Till ? OMAHA DAILY HER : FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1. I892-TWE1.VE PAGER r.tnrr..i. . , . . . Wlnci-mlll bowi of satin or grns praln rib bon will boused fordrejs trimming. A novoltv in Jewelry l ft unntl , brown , enameled JUR with tno handle and top sot In diamonds. Homstltcnlnfr , tucki , ombroldcrv nn < l nulls nro nil seen In mftnos of decoration on line underwear. NiiW Kiminn dresses nro made of bordered wool with roURh surface. Tdo colors nro very blight. A peculiar combination of colors Is brown , pink nnd Rrcen. This Is scon In millinery nn a trimming * , Ono of the novelties Is n black situ petti coat with rufll < M of colored silk over which falls n lloinco of black lacp. Many rodlncoto sklrti nro scon ftmonj * tno dlractolru style * . but the rorsincs nro very different from the true dlreclolro. The now velvets in changnablo , Iridescent nnrl ombro effects nro exceptionally popular nnd will bousedvith nliuoiT rvory mntoilal. ' 'How Is tbnt for n show billl" axclnlmod JflRsnn. the printer , ns bo dlspliiynd u millin ery linn's demand for $17 lor his wifu's last bonnnt. firaldlnp of nil sorts with row upon row of narrow , wide or cntduated braids is. to Do n fioi'Ulnr ' trimming for autumn nuu winter dresses. A rich sandwich now popular ntf.ishionnblo luncheons , consists of two slices of crisnlv fried scrnpplo with nn Intervening layer of pate do fol urns. Tlicro nro two materials ttmt women of nil ncos , Hgni-os and complexions may safely ivrnr , nnd tbosu nro velvet anil lace , ospi'ci- nlly In dark color * . Men sncor at the Imbecilities of woman's dross , nnd then C" nmi Rlvo their wives moro money to pay the tnlloiM nudaiessmakers for Inventing no-v vagaries. Capes of nil sizes nnd shapes nro still very fashionably worn ; the most popular of tboso rcnch considerably below the hips , and uro inado of velvet anil cloth. Plush Is npuln conunc IntJtiso for inllll- ncry , especially for children. Tno tiny plush bonnets , with plaited fronts or in polto shape , are extremely becoming , Hovers ol every slmpo nnd size are on cvervthhiK. They are oitner full or plain , stiffened or sofr , but they adorn tbo fronts of two-thirds of the corsages. The prottv lace boas nro n very light nna brcumlng qubstltuto for the heavier sort oindo of fur to bo worn later on. Next to nn ostrich fcnthcr boa , ono of loco is the Drutticst. In muklng one's toilet for church , extiomo plainness nnd simplicity nro nlwuys In the ocsttaste. . Frills and furbelows , blight colors and olaboiato styles nro in every scnso Inappropriate. Thcro is ix f.inoy for laccd-up shoes with high toi > 3. A caprl'co that will hardly obtain with the consul vativo ladles in this country is the wearing of tassels at the ' .ops of the shnchhcio the strings are tied. Never In the history of fashion bavo the different sorts of costumes boon so clearly dollncd in their uses. The blreot dross is a tiling by itself , us nro nlso home dresses nnd costumes for church und dtossy wear. Eton styles will continue fnshionnblo throughout the winter , and all out door cos tumes display the moro conventional modes , tto deep capo or thieo-ijunrtur crat often being made of the saino fauilcs ns the bodice nnd skirt. One of the handsome autumn fabrics is ibo Ilochotnont weave n vorv wldo line woolen rep with n dot of sill ; of another color , which though of puic wool is rcnmrknblo for its lightness. It Is usoil extensively for costuiuos and dress trimmings. The latest fad in cinl case ; is a delicate Bhado ot pinkish nshcs of loses lc-atherwith n bunch of Mveot peas laid on thocovnr. The ( lowers bra in natural shape , made of silver , painted in some novel manner , not cnnmolcd , in colors and the stem is exquisitely chased With gold. Silk-faced velvet is tbo preferred fabric for nil the new pretty fancy jackets nnd theater coaU , but , there nro also very dressy models In replied silu nnd rcppud wool or very li-io ladies' cloth , silk-lined , nnd trimmed with silk cord and inotal passe menteries , Lnco dicsses seem to enjoy perennial pop ularity. They will bo in great demand for tbo coming season's nt homo * mid evening entertainments. The handsomest , nnd least expensive ) dress is of not lace. Almost every woman 1ms n half-worn silk that can bo used as u foundation. Low-uccl'od Umpire dresses have hugo pulT sleeves of velvet mid enormous velvet rovers standinc very high ever tno shoulders fitter makniB n gicat bow In the