Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    divided bo'.xvoon Mercer and Donne. Tout
cacti ot these candidate * will rccowo ever
10,000 votes is assured , and the c n vassshoxvs
thnt Mercer load * hU democratic opponent
nbotil 100. It Is unto to soy that whichever
Is elected Ills pliintltty will not ba ovcrr.JO.
In the Third district the total vota will bo
In tbo neighborhood uf 85,000 , divided about
M follows : Mclklpjohn , republican , WCOU ;
Kolpcr , democrat. 13,000 , nud 1'orntcr.
pooullst , 10,003. The miurniflconl canvus of
the district by Air. Mclklojohn has made this
In the Fourth district the republicans have
nxvldor margin than In ihp others , r * J.
Ilnlner. the republican candidate , Is nway in
the lead with ever IO.r.00 votes. HU closest
competitor will bo William H. Dech. the
populist , with 18.000 votes , mm victor VI f-
nunln. democrat , will straggle In the roar
with about I l.WU.
Whether W. E. Andrews wins the light In
the Fifth district or not , ho will have inadon
record ot which to bo proud. Two yean ago
W. A , MclCclghnn , the fusion candidate of
the democrats anil liidopendonts , was elected
liv I4l28 ! majority over his republican oppo
nent. Now that majority xvltl bo wined out ,
almost , if not entirely. Tliera wilt oo about
112,500 votes cast , bill the canvass shows the
situation to bo so complicated and the vote so
close that a prediction of a considerable ma
jority for oltlicr side would oo unsafe.
Neither man Is whipped ; both have a light
ing chance. ,
There will bo nbout.TJ.OOO votes cast In the
Big Sixth. In this district ( he democratic
candidate , A. I. . . Uatewaod , has a very xvrnk
following , nnil ho will do well to secure 0fiOO
votes. The Dalanco of the vote , ! W,500 , will
bo divided bouvocn James Whlloheiid , ropub.
HMD , nnil O. M. Kom , ponullst , In nearly
equal parts. The size of tbo Gntewood vote
will aotcrraino the result.
The Lug I a la t lire.
Therenro III. ) members of this legislature
to bo elected tnirtv-threo sunntors and 100
ropresontallvcs who will chnosoit successor
to Senator A. S. Paddock. If the ropiibll-
cans control both hranctius on joint uallot ,
they will have only tbroo or four votes to
spare. Tim canvass shows the vstreuglh of
tin ) two homes to bo ts follows :
Son n to Republicans , 13 ; democrats , 0 ;
Independents , 11.
Houio Republicans , 5 1 ; democrats , 15 ; In
dependents. .11.
This gives the republicans a majority of
ono on joint ballot. II the result bears out
the canvass ttio republicans can shout.
yimllllr.Uloim of n Voter.
OMAHA. Nov. 7. To the Editor of Tits
BBS : Will you please inform mo through
the columns of TUB Bni : xvheithor the party
montioncd below la entitled to vote at the
next election in this suite : A father and sou
came from the old country in 18GO. The HOII
was registered this year. When asked by
the registrar where ho was born his
answer was "In the old country. " "Did you
takeout papers to bccomo a citizen I" was
tbo noxi iiucsllon , to which the son replied
that he had not , "but I heard my father dlu ,
but do not know whcro. "
Answer Chapter 20 , section U of tno Coic-
plled Statutes of Nebraska read us follows :
"Kvory male parson of the ago of "I vcurs
or upwards , belonging to eitnoiof the tol-
loxvlng classes , who 'ihnll have resided In
rho state six mouths , in the county forty
days , and in thn precinct , township or ward
ten days. shall bo au elector. First , citizens
of the United States. Sacond , persons of
foreign birth who shall have declaicd their
intortion to become citizens conformably to
the laws of tbo United States on the subject
of naturalization at least thirty days prior to
mi election. "
Now If the father took out papers at a
time before his son was of ago tnun the son
Is entitled to vote , but if the son had at
tained his mujoritv at the time the father
toolc out bis papers , then ID order to bo able
to vote iho son would bava to take out
papers also. Of course siuUfaclory proof
must bo adduced that the father did 'take out
Tnklnir Out Klrnt 1'npor.s.
OMAHA. Nov. f > . To the Killtor of Tun HBK :
I n in a Huh ) uncertain us In whether 1 ciiu
vole for pros dentlul electors at tliu uoxt elec
tion and writu to ask you to enlighten mo on
the subloet , I wis burn In .Sweden. but tunic
out my first punors about sl.\ months ago. The
( ( imitlait In. must I tiiko out my second ; u.ipers
In order to Im nblo to vote for presidential
doctors ? OM : UI.KSO.V.
Answer Wo have nlrondy answered tnls
question several tlmei , but for the bonoflt of
intendinc voters wo will state on 03 again
that those who have taken out ihclr first
papers can vote in this state for all ofllcors ,
Including- presidential electors , providing
that they have resided In the atnto six
inontQs , in the county thirty days and In the
precinct , township or ward ton days and
nave been registered.
Ho Is Sum Thar : inrrlson Will Ilo Ito-
l < ; ierl cd.
Pmt.Ai > r.LriiiA , Pa. , Nov. 7. Soirrtor Quay
today indulged lu tliu llrst definite estimate
regarding the result of the presidential elec
tion , "Senator , " said a reporter to him this
afternoon , "you have been quoted as saying
that you might bo in n position to say some-
thine definite upon tlio result of tbo election
some time today. Will you Bay nnvtblug
now on that subject ! "
"I received a telegram today , " lie replied ,
"that leads mo to oalleve thai Harnsoa will
bo elected. In order 10 ba elected ho inuat
onrrv Noxv York , Indiana anil Connecticut. "
"You think lie will carry ibesc atatcs ? "
"I do. Atuny rate lhat Is' the purport of
my in formation. I have not been in a posi
tion personally to post myself nnd am de
pending for my information upon headqunr-
ton. I have no reason , hoxxovor , to loubt
this information , nnd I think there xvill bo
no question about Harrison's election. "
"What Is your opinion about Ibis state ] "
ho xvna asked.
"Wo xvill give n substantial majority for
tlio republican ticket in Philudclpnla , " xvas
the reply , "nnd ibo rest of iho stnto can
Rufolv no depended unin to maintain its re
publican character and reputation. "
i nud I'alilnrnlii ,
SAN' FIUNCISCO. C'al , Nov. 7 The cam.
paii-ii In Cnlirornia closed with the thrco
princpal state commlttuos cliiiming victory
tomorrow , though dumocnitic claims uro
made with certain qualiUcations.
Max Hopper , chairman of the democratic
committee , says If ' . ' 0,000 vote * nro polled for
Weaver the stnto will go for Cleveland , and
ho Is Inclined to the bcliaf that tbo populist
vole will tiu
enough to nccuro : \ ueino-
cratlo vio'ory. ' ,
The populist conimittco claims Weaver will
carry the stale by a small plurality.
Chairman Mayer" of the icpuolican state
committee will not vouturo any statement
as to pluralillui. but Kays thnt his committee
hna tUo greatest conlldoncj that the state
will go for Harrison.
The latuit advices from Nevada
are to the
j > effect tiiut it M certain that the people's
party will carry the legislature , which will
fe return Willlum M. Stewart to the United
States soimto. The on I v doubt ns to Nevada
Is regarded as tbo presidential electors.
Ilnw Nortli Dukntu Will ( So.
Rutuo , N. O. , Nov. 7."Thoropubllcan state
committee gives the following statement to
the Associated press : The Harrison and
Hold electors will bo elected by from U.OOO to
feI : i,000. Governor Dourko will win by a il
jority of from 1.500 to 2,000 , though there ills
the possibility that hit vote mav fall to l.itOO >
The rest of the stuUi ticket will pull through
with good majorities , Congressman Johnson
ban it walk away. Tl > e legislature will bo ono
pubilcan on Joint ballot oa
by at least four aIm
jority nnd it may run to llftemi.
