THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MOyiUY , NOVEMBER 7 , 1892. PULSE OF WESTERN PROGRESS Determined Assaults on the Southern Pa cific Monopoly in California. SURVEYING THE PROPOSED EASTERN ROAD Vlaormn I'riitMl Again * ! tlio OrM ruction ol IVmlrrn I'orp H l.4lc Mltifrnl Ue- eliiuipnU | Idnliu'n .Miirhlo rii-lil * No\v of tlin NDrtlincit , lnlo t.dvicos from the const are to Iho offcct thnt there IH no abatement In the zeal unil energy of the managers of the projected San Francisco Ss Suit Lake rnilrond. Thrco surveying parties nro in the field. A correspondent of the San Frnncisco Bulletin sitys Iho sur veyors have made Investigations nnd naked questions of hundreds of old real' dent * of the mountain * , nml their testi mony n ( trees on this point , thnt the snow falls mostly upon the two western ranges of tnountntna nnd the third or easterly one , where Hcouwith Pass Is found , is comparatively free of snow nt nil Hcasons. A splendid lumber and dairying region wna found in the Hcck- wlth and Mohnwk valley country. Whnt inquiries wore mudo showed thnt n largo quantity of ere awaited shipment ns soon ns'tho road wns built , Ono party under Knglncor TCoot Is at work in Sierra valley. Ono"under Mr. Lornln Ift between Big Hnr nnd Klcn vnlloy creek , and hnd finished the sur vey lo Hip Hnr , where the work was begun - gun bv Hngliiror Oliver. The party under Oliver Is at the mouth of the west branch , and has completed all the dllll- cult work of the route. From the mouth of the west branch to Orovillo the distance Is but fifteen miles nnd the country nn cany ono with low grades. It is stated > > y two of the surveyors that the whole work will bo completed within six weeks. This probably includes the running of n second or final line for lo cation , as the parties in the field have received orders to make tills ns speedily ni possible. It is reported that a party Is at work on thocnslsido of Sacramento surveying toward Oroville. Muni thu Si < iiiiil.i I'lirlnli' . ' The New York Sun laments the willful destruction by mercenary pot hunters nnd the hirelings of taxidermists , of al most Iho entire herd of wild butTalos , last remnants of a noble race that ranged the great national reservation of Lost Park , in Colorado , where they were supposed to be secure unaer govorinont protection. Recent ronorts that en mo from Cali fornia provoke a vigorous protest ngainst the destruction of the giant trees of that section. Mr. Thomas Hatch , a recognized forestry export , who knows every lordly Bcquoiii and grove of towering" redwoods in the California forests and loves them ns personal friends , tolls a pitiful taloof the destruc tion of these national heirlooms. "Oh , the vandalism thnt I have boon n witness to in my journeying through the woods , nnd especially on this occa sion"says Mr. Hatch. ' 'It fairly makes me sick at heart. " In the Meeker forest ho saw the blackened stumps of majestic redwoods , measuring , many of them , from forty-six to sixty-two feet in cir cumference , and ono seventy-one foot nnd two Inches around , which had been eot nllro and allowed to burn down out of sheer wantonness. Two splendid trees that had been burned through at the base nnd hnd broken olT , one forty- six feet nnd the other soventy-six feet in circumference , lay prone on the ground nnd had become smooth and polished by the elements until they looked like gigantic pillars of ebony. Ho found many other great stumps of the redwood that had been burned or bawn and broken olT , ono of these measured forty-four feet in clrcuinforcnco. Many of thcso mon- nrclis ol tbo forest are liOO feet and more in height , nuporb trees that have bathed in theBunligiitnnd weathered the storms of n thoiiband yoars. Ono stumn the troodmon Raid had yielded 80,000 foot of luinhor. When Mr. Hatch remonstrated with the woodmen who hud slain these monarchs , thov smiled in his face ; told of the price per aero they had paid for the land , and showed their books to prove the great profit they had made. "It was useless , " he says , "to plead with minds like those to spare the few nml lonely giants left stand- Ing. " Concerning the claim that these great trees exhaust the soil , Mr. Hatch saj's that so far from being exhausted bo had found by experiment that the Boil