IIW * " ' ' 'fin " | iri " I ' -i-Maf-i * * * Mi Tti : POLITICS IN THE PULPIT Omaha Prisoners Consider the Qusstions of tin Day in the Abstract , HEV. NEWFON MANN ON ELECTION tin DUcnur s Concerning tlm ChrUtlnn HoRtnn niul Ilin 1'olltlcal I'linclliiil It Showit Ailviincn In the I.Inn Of I'llllllO lllllllRllt. "As touching iho election , " ft phrato from Paul's loiter lo the Chrlsllans In Homo , was tbo text of Kov. Mr. Mann's dttcourso at Unity church yesterday mornlug , but any who attended In thp hope of hearing some thing of the proaonor's ' opinions on iho elec tion or his adwlco on bow tn mark a ballot tomorrow wcro disappointed. The first part of Mr Mann's napor was deVoted - Voted to an cxposlllon of election as nn ecclesiastical dogma. Ho showed how differ ent the meaning expressed by the word In the writings of the new tcsUmont authors from thoblgnillcanco It had in tlio mouths of modern politicians. CalvlnUllo"olectlo u" wa Indcod a vary different ibing from the presidential election. Speaking of tbo Immediate event In which nil the people will bo Instruments tomorrow , the proachcr said the nnjoritv of man woto ovorprono lo Icavo to others the moulding of their political opinions. Tuls bo deplored nnd ID this tendency of so many men to con- elder party a ? their ovoilord ho saw a remnant - nant of Ibo old order of ihingH which a per- Distent consoivatistu hod been au'.o to bring down to tno modern world \\horii It Is en- tlrnlv out of place ; In politics : ti in orthodox religion an olcclion had In It Icnst of actual , choice , nlboit the theory Is still expressed tnat election is not n matter of faith but of free will. jvi-nt \lliillntprost. . Still , the present presidential election , in Mr. Mann's opinion , lias a certain grandeur in It of which every American should ba proud. While the event could not bo sup posed to pass unnoted by Iho pulpit , an ovontof such vital interest lo all , yet Ibo proachcr had no llttlo dllllniHy In treallnfr It. Public oninlon Had barred its conslaoiu- tiou from the preacher's domain ; Indcod , tlrao had been when the minister could not cast his vote without pivlug offenso. Yet the voice of tbo pcoplo is the volco of God , nnd it is the preacher's business to call at tention to It. In face of the Inovitabluness of government by party our country U uioro forlunato than sonio others in 'that all parties Hero tank together in love of coun try ; yet , tbo Ideal condition of politics tn Ibis co-jiitry will not bo reached till it will t < o im possible for any psriy to safely calculate on r.O.OUO majoiltj in any slate , and Iho peaiter saw feigns. lhat gave him rea son to hope that Ibi ) number of pcoplo who slavishly obey the party leaders Is diminishing. Wu shall never bo delivered from tbo dominion of the boss in politics till wo ourselves show that wo cannot bossed. The business of voting is a serious duty , and nil tbo moro serious because it hangs so lightly on so many. Only ho who dullbor- ales makes a cholcn. H may bo very con venient to have a ticket nut into ono's hands , mid vote it in blind obedience , but that is not the modern idea of election , but the old ecclesiastical Idea , and onlv where the ballot box in turned into a machine to register a predestined vote do wo see troubleat the polls. Denotes National Ailtance. Whatever Iho result of Tuesday's vote , tbis canvass must over bo regarded ai one conducted on .i high plane. I3oth candidates have berne tbomselve.s with niredignitv , nor bas the country boon flooded with personal Attacks of n partisan press , and wo who thought that presidential elections should bo furtborapart are not now so certain of our position as before. Whatever the outcotun , it will stand for tbo deliberate judgment ot the people. ACTS , NOT CKliCIS What a Mnn Does unit not What He Hollevcs Is the Meiixure. The largo audience at All Saints church last evening listened lo aa interesting sor- nion by Hoy. T. J. Mackoy on "Kcllgion In Politics. ' ' The speaker said in Introduction that , very few people wcro able to understand the con nection between religion and politics. But religion bad aomothing to do with political matters or snoulU havo. Tbo mistaken idea > of many pcoplo aioso from the fact that tboy know but llttlo of what religion really consisted. Religion > was nonsectarlan. A man might bo a very Kood Episcopalian or Presbyterian nud still not have a narticlo of religion in his soul. He niicht uo learned In all iho axioms I.jf theology a d yet not have bonosty in Ills heart. This country was self-governing. It was n government by the people and for the pcofilo and consisted in u mutual compact between - tweon every ciii70n that each should * do his ! > art In protecting the interests of nil. People were too apt to bind the sphere of their tellgion within denominational limits. The speaker referred to tbo picluro of Lin coln ana his cabinet as they sat considering the proclamation of emancipation , and then to an ecclesiastical tribunal solemnly endeav oring to sift a charge of