' / J ' I * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , 'NOVEMBER 3 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. 1 I II ' . | " M U I ) f uif ] U. i U.y ij ijV irtl tlMl Ml ID U U" ortf KU I ! 8PEG1RL A m'KHTlfKMKNTS KH TllI'.SK COH1MNB will Im Uken until | ] 10 p m for the evening ind nntllS.bOp m for llio morning or Sunday cdl linn. linn.No No advertisement taken for leu than 2.X cents for tintlr t Insertion All ndverllfiernentn In llipso columns IM cents a word for HIP first ln ertlon anil I cent a word for i Hell subsequent Insertion or II M ) per line per month 1 onus cash In advance Initial * , figures , 'iinbols. He. , caoh count as n word. All advrr- .lupnienls mint run consecutively AdvcrtUers , liy rnipii-nlliiK a numbered check ran hnvn the ettem Rddrcsucil to n niimberrd letlir In care of 'Mil. Ill i. Answers so addrcmed will be delivered on ( he presentation of the check SITUATIONS-WANTED. _ . \PKHIENTKI > IIOOKKKKl'KIl WANTS PO sttlonj nno penman ; gooil references ! under- itand shorthand Addrc i P21. llee 3'J 2' W . \STKI ) - I'OMrfoN IlV LADX HTKNIM1 raphcrj will work for amnll wage Addre P2S Ilcn f-fl. ' _ _ AHXKRlFxVANTS A POHITIOS7 OX 1IUKAI ) nrtakn * or both In country town , relcrence klven , XV. XX Murphy , tharllim la i.j32' WANT ! DMALK IUJLP. ' . .N ON "AiAitx OIKOM tn handle the new patent chemlenl Ink rraslnir lienlll 'llio RrcnUsl snlllni ! novelty ever prodiueili erases Ink thoroiiulil ) In two seconds no abrasion of paper VD1 to MM per rent prolll , one aucnt's sales amounted ( i > .i ) In sir days nn other Ml In two hours wo want one enernetlo ci n eral am nl In i neh slalo and territory 1-ortonni and purtlitilars address Mouroo 1'raser Xlfg ( o A f l.n < roMU XX Is ISi I ! M"AN XVASTHD 10 COI.LW r AND SKI.L IN country Apply nlflnxer onicj Wlni n.HKI.lAlll.K MAN AIUKTT M , XX'HO IS QUICK In learn rind wllllnit to work will bo Instructed In nur business and salary paid whllo learning Ap lily 1'ilr , Douulas 4'Mnl -XVAN-rD-THK NAMIM AVI ) of Fiierxetlc mnn and women open fur porma- jirnt work. XX'o Rlvo orrlmlvo tcrrltorT XX'o ( tiinrnnlee irnoil workers MOn week XX'o furnUh iinicr. furniture , delivery team and newspaper ad- Torllslnir. Our article. Is a monopoly It will sa n Sfi per rert of the coal bills of cferyhody. Full par llrnlarsbf mall , t.ltliouraphs. pamphlets , etc . free upon receipt of pontsKe Address Koal Spar < o. , Kt Oliver street , llostnn , Main MM3 n3- I ) -XX'ANrKI ) , A I.IVK ACTIX'K XIAN XVITH I' omo pluck and push to represent us In > our Incalll ) XXe have something entirely new that cues nnd null1. " you ran mnkn fT.'i to ti'O per month nodon't lued yon Nopeddlliu Hetter wrltn to < lnr. Aildriss "Manufacturers , ' boxilM. lloston , .Mans. XliXi N8' I ) t OXIIVTHNTS-FuNOOHAI'linitH A\l > 1 X PK 1'wrller operatoM who nro out of cmploment urn Invited to rail nnd reelnter their names and nunllllcnllonn with nur oiiiplo ) meiit dcpartmint