Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1892, Image 1

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nT/-.XTIA 4 ir nrrv/n NTTATOTrkir \rm I ; l > 7 1QM >
vri T Ari > Tn
will xvin nest Tuesday , and I can give my
reasons for It. Nciulyait the surface indi-
cotions promise It , and all the undercurionls
conlirin It.
rirsl i'beio is neither need for n change ,
nor Is iheio i.nywhore oven an nnpiront do-
innnd for n clianco. The business \voild Is
prosperous and the whole country in pio-
found peace. With general prospeilty , vvllii
business adjusted to existing conditions ,
xvith the unlvcrsil democratic ad mis-
talon of the spotless tccord of tno
vxlso and faithful administration of
I'lcsident Harilson , there is no wonder that
llioio is no excitement In politioj and no
btorms Iu tbo campaign. It means that the
Amcilcan people ate satisfied nnd have de
cided to lot well enough ulonc. Taclory ,
store , shot ) , ftnn , mine laborer and all aio
cnjoiingtho maximum ot prosperity in tbo
history of the country. Uvcrv lactoiy K
busy , cvory moi chant Is ptosperoiis , labor Is
fully emploxed and falrlv paid , and tbo *
working pcoDlo hnvo sl.VJJ,000.000 , ot de
posits In the savings banks of the laud.
Second In this sillsfactory condition of
the count ! v the great political putlos nomi
nated their tickets and deviated their ptin-
cipleH. The republican ptuty .ippioved of
the condition of universal prospoiltv and
proclaimed conlinuod udhosion to the prin
ciples under which such condition xvas es
tablished , and its candidates , its pioss nnd
Its mcnibeis haxu unsteadily supported llioso
pialu and positive ucclit aliens ever since.
Dcinoi l.ils ami Ihclr Illiiiiilut-s.
Third Tlio democratic party tn-ido n plat-v
foini which In ovoiy plank quauels wllh <
IhU condition ut univoisal prospoiitv and
nominated as candidates ixvo men xvboso
xvholc political lives and iccoids have been
in uniopo ted opposition to the piiiu-iples
vvhicli have made such ptospeiity in Ameilcn
possible. H did Ibis in .111110 , but llndlrg the
people aiiiu/td at Us stupidity , it lias spjnt
its xxholo time sitic-o trxing to toptidiato its
oxvn lot-mid dei-ltirations then. Indeed , it
bas.03 all its bop-s for success next lues-
day on thu ability ot Its candidates ,
Its picsb nnd Its bpeaUnts to make the Amci-
ican pcoplo bcliovo that Itio declaration of
Us platform last .luno for frc-o trade nnd
cheap labor does not mean that , and thai its
cquallv plain declaiation fur shinplaster cur-
icncy xvas not Mtujcielx- uio on ibo sur
face ; theroloi tbo dotnnct.ulc mrty is iopii-
dialed bj the Aiiiciicui people , as u people
or the people of i. nation too Inielllgent to
want frco tiado nnd piuperl/ed labor , and
too hotiiMl to accept polluted inonev.
Under thu surface many uiibcon sticams
nio lloxving lo wain the republican parlj.
Indeed , Ihc di'ft ' of icciot votes noxv made
booasj under the Australian ballot , will , in
my judgment , decide this contest re
nro txvlco us many close or contested es
this as over bofoie. A brief analysis
oftliodilft nn secret voles In the tiUpiuod
states will demonstrate the stiutigth of Ibo
republican pros poets for success.
Srcii'loluiit XXIII Cut n I'lguit- ,
In the casl ncaily all this drift is toxvard
Iho ropubliciu pnity. Hvery ono of the
liundicds of inousands of uemocrals xvbo do
not bollovo In fiuo trndo llnds his democracy
Hlnikun noxv , nnd many thousands of such
men will secietlv vote the uipubllcati ticket
in order to vote for protection. All business
interests noxv enjoying prosperity nnd
noxv adjuslcd to Iho AlcIClnloy laxv dread hoof
penis ol n uhangu and tbo unseltloinunt of
trade , and many demociats nmong such peo-
plu xvill secretly vole Uio republican ticket
In Older to protect their oxvn interests and
let xvell enough alone.
The democrats who believe In honest bank-
uu'und sound money , and xxho Unoxv ikbo
penis find w-iongs of hicspoiiHlble banking
nnd moro irresponsible cnirenov will
, many
of them , sectetly votu the republican ticket
in order to let good cnongli money alone.
. Gorman-Atncileans nro especially sensitive
on thcbo Issues , unit the doniociatlc
vxlll suslam bovoio lo'ses fiom that element
on this lie-count. Many deinoci ills who be-
Hove in Cleveland personally , but xvbo Unoxv
that no man ran ilsu us master aoovo his
parly ns president , and many ether demo-
units who llko Cleveland bin not Stuvcnson . . ,
xxill secretly vote for the lopublican ticket
und the prevailing geni-ial piosperlty and ,
Muny manufacturers who do not want fiea
tiado iu America and American goods mniiu-
fiie-tured in Cut ope xvill secretly vote to keep
tholr factories open and their oxvn piosporlty
continued. Vast numbers of democratic
vvnrklitgmcn in fnctoilc-b xvho sea tor them
Reives that iho domociatiu
platform moans
free trade , and that fioo tiado moans lUno-
uoan xviigui for thorn , xvill votu for thu re
publican ucket and tbo perpetuation of tholr
OtMl XVngCH.
lion tlio Soldiers XVIII Vote.
Moro than all li : the cast and all over theme
noiih legions ol union soldiers , now1 demo
crats , but not able to votu for candidates
v\ho xxoro dtnwn as cnnscr pts and repre
sented in tbu nrniv by ttuhultules , against n
gallant soldier , xx 111 bucrotly vote for Comrade -
rado Harrison ,
A stilt mightier reinforcement xvill como to
the republican paity direct , us n Nufllcient
tclluf corps in each imperiled state in the
noith , J11010 uro the HOO.OOJ or moru of the
sons and oilier joung kinsman of union
soldlnrs xvho will this jear cast their Hi-it
voio for picsldcnt , Tboru uro enough of
thcso naxv repiibllrari voters of ihomsolvcs to
clvo n ropubllcan majority la Nexv York and
every clrs-o noilliein btuto ,
In the east and all
over tno noitb , too ,
Uioro is n steady public and secret drift [ of
Irlsli-AtiioilcauH toward the lopubllcau
pally , and Indeed ot all the elumenlt of foi-
oign birth , vspucially among the people
cpcuUlng tbu. 1'oilucit language. There is
also it mighty reinforcement to the lopub
lican partv licciubo nf Its pioiiuunced posi
tion of Americanism and its Uefeuso ) of
American liitci-esls , American right * and
American manhood.
. \tittrn In Uio XVrnl.
In the went all the dilftu thixt I have men-
Honed are not to certainly uud aggressively
in motion. Hut the west , wiiich U a crea
tion of the teiniblican party , which Ims been
traiisfcncd fiom wild land Into great states
und inospeiou ! . cities under republican poli
cies , xvill not depart from its lopubllcuu
moorings now , 1'Uo union soldiers who
liavo In pan yearn gone off to Iho ullluncu
becaiiso ot debts and bardtlmoj , und some of
whom nroulluiod by talk of Iniluted money ,
uro still the hiojt luteiibo of Americans und
will resent , llrst of all , tbo proposition of tbu
democratic parly to Europcanlro ibo United I
tiutet iu regard to uianutacturtng and lubor.
