Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1892, Image 1

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Ealcsman Pollock Held Up by a Loae
Train Robber Lest Night.
Single Handed He Attacked and Plucked
His Victim an-1 Escaped.
Jumped from a Cwiftly MOTIDC Passenger
Train Into tba Darkness.
fchot Through Kach Arm nnil ISrntcn Over
the IImil hy "I" A alli nt rir.ecn
Thournml loll r In SpurU-
ling Hoot ) Sicorcil.
W. O. Pollock , a New \ork diamond Im
porter , was shot , clubbed almost into in
sensibility nnd robbed of 15,003 worth of
diamonds on the St. Paul express on tbe
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis . < c Omaha
railroad. Just thii side of California Junc
tion , last ovcnlnr.
The robbery was ono of Iho most delibpr-
ntoly planned and uccc > sfully executed
crimes ever committed in Ihe west , and in
nolnt of nerve and oaring is nlmosl without
vreccdcnt lu the criminal annals of tbo
sou n try.
The whole affair was the work of one tnaa
who had evidently followed his victim until
Iho lime selected for the consummation of
his daring scheme. To carry it into execu
tion was but the work of n moment , and
before the bewildered passengers could fairly
comprehend the enormity of the crimn that
had been perpetrated before their eye * or
lift a flncer to aid the vlc'ltn the daring
criminal had leaped from the swiftly moving
iraln and disappeared , with the chttertng
motive for Ihe dnod safely In his possession.
rotloireil Mini from diniiha.
Mr Poliock arrived ia Omiha Thursday
evening and registered at the Millant hotel.
Ho called for his Dill yesterday afternoon
nnd took the 0 o'clock train for Sioux City.
There were perhaps a dozen passengers in
the car when the train lefl Council BluiTs
nud nearly as many witnessed the brutal
Among the passengers wbo took the train
nt Omaha was a slight , well dressed fellow
wllh full blacl : beard who took a seat some
distance behind Pollock and seemed lo keep
bolh eyes on his movements.
The conduclor iu charge of the train was
' Dad" Ashraore , one of the oldest conduc
tors on the road , nnd it was not long before
his attention wai attracted to the stranger's
actions. He did nnt think nnvthing of it ,
however , excool to notice that be appeared
nervous and seemed to pay u good deal of at
tention to Pollock.
Cot In III- . Work ( tulrkly.
After leaving Missouri Valley Ashmore
went forward into the baggage car. The
dark bearded stranger got up end paced rest
lessly up and down the usle. When thoirain
was about two miles Ihls side ot Califoinia
Junitlou ho wcnl deliberately forivara anil
sat down beside Pollock. Hardly a minute
elapsed before tno sound of four pistol shots
in rapid succession was heard aoove the roar
and rumble of Iho train. Tne stranger had
suddenly risen in bis seat , drawn a largo re
volver from his pocket nnd blazed away al
point blank range. Il would seem lhat the
robber wished to carry out his purpose
-.vlthoul adding murder lo hU cri-nes , if pas
sible , for lha Urn two shots penetrated each
of PollocK's nrms above the elbow.
Tbo diamond merchant was taken at a dis-
ndyanlago , bul notwithstanding the painful I
wounds in his arras grapplediwith bis assail
ant. T-vo more shols followed and Ihls lime
the robber , rendered desperate by bU vie-
urn's resistance , directed his aim full at
PoIlocK'shead. In thostrugglo beshol wild ,
neither bullet taking effect.
Ho pulled the trigger again and as the
weapon refused to answer bo seized it by Ibo
barrel and rained blow after blow upon tbo
skull of his almost unconscious victim.
"II n Your Moriry. "
I Pollock told him to take bis money and
t Eparo his life.
"D--n your money , " retorted tbe robber ,
/ "plvo mo the diamonds. "
t I Ho lore Pollock's coal and vesl CDSII and
f look the pocketbook containing tbo Jewels
f from iho intldo pocuut of. his vest. Ho
I suatcncd tbo diamonds which wcro loosu In
M one compartment , of tbo wallet and started
% for the door.
Po'lock , though nearly Insensible , retained
V his erasp on the clothing of tbe thief , wbo
W dragged him with him in bis flight.
A .liiinppil from I ho Train.
The whole affair hardly occupied a minute ,
J BiiC Ibo passengers had nol sufficiently re-
L ciiverH their presence of mind to come to
f Pollock's ' assistance , Most of them had
broKe for tne door as soon as tne shooting com-
H rconccd and as the robber shook off Pollock's
grip Conductor Ashmoro entered tbo car.
31 Ho took In tlio situation lu an Instant and
darted iu pursuit of tbc thief. Tbe ar
f baa reached tbo end of the car and id
B the cord tbal released Ihe air brakes. Ash
9 more wai close upon his heels as be reached
"m the platform.
V The train was running nearly forty miles
* n hour , 'J' ° walt for tlui bralce ! > to CO
1W cHect was to be captured. Tbe robber at
patno. He did nol bcsllale an instant but us
Ashmoro reached out to grasp him bo sprang
\W from the plalform und alighted on bl feet.
Over aud over be rolMd , propelled by the 1m-
potus of bis fall , than sprang to bU feel and
JB darted away , apparently uninjured.
Jj C'nriiiK ( or 1'ollui k
In tbe mcantima tbo
passengers baa taken
* care of thu wounded muo , who was trans-
iM ferrcd to the Sioux sP
City & Pacific evening
' exproii and hrougbt back to Council BluITi ,
There ho was put into a hack and driven
! ncros * the brlflite to ihe Millard hotel. Ho
'tjill " 'as taken to room 110 and Dr. Jonas turn
moncd to dress hu injuries.
. 'V U > vas oeyeved that be was fatally in.
J Jured , but tbe surjeon'.exatnlnatloa showed
ov lhat while hexvas torrloly hruUed about here
w' bead be would recover unless some uufore-
J keen complication sets m. refh
. A bullet nad passed completely through
uTZil'the fleshy part cf each arm and a ihlnl ad
KrazeJ bit ikuil. Tbe most serious ds
, l were tlioie Inrilcted by the butt of the aes- !
; ] pcraao'i revolver , which had Uid open lho
J tcalo In hair a dorea places. It was a lough
1 head , however , and as far a * could be ascer-
n taiued the tkull was nol fractured. irbo
y troundca man received ovary attention ted
annulment his condition was much better
than mitH havu been crpoctcd.
I-ill lor k Did Not Care to T.ilk.
Mr. POMOCK did nol feel much llko lalklnu
nfter his painful experience , but subsi > n.
tinied iho slory as given above. He was cer
tain that the Ihlcf had bson folio win i ; him
for I lie express purpaso ot robbing him of
his Jewels nt ibc Ilrst opportunity. IIJ siU
thai al nrst be uJKed him for his money nnd
bo banded him a wallel containing $100. Th9
robber r plied tbal that was not what ho
wns alter and immediately openoJ lire. Ho
seemed to know exactly where Iho diamonds
wcro concealed and reached them at the first
attempt. Tno passengers wore too badlv
scared to render anv assistance and Mr.