XX'o makii no rhnrKii to ultlier omploerorem ployed Drop In nnd see us , we take pleasure In ilolnenll wo can for the worthy slenoitraplior and Ijpewrltlst 'Ihu mltli Pioinlur typewriter ( o S hnrnam st , Omiilm Neb 117 MlvKitAi"XVAT 5/xl7nvxri'rNTx'AN"rri XVAT 1:11 : / > - 'riie XX'nnkeshn llyuela Mini nil Sprlnxa ' oni pnnysole com en lonlnts for Irlnklni ; water sup plv at thi ) XYorld'n fair wish In IMIKIIKO n llrst class salesman tn sell the trade 111 the ntato of Nebraska llefiroiici's required 'lo the proper mnn n coed salary and permanent situation will be Klven Ad Onus 'Ihe XXaukcuha llyKeln Mineral Sprlnun ( o , .67 XValmsh ave ( lilinuo XIViJ fi' _ " | > - WANTKII KVI HACT AND OHOCUH'S AM ) I'driiKKlst'n sundries salesmen lo visit Jobbers nnd laritn retailers In loiva and > cbrasla and snr tiiunillnu territory Must lie niiUalnted | thoroiiKhly with thn line of floods and ha\e an cstabllshod trndp and acquaintance with the dealers No other need apply. I Ibernl salary to unod man Hoom 1) rare of i.ord .Vlhomas Lhtcaio MS' > 3 4 * TJ-MII.I IH : AND KNOINKKH xvANrii : > IMMK I'dlaluly to tiiko rharko of the Danneliroi ; roller mills Atldresn the llannebroK MllllUk' .V drain Co , DannebroK , Neh MOV " | J-WANTi : . HOY 15 )11 17 YliAlf * 01. 1) ' 10 .I'learn llnlshlnK 'llio KM HulsoLO 1 fl" Mch olas street l * ' * ' 2' T-\xfA.N'iii : ) . ONI ! iiUNiiHi'ii unoii MIN : TO , .1 'servo as special policemen at the polls on olcc lion day Ninomber 8. IS'tt All applhants must be voterl and rculdcuts of Omaha. No mnn Is wanted who has ever been arrested Apply to XX' tf "vn vey. Chief of Police. > ' 'i I , U-XX'A.N'IKI ) IN AN OhFICI' . IIHKillT X'Ot NO I J > mnn about lt > yearn of nco llcnt references re- I iiilrod | One who understands stenography and I typewriting preferred Address ! ' 10 , lleo I J7 | l > -XX'AMKI ) . J MUN 'IO XX'OUK IN A C.AHDICN I I'Apply nt Clias Coil's , 42d nnd Ames avenue 'laku Ames avenue car. MG'Jj .1 * D. TIIHKK PHHSON'S UKCKU'H IN 'strii'tlous In bookkeeplnit. terms reasonable I situations not Kiinranteed J. II Hmlth , expert ac lioiintant , cstabllshoii 18W 71" 3' B-\X"ANTii : ) . .XIAN ANIJ XX'HK FOIl XVOKK IV nmall family ; woman must be oed cook , man Ijor horse , cow , etc ; Swede or Uurniun preferred [ Address PI lleo 71.1 3' ' "O WANTKI ) , A SI KOSO HOY 111 TO 18 Y11AHS Oold In do M'noril store work and deliver pack- alien Mrs J. llonsun. 7lo 1 T > XVANTKI ) . A ( JOOI ) HAUNKSSMAKI.MI AD I'drossII 1 iHhwood , swnntnn , Neb 701'J * > -WANTKI ) , IISKKUL PIIOPLH FOll HI.PKH 'tolrp show , mmt bavo experience ami ward robe , r Hhurmnu , ( ! ) psum City , Kim 70511 * -HlirAPHAKI5llXVAM KD AT " 5X1IIII A ( O S , ) V.M Mnln st , Council HlulTH OS 1 > XX'A.NTDD-A ATKUHN'8 DUUdSIOHK , ) | 'itli nnd DuuKla * 700 J l > - XX'A.MT.D. A COACHMAN MU-il' HK rilOH > oiuly competent , sober and ImlnilrloiK nnd lia > e k'onil rofurnucon Apply to II. KotiuUe Plrst Itnllonnl bank 701 4 * 7 X"ANTKD. A XVATCHMAKKH CALL AT j 'Minocnbi ru , 1 OS Douplas mrctit .MT.'S i' > -XX'AN'lii : ) ; * IHS P CLASS CO AT , PANTS AND 'vest milker. 