11 t f t Vt ft * fi TUB OMAHA I3EE COUNCIL BLUFPa OI-riCKi - KO. 12 TKAHL ST11EKT Bcllv rcd t jr carrier to anr P rt ot ttu city IJ.W. TlhTON , - MANAGER. irLKI Hni'ncK onice Ntbt , ( Etitor | .MK.VT1O.V. V. IMumblnu Lc. ( 'cum 11 niufls I-umber Co. . I'-ldoUty council , No. 13'J , Kovnl Arcijnum , will Imvd Its rcgulir moctlns ? tlilu ovonlnR. Ono of the barircs u d l bulldlnB tbo Missouri river levee wnt sanlt durltiR tlio storm u few days n o Unity KUlld will meet In regular CMOII ! tUUnrtcrnoonvltliMr Hnrrls. Virsi or.d 1'lcrco streets. otS.JW o'clock. .ludRO U. C. L'olo of IJ. Molnc > ivtll nd- ilrow tlio people's partv tills ovetunff nt Iliiyhos' li'UI. Ho Is i catidldiUo for clootor- nt-larso on the people's ticket. The fiult prnwor * ulll lioltl R incellnR nt thocouu hotifcn tomorrow Afternoon for the jiununo o ( tnuKltiB nrraiiRoments for a fruit exhibit in this city next niontli. .lustlco llnmnior performed n double wed- dliiK.VOMcrdav. Tbn parties were Chnrl R Matthews nnd Annie Osborno , nnd Otto Mntlms and Ulirlstlna Joppcian , nil of Omnlni. There will bo n republicnn rally nt Streets- \ Ilio tills avonlnir. Tlio MnrchtiiK tl"1' ' wl l meet nt nipubllrnti lio.idiiuurtcri' nl o clock for Ihr purpose of taking p.irt In tbo uoiiion- httntlon. S.uiitit'l .lohnson nnd I'rancos C'olcman , n South Omaha dti Ky ronple. wore nrirrlcd vcstonlny niornlni. nt tlioofllcn of the ootinty Merit by'Hov. T. Untiiion of Otnahn , nsslsted bv Deputy Clerk Kenloti , who oniflatcd as best man. Mnrrlniollcancs worn ls ned yestefdny to Ilcrtnnn hchncpol nnd Mimilo Kclioenltiir , both of Piiitinvaltninlo county , and to .lohn W. I'ini'oll mid Hullo Ilovpfinne , bJtli of ( Jotincll ninlTs. Tlio Litter coup'o ' wcru married by Justice Hummer. Policemen Ko.intnti , Murnliy nnd Wyntt loft vo'lurdny for Slienanilo li anil took with tbriii liiltn.in Plumb , nlms I ) tie , nnd .1. liownulhonrosupposod to bo tnoro or less Intlniuiolv connpclc1 ! ! with tin ) burplnrv of tliu tailor snou nt 'hiu plncu n week ape las' . Stindny. .1. U. Matthew * , n fanner llvlnp rast of the city , lull his liorsn nnd wuirou hltcbed In front of NcumnvPf'H hotel vi-steraay nftor- noon nriu went inslilo. When ho returned Me found that seine one h.id nipped a line now sUil ol clothes from the wn ou unil ills- uppenred. There Is no clew. The Rratid Jury was empaneled In iho dis- lilct court yesterday nnd commepciid the work of talcing evidence against alloaed criminals. The following compose the Jury : \Vllllntn Cnrrio. J. 0. howls , Ohnrlos Hry- ant , .1. A. Kunaon , A. Urout , Tbotnas M - loncy nnd M. O'Conncll. Tlio rcpulnr nipetltif , ' of ( ioldon llud cnnin , No. 7 , Hoyul Noiphboi-3 of America , will lo bold this ovoninsrin Kntchts of P.vthlns hnll I , on Minn street , at 8 o'clock. H Is desired thni there bo n full nttondaiico of tbo mem di bersns matters of importunes will i10 brought hoforo the camp. Samuel Burr , nn old citizen , found Dr. McCnrty'.s poctootbook n day or two njroIn one of the local depots and returned it to its owner. The nurse was lost on'tho stops of the Morrlnm Block , anil had evidently boon loft in the depot by thu Under r.ithor th.in run tlio risk 01 bolus cnualil Dy the owner , m.d oroscculod. The Mn/iini' , utidof the mnun omont of the Woman's Chribliun assoo'.ution , will o ) > on today at noon. Special attrac tion in linon'dniiios and fani-y work of all kinds. Kxtonsivo preparations lutvo boon inndo in all that portinns to tlio nmke-up of a doll's wiirdrobo. Do not full lo brinir Uio cliildron. Santa C'laus will promptly 1111 orders on Christnms niorniiifr , H in ado at tl'o Ma/-jar. Snp- jior from 5 until } j. IJill of faro will con sist of raw oysters , oystot * stow , cRcnl- lopcd oysto'-a ' , fried chicken , sliced ham , slowed potatoes , osoallopcd potatoes , cold slaw , pioklo ; . , ernnborry sauoo , lemon jolly , celery and doucrhnuts. Kngliali bread and butter with hot colTco or chocolate with wafers and cake ; will bo served at any time during the dny and ovon'ng. Tlio auction snlo of tlio Unrhorn stock ; of line jewelry , watches and silverware is fitlriu'ting trrcnt crowds each nftor- noon and ovonins' . All thostoulc is boiiij hold tit just what tlio crowd is willing lo pny for it. _ - Do.ston Store for collars and ( ' . B. Hold tins roturaea Irom n busliicss trip in tbo tvcst. Mrs. D II. Datlv is visltmc her sister , Mrs. Gratian , ut iCe Moincs. QMr.s. P. M. Pryor has pone to Leaven- worth , Knti. , to visit friends over Sunday. Captain .1. J. Hatlmway wua In the city vo.sti'rdnv , nnd returned last cvoninir to ilocini. . wliaro ho U onK'igcd ' with tlio Clyde Coal MlnhiKcomtinnv. Mrs , II. A. Jones nrrlvcil In the citv last nvoninfj from Clcvolniul on uor ivav to thn Pnclllc const , and v/ill aponu n week visiting her con , II. S. Jonoj , on Fourth stroot. Kuwnrd Ilnrlio has returned from Mexico , whcro ho now IIVQ.I , nnd is ii.iylntr bis brother , Pin lay Burke , H visit. ' Ho wns v/tif formerly u'rosldonl of Council Jiluff , nnd will spend sovnral dnvs ronawlng old acquaintances before roturnlni ; , Ltind Bros , hnvo received pomeolosraut new cut and crystal glass { 'oods and have no fancy prices. fioston Store for nockwotir. Oontlomon , the llnostilnu of mil Rootls In the city , ju.nt roueivcJ. Hoitor , the tullor , ! UO Hroadway. The Uaillunt novelty bapo burners ara the host heaters in' the city. Sue ' thorn ut Swaine's. Boston utoro closes every oveuinjj at L(5 ( p. in. , unless Mondays ami Saturdays. Hobton Slot o for kid < ; lovos. \Vnil < pil MIT tinllur .Mnnry. A wtilto woman with an nlTocilonnto turn of mind called nt Iho police t > utlon lust oviin- mi ; with n Iniii ; tn'o of woo to unfold. Sha failed to Klve ber unmoor resilience , but Mtld that Mm hiul bi'como Infatuated with the viaiiliii ; ways of Sam ( ilovor. n colornd iiuiii who hui been in the umnloy of Mnrn Wise , thu llvorymnu. Sum had so far wnn , his way nun liorprnoos ns to Ituiucn tier to promise ) to murry him nnd to hcnd him $ : ) IU in caiih UH n funraiiteo ; ofood ( fulln. After scmilne him tuu monuv she packed up nor household unndi nnd Miluiwd thrm to Council HluffN ever th" Northwostcrn railway. Whua BIO ! nrrlvcd , veetfrdiiy ho found 'that her du'kv lever had loll ttiocltv by tlio bick mulivuhc. and thntRhn was In the soup so farnn her iid- inlror nnd liar dush KUbsldv wcru concorned. She \vunltd tvory nollcomun In the city ( o np- point hlmiolf n coininltteo of 0110 to look for Cllovof. and held the hands of Ofllcers Ivjncb , nnd Martin several imnutca whllo usinp her most irri : > uat > lva tones. Olovcr has not turned up. ' . M Coal and wood ; best und cheapest Missouri Inird wood In the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox. No.1 Alain. _ Tlio Boston Stifro closes tivory even , ing at U IK in. except Mondays and Saturdays. Boston Htoto for holiday goul4 ; I'Oooople in this city tnu gu stove i ' 0) 'IhoOaa Co. puts Vni in at o. > jt. Kinest , uhambur sets in iho city at .Lund Bros1. ISostou Sloro for fancy artlcloi. