TUP. OMAHA DAILY WlfoXDAY. NOVKMBKR 7. ittMiro iMinti rni'vrti 111 PPPO NEWS MIOJI COIMIL HUM'S ' Politicians Fnt in the fnmlay Houis Hus tling for Votes. . JUDGE : WGEE'S DEFEAT is ASSURED KTCII ( Im Ociitnrrntt Cnnrrilo llint line'1' ' 1TIII llu l.lrrlril-A ( lrr.it .Mnny Itcli Ollun-tl , l > ut Very 1'cw Inkeii Voting I'lncra. Yesterday was a day of rest , nnd It was observed us such by almost every ono except ing the candidates whoso fates nro to bo cttU-U tomorrow. Wires wcro strung all over Iho cltv and the candidates spent the entire day standing on the street corners in dustriously pulling tho.eods that hungdown , trylnir to dislodge llio votes that were sup posed to hnng on the other end. The Interest now centers In the results tit Iho election , and ovurywhero mav bo heard speculations and prophecies as to the out come. Political wlseacroi of both parties predict unconditional defeat tor homo one , nnd the strange thlnir about It all Is that their predictions do ant agree with ono another in t.iu least , neatly every candidate being marked out for sure defeat by some man who has had a straight lip or ol-to has had his weather eye peeled for stra.vs to bhow which wav the \\lnd blew. Hots have biH'ii offered plentifully by mem- borj of both pirlliH on nil thn moro promi nent candidates. The slowness with which Propositions hnvt1 been nrcoptcd Is n good in dication of what remit is anticipated In cer tain direction ! ! . The election of Senator linger , loputjlican candidate for cnngrcsx , Is conceded by the majority ot the democrats , nnd even uy the friends of Judge McCSco , the democratic candidate. Ttio lattur gon- tloinan has conducted u lively campiicn but ho has done it In altogether ton quiet a icnn- nor to suit Iho members of his party nii'l 1ms refused unconditionally on a number of occasions to put hlnisi.lt on tec- ord nb to Iho Issues ot the cntnpamn. The consequence 13 that there are a good many whoso votes \vcio counted on carllorln the campaign for Medea that cannot bo reckoned on now. A bet was posted at a principal cigar store yesterday offering $10 that linger uould hnvea majority of 100 , but In spite of the amnllncss of the amount It had no taker. A number of other bets were offcicil for larger umountt on the tame thing , with the sumo result. A number of younir men pooled together nnd made un n nurse of H.OOO nnd offered Itngalnstfsuo on Harrison's election. The ? SUO was not forth coming. The polli will open tomorrow morning at S o'clock In all the precincts. The prospect Is that the vole will ho about the same us last fall. Saturday's registration was vorv light nnd Drought' total number of voters bardlv iiuc.vo what it was at that time , in splto of thu fact that the present Is a pirsi- dontlal election. The voting places will bo as follows : i * First ward Klist precinct. n2l HastUraad- woy ; second precinct , l.'Il ICust liroadwav. Scond ward- First precinct , 'US West Broadway ; second precinct,810Vest Uroad- wav. wav.Third ward- Firs : precinct. 2South ! ) Main street ; second precinct , s.'H South Main street. Fourth Ward Pirit precinct , 'JOS South Main slrtol ; second ptccmut , corner Main ntrmit and ICielitli nvcnue , tno old llro house. Fifth Waid-Pirsl precinct , 1013 West Uroudwav ; second piccinct , west end Plan ter's hotel. Sixth Ward-First precinct , 2WO West Uroadwny ; second precinct , Uu'-On , Locust street. Knno TowiiBl.lP , outside of City Green's residence , near school house. Xophyr of all colors , best quality , only 6c u okoin. Boston Storo. C'utlcura soap at tlio Boston Store for 1-lc each. If you don't wrail to buy bard co.il you had "bettor KOO Bixby about thoso'oll burners. .They uro adapted for use in hot air furnaces , steam and hot valor boilers , with no co.il or ashes to handle. The Kail hint novelty bnso burners tire the bn't lioato in the city. Sao thorn at Swaiuo' ! . . Rhandon Bolls loilot soap 15c a cake. Boston Store , Our line of lad ion fjroy and ecru vests nnd pants al MV ; boats the world ; any size. Boston Storo. Ton bhiu es capital stork CHi'/ens State bank for bale. H. II. Sboafo. Boston store close ? ovary evening at 0 p. in , , miles ? Mondays and Saturdays. fJo in and * eo the now hats and bon- notb at Miss Sprink's. ID Main stroot. Writing tablett ) 1 cent each. Boston Store. _ Nodding llflls. Cords nro out announcing the innrrlagu of Miss Harriott Foster to Arthur C. Smith of ttils city. The wedding toolt place last Wednesday at the homo of the bride's par- cntH , Mr. nr.d Mrs. Joseph \V. White , nt Klmhiirt , Hoylston street , UrooUliua. Mass. The bride Is well Uncivil in Council Bluffs , whcro Mio has \isliod. The groom is a son of M. 10. Smith and Is prominent in business and social elides , 'llio happy couple will maUo their homo la I'ouni'il UlnlT.i. ThU afternoon nt : t o'clock the marriage of K W. Uont of Omili.i and Miss Mary A. liosbco will tai'.o place nt the residence of the bride , Wi Sovenlh avenue. KPV , K , J. Uabcork will perlurin the caroinony , alter \\hlch thov will leave for .1 bridal tour in the east. Upon iholr return they will make their home in Omaha. Tlurrlnon and I { old , Cleveland and Stfjvoiibon campaign caps for oc at the Boston Store. S. B. Troivolt , watchmaker. 