1 TWELUE PAGES. EE TWELVE PRGES. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , 1'IUDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER . 1802-TWELVE PAGES. NUMKEll 138. PUBLIC WORK IN PROGRESS Ccntricton Unable to Got Men Enough to linish Ihsir Jobs. SEWERS FINISHED OK UNDER CONTRACT fllounlnlns of IMrtli Mo eit In tlio Work of liuproi Ins Ilin Thoroughfares of tlio t > | ljnm < < of tlin Unlln- Uliril Contract' . Aside from the curbing and paving lho.ro has hrcii a largo amount ot public work com menced and completed this season , nnrt Ibero ha also been u larpo amount cotnmoncoil that will not bo completed until next season , simply because the contractors have boon unnblo to secure tlio necessary mon to push the completion of their contracts. Shovelors In the grading panes In the lower ditches uro pild I'J ' per day , and while mon with wains nro receiving $ V > 3 per day , but even these wages have not the effect of ftcudlnc enough men Into the city to create Idleness , and nt this umo all of the contrac- HOM state that they have fewer men than they can USD to advantage. At this diilo the following sowars Imo been completed : The Hurdotto strootsowor , thoThlrly-olchth , the Grace street , tlie Ban croft and the Twenty-llrst atroet sewers , all at a cost of m.OlW.OS. The sewers under contract nml partially completed are as follows : The Sprague street main sewer , thoTwcnty-sovcnth street ditch , the Twenty-llrst street sewer , the Ilarney street sewer , the Thirtieth street sewer , the Twenty-sixth street sewer , the Plereo stiectsowor , the Ileus street aawcr nnd thu Uoclne and Tblrt.v-lUth avenue ewer. The contract prlco on tlieso unfin ished sewers Is fftl , : ) " ! In the aggregate , making total of $7.-l74.U. ) ) , till of which will bo expended if tno present open season contiuttch for thrco weeks or a month longer. With ono or two exceptions these are all now sewers , or extensions ol these already con structed. llaio Moteit u .Mountain. The grading that has boon completed foots up In round numbers to 595-JO cubic yards of oavtn and represents an outlay of 79- lllt. S , that sum being the contract prlco and the amount that has been paid on llnal struct work that lias boon com pleted is ns follows : rilling nulsnuco lots ; grading the streets iitid allo'-a In Marsh's audition ; grading Fourth avenue from Bancroft street to Grand View addi tion ; slopini : lots in Ambler place ; gradlne alloy in block 8 , Kountzo & limb's addi tion ; Bancrolt street from Seventeenth to Twentlctti : Chicago , froui Fortv-tlrst to Forty-third ; Thirty-eighth , from Farnam to Half Howard ; Sowurd , from Twenty-tlfth to Thirty sixth ; Thirtieth , Iroin Arbor placo" to the south line of fccctlon twenty-eight ; Charles from Twenty fourth to Thirty-sixth ; Loreasfiom ) Eiehlccnlh to Nineteenth ; Ciistollnr , from Fifteenth to Twontv-fou-lh ; Lake , from Forty-second to Forty-fifth ; Thirty-eighth , from Farnatn to Hurt ; Grunt , from Twenty- llrst to Twenty-fourth ; IJavcnport , from Fourteenth stteot to Holt line tracks ; Twenty-fourth street , trom Bolt line trucks to Fort street ; Douglas , from Forty- fourth to Forty-eighth ; Capitol avenue , fioni the Holt line trueits to Forty-eighth fct-.col ; Fifteenth , from Vlnton htrcct to Oak Hill aUi.ton | | ; Ames avenue , from Sherman Avenue to the bridge ovorCut-o.Tlako ; Twen- ir-st > ccnu .street , from Locust to Spencer ; Twcntv-sccond , from Poppleton iivcnui to Ilio government corral ; Uupont street , in Uupont nlaco ; the alley in block three , Campbell's addition ; Mason strcnt , from Eighteenth to Twentieth ; Nineteenth , from Mason to Pierce ; Ohio , from. Twenty-second to the cast line ot Denlso's addition. Contract a Uncompleted. The streets under contract to bo graded nnd not completed are : Hamilton , from the viaduct to Forty-tlfth street ; Dobglas , from Sixteenth to Twentieth and the intersecting streets ; Military avcnuo trom Hamilton street to Grant : the nlloj-s between I'luo nnd Hickory nnd between Eighth and Tunlh streets ; Ho-varJ street , from Twentieth to u point . 2SO fcotwost ; Fourth htrcot , from Popploton nvcnuo to Uoolworth ; D. strcot , from Ninth to Thirteenth ; Williams , from Sixth to the rijrht-of-wny of the Omaha & Southwestern railroad ; Grant street , from Forty-second to Fortv-llfth ; Twonty-ninth , from Hickory to Martha ; Thirty-fourth , from Farnam to Dodge ; Martha from Twentieth to Twenty- fourth and Francis from Thirty-fourth to the woit line of Windsor place. OUT Ol ? OMAHA'S CONTROL. Judge Pmicly Comments on I lit' Chiingo of Ainoile.in Muter \Vnrli4 IlL-colvers , The American \Vutor Works plant , which supplies the cities of Omaha and South Omiua with water , is a stupendous a It air. The magnitude of the business may bo estimated by u glance nt the report filed to day In the United States court by Mr. Ellis Blcrboivcr and Mr. Alonzo Ilunr , who were uppolnlod receivers for the plant last Fob- ruary. The report sets forth n detailed account of the receipts and expendi tures of the ofllco by mouths. The rccolpta have been ovorgJS.OOO per month aurine the tftno covered by the report. The total re- cotpts ns given in the report for the eight mouths \\ero JJiS.Ty'J.C'J. ' The disburse ments , Incltidlsi ; thu $14,000 paid into court , were equal to tno receipts. In adulllon to paying the running expenses , of the plant , repairs , etc. , n considerable umouiit'was re quired to pay interest on bonds The lopcrt was tllod ami Judge Dundy Issued an order calling upon thu attorneys for the wing of the corporation which op- po > od the nppointmcnl of the receiver to nppcar within ten days nnd ahow cause , U they Irivo uny to show , why the report shnulu not bo received. Spenlunp of the matter Judeo Dundy said : "When I appointed Mr. Helrbuwrr and Mr. Hunt receivers of this water works plant 1 took particular pains to have thu matter so fixed tuat the interests of the illy could not suffer. U'hllo I only demamlod a bond of flO.WO of thorn , ut the same tlmo I made it obligatory on the part ef Mr , Blorbower to pav the money Into the court as fast as it accumulated In sums of f\000. in that way I keep money enough under the control of the court to brldiso over auy possible emer gency , .lust huw matters nro going to work from now on I cat nut suv , The receiver kppolntcd to succeed Mr , Blorbowcr hai not bcon required to give local bondsmen or to piy uny of the money collected into court. lie