Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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FJom II. tsillnlirad ( tl IIVihn0loii ( Star.
Grizzly Jim snt outside his cabin
BmoklnR his nftor-dlnncr pipo. The
fogs lintl tnrrlcd Into Unit day , nnd were
only just , lifting from the mountains ,
uncovorlnp nlopuB nnd levels of velvety
tjfrcoii , torn by ritR otl llssuroB nnd
Bcnmod with jti'ttlnij lodges. The amoko
from his pipe uurlod upward through
thobour/hsof the llvo-o.ik beneath which
ho sat ; there wns a stibllo brightness
nnd lightness in tlio ntinoaphoro Hint
pnvo promlso of n sunshiny nftornoon.
Grizzly Jim was largo nnd civunl.
t'ndor his boolllnc eyebrows his oycs
Boomed to smolder with ft forbidding
lira Whether ho hnd won the grim
sobriquet by virtue of his prowess In
seine long-forgotten encounter with the
four-footed kinp of the Sierras or
whether It hart boon bestowed upon him
because of his uncouth nppcnrnnco nnd
churlish manner no ono in the sottle-
inont below could say. The little cabin
on tlio mountain faido and its lonely
dwcllor nnlcdttted their curliest mem
There wns a blltho snatch of song In
the distance , echoed by the stoop crags
around ; it clnttor of hoofs along the
rocky trail ; a smart llttlo mustang
dashed across the clearing and bin rider
pprluiglo the ground , while Grizzly Jim
dropped his pipe in sullen amazement.
"Good morning , sir , " suld his visitor ,
with n friendly sniilo.
The old miner stared nt a slip of n
girl with a short riding skirt drawn
ever n cambric dross , lllo blouse waist
of which wan revealed in a bewildering
profusion of fi-cslt tucks and frills , while
a piquant little fiico looked up nt him
unabashed , under u tttnglo eoft brown
hair and a bewitching bailer hat. Ho
unfolded his long legs and rose awk
wardly , lifting bis torn felt hat with
savage rourlosy.
"You'll excuse moot I ain't tip to my
society manners. I'm not used to re
ceiving calls from nobody , lot alone
young ladies. "
"My cull is not from choice but from
necessity , " returned the young Indy
with dignity. "I'm hero on business.
I'm the census marshal of this district. "
"Tho Dickens you arc ! " retorted the
minor , but ho mentioned a gontlcuian of
loss repute in polite bocioty and "whoso
name is better known to scripture than
to literature. "And what do you reckon
you'll got , out of moV"
There was something in bis speech ,
corrupted as it was by the vernacular of
the inountainsthut suggested ttio south.
The girl's quick oar recognized the fa
miliar note. She was to some extent
fortified ngainst his grulTness , for she
hnd heard of him as the terror of census
enumerators , the tlef-piir : of the tax as
sessors , the ono man in all the mountain
district who desired no local improve
ments , no advance of civilization , no
contact with the world or his fellowmen
men , and who had for moro than forty
years remained a mystery to all the
"You litivo already told mo where
you are from , " she rejoined pleasantly.
"You ai c a southern man ; but I expect
you also to toll mo your name and occu
pation , where you were born , and
whether you are married or single , and
all the other troublcsomo little details
that the national government insists
upon loatning from ouch loyal citi/.on. " '
She took a book from n pocket in her
snddlo llap and advanced upon himpen-
oiMn hand , while she was speaking , but
her heart quaked at her own boldness.
Something In her blytho young face
urrosted- the man's surly refusal. Ilo
tried different tactics.
"Tako a seat. You must bo very
tired. It's a rough ride up the trail. "
Ho ollcrcd her Ids only chair , seating
himself on a btump. Tlvo girl accepted
the courtesy , but started as her hand
caino in contact with a breech-loading
ritlo'tlmt leaned against the chair.
With a queer glint in his pyc , that
was not unlike a fantastic glcntn of hu
mor , Grizzly Jim took the Winchester
nnd withdrew t"ho charges ,
then pulled an ugly looking knife from
his belt and laid rlflqund knife on the
rude tnblo that stood bctwoon thotn , as
the savnco ceremoniously lays down his
arms before entering upon a parley with
his fou. Tint there was D. limit to it's '
hospitality , and lie was not slow to an
nounce it.
"I'll bo hnngod cf I'll give awuy my
private alTairs to every man , woman or
child that asks. What's it to you , any-
"It's exactly twonty-flvo conta , " re
turned the girl frankly. "That is what
they allow in the thinly settled moun
tain district. You wouldn't bo worth so
much if you were down in the valley.
Bosldes , you see , I toacli the school in
the village , and the stnto allowance-
pretty much my whole salary depends
upon the number of children wo can
muster in the district. "
' Thoro'u no children bore , as you can
ECO , " returned her host with grim chaor
nnd the air nf ono who has found an oasj
solution for a vexed problem. "And a's
for the two bits" ho thrustod his hands
into his trousers- pocket and jingled
some coins there while ho eyed her ten
"No , I think you'd bettor not , " said
the girl simply. " 1 earn my wages by
faithful Hiirvlco to the government. I
don't tnUu bribes for neglecting my
duty. I've como up here to got tills
blank III led out , and I wonjU leave till 1
have your answers. Nonot oven if
you reloaded the Winfhestor. " And
she wound up with a llttlo hysterical
A sturdy BOIIHO of honor , long slumbering -
boring In disuse , awoke In tlio minor's
breast us ho saw the angry Hash in the
eyes of his young visitor. IJlit ho would
inako no ooncoHslon ,
"I won'tao it , " ho said stubbornly.