The '
deniorrnllo-i'usion committee- claim
both uanonal and stnto tlckuts , iho farmur
by UOO to 1,000 aud the latter by frum 2.000 to
iiiiiiu right.
SALT LIKB UiTr , U. T. , Nov. 7. Tuo only
Keneral ticket In thU territory Is the uolo-
gates to concrcss. Three delegates iiro In lobo
field : Allen , liberal-republican ; Uuwltus ,
democrat , aud Caution , Mormon , The bitter ;
Hunt between the repunl leans and democrats ,
to which both have descended to ( .ursonuli-
tlei , tondJ to confirm the claim of thn church
republicans that they will elect thnr candi
date. tvbo U the pnlyKumUl ion of Ocorgo Q.
( 'ftooon , now the principal leader amouy the
fl hu ClNltnril fur tliu It
| ( OI H Cirr , Idaho , Nov. 7. The chairman
Of lti republican tuto commlttou claims this
Ul f r Harrltoa by from I'J03 to 1,600
Tan populuu oitlmatu the Wouvur
r/lll hnvu 4.000 plurality. They ire
fifing andorwd oy thn dnnorruti , who oUitn i
In * iv t for Wc r r
Omalia Ropublicnus Oloso tlio Oampal ii with
au Enthusiastic DentDnsiration ,
rxrimtn Strrut u .Mats nf IlliirliiK I'lrn \ \ lilln
the I'roccHiloii I'nmnil--Short hporrlios
at Kxpn ltloit Hull
f * . ' thn l'dll .
Somebody's boon tolling you that there
wasn't any political enthusiasm lo bo found
anywhere In the rountry Ibis year , hasn't ,
there ! That nnltlior bench warrants , Ipecac
nor dynamlto would bring It to the lurfacol
Uollovo It , too , don't youl
Not unlosn you were many u long mile
from Omuna last night , for thcro wasn't a
man , woman or child within the Hmlls of
Douglas county between the hours of sunset
and midulsht who couldn't tell oy a single
sniff of the surcharged atmosphere that
Omaha was in the throes of a political
paroxysm of tbo most Intense kind , while
the illumination from tbo tiroworks was so
brilliant and ronUtnious that the fanners of
Sarpy and Washington counties , those of
them who mUscd coming In to participate m
the ( jroat demonstration , started nut in their
Holds to llnisli husltiug their corn.
It was H republican night , nnd no mistake-
one of the HIM that John M. Thurstonhas boon
making forty-nine spocchosabotit In this cam
paign. Ho said last evening thai Is was a
republican year , and tlio demonstration that
was witnessed by the people of Omaha for
hours would have corroborated the statement
m the most convincing manlier , bad any cor-
roooratlon been needed.
ISnilu ; tliu Itrroril , ol Course.
It was the llnal rally of the campaign In
eastern Kobaskj , aud It was never equaled.
much less excelled , in the history of political
demonstrations In this state. Every repub
lican club in the city was in Ittio , with good
sized delegations from iho clubs out through
' .ho county lu the countrv precincts , while
Council Bluffs , South Omaha nnd BIMr were
on hand lu such loroo as to rival even the
strongest of the city ctlibi.
The turnout was far in excess of the most
exaggerated expectations , for the 5,000
torches that bad been secured by the com
mittee were all In line , and there wore hun
dreds upon hundreds of men marching in
solid column with no Individual blaze to
mark tuulr presence , but with an abundance
of Roman cuiidlos. Hags and noisy enthusi
asm giving evidence of the fact that they
were not occupying space in vain.
Jus.t bow many there wcro In line is not
known , as an attempt tb count them was
up ui despair , but the most conserva
tive estimate placed upon them was 5,51)0 ) ,
while the noise Ihoy made would have done
ample credit to fifteen times that number.
Tboio were binds until you couldn't res.t ,
and the drum core * , horns and vocal ebulli
tions caitsrd dire disturbance of the stillness
of the night thai will hardly all bo straight
ened out for many a day.
It all began nl Ktgbtoonth and Farnum , ns
it was upon the intei'iocting streets along
there that Grand Marshal Koblson formed
his divisions , and so carofullv bad all the do-
tails been arranged that the Hue was able to
start promptly on time nt S o'clock.
Ilcauttfiil nud InsulrUltii ; .
To mention all the clubs in line and convoy
au udoquulo idea of their appearance , with
their varied uniforms aud generally excel
lent miuvhing , wore \vell-nigh impossible
task. Tnero wcro campaign huts , caps ,
fozos and Helmuts , while capes of white and
blue but served to set olT more elaborate and
gorgeous uniforms , Invlsbly buttoned and
braided. Zouave
uniforms loomed up re
splendent , nod near at hand were dross suits
of bunting , fashioned with varying ideas of
beauty or groloquonens. .
Tlic'sigbt , as the long line was gotten un
der headway and moved down Farnam , was
a most inspiring one. Band * were playing ,
banners ilultering , drilled clubs executing
elillluult and beautiful evolutions , while 11 reworks -
works exploded all along tno line and
colored lire burned at every street Intorseo-
lion dispelled Iho nighl.
At Tcutu street tbo line countermarched ,
nnd for a time the city's utiiin artery was
lillod from curb to curb , from Tenth to bix-
toenlh strcels , with a compact mass of
humanity , nearly nil bcaiiug torches , with
boio und there the greater bin/ing illumina
tions of the llambuau clubs. Aside from
tbo colored tire burned on every street in
tersection nlong the line of march during
the whole time that the paiado was passing ,
it was displayed from the many windows
looking out upon the Ihoroughfnros Irav-
orsed by the line , and it is quite certain that
a prettier sight was never soon In this nty
than when , with ITnrtmm street thus filled nod
illuminated , tne thousands of men in line
lighted llio Uoiunn cuiidlcs which had been
provided for them in
number ? verging on
prodigality , Tnouir was nbla/onml literally
tilled with the Hying balls of many-colored lire ,
and viewed as was the Hctnio from the top of
the Fnrnuni street hill by thousands of spec
tators , called forth many an expression of
araiizement , ns well at delight , from those
who thoughlthai they had hitherto witnessed
the fullest beauties of pyrotechnic display.
It win repeated on Sixteenth street when
countermarching from Ginning , nnd again on
Douglas , between Tenth and Fifteenth , and
this arrangement of tbo march hold the creat
uncatimatcd throng that , lined the streets
until the DiiraJo was formally itisrniasrd
when the of the line reached Exposition
hall at'Jsirio'clock ,
DUpluyi-il .Snpio Triiniar : [ < MiileH. :
ThiTmiirchlng clubs were well supplied
with trniiapsroiii'Ios , many of them of slgnili-
cunt meaning. Among them were thcsu :
Cleveland coming down in a parachute from
Iho burst free Irudo balloon , and landing in a
Inisro tureen of consomme , while bogging tlio
boys lo "Lot Mo Uoxvn Kisy. " "U'o Are
the People Wo Vole for Protoi'tton ; " "No
Wildcat Monuv In Our pu-tv ; " "Wo Are for
Harrison ; One CJood Term Deserves .
Another ; " "Voto for Crounso and Good
( State Government ; " "Protection lor Our
Lnborcttt and Mechanics ; \Vu Are Ameri
cans , not HiiRllshj" "VoloSuro for thu Flag
und HariUou , thu Old Soldlor'a Friend "
"f..0 pel-Capita This Country Has It Now ; ; "
" '
"A A'oto for Weaver Is a Vote
for Clnvolaiit1 ) ; "I Urge Germany
to Imitate tno Tariff system of the
United Stntos. Uismurclc " "To the Vol.
in-s Vote for Harrison und Pensions ; Vote
for Cleveland and Vetoes ; " "i'lio Success of
tno Uiiiifd State ? and Protection Is thoMoit n
Illustrious of Modern Times , -illhiniirok. "
"How Vou Huvo Grown-Is it Protection J"
was tt.o surprised exclamation
of Uncle Ham
ns he cast a glance over his dominion , on ini.
transparency oorno by Uie Hlulr delegation
which also hud an excellent liKcnoss of Gov
ernor I'rounso drawn by a young lady ITf
that thriving little city.
