR sev eral weeds with Irlends in this city. Gcorpo H. Ulcbmond ha' returned from Wisconfiin , where ho tins been for Eoverul months jisst , and will remhiu in the cliv until after election. Mis. T. O. Illinois loft ycslnrdav for Amos to attend the ( * ominincpii"ni | of iho Iowa Agricultural collcgo. ono of the pradil- ntcs beniK her son , H T. Gilhort. A grand rally w.is advertised for the pee ple's party \osterdny. Addresses were cote tin mndo by Jcssu li tinier , nut ho fnilod to show up. J. I ) . UdRcrton spoke in his place. ce.ho Wrapper blanknts In all styles , the great lenders tire medium brown with dnrlc brown border , medium grey with blue , medium grey with pink , and ithn variety of others. The great craze , hoer most comforliiblo mornipg wrapper ever thought of , Toe and 9I.loauh. ! ( ) Wo have i-evoral all made up. Call and eeo atylos and take a pattern. Boston Storo. If you don't want to buy hard coul you had belter fcou Bisby about those oil burners. They are adapted for use inter hot air fiirnuccs , Htcam and hot valor uoilcrs , with no co.il or ashes to handle. \Vo ahow everything in underwear for Indies , mihtiC's , gents and children , in * wool , cotton , etc. , cream white and black. Boston Storo. finoo , yards light cliuUlc , the best thing } out for romfortois , L'jo a yard. Bobton Store. The go nn I no Burr Oak sloves are sold Mily by C'hns. Swaino , 7t7 ; Broadway. Call nnd t > co them. Writing tablets 1 cent oaoh. Boston Storo. _ ( tiiri'il liy a Hull. Judpo C ! , A. Koblnson met with a serious accident Inst evening. Ho nas feeding ( n lluo Jersey bull ut his tiani in the rear ot his hoiro , on First MVCIIUO , when the animal ruehed at him and Unooktd him down. Ho wiib Imuly gored and trampled upon , and would undoubtedly hnvu been Ulllcd had not JorU Whltlalicr mid A man minimi Scoti. \\hohappoiieillabo passing by , heard Ills cries nnd helped him. A physician was called , and Mr. Knlilnsnn was found to oo badly Injured. Iln will Do ror.llued to hit linuso for sotiio UIUP , ana there u a posslbil- ulllty that his li-Jniics may provo very sorioui. Hiituleomo now ingrain carpets arriv ing daily ' nt the Council Ululld Carpet company's. Trices of carpets are going up daily , hut the old prices will remain I in force this v.'oek. I Gloves in kid , gloves in wool , gloves In cashmere , gloves in leather , knit I gloves , in fnet all kinds of gloves and mitten s at our uauiil low prices. Uoston * Store < ii cokes of COIISUB boap , nnolegantlaun- dry BOHP , i. . do by Colgate ite Co. . for ' lOo. Uoflton Storo. ' Oontloinon , the llnostilno of tall goods I In the city , jiiat recuivod , Ueltor , the j tailor , 810 Broadway. Ask to bco our gents' grov at SUe , sold eUuwbcru for 600. Botlou Store. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Great Intcrsst Manifested in tlio Working of the KingAroo Ballot. WILL VOTERS MARK IT CORRECTLY ( it I'rcparliiB tlin ll.illol Acnln i ; - liliiliii'il-sonifl netting nn i InItoult \Vlicn iviil U'lU'ro to Vote llio Consldcrablo Interest is nddod to what would , even under ordinary circumstance * , bo a very Intcrcjtlng election , by the fact that the Australian ballot law has Its llrst trial In Iowa today. It looXi like n comparaovei | lively easy ihlng lo mark tip n ballot , but there U nevertheless considerable un easiness felt ut the headquarters of both parties for fear that \otcs maybe bo lost by the carelessness or Icnoranco ot the voters , nnd lo prevent anything of thU Unit mon have been nt the headquarters for several days past explaining the mysteries of the Ihlng. To avoid any mlslaku It Is only necessary to put n cross In the clrclu opposite Iho word "republican" ' In the upper p.irt of the tlcttct , when ibo vote will bo countoJ for every ono of the candidates nominated by thut parly. if. however , any one etiooio * not to vote fern n particular camlldiito of his party ho can show his Intonllon by putting a cro s in the circle and nnothur c m opposite the nauio of tne candidate in the other party for whom ho wishes to voto. I.i voting for constahlea or jjsiicOHof the paste coinldcriblo c.iro will have lo bo pxcrolsdd In crossing Ihroo names , In c.iso Ihu straight ticket Is not voted , us otherwise the voter will lo o u part of his rote. It is pioujlilo that a great manv votes lll bo throwi out toany on account of a inKiindcrstnmllnz as to Just whit Is lo bo done , and un-nl care should bo tnKcn. I'.tr.nlliiK I'roh 1 1)11 Kin. Yesterday a desparato effort was made by the ofllciol oraiin of the dcmocrnUc party in Council IJIuffi to dratr out the protilultioti i > Uuk'ton ' o as scare wciib-kncod reputillunns into voting tt.o democratic ticket. Circulars wcio distributed nil ever the cltv , quoting country preachers from tbo Interior of i'ho stale who hud Riven expressions In their sermons to tno sentiment that prohibition was a mlshty treed thing , and CJlllng upon all voters to knock out , prohibition by voting for Cleveland and the rest ol the democrats. The almost universal opinion , c\en among thinning democrats , Is thut such u move was needless in n campaign \\here prohibition cul" nol Iho sllghl' st figure , and the repub licans do not exncct that the circulars will cost them a silicic veto. Uolling in amounts all the way from S10 up to f 100 was lively. At ono retort f 1,300 was put 'ip yestcrdav. The bets were moUly on New York and Iiidlnnn , und n man who wanted to bet that either pnrty would carry both of those slnlcs und no trouble in find ing iulcor.4. Frank Trimblo hot f 3 that Judge Macy , the republican candidate for dUtrlct judge , would not buat Fremont llcu- jimln , the democratic candidate , by a mn- Jnrity of over ' 'V ) . F. H Bvans lee , < Mr. Trimblo e.iccrlv. 