Tholr oycs mot hora ymmir , bright ,
shining with righteous purpose ; big
doopbut , iliies of ago about thorn , dogged -
god resistance in them. They met and
clashed , hold each olhor long and stoiul-
ily. The mnn was the first to shrink.
Ho throw up his hand with a gesture of
"Don't ! You look you look like ono
I lost foity years gone by. "
There wan sllonco between thorn. Ho
swung hlnuolf about and pulled his hat
ever Ids oycs , so-that only a fringe of
Iron-pray beard was vihlblo nbovo his
shoulders The girl looked at him curi
ously nnd not without some fooling. All
her fear of him was gene and u vng-uo
compassion stirred in her hoart. She
was almost sorry that she hnd under
taken her daring orrnnU , half disposed
to slip quietly away , mount bar hot-so
nnd bo oil down the mountain trail IMJ-
fore ho had aroused from his rovorio.
Yet n singular spoil v.'tis it sympathy
or curiosity , or that strange Impulse
that onitbcs one to linger and dwell upon
the Bight of eutTorlng which they ma.\
not rolIuvoV kept her motionless , hot
book still opoti , her pencil still in her
"I'll toll you the whole story , " ho said
nt length , his voice heavy and lirod.
" 1'vo gpnepvor and ever it mysoif and
it sooius like trio inoro I study on it the
worse snarl I make of it. You seem n
r mighty -poart young woman. Muybo
you can see clearer tlwn an old man. "
Ho looked ut her with nome appro-
henelon. Perhaps liin conlltlonco waa
misplaced. How could ho tell hut what
tnosorrv problem that weighed hitu
clown might bo a more jest to her , lo bo
recounted for the entertainment of friv
olous young companions. Her grove
expression reassured him.
"It begins like moU of the slorloi of
men of my ngo In California , " he said ,
nnd it was noticeable that as ho reverted
to the past ho dropped the corruptions
of the time and place and expressed
himself in purer English , although his
speech was still char.ictorlzod by the
soft southern drawl , and now nnd then
ho made USD of n phrase or word that Is
onlv learned south of Maon and Dl.xon's
lino. "I caught the cold fever of 184f .
I had n wife nnd child and a comfortable
pronorty. Against the advice of
all my'friortU , in splto of my wife's
gentle entreaties , I sold oft everything I
had in the world and , leavlnir a small
sum with her , started overland for Cali
fornia. It was a dangerous journey in
those days. 1 don't think I roaliy.od
how serious an undertaking It was until
the day I started. I can see mywlfo
yet as she looked that day , and the fnco
of my llttlo Miriam has boon with mo all
these years. "
"You don't mean to say that you deserted -
sorted your family ; that you never went
back to thorn ? " exclaimed the girl.
"Some people might call it so. But
it alwiirs."coined to mo as if the world
wont back on me , Good luck , fortune ,
success , all abandoned mo from that mo
ment. I reckon you've road in books
or hoard old people tall what It meant
to go overland to the Pacific coast in
those da vs. Months of hardship and
danger. ' People and cattle dying
all along the trail. Indian massa
cres on the plains Cowardly gangs of
whiles on the scent of every train that
was known to carry money , watching
for a clmnco of pillage. Before wo
reached Salt Lake our train was lobbed
by a couple of rascals who had asked
oiir protection llftv milca back and I
lost everything I had my money , my
supplies , my blankets , everything but
the horse 1 rode and the clothes I wore.
A friend who had come with mo was
murdered. The kindness of strangers
saved mo from perishing from cold and
hunger in crossing the Sierras. For
three months after wo reached Sacra
mento I lay sick with fovor. When 1
rot well enough 1 crawled off to the
diggings at the llrst bur up the river.
It had been arranged when I left homo
ihat as soon ns I reached California I
ivas to fix up some kind of a homo nnd
send for my wife and little daughter.
I'lioy were to start by steamer as noon
is they had word from mo. I couldn't
write 'homo and let them know the
plight I was in. Uut I hnd a neap of
; oura ro. The country was full of gold
and men were all tlu while returning
from the diggings with beans of dust.
1 would strike it rich like the rest and
then send back for my wife and child.
"The bar was overcrowded , but they
took pit.y on mo I was a pitiable object ,
weak and wasted byover and they lot
mo b'.ako out a claim in the richest snot.
All the men around mo were punning
out two or three ounces a day. Every
now and then some man took out a for
tune. I scarcely got a'color. ' 1 moved
oa farther up the river to new diggings.
It was no bettor there. On again. The
same luck followed mo everywhere.
When I took hold of the most promising
sort of claim I could scarcely find pay
dirt. When I gave up and moved on I
was sure to hear that some other fellow
had jumped my claim and made a pile
out of it I left the placers and wont
prospecting for quartz. The first lodge
I struck iniulo a big show on the surface ,
but it was pockety and I didn't dare to
sink farther for fear the ore would play
out. I sold it for.a song. The man who
' ( ouirht it stocked it , floated a few shares ,
put up a big stamp mill and kept on
taking out rich ore. Ilo has a million
on thj dump today. Everywhere it was
the same story with mo ; never managing
to keep more than oven with the world
or trotting enough together to moro than
carry one to the next camp when my
claim was worked out. Before I know
it the months nnd years-had piled up ,
and writing homo was forever out of the
question , unless some splendid stroke of
luck favored ino. "
lie arose and began to walk up and
down in a straight line under the oaks.
The census marshal observed that there
was a hnrdbeaten path there. She won
dered how often hisfeot had paced it.
"In ' 55 I came here , " ho said , stop
ping to reach his hand to-a great burr
on one of the oak boles , on a level with
his shoulder , and to rest it there.