740 B'way. Dos Moines cat-tllo soap 3 caiccs for lOo. Bontoii Storo. Wo show every thing in underwear for Indies , mii-os , gents and children , in wool , cotton , oti' . , cream , white and black. Boston Storo. SPO those oil heaters ut Swaino's , " ; > " Broadway , _ Don't forget that Sivalno sells tlio Klinliurst Gcntloinon , the finest line of tall goods In the oily , ju.it received. Uuitur , the tailor , 810 Broadway. Ask to BOO our gouts' groy underwear nt U"c , marlaul down from IWoj tv huni- uor , Boilnn Storo. Coinfortoi-h in n\\ \ \ grades , romfortors , nt 7.50 , 8Se , $ J.U ( > , l.W. $1.- > ( ) , S-'J.dl ) to li $4. ! ohenpor \ tluui onu unn innlo Ilium. ' Boston Storo. The Roimino HunO.ilt stoves nro sold cnlyby t'hiiH. Sw.ilno , TJ7 Uronilwuy. Call iiiul bco Uioin. Gloves In liitl , gloves in wool , j loves in ciiBlunoro , uluvos in lonthor , knit tjlovos , in fiit-t till uliuls of cloves mien mittens tit our usual tow iirko * Hoston Stoto. _ Hnndenino now Ingrain carpets arriv- nit ; dully nl thn Counuil HlulTu Curpot cunipiiny s. 1'rlcos o ( carpuu uro uolnir up dully , but the ola prices , will remain in foa'u tliibvouli. . it l' rtjr. M- . > . S. P. MucCounoil entertained a uum. bor of friends at her homo on First mo lust Friday afternoon In honor of her or , Mrs. Cluup , ol New York city. The house was decor.Ued with bowls of yoilow and white chryianthomuiiu. High llvov.i lim > eil , r.rl/o being nwardad to Mrs , Ulll , Mr . Loomls nnd Mrs. HocUwell , The euests wore : Mcsdnmot Maurcr , Stownrt , nutiluln , Habcock , MclMnnell , Holcomb , Leftcrts. Kor , Waddell , Chnrmnn , Hill , Farnsworth , Francis , HondrlcUs , Sautulers , liockwell , Loomls , Sapp. Harclay , Van Hrunt , lln.iclnnd , Fuh , Fcrtnn nnd Miss Rockwell , Mli.s Waddell , Miss Uiblnson and Miss Chapman. I'lru ( triiidir ly iinil ( loninr or llnntin stteet. Our Into loss oy flrovm covered by two policies both In the COUNCIL BLUFFS INS1TIUNCK COMPANY. By 7 o'clock Iho next morning after the llro the secretary was on the ash heap , pencil in hand , ready to figure the loss down to bedrock , which ho did , too , saying that' it was his duty and no I Miiall part of his business ' ' So long as I ho did not ( io below bedrock wo had no ' , reason to complain , consequently the ' soilloinoiit was not onlv prompt , but in every siillsfncto'v , so much s-o that in iiddition to HLHOO. ! ) ( oven policies ) carilod by this company before the llro we now add to it J 1 0,000. 00. lh < ln < T intimately acquainted with the "cciolary and directors wo ranuot bo persuaded that bottsr indeinnilv can bo oblaincd than that offered by our homo company , besides wo believe In patron- l/.lng worthy homo ontorpriscs , every thing hoing oqit.il , and tinier \vo do wo shall continue to bo dopcndont on for eign capital and corporations G. \Viuit.r.n : : , J.v * . A. HIUIMJ. : Wrapper blanltPts In sill styles , tlio great lenders are tnotlinin brown with dark brown border , medium grey with blno , medium grey with pinlc , und ti variety of others. The great cra o. the most Jomfortiblu morning wrapper ever thought of , 7-V tindSl.UUotiuli.Vo hnvo fovornl nil iv.iuio up. ( . 'all anil " = 00 styles nnil t'tlio u natlurn. Boston Store. To thu \ otf r < nl Kiinii Ton nshlp. Having sorvoil niiu term us juitiuo of the poaoo , tn I bellovo , with ro.isunablo siitisfiu'lion J ' ' solicit , I'ospei'tfully .your voto-i us mi InilopondoiiL cntidulntu for thtit oHico. W.V. . COM : < . Caps of till styles , caps of all prices , cans for hoy- and girls. Boston Store. Uni'rs at tlio DrUln - Turk. Arrangements have boon made for some foot races nt tne Union Driving pirnVed - ncsdny afternoon , commoncinsr nt 2 o'clock. Hess , ICnpiiell and IiufT will take part. Hess uncl" Knpocll for n purse of S.iJO , and Hess nnd IlulT for $101) ) . Both race ? are to bo for 1UO yards. The many friends of \ V.V. . Cones predict with confidence his election as justice of the ponce , deeming it a deserved - served endorsement of an ntlluor who has proven himself both competent and honest. The A. I ) . T. C'o. has added two now hacks to its force and will answer calls at nil hour ? , day or night. Tclophono , 179 ; olllco , S Main street. Recollect that some of the best part of the Hiirhorn jewelry stock will bo placed on Falo