banoath thorn was as rich for corner or wheat as any bottom land ho hnd ever scon. "It is shameful , " says Iho Sun , "that these magnificent relics of our country's primeval grandeur cannot bo protected , und that soulless speculators should bo 1 permitted to supplant a sequoia grove with u bhlnglo mill , build n bottling establishment in Manitou's Garden of the Gods , anil relentlessly slaughter the liibt bison that pastures at largo. Posterity should have as an inheritance other elements than packing establish ments , grain elevators , wiw mills , and a vast continent with every foot of land utill/.od and "reclaimed" on a material istic dollar-producing basis. " I'icliU til Murlilii. F. U. Schormorhorn , the mineralogist nnd geologist employed in collecting nnd classifying Idaho's mineral exhibit for the World's fuirhas returned to Uolso. It was he who discovered the glacial fields in Idaho county , the fossil forest in Leiuhl county and the vast coal treas ures In ( 'uator county. lu Cass'n , county ho bus run across another womlor In the shape of n vast marble quiir.'y , fifteen milen ono way by twenty miles thu other , and in b'omo places SOI ) foot in thickness , maKing ya the largest depodit of marble ill ono body in the world. Not one , but twenty kinds of marble are to bo fotin'd within the boundi.rius of this vust Held of tin- liown headstone. There are mountains of brown stone , Blinding from a somber tint to ono thiu , when poll died , shines with a ruddv glow ; others are dark.nnd but llttlo dif ferent from the celobrnteu black marb'o of tlioo'.d worliljHtlll other vnstqunrries , yet unclaimed nnd owned by the govern ment , consist of a high grade of pure white marble , equal to the famous Ital ian. The marble taken fiominost nil the parta of this vast dopofatt shows upon being assayed fully uo per cent in calcium. ramp * . Creede and Cripple Crook , two now and noted Colorado mining camps , are forging to the front again with rich do- velopmnnts. The shipment of or * a fiom Crocdo is very gratifying to these in- tort-bled in the cam IK An avorngo of olghtueti cuih a day is Ixjing sent out by the Lust Clianco unU Amethyst mines , nnd occabional shipments are made from ' * lessor producers. It is morn tnan probable - able that the option given on thu Amo- tyhst , Iliddou Troaburu apd Suunytiido projorllca will bo taken up on January 1 under these conditlona. The option holtlora nro permitted to tnko out. 150 tons a day nnd npply the proceeds upon the uurcnso prlco of $ i,000,000. The quantity of ere to bo taken from the mlno in three months is plnced nt $2,000,000 , leaving the holders ? ! 1,000,000 to rnlso. Thi3 wjll bo the largest sum of money overpaid paid for a mine In Colorado. A recent shipment * of ton cars of Last Chnnco ere netted $00,000 nnd represented but two days' output. The Little Mnld Is receiving an entirely now plnnt of Im proved machinery , as well aa bringing Blenin power Into requisition. Develop ment worlds being pushed with vigor. Honoris from Cripple Crook Indicate thnt another boom la about visiting the gold carap. Stamp mills nro being eroded by thren companies , nnd the mines are shipping many ions of oro. Prospectors continue lo Hock in larco numbers , and ns soon as the Colorado Midland railroad Is completed it is probable the population of the camp will far e.vcccd that of Crecdo. Irrlcntlnn In Icttlio. Prof. W. T. Griswold , who is at the head of the United St-ilos geological survey in Idaho , was joined in Holso last Saturday by Prof. Thompson , who bus charge of the en tire western divi sion of the survey. The two olllclnls discussed the advlsrtbllity of Immedi ately preparing a minute topographical map of the great Snake river valley from Eagle Hock in Btngham county to Shoshone in Logan county , n distance of about 1UO miles. The plnn is to ascer tain the feasibility and cost of so diverg ing Iho wntors of Iho ilvor at Eagle Hock that thov will bo available for irrigating 250,000 acres of now worthless sago brush land In that locality , nnd again go divert the river's waters nt American falls that 1,500,000 acres of land surrounding Shoshonu may bo brought under cultivation. Prof. Griswold thinks this great work of reclaiming could bo accomplished for $5.000,000. The value of the land would then