11. F. Wndsworth otlerod n bet $ JjJ to $12'i that Cleveland would carnr New York , hut when his offer nccmted by .1. B. Cireenshlclds hu bu-keo down. A treat delicacy has boon m .initiated by thu democrats about ptvmg any odds on Now "Vcrlt. .U'hmi iiml Wliern to Vote. The polls open at 0 o'clock , und the In- cicased number of registered voters indi cates that a much larger vote will be polled today tbau usual. The law slipulalcs lhat two hours shall bo allowed each vvoriiln man In which to vote , without any corr.Tpondinsr reduction in u.iy , no hindrance can bo made by omplovois. Owing to the largo vote and the inexperi ence of the Judges In counting the ballots accord.ng to thu now system , it is probable that no ofllcial returns will bo available lu this state before tomorrow. The following are the voting places in the various prccmcta : J'MISr WAltl ) . First precinct , fl'21 Hist Broadway ; Sacoad product , I''J Kr.st Broadwiiy. " KfON'D WAItl ) . First procinet , 333 West Broadway ; SBC- oud precinct , MO West Broadway. TIIIHI ) WAUII. First prcclnot , J3 South Main street ; Second end precinct , b'2:5 : South Main street. lonirit w\iiit. First proclnct , 'JJS South Mnln street : Second end precinct , corner Main stroat and Eighth avcnuo , Iho old tire houao. ni rn ; \ MID. First precinct , liii ) : Yv'cst Hroadway ; Second end urccinci , West end 1'lantors , ' hotel. MXTIl H Utll. First prcelnol , 2M : ! ) U'ost Broadway ; ! 5ec- end precinct , Cul-OIT , Locust street. Kiiuo township , outside of city : Orcon's rcsideni'O , near school house. III hull of the The reglslraliou In oil Iho wards for tu- day's olcctlon footed up as follows in the various wards : WarJs. 1'icclnels. HcgUtratlon. first . . . ' % I'ir.t : KI LUrsl tJOLOnd ISO SH'OIHl I'll'- . ! 4'iS Hecnnd "ocuml ill ! Thlnl I'lr-t ; ! til Third Second : : . " , ' fourth I'lixt ; 17 ; fourth iMiroml , ' ! 'i."i fifth fit it ft..1 firm sofoiui : i o SIMb l't | | 417 hi Mil bccuii 1 : i'J ' Total ,1 405 The lolnl vole Inst fall was 3.-b ) * , so thnt the vote will bo nearly l.OJO greater than at tlmt tlinu. There will to no chance for replslralion today. Thooulvwav persons can vole who did not retflHter last wcoltvili bo by maUIng nn nflldavlt to the fuct thut they were out of thn cltv on previous days , or h.ul not yet taKcn out their naturalization p.ipi'M. Thn Hiirlioru Stocl ; Must ( io. The Micrillco of the Hurhorn stock of jewelry is tlio ttilk of the town , nnd Inst niyht tinothor bip crowd of bidilursV.IH prcsunt. 'L'ho small prices thnt the vnri- OUB nrticlus hrotifjlit creutc'il tlio ripi f uspl- clon that the bidders had gene Into i u conspiracy to compel low prices , but every article put up was knocked o lent somebody. Many ladies were pro&ont , and they were nctivo ' ' htiyors. 'J'liuso la Mill goods enough loft to continue the sale hovoral dins and provide holldiiv ' at llttlo cost for hundreds. Comforters In all ur.ido . Cotnfortors at Toe , Sou , * 1.0(1 ( , S-l.'Jo. $1.50 , W.OO to St.75 ; flicitpor than ono uiui inako tlioni. StOIX' . Hoautlfnl now f.incy chenille table covoi'3 , the latent now tiling of llio son- faonnt the Council Hlullrf ( Jarpot coin- ' pany'H. Our line of ladles groy nnd ocrti vests tinil pants at f > 0c ; boats the world ; tiny si/.o. Hobton .Store. Insicnd of bottliinr a hat on election wager one of those Imndsomo low-priced wino or brandy sets tit Lund Hros , hpi-clal I'ollcdiiieii Apiiolnlril , The rltv council hold u mooling last ovon- Inp and appointed iho following policemen to servo al-tho polls today , The first narao given for each prcclnot is the ouo furnished by tbo republican committed nnd the second the democratic : First ward. Firbl precinct , II. J. JluUtiu und F. Ii. Alstrlp ; Second pre cinct , J. S. Ferguson and John Farlow. Second ward , First precinct , K. ICusdalo and ( / ' . Uudb ; Second nreclnct , U Tumisea und J. I'runnell. Third ward. First pruuluct , L , . V. Williams and t'rod I.'ituo. er , ; Second nreclnct , J'aul Slobotd ana M. O'Connor. Fourth ward , Firt precinct , Utnrles IJ i > ji > and lion Adams ; Second precinct , Ford and Joseph Uarlow. Filth ward , First product , F. A. Hucliottftiid Hou Auillnj Sou- I end product , John F. Norman and Joe Ferguion. Sixth \v rO , Flrnt prccioct , A. Y. Howllncand Wise Payne ; Second precinct , I'otci .lohnion , These pollcomon nro requested - quested to moot at the city building nt 7s30 o'clock < this morning nnd qualify , so that they may commence work by S o'clock. After allowing the monthly hills nnd transacting some business of minor Im portance , the council adjourned until Mon * day evening i , November SI. 1'lro llrn.iiltr.ir unit Oorno r of llcntan Street. Our late loss by fire wns covered by two | policies , both