"Protection to Homo Indmtrv and Honest
" " '
Money" and "Democrats , tiow'Un You Like
Peck's Huportl" were oinor striking ideas I
thus sot forth , while almost cvcrv clt b had ,
the name of some especially preferred
candi I-
date , either the nominee o'f u ward or the
presidential , conaix'ssinual or gubernatorial
nominee conspicuously displayed. South
Omaha declared for her
legislative and com-
mUslonor nominee.nnd thu Second ward
demanded "Prnteciion for Pearl Button ei
Makers , " tendered doubly cmphallo bv the
fact that that Industry is being rapidly built ll
up in thii' . xvard. llbi
Ono of thu transparencies rend : ' 'Vote biui
tor C. H , Olm-ko for State Spnator The la"l
Convict Labor .King of I.lnroln Is'Using "l
Boodle to Defeat Him.1' ' iffit
Within a fexv duvs
pint it has coma to bo known that the men > liIt
IntPrestcd In Lho convict labor contract at It
Murom came to Omaha xvlth
r u-4i * IT v tl tnonoy and ap " f >
preached certain men xvith proportions file
xvork lhat against tlio election of Mr , Clarke ,
gentleman lived at Lincoln sex-oral
years while ongaetid xvlth the H. T. Clnrko (
Urug company and xvas open In his denunci I-
ation of the Iil
ring xvhlch runs the state peni
tentiary. Thosn men , fearing that uo il111
jnvetitlijato their methods If sent to the
legislature , have runson to oppose hi * olto-
and can xvcll afford to o17
pay 17
for It , It is
reported that this
ring Is also
iccretly xvorklng ugalnsl Crounso.
In currlacos In tbo line
xvero abated Judao
Crounsc , John M Thurston , John L. Web
atcr , Attorney Genpral
Moore. I ) . II. Mercer. J. Huatingi L. Kulov , , Eugene E. H.
I u in in Had A. 1C , Goudy
, and they
greeted xtltb prolonifod. applause 03 thoj
wer recognized all along tlioroulo travcr od
by the parado.
tW Orirnt Crowd at tlio Hull.
When the line ronchod the hall It xvni
four to b nlrpady filled , and It xvas impossible
slhlf for moro than 10.1 of the tnarcheri to
got. inside ! the great building In xvhlch over
IMWtl people bad found scats before their ar
rlva U had bean anticipated ov Marshal
Kobhon nnu Cliairmnu A. S. Churchill of the
county central committee , nnd the line xvns
( ll'inlsscd nnd the spnaKers O'corlcd Inside.
Chntrman Churchill nr.'sldcdi and xvlth
him on llm platform xvoro so ttod the candi
dates nbovn mentioned nnd Dr. M. O. Kick-
oilsV. . N.Nnion. . J. II. Kyner , C. O. Lo-
beck nnd C. A. Goss , nominee * on iho logis-
latix-o tlckol.
SpcakeiM xvpro limited to ton mlnuloi
each. Mr. Webster uriod ? the endorsement
of republican principles nnd the support of
thn nominees. Judge Crounso xx'ns called"
for. nnd said that ho xviis not particularly
solicitous for votes , but xvas solicited * for
the welfare of tlin stnto xvlth whoso Interests
ho had boon cotinccicd for so many years.
Ho Ima been honored by the people
of the .state bcvond measure , oven bolero
receiving the nomination for the governor
ship , nnd If ho xvns elected lo that position
his cup xvould bo IndccJ running over. It
had nlxvavs been nnd nlxvays xvould bo his
earnest effort to faithfully perform every
duty entrusted to him. and ho could only say
that ns governor ho would bo the governor
of democrats nnd Independents as xvell ns of
republicans. Ho xvould bo perfectly fair nnd
xvould knoxv no SCL-I or division but would
discharge all his duties to the best of his
Somn Trlslil 1'nels.
Attorney Gonornl Hastings thought the
Americans hud lonrnod the Insson of letting
xvell ( munch nloiip , nnd xvoulo see to it thnt
President Harrison romaiupd In the xvhlto
house another lour years. Ho devoted the
most of the time ullottoit to bun lo Iho lecU-
laturu of txvo years uco , which disfranchised
this county by neglecting its dutv to renp.
portion the state , and nHo neglected to pass
n resolution nuthotizing ttio governor to
draxv the monuv ' collected years ace as a xvnr
tax. He said'thnt the state board had In
vestigated iho asylum charges within txvo'
days after the imttcr xvas brought to tholr
notice nnd hud that txvo ot tno ox-em
ployes luui imposed upon the superintendent ,
nud it had ulso transpired Unit both of those
employes voted the democratic licitot.
The concrestlonal nominee xvas called for ,
nnd nllor soeuking of the gentlemanly con
duct of Iho campaign on his part , touched
brielly on Iho tnrilT. honest money nnd honest
Mr. Robison utilized n couple of minutes in
impressing upon th" voters the necessity of
retting lo the noils earlv and Keeping up
their work until the Inst oallot was cast , nnd
Ihon Mr. Thurston xvns requested to talk a
fexv minutes before the great gathering xvas
dismissed , nnd Iho time for taming was ovor.
Ttio rally was history , nnd loilay tiot only
lhat rally , but uianv ' others will havp their
Western Union cleulion returns xvill
bo slioxvn from the 15th st. windoxv of
II. L-itigsUidtor'a oigur atoro , the
MeC'nguo ' building : , N. M cor. loth and
IX Till"
CIiilHn Citizens Anxlniu to Hear of tlio Ic-
miltH nf Toiliy : * < Struggle.
rCopjilKlitod r 1333 by .lumaj Corjoa lloimott.I
\ xi.t'AitxiHO , Chili ( via Galvoton , Tex. } ,
Nov. 7. [ By Mexican Cable to tbo Now
York Herald Special to TUB Iliju. | The
people in this country lake a keen interest in
the result of the election in the United
States . , and there will bo much curiosity in
oflloial circles' to hoar Iho returns.
Active preparations are boine made espe
cially in naval circles for n friendly rncep-
lion to Admiral Gehnrurs squadron at Val
paraiso. Tbo conservative party is using
every means to defeat tno liberal majority
xvith a vioxv of forcing the resignation of the
present cabinet. Ho far they have mot xviib
no success.
Thu Herald correspondent at Rio Janeiro
telegraphs lhat the national guard xvill bn
mobilized for inspection. The state of Rivera
has been plnced.uudor'iBarUaUpxv. The foil-
craltroops in Rio Grande do Sul have boon
reinforced and are now stationed throueh-
out the stalo. A revolution is expected very
soon in the province ! of San Juan Maltro ,
Matters arc quieting down in Santiago
del I'Mcro. The senate ban approved tbo
a\v providing for the liquitation of the
Nacclonal bank. There has been an active
wccdini ; out or public caiploves , and Iho
) iy rolls have boon reduced $ JOOOOU
monthly. The xvar stores in the urocnals
are bsiug ovprhnuled.
Indians in the Rio Negro territory are in a
state of revolt , und it 13 ullo od Ir'vo been
lulling settlers.
" I'A.VXMvia Galvesion , Tex. ) , Nov. 7.