The SOfX)0 ) union soldiers In Kansas who have
gone there nnd found homesteads under tno
republican laxv Itioxv the dlff < Ji < 5nro bet > xcon
Comrade HnrrUon ana Conscr'pt ' Ctovoland.
So do thor > 0lXI ( union soldiers In Nebraska
and the ( U.UJO In lown , nnd so do the union
soldiers xvbo make up a majority of iho
votois in both of the Dakotns.
Ilosldcs , such of these voters as have gone
ofl to tbo iilllniice , sou in Iho south Iheti.lianro .
paltv mod to protect the democratic pirly
nnd plainly sfo in Iho treatment of General
Weaver In the soulh what It all means. In
the nortlnxostorn statoi , too , In the most of
width the manufactured products roxv half
equal In vuluo thn faun produc's , there Is as
stuidy u spirit of itofenso of piotcrtlon nnd
for American xvuges ns In the east , and the
farmers thoinsclxei form the sttotigest part
of the lino.
in the wliolf xvcst , from Indlina clear to
the I'aclllocoist , the republican pirt > wld
Hnd the union soldiers nnd their sonnud
other young kinsmen r-omlng forward to vote
against oloctlng conscripts nnd In favor of
' comrades
In the mountain and Pacificstuto the nro
tcctlon sentiment Is ns strong as any where
In the union , with manufacturers ana farm
ers und fruit grow ois und minors , and all ,
and especially with laborers who do tint
ix nnt thu products of thc-lr builds brought
Into competition xvllh goods biotight from
China nnd Japan , made by laborers cottlnir
fiom to JO cents a day. liven the sliver
people will lomcmbor that all the filondly
legislation which their whlto metal hns oxer
hnd has como liom n ropubllcan congioss
nnd n icpuhllcnn president , while to the load ,
coal , iron , copper and other miners protcc
lion is the loof of their houses , the dividends
of their companies mid the xxuges of their
Soldi lla li for I Ills Hclli'f.
Tor those nnd many ether reasons I bcllevo
that xvo shall xxln next Tuesday :
First , xvo hnvo un hrmest and nctiml
majority of the voters In cvory northetn
state today , xvith possibly ono exception.
Second , xvo have u clean toptib'ican '
majority In Wast Virginia and In West Vli-
clniii thn jcur xxo hnvo a chance for a fun-
Third , the drift of consot vnlix-n and pro
tection democrat * , generally of ptotcctlonists
among demoi'rat xvorifingmen especially , and
of sound money men nmong busi-
ress mon ovurvxxhero provide for us a
protection and honest monov majority , bv
ivnj of a second nwfbrlty to our own actual
sttongth 1 give figures boloxv us xvoll us
( alllmnla . . IIIKnninM IU'
Mnliio . . . . I , ! Minnesota ' >
" - ' - f Vv llniniulilrc 4
Mklilxiin . . . U WIlCUIIllll ' 2 >
Ohio . . . VI xtnntnn i > f
Oregon . . . . 4 Surlh Oakdti I
IVmixtlMinla Zi -until Dnkotn 4
Itlimlo iHtnu I 4 Washington 4
\ tirin int . . 4 U joining 1
Illllllll . . - S
Colorado 4
llllnoN . . 24 Total 211
lun i U
Arknnsiv" . . . tl.Mls'mirl. . . . . . IT
Horliln . . . . I Xlritlnln . M
nlj . . . lIlMlLlilvin . 4
K.MIIK. | > \ . 1 .NonJursry .
1 oilhlnnn . . blAluliiiini . 11
Mnrxliinil . S North C'nrollnu . II
' .I Ici.nua
Stiutli Lnrollnii . . U
ll'MH . . I1) lolil
iiui'iiTU i , srxri-
New Xork . . . . liiXVi3l Mrfftnl l
( 'niinectlciit l > Dcliinnro
ni'cii I I mi l'i
NL-TII li . . J 'Joint . . . .
Thus xxo have'.ill certain lopubllcun votes
out of the neccs'.niy 2'J ! . Counting Now
Yoik , Indiana , Connec'.irut , Nevada , West
Virginia aud Delaware , or si\tv-nlno ub
Tot iho soko of stroiitfth I put Indiana ,
xxhlcb can only ho tiiken fiom us by fraud ,
a'Jd Nexv York , which tno demociats xvill
havo-to steal botxveon noxv und Tuesday
iilcht , If they get It ut nil , as doubtful.
Mltlo XVoik Will XX I n.
Of these si.xty-nino doubtful votes wo hnvo
onlv twelve to gain to win , whllo the demo-
cr.it1 > must gain fifty-nine. Indiana alone
added to the " 11 vvill glxo us moro than
onotigK Connecticut and West Virginia xxill
give ii" just enough , nnd either of these , illi
icr states xvith Uelevvaro and Nevada would
civo us just enough. Mho stieiicth of the
republic in position Is shown in thesa tables
' 1 bo bolting thK vear , conlinod to la
uud piofessinnal betters , nuarlv all of in
demociats , conceucs an oxon licuro on ibo
gonf ral lesult. The odds oven on Noxv York
and Indiana bx the dcmnciots nro given to
cover piomedllatud Irauds in the txvo
states. But xvo have the votes
for a majority , and public sentiment ,
both with ns , Hepnbllcans evervxvhoro
ical 10 the c'lisis und will bo on duty from )
now until election night and xxo shall bavo a
fair vote and u fair count if pluck und cour
age can gain them Tbo republican paitj is
on its ir.ctr.l and proposes to ucep southern
methods in elections beloxv tlio ixlason and
Dl.xon line. JAJIKS S. CMIII ON ,
< ; I.O > ID : I.N v ICIOT.
Itlial rollllcnl Mcoiini."f In KutnuH iegult :
Scrlousl ) toSoxt-nil I'ITHOIH.
Four Scoii , Kan. , Nov. 0 A riot fol-
loxvcd tbo close of tbo political campaign
here last night. The people' ? party mid republicans -
publicans held lival meetings , the former reon
the public square and I'm ' 1 it tor In the court
honso. The republican meeting xvas dis
missed first and many of Its ntlondaaU
joined the people's party croxvd.
J. U Leslie , n republican , procured a bar-
icl und mounting upon it bogiui uddiossitig
the ciowd. A farmer named JJronnan
knocked the bairol from uudoi the speuUcr
and that precipitated n ilot. lUcnnnn vas
severely biuisod and Leslie , tlio Interioring
lopublicanviii severely handled nnu badly
boutoii , Hoverul others xvoro moro or loss
badlxinjuicd. .
CMS Minor I'liilmlily lr tully Injurtiles -
trrdiiy ixi : < iilnir.
About S > o'clock lust night Gus Aimer , an
omploju of the Chaffoo I/imbor company ,
xvus tun doxvn by u sivltch oncino under iho
Douglas strcot bridge and baillj injured.
Aimer had bcendoxvu that way to see u
friend and xvas on bis xvny uptown , lie
stopped on the crossing to await the passing
of a freight train and carelessly slipped buck-
xvard nnd xvas sttuck by U. it M , &wltcb en
gine No. 211) ) . Wbcn picked up It xvas found
that ho hnd both the left luc and arm crushed ,
besides sovtnal bad bruises. Dr. Lee and
the patrol wagon xvuio called uud tbo man
tukcn to St. Joseph's honpltul , xvbcro his
wounds woiu dtoisud. Tiiu doctor bald that
the case xvas a doubtful ono.
Aimer Is n sinclo man , ' . ' < ! years old , and ho
boarded ut the I'acltlo hotel.
ii i.i ruii : Fiiiii.vt'n.