buck between tween tbo ihoulders. Any fancy in adapted In the arrangement of tno shoulder trim ming , -provided the short-waisted effect is liont. It is oaily to tnlic of fur garments , but it U n notlccnblo fnct thai ermine nnd swnnsdnwn nro revived for trimming evening clonlts another roviv.il of sixty years ago. Fur , capes ol .nil kinds will bo worn not the- mi'dl ' shoulder c.irs , but long , full cloaks , reaching nearly to the knees. They nro made of soalbkln , with comlortable collars , or of nstrncbun of nil grades. It Is curious to note the short waists m the ordinary > ttcel costumes. The belts are bevornl Incites higher than they have bon mm the suiits corrcspondincly longer 111 ef fect ns well as In fnct. The waists may no * . bo qultnso fileiuler belted n little higher , but preater length in skirts Is uhvajb dcsnnble. The skirts are not i > o long as formerly , und street bklrts nro really very practical In length. Among some particularly rich and effective toilets nra tboso made with n cracnfnl boll- sujrt of blaek , dnrK ollvo green , or deep Bur- pundy red velvet wholly nntrimmed. Added to thcso Various sklrtH are handsomely made xvnl ts of palm-pnttornod satin , velvet , strlncd inolro , und , for special wear , of rich cream guipure Ml ; : net with full empire sleeves that rcueb only to the elbow , nnd end thuro in n fall of Inco or a bias band of the velvet. Thcro were ISO marringo licenses Issued in Chicago one day last week. Marr cil couples In Norway are privileged torldo on railroads at u fare and n half. A youni ; couple In the north at England have set out npo'u their wouding journuv on u tnndcm tiicyclo. Maud Ho iibked mo to mnrrv him , but taiu ho bad only a broken heart to olTer mo. Marie Did you nccapt him under those con ditions } Maud Yes ; bis bant : account was Intact. The wedding of Miss Coinllo Livingston Gardiner ti > .Mr. Aluxundcr Uoxu , a young Knclibhinnn of good family anil 1'ortmie. , will take place at St. Thomas' church in Maw Yoil ; city on November 10. "Wbotu ( inner'.ooklnt ; thing Miss 1'orlt- pacicpr's wcdalngcown was ; it ImUou lilcu a ciozy quilt. " "U'oll , tha duar girl wantoit torur her mother's wedding urosj und slio bad been married seven timoj. " Miss Hasan T Joie : , uaugbtor of James I'.Jonrs.arid Wellington Dartlav Wilioiighuy , U.A. , IJj U , . of Toronto , L'auada , wo'ru married aix-ording to the Friends cercmonv on Wednesday cvcnlug In 1'bilodolphU , On Sunday ) n t. a dark , droarv , stormy day , u social itwm of gossip a real ongagu- tnont Illumlnntud the Nowuorl sky. On the dav ivfcrrod lo the ofron premiituicly niaiounccd oncngomont of Miss Ulmrloito Wiiuhropto Mr. H. B. t'ratn woj otllclully announced. The marriage of Mis * Amolln Mi'Miiglilln , dRRgMcr of Mr. und MrV. . II. MoLaughl lln , with Ih-igadicr General Martin 1) -Jliirdln was cotobratcd In Chicago lust Wednesday , The ccromony was performed bv his omlncnci ) Uurdlnuf Ulbuons , arch- binbopof Daltlmoro , and \vas private , only relatives being present. 'Miss Ulancbo llavomoyor. nowqulto Ung- llfli , ns betlts a resident of Tuxedo , uill conn bnccmc u Scottish tnatroi' . Mr. ,1 , Adair Uampbol ) , her botrutbni ) , hai already come. Ho U probably tbo ilneat-lookutg young mau yet imported fora brldegioom , Mr. ( Jamp- bcll wns fortunnto enough to coma ever on tbo City of Paris wiion sbo broke the record , It boa been decided now that tbo wedding nbull tuko place on Tuesday , November 4. Miss Ida Marie Cuinuilngs , daughter o { a Chicago capitalist , was married last Wednes day in Chlcaco loCurt 13. W. Huron von JllodonfcU ) , an Americanized German noblo- inaii. Miss Cuinmlngi , strlliluely bandiooio nt all times , looked oven moro so whou coivned In her bridal robe of heavy whlto tllk , trimmed with pearls and raroeilk Inco. inndo court train , and having largo , full ( tluovpa. Hho were a veil of tulle caught with a tiara of diamonds and paarU. and she carried a hanf MHO cluster ol bride voses. Thcro wore married in tit. Luke's Eplsco- F l ehuccti ut Marietta , O. , Ootobtr i'J , Mr. Danloll Hand Itiioll , a grc t-grand on of General IIucll , of NVnshlngton's statT ( nnd Miss lillon Lnwli Nye , n grcnt-trrandnieca of ( loorcoVnshington , Tno church , which was beautifully decorated , was crowded wltb the do oondftnts of old revolutionary fnmt- 'o * . Miss Nye Is n potlto briinelto and a .ojd linguist and tins traveled abroad. Her athor Is president of the Marietta