has been given prntty wtdo lalltudo and In case bo wishes to miinlpuluta the plant In the Interests of the Denver concern and nedtnat the interests of Omahn , I think the city will have a difficult Umo In bringing him or his bondsman to Umo. If It ever becomes - comes necessary to appeal to the courts or to fall cack oh the ncescn ; receiver1 bosditnon throucD the courts the action will have to bo broucht in Now York or Now Jersey. "I do not wish to appear in the light of a crltlu findlne fault with ihoactlouof a fellow , Judo , but I bcltovc * , nevertheless , that the Interests of the city of Ojianu have not been properly guarded In the appointment of \ho rreicut receivers. I hope that nothing will make- necessary for the city to go Into court In order to make tUo water works com pany to comply with us contract , but if such nn emergency houd ( aruo vou will see a tight that will make the Inhabitants weep. " . Artnluii Well l'ri peeli. Mr Shaw , who ha- , been borluga hole oui tt Hatiscona park , expecting to strlko wi rtcsUni flow of water within 1,000 fort , It noyv down % 0 feet and Is still coring in fray granite , it looks u6w as thouch water wouid tiot bo reached within tte ( I.UWt feet ana tlio 13oatil of Park Coiuiulislqners may decide to go ou down several hundred feet farther. naUr uoir iu&di U the holt wUnta ISO feet of the top and Mr. Shnw thtnus that U Is possible thai ho has struck the artesian vein tbtitcuppllcs the flow at Seymour parn. but on account of the greater altitude of llonscora pant the water will not rlso to the top. It this Is the ei o the park commis sioners \\lll bo enabled to sucuro bv pumulnc nil the water that will over bo needed In imnscom parK. By tbo use of n small enalno this well mnv possibly lo : worked for nn lmmcn o nmountof water oven If the artesian flow Is never reached. David II. Mercer , the republican nomlneo for congress from the Second district , Is a Nebraska boy. His father , Captain John J. Merrer , served three yoirs In tha union army In Company 13 , Sevnnty-cighth re ? mer.t Illinois Volunteers. Cap- am Mercer Is n blacksmith by trade and supported his family by hoaest toll ut the forgo and anvil. David H. Mercer - cor was. caticated in the NobrailM public school ? , and is : i gradunto of the Nubraslcn and Michigan umveriltiai. Ho U un at torney at law by profession , ap honest man , a tiara worKcr , and possoisor of : i pooJ deal more than tbo average of natlva ability. Ho will tnakuUiU uistrict nsafe , capable , aclivo and copular congressm. B. II. IJoiiisov , Clmlnn-au Congressional Committed , Second District. ri : < n < riin * < i S .IM > SOUTH. TIMI Years' Krroril In Coliimliiu , New Or- luun. < and Detroit. WASIMNOTON , D. C. , Nov. 3. The census bucreuu nas issued bulletins giving statistic ; of the manufacturing industries of the cities of CoU'inbu * , O. , New Orleans nm : Detroit. In New Orleans the number of emplovcs Increased I'-i'.l per cent and wages paid 15 < 5 per cent in ten years , an J In Detroit em ployed bunds Increassd 13'J per cent auu wages 101 par cent. Tlio percentages of Increase since 1SS3 In Now Orleans are eivon as follows : Estab- llshments reported , 90. 1'J ; capital invested , 1H.9I ; number of hands employed , 129.-W ; wages paid , 1.10.53 ; cost of materials used , OJ.Iili ; value of product at work , SO 30. The percentages of increase in Detroit since IbsO are given us follows : Establish ments reported , SG.01 : capital Invested , 1711)7 ) ; number of hands employed , lilO.OS ; wages pulu , l'JI.1 ! ! ; cost of materials used , USJ.IiS ; valno of product at works , H3.0J. ( Percentages of increase of Columbus , O. , are given as follows : Establishments re ported , 27.5 : ! ; capital invested , Kir.09 ; num- berof hands employed , 78.12 ; WJAOS pnld , Hb.0. " > : cost of materials used , 41.7. ) ; value of product at works , 7 .71. Iliiin rrom the llc.ixonx. WvsiiiMiro.v , D. O. , Nov. 3. Fev nearly a week raininaklns experiments have been conducted by the Agricultural department. Two of the new explosive ? that uro beinc tcsteu premise well. Ono U rosellto , a pow der resembling In appearance moist brown sugar and smelling Ilko fresh conereto. It is made by mixing ono part , to seven of chlorate of potash nuil asphallum oil. It is ono of the safest known high explosives to handle and cnn bo oxplodea onlv by n deton ating of tliQ fuse. It ranks above dynimlto and 1 * cheap , 'f ho other explosive is in- tondctl to taiu the place of the expensive oxyKCn-hydrogen balloon. It Is a vast paper bag three feet long and live feet in diameter filled with carbonated vapor and explodes with great effect. The party across tbo river has practically satisfied itself of the valuti of tlio now compounds anil is about to break catnu and leave early next ween for San Antonio , Tex , where experiments on a plcanlfu scale will be made to shako rain out of the clouJs on tbo dry Texas prairies. TiMtimony Against In ins. PlTT iiurw , Pa. , Nov. ! ! , In the lams case thU morning Charles Hatllold , hospital nurse of the Tenth rogunont , tostillod that ho saw lams strung up. IIs : arms did not appear very straight and the cord was not taut. lams asked for u chew of tcbacco nnd swallowca it. Five minutes later bo was uutuown. lann then drank half u canteen full of coor. Ho told the witness ho swalloived the tobacco to fool the doctor * os to his condition ; that bo had u imrposo , ' Tue following Monuay Jams told witness his thumbs were all right. Edivard Dougherty , Tenth regiment , tea- tided mat turns told him Sunday Just after bcin ? urtimmed out of camp that ho was nil right and would get even with Col onel Stroator. _ _ Onvilm Ifniilwurn Company ln < iiniiiri > . The arbitrators selected to dotcrmlno the amount of the lo > s of Qmahallnrdivuro com pany by tire of March 27 lau have awurJed enMerchandise Merchandise . $101,000.00 Fix t u ros . ' . 