I'Hlr , ami l'rosi | cH of u Coin XVuxo In thn
1) . C. Nov. 0 '
. . -1'or No-
bra Ua I'alr .Monday nnd Tuesday ; cold
xvayo cnitj slightly xvarmer Tuesday morn-
innorthxvest ; enlos.
Kor lovxa Snoxv Hurries ; fair Tuesday ;
cold XYAVO , northwest galca.
U xttli | tit.
About midnight the local ofllciaU nt the
weather foundry recolxedorders from Wash
ington to hoist the ' ' '
cold.wax'o Hug. 'J'lio
btatcd thai tbo Irmpcruturo ut
Omaha mm vicinity would fall fully -'U3 by
tin. m. on thu morning of the bill. At 7
o'clock last night I no tlieruiomoiur maikod
Jb = > and ut 1JW ; : u. m. uigisiored : U = > , u full
of ls = in live houri. It Is expccttu tbittbe
tburmometur xxlli full ronsldorably below iho
ptcuiction made by \\ustiington indica
tion ! ! oillcrr.
Aliivruicnt * ot Oi mill XeitcU.
At Southuipton Ailived Suule , from
Ncxx York ,
Ai C/jCfiisioxvn Arrived -Scryla , from
Nmv Voilr.
AlLoi.d.3u Arrlrcd Nestiuore , fromBot-
Democratic Dreamers Insist on O
Several Solid Republican States.
'rrililont HiirrUnn'k MiitiMiu'tit ( ( inroriiliin
Iiiiliiini Itiulicr Hiiinpi-iis Ilii-lr Ardor
I'KJinlKlni : to < ! Ixo Clrxrliiiidtlin Vulo
dl Illinois tinil Inwit.
Nt \ \ YOIIK. Nov. 0.-fSpcclal Telegram to
Tin , 11 KK I All tlio Hues of thn rainbow
could bo seen In Now York today. There
xvcro enthusiastic folkiat botli headquarters ,
, .
xx lie tempered I the Joy over tliclr o11 party's
io < y prospects \\itli sjtnpathy for their un-
foriuinito opponents. At the samu time
thosd wlio liavo tlip matingnmenl or the ro-
specttvo campaigns weio closeted in tholr
hotels Tbeio tire no inlnbows for any of
The peculiar conditions of the campaign
mnko the pcriitl Just before oloctlon ono of
cienl nnxloty for the leaders nud they show
it. JJiioIiy. it may bo said that the confiden
tial opinions of Iho men on the insiuo ot
tlio campaign inaho the following strites
doubtful : Now orli , Indiana , Connecticut ,
Dulaxvato. Wou Virginia , Iho DuUoliis , No-
braiun , Novadi , ICunsias , Colorado and four
electors in Minnesota.
liifoiinatloii Illird ti > Crt.
H may also bo salil that
theia is u singular lacic of detailed
Knowledge concoinlng the \\ostorn states. It
also may bo said that tlio people who are nt
the head or the democratic caiiiiiaigii would
lllto to onlaigo the uhovo list by puilln ? In
Wisconsin and Callfoinla , whllo the lepublt-
cans would prefer to icduco it oy takiiiR out
Kansas and Nooruska.
Hut looting the situation squarely in Iho
faeo both sides find their llghtlucround ; (
spread oxer the territory Indicated. It
can lurtl'or bo said that tbo domocr.itlo
loaders bavo little hopes that If they lese
Now Yoik the fusion deals in the \\cst , or
tlio "generally fayoiablo conililioiib , " as tbey
are pilled , will enable them to tluow the
election of Mt. Cleveland Into the liouso.
> t t socry L'ltriulii.
They oiso admit tbo probahilitv tint if
they gain Now Votlc and lese Indiana the
chances are about ovun between them and
the lopubllcatis. A few du > s ago Chaiiicnn
aiiccun hoa > ted to a ftiond from another
state that n million dollais could not got
Now Yoik fiom Cleyelanu. "but mind you , n
he added , "I rion't say that xvo can bout Harrison
risen on tno general ipsults. " ri
About Indium it may bo slid that Presi i-
dent Harrison has made known to tlio re
publican national committee his ausolute
eonlldeuco that his own state is safe for him.
This is based on it formation he has rocMvcd
fiom every section of it. The politicians
in both panics hnvo moio lospcct
lor nenoral Harrison's Judgment about In
dliuatnan for tlio local coinmlttoo's. . They >
Uuow that his own interest has
never ml led Ills Judgment. It is , therefore ,
vvoilli nothing as un Indication of the drift thu piesiuent has , at this st.igo of the
canvass , felt justified in giving 1m opinion
so pojillxcly.
nishiMl U'liiuK to Di'inurnit * .
'Vbcn the fact xxas told to ono of tbo demo
ciatic tnaiiuirera this afternoon ho said , -vith
sigh * 'Tint ' 0's
n xxon'l no comforting to :
Shccrn Ho won la ritbcr tale : HarrUon's
piediftiou on Indiana than his own miy day
in the week. "
Secretary Shoorin Is still sanding dis
patches to the democratic headquarters ,
claiming that the state ia all ilgnt , but there
is a note ol doubt In all bo sins.
Concerning Illinois and Wisconsin , It can
be said that tlio news received nvClatkson
nndCattcr from Coimnitteemen W. .1. C imp-
bull .uul Henry C. Ilaxno haxo convinced that those states ate ; ill rirlit.VbH
ever doubts tlioy may nave had u month ago
bavo disappeared.
On the other hu-id the democratic branch
headquarters at CUlcacro lias cast its hoi1 -
osuopo clear acioss iho xviistc'rn Hiatus und
tees nothing but sunshine. Congressman
Cable's bureau sent a lonir telegram this :
nlternoon that iloclaicd thut tbero was ilbn
Innd-.lldo in U.o Mississippi vallov ,1111) ) thut
the icpubllcans in lo.v.i , Woopsln ! and
Illinois would bo wiped oil tlio faeo of the
Nevet thcless , no faith is nlaced in Illinois
by the democrats in charge of the campaign
Comfort fur Cle\t-luml.
Some of Mr Cleveland's nersonal friends
In Chicago nppcur to share in the delusions
oflho bianeh heiidip.iart'-r'i. J. W. Donno
telegraphed a mombur of the democrat c
committed to call on Iho candidate and ns-
sure him that nothing could keep Illinois
fiom givlni ? a big majority to Iho national
ticket. Mi. Doane wanted to uo quoted as
authority for it , and. 80 to spaa * , gave Mi
personal judgment that Illinois stiould bo do-
livered to Cleveland.
or am : r.vuTY.
.VdilrrsH of the It"iulilie | in Vitloniil Coin ,
inlttoo to tlio .Vitiim'ri l.lootori.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 0 Tbo following address
was issued by the republican national com
mittee today :
To the Electors of the Country : The day
of election is at hand. Tuesday you will 1 bo
called upon to determine by your votes the
mostimportant questions , faltlv and sqiurelv
piusontod to the country.since Iblil. i'ou nro
todocldo batweon the polluy of progress mm
Iho nolioy of reaction In this country. You
mo to say wbutbor or not tarlft scncdulcs nro
to bo so adjusted as to furuish protection to
the labor and proJuctioni of the country ,
wbilo raising royonuo to sustain the govern-
free tiado The republican parti's platform
favors protection to American laborers nnd
American products. 1'ho democratic plat- ;
form declared such policy unconstitutional ,
anil therefore commits the democracy of the
nation to the British polio ) of frou trade.