National mnl : nnd a well known manufacturer. Mr. Hicll h a very popular man. Abraham Hitchcock was n well-to-do arhulor of Noivark , N. J. , when bo rcnehod ho oiabty-socond unnlvcriory of his birth. to has had n housekeeper for year * named .1 20 Capos , and she had nnleco nnmod Luoy Clsuni , Lucy vliltoJ hur nunt and the oeto- runnrlnii thouehi shu was fair to look upon , Jecllnlng to lot n half century's difference In go ? restrain bis ardor the old follow pro- losrd and tno bargain was closed. U didn't aku long to swap n oundlc of dry bones and eng of bondlo for young blood , minus ooillo. And so the holy fatcto of matrimony s n gain prostltutod by the union of ago nnd outh. _ _ itniaii'.ijriM * * * or YOUTH. Chlcacn N'ows Hccord : "Do nwny , led ; do nway ! Dori't boddcr me now. " And thcii bo throw another stick. That io failed to brine down tin npplc. A.S ho raucd his hand and took aim again ho aid : "Uo nway , I iay ! Tan't "oo wait n min ute ? " His mother i-allcd him to her and said : "Hnbv , to whom were voti talltlngl" "Uoili1' ho reiilloil In the most mattor-of- aot tone. "Ooill" said the Hhockcd mother. "Why , irly child , where was Ho I" "Ho was whispering to mo. " "Wha * did ho say 1" 'Ho slid , 'babv' ' babvl don't ' frow stones ; 'oo ' will hit the poorlittlo birdies. ' " And the mother had nothing to say. Faith incl uonscicnco were taking care of the little oul , nnd teaching their lessens bolter than t was possible for her to do. Detroit Free Press : Flosslo was enjoying herself out in the cool green grass , with two r thrco of her playmates whoa her mother called her. "Coma in Flossie , " she snld , "tho grass is oo damp for you to be plavlng In it. " ' "Tlsn't wet , mamma , " uoutod Flossie. It's justns dry ns it'can ' bo. " "No , it isn't. Lknow better than you do kvhatisbcst. Como on In the house , " and he mother led tun way. Flossio rose slowly. "Well , I guess I must , " she said to tbo others. "Mamma thinks I don't know any- nlng nuout anything I know ubout , nnd hero's no good In telling nor anything about anything , " und Flossie followed. # Boston Globa : The teacher , who had , ivon a lesson on wool , and told the class that , vool cornet off tbo sheep nnd Is made ILIO blankets , clothing , and so on , to keen us ivarm in cold and wintry weather , proceeded 0 question little \Villle , who had been rather mittontivo during the lesson. "Now , Willio.1 said the teacher , "where does wool como from ! " Off the sheep's back , teacher , " replied Willio. "And what theni" inquired the teacher. Hut Willie could not answer. "What were thcso made from ! " asked the teacher , touching Willio's knickers with his blncKhoaut pointer. Undo John's pld uns , " Willie smartly replied. Chicago Tribune : . Thollltlo girl ran fly- n if down the front stops aim called out with ngon'/ingrr.v : " ' ' " "Papa1 I'upu' Papa had Marled down town , llo stopped and waited. "What is it , Bessie ! " "I want to kiss you good-by. " "Well , dear , whv don't you kiss mej" " 1 will. " said the little girl , with trembling i and quivorinir chin "as soon as I can t.iako the pucker ! ' * * "Whero ye goin' , Johnny ? " "Don't bother mo. I'm a relief expedition , 1 am. " "Aro yo ployin * North pole ? " Tsnw. I'm going to the drug store for paregoric. " * + "I wish those horrid moiqultoes would let moalono , " said mamma. "I don'i blame 'em. mamma , " returned ( Vbticr. "You're pretty swoet. " * Mamma I haven't seen the kitten today. \Vhcro is shof Little Dot I don't know , but 1 put a. blue ribbon 'round her nock this mornln' and I guojs she's out showln' her self. 4 * * Mother Tommy , what do you moan by staying out solute ) Don't you do so again. Tommy That's ' Just , like you , rmi. Only n few days ago you said it pluasnit you lots to sco that 1 was getting so much'to be like my pa. * * " \\liat a little bit of n thing your baby bister isl" "Yos'm ; it's u condensed uiilic baby. " rtg - : * 1' 1T.01T.I } . Mr. Gladstone earns nn the average f 13,000 a your by his poti iiio.no. benntor Ingulls' Idea is that it Immigration was stopped lor twenty years the country would survive thn restriction. KUItor tilluor ot the Century has a salary ot $11,001) ) a year upon \vnlcli ho struggles to keep the wolf from worrying tuo logs off the hall uortcr nt his door. Archbishop Ymighnn of London wns n sol dier In tbo Crimean war and could handle the sword as n bravo officer before ho took to tbo cunons'of the church. Sherman nnd Samuel Hoar , own urotho.