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Independent * Determined Not to Fuse with the Democrat ? . HOW EDITOR TRAVIS GOT INTO TROUBLE lln MnUn nn Kllnrt to Srctira Alllnnor Vuti' for the lloinnrr.itle CnniJld , te lor the .liiilfsn nf Ilio District Court. E. Pardeo Tr , vls , n member of the pee ple's party , ' u Just now tno object of n hurri cane of wrath from tno minnbors of his pnrtv. Mr. Travis , n may not bo generally known , Is the editor of the Pottnw.ittatnlo Chief , n small weekly papsr which has until recently boon published In Avoca , but which wns moved to Council limit * lust week through the inlluutico of Fremont nonjamln , the democratic candidate for Judco of the district court , In order thut th1) piper nuuht exert n wldirinll'ienro ' In iho woat end of the county , where Benjamin hopes to trnlu most of Ins votes. The llrU thing Mr. Travis illd after ( 'ottlns hU pi inters' towel hur.K upund hlsofllco c.U safely stewed awny In tbo wn to l-n ltat , was to sit Ooxvn und wrltii an editotl l In which ho nt- trlbutod to Mi. Uonjiitnlii all the prnccs nad excellences which nro usitallv ascribed lo divinity ulone. nnd nskcd all mombrrs of Iho pcopln's party to vote for Mr. liuaj itnln. not- wllhstandnnj the lnctih.il the people's p.irty had n c.indtdnio of tlii'lr own for the oflleo of district ! nine. His onjecl In inUinc Ihum to do this wns to put nn end to what hu consld- oicd the cut-uinl political rniff cumposed of Judtjcs Thomoll , M.IUV , Djomor and Smith. Hut Mr. Travis' two column prayer for the purity ot thu bench did not h.ivo altogether tbo desired cfTuel , for souia ol tlio local party Icndors tliou.lit they know n thins or two tibout judicial purity themselves Accord- itiu'ly thu llrst thliiR they did after thov ban henrd of thu appruranco of the nrtlclo in Qiiostioa was to ot touethar and tesolvii in n win- Unit is calculated to 1111 Mr. Tr.xvls' head with leat'3 lor its safety. A special mcutliiL' of the Peoplo'a P.irty club wns called and resolutions wore passed suostan- ti.illv a > follows : \VliiTO.is. The editor of tin' I'oltiiwattamlo t'iilof has piililislicd ,111 artlolo ussntnliK to dlcl.ur to ( hu niunrii'iscif the pn.ipiu's . party of thisi-lty nnd tlu > riflei-nth Ju llcuil district that Ihry shoiiiil void fur I'roniiiiit Itonl.iinln. tlu < 'li'Miorr.itlc'immliu'r. ' without thu approval of tliimunibirj of the saltl parly , tliuroforu bit It liesolvol , Tli.it > vc roliel against such 011- deavorsoii Iho pirt of thu editor of thu Chief to deliver us Into tin ) hands or our onunilcs. wlii'ii In eonvniitlon our dolejiatm refusud to endorse I'rmnont Iloiijiimln or In any other wiiy fnao with oltlinr iho demooratlu or ic- luinlican paitlrs. and ho It Unsolved , Tliit wo oondoinn null eonsiiro thu ni'llon ( if IMItor TmvU In iirRlus ns to ro- piidlnti ) thi ) prlncliilus adoDteil at the Unmli.i. nnd unr.titu Jiidlolnl con volition , Tnoy further resolved to demanc ! of the editor of the Chief Unit bo publish the reso lutions in tliu next Issue of his paper In order that Ins subscribers may know the feelings of the true mid blue members of tbo party. The resolutions wore st nod h\r L. Klnnehan , J. P. Stuploton , Goer o AlePoOiC , \V. A. Pool nud C. L. Otllotte. riru llrunilu'.iv unit Curnrr ol lli'iitun MllM't. Our late loss in * fire was covo-o.1 by two polii'les , bolli in Uio COUNCIL BLUFFS INSUUAXCK COMPANY. Uy 7 o'clock the next morning after the'lire the secretary was on the ash ' heap , pencil in hand , ready to ligiiretho loss down to bedrock , which ho did , too , saying t hat' it was his duty and no Pinnll pirtof his business ' ' Ho long as ho did not go below bedrock we had no reason lo complain , consequently the settlement wns not only prompt , but in every way satisfactory , so much f-o that In addition to ? ! ) . ! ! 00.00 ( seven policies ) carried by this company before the lire we now mill to it * lt,000.0l ( ) . Jioing intimately acquainted with the secretary and directors we cannot bo pel Minded thai hollar indemnity can bo obtained thnn that olTcrcd by our homo company , bolides wo believe in patron izing worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , and unless wo do we shall continue to bo dependant on for ' eign capital and corporations. G. \VmsEr.nu , , L\h. A. llKitnnu. Genuine Hound O.ik , K'idlant Homo I"1. 1' . Stewart Mtovon and ranges , sold csclnsivoly by Cole & Cola , -11 Main. Tlu genuine flurr O.ilc stoves are sold only by Clm * . Swaino , 77 ! IJroadway. Call and see them. Store for hosiery. l.'lHl flllix-l ) tt > Tomorrow will po Iho List nny for ain - tloii ami nil who e.siiect to vole nt the com- ini ; election , nnd who did not resister last wcok. will have to do BO then. The regis tration boards will sit in cinch precinct from On. tn. to S p. m. The roKistrntlon so ar hni been constdrr.ible lighter thnn it Id bo n'ld the registrar ! will proDabty have Ida hvolv time nttendlm ; to the lute ones. no following list of iho places of on shows whnt territory H inclutled In each pre cinct : I'lllsTVMII > . Flr t Precinct Wheulcr.t Ilorald'a onico , 1'H Hast Ilro.idway. Thut nartof the wnrd bounded by First street on tbo west , Hroudwny on tbo north : , Onl < street , 1'lerco street , Mcl'linr&on avenue und tbo cltv limits. Soronil Precinct Kesideneo of Mrs. Grll- lltli. ! W9 ICiit Pierce stroot. 