at the auction this nftornoon and evening , and Unit it will bo sold fur just what the bidders chose to give for it. ll is a siilondid Umo to provide for your holiday presents. To t Ho Colored Viitcm. You are invited to Join lu rank v/ltli the Lincoln club tonight at thn rr-puhliean hcnd- quarters nlf > : : iO o'clock to attend tbo rally in Umnhn. LiconiiC < Y. MIMIIN , President. C. II. Uuih. faccrutary. Goniiinultbuiul O iic , lltdlunt Homo P. P. Stew.irt htovos and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main. Dress goods ; sec our line ; get our prices.Ve slio'.v the nobbiest goods at a big bavin"1 , ljing ; caah buyers and cash sellers , iioston Storo. Judson , civil oiiifineoi' , & ! Broadway Ask to see our gents' grey at ) ! ) , hold elsewhere for oOL1. Boston Store. The lioslon Store closes ovary o von- ing ut ( i i > . in. except Mondays and Saturdays. li'.Opeople in this city ua gn stovoi 'ihciaa Co. puis 'oiu i"n at cost Ti.nOO yards lightchallie , the best thing out for comfortoi125c a yard. Bobton Store. Davis fordruff-j and paints. .MliHirlciillun. . K V. Plumbing Co. I'ouncll Bluffs I.umbor Co. . A niPCtniK of the Woman'H Christian niso- elation will ho htld nt'J o'cloclt this oftur noon for the pninoao of eoltllnu up the linanccs of the Li.iiar , A full atiendsnco i desired. Mw. 1'rod I oiitylncor. who has bacn dangerously ill for some time , was rcpoited by bur friends to bu in n still moio precari ous condition yesteruav and but little hope could bo entertained of her recovery. HepnUr convocation of Star chapter Xo. 17 , Itoynl Arch MaioiiR , this cvenlnir. Annual election of ofllcrrs and othur Im portant biulncis. All Uoyal Arch Masons in Rood siandlnt' aio requested to bo present Some sin.ill uovs threw stones nl Iho In coining Xortbwoslora passenger tram last evening ; on nvoiine ( ! . Two of the stones passed through Uio windows and atrncK some of the passengers. Onu man sustained n severe brniso on the head anil another on the hand. A semen was made by tlio uohco for thu labcrvants , but \vitbout success. Vou don't want a torpid liver ; von don't wnnt a bad complexion ; yon don't want i hail broith ; you Uon't want a lioadnchn. 'ihc-n UHO DoUltt'a Little Karly Uiacri , the llltlo pllU. Yarns of all Jtlnds , yophyrs , Saxony , Spanish , ( iertnnn knitting , Angora wool , ( lurinantown wool , etc , Full line of black and colors at our usual lov prices. ISo.ston Store. Coal and wood ; best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city prompt ) delivery. II. A. Cox , No , 1 Main. * InMcud of bolting a hat on election wngiM1 one of those hnndboino low-priced ! vvlnu or brandy nets nt Lund Hroj , Hcaiitifnl now fancy chenille tnblo covoi'9 , Ilia latoat new tiling of tlio pen- EOII , at the Council Blnil's Carpel com- 11jinny's. . Sue our line of writing jmpor nnd tab- lots. Ilandfcomo box of paper lUje. Hoatoii Storo. Ilcaliesof Cansiiii soap , an elegant laun dry Kap , i..ndo by Colgate & Co. , nor lOc. Huston Store. Highest of all in Leavening Pov ABSO1JU CLOSING RALLY Final Scenes of the Gftmp\ign in Dough ? County This Evening , REPUBLICANS WILL HAVE A GRAND PARADE l.rndlnt ' ; Orntnrs of thn I'nrty to Kntrrtnln tlic I'pnplo nt irpniltl : a Hull An inllnm.i ; tlc Drinnnttriitloii U'lll Coni'lnilc thn Occa liii. Tonight the campaign will bo closed In Omaha with n Brand public demonstration. This cold , hard Btntcmont convoys no tJen of | the great gathering of Iho class which this cottlng-away ( rally portends. It U to ba n closing-up of tno ranks all alone , a bracing ol the will and a renewal ot the dotormln- olal ntlon to co to the palls tomorrow und bury freetrado , wlldcit money nnd subtroasury schemes out of Mpht boacntb an avalanche scol ol honest American votes. oltl It u unnecessary to dwell on the details of this last railTor several WCCKS plani hnvo teen laid for It , nnd nil arrangements are complete to niaku It ono of the grandest showings ever witnessed. Every clue In Omaha , South Omaha , Douglas count } nnd from nmny of the outsldo c lllcs , every re publican ! voter In fact , will tnUo part In the parade. After the public snow there will bo a meeting at Uxp.osltlon ball , which will bo addressed by Judge Crounso , lion. T. .1 Mijnw , 1) II. Mercer , Ooorco H. Hastings , , .1. K , Webster , John M. Tburston , _ „ _ Mooio and other prominent republican spjakora , In ten-minute spocche ; . Ulll llntiMi ( iliinil I'.il-.ulr. , Promptly at 7:30 : o'clock the p.irado will format Ijiahtecnth anil \irnani l streets , with the light and loft of the column icsting on 1) ouirlos street on the north and on Barney street on the south , all divisions and clubs , facing west. Should the space bo too lim ited the intersecting streets cast of Klsb- toonth will ba