1120 Dodge M72I S * P XVA'MKU KXPHHIBNCKD LOI"N.KMAKKHS 'and upholsterierH ut H ICarpen Hros .iro Mlchlgnn ariniip CHIriKO HI Cnnil wai.cs ami stead ) work I or f ul JpartU nlius nddruss box P , 2H lice olllce A1724 fi W ANTED-FEMALE HELP. wwork/hji Georgia aveuuo IW 1-XVANTKD. TXVO PKHSONS HKCKIVK IN' vstrm tlons In bookkeeping J , H Smith .117 j\ finely block U17 2 > XVA.NTKD , A UIHL TO DO OKNKHAI. lioiiRCWiirk In family of two. Must bn a good i uok. Apply at J72I Jackson street MM3 J' /t WAMHD , A ( ! OOI ) OIHL , v. 'street ' p- A rul ) . LXDIKS AND OIHLS 10 DO OUH > nen work feY us nl home ; f I to $8 a week easily made , no painting or ctinvuislnit , solid sulf-ad iliesned envelope , heho Manufacturing Co 4 Liberty orty square , Motion , Mass till a * p.m K > H OiN15HAL : HOUSKXVOHK 1520 v > North Jllh ( .705 * / 1 XX'ANTED , A iHHL FOH ( ,1'NUHAt HOU&U- V wnrk ; iiuiht bo a good plain cook , no washing or Ironlnu. Mil S 2 < Jtli Bt ikjtt i' /I-XYANIUD. ( Tool ) r.IHL POH " ( .I.MIHAL V honsownrk In small family Mrs U XX' Cnnilold I , 12V3 South Jldntrint. _ U'K ! 2' c l-Clltl , I OH ( illSKHAL llTlU-TF.XVOltK NO wanhlni , ' : ran live at home , 721 S Itith street U.1 3 / \ LADIr.R MAKK I.UOO A XVKKK XVHO XXH1TK V for us at home. No canvassing lleplr with addies ed and Btnmpod en > olopn XXomans Co uperatlve Toilet Lo ( Incorporated ) , feoiith HcnJ lud , I-OIHI. XVAN'IKDl liCNKIIAL IIOl SKXVOHK , Aiuall family , l.'l North loth .MUj fi > OH IIKNKKAL \ IIOUM work nt run Hurt street. ilbia 3' /TTx'AN IKD , A OOOD OIHL Kill"CKNIHtAU V hunseniirk ; hrliiK ruferrnces , Mrs ( ! eo. Tllden , lil < , IWlli street. MlJiO .7' WA.vrr.li , A noon COOK , XVASHKH AND ) V Ironer In famllt of thrtei waves fiOOnweek * -Apply Nil * XX ortlilnclon Pisco , opposlto llronnell Imil , in nr houlh lUth street. M ( > 8.l .X * / t XVANThl ) . IMMKDIATKLY , lOXIPUI'KST I tu luke laruof an Inlant. Apply 4UUS / 1-DHI-sHMAKKH XVANTKD 11V THK I1AV. AN V itxpeiliiueil dressiiiBkeri wullrccoinniunded Ad urns. P 7 , lleo olllce. 7U a * 7 WANnTD7 iHL , iljo N. isni. ' ( : rWANIKIl. NI.'Al'OlHL ti OHIO VKAIIB OLD In hvlpdo work and taro for b by. ilr Carter , , IIUHiirdi-llelllfloii Hill. 7023' fA ( .IHLXXAMKI ) Mill Or-NKHAL JIOL'sK- i - ourk , small family , at 2.-AI l.nku. 517. ) 6 C1 xv.xsiKi ) , OIIIL'KOU dlN"r.itAL TTousK- work 'ilXi UiiMiniiort ttrool , M7.'J 4' 7T-\ MAN XVITH LIMll-BD MLANHVAN'18 A V neat woman tu lake caru of homo and two children. Arlilrtu 1'3I , lieu , M727 , TJ-A DKSIHAIILK HOMKiOP 8 HOOMS , KUIt- J-/iil lntl ur unf urulshed. Parlies iiolnx to Call fornla. Apply ou vrvoilifs , Hit South 'Jeutb street. _ _ t 7 I \ -DKSIHAHLK HOUSK. APPLY I'JU DO1X1K J Bl _ _ l-V- 11KNT , frHOOM COn'AOK ON MO'lOIl J llne. Apply H XV. corucr Ih and Uou Us _ l\-CHKAPr-llTHKXX'lN'lKH ' } , 3 HOOM H.ATB. J-'lJJV-ajNoriiJIit stroeii city waters li O r , Hutts. MO BuiUU lltlt tr et. ui 8ij n _ TA-IIOUSli OF II HOOMS. ALL MODKHN CO.V- J-/veuleucei , pleastutlr located near builuess cen ter. Apply IbOO CUIcagu si , or U S. bkloner. Hill 1 rn iq. 