Pollock concralulalcs himself thnt be gel
llrnlnliin OliI llinrr.
Kvcrv lciidont of the crime pocs to show
that the thief Is a criminal of remarkable
cleverness' and nerve. Ha had studied tha
habits of his victim nnd carifu'lv ' nottd In
which pocltct ho concealed his valuable sam
ples. Kvcn In the excitement of nls escape
ho did not lose his nerve for an instant. Not
ouo man in a thousand would have thoucbl
to release tbo airbrakes in the midst of bis
race for liberty. But ho had probably laid
out bis plan of action while waiting for his
opportunity to arrive , and calculated that bo
would be able to sufficiently cbccu me move
ment of the train to escape without difil
In this he was balked by the prompt pursuit
of the conductor. But ho preferred death to
capture , and did not flinch a hair as bo
leaped out - thu 11 vine train into the un
known darkness. Ho was luck ? , too , for
those wfco saw his leap for libjrtv declare
that it could not bo done successfully ono
tltno in n thousand.
No Clew , of Course.
There Is not the slightest clew as to the
Identity of the nervy ttilef. Uoth the con
ductor and Mr. Poilock agrej that he
n M dUcutsed nt the time the crime
was cam mined. He xvas small and slight in
figure , not over live feotsix inches ia beigbth
and apparently would weih about IOC
Ho wore n large slouch hat , pulled
well down over Ills eyes , and a light overcoat.
It is impossible to pet an accurate descrip
tion uf his features as thov were mostly con-
ccalod by the wide rim of hU hat and by a
heavy black mustache and beard , which
were evidently false. Trainmen de
clare that no living man coult !
leap fro-u a train going at that rate of speed
at the place where he alighted without re-
ccivin ? injuries that would prevent him from
getting very far away. How true their
theory mav bo remains to bo seen. The man
\ \ hovou'.d alone and single-handed perpe-
irate such a crime In the prcsonco of a dozen
people is certainly a man who will not D
caught as long as ha bus a lighting chance
enuring the Country.
As soon as iho train arrived al Sioux City
telecratas were senl all over Ihe imrndiato
vicinity warnmsr sheriffs au < l police lo ba on
Ihe loouout for ibe criminal. Saarcbiufr car
10 ? wore organized and bsforj midaigbl
posses were scouring Harrison county wilb
Ihe determination of capturin ? the desperado
if no was alive. The searou will ba contiu
ued as long as there is any hop ? of appro
bending him.
\Vi-II Kiiotrn In Om-ih'i.
At the .Millard hotel Mr. Pollock is known
as a regular guest ou hU semi-o'ccasiona
visits lo lac city , but no one ever suspectc
the u-atuic of his business. Ho Is very quic
and undemonstrative in his bablls and man
ncr , and it is thought that tbo thief mus
have shadowed him before ho came t
Otniua on trip in order to have found
out tbat ho carried such valuable jewelry on
bis person.
Chief bcavey received a message from
Superintendent Hughes of the Elkhorn Val
ley road conveying merely the bare fuct of
tbo assault and luo robbery. Tbo chief at
ODPO called in bis trusty men and put them
oa the case. Sergeant Sigwarl telephoned
the fovr facts known to the authotilics at
Council BluiTs , South Omaba and Blair.
About midnight bergeant Slgwart visited
the injured man in his room at tbo Millard
hotel and had quite a talk with the patient. A
description of the manner of tbo robbery was
given and a sort of description of the robber.
berceaut Sipwart returned to the jail after
tne interview und telephoned tbo thief's des
cription to nil of the surrounding towns and
to all of the local police. Kvary effort was
mnde by the Omaha police department to
spread i bo news of the robbery amonc tbo
sberuTs end marshals of the surrounding
counties and also auioug tne railway con
All approaches to the city bava bean or
dered guarded aud it will be a hard matter
for the daring thief to eiUr or romilc long
in this section of the country witboul being
.MIUI.T T . \ r/101'.S.I.V/J.
Itv-Trrasurcr Jlul'ralc ill Turna * County
-.ild to lie a Del miter.
BEO nu Cm , Neb. , Nov. 4. fSp-clal Tele
gram to THE BEE.I A. J. McPcak , ex-
treasurtrof Kurnaa county , was today found
to bo a defaulter to tbo sum oflu,0100J
rive years azo Mr. McPoaU of Arapahoe
was elected treasurer of this county. He
tirld the poiition for two terms , and bis ad
ministration of tbo office has always been
supposed to bo beyond n reproach. At the
expiration of hU oftlcUl career last January
the Ifbar'l of
County Commissioner ! 'exam
ined bis work for the fourvcars and made an
olUcial statement that all was correct. The
new county treasurer lu the course of bis
duty discovered that the sctool fund account
was short and another Investigation was
called for. This resulted in proving that the
books were in u most deplorable condition.
In tula investigation Mr McPeak bad ac-
L-USI tJ tbo books cud assisted in the work.
After ibis settlement tbo boobs were again
found to bo incorrect aud the balances by
wblcb the settlement bad been arrived at ap
parently forced. Closer inspection disclosed
Ihu fact that In many places lootings had
been coancod and craxiros of figures made
amnuntin tn several thousand dollars. J. li.
Hiii'cltfle , tbo expert accountant who exam
ined the books of Defaulter Paul of Hast- , wai kocurod. Ho has bof n at work for
abput tbrea months and today be bUbmitlca
his report to the Board of Commissioners.
It shows that the borfUs are short over f 10-
000 and have been forced to balance through
a change of ligurcs , which was done after
4hu first fctllemcnt mtde In January. The
entire canrrunity ; was shocked at tno revela
tion. Mr. McPoak has always borao the
reputation of being an upright and bcneU
pt'iitlcmiu , and until tbU occurrrnco there
was not s citizen of the countv but \\hal
would Uavc voucher ] for bis Intcerity , Mr.
Mcl'eak wax In the city toJaylo be presani
st tbo bearing of the report. Ho bad no ex
planation to uake. At bis attorney was not
present he asree-d to transfer his property to
his baudstnenwho will reimburse inc county.
Il Is nol known at present whether any ar
rests will be made or DDL
Auvlout tu llrar Mmnlprton.
Cirr. Neb. , Nov.I.Special [ !
Telesram to THE Bre.j The Young Men's
Kepuullcan club , souayes and clliiens , ac
companied by the band , left lor Byracusn icby
special train to bear Senator .Mandenoa this
Tlio cauipalcn if 111 be closed In tblt cltv
tomorrow uijbi by Hon . AJleu W. Field and
John C.Vauoa. .
n nnonfi itnn i n nrr ) rVITT *
Ctndijd Attempt at Topska to Snub tin
liery Populist Moll Pitcher.