-s , nto both on the slump in Massachusetts , the young congressman .advocating Cleveland nnd free trade und Samuel Hoar working for Harrison and protection , M. i'astour will attain the ago of 70 vcara December 137. A subscription nus bcot opened by u oouiuiltten ot ttio Society of the Physical and Chemical Sciences ut Copenhagen to offer hlui a medal on thnt occHslon. I'uul Sauvallo. n Montreal journalist , ha is brought it him for n queer causa against Jules Tdrdlvol. * n Jounmllst of Quoocc. rinuviillo accused Tnrdlvol of beinir n Metho dist and udltlni ; U Huguenot paper. The nlaliilllY nvcrs that ho U n ( J.uholio nnd socits a legal vindication nnd $ , ' 00 damages. Thonms Lincoln , who lives In Kountnlt ( jrccii township. In Illinois , is a cousin of tin. lamented prcsldont. Ho Is moro ttinn b ( yoavs old. Ono of the things thnt malto bin notnblo is Unit ho possesses ono of thn finest portraits of Lincoln extant. It Is of Ufa bi/o in oil. nnd was painted in Springfield , III. , in Ibli'J , by nn nrtlst of local celebrity. ' Thero'wiis u flavor of humor ami gallantry combined Inn remark made by Judge Wil son tn u mlddleagod wnnian in court the other dny. suys the Cincinnati Tinics-Slnr. hue told .Imlgo Wilson she never would ap pear tu a witness for fear the attorneys would nsk her UKC.Leave thnt to me tnndain , " said the judge , with his mosi courtly uir. "If uny lawyer In my presence nslts your UKP , I'll send him to Jill for con tempt. " 1'resldont Tyler's llMtylfo die I in tbo white housu. Hoforo marriage her name was Lotltm Chrlstlun , BIO ! being the third daughter of u Virginia gontloimui Hho wns born November Irj , 17'JJ. and March y. ) , 1S1II mnrilod John i'ylor. hn being about W yoarj old and a little more than H year her senior. She diea KoptPmbor 10 , 18IJ , In the executive mansion , whornhor third daughter was mar i led and two grandchildren were born. The cuuso of her doatli was paralysis , Mrs T Icr was n 111051 charming woman. The average attendance at tbo Tacoma puhllo schools is ; jS" , ) , Oeoreo Howland , for many years suporin tondenlof the public schools nt Chicago , I dead. He was a native of Massachusetts and was 03 years ot ago , The average man who a ks a Harvard A , 1 ! . , ten yean out of collotro , to turn a simple Kngtlsti sentence Into Latin is apt to go awuy with a low estimate of iho value of u college education , Mr. A , H. Sooffprd. the learned librarian of congrcsj , writes in the November numloi of the Forum a narrative ot ttio growth o this great library and an uxplanation of It : rank among the great libraries of the worli and of the very useful wo k that It does , Thora are 150 students registered at tin Nevada State university , the Icrgosi nuiiibe that ever attended. Tiiuro arc fourteen inor girls than boy * at the university , There an ovcuty-ono cadets au4 p , new supply of arm had to bo ordered to accommodate them. The ooun * In electrical engineering a Johns Hopkins will henceforth bo accepted ns part of iho work loading to Iho Ph.D. dccroo in physics. Ohly ton ot tbo sixty candidate * in electrical engineering wore nblo to pass the requirements for the pre liminary work , and only ono was deemed capable of taking up the full uaurso. Hopkins academy , opposite St. Mary's col- loqc , Oaxlnnd , Col. , was founded by the tate Moses Hookini as n training department for rlorgymon und ns n feeder to the Pacific Theological somlnnrv near by. With n view to havinfr this object cnrrlod out moro fully Mr. Hopkins' widow proposes tbnt tbo school bo removed to better and larger grounds near Piedmont , whore she offers to ilvo about twenty acres of land nnd ns much money as her husband bestowed upon the Institution , upon condition thnt It bu conducted accord ing to the original design , as n preparatory school for clergymen , nnd to this end thnt several material changes besides thnt of loca tion bo made. Tim trustees are ncrccnblo , nr.d'iirraiu'oments for the transfer will soon bo mado. It Is not generally known that Harvard " supports ono of the "eomparntlvolv few suc cessful co-oporatlvo societies now doing busi ness. The organization wns started in ISS'J , when the C.iinbridso tradesmen were charg ing exorbitant prices for bonks and othnr student supplies. The society began in n simll wuv , by furnishing at reduced rates to Us few hundred members text books , sta tionery nnd other stieh nrtlelcs. At the oamo 11 mo