You've heard the yarns they tell yet
about the gold that was taken out of
this creek in those days. staked out
my claim along with the first on the
spot It was the same old story. On
nil sides of me other men took out quan
tities of dust. Tlioro was no more gold
inside my lines than you could Ihul on a
church lloor. I'd luul enough of chasing
luck up the rivers and ever the moun
tains inu having it slip up behind mo
unawares whenever I moved on. I
'lowed I'd camp dowa hero and wait for
it to come to mo. I've toiled steady
from morning to night , everyday I could1
lift my hand , sometimes at the old
nlncors , moro often prospecting the
ledges in the mountains above. I've
made seine promising Minds'ami I pan
out a llttlo dust all the while , but often
times I haven't enough to pay for huv-
ing my drills pointed and I have to quit
work and take my gun and go over tlio
range for venison or boar moat. But it
can't last forever. Last week I found
some rich 'float' in the creek bod. I'm
on the track of that leugo now. "
"And have you never written homo ? ' '
"What could I write ? I don't dare
think about them. Some dny I'll strike
it rich and then I'll go back ! "
The census marshal could mnko no
comment. In hur heart she was im
pressed by the singleness of mind with
which the old minor had persevered in
lilh hunt after precious metal , and his
faitlv that ho was bound to"strlko it rich"
some day struck her as almost pathetic.
Ho scorned wholly oblivious of the fact
Hint there were other ways of obtaining
gold that did not call for pick or sluice.
During all his lonely years of toil it did
not appear to have occurred to him that
the same energy , expended in any legit
imate wage oarhitig industry , might
oiibily have carried him to his goal and
enabled liiin to make a home anil bond
for the wife nnd child to whom he had
been BO loyal in purpose , but luul so
miserably failed in deed.
"Now you know why I don't want my
name to go down in your book. You
know why I've never exchanged n need
less word with man or wotaun till you
oamo up tha'trall today. I've lived FO
long alone with the rocks and trees nnd .
the hiiro fttots of nature that I've almost
forgotten the way of civilized speech ,
but I thlnlt I've mndo you understand.
JJo yon want my name ? "
The girl hesitated in indecision and
"You don'.t know ? No more do I. Do
you see that face in thu rocks across thu
gulch ? "
lie led her to an opening on Iho hill-
bide and pom ted , across tlio chasm down
whoso bed thu mountain stream leaped.
In the jagticd outlines of a great clitl
that overhung the gulch the girl ouslly
dlbcernnd a massive , sphinx-like profile.
"When you live alone in the moun
tains ! , " said Grizzly Jira , "you got lodu-
pending on signs and omens . You can't
help it. When the sun touches < that
olllT , n llttlo jmst noqn , some days tlui
funo smllos , ( .omotlmos frowns. We'll
watch It today. If the ( acosmlloa I'll
write In your book. "
The mists l.iml long since flown back
to the ion , and the sun rode high in thu
heavens. Only this portion of the
gulch ictnalncd In the shadow , shut olT
by the crags that roe above it. Slowly
the sunlight crept by the rocky barriers.
A flood of sunlight , bathed the dark
, niche. Tito rlpplo of the water below
i Bounded like a chime of bolls ; a burst of
bird song thrilicd the air. A wave of
ight passed over the sculptured faro ,
nnd a benign sniilo lingered there for a
notncnt ; then thu features relapsed Into
heir customary calm ,
Grizzly Jim reached out a trembling
land for the book and pencil.
The census marshal slipped over to
lor horse nnd examined her snddlo
rirlhs , for her business there was Un
shod nnd the stoop trail was slippery of
lescont. The miner wrote slowly and
iwkwardly , closely scrutinizing the line
iM'lnt. nt the head of each column before
10 made the entry beneath. When ho
mil finished he returned the hook and
pencil to the inntshal with grave
jourtosy. She could not resist a feeling
> f absurd solemnity as she received It.
She had meant to show a proper deli
cacy by closing it without looktne Into
't , but her woman s curiosity ovormns-
orod hur and she toolc ono quick glance
at the name , which was boldly and
ilainly Written.
Her face crimsoned.
"It Is not true , " shosaitl indignantly ,
' .lames Godfrey Peyton died while
Tossing the plains inlit. . Miriam Poy-
on is my mother. "
The clloct of this intelligence was like
i stupendous blow. Tlio old man Dressed
ils hands to his temples , while ho made
in cITort to span the cruel gap of years.
"Miriam my'littlo iMtriam'a chiltll"
Ilia smoldering eyes devoured her
with the hunger of a starving soul.
Her cold unbelief was beyond his power
0 combat That which had been his
strength been ma his weakness. The
secret so closely guarded for nearly half
1 century unmanned him when it was
aid bare. He sat down at the foot of
.ho oak , burying his facu in his hands.
Impelled to an instant faith in his
rtith'tho girl knelt humbly bosldo him.
A troutlo hand stroked his gray hair , a
rcsli young lace was pressed against his
wrinkled check.
"They are both here , only a few miles
iway. Como with me. Como homo
oday. "
He didn't answer for many minutes.
Then ho said , slowly :
"An old , wenthor-bonten wreck ;
aggod , penniless. I can't1 do it. I'd
.totter live on horo. You'll keep it from
thotn. I can "
But oven as ho protested the longing
11 his face , the anxiety with which ho
waited her reply , were painful -to see.
"Wo are all poor , but wo will join
liands and work and mokc our way , "
said the girl bravely. "And listen :
She ray grandmother is no longer
voung and pretty. She is a feeble ,
'adert. lonely little old woman. She
lias mourned you all these years. It
ivould be like opening the gates of
Darndiso for her. "
* * * * *
In the edge of the valley that broad
ened out below the mouth of tlio culch ,
where a prosperous mountain village
Imcl been built upon the ruins of the old
minincr cam ) ) , there stood a shabby col
lage , bowered in honeysuckle and roses.