11nl Thut part of the ivnrd oust of First nnd south ot liroathvuy , OH If , 1'lerco and Mo Phisrson aveiiuo. srcosn wvnn. First Precinct 1C. T. Waterman's cnr- rinuo shop , 1 North Main. That part iff the ward oust of Seventh to Junction of Sixth und to Hohror'n narlc. Second Product W. 11 , ICnophor's Kro- cory , 711 Uiomlwny. ' Thni part of the ward between Sovnnth strcKt nnu ttio Northwestern ninln line track. Tllllin UAltl ) . First Precinct Orobton house , ! ) l" Main stri'oi. That purt of the wnrd north and east of Mnln , nnu U'ortb'thence to Third , thence south to the p.irk line , fc'ocond I'molnet ( Jcorgo niaxalia's shoo store , 6 > U7 Mnln street. Tbni nnrt of the ward fonth of Worth to Third nndtal of TlilrJ to the park Ihi'j. roi'iirn WAIIII. First Precinct ' ' TiU'Willlgdr'tt ofllco , 2-JO South Mum. That purt ot the wnrd from Broadway to Seventh uvcnne. Second Precinct Ifelloy bouse , ISl'J South Muln , Tliut nart of the wnrd south of the center llnu uf Seventh uvcnne. nrru wvun , ( 'Irst Prt'citiotnrdlan'e grocery , 1001 West Hrouitwav. TIIHI pm of the ward botAtcn Broadway n nnu Sovtnith nvoniic. Scci.iid Precinct Urovcr'b hotel , DOter ( Tenth avenue. That nurt of tbn ward south of iho center llnu ot Huvonth u venue , Kl.XTII Wtlll ) . First I'rnclnL't Hoildencii of Wise Pnviio. 'UIO We < t HroUwav. All nn HID east side of iho Missouri river. Second I'rcclnct Pollco stutlon or.on , Utit-Oft hlund. _ All on tbo west side of Iho MU ouri nvor' .Mori7Tti.-lit. Sco Ihoso oil heaters at Sivaino'b 737 , Broadway. " S. H. Protroll. walclimakor , 7-lOiJroad- way. Boston Store for coats. Alutiiiirl Vuli | < y liully. The members ot Iho Uuiiiibllcan Younp MOII'R MnrchiiiK" club , nccompaulcd I'v Dal- | lioy'i buuu , left lost ov nuK ! for Missouri Vnllov tn nttcnd the republican rally at that placo. Tbo bars took their torches nlonjf nnd hnd n KMnd piuAilc , Senator linger dollvored one of tils Intcrp&ttnp speeches. Ratio i Store for tires * good ? . The people are taking advantage of the opportunity to buy holiday presents whllo Hie Burhorn auction sale is going on It is tlio best opportunity to buy such goods that will ho presented. It is very rarely that an artlclo roaches any thing like its real value. Boston Sloro for blankets , . . If you don't wan I to buy hard coal you had belter see Hixby about those oil burner * . They are adaplcd for IHO In hot air furnaces , sto.im and hot valor boilers , with no ro.il nr ashes to li indlo. At tlio " ' ' approaching "Hen Ilur' onstage tcrtalnmt'iit a number of the local ( bar * nctors will wear the richest and mot expensive costumes ever soon on the stage at Dohanuy's Opera house. Boston Hloro for bhnkots. New tn'il'ings , just received. Smyrna rugs from 7oc up. Oil clotln in pat- turni | ( | , and linoleums , now line ; also window shades , ioc ! up. Council Bluffs Carpet i Co. Boston : Sto ro fortoilot articles. Don't forget that Sivnino sjlls tlio Him n , civil engineer , ; > -3 Davis ford'ugti'id ' paints. 15 J3loii Store fo : ' cloaks Till ) IImlI'll Itult. By 1' . Munson , from Shout Stories for Novumbor : The conductor runs tiptho loo'o sidewalk and knocks al the section house door. The wind booms solemnly in the black tree lops , nud from the wniting engine comerf tno steady clank , clank of tlio air pump. The half-clad section boss appears at the door. "Broke-i rail half tnilo woat of Owl orook trosllo ; must bo llxcd 'foro No. . " > can nihs. " \Vithtiut awaiting a reply the con ductor is gone and thu train labors on ward up the grade. Tlio "gang" is rou cd , the Irind car carries Ihoin quickly down to Owl crook , the broken rail ia icpaired and all Is ready for the toilsome return journey. Slowly Iho car in forced up the wind ing grade. The men work silently now cowering ns if to avoid a blow as the ear plunges into the inky darkness of a cut , now shrinking involuntarily from the verge of chasms heaped up with vapory blackness. Occasionally against the starry pall of the bkyawan shimmer re veals the Sierra's suowv shroud and a cold wind pouring down from Ihoso dead hoighls sways the cable plumes of fir and tamarack and booms in tlio tall pi no tops.Unnoticed Unnoticed by the men on the car a , rumble heavier than Iho murmur of the wind conies down Ilio canyon. A shud der runs along Iho hen vy steel rails ns with the roar of an avalanche a locomo tive sweeps round the point just ahead. For a second , like a picture thrown upon a screen , the linndcar , witli its freight , of terror-stricken men , - ou , in the trlnre of theheadlij.'litag'ainst the surrounding dai'knoss , and dentil w.is upon thorn. With brake-shoos spitting lire the train rushes past , the rod lighls of Iho caboose swing around the eurs'o below , and a sudden hush falls upon the sceno. Below the grade fragments of rocks and loosened earth bound and rebound amid tree tops and jutting ledges , down , down. All is still at last , and up from the depths wells the sound of brawling waters , softened by distance to a , innrmor. The wind from the height once more B way ft tlio sable plumes of fir and tamarack , and booms in the tall pine tops. Neatly DonnVltli thn l.iisso. St. Louis Globe-Democrat : ' 'The prettiest throw of the las o I over saw was down in Now Mexico last summer , " said I ) . C. Smith , a western cattleman. "I had gone out to look at a bunch II.of cattle 1 thought of buying and was standing in front of the owner's ) housu discussing the proposed trade. A - - year-old child was playing about tlio lawn wiien suddenly it clasped its hands and ci'ied out as though highly elated. I turned my head and saw to my horror that it was anuirfing itself with : i mon.stei1 rattlesnake that hud just coiled to strike. It wns shooting its for'\ed tongue out almost into Iho face of tlio child , and it was this action which so plensod the little one. At my aide stood it Mexican cowboy with a lihso : on his arm. Quick ns a Hash it went whizzing through the air