n number of Boston inurchnnts , in con .slduratlon nf Iho irndo and advertising which the r.oclety gave them , ngrocd to sell to the members nt certain discounts. The plan worked so w ell that the business of the so ciety has steadily grown with eich year. In 1MM-2 the membership wns 1UW , un increase of HIS ever the year before , and last year the society dlil n business of about $9. > , OJO , as against $ TJOOU tbo year before. itir.i < nuuy. The membership ot tno Mormon church In Utah , Idaho , Wyoming , Arizona , Colorado and New Mexico is 200.UOO. The slitistlcs of Wcsloyan Methodism In Canada show iO'J.T O full and accredited church mombcrs nt homo nnd abroad ; fiO.S'JO on trial ; 'J/J'JJ ordained ministers In full work , IB I on trial , and DTI supernumer aries. At the consecration of the Catholic bishop of Snringflold , Mass. , Dr. Uonvon nnd 5UU clergymen were present. Ho wns presented n purto containing JS.OO/l / by the priests nt the banquet following tbo ecclesiastical exercises. Hov. John Brown , D.D. , delegate from England and Wales to | the national council of the Congregational church in America , Is iho minister of ibo famous Bunyun meeting house In Bedford , Kngland , und is tbo author of "Tho Life ot John Banyan. " The national unlvaisallst convention at Reading , Pa. , passO-1 resolutions ugainst the use of tobacco , opposing thu ordination of any Unlversallst minister who Is addicted to it , denouncing intemperance and com mending churches that use water instead of wino at communion. Kov. Dr. Geo-go A. Stewart of the Market Square Presbyterian uhurch , Harrlsburg , bus just declined n $ : ! . . " 01) ) call 'to the loading church In Omaha , Nob. , says the Philadel phia Times. Dr. otowurt has boon romnrk- nbly successful and Is very much attached to bis present Held. Ho Is exception ully popu lar. lar.The The number of flno church buildings in Iho city , says the Now York Tribune , is steadily Increasing and n largo amount of money is annually added to the already great investment in structures devoted to religious woik. The total value of church property in the city , computed from carefully com piled stalistlcs. is not far from $20.000,000. Of ibis sura Iho Protosinnt churches icpro- sent about ? 14,000,000 nnd the Hornnn Catho lic churchns about 50,000,000. There nro seventy-two churches , each of which values its property at , S100.00J or over , of which forty-nine are Protestant and twonty-lbroo Homan Calbolic. A clortrymnn in Scotland invited Bishop Selwyn to preach In his church. As usual his lorJslili ) gave an impressive and beauti ful sermon , which at iho sntno time was per , feclly plain and simple. The reclor was de lighted , nnd said at much on meeting ono of the nfost regular members of his congrega tion. ' "Well , lr , I don't think so much of it , " rejoined the man ; "it wns so simple any child could have understood it. For my part I llko a sermon which confuses your head for a week. 1 don't know any which beat yours for that , sir. " LIUlo Bov ( onviousty ) I wish I had a blolo like that. Uood Minister ( with pocket edition- jou , tny son , and why ? "I Hue that bccauso it's such u , tiny little ono. " "And why do you want a little ono ? " " 'Causo it won't ' talto so long to read , of course. " * While Rt. Ror. Geifrgo H. KInvolving , as , ftUtant bishop of Texas , wns on his way to u railroad station in Philadelphia a day or two ago , bound for the general co'iventlon at Br.ltimorc , he wns accosted bv n small boy. The bishop , who is six feet four inches high- wears n wide brimmed clerioal bat , nnd car ried a brand new satchel containing Ms episcopal robes , not unnaturally suggested to the urchin thii inquiry : "Say , mister , nto you Buffalo Bill ? " The bishop replied : 'No , my boy , they call ma 'Texas George. ' " "Yes , brethren , " says the clergyman who is preaching the funeral sermon in Boston , "our deceased brother was cut down in a single night torn from the arms of his u/v- / iui ; wife , who Is thus left a disconsolate widow at the early ngo of 24 years. " "Twenty-two , if you pleasp , " sobs the widow in the front pow , emerging from her handkerchief for an Instant , & * Hov , Mr. Dronsio By tbo way , I observed on Sunday last that you got up suddenly aad loft the church bcforo my sermon wns'ovcr I was deeply pilnod and liopo you can offer bomo explanation. Theological Student Oh , yes , sir : over since I was a boy 1 have been a somnainbu