The tiny almond orchard In the roar
was In bloom , and the pink petals Hut-
lured down and drifted over the ground.
Two women walked slowly back and
forth along the narrow path , bordered
with sweet-scented carnations , that led
from the house to the gate. OPO was
plump and matronly , the other old and
slight and frail , leaning heavily upon
the younger woman.
"It's past time for her to come. It
isn't right , Miriam , to let that child race
about the country alone. There's no
tolling what may happen to her. "
"Don't worry , mother. I'd trust her
anywhere. Every ono respects her , "
returned the woman , with a mother's'
proud conlklonco.
"I know I'm old-fashioned in my ideas ,
Miriam , but I can't feel easy. A young
girl like that oughtn't to go around the
country doing a man's work. If her
father only hadn't gone to the bad or
her grandfather had lived "
Always the same unavailing strife
agnins't"tb.o inevitable. The daughter
pul , her arms around her waist.
"Lot in. It's "
us go growing chilly.
"Ilushl There's some ono coming up
the road. She has conic. Some ono is
witlt her , " said the old lady.
The twilight was kind to Grizzly Jim.
It smoothed out the wrinkles on his face ,
dyed hair and beard , mended his tat
tered clothing nnd brought out the mas
sive strength of hiu great frame , pre
senting him as lie really was a hand
some , stalwart man , still in the vigor
of his prime. The slight woman on
Miriam's arm peered wistfully at him ,
then she trembled and swnyod. lie
spoke ono word and a glad cry quavered
on the night silence.
The old miner forgot his poverty and
rasrs. Thanksgiving was in his heart as
ho folded her in his arms. His voice
broke as ho tried to speak.
"I've struck it rich at last , " said Griz
zly Jim.
Roy. John G. J'aton , for many years a
missionary to the hentbon of the Now
Hebrides Islands , is visiting in this country.
Mr. I'aton tins Kivon thirty-four years of hU
llfo to mission work in the South Sea is
lands. Ilo says Hint in the early years of
the mission the Islanders resented tlio in
trusion of the men of God , and put many of
them to death. Cannibal feasts in these
days were of frequent occurronco. und it
took n man of grout ncrvo and lighting mmli-
llos to stand his ground. The natlvos were
addicted to the most tioathonlsh customs iin-
iminablo. From this unproml inR material
a JarRO number of converts Imvo boon ob
tained , Mr. 1'aton says. Thorn , ho
declare ? , inoro tnnn 11,000 Christian natives.
Cannibalism has boon done ruvuy with uud
industrial pursuits liavo been introduced.
Salvation oil is n uortiuu euro for hcaa-
acbe , toothache , earache , otc. Only " 5 cants.
Vov stout women is the now seven-
gored I'Yonch skirt ; for slender ones , the
latest seamless skirt , which is made of
goods wide enough to place the selvage
cdgo.s at thn waist and hem. Ono of
those seamless models shown n cornet
back , with tiio opening from tlio left hip
down , narrow Haps or buttonholes hold
ing a row of handsonio buttons all the
way down.
t'JtOM 'ItUU.M * .UKWT VS.
Wood Hlvnr is to hnvaun Knliconalcliureh.
TtioPytbiun Slstothood of Hustings will
hold n fair llu- lint , week in November.
Hastings parlies propose building : a cereal
mill at that point. V , I1. Tunnor and Henry
of too uurned specialty mill off or to
subscribe for stool : .
Joseph Gray waa Injured Internally at
Fromou. Tuesday by a bccllon of water iiliio
that rolled nnd fell on htm while ut work In
the bottom of u troncli.
HulTalo county pays u bounty of 3 cants on
rach gopher scalp and (1 oa ouch wolf scilp.
U'liua fur this year that county ho pild for
thu UUIiiik' of t'J.OUt ) Connors find 303 wolves.
At Kearney ibo other day James VVuttou
performed tlio hazardous feat of climbing a
bllm Hun pole twenty-live foot tall fixed to
ttio cdiro of Iho opera house roof at a ills-
tauco ol lUO feet Iroui the uround.
Plattstnouth poonlo report a four loot vein
of coal discovered on the land of Joseph
Sherry ut Hock Bluffs. Kiehey Uros. ot
Pmttsmouth have secured a twenty-five year
lease ot the property and will baflu inluine
operations at onco.
V. U. Oweus , un 18-yoar-nld bell boy at the
1'ulmur bouso in Grand Island , was nrroslec
Tuesday lor stealing from Itu guest * of toe
hotel. A loarch of his room brought 10 llgUi
a croat variety of articles and a number o
letters. Some of the Utter had had remit
lances enclosed , but the. motiev was gone
and thuro were several loving oplitlos ad
lirosiod to Urand liland women.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia ,
the largest watch cnsc nmmtfnclur-
ing concern in the world , is now
putting upon the Jns. Boss I'illed '
mid other cnses ninile by it , n bow
( ring ) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watcjies fitted with the
old-style bo\v , which is simply held
in by friction andean be twisted off
with the finger ; ; ' , V It is called the
and CAN ONLY UE HAD with
cases bearlnc tlietrtradc mark
Sold only through watch dealers ,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet ,
or send to the manufacturers.