13r Mexlatn Oablo to tno Neiv York Hor-
UdSpecial to Tin : 13uu.J The French
: uinlstcr nt Bogota hai boon informed that
; he svnuic ite treaty with the canal company
requires one year in xvhicU to complete nr-
ranuoments for sturtlm : the xvork. The ex
tension grunloil 10 Lieutenant \Vydo txvo
years ano expires in February. If the xvorlc
is not beun the property of tha company in
the Isthmus reverts to the Colombian gov
ernment. Panama tavors the extension and
tun national government xvill probably con
sent to it. if Fruncu guarantees the xvorlc.
The ports of the republic have boon opanud
for all oorts except Hamburg. Ilnrvo und
Marseilles. Certificates of residence in New
York are no longer required.
Two Jlncli Wnntcil Mini Ciiptnrfld l > y tbo
Omnrll Itluin I'ollcu.
The police of Council BlulTs on Sunday
arrested txvo men us suspicious characlars
xvlio it developed last night are "xvan'od" ' nt
several places. Detectives Dempsey and
Savaso visited the Bluffs lust nieht and ono
of the men xx'as recognized as Franlc Craiv-
foru , n noted burglar and footpad , xvhovith
Hlcliard Gardnnr and s-jyoral others brolto
( Jraxvford's present nartnor is nn old-time
Omaha crook and is known hero as Fred
Uraivford admitted to the oftlcers thai ho
asiistcd dimmer in tlio bold robbery of St.
.lohn's ' Coliouiato church , committed u short
time nao. Gardner did the active xx'ork
xvhilo his pal on iho ouisldo Uopt. his xveatliof
eve open to prevent n surprise. A hand
some cold xvntcli xvas found on tbo men.
Smith committed u dnrlnc robbery at Lin
coln u ohort time ago , breaking int > j it saloon
and literally sacking the pliu-o. liotli men
xvill bo turned ever to the authorities at the
places whcro their presence is diHlrcd.
There Is u row ard of $51) ) tor the capture of
Crawford , xvhlfh will probably be civou
Deputy Marshal Fowler , xvho made tno
r rest.
ftiia.ti. JIIKKI , M.V TIU : I
ll Tlilnl Tliert < H 1111 Ojiportiiiuty for a
' Another U'nr.
KINSXS CiTr , Mo. , Nov. 7. General Nel a
son A. .Mil us pissed through hero today
enrouto to ChlcaKO , having completed Ins
annual inspection of the Indian reservations
In Indian 'Territory. General Miles , Itrun
Intcrvioxv , slated thai the condition of
ulTulrii is/satlsfuctory everyxvhore excepting
amonn the Cheyennes nad Arapaboo . The
latter tribes , lie expects , will RO on the
warpatb unless tbo government takes btcpa
tcei iinniodlutoly relieve them from threat
ened starvation , Since their reservation
xvas opened to entile mini t , says the general ,
their ratloui from the government have
been reduced threo-ijuiirlera of the ork-inul
amount , i'be Indians have econ nllottoa
land In severally , but their ignorance of
agriculture , com limed xvitb the poorchnracter
01 tbo soil and with tno disinclination of the
Indian 'to work , nas resulted In bringing
Ibom to a condition of starvation. They are
potting restless , says the general , and empty
stpmactis xvill drive them to the commission A
of depredations ana dually to thu xvarpath ,
unless something U doun speedily to relieve
tbcm ,
AlovimmilH ordreiiu ntoiimur * ,
At GlasBonr Arrived Furnessia , from
Now Yorlt.
At Flushing Passed Bolgenland , from
Nexv YorK.
At ( Southampton Arrived 0 Saalo , from
New York.
At 'Antwerp Arrived 0 Ilbinoland , from
No xv York.
At I'raxvlo i-olnt Passed Ohio , from Bal
At Koxv Yorn Arrived Aurnois , from
Ojoaiig of the Saison by Miss Tcnnant
Olnry's Ccrrnatiy ft Sucoass.
't NiRht'ntulthnce 11 Tinllinonlnl to
tlio I'liicK of tlTplI'molDtcr ami tlin -
1'opiilurltJ' if ! tlin Notion
II 'TrnV.Horc. "
Is Omaha to have Its regular season of
grand opera yearly from this year of grace
nnd untilvorsrmojl
Certainly peed warrant for the realization
of such n devoutly wished for consummation
was furnished lust evening In the Urst por-
formancoof MM Tcnnant Clary's company
at tlio Uoyd. Al nil points that performance
was a sticooss. Artistically , the worit was
eminently praiseworthy , taken as a whole ,
nnd Iho character of the audience was an
earliest of a critical interest , xvhlcli travo xvny
ns the piav progressed to almost ontliuslastio
expressions of grateful approval. ll is iruo
thai the evening's entertainment had
much of tlio character of n social
function. Many , It may as xvell bo con
fessed , attended xvith the inorott modicum
of expectation of seeing a great performance
jf Verdi's xvor * . How oould they do other-
Miss Clary xvas admittedly ns Inilcf.-ulg-
nblo us she xvas enthusiastic , but Mahomet
htmsolf couldn't move tno mountain ; and tbo
moving of mountains xvas'suiely child's play
In comparison xvilh obtaining llMt-clnss
operatic artists to "Jump" half way across
the continent to play a single engagement of
six nights and for iho money Miss Clary
could pay. _
Hut u xvas done. A really Ural-class com
pany of operatic ulavow opened a six nights'
Benson last ovoting , and the profcssionnl
and daily press of thu country xvill refer to it
under Us "proper style Iho Onmlia Grand
Opera company. Omalia will surely ac
knowledge to Miss Clary.
Itcforo the Onrtuln itnso.
Last evening's performance xvab prolonged
to a Into hour boc.iUAo of some preliminary
exorcises the litiuortnooo of the great ovenl
was dconioj lo call for. ' ' 'ho orcheslra
played "Amorica" und the niivor road a
iipcuch. Ou uslialf of the oitv Mavor Demit
giootod the "Omnbii Grand ODora company"
and Conductor Mnretzsk , xvhom ho refprred
to as lfMv old host of almost txx'o-scoro
years , xvhcn for n quarter of a century Noxv
York xvas my hunting irround and I n fre
quent guoit of the great maestro to xvhom
xvn al ! extend n rnyul greeting tonight. " Ilo
rtxveli on tlio position and function of iho
l.xric tlnirnn , tracing itu evolution , nnil
thought some form .of ondoxvmont. local or
national , xvns mui li lo be desired. He eulo
gized Marnt/.olr nnd Mi s Clury at length ,
and closed hv saying :
"It must hi flatterinc to the promoters of
this ' movement und tq Uio urtisls of the com
pany , on tbo eve of a great election , lo llnd
such an audience to welcome them , and tlio
public spirit , of our clllions may oodooonded
upon to welcome the forerunners of a move
ment which moans so much for the musical
future of Omnhu. "
Letters of regret at absence xvero read.
OIIP xvas from Mrs. Frank Leslie , another
came from Uev. L.r.'Thomus of Cnicneo , ana
that "uonorary citizen of Otnahti , " George
Francis Train , sen tan absurdly clever rhyme
of mingled regret , at his enforced absence
and lauaiitlon of the enterprise and the en
terprising citj thai xvas supporting it. But
the ' the '
play's thing' , „ -
"It Trovalorc. "
As has been said , the performance ns a
xvbole xvas admirable , and iho most critical ,
xvho haply have tjfcit memories withal ,
could llnd but foxv Haws Vn it.- With but ono
ovception tbo parts' wore adequately1 filled.
The average audienca is so familiar xvilh
" 11 Trovatoro" as to bo ombarrasjingly
critlcnl. nnd the applausejasi ovonlng xvas
proof of the excellence of lh"o intorprotatlnn.
The audience xvas cold throughout the ooon-
Ing scenes , and only sheer art-expression
could xvarra it up to the oncoro-dPiiramlinir
mood evinced during the later action of thu
iruglc romance.
