0 THE OMAHA DAILY HKE : FRIDAY , NOVKiMUKK . 1RG2-TUKLVE PACKS , THE SPLCILAT1VE MARKETS Whent Clcscil Strong Ttst relay on Light Receipts and Heavy Exports. THAT CERFAL OPENED UNUSUALLY WEAK Itnrly Knclliti CnlilenVurn Tlrin , hut Thli Dlil Not 1'rorrnt Decided Hear hmtlmrnt mi the i'ntt of llio Local I rntle. Clliruio. Ill , No1).T.--With the receipt" at ptliiinry polnls the smallest for three mouths nnil ( lie experts the ItirRcst during the intno time , wheat toility closed stron ? I'lnal figures coinpiircd wltli tlioso of last evonlnx sliow a pain of from' to He. Corn Ii unchntiKoJ to ! * c higher I'tovlslons i-.dviiiicoJ from lee to SfOi- . The Hist frolln * In xvhc-xt was ono of weakness Tills wus attrlbutoil to the fiu-t thnt tliu oc il receipts exceeded the osllinato by about I'Jt-rm ' 1 ho doll\crh-s In thanuitli * west xxoro liberal , und the cloning weuthor WHS rcjmdcd us fuxonUo for a. furtlior Incrcnfic of interior dellx01 les I'-.irly r.nlisli , ; cabks wore llrm , but llilsdld nolprexintadi" o.dud be.irtmillinonton tlio | > irt of tliu ooil trade mid thuro xv.is prolty frco soiling for a time , iindci ixhloh orlccsfollolT , with business dull , l.atur loports friiin tbu sojuoaid showed n iniirKed revival In lliu export ilamiml mill tlio cliiiirnnccH from tlio sr ibn ird wcro ro- lnirtLd iitlUMno bu In xvhoat anil Hour. This ciiu'ccl mi Itiiiuudlatu iliniiRc. Tliu Time-illy ilnrsiilcMy ) | HIirtod to ( .otbnck xvhaithoy had sold mid llioru w is fulr nixo-a- ment buyltu. xxhllo tliooirorln.tn beo.inio un- HMliillv light. I'bu risint wits a Hlcady iid- v.ini-c. Tlio Cincinnati I'l leu ( . 'iirrent ropoi toil tbut xxheat wus ullll fililU'rini ! fioin driiutli In larao aieasand Hint them xxas oxeiy IOIIMJII tooNpec-t astea-Jy tiiilln off m intorloi tle- llfill's 1'aidilduo as a t-ood buyer of iVav wlio.it below 7'iimid was loili-xi-d to haxo coxorc-tl n considerable line 'I ho openiiiu was about ftoia ' ( to 'iO hnxor. ninl prices dee incd fiinii JkO lo ' ' more , thru rilllud V. rui-rdul so-iti' . iimltliutInsmi' xxns xxllhlo ' ,0 of tlio tup foi tbu il.iy Minneiuolls xxliodthit tbcru xv.is llttli doi.bt but that Nirth H.iUot i hid 111:11- : Koti-d hbi surplus xx ho it .1 I llryant's stilus iniiotinlO'l ' to .il out" i'KiUI ' ( it. which. Itn is si Id wns tliuhuivli > st Indlxldti.i , rtpur.itIon on this bide , lliirnli.ini A. Co xxi 11-s ild to bo buying lu slioithcit for C A. Plllslmry of Mliino- iipolK who. Ills loprcsc-nlcd , Ins burn huro for txxn dnxs snpelIntending the opur illon. ' 1 ho corn iniirkul iiKiiln tool * n drop In the rrulj tiiiilliir ( , H nilliir to Unit of yoHtornuy This wiiMJui1 largely to tlio scnsat'oti i re- jioitsof the fulluio ofof I'o in Itros of Lin coln , 111. , mid I ho published statement Unit Chlc.iKO lonim sslon limf-os xxirohoaxy IOSUIH. This nuidotliu tiudu non oils , nnd the c carltiK weather. It wni uwuoil. would Incnuiso receipts Sibloy and I'r.itt were amonit tlio liOHt selloihVbi3n xvhont nnd provisions begun to develop strength corn was quick to Hj'mp itlil/o. A report from Murray of tlio Cincinnati I'rleo Current Hint uetorfllni to his repoits thu bushings continued to fchoxv disappointment , aino helped the nnrUot. Inllhil tr.idcs wcro nt fraetloiril declines ntiil tlio prlco was c u rled do n ' 40 more , then atl- vmicod from 'Jo to V. loietuU Uc. ruled ( Inner and closed with a slight g iln. Oats llurtmitod wltli corn nnd elo'-cd about steady. The feature of tlio nay was hcix > v tolllna of Alav eaily by Koine , ho disposed of fu ly IIH ,00(1 ( bii. presumably for new norlf. ' 1 ho provision market showed strctiKtli all day. elilclly on tbo smuilui tceulptsof lions tb.in pxpci'loil. hlKbur pi lees .it llio yards and - rood buv iu 1'V tliu late cllquo In ribs nnd porl < uiivr il y . ho eompnr ilhuly em ill Htod.sof all klnus of nrodncts. except ini" > s noili. itttraclcil eonio attention mid llio Impression pievilled tli.it nmnutaetiireis wuio to\uihi4 u nortlon of thi-lr outstniidliit : conlr.ii'ts anil tb s MruiiKlhcimd tliu marUet to homo oMenl Tliu reeeit3 ] were eotiip.irn- tlvely lull t and short silos laiRO p irt leu I ally of limits nun laid An adv. n-cof Is at Mxor- Dee ! was a fudoi In luid. I hern wa a strong ileiiiiind foi spot ai.'iUoovor the price of butler for tliu month Vessel i.iles. J'4o for ubeat nnd SUc for corn to Hullulo. nstini'itcd rccolots for tomorrow : Wheat , , | . > CIIIH ; coin. IK > OIIIH ; oats. 175 ears ; boss , Vl.lluo hu.id. 'J no leadliiK futures rincco as follows : limn , l oxx HOSE WlllATXl ) Z liovoinbcr. WH 70M December 72 Mn > 727J7S con. % M > . a- Itoxcinbor. December. 45 ' OATS No's November . . SO lleceiiiber. . . 11H lilHH 1'OlVlC November II (0 11 K 11 50 11 CO December 11 to II 70 n no 11 07)- ) January , , 12 CO U 10 12 UJ 13 10 JSovember . 8(0 B 10 B 00 8 10 Jnniinij. . . . r 57 c 7 45 7 5-i 7U ) 7 W ) ' ' 7 C5 SHOUT iViii's'- Janunry. . , 6C7K C75 GC5 0 72H Cash quotations' xvoro nn follows : ri.ouu IJafcy ; prices nominally , nsono xveok tlack. WIIKAT No. Isprln , ' , TO' ' cj No 3 spring. K > ( ( { We ; No. S led. ? 'ic. COHN .No. S. 4lae : No a. 40'ie : OT No. ' - ' . 'iO'io ' : No. white , f. o b. , S No 'l white , .IKa.llUe. Km No " , f > Je. llAlii.t'xNo. . i ! , CUftOlc ; No. 3 , f. o. U , 42O 6Ji : No. I , f. o. b , . ! ! > ( ,00. l'l\ t-i'.m No l.ifl lO'STtl.l TiMornv Sn t > Prime. * l.hlt I'OIIK Mc-hs : JIDI bbl. , Sll.W.ail Tfij lard , per KII Ibs , tAWm bOs sborl ribs , sides ( loose ) . fTT'i : dry billed shouldnis ( bo\od ) . i .t' } & 7. lilt short olcni sides ( boxed ) . J7.0jiae.i ! 0. WIIISKDibtllleis' finished goods , per gal. , . HtJOAItP Cut loaf. Gi5Uci [ Rrauttlatod , 6Si" ! standard "A , " 5'ie. The following wcro llio receipts nnd ship menu today : X xv VOIK MiirkutH , Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. -ri.otiit Hocolpts , IP.OOC pl < lH ! exports , 4'JJO bbls nnd S' suO saolis inarKot null , steady , Bales. tutu bb s , COIIN MKAI , Dull , stuady ; yellow xvostom WHEAT Uccalpts i'74.000 bu. : experts , 4V C03 bu : Hiilcs , 2..XV > 0 bu. of futures urn 4JI.OOJ bu. of spot , Hpot mnrltot actlx-o fo exports : llriner : No'rod. . 74i,5t74VJu In ston nnd olovnUi : ' 5o nlloat ; 7 3J ( i7llie ! f , o. b No. II rod , cue : iinunided rod , Ui7Cc ) : No , northei n , h2c ; N o. ' . ' red , 74c Options weak a ! 4WSo dec-lino , roitctcd on bettor cabas im IncroiiHod export doiimiul. closed linns trad Ins moderately notlve. mid on lojal account No i rod , Noxi-inlior. 74'iicloslnc ' at 74'Jo Uuruiubui.TIUIU.Tiio. I-IOSIIIK ut 7Ho : Janu try 7iiC77JiC ( , closiiu at ? ? * ; iluy. h.7-lt > aiiJc ! closing nlM'.c. ' ItVK-.Stonny. dull. lUlll.KV Qnlot. lUllLKV llAI.r Ullll. CntiN KeiolptH , IbiUOl bu : exports , 207,00 bn. ; miles , AMI.UOJ bn. of fntnreh , Wi.ilJJ bn. o Biot. | Bpoliil-t ) , lower , closing tlrm ; No. L' . 