and closed tifound the neck of the serpent just as it drew its head back for the fatal htroko. Tlio father of tlio child nodded his head , remarked that it was a cauital throw , and resumed our din- i cussion with imperturbable gravity. Your Mexican is nothing if not stoical. It h the result of his Indian blood. ' ' J'l ui'loilii Mrtul * IP. tile SIM. The investigations formerly carried onHi by chemists with u view lo oxtraolinir the precious metals from sea water have lately , boon revived by Herr Minister , vou Scandinavian. ( ' In this pursuit , flea water was ! taken by him from Oristianiii fjord J , 100 liters being evaporated to drynoss. giving l,8.'l I grams of residue. This was ground and divided into portions of ! IOO . grams , oaoh of which waH mixed wltli 100 grams of litharge , 100 of ro potassium -sodium carbonate and four of carbon from Btari'h , and the silver and gold determined ; the re sult being nineteen milligrams of silver Kiid six of gold per ton of aver > ngo sou water. Considering those IX- tremely small amounts of the precious melals , Ilorr Minister is of Iho opinion Unit no method of precipitation in tanks possibly bo successful , balioving rather , that the precipitation must igbe o ( Tooted by tlio soi : Itself , where the water is continuously renewed . by u nut l uraI current , and he points out that the copper sheathing of vessels has long heon known to precipitate silver under these circumstances. Ttindini Nut Iiiindeil. A certain doctor in northern Maine : , says the Lewibton Journal , ia noted for ( his love of hunting' , and ho is reckoned pretty good shot , During an opidomio not long ago a well known lumberman . now deceasedhnd ) the misfortune to liuvo several of his man quite Hick , and one of them being in a dangerous condi tion , the lumberman started In has to for tills doctor. Now our medical friend is sonicllmcii quite slow In getting ready for his trips , and on this occasion , nftor being called ! he was iinnenaliy so. Sud denly the thought came to him that alas ho WHS to go t > u far into the woods ho might sco bomo L'nino , and stopping to the door where the norraus lumberman was impationlly waiting , ho imiulrod , "Say , don't you think I bolter take my gun along1 ? " "GunV nol" was the ex- oitod reply , "the mnn will bo dead enougli before you can got there. " Nothing could bo handsomer than the nnpi'o and dlroclolro long coats nnd cloaks made ruudy for win tor wear. Some are of cloth , , others of Hussian valour * and the richest of plain und ribbed velvet In CQiublnutlon , RULES FOR CUPID'S CAPTIVES A Discourse on the jEtiqnoUo cf Wotldiuas. DIETARY TIPS FOR 'JHE CORPULENT fnr the jlo filrtlon of Surjilm A Nntcil U'nii\u | A lrnnniiinr nb ( < l'i lif thn IltcU : 1911 V The otltiuotto of' tingigomeiils and weddings is a lopic'.tff , universal inlor- i'st and is thus sot forth by Harpor'a Hazar : . . The engagement ring is worn upon the . stmo liniror as iho wedding ring , and after marrliij.1 is worn as a guard toll. Tlio solit'iiro diamond is always a favorite , but tlio range of styles and prices is wldo and the girl's fanev and the youth's purse may combine lo make any ring proper. As lo wedding rings , Iho " < jqn tro" and "round" ones have each Ihoir likors. A wedding rinsr with sharp cut edges Ills snugly , but bolng worn con stantly will in lime nviko a callous spot ut Iho biuo of Iho li igor , which is any thing but bountiful. A ring will all round edges renders this impossible and is more comfortable lo wear , giving with every motion of the linger. In this country there Is a pleasant freedom allowed the ong.igod lovers. They ride , drive or wall ; together tin- questioned. Her engagement is one of tlio most charming o.xparion of a girl's life , and slid is wise who will not lot it bo cut too short. Tlio length of tin engagement must depend nioitly upon outward circumstances. U is only a journey of whioh the end must como i-ounur or later. A month or sis weeks is not t-jo short if bitch a time is found best , nnd there are couples who have waited seven years lo sue Ihoir hopes real i3d. . The bride , whoso verdict issnppo'cd lo decide everything , settle1 ? the wed ding day , and begins to arrange for it. No one hour is more fashionable than another for a wedding. Many largo weddings tire arranged for the evening this fall. On the other hand many people prefer the English custom of a morning wedding. An ancient English law forbade the solomnizalion of marriage - riago after noon , and Iho tradition is still kept up among English brides. If a wedding ontortainmonl is to bo given it iminediali'ly follows Iho marriage - riago ceremony , which may take place oillicr at church or at homo ; quite pri vately or in the presence of numerous friends , who are also invited to the en tertainment. The bride's parent1 ; , tju trdiaiifl or friends representing thorn , issue the invitatldns liud give Iho enter- taininonl. The l fido' cannot properly do this in her o\yi ( u imp. If she has no parent , or guardian , a friend may assume that place for Iho occasion. Wedding cards , are sent out two weeks previous to tlio event , Tlib invitation may road : Mr. and Mr ? . WII.MAMVn.tin ri > iiiu | < t the piu istin'of vonrL-omiriny ut the inaril-i'io of thuir it airliner , KsrELI.K I'l.OllENCE ' ' 'to Mr. jAMts I'ltnliuiiic HAITK , on Thnrtdny ovunlni : , 'Outohor ' tlio sixth , nt Unit iifCurKovcn o'clock. 