4 , 10 l.iw Total . ? ! OS.40UiJ Sal va go . l. . tj.OiO 00 This would make the totil amount of in sured property In thu burned building at , the llmool the lire f 110,4.M.U'J. The award Is about Ml.OO ) more tbun the Insurance to pay , l.oynl I.egliiit llinitl t. At u meeting ot the Loyal Legion at the Millard hotel stopi were taken to prepare for the untiual bsiujuet which will no hold In Omaha on December 20. The place of holding tha bamjuotwas uot tlxed , belnc left with the committee ot arrange ments. It U expoctoU that there will not bo less than ' 'JO guests present nntl the banquet will be ono of the most elaborate held br the Loyal Legion of NooraiKa lu many voarj. High Contracting 1'nrtlrt , SvfK CENTEU , Minn. , Nov. 3. Mus Emma Mossraan , who stands six feat two Inches In height , and Colonel Jumei Gilbart , six feet elevci , Inche * , wera marrioil Ian nigtu at the homo of the bride's parents. Colonel Gil bert U a Mexican and has bcon * traveling this season with a circus. Miss Motsmau was a .young laUy well Known In this city In social circles. \VIII .Marry tlio Ctrl. Albert Whitman , coachman for Joseph M. . Metralf , will bo given his choice botxvcen the jail and conuubiul Ufa with Mary Holt before Justice nrandat yesterday nftonioon. A complaint for bastardy was tlloa against Al bert , and ho bai signified his wllliuiueja to marry the glr' ' . Ignorance of the merits of Ho Will's Little Early Klseri is u uusfortuno. Thosa little pllli regulate tan liver , euro , headache , drs- popsia , bid bralb , coanlpitlon and bilious- 113 fc. 1.01NG . TO FENCE UP ITS PA ! K South Omiha Land Company Docidea to Shut Out iho Tublic. LOOKS SOMETHING LIKE A BLUFF Mmtiers of the I'.irk Ilium TIHnlt It 1 fcclicmc to Compel llio Ulty to I'ui- cluisn the Triict ffnm tlio Uwnvrg. There appears to bo a general mlsunder- tanding about thu relations between Syndl- ale park and ihcpablic. This romantic and 3cau.ll ful ttaut ot rough but attractlvo wood- nnd is owned by the South Omaha Land ompany. The company numbers among lie membjra several of the wealthiest men In Omaha , Including Peter Her , W. A. Paxton , lormau Kountzo and others. The par * tract proper Includes only about ifty acres embracing the lakes and the ra- Ino stretching along in a northwest and nutbcnst direction between Omaha arid South Otnahrt about whore Twentieth street voulo run If extended u balf-milo south ot t'lnton. But the tract known to the public ns Syndicate park includes 10S ucros lying east of Twenty-third strcot , north ot G street and south of A street and extending n a soutboist direction to n point whore Six- ; eenth street would moot G otreol m South Omaha. About three years ago tbo company made > omo expensive Improvements about tbu .akes in the center' of the tract indicating that it would bo set aside some tlmo us n rtormancut park. For a time the water from ; ho spiings was utilized for geucral purposes n South Omaha hut that was. finally done away with when tbo American Water Works company got control of the Held. Since the mprovcmenU wore made around the lakes and springs in tbu center of the tract the place has become verv popular us a pleasure resort for picnic parties and Pleasure seekers during the summer months. Tbo public looks upon me place as a public park , but in this tbo impression has been erroneous. Thu tract has never boon platted excepting tor the convenience of the owncr.s and it has never been dedicated as u park at all. U Is simply a piece ot open land upon which Iho owners have seen lit to moKe some improve ments Indicating that at some Umo it would be made a public -lark. I'osltlon of tlio ( Miners. There Is an Impression abroad that the adjacent lots outside of the 10s-acro tract huvo been sold by the company upon the representation that this was to oe u public park , but the owners llatly deny that tboy have ever set forth any such n thing iu thu snlo of lots. 'Hero is ono of our blank deeds , " said a mcmbtr of tbo company , "you can see for yourself whether there Is anythlnir : n it about the pane. " Ihe park wns not even mentioned lu the dead and the member of iho company lo whom the reporter was talking saU that all their deeds wcro Just Hkn that ono. "Wo nro not obliged to maintain tt park there , " ho continued , "and wo have decided to fence the tract so that wo can control it bolter. It will still ha obtainable for picnic purpo3es but parties who wish to use it " will"bo obliged to get permission of the company hero at imj ofllce. The company would sell the tract to the city at iivery reasonable price but the park commissioners do not seem to want it , so wo have fenced it in. " "Havo you heard any complaint from properly ownei-3 in the vtciultv of the park since you bozan lo fence the tract In J" "None hut the complaint of ono man , who lives south of the park , who has bcon in iho habit of drivine through our giounda wbon ho came to Omaha. Ho complains that It is farther around than it was through tba park. But I hardly think that we shall bo obliged * o taKedoivn the fenro i'i order to lot that man have n waon road across our property. " A member of tbo Pane commission was in tcrviewed wllh regard to tao attitude of the board toward the owners ot Syndicate park. Trouble ( or the Turk Itoard. "The trouble with the Syndicate park deal1 said he , "U that the owner * wanted to sell us a hole In the ground at a very hlch prica. The park commissioners wanted some land ttlonir with the hole , but tbo owners of the tract wanted us to pay three prices for U and wo refused to entertain the proposition , because wo believed we could do much better by the public to go down toward ttio river arid buy a more level und desirable piece of ground. Wo have not succeeded yet In getting Just what we want , but I thlok wo will oventu- allv get hold of a piece of land for a south side park that will bo much more desirable than the Syndicate tract and at u'much loiver prlco. I am of the opinion that the owners of the Syndicate pane tract thought that they would worx up a tremendous nuului sentiment when tboy began to fou'co in their property and that tbo park commissioners would bo compelled ' , o purchase their land. Hut they have beua disappointed In this. The _ _ sentiment in favor of purchasing Syndicate psrk is not what they honea It would be , nnl : I tnlnk In time they will see that the public can got nlonc without thejr land and then they will bo willing lo soil It at what it Is worth. The land Is so rough that they can uiaKo nothing out of It anvway. nnd they will bvoutunlly have tojioll it or glvo It to either Omaha or South Omaha. That Is my opinion nbout the matter , nt least , and 1 think tlicro are other members of the board wba.iook at it lu about the same light. " Work is progressing In RomU "park , but owing to the shortness of funds .nearly nil work on tbo other parks , excepting the bui'.diucrof the hot house at Hanscom , ha been suspended , Mr. Cleveland , the landscape gardener , will complete tbo plans