4UM liiuluviitor _ : Sjiic iillo if unuriidoU mixed , 40f tt.iho ( : No.il , 4UUe. Options quiet , deollnln early , i- , inuctliuUftSo , closm-r bloadv : llo i-cmbor. nl'ic , closlnir av AlUi1 : J iniinry. MKi. 60 , iMi'oliuut60 ' , ci Huy , r > P11.c , closliiK Kl ila4l' . t ) 1H-Itcoclpts , 1'0)0bu.exports.56.000 ) ; bu. ; nle . OB.U ( ) bu. of fit I u run. lKlUiil ( bu. of spot. Spots qnlot and llrm ; options auilvo und r.islor. Nnvembor , .tlaX ) jc. doslni ; t : ioo ; uci-onibur , 'Hl'itt-Hi't ' eloslnati-t : i7o : May. W.v. uloslns ut40u : ' No. 8 spot xvhlto. : n)5o ) ) : miM < d l veulern , Uwi.l'ii : white xvi-btern , 'JHQl'i'/ie : no. ' ' Ublo i Co. : tOie. ! / HAX Deiuiind fulr. llrn. lloi'h Quint , unc-hiiiiKi'd. HlKMlt Him , ijulet , Ktoiily ; rollnou steady , " fairly itetlxe. > in Assi-h I'liri'lgn. noinlnal ; Noxr Or.'onns , ( inlet , HtiiHily : opc-u Uettlu to choice , ITQT.e : lieu eholee , > & 4.o lllci : Blimdv ; f.ilr ilomand ; domustlu fair tooxtr.i , ( M.'I' C : Jiip.in , 4iiT0'ie ( Htltis Iti'CulptK. a-'ZS pkk'B ; eholco , flrm ; vtcHtuin pilme. "a'jit.'ie. lliiiKf-in ( ot ainl stendyj xvet sultci d ) , Now Uilenus soleetel , tto 0) Ibs , tci7ei ; Texas st-lcclo.l. fntolil Ibs,5n7o loiikQitlut und Hieudy , ent moats llrm ; mldd i-s , iii | ( U. l.urd , llriner ; western clou in olo-ii-1 al W.'Aj Hali'i , 'LOW tleiees at f'l. ' ; option sa inone ; Noxi-mberoloso I at tt-'ohlih Decombor. { S.UO bid ; Jnnuiirv. JVM. Cm i.K ; Mo.tily , llrml jurt hUinib. .liiTe. I'm Inns -I iilrdenund , steadf ; Ainerloan , . . . , ( ni'l'Eli-Qulet ; lake , tll.CV2.ll.75. I.CAii-Dull ; iloiniisile , Ms iUJ , 'I IN QlllOll btrilL'hlrt , * .1l.oJ , Oinaltii Illde * mill rullnxv. Hinrs Xo I i-reon , 1140 : No. 1 urecn salted , 4Q4'4o ; No. ierrun sailed , V"4o to 3iiIUc ; ill.on 1 uri'Uil sallo'l. 2.1 lo 40 lb . . 4 > 40i No. 2 ureon Vinleil. 2 10 41 Ibs. , 3'Jej No. 1 veil onlf , 8 to 15 lb , ic : No. 2 veal calf , 8 lo ( ft Ibs , 4u : No , t dry Hint , Cole 7ei No. 2 dry Hint. 4o tone : No. ! I dry a I ted. ftw loio Part en red hldei onc- Iinll ) 11-111 II T pound lc § thitii fully t'liro I. HllKKIIVl.TtJrieii Hiltotl , ouib , a5c < MI.S5j irrciiii ii | I ed klie.ulln-ii i horl xvoolcd uurly * l.lu < H uuib , 1 A1U ; | iliy bhourllutfn ( nhort ' -TfflWTl-fthl.ru . ' too I fid crirlv skins ) , Nn , 1 , each , f ilOct dry KhenrUnttn fliorl woolrd narly nklnst. No. y , cixch. f > o | dry ( lint Kannan mid Nohrnikn butcher wool pelt , per Ib. , actual wnlghl. 19 SiU'ic ; dry flint Knns i * hnd Nnbrnikii tniir- rixln wool poltn , per II ) . nrtual vroleht , Bftil'ol dry ( I Int C'lornlo ) butcher wool polu , per IK , nctuul KcUht , KMllJHot dry Hint Cotorndo intirrixln wool poll * , per IK , nctttnl MtlOet dry nhccflnnd IIUCKS , HClnixl 74190. UMVC feet cut ofT , as It Is tisclcu to pny freight on them , TALLOW AKII ( IHKAKK-TllllOW. No , 1 , n tnllow. No. 2. 'XiUUo : gronse , whlto A , il',01 gronto , white II , .i" < ct grouse , yellow , 3c : crump , dnrk , 2Uoi out bittlor , 2S2HC : beet- wax , prime , IGB'.lc ! rough tnllow , lS54i"c. Ml. l.onU MnrlieH. FT. Lout * . Mo , Nov. a-I'LOUti-Un- llllllgl. ! ! , WnrAT Closed UO iO ( ibovo vcstcrdays ash , faHet December , b7WG7ic ! : May. 75ic. ! Cons Closed He aloxo yesterday ! cash , 39ci December , oS'tCi May , 4l c. O \T8-tllghort eish , VOUc : May. 3lc. Kyi : Lower uHCe. Qillotl lown. 3' pralr.c , I7utonw > : timothy , JO.OO QI2 rnclmnged ! creamery , 61111 y. UiQ. ' "c , I ( ill" I nchainzcd at Iflc. I'nmtsioNs I'ork. dull ; jobblni , dull at tl.1 ft fid7" I.nnl. nominal at is 1 > ® S 5ft. llt : ( i IPTS riottr. A.OJO bbls.t wheat , ISI/flO lui ; corn , L'l.iO ) 1m : oaK M.OOObu , rye , 4.COU bu. . bnncy , l\tt Obii Miii'MRNTSHour. . II.OOJ bbls : whotit , 7.000 bit : c-orn. fi.Hitbn ( ) , oats , 18l u bu. ; rye. fl,0)J ) bu , b.irlei. , ' , OJO. Om ilm I'rniliit-n MitrUM. OAME-1'ra'tlo chickens are comlns lu freely and ducKs tire commonilng to arrlxo. Quail am scarce. 'I ho cooler xxo itbcr Iris Improxed the mime Hlinntlon. I'ralrlo chickens , } l nf © 4' ' . " ) ; grouse , ! 4 II ; quail , ll,7 ; > ; snipe , II ( XI ; jails BIIIDC , Sl.l'tol r > u ; plover , $1.0 it golduu ploxur. tl. ' * > ( ( 1 50 , eaiivas.back dnck.s , t'.dOufi PD3 ; redhead ducks. ll.Vlj mallnrd ducks , Hfii ; blue xxlng ( mil. f47" > : gieon wing teal , $ i.f,0 ; tniM-il dncki , $1.1) ) : Jack r ibblts , $11)0 © 4 ' . ' > ; small rabbits. $ l.v.4il.f . > ; siinlrrels , antelope saddles. Ittnurn1 ; deer saddles , ) . " @lt'io ; anlolopocnieasse- Jl"c ; deer carcasses , 1UQJ I''i ; llso pi. eons , il ' - " > CTI V ) . l : ns I'HiJ'JOc ' for fiesh stoetc ItUTTi.n Coiniiiun , i.'WUc : tulr to good , Ii ® I0c. eho CD dairy. INilJlc. l'tMl.Tiit'hli'kpiis , live , O'ittTc : (1rcs cd. fc ; ducks and L.CCSO , ll\c , to ; turKeys , ll\e. lUc. _ _ KHIIS IH ( ilMurlift . IVANSAS cnv. Mo , Nov. II \\itK\r btoHdv to lit her ; In coo I doimiml ; No. - bard , O.'iO U. o ; No 2 led. Ufad'a. CoitNtoidy ; No , ' mixed. : : i'4'ttJ4c. 'JAlp I linto. ; . 'J mlxuil. Sc. ( ! Ill c ActUo ; No S. IIP. ! lnv Mron , uncli uued ; timothy , JT.M3 5 it ' . llt'iTEit Actt\o ; ereimoiy , E ) 5c : dairy , ICU'-Mc Koni Active ut 10 . IticuiiTM Win-it , 110,003 bu . corn , 1,000 bu ; oats. 1,000 bu , \\lie.it , 105,003 bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. ; oiits , none 4MI iiaikm. Nuw Voitic Nov. I'bTitor.ruM Opened hie. lily nnil lulu I ijulet thiouuhout the day. I'ennsylMinlii oil , siiot t > i es , iiono ; Doccmbor untlon sales , d.tWJ ublR at 0"c. Lima oil , sales , nono. ( ( irrON ShKuOti- Firm ; yellow nio. TALI.OW yulot but llrm ; city ( .00 tor Ultk iKCS ) . 4 11-11 14 0. Uosis tjulet and easy ; strained , common to Tuui'bsii.NR-DuiI but easy nt IHSai'Sc. ANrxxuttp , Nox. II. 1'KTltot.i.UM U ? f pild and sellers , Omulm I'mlt MsirUot. OKAPES Now York Concords , 28ffi30c per 10-lb. basket ; largo lots , ilGWiie. ( 'Ai.iiiHMA ) ( . .IIAIEPer crate. fl.BGOl.79. UAMIOIIMA | 'IAIIiftlia'.7. ( . " > per box. Ai'ri.tts Western , $ J.lUQ.i.75 ) ; Nox\ York , $4,00 Q4.VI yiriscus Per box , $1 7'i. ItANAN 1'er buiuh0 O7.50. Ilxorpi ol Miirlrcts. IjlvKiiroor. No % . : ! . WiinAr rirm ; demand Initirovlng ; holders ofTei spiulngly ; No. 1 Cali fornia , ds Udlcis 'i'4U ' pel cenlui ; red xvcstein spilii- l'jdilli"d per contal : No " led winter , fislldHi'is'l'jd ' percental. COIIN Quiet ami easier ; mixed western , Is 5Sjd per cent.xl. iMitoI'ri'no xvestorn , 40b per oxxt , Xoxvorlc Dry ( ionds Marltot. NEW YOIIK. Nox. 'I Trade In dry goods xvas f.ilrly nctUo. deeds aio every ( luxsolil up and tbo situ . ( Ion Is fell to bo u llttlo bettor. * Not xxithln ten years has tbo supply and do- niunU been so bliongly ri-uulalcd. The out look is for u bcuielty of goods , especially cottons. Collet ) Xluri < tit. NEXX'YOIIK , Nov. 3. Options , unchanged to 10 points up ; sales. li,7JO bigs , Including : November. * 15."j@I5.40 ; Docember. tllUSid 15'0 : Jiinuary. SH.bOON.lX ) ; May. JI4.4" > © I4 GO ; boptointicr. tu.-j ; October , $14.1)0. ) spot l Io quioland sloady ; No. 7 , " " " " Cotton Xl.irlcot. Nmv Oni.EA > 8. Lu. . Nov. 51. Steady ; mld- dlln7e ; loxv mlddlln . 