In the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSUUANCE COMl'ANV. By o'clock the next morning nflor llio'llro the secretary was on the wh heap , pencil In hniid , roaily to lljruro the loss down to bodrocl ; , which ho did , too , Buying thnt1 It wtis Uls duty and no small part of his business ' ' So long ns ho did not go below liodrot'k wo had no reason to complain , consequently the sottlcinent was not only prompt , but in ovorv way satisfactory , " 0 niticii0 that In addition to $ ! ) ,200.0 ( ) ( seven policies ) carried by this company before the llro we now add to it MO.OuUOO. Belli ? intimately acquainted with Iho secretary nnd directors wo cannot bo persuaded that bettor indemnity can bo obtained tlinii that offered by our homo company , bolides wo believe in patron izing worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , und unless wo do wo BhalFcontltiuo to bo dependant on for eign capital and corporations. O. H. WIHKMU : , , l.\s. A. llniif.i.u. Yarns of all kinds , y.enhyrs , Saxony , Spanish , Gerintin knitting , Augorti wool , Oiurtmintown wool , etc. Full line of black and colors at our usual low prices. Boston Store. Unity fiitllil ladlcH will servo dinner and supper today , November 8 , in the F.iscman building. Tlio Radiant novelty base burner ? nro the host hoate "j in the city. Sue thorn at Swaino's. The Hostoti Stoia closes every even ing nt tl p. in. except Mondays nm ! Saturdays' . The Itlull On oil In. For the past two or thrco days Uan Car has had n paper posted up In one ot thu cigar stores offorinfj lo bet $1,000 that Clovti land will bo the next president. It scouicd n pity lo compel him lo keep $1,000 thnt hu wa to anxious to cot rid of , and P.V. . Archo accordingly devoted two or thrco hour yesterday afternoon lo circulallnu arouni niuoue the repiibllcnn business men for th purpose of KCtliiid money lo cover iho bet Ilo had no trouble In raising fl.OUO , and las evening he called at the cigar store mid ol fcrcd to take th < J bet. Uut Carrier ; hai hoard boforuhnud what was going on , nnd h manncod to pet to the cigar store and hav the card taken down Just before Mr. Archer KOI thoro. 13. A. Wlckhain had nerced lo furnish the money in casoCarrlgg wts short , but ho , too , refused tocomouptothc scralch , so the republican business men will have no ch-inco lo declare dividends upon Mr. Car- surplus just yot. Ilnrrison and lieid , rievelitnd and Stevenson oaiupaign caps for fie r t the Bobton Store. Coal and wood : best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the citv ; prompt delivery. H. A. Cox , Xo. 1 Main. See our line of writing1 paper and tub- lots. Handsome box of paper l-e. liuaton Store. Ten shares cnpltnl stock t'itl/cns State bank for sale. K. II , Slicafe. Shnndon Bolls toilet soap luu a oako. Boston Store. Hit l.oolci Old It. Arthur Wallace , n you ? man who came lolo Council Bluffs n short time ace from Little Siou\ and went to work for A. M. Ucardslcy : on upper Broadway , has the misfortune to answer the dcsctlplioa of Iho man who robbed Air. Pollock of his sparklers a 10w nights ago. The pollco of Omaha have had thmrcyes peeled for tbo thief over CO the affair took place , and when Mr. \ CO paid a visit to Omaha ho was nt once run in. Ilo was so surprised nt bis rocuution Hint : n.io could say nothing for a while , and his silence tbov took as nn Indication of his guilt. After ho had been In custody u nhort time , however - ever , he miinaeed to collect Im wits cnouuh to send to the Bluffs for some of his friends , to vouch for him. Boston store closes every evening at 0 p. in. , unless MonaayH and Saturdays' . I'Opooplo In this city U30 gu stoves The Gas Co. puts 'em in nt cost. Zephyr of nil colorrf best quality , only 5o a skein. Boston Store. Don't forget that S.vnino sells the Elniluirst stove.s. Sco the o oil heaters tit Sw.iino'n , " ! " Broadway. Cuticurii boap at the Boston Store for 1-lc oaeh. Judson , civil onirinoo.1 , 1523 Hroidway S. B I'rovvoll , watcliinaltor , 740 JJ'way. Davis for drugs nnd paints. Atl.ilr1 * \VlscoiiHhi. . KBI : , U'h. , Nov. 7 lloth Chairman - man Wall of the democratic and Chairman Thompson of ihcropuolican state committee believe success Is certain for their parties In tnU state. Mr. Wall Rays : "It is my Judg ment that the stiito of WUconeln will co democratic by at least 1 ! ) , < )00 ) ; that there will not DO any ercat diffcronco uotwocn thn vote of Mr. Cleveland and C3overnor Pock. Tlio ' ! oiHlatura will bo demociatio in boili branches , the sennto by n largo inajorltv. " Chnlrmnn Thompson say : "I am not giving any figures , but f have conlldenoj In a majority on the republican slue In tha h'aloiuiU national tlckuU. In spite of an unfair apportlonniunt the republicans will elect not less than seven out of ten 0011- prcosinon. Wisconsin is surely republican : upon the tariff. On the currency Issue the democrats will lese votes. J nave reason i to beliuvo that Senator Spoonor's ' vote will bo fully up to that cast tor lopublicun electors. Wo do not expect to pet ull thn Lutheran vote baelf. Wo have reasonable fnlththata porcentaRo of It , n peed mi > ] orlty , will come buck toils now that tno quobtlons of mol ness prosperity overshadow local nuostlonn. Tlio stay-at-homo voters will como out and the republican vole will bo nt least fully up to that of IViS. " Ki'iitiirl.y \ > III Ilo Duiuocr.it ic. ibViM.r , Ivy , Nuv. T. Kentucky Is , of coun > o , overwhelmingly democratic , and tborisls very Itt'ita to bo snld concerning Iho contest tomorrow. Koutmsny will elect tun democrats and ono republican as bar con detepatlon , There is a good deal of hotting on the national contest at oven money. Iloavv odds uro oflcrod thut tbo domccratn will cnrry Now \ out nnd Indiana , but tbcro uro no tultors , SOM CLOSEjXlCDLATnNS fcoxTisur.n mow-rinsi r\nr.