occupied. rho lluo will form lu Iho following order ard will bo under conumnd of H. II. liobl- son , with.lohn M. Tbur ton , monibcr of the executive commltton ami cx-pro ° idont of the Nation il Republican In.iyiiL- . \V. I-'inslne , president , and JJrad D. Slnuchter. secretary of the State league , the mcmiiars of the ex- rcutlvo cominitleo , Major T. S. L'larUsou , Frank 1) . Drown , Major U. II. Wheeler , Oolonm Frank II Moores A. S. Ch irchlll , John lOslckv , Coori ; ? II , Hastings anil .1 U. Southard as Ills aides , and B. Iliuby , Louis Littlotleld. John Lewis , W. II. Butler und J. I ! . Piper In chnrso of tlio several di visions : HI1ST IIMISION' . Incentive Officers of tlio Id-publican State Members of the County"ami City llrmibllcan Cciitr.il C'Diiimlttcos l.liu-o n riiunbe.iii Club. Lincoln C ulot II .n 1. IJncolu .MMuhliu Hub. lll.iir l'ii'ilillcin ! ' : Club. Stuto slatting lapiiblk' in clubs. SKUONII mvist > x. Unlloy'siiino ) I Itluirs Curnot Hand. Council IllnlU Mirchlii : , ' Cinb. ll.urlsoii Ailvauuo ( . ! u irJs. Tllllil ) DIVISION. T | | < l toll Drum Cotpi. I'ltin W ml I'laiiiuu in Club. N'InlliVard Unlforiiiinl Muicliliu Club. Walnut lllil KupnblliMii Oliilj. West Mdo Ucniibllciin Ului ) . KUhlliV.H1 Uupiibllf.in Club. jouiirii IIIVI--IO.N. II in I. Snntli Oman i 1 1-iinba.iu Club. Union I'.icllit1 Iloi'liiuailcr4 llupiiiillc.iu Club .soulli Oiriiha Miiichlnx Club. I'll Til DIVISION. FovonthV.rJ Il.inil. Soveiithtii I HuuubllLMii Club. 1'uurlhVird : Ivttpnbllu in Club , P1\TII lllHIO.S. . llui.l. riftWsirl Mtirchlne Club. Second U ml UopublV.in Club. All city i-lubs nototliuriri-.il designated. SKVl.NTll IIIVIS O.V. West Omaha Drum Corps- Murour t'nlfniiiiuil ( JmriK MMb W.uU .Maroliln'Olub. . Sixth Ward Mounl'-il ( Juili. ll.irrl ui tiu.irlh. .Mountod. nnd nil cluus fiom Iho countiy precincts ot tliL county. All clubs not on tune mil tnlto their posi tions in the line at tlifi renr of the column. All calorod rapublieans will fall in : uul march v.-ltn the llnnisou Uuards , in the second end division. Mrs. WinslowN sootbinir nyrup for chil dren teething relieves the child Irom pain. 'J5 cents u bottle. , s/.v.i7 ; { I'.tiiiiucifs trutif. hrcrotiiry Iln k iJniiBi-aiiiluton Him on Ills Athlnincuts ior tin , riirmur * . FAiuuriiv , Neb. . Nov. ( ) . [ Special to the DI.B. ) In an interview with Senator A. S. Puduock , who suoUo here Saturday to a nnd enthusiastic meeting , your correspondent loiirned that the seuator recently rvcuivetl a letter from 'SucreUry .1. M. Itusk , of the ls- p.mmentof Agnuulturo , very complinientarv to the bonatoraud full of intoruution of In terest to the general public. The latter reads us follows : lisi'iKT\iivr OF AIIHICLI.TVIIE , Orric K or THE Smi.Tiur : , WismxnroN , D. O. , oept. 5 , IbOJ.-To Hon. A. S. PaUilodf. United Stiitt's Senator : My Dear Senator -in re- vIowiiiR tno work of this department under the present administration I hiive boon so Impress-id with the v.ilno of legislation , In llio passage of which jou huvo been Ini-RCly instruracnt.il : that I would do violence to mj- own feclhiss if I ilid nut tender yon some expression of inv appreciation of" your un- falliiiU supparl nn I uuio a'lvocaoy ot all raoasuros cominR before the United States ' senate loouini : Io the extension ofthodo- p.irtment's sphere of work and to Its greater oflleiency. It will , I am sure , bo over a mat ter of conpr.itulaiioa to you that vou have been not onlv Instrumental in adding so largely to the usefulness of tbo Department of Agriculture , but that you hnvo yourself , la many cait-i , InitUttd the IcRUIntion uy whieb this added usefulness li.i > been pro cured , The effectual extirpation of plcuro-pncu- inonia in this country nni.v bu deservedly clinmed as ono of thogreatesitrlumphsof ttio present administration , for no ono could pos- nbly cstnnato to Its fullest extent the vast Injury to cattle jjroivors and farmers of the United Statoi , which the coallnuod ex- istcnco of thl' < dlsehso on our soil , ovmi ttioufih con lined to a few isohitoa localities , would ovonlunlly have wroueht , ana in coneldcrnuon of thls > great result , ] prate- fully roiiicnucr the unfailing support nc- carded by yourself m all my efforts"towards its accomplishment , and at thosnmo tlmo pratofully rccoKiiUo ttio value of the pro visions in the now bill Introduced by you and now pcndlrtK in conpro s. It ( 'ives'nio pleasure , furtncrinoro , to testify to the creat valuH to our cattle Interests of the bill introduced by you , ami which , thanks to vour Intelligent advocacy , became a law Mnrrh a , 1MU , by which IhU department tins neon enabled to lusuro proper uccnmmo- datlons and humane ireatinciit of export cattle on tthlpboaid. Few people realize tbo extonlof the llnt wngod in ( Jroat. Ilritnin au-anistour livestock shipmenis , osK > n ihly by phllanthroplo associations aincorcly anxious , no doubt , to effect the mitigation of sufferings endured by ammnls at sea , but really and indcfatigably urged by those who 'owcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 0 JTELY PURE r > ppo cd tuo Amorlidft'Uvc slock exrtorn to UroAt Hrlt.tln , rotfrftfllnR Ihoin n * offering ( Ungurou * rompctltlon to Hrltlsh cittlo In- tcro < tt < . I nm free to say that the only method by which IhU Antagonism cottM hnvo boon succosjfftllv mot , W.M ihntnf- forJ J by the stipei'l/l cm ot thU depart- rcunt under the nuttvtilcti bcJmo n Intv through jour effort * , The prand VesulK obtained by the In spection of nnlmaU'nnfl ' mean now PiMctlcail by tin * department hml the recognition won for lU oiticlcnty frotif numerous forcizn ROV- crnmonts , rMUltlng In the withdrawal of nil existing prohiliUlonftiapniuit American ine.it , unit especially Aruorlc.in per * products. It fonign countries , hu\o rc.icbod our hlgliosn nutlclptulonj , and n you wcro to a vor.r largo extant the nutbor of the bill providing for such Inspectionutiil as you were , furtnor- moro , largely Instrumental In the pixsnRoof ttio bill I'oported by tha committed on foreign nffnlrs In rafaronco to our siltnl tnunti , it li duo to .vou that I should express mv own obligations and the obligations of all who nro Interested In our animal Imlustrv , for Uio nrent scrrlco rendered by you In this connec tion. tion.You You have , I know , boon already much Kmtlflcd by Ilia data which 1 have turnUhu.l you ro nrJinF the success nttundliiK our ef forts to introduce American Indian corn into Kuropo for the purport of human food , and I wish to convov to you my wnrai personal 111311111 for your constant and generous sup port of my cflorts In this direction , culmlnat- in ? in an appropriation by the last congress , through rour efforts , ot n sum reasonably commensurate to the itnportnncn of this work. Your success in securing double ttio appropriation tnauo for this purpose by the tioiisnof rcprcsonlutlvm , must bo uspecally KiMtlfyltiK toou in view of the facttuatyour own ' atato Is one of thu ijre.uott corn pro ducing f.tuKM In ttio innoti niul that Iho llrst fi loudly recoKinUou accorded to Colonel Murphy , Iho iigont of llio dupirtmunt in Ku- rope , cnmo from tlio State Board of Agricul ture of Nebraska. There is nnother important industry to whloltoti hnvo t-ivcn u ireat deal of your tlmo and attention , t refer to the develop ment of the beet mienr Industry In the United ! States. The department has always batiii able toruly upon you for help and for mi- vjeo In regard to its work in this matter , l.nreoly through vour inllucnro there has been esubllsuod in the state of Nebraska a beet sugar o\pertinent station , under the til- icctlon of the department , having for its ob- j et the study of thu problem of sugar boot I'tilluri , not only lor Nebrasua , but for all that part of the central UniteJ Suites whose soil and climate nro similar to thosa of Ne braska. This station has noiv been In oper ation two years ami nltcauy its beiicllcliil ef fects are felt. in connection with thH legislation thorn have also been grants of money for the in vestigation of other sugar producing plants , v\r \ i sorghum and sugar cuio. and to these enterprises you have given your hearty and unstinted support. Thu possibilities of the development of a suuar industry are ot such importance to the economical welfare of Iho United States that It U dlfllcult to estimate the value of logUl a tlon which promotes it. The member of the house of iopreentatlvos , or ot the senate , therefore , who helps this ercat worn along Is building not only for the prcsuat hour Jut also for thu future wolf , re and urospeiity of the conn try. Lastly , in closing this brief review , lot mo recall a few facts connected with the admin istration of the weather bureau since its transfer to the Department of Agriculture , which will , I nm sure , gratify jou , not only as one interested in all things relating to American agriculture , but as onu of those whoso efforts were ohieflv instrumental In securing this tr.uisfor and the consequent great extension of the work of the weatner bureau in the dliection of agricultural inter ests. Since tbo transfer wo have added II stations to the 51 .already issuing weather limps , established I'J ' now stations lor rlvor observations , 0 additional rainfall stations , 12 new state weather services , 1'iSS nu\v dis play stations , incrcasqrt the nurabt.r of vol untary observers . " > G per cent , and the num ber of dally woattior maps bv ! ll)09. ) You \vill tilso bo glad to know that 'JO now lines of railroads n.ivu duyng the past year been " adued to Iho number that , formerly tele graphed our forecasts to their stations free of expense. These facts sneak for thorn- holvcs. You will note , also , that special me teorological studiet bavc been undertaken in the weatlier bureau , directed especially to the solution of climatic questions affecting agriculture. 