bo 815.000,000. The work would transform southeastern Idaho from a ilo ert into a garden. A Iinrlnc Vuyiijfo. A of Seattle has built with his own hands a steamer in which ho in tends to hazard a voyage from that city to Chicago , going by way of the Isthmus of Panama. On New Year's day of this year ho laid the keel , and in odd hours hnntehed from his work in a lumber yard , has completed the hull and is now putting the finishing touches to the craft. She is fifty-six feet ever nil nnd will draw five feet ten inches of water. Engines of forty horsepower arc to bo put in , and the estimated speed will bo sixteen knots an hour. Of course the builder and commander hopes to turn au honest penny bv exhibiting the boat at the World's fair. With a crow of six men the start will bo made from Seattle in January. Stops will bo mndo every . " 00 miles along the coast for coal. At an ibthmus port the llttlo steamer will bo shipped on the railroad to As- plnwnll. After ranching Now York the route will bo up the Hudson river , Krio canal and thence across Lakes Erie , Huron nnd Michigan. Portland' * Industrial Growth. A census office bulletin gives statistics of the manufacturing industries of Port land , Ore. In 1SSO the data relating to the tnanufaclurcs of Ihe city were in cluded in totals for MuUomah county , and therefore no comparative stnlomont Is possible. The figures for 1890 are : Number establishment reported , 501 ; industries , 88 ; capital invested , $18- S08,028 ; hands employed , 11,240 ; wages , $7,170,733 ; cost of material used , 812- 527,071 ; value of products , 324,429 , MO. The figures for Multomah county are : Establishment , 102 ; capital , Sl,0.)8,02-j ; hands employed. 1,148 ; wages , 8700,878 ; materials , 8r,607,210 ; product , $2,807,241. Tlio Great Uinviislii-d. .Take Winters , a man who has not washed or shaved himself for twenty- live years , died in Carson Valley , Nov. , laht week. When a young man ho made a vow that until the democratic party came into power ho would go unwashed and unshaven. When Cleveland was elected ho wns reminded of his vow but refused to take tlio necessary stops toward cleansing himself. His neighbors once attempted to wash him by force but ho got away and threatened to kill any ono who tried to clean him. Ho was about GO years old. Ncbr.isli i , From September 1 , 1891. to September 1 , 1802 , there were : iO ; > cars of grain and Hour nnd 200 cars of live stock shipped from Ansloy , Custer county. While fooling wilh a revolver Charles Fiiibco of Sidney was shot iu the fnco , Iho bullet passing through both cheeks. Ho will recover but his beauty is spoiled. Tlio explosion of a gasoline stove at O'Neill caused a lire at the house ofV. . A. Woodruff , and Mr. Woodruff had his hands and feet badlv burned before the ilamcs wcro extinguished. A wsmau. Mrs. Wright , is running for llio ollico of counly nltornoy in Grooloy county and Attorney General Hastings has given his opinion that she can legally hold the oillco if elected. Burglars cracked the safe in the hard ware store of F. M. McGee at St , Ed ward and secured several hundred dollars lars worth of notes. They also robbed I Hlttlo & Lnndoman's general store of a i quantity of merchandise and made their escape after calintr a free lunch. Wo mot a binnll group of farmers yes terday on the street who were inquiring for corn buskers , guys the Konrnoy Jour nal. Farmers are in need of corn husk- crs and cannot got them. Ono of them suyeVo are in need of corn buskers , nilviM'llsn for tii " Mr. Smith , near Fnirfiold. in this state , and jut over the Nuckol'.s ' county line , raised this year 000 acres of sorghum ghum cane , from which ho has just t made Go,000 frallons of sorghum and has 10,000 bushels of sorghum seed to soil , Hays the York Times. His plant is the largest of its kind in the world , having an otigino of 150 horse power and re quiring 100 men working night und day to manufacture the crop thiu autumn. Mr. Smith exucuts to raise another im- monso croo of cnno nnd manufacture It no.xt yoar. Where U Hill McKolghnn with his howl , ' 'any man that invest * ? 