\ \ .rlcts. All the memburfi of iho ministry mvo been re-elected. WITH Tin : IMM II > ATI : , Mr. ItitUI , After tlio Harriett \ \ cck' * Work of lilt 1.1IV , Hosts Conildont of llio Itcsull , NEW'YOIIK , Nov. 7. The last Sunday in on ' exciting canvass Is , Ufcuslly devoted by 'ho candidates to getting a little rest after the long , steady pull ofcnmi > algntng. What has probably .beoii , the hardest week's work In Hon. 'Whltelaw Hold's Hfo ended at midnight. Since Monday last Mr. Held hns made just twenty-flvo spoccuo * . Of ihese , four were delivered on Saturday ; ono n the prohibition auditorium near New West Bripnlon , S. I. : ono at Port Chester nnd two in Mammaroncck , It was afier midnight when he cot back to his country homo near Whlto Plains. Mr. Hold was a > ked last night with what feelings ho looked forward to tomorrow. "With a great deal of philosophy nnd com posure , " was the answer. Asked if the re publicans oulu win , ho-rcpllod : "Wo have every reason for confidence. On my trip through the northern part of iho slalo 1 a\v Indications that the majority above Harlem will be considerably larger than in IbS * . Wo thought early in the campaign that the farmers were iipathcllc. But U wns qulot beciuiso it was decent. When it cumo to roelslorini : Ihey luruedoutas never before. " Dcsmlo his arduous work in Iho present campaign Mr. Keld's henllh baa not suf fered. At no lime since his rolurii from Kuropo did ho look bolter than last nleht nt Ophlr farm. Mr. Held bad to do a prc.it deal moro speaking than ha intended on ac count of the inability ol cither Mr. Harrison or Mr. Blnlno to take the stump. The un usual strain on the vocal organs end tha exposure lo open air spooking caused a slight nstbmatlnnttac > and sere thro.it. Though going to bed very Into , Mr. Held rose early yesterday morning. Ho read the nrticles on the outlook In the dlfforsnt states mid then accompanied bv Mrs. Held look a stroll over the farm. Ilo will probably ro- nuiln nt Ophir farm today , coming down to the city tomorrow to voto. Won't Ki'itd tlui Writing nn tbo Wall. . Mr. Cleveland lav abed a trlflo later than UEUnl yestcrdav. When ho appeared fora short stroll late in tha forenoon tic ox pressed himself as moro than over impressed with the belief that ho would bo elected. Mr. \\hitnoyhRdcalledonhimau hour carllor , and tho'l wo statesmen ad milled that what ever doubls ihoy had of Iho result uore re moved by iho reports from this staio uud In diana. Mr. Cleveland will vote onrly tomorrow and will probably spend most of the day at his ofllce. As Is his custom , he Will remain nt homo on election night. Ho will receive the returns there. The private wire will bo to arranged that Mr. Cleveland cun atony time call up the members of the national commltteo at beadauartors. KANSAS' CONDI 1'IO.V. .lorry Simpson Slamls Cooil Ulinuco ot llulnjr Defertli'il. Tornm , Ivan. , Nov. T. The situation In Kansas , so far as It has undergone any chnngc at all since Saturday night , changed slightly uioro in favor of the f unionists today , when Sidney O. Uooko , democratic candidate for congress in the Fifth district , withdrew in favor of John Davis , the present populist incumbent. It Is expected Coolto's with i- drawal will elect UavU and will also send considerable democratic stiongth lo the Weaver electoral and the state fusion tickets. Fusion has now boon "accomplished in all the districts except the Sixth. The chances seem to favcr success for the fusionlsts In tno FirM. Second , Third , Fifth nnd Seventh , wmlo tbo republicans seem to have a sure thing in the Fourth aad Sixth. Chairman Simpson of the republican state central committee claims everything. Ilo says the republican's will , without doubt ' , have a majority ot from 10,000 to , ' 0,000 on Iho state and national tickets and will elect every qonBiossloual candidate. The pjoplo's pnrty men and fuaionlsta are oven moro confident than the republicans. Chairman Ureidrnthnl of tbo populist slnto commltteo claim * the election of Lowellmg , candidate for governor , bv n majority of at least t'J.OOO , and savs thnt Weaver will run ahead of the state ticket by at least 10,000 votes. Fusion between the ponullsts and demo crats has boon arranged In nearly every legislative nnd senatorial district of the .state and the indications are that the legisla ture will bo anti-republican , although the 1 republicans claim that they will have a .10a jority nnd will re-elect Senator Porums ate the United Stales sonale. The fualontats , ion Ihootbei hand , claim thnt Ihoy will oven have a larger mnjoritv than in tbologislaluro of two years ago , wnen they elected Pcltor to succeed