Umlttcd from tlii * I'nicrntii anil llrrrlooki'd
In the lIMI-Slip ncnoiincr * I'unlon
nnil llpmorratlc llullilorln ; ; T.ic-
tlcn In the SoulIIand > orth.
TOPEK , Kan. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telepram
o THE BEE. ] Tno deliberate ntlcmpt of tbo
democrats to snub Mrs. Least ! bocnuaeot her
utcrvi wscorinv tbo democracy of Ibo
south has resulted in a clash between the
van us democrats and populists which may
up the fusion arrangements lu Ihls
state. Tba trouble cui mi listed in a row at
General Weaver' * mediae al ihe Grand
opera house lasl cvoninp , which lurned oul
to bo the richesl thing of Ihe campaign. Il
was advertised jointly by Iho democrats and
nopunsls. The opera house wi * crowded.
Chairman . C. Jone , , of Iho democratic
state ceutrul committee , was introduced
as the chairman of tbo meotl&e. Two other
democrats , John A Eaton of Winfijld and
John H. Atwood of Lsavonworth walked on
iho pla'.form to keep Jones company. A
dozen olhcr luMen democrals hnd njreed lo
be Ihero also , bul Ihoy failed lo show up.
Wllh Ibern on Iho plalform were Senalor
Peffer , General Weaver , Mr % . Lease , Judge
\V. C. Webb , Waller Allen , Jim Lsgate , and
a few more distinguished populists , as well
as about 125 other populists , not quite so dis
The opara house was crowded with over
2.003 people , but it soon became apparonl
thai democrats were scarce. Abaut l.OJO republicans -
publicans were present and the others were
populists. Chairman Jones opened by intro
ducing General James B. Weaver , who spoke
nearly an hour. Ho devoted almost bis entire -
tire speecD lo an argument in favor of the
government ownership of railroad' , nud
Jones and Atwood bad lo swallow ll all.
Iut Mur > * * Nosu Out uT.Ioliit.
Weaver , in closing , paid a hich
compllmerl ! to Mrs. Lease and said lie would
now introduce her , but Chairman Jones
scorned to think there hnd been enough ra-
lamity [ , and stepping promptly to the fronlot
thu plxiform introduced Jobn H. Atwood ,
tbo Lcuvcnworlh democrat.
tlli Mrs. Lease IOOK Ibis as a snub. She was
lib a bad humor an } way. Her name had
liP omilted from all the posters and oflicial
programs advertising tbe rally , and this
too in the face of the fact thai she hid been
with General Weaver from Ihe dav he
ouined his canvass. She nnd reason to be
lieve this had boon done purposely by some
IIP her political enemies in the nemocratic-
populisl crowd , and al tne afternoon meeting
at tbe fair grounds she had taken occasion
to roast tbe "would-bo politicians" who had
attempted to croud her out of this meeting.
To make the thing worse , AtuooJ , who
thought tbo democracy had been snubbd ,
turned in and made u rcc'nol democratic
speech , devoting his remarks larcely to the
force bill. He spoKd bitterly asaiust federal
supervision of election ! , apt : said the Led 0
bill simply IOOK away iho liberties ol Ihe
He hnd been speaking nboal ton raiontos
wbcu Mrs. Lease's eyes Da an to flash. Al-
wood' * rvsulition cry ncainst a fuir election
bill was too much for Mrs. Lease who bad
only recently bad au opportunity on her trip
through tbe south to learn something bo-self
of tbe intolerant oourbon democracy. Pick-
ins un her hat aud cleat ; sbe walced quickly
off the platform , and General Weaver w ho
bad also eathered up bis nat , followed a mo
ment later. Mrs. Lease cojld hardly control
herself until she reached the side corridor.
.She Venlcit HIT IVolmir.
My God , they have got us into a demo-
cratac m'-eting. " she exclaimed ' -This i ?
enough to damn our p-irly. 1 tvon'l stand it. "
General Weaver was also anrr , but bad
oss lo say. Chairman Breldenthil , Judge
Welsh and other uopulists rubbed over to
Mrs. Lease lo quiet her , bul sbo could not be
I can tell them sonctciucr about elections
in Ihe south , " sbo exclaimed , and then Chair
man Breldcnthal took ner to one side aud
again attempted to calm her.
In tha meantime the audience , wnich was
anxious to hear Mrs. Lease , had noticed ber
sudden departure from the 5Litre and imme
diately began culling for her. At\ oed had
spoken less iban iUtcea minutes nud was
only beginning to eel warmed UP to bis sub
Ject , bul wai unable lo go on without inter
ruption. Ho spolto two or three minutes
longer under great difficulty and was llnally
compelled to sit Jown.
The nun 10 DIM continued to call for Mr- , .
Lease , wbo was then back of the scenes en
gaged in a seance with Chairman Bralden-
tha' and other popullsls. Chairman Jones
attempted lo quiet ibe crowd by introducing
Senator Peffer , and Ibo senator was quite
willing lu speax , bul ibe audience still demanded
manded Mrs. Lease. Chairman Jones in
formed the croivd that Mrs. Lease and Gen
eral Weaver were obliged to take nn early
Irani and had left the hall. Tnis did not
snlisfy iho audience and when Senator Peffer I
advanced to the front of the platform they |
again called for Mrs. Lease.
Mr * . I.rano Made a sictrh. [
'I unders'and Mrs. Lease has left the city
on nn early train. " said Senator Peller. Du't
at tbat moment Mrs. Lease , who bad all ibe
lime been standing bonlnd tbo scenes ,
walked out on the platform and
was received with tremendous cheering.
Withoul receiving an introduction to ihe bv Chairman Jones , Mrs. Lsaso
proceeded , lo speak. She tallied earnestly
and eloquently for about ten ralnules wllh
reference lo the issujs of the campaign anil
walked from the platform , bho immedi
ately went to tbo opera iiou oin corapinv
\ General Weaver , but before leaving
cot bold of Chairman Hrcidenthal aud pave
him a plcco uf her mind.
"My name was purposely Irft oft this pro
gram today and tbo name-of tucso demo
crats pul on , " she said rather excitedly ,
'and 1 have been obliged to bUbinii tnnplv
because 1 am a woman , bul 1 will gel even
with those n ho are responsible font. "
Ilirj- \\vrn All Ansrj.