tor Klnuvood park duilng the winter , so tint work may bo com menced In tbo early spring. Ho will also complete tbo plans for tbo southwest boulo vurd and the Floi'onco boulevard and worK Ing plans lu the rough for Uistlu par It. Iliuliieta Truimirtetl by tlio Jiulgog n Vi-Hterd ly'it Semton. LIXCOI.X , Nob. , Nov. 3 ( Special to TIIF BRR. ] The supreme court met pursuant t adjournment. Slalo ex rel Wllcox vs Crab lies ; referee allowed $900 In full of nl ' claims ; relntor advanced HOJ lo rofcreo am $10J to stenographers ; respondents wen oidercd to pay f 1,300 Into court , J390 for thj refcroo or bolder * of liens on the fund , and fVJO for the relater ; Judgment for steno graphcrs' fees was refused and lien for al lorneys' fecj denied. School district 4'J. ' Adams ' county , V ; Cooper ; plaintiff ordered to bervo and fll briefs in twenty days , Snaukelford vs Hargrcavcs ; motion to dls miss overruled. BrUcoo Korr'plaintiff ordered to serv and lilo orlcf * in fifteen days , Omaha Flra Insurance company vs Here plaintiff ordeicd to servo and Illo briefs It fifteen days. Wllllts vs Wood ; leave given defendant t ) Illo rouclor aflldavits ou mo'.Ion to quusl i Pill ot exceptions and dismiss m ten duys. The following causes worn dismissed , Paul vs state , Fay vs Johnson , Fay y 1 Peterson , state ox rel Franklin county 1 Coin , Barton vs Gavvlu , Uisher vs Uuby. Tno following causes were continued Clalr vs slate , Coub vs state , Hoynolds v Deiiz , Kuispahr vs Smith , Kaod vs Far rel Powell v * YHHSOI , Owyer vs McKuIghau Blue Hill v Slinpno , Moore va Vaugtu Ueilz vs Cltv National bank of Hastings. Thu following cauios were argued aud s'lb milled : Yeasel vs While , Lancaster vs Mar nail , Mumoa vs Carter , Kirk wood vs Firs National bang of Haslint : * . Kirkwood v < Ex cluhL-o National oaukof flaiUnjs. Cappi v I las tin 4 Prospecting company , .NlcAule.v v Cooley , Yeasel vs Elnspirr , Thomas vs City National bank of Hastings , DuQtoripaa , vs Storey , Gertuau National back ot Ilu ltuga vs Leonard , Hollistcr vs Mann , Molio vs Powell , Harlclls vs Mllloson , Hardlu vs Sheney. Court niljourncil tovWeanesday , November P , IS'JJ ' , at U o'clock , o , m. , when the c.iuso from thri Hlnventh .tllstrlot. Including the counties of Uoono.liall , Wheeler , Grcoley , Unrfleld , LOUD , Vnlloy , Ho\-'Brd , Illulno , Thomas. Hooker nr.d'Urnntsl'l ' bs cnllcd. The Fiirtners Union Injunxnco company vs Wilder. Krror from Adnms county. A'- ilrmod. Opinion bylilr. Chief Justice Max well. \VhcropromlummntosliavobcenBlven to n miUiml Insurance emiitnnv nssessnionts to be mudn lliercott frola.tlmo to tlmo ns lossrs occur. In cifo nn * iiuwBsment Is tint iiafl In thirty days after ponnnal dointind tliutofor or liy letter Urn oompnny may recover for the wbcilo lunonntot the deposit note with coMs and executions will inure tftor lu ) ts ned on snrli JuilL'tiicnt ns as > cbsiiionl9 for losses mny u waiverof the cause of forfeiture , ltlOTI.\fl Iff MM/.V. Tbo Qneon Itecont' * Itefiisiil to Visit ( Irumiiln CiintiM nn Outbreak. M \tmii ) , Nov. ! 5. Thu populace of Granada is greally incensed at the refusal of Queen Hszont Christina to visit the city with Kinc Alfonso lo assist at the unveiling of the statue of Columbus. A mob gathered aud dostrnycd the decorations , reviewIng - Ing stands , etc. Finally someone- shouted "Down with the government1' and "Long live tbo republic. " The mob too It up the cry and a serious outbreak was Imminent when the civil guards charged on the mob , laying right and loft with their swards. A number ware seriously wounded , nnd thirty were taken prisoners. The refusal of the queen to bn present was due to n desire not to share King Alfonso's faliguo after her recent Illness. In consequence of the dis turbance the mayor of Granada resigned and the members of the cabinet will not be pros- cnt nt thu dedication. Tha civil governor of Madrid has resigned in consequence of the riots lu the prude growing out of the prohi bition of an open air concert. It is cxpacted the mayor will also rosigu. .Salisbury on evictions CommUalon. Lovpov , Nov. 3 , Lord Salisbury has Indi cated to the unionists a line ot attack upon the Irish evictions commission. In a com munication to the presshU lordship declares that the action of tbo commission is unfair , and that the published ordar of reference , on which the commission's inquiry will pro ceed , involves a Croat mlsstalemcnt of facts. At the ensuing session of Parliament Mr. Joseph Chamberlain will intro-luca a bill providing that miners shall not work more than forty-debt hours i week. The bill will , however , contain tt provision for local ex emptions where the miners so desire. Member * ut Monetary Conference. Citfssni.5. Nov. 3. The ituleian delegates to the International monetary conference , which will moot here November S3 , include three monometallUts Sanator Weber , Su perintendent Saint Cletto of the Belgian mint , and M. Montefioro Levy , a banker and ono bimctnlllst. In the absoncn of M. Beernaert. prime minister and minister of Mnauce , who ought to preside nt thn confer ence , but who pleads business in the Cham ber of U-'putlss as his excuic for not presid ing , nh American representative should pre side over the conference. M iir\ln.in Fall AHOP ! | > . Los'noy , Nov. 3. A passenger named R lathe , in an interview regarding the wrack of yesterday , said tha' bo _ sa r Signalman Holmoj after the collision. Th'o'mauTvas In a pitiable condition of inoulal oisU-ass His child had died on thoJfjrevious night , ha told Uelalhc , and ho hudtesttod : the station master for leave of nbscncof.'tmt ' had been refused , llo had to taKe his ) itur'n of duty though " greatly futlRued , and was"so , tlrud that ho foil asleep and neglected tbo signals. Looks MICHit jlimm'cil ' Vessel. LONDONNov. . aF.urthor advices from Ferret , where the British , warship Howe Is stranded , state that ] two compartments are full of water and it is doubtful if she can get off the bar. i A dispatch received tonight from Ferrolo Btntos that the HowoJhm been floated. The Portuguese minister.of matino will allow her to bo repaired at the state dock vard nt Farrole. ' ' ( trout Itrltu.lu' Hank Funils. LONDONNov. . . tatlstlcs gathered by tbo Institute of banttfr.i shows that the banks in tbo United Kingdom' bold JE-,5IS,7"i dr l , ' . j,51i ! in excess of the averugo require ments. ' NEWSBOYS ANlf ) THEIR FRIENDS. OiiKilm 1'uper Vendor ) nnd Colonel