2,000 in n farm In Nebraska will have n IIrat class sheriff's sale within five years/ ' Stand up lor Nebraska. It would bo Interesting to the people of this county , especially the landowners , to know that a supply of coal lay at a depth nut ยง o great but thnt it could bo mined , says Iho Papllllon Wells have boon put down on tno places of A. W. Clark and W. L. Williams , and in both cases particles of coal were found. On Mr. Clark's place the Ural vein was found at a depth of about 105 foot nnd another at about 270 feet. Tno drillings of this well resembled hard coal somewhat , in the well on Mr Williams' plnco , at a depth of seventy feet. Ihero were indicatlonsof softcoaland Iho vein scorns to bo .something like twcnty-Hve inches thick. As indications of coal have oftnn been noticed in different places near while boring for water , the people of Snrpy county may reasonably expect to mlno their own supply of coal some time in the future. Northwest Xotr . The registered vote of Tacotna , Wash. , is 10,795. Tin ere has boon found in Cassia county , Idaho. Flowing water wns struck in Helena at n depth of 1,021 feet. Tocama's building record this year is estimated at $ ! ! , OQO,000. Flowing water was struck in Rawlina , Wyo. , at n depth of 450 feet. The registered vote of fdnho is 23-141 , nn inercnfco of 5,000 over 1890. Municipal expenses in Larnmie. Wyo. , for the past six months were SI 1,627. C'hoyonno reports 2,975 registered voters , an increase of 257 in twoyeaia. The estate of Charles A. Brondwator of Helena , Mont. , is appraised atl,491- 220. 220.Throe Throe hundred Indians baye boon de nied the privilege of voting in Charles Mix county ; S. D. George F. Cants , the boomer of Sara toga and Gold Hill , Wyo. , is now edit ing the Salt Lake Mining Ago. Seth B , Stephens , an opium smuggler captured in Ogden , was convicted and fined $700 , which ho paid. The neigh borhood Knows him no moro. Keno , Nov. , boasts of a brass band composed of sixteen beautiful young ladle ? , who are all of about the same height , nnd there is nota poor musician among them. State Treasurer Taylor of South Da kota has just closed up a deal for Iho re funding of $92,500 insane hospital 4i per cent bonds at M } per cent. This shows Ihc credit of Hie state ranks 'way up. The line between Idaho and Washing ton counties is being surveyed. The result is being watched with interest , as it will determine in which county the rich Seven Devils mining district be longs. The contract for constructing a rail road and wogon bridge across the Mis souri river at Ynnkton , S. D. , has been awarded to Chicago nnd Yankton par ties. The work is to commence on or before next July. Nearly 10,000 head of cattle were shipped from Pierre , S. D. , this fall. The growth of the stock business west or Pierre has been phenomenal. It is only a litlle over two years that this counlry has been open lo soltloment. A lump of coat weighing 1,600 pounds was taken out a few days ago in Cascade county to form a part of the northern Montana exhibit at the World's fair. In lowering it from the mouth of Ihe pil it was broken and n piece weighing 900 pounds was selected for the exhibit. What is sujjnojod to bo a relic of an ancient political campaign was dug out of the earth in Butte , Mont. , recently. The tablet was covered with hiero glyphics , which were translated thus : "Two dollars a vote to all comers. Are you with mo ? " The charge that the democracy is a progressive party docs not appear lo bo well founded. While ploughing preparatory lo re moving Iho earth overlying Iho opal mines nt Moscow , Idnho. n few days ago , the workmen uncovered about twenty- five stones. The plough struck the soft rock and turned up a regular nest of opals. The opals appear to bo nearer Iho top of the rock ns the thickness of the earth overlying increases. Soda Springs , Idaho , has been an im portant point this year for shinning stock oast. During the year there have been 070 cars of cattle , aggregating 8,500 animals ; 330 cars of sheep , mak ing about 7,000 , and Iwo cars of horses were also sent east besides the sheep shipped. It is estimaled that ever 50,000 have boon driven eastward from thai point. Government work in the National park has boon suspended for the season. The now bridge at the Upper falls , a structure 190 feet in length , is well under way , but will not bo completed bcforo next year. The road work under con struction includes ono from the main road to Iho Upper