Ingulls. Otitsldo of the contest for president the greatest Interest centers in the tight down in Iho blgSovcnlb congressional district , now represented bv Jerry Simmon. The repub licans have iiiiuio a particularly btrons light : for his scalp , nnd the ponullsts have made an extraordinary defense to save it. The repub licans claims that they have coilaluly ibm - passed Simpson's defoit , vrhilo the populists uio ( lonfldcnt that ho will represent tLo dis trict a second time. CI.AMIS UK AM. I'AKTIKS. ICcpiihllciins Are C'onllilcnt Mlit Coiiccili ) l.lltlu to tint Duinocr.itH. Duiifqrc , la. , Nov. 7. The following Is from democratic sources : The campaign closed tonight with both pittics confident of success. Advices lecelvod from various ) points Indicate that the claims of iho demo crats have n moro subUantinl loundailon than tnoso of Ihclr opponents. Tbey give from ibcir poll shoumgthat Cleveland - land will carry the state by at least 0,000. Senator Allison fives out 10,000 for the re publicans. A weoU aio lie was claiming L'0.000. The extraordinary increase in registering in the cities Is strongly In favor of the demo crats and thu activity of the prohibitionists for their tlcliot will tnlo hundreds of votes from Iho republican's. On the other hand , Weaver will draw largely from the demo- cinis , though iho fanners allmura vnto no will got is nearly all rapubliCMi As to con gressmen , the democrats claim the First , Second , Fourth niut Eleventh disirium cer tain , nnd tbov have an oven chance in tlio Third , Fifth , Sixth and Ninth. Tboy eon- ccdo the Seventh , KiuhtU and Tenth 10 tbo republicans , The latter claim everything but the Second district. The following is fioin republican sources : On the eve of the elqctjou llio advantage In ibis stnto Is with lhp , republicans. This Is cor.ccded by tbo dctaoorau ihomsolves. He- puhlluans uro vury c y ldunt tonight nnd the only possible danger.19 them is in iho chance lhat the vote nf Ibojbird party und prohibi tionists should be unexpectedly large , which docs not seem probuhlaXrom present advices. Tno democrats olulma plurality for Cleve land ot 7,000. Kepublicans llguro Jliat Harrison's plu rality will ho anyxvhero from 5,000 to ii.l.uoo , The congressional situation is not clear to even Ihu bust judges. ) ThoropuDllcins claim tu out of the nlcvou dlstrlclu. 'J'ho demo crats conc'ido the rupubllcaus live or six. I , iruj'ii tllmnrcrt liiiml , A , In. , NoV ; 7. [ Special Telegram to'Inc IJii.J : : Msjo'r John F , Laeov closed the campaign In this , district tonight. Ho spolio to an ovvrflow-iaudionco in the Grand opera hnuso and imula u scuthlui ; crlllcism of his opponent's closing speech In this city Saturday uighl. Thu past week has clinched Highest of all in Leavening Power.Latest U. S. Gov't Report O Ein SOLUTE the election of Major LICOV to congress and thocousorvRtlro nnd bailer posted democrat * concede his election r l tbo way from : wt ) to 1,000. IXivM county , where Congress mm Whlto hopad to get 050 majority will not civo him MO , ai the populist * declare thor will not goto him butkcopn } the middle nf the road and U'apollo county , which gnvo him over SOO two VCBM ngo , will not give him half of that this fall. Mr. Whlto weakened his cause by refusing to moot Major Lacey in joint discussion and endeav oring to stand on both tha populist and democratic pint for .us. This city registered 4.2W vote , n pain of ft ! percent over four year * ago , when II rri < on carried tbo county , and the gain In registra tion Is largely in favor of the republicans. Major L.'icey Is certain ot election tomorrow. OltKC.ON'.S I'OI.ITICAI. I Hill P. Instructions Iroin Iho Stntct Dctuori.ttlr mill NiitloiiM t'oimulttrc * . PotiTHNii , Ore. , Nov. 7. Ir. accordance with Iho Instructions from the democratic national committed the chairman of the democratic stala commltteo toilay Issued the following circular : DitMOCiivri OP Oiinnojc : Important orders have boon icculvuil from Ch.ilrman llnrrlty The oleollon of Cleveland dupi'itdi on Oregon going for Weaver. A ucmocriitlo vote for Clurulnml electors In thU stntu li n M > IP for llirrison. If vou am n diMiiocint mid \vnlil I'lcvelinul elcotoil. vote for \VrH\ur. Special trains were dispatched aarly this morning to distribute circulars all over the Bta'.o. Chairman Murphy of the democratic committee said this afternoon : "Tho demo crats nnd pomi'ists ' have a combined majority of 10,000 to 15,000 over the republican * , nnd there is no possloility of our losing enough votes to defeat the ticket. " The Weaver managers estimate the repub lican vote in the stntu at ; it)00 : ( ) ; dcuiocralic. 'J',000 ; people's party , ' . . ' 5,000. Thovnssrrtif Weaver electors recolvo 10.UOO democrallo votes their election is assured. The chairman of the republican state com mlttoo expresses conllUonco nf republlcun success in the state b ; 10,000 pluiality. COOK BOOK FREE "For the Ladies , " SOMETHING NEW JUST OUT. COOK BOOK Mnlletl Free. Send name nnd nddress to PRICE FLAVORING EXTRACT CO. 6. W. PAMLE , M. D , The Good Saayvritan. 