llogo- Innil Iliivo H r.ovo TeHst. A small audience of newsboys of various size ? , colors and nationalities assombluU in the Roard ol TradOj rooms last evening to hoar Colonel Hogelahd , who spoke for their bencllt. Colonel Ifogoland's address was arirely the roUtlon of a series of stories 11 lustratlvo ot his eiporlonccs among the newsboys which was Illustrated by colored maps. He concluded by urging the boys to tnako tbo best of their calling , bo b'ouost and , above all , to wcih their hands and faces every mormng before they started out with their papers. At tno cl030 of tUoi atldraas Colonel Ho go land was prcsent'iil nn elegint bouquet of hot house tlowers'as'a to.ton of the esteem in which ho was held by his boyish audience. Ho accepted the iloiyera with an appropriate expression of his appreciation und the meet- In ir was closed withiiiraycr. The following newsbovs were present : Kdward Olson , Charles Suffu , Morris Flnklostelti , Fro.l , OUon , William Mo\'oy , Willie Olson , Joseph Peterson , .Morse iiorn- steln , Abe Greoabl'at , Albert Conuck , Oscar Green , i-'red Boedecjcer , Tom Foley , MorrU CircoD , Herman Cohen , Aba Bernstein. Abe FinUlesteln , Abe Meyers , Kinll Uosental , Slinnn Kosontal , Cijnrlev Swlsko , Charlev McVey , l-'red Suffa , Sam liojontal , Joseph HornUti , Alvin Leisure. Trniiesitoo Miners Sot a Wnmun'fl Homo on I'lrn for ltiiv tnie. N\snviit.B , Ten a. , Nor. 3 , A spjolal from Oliver SprlngB.says tbo bouso of .Mrs. Lewis was coinolotojy deitroyod by tire last nlgbt. A crowd of minors marched Into town and openly set the house on firo. Mrs. Lewis was vary kinU to Iho soldiers and tbat Is tha cause of ll'o ) miners' dastardly deed , Captain Uoach hero called for volunteers ibis morning and 100 responded and are ready to march at u moment1 ! notice. MeansiM. The followinfi'm rrlago licenses were Is sued by County Judge Eller yesterday ; Name un'J aldrcss. " Axe. J J-imes Kosii. ? oiithOmnhu ' ' ' ' I Trade t'huhbclc c. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . ! 4 Joseph Itudln. South Omaha iJ ! Josle I'rusi , Umuhu. . . . 20 Albert Whitman. Omaha l'n Mury Holt , Umtihi..i V5 f.ous ! Stern , Omahn 41 Amalla OUnn , Uniuha. . . . . i" > Moneturr 1'elecalci' h'ecrolnry. Pa. , Nov. 3. It i an nounced that Dr. Holand l . Faulkner of the WuartoQ sctool of < oeonomlo science , Uol- vonlty of Pennsf Ivjinii , will acoflp' the po sition ot secretary to .tho United Slates com missioner * at tbo 'International ' monetary conference la Brussels which onoas Noveni- ber'J. . Wrn-lc ur the Glloher Coiillrinoil. MILWAIKKK , WU. , ov. 3 , A special from Lelan > < , Mlih. , brings couflrmation of too wreck of iheatcaraer . 11. Gilcbcr , as furulturu end wreckage bearing that name has baen plckrtl up on North Manltoulln island. Ths iteartor mu t have foundered oa the night of the 2jta. IS IS SPLESD1D CONDKION Comptrollar Mink and Fresidsnt Clark Toll of the Uaioa Pacific's Prosparity. ALL AFFAIRS IN EXCELLENT SHAPE Coinlnc Mcotlng ol tlio Western freight Ai- Hoclatlon i\cltm : ( ire.it Interest Atnonu Itallio.iil 'Mrii Il'islern llo.tits und World's 1'ulr Itittes. Oliver \ \ . Mink , comptroller of tuo Union Pacific 1 , who has hjen in Omaha since Mon- 1I dav I looking alter the flinnciat end of the system , in taliiine to u BSE rjprcsonwtlvo yesterday of iho earnings ot the road said : 'All ' things considered the year now closing will compare very fax'ornbly with the best year In our history. Wo have done n romurkablo business in Nebraska and Kansas , Oregon and Washington not showing up so well ns in previous years. Our southern connections are suffering considerably on account of tl.o failure of the whcutcrop in Texas , but taken altogether IsM promises to bo ono of our best years. In 1SS9 I think wo did the largest business since the road was bull * . Everything seemed to work together for our good. Since that time wo nave felt thu shortage of crops lo Nebraska and Kansas , the unsettled condition ot uffaird in Oregon nnd Washington and Ihe shortaco of the wheat crop in 1'exaf. \ \ hen onu section of the country is yrojpcr- oils by some stningo treat ; of nature another section may bo starvingnnd tbo rultrocd feels these changes to n grcaler dcgivo thru any other corporation , tor It depends upon the people for patronage. t "As to the road Itself It is in excellent con dition , Mr. Clark having Just returned from an oxtondci' tour of ( no system. " When Mr. Mink was asked lo give some opinion as lo the union depot matter hosald that these questions had to bo scltlcd at homo. Ho know Omaha nooJrd n now depot and thought thu city , would uot stand in Its own light ; moro than this he would not SBV. Mr. S. 11. H. Clark , in whoso ofllco the pleasant interview with Mr. Mink took place , when asked as to Iho condition of the svstcm said that ho found it in excellent ropMr , the tracks well surfaced , the rolling atock in good order nnd the employes ut pence vilh Iho policy of the systnm. But Mr. CUrk was reticent when asked as to Iho result iho Cable and Miller letters would have upon tbo council in settling the depot embrogllo. Ho was f runic enough to say , however , that ho boned the affair would bo brought to a speedy K-rniination and Iho depot completed. Then tbo reporter Intimated that mnny of Omaha's representative cltiznns contended that tbo depot should bo located at the foot of Farnam streel. Without the least hesitation and in his quiet , Impressive way the president of the Union Pacific sula : "Thero is no doubt but that it should have boon located there. You may not know It , but I held an option on tbo property contemplated for depot pur poses at Ninth and Farnam streets for quito a while until it was decided to build whore the depot now .stands. But it would cost a great amount of monny to change tbo silo now , moro moaoy I think than the directors would conclude to spend. " AKOUS1NU IXTKISUST. Mutineers Looking Anxfoiuly I'orw.ircl to tlio .Heeling of tbu Wcmurn Aoxoelallon. Ciiicioo , 111. , Nov. 3. Great Interest is manifested In the forthcoming mealing of managers representing the roads In the Western Freight association lo bo held November 10. It appears that some of the lines have disregarded the provisional agree ment which provided for the strict mainten ance of tariff rates until united action could bo taken ou the ' . .reposition to establish a tonnage pool. The Kansas City. Fort Scott & Memphis road is no longer making