falls , and another , 11 vo miles in longlh , from Iho Falls hotel to Inspection point. Near Iho Half Way house , between Idaho City nnd UolsoCity , Surlleet , Boy- akin it Dunnlgan nro opening up two silver mines thnt are very promising. Besides the mines nnmod there nro many others also coming to the front that will in time become great producers. Every mill in the county is paying , which is indeed very encouraging for our future as a mining country. Since July 1 the Chino , Gal. , sugar factory ground 2,800 tons of boots , for which' the factory paid the farmers $112,000. The lolnl output of orudo sugar is 7,90,511 : ! pounds , on which tbo government bounty is nearly $150,000. making about 200 car loads of sugar. Over 500 hands have been employed in the factory und boot fields , and $150,000 were p'lld in wages' . The heels show a romnrKable porcenlago of sugar , some lots having 22 per cent , and bringing $0 per ion. Rov. Frederick J. Maslors , who has boon a missionary in the Chinese qimr- tor for years , makes a terribla exposure of the growth of the opium habit in San Francisco. His address was delivered before the Polycllnie society , and ho ap- ponlod to his hearers to use their in- iluctico to secure the prohibition of the importation of tno drug. The revenue from the opium duty U largo ; but , ho said , no government deserved to flourish Try to Argue with some bright woman , against Pearline. She uses it most bright women do. You'll find the argu ments all on her side what can you say against it ? We are will ing1 to leave the case in her hands. rou'll end by using it. The fact is , every argument as to on such gains , n ovorv pound of opium I brouglit Into this coimlvy meant phynl- . cnl nnd moral death M 'tcotno wretched slave of the drug. , u The atntuoof ThomnvHtnrr King was unveiled in San Frtv elacq last week with appropriate cqrpmonlcs. HIa grnmlsona lifted the draporv from the statue , and Irving M. Scott , " the builder of tbo now cruisers Charleston nnd Snn Francisco , told of the noble work of tbo preacher nnd orntor. .Tho figure Is of lioroio si7.0. nnd represents to the Hfo the attitude of King in spcnking. The pedestal is made of n single block of Missouri red grntilte , hnd boars the in scription : "ThomasStarr King. In him eloquence , strength nud virtue were devoted with fearlois courage to truth , country nnd his follow men. 1321 1S01. " 'I IIP Uillrkp t \\t\y to Clirr it Cold , Do you wish to know the qulckon way to euro n cold IVo I will toll vou. To euro a culd quickly It must bo tro.itod before the cold has bccoino soltled In the system. The llrst symptoms of n cold Is A dry , loud coucn na sneezing. The cough Is soon followed > y watery expectoration and the snooting by profuse watery Jiscaargo from the noso. n sovcro cases there Is a thin wblto coaUnc n tbo tongue. What to do ) It Is only ncc- ssary to take Uhamborlaln's Cough Komedv n double dosoj ovcrv hour. That will really lessen the sovorltv of the cold nnd In mnv casns will effectually counteract itnnd uro what would have been a eovcro cola vittiln ono or two days' time. Try It nnd bo onvlncoil , US and 50 cent bottles { or sale Oj rugglsts. W. A. Pniro These nooplo up at Dead- voou bavo pot dccoratlvo business down to a no point. There was more bunting dis played on the main street or that city tbo ay the Shrlnors wcro there than I ever saw n the wnolo city of Omaha. They not only ccorato the outstdo ut the building but the utcrior of the stores and places of business f every kind were almost hldtlon from lew. > V lawyer who was Invltod to make a pooch at thu banquet mndo a great hit in xplainlng the reason for the selection nf the amcl as the fnvorllo animal of the Shrmors. lo said that ho had spent several years in iivcstigAtine the subject , had read up on Uo history of the order nnd the history of tie camel , but had been vnnblo to arrive nt ho reason until lie looked Into the habits of ho animal. That had convinced htm that ho reason was to bo found In the fact that ho catflel could go longer without drinking vater than any other animal. Acron Cbaclwlck I have just returned 'rom mv first trip into Iho IJlack Hills nnd im willing tondmlt that the resources of .hat country wcro a revelation to mo. I spent Sunday at Hot Springs nnd was con vinced