You are to pronounce for or ngulnst the
rollikblu stabio financial btiucturo built by
the fathers and founders of the republican
parly. Youaiotoiav whether tuls sound
policy is to uu continued , or ubandono M in
favor of tno dunocralio bihomo of the
resunectlon of stuto liai.Us unit wildcat
cnircnoy. Uv your vAtcs you must sny that
joudo not dnsiio to diiturb the present
prosperity of the country , iiivolvlng our
commerri' , our maiiufaotuung , our grl-
culturo. ourmiiilnguiiu ourllnancos In doubt
and uncertainty for un indolinlto pjrlodof
\\liut IK'plIbllcJtl Sucre > .Mini in ,
Tlio to-clcctlon of 1'residont Harrison will
Iniuro a continuance of splendid policy under
woicb the nation has prospered In
branch of Industilal lifo. His ro-cleutlon
will luitiro n continuance of conlldenco tithe
policy of the covoriimont , and will eliminate
all questions of doubt ai to the coursa to bs
pursued with reference to lir.portaut povorn-
iiienl operations in the future.
Tbo election of Mr.
Cleveland would , on
tbo contrary , bring busluoj * to u standstill ,
iuvolvoovcry opetatlon in doubt , and ralso
questions as to tbo effect unknown legisla ;
tion migtit h.ivo on thd oconomlo and
llnunciul policy of ibo govrrnaieat. Uo
coulldently submit to tbo countiy | bat no
cause exists for u change , and that abundant
icasous will occur to the mind of very
loyal citizen In favor of a continuance of
republican policy and lopublican ndminlstra
tlon. This committco has conJuctod the
campaign on the Issues presented by tbo re-
Kpoctlvo parties. Our oppouotits have been
driven to the nucojslly of saj ins their can-
li bolter than tbclr plqtforui and
should bo trusted not to execute Its dcclnra-
tlons. They would ( iftvo the country bo-
llevo that through ttialr caudldnto they can
procure tariff fefofm , whllo the commutro
In convotitlon assoinbled dcnlarod absolutely
in favor of froa tradoj
Alxllrttnil III Clrtrlnnd'n fiiMir.
The domocrntlc nnnnpors would liavo tno
whole cotintrv oollovo thut luolr nomlneo
can with safotv bo trustoil to violate
tlio plcdgol of tno mrty in favor
of the rnstiiTOctlon of the state
Innks. Insllort. the dooiOcrntlo { mrty
has nbdlcntcrfin faxor of its candidate and
the management hopes to xxln this election
bv Inslstinc that thn party does not support
its platform , but relies upon Its cimiidnto
to viulato tho'platform , thus liiuclnR the
prosperity of the country on the slender
thread of a slnplo liunmti life.
Our cindldnto nnd the parly ho represents
nro oarh in complete harmony xvith liio other
.and both candidate and pirtv stnnd In har
mony xvllh the boj tin to rails of the inpublio.
Wo doclRo no issue , wo do not ask our CMI-
dldato to aid us In catching votes by promts-
Inu to vlolftto or to roliito any princlplo of
the nartv aonnoxvledgcd in the national plat
form. The nartv nominated n candidate
\\rirthythoconfiilencrt nnd lospoct of every
clti/3ii , whether ho ba Judged bIlls acts on
tro battle fluid , xvhllo defending the nation's
lias * , ns a senator ti ) congress , or as the chief
magistrate of the nation.
Oppoiuil to Iliirrlnoii.
It Is gratifying t anuounco that the
pilrlotlc prim of iho country has , to nn un-
precenlcit oxteiit. suppoilod our candidate
und our plattorm during the campaign.
Neither our oandldalo nor our causa hat
proven popular Iu Uneland or continental
Kuropo. Tlio diinocrutlc nomlnoo and his
platform have met xvllh universal applause
In cvory country seeking to rival us in the
commorial world. Not n single noxvspapor
in Kiitflutirt or on the continent of Europe
lias sioisen n kindly word for General Harrison
risen or the ropubllcan pirtv in this cam
palgi. Our policy does not justify suppoit
from abroad , nor liavo wo couilud favor from
the chmiiflons of alien interests. This can
not uo tiuthfully alii ot our political
opponents. Wo have tolled for support nnd
aid o'i the friends ot American interests nnd
not rttprosentuttyos of fotelgn govoinmonls.
'While pleading poverty the democratic na
tional committed bos been ntnplv supplied
with funds Intended to inllnenco Amurican
citi/ens to vote against their own interests.
vVo nro advlspd that these funds have boon
chicllv contributed br foreigners xvbo soolc
to break doxvn tbo barncri of protection to
the end that they may icap ptolll on the
i inns of tha indusliies nnd interests built up
by Iho putrlotle policy of the republican
pirty. 1'hls committco has used the meager
contiibutions given it by tlio people to fulrly
and honorably pro ont to the country the
issues to bo pa scd upon at the ballot box.
"Our opponents have relied upon the degrading -
grading and corrupt influence of money to
bo used on election day to Induce the people
to abandon their principles anil their Inter
ests and vote tba demociatle ticUot For
the purpose of coVe'rinK this reprehensible
scheme the democratic press has substan
tially abandoned nldlscusslon ot the Issues
and their simca hasoson , devoted to a con
tinuous and vvbqlly unjustlOod line of pssor-
tlons xvith icfciendo to supposed enormous
contiluutlons to tlto lupiiblican national
committee for the alleged puiposo of carry
ing iho election. '
I Arguments of DuinocraH.
"Gsound to desperate straits , as wo all
knoxv that the c'pnimon sense of the body of
the uooplo is .arrived against their un-
ilgntcous cause , th'o democtatio party has
not only sent forth'a false cry to cover their
tracks , whllo undertaking to debauch the
voter , but thay tinvo likewise In this state ,
through the IiohUmant governor , acting as
chairman of a committee , sought to incite
evil disposed pcrs&ns to employ Insurrection-
arv methods for the purpose of preventing
tbo ofllceis of the tow on election day from
guarding the ballot box ns they uro sxvorn to
do for'tha purpose bt preventing fraud and
intimidation. '
"For liio lirst tima In tbo Imtoiy of the
rapubllq a prominent officer in nn imperial
stito has cndeayored to Incite the citl/ons ,
xvho have hurotofor" lionorcd him by tholr
ronlldoiice , to violate the laxv for tbo pui-
piso of sccurlnz partisan advantage. uVo
expect the lixv aoidlns citizans nf the Vom
pirostitoto resent this treasonable appeal.
"ConlldBiitly lolvingonyourpitriotlsm , m-
t"pnty und common sense , w-o rest xvith you
thu cause of protection , the policy of reci-
piocily , the financial Kxstem of Iho unvorn-
incut , the extoislou of our merchant marine
and tno rup 'jlica i principle of a free ballot
unil an lionets t count. U'o appeal to every ie
publican , every friend of protection , cvory
fiiend of lair tiadc , every friend of honest
money and every friend of universal suffrage
to support the republican Uckot. "
ltopu.lillc.iiis 11 ml 'Democrats Not Im lined
to V'nry fiom I'ant I.MiniuuM.
DCS MOISEI , la. , Nov. 0. - TUoio is no
change of tbo estimates of tbo different
pintles. Dotnocruts nnd republicans both
claim the state relcctoial voto. The demo-
ciatic commlttcaclaims u plurality for Cleve
land of 11,000. The lapubllcau chairman
claims that the national and state tickuti
xx ill bo elected ; tivo congressional districts ' ,
lost txvo yo.irs ago , xvill bo redeemed. The
elements of unceitainty are the people's and
pioblbltion parties' votes. The people's party
draw a majority from thn democrats , nnd the
piohibltloulsiH mainly from iho lepabllcans.