heresy against , Vn brother clergyman. The one was a secular tribunal , tbo other a religious convocation , but ihero was moro religion In iho delibera tions of the cabinet planning for the liboru tlon of millions of human bolngs than in all t'jo ecclesiastical linkers lu the world manipulating their petty creed ? . Idn What was was wanted wns more religion ) In politics , not loss ; an inlluenco that would sot ofllclals lo considering Iho good of iho people Instead of beginning to bet up pins for the inxt election us soon us they weio In > orf llco. There worn lee many politicians now und too few legislators and slnlosiuun. Poll- ticb had degcnoralcd from statesmanship lito more politics. Some people sconn'd lo Ihlnlc that ministers should take no part in politics. They said that they wore preju diced anil f0.11 iid that the would mnlut their . congregation prejudiced nlso. The church had no rlirht to s.ilr up parly airlfe , but BUIt VIM emphatically Its province lo lend its in- llucnco lo anything which tor.dod to inko moil bolter nnd Iho government purer. The nouspapers wcito too tightly bound by party lines to tuico up the cause of ino pcoplo and expose Iho xvcaknossos nnd faults of ofllclal govoininunt. There was no such thing as an Independent press. H remained for tba pulpit to lift its voice against the robbery of the people by their ofllulals nnd exciclso a purifying Inlluenco on ibo politico nf the time. When this uns accomplished lit \\oulu light the wxy to a bailer and purer government , in which there would bo more attention paid lo iho interests of the pcoplo nnd less to politics. IT IIONOUS (101 > . It ( < r , iliihnVlllliiiiimiii TrIU nl [ ho Viijuo i of nil Iliinmt llullot , Yesterday morning at the United Prasby- terian church Kov. John Williamson , the pator , pronchcd a eermonon politics ana tbo election , HU nurposo was to show elections to ba calculated as a means of honoring tbo Lord , a conscientious ballot being understood as being cast in HU nanio , while the other voted for the mere party's sake nnd wus pic tured as reprehensible aua unholy. After a short introduction to his sermon the rev- enicd gcniloinan said : t- It needs no apology for a minister of the pospet lo call iho attention of Christian peo- 1 nlo to ( lielr responsibility tu Uod and to the direction Gml has given mom on the eve of election , n pecUlly when ofllcors hhall bean chosen uho shall bovo chargerf our linan- t-lal and eaucutloual affairs , und wben they can do much to hinder or help I ho current ol our politlral llfo In rendilng Iho buigbu U Hliould ullaln. When slate und national leeUlalots uni to ba uloclud , whose voices tii votoa shall assist In dolonninlni ; what laws shall DO enacted governing G.\000,000 , pcoplo In thu country and 1,000.000 lu ibo tate of Ncbriuhal" The spoHker then wont ou to say that be thought that uvurr icllpious man ahould carry , lo a great extent , his religion Into the ballot booth nna vote for moral , religious in on , and i.htin the damacomioand bvpocrito. I lu ke ) klng of conireasiuii , Key. Mr . , WlllUunoii atldt "Wo do uot want u : .Ir.uu I In ooncrcti who It Incompetent to JuJgo Iha wliduni or unwisdom ot proposed oniict- monts. " Uo snoko of the unlimited responsibility routine upon Ibo prestdontof n gicnt country like thlnnd of Iho poworof the chief execu tive , nnd onld that It was surprising how mnny wont to vote who Ignored the Import ance of thn ofllcn nnd voted only for putty succo . llo called the nit ntlon of lu * con- projection io tlio fact that the power is In iho people to crrato ofcer ! ! . nnd asked why the pcoplo of thin country did not manifest moio interest In the creation. 1'uitlsnnstilp und not the holy cnuso of justice and peed for the pcoplo hai too strong a hold on thn ma s of voters nt election time , The narao of the Lord , thu King of Kings , sam the spcnker , ns not Union into con sideration when voting for candidates as It should be. "Thn poor , " continued Mr. Williamson , "nro iiftllctcd und have no partisans. Tnnro ore pli'iity to talk on protection , mnny who prow eloquent on tariff reform nnd the silver question but no party ha * de clared in b'lt general terms for the poor , The man inuit lo seriously Inckincr In observation who cnnuot s-u llio erortt ilntizcr linponillnc fiom tonllk'ts be tween tbo exlicmcs of sbclcty " In conclusion lh < ! moauboi Wont on lo ex plain that thu tiling to do was for iho voter to commune with his Uod und to bo sure that , what ho n < u doing would bo pleasing In the ( tight of the Almighty. u.\rmi : riisniiM'ic. : ( Jloiiinj Vli of Ilin Itiittli'llnlil Tu k mi by Attho Hnns-jom I'urk Methodist Uplncopal church last ovfnlnir , Kov. W. 1' . Aitiriay preached on tlm subject "Election U.ty aim Religion ; or , How the Clulstlan Should Volo. " Tlio text of the preacher uas Isulnh xxxill , 'JJ.The Lord Is our judge , the Lord it our law ( fiver , the Laid is cal king " "U'o Hvo In a time , " said tuo speaker , "when it U H.iid that religion Im nathini ; to do wilh politics nnd that ministers of llio Ko pcl nro lowunng tliwr Mtanuiml of dlenlly when tnoy mention the subject in their pul- plis. On thH cjiicttlon I dlfforvllli the < o who nniUo such sUtcmontH. You well know that the million of .Jesus ( Jurist is a llfo and not n thine to bo put on or off like a Sunday coat. Wo should carry our religion into tuo cvcry-d.iy walks of llfo and a man cannot bo u L'nrlsllun und not carry his re ligion inlo Dolllics. 