The loading prima donna of the company ,
Mmo. Selma ICourt-lCronold. has a pleasing
soprano of limited compass , but sulllclently
flexible aud not without power within its
limits. The music of Leonora she proved
herself fully capable of interpreting , tier
solo work was particularly praiseworthy in
ner opening aria , "How calm , how placid , "
and in her fourth act aria , "Borne on Love's
own rosy winir , " while her wont in the immortal -
mortal ' 'Miserere" captured the audience to
enthusiasm , and adetmind for repetition that
would not bo denied. In the dramatic pass *
ages Mnu. Koort-ICronold's conception was
evidently aoovo nor power * of exprusiion.
A/ucouu was the wonlc point ot the per
formance. A perfect rendition of the score
nud presentation of cue character demand
the highest powers , and Mmo. M'
scorned phvsically incapable of mooting the
demand. It is only as measurnd by thu
highest standards mat the lady failed , but
only such comparisons are permissible in
considering the work of so excellent a com
pauy of artists.
.llulo Volte * Kxcullciir.
Mr. J Payne ClarUo Is a capital tenor of thorough
rough and rjady robuito varisty. His
"Maurico" was a finely conscientious per
formance and fully onrnud the unstmtod up-
plauso it received. Like the other members
of the company , lie improved as the opera
progressed , leading one to believe that to
night's performance of "Trovatoro" tvill bens
ns nearly purfciit as can fairly bo expected
His nria work was correctly phrased and 1
altogether pleasing , while ho rospondnd to
all requirements in the dramatic worn ud
Tno most distinctive performance of the
evcnlnu was iho Count dl Luna of Corosti.
The part was sung lu Italian , providing an
instructive dllforonco illustrative of the re
spective mcnlH of the two verbal mediums
in lyrio expression. As u vocalist Corosti
may mvlto searching urltlcUm , but he is
inui-li more than n clover baritone ; there is
something in his manner so admirably con
sonant with tbo environinnnt of romance ; ho
wears median-ill costume as to the nabit
borne , and plavs every moment be Is on the
stage these and other indefinable but fully
appreciated characteristics make his per
formancu Romeihing to bo remembered n
carrying sitcctntor and auditor beyond the too
evident , makeshifts of xtapccraft to the very
scone in anil around Allaforio.
The minor parts wi'rp acceptably filled ,
Slg. Hologna's niisso doing good ueryico n
the mnnners nliottrdpP6lFirmindo. !
U'ho chorus is nolWhftiorous , but H gets li
lot of thoroughly ctfmih'jndaDlo work , am
all lu all Verdi's moit ! popular opera received
rendition at the H&yd last evening more
worthy of praise thun'iiioro than oue preseu
talion nt tlio bauds "of certain much renew
now nod traveling organizations that have
been hoard In
The audience stayed till the ( all of th
curtain , late us It Avaa , nil highly piua&ed
with the evening's ( liitqrtulnmont. It was u
brilliant assemblage , tilling the house , and
fullv reprcisontatlvo ufiiUmaha society , Thi
army wab there , the ? cWJI professions wori
there , tbo state exqciUye | and many poll
tlcians were prasnut , tlio business muii nnd
their families wore out' ? in short , cvervbody
who Is anybody "assMtcfl" Its the inaiigura
tlon of Omaha's I1MU.I season of gnim
operii that is all hof owmtst own , Tm
national coloi'i were trooped en either gldoo
tin1 proicsnluni and under them banks o
blooming yellow and white cui'.vtiuiitliumuma
gave a chnrmliig effect. The ladles prr eu
bad donned their daintiest gowns and ( lau
dainusl ) most of them hud dotted tbolr huts
most auspicious Inauguration thnt inns
hnvo boon eminently gratifying to the courageous
agoous ludv who designed the grand worl
aud carried it to such pleasing realization.
Tivo Uniiloye | of Ilia Ilurber A plialt Com
pauy UUHppeHr.
Whether Iho high wind ? prevailing Sun
day and tbo Hig Muddy ore responsible fo
the unaccountable aisunpoaraDce of J. Culla
nan and C1. Korea U a question which may
today DO solved.
Tbo two men are employes of the liarbe
Asphalt company nud nothing bai boeu
hc.tril of Hi cm since Saturday , when both
went to n point some twenty miles
upc the river.
Cailannn was engineer of tlio Ing steam
rollar "Jumbo. " onraitod In street Improve
ment norK , while Noren wan engineer In
chnnjo of the company's clly yards. The
latter owned n small mcnm I'utiiich , which
had been put In dock up the river. In com
pany with Callanan lie ncnt after his prop
erty Saturday , Intr-ndlng to oomo dowti the
river and expecting to arrive here at noon
Nothing has boon heard of cither of the
men , Poroninn Harry Hucklov of tlio
asphalt '
company's street linprovomont crow
nnd C.tllanuti'a room tun to snout iho entire
day yesterday in nn unsuccessful attempt to
learn soinnthtm ; of the engineer. * and their
thereabouts. It is possible they postponed
heir trip homcwarn , owing in thu nlun
. 'Inili , though iho friends of both men be-
love they would send word if they intended
oiiii ; to , as their nlnonco would ami dl.l
ecosultato I ho laying off of the men om-
iloyed ' with them. Noron Is um-riml
nd moved hero from Council Bui IT *
short time ago. Visitors during
homi past summer to Lake Manuwa
: miwi remember the steam launch ana Its
wtior. the oo.U having bant , a pleasure craft
hero fora few seasons. Doth men mav i turn
P today , thoueli Mr. Uuckley mtortnliH
ruve fuars in to their safety. MM. Norcu
i also in total ignorance ot her husband's '
at ( .
York Ocliunqn ( liiiitiitlons ,
Niw : Voiiu , Nov. 7. jSpeulal Tolcgrint to
1'nn HSR. ] lOxchange waiijuotod ni follows :
Chicago , ( iOo pivmlum ; U ston , 10e , So ami
c dljcount ; St. Louis , par.
Clinlrni In I lu n nil r.v.
UriK PKSTII , Nov. 7. Ninoc.iscsof cholera
nil four iloiths from Iho disuasn are re-
lortod nt bzoc/.uiiy , a town of Hungary.
I'.tu.-mn i run.
F. W. Collins of Lincoln Is nt the I'.ixton.
lohn ' Crayon of Teknmali is nt IhoMllliml'
11. ! S. Pearson ot Chlcaco Is at thu Murray.
Kugct.o Moore of Norfolk Is at the Mil-
11. Anderson of M Union Is nt the Ar-
: ade.
C. B. Gregory of Lincoln is a guest at the
' .ixton.
J. O. Halt of Superior Is resislcrcd nt the
\rcado. <
12. D. Lord of Grand Island is at the
) ollono ,
J. M. Grimth ofVahoo is a guest at the
Mlllard. :
C. F. Gibson of Denver is a guest at tbo
C. E. Tofft of Lincoln is n guest at the
G. H. Hustings of Crete is registered at
ho Millavtl.
D. D. Clink of David City xvas at the Mercer -
cor yesterday ,
J. M. Chi'iiy and Ellison Cheny of Waynn
ire at the Mercer.
T. A. Oroonxvoou of Wymoro xvas at the
' .ixton : yesterday.
II. A. Harroxvs of Tcknmati is among the
guests at the Arcade.
f. Vf , Litllo of Lincoln is among the
guests at tbo Murray.
' Mrs. W. S. Seovoy returned yesterday
'rom a trip to Denver.
C. J. Uun , for ton years chief clerk of the
jeneral passenger department of the Mis-
. . Piicllio railway , died at St. Louis of
typhoid fever.
Ciucino , III. , Nov. " . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BUB.I The following Nebraskans
reglsicroti hero today : PalincrV. . A. Me-
Ancony , Omaha. Victoria Hyatt Mcillck ,
Omaha. Trcmont W. S. Davis , G. D. Malone -
lone , P. U. Moara. L. A. Slovens. M. O.