/ ( / : . .i'i'ro uu
( iariniin Ollloor Ailvoiatnu a UUsoln-
I Ion of tlio Drulliunil.
[ Copyrlulitoil IS2liy lamus ( ! or Ion Hjimott ]
Dniu.iv , Nov , 0.-Now [ York Herald bio
Special to Tun DSE.I Speaking of tin
army bill In Its uHcrnutlonnl bearings i n
higti irovcrmnaD } panonaeo sailTho :
bill proves Inulrcntly that we can no lunger
trust our allies. Wo tire renjuiiud to nrm to
the teeth as though war xveio Immiiiout. It
is no wonder if tbo i'roncti ami HiiHSlan
press now treat the drolound so lightly. At
thu outset it xvas tin pud that the tire Hi und
uou'd ' have lessoned the burdens of the
allies. It his In practlco had the opposite
rojult. Devised ns a bairior against the
aggressions of Franco and Russia , it was
hoped that It would favnr the peaceful and
economical development of tbo three central
powers. Whattm lt really done ) It has
laid new and emitting chaigos on all three
of the allies uud hits forced tlium to the very
blink of ruin. ,
"In order to relieve Austria and Italy of
their financial jiniijarrassinen's ami onab'c '
tiioin to ttrrngtherf their armies xxo have
inudt linportunt conimoulnl concestlocs to
botb. Wo gave much , but we got nothing in
return , I do not ace what urgumnnts could
justify the recent treaties. Tboy xvoro blun
ders. They luvd
nocoptod the lluunclal relief -
lief , hut tncy nuyo iic loctoa to increase
their nimamentsi it would bo useless to
dlsBUlso the fau that Italy nnd Austria Doth
nro gradually disarming. Tbo Itillan corps
nio incomplete. Kit xvoio possible tbo num
ber of Italian nrmr corpt would bo dimin
ished. General Cdrens hardlv pretends Into
l.eep the German military authentic- ) posted
as to the movoaioulH'in the Italian army sledU
seems , too , ho tvlil very foon retire from i Ids
post , nnd us his successor xvill dejipnuta
( lOneiol DriqtKM , who is bcilnypd to bo fir
Irom xvoll iucllucd ( o Germany Austria L has
adopted a hue policy. Germany no longer
indiioctly guides tbo military actions of tier
nllx- .
"General von 'Schlelffan has lost touch
xvilb the Austilun. Gcuoial Stao. Vienna
has cpascu to bo dopenoeut In u military
sense on Hoiiln , nnd Austria is ogling
Hu sla. Our allies , In a uorJ. bavo not
lundcred us the nelp to which xvo xvaio oa-
titled. Tnoy have left us to our own i ie-
"Tho army bill confirms them In the belief
that wo um willing to continue making
sucrifh-es , nnd it/ii / nlsu tlmo we showed
them xvo expect something substantial in re
turn. Tbo duty df our government U clear. '
U must adopt a llrm , bold , mqnly , consistent
policy. If our allies glya us no support , nf
xxhal use ura tboyl Wo should do wisely to
seek other ullie * , stiongor If posubli' , ac all
events moro lovul. TUB day for hesitation
baa gone ny ; the day for vigorous action Imi [
como. " i
Generally Conceded Tint the Democratic
Majority Will Bo Largely Kedncod.
Many Inillc.ilKiiis Thit lion. ThoiniM II.
Itirillll Uo Hummed to Ills Olil
I'lucn us Spnilior III the
1'lfl.Third Coiigr ( > < ,
\V \\Usin\oTos- C , Nov. 0 There Is par-
haps but oiio point on xvlncli both of the
pica polltlosl parties uro ngreeu In this
campaign nnd that Is that the great ilenio-
crnti majority In the house ot leprosenta-
tlVCE xvill bo ttrficly roducoJ. Ux-on the
most outhuslustlcdeir.ocrat Is wlillai ; to allow
thut Ibo probabilities lie In thai Direction
Hut ixt.on it comas to n calculation of Iho ex
tent of the prediction , there Is again n diner-
once of opinion ,
boiiiosangulno republicans hnvo asserted
tholr belief lint their party xvill bo ubln to se
cure ( a majoi lly in the ! if ty-ttnrd congress and
xvill so bo utile to elect Thomas H. Kood to
Ills old pliicousspsiikor of the house. The
democratic leaders , lioxvovcr , laiuh at this
claim , nnd indeed loxv conservatlvo repub
licans have endorsed it. At the beginning
of the ptcscnt congress the democrats in the
house , including the elsht independents , or
nlltunco mon , xvho usually net xxlth them ,
numbered SIT out of n total membership of
3W , thus controlling the house by the almost
unprecedented inijoilty of 1 > . It Is entirely
improbable , except in the event of n land
slide , that this enormous niajotity can ho
overcome by the lopubhcana.
XX 111 llnxuii SllRhtliiorliv. | .
The best informed democrats In Washing
ton bcliovo that their patty \\llllmvon ma
jority of ubout txvciitj-tlxo In tlio next house ;
conservative republicans , n majority of about
txvclve , nud the probibllitlos aio that the
truotnijorlty will llo somoxvheio botxvcou i
these flgtireb , say olgliteoii or txxcnty. Be
cause of tbc numerous unknown factors en
tering into the contests In many of tbo con
gressional districts the outcome of Iho elec
tions for congressman Is leally much mete
difllcult to forecast than is the case in the
ptosidentlnl contest.
In the Imt congressional olectioni txvo
j cars airo the alliance in the pilmoof
itsjoutbful sticngth. and. because of Its
refusal to ufllliatc to nnv extent xvith either
of the old parties , managed to secure the
adhesion of xery many voters from the ranks
of both. Besides , as is usuallv the case in
the piesidentlau contest , u splut ot unrest
xvas upon the people and patty ties sat
lightly upon them , bluco that time , however ito
over , the ulli-inco has utmost ceased to have
an independent existence and has boon
merged into the third or people's paity , and
In mniiy stntcs this parly in turn has afllll-
atod xvith ono or the other of the others. The
object of thcso adulations has been : 10o
strengthen iho lODro'ontation la the house ,
nud to tnis end Iho presidential ticket IS
boon traded off. One result of this plan IS
been to a rive back into tbo ran us of the old
parties many of the old original alliance men
who did nbt'rcl'sri the prospect of being ino
livered over ID their old-tlmo an'ngomsU.
Tbo extent of tbls disaffection Is absolutely
Situation In N'rvnilii.
In Nevada , oxvingto tno efforts of Senator
Htoxvait , xvho has ill last como out in open
xxarfaro not oulv upon the uduilnistiation ,
out upon his old party because of its failure
to undoisc his cxtronio silver coinueo viexvs.
the nexv party Is believed to bo supreme. s.It
xvill , it Is tnoiidht , not only clec. , Iho third
ratty oleoton , but i.lso send to Ibo house I I
Trancla Newliinds the well known froa all- I I
vor exponent. Tuo republicans , hovxever ,
have nerved thcmsulves to make u s long
light and xvill oppose Noxvlandsxitli ex
KoprojontatlvoVoodburn , nnd bavo ulso determined
torminod to force the struggle and try to IcI' -
place Stoxvart in the si'nuto xxith linrtino ,
Iho in CODjiess.
In Alabama , unotberof tbo alliance strouc
holds , the bad blood engendered in the pros-
cut state election has led the defeated ivolb-
Ites , JerTorsonlan democrats , populists Ibnu
other altoctou clements of the old democracy
tc go to the Inngth of fusing xvith tbo ropub
Means In some of the districts. Cbiii.Mc
Gee has been quick to take auvtuitago of the
situation nnd has fomented tlio t > ufoaml !
helped along the fusion with all the means at
hlb disposal.