1 snould like to aiU jou how iiianj men scorn to lav nildo tholr ic- Hplon ou nloolton day. Too timnv , I am afraid. " The spoaUor then referred lo Senator In- calls of Kansas DV mentioning u statement made in the 1,011 a to In which he said that the decnloeuo and Iho ( 'olden rule nad no place in politics , liov. Mr. Muir.iv said mat lie was glad lhat tlio people of thn slate of Kan sas had plainly said by their ballots that a man who would in alto Mien a remark was not lit for the place , consequently- had been retired to priva'o llfo. "It Is tune , " sald Iho prejcber , "for every American clti/on lo hide his face In shame , for as wn look over iho polltiuiil aitualitm now \\o llnd nolninir but chicanery and coi- ruolion , ando should fool ashamed ut Ibis slalo of affairs Uollglotis nnd moral men have wlihdir.wu Iholr support from the political parties on ncoount of corruption , because , as they sav , lhe > do not want to soil their bunds by mlnpling with the people who now run and conlrol llio polillral ma chines. Hut I s.iv it Is a shumo , lot uhen a man sees corruption , bribery ni.a other evils , etc. , ramp mi , ho should not refuse bis ulu and InllU'Jiu-o to rijiht the WIOIIK and do all ho can toward the publication of politics. "Tnore is iieeu of religion in politics on ac count of thli cortuption , und 1 lieliovoth.it If wn had more religion uo would liavo less corruption. Aeain , religion should bo taken Into politics in order lo diculty Iho national government and the dally llfo of the peoplo. " Once moro the piencher quoted hin text and then said , "As the eye of God is IOOKIUR down upon us It is our duty to carrv our re ligious beliefs with us to the polls and to vote for the best interosls of humanity , in order tnat the will of Ooa may bo done" and that wo may vote according to the direction of God Almighty. Furthermore , I consider it the dutv of every Chrlslian lo lake an active part In Ibo political battles of tbo day in oraer to help purify and dignify the polit ical world. I met not long since u praacbcr who boasted that ho had not voted in twenty years. Wlien asltod his reasons ho snul that the name of Goa did not appear in tlio con- slitiitiou of tbo United Stales und consequently quently ho could not countenance such a government. Hie preacner and laymou and Christians should work together and force puritv , aignitv ami morality into tbo polit ical platforms A Christian must necessarily take a moral view of tlio situation irrespec tive nt party or questions involved. " Kov. Air. Muriay urged his bo.irors to be patriols and not partisans , nnd to co to the polls mill vole as pall lots iho ticket , uhlcU represented their convictions. Ho further advocated tbo election of Ood-fcinitif men to ofllco , oven if such votes baa to bo i'ast ut u personal sacrifice. .IC1IIKMI' Itltli KU. NntlihiSii\ril | hut .1 Miiull I'nrt of till ) Stu- lIlllltH' Illll'Otl. CHUIUOV , Neb , Nov. 0. [ Special Tole- grain to THIS Uii.J The Cbadron academy was totally ilosiroyod by lire this morning. It Is located about a mile from town and has no water supply but wells. About 100 wortli of ibo students effects were saved but tbo building nnd llxturcs are u total loss. This school was under the nusplcos of Iho Congro. gational church and had about 1UO students , oiio-luilf of whom room In tbo building. Tbo loss is $ ir > ,000 ; insurance $1,000 , , In the Liver pool , London , Glebe and North British. Simimm'u roiirtli INc.ip , ) , , Neb , , Nov. t ) . ( Special Telegram to Tin : Di.it ] .Tfiuk tiuiumor uyain broke jail hero this morning. Slnco tils cnpturo with his two brothers about ton dins niro ttio bo > h hnyo boon uonllnod in steel Cager to inako them doubly secure , but last night Jack tore his bunk to piucos and with ono of tliu rods for a lever suLveodod In breaking ( the lock of his capo nnd gained ontinnco to ilioconidor , wiiuio ho scciotcd himself , and when tbc ] Ulor opened tlio ] ull this morning to do his morning worlc slipped nut unseen and rondo joud ; his oicnpo. 