20 Years' Eiporienf t. BHADKH OF DISEASES OF MEN ANO \VOStKN. PKOl'ltlETOU OV TKE 1VOKLIVS lIEKHAr. DISL'EN- SA11Y OK 'MEUICI.NM. /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the lleml , Throat , nnd T.nnga ; Vis- cases of thfl Eye end Kar.Fltaaod AiKjplety , tleort Dlsenie , Liver Comiilalnt. Kidney Complaint , Horvous Dobllity , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Walicte'.Brlghfs HI'c6soSt Vitus1 Vtmco , Khemnatism. 1'oralysls , White Swelling , Bcrofula , Fe\er Korea , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula in ano removed without the Unifo or drawina a drop of blood . Woman with lu-r delicate or.rr.n3 restored - stored to health. Dropcy cured without tnprlug. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. I SGO to SSOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without msroury. I TaiKjVonns removed in two or three hours , or no ' I > uy. H-'niorrholtls cr 1'iles cured I . Titosn wno AIIU AIMT.ICTBO i \VHUavo life and huudreda of dollars by calling on or usiuir I I DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. I Tlioonlyl'liyfilrlan can toll whnt nlll I : v j > crnoii wltliimtisUIiir ; a qiiculloii. | I All correspondence strictly ronfldcntial. llcdlcin DCJit by cxprres. Addrcsa nli loltfM to | BSS Broadway , CounciL Bluffs , Iowa KOCH'S Discov * r.nv The f elr tuircilli ili covorc l 1'rof. Koch , to l o coiKtnntly jnw ent In nil enscs of roiisnnipt Ion. Where the blXil is lnnx > verl he < l or Impure , there n ; vtlH that ) n > . Ktitutlon.il coiitll. tlon known ns scrofula , which I' i-har.ictcr- Izp < l by the liability of cvilaln ti . uM to IKW.IIO the M-at oC chronitInllAtnmntlons , The trouble may Matt n < < i-aturrh In tbo niuvil iKKS-igp' , throat or Innsi. nnd m the membrane liocomovonKcncil , llm tuK-rcln linocilli cr.tcr , nnd multiply , nnd no linve , ns 11 n-Mtlt , that dread ll eiwo-Consumption. Find n ixTfect remedy for wrof nln. In nil Us formomcthliig that JIIIIM ( the lilood , ni well as c/ntiiis / to. That , if it's taken in time , willcuroConsumption. It Ims Uvn found In lr ) rioivo's ( Joldcn Mmlkiil Plscoverv As n strength rostortr , lilool-rlean < vr. nnd Ili'sli- buildcr , nothiuc llko it N known to medical edoiu-o. It's the only remedy so sure that it ran /iKiraiifccif ( If it docsu t bcucllt or euro , your money U refunded. INSTITUTE. a ISre A to TREATIENI - OF ALL - 11511 DlmiH ! Ucjtf > plltii"'i'p'i"tm | | 11 r , inl 11 f IM i . ' lie ituit'Ml ttf ovfry f trill ul itlu u r ' i in liu lucille il or iuritlc.il trn it nu it HtiC'11 ' furpatiMiH. Imirl mi I 'ilto 111 ii i 11 t \ - cinno IntloiH tu Hi wo t. Write forclMilnrsonitisrjrnililiHii'i I bri-oi. li.ii p < , rluli ted , cirvatiirmot sil.ie , | tilltx , tain ir < , i.i-i- d'l , int'irrli , lironi-'iltl' " , lull U I'lui ' , oli-etililti , \t\ \ - l > l , oplli'i'iy ' , klilnu } ' , lilililor. u.i' , u-ir , s\i.i uu I " ' " ' " ' : u"1" ' " " " k\un \ lip1 llf""A * i1 is i % i .M. r v , WU Uull llnik o.i HIVJHM f nurliiicnl Cor U'oiiiun tlurlii c > itliu'niunt , > > tr'it/ ITMIC. . Unlr llolhiblo Mfill-.U tad t'Ho mi in. i liclnll | ( ! } of ofI'll I'll I VAT IS All Illoml Disci ns n loc'iifu.ly . irnitnt. yi'illitl' | l'ol oiie > rouio\u.l from HIM * yto n wu'i ml incr'iry , > t > u UoHioi.UtM ) 'I'ro ( t'Dcnl t tr ! , > of VI I'M. I'OtVljlt. IVrsonsiin iti'o lei vi lt tunny lu tr.'itut at liiimo li ) inrripmi liinrp. All I'o.iiniiiiilaitlii'M ( nnilileiulnl. Mi1 Ilclii2 rlu tri : no il iit ! liy in Ul o. ' cxiirov'.ic.-urcly imuktil. no in irxt In InllL'itii o.i i iinisur spiulor. oni ! PLMII ) ml liiiunh'v | irel ii.i I. I nil midcnii'iill us or - < 'i.l hl : orj of ) our c.n.u 11 npnllls.MKl liitil.iln HMiipcN ii ir ! in | > ot ncy , j | > ! uti , Cluct .1111 V.irlOJ'jli ; , n U l lui llrttccAi > i > lhuiC'c ror Dpforniltlot an 1 T.'IIS < OI only mnnuMdoiy In liio . 'U'.t of DKrOItMlTV , AI'l'LIANCKTltl's m , KI.KSl' 1UU lUTTKItlllS AND IIIJI.TA Oiiiulia Mclicdl and Sur icil Inslilule 20th nad Broadway , O-tincil Bltirfj. Ton mliitiiM rl.loro.n cuntur of 0 n I'l I ) l O.u l 11 PUOL'OSKD ClfANGK OP GIIAD1' , OUDlMAXl.'i ; XO. ! ! ) ( ! . An orllnanco di'i'larliu llio noeosslly of cliingiiC : ! } llio xndi ! of'ilh ' .it n'ot finni a jini ! IT ) foot -outli of l'oiilolon ] ; a.onuu to llk-l.ory stii'ot ; inil tlio intortcctln ; streets Qnntl appumt UK thiciidKlntoiu-tcd apiii.ih- ois to agios' ! : in I ( lotoi inlnr Iliis diim.iccs to pmpuity ( inner" , which may bo caused by sui'li chilli 'o of ir ide , an I orlutinz thecltv ciulni'or to niiiko a iiroll'u ' sio'.viig ! ! sucli Dcltor.liilnud by thoclty co ineil of thou'.ty of Omaha : Xvtlunl. That It Is proper uirl npoc : iry nnd It Is hereby dni'l'iru I propar tin I nn ' 01- Buy , to h IIIKO the gr.iduof "uth btruet fioni R point 1T" > foot south of I'ouuli'lon nrriiiuto lllc'Kory stront and the Inloraocl in r slionl" , M ) that nild gr.idu oloviitlons will bonsfol- IOH- . , the ' 'r.ulu liotncun thu points cited belli. un'form strululit Ilncn. cctionS. Urado of iMtl ; street. r.lov.itlon 1'lov it on of Ucu of HUM Onilj. Curb A point ! ? . " > foot Miutli of I'oiipiotJii nveinur . . I tabllshud giai'o ! Xolh curb ofouinoith . ivcnuc . " .CO 232.0 .South eur'.i of iVoolworth avuiiuu . .M.'O lO..O Ninth i-iirbof UlL'l.my st fAU lJl.r > South iiiibof Illunoryst. li. > ( i l."i.r ) > &cet'oni. ; Urndeuf Woulwnrth axoiuic iinvitloii : : Kkivutloii ofuouth of .Not til Curb Curl ) . I..istcurbof STth slroct . Id'I.S IUU ) Wet t oiir'iof "Uth slicui. . . 