any preicnsa of maintain ing rates from iho Atianllc seaboard to the Missouri river. It declares , however , that it is only meeting the Irregular competition of certain Chicago-Kansas Citv road , and It threatens lo rotallnto still further by reduc ing rates to the basis of S.1 cents for lint class from Now Yorlc lo Kansas City. The , agreed bails U $ l.a. > . There seems to bo no likelihood that tbo eastern and western roads wi'l agree on u uniform basis of passnnger rates for the World's fair , The conditions uro widely dllT rent in the different territories , The eastern roads will bo called upon to carry many moro passengers than the western roadj and will not airreo to a lower rate than a faro and one-third for the round trip from Atlantic coust points. Even at that rate tboy expect to have moro business than they can possibly handle wllh even ihelr largely increased equipment. For this reason tbov are not In favor ot Iho proposed mast meet ing which they have boon requested lo attend in this city November ! KJ. 1'ho ma- Joritv of the western roads will insist unon a ODD faro rate for the round trip. The eastern roads aru willing that tnoy should make such a rale , but for themsoivos , they will reserve the right to make their own rato. Will .Mnlncilii Kute * . E. L. Lomax , coneral passenger ajent of the Union Pacific , said to a reporter yester day morning lhat notwithstanding tbo Union Pacitlo was out of tnoTransmlssoiiri associa tion since November 1 , ho proposed to bo very conservative regarding rates and would maintain them as long as the o'.hor roa Is ad hered to the agreement. "People nn- ticlpatcd that I would out rates , " said Mr. Lomax , "when wo were out of the association , but instead of that 1 bavo put in winter tourist rates nt n blight ad vance over last year. ThU will bo our policy tnroughout. "As lo our paying commissions to brokers on California business that Is absolutely untrue. Wo are not engaged In the pas- lime of cutting rates , our business at present being to hold rates up to as sociation agreements , for at best wo haven't i > ny too much business that wo can comfortably look after. You mnv oay that wo are strictly attending to our end of iho situation and only ask com polttlvo lines to do likewise/ ' Mold Their Annii.il .Muetliij ; . SANTA Fe , N , M. , Nov. 3. The annual meeting of directors and oflicors of the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad , sub- corporation In New Mexico , took place at tbo office of Solicitor H. L. Waldo at 11 o'clock. AmoiiR these present were Messrs , Waldo , Palon , Staab and Twltchell. at Santa Fo ; Reynolds Blackwell , F. A. Manzanarcs and Charles Ilfeld of Las Vegas ; Stover , Heeso and Kisornann of Albuqtiercquo ; E. Monioyii of Socorro and Numa Hayinoiul of Las Cruces. No changes of moment occurred beyond tbo election of J. K , Frost of Topeka , zeneral manager ot the Now Mexico Town company , to Hll a now oftlco and the above named , to- gotho/ with Allen Manvoi , G. A , Mugoun , J. J , McCook and Alden Spare of Massucbu- aeils were elected directors. Knlluuy iui | > loj-fij to Combine. Sr , Lot-is , Mo. , Nov. 3. Grand Chief W. F. Hlsslmor of the Brotherhood of Carmen , today wbilo In tbU city , in conversation with a reporter about tbo recent trouble between railroad employes and employers , said ; "We have a little surprise In store for the railroads - roads In the snaps of an International organ , izatloa of railway employe * , to Include avcr > railroad employe from ino truckman up , This organization will bo in shape before January and meetings In rozard lo It are being held all over the United Stales , Tbo organization will take In all the railway brotherhoods now in existence and will tnvo something like 101,000 metn bars. " Southern 1'aeillc , FiiAXcisro , Col. , Nov. 3. The amended arilcloi of association , ircorpora- tlon nnd consolidation of the Southern Pacific Kailway company , wcro , llcd In the cnuntv clock's oDIco todav. Tlio document sots forth the names of railroads In this state which consolidated In ISsS under Iho nnmo ot HID Southern P.icillo llnllroad company , wllh an ngRivgnto capital of * 14t.lilH.00 : ) , ) , whlcn uas iub < cqilettlv icduco.l to ? yj.OJJUvU On lha 7th of September , the board of dlrj tors voiml to iiuko omaiti Amendment * In ttio corpor ation , which nrrembodied In the pip r tllod toJoy. Tno onllro lencrih nf thn road ninl Its bnnehoi ntrnnigaln ovortl.OJO mlle , and the dtiritlon of the corporation Is fifty years from Mav 4 , 13 The seven directors" ; Charirs P. Crocker , C. P. Hunlington , Charles M iyiuV. . V. Hunt'njton. N. T. Smith , J. L. Willctitt ami A. N. Towno. Ciiltxr iv Nutei ninl rerinn.'iU , Contractor Nehr Is nt woru tipju his new mattress boat , thu old ono having hi-on tlo- strovod iccently by Iho high winds. The Transmissnurt Freight association is holding a meeting nt IC'in.sns City ( o CMI- Rider the subjact of Utah rate ? . Mr. Croibv Is In aucmlinco for the Burlington. The Missouri Pnclllu nnd the Burlington hvu us re ml to tnako n one-faro rale lo the republican rally at Falls City tiattmlny evening , which will bo addressed bv Hon. John J. lugalU nnd Judge John M. Thtirs- ton. A special train will bo run from Beatrice to Falls City viu Wy- rnnro on thu Builnvtoii , points within 100 miles of Falls City uomlng in fcr the one- faro rato. Mr. John H. Webster mot the committed on rallwavs ot the city council of Council Bluffs and presented bis petition asking fnr n right of way from the East Omnh : > bridge to the railroads ccn- toiiug in the Bluffs. Mr. . Webster was civen o understand that peopla of Council Bluffs ookcd with favor upoi ; the East Omaha iridgo anil Terminal , company nnd It would ' o given the right of way prayed for. .1 \\Ul\\CK.UK.