Mason. Omaha. Wellington V.T. Wnl on ,
I.OC.ll. H1U : t'
Pour minor per.nits , nggrogatinu S50. ) ,
wcro issued by iho supurintendont of build
ings yoUorday.
The nianagoment of Uovil's tlioator wishes ,
lieroby to announce that Mr. .1. P. Hunter
lias no connection whatever either with
Uoyd's theater or Bovd'a theater program.
The regular meeting of the BoarJ ot
Health was postponea yesterday on account
of Chief Scavoy being unable to bo present.
An effort will bo made to hold a meeting
iater in the week.
The ladles of St. John's Episcopal church
will hold tholr regular monthly aociiii at iho
residence of Mrs. Guorge J. Stonov , North
Thirty-fourth street , between Seward mid
Franltlln streets , on Thursday- evening next.
All members and friends of tbo church are
cordially invitou.
Tbo moo'ing of the cltv council to no hold
tonight will oo a quiet nnd 1.1,110 alTair. It
is Qioro than probiblo that tbrro ivill not be
enough of the tnumuers in attendunce to con
stitute a quorum , us thu undcrstaiiding * is
thai tno meeting will simply bo culled to
order , uUnr which there will bo an adjourn
ment until Thursday night.
Superintendent Fitzoatru-l : ro'urnod yos-
tenliiy moniing from a visiting tour in which
he took in tbo schools of Cnlcago , Indinnnp-
olis nnd Columbus , O. Ho speaks in high
terms of Jhe schooU of Indian ipolis. In
many rosp.'cls ho Ihinks they have almost
reached tno ideal of perfection. In the mut
ter of classtllcatlon and llnancioring they are
Will Brookman , whoso ttcath occurred in
St Louis last wouk after an illr.uia of two
days , was well known and unlver.sully Jlkod
by Ills friends in Omaha. lie was n son of
P. Urockman , ono of Iho boil known gram
men of the west , and was connected with -
Brown Brother ) last fall and winter , during
which bo formed many pleasant attachments. !
Ho was lu his twonty-llri.t year al ttie time
of his death.
am R na K = a ra / ? * * = WM
w n nm mi u .
That AVKU'S Sar.saparilla CLT.KS '
OTHKIIS of Scrofulous Diseases ,
Eruptions , IJoils , Etv.eiua , Liver and
Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Illieu- H
mutism , and ratarrii sliould be con
vincing that tlio Mime course of
treatment XVIM. CTIM : YOIT. All
that lias been said of the wonderful
cures effected by tlio use of
during tlio past rx ) years , tnillifiilly
applies to-day. It is , in every sense ,
Tlio Superior Medicine. Its ciira-
tivo properties , strength , eircc-t , and
flavor are alxvay.s the same ; and for
whate-ver blood diseases AVUH'S
Sarsaparilla is taken , tlioy yield to (
tills treatment. When you ask for (
don't bo induced to purchase any of
tlio worthless substitutes , which are
mostly mixtures of the cheapest , in *
gredients , contain no sursaparilla , *
have no uniform standard of ap- * "
pearauce , flavor , orclfect , are blood ,
purifiers in naino only , and are of
fered to you because there is more
profit in selling them. Tale ; 4.
Sarsaparilla An
IrJ.O.A > er.lif Co. , Lowell , Man ,
ti I'licc * ! , ( Is tiultlit , $5.
Cures otjiers , will cure you Ilo
'rcotixinntluti and notice of .submission to tlio
electors ami latVIIIOM \ of the i-lty ot
Uin.iba of tbo question of Issuing the
bonds of tbo elty of Umiiba In the sum of
one hundred thoimnil ilo lars ( tl otun to
pay for thn cost of pivlmr. tcpavlnsor
nil .nil/.liii tlio Intor-octlom of struct * anil
sp'ictw oppoilto alloys In sild I'lly. nnil lo
liuy llio i-onof iinvlns In front of ro-il rstnto
' " 't subject to nssos
inonl of special tues :
To Om the ibn oli'iMors : and lo al voters of tlio city of
l.lleorzn I' , llomls , mayor of thu city of
Jtn ilia , ilii lisno this , my procl.ini it on , and
> y tliu I niithorltv xo < to'l ' In mo is suoh nriyor
In lirrouy a.vo publlo not
cc to the utt-olors
mil loinl voters of
thoulty of Uiiinh i that n
coneriil olot-tlon will bo hold In sild cltv
liir-td ly. the oUlith tiny , , f November.
for the . i i ; ,
purpose of Dubinin ing to said oloiMiiM
mil liiBin volCMthoquustlonnml
'on ' " propoMtlnn ,
"J'lnill ) ) ( the fltv of Oinalin In tim
inn of n no hundred thousand dollars (1100,0 ( k
bo Issued I for the purpose of D.tylim tlm i-ost of
mvniif. ropivltis or inuuaduiniriiu the Inter-
ioiMlnns of streets mid mi iuo opposite i IIOXM
n saldi'ltv , or pivlna tlio coil of niviir'iu
rontot real pstntr. not subjpci lo assessment
) f MiPclHl ; luxes for piviiii ; purposes. Mild
) ends to run not moro lli.ui twenty CM ) yours
and to Inlnrest puyiblo spinl-annimlly
it ! rite not mouoillni llvo
iti pur rout per an-
nnil i i , xxIth
" ' ronlion-i ntt'Ched , to bo villoil
"I'nvlng i'oniK"iiul ' ! nut to lie old for loss thai )
> ar , the prntnods of wlnoli shall I nsnl for no
itlior piirpnu thin nying tlm
| cost of iiavin ' ,
rupavlni ; or iniicudntn 7.111 ? the Intersoctlons
if street * and npacos opposltu nllry-ilii siM
Cltv or In front of roil : cstito not siibjiH-t to
IhSDSsniolll of RIlOOlAl tllXUH for piX'llU
" HUP-
Thn sild question nnil proposlt on nliiill In )
' ihniitU'il to 8 till I'lcutor.s ( Millru In tliu primer
'orin piovldnd bv luw for iillk-lnl linl oH , ulth
tlio XMH la 'Vos' " . "
.M ) primp Ilii-rrou. All
> f said li.'illnt-t hi > lng anX" tniirk follow *
Itii tlio xvor.l " \ i-s" fli.ill bo coiintuil In f-ix-or
of Usuliu s'lld buniN , nnd all of tiild ballon
Hiving an X" in irk folloivlne tliu xvord "No"
shall bu counted nnd oonslderod tis against
tlio Issuing nf siKI bond * > "
'i'lio PHIi < ii boTiiioi'i"the day of said uleo-
tlon at ul.'lit o'clni'l ; in thu niornlnit nnd shall
oonllnuo otinii until so't | oi'K In llm cvinilni ;
> f the SIIIHI ( lay nt the rw > i > ctlxu votlnK
j. as follows :
FIIIST wvitn
' ' " ' - - i ;
corner 7th
struuts. Mar.-y
8lh and
nntl JonM
flrit alloy
tW |
WHd nx'unuo
siru ; corner 10th .11
. f corner ( ith
llstrlot-N' ) W corner Dili and Bancroft
N K cornur 13tl1 nna Vlnlon
oorl"r ltl ( ! ntul Jonoi
Corn8r 13th and
n conior 2M nnd Loivc"- !
utli Ilistr ut-n > Ht side of South 2Jth
oppiMlio ' street ,
I'opplelim urn.
streets 7th District b IJ corner ICth ami 1'loi-cu
conior Mlh n"d
'Mi Uistrlot-X E corner Sl\tconth and '
ter stri'ots.
lilh District N W conior 3Jth and Dorcas
\\\h \ \ \ l.strlct-S R oornurSath and IJanuroft
taih District N K corner 13th and Vlutou
Kith District SV corner 13th nnd Valley
street ! ) .
lltb District N Ecornor2Jthand liouluvard
n ven no.