of tbo coming groatunas ot thnt place as n summer resort. It tins much moro to commend It to pleasure seekers than Sara- oca Sorings In Now York. There are the tot and cold springs and a beautiful creak mining through the town , having its source n a mammoth spring in the hills. Tuoy lava one ho cl that Is equal to anything wo lavu in O ma tin. .loan G. Treanor I notice that n few WCOKS ego the city council in its infinite wis dom passed an ordinance under tbo nrovi- slons of which the conductors on the street cars were compelled to call out the names of .ho streets along the respective car linos. lA > r two or turoo days nftor the ordinance went into effect tno conductors performed the duty Imposed uoon them by"tho ordi- nnnro , but now you seldom , if over , hoar a conductor call the name of a street. If this orai n an co moans anything the conductors should obey its terms or clso be prosecuted tjy the city prosecutor. " In other cities the conductors call the names of tbo streets ; why should they not in Omabi t Newton D. Knox I hoard Mrs. Lease talk when she was In Omaha the other night and I am led to nay tbat she has the finest voice for campaigning that I have ever heard. She talks JiKn a man , acts like a man and tre.tds tbo stage like a man. I am of tbo opinion that it la the inherent right of wo man to follow any of the/nvocations of life , but when she cntors tbo political arena I think that she has uusoxod herself. An honest pill Is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoWitt's Little Early Risers euro constipation , biliousness and slckhaad- ache. "Our Irish Visitors" ia a wild , clicking farce with no particular merit beyond tbo quality for amusing the masses. Tbat It is successful in that respect Is evident from the fact that It has maintained its nloco on the road season after reason , and two roaring audiences dionces at tno Farnaro Street theater yester day testitiod to its mirtbfuluoss. Sam J. Hyau and Frank Davis peisonate the two Irishmen who are constantly scrapping , and they put lots of "ginger" into tlieir work , to borrow a phrase from our base ball cranks. Dottlo Uilsnu aacts some clever singing , and llttlo Johnnie McKover , 7-year-old , con tributes a few simple airs on u violin. The pUy In cMcfly nonsense and horso-plar , ab solutely without a shred of plot , but it goes just the same. For hoarseness , sore throat and cough tako-IJr. Bull's Cough Syrup , the specific for affections of tbo throat and cnost. Violent Exercise. Fat ia n vulgar word. Too much ndi- posis or obesity sounds better. But fat ia plainer. You cannot reduce it by violent exorcise , There nro two kinds of fats. The unhealthy adipose tissue , resulting from sedentary habits or from forcing the nppctito through stimulants ; or from impure blood , or it may bo hereditary. This is the Jdiul that hiyfl the possessor liable to heart disease , apoplexy , ver tigo , etc. Then there is the gemrino , healthy , life- giving tibiiie , the result , from icgular nnd moderate habits , or if inegular habits , the taking regularly nnil according to di rections the famous' ' Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. The Salt will reduce unhealthy tissue and build in its jilnco that firm and solid flesh which is ,1(10 ( certain sign of perfect health. It is virtually taking the Cailsbadtieatment in your home. Every drug store has it. The gemiino baa the hignaturo of " Eisner & Mcmlelson Co , , Sola Ageuts , Nqw York , " on the bottle. SYRINOEl. Tbo Only I'crfocl Vaitlnjl an tlecial t-jrrlnKO In lliu World. Utlioouly xyrlnui urerluronl- eil bjr which vaulnal lujuctlona cun bo administered without leak- lux und kolllnt : thu ulolbliij urns- te luuinir tliu mo of u vr cl , and which rnn also tie n e < l fur rectal InjecUniii or IrrUatlou , POHT 1IUHHKII Ill'r.n AND HAItl ) UUIIlltilt Price S3.OO. Mailorder * solicited. The Aloe & I'cnfold ' Co. , IBth Street , NEXT to POSTOFFIOE I'hvslcaii * ' uroicrlDtlnna o ri'fulliy prcjiuruJ at low l > rlcc . Both tlio method ami results when Syrup of Figs ia tnkeu ; it ia plcasnut nucl refreshing to the taste , and acts Esnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys , iver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac- ccptnblo to tlio Btonmch , prompt in its action and truly