But Mrs. Lease ivai not tbe only rne who
was angry. Chairman Jones ana Mr. At
wood tboughl Ibc democracy bad been humil
iated and tnubtrd , and nt the close of Mrs ,
Lease's address Jones picked up bis coat and
hat au < 1 wflluod out , leaving Ibe greal meet
ingvltboul a chairman. Atwood , ibe onlv
remaining democrat , followed Jones out of
tbo building , so tbo populists then bad Ibo
whole circus to themselves. Senator I'efler
then cot a chance to make bis speech. Ho
turned around to address tba chairman two
or tbrco limes , bul ibere wus no cbairmac.
A little later , nowerer , A , C , Hhinn , popu
list candidate- for elector , volunteered to take
charge of the meetln ? , and thincs ran
smoothly. Kollowiug Senator Pefler's
speech Jim Legate was called oul aud made
a abort talk.
Today both the democrats and populists
are angry. General Weaver left the city in
disgust , and it Is possible me fusion arrange
ment may be declared off.
lirpuhllrilli Mutli < ul Challrnr < l ,
ITIUCI , N , V. , Nov. 4. Papers were
servc-d ycsierday on thirty-five republican
students of Cornell university , who have
registered in Ithaca , ordenne them to ap-
l > ear before Judge Bradley of tbo supreme
court al CorninL' , N. Y. , Saturday , Npvera-
ber 5 , to show cause vtby their namas khould
nol be stricken from the registry lists.
Saint Tammany' * Concern.
NEW YOKK , Nor. 4. Tbe Tamtnany Hall
executive committee held a metiug yester
day In the wigwam , rtlcbard Croker offered
a icrltj of resolution ! , which were adopted , .
setting forth tbe projected arbitrary arrests
ol citizens lo intimidate them ana prevent j
them voltucr , and tbn threatened arrest of
others on election dar. and providing ft * the
apiiolntnietit of B ccnamltleo to call on Iho
police board and ask for the protection of
the voters and to rcquwt tbo sheriff to ap
point a number of deputies to see thai the
ricbiof frnni-btse may Ixj Insured to all persons -
sons eligible.
A rc olutlon w s passed offering a reward
of VJ to anv nne securing the arrest und
conviction of bribe divert.
ritoM Kr.rtmi.iCAN uKAi > < jr.\nTiiis.
Worils ill Citation Irnm the Niltloiml Coin *
i in tier.
New YORK. Xov. 4. The folio wine circu
lar was today issued from republican na
tional headquarters :
"There have coma to thj republican com
mittee from various sources Intimation ? that
the reserve crop or campaign lies for Issu
ance tbo day bjfora election is very prolific
and unusualtv s < matlonal articles are to bo
publnhnd , presenting what purport lo ba
facls from all western slat/it for publication
in iho cast , and tbe reverse for publication
In Ibo \vo3t , vvacn too laVe to be contra
dicted , thai shii'l n.vo Ihe i tended effect at
the tail moment of influencing u larco num
ber of men wbo are always willlnc and anx
ious to bo ou the winning side. They are to
claim cverrthlnc In ino oa i and give over
the we l bodily lo lha Weaver vote.
"Carefuuv picparcd lable ; will bo pub
lished to prove their assertions and demon
strate that thu election of Cleveland Is be
yond a question Kpubllcani all over the
land should be prepared for Just this line of
action ; they should discredit nil claims nol
based upon sure inforinatior. , and Ibo more
sensational the stories the nioro they should
be discredited. Tbe Irlsh-Atnerlcan vote isle
lo hive their careful consideration , and roor-
bacbs of tne most sensalloual character are
to be published. Tlie sentiment of tno race
Is lo bo worked for all u is worth , and sev
eral oromlnent Irish-Americans , who are as
firmly r publicm as the bead of the ticket
himself , will be quoted as having at the last
moment turned totbeapo > tle of English in-
lerests aud as deserting"protection and hon
est money for tba false godi of free trade
and a wildcat currency.
"Bo on your guard. Believe only that
wnich is consonant with common sense or
accompanied by unimpeachable testimony ,
and do nol change Iho conviction that has
como by bonesl thought , but vote as vour
conscience dictates and as you bslievo to bs
"You have the assurance of tnis commit
tee , based upon confidential ano reliable in
formation all over the country , tbal Iho
nominees of the republican party will bo
ulectcd b.v a co.istftulional majorliy Ihut
shall be beyond all question. "
ST. Lot-is Mo. , Xor. 4. State Democratic
Secretary Cook contradicts the telegram
sent O'H Ibat the state committee had com
piled the -vorx of polling tne state and thai
Colonel Slono would hare a majority of 21.31)0
in tbe state. "Our reiurns from polling tbe
stale , " ho said , ' 'only include about one-ralf
of ihe counties , and wlulo the result is highly
satisfactory to the state committee the com
mittee has given out no lljures whatever.
Tbe plurality for the national and state ticKets -
ets will be iimple , but .further than this tbo
stale committee has col seen proper lo malic
an estimate of tbe prob&blo vote. "
KiKlits of Stml ptn
BuTiMoKfi , Md. , Nov. 4. Judeo Morris of
the United States court , recently decided
that a medical student from anolbor state
has not a righl 'to ledster and role here.
The decision affects the right to vote ot
seventy studenU in Si. Mary's seminary and.
opinions wrre obtainea from Attorney "Gen
eral Pea tud Mr. Bernard Carter , bath of
whom stated that students frjx other stales
are legally entitled to repl lcr anu vole here.
Tbe same view was also hold In ihe decision
of a heavily contested election case between
representatives of the Fifty-lint congress.
" tevrnson Attracts a rronil.
ST. L < ILI . Mo. , Xov. 4. General Adlal E.
Stevenson arrived here this evening , and
afler a short reception at tils hotel left fcr
Belleville , III. , whore ho spoke this evening.
A tremendous r.utpouring of tbe democrats
of St. Clair and surrounding counties greeted
him. The speakers were , In addition toGen-
eral Stevenson , General John C. BlacK ,
democratic candidate for
larpc ; W. S. Formaa , candidate in the
Eighteenth district , and William R. Morri
< iporsla' Krjrlstration loNull and Void.
Muov , Ga. , Xov4. . Actin ? for Jud e
Pardee , Judge Speer-of the United Stales
district court has decided thai all
the registration * laws are inoperal-
ive. lie asserts thai ibe law. lo
bo constitutional , must bs uniform
in operation. As tne present laws are all
local theyarj unconstitutional. The effect
of this decision is to make every man in tlio
sluto eligible on taking an oath tbat he paid
Clovclrtml ut , lrrrjr City.
JEr. = nr CITV , X , J. , Xov. 4. Jersey City
democrats save a hearty welcome to ox-
Presidenl Cleveland at Ihe Oakland rink
and al iho rooms ol the Hudson democratic
society this cvenlpp. Tbo rink was dec
orated with ( lagsi and streamers. Three
thousand men riishui into the auditorium
when the doors worn opened. Senalur Mo
Pbcrson also spoke m length upon Iho issues
of ibe campaign.