7 > o ; icood ordinary , 03ie ; not receipts , 8.1IJO Uiles ; gross , 8.5JJ bales ; salck , 10luo bales ; btoo , < , 1USUAJ bales. Traders' Tulif. ClliCAno , 111. , Nov. : i Cnuiuelman & Day to CooUriill Bros. Commission company : Grain elevator people , shippers and cairlers haxo ceased to expect anything .ippioichlng puilcUy conditions of the xvho.it market anil the nlro..dy loxx puces conntoib.il.inco the iilinorni.il supplies In slehlVlienevortlieio - fore any disposition Is shoxxn to shade prices further , a nordo of brokers sncm to stand toady to acjcpt tbo olTerlngs bc.ilpors so d liouvlly early In the day , but coxered later at hi her prices , Inlluencoil Uy the decreased receipts nnd l.ugo clear inces. but huyeiG look about s.ulstlod ut tbo closing iidxance. Lorn nns stoady.ind sumo local bulls Incieascd tholr lines B'U'htly ' on iicconnt ot the idx.in o In olhci pits but Ii 01il icitln nrdorsi to sell at limits Might y iiboxecniient llgnros. cti-d as u ehec < to .1 bull nun Id-i. 1'ioxIsloiH xxeie bulled still'illy uuioidliu to the pro ram outlined > csterdiy , but xxo advlso our frlunds who 1110 long at a profit to leatl/o on a further buluo tomorroxv. ( 'HIOAK ) , III. . Nov , ,1 ICcnnott , Hopkins A Co. to S. A , McU'horter : A hotter tone IIIIB prevnlled today , Tbo Ic-ssonlm ; receipts at primary murUots. lurtzo e\noils and hlx'her foioUn marketb have Induced homo buying. Offerings from ( Irst hands are said to baxo fallen oir decldedlj. Though country oloxators aru full they arc not , likely to shin fieely xxhcn farmers ! ollor- IIUH r.ill oil. They xvunt tbo stor.i.u and can carry It cheaper In their own bouses than at visible supply points 'Ibou li the market has : i lieiltlner look inatortul y higher tirlccs uro not.iuticlp.itcd at present and It is believed that anv pronounced rally xxould bo short- llxeit. Corn and oats uro firmly hold. The market lias spoils ot weakness , ou wnleli buying Is pretty good. Country offerings continue light , while the foicUn mil ! do- mc'Bile consumptlxo demand Is expanding. 1'roxlslons xvi-ro stioni und higher , Theio wns good buying on the soft upotH ycsturu ty with a conlinuullon of llio same today. The lard market Is very btronr on Atner'can ' stocks. Tbo speculatlxo sentiment favors kiulmr prlci-s OiitOAdo. 111. Nox. : i n. O. I.ogan & Co to Duncan , llo llmror A Co : ' 1 bora xvas more activity lu wheat tills morning Tliu oirerln-'H xve-ro llue-rul , Di-combe-r ' ' opened at 71' , , sold as loxr as 7IIBIQ7I14O This price bought boino good biiyliu ; , anil the tuirpluon tlio inarkot xvus riipldtv absorbed. ( an-lng a quick nd- vnnco to 71' ' 5,7-0. The eloslni : prlco xvas717 t&7''iWo e.in only re-poat our remarks of xeaterdny on futuio values , miioh depends on Interior receipts 'ind ' oxports. We have a eon- Bldorablo falling olV In locolpts of nlntor wheat , and good exports from the bouboard , and this I * all Una Is wanted to cstablhm u permanent iidxanc-o. It may bo slow , but xxo think Ii Is Hiiro toeonuio \ boiloxo purohahos of May xvheat btifo for Investment Wn uro likely to have llttlo fractional dee Ines , und If xxo have they xx 111 do to buy on In corn there xvus loss acuvltx' , Muv opened at 4"ii e. sold as high us 4\4folGoiaii 1 closed at 4"io. The heavy hold ings by nigleaton Inn o for t ho preHun ten used u piiuso In the local speciilatlxooloinents. There are some ovpe-ol itloiih that tbo greatest pint xvlll lie ehliipi'd : If UU , timber prices nro not faroir No feel very friendly to this grain and recommend buying It on all broaUH. Oats xx ere quiet , xxllh no special feuturu to the iniirket. The trade has been lamely local. Hog product xvus M-ry llrm. The ( Jiidnhy fol- loxvin , ' pioillcl light receipts of boss and " lik-ber ' pi lees , ( , 'hnrtors. xvhu.it , , .G.iKiU ; coin , * , lOI.WWi rye , I7,0jj ; IU.X , Uj.OOO. .STOCKS AMI KO.NDS. Apiro4eliliir Kleelliiu tliu Ilealin ; B Y 4i rdiy. NBW YOIIK , Nov. a.-Tho upproachlns presi dential eloctlnn was again thoihlef toplo of ( llbcussliiu ut the Stock oxohunge und the murKet suffered Inconsequence , The trans actions weru small. Despite the dullness , tlio iindeitonoof xpocnlatlon w is btroiu and the chances , such us tlioyvcre. . xxeregonorallv In the direction of higher prices. Anion ; the Ubimlly aetivostoolis Clileiio ( ias made the greatest nol advance , oloslnuat OU | . Now r.nulaiid moxi-d up 4 per cunt ai.il Northern I'uulllu preferred , nt. I'anl , Koi-k Island ubout it per lent cai-b. MI&Mnirl 1'aclllo sold oir a ( ruction. The spoclalt es utrorded u marl.cd lontf.itit to the uninteresting moxuuiintk In the general list. Ciim > olld ited lias jumped from UU' . to l HiLaelcuo ( Us was huber on Increased oarnlius. T..o com mon roao Hi and the preferred JSJ , American ( -ot I on Oil advanced oxer a point on Iho f.ivor- abloch iraetor of the annual stateincnts of the compHiiy , 1'ullmHii 1'iil ice ear opened a points loxx oral 11)74 ) , but io > o to IU3Si < Ohio boniliurn bout up Ui , Doiuwaro & Hudson ilroppoj 'J points ou small tmloj und Aniorloiin bugiirxrus uUo WOHK at u doollno of 1 per cent. T hi . m irhiit aeiurally loft off llrm In tono. A 10 it.oii for ( ho offeetlvo import glxon to the leadm.gburci a tl u uouadyuuce In the llnnU of I'nzlnnd ratoot dUconnt , nhlcb also led lo innroor irm envorinuof nborlpontrM-ti , The I'o4tnya tKlcctlon noxvipnralvrod llin stock market todny and thn movement of prlcot xTtm of IHtln ftlgnlflcnncr. foma en * roiiriiircriiciil wn-t crcntcd bv the refusal of Iho Ilnnk of r.iiRlnntl credltnn to nuvnncc thnlr dlacoiint , nnd , In to far as thlt rcfiual rodrctad lollcf In An on liiR otT In London dlscniinto , It wns n fiirorablo Incident , Hut tlio fcolltiR continues Rtronx on tno other side tliKt the ileclnlon was In cITcct only a post- ponernont. The foUoTVItiK tire thn cloilnir onotntlons fcr the Icndlnc stocks on the NOXT VorK fctock ox. ctmnuo toduyi AtchHon Norfolk A \ \ . pfil. H' ( Ailnrns Kitircn. IM North Atnerlcnnlo. IZl < Alton , T II Northern 1'ixclCo . 1&t ) | ilo preferred. . . . . IM do pfd . . . . . . . WH Amnrlcnn Kxprose IM ( T I' , lien A ( luir. . KH tlaltlmoro A Ulilo ! , Northwestern lir. < Cnntula 1'nelflc M' do pfil 141 lunncln outhern , KMIX V Ccnlrixl . . . IIM Central 1'nelllc 2s > j N. Y A N. Kng , . Sl)4 ) CIio A Ohio ? 2' ' i Ontario A Western. IS LldcnRO Altntt . . . 110 Urriton Imp n Ctil linr A ( Julncy Wf Orenon Nnv 71 CtilcAKO ( in 1001 < * Ii A V X Coniotlilntcil dns . lll'Vl'nilflc Mnll . . . . Hi C C C. A t I 01 IIYorlix Dec A 15 . tt ! Cole Conl A Iron. I0 < 4 I'ltt'burK 1M Cotton ( Ml ( .cult 7 " I'ullmnn I'ainca 1W Del IlinUoii JV-M II I. A W . . . . Ulclniiniut 'Icr 'i I ) II A ( I pfil k7 I ) A ' K ( O . . . . ( i * < Itlodrnmla West 1'iKtlenn. . . . ixjl On pM l.'l l.rlo tl't , ItOck Islnnd ilo pM C2' ( kt 1 , A"f lltpfll l.'lMI'f Fort XViiyno 1.14 | t I'lllll . . . MI'f ( ironl Northern p il D ) I llo pfd I21' < C , A K. Ill pM . . . . 'bt I'nul A I nmrin 1,1 11 lick I iin Vnllcy . do pfil . . . . lllll iln Ontrnl . . ' oiitlii-rn I'ncinc M. I'ntil A luililtll 14 IHiiRHr ItrlliH'ry. I10H Knn A fox ptd . Ml Turn ( enl A Iron. . .17 Wcit. . Siit Ti > xi 1'nclllc do pfil . " " T AD Un pftl . . 1 like here t'nlon I'acltlc. . . . . 40 I end ' 1 runt U H ixpri- : ta Iou1 A \V Ft I Al' tany I.uulti A .Sew Al'by do pftl * MniilmttniiCon . . Wells l-nrui ) Kxp , us Mumphls A ( Ml xVitoin I nton . . . JtS3 { MlddKiin Cuntrnl MlWH Wlacllnit A U b. . . . 