'J IA-A IiAltUB 1.1SIOK I HOICK HOUbEH. J-'sloros , Mali. to. Houics from ligOinr uionlU ud up , Utor * J , P ul , UW l ruioi. UU1 Mi * FOR nENT-IIOUSES. D-IIOt'8fS Ktl HKM PHOV1IIKI ) PAHTY will purchase household cnodi will take Omaha real cstato In payment Ucorno Clauser , lllX Park avenue M3AI D-NF.XX'T-HOOXICOTTAom. I1A1II , HOT AND cold water , all modern Improvement" Deslmbln location for buMneM men In beautiful Stanford Circle Convenient tn Omaha ami South Omaha. Apply C , S. KlKUtter room I , New Vork Llfo build ing .XI 4ns D-4 IIOOM IlItlCK M < A19 , lITO SOUTH IBTII. IIJ 00 month Ml 4 * B- - HISNI. tOUIl 110OM COTTAOH. NICKt.T In cntcrt on Hltli ncsr tmnktln street JV. . fqulrcn , lit Null linn * Illdg I- I'ATS , OXVI'LLINd' " , COTTAOK1 ? IN .ALL 'patti of cltr. Mlkonnr A to , Continental Mk. (91 -tOlt HKNT. HOI SUM IN ALL I'AUTS OK city IhcO K l ) vls rompsny'M \ ( arnam t I .U D-0 AND 7 HflOXI H.AIS SIHAM IIKATKD. all modern convenience * cenlral J H.l'arrotte , room 2. DoiiRlniblk 4430 -Kill HUNT loTtOOXI IKHIsn 2M5 CA8. . 11000 llccil.\Uolby , Hoard of Trade 4W D 10 itdoxi iiotjsK. cnsritALi.x LOCATED furnace nml all Improv.Miicnli 70J .Nl'.nlut 4S1I DiO IIOOM IIIIIPK 1101 1 ! XV1TH .MODI'HV Iniprovrmenti nn 20th nt near I.unTpn orth InqiilioatStt S20lli st 4JU n-K > H 111.NT. 31 LAT" li IIOIiMilIAU ! HIKAM heat waterand gin Itedtnvl rent ' . ' 179 13lh t Llnton block John llamlln nitent 221 Dl OH HI'NT ONK 7 , OM. w , AND ( INK 111 room inndern homo turner 2Sth M and Popple ton nvo XX P Burton 111 N X Life Illdg. .121) D -'ixvo corr.xdns , iNgnitK IS > IJACK < < IIV _ _ MV1I _ n > It HKNr , DKHIHXHLi : I HOOM IIOUSK , mod rn Improvements neluhborliood tbo best It C Patterson I1 > llamgo block MI91 D-MMl HUM' , 7 HOOXI 1101iK , I42U SOI'I ll'il II ave Ml'5 ' 3 * D-8 ItOoTl ToTTAIli ; JH2 MA'-O.N. HOO M house modern , JlslA Maion Apply IOJ3 Xlason 423 TJ-1-3 HOOMS CHKAP AT IWi N. 11111 ST 430 NM D ANYONn XX'ISHIN'O TO HUNT THK HEST fnrallv boardlnu hoiisn In the city will please. call at rental agency of I. -klnner 1014 1 urn no street Mm _ D-rOH HUNT , 7 HOOXl-i MODfUN COSVICV lences , cistern pump In kitchen on paved street SID'-oward I ! . I Cook ml 10UI ftll 4' I -VLAT OK liOL'H HOOMS 1UOJ LKAVKN 1 'worth Oil 5 * -A LAitdi : NiN'r-itooxi MCPLV rt'itNisn edilwelllint for winter ilnidy located to a re spouslblu , cnruful occupant \dlruitP20 , line. C.I1 ( ! H > llHKNTNi\lin.XNiXI PA UK 8 room brick lieu o Illl H I.'ncl } IO ( M ) 8 room brick house , corner J3nd ind Popploton BVO.fl'itIO ' R room frame honso. , u' D Poppleton are , f 4X 00 B room btlck , eleitantly f Inlshtid MOj Paclllc , ! v ( > UO ' > room brlek cottare ! u.ll Capitol ave , f 19 00