1 am quite sure that it will not bo loptj bpforo the farm ers as a whole , throughout this country , will roroxnUo with warmest appre ciation the importance to them of the trans- fur ol the weather buieau tothia department , and will be prouortlonateiy grateful to those who , Ilko jouraelf , had so large a share in securing this desirable change. I have not attempted to icview all the de tails of legislation which woulu be necessary in order to arrive at n Just appreciation of the vlsilanco with which jo'.i have , as chair man of the committee on agriculture of tun. United Stales senate , guarded the agricul tural interests ot this country , or which would unable those not familiar with con gressional matter- appreciate the harassing care which such vigilance Involves , but I can assure vou of my oivn appreciation of all that you hnvu done , and I trust that this reminder of your tutimnto connection and co-operation with the good work which this dopirtmout lins been lit If ) to accomplish under thn prr < - ont administration , mav not bo unacceptable. I have the honor to remain , yours vorv ro- J. Al , Utsit. "Beauty is but skin- deep" was probably meant to disparage beau ty. Instead it tells how easy that beauty is to attain. "There is no beauty like the beauty of health" was also meant to dispar age. Instead it encour ages beauty. Pears' ' 'qoap ' is the means of 'health ' to the skin , and so , to both these sorts of beauty. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. " * * THE SHORTEST J"l LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Li ht J , Siin M ei ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at/ioj p. m. , ar- rivinp ; at Chtcag-o at9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. y ° u know wljy witli pleasure Our faces so beam ? OurSerVai\ts Our life T e'er is a gruniHe , drean\ . Is ile ) cause of our bliss ; For all sorts of cleaning It ne'erQcoiiies MADE ONLY BY CHICAGO . , I THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THc WORLD Iiftuntlvstops the moil or i" I itnii i ) ilns. ii'ivei fills I > i\o o iso ti ) the suiroror ; u few upplleutlons act III"1 imuli' , cumin/ the p iln in lnt ml y stop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. "CLEANLINESS IS NAE PRIDE , DIRT'S NAE HON ESTY. " COMMON SENSE DICTATES THE USE OF Tlio autumn i the time to paint , and ono coat brightens and preserves liousrs and buildings and adds much to the value ana beauty of your property. Would Too lik ! 'aint ' at Wholesale \Vo want to boll you p'unts and evarythin"- used in paintincf at wholesale and les . The Irst boiled oil youboiifflityon probably paid 70u a ( inUon fin- it.Vo will Eoll you ono gallon or 100OUO gallons of any b-ands ut 40 ' . Xo\v wo have cauuht your'attontion , read the rest of this and compare theic straight cash ] iries. St. I.ouis lead , 7o per Ib. Horry Bros. , hard oil , o gal can , Omaha lead , 0e per Ib. $1.00 per sral. .loplin lead , O e per Ib. licrry Mros , hard oil. 1 pr.U. can. $1.T" > Cheap lead 6u lit. Linseed per . . Oilier hard oils , from $1.00 to * l.oO oil , boiled , 40c per g.U. Linseed ol1. mw , Hie per gal. per , ; al. Paint oil , ; 55e per gal. Mineral paints , dry , from IJc to I5c. Ban el price , -c per yal lesa. Mineral paints , ground in oil , le to.0c. \Vo Bunrnntoo to boas gond as any mixed paint. We will fccll jou at $1.2 per gallon , lias never boon bold for loss thanSl. 50 per gallon. As good a paint as other dealers sell you for Sl.oO.Vo will sell you al $1 00 or gallon. _ _ Our Barn and Roof Paint Wo will soil you at Toe per gallon. PRIDES ON an imm SF i On nil other goods our prices are equally low. COMB AND SEE US AND BRING THE CASH. C.B , PAINT , OI 1 and 3 , 4lh St. MasonicTemple. TtTTBLEBRBTED HID SANDWICH Moro feold than all others coinhined. Do not bo deceived by imttilors or i > y those claiming to have almost as good a machine. ] ! uy only the SANDWICH CORN SHELLEE and bo protected by direct guarantee from rolublo mnnufnc- lurcrs. You can alwayn dqpond upon our repairs being knnt in wtoclt by nil local doaloiu Apply for o in-agon cy. Kond for cataloguoi and prlc3S. SANDWICH Orj.