11 111picnl | lor lotc * for Cleiclnml.
COIITI.AXH. N. Y. , Nov. 4. Senalor D. B.
Hill addressed an audience or ,1,000 people al
iho CcrtlanJ opera house this afternoon.
His audience included a largo number of re
publicans. The speaker was frequently in
terrupted with applause. Tlio speech was
devoted to the tariff question mainly. The
senator closed with u Etron ? appeal to all (
democrats to stand by Cleveland.
1 IIP Council Could Appoint.
LANDING , Mich. , Nov. 4. The supreme
court toJay aonled tbe mapdamus uskeJ by
D. J. Cunpau , chairman of the democratic
state central commence , lo compel tbe
Detroit common council to rescind tno up-
pomimcnl of elecuoq iu > pector in tbal city.
Tbe court holds that lee council bad full
power in the matter. '
Three Years for HccMratlon ,
YOIIK , Nov. J4. John Murphy , who
was arrested Saturday for illegal registra
tion , has been sentenced lo three yen r ' Ira-
prisonmnnt tiV Judgu Henealct in tbe crimi
nal branch of tbo United States circuit court.
I'r s ilrnt IlarrUon ICerominoniU tin : People
to Itelurii Their Thank .
WASIIISO OV , D. ti , Nov. -Tlio follow-
ine prnclniuatlonvTii issued ttls afternoon :
The elf ts of Cod to" our po plu aurln : the
year haru > M O to abundant nnd
bpeeliil that th&iplntaf devout tliank > clvin
uwalti. not H call , but only the appointment
of a uny when It-may ham n fouipion oxpres-
f un. Ho hut stayud tto pesillenre nt our
d Kir > i lie lias given in more love for the frue
civil InttltuUH In the crcitUin of which 111 U
directing providunro wg o coiltplcuous , He
lus awakened a doepvr roveroncu for luwj lie
Iris widened out philanthropy hr a rail leo :
succor thu Ulstres , in cither IniidHe ; has
Ulti > . -'J our uid is lirliu'lns forward isu
ptlriutlc und ( jud-fqarlnz cunuration toeiu-
OJto lll > jtoat na boneiolent dejicni for our
country ; Hohu ? | ren us Croat lucre. ) ' , ' ) lu
muUiilal trcaltb nnd a wide dlffus.on of con-
triitnient mid comfort In the Home * of our
I > eoi > lo ; lie li . jlvon Ills grace to the tor-
ron Inc.
\ \ hercfore , I , IHiijnir.ln llarriton , president
of thu L'nlml i-iatoi. no uui | upon all our
peopiu tu outcMc. u via hure lieou wont.
Thursday , the.Jih duyof thUriuontb of No-
vembcr. us a day of tliinUs ltln ; lo God for
Ills ijierulcs ndof suppllratlou for lll cou-
llnvicd c.iro uiid { raeu.
lo ten tKoiiy'jTiicrcof I have hereunto set
my hand auJ caused the eeal of thu t'ulted !
Mates lobe aOlieJ.
DuneHt tbo city of Washluston. this the
in uili diy of Novemlier , tina thousand elslit
buudrel Lrid Dliifty-tKu.unduf tliv Independ-
i-nco uf Hie I lilted tt teslbttouo bunurcd did
, "r Jbe pretlaenf HEKJAMIN lUuniBOX.
Joaa W. I'OSTEU , Secretary ol State.
| MandeKon Crcti'cs Much Enthusiasm Among
Otoe County necuoncins.
lls * Hml Itiintlnc In rrofmlnn 1'tnrrPil
the Itrslilelirrs Alnni ; tile l.lnp of
Mi rcli lloiv the DcinocrnU Itc-
celxcil the DonuiintratUin.
STitf E , Neb. , Nov. 4. | Spial Tcle-
gratn to THE BnE.J Syracuse was decorated
to the fullest extent tonight lo welcome ( .ion-
cral Manderson. Kings bung across Iho
strecl nt every crossing and every business
house as caily uocoraicd , besides many
residences. Tbe Republican League club of
Syracuse was oul lu full force and al ? p. in
u special Iraln from Xobraska City arrived
bringing the republican Zxinve club , uni
formed in "nobby suits and hcadca by
Muragcr's band. Tbo procession , hcsdej
by the Syracuse band , was formed al iho
depol and marched through the principal
streets of the city lo Ibo opera bouse , which
did nol begin lo hold the people. Homan
candles wcro tiro-l along ihe line of march
which , with the colored lights , prcseateJ B
fine appearance.
The transparency alluding to Boyd's confi
dential lotler attracted considerable alien-
tion. When General Manderson began bis
speech standing room was at a premium.
Tbc general hold his audlenco spellbound forever
over two hours discussin ? the issues of the
campaign and was repeatedly cheered to
the echo. Never in the history of
S > < o was such a rally held by
anv party. Enthusiasm was at a wbilo
heul and tbo crowd was orderly in H measure
that attracted praUe even f'om dem
ocrats und Independents. At llo clo c of
the speech tbreo cheers were HHK-II for Harrison
risen and Reid , then for the entire slate
Ik-lcol and finally three rousing chesri und a
tl er for General Mandcr.-on.
No faith in CliMelanil.
FENDER. Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telcnram
tib TIIL BUE.J H. A. Plllsbury , a travelling
tiP and shoe man , struck Ponder today and
proceeded to bluff every one out of town b.v
wanting to oet a few hundred dollars on
Cleveland. . Ho finally ran across D. N.
Wheeler , the cattle man , who told him to
plank up any amount be wanted and it would
bo promptly covered. Tne boot aud shoe
bluffer willed and took the iir t train out of
NORFOLK , Neb. Nov. 4. [ .Special to THE
BEi.jTlero Is still considerable money on
deposit at republican headquarters aud else
where in the city subject to a similar amount
from either Povntcr or Iveipcr backers , or on
Meihlejohr. against the Jlelii. If those gentle
men at Pierce , Helper's home , are seoltinz : an
investment they can bo accommodated fcr uu
amount of $100 or more by calline on or
addressing John M. rmrfieid at republican
headquarters , who has several hundred
dollsrs In his possession to place on Moikle-
jobn. Republicans of Norfolk are betting on
New York , or the election of HarrUoa and
In Itnl U'lllou l.onntj- .
Neb. , NJV. 4. fijpecial Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] The largest crowd ever
seen In Indianuln at a political gathering for
years creeled Judge Lansing this afternoon
to listen to good sound republican doctrine
proclaimed by him in a clear , simple , yet
forcible manner. This evening there was a
grand parade tnd torchilebt procession led
by tbo Indianolu and .McCool ; band" , after
which Judge Lansing and Hon. W E. An
drews spoke to the peoplo. Ino opera house
could hold bul one-half ihe pecplc. and
whileProf. . Andrews nddresseu the people
there Judge 1-ansi.ig spoKe to the larfe |
rrowd on the street. After about an hour
Juilgo Lansing came inside ami Andrews
spone to those in the street , us many wUbed
to hear him who could not get insiae. Much
enthusiasm was displayed. Red Willow
county will roll up a handsome majority for
the entire republican ticket.