2 > i Jtlsitoiirl Pnclllo WH ilo idil u'Hi ' .Mobile A ( lido M A fct 1 194 * Minhrllln Clintt I ) All 1 1M ( > ntlunnl ( onlaitc KIce . . . llMc do pfd , * ' ' N , J Cenitritl IS ? ! ! 'bid The total lalos of stocks todiy xvoro I8OJO shnios , inoindinz : Ohio ice Ons. liUKJO , Con- Milldatnd ( las , 7.'WO : Cotton Oil. 7.1.0 : DIs- tlller' ) , I1.UOO : IlllnoUOntril , IUOJ ! Noxv r.itK- land , n.iWi ( Northern I'tiolllo prefened , e.ytWi Keadlnp , 7. uuj bt. I'aul , S.OOJ. ' Nexx Voilt Moni-v Mnrlint. Nf.xxVOIIK , NOX.1. . MoscV ON 0\ll. Kt'y at A to 0 per cent ! last louu , 0 per cent : closed nircn-d a til per cont. PniMM Mr.tK ANTII.I TAi-utt I'ilSr ' , per cont. SlKlll.lMl iCIMMlllrillll. : . Xxllh lietlUll business nt * l M i for nUtj-day bills and tl.bb f > r doinand i be closing iiuotntlont on lionda : U 11 ri't tMntiml llnlun t'i . 112 I1 S 4s cotiu . . 114' N ,1 c hit ( prt I1IU II * 4ift rcit North I'nUllcIMH 1'nclllc 1,101 li" Nortli I'.iellle''nUs jjjjf l.nn lnnn t pud In 10 " XV ( iinsolB lilt \Mn8ourl 1,1 N \V Con Deli is U'i 1'onn nuxx M-I tin tSt I. A I M lien 61 Mia 'I onii nc got . ' St 1. A : l' Oen M ' ( W TOIIII IIOIT i-t Is t 1'aiil Cnnsoln I.'U Ciimuln "a Inils . * . . t. IC A I' Idtii . 117 Central 1'ndUclets . . . „ * Te-x 1' I(5 'Ir Hcts f ( ' { D A It C l ts ll3Xj | Tex 1It (1 ( 'Ir Hcts 2'H4 ' D All n 4s . fJK L'nldii l-ixclflc luts. IUt i Krlo ' 'nils . 107Vcit huru 101 M 1C AT I , PII In K. ( iv i ; t > M K AT. ( .1-11 bid tasked lioston Stock ( Jnot.ltloin. ItosiON , Mass. . Nov. II The folloxrlni ; are the closing slocU iiiot.itlons | : Atcli A'lop It Catnip t . 17 Iloston A AILnny - ui Tinnklln , * ilo Mnlnc 175 If r n A y. Umi-nlu 34 I llchbiirK It K Qillney 1.9 rilnt A 1'urcM pfil W 'Innmr.-Hk 1 7 Mnes Central 17 Anidnton l.nnil Co 2. ' . Jlcx Ci-n com 15 Itnston l.nnd Co . . S'-f ' N 1 A X ICimland 4 > \V cnt l.nd l.nnd Co m < Olil Colon } . . 4I78H Hell Telephone . . 203 Itiitlanit Linn pfd 70 l.aniMin Mora i. . . . 16 Allouer M Co ( nan ) ill Water l-oxxcr Allnnllc Cnntril M llo-ton A Mont x t : T.V .1 Cnlunipt A llecln 285 II A I ! C . . . him I'lamisco Mining OiiDl.itinni. PAN rilA.NCisco , O.il. . Nox. II The oDlclal oloslns quotitlons for mlninxstocks today xx ere as folloxx- , : Altn so .Snxnjo 10 ltiilni > r 20 dpldr 25o llulilier -.20 I'OtOKl -Jj llc-t AUekhcr . . . . nj DuilloCon 20Ur blorru Xoxnda . . . 110 ( Iiollar Ur ) Cnlon Ceil . 115 Con. Cnl. A Vn 2UO L'lnh . 11 Crown 1'olnt 110 Ypllow Jocket . . . . 100 Kurckn Con UO Common . f > ( iould A Curry . . . . fa N. y . & llnlo A Norcress. . . 125 II. I . 5 Moilcnn. 125 N. II 1 . , . 6 Mono 25 A'oxr York .Mining Quotations. NEW VottK , Nov. a The folloxx-lng are the closing inltilni ; ( | uotatlons : St. Louis Hilling Ouutiitlons. ST. Iouis , Mo. , Nov. .1. Quot itlons xx-ero us folloxx-s : I.iiniliin I liiiinctal Kutluxx , [ Copyrighted IS'L'Ly .linnet ( .union llennott ] LONDON. Noi : LN'oxv York Herald Cubic Hpcclul toTilE H : . ' .I 'I ho iibsenco of business .is.iln has been tbu chief eh iractcitslle of the Blii''l ; m uKot. There xvas no sl.n ofanyex- ii uisl'in In speenlation , xvhllo the Inxcstment business xvas vor > qufot. Ilaidlv any moxe- mnnt occurred calling for special commont. The uiihnttlod condition of the money mail-et n tturallv rcstrlctb fipeenlitlxe : transio- tloiiH , us operators baldly know xxhoro they are at present. Conso's are firm at 'td tolul : , but Indian rnpeo paper Is xtoak , In homo railways , apnrt fiom the slight ro- coxery of Northxtcstnrn and a small advnnco in .Midland , vacations ate adverse , though they nro moio titto to the ubsouco of biihiiiois than anything else. The only Important movement is u further fall of ' 4 per cent In ilruhton deferred on another dally trallle de crease. American r.illxxavu uro yonorally lower , though exceptional llrmnoss xvus shown In Norfolk & Western preference , which Is a op. Other v.irl.itlons uro InsUnlllc int. Ti unl-H uro xvoak at u further accllno of U to ' , - per cent , but Movlcun rullxray Issues uro steady. Hunk of Kngland dlrsct- ors ut tholr meeting this morning n ado no alteration In tbo oflleial minimum xvhloh therefore remains at 3 per cent , widen WIIH raised a lOrlnlght ago. Quo tations In tbo open market aio u llttlo unset tled but the rate for three months' bank p.ipor Is about -"a to a per cent. Discount houses unnoiinco un ndvunce of 1 per ceut In their rates for money on deposit. I'lnunei il No UK. KANSAS Cm , Mo , Nov. 3. Oloarlnijs , 12,187- 301 ! Nnxv Oiti.UA.ss , La. , Nov. a Oloarliigs , J3.- Ilfts.UOl. Nnxx YOIIK. Nov. a Cloarlugs , * unIU.3lli balances. JVJJ'UKJ. 1'Aitin. Nov. II Throe pet- cent rentes , U3f S"o for tlio account , OMAHA. Nov. 3. Clearings , $1,004,033 ; same day last week , $ I.OU , Ml , lUi.TlMiillE. Md . Nov. a Olo.irlngs. 12,057- 310 ; I ) ilances , ? . ! . ' . ' , Tut Money , u per cent. I'mr.AiiM.i'iiiA , I1.i , Nov. : i. clourlngs , 115.- ' 'TO.ti.'il ; Daliincee , J.V.1KUUI. Money S percent. Mr.Mi-niH , Teun , Nov. 3. New York o\- chnngo soiling ut par , Clourlnus , $ M2,60f > ; bill uncos , illi.'i.HM. hT. I.OUIB. Mo. Nov. 3 f'lonrlnss , fl.KIl- 7U7 : balunces , Jji,778. ( | Money , 74tS per cent. Kxchango on Now York , > ic discount , I'AIII , Nov. 3. The weekly statement of tlio Hank of 1'ranoo shows u docroubo of llKiUCU ? francs of gold and ' 'AVI.UOU fr.inesof sllvor , OIIICAGO , III. , Nov. 3 Uluiuings , tl'lMS.IIS ; Noxv York uxchnngo Bteudy ut par. Bterlliu cxchnngo steady ; sUty-duy bills , Jl.8.1' ' . , ; de mand , tt bGJ4. Money in uood demand ut 0 pur cent. I.OSIION , Nov 3. The bullion In the Ilnnk of Knglund dccreabod JKII.dlU during the tnist week , The proportion of the Dank of KngUind's reserxo to liability , which lust week xvas 41,01 , Is now ai.ITJ per cent. Amount of bullion gone Into the Hunk of I'nglund on buluuco todxy , iiw.uuo. OMAHA l.lVi : hlMICICIAUKIIT. . Itocelpts of Cut Ho und Hogs -Moiloiutc 1'rlruH Ituln J'lrin , OMAHA , Nov. 3. Itecelpts ot eattiu and hovs worn inoilerato enough , wlillo tbobiipplyof stiou ] ) xx us rather nioro liberal than usual. The fourduvs' rncotpts compared xvith thoio of the HIIIIIO four dayn I st xveok show u fall ing on * of . " > .5jn cattle nnd U.UIXI lie s und an In ure.IBU of about 7uu sbuiip. The beef eattlo nuir..ot was hnrdly notice ably dlireront frumtliatof the throu pit-ced 1- ing days thU xxeok , Local bonnet , nil had food orders und bouzht freely \ ut llrm prices whcro tliu "cittllu sillied. Medium grades tltor were Inclined to neglect nnd It required tlio In'lucuinvnt of shaded prices to got them to loot , ut the In ferior crudes. There were no elulcn cornfod bteors here. Common gruusurd lo pretty food corn fed luoves told at from tll.t to 11 ! Jdr bomo choice IJll-lb. Wyoming gr ib > outtlo broiiiriit f I 0- . but tbu bulk of tht ) fdlr to good ranifo Hours sold ut from ( I. ' . ' . " > tot-1.OS xvltli In- furlor grades ut from t'lti ) to < t .00. About ex cry tiling found u uurchasor before the UlOM. % Cows und mixed Mo"k sold freely at rather stronicr : prices. Counion can tier o to piulty * ! * eood wo torn qll dt from $1 49 to W 80 , the liuikiitfrom 11/111 ° ' 'M- I"1'oxen ' ' iind stni ( old at nbiltit Rtpady pllcet fiom tiAa to 1'M. Vnnl cumrnoro In good dcmnnil find strnnitat from . .rJiq.tol\ < . with l to | calve und xcartings MoV\inil \ loner nt from II.S3 to J',0' . , Stockcrs nnd feeders sold nt lower prices , tinlctill wn § ( iui tlio good to tholco prndcs. Common thlnsloukicattln were ory dull nnd hard to move , oven at what looked llko ot- Uoinoly low price' . The yardi are full of stock' outtlo ill' ; i > Vo < cnt and they can bo boii. < ht cheap. lU-rirciuntatlya nates ! DllESSItl ) No. Av. Pr. o. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 2 11051 n 28 .1130 MM 15 083 3 2.1 ' ' 1 1'Jlil 375 . a low a ; o , , a.'pio 3 03 54..1270 43J 7. 10G5 3 30 cows. 1. INO 1 M ,10'JS6 ' 1 75 22..1041 ! 15 i. tea I U5 , JB , > G 1 75 1. . 8W ! 220 1 25 1,1 1120 i rr. 3 ItOJ 220 1 ' . ' 'I I(1,0 1 HJ 4. 1UG ) 22. * > 14 701 I 3.i 14 , . 017 1 M ) ' S'2\ 27. . H2J 1 ; Ml TIM t 80 ' 225 1. 1010 t 40 18 1 R % 21 . 008 225 l imo i r.u 18Kl na 1 85 1. 1U10 5 ; M i M 1 DO 1 85 2 1010 I 1(50 ( 1 50 4 DOM 1 1-0 12 009 225 3 ( ISfl 1 f-0 24 811 1 UJ ID. IIR.I 2 25 il SIO i ri ' . ' 4 nvi 1 ! ) ) 12 1001 2.10 .0 7.H ) 1 50 1 U.M 2 03 2 105) ) 2M It ) Hl.l 1 50 1C , 1017 2 UJ 1 1100 23i 8 U 8 1 ffl 111. 015 2 UO 20. 1042 2 ill 1 5J 17 IUI 20J ft. . INI 240 ( I KM 1 M 17r. 7t > 8 2 Oil U IliM 240 ft d'.J I GO r.El r.n II ( . ' - ' 2 10 4 .1072 240 a ; : GI 1 fi-i El 010 2 15 2. . 11,15 2C.O 1 70 iu ICJ ! . 2 15 1..1I40 2 fij so. tea 1 75 24..1010 2 15 H G40 1.I 1 4'H ' 1 30 21. . B5S 1GO ( MliVK- * . 1 80 ICO 3 03 3. . 200 4S5 1 fcO 281 3 00 3. . ISO 450 4.1) ) 3110 3 00 1,15 4M > : i3tl 2 To 241 : i r. ) IKI 47 % 3.H ) 2 21 240 3 50 115 475 2 til ) 1 J ) 4 00 IM 475 MO 4 25 Ul DUO nut.ts. 25. 1IS2 I 1)43 1 f,3 1221 1J ) ) 1 lllO 1 2-i 11.10 1 70 i IM iin 1 1750 1 2. ) 1140 1 7' , ] -)10 200 5. 1-J.C I 4) ) K.50 . 1 SO 1. 172J 25J I 10.0 1 UJ 1.110 1 81 STOCKMIS AM ) tUKIIEIlR , No Av I'r. Iso. Ax- . I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1If 0 0 $1 50 1 r > 'w $ . ' 31 2.1. uo . - iki If " 1170 1 Ml 4 .117 2 60 It , l A 205 4" 775 2 10 7(0 ( 2 50 805 2(15 ( 1 4piO 2 25 1010 2 50 0. IUJ V70 707 2 S3 STKItN CATTI.r. No. A12)1 IT. No. Av. I'r. 30 sti-ors . 12)1 M 5J XXMlMINO CATTIr. US feeders Sli ) 2 13 57 cows . 877 t ? 35 1) ) coxxs Ull 1 49 40 coxxs . . . Mil 200 2 bulls .1415 1 l'j 51 cows . . . . CIO 1 35 1 hull HOI I 1,11 51 cows . . . 077 221 7 bill Is . 701 1 75 11 cows . . f.8.1 17r > r > heifers . ItllH 2 2.1 21 steers . .lllil 3M 2 coxvs . . ii a 2 50 2 stieri . . .U.5 i 0) f > 4 stools * 1 55 2 05 hi ) cows . . SIO IK' . 48 eoxxs. . . 014 2 41 0 i own . . MO 2 10 8 c.ilxes ' . . ' 1 fiO 1 stee-i * . .ItOJ 2 H > lit ) coxxs MS 1 b5 1 steel * . .15JO 210 1 loxx 770 2 10 1 steer * ,1)1) ) ) 2 10 1 blour * 1050 2 10 1 steer * .110) 2 10 I steer * .14MI 2 It ) 15 feeders 1004 2 III 1 steer * . .MM ) 2 10 4 c.ilxes . 16 ? 240 J Kleei * .1210 2 10 1 feeder IJOJ 275 1 fee-dor . lu'iO 240 Ikcotxs .1002 25J 1 feeder 1IU ) 275 .15 steers..IbO'J ' 400 C feoUors HIM 2 75 SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLE. 1 coxv. . . , 1UO 2 2'i 1 COW . 10T ) 2 50 8.2 btcor : , . 1112 rf bo 3str , tig .1101 2 2'i 3 cows 11'b 25i ) Jbbteers.5J | ] ( i M 1 steer , . .15U ) 3 59 COI.OIIADO CATTLE. lOcowfi . . 810 150 7-'coxxs OJ2 220 24 steels. . .1115 ,1 IM 27Btccrs. . 114U il 55 1 coxv 11UO 1 75 1 cow 1000 2 25 ] coxv 1)10 235 10 cows 10 ' 2 240 1 stcci 112) 340 .Ibtcers. 1120 340 Uste-ers 10b ) 340 3 steers. . . 10-W ) 34) 4 stenrs I 51 3 CO 150 steers. . OJJ 280 * t illlii- ! > . llodS-Ollerliigs wcro limited , tlio shlpplnc deni.u.d Improved , eastern iciiorts general y favor.itilo and pcculatora Inclined to take hold , AItocether conditions xvcio favorable to the selling Interests und llio market active Tinl stion cr tliioiHiliont. Prices xxcro 6c o lOc hlgliet tbhn Wednesday's weak close , 01 about sto idy with the ope-ilng Wednesday nornhiL' . The bU bulk of the fair to good logs. t ( < aidlcssof , xVoUbt. old nt j.1.21 und - ' ' < 5 , xx 1th so ne of the lest butcher and homy OKdsati27'2 ' and itd ) and ono or two of the tailing" loads at SUft and i.xlTH. lluslncss wus bilsk from ttart lo tlnlbh , , ind the market Plo t'd strong nttbo ddvanee , with everything out of llrst hand't. ' fcjiloxxero Inrcely ut $ . " 1.10 to } i,2J against Jirt to to 20 Wednesday , the goner ' 1 market averaging up about a nickel 'itghor. lioprosentHllxo sales ; No. Av. bh. I'r. AV. 811. Pr. 1. . . . " 10 - $500 70 248 1GO IS. . 155 0,10 78 254 241) 0. . .310 nil ) 07 252 120 5 2JU 0.r . .340 OJ 251 80 525 r . 244 40 CO 2.10 100 5 25 . 268 2JO 5-15 75 284 40 525 85 . .221 ICO 5 174 ! 1.8 . 207 200 5 2r > 73 2,11 210 5 2J 70 . . . . 2.1.1 ICO 5 25 U 218 28) ) 5 20 72 . . . . 2J4 12U i > L' & J 215 fi 20 70 2JI 200 521 0 V.-5 6 2J C9 2J8 2 ,0 52.1 10 J.6J 40 5 20 65 2J5 5 25 . .25S 80 510 bJ 2)3 40 625 . .218 40 S 20 61 . . . . 250 tO 525 . 225 120 5 20 7J 261 120 525 2JS 8J 5 TO 04 278 80 521 . .WS 120 6 20 70 . . . .260 8J 525 . 217 200 5 20 73 . . . 254 33J 525 1 . .21b 5 20 75 . . . . V28 320 5'5 OH 15J 100 020 6J 2W KO 5 271J 71 2J1I ' . ' 00 520 70 . . . . 257 120 527'/f 04 . . . 20'l ' 21 ! ) ft 20 50. . . . 2b8 060 5 27ii .27 200 520 bJ . . .18.1 JbO 5 271/ , 50 . .22J 2bO 520 bl . . .318 40 ft 30 10 2J5 5 0 70 154 40 5d ) 70 . . . .221 SO ft 20 BO 290 80 5,10 210 520 5J )21 1 0 5.10 73 . . .200 SO 520 51 . . . . 24. 80 5 ! )0 ) " 5 . 2iU bO 2 22'5 70 2J2 bO 5 30 I'K.S AM ) IlOUOll , I 410 : i oo o .01 4 21 SIIIKI'Kecelpls : xxcro rather liberal and made up very luigolv of xxonturns. ' 1 be mar- krit xvas not oxorly aotlvo , but all deslrablu olferlngs melaie.uly sale at good tlgtiros I'alr to r'ood natxc ! , tJ50' < M 5J ; fairlo'-ood westerns , il.'j'iC4."i ; eominon and stock sheep , S.2.1c.l.2.1 ; good to choke 40 to ! ) J-b. ! luiubb. 91 0 il,75. UepresonlatUe talcs : No. Axr. Pr. 140natlvo oxTO1 ? 81 M 70 122 native lambs f > 5 400 2.1JNOX7 Mp\lc.in xx ethers 7.1 363 Si native lambs .74 450 Itcoidptu and Dlsponltlon of Stock , oniclal receipts nud disposition of stock as shown by the hooks ot the Union Stock Yards company for the txxenty-fonr hours ending at 5 o'clock p in. , November 3 , Ib3i I1L ( l.ll'TS. IIUXEIIS. 11008 Omnlm riifklng Co 11008lai Tliod II Hniuiiionil Co tl\ \ lit HHlft.tCn l.WB V'1 ' 'IhuC'iiilnhy I'ltckliiK Co B77 ' J rjipdrcB , lloKton . . 'dwt \Mdlo 1V I ) 11)0 ) Andrew llm ; 127 127W7 Hpcc , shlptirs nnil I't'eilr W7 'I'o t a Is . . . Clilciiun I.lxe S toe It .Market. CiiiRAno , 111. , Nov. 3. t&peciil Tolograin to TIIK IlKKl The eattlo ni.irkot was lower today , The locolpts were large and buyers did not want to pay within lOo lo Ho of Wednesday's iiuotatloiiH. There xvoro several sail s ut from t5 * ' > to 85.50 and many nt fiom r > OJ to } " ' . - > The major purl of the I rail In- ' , bowoxer , XTIS at from $1.35 loJI.7. ) for nallvo htcors and fiom f I.0 ( to $ . ' .35 for cows and bulls , from t..25101 in for xxeatorns und at from J17MO JJIsOforToxniis. Theto xv is an Inoro.iHod activity In the hog trade , und altho'ugh tbo receipts woio about tiioHumu as for yesterday , u much llimer fcol- Ing obtulrid Mlxo rpaelttng droM-s were noi salable nt morolliriP from fie to Ko uavunce , but coed tocboloo sorts sold from luo lo Lie hlshor than \Vnrtnew ! ly' opening. . . bales greater purl. _ _ . hales of Khcop xvero slow where there xvas a lack of good pUiiil * . but thoiu xvoro ready buyers foi f ilr to choice muttons. Values were xvllhoiit Import int chun e. ranging ut froi. UV ) to $1.5i for poor oiiulliles to K 25 for choke. Oiill * were iiuotod ut f rom * , ' .50 to IO.UU und somothlti , ! 