ml notice lo the o'o'turs ' an 1 lo nl tntors o
thoclty ot Om.-ilriof mi itiiniml city election
ot tlio city of Onvilin , to bo held on Tnosdiiv ,
the Mil il-iy of ? t \i'iiil > or. 189J. for Ihu | > ur-
lioso of oloftliit ! oi"i > count'llmuii from onch
To tlio o'cctors and losul voters of tlu > oily of
Oinulm :
1 , ( loot-io P. HtMiils mayor of tlio city of
) ni'iiii , ill ) Is-iuu tli s. my piuclamatlon , iiml
by the nttthorlty vested I t mu us sut'li iimyor
lo hereby clvu iinlillo nolli-o to the electors
nnd losiil voters of tlio ( Jity or Oinulii : Hint iin
tiinilal city olorlion of Hiu city of Omnlm ,
rill bo held In s illicit r on Tnouluy. tluii'lchtli
duvof Nimiiiiuor , itUJ. for ilioimrmisoof clcct-
111:0110 from ouch wan ! ,
Tlkii polls sli.ill bo onon on the Uny of sutd
olorlloi ut ulKht o i lock In the inniinni ! iiml
hall uoiitliiuo upon until so'clock ! lit tlio
evening nt tlio simo : dny , at the respective
otlttg places followlns , to-wlt :
K corner Tth1' " ' ' Mnruj
-s w corn" 8lh "a
12th a
-"m"flo struot lc-
ot flt" "root no , r
WI1d aVL" " ' °
W corner > " " " "I Hickory
S C0rllcr Cth "ml CL' tcr
NWc ° ra0rDtl1 llnd u roft
"N K corner 13lh aml Vlnloii
R-'rtND VTAIIt ) .
N W corner luh "U
N W eornor 13th "m
corncr 18th nnd
COPllor "H" "lld
8 E corner au nnd
'lrl0 ° ' B ° aiU .troot.
cor"or JCtl1 aal1
" ' ! S K cor"or mb anj William
Utli District N i : corner Sixteenth and Con-
sti-'c' ' ' ' 1)l9trlct N' w corner SJth nnd Doroas
llth Ulstrlct-S E corner20th and liuneroft
st rents.
N E corilor 15th alld Vlnton
13th Ulstrlnt 3 W corner Uta and Vulloy
llth District N EcornurSOth and Douluvnrd
TlltltD WAllI ) .
1st DIstrlet-S W corner 12th and Chicago .
streets. ,
Jd IMstrlet-N W corner Uth und Duvonport
31 ro o Is *
3d District-South sfdo of Capitol avonuq
imar ( west oil Uth stfrfot. y'
4tb UIstrtot-WesfsKIo of 12th street , be- ,
tu-opu DoiiBlas and OMgo streets.
5th District H K 'corner luth oud Capitol
( Hh DIstrlot N D'corner Oth and Humor
streets. ' > i
7lh District S E dorncr llth and Douglas
toots. ' . ) \
3th District N E 'corner 15th and Jackson
streets. (
lilh District 3 E corner 10th and Howard
ktreots. i ni
jrocilrit WAIID.
1st District N W corner 17th andDavonuori
-'nd District N W corner 2iid ami Davenport
3rd District N Wcorner jth and Dodito
4th District N E corner I7th and Dodzo
Mh District N E corner 17th and Ilarncy
Oth District N W corner 20th and Douglas
7th District N W corner 20th atrcot and Ht.
ilary's avenue. -
8th District S W corner 20th street and St.
Mary's nvenue.
Oth District East aldo of Fouth 10th street.
nutween llarnoy Ktrcet and Kt. Mary's avonue.
10th District N W corner 18th and Lo.tvon-
v.orth strouts.
llth District H W corner 17th street and SL
Mary's urenuo.
Firm WARD.
1st District East aldoof Sherman avenue
opposite Mamlortion atroot.
2nd District S E corner Sherman avenue
and Wlrt street.
3rd District 3 W corner Shnrtnan avenue
and LuKe street.
4th District N W corner Sherman avcnuo
ind Griicustrcot.
.1th District S W corner 17th and Charles
fith District East side of Sherman avenue
ihoiitnu feet north ot Nicholas btrcot.
7th District H E cornar 10th and Izard
8th District N W corner 10th and Hurt
Oth District N H eornor 15th and Oass
10th District Fast sldo North 17th street between -
twoon ( Jalifoinla and Uass streets.
llth District H C corner IStli tnd O.isa
1st District S K corner ilth street and Amcu
.ivunun. '
2nd District a W corner SOth street and
lrand ! avonuo.
: ird District N E corner 43th and Grant
4th District S W corner 21th and Mandcr&on
51 h District SE corner 21th and Wlrt strootn.
Oth District 6 W corner UUrd and 1'arHur
7th District N W corner 24th nad Corby
8th District N K corner S7th and Ilurdctto
Uth District N E corner 3nd and Orant
luth District N W corner 28th nnd Frunklln
lltli Dlitrlot B W corner 2tth and Kranklln
r.'th Dlitrlot-B W corner 22nd and OlarU
bfoeta ,
1st DIstrlot 3 W corner 2dth and Mason
2nd PUtrlot N E corner 20th aronuo and
I'opnloton avenue.
: ird DIstrlot S W corner 20th street and
Woolworth avenuo.
Uh Dletrlut .N W corner 0th street and
Arbor itruet ,
5th District-Soiltlisldo _ of Vlnton street
uoar least of ) south ajd avenue.
Cth District a K corner auth avenue and
lopplcton uvunilo.
7tn District N W corner 31th nnd FrancU
street * .
EinilTll WARD.
1st niitrlct East side ofCtli atroot near
( south oflOhiirleastrpot.
Slid District West lde of 23d itrout near
( south ot ) 1'uul utrout.
: ir.l District N W corner 20th and Nicholas
84U ? DIstrlot N 13 cprncr 20th and Outnlns
st rents.
5th Ulslrlct Wevtaldoof North 25th itroet
near ( north of ) ( 'niuluz ' btruet.
uth Dlitrlct H Kworrur'A'd und Hurt stroeta.