AVIll llrlp I In ) Itcjiiililliani.
Noxv ho confidently claims at toast txvo of
the ptesont democratic dlsti Icls of tlio stale
for Iho fusion ticket. Una cf these is the
district now represented by Gates , the na
tional party loader , and n strong man , und
opposed to him Is Tuto , a IColblto , xxho piom-
iscs to run well. The other dUtridt is the
Seventh , noxv represented by llmt votorin
doraociat , William II , l ornoy , for many
years ti member of the uppioprUlion com
mittco of the house. Ho hns declined to mil
again , and in bis place the democrats bav-u
nominated William Uenson. who Is opposed
by W. 13. Wood , another Kolbllo. It is an
undeniable fact that the democrats have
been made uneasy by the loulidcnt clnlirs I of
iho fusionlbts in thesolxvodistricts.
In Michigan thn republicans admit the
probability of tuo election of thrco out 01
ixvolvo representatives , whllo the democrats
claim nt least half the delegation.
In Arkansas the democrats fear that the
thlid purlv xvill i-'loolaiieof the six -
- sixonprnss -
incn , but they are miking strenuous clioi Is
to seau u solid delegation ,
Tiio alllanco Is ulmosi n novelty In Call )
fornla , but fusion htib already been made
with tbo dcmocr.iitu party andnsncnnso
quunco the Sixth district , xvliero J.lndley ,
republican , Is opposed to Cannon , dumociat ,
is likely to bo very close , with the odds (
slightly in favor of Cannon , xvno is also
backed by thn third party. Geary , thu
pibsent , democratic representative from tbu
First district , nUo oxpacts to bo relumed
und tms behind Him the prostlgoof a success
ful but close light.
Connecticut U Clo r.
Conuoctlcut Is n close state In the cou-
gr > , ssioiial ns wall as in-'thu presidential
outlook. The lopubllcans htivo ono of thn
four members in the proient liouso and
expel to got , another. It they do iboywili
mane their gain In liio .Second law
lUveti district , xvhore there U much disaf
fection in the democratic laiilis , caused I by
tlio failure to rcnonilnato U'llcox , intprosnnt
member Ills friends havu coon outspoken
In tbolt' threats tor lovcngo.
Delowaro xvill doutnlojs
retain the sarno
representation in tba tolid democratic , us It
bus but ono representative.
Tbo Interest in Gcoigla ccators In the
IlL'lit between the straight democrat , .1 thoC.
Hliiclf , and too doughty Tom Watson , xxho
so openly Haunted the present house last
BUinrnei and xvroto books ubout ibo personal
luibiia of some of the members , lie bad u
coca majority last tlmo , but bo has smco
unta onlzed a strong element In Ini own
party against lux hot efforts. Oil tbo
other hand , ho Is poiv backed by the repuo-
licar.b as well ts the thlid party , nnu so
thoio Is n c-hanro thut ibo Georgia delega
tion xvill no1 be solidly ucmocratla in the
next house.
The republicans have a sure thing , they
bcllevo , iu Mnnu , and they uxpnct lo to-
elect Sweet , inelr single lepictuntatlvc ,
without much of a strueglo. In Illinois iho
close districts are tbo'1 bird ( Durbuirow't ' ) ,
the .Seventh ( Stewart's ) , und the Ninth
( bnoxv'e ) , but tbo main struggle will bu in
iho Fifteenth , wbuio li'iscy ( democrat ) and
Joe Cannon ( ropubllcan ) me pitted against
esch other.
Six ot tbe cloven districts in loixa are now
republican and iho pJrty managers are hope
ful of securing four me To or ut least thrco In
the Oil houso. Ii some of tbo dU'.rluU
there uro tbieo nominees and the political
tbauyts ore rapid from d y to day tu tbls
storm center anil tlio ixitittido of the third
vw Is so tincorllln that no forecast citt
safely bo made.
In Inalana 1 the republicans , who now hnvo
but four of the Uilrtoon iiiumbus , mo trvlim
{ tosocuro nnuthor In place of Uoprcsentatlvo
Cooper , who dlstlnmiUhcd himself in Ins
light upon Pension Commissionnr K turn , and
In thut ( Seventh ) district is the thick of Iho
In Kansas the alliance now tins flvo of the
scvi-ii members Ini-liutlng .lorn- Simpson nnd
some of tbo beUknoxxn pirt.v loiilon. ] here
hut doubtless boon a const Irniblo roiMlon in
the politics of the people but just to Whnl
oxtonl Is not known.
Kentucky Ims ono lone ropubliciu ropi-c-
sctitnilvc. Wilson In the Klcxeiuhand Iho
don.oirats nro inaulmr situations efforts to
stud him to the toiii , or rntlirr his successor
to the nomination Hllat Ad ims but M" .
Aduns has -is < orti > dl \ \ positive beiiot that
bo cn CHtrv Ids dhtrlct as sirelv ns did .Mi-
Wilson , so the delegation Is likely 10 stand us
now ton democrits and 01 o republic in.
Thtro Is no now fcitur" tbU oir 1 1 the COM-
test in Louulaim and at1 of the six mainborj
will doubtlcis bo domoctnls ai now.
Otcitoil In inr > In-ill.
Tbo only liijht of sotious aspjct in Mirv-
land Is In the Sixth district This was Me-
Comas' old district , and Mcl'.ug , the piosent
innmbor ' , ti W-ORIIII ; a bitter stiuuclu with
U'elllncton The chll sorytco hsno will
enter Into tlih cue The loaturo of tlio con-
rtctslotml contest In MussnchlMotti is that
lively cnnvais of tlroiKO Trod William1 ! , nil
cnorircltcdemociat xxho now holds the sent
from tba r.luvciuli , mid General Draper , u
lopublicanuid ' a x .TV stiong man polUlcallx- .
'Ihc third pnty fullv expect to c.iuy three
of the Minnesota sent * , nninelv , the First ,
Third and Soxonth , No change Is likely In
Mississippi , xx hoio the only coniust Is In the
Seventh district , where General Hooker , the
present ranrcsetitallvo , is having n redhot
light xvith Koblnson , the third pittv mini ,
xxho in tliis case has not yet secured the to-
publican hacking.
.Musouii g lined txvo members under the
ro.ipporlioinnnni net and xxtll hnva sixteen
member * in iho nu\l house. In tha Thir
teenth disliict Haitola , a popular jouni ;
noxvhpipcr man , is i milling against Iho
democratic nominee , Ivohr. xvlth fair chances ,
and John O'Neill , the democratic nominee of
tbo ICIexcntu disttict , is far from safe of ic-
liitcrrHtlnj ; I'lglit In Nnu limn jislill < .
'Ihero la nn interesting light on in Now-
Ilumpshlio in tbe Pint disliict wheio or.
Soimior Hlnlr is i mining us tbo
cindidalo against Charloj Stone , dcniocint ,
xxlth mun > distracting slao issues and some
disaffection in his uxvn narly. Tro thiid
pailj bud named'lidntes In both districts ,
but will not cut much of u lleuro. Owing to
thn xeiy recent death of McDonald , thi1 dem-
ociutlc nomliico of tlio Spvontli , Noxv .lorscy
district , there is u strong probability of the
latiiin , and consequently the pain , of a re
publican lepiesonlattvc fiom that state , us
11 is fell to bo bostnol lo make another iiom
ination atililj late houi.
lb is now probable thai tlio delegation from
NewVoik x > ill sboxv much change. Thoio
aio tivo noxvmombeis to bo elected , otxingto
the rouppoi lion mon t.