K 'puhlirius : I'lcascd.
EUINO , Xcb. , Nov. 4. [ Special lo Tun
1 Last evening Attorney General
Hastings addressed a large audience it Ibis
place , delivering one of the best political
speeches ever hoard in this locality. In ' .he
audlencn were a great many farmers and
members of the independent party. vho were
favorably impressed with Mr. Hastings'
sound republican doctrine and bis gentle
manly treatment of those opposed to his po
litical fcilh. Too republicans were in guod
shape before this meeting , but tbo assurance
nnd onconraccment given them by Mr.
Hastings in his eloquent address last even
ing will aid them in rolling up a greater
majority for Harrison and Reid and the state
j .Much KiilhukiiiHiii J'rpv.Uleil.
Pns , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
THU BEE. 1 Ono of the largest rallies ever
held in this portion of countrv took place
hero this evening. The meeting was nd-
dre-.scd by Colonel Neil Brennan and A. L.
Towlo of U'Ncill , and Hon. J M Hunl r ,
candidate for tbo senate. The O'Neill Re
publican club was prafenl in fi.ll uniform
and made a beautiful und imposing torch-
ligbl parade under of C'nplain J.
L. Mack. Much enthusiasm prevailed and
the speakers were repeatedly applauded.
In tlin Tluril Ill.trlet.
NOHFOI.K , Neb. , NJV. 4. [ Special to THE
BEF.J The Third congressional district Ef
Nobiaska will bo represented in the next
congress b.v Hon. George O. Meiklejobn of '
Pullorlon. Manv democrats in UiU part of
the district openly deolnro themselves for
him and others have announced themselves
as supporting him , but owing to tneir promi
nent positions 04 leading democrats they re
quest tbat they be nol quoted.
Thurttoii Mel ! Itoctiltpd ,
GENEVA , Neb. Nov. 4 [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] A grand republican mooting
was held hei-3 today. Special trains broucbl
clubs from Hebron. Kxetcr and rairinout.
Six hundred , vet r were In the parade
wearing badges and there were nejrly as
many more on Ibo streets , 2,500 people being
present. Judge Tbur.ton was enthusias
tically received.
lloonr County 11 MiO ,
ST. EDWAIUI , Neb. . Nov. 4. [ Special to
THE BEE ] Judge Norm of Pouca and Hon.
Charles , Rltoy of Albion addressed tba votjrs
of ibis place ai White' * opera house last
night. The noaio was full and the people
listened with creat inieresl to the sound
argument * of the judge , \\no made the open
ing speech. Booue county Is safe fur tbo re
Andreui lr IheCrond ,
WILCOJC , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special to THE
BEE , ] Prof. W. E. Andrews , candidate for
congress In tills district , addressed a largo
and attentive audience last evening at the
opera house al this place. There was also an
' ' '
independent meeting ia town ihe sumo even
ing uddretiea by Soderman , Sbafer , Edgcr-
ton , etc. , but Acdrcivi bad the crowd.
I.oulnlllfc' . Itou.iut
LonsviLi-E , .N'eb. , Nov. 1. 'Special Tele
gram lo Tun BEE , ) A routing republican .
rally wai held In Mazaralre's ball this even
ing. General Gsorge S. HoMth of Omaha
and John A. Davit and Allen Beeton of
Pldtumoulb ad'Jretted the citizens on the
political iskues of the day. There was a
large turnout.
Uah ) HI l.tnnooil.
Lisvvooi ) , Neb , Nov. 4. 'Special to THE
BeiuJ Notwithstanding tbe tnc'emency ' of
tbe westner a good sized audience aisernbled
ti the opera house to listen to an address by
W. V. Collins of Lincoln. After n few pre
liminary remarks byV. . Hmenctter Mr.
Collins was IntroducoJ and for two hour *
the combination crowd of independent * and
democrats certainly had a full realization of
what it I * to receive red hot > hol fraiua coo !
old-fashioned rt'pjbllcan pun. .Mr. Collins
dwell on the tariff lor sotno tim ?
\ > IIV ItlU'l'llUCANVII.I. . \VIV.
lion. , lohn M. Tliiit-uoii i\.lnln : | the Mlti-
HI Ion to llii > tlni ; < I'lll/rne.
H\ TiN ( . , Neb. , Nov. 4. . .Special Tele-
prnm to THE Beit. ; Onaof thomoit success
ful rallies ever held In Nebraska was cnn-
dueled this evening In Ha Ung under the
auspices of the republic in club ol this cltr ,
John M Thuritoa spsaklng. Alter n iniig
parade , par icip.ued In by the Thurtoa
Drum corps of Omaha , the Ha tmcs Drum
corns Harvard nnd Koaruey juvenile bmJ ,
Hasuncs ana Kearney 11 imteau clubs , the
Kcrr opera bou e wa < opem-d to the throng.
lc the course of a few minutes the pnclous
house was more than completely filled , nnd
Ihe scenery on Ibo stare removed to make
room for auditors. Mr. Thurstoa wa * Intro-
ducod. and referred to Ibo experience ho had
when it ivns reported thai ho would inks the
stump for the indcpondenis. He said iho
foundation principle of the populist * was the
statement that Noora Ua wu * in n poverty-
stricken condition. No other similar people ,
no declared , ever accumulated > o much
wenllh In nny country as have the
pioneers In Nebraska in twcnty-thrcj vcars ,
Then he referred to farm mortgages.
nbowlng tbat they are renllv evidences of
peed credit nnd prosperity. The foreclosure
of mortgages was cnlv begun when capital
wat scared by tba alliance legislation of
two years ago and tno only uny to restore
rouridence In ibc slate was lo roll up a grcal
big republican majority on Tuesday. Judce
Thurston statrd ihat ho believed Ihnl
Ihero was more able-bodied irnor-
anco and prevarication in the dis
cussion ot the infliilon of the
before the American people. In a digulflrd
manner ho showed the utter impossibility of
value being created without an increase in
tne wealth of tbe nation , lii the p.tst four
teen years the government hail coined .lO.-
OJJ.OJO silver dollars as against S.OIW.OOO in
tbe eighty-one years previous under free
coinage , l-'reo coiaaie would allow the capital
ists of the world to brinj 01 cents worth of
bullion Into this countrv and to take away
$1. Inferring to the subtrcnsur.y scheme ho
showed that laying aside its impracticability
it would pul lee groal a political power in
Ibe bands of iho administration , a * intent
nlto bo said o * government ownership of rail
ways and telegraphs.