bencficinl in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mndo it the most popular remedy kuowu. Syrup of F'igs is for sale in GOo and 81 bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK , N.I. What is this anyhow It is the only bow ( ring ) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases S stamped with this trade mark. ff Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. imsiemuiu nnu\io mut n wrutsn suanntas li DOvltlrulyttlro'i with C OJitm or rofitnl ihomunerK notcured-iun 1 f\mp Tar fn > s t'amplu. ( iu trantai i. ueJ brKulm A Co. , Drujsliti , iolo A-c.T.j.coraar Act gently vet prompt ' ly on tbo UVKH. Kll > . DR , HOBB'S NE\S ml IIIWKLS , dis pelling Headaches , For ms and Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing tba system of disease , and cures Vegetable bab'.ual constipation They nro sugar coated , dn not gripe , very small , easy to take , and purolr Tegetable. 45 plllslnenon PILLS vial. Perfect digestion follows tbelr use. Tbey absolutely cure lrk beaa. ache , and nre recommend- 01 by leaam ; pL'Tildins. For sale by loading dru plsts or sent by rah ; ' ; 25cti. a rloJ. Address KOBE 3 MEDICINE CO. , Props , San friws'.o or Clucijo. KOI ! KALE IS OMAHA. NED . Er f Bhn & Co. , Cor 15th & Docclas Sts. J.A Fuller & Co , Cor. KtU & DouKla lr U Fciisr ie Co. . Council T.luCs. Ia If you huvo Clnanl'ness ' l'reolili-3 Is nnxt your fucols to JMity. Godliness. How to Cure Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LM PREGKLH WILL DO IT. Plnc'e tholiiulnnlMKOf tlio norld pretty f.icoi linvo tern nixillcd with frrckk'S unit the mint Lunullful complexion * lilililuiiuiiLx UiUMJumUlillr blctulslics. LA FRECKLA l Iho only euro over known. Discovered lir MMK .M. VAI.I. , tliuiTurll luiued MiMiu ty itml I'o . Mine Viiln Imi Iri'tiio.l crownoil I if mis nl Kiir'iiu'.laillt'Mif lliu Wliltu llnifo un I thoci'li'b- riui'i nr tliu w Thl U'rltu bur In conruk'nru Who i an niukii yini bu.iiitlful bliuvan nuiku you tonne UKUln Turn vruy Imlr to Itn inlural colur noilru tiicil initliliii ! lint moillclno. Mioc-i-i iluri'loji your l.ii ttlll oiajour Minkon clmst , euro > mi of tiny xkln lilvinlih. fund lurliir fniiniu < JtlMilly Hook H will Im inulm I ) ou Inu AM of Menu. Valu'n rcMni'.lioi Mill b IUiH'l | | you from < blra-'u , or > ou ran tot Ihcm frjni ) oiir ilrntk.'l l. llu will tut tbcmor > ou. ( Jn to ) i'Uriliuu' rlnon Monday im'l cot n bottle of Ii Krutkla. laku It Immu unil Bpp'jr Haicorjliu tn iliri'fllon * on Moiiilay , ' ! iu i-rtay unil tVnilmiHluy , nml tin t-unilnv ) nu nlll nut liavoii trccklu. Vour cum- iih'klou will nuim iHTli'ct an when ulltllo bub/ Tills it itbiolutcljr truu. I'rlcu H.W. Mme , M , Yale's Temple of Beauty , HGSlaleSI. 1' . S.-Send for M M K. Chicago 111. ' , VAI/K'8 T | - Mai ! Deft. 52 uablolloautr Hook Kreo. DRUNKENNESS Or CUn Liquor Habit 1'oolllvrly Cured by uiltuliiUlri-liit ; Itr. HulucV < Juiau Nix-clllr. "esn J > s given In * cup of coflce or te . or In food. ithout Uieknowledfo of Ibe patltnt. It In abtolutely barmleM , nod will effect a permanent and cpeeis tare , vrarihcr tUe patient It a aodtr i drlokcr or naloohollnwrenk. It nil beenclvrn In tlioutandt of cucr.and In every Icttaoce perfect cure bae fol. ' " " d. llMcrrr F IU TUe 7 lemoncBlBiprfgnai d HIID In * cpuoifli ! . It b com aa utwr Impncublllt ? for Ibe liquor omietlto la ciltt. tiOl.ltr. * , n'KCIVlO CO. . Prop'r. . rii.fli.natl. O. iB-paee book ol . ' ' . cartlculari fr e. 'J'o U. liad of ujl 4 j in. , Cuinln 'Sti Whoioiile. ll.dUj.Uraoj t imu ItlcU.vrJsou u.-auo.Oiu ilia Neb We have purchased at private sale for spot cash from Steinhart , Heidelberg & , Co , , 753-755 Broadway , New York , Who arc going out of business , their choice line of FULL KND STKRS Cassimorc , all wool , diagonal fall overcoats , blue and black , $5.75 Fine overcoats in meltons , kerseys , diagonals , cheviots , $8.00 Elegant fall overcoats in all fabrics,4 including vicuna and homespuns , $10.00 All silk-lined homespun fall over coats , also cheviots and vicunas , $13.50 Winter overcoats in chinchilla , beaver , kersey , mcltonfur beaver , rough wool , montagnac , $10.00 Ulsters , in domestic and Irish freize , ' at the unprecedented price of $6.50' Scotch cheviot , chinchilla and beaver .00 ulsters go now at . Fine furbeaver , Shetland and elegant $9.00 made ulsters at . These coats sell on sight , and we clon'thave to tell you their value , for you will see the bargain in them at first glance. Corner 13th and Farnam. "KorvoSoods , " the wonderful rooadi Is * olU will ) o writ ten fftinrnntcr to . cure . All . norrou * dlsoafos. , , ptich as Weak . Mctnorjr , . llralti 1'owtr. . \VuVorulno . Iost Munhoou. Nlt'liUr iml * .erTonsiieBs.IJi'Rliiiilii.MMrnlrn and loss of power of thcUrnrrailri Orpansln either . . scr caused l > y over erortlon , youthful errors , or . fre. jir ( asaof tobr.cco. opium . or Mimulantn which . , peen lead to Inilrmlir. Consump tlon andlimanltr. . 1'ut Hicomi > nlen.torarrjrln vcpl pocket l porrmcli rselirmm\Otu'K. \ : . With cvnry . Jl order wo nirean-rmen miirnnltc . tomn . . of r-'uneUAe mono/ Circular frcu. AililrcuAerTDSactl'o..C'blcaBn. Ill For sale in Omaha by Sherman & MConnoll , 1515 Dodjjo street. In the treatment of a'l forms o' PHIVATS BI32ASES. mid all Wo.iKnosH and I > sardcrof T\/TT7'\T with lo > sf ( cnuniso munition. 1VJLJ2/1N nnd vitality. I.ishtoeii years of tlio inCHt ruinurkablu Biiceeis lu tlio trintiuoiit of this olsiss of illst'iisos. which In urovu'i by the universal testimony of tliou- nnmlsulio huvti hcou cured.Vrlto for circu lars und question list. 1 Itli unil J'ariMin M , , OIH.IIIU , Neb. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGth and Howard Streets , 60 Kooms for ration ! * . OMAHA , NED/ 1'ur thu treatment of Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , MALE AND KnMAI.K. IMlcs , Fistula , Fissure nnd Strlc- turool'Uio Itec'dim permanent * ly cured without tlie use of Knife , ligature or Caustic. Eucloso 4r. In stamps nml our 1C ? nago HOOK ou DI.HKASKS and giifsllnii lllunkb , win bu jiAiM-.u FWI : : . i , HAMTAUUJH , icth nd Howard Sis. , Omuhu , Keh W. 0.1lAx\vii.uM. : ] ) . , I'rt-s. r.n. . uu inr. YOUREYES ARE TROUBLING YOU I Well.romo nnrt liavo tlioin oiumlnej br our optldan freecif ( liarKit.uinl.lfiiu fiiori.llttiil wiili upalrnf our' 'HIlrhe-riON rll'KCTAt'l.Hsnf KVK ( il.Ahh- hK tbu bout In tbv tvorlil , If ynu < lo not nuert itlnMe wo will It'll you fOHiul nit l u you bat toilo. ijOI.I ) r.lTLTAl'Irrl or KYH ( ilMn > iKri HlUll HU ) 1)1' ) . I'luln. imokK , tiluunr rliltuila v , tor | > roleclliiKttao cjred , from&iuu | mlr uf , Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , Jewelers and Opticians. Furnam uuU riftuoatlibtreuti V/hy is it that v Strictly Pure White Lead is the best paint ? Because it will outlast all other Paints , make a hand somer finish , give better pro tection to the wood , and ttie first cost of painting will be less. If a color other than white is wanted , tint the Lead with the National Lead Co.'s Pure "White Lead Tinting Colors - These colors are sold in small cans , one pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of pure White Lead the desired shade. Be Careful to use only old and well- known brands of white lead. The market is flooded with adulterated Paints , and "so- called" white leads. The fol lowing are strictly pure "Old Dutch " process brands , and are established by a lifetime of use : "COLLIER" "RED SEAL" "SOUTHERN" For sale by all first class dealer * In Palnti , If you are Roine to paint , It will p f vou to send to us lor u book contuinlne ln > formation that mny tavc you many a dollar , * It will only cost you o postal card to do to , NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis. Mo. DR , R , W , BAILEY Tooth I'llloclVltb 11,1. I1 ilnn111 u Ijiitou Invon- tloul TILTU : i.vrHunT.ivintour / I'.vt J oit ANOKU A.ruLLsr.Toi' TKuni ON ron ennu , 1'orfcct fltguarantooJ. Tenth extracto-J In the inornliiu. Mow onus IiisortuJ In evculiij of binio lay. . , , . , , . Hco ipeuliiiuni of Hoinnvitbto Ilrldza. Ki'oopoelinom of KloxlUlo Hliistla I'lutj All work wurruuted in ruiiroenlud. UlllciN ihlrd Kioor , I'.ixWu lllu > c. Tck'itliuin lOii. Himl F.irii u Si. U uUo Klovato.- Hulrw.iy ( fru n 1311 Ktreu lentnuico. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , B. DEF03ITOUY j _ OMAIIA , NEB Cnjillul .777 7.$100,033 Surplus $ -U5OOD crneer nndllrector < IlourrT , Vntoi. p II. r. Ouibliu , ilcu iireilJuni , t ! . H. MauclooV. . V Morif. John J , Colllui J. N. U , I'ntrloi. t # ( l A H < J. cuulor , TI-101 II1ON BANK.