Tth DUtrlot 9 Wi corner VUth and OOBS
( trouts. > '
let Dutrlot-S V/jborner 3W and Ouinlnn
§ tJd ° Dlitrlot N W corner 40th and Oumlng
13d District N I > corner 40th and t'arnani
Btrt uiii '
< th District Korttt lao of Davenport street
ne rw t of ) Norlb 3il uvunue.
ftth dlttrlot b tfjuruer but arenno and
Dodco street.
Otli DistrictS W , Corner 29tb nveuue nud
J nekton dtreot.
In wltnoit ivlinri-of f have hereunto set my
hand as mayor otifiajil city of Omaha , thl
Altcni JouNQitovM , Olty Clerk. olW.'lt
1J.OX.VJ 10
15.0x50 10
I5.0X.V ) 10 10
111 10
14 10
15 10
in 10
init 17 10
14 0.x 51 17
12.Ox.M1 7 17.
10.0il : 0.11 of H 8 17
ll.OxlW 11 17
ll.Ov.VJf 13 17
12.0X.VI 13 . 17n
1VOX4JU40 ttof HIS n
] \5x50 1C 17
10.0\"rt oflG ft of It 15 2.1SI
I3.5\ro in SI
17 2:1 :
110x53 IS 21
io.5xr.o II ) Jfl
Hfi\M1 I
1ft \Vllcox's2nrt mid
lo.Ox"M iitb t taIt 10 sec 21-15-13
l i.n.x.175
II. ( IXI7I tax It 24 80011-15.13
ii.ox tax it : u ! > eoi5ii ; ; :
10.0x107 tax It HI sec in-15-1,1
I2j\uo : tax it : it woo in-i5-ii ;
llavo hern declared by ordlnanco No. 3S1to \
Von am hereby dlrootod to abalo aaul nuU-
nnpi' hv olopliiK Ihn lot * licroin described
within thirty tliiyiof tlio datu of tills nollco ,
nr snhl nulsnnros will l > o nb'itcd by tlio nlty
autliorllli" and tlui u\ieliso ] thuroof lovlnd MH
n iiiocliil tux aC'ilnst tlio pioucrlv onhtch
Eiiul iniKniiccn i\\NL
D.itcd this Jill day of Novoiulior. 1R1) ) ? .
P.V. . HtlUllAr ! > I5H. of the Hoard of Public Wnrltnnf the
CMtvnf Dunlin. II 4 5 7 8 U
Soalwl pr iiosnl ) s lll bo rocclvrrt liv tlioin -
dpt.slmiDil until l:3i : ) o'cliici ; n in , , Noveinhor
l * > tn , Isi'J , foiRrmllne nnd sloplnir b.tnlis of
earth and lining lots of ri-nl iHtntP , thu rondt-
tlon of Mlilcli lias bi'ondnclarod a milsancn by
OKlliinncCH Nos. o2al , 3100. .T.'lli. 3221 , .ijlJ.IWTa
aud : B74.
llr.KIIIT. LOT. niincK. AtlDII 1O.V ,
ii.5\ra : i i.i' ( uity
TO 'MM ' 4
ai.501 eiof ; : ! ( i no
3VSMO 10 ! )
ai5xiaf : ion
" none
ih-OAin" none
114 111 no 114 !
111 !
ihOAin"R 172
11)11 )
R 2oll
U Anl&flold
15ft U
ill llnrr Oak
io.ox i u oti5 :
a *
ip.o.\n > i
o.o.\o f r , O.imubell's sub
Sill ) IS of II ( 'iipitol
37 Campbell's add
IS. Ox Cherry Garden
IRflx ID
18-Ox II
1S.OX 12
10.0X A strip of Rronnd In front of
4a 15 Credit I'onuiur
do a
2AO.V do 4
15.0.x A strip of Innd In front of
w ! J ! ils Credit I'oncler
ao.Ox do
au.Ux ( lo i
45.0 x do 4
12.0.x 110 1 Druid Hill
lO.Ox 1II Dupont PlaceS
10.0.x II
in.iix 3
10.11 N 4
10.0-t 5
lo.o.x 5Ii
10.1I.\30 III
10.0x51 IS
18.0.x 50 1 ! )
150.x 13
13.0 x Jli
ijo.o.x 10
2 . ( l.x 4 H
ij.o.\3 10 S
a 12 Hanscom Place
21 Hillside No. 2
15.0x153 7 4
24. ' X50 0 4 lllti'hcock's 1st add
: ; . ' .o\50 10 4 IIHcliuo.-k'.i 1st uilil
1GIK.V ) II 4
U.O.X5U 12 4
14.0.\50 111 4G 4n
IROx.V ) 17 G
2..0.x50 5
Hdil'-ols & . ' tohliin's
sub of lot U , Hait-
ll.Ox 10 lott'x add.
14 0\ II
14 Ox 12
ll.Ox 1.1
Home Is & Stolibln'fs
sub of lot 15 Il.irt-
12 lett's add.
lO.Ox sJ ! of 'H A. Kount/u'rt ndd.
10.0.x 39
K'.Ox fi
20.0.ii2.1 ftotl 0 Kountru'N ud add.
'J.0\ 8
ICoiuil/ & U Ill's
1B.O.x 14f. 8 add.
ii5x4S. : : : f. a la Vulla Place
150\43.i : 0 3
in.oxi-.a 7
Ki.o\4.t : 7H
iif.\4ii : 1
i4.5\r.i : >
ii.u\ii : : t
K'.OSl'ill 4
12.0\2J.A lto-icr/0 I.OIVO'H sub.