In North Caiolma the third paitv bus a
candidate In ux-ery district and is better sup
plied xvith incans'nnil better oriMtilml than
In any ol tlio southern states. It Is entirely
possible for them to carry thioe or perhaps
four dlsti lets.
Noith Daltotn lu-s but one representative
and bis politics xxill bo uolGi-nilncd by the
outcome of tln > presidential election.
Ohio I'ltxoiK ICciiuhllcnii4.
Ohio has now but six republicans to fifteen
democratic manibcia. Hut the btato has
been rcdistrirtod and it may stand sixteen
rnpublicans to tivo democrats. The demo
cratic districts are concodcdlv the Third ,
Fouith , Txvelltb , Tnlrteontb"nnd Seven
teenth. Tuo democrats , however , are maU-
in ? a bU litlit , to carry Ihroa moro and re
turn Ilarior , Pearson nnd Johnson. Thoio
U u vacancx- , caused b.x Warwick's death , in
tbo old McKlnluy dlstiict. but it will ptoba
blv bo tilled by u democrat.
Oregon has alicady elected both of horcoti-
gressmen and they are republicans.
In Pennsylvania there nro spirited strug
gles in the Sixth ( llnllowell1.- , ) and in the
. I . , loventh ( Ammcrnun'ti ) distucts. In the
Twontj-fouith . district xvheio lioiiiiMiead i'j
located an independent candid ito lias bean
nominated which jeopardi/o' . the icnublicnti
rhances 10 some degree.
The late strike lias
boon HID do an Issnu in this nitilut.
"LUtlo Rnod.v" is very doubtful in com
nlcxlon. Tno two democrats uoxv in congress
haxu been rciioininitcd but thu whole st.uo
has bcun stirred up bx- ibo n illonnl struggle
and the ontno vote xvill bo cast xxbich is
usually in favor of tha republicans.
In South CniolitM thu nlliiincc has phicnted
nnd there xvdl bo
a clean demoointio sxxoep !
III Smith D.lltOl I.
In South Dakota the democrats und third
party have fusud , ma.tlng a losult doubtful
Tlieio aio Iwo distucts , tbo Ivjst. dlstilctuml
tlo Ulaclc Illtli , but thu elections aio'iiudu
nt largo. 'Iho democrats hope to sccuio the
last namoil district.
In Tennessee , Henry Clay Hvaiis , a man of
great reiourcesi has secured Iho icimblican :
nomination In Iho Chattanooga district and
is minting a strong light ncalnst Snodgras ,
the bitting member , witb fixlr chanros of sue
cced. The only other
contest is nithoMnth '
district xvlii'ioMcDennnonU J . !
, democrat , is op ,
posed by I'lorco , independent dai.iocrat , thu
present member who road liiunnlf out of his
mrty bocaubo of Its atlltudo towards the sil
ver bill.
In Texas the Ihlid party has candidate-
all districts but notxvitbslundlng the sluing
inn tlio paity madoiii tholastiiiHtooluctions i , 11
is not felt that it h u much proipect of clcvt
ing any of its rnnduUtcs. It Is iniklnc ; u
strong effoit In the Tenth district , xvhorrIt ,
Is pushing Grosh nn , thu regular democratic
nominee rather bard.
In Olhnr Stilled.
Vorinonthas nlroadv elected 1'oxvor and
Grout thopicsont lopubllcans.
Virginia has u solid democratic dolagatlon
In tbo irejont houin , but tliure is n cliunco i
for u break in iho bucond.orNorfolk Jl.tilct ,
xvlioro Tyler , son of President T > lor nnd
born In the xvhlto house
' ' ' , is opposed bv n
fuslonlst In this old icpubllcan
In Wo.t Virginia there Is also n prospect
of itii-oids upon the proient solid dulcir.ilioi ) ,
as bocretnrv Klldnj Is pledged to oncompa-.H
tlio defeat of Wilson in the Kecind district. !
Aldeison , democrat , is also being pushed
hard In the Third district.
The thlid party expects to cany three of
the Wisconsin dutiictH , but they have an ill-
hill light. Clark , the republican member
from Wisconsin , Ims boon rcnomlnated und
will doubtless bo re oloctrd.
Of the tenitorles xvhlrh olert delegates , ,
Ari/onn , New Mexico and I'tali Hro conceded
to the democrats , leaving Oklahoma , which
Is now lopicbontodby u icpublican , the only
l.lulj 'Jlnii-iln HinMxtli XXuril
Out in the xv.ird the cinvnss IN lii-
Ing on un almost carmtna hue , Lusi ni lit n
circular beaded "t'brli Kpecht's Heroid"
xyas circulated generally through tnoxxnrd ,
It wus signed bythat xvell known clti/cn | ,
' Taxpayer , " and accused Mr. Hpocht of
about .uxcrythlng knoxvn except personal
honesty , Ono of tba distributors called at
cliculur. Tbo councilman welcomed the
stranger warmly , taxing bis hand and his
stock of circulars and Heating him to n
sample of the Swodisu movement.
DuiIng the brief but animated dlsriisblon
the distributor of tbo defamatory circulai ;
acknowledged that ho was In the employ of
I'M N. Brown , tbo democratic candldutn , , and
very soon thereafter Mr , Drown iron ,
accompanied bv ttroo men ,
Itroxvn made a demand ibatSpccUi return
the circulars that he had confiscated , anu ,
Spocht claims , oddod the oloijiicuco ot u
abort , stubuv sl\ shooter to tbo ourncktnoss
ness of bit pica.
lioth candidates are still in tno field , but I
Mr. Spacht promUcs to inaia It iniKhtv wni-m
for his do'umers bofrro tomorrow ulyht.
i in Krurnry ,
KKAHSKV , Nob. . Nov. 0.-Special [ 1Vo- !
Bramxto THE liee J The registration of r the
city shows I-iOO H la estimated that Coat
uoy will poll over 1..VJO. J'uo pollliig ; I'.t
ihowt over 1,000 ropubllcaui.
Rcpub'io\ns of Soutboast Nebraska Engage
in a Rcusirg RaUy ,
lluiMKin Oollxcrs u Cliiru-ti < il tla
Ili-iitrlcr , Wjmorr , l'auai < Cllj.
foln , Nrlir.tnki ( Ml ) .mil OtliiT l-ii
Coiitrllmto lo III n Oci-Klon.
s CITT , Neb , Noxtt fSpoclal 'Toiw ,
| . to TUB HKK | I'liu republicans ot
soiuiiuast Nebrisk.i Ind a grand lounaupln
this city ) nt night. Twenty-llvo conches ,
loaded to the roofs , brought JI.OJJ pcoplo from
Itcntrlco. WyuiOM and Puvnce City. Spo-
cinl trains fiom Lincoln and Nebraska City
and intermediate points poured Into the oily
an inunanso i-roxx-1 ot
onthusl title ropub-
HcaiiK , and It Is estimated th xt 10,03(1 ( people
xxoro In the city.
Thop-iriide , headed by the P.-uvnoo City
hand nnd compoiod of two IUmlmu clubs ,
the W.xmoio butterv , lloits , LOO inonntcil
hoi gaiiion , three Imnus. dm in coips ami
about 1,1)00 ) torohos , mnri'hcd und counter *
marched through the crowded streets
At 3 o'clock Hon. John M. Thui-ston nd-
dtcsscd nn immense croxv.i attl.ecourt homo ,
and although hoarse and no.itly worn out
with Ids splendid einuptli'n , ho delivered ono
of his eharactoristlo spuechos , and rover
tallied hotter.