Cheap goods always Implied cheap men , as
the more brawn and bruins put into an arti
cle the hicher the price. It was not the
rieht of any person worthy of the name of
citizen to buy at a lo > v price an article rnado
fora pauper price.
He then showed how unfounded wcro the
democratic expectations In record lo the In
crease of prices caused bv thcMcKiniey law.
Contlnuinc , ho urged tbo republican policy
of protection n ; a matter of principle and
closed by stroncly advising his hc.ircrs to
give their suffrages to the icpublican nom
Soutli Ilal < oti Dcnmcrats Take Another
Icji to Detent IlurrK.ili.
Siorx CITI. Ia. , Nov. ! . S | > ccial Tele
gram to Tui Bnn. ] The democrat' of South
Dakota , having Jailed to fuse with the popu
lists , have withdrawn their ticket from the
Held. Today the democratic state central
committee mailed thousands of circulars to
all known democratic voters In tbc slate them to vote lor tbo populist electors
and 'Brevont the elector * ! " vote of'lhe state
poinK to Harr son , saying that tbo uiovn Is
necessary witti the democrats , because thov
have not a ghost of a show to elect their
SnttonV ilotlnj ; Kully.
SfTTox , Xeb. , Xov. 4 [ Sp-Mial Teictrram
to Tui : BKE.I Tbe closing rally of Ihs cam
paign rums oft this evening nt the opera
house , which was paclted lo Ihe upper gal
lery. It was advertised for Ssnatyr Pad
dock and Secretary of Ktute Allen.
Tbe senator was unavoidably ah-
sent on account of n bad cold
and his place was tilled by Hon. T. M. Marquette -
quotte of Lincoln. Mr. Allen mide tbo open-
me address , which bristled wi h telling
points on the issue > involved. Tbp charges
which were made againsl the Board of Pub
lic Lands and Buildings , no sui.1 , had fallen
flat ana \\ere proved to be ultcrly ground
less ; the only man in ibe asvluin steal wbo
1i bad 1 made a dollcr oil ot H was a democrat
and i now a ( ucltivo from justice. Mr. Marquette -
quotte was introduced and spolte for t.carlv
two hours lo an enthusiastic audience , who
Interrupted nira often \\ith litiehter and
Taking up tbe money question he said , the
independents would cive OA'.O'JO ' silver
miners $ .10,000,000 profit on tbo ItU.OOO.OOU
they mined last year , while ihe republicans ,
nfter allowing them Ibe mnrkcl value of Ibclr
silver , pave Ibo JU.OJO.KIJ : ( ) probl all to the
sixty odd million of people lo Ibis counirj.
Now , who Is the besl friend of ihe people !
Murphy , Iho agenl of our sovernraonl. In ; the mouths of the Germans to Ne
braska corn , has accomplished more pooti for
our people lhan all ihe calamity nowlcrs
from Maine lo Texas.
Kllrftlte Work Done.
SruriLEii , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ .special Tele
gram to THE BKE.I Two lepublican
speakers dealt counting blows ogamu ibc
unsubstantial staicmeiils of other speaker )
recently here in Janecek's opera bouse to
night , tno bouse bom ; filled. Judco Ncrris
consumed two hours of time , dealing almost
exclusively with the tariff , illustrating its
greal njvnntages to farmers and laborers.
Mr. Meiklrjobn's lalk uf an hour was on Ihe
money question principally. Each gentle-
tnnn so favorably and forcibly acquitted
himself that effective worn for Ibo cause of
republicanism was done.
UV ! I < T Ht Diilld Clly ,
OivmCiTV , Xeb. , Xov. 4. [ Special Tele-
grain to THE BEE. I This was a grand night
for republicans in David City. Hon. J. L.
Webster addressed a lareo and rnicusiaslic
meeting al Ihu opera bouse. A notlceablo
fealuro was the presence of many former in
dependents wbo had read tue circular of
Governor Boyd. Tbe speaker was escorted
from Ibo train by tbe band niiU marching
club. A transparency In Ibe procession with
a picture of Harrison and Held with uie
words " ( iol there and stay there , " caused
much applause.
llryun'r Iu t > per > rh at > cUratkn City.
XemetsKA CITV , XeD. , Xov. 4.-Speciai ;
Telegram to TIIC BBE.J Bryan made his
last spuecb to the vlllsens of Xebraskn City
tonight. Tbo court bouse was well filled
with democrats in listen to their Idol. Bry idf
an's speech was practically th ? snino as fin
has delivered for years. His po > iiion on iho
silver qucjtion , which Field Has proved >
simply a bid for alliance votes , was worked
for all it was worth , and hU ofl repeated
assertion thai tne tariff is a lax -.NO * reiter
Clotril Thrlr ( ; unipjiiii In Doilur ,
FREMONT , Xeb. , Xov. 4.--Special [ Tele
gram lo THE BEE. I Tbe independents told
Ibeir closing caroralpn rally in this city this
evening. Mrs. J , K. Sbreve rrcited a poem
entitled "Justice. " Tbo
gpeakcrs were ian )
B. Carry , G. G. Martin and r Aobptu inE
Tomorrow evening tlio monster closing >
republican rally will be addresiea by Hon.
G. . Melnlejobo.
Vntj Wjck ut I'wiidpr ,
PEVHEK , Xeb. , Nov. -Special [ Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Hon. C. J ! . Van W.vck spate
lo an audience of forty or fl/iy al tbe opera
bouse hero ibii afternoon. He told now
Gould ana Vanderbill tnade their money bul
failed lo throw any light ou bow be made
his o\\n pile.
Chuilron'f l'roil l.iitvrtalnril.
Ciuiihox , Neb. , Nov. -.Special Telegram
gram to THE Bee. ' Colonel Jcnes , tbe colored - '
ored orator of Nortn Carolina , addressed it
large audience here lasl tilfht. Hit speech
wgk well received , especially tbal part relat
ing \Vbltebead Bed Kern.
Cojper Utiion in New York Filbd with.
Enthusiastic Republicans ,
HU Itrmnrk * Mecl Mltli the Approvnl of .
l nrgf .Miillrnrr lli > I'ujn | | M Coinpll-
Ulrnt tti the .Uut-Hinups-OtluT
t-pcnkrin Mnho ll
New YOKK. No- . 4.-Th9 Irish-American
club meeting In Cooper union tonight brought
furtn ploniy ot outhuMasm. Patrick K an ,
tbo minister to Ulnli , was the drawing card ,
but besiJcs him ox-Conrresiroaa John t .