Ll.Ox 3 M , Donovan's Hub.
l.r > .0.\ 4
15.0X 5
15.X 5n 5B
18.x B
lix 7
ll'.x R
12.x 0
lix 10
10.0x 12Ii Mayno Place1 ,
IiH add ,
10 a
II 4
12 4 '
lit 4
fi "
4r fifi
r , fi "
14 ii fia fir
a fiB
i ; B
7 o
Sliirso & Hriinnr'a
00x41 13 placu.
0.5x4(1 ( 13
18.0x07 ID MoOanOH.sli plnco.
15.HX '
25. Ox 10 McUorniliik'a 'add.
15.0X II
15.0.X 'II
15. Ox 3 11
10,0.x 1 14
Murray'H cdil to
IMlJC 4fi t UltHlioina.
1ROX fi 1 "
20UX 1
M'J ' Ox J
i'O.Ox 3 2
LUOx 4 , a.
20.0X 0
20. Ox t
LUOx 2
2U.OX * * ! .
18.0x 20 ,
1B.OX 21 7 "
r , *
ft.1x5S w / I'urk plnco
13.DXKU in
12.5v2.VJ 14
ll.Ul.V ) 14fi 11 Poppti'ton i'arlc
2.0xM 0 11
3.0x50 8 11 - "
2 0x59 I 0 11 "
13.UX.V ) f
.0x10 I
.0xl2.10 V 10 11 "
3,0x50 )
12.5x123.0 I It '
IdOx.W f
11.0x50 13 11 "
UOx.VJ 20 11
10 . 5x f 1t 1 12
U 0x50 t 12 Popplcton Park
ll.Ux US
13.0x30 17
110x50 3U 17
ll.OxW U 17
U.OX.M 10 18
. IB
1 4.0x53 ia ID
12.0x10 14
12.0x50 I
19.0x128 > 25
110x30 )
7 J I Uodlck'i nib
! ltl\ Rill Of HIM ) of It 2 * .1 1 Itedk'U's ndtl
" Sunny hide ntlil
HlOx 2" >
15 Ox.iM K Sliinn'8-nil ndd
ll.OV 75 I b.ot'U t ) Shiiui's
KONfill f ' '
'ml mid
l'-.lJvnj O
I'.OMiJ ' U
fi Shi-Ivor Place
2 Thorn ! 'it Place
Walnut Hill
WllcoYs Snd add
10.r.\TfiS sub 1 ta.It 16 fee 21-15-13
U.O.\VJ (
1(1(1X3731 ( (
110x171 taxlt2lseo3-l5.3 |
ii.o\iii lax it ai SUC3-I3-KI
io.o\Ki7tux itai setinis13
120x3. ) ' ! la.It 31 see IH-I5-I3
Grndlnp of h-uiKs down to about Iho lovcl of
the surround Insist i cots or alleys , as follows.
I.ols : -inil i I , block III. city.
Sloping anil - ruillnir ilottii the front portion
of the following banks of i-iirlli so as to pre
vent tlio f illln ? , 'vnslIns or wnvliliiu of onrtli
on tliusHiiwnlK-s adiacont thereto !
ll.inks of oartli on lots I and 2. block 51. city.
Hank of earth mi this nrstJH ) fool of hhu-k
" / . " Hilnn'.s Thlttl ndilitlon. ou tlu < south slilo
of Chailos street between 2th stiuot ami UJtli
hi 1 OCt.
Hanks of earth ou lots I , 2 , 4 anil "i , A. II.
llauKs of earth on lots & and G , block 15 ,
Shlnn's addition.
Hunk of earth ou lot 13 and Hie north half of
lot H , Hiinnvbldo aildillon.
Hanks of earth on lots 8. 0. 10 , anil I' . ' ,
Onorry ( inrduii , flouting on llorron street
now rullcil I7ib avouuo. iiml
Klllliik'of lot I' ' , block tl. llaiisoom IMaoo :
Killing lots I. A a , I. ft. ! i , 10 , 11.12 iiml III , In
1)1 ) jiclc I , Kotiit7o'K4th ! ailditlon ;
Crailliu : bunk nf i-arl Ii mi tint south ( n food
of lot ! " > nlonir west .ino of oiilil lot , bloi'kfi. .sub
division of .1. I. Itu Hull's addition , fronllir , ' on
30tli stieot. In thoclty of Omaha , ! -ucr\\iii- ) |
to bo ilonc In n-cir.laiico ( with thoIn-trnollon-i
of tlio lioanl of imblic u or u sand cllycuislnoer.
HUls to ho inadu on prlntud liiiipUs fi.rnUlii'il
by tlio board - > ml to bn : iccomi.iuloiilll | 'i
L'orillloil cbo U in tlio sum of t.ttp.iynblo to
the city of Omalm , an an uvldunco of uond
The lionrd rosorrcs thn light to reject nuy
or nil bids ami to waive ( lefrcti.
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha , Nob. , November 4th , 18W. nl-5-l-l2 |
Council Chamber , Onuiln , Neb , IS'.i ? .
Ho It resolved hv tlie city council of tlui iMty
of Omaha , the Mayor rimcmrliu1
That poriiianontMilmuiIkH bn constnu'tnil In
thoclty of Oinah'i as ( IciUnalo I Dolnw , ultliln
livodnyx afloi Ihr public illon of this resolu
tion , or the poraimal survliu thereof. a hv
ordinance Is anthor/iv ! ! and rriiiliinli | Hiii'li
BldiiwiilKs to bo laid to Iho purnianmit cr idu
as ostahllshed on thu pfivuil Htrci'ts hpecilhsii
herein , nnd to ho constructed of stone , arti
ficial HI > II < < . lirlck or tllniL' . urcor.lilu to npnul-
McntloiMon Ilio In the olllnii of thu Hiuid of
PiihlleVor' > s , and under Its supervision , to-
wll :
ICiifil flldn of 24lh ntroet. lot 10 , liloi'k 7.