'J'hls Is tlio third limo ho hasnsc.ipnd from this ] ull In the last four months. Ho is wanted for burglary. cltyniiiiinur ; Hulls. CBNruu.Un v , Nob. , Nov. -Special ( [ to Tun HKB.J-r-Wediinidny Miss evening Kva Vioiegg , aaut'htcr of Mr. James Vierogp , ono of tbo first cottiers of Morrlck county , and Mr. Charles Bishop were married , The cere mony took plnco at the 12pisoop.il chuioh , Key. A. 13. Marsh , rector , olllsiallncr. A ro- oeptlon was given nt the elegant homo of oho bride's parents , which was llliod to overflow ing with guojts. The brldo is ono of ho most popular and accomplished young les of thu cit > , and Mr. Jllsbop is a popular young business man. A largo number of guonis wcro present from Umaha ana otlior places. liinl.itu l'eri > iiiU ! , JUMATA , Nub , Nov. 0 [ Upqclal to TUB UKIMr | > , I. U , Dillon ot Cioto was visit ing here last week. Mrs. A , S KInslow of Multo , III. , was visiting fiiendi hero laat week , Mrs. lr. ICoonx wlio , has bcon visiting her parents , Mr. und Mrs Bam Drown , ra turned to her homo lu Cundron last Monday , Charles Angell of Holdrcgo was vUillag liuu1 lust Sunday. tiirc sliiro li > Htroeil , Neb , Nov 0. [ Special Tele- prum to Tin : HIT. I Thn erocury ami fruit establishment nf T. U. ( lines nt Ninth and Court ulruuis wan destroyed by tire lust lilKlit at inidniubt. caused by u Jump ex plosion , Loss , fl'-K ' ) on sioou" and $ * ( K ) xon , lusuraiao , f00 | , U'lirK i I'liiniii itt \Villfr. WIUU.K , Neb. , Nov. 0.- [ Special Toloffram o TUB BkB.Ccrvauy ] Uros. ' general merchandise Moro was baillv Uuruod early this luouiln. . Loss on slock about fl.lHK ) ; danmiro to bullulngHDD ; fullv insured ; cnuso unknown. huflm-iMl u llruknii l.liuli. Avoct , Nob. , Nov. 0 [ Special to TUB ' H 8.J Ous , lohnwti Buffered it broken log yesterday uy tiulnir struuk with n piece of Umber while at work oa thu U rail am & Wllldrtson bulldirtr. Salvation Oil has cured IDBUV of men ma til in whou olllur remtJles ( all , 1'rlce 'J5o. BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS Qunitot of National Tio'iots Soliciting Popular Enpport. ELECTORAL FIGURES PAST AND PRESENT InntriirlUn Stiinmnry of the Statn QII tlotn to llo hottlcil unit Olllccs to llfi rillril In Ilinlcit StutU- tics ol Itccont iirctl : tt * . The American voter can takn his choice of four rcpularly nominated sots of catididatos for prciiuunt and vlco president , as folln'vs : IILl'UIII.IOlV. For 1'rosldent unnamln | Harrison of Indiana. I''or Vlco 1'reMiloct Whltclaw Held of Now York. For President Urovor Cleveland of New Voilr. For Vlco President--Adlal K. Stevenson of Illinois , i'FOPl.h'S Tor President-.lames H. Weaver of Iowa. For Vice Piosldont-Jumos O. Field of Virginia. I'lioiitniTinNisT. For President John Uld well of California. I For Vice President Juinos U. Cratillll of Toxas. Providential electors will bo ehoinn by all states on Novembers nnd all stales , cxcant Maine , Vermont and Oregon , will elect ton- eiusstncu , The I'loclon will be chosen nt largo In all stales , except in Michigan , where ono niccior will ba clictid In iho c.isicrn half of Iho stale , ono bv Ihu western half , nnd one In each of iho twelve congressional districts. r.lpclm.it Voti > liy stiitcn. The following tnblo shows how the olcc- tor.il vole was divided In lfjS3 , nnd the num ber of votes each slate has tn Ih'JJ ' : Thn Westoin .States. The follo-.ving foots concerning western states nro taken from the Now York Times' doe-lion summary : " Colorado will "elect presidential electors , congiessmon , governor and other slate of ficers nnd legislature. Candidates tor gov ernor : Joseph H. Maupln , democrat : Joseph C. Helm , republican v- Davis H. Waite , pee ple's ; John Hipn , prohibition. Its vote lu re cent joars has been : Dem. Itcp. I. . II. Proh. 1883-rreildeut . . . ! I7.m ; .W.SJ1 1.587MOJ Ind. 1SOO Oonzrcssman. ru.T.YT 41,033 fiJI9 l.CB1) lbOO-Jo\crnor ( . . . . 3.VIM 4ib2 ? .r.lM 1.058 Idaho will elect presidential electors , ono congressman , governor und other stuto of ficers and legislature. Candidates for gov ernor : John M. liurko , democrat ; William J. McConnell , republican : AndrowJ. Crook , people's. Its vole in IbQO was : Pern. llrp IMX-Go\ornor ) 7,018 elect piesldontiul elocinrj , con gressmen , governor and other state oflicnrs , and legislature , and vote upon a pioposed aniandmunt to Iho constitution of tno state which gives the IceiUaluro power to propose ainentiinonlstolwouiUulcsof the constitution atthosamo session. Candidates for governor : John P. Altgeld , democrat ; Joseph W.Flfer , republican ; Nathan M. I3arnott , people's ; HoDort , H. Link , prohibitionist. Thu vote of tlio struo in recent years h us bcon : Dem. HOD. L , R. -1'toHldont : ) IS.i71 : LT0.47 > 7.28J 1SW Tioiiiiroi Cll.817 y.'l.'OD . . . . loua will elect pte ldontlulcleclort , con gressmen and minor state odlcers. Candi dates for serratary ol state : J. H. McC'on- logue. democrat ; W. M. McFarlano , lepub- lican ; Euword 11. Oillntio , people's ; S. II. Taft , prohibition. The vote of the stuto in recent years has boon : Dem. Ron. I , . R l > ioh. 18R8..l'rosidont. . . . 179.K7 211.5,8 ! ) , IOi J.W1 IhSJ .Qovornor 1SU.U ) m.x > $ n.77.i i , wj 1'ooplo's. 1S91 Governor. . . . 21)7,571 ) l' ,7.VI II.UIH ! UJ Kansas will elect presldonllal n'.octois , con gressmen , governor and otlier sfite olllterj , and legislaluro , which will elect u Unileci Slates senator. 'J'ho candidates for governor nro : Lor.uno D. Lowtlling , people's and domociallo fusion : Abraham SV. Smllh , re publican , and I. U. Pickering , niohlblllonlst. 