1414 Plflli aveniio.r > New York. This invites to n-.inarriago ana enter tainment. , Invitationfi may bcx ont to either mar- riagq or oulerlaiuuionl separnloly. In vitations to a church ceremony may bo sent to many friends , while a limited number are asicea to the ensuing enter- tninmonl nt home. This church invita tion i oads , "request the honor of your presence , " or "request your presence. " the name of the church being printed immediately , below the date. Occasion ally a card of admitlanco to the church is inclosed which reads , "Please present this 1'iird to the church , " the name of church following. To those so favored a card is inclosed , fitting the shoot on which "Mr. and Mrs. Wilde request the pleasure of your company at the wedding breakfast , " or "Hit ? wedding reception , " of their daughter , niece or granddaughter as the case may bo. Again , ( he niarrrigoecroinony may bo performed in the presence of only a few friends , in church oral home , and Uio invitation may simply "request the pleasure of yo'ur fonin'iny at the wed- bing rocoplion of Ihoir daughter , " tlio hours "four to six" or "eight to ton" being added. In case of the invitation being issued by a temporary guardian , it may road , "Tlio pleasure of your company is requested at the marriage of Miss Kstello Florence Wilde to Mr. .James Frederick llaito , " the tillo of iho young lady being given in full. If the bride is to give receptions after her marriage , a card of invitation to thorn cannot properly bo concluded with an invitatlon'to her marriage , which is leaned before it. The reason is that at that ti mo there is no "Mrs. .Tamos Fred erick Unite , " HO she cannot invite any body to anything. But an invitation tea a bride's receptions may bo included with an ' 'announcement" of her mar riage , which is a dllTerent matter. An nnnounccmont is sent out after a mar riage has taken place. ' * * Of all Iho letters which tliu oracle of the woman's column receives from the distrusted damsels who'so noses are not dosiraolo , whose sweethearts do n.t quite suit , who want to know the color of Cleopatra's hair and the size of Helen of Troy's waial , Queen Victorias , fiun'ly nnino and how to pronounce Got- lordainmorung , who seek the propriety of kissing their lovers , and desire a remedy for freckles , those are most pathetic and most plenty asking , What shall wo do to bo thin ? What tihall wo eat to . . grow . fat ? _ * Iiideod j _ _ , it . would seem . _ , _ says the Now Ycirl Sun , that ono-hnlf of the world was trying to reduce llcsh , the oilier half to gain it. Why the Croiitor doesn't bYpjtngc a fairer aver age , instead of ifar isting in Iho absurd old theory that to nor that hath llegh , moro shall bo given1 , and from her that hath not shall be taUpn away that which i . she hath , IH one of , 'tho things which BlinkoM our faithl Now , tlio frtoul women that haven't hac u dj-lnlc of water since they were fortymvo | , starved themselves into Indigestion , anti walked unlil Ihoy ii ir worn weary , only'to'-grow ' sloulor with i Iho years , will b id 'orosted in the ex perience of an English Incly who waa suffering from sonJo stomaon trouble , and DOgnn a troatiuotil of not water to relieve it , with no fajth In its reducing her weight. This woman had an older O. sister , who for years dnniod herself liquids , sweets , nnd all that makes eating - ing a dolightjlmd tried electricitvinns8- ago and inordinate walking , unlil olio had established a deplorable state of chronic ill-health , only to grow heavier all the time. Accordingly , when the evil day dawned in which she herself could not hook her wedding girdle by several Inches , and when indigestion , a ilec most frequent cause of obesity , attacked t her , she began nil a diet of ininced rump bleak and a slice of tonst for breakfast , preceded by two cups of boiling hot II. E water. At 11 o'clock Iwo more cups of hot water. For lunch a couple of slices r rTIC GELEBRRTED _ illE8HNDWIOH More so'.d than till others combined , Do not be deceived by imitators or by those claiming to have almost as good a machine. Buy only the SANDWICH CORN SHBLLBB nnd bo protected by direct ginranloo from rehiblo manufac turers. You can always depend upon our repairs being kent in stock by all loc.il dcnlcis. Apply for our agency. Send for catalogue ) and prices. SANDWIOII NUFAOTURING CO. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. from the cold joint , tnoro ininced beef and jnoro toast , Attornoon tea ns u.su.il , only more of it , with broad and butler and cake For dinner , llsh and moat , or g.itno and blscuiU with butter , but no soup o.1 Hvveots. T.vo cups of hot water when going to bed. This dieting was pursued more or loss erratically in Uio woman's way for six months , when , to her j surprise , she found thai she had reduced hnrsclf to her usual weight and ligu o. Then she co'ipcd ' the hot witor drinks , except at night , and in the mo/niti ! ? ro axed the dietary regime whenever she was luvitod out , hut took ui ) licr old ( imusomont' ! , oven to the rid ing of u-l-yoar-oiil in u h.iblt the same si/o as her daughter' . * , whoso figure is not tlie least of her attractions. * Litilo girls' gowns quaintly reproduce the designs worn by their elders and are , oddly enough , fashioned of Iho same rioh muto"inl . A little frock of the popular and expensive velour brown , with an old-rose b.ickgrounn , has a plain , scant liltlo skirt cut on the cross and asliort-waisted co.vt of velvet , lined with old-rose silk. The odd thing about tlio dross is Iho liltlo sleeve , which is in ido of brown velvet , slashed from the shouldo.'s to the elbow ever tlio old-rohO silk. A little round collar of fine lawn edged with real lace finishes tlio nock. One of tlio most dis couraging tilings to buy for a child this season is a cloak , for all the desirable things are so very high. But now that the tartans are so much in vogue , a pretty coat of the bright checked maj terial may bo made by the mother glftod with a litilo knack of sowing , at comparatively sm ill oxpon o. Almost all th tartan coats nro made full and straight , and have velvet pnlTs on the alcoves , antl bold rovers or a full frill of velvet outlining a yoke , which niiy bo of the material or ofjtho velvet , and is tisinlly gathered like the skirt. Fur little girls past o. Iho cloaks like the frocks are short , reaching but little below the knee. * # Some of Iho most notable astronomit.(1 cnl discoveries made in recent years have been made by a woman , and that woman , snys Harper's Bazar , is Mrs. Mintt Fleming of Harvard college ob servatory. " Mrs. Fleming is a native of Dundee , Scotland , where she received her eduor cation , and for live years taught in tbo public schools. For the p.