( 'hears greeted his oiojuont truths , nnd
IUUD people uttcstod their apptcclallon of hi *
nmiinliloaiit apci'di. An overlloxT meeting nt
the opoiu house was ixdditssod bv Captain
Mumpnroy and lion CJiiorgo W. Collins ot
PnxviiooCilv. IJtclmrJjon count ) is strictly
in it this year.
L ill rit
Ili-jeil Intrixlinx xillh < iiilu ooil He-
noiiiii-pil .is n I'ulirlriUlon.
Kf XIIM x , Nub , Nov. fl. [ Special Telo
to Tun B--I 1 The nllogod InlorvioxT
with A. T. CJatnwood which nppoired in tba
Wet Id-Ilorald this mot nlng Is denounced n
a fabrication intended to detoai thu honest )
election ot .lames XVhltohoad. The slmon
pure democrats of the dlstilcl denounce Ibo
story in the sliongost tenns nnd dcclaio tUat
( .Salonood Is In the lace for the mu-coss of
dumotiacy. Notxvitlistnndltig reports to the
coiitrarv , it is true that ( < utoxxood is not
iiKiltliiL- spirited canvass for Ins election ,
hut ho Is too mucli of n man to stultify him *
self by advising Ids fiionds tu dosoit him
und support a calamity candidito
I'louo llfiiionutH Closp.
Piiiitcp , Neb. , No \ o ( Special Telegram
lo Tin : Urn. | Tlio closing democratic rally
for Pierce countv occuriodhoro last evening.
Dr. Kolper xxas Hist Introduced and np "
pealed lo the ptcjudicns of hlu aualenco , xvho
\\erolargcly ( Jcrmans , hi' refenlng to the
repuolic.iu put 13 ns a party tainted xvith pro-
bibltion and oxhoitlng his tiermin tl lends
toll ) to the sheltering aims of democracy ,
\\hero they weto safo.
Prom his closing rematks tils huarors xvera
led to bcliovo that all tbo good legislation
during the four > oa tuut bo xxus in the
btnto loislslaturo originated uitli him , \vhllo
all of the bad originated xvith cither Poyntor
or Moiklojohn.
W. II. . Thompson of Grand Island was
then inti'odiiccd and'or oun bout- sent up a
calamity wail that would do the heart of tlia
most enthusiastic populist good. Uu closed
by the remark that for the first time iu tbo
history of the UnlluJ Stales deputy marshals
xxcio bcint : appointed 10 co.itrol tbo oloctton
in Nexv York Llli. IIo forgot that in 18S3
Oiox-cr Cleveland \\roie n letter to Attorney
Conoial Garland ordeimg the anpiintmont
of ihcwu same
Ii -nine HitIliiinoi rnta.
SrxsTov , Nob. . Nov. -Spcc-nl | lo TUB
Hi.i : ] Iho lopubiici-.s of tills county In
dulged in a gtaud tally at this place last
night Ono thousand people paillclpatcd
nnd uvcrybody xvas oniiiusiiistlo. The demo
crats , who hnx-o for xo-xrs sxvcpL oxerx-lbim ?
in this countv , were inn en disheartened
xvtiun S. S. Canllold , n leader of Iho domoo
tocv In this countv fiom its oivanl/atlon ,
unyoked himself from tlio shuUcied roin-
naniH of that p.utv , took a place in the ran it
and lilu of thu li unison toichlignt procei *
slop , Icd it thiouga me niincipd streets ot
th city , look his scat upon iho platform
in tno working republic-am of tba
co and idenlilied himself xvlth the in *
If of the ticket hnaded bv Uunjamia
HniTHon. Hon. It. C. lira mo of Omaha was
Hidi spsaker and for txxo hours held the nu >
dioncu xvith his masterful enunciation of ro.
publican principles His Bc-atnlng arraignment - *
ment of the democrats and their independent
allies ' ' caused these present belonging to
these patties lo squirm In iliolr seats ,
KiiturlHlnuil hyiulnim iuiil Ijiiiiiulor.
H.Ji.iuiKii' . Neb , Nov. Ii. ( Special to Tnrt
.I Piof. John A. Enundor , formerly
editor of tlio Huiiilanilt of Chicago , and
Piof. W. ij. Andioxvs saoko In the opera
liouso at IIoldicio ( .xoitcrday afternoon.
The house xvas toll to overflowing , and a
iood many xvantcd to near thai could not
Jlnd sums or gain an entrance. Prof.
Andiexx-s bpoko lint , John A Unuriijor foU
loxvmg with un uddrois of txvo hours In tha
Sxvc-dish language.
Tbo independents hnd a free silver man
from California ndvoitlscd to address tha
indopendc&t' ) ut the couit house , but on no *
count of the lush to the Andioxvs nnd
Knandcr me ling they hnd to glx-c U up , and
their speakers did nut address the foxv xvho
wuro piosuit. Some of tba bwcdlsb paopla
diovu as far us thirtv-llvo mlles to hcav
Andrews and
Tulilii Itoik llnpiililli : un.
Koih , Neb , Nov. (5- ( [ Special to
Tin : He c. ] There xvus n laiga lopubilcna
rally at Clear Croak school house Friday
evening , The Flambaau club of this placa
attnndcd nnd the house xvus croxxdcd Many
could not gain admit anoo , M. K. Walker
of Mission Ctoek , uandldato for loprotoniu *
tivo , and J P. Popionot tills countv deliv
ered line uddieasi'H. A largo detonation wonfc
from this place to Falls City yesterday after
noon to aitund tlio grand republican rally
( illlhllll 'I O\Mlitllll | Mill ) .
( } | | IIION , Neb. , Nov ( i [ Special TelegraM
to TIIK BK.H j A care tu I poll has been mada
of the vote of Ciibbon township and It la
tnought that , nsldo fiom nil doubts , ihomilo.
pendent inujorlty ol ubaul fifty xvill bo over
come iuiil leave fiom llftijeii to t.vonty-llvo
for the icpublicans. Huports of somovvhul
the baniu nature como fiom tlio other toxvn *
ships , The , republicans , . , arc fully nxvako 0114
xvorklug In u tolling manner.
< lixliif ; Itnlly.
Nuirtui , Neb , Nov. 0. jripeclal to lh
UKK J Yesterday uvonln occnned the lott
ropubllcan rally und torchlight pirado. A
line feature of the parade xvus the yuunff
ladies club with truntpironcles The opor
liouso xvus again crowded to its fullest cnoa-
cltv , lion , J. B i' rlclf , of IVfinont. \ > u\ng \
tlio uptukor of the nvoniug , Hon. N. L ) .
Jac-kton , president of the league , proildlagi
Hooper l i iiiouiuU lllk.ippiilntfil.
H.IOI-KII , Nob. , Nov ( ! [ Special to Tun
UKU j 'I ho democrats of thli town have
boon iHiiftlnx great arrangements for a rail/
the pist xvci'k , ivhlnh came alghu
The train from i-Yomont brouiftil in a fo y
vvbo look part In the parade , but the "many
bandt anu olubi , " us wcru advertised , Jadc4
to put In appearance.
lll < Illl Jld'.i l.'lltllllllllltlll ,
I.D , Neb , Nuv. 0. [ Hpeolul Tola *
grain lo THE IJtu J Onn of the most ontuu *
slasllo mcotings of tha campaign xvaa hold
hera l&U night by tbo republlcat , iuianu o4
by MosBra. Abbott , ( Jeoryo cad JOI : D. A
tiiimciue crowd wus present.