Kount/u Place , 10 feel nldc. ucrniiinunt
i ; 1.1 ilr.
Woit slilo of Sillh nvoniif. lot * " , 7nlil 8.
block I ) , llaiibcoin I'l icu , 0 fool vvldu punna *
ncnt giadu.
t-oiith hlilo of Hickory siroiit. Jot I. Mod. 18.
Hnnscom Place , 0 fu'ot wide , purmanenl
West sl'lu of 3.'nd stri > ot. lots 1 lo I ! Inclu
sive , bln--lt 7. llanscom Place. 5 feet wide , tier-
mniii'iil srailo
( vast sldo of 3'nil ! street , lots 13 to 21 Inclu
sive , liloc'l ; O. Hanscom I'uico , 5 feet wide , pur-
innncnt L'laili1.
Wi'Sl slilo of IfJinl itrcHt. ID'H I toil Inclusive ,
Il.-ck2 , lluo'ld ' Placo. ftfeutwlile. purmanont
Kiisi slilo of If.'nil Ktri'iH , lots 7 to 1 ? luclnslvo ,
block I , Kucllil Place , 5 foot wlie , Dcriiiaiient
Kr.iilu ,
Eolith skin of heavcinvorlh struot , lots I to
Tliiunislvn. block 17 , Hillings'suliiliv In Wcit
Omaha , (1 ( foot wide , pnrmiiniint gr.uli' ,
Soiitli s'io of l/iriviinwiiilli slri'iil , lots 1 to
7 Inclusive , nloclc 17 , Sfinlon's subillv In
W'ist Omahn. 0 foot whin , peuiianenl unnlu
; . , . hiili' of LtMh sircni. liilx o to IN Inrlusni' ,
Iilock3 , subillv of J. I. llcilic. . ' * , G foot wulo ,
pi'miani'iil gr.ulc ,
Anil , ho It fiiillii'r ri-snlvdili
That thn Hoiiiduf Pnhllo Works lie -ui'l ' It
Iicruby aiithori/ed nnd illri'i'H-il to caiiso
coiiv of this resolution lo IMI piililUlioil In Hit
olllcial p.ipor of tlio i-Hy for om < wui-h nr he
scrvpil on HID owners of x.iiil hit * , and tixit
miles' ) surli owners ftlrill wlllim llvii dnvs
nflur Ihn piilillcut'on or Mirvlco nf Hiicli oopy
coiihtrui'l H'lhl Hdou.ilKs > is huicln ri'ii ilr < il ,
tliat Ihn lloaid nf Pnblloorl < H < > nM' HID
Hiiniit lo l > e iloiin. thi ) t'O l of coiiHlrii > l ing Haul
HliluwalUh H'lpcotlvolv Id I'd as osiuil iigalnsl.
thn ii'al ixtalo. lot or part of lot In fiunl of
mid nbiittlng Micli ftldow.illts.
Piisiud Dulolier llth , IHth. 3ilh , InW ,
President < it the I'll vcouncil ,
Atti'ht ! JOHN ( JlKJVKs ,
( 'llv Oliirlc ,
Approval : OHO. P. HIMIIH.
To tin'owners of the lots , parti of lots anil
real citato described In thu aliovn resold-
Von and each of yon niu herobv notified to
construct neimanent liliwnll ! ( iis required by
H resolution of llio city eouncll ami mayor of
thoclty of Omaha , of which ihu above h u
, -opy. P. W.
( 'halrnian Hnurd of Piibllu WurUa
Omaha , Nitii. . Novumbcr 11 , WjK. tildTl
To the Dwnursof nil tot or ii'trtt of loin un
Aiborhlruetfrom intli t-i Kit
Von are hereby iiollllnd tliat Ihu iindiir-
sltrliol , 111roi ) iliblni'rn | itil frouliolilin i nf thu
city of Oiiinha , nuvo bi-cn duty iippulntcil by
Ihu uiiiyor. nllli tlio iiipr | < ivil nf thu city
council of nald city , to axum tbu tlumnxo t
HID ( nvnni n'HHi'tlvi'ly | ! nf tliu piiipurly af-
fcctod by rjillnn Arlinr from mill to llth
6 Iron In , iliH'liiui I iitici'kHuiy by orilluuncK llU ,
paused Outobor llth , IB'/ . ' , approved Oo'obur
JlfclBUJ ,
You nro furlhor nutlflud tint liavlmr nc-
ceptcd said iippolnlinuiit , nnd duly iju.i 111ml
HH rcijulruil by law , wuvlll , on tup uth day
of November. A , D. IBW , at the hour nf two
( /clock In tlio aftnrmioii , ut the nllli'o ofj
Ut-oiKuJ , Paul , 10'fi I'linmn Ktmi't. wllliln tluij
( orporatollmluof siilu city , mict for din pur
pose of cuu llorln ( ! and innklir. tlio ntscsj-
inoiitof ( IniuuKO tu thu nwnorn rnxiici'tlvnly oil
gulil properly , ullectod l > y ald xmdliia , till. '
Init lulu consideration tpvi'lat bonullti. If uuy.
You iiru notified to bo iirimuot at tliu ilintl
and pluco iiforuMuiil uud innku any objection
leer ulutumonU conceriilnioald
of UuniHRi. ' ! us you ii'iiy con IUur proper.
( fioHUi : : Ji I'M'I , ,
Oinalin , Oo'.oVt ) > 2 ( , ISrJ. : UWUlut