'J'ho ' vote of the stale In recent years has been : Doni. Knp L. It. I'roh. MS President . l,7n ( 18U01 .17,7.8 ( ) , ,7 ! ) I'.A. 1S90 fiovornor . . . 7li"i7 : ll. > ,02j liji7J ( ! 1.-10 Minnesoin will olci-t picsloonllul electors , congressmen , governor and oihoi-nlaiu ofli- cors , and legislniurj , which will elect a Untied blalos senalor , Tlio slaio will also vole upon two proposed umcndmenis lo iho cotibiuulion of the suiie. Candidates for governor : Daniel W. Lawler , democrat ; Knuto Nolnon , republican ; William , I , Dean ' ! , prohibitionist , Tbo first proposed amend ment prohibits spccitl legislation for coun ties , cllios and villages ; ibo other provides for tax upon tlio gross earnings of lailroiul , express and Insurance companies doingbu l- Iof nuib in Ibo bialo and upon Iho producl of mines , The vote of tbo Mate lu recent years bus been : rsh. Doin Hop. K H. I'roh. > lbS 1'rcsldont . . lul.JSTi U'-M'-U I.O'I7 lJill : IA. . lslJ .ao\urnor. . . . \il SS.Ill MD14 8l'l Montana will olocl pruildential olocton , ono congressman , governor and other anne olllccrs , und loglslaturo , which will elect loa United States senator. It will also decide the permanent locution of the stuto capital oy tbo pouulur vote , and vote upon u proposed umeiulnientof the coiisllluuon of thu stale , which relates to Ihe leruis of county com- missioned. Candidaies for governor : Tim- olby U Collins , democrat ; John U. KlcUarJs , rupuuiiuau ; William IConnodr , people's ; , ! , M. Waiora , probtbllionist. Tbo vote of iho state in receutyours has been ? Dem. Hep. I'roh , 1W < 9 .Oovrrnrr , . , , lii'uil mihS IKSU C'ongrvssinan . . . . . . . lH , 7d lJ'jiJ , IbW CoiiKrubiinaii , 15.411 I'U.'rf XsU Nobrat.Ua will eluot presidential electors , congrcbsmon , governor and otlior state ol- licers , und legislature , which will elect 31u Unituu States senator. It wlllvatoupou two . proposed amouuraeiiU to Ibo constitution of iho siale. Candidates for governor : J. Sterling Morton , democrat ; LorpnzoCrounso , republican ; Cbarlos H , Van \Vyck , people's > : ; C , K. Ilonlloy , prohibitionist. Quo of the prnposo'i amendments croales a Board of lluilroaJ commissioner. * , to Do elected by tbo people , and tno other rotates to thu invest- men : of tbo school fund. The vote of tbo stale in receut youn has been ; pern. Hop U. Ij. I'roh 1S8. . President.SJ.UJ luK i5 tM li.-9 ) ( Ind. 18M ( Jovernor , , . .71,111 ,878 7U.187 3.07(1 ( Nevada will nlect presidential electors , ono congressman , Judge of the supreme cpurt , and legislature , which \\lll eleol a United States tenator. Fur supreme ludga tba dumocrnu renomlnuiod C. H. IlclUnap. The republican time convention aeotdod to make no nomination nualtiflUjIm. Tnevotoof the slate In recent ycara hjU been : . n , jl Dem. Hep 1'roli. I8xs President. . . .M . , . . . . ft. I.-6 7'J.H 41 18 W , ( lovi-rnor. . . . . , , , . , . . . . s.7i3 U03I North IXiKota wll > | pjcct nresldonllal elector - or , ono congressman , 0Rovornor ( una oilier state ofllchrs , nnq logUlattiro , which will elect n United Sutci .nonntor. Candlclatoi for governor : F. Oi Collins , democrat ; Antlrow II. HurKq , .republican' , IS. C. D. Shortrldge , pooplo' j ogpr Allen , prohibi tionist. The vote otA > \9 > atato In recent years has bcon : 1 V Doin. Hep. People's. 1R Consrcsiinatl Sl I1118 2iJU77 I'M Coiizrcsiiniin. . , jj.hK ) 2l.iO" IS'JJ ( lovornur. . . , 7jrOOI 10,051 4S.'l Urogon will olcot , , nroildontlal electors. The vote nt iho Btnto lu roceut voars has boon ! Doin. Hep. U. I * Proh. 18S" " ) President , . ya.yi iwtn M 1,077 18UJ Uovornor . . . . 8,910 : UT tl . . . . 1S13 Slip , .tudgo . . . 2MM : il.4JS liil'Sl * 2,703 South Uakoia wilt elect presidential electors , congressmen , governor ntul otuor state ofllccrs ninl Icgislaturo. Candidates for Governor : 1'oU-r Couchtnan , democrat ; C. ( I Sheldon , ronublioan ; Abruham Ij Van Osdol , pcoplo'fi. ' 1 ho vote of the state In re cent years lias boon. . . . Horn , Hop Ind. IfM novcrnor . 2.1,840 raw ! 1SUD Oovornor . . . . 18.4S4 JH,4i7 23 Washington wilt oloctpraMdontl nl olcotors , congtossmen , governor und ether state ofH- cers nnd legislature , which will elect n. . Unllcd States senator. The people will also vote upon a proposed amend mont to the con stitution raising Iho constitullonal limit of the bUito' * Indebtedness. Candidates for povcrnor * Henry J. Snlvolv , ilomncrat ; John H. McUraw , republican ; C. W Younc. people's ; Ilogor S. Groeiii ) , iirohlbttionist. The vote of iho state In recent years has boon : Dem. Hop. Plo I'M ) Uoveinor . 24.7.W : u.7ll 1S.O CoilKruTttiini i . 2.VJI ' "MM 2,81 ! ) Wvoniing will elect prosidontlal cloctois , onoccngrossnian , governor , Judge of the su- | iroino cnurt , and legislature , which will elect n Unit uil States sonalor. Candidates forpovurnor : John n. Osborno , democrat and ponplo's ; Hdward Ivlnson , ropublici ; 13. M. Picndorgnst , piohibitlonlst. The vote of the stale in recant years has been : Dem. Hep. IS > H roiurossinlin . 