-t Ml J O. , Council BlulTs , Tovva. To'all ouncisof lots or purls of lots on Slililuy streol , from -'sill ' Direct lo"ili | avuniiu. Vou ii ro lieroliv nntillu'l thul tlio nniler- sl.'nciltiiruoilUliilcrustud fruoholduis of lliu clly of UiKiihn li.i > o licoii duly unpulnleil liy thu mayor wltli the nppiuv il ot llio ulty i-onn- ell of s.ild clly to ; iHiu s tint ( lam.iKii of thn owners lospuutlvoly of Uio nropi-rty iidoi'loil by tlio fliaiuo of KMiluof Mililiiy sirtct. iln- uluri'd noci'ssurv l > y onlin'iui'U No .II'JI , p sieil July M , IMI. ' . npurovo I .Inly i'S. IS'i. ' . Von uio furinur notlflud Unit Irnliu no- ciiti' | < ls lil iippolntiiiciil ami ( Inly ijiialllluil as rt'iiiiuuii liy law , un ulll on llio Itiluluy of No * voiulier. Ih'i. ' , ut thu liunr of Uo c'ouU ' n th iiKirnliu ut thuollli'oof I'h , nil' * I' . llJiiJumhi , 15 ( i DoOsoblrcul. within DID eurporutu llmlla of nl < l ulty. meet for thn unrpnxiof coiibldcr- Ini ; nnil imililii' us3u < hinonl of UIIMIUKO Io ihn owner luspBotivoly of mlu pruportr ulfo'tcil liy tnlil uiail'ii ' lul.iu. Inlo uoniuli'r itlon bpeelnl lipiiiillts. If : inr. Vou u're hnruliv iiotl- lii'il to < iu present at Iho tlinu anil pliicn afoifl' mhl anil mal.o uny olijcotlon to or it.iitciiienls roiiccriiln'hulil iibii'Skincntuf ilun.i ; .lAMKs hT ( ) ( KliAl.i : , JOHN P. l''lA ( K. Coiiiinlltvu of ApPi'.ilM'ra. Omnlia. Neb. . Nov. 1. IMC. .N''dlUt illKi-itlUi ) iirKun'i rcKiilutt ! i'l , uuil are inir < | imlril iixuiinntl- . ; IUH Iiifillcliii * . Donu Hiniill , , 'rltr , 1 , OMlM' , 'I ! ) & 41 TarU I'llU'C , .V V. ImprovB'J Safety Ehvators , KIMBALL BROS. Cur..i'i slice ! .in 1 litli Ave , Ooiinvll Illuff PSYCHO METRY DR. EPVirv'JA HAZEN , 'Jlio I'lienomciiul I'liyik'lan , Tnoliur ami Aut'ior- cut , will tuacli | i4rcUumelrrtuilijr | lvaiiiiuiiil | olhcn tu ouablo tbeiu to < lli > 4iiuil > ilUujsoi unJ Klvu t'.iu ! curallro auunl wlllinu lunkliu cuu lloni. i.'omuur flHlaluikufliiilrwltlil.llO unit Imtvlliln ilumoil- ttd. iiuriiKAi.Tii ori'iri : , MMh sU Ur. JU1I.91liiin'rro4 : sr EC i AL. NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS The w.int ndvertl onifmM nima.iriiu In n ncuspipcr Are oflou the moot Interesting part of Its content * . They o\pro i the urgent needs , the daily wlshot of * the ponplo who wniit oincllilns and win ) .tie vrllllnx to da t-omethln ; , EMPLOYMENT. \\r.\N ri'l > - . \ Rood R rl for Rcnor.il homo- work. II.ligf \ , roe tm : I'leKo street. \\r.\NTnil-Hool Klrl for eonar.il hou o- ' orK ; Rood wiisos to cotnoctimt girl. 8j | Third 'lU'iino. HOUSKS AND LANDS , Ott.VNUi : crovvi in K.orld.i and Cillfornln for s iln or trade. liiconshloUK Nicholson S Co. CltiAIMItnlvr : taiiiVi In Mlu'iu-sotTi for H\l In < iu intltli's to suit , l.'usy ptyment * . lirci'iisniolds , Moluil'iin \ t'o. KVMIM and city loin * Moui'V loinel on A' stock and er.ilu. lie l tMl'tto for . l\\i ) < llliu i ml business riMitaU. MonmIn.utul forloojl Investors , l.ougeo , V rovU' . ill I'o.trl Hrret. I"H I'.XCIlANorf'p'ir ( niiuti-r-sooKon of I-1 1 mil for I'oumnl llluiv > < property , will par rush for illlToronee. lircvnsluul.ls Nleliolson & i'o . fi''l llro ulway. _ " | r'l ! Sl.i : nioirost farm In I'ott-ur.-xUi- - - me l'u. 41 1 tire * , wo I tuiulinl mil Im prove ! I'rKo JUiina.'ro II II ihrn'oi In Ai'lil' lunil for sule : boliuuninnoll Illuirami Omaha : u ban : iln If tal > nn soon. ( ireiMisliIo iK Nli'linlson .V t'o , r.'l llroailwny. iroi ! r.XCIlAMll'-ni ) m-re * in I'hllilpi J iiiiintv , I'oo. with liiipimi'iiiinit' , for stork ot ilry tfools und oldtliln or otUur iiiiNu. I' II Shuufu. . ON 1\SV ! pai'int'iits . "i-rouiii hiu si in .South 1st.ireut OroenshlohN , Mi'hoUon .t tkj. , O''l HID ulway. H'OU .UAII' On sn.H.l . piyntcnts. fruit and -L cardcii lun I noir Council III iITi 11 II. Miuafe. HroMlw ly an I Main street < i . .iTcs fors-ik-i lasidoclir limits ( .itc'enslilulds , Meliolsun .V Co. , ( Ill III ladiMi. \\r \\OOH.VO > . liivoso m < of Iho llnusk ' ifaiins In southnujlorn loivi for sule. ( ' .ill and sco us MJ .Mulu slrt-ot. HOlfl" I buzgv Mnntod foinnlitii > rove < l iiruD.Tly In northuoit pinofi'ilv Oruuti- Shu-Ms. Nii'iiolson . Co , ( ! JI llrouin.tr. | j > 0lt UisT-The : following cl o'llnss : Jlu loom duo Ilir. , 1,11 I'urk itvo. , TIJ. .s-rooni iln oiling. T.'l So. l.th st. il\ s-t-ooiii tlnclliiu ; , ! > „ ' ! ) ' 'ml iivi' . , fji. T riiuin duelling , ( il'iHth ' uvi > , * . : > . " room dwell nUth st. ami Avenue 1) , } I\ 7-rooin duullln ? , iss ; llrliiiU\uj" , til. 10-iooni dwullltiK. Mlliiiiton su. f.1) ) . t rimiu dwolllng. : il ! Aventio O , 0-room dwelling , 110 N. l.ith si , t- Ci-iiioin iluolllnv , WU A venue II , i8. ! 7-iuoni dvTolllntf.III ) lilncoln , tvu , * l 'I-roiini dwollln.i0 ! lint inony su. JIJ. 7-iooni dwollhr. . llalilillt I'l ice. $ \ (1-rooni ( ilwnlllng , 411 l "nil's si. , fr . Ti-iooin ( twolllii ; , MynstersU \ , f II. fi-rooni dwelllii'j , li.LMJ.nl uv . , II' . i-ioom dwtilllng. . " > Jl Mynstur s ! , I1S,5\ C-ioom dwulllng. ( iniliHMi uvu . * ! . ' . C-rooin ( Ivvnlllnir. ivjfinth live. . * 12. C.