\ TS. Josephine Florence Shepherd Is the daligh- er of Mrs. W. J. Florenoa by her llrst hus- and , thn liitcJoseph Liltcll , an old time How ry fnvorito and n native of Now York. Upon bo death of Mr. Littoll the daughter was tlacod in tbo c ire of the Into W. J. Florence , vbo had her educated at Mount St. Vincent icadcmy , Yonuers , N. Y. Later she was aUeu to Franco , wnoro her education was ompliitod. Hiturnlng to this countrv she nnrriod qulto joung and bccano : a society eader. being n member of the Amaranth Jramatic club of Brooklyn nnd the Wallacle lab of ihH cltv , nt that tlmo having no idea if over adopting the profession as n means of ivelihood. She had often nppjired in con- -urts In this city nnd catned C3ii i < lcrabo ! ocal ropuiatiou jis a singer. Shortly nf ur his Miss Shepherd was seized with the ilc- ird of luloptinir the operatio sta o us a irofoision , bjt fate decreed otherwise , and n ISsI ihc ma'lo her profosslonal debut with . .ottn , ronralnlng with that clover soubratta hrco aousons , then Joining Estcllo Clayton's cnmpanv. Sno next JameJ A. M. I'aimer'.s Private Secretary" rompiuy , nnd later was ongngeil uv D.miel Frohman for "Tho Wifo" conip my for two seasons. Miss Shepherd Is bahdsomo woman , with a line tairi pres- enco. She is u brlsht conversationalist , sneaking French , German and Italian , aim a luo musician , with a .stronc : mczo sopr.ina voice. Like her mother , she Is a magnificent Ircsscr. There are few comediennes who lave so largo a circle of admirers .through out iho county. Miss Shophcr.l is the bright ur'leular stir of "Too Colonel , " which np- icars nt HoyJ's tonight and SUurduv and Sunday nishts , November 4 , 5 and 0. There wilt be n Saturday uiitlnce. Manager ilurgoss nas provided a very strong attraction for o.cctlon week nt tna rmim struct play house , ojinmenclne Sun day , November o , seven nlzht's anil'three natlnocs. "Our Irish Vlsliois" will bo presented with thn same strong cist of come dians that has charactori/.aJ its long run : hroughodt America the past ton yoars. i'bU season the comodr has boon rewritten d rovibed and praotically spsaking its by play , songs , otc , constitute n new edition , riicru are some changes in tha cast made for tbo bolter , notably among whom miv bo mentioned Mr. Sam J. Kvan , formerly costar - star lint season with "O'Dowd's Neigh bors , " an 1 America'- , brightest soubrette , Lottie Gilson. called "The Llttlo Mttsnet. " The coitiedy Is a medley of pretty glrls.spark- llus : music , oricinal speciultius and thu latest songs and dances , with many attractlvo novelties. Fun rouns suproaiq and it iroes without siring "Our Irish Visliors" will he greelod wllh large houses. Tuesday even- nir , on election titglit , election returns will bo road from the stage , special furangormmts having been made to this offset. Seats for the grand opera festival at Boyd's theater no t week may bo reserved - served at the box olUco by holdar > of sub scription tlcKets today , Friday and Saturday. After the subscribers have boon served Iho sheet will bo for general purchasers. Oihlnct Otlluerri ( -.uiiiiii.'nlnir. | : WASHINGTON- . C Nov. 3 Mr. Halforcl , the president's orlvnto secretary , has gene lo take part in tbo campaign in Indian ? . Ho will spend Sunday at Indianapolis. Secre tary of State Foster Is the only member of thn cabinet now In tbo city. Secretary ElKlns is in West Vtrclnla. Secrolary Tracy In Now Yorlf , Secretary Charles Foster in Ohio , Attorney General Miller In Indiana , Secretary Noble In Missouri , Secretary Kusi ; in Wisconsin nnd Postmasler General Wanamaker in Indiana. The president will not go to Indiana to vote and will' rom tin at lha white house until after Ihe election. llootli Is Very I'celilu. L\KEWOOI > , N. J. , Jov. I ! . Actor Ed vin Booth left hero for'Now York today , no was very feobio anU. hart to bo supported to his carnage. Next Saturday evening nt 3 o'clock the West Side Improvement club will have their kickers' mooting ns usual , and then every Saturday nlcht ioulnr. The Indies ot Grace Lutheran church \vllj serve supper on Friday evening nt 0 o'clock In the church , Twonty-slxlh s > troo' , between Popp'clon ' and Woolworlh nvonuos , The case of the state against James Brown Is on trial in tbo criminal court. The Information mation charges that Brown stabbed Thomas King with intent toklll and murdor. Mr. Warren M , S-nltli nnd Mn. Olsn V. Cburron wcro married Wednesday ovonlntr , November ' - ' , at their own residence , 1SII South KizhloBnlh stroot. Hov. Charles W. Savidgc oniclatbil , Tno new carpet for iho rooms of the flro aud police commission has bnon put In place , tbo pnrtitlon set and the railing , wulch Is intended to septirato the ubcop from iho goats , Is now In place. Orville C , Conkling nnd MUs Cora M. Pation were marrlnd at the reildonco of the bride's motbor.llOjNorth IClghiecnih strcot , Tuesday evening , Novembar 1. Uuv. Churloi W. Savidgo" oniclateu , Vote for Goargo W. Amesr domocratlo nominee for thn legislature. Ho It thu well known real ojtate dealer at l.Q7 Farnam ftrcot. It Is to yourlatoreit to cleat him , bo you republican , independent or democrat. 'Tho West Smo Republican club hud their last rally Wednesday nlghl , November 'Jcnt Forty-fourth and Loavonworih. 'i'bn candl- dale fnr governor of Nebraska , lion , Lorenzo Crounse , came out through tbo mud und spoke a tew good wcrdi to tha club. Mr. Charles Clarne , Mr , James ICyner and others wro thu other speukor.t. > nho three chandeliers foOhecouncU'cham- her are beini ; hung to lay and by next Tues day night they will bo ready for tbo lights. Tbero are three of these nusponded from tuo colling1 , each carrying twenty-four gas and twenty -four incandescent llntus. Onochnudc- lior will hang directly over the clerk's dusk , one over the ceater of the ball and the other over tbo front ot the gallery. The colored voters of the Third ward will hold a raily this evening at the old Olympic theater , ou Twelfth street , between Douglas ot.d Uodiro. Addressed will be do llverej br I ) . H. Mercer , Ur , M. O , Htckotts and several ol tbo other c ndldutcj , as ivll of them have been Invited to 'be present. Leu Hall's Georgia minstrel 'land will fornlih music for tbo occasion. SWALLOWED A DOSE OF POISON Sidney SmSt'.i Makes an Unaucojssful Ef fort to End His Unhappy Life. VMS IDENTIFIED BY EX-MAYOfi GUSHING Under Itio Niinio iif Tliumit lloVn Mr- In ? ultli \Voiiiin : in Toronto unit Ills I'rofrsslou I'uou Ills Acrnscrs. Sidney Smith , allns Sidney UoUou , alias II. J. Thorn is , has roturno.l from his some * wbtit sporty ttip to Canada and Is now oc cupying quartets in the county Jail. Sidney Smith , ns ho was known hero , oirao to Omaha In IbMl. About seven months ago tbo truth of certain suspicions bcgau to crop out when Smith executed a wholesale lot ot rascalities , embracing embezzlement , filso ptcionsos and forgery. Ho forged small amount * on John D.Uo , Himer Frank ntiU others , but In the nggrck'nto tt is estimated that tits crooko.t transactions netted htm somolhipg Ilko $ 'JOOJ , or JT.OJJ. Suddenly hit dropped out of sight , but not