7V 7 W.ni 1S9J ( iovcrnor . 7,133 8,87'J ' If out of ordcr.uso Beccham'a Pills. 0.11.1 M.I. Uoiuocriits Hnvii Unilurtnltnn tn fuse mill the I'opullstD , Although J. C. Weaver is n dimlnutlvo Dguro in the presidential race and stands as near elcclion as if bovoro not running AS the people's party candtduto , his canvass has served to accomplisn something which no ) power on cnrlh bos over brought about in the past , and that was tno galling into ono I room of three factions in the democratic party all at the same time and tvlth iho simo purnoso in view , and no light followed. For bo it known that there are tbrco Motions within Iho party Ir. South Omaha , and tbo motto of oacli is , "Never die. " There nro the Jefferson Un club aud Iho utiti-.lcfTTiorilaiis , who are after Councilman Ouila's political scalo. And then I horn aru the old standbvs who uro under the leadership of John Mc- Mtllian. Yesterday afternffon" about thirty of the faithful assembled at''Knights of Pythias hall , nnd cacti faction . well represented. 3D There was uo bloodshed1 , and , In fact , no wordy battles woifo foucht. They were thoio wilh ouo commoc object iu view , nnd at ibo inspiration of anolnor common ob ject. The solo puriipsd of tbu mooling waste to tnle stops to doih'dr up lo the Weaver electors , the domoerafic vote in South Omaha. Tbc.se ladders of the local deinocraoy mav tblnlc I hey will uccornullsh their putposo , but the democrats who cast tno votes will hardly c'ellvtr themselves up to the scheme , tnfis batched. Enih democrat who atfiftded th" riiootiug wont tbero feeling i'ery'selfnruDortant ' , and \vas certain ba bad in storen , surprise for Iho others. When the"1 'fnivilng bad born called to order and the chairman bad Inquired "What is your pleasure , gentlemen , " thirty democratic voice's iu cborus uhirpcO : "Mr. Chairman , I have hero " Tho"chairman was frightened at the nneniniity of the answer to bis interrogation , and feared that there nilfibt be a clash , owinf ? to thirty dam- ocrats wanlirg to Do board at once. Parlia mentary rules in democratic uicot- IIIRS parmit of not to ex ceed twenty-two talnl-iR at ono time nnd the chairman bravely statcu so. and recognized ono of the faithful. Tlio "I have hero" proved to bo a conlldentlal letter tvpeivritlon on a printing press also much per thousand from Chairman Itush of iha aeinocrmic county central committee. The lol'cr in brief staled that there is no hope of talcing JNoorasku from the topublican column unless democrats vote for tbc people's paily electors and that all democrats are uiged to FO cast their ballots , and that , the national committee recommends this. 'Iho loiter winds up with an underscored warning that "a vole for Weaver is u vote for Cleveland. " When tills letter hud bcon roitd a discus slon arose as lo Ibo host moans lo carry out the instruclions. Knclosod wilh tbo lutler was a sainplj ballot wit'a n croasopposilu the names of the people's party electors. The ether crossds ou the tlcltol were placed on- posilo thn nnmos of the democratic candi I- iI dates , fiom go\ernor to coiulablo. It was agreed Ihut oaeh aemocrallo voter shall ba furnished ono of those sample bullets , and Uncle I'cter Cocltroll slartod out with an armful of the green slips for the edlllcation of tbo voters. Piles of peonlo have DUOS , out Do Wilt's Witch Ha/.cl salvo will euro them. That AYEU'S Saisapsirilla CUHKS oriiKits of Scrofulous Disoascs , Eruptions , IJoils , Eczema , Liver anil Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , Klieu- inatism , and Catarrh .sliouM be con. vincing tliat tlio hamo coniso of treatment WILL crm : ot All that has been said of the wonderful cures clTcctfd by the use of tlio i > ; istf ) ) yc.iis , Iriithfiilly applies to-day , Itis , in every sense , TJio .Superior Jlouieine. Its cnra- tivo propei ties , niixngtli , ellect , and flavor aiu alwajs the Siiino ; and for wlmtetor blooil ilisoasea AVKIl'S S ; rsijarill.t ; IB tHr' ' > > tliey yield to this treatment. " Wlu'ii jou iu > lc for AVER'S SarsaparilSa don't bo induceu'to purcliaso any of tlio worthless .sulrifttiites , whioli are mostly inixtiires ol the cheapest 111- giedients , contain no furs.ipanlla , luivo no uniform slandaul of ap- pear.tnee , flavor , or oiled , are blooil. purifiers in name only , and aio of. fered to yon because there is moro profit iu selling them. TaUo AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ajer&t'o , Lowell , Man , Bold by all UruvgUu , I'llce $1 ; > l < tottlci , 5. Cures others , will cure you Mi : r. O. AntJcrson Of ScntUlalo , IM. , a % ctcran of the llth Venn. Vols. , says , as a result ot war sen Ice ho Suffered Every Minute Tiom liter and kidney troubles , cnt.trrh In the head , rheumatism und distress In his staunch , KtcrythhiKlieato urcmnl lilio lend. Sleep \\ns icstloss , and In the morning ho seemed moie tired than when ho wentto bod. Ho siysi Hood's SarsapariHa and Hood's Pills did mo moro good than every thing clo lint together. All my dli.igiccahlo 8)niptoms fi.ito gone. " llomiio to gut Hood's. HOOD'S PlLLS nro llio best after illnnci Fllli. Tlicjr nislst illzcstloii and euro headache , rroiiliiioutloii And notice to tlm olueturs nnd los.vl voters o thoulty ofOinih.iof an iniuril oily ok-ctlon of thu city of Oin ilia , to ho hnli ! on Tuesday , tliutitliiliiy of NiniMiilier. HU for tbo nur- posuof ulecllns oi o uouncllm in from oich To thu o. colors and lo.ul voters of Iho city of Oin iliu- I , ( ieor.