THlllU XVAltU.
t'rp1 ' , * ) lstrlot s w corner 12th nnd Chicago
-'d IMstrlct-N W corner 14th nnd Davenport
ad District-South sldo of Capitol avonuu
40 tr ( est of ) Will stroist ,
. . 4lh District Wusl sldo of mb. Htruut , bo-
.vuen Donitlns nnil Dodiiu streets.
nth District N i : corner lutb and Oanltol
liib District N" K corner Oth aud
. llarnoy
7lh iJlstrlct S n corner llth and Doii.-lus
itli Distrlot N K corner 15th and .Taukson
' .
-iiL'ui - y
'Jlh Distrlot S n corner Uth and How.ird
r.Tuimt XVAIID.
1st District > W corner 17th and D x-onpori
i'nd Distriet-N WcoinorS.'ndiiud
-.treiiti. LUvonport
' ) rd District N W corner 5.1th und Dodge
HI routs.
4th DIstnct-N E corner 17th and Dodie
fltb Dlatrfot N E corner Kill nud Ilaniey
ilili DUtrlct N W corner 20th aud Douglas
* til'OtS.
7th ' District NV cornur 20th atrocl ami Ht.
ilury's iivunue
tilh Uistiivt d W corner SOth street nnd St.
H try s avonuu.
Uth Distrlot Hnatslilu of l-'oiith luth Htreut.
nutwei'ii llarnoy si reel und til. M.iry's.mmur.
IDlb District N XV corner lath and Lo ivim-
worlli stroots.
llth ' District S W corner 17th street and Si ,
iry's uvonuc.
1st Olstrlct East silo of faliermiin avenue
jpiHito ] ) Maiidi'ison atreuc.
Slid District S K corner Shunuan aveuuo
mil Wirl a true i.
.Ird liiitni't SV corner Shnrnian uvenuu
uiul L.uco .slruol.
< th Dlstrlut N W corner Sherman iivunuo
mil ( fracu street.
. 'itli District h W corner lth and Charles
titli District K'ist
sldu of Sberinan uvcnuu
about 'II i font norlb of Nicholas < > tieot.
7lh Dlstrlot S K corner Ititli and I/urd
Htli District N W corner ICth und Hurt
Jth Dlstrlut N H corner 15th and Uasi
> t runts.
10th Dlstriot HastBlilo North 17th stioot between -
tweon ( Junfiiriilii and c'ass hticutH.
llth Dmtrlut-H K corner 18th uml Oaba _
1st District S H corner "ltd street : iuil Ames .
2nd D strk'l S W corner 10th stieet und
Draiid uvmiue.
.Ird District N K corner 45th and ( Irnut .
tlt 4lh DlHtrlot-S corner 'Jlth und Mnmlcraon
r > lh DHtrlct SKfiiriiur'JItli und Wlrtitn-eli.
cm Dlhtilai .4 W coiner : Unl and I'urlior
7tb District N W cornur 24th mil Corby
HtroelH. '
btb District M K corner 27th and liiinlelto
Oth District N E corner " 'ml and ( irant
Mb Distrlot \Vcorncr \ Mtli and Kr.iiiUin
llth District B W corner .Mth und FianUIn
4trt'iita. "
K'th Ulitrlot SV corner L''nd nnd Olnrii
itrects ,
1st Dlstrlut-3 corner 58th and M.ison
5nd District N r. corner -Jth uvoniio nnil
I'oiiiiKUnn iivi'iiuo.
. ' ( rd Dlmilul H W rornur i'tlth Direct nml
Woolxvortb nveniiu. "
4th District .N W corner tlOtli strunt and
Arbor Mruuu
Ath District South Hliln of Vlnton Ntruut
noir ( east of tonlli il''il uvcnnc.
Olh DUtrlct K cornur JHb iivimim , ind
I'opnlutoii aveniio.
7tn Uutrlut-N ! \ corner 'illb mid Kr.iiicla
1st District Knst hide of iOth itroot nnar
noiitb ofiChiiru-sHtri'ia.
5nd DMrlL't Hem sldo of .Mil utrnet nuar
south-it ) r.iul utri-ot.
ar.l Dutrlcl N W corner 20tb and Nlcliolax
4th District \ E corner 50th and Onmluj
Mh District West side of North 33th street
near ( north of ) Cumins strnot.
( lib Dlbtilct S Kconior'Jidimd Hi ; .
7th District 9 W corner vUlb und
truut * .
MIMIIAid ) ,
1st Dlstrlut y W corner T.J und Oumlm ;
LM Dlitnet N W corner ICth and Oiimltiil
| ) N E cornnr 40th und Furnaia
UhDlrttrlot North slduof Davenport ilreet
HB rweit ( of ) North .T.'d nvanuo.
Oth ( INtrlct s E coruur UUt iivoiiuo mid
01 . " ? . * rL' .
ta Yf corner Sith nvuiiue und
. . . ktnii otrniit.
whereof I have liorBiinto fct
haii'l ns nnvur ( if " > ld cl'y of Oiiiuha , this
Attest : JoilNCIaoyBS. olty Olerlt. oiuu.'lt
ordliriiicu t'Ji tutciii t inn sruln of ! * > lli "
Hlrecv from I'owlur iivciino to Ainn-i nvoniiij.
In thoclly of Onmlia. nnd n > pealing = < o much
ofllrudi ) OrduiHiico No. : i'7 nml no iiiiifliuf In
all ordlnuiiccs In conltlct lierowltb : i I
It ordained by the clly council of tliocily ( J
ofOinuhai ' . . .
auollou J. Whoiod * , It has btuii declarad t
to rhiliKO the crniln of , i5Mi stroi *
from I owlortivcnno
"I ? to AIMIH avoniin !
And xvliurotm. thri-o dlilntorost cd frcoholit
DM h xo lioon appointed by tliu innvor anil
roniiriiioiliiv llm cliy ( . oiincll to tippmNd tlid
llniiiaciisHrNliiK bv ru'i nu ot the cliiingo of
IMI-I ; horoln 'pocllli-il : ami
. . .v \\lioloas , silil iiiiir\l | ; or. < . nflor ilnhniiall. .
fylni ' ; iiccordlnz to linv nnd oxnmlnln tlm
iiroppriv nircetcd by said clniiitto of fir.nlp.
j hn { linvu [ { } * npiiMiviMl iniidi- olr the report suno , : and tlio clly oiuncll
' , Tla-rofori' ' , the grade of vild patti of JWlli
strret I * lieroby eluintfcd and < stalillshcd
Ihixt ' the nlovntlonstliall be us foi IIIM < , thn so
ar.ulo botxfccii the po nls cited being uniform
straight ; lines :
South PIII-II of l'ovrer ! nvo-
HUD ( nsoslnlillslicd ) liKI.0
Noilli onrbof .Morvdilh nvo.viKn vi" n
I Snntli rnrbnt Moiodltb uvp'.tuo
North Unit of alloy hot n gen
Meredith nnd"t nvo- i
noes .M.1.0
North c'lirli of Amos uxr , ns
pst'ihllhi > d 1SVO . . , , , .
Sections. So lunch of Oniilo Ordliiniico No.
' Mi nnd so much of nil otlirt ordintuii'csdoMn
i Ing iho criules of the nbovo strooN. as con
! flicts ltli the provisions of this nrillniinco.Is
hereby rrpuulo.l.
.woiioui : Thin or.lltinnt'o shnlt like oltoot
nnd bo In foron from and utter Us U4ssaio.
1'njK.oil Ootobor Inli. iHr. .
JUHS ( iiiovi : ,
( Miv Clerk.
K. I1 DVVIJ * .
President. Clly Council.
Approved October ' 'Ith , tsre.
OK > . r HIMI" : .