list. "Doctor , " asked thu seeker after knowl edge of the clergyman , "why do people got on their Knees to pray tnstsad of iitnndingf" "Thoy want to bee Ihoirsoics'ic3pondod the clover mlu'.stor. . Dr. Thirdly The man who would fight the devil should go into training before bo starts. Joblots rfonsenso ; before ho is half through ho will have 'reduced hh weight In the community. Which would you rath er have , if you could have your choice , transparent skin or perfect features ? All the world would choose one way ; and you can have it measurably. If you use Pears' Soap and live wholesomely otherwise , you will have the best complexion Na ture has for you. All sorts of stores sell it , " especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it , Both the mofliod nnd results when Syrup of Pipe is taken ; it is plcasanb and refreshing to the taste , and acta cently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem efibctxtally , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste andac- ceptahle to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy nndngrccablc substances , its manvcxccllcntqualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c Lotties by nil leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by thp CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , SAN EBAI4OISOO , OA.1i. . KY. NSW YORK. " , ' 1114 YEARS Bottles cf DR. MILES ncsr.inATive NERVINE , " Says A. V. Stark Penn Ynn , N. Y. " 10 yrB.ofSlcfc Headache cured by TWO Ilottlcp , " Hfinullno Flint , Ottawa , Ohio. Neninals tlio quick remedy for Sleopleasnepp , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsy , St. Vittis' Dance , Opium Ilalilt. Nonotifl Dyspepsia , Ilyetoiia , Coavnleious , Keiiralcln , Paralysis , etc. Thousands testify. Trial Dottle , olepant Book Tpree ut drngyiBto. Silica Medical Co lkhartIiid. I'orsaloby IC-iln t H > 0 i- 11 n 1 D uli BJope Spring ? eternal in the human brenit ; For While there is lifo there is hope. But SulTorins viotltm of N rvoii ! , Chronic and Sexual iisias.i. ara oiten lorceJ to give way to Hopeless Despair , alter trinj ? lor years to obtain from a multitude of doctors the ' ga& They profess to be able to render them , ant Kor Which many of them txact the most un reasonable Iocs. Thousinds ol persons who havesullerod Jor yo rs from Various formi and decrees of these obstinate - nato maladies , have comj to us in a ai almost Helpless Condition , and by our nbility , skill and experience perionco have been spoadily , completely and permanently enrol of Syphilib. Oonor ihoji , Ulmt , Sponmtorrncon. Semina Weakness , the Ellccts of Earl/ Vice or the KxciJseb of matttrer ywarB , ol Stricture.Hy- drocels. VariojCfle. Piles , and a myriad o imllar ill s and afiliction ! , . Henil < 1 cents for a copy of our ISO page llhistr.t.ocl ( ] iok. Consnlilon Irtso. Call upon , or addros : with stamp , Drs. Betts & Betts 119 So. 14th Street , OMAHA. NEB. STROUSE&.MFRS.4I2BWAY.N.Y NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. BEFOSFTOPvY - - OMAHA , NEB OBlcori nililri-curi HonrrV , Vutei. proililont , U ( * . L'uihlu , ' . vlc i'ru ldBti | , r. 8. Maurloa vv V Muric.JoIia > . Collini J. M , It I'atrloi , l.anli A lieod. cu l ler. TI-IE1 IRON BANIv. SKWKIl liONDS. rootainrttlon unit notice of MibmlMlon to the elector * nmi inuixl voters of the citv of ( linnlm of tin ) iiie | tlon of iMiilns bond * ) nf tliu city of Umtilmln thnnmoiiniof unn hlin- ilrcil tliniinnd ( lnllnr- > ( ) IOJniotoity ) for tlio ronitriictlon nmi innlntonnnco of sewers In thu oily tf uimihi. o the electors tintl losixl votnri of tlio city of Omnlm : 1. Hoorno I * . HemK nriyor of the cltr ot 'nniliii ' , ilo Ustia th's. my prnolninullnii , nnil y tlio iitithorlly vo tc.l in mo ns siu-h miiyor , o huraby clra pnblla notlco tJ thu cloctoM itnl lo nl voters of the city of Unrih t , tint n oncrnl election will bo ln-ld In s.ilil oltv on Tncsilny tliunlchth day of Novunibcr. ISf ' , for tin inirposoof stibnilttlns tiMilil : uloctors nnil OK.il votnrs tliu quoitlon and proposition fol- litK. to-\vit : SM.ilt ijoiuls of the city of Omaha in the ti in of ( uiii hundred thousand doilnrn MOO WW bo Issiic.l for the construction ntirt inlntonnnco of sawoi < , to run not niiirn Until wcnty r.VlyoiM. toilrtw niloroit not to o\- cctl live | iar com per nnniim. with Inturost 'innoxcil ' tlicrctt ) , anil not t < ) lu\ solder or Irsx th tn p.tr , tlm nrococd'i from iho Hnlo hereof to fin oxnondi'd