6xlru would brliv from Kecolpts-JuttI6. ( ,000 ; hogs , 2..OOJ ; theop , B.IHlO , _ _ . The Evenliu .Igurnal roporlst tUTTl.b ItULolms. 1H.OJO liiiad ; ihlpmonts. 7.0U ) houUj murk tftuudy to lOoloxvor : iiutlxos , tJ.Uiiffr.5 75 ; htocUera , llljiJ.OJ ( ; TOXUIIB , J.l5a ( 3UOt cows. Sl.UJ < a2.h5. Horn itecelplb. 20,003 hold : shipments , 8,000 head : in irkot uctho. 10@IVi higher : rough and conimon. $ ( OOO5.25 : packing und nilxeil. IV.Oiiu 4u : prlmo heavy nnd butchers' . V4.'ic5.W ) ; ll.'ht. niOi55.5. - Kocolnts , 8lJU head ; sblpmonts , 3.UUO head | market blow and loxveri natives , WANTED . Total l u > ut CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER CO MPAIHEb.GT.n.R. COMPANIES , He , orri > ( . N.W.HARRIS & OOMPAHY.Bankers , 103-163 Daorhorn Struct. CHICAGO. 13 Wnl ) Street , NCW YORK. 70 titate bl. , BOOTCN. , tl I.V3 \ ( lambs. M01 < l ; c N'rxT Yoru l.lto MOCK < l rftp | . NKXT VIIIIK , Nov. n.-ltitr.tr.si-HpcdDts , I ? No tradoi fonlliiK llrm. Drc spd beef Htpiuly nt TtS'tp per pound , Shipment * today - day : MM bcexc-t , HO sheep. W quurturs of bctf nnd luho.'i .OAMM Ilccolptu , Y)1 ) hoadi marUot Uc per Ib. lower ; vivil , Jv iil7,6J per 10J Ibs : west ern caUci. JJ.40. SIIECP AM ) IuinHccelpt < > . 4V. ) head ! sheep stendy I lambs slmdo onilort shpop , 1 1.00 tt.MS'i ' per 100 II ) * . ; Inmti * . thOUOIIOt dressed muttons steady at 7 'iu per Ib : drosscd Imnbs slow at" < jli'o. ! lions Hooalnt * , 4W head , InclurlltiRJctir * for sale ! market weak at J.MWiid.uJ per 10U Its. _ KiUKn * Clt.x l.ixc ttiiek Murket. KANSAS Om % Mo. Nftv , A CATTI.K UP- colpl * . 7,200 ; shipment' , , ; ) ( ; the niarket xvu * Bto idy ; shluplni ; steori , J.tS" ) < I8l 'i < : Tox.isiind Indian SIIUTM. tl 8va. . "i slo'liuH and foodrrs , SIM/CU1.1 / * lions Kceolpt * . 7.100 ; hitimcnt < i , 5 0 ; thn mirxetxvHs steady to.'e higher ; all grades U-.Va\l2 < } ; bulk. j-i2i - > .n. SIII.BIlieioiiils SJO ; slilpmetiK 400 ; good sheep were In tliMiiand and llrm ; olhets were noclcctc.lj muttono. M.'VJI.S'i ' ; lambs , } l.ri © 5 BU. _ SI , Lotus l.lxi ) Mock Marled. ST. l.nns. Mo , Nov t CATTI.K llncolpt * . 4.400 ; shipment * . 4,200 ; market euslorm- tl\o RtccrMoJii5UJj ( Tot .is and Inihnu steers Ji40 < ai..lO lions Uecolpts 7Vlislilnmriil ) . fiUOO ; miir- Kct aetlxe nt yestordiiv' decline : hea\y , J.MOHU40 : D-iOklng , } 4 'JOif-i-W ; light. SVlWi.0 ! HtiHKr IteCBlpts , 7iO ; sblpmonts t-00 , inur- rfct stoud } ; iniittonn , UOOiM fill. Ibo ( Jtilelion Uny t Cure a Cold. Do you wiih to know Iho quickest way to cut on cold I Wo will tell you. To eura a cold quickly It must bo treated before the cold hns beeomo settled In the system. The llrst , symptoms ot n cold is miry" , lend couiti ; nno sneezing. The cough Is soon followed by watot-j expectoration nnil Iho sneezing by n profuse \\ntorv discnnrco from the nnso In severe cases the-to Is n thin u'lilto coating on tbo tongue. Whiittodol It Is only nec essary to take Chamberlain's Cough Komedv in double doses everv hour. That x\ill greatly lesson tlio scvciitv of the cold and In mnnv cisni xxlll olTecttially counteract ltnnd cure what would have been a covoro cola within ono or txvo da\s' time. Try it nnd he convinced , 23 nnd GO cent bottles lor sale by druggists. OM : nisi. i\ci : UMO.V To thr rilj ol Mrxlrn nnd Itetnrn. For the mootiiiLT of Uio American Public Iloallli Association nnd Intoi-tm- tiotml Motlioal Conirrpss , to bo hold in Iho City of Mo\loo November l > 9 to Do- combori. , 1M)1 ) ! , the Stnta Fo ionic will soil tickets iitouo lox\oat , Hr-it-i-lass fitro for the round trip. I'his is tin e.xcollent opporttmlty to visit Mexico , ono of tno most doliplUful trips imnfrliuible , at very little cost. A spce-itil party will Icavo Oinahti Saturday , Novotuborl ! ) , nntl join si lar o party from Boiton und ether custom cities at Kansas City. The faro for the round trip from Omaha is , only SM.110 For further information and reserva tion of Pullman accommodations call on or address , 11 L. PAiMiit : , Passenger Agent Santa Fo Route , 1310 Furnum St. , Omaha , Nob. DEVELOPING AN IDEA. Tbo Origin ol .Meteorologist licdllcld'H 1 bnir ) of toriiM. In the year 1821 -ovoro stonn lire- vailed aloiig the eastern eoa-it , nhlch for munv jears was known its the "great Soptombo'1 gale" It hold that title until September , ISO1) ) , when another and moro roinrtt-lfstblo ono oci-urt cdhich rather disturbed its claim to the honor. It was a little time after this llrst storm that William C. Red field , tlio meteorologist elegist , while making a journey in Msibsuchu oUs. was Rttuck by u some what curious fact. He noticed that in Massachusetts the trees prostrated by the wind nil lay with tholr heads to Iho southeast , showing that the gale there wns from the northwest , but in Connec ticut the tieea blown down in thcsamo storm lay head to the northwest shoxy- ' intr that'tho gnlo had been a southeast ono. llo ascertained , mot-cover , that when the wind was blowingbouthoiist In Middletown , his homo , it was northwest at n pluco not seventy milea from thoro. It was then that the idea flashed across his inina that the gale was n pro gressive whirlwind. That xvus n gteat thought. It was such n flash of per ception ascamo to Newton when ho con nected the falling apple with the planets in space. It uas such nn itiMghtmtotlio moaning of a fact as .lames Watt had when ho saxv the possibilities of the force that xvus tattling the lid of the kettle on IIH mother's fire. The development of the idon was destined ono uny to put Hodfiold in the r.inks of the great scientific thinkers of his dav , says the Popular Science " Monthly , llo"inado this slot in the basis of his investigations , follox\iig bib re searches into its n ovements by n cato- ful collection of facts in relal'on ' to oth- erti like it. For ton years ho studied and examined and compared his facts before ho published his theory of storms. The hand of time deals lightly with a woman iu perfect health. But all functional dciangcmcntsniul disorders jxicultnr to w omen leave their mark. You noodn't hnve them. Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription comes to your ret.cno . as no other incuii-iiio can. It cures them. For pciiodicnl pains , prolapsus and other displacemeiith , Ijoarmi- downsensationsand all'1 fetimlocomplaints" and weaKnesscs , it Is n ixnxorful icbtoratlvo tonic and nervine , Imparting htroiiRth to the whole Bj-htem in General , and to the utenno organs nnil appendages in particular , It keejis jeurs from your face nnil figure but mlus j cam to your life. It'b auamnteeil to give satibfaction in every case. If it docon't , your money is returned. No other mcdlcino for women is Hold on these terms. , That's IHSCIIUSO nothing else is "just as COO(1 * ' Pcrbapi the dealer w 111 offer something that's "Utter. " Ho meniis that it's Ix-tter for Mm. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. llest cattle , hi ) ' . : mid slionp market In the xvcst COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. DUR. < E & / / ? / / / " ? LlVKSTOt'IC COMMlfciSlON. TIM : UADIKS. : : JUIAlWrltH to thU luuu foc llAUAr | ot Marltat Rspa-ti. Wood Brothers , touth Omaha Tolophoiio IIi7. ( /'hlpago JOHN D. IIADISM . I . . , „ n wri WAl.TKIt K. WOOD f Market reporti by mall aiU xvlro choarf ully fiirnlahed uxm | appllc itlon Campbell Commission Co. Chlcaco , KistSU I inls , KapsisOlty , South 1 i. BlonxOltv. Ion Worm 'A. D. Boycr & Company , fFan'l.V ) i\olim-'i : ) llulldln : ,8otlt'i Omih i. Corrm.ionilBiiconollcltoil nnd promptly antworil Cl'otlol ' attuntlea toordorj fur .toi nori , V luJiljr . iitut < ll > ued , 1WI. - . Incorporaua , Hli Capital ( ullf palft , JAJ.UJJ Wa ggonfer liirney Company Write or wlro u for prompt uu.i rull 'Jl J mar < Jt rtporn Perry brothers & Company , Live btno. < Oominls\ilon. \ Itooiu SI i-ioluiiiKo llulldlnbautU Oiuaba. Uvlupbouu Uj7 OMAHA AWNIXOS AND THNTd. OmeliaTBnt-AwaWi "Wolf Bras , " Compmir. , . Hii , Inm * ToiuiK unntrui. tiuiwiv n.r.K. ! ' . . ° " . " ' rnlitiiir ! lln < ( iTorvif nil I ' plnllilni ; , ivititluiiuo , IIIJ j . . . . „ . ' < , etc -ionil ti > rii m < trcou forrAtmojiiu WIS , tt'tli JAGS .V TWIX1 | UlCYCLKS. mportpr * nnil mfr , Iliiitr . . on iiionthiT . - nxcii" , tnirliip. , twtno > mi-lit' IJiN IMI i /I 'l'S ANM ) HUOI-S. Mopis-Coc Silos C inpin/ / , ' II Ilimnrisircpt 1 ilrtor > piiruiT IMIi nnil iMiulin Mr , . ( > ! . i\cnro iiiiiklnuil " 0 iirlii-st , . < -i li hiitiv * tin I nro illliitfiultiM .if ITU > , | KII | a KMTniMbu ! nltli IIHT IIIIIK [ { irKciiiiall Joiic ? & i Amsr , Haiid-Scwci oniimnr Slii'U riiiiipinj , ( jo it , itntitMir lli-'llJI- H" nn I uti ) llnriicj lllMllnrncr 'trocu troct CLOTH INO. Blotcky & Icitlitni ; . ntilloni. fur'1 ! ln ( Jlxo in n trill Sixmplui p-ninll Ity at- pros' llllllnrncr xt. COAL , OOIvi : , | COUNICK. Omali.iGul.Coke.LiniB . . Co Ewlo Coraiw Workj Innl nnd viftooit. n Mfr Kalvntilroil Iron cor. Kilt Hint cornlcn , wtnitow cntx. itrceti. metillc fkylUhM etc IIIII 1113 tKulxe-n DU\ ' GOODS M. K. Sinillii Co , Kiljnlriu'V-Kocli , notliin fur Dry ( Jim I * Co Notion nldlilni ! KOII ( | > Comer cent' fitrnlililMj ami It lltli nnil llonnnlti for llth ami II irnu > laiaha Upholslering Co , liccbo i llnnyan ilntnroil fitrnlt irj t'uniltiirc Co , , Grxcj in l.llhatroct. kVUoloi ilo oiljr D. M. Stccle&Co. I Blake , Bruce & Co 12Ul-IJO'i Jones itroat , 10th nnd Hrrnjjr itrojt Uainhix KEc < & 3B3SW. SI EOIAIUIST In the treatment of ail forms of PRIVATE DISEASES. ana all \Vo iKnoss and I ) so r tier of T\/TT7'\J xvlth lossof oourige. ambition. IVi JZi 1N andvitillty. KlEhteen yo us of tbo most romaik.iblo htieeoss In o treatment , of this class of dlsctincs which Urovo-i by the iintvors it testimony of tbou- ndh xx ho biivo boon cured , Wilto for elroti- ti , und question | | st. lltli .nut f.iriiinu . , ( liniiiii , Neb. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING Foaled proposils xvlll be iccolved by the nndcriilgnod until 1. 11 o'clock D. m . Novemboi Ibth , ! ) . ' . foi the follow lug kinds of paving ma terial. vl/ ; .Sliuct .i-pli.iltnin. hloux 1 alls 01 other jranlt3 , Colorado s m Istoii" , WoodrulT. K.inSiiH , stone , and Vltnlied brick , All ttccoidlng to spec-Hie itlons. 1'or pivlnthe alley between list and 112nd avenues , from I'lirnnm street to Dodge strenr , comprised Instieet Improxement district No. 4 ! ) I , In the city of Omuhii , ordcicd Improved by ordinance No . 'XU. Kacb bid tospjelfv a prlco per square yard for the pivln eomploto In the alloy , Work to bu done In accordance wltli pliins nud hpeellicatlonson lile In the ofllco of the boird of public works Kucli propos il to bo madoon pi In ted brinks furnished by thn boar I and to bo accompan ied by aeertlli-d chock In tbo sum of $ * o , pay able to the city of Omaha , us an evidence of good faith. The board resnrvni the rlshl to reject any or all bids and , riialrman of dm lloir.l of I'nbllc Works. Omaha , Novombei .lid , lay. . nJ-l-7-ll To all owners of lots or parts of lot son Shirley street , from vst.li street to2Uh uxonuo. You are hereby not iflod tint the under signed three disinterested freoholdorsof tbo city of Omiiba bnxe boon duly unpointed by the major xxlth ( ho appinval of the city eoun- ell of said elly to aHii- the dam.igu ot the ownerb icspcijtlvely of the moperty ulTectod bv tbo nliinuu of grade of Snliley sticet. do- ( ifared neeiissarv by ordiniiiKo No IIIUI , p hsed July i. Ih'U ' , i.pnroxu.1 .Inly ' 'S , I8W You are furtbor notified that bavin : uc- cnptedRuld iippolntmont und duly iiiiillllrd | us reoulied by luxv , xxo will on lliu lltlnlayof No- \omber , IHii , nt the hour of 10 o'clock > n the mornlne at thootllcoof Cliiulrs 1' , lloiijiiniln , IMIi Dodge htrcel , wllliln tlio coiiiorato limits of said ell ) , meet foi tliu purpose of consider ing and inakln. asao-Bineni of dainagu lo the owners lespnctlvoly of Hilu properly HfToeted by Mild I'lading , taking Into consideration special bfiiellts , If nnv You uro lierubv notl- II ed to be piesent ut tbo time und plnce uforo- snld und in it lui uny objection to or htalements concerning hafd nsseH.inunlof damages nsyoii maycouldc , poor , , , JOHN P. ri-ALK. ! Committee of Appraisers. Omaha , Neb , , Nox 1. IM)1. ) N.'dlOl NOTICH TO HKLKUT MAI'IJUIAL FOIJ PAVING. To Uioowiip | nf lotsand land frnntlMJ upon street Improxemenl dlslilct No Wi , coiiipri Ing tlio a lev between .list and .r.'nd axonues fnini riirnani mroiit In Dodge street , in the elty of Omaha , and subject to iissihsmont foi HIM paying or run ivnig nf the biime , You are heruby notlflbd In pnisiianco of ordlnuncuNo. ai.li. passed und approxed ( Jclo her 'tith. It1'to ' seleet and dntcrmlno npoiith kind of material to bu used In DUX In J Hint 1m- proveinunl district on or before November ! ! 7lh. Ife'Jor the elly council will determine sain malerlul . . . . Dulod utOniuhti , Neb , this 3rd dny of No- Ohatrmuu Hoard of I'ubllo Works ' ' NOTICK TO PKOPHItTV OWNHUS. You uro hereby notlllud tbut the banks of earth now existing on sub lots I J , I.I and II of lot UOapltol uddlllon.un-J loUlSund U.Koyu'H biibdlvlH on ot lot U Capitol addition , In tbo city of Omaha h no been declared byoidln- UIKO No. act. , to bo u niilHiinco. You uro uuioby dliveled to abate nald nul- saneu by graUlng ilowii the front part of Mild nib lots , so us to prevent tbo wasting , fulling or washing v ! earth tlierefioin upon tbu adja cent sldounlli within thirty days fioni llio yillt day Oflcbur , ! / ' or nuld niiUiined will bo abated by the city uulhorltlm and the ox- pensu thereof levied us a bpeulul tiix avulnst the property on which knld nulsatico exists. , , \ : . , . Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. HAKWVAim Hector & Williclmj Co. k & Lin : ) , Corner 10th sml Jnckion l > palcr In liirili r MI \ tool I43I utrcot. HATS , ivrc. \\lmle ilo lints rnp , ulrnn ilovc inllli-no nth nml llnrner fli.n . It. Iff. J Join ! A. IVakeilnll " " 'nVtu'ii .u . r'1 ! ! : , \iu.rvu \ ! ! , t < irrt ! ; ; iloiiilrtif p p'unit an I 1111 " " ' < 1'ousli ' ( Juliipjr ( Mtiiio u no Flick & llerlwl I , OlicrTcMer & Co | i | | ] iir Importer * imi jol > bi > r * of 1001 rirniim st millinery tmtlnni Mill nrttprs prompt _ _ 01 Lx Carpenter Paper Co. Stilllllillll Oil CO. Carrj n full stork of printing iv.nppiinr ntul ninl Inlirloitlai rltliiKpipor I-XM p > xlogri-iiL' . eta l > et eti " Kin & ] ) , id Cole U'o , " Mfr ofK V npnntt miolei ) < orili > r fan r uhlrliiniiitiivcrnll * olft inlorj ris lutiiiini-t Ml ISboiith Illli it teleplioni'TI t PUODUCII : lililllCll & CO Whitney & Co , Mutter , rue' nmlponltrr 1'roiliicn fruits of ill kliiili oisturi ias A. Clark & C ) . " Hutler olui. { [ | niiiltr > niu .HT Huiltli Utlut STOVi : KKt'AIUS. SASH I Jl.A.DisImnvU'o. Mnnnfarturon ot naili too r * . b11 n iM nn I miiiildlnitfl llrmcli of tlcu , I3tli nnd Uiirtl sti WOOD13N blDKWALK UlWOLUi'ION' CONSTKUCTION. Coiinell C'linmbor , Omah i Neb , mu lie It rosoiM-d by thoe-itv conn II of the city of Omaha the m.ijoi conciiirluK : Hull xxooile-n sidoxi.ii < s lie constructed III thoclty of Oiniih ins di-sUn.itel huloxx. xxfth- In lixotl ijs aft01 the pnhlleatlon of this n-so- Ititlon , ot the person i | MTXICU thmeof. us bx- ( it llnanie Is unhorsed and ictiuirpil suc-U , sldoxx ilKs to he laid to the piesent Kr.ulion ij the streets spr-ellled hcii-in , ami 'o bo eon- M mi ted of plno pi ink of such xxldth anil ilili-kiic--.s ind bu laid upon joists of snoli iilini-nslons and In such 111.1111101 us Is pro- M-rlbed by the spoellli-atlnns mi llio In llio olllcoof thoboaid of public xxoilvs and under its snpoix Islon , tnu it : fconth side of lllckorv stipe ! , xv i more OP los lot I block 1 ! ) 11 anscom Place , picseno gi idobfcot xx bio. Ninth side of Mdtolrn stinot , lot 22 block 18 W iliint lllll , present 41 i'Io ( , foot xvldo l.ast Hldi-of 47tn utroot. lot II block 10 Wal nut HIM , piosont eiiidti. ii foot whip. hast Hide of J7th strojt. lots 12-13 blook S AV.limit lllll , ptesent Kiado I , feet xvldo Sill Hi side of Iuko stu-ct. lots 10-11 12 block JO t llflon IMII. piosenl Ki.tde , d feel whin. boulli Hldoof Iali0 stieet , lots 1 toOlncln- Blxo block 11 Ullfton lllll , piuioutKrniio , b feet xx I do. bonthhldo of Luke street , lots 7 to 11 Inelu- nlxe block II Ullfton lllll , piesenl Kr.ule , o feet xvldc. Ninth side of Itlondo street , lots ! l-4 blooU .1 1'urUei's udd , pici-oiit iirudo , dfect xvldo \Vsl sldo of with bticpt loll 1-2 block 1 I'm kei's udd , im-sont KI- illfoJt ( ! xildo boutbHldc of Mason silent , lols 1-2 block II , I Ixonnt/o , V Unlh's add , piesont Krudc- ft-et j xx Ide. oiithsldoof Mison itrcct , lol 1-2 blook IJ Ixonnt/u A , Itnth's add , pit-soul irr.ule , r , foot xvldo .West sldo of I'llh ' bttpct. lots l-l-r > block U Ixonnl/e \ . ICiilh'M udd , present ridoti fi-ett xx Ido Last sldo of 1'itb slroiM , lolsG block tl Kotnil7u > V Knth's .nld piesent urade , t fe.il > . xvlili. I'tist s'di ' ! of I'llh ' stii-i-t , lol " 2-21 bloi-k U Koiint/o A. Until i add , piesnnt iziado , 4 fin-ti xx Ide. Noilh sldo of Picric stieet , lot 27 blooK U Konnt/OtX. 1 nth s udd , ptcsenl K'rade , I feJ0 xvlde. Ninth sldo of Pleico street lots 1-2 block 17 ( Koiint70tV Itutli's add , pie'-unt ( 'iade , ( , feet wldo. West s'clu of I'ltb slroct. lots I , 1.r > . 8. 0 12 , 1J. in , 17 , 'I ) , 21. bloi-U IT lx'oun'70 A. Kiith'ii add , present Krado , U feet xx Ido twirth side of Illni slicct. lols R ! ) b'oi'li'J OkHhoina l'ul > , piesenl made , d feet xvldo North lido of l.lin slH.el , lol ? hlouk 1 Ok i- lioin i I'm k , iircsont KI diII feel wine. North Hide of Charles Hlicnl lots 7-S w ! - , II , block nhltin's nldi-staidIshod Krudi-.dft xvldo. 1'iiHt Hide of .Ultli Ktiniit lui 1-21 hlouk 1 Illll- fildn No. 2 , established ifr ulo , I ) foot xvlde. And ho It fillhoi ) ro-iilxnd That the Im.ird of pnlillo uorlis be and here in' Is u ut hoi l/ed and direct oil lo cause a copy of this re-oliiiinn to he published III thuoill- ulul p ipoi of tliu cltv for one xveek , or bo t-erved on tliooivnoixif Hild lots und unless Mich owners shall xvilhln llxu diiys after llio imhllcatioii or seix'lioof Niieh ropy construct htild sidovx.iIKh a herein leqiilii'il , that tbo board of public woiKs i-uiisu the Hamo to bo done , the cost of enntti netini ; bald Hldexvulk * rospoctlvoly to uo assesked aualnst the rn il iBlaie , lot 01 nut of lot In fiont of und ubul- tliiK Hiieli Hidexvalks Pasted OcU ISlh and 2rilh. IS'l. ' . U I' . DA VI" I'lcsltlenl ( Jitx'Connc'll. Attest : .lulls OKUVI-- . OKUVICity Clerk. Approxed : ( jKo P. IIDMlN iMayur. Norici : TO coN.sntuor HinnwAMxa. 'I'ctlie oxxnuis of Ilm lols , putts of lolnund real est ilo descilbcd In tbo ahoxe resoiu- lion Vou and oucli of you nin'lioioby notllled to ( onstrnct ixiioden nhloxvalks un roituliod by a losolnllon ( if the elly ei.nnciraiiu m iyor of tlui city of Uiniili i , of xvhlch llioaboxo IH a C"l > y' y'P. . \V lllltKII/\rsi : ! ( . rii'ilrinan lion I nf Publ " iVorks Omaha , Neb , , Novi-mbur Isu IfUnld'l J'JIOPOHAI.H KO ] { Seuled proposals w ill bo locolvoil by the un dersigned null ! I.I : ) oYlocK p in , November inth. IM.1. for gradiii- Ma pin HtHMil from .list l l col , I oII Hi MX en no ; II.'IMI btrent from .Maple Ntn nl loCurby street , Jllril Hticot from lullllNreel | ( toCorhy HtruuC and 24th slieot from l.iiavnnxvorth Hlieot to Hickory btieel : In llio eily of omulm , In 110- O'lrdancd xvllb plain ntd BpeeilloUlons on llio In ilm ollliitof thn bond of pub lu works. IIIdH will bo miido on in lined blanks fur nished by tbu bond und to bii accompiinloil xvltli u cnrlllled elieck In the Mini of $ > Jt ) , paV * iiblo to tbo city of Omulm. us un uvldunieot good faith. The boird reserves ( ho right to reject any or all bldtt und to waive defnclH I' . W. IIIHKIIAlHiit. ! : Chairman Hoard of I'ubllu World , Omaha , Neb , . November . .rd , 1HJ2. n'l-4-IO-H 1 I.O1 CFAIH ICHCCJJi ; M HUIDOKS. Ho lied propos ils'wlll bo recolveil by the nil- ( lorblgnid until I.I : ) o'e o K p. in , , November ] Hli , I Ml. , for llio coi.Hiruutlon of wooden bridges ueioss ( ho sewer illicit In Ninth Omaha , nt l.aik nud 3Ht | streets , ut hpanlilliU nnd ,11st Hlioi-U , ut Ames axeiiiio unit 7lh Hlreuts , ut Kort and 27tn all cuts , und at ( Jr.iud uxeniii ! und .ith streets' , In the elty of Omaha , iiecording to Plans and speeltlciitlons on II u In thoolllcoof thy llourj of I'ubllu Woiks l.i < -li propoiul lu bo in ado on printed blunkx f .r- nlsheil by tbo no ird , and to bu iieeoinii in c I bv u eertHied cheek In llio mini of ( IUJ , pay able to Ihu elly o Omulm us un nxldeneoof good faith. Tim bonrd resttrves the right to rvjout any or all bids , und to xvulvu dofunls I' . W. lll.lKHAl HP.lt , Clialriniiii of tbo Hoard of I'tibllc Work * Oiuuhu , NoxemLi-rUrJ , It/jj. uJ i-i-T