-o 1' . lloiiils , innyor of thu city of Out iha , do Issiiu ih s , my proclamation , ntul by the authority tusunl I i niu us snub nniyor llo hereby nl\o public notlen lo the ulfctors and lo al voloisof llioi' ty of Oinah i that an iuiiiiiulo.lv oleelioa of llio oil ) ' of Uniahi , lll bobulu In silde ly on Tuu-.il ij. lliuoiclilh day of tSovumber , IHU fiirthopurnosuof oleot- Inir one ooiiiicllin in from i > icli w.ir.l. The polls sh ill lit1 oix'n on Ihu U i ? of s ild oloctloii at olghlo'iloi'iiii Iho morn tn and shall continue open until fio'eloeK lit tlio ovonliiK of thnsiiiiu u iy , nt the rcspuctlvo voting places following , to-wlt : I1H.-.1 \i Mill n L or"or 7tl' ' ' l and I.oar8n. ' 'or"8r 13tl ! l ( of ! ' ot " " S cor"or" " " and Hickory ii * V corner 6th and Center W CDr"01 Otl1 llud N E corner 1Jl1' 'inJ ' Vlnton \r\un. street ! N W eor"ur Iuh alld 3onc'1 " "rlCt N W stroou corner nt"l W C ° " 10r 18lh [ 1 W COr"Ur 2)th ) ttlul n oor"or 21 > 1 nnd , tb Direct , COl" ° r JUth a"a 1 > lorco uornor I4th an(1 Willlim _ ' * Lor . ' < - ° r" ° r M'cunth ' > Cen- loth Dlstrlot N W corner 3)th and .iiuJl sirOOiB ustriit-S , | E cornorSOth and Itancroft Ulli DIstriot-N J-2 corner 15tli und Viulon * jtl OOtS. mil DNtrlnt SV cornur llth and Vallnr llth District Xicorner20thiud lioulo\ud Tinuiw\nr . conl01' Kth anrl " " Wcor"er utl' ' " 'd n.ivonport Jcl Dlstrlot-Sonth sldo of Capitol avenuu iintrlnostoO Mtb streiit. 4tl ) Disirlct-WcHt sldo of ' l.'tli street , bo- Iwoon DoiiKlns .in < l Dodge strools. .ilh District N 12 comer lutli and Caiiltol iToniiu bib District N IJ corner Oth nnd Harnoy 7lh District S n comer llth and Uou2las 8th Dlstrlot N E corner I5th and .Inukson btreots. Olstrlot-fl E corner 10th and Howard TOCHTII WAIIII. 1st District NV corner 17th nnd Duvunpori ! 2nd District NV corner 2Jnd and Davenport > trouts ird District N W corner 23th und Dodso struuts. Ulii DIstrlot-N E corner 17th and Dodge Mil u'lstrlot-N K cori.i. : ITlh and Ilamiiy ctroeta. Oth lI trlcl N W corner 21th and Douglas Mreota 7th ' IJistrlot-N W corner 2Cth street nnd fct , Mury's HM3iiue 8th ' District \Vcorniir20th utroet nnd fet Muiy's avenuo. Uth Diatrlot Kaatsldoof olltll lltli stri > ot , hotwuen liurnuy htrcot und SUM iry'savmme. IDib DMtrut N Wcornnr Ibth .ind Lo.n 011- woith HtrouU. lllh ' Dlstrlct-S W corner 17th struot mid St. Mnry'n urouue Jirrn WAIIU. 1st District-Kant sllonf bhornmn aveuuo nptioslte Mftiidur-on utroot. Silrt Dlstrlot S K corner Sherman aveuuo and VVJrt street. Jrd District 8 W corner Shurmnn uvunua ind Ijiiico itroot. 4th DiHtrlul NV corner fahemmu uvoniio ind Oracustriuit. fith Dlstrlut-S W comer 17th and Charles trools. ( ith District K ist sldn of bherinan uvoniio about.'Ill feat north of Nicholas Htrout. 7tli Uislrlut S i ; corner lUtli and Iz.nd strcuU bth District N W corner IClh and Hint t > truuls. lllb District N i ; eornoi lilh ! and C.iss hlrcnts lOib District Kust Hide Xorth 17th Htroot bo- twuoii Uaiifoinla and U.is htrents. llth Dlmrlul h 12 coinei Ibth iMid Oass streets. SINTII AHI > . 1st DUlrlut S H corner -Ub strcot and Ames UVC'IIUO. 2nd Dlstrlct-S W corner 3Cth atieut and Urand uvuntiu , Ird UUtrlct N K uornui < 51h and ( ir.inl strt't'ts. 4tb District H W corner -'Ith und Mao lurson Htrents Alb District HUcornorSlth and Wlrt itrfola. Otb District y W corner JJrd and I'arkor struuts. 7tb Dlstrlot N W corner 2lh ( aid C/orby streutH 8lli Dlslrlut M r corner 27th and Ilurdulte si mots. Uth District N E cornur 2nil ! and Grant Btrenls. lulh Dlbtrlot N W cornur 23th and I'r.uiklln lllh Ulstrlol-9 W cornur 21th and I'raiiUlln strcoU. r.'th Dlilrlot SV corner 2'nd aiul ClurK sfeeta , RbVKNTll WA1II ) , 1st Dlutrlut-9 VV cornur 2Slb nnd .Mason ti t.'fts. 2nd UUtrlct N L corner 20th avenue und Popnlalou ureiuio Hrrt Dlstrlut 3 W corner 29th street nrid Wool worth avenue 4th Dlilrlot IS W corner 29th street and Arbor itruet. Ath District South sldo of Vlnton ttroot near ( oust oD soutli : id monuo. Ctli DUtrlul H i : corner JOth Aronuu and I'o p plo ion uvenun 7ln DUtrlot N W corner 3llh und 1'runoU strools. KIIII1TII WAIIU. lit District Enut sldo of Mill at root near ( south of l Olmrlua htrout. 'nd District \Yusi aide of 2.1d street near ( iiulh or ) 1'uul "trout. Jr.l District N W cnrnur 20tb and Nicholas htruuls. 4th District .N i : corner 29th and Oumloz slrvols. 6ih District-West blilo of Norlh 25lh itroot near ( north oO Ouiulnit street , Oth Dlstrlot S Cuori > or2.'d und Hurt streets. 7tli DUtrlct b W corner -'Oth uud CJas * ttreots , NIMTII WAIIO. let Dutrlot a W cornur 324 and Oumlaa itruots , Jd DUtrlot N W earner 10th and OnuilriB sireels. M District N U coruor 40tb uud I'urniuj streoli. 