-rooiii d\\ollln ( ! . llubhltt j'l.icp. { I'.5X V-roiini dvvullln ? , Mornliiirslilc. II.V ) . l-rtioiii ilvvclllnv , li."i 1'nrk ave . tl'JTO. .l-iootn ilivollln. ' . Vii \vonuo I ! A , f 10. fl-ioom ilnullliiir. I Cl Wiishin.'lon live. . JUX . * i-room dwelling. 401 N. Rth st , S10. f > room ilivellliii ; , : > 01 N. Tth st. . ? lo. ri-ioom ilHolllns : , HW. Avontiu K , 110. 4-roiiin duollliiL' . 14 CiMh uvu. . JU U-room dwollliii. am 4th nt. . til. 4-ioom divollln ; , IIS Vine st. , { 10. 4-room nvvulllni : . Mil N. Tth , JIU. ( i-ioom dnollliu. "o ? 17th uvu. . fU. ti-rooin dwolllii'/ I Avenue H. ? IO. li-room ihvolllnu' , IKS , " ) Avonnu It , ? 13. r.-1odin . ilwt'lllnir. III' ! llroadvvav. $10. C-rooin duolllnK. I'.W ) sth uvu. , f U. li-io mi dwelling I7u ) Avuiino A , } 10. fi-rooni ( ivvulllnir , Ur-iliain , . nvc nr , Hisli , K\ 4-riOin house , 1701 uo Dili t. . $10. "i-ioom dunllln , 'IIS ) Avontie A , fO 4-room duelling. 'JS 'I Avonnu D.t'f. K-IOOIII dwelling. aS3 ! Avenue II. $1 4-iooin tlwollltiR , COIl ) AVOIIIIU C. IS .Vroom dwo.lln . ! US Avenue C. $ < . ( i-ioom dwi'llliin' , Sl&l st. und \vtmio M , 11. "i-room dwellliiK. 7011 H. Slril st. Jj. . " -room ilvialllir- , 'DKi Avpnuo A. fi 4-ioom ilwollliiK , : .n. ) N. 1st st. . ? 7. 4-iuoni dwelling litl So. 1st st. , Jii.03 , "i-room dwotllnu , 'IliK ) Avenue A , t ) . fi-room dive Iln ? . " 10 I'.111 : ive. , fO. . ' ) -ronin dwclllni ; , IIS'J ' Avuiino A , fH. 'i-ioom dwulllnj ; . WJi Avenue I ) , f 1. L'-room divollln , 1101 Avi-niii I ) , f.'i. 4-ioom iluolllnz , SV1) ) AVIMIIIU I ) , il. : I-IOOIM ( IvvL-ll nir , ' . ' .l.'ll S. nth si. . t\ 4 room ( hvolllnir , Sll Ave O. JlltOO. 4 room dnclllnir. 111 Vine at. , WW. ( i loom dwcllliiK."I I'urk uve. . $ r..OD. U II. Phuafe , runlul uguat , llroudvvay and Miiln slri'ut. IrYOU have suvthlis ; for silu or trade sjs i ; . II. She ii > . HIM iilvv.iy und .M iln stroot. AilAltGAIN. li-iicio fruit and sardontraob i'i ' inlli-.s from poslonieu. ' . " ] uures in KrapuD. ' , ' iicri' In bin kiicnk's , Sli iiiiplo ( roes. 75 liluin trei'ii. Urherrv trL-es. dwdllliu ; . stable , of. 1'rleiJl.OO ) . No tra'le. I' . II. Miu ifo. t ) I ACIIKS Inaldo city limits : will foil In lot * 'one UTH up to suit liiiynr. Ureenshlclda. Nicholson .t Co , C''l Hroadvv.iy. IT Ol' like Mm ) trout muni und liiir-"ilns In ie.il rst'ilu ' ( 'ill on Cieunshlulds , Nichol son \ < o , . fi''l Hio.idv.Mv. Iiii AI'UTS of clo ir Innd In ivisloin Ne- 1 i islci to nxi'liiiiiKii for a gen 1 itslilynoo In r.niiH'il 111 u IIS. Want ho isu- , mid lots lor No- lir. - ! . : ! land. Johnston & Vim I'.ittcn , \ \ ' 1. HAVE a Ro.id ten in' for a llvo or alx ' rootii lioti'-ii fiinr or llvo IdncKs from | > o < t- olllrc. ( iiouimlilulds , Mcholson Co , . UJt Illu iih..iy. nio ) neros o' rhoii'u plnn lantH fet aalo. inoir I'urvl" , Miss , liisy lorms In- , iiiiliunf Mri. 11. O llro.iki , or A. T. llluo , r.3 < lhstri-L't. "I ijim V lu poo.I ( 'ouii'jll IlluirH pioporly. 1- Must ho Mild tills ui-'i'i ; . Circua lilelila , Nli'lllllbOll . * C L'O. \\7l-1' ' AVIleintoineM who want hoiHos to ' ' rent , llavo yon the housL'sV ( ireenshleldv , MrliOlson iT ; Co. _ _ KANC'll of JiO | ai'rei , nuir UliD7iin > io. Wvo. line ImprovemDiiU , s mi' ) Ht u' ' < u'oin wltu i itiicli ; llni'bl In thu stalu. Will oxi'lnurji ) fur < oiiin'il Illuirs or Om. . ih i nrojurly. ( iruen hhleldH , NiuhoNon A. U ) , ( ill llro ulway. OIt ] , XMAN ( Ji-VJJJ : HtojJTof n.i'rcliiindlso fur low i or nu'iturn I Hid. ( iiven-liluliJh , Miliiiii : | a Co , Oil H'u.iy. u enU for iidiiilnlslrntor. . for iiduilnUlr itor. hive for sul nun of the best ( l'j-auiu stOL'k farms In wuit- nji lo'.vn. _ t A HSI'ltAiri'S nnd loins Turin nnd city p Ijinrjlil mid Hold , I'usiiy A Tliiiiniis , MISCELLANEOUS. / i MtHAUB ram > vu < l , fiis < > | ioiils. viuilu unii „ ' 'hlmiHiyHnUi.inud. I- I ) . ltni.o.'Uy jlld I'OK h \ M : llnrdw.-ir ) NtozKs In Iowa nntl I ? Niibrasltu. Involeju , ) , 'JOJ to W.O ) ) . li JL Slll'llfO. " _ _ _ _ _ SHOW"OABTJrf hilo uhu.iiiT tliKiol-font en us vvlih..lron stindj. I'r.uili l.uvln'.t more , II I'l.'inl DANCING SCHOOL. iM p in. . u In.ts. T : U p in h xluls HJomil nii.l foiiiili MonduyH. ' ) p. m. .Miislu fiirnlslioil uir- lii'i und clubs Addrint K A. I'.irlorn. ( oniicll HliilTs , or Inn I , iinam st. . Omaha. W , ' . i liamlerrf. Inslruetor. COUNCIL BUF3 ! , m\i \ m AMU n ! of Dvoni nn I ciu.inlii Mlono In tilt l.lH'Nlbtylouf Uio art. K iduJ an I blilnol uhrli"i niiiilo to Io ' < ui ui.l iu nu > v Worlc proinptly done mid dullvoi-jl In all iliu oo.intry. SuiU for unuu 1NU C. A. MA01IAN. - - I'IMMM ay , Ko.irNort'i.vnitara C'UU.SJU , llUUir/l. 10 V4. - - ' o . Oi : ) duu in thu Htuto ami fiilenl ; couru. Jtoom * ) . I uuil u t > Uui'i r llonru bluuk , O uuull tllutfi. I A.