-ist ten years she has boon engaged in the examina tion of the photographs , computations and reductions of the astronomical work of the observatory at Harvard college. She now has charge of a corps of nearly a do/.on women computers. A largo part of their work is tlio study of the spectra of the stars , which forms the memorial to the late Dr. Henry Draper. Mrs Fleming examined and measured the 27,000 snectra of stars in volved in the preparation of the Draper catalogue. By a careful examination of the photo graphs taken at the Cambridge and Peruvian stations of the observatory she has discovered twenty-one now variable st irs. the only variable stars discovered by any woman , and a larger numoer than have b"en found by any man. A curious clnss of star a exist whoso spectra consist mainly of bright lines. Only forty-live of tiieso h.ivo as yet boon discovered , and of those Mrs. Fleming has found twoiilv-llvo. About iOOqu'irto nagos of the Annals of the Observatory have boon prepared in a great measure under her direction. An enormous amount of ribuon is used this season , and wo are assured thai the end is not yet. A handsome skirt of nillis almost covered with inch-wide ribbons with tassels at the points. Those ribbons extend the full length of the skirt , the tassels barely escaping the lloor as the wcaror moves about. A Sick Mead , a faint fcelim ; , a bud taste in the mouth , lack of appiitito , despondency , irritabil ity , all arise from a disordered stomach. A little Carlsbad Sprudol Salt will cor rect these troubles , and prevent them in the future. 13o sure and secure only 'the genuine. COUNCIL BLUFP3 STEM DY3 MM All kin Isnf Dyoini ; an 1 Clo.tnlri t done In tin Ijhrst style of the art. K.idoUtnnJ sttlnal ubrlcs untile to link m food us nour Work proiniitly donu nnu ilollvorj'l In all ptulBur the country. SenJ for urleo ll-it. o. A. HAoiiAN , - - I'uontmroie. i y. NeurNnrthwnU.iru UJ D COUNJK. IlUUffl. [ O.fi. HOT S1MUN09. SOUTH DAKOTA , TUB CAIU.S- bud nf Ainurlua. In the llhick llllhi , : i.MJ tvut ubuvu thu tun. A crUp , Unicliu . iMvalr . ntiiiuspliurt ) wenrry. Them warm mo llflnal watcrt haviifiiris'l . ' tliouiiinil.i uf pjtlonm. FlnuU bath In toe U. ri , Thu Ki.nu , built of iilmuii pink nainl- tunu. auouiuoil tu > 4J peuplu ; itrlctlr llr l clns , ; upon llro | > l8ce , nleam licit , oloctrls lUhlt , rlulilr > r furiiuliBil , ll'io wlilu vuriailiilii. Hblu H siieolaltr r uutiiniiiK , mild wlnturs. IliMiicuJ r.ilin by thu week or month. Tnroiiuj tr.ilni from b. MA1IDKN , Tliu lv.iii . Hut riprlnxi , Chlcnw Dultola. DII.K. a WKdTit NBIIV/S ANII BIlAltf TlliVr ment , o ( uajUj for raluln , tii'iUdctio. njrroui lljruarlk IVoitrataa Dlulnjii , fi | , Nit 041119 ! Or Iquor or loQiojo , VV > kefuln i < , iloatil Ujarji. tun , oriuonoftUjllrala.oiuiliiilmaaUr , lalurr 7aoitu. IVojiuun ) yu Aio , H rrjaa i. u rowurla Keinale eliljer r , liapotaaol.ouoacrtaji 14 WiMkujiui. lavoluntirr Loiiai , matorrneaotaiiU Hpsr- ovur-uxertlua of t'u Ii belf-abmooroflnJulajnoe. A raj.-jtU'i . tl for ( > .br mill. Wo uiriutoaiU batu tfutuni tu can clionla furoujtn , wltli li will > J wrIUn Katrautcato r ( unillf notaurit. Uuir onlf bf 'I'lioculoro. K. l-o H tlru xt t. outtioni turujr liitaaiu t'arjuja u , Oman * nrndonnn : . ; a. KID GLOVES _ . , The above brands of glo\es lor sale by TheBostonStore N.V. . C'or. ICth nnd To J. A Ituntello. MIUo Votor.i , L'ltharlnu hoclilln , M Se\uron Niivnsi'n A. P. OhrlstJ- liheison > J , Cl.ira. I'ord , ( i. II. Ellsworth , Jonn Mohr , (1 ( joruo It T/.schnuU : Yon am hoieliy nallllcd that the nndnr- stiznud , throu dhlntorestril frujholdur of thu t'lty of Oinah i , h LVD boundiilv appulntod 10v the mayor , with the approval of thoclty coun cil of shlil ulty , to n10 Ms-loss thn dama o to thu ownois ivsp.'utlvuly of the proporiy iloclaro.l l b > ordlnatu'c net'ea nry tnbuniiliroprlnl'U for tlu1 nsi-of s'lld city , f. > r Ihu puiposi' of open- mi and \tHidlii < Hiili stioot from Vlnton stipet to south city limits. You an ) furthur n.Hillcil , th it haIn ? ui c- cuptrd , s Id appointment and ililix niiailllu.l cus ri'iiulnd ( Uy law. wulll , on the 'i ' < -l day of in' , o nbor. A I ) . Is ! ) . ' , it Iho hour of lu o'clock I In tnu foiuimon : it thu ollleo of T. II. Mi'i'nl- loch. . riinin . ' N' . Y. I.Ifo Itu.hliiiuuhln 110 ciri ir ilu limits of .s.ihl ulty , IIIUPI f > r the pur- poMt of consider ! ) ! . : and m lU'n ; the assess ment of d una.'u to thu oivncis rt'snuul Ivoly. sof sild : property , by lua-nm of snob t lUm j mil approprt.it'on lln'roof. t iklnInt'i rumlilur.i- tlon spuclal hencdls If pny. , Tln-piopoi ly bolonain/ yon. piuposud to yj ; appropriated as .ifort'n ild. an I which hits bcmi tlcclaiud necess.iry b } ' tliu conncil. by ordniaiii'c , to uppr > ) ] irl itu to ill" tisu of tno city. ' L-clii'4 sitiritu In sild city of Omah.i. In thn county < if II intdas. umlt.t ili-of Nebraska , isilosiirlb'jtl foilowtt. in tu-wlt : Si'O feutof wtilfeotof lot 4J , P. 13 , Ioiiis' ! pl.it.cjk.ihoni i. West lOJeel of lots 10 and II. Motlor's subd'- ' rlslon or lot Is , S. 13. Holers' pi it of Okabomn , West GI ; fi-ol of sub lot I. 11\ lot -M. West ( i'l font of lot I. , O.ilc Mill No. , ' , SonMiT foot of wosf-'li ftt ot lot 1(1 ( , O k HIM No. Z Illol Wrct 10 feet of lotsO. 