4th Dlstrlot North alao of Davenport street nearHOit oil Norlh UJrl veiiuo. &lh district S K corner Jlit nrenuo unc Iloduu ttrnet. tli District--S coruur ! 0th avenue und i irksnn trrnt. In wltnoii whereof I luno liuroiinto set in. hand tin mnvor of Bald oily of Onmhu , thin 17lh duyof October , ISDi * OID. : I' . iilIS : , Mayor. JouwGuoyaa , City Olork , oiud.'ll d 17.oxM It linxM in inM 0 M 10 1(1 ( II II in inn 11 n 10 . . . . wan of it i" ID 14 OX.M 17 I2,0\V ) 7 17 17 ii.nxi.xi it 17 not ivi l IIOX.VH IJ 17 1J.OX.VJ 11 17 1\n\iia < 0 flof It M 17H 11. At.vi If 17 Ifl.DxT t > 3rt ft nt It 15 2,1 n.ix.v ) in 21 ir.nxM 17 21 IIOxVJ It 21 101\M 111 111 imx.vi m 111I rtoxw l I2'\M | ( 17 io\.vi ) \n \ , < \ \ i'1l'f 3nii IP ( , \ as sub 1 tat II 10 ncJ i'1-l 1 1 l.x .7' . I IUIXI7I nt I IHKI o uu : u oi-.i-r.-ii Il0\l07t.ix ( ll.'ll see IIJ.IV I U'JWOIalllllsiv Ifi-n-U | la\n lircn lU-elaird by onllnanvit N'o D2M It hn milsani' " " < . Von niu luirphy dlroctnl to nlmlo snul mils- ntiPi" liy oliipliu ; Ilin lots huroln dcsurlbod within Uiln v dnys of tlii'diilo of this tiollrp , nr snld niiUnups wl 1 I r iibM d l > y thu city .TUtbirllli" < nnd Mm o.\t i-iisn tlicrrnt lovlcd n's u < Mt il ! il tux uitiln t Iho prunertv on htPli snul tiiiHHiuo * i" , Nt llatiiMliN , diliiof Nmonilior 18' ) . ' . I- \ \ niuiviirrn Cli.ilriiiiin nf tinIto.itd of Public Vuiltn nf tlio t'ltx nf Dm ih i _ n 4 A 7 8 9 I'o .1 A IJonti'llo. MIKi > Votor.i < illisirlnn l.oclilln. M "ini < rrn SoiiMisrii \ I1 ( lirls pliorMiii. I l ri Piiril , ts II. l.ils\rurtli \ , Ji Mohi.llriiriji' IIT/scliiK U : You mo Ill-toby iiolllleil Hint Ihu nnilor * slEIIDll , tliriMMllslllll < ll" < lLMl flOPllnllll r Of till ) tllj of Oninln , li i\ ( < bnuniliily ainm tiled by Ihoiimuii ilh tlm iippnival of tin ity ooun I'll of.bill iltv , to i sn < 4 lliiMl iniiisn lu tbu onnur < n-spei lUi-lj uf llmpioiorn iluolnruil \i\ \ iiiilln.iiii o iii-i'i'SH. u y luliiMiiiuiupiltit'Ml for the iisiiofHild city , for I ho pilipniu or oiion- in. nnd UNtiMiilliij lllth sln-ol fi uu Vlnton sliei-t tDSDiitliolty limits \ ou nro fuitlii'inotillcd. . ihut li.ivln ; nc- ropli'ds Id aiiiuliii'iipiil | mil ilin > nil illlloil IH roqulrod l | u . \\a will , on Ihu'Isl il iy of .VoMMiibiM. A I ) K'l. . iltlin hour of IDn'pfivK In thu foiiinoini nt tliiiolllro of I II Mpi ill loeh , roiuii hi'J N V. Ufn Iliilldin . ttithln llio cnrprnitu limits of s.ildolly. tmirt for tbo pur- pdsiof ( im < duilii4 niul mnUliu thu LMI-.S nmntiif d'i inn , ( . lo the ovrin'ra lusnoi'liviily. of s\ld iiuii-ilj. ) | ( if n < IMIII of such Itiklnif und iipprojirl itlon lli'TOof. tilJnir Inln considera tion spui'lnl boiH'MLif til ) . 'I lit- properly lieUiiiuui/ you. propoaod to boupnriiiiil.itiMl IH ufimiiilil , an I ubloli has boiiti ilvL'taird nci'i'smry by tin council , by unluiuK ! ' , lo .iiipioprl Milo thi < IHU of tin ) ullv , bi-lni ! situ it lu * ild illy of Onmli i. In tlinvoiinly of OuiiicliiH. nnilsintouf ob llskll. Isilosorlbed us followtnwli : ! ? -1) ) fool of M fuot of lot 1 1 , > 15 Uoior-T plnl.OU iliom.i. West lOIout of lols 10 and II. Motlnr's subil - \ I-.IOM of lot K S i : . Iliui-r- . ' pl.il of OU.iliomn , Writ fit , fret of Hub lot I. I i\ Nil " 0 Wv > i df. fi-i-t of lot. Ill ) il , Illll No . ' . South 7 foul of west - ' ( roil ot lot It ) , Oik Illll No. , ' . \\oet If. fi-otot lots i,7 ! , S Mottoi's sub of lot < & * II Koins' pi it of OUihon. i North in ffi > t ofM > SI u. of luuii , " * U Ko-- cj's' plat Okalioiuu AVust i fei-t sub lot t of I i\ lot ' .U \oiiiiinnotlllcil lo Im uii-'enl .it the tlmn time anil plnco .ifort'vilil. und ni iKo any ob jections to or stale nunlscon 'oruuir. sal i pro- po'-e I iipproprl itlon. or iissossiiiunt ot dam IIKOS as you may eonsl Inr pionnr r u. Mri iM.i.or-ii , .10IIN I' I'l Al'K. JAMI > PI'OL'KDAI.n Oiniihi : , Oct. Mlh , 18 > . ' . o.'dliJ Voa can reduce ypur weight from ten to twenty pounds a month , tit liomc , with out etnrving , at reasonable cost by Iho use ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many > cars practice , causes no hirkiu-HHor'luJiiry to the lienllli , Isblghly Indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P. O. Drawer 1U3. Chicago , 111 , ACEXTJS WAXTED. Clroao niirx.f P . & KID GLOVES Tlionbovo brautlf of trlovo ? lot1 silo b.T TheBoskonStope N. W t m.d Douglus , Girl iDAvV > j Uses CATAItl.'lI. ( f ) COUt.IlS , HI XVgOD § I/I'C , K'l'f. r.c" Ht'i'l' ' f"lt Cull in1 wi'llo. Specific Oxygen Co. , lloci ! > , Omitlia , Nob. BOYD'S ' THEHTBR. Monday .inJ I uesilay i\cniiiiiv : \ Oiniliii Op Festival Co- .IN . . " " "TRRVflTORB , I'fH'M of Tlrhulai Iflr4t ( lour , I b oony. fi Ol ) , 7'iCi Kallory. ju- . raniain Slraot l&eator & , I VWi-v AUl TUIWlil. . K The Hit of the Sonaon. - OUH JRJSH VISITORS ( All t.lllifllt'T ) M.itliiensVrilnesday nnd Nulunlu ) Ulrrilun returnt nllLui-i | ( > il fruiu Ilioilay * l'u f fmnhig , NOTeujl/er , clfi.lluu ulgUU