Muurt.votChlc.iRO mid Johu Bronuan of
low. wcro advertised. The mcoUnff was
oponcd b.v ( iencral Dennis uurko ,
"There are many hero tonight , " said he. when on the field of
battle wo took the musket from the hands of
o rebel \\o found upon U the IniDnnt of the
tower of London. If
we opened his cnrt-
ridge box , wo found therein evidences thai
the ammunition was made In the war shops
of Knpland. it wo turned down the
collar of his coat , wo found thereon
the name of the British manufact
urer. fCrics of "that's so."J England then
was united with the rebels of the south to
destroy our union. She is today nlllo-J with
the same sot of knaves who with the leaders
of the democracy of the north would force
on this nation free trade. Wo have helped
to defeat tticm with the ballot * . With a low
Preliminary remarks concerning Minister
C au , ho introduced that gentleman at
chairman of the raectlntr.
.Mr. I : .III'K speech.
My ilrst duty is to thanu your bonorabla
committee for the honor it has done mo In In
viting mo to preside at this important meet
ing , und the tocoud is , to thann you for the
very cordial welcome which you extended
mo here Ibis ovcnluc , a v-ek-ome of bicti
nri.v man in this preat nation
feel justly oroud. I sav , nav , I
' "
Know , the reason
why I have been
selected fcr this honor , I * the fact that 1 am
singled out by tbo unamerican mugwumps
and by the pro-British
section which , by
the way , is the
ruling sectioc-of the derao-
caatlc press und parlv. as the butt of nil their
bile and venow nsjamsi those of the Irub
race , who will not tamely band their necks
to the vckeof the democratic
partv. I have
dared to form for myself an independent
opinion in American
politics without con-
suiting ths democratic bosses and thcrefora
at any and cvaty cost , I must bo do-.vnea ,
even ll it
necessitates the
calling upon tlielr
Ia a reserve ' In tbo person of § Mr. ( irover
LHevclaud's 'partner , Wayne MacVeagh , teA
A s-I < M | hj the Murnump 1'rrss.
"From the lir t dav that my name wai
mentioned for the Chilian ralsiion iho mug
wump and the democratic
press , with some
low honorable exceptions , kept in with
the London Times in assailing me
Jn Chili , while loyally endeavoring to
uphold the national honor , I was
ireacherously attacked from the roar hr
those people mm but for the thoroughly
American stand maintained bv President
Harraon , Mr. Blaine. Secretary Tracy nnd
the otner rcembers of the cabinet , American
prastigonnd American honor would have
suffered a defcal from which they would
have " takou many Jongears to recover.
"The reason why the English Hag Is so
much respected throughout the world out
side of Ireland is ihe fact that Ihe humblfl"
hnirlisnman abroad can feel lhal is he bo
unjustly deprived or his liberty , if UU
rights bo unjustly invadeo or bit
perton unjustly assailed , bo has the whole
force of the Uriilsh empire nt bis back , and
that the British navy , 11vithiu hail , will bo
ready to promptly demaud nnd. If necessary ,
promptly , cxuct satisfaction. In refer
ring , to the unfortunate aflalrs of
tbo ussault upon the sailors of
the Baltimore. in ValpartA-.o , ho
now so hnnpily and honorably arranged be
tween Cblli and tbo United States , nn ofllcer
high . in command in the linirlish navy paid
to ihn commander of one ot our ships on that
coast , tbat if a assault shoiild'be
committee upon his men , ho would promplly
settle Iho matter at the muzzle of his guns
anu make all the
explanations to his govern-
rncnl aflerwards.
AH HII Aiiierlriiii Citizen.
' -Why cannot Americans act In this way I
Simply becnuio there are so many unco'n-
verted copperhead * , ever watchful und over
ready to take the part of an foreign fee
against their own i-ounlry , ibai a" howl
would al once be raised for Iho head of Ihe
ofllcer who should dare to do so , I felt , and I
feel as an American , thai the glorious llag of
this republic should wave at least as
proudly as the standard of England und that
every American clllzsn and evcrv American
intcresiiu n foreign land should bo al least
as secure as tbose of any nation in the world.
1 tnought , too , thai iheso wcro the senti
ments ot tbo republican party and of its
standard bearer , President Harrison , and I
found thai I wa ? noi mistaken. 1 there
fore adopted ibn t-ourse thai I have
pursued In Lbili. nnd I nra nroud lo como be
fore you. ray fellow citizens , tonight and to
bo able to say thut my every ncl nnd ovcrv
word in that connection reel the unqualihea
approval of such representatives of Ameri
can patriotism ns President Harrison and
James G. Blaine und A-ith the approbation
ol the entire republican press and party.
"U is unnecessary to Nav to you that tb
objecl of this meeting U to Impress not only
upon you hero prfisenl , but also upon the
people of this preat oily , mid upon the country -
try at large , the u'lvisabilitv and the
necessity of co-operating by every
Iccitimaio means In - securing tbe
re-election of the man who , for
the past four years Ims given lo Ibis republic ,
cno of tbo most britliaut , the mosl tnnnlr ,
tbo most honorable ani < tbo most practically
American administrations this country ha *
over enjoyed since the durs of Washington
President Harrison.
Hesolutionsvero adopfil which dclarod.
amouc other tilings , ibat they repel with
scorn and indignation the lying pretense of
the so-called democratic "
party to "own" or
'control" the Irish vote , and'tuo vile insnlt
offered to our race , conclude tbe resolutions ,
bv tbal renezado from bU party and rac ,
Wayne MucVeasb , end that we heartily re'
iterate our coyli Jenco In Hon. Patrick Kgan.
Jiilin r. ' '
I'lurrlj'k Kloijiiericc.
Hon. John J. Finrriy of Illinolt wat then
Introduced. He appealed to all Irishmen lo
vote for Harrison and said : "Of all the
people iu ihU country , tbo Irish-Americans
should bo tbe Ian iu cast a vole for Hritith
free trade. Yourduty is loyalty to America.
You ewe Kneland nothing. If you vote lor
irco trade you are supporting tbo enemy , not
of your nativtj laud uloue , hutol your adopted
Hon. John J. Bronnan of Iowa followed.
Irlsh-Aincrlcani , he said , bad played f Or
el rr.ers iu thu country lee long'al ihe
dictation of the democratic party , ' 'We can
continue to Lo slaves of tamrnaoy ball 'if
wo please , " be added , "wo oan If no
will , place ourselves wheia we properly be
long betide the bralni and conscience of
tbe American people In the ranks of the re
publican parly. Wayne McVcagh says he
left Ibe republican party because of bis con
science. God help such a conscience. U ia
made of Ibo material thai would start a
rubber factory. "
Tlioa p akintr ol the McKMay hill , Mr.
Brcnnun said it bail got our market dead to
right * so far as agltib competition was
concerned and the Irish-Americans should
vote for the republican party and a high
tariff because tboy were a race of waico
President Borko of tbo republican V KU
of co lege cluts also spoke
5Illl7r nt
Ind. , Nov. 4. Attorney
UcDcral Miller delivered an addreii bcfert