'JI''D i.1'.O r. istcuibiif iiitii sticet . ai..i ] lieu \\e-t curb of ' . ' . 'ilb avi'iiiin U.M ) in.o fcut'tloiiJ. ( ir.ide of lllcliory strcot C.iblL'inbof 'Tib stieol I'/I.U Kill ) Weitcurbof aitlislii't-t. .I.V4.U I.Vio l.ust cinliof itli : slicia. I'll 5 I'll , " . West uiubiir 'ith .nunuo B..O 1'iJ.ll , bL-clIon . " > . That tlio e.ty oiulneei Iniiwi lieioby li. In lnu'to.l lo ma'.o n prollk'show Inbiiuh piopo-iul uliiiici of L'ladi' . Sjctliinil. 'I'h.tt tin. in tyor , with thu np- innviil of llio city council , ini.tnt | tbrco di-iln- t"ied nnprilsori lo uppri'bo ' , us.oii uii.l do- lunnliiu tli il.iiuiigo to property m.'iier which may bo c uiii-l by such cb ni'oiir ; grade. t U- lir _ ' into con > > Uloi.itloi ! In in'iUlu su < ' 'i ui P- > . , tbo Mie.'ial hi'ii.illl- ' . If any. Ptii surh piopuity , by lu.iajn of Bimh eh inju i.'f "r-ootionT. That this oHInniico tiKe ; oiruet and bu In force fio-n nn 1 > iftcr ll- > p miije. 1'assud Dctoljcr 'ith , Is.1. ! JOHN uiovr. : , City CiCiK. i : . i . DAVI. % Prc' ldiMil City L'onnjII. AliDlovod Uutobci L'Tlh. Ih'W. ' tio. ! : P. IIIMH. Mayor. JELEPMONt 724 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLBTF3 , IA. First clnss in every , , , respect Prompt attention given to transient work and satisfac ion guaranteaJ. B33. terms to out , of tjwn agents. Twin City Steam Dye Works : O , A. SUIIOKD3AOIC , JMtOl'lUH'l OU. DYEING , CLEAKTINGr AND BEPINISHING OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Oinnhii Ofllco , 1321 Fnrnam St. ; Tolopliono 1321. Council HlulN Ollioo nml Work Cor. Avo. A und 20th St. ; Tulojiuono ail ) . Send for clrcului'S and price hbt. NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS The want aJvortlsumonts npitti.tring la .1 now pii > er ro oflou tint most tutorouhu | ) rl of Its content * . They express the urgent Hi-oil * , the dally wishes of the people who waiitsoinctliliii ! .mil nlia uro wllilut to dj mnotlitn ; . KMPLOYMENT. \ \ r.NTiil : A good c'rl ' for cnnonl > \ > ork , II. U-iRdKX ) imt : 'li-rcoMrfou UrAVrKD-Uool clrl ci'liprTiMioi nork , cooil wiipcs in I'uinlH'tonl girl. Tlilnl u\cnuo 1IOUSKS AND LANDtJ. O KANOi : crox.-s In K orliH and UillfornM forsn.i'or tr.ulo. UtcunslilfiliN , Nicholson A Co. _ _ r illi\l'tlnibur : lands In Mlnniot i ( or Hila V In iii | intltlcs in null , l.usv piynionts. Mi'liol onCo. . | / ' > AHM nnd cltr loin * Money lo\nol J- stock nnd er.ilu. KIM ! rstuto for s. Mwi-llliu nivl builncsi runlaU. Munny lo ino 1 forlui'tl Invmtor * I < outfua & To\\.i' , ' . ' ! I'o irl Mii't-t. l Olt K. Oil \Nlil : CU'.ir . iiiiilcrieilon | : of J1 1 mil It i I'oniioll lllunN ' | iroH'rl\ | t will piv ( nsli foi i , Tnroncp. ( iroonsliiulds Meliolson A ' ' " . t'-'l lli.i.iilw.iy. If (3H ( SMiK ' rimirott fnriii In I'oitwatt v- iniu'o.iil noriH o I lmiluil nn I lin- | > r.i\oil. 1'rl eilJan aero U II Huufoi 10 ACUi : land for silos belwooii Cniinull J ItliiuNand Onialin : ti li.irjahi If tiiKmi soon hri'fiisli u il , Xlt'lioKin , V Co , i.'l HID idw.iy. l/Olt 1 XCIIA.NOn " 41 aero * in Phllllpi * rountv , Co'o , lili liiiiirovi'iniMili ) , for . ( ! < of dry gooiU mil olotliln or ottu-r inilso. I' II. Hhoafc. ON rSV piiviuiMits Ti-rootn house on South 1st mrrnL UroonshloUK MohoUon & Co. . ' G'l Urcudw.iy. l/Oll SAl.n-Onsmil - p-iymonts. fruit an I J- garden Inn I noir Connull Hloiri I" . It , theafo.ltrovlwiy.ini Main stroot. I IJCIT I. AM ) . Il'i ucri-s forn-iloi Inslilo i < lt\r I limits. liri'tiiishluUls , Molioison .v Co , C.'l 111 viilu iv , \\r \\OOU.V0 ) . have so u of the l ' ' fiirins In 8iiiitliwo < iliiiii luw.i fur sale. ( .ill : uiil see us WJ M iln stroot. HOlt < i : an 1 liiiiujw.intuil for unimproved property In norlhwost pirior illv Uruon- iluolds. Nieholson& Co.O.'l llrounv.iv. | 7Mlt ) IlKNT-Tlio foliowr lU'dn.UIInss : L It ) room ilno lint : , t.ll I'ailc live. . JIJ. .s-rooni ilnolllm ; . 7"-'l So. I Hi ir . $ U H-inoin ilwellnur , 'i.MJnd ' II\D. , > J . t loom ( hv oil In ; ; , ill Mil li mo , $ . ' . " > . I'-rooin ' dwull n ' , I th st. aim Avenue I ) , JJV 7-roo.n dwullln , b " llnndwiiy. f.'i. lU-rtoin divrillii. , , W > llunlon t . t- ' ) . h-roDin ' ihvull MLil ; - ' A \ IMIIIO ( I , $11 ! V\ . ( . -room dwiilllnir. Ill ) . I.Mh si . f l'i.U5 ' li-ioom dwoliliiR. S-'O Aonnu li. flH. - ' | | , ,113 liliicoln ava. $ ! n.G' . 7-rooni dvrollln.2iti lluiimmy i.t. . tl\ T-IOOIII ( luollltu. HiUililll I'luco. J..V li-rnoin dnelllnir. 411 CuilKst. . il.V B-iooin dwullliu , r > ' .M Mi nsterst , . til. 3- loom ( iKolllll . 1 * 2i . ! rd avn. , $1 ' . i-iooin ihutlllni ; . , > . ' ! Mynstcr st. , ? I2,51 C-room ihvulllni ; , rir.tham uvo . } IV. C-rooni ilwo ilnv. l.iWi'.Uh avo. . 1J. li-room iluolllii ; . Unbliltt I'l u'e. f r."i ) . T-IOOIII dnellln. , MornliiL'sl lo. jfl-.AO. l-rooin ( Iwolllic" , 4C > Park avo. . * r. ' : > 5. 5-iooin ( hvo.lln : . 2u U Avenili > A , f 0. A-roum " ilnulilni ! , I > . " > Wusliiiulon live. , J10. "i-iooin ( lurlllng. 4.4 N. nth si . ill ) . fi-room itwellliiR , ; oi N. ? th st. , $111. 5-rooin dwollliu , 1U. ! Aviiniif IX iU. 4-room dwollliii : . iu" > sth ivn. itj. b-roiini ilwollliu. M'I IthU. . ? ! ) . l-rODIM llWOlllNC. IIS V 111' ) St. , * | l ) . 