for Uio I'onsiriictlon ml 'miliiumiinru of < owen In tlio city of niiilni nnd the proceo N thereof not to bn ill- orliul fnim tlio objo'ts theniltt poilllud. " Tlio said nnestlon nnil proposition ilmll bc > ilbnilttud to s tin ( lectors ont ro In the Dropor ( inn lirovldnil bv Inw for olllulnl biilloN , with li words "Yl 1 "NO , " printed tlioreun All f said liullot * ) liavlnir nn "X" nn.rk fuliovvln r he word "YKS" slmll bo I'otintL'd In f , nor of ssttltu sntd tinnds nnd all of said ballot * ttvliu nn "X" tnntk follontne the word NO" slmll ho i-nitiitiMi nmi considered as tirultHt the Isstlliu of s'tl I b ni'U. Tin ) polls shall tic tiDoii On the 'l y nf said lection tit olchto eloi'lc In the mornlnK nnd hull contlnno open tmlll six o'clock In tliu veiling ( if the sumo day at the ruicutl\u ) | otlnt ; plucus. ns follows : tlSl W.VUD 1 : corilor Tth c ner8lhaiidU.vron. C0r"9r I2th nml Jo" ° ' ) * nrst nllo-v ' 'f ' treol bo- ° f IU" > nrk C0rnor I0th nml ° "r"cr cth Illl(1 ( Cclltcr " ° t NWc0r"0r0th " "a " " "croft corner I3th aml r BECOMlVAItl ) . St-cuti ! N W corner IUh N w cot"or I3tl1 "m I8Ul " " (1 0th " "d I'eavo"- oornur 2W aml onim-t6 " " ' ! ) ' I'oppleton 'ot7r'1'1 ' UTO. 9lll ° ° r South SHU street , 7tli IIstrlot--S i ; corner. IGth and I'lorco bth DUtrlat-S E corner Hth and William street- . nth Ulstrlct-N ntorncr Sixteenth and Center - tor Btrcots. 'Uli ' District N W corner 2Hh and Oorcas street * . * llth U.stilct-S E corner 20th and lianoroft strcnts. r.'th District N 13 corner nth unU Vltiton strcots. Utli Dlstrlct-9 W corner UtU and Valley itreuts. llth District N ncurnorSJtb anil UouluvnrU .IVOIUIC. Tllllll ) WAIII ) . 1st T.strlct-S W cornur 12th na Chicago streets. Jil District X W corner Utli and Duvonport 3troi > t < ) . 'M District South side of Capitol nveiiuo noirv ( estofj l.ith street. 4th District West sldo of 12th street , between - twoon Douglas and Dodge streets. .Mb District N i : corner lUtli and Capitol .1TUI1IIO bth Dlbtriet N 13 corner 9th nnil Harnoj streets. 7th DIstilet S K coruur llth and Dou'las slieots. bth District N K corner 15th and Jaukaon stieots. uth District S r. corner 10th and Howard streets. FOIIUTII WAIII ) . , 1st District N' W corner 17th' and Davenporl stioots. Jnil District N W corner SJnd and Davontiort strouts. .Ird District N W corner 25th and Dodzo strouts. 4th fJIstrlet N K corner 17th und Dodjo streets. 5tli Diatr'ct ' N n corner 17th and Harnoy streets. bth District N W corner 20th and Douglas streets. " 7lh District NV corner 20th street and St. Alary s u\unuo Sth District ti W corner 20th street and St. M.ny > a > enne. nth District nasts'du ' of t-onth 10th street , hotwccn llurnoy street und fct .Mary's .tvimmi. Kith District \V-ornur \ 13th und l.u.ton - north streets. lllli DKtr.ct SW corner 17th street and St. Mirv's .txenuo. I'lfTFI WAItO. 1st District Unit silo of .Sherman avenue opposite Miinderson street. 2ml District S K ooriior Shcrni-in avenue and Wilt street. 3rd District bV corner ShHrm.in mcntie and \i \ IKO sttuct. 1th District N W corner Sherman avenue and Uracu htrcct. Bth District b W corner 17th and Charles slieots lith District East sldo of bliorman avenue about : iJ ) feet north or Nicholas street. 7th District a 13 corner loth nnd I ? trd streets. Bth District N W corner 16th and Ilurt bt reels. ! llh DIstiiBt N 13 corner Uth and Casa streets 10th District Kant side North 17th street bo. tuoon Cnllfoinla and Uass htients. llth DJstrct-S ! 13 corner Iblh and Oass btreolB. SIXTH WAIII ) . 1st nistilot S I3coincr24th street and Ames avenuu. ' 'nil i'lstriet S W corner COth atroot und -Uruml avoniie. Hid District N D corner 4" th und Grant htrpuls. 4th District S W corner 21th nnd Manderson htreots. 5lh District SK corner 2Uh ami Wlrt streets. ( illi District a W corner JJrd and IMrPor streets. 7th Dstrlct-N ) W corner 21th aud Colby GtrcotH. Kth District N 13 corner 27th and Ilurdctto Btroots. Uth District X E corner 2'nd and Grant 6t runts. lutli District N U' corner 23th and 1 i.inUIn Htli'lllstrlct S W corner 2lth and Tiunl-lln l.'th District S W corner -2nd and Cliirlt SEVENTH WAIII1. 1st Dlstrlet-S W corner 2Hth and .Mason 2nd District N I , coiner 29th avenue nnd 1'imnli'tim uvoiino. ilid District H XV cornur COth street nnd Woolnorth nvcnue , 4th District M W corner 20th street and Arbor nticot , Mh District Soul b sldo of Ylnton street near ( east of i south ilM in on no. Gth District J 13 corner .Uth avenue and roppleton avt'liun Tin Dlstrlut NV \ corner 31th and KrancU streets. F.KIIITII WAitn. 