out of memory , as tliori ) wcro any number of gentlemen , a well ns n wife , nil of whom were anxious to renew his acquaintance. Oflleors wore sent lush ana low , but no trace of the Meeting architect could bo discovered , anil sotna people were so chnritabtn as to claim that the mm had committed stilclac. This theory wont with the people who had not sintered bv the Httlo strokes of .Sidney's pen , but'tbosp who had bcon his victims . laughed at tha suicKto story nnd maintained I the architect had llown to o'hcr lands and | tnat there was u woman mixed up with the case. The case w.ia reported to the eastern detective agencies , but the mnmbcrs ot the , foro.'s wore unublo to locate the man who wu wnntcd. i\-Miynr ; : Cu liln T'ciuuil Mini. During Iho month of July last , ox-Mayor dishing happened to ba In Toronto , Can. , ritnl ono day us bo was walking down on- of the streets ho happened to see Smith , I hut before ho could speak to the nrchltoctj ho had slipped around a corner and was out' of bight. When Mr. Cusbtux returned to. . Umuhu ho reported ihe discovery to some ot the men who nau bucr. caught in tbo Smith net , and thev In turn gavu Iho information " to Attorney "N H. Tunnlclitl. Ho at once commenced working on the case by corresponding pending with the Canadian authorities. Ho icnt picture , of Smith and wns soon eatlsflcdt that the man who was wanted was in To- ' route , going under the namoof H. J. Thomas and was living with a woman at ITU Mutual street. After gathering the needed informa tion , Mr. Tunnicliff secured the necessary extradition papers ana started , reaching Toronto last Sunday afternoon. Ho reported to police huadquartcrs and lonrncd that his man was still in the cltv. Instructions were given nnd tlio following morning Smith WRS arrested and brought in und Informed that ) ho win booked for u trio to Omnhn. . there to tuco the charges that baa been tiled against him. After thlcking thai mutter over ho said that ho was reaay to , start. Thu next morning , accompanied by si pollco ofncor , Mr. Tunnicliff , who had been appointed n United btnios oflldlal , und hi * man started. ' itf Trlnil to Commit Snlcldi" , Unlit yostcrdav morning the trip-was fea- tnroU'hsi but when some llfty miles out from Omaha , Smith made a ucsperati effort to UKo a hurriea trip over the divide. Tuoul- clllT and his charge were occupying n sec tion of the slccuor ' nnd had spent a quiet night. Shortly'nftor 5 o'clock ' Mr. Tunnl- clifl arose nnd xvont to the toilet room , leaving iho porinr on watch.- Smith was sleeping soundly us a lo ? , when all of n MiJueii ihi ) colored nun rushed Into iho tollci room , dccbirini ; that "that' man ivas going to me. " Wnen Mr. TunniclifT. returned to the section lu which Smith was lying ho found a pretty state of alTalrs. Hi : eyes were rolling about nnd ho was vomiting UP everything except his boots. , A doctor was culled and after ad ministering several doses of mcdlclno the m-in was brought round and con vinced that the time had not arrived for him to start on a trip to the iroldon shorn. lu cearcbing Ills poouets a foar-ounca bottle which had contained chloroform wns found in DUO of his pocknts , hut how it gut there was a mvsterv , us hit was searched when ar rested , ngain nt BulTnlo and again at Chl- cigo. On tno bottle there wns a label bearing the words , "J. W. Clark , druggist , Twenty- ninth \Voohvorlhnvcnuc , Omaha , chloroform form/ ' The bottle , Mr. Tunnicliff tblnkt , Smith bought before ho loft Omaha and kept It about his p.TjQii for thu purpose of com mitting stiioulo .should ho be arrested. When nsked wbv ho took the stuff , he re plied that it was for tha purpose of making him sleep. All that prevented Stnith from dvlng was the fuel that ho took nu overdose , which made him vomit instead of putting him to sleep. lu Toronto Smith , or Thomas us ho was there known , wns following his profession nnd was making considerable monoy. Ills appearance bus not changed , with the ex ception that he is considerable tnlnnar than ho xvas when ho loft hero. His long Umhv bhocK of hair ha * baea cut off and his face indicates that ho has had trouble , The hearing on the for.'cry charts will ho called in pollco court toJuy. If you have piloi DJ Witt's Witch Haz salvo will surely euro you. SAYS THEY TKIKD TO KILL , HIM. < to' ' Cuniraftnr DiiiiPokiinN Story of Illi Tronlila with HID Mi > rirly : llr tlinr , F. A. Doneckon donlos that the VOMOII of lusdifticulty with V. McCarty , us published In lubt ovoning'i Hin , was not tils nt all. Ho bayj that bo bad trouble with MeCarty about his team , which wasn't able to do tha worn expected , McCarty then began to ubuso him and called him foul names , aud llnaliy started for him with n plooo of scant ling. Uoncckon then picked up n brlok nnd nit him with It , und that was all there waste to it. Mr. DoncuUon novar ran a stop , but remained thuro all the remainder of the dar attending to hi ) work. McCurly threatened to kill him , and in the evening went to Doiieckeii's olllco for hi * monoy. Ho wns nccoinpatnod by his brother Vic , who , with Tom , without a word of warning jumped upon him , grasping him by thu uerlc. Oanccki-n tried to dofcnd bltnseK M boil ho could when both of the McCartys pulled revolver * on him. A couple of Don- eciccu's cmnloyei wcro In the ofllco at the Umo. and they seized the McCartys and held ihoftl , so Ihov could not use their guns. Donuckcn then loft the room , going Into a neighboring doctor's ofllcc , until tha McL'tirtvg , covering the two laborers with their cuns , baokoaout of tbo ofllca and ran. This morning Mr. IJonccltcn went before County Attorney Mahoney nnd swore out ft warrant agalntt both of tbo Mcl'artys , charging them with assault with intent to commit murder. Mr , Ooiiocken , who Is a well known busi ness man , suy. < liu Intends to prosecute the two to the bitter euu , I'llos of people have Piles , but UoWitt's Witch Hazel kalvo will euro them. IdiitlHii I'ollrc ay > tin. The Hussian police arstom Is said to be the best in the world. In Tue KINDAT Hew Frank U. Carpenter , who has made n special study of this Inlorottln : ; 'subject , will clva tba result of his Investigations into the way the pollco protect the lives and properly ot the subjects of tbo czar , Kvor.rone should read tbh graphically written letter. An bones * , pill Is tlie noblest work of tbo apothecary. IJoWItt's Little Early KUen cure couatluution. blilouiai-n and 4lv ache.