And nollco to the electors an I icunl vntiirs o
tin' l ! clly of Onmlia of tin uiinunl city tiled ion
of tlio city of Otirilin. to bo held on Tiin-.iliiv ,
tin- sin , lay of No\i > mlu > r. H'i ' for the pur-
pos ofi'liM-lliig upu eonncllm in from uaeli
To tluM1 ectois anil lu ul votoix nf Iho rltyuf
Oin-ibii- '
I , ticor/o r. llonils , iiitiyor of ( lie oily of
Oni'iliu , iln IHSIIO ill. * , my pi'iiiMiiiniii ion. ami
by tiniiutliorlty vested I I me us such mayor
do lieroby clvo pmillo noilcn lo I berk-dors
and Irjal voters of the c.ty of Oniali i thnt an
. llllllllll Oily ( llui'tlOtl ( if till ) I'ltf nf OhiHlKl ,
will In-held ' insililc ly on Tue-d" > , thni'lirhth
iluvof N'oveinlior. ( Ml.1 , for tliopurnoieof meet-
liir onn ooiincl m in frum cciuli ward.
' Tito polls -hall be ontdi on the o y of said
clei'iloi at oli'lil oMoe !
< in thn morn nu uml
Muill contiiiiiu open until - - . \ ndiu'K in tln <
ovDiiliig of the ( , 'inio day , ni thn iP poctlT
votlngpliieiM following , to-wlt :
Ullal XfAllll
' S ' ' corilur Tltl " ' '
W corner Sth alld
' ' " '
N f >
, ,
3 eornerof 1'nrlt Wild iivciini
C ° r"t'r Gth 1"1
N W corner Dili nnd lUneroft
K C0rnor Ia" ' ; " " 1 VIllto"
( > nr"0r 13lh
ooinor I8Ui
B eor"or 2i" nni1
nth Dlstnot-KiHt ' side of Soiuli ' 'Jth sticetj
I'opuldon nve.
" ' S I : Clrnor "lh ! IMl1
Uth DIstHflt-N K corner Sixteenth and l
lJr ( 81. rGOt 5 , - .
' | ' { ( { | DIstrlet-N eornar 2.'th mid Doroat
H K cornor'0tll nd Hanuroft
N IJ corner ntl' uml Vlntoi'
' 'ornur ILU : | "
llth District NE corner aotuind Ilouluvaiil
TIIIIlllVAItll. .
1st D.'strlo.t-S W '
. corner 1'Jtli nn-1 Olilean'C
-'d District N W corner lltli unit
'Id District South side of Capitol nx-onuo
IIIMT ( ui'St uf ) uiii htreet.
4tb DUirlet Hide of
jUv 12th street , bo-
tiveen Douzlns anil Do.l o trcots.
5th DMrlct-N U corner lull ) and Capitol
iivunuo i
liih District N r. eonmr flth and llarnoy
7ih llatrlct-y K corner llth and [ louglai
Htreou. nth District N K corner 15th and Jackson .
nth Dlstriot B K corner 10th and Howard i
nl reels.
POl/'KTII XX'Allll.
1st District N W corner ITtli and Davenport '
stioots. *
2nd DUtrlot-N W corner a.'nd and Davcnporl r
f-tn-tMs. V
! rd Dlbtrlet-N XV eonmr 2.Hh mill Diil ) ol [
* ireoth. t
4 III ) Distrlot N E corner 17lh und Dodo
fitn District N i ; corner ITth nnil Ilaniey
' .truulH.
( itli District N Vf corner 2iJlh and Douxlas wl
nt reels. HI
Till ' District NV corner 'Jiitb street mill bt.
tlury's uvoniio
< tli ' Ih-ilrli-l 3V corner SOLIi itreot und St. „
Maiy's aveiini ) .
Oth Dislilot i.islKdoof : ) Siintli IDtli street , "
iiui c"n llarnoy si loot und Hi. M iry'sivoniin :
Mill Di-itrna N XX' corniT isth anil 1,0 nun
uoi Hi strooti.
Mtli Diiarict .4V corner 1'tli street und Bl ,
M ry's avenue.
Isl District -Hunt Ilo of iivenuo
opposite Mundursuii mruiit.
- nil Distrlot N i : earner Hliurman iivcnuo
and Wlrt strcei.
: ird District H W corner Slii-rmnn .ivoniia
mil LiKOhlront.
111I Itb DNtrlct N W cornur t-'liuniiun itvcnuu
mil ( < raeu striM'l.
Jill IJistrlct & W corner 17th and Ubarlos
.1 nuns
l .th District Hide of Midrniun uveniio
.iboill 'III foot north of > , u'holns htreet.
? tb District S 1C corner liith und l/.uid
ih Jlstrlet ) N W cuniur lOtli uud Hurt
' .nil District N C cornet 1.1th and U.ibJ
lOtli Ills ! net East ldo Ninth ITth utieut bn-
Iween Oulifoinla und t'.iss ' itit'Pis.
lllh Distrlut-H K coiner Ibth tanl
1st I District 8 n corner Situ bliuet nud Aniei i
i'ml Dstrld.-S ! W corner I'Olli Ml rout mid
Ilrd DMnet N K comer lh uml Oranl
4ib Distrlot fi W corner 'Jlth nnd Mnndcrion
r > ih DNlrlct sn corner -'lib und Wlrtitn-ets.
Dili District H W corner Wlrd and I'jirker
7rtb Dhtrlct-N W corner i'lth aid O'oiby -
Kth Dlntrlct N K corner " 7lh and llnrilcttut
slrciits. > 1
uib District N 12 eonmr I'jnd and Grunt l
| ! ih DlMlrlut N W corner 'JStli nnd I'niiiklln ll
lllll "District H W cornur SI Hi nnd I'ninklln
l th Dl trlol S W corner " 'ml nnd C'l.irU
st-outs ,
1st 1)11 rlut-S W i-oiftor Wth ami
i'iiil DUtrlct-N K. corner l"Hli nvonuo anil
1'iipiiliiloii iirciino.
Urd Dliirlut H XV cornur IV th Hi rent und
Wnolworth uvenuu.
( Ih District N Vf corner .Uth htroot und
rVbrDUlriot-Soiilh side of Vlnton gtroot
nn.irou > it of Month ! S-'d nvimiie.
Clh Dlatrlct y 12 cornur 'mil avenue unur rf
I'opplelon iivenuu. ,
Tin Dlntrljl N Vf corner 3Uh nnil KriincU 'J
lceU. ' -
1st Dlslrlnt Kiist sutu of Mill vtreut naar
isnutli of i ( Jh-irli'-i ftritia.
X'nil District Wimt HliU > of LTId hlrcct
H'liilbot ) ranlMri-ijt.
. .rl Dutrlct .N XV corner 20th and WebiI'ii > < -
tii D'lulrlot .V 12 cornoi- Mill and Cumins
f.tb Dinlrlct Wehtsldcof North -"illi troi ) ' . u
near innrtli of ) Uiiinliij ln > t , ta
mil Dlatrlel S 12 eorpur 'd nuil Hurt utrccH. c ,
7th DJutrlut S W conior .Dili and Him ti
Ut Dislrlot-S W cornur aid anil ( Juiiiliia' ' | |
I'd'Dlitriot N W corner JOtli and OiitnliM Jj
' *
Ul.ldtitrIot-N | 12 corner Mb and rarnuiii-j
fclrft"'uirlot North liio of Daronpart ktreei y
rtnu t of ) North a-ilnvuniiu.
5th dlstrloi-o J-2 rurut-r aut nvonuu mid
lri -H W coiner Mill uvuiiue uml
xtllnim wlinrcof I liuve hereunto fcolniyi ,
linnd nuiiiuvor of mild , ulty of Uuiahn , thli <
At urn : JoiiNGiiovKS , bliy Oierk. ' olUil U }