1st District I3ust side of 2Cth itroot near ( sotlth of ) Clmrles striiitt. 2nd District West side of 2.1d street near ( south ot ) I'.iul strnot. : ir.l District N W corner 20th itnd Nicholas . 4th District X 13 corner 20th and Cumins StTtOt9. ! Mh District West sldo of Xortli25th street npur ( north of ) CtimlnK street. Utli District S 13 cnri'or''d ' and Hurt streets. 7th Dlbtilct-3 W corner ' 'Olh and streets. niNTll iv Alt ti. 1st District H W corner D.'J and Cnmlnc Btroetn , 2d District N W corner 40th and Ounilnit 3d District X H corner 40th und I'arnain 4th u'lHtrlet North side of Davenport urect near ( went of ) North 3.'d avenue. Dili district b i : corner 3Ut avenue and Dodeo street. 6th District H W corner 29th avenue | 'II' | < MIII stnwt- In wltnopa Hliorcof 1 have horonnto sot mv lutnd as mayor of said city of Omuhu thlf . . . .a I1. HIJMJH , Mr.yur , Attest ! JOHN Gnovi.s. cwy * , , | | . Tcoth I'lllodV Ith o.i' . I * tin < > f the I/atust Invon- tlont TEETJll3\ruA"cTEn WiniOUC I'AI J OK I ) VS OKU r TKoni ox IIUUUIIK rou 15.00. I'orfcot nt suirnntoo l , Toath oxtractad In the morning. Xuw unoi Inserted In uvonln : ° ' ' Sed'spuel'tneiU of Honioirablo Hrldjp. BcuHpoclmuiHUf I luxlUlo KlastM l'luta * > All work warranted as roprojonted. Olllce , 'Jhlrd K.oor , i'.txtJ i HlJJ . Tclcpliuii3 1US > . Kitli.ni I I'.UM a a Sti. Tuko Elevator or Stairway froai DtU Street entrance , Fcit Suits Lean Suit. rou Short Men Lone Men ! AN" TT y' N. Fat Overcoats Lean Overcoats rou Short Men Lone Men Special Sizes Cassimere Suits All Colors Special Sizes All Wool Cassimere Overcoats V Columbia Clothing Co.- - 1 Cor. 13th and -Farnam. remarkable among whiskies for its Purity , nich Quality , Smoothness and Delicious Bouquet. Sold only at High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep : t in stock , Write to DAIAEMAND & CO. . CHICAGO * > PERMANENTLY CURED Ol' NO PAY \Vn KH-KK YOU TO 2,500 PA HUNTS. Financial llcfcrcnco : Ml Ilink of Commerce , Omalia. No DJCTIN'TION : from buslnosd. No Oporntlon. liiM'stlvaiii our Mntlioil. Wrlltuu un.iniiiluo . loabeo. lillulv I'liro nil Idmlsuf KI'I'IT Hi : nf Imili M.vol.with out thu ii-iii or icnlfu or yrln o , no n attiir of how lonjt btllllllllli. . The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , tend fr.rC'lit'iiliir. .107-3J8 N V. Life Hid ! . ' . OMAHA , Hi 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Horvo Seeds , " thn urmrtorfnl remvilr ' polil wltli n.vilt . - . . , . ni'ioi.BAMUAfiiKy * ! * ' " orrWUfitti enwiifivnt iu > uv- " For silo In Omn.Ua by Sherman & MConnoll , 1013 THE "LADIES PERFB ' SYRINGE1. The Only 1'prfflct Vnyluiil ana lit diil Miji'm ' lit thuVoilil. . I * Ilic nnlr ijrrliuo oior Intriil * it liy whlrli vuuliiHl liijiiclluiii ran I'liH'InilnlMcri-il lli | iiiUeak- Inn mill solllii * mo tlftihliu riu- IDlnltUtlUK lllO till ) I'l Vl'.ll'l. niulwlilili nut ulxi I'D ' i o < l lur rcitul inJccll'Jin ve IrrUailou. fcOl-T lll'lllIKH "I MI AND II AIM ) KLllllfii : Price S3.OO. M i & I'enfold ' Co. llic Aloe . , 16th Street , NEXTtoPOSTOFFIOB 'hyslean * ' proforlntlpin rofiillly propareU nl low w > * w n < . * , 0. w va. H m Or Clio I.lquor llnMt t'i lll 'ly t'lircil l y uiliiiliiltli-rliii : lir. llnliit * ' . It can L elven In o cup of codec or te > , or In f od without the knowltdgeol Iho patient. II In abiolutcl. uariuleHa , ADd will etfcct o permanent ftnd Mpe9d. euro , wtiether ttio patleut ! a uioterato drluKer fi an aloooolln wrook. Jt ban been Elvcn In thoiiaandl or oaiet.and In rvrry Instance a perfect ournliaafgf lowed. Itiirvrr Tiill * . Ttio y tcmoncolmprrK'i l'l vttii tli * epoiiino. u btcomra Q utter tmpoiilblll'l for lha liquor appetite lo rilat. Ulll.lir.N hl'KftflU Ml. . 1'rop'ri. rinflnnatl. < a-paua Ixiok ol oartlcnlara lr o. To l > bad of ICnlin t Jj. . lit , i ill D ) ujl i ti , Ibtliun ] L'umlnjSti. Wlioloitlo , | | lalco.llritee&U uud Uleli4rason Uru Oo.malii ; Nub RIPAf'B TARULCB riKu ( he tuuuu.h.llrrr Auuliuml * , pull tr the Mini , > i mlv ocl run tut I , ] IhuU'l iii < Jl < ! ii kuo uftr U1U/U" I ( OUktln tir > lj. ll > | Mpia , . . callow ri I jpure bloojrfallun Lj lit rtouarli i , If irr or jKsUnoii torx-rfoiiu tui Ir prir | u tloui. I'rrmtl ltrrn touTtrutlrcaroU-nebtoJ takluicii ufe.li iite/J. IMre bv mall. 1 urou. II l aanjt > I , 15e , i HUM. 1 ClIKMfCAL LV.10lipucebt.J , w V ork.