4-ioiiin a elllnn' , fill ! N. Till. > ID li-ioom itwcllliu. 5.T 17th ave . $10. fl-rnmn dnollln/ ! 4 Avenue II. f 10. i- room ihvolllu. , ] . " > . ' , " > Avoniiu II , $1) . r.-ioutn ( hveiluiL' . MH Itroadvv.iy. SiO. G-roim ( dwolllng. 111. " . ) .Stli avo. . 51 1. ll-room dwolllnKn. . ) A\oimo A , fiO. S-ruoin nuullln ? , Or-iliam avo. . nr , llijli , J\ l-io.iin Iniuso , 1701 So flih hi. . ? IJ. ' 'l-HKIIIl llWOllIll ! , ' , , IUI AM'IIIIO A. 3\ l-roo ii iluolilng. - " . ' I A > OIIIIO D.H 5-room dwelling , 2ii' " Avenue II. Ji 4-iuoin ilwolllns , .010 Avenue C. K Viooin clwo.linfll'J A vcniio O. } < . R-rooni dv/alllnj. ' 'Kl at. amlAvi nuo M , H fi-room dwelllii- . ) H. Wr < l Ht. . $1 .Fionin > iluolllnv , : ! ' ! . Avenue A. H 4 > iooiii dwolllng , : / > > N. 1st bt. 47. 4-ioorn ilnolllnz ( III M ) . 1st t. , { (1.03. ( n-itiom " dwollliiL' , illiiO At-onuo A , 3J. . -room dtto ling. "I ! ) 1'itli avo. , fa. . ! -ioini ( iwoliing , KSil Aveiuio A. ? 1 f'-room ilwellliig , ' "IIIAtcnno . I ) , VS. V'-roiiin ( iH'jllln , 1411 Axonno I ) . f. > . 4-room ( iwolllnv , Ssl'l ' A\CIIIIU I ) , fl. K-IOOIII dwell UK , V''l. " . ) S. Oth si. . y > . 1 room chvolllng , 811 A\o O. f IIUO. 4 room dwnllliiL' . 141 Vine si. , } J UI ) . .4 loom dwelling. L'U I I'arU ave . f I'.OO. ILShmfo , rental ucnt. ; Hroadway and Mlllll htlOOt. _ I I" YOU Imvfl ' 'tiivthln for silu or trade sa J. r. . II. Hha .fo , Uro i hv.iy an I M itn strunt. AIIAItCAIN. li-iuro fril'tanil garden tract 2'i nillos from ' " postolllco.5 acres ingrapcs. ' aero In bla'-khcrrlos. S'Sl upplo troot. 71 plum trooB. ' > > cherry trt-'us. il\ iillnv | , stable , cto. I'ilcoilOJ. ) No tr.iilo. I1' . II. fhoifo. (11 ACKHiInsldo cltv limits : will sull In lots -'out1 ' i'n > nn to suit Irivor. UruonshlcldK.- Nlc-'hoison X Co. , ( / ! ! Ilro.'idwny. [ T YOU 1'ku ' kind tru.itiniMit nnd hiir/nliM In . mat : cstilu oill on ( iieon-.lilolil-i , Nloliol- son A. Co. , li.'l Uro ul , vav. J'fi I i ACItl'S of elo ir land In .umtnui Ne- hrtiska 10 uxchan.'o for a goo I rusldunco In Council Illnlts.Vinil bn iso-j and loi.s fur No- biaskii land , .liihiiston , t Vim I'.iltun , Uf V. II AVI' : i go'id ton > iit f ( > r u llvu or sit room lioiisu four or Ihu blouls from post- ( illKc. Cieunihlulds , Muhulsun k Co. . till Itliuidw iy. OCUO iiL'ics Df uho'uo plnu lands fur sale , 5110.11 I'urvls MI > M , Kany hirius In- qulroot Mr > . II. ( J. DrooUs , or A. T. itleo , 1M 4th snoot. Vln goail I'onnelt Illuffs pinporly. . bo sold tills wci'ic , ( irecnshlclils , Nleholsnn Co. Wl IIAVIJciiHtoiiH-rs who want houses to rent , ll.ivo you ihubuiHeaV Urcvnsliloldii , Meliolson & Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UANCHof 1,110 iiurO't. nuirOliuyoii'io , Vfra. line biiiirovniiiunls. sinu sto s'l C'/m ' ivltli ranch ; ( liiL'sl In tliusl.iiK. Will oMJhaimo for Coiinuil Iliulls or Ouiiili i nrupurty. ( Jibuti- shields , Nn.hul.on & O , ) . , ill ! llro id way. _ " ] ; \ \t'IIANJn- ( .OJir"8tojU of Koniir.it ' moii'liniidlso fur low iiirouiturn Xubr.iskti mill , CKMtiishlolUM. Nlcliol on A ; C'u , Ull 1'wny , nxt'iits fur HdmlnlKlrutor. MriiTixi-iinc.T : : ] ) " .Mi'iii7i. oN .t co. , " vJnL'ciitH for iiilnilnlilr itur. h ivo for i.alu inn of llio bustiiJD-.ioru stii l ; f.iiiiislu nost- irnAllATKAC'I'S and lo.uis I'lirm nnd city piopcrly lioii''lit und bold , I'usey Ai I'lioiuas , Council HlulT-j MI3CELL ANEO US. C' AKII.M'I ! rainorod , n > spools , v mils and i'hluuii'y > .uliuiiuil. _ II. I ) . I in i-.in. Oily Illdi ; I7HK SAI/i ; IlnrihT.irj titujUs In Iowa mil I1 NobraiUa. Jimilejs , HWMo JIS.OJ ) . Jill , SHOW CASP.H-Tor .rfo ( < riunri. Ihri'ii c-foot ( tahiM , will , Iron st tuili. 1'r.uiU J.ovln'H ur store , II I'narl slroet. DANCING 30HOOI , , i AVpor i. olillilran , t p m. adnllH , 7 : Si p m. Ho.il , ils sioond an I fourth Momliiys.'j . . MIII.IL . | j. in. fumlsliud pir * tics nnd uluhs Addrnss ut It , A. I'.irlum , ( ' ( iiniull Illiiir-i. or lu.'l 1 uiiinni st , . Umalm.V ChutnliiTH. Instructor. OUDINANCli NO. IW'Jl. An ordlniinco ordurlnuthu cnrliliu of firs- k nt' m l uul from ' 'II li to " , * > th Hticottf , In HI rent linpiovciuunt dliulut Nu. 4) ) > 'j with Colorado hniuUtonu. ami directing thu hoiiid of publlu woris to taliu the n cut > v.iry i > tup4 tu uausu H ild uoik ti bo dune , Ilu It ordiiliifd by thu Cltv Council of Die city nf ( Jiiiiiba : rieuiloii I. That HisU'iio strL-ot from "Uh 10 5th sliuoiH In htroul liiipiovciiit'iit d lu 11 let .No , JbJ bo ami thu hiiinu IB horubyoulrrcr , ( iiirbcd with Colorndo Miimtlonu . ' 'cordlii tJ hpoclll'j illiniBon Illu In ihuollico of Ihu board of publlu worl.H. Hcutloii 3. Thnt Iho bn-ir I of public works I * huruby directed lo t uu the iiiifiiiK.iry ntum lu cniifcu biild work tu bu dmiu nuaordliiK to hpuvl * Hunt on on Illu In Ihu ollluo of H-iM bu ird. Suction IITh u I this ontiiiuMcii iihnll olfuul und bo In furuu from aiU uflor lu mo. 18lb , Cltv r. i' DAVIS. I'rus.dcntCity Council. > Mayor. Ndllcr. Imiioundud Nou'inbor ' . ' , end brown mule , IJ. If not nxicumud bald innlii will t . sold at publlii iiia'tlun No\utubitr \ . nt IV o's.udf u. m. , ut 'd und l.uav vvorlh mructs. JOHN bl'OKUU l'oundinaiit > |