7 , S Mottor's sub of lot 4 ? . S. 13. ItiiiurV plat ot Okiihon.a. North ' . ' 01 fuel of weit Ui of lot 4ii , H I. . Ko. - eih' pint Okaliomu West Uil fet't.sub lot 4 of tiiv lot SO. Yon nro uotlllud to hu Drnvnt at thi ) llmu tlmiMind place aforesaid , and inaKu any ob jections to or state iientscoiiei'mlii. , sal i pio- posu I approprl itlon. or assi'ssmiMit of il.un- azos , us von may consi-inr propor. T. it Mrrruuil > , .ionX r. ri\rif. , T \ MI3SrOLKDAM ! . Omaha. Oct. 2Gth , IsUi o.'df.'O Tol' . Ivorsnn. Ji Wood Smllh. II. W.Mi'l'iuuiin.l holrs ut lu nt ' AiunslnKo.into. . ( ifi'cusi-d. C.ithurino ! \ < > iini/i ) this vilfii. llunirin Koiint/n , l.ntlii'r Ivuiinl/c. Charles II. Konnl/o. Matlidu O irdiiii'r , Ad.illim lin'.li , U unii'iiilni ) llrown. M iriiut N. lloycr null .Mniy U ir.i Oliver Von nro hcu'hv iinllll'iil that the nndur- sUned , thrt'ii dislnturcsto.l fr.'uiiiliiur ! > of iria ! city uf Uinahn. have botmdnly apno ntutl by thu mayor , with tilt ) appioval of the t'ltv counell of s.ilil city , to IIS-.DSS iho tlum.inu to tbo owners n > suuctl\uiy of the uiopeily declaii'd Uy onlln men IHM SS try lo bu appro- pri.ited for the n&o of nald idly , for the pur- IIOID of uiH'iiln , " nnd ' . ir"t ; I'MuiulIn ; ! I.lib strent , fioin tin-iillev no\t norlh of NiHinlns snot1 ! , norlh to tilt ) Mint h line of I'addorU I'ln i > , anil' f Join the south line of I'adilojU I'nico inn th to Ohio street , and oioniir | ' nn I cMandliiir c'Ini ! IDU fitruot , In Cunningham's nddltlon from Its lire-ont western toiinlnns woittn liith Mroel , so oMondud , us sh iwn by plat Issued to IIG from the olllcu of the city engineer. Yon nro nntllled , thut having nccoptod said appoliilniaiit , nnJ duly iU illdo-l | as m- I iinireil by law. wo will , on the 'Jillliday nof November ' , A. I ) . . IH' ' ) . ' , nt thu hour of 111 o'ulouk In thu forenoon , utthu ulllu of Shrlvur A O'Diinnliof , Hull I'.ini.iin stroul , within tin ) corporalullinlts if B ild ultv , muot for thu nnr- ) ) ese of consldurln irss and linking th. ) nssuss- ment of damage to Iho iiivnurs rspL'itlvo'v ' of said properly by leusnn of sueh taldns untl iiinioirliitlon | thuioof. The property IK loni'liu to yon. nnmoso 1 to bo appiiiprlnttiJ us aforo-iald , nnd which hin buini dfuiaiud nt'uiMs ny by HID rminull , hv oidlniint'o to aiiproprliilo to thn ic-n of thu ulty lining hltniiii'd In h.ilil ulty of O.nuh.i , In iho connly of Douglas. andHtito of NulnasKa , i Is tlest'rlliDd as follows town : Properly In nainoof I' . I vet mm TliMi.i l , Hlj fiun of sub lot I'.1 of thn oust SJJfentof la\ lots In the N\V' ' of the Si:1 : , of boiia. . T 1.1. IIIIU I'ropurty In HID nnnieof .1 , Wood .Smith , A stripof luinliiilfiinl wldo rnnnlir- inn Hi nnd south throiih'hsnh lou.1 anil def ta.\ lit II , thn uast line of stld nlrlp Inline H'J'/j frill west of . tliollni _ ) hotweon tax lots I nnd II In section 1' ' , I'r'onurlv In the nninoof Aii nslns Konnt/o I/O nnd I ) . W. .Vi'lJniM , ' . / Tliu following p.uctd or tr.ti't of land : HB- Klnn'ni ' ; nt t bu south \ \ ueormir [ of lot ; ' ( ) blih'i , S I'.uldouk I'lac'oi Ihuiieo south to thonoilli llnu of Ul.iru hlrool. ' produced from Cnnnlir.- Ii mi's nddltlon ; thuneo n ist ulioiit ll."i ft t'Ot nloiu the norlh llnu of h.ild I'liuK Htiout. In tht > west llnu of Onnnliuli.iiu'B inlilltlon [ : IhnnuoHonlh aloiiK Ihu west llnu of CiinnlnK- h IIII'H uddltlon < < < ! font lo the sonlli line i of Clnrk strciii , thun.'o uost iilon ; : H ihl Hoiith line of Liltirk street lo it point In it llnu pjrullid I to thu oiut llnu of lii.x loiii H and li. nnd H.ild line blartln ill fuul wu t of lot fl , blouU III ! * , ulty ; lliuni'n miiitli nloiii snld line to Ihu north I nu of ( , tax lut S ; thuniM ) went ( f fvut to thu woit * line of Dili Htri'iit ; thnneu north panillol l"in tliu oust line of tux Ion H and I ) to Ihu hinitli line of Olnrk street , produron from Cnnnln ' ' ' - liiun's addlt on ; Ihunuo In a nortlnvcslorlv dl- . : luutlon to the north linn nf C'lurK hliutit . pio. diicodi ' tlmnuu noi Hi lo iho him th llnu of I'ud- < louk I'lneo ; thuncu yaatbJ feet tn plat-oof bu- Voii nro lOlllliid to bo moscnt at Ihu tlino ino and plauo nroiuiald , und miiku any objuetlons to or Nt.itumunls I'onuurnln suld propo < utl upproprlntlon or nssessmunt of daniiu'e , as you may consider proper. proper.WM. . tj SIHIIVKK. .IOII.N I' . n.AdK. .1IJII.N U. ItOHIMNa , Coinintttco of AiniuUers | Omaha. Octobar'-M , iwi ndl''H SKWUlt PUOPOSALS. nii- rll , ur 'Oil- ' atrncllrin of thusuivors -suivors In uuwur dUtrlct No , I , In tnu city uf Oiniihu. us per ordlnnnces No a.111 and : i'H3 ri'jpui'tlvulv , nccoidlnu to nlfnn jflis. ; und Hia'cllluutIons on IIIn in thu ulllt'u of the boaiif of pnhllo works. I'ropimls to bu inailn on printed llnnl < fiiriilbhfil by tl.o btiard , unit tubuiifCDinpanled by u cortlllud uhiuk in thu bum uf * .VKJ , p.iyublu to Ihu elty uf Uiiialm L UH un ovIUeiiL'utit ii > od fultli , Thu lio.ird rehurvut thu rlicht to ruject any or utl bldn und tu wulvu dufuuts. I'V. . lllHKIIAUSnit. Chnlriimnof the Iliurd uf I'ubllu Works. Omaha , Nob. , Uutubur Slh , ! 8Ji oVbJjil5 ( COUNCIL DLUFFS Tlio wixnt aitvprlhu noun npnovrlnn In v\ now | iiicrro often the most Intoronlun part of It * content * . Tnoy o\proM tlio urgent nerds , tlio dully wMim of tlio people who wmiljomethlna mill whJ nro vrlllln. ) to do rotiiQtliln ? , KMPLOVMBNT. U . m tinhorn res taurant. II _ " _ _ _ _ _ roMI'KTKNr plrl anted i\t"oiicc. K.M1 \Vlllowu\oniio. Mrs. J. l.yninn. _ LANDS. 1 > AIHAl.N-rrto ! lull In wixt put of oltyT 1 'Miixt bi > void ntunou. II. ,1. lliitchlnnm A To. . 017 Itm.'iduiiy. liKV1T InmK ( Inu hiMirln. . In i-lty li JU _ J. llulfhliisiin .1 Uu. . (117 ( llioiulwiiy. \\MI.I , It , ulo linuio nnd lot fur stocl urj ? " ' lluli'hllHnn , < . Co , ( H7 llro.idwuy. \\Tl : . \ - : * for furiiuif IIU arM m-ios , within ' : w mho * of Onuliii : tnujt bo peed Innilj thin't IMIO fnr linproMiimMittt nlll pay all cinn. 1) . .1. lliitflilnson .V Co. ) , 017 Hi oiuliiy. . OUAMJi ; Kniv < t In K.orldt . nnd OilffonihT ftirs.ilooi tr.nlo. l ioun < lilolH NU-holstm A Co. IJM'IIN ( K rimir ciiinrlnr * < ) ucllnii nf l.ind fm Cniiiu'.l lllnT ! * property ; will tuy cash for dlili'ii'iu'p. ( iruunsluuliK N ehoUon , \ i ii . n.'l llrci UHMIV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J/'Oli S \ I , K Choicest f.irni In I'ottawatti- mo Co. . 1 1.1 ii-rtM , wo. I loiviltd unl Im- | iroo _ K Prli-o J I.I . unjipro. JiJ s h ifo. 10 ACHI'.S land fiir s.ilus between Council HlufN anil Onuiha ; a b.ti jnlii If Hilton onoii. riroiMjshJo ils NlclmUon .VJ'o . tat Urn .ul way. " IfOIJ r.\OIIAMU.-To nt'liHUii ' J-1 cnutitv , Coo. with linpiovonipnts , for slock or dry con Is and vdithliiit or otlior indsp I' II. Shi-life. _ ON 1'ASV pavnuMits . "i-roiini IIIMISU on hontli islstrput OiraiMhleiiN , Nicholson & Co. . ' ' . O''l llriudu.iy. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1IH1U HAI.K fin SMI i I mymmits , fruit anil J-1 - purdiMi inn I iiinr Council lllittr * U II. rliuujo. llrcmtlw iv an I daln strool inUt'lT I.AXI ) . ; i > , ncros for s.ilui insldo ell V I1 limits ( irocnshk'.ds , MohoKon X Col ( \ ! llr t id.iv. . \W AOilli. . \ ( ' ) . M ivo"jo IKI _ of the T fiirins In oo'ilhwoitorii town for Halo. ' ( .ill and HIMMIS ft'J ) M iln strcnt. HOI ! * ! : nn I uii.ijv.iniod for nnlniprovoil utoupriy in norihwoU piitnf city Uruoti- ' hn'Ms Xi'liNonL'i > .0.'l IliOiUhvav. , illi : liNT-Tho roHov.ii -I-1 III loomdno Mir. . iil : I'ark avo. . JIJ , 8-rooin ilwo.llnB. 7-M So. ( , tli St. . T.U " 7-rooin ilwolllni ; , lil Uitli avt1. , t ! " > . ! l-rooiu dwcll'ii , I Hit st. and Avenue D , t2\ 7-rooin ( Iwolliii. * , is'i Itnndwny , $ . ' \ lU-rooindHollIni : . : t8 > llonloii st. . J-J ) . h-runtn dwolllni : . : II3 Avonno ( i. $ IBV\ ( fi-iooin ( Iwiilllnr , 110 N. I.MIi st. , f (11.05 ( ll-ioinii ( hsulllnK. MU A vonitH II , tlti. ' i-iootn ilwi'illni : , .III ) Mnooln ave. , flO.il' > . -rooiu tlwelllui. - 0 II u tnony st , JI5. 7-looin ( IwtMllii ; . llah'dtt I'laci1. Sl.V 0-rooiu du ell I nc. 411 Cm I Is hi. , H" > . fi-rooni n well In ; , .VI Mynsturst. . f II. A- room ( Ittolllnf , laH : ird uvi > . . SI I. J-iooin ilwollliiR. ft.'I Mynsti-r-st. , } i2J l C-room dwullln ; , ( ii'iihain uvu , ? ! . ' . C-romn dttii.llnv. r > l ! ! llli uvo. . Jl' ' . i-rooin ; iluoilhiLItalihltt I'l ice. $ i ' .uJ. 7-roinn dwollln. . Jlnrnlnusldo , Jl'.M. s-rooin dwolllnIC > I'utk uvo. . JISSJ. n-iuoni dwi > Hit * . 2i ! ( \VIMIIIU i A , $10. 5-rooin dwel'lir. ' . I i."i W.isliiii.'ton uvo. . $10 : : > -iotiiii duelling. IJJ N. lith .St. , Jill n-ionin dttollhiB , . : nl N. 7th HI. , ill ) . n-l'oom ilwolllns , 1IU. ' A vuniiu ! ; . f5. ! I-I-DIIIII il.M'lllirIt .1 Mil uvo. ilj. C-IOOMI dwollln ; . ' . M')4lh st , tin. 4-ioom ihvollhi' ' . IIS Vine -it. . tlO. 4-tooin iiucllln ? , "ill ! N. 7th. $10 ( i-ionm Iwellliu. ' . " )7 I7lh rivil'l. . Ci-icoiii ( hvolhn : , i.l 4 Avon ill ) II. flO. f.-ioo-n d'.uilllnu' , l.v.Vi AM'iiuc II , fIJ. . ri-iooin ilunlllir141' ! IlroaUvay : , ? .U. n-roiiin dttullln . lit. . ) htliivu. . , il i. li-rouni dnnllln. , I7n Avoniio A , HO. ft-rootii nwi'lllnir. Oi-ilnm mi1. , nr' , lltvli ; , $3 , ' " 4-rooin liniiso , I7ilbn Dili HI. , $10. "i-rooin ihvollliiK , : nil ! A vonilo A. $9. 4-roo'ii dwolllii , i'i'l Avi'iiuu ! ) . $ * . 5-rooin ilwulltnir , ar Avonno II. H 1-rooni dni'lllin- ) 10 Avunnu C. IS. .Vrooin dwc llnir. OI'J Avunuo U IK 0-rooin dwollIiiK1st st. and A vcinio M , M. fi-room ihvolllns. 7uil S Klnl St. . $ S. . ' 1-1110111 iluiilllnir , : ; iK. Avonno A.H 4-rooin ihvolllnz , 'JW N. 1st ot. , jr. 4-ioom lUvollina ( ill MI 1st St. . J7..7) . n-rodin dwullliiL' , : ii | l A VIMIIIO A. SI Vrooiu chNL'.lliiK , "III I5lh uvo , , J : ! . ; i-louin dwelling. 1 l-.l AVCIIIIU A. JB. n-ioom iiwoiiinir , 'MOi Avoinio i ) , la. 2-nioin ( Iw'jlllnIll ) Avpiuii1 I ) . $ . " > . 4-rooni ( l t'lllnir10 A vciuiu I ) , Jl. : i-u > oni rhu'ihiiL' . V.'l.t ) H. nth si. . * ' > . 4 loom duelling , Hit Avu ( . ! . II.'LOI ) . 4 room dnnlllii ) . ' . 141 Vinn su IJOO. 4 loom dwelling , an Park avu. . fll'.OO. U II. sho.-ifo , runtal : fcnt. llroudway nncl Muln ttiuul. Jl'VOIJ have TMVthln ; for Hilo or trailo HO r. II. Hlmifo. Itr.ii hv.iy un.l Mini strnnl. AllAltC/VIN. / I'-.ioro fruit and Riirdon tract/ : . " mllus from | KHt < illju."i | uoros tn' rnpus. 'i ucro In lla 'l.'iorilos. 'I'll apple tree * . 7.V plum trji's. i Irons , u , Bt'ibla , ol : l'rk-o,00i. : No trade. I' . II. Miuafo. ' ) ! ACUI > . Insldo cltv limits : will h ll In lots J MII > IPID nn lo N ilt bnvur. ( iiuonshlelds. NIho son .t L'o. , ( . ' 'I Mro.ulw.iy. ri' Veil' liKoMn I tri"it mi-lit nnd bargains In ri-.it rstilo nil on ijioonshlulds , NlehoH son & Co. , fi' . ' . llro itlwav. -I IV ) ACIct'S of t'lunr Innd In u-mturn No- J ' bniska tuit\uhnii2o for a coo 1 rosldunco In' C'ouni'll Illulls. Want bo isus and lots for No- braski Innd , Johnston & Van I'atlitn. \ \ 7IHAVi ; a Bond ten > nt for n flvu or six > ' room lion-it four or II vo blocks from post- nlllci1. ( liuenshlnlds , Muhiilson it ( Jo. , Oil Ilioadwny. GCUD noros u' t'lmluo plnn Innds for sale. 5110.11Purvis , iMIss. I'.tsy lorms In- nulruuf Mrs. H. O. 11 rooks , or A. T. Kleo , l , - . peed I'niiiu'll lllulTs properly. - -J.Mnst be Rold tills wenic. Oieiiiislilultbi , Nicholson A. C.'o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wf' IIAVKemtonii'is who want honsos In * . i mi i. Iluvoyon Iho hniiius ? Urcvnshlalds Ml'liolsilll | ] . { fit , KANUIIof L''litlnuro-i. noir Ubovunnu , Wvo. line Improvomunt-i , Him1) si ul KKUS wltli r.inuh ; flni'st In thu st iti > . Will oxulmnii ) for Council ll.niFs or ( J'nah'i nroporly. llrt'en- I shlildK , Nluliiilsun A UD , Dll llro idway. ! r.XOIlANCB-noJD Hto-iic FOI - - of Ki-nor. uiurcliaiillsi ( ) for low i ( irnaUuin Xolimslcit lanil , ( iroonshlidOH , Niclnd on iv Co. . Oil II way. agents for ailnilnHtrator. . for ; ulninUtr ! , t ir. h ivo for olio of iho bust 0)3it'ru ) sluil. f u nu In wnst- L-iii loun. AHSTItACTS mid loins rarm mid cltv ' piODi'ily lon > ! lit and hold. Pusoy _ i 'riiomiis. Council lllulTs MIS UK LL.AN Ii.0 US. " dint ; htorn firsiilo , II.\UIITH Inclinlod " 111 Imolcu nliNiH fi.ouijj louito'lln ' K ' ) Inwa tinui of i.Mliiopnlatloiii dolni ; flint bust ness. Jl..I. llnluliliisun A ( Jo. . 017 llniailwuy. 'A ItllAOlroni'Vvl ; , uohfpools , v. mils unl iiml. _ IiLJ > L'JLr'll ' u' < y Illdi ; . NAI.D Iliirdwari NtoDks In Iowa and -Nnlir.-i-.ka , linolojs , | ) , JUJ to $ t ; , JJ. 1C , II. Hlieufo ' _ _ _ _ _ KI'lTi ; of rooms for r nt , fnrnlshud or nn- fiiriiUliiiil , nt I'arlcHVO. _ TjlOHSAMC Ton sh ITJS eipllal Ktouk CltN * 1uns .Slum haul. I. . II. Hhoafn. " DANCING SUUOOL. MONDAVhln l ( . A pir.on. chllilMii , I p in. : u In.In , 7 : Ii p in Sojhi'x ' S"uiinl mil fourth Mondays , 0 p , in. Mnslu fuinUho'I irir- tlo-i and chilis Addri'Si it 1C. A , Pariorn , - r-onnoll lllnlK or HIM Karirim HI. . Omaha , W ' ; . CliHinuiirrt. Instructor. Improvad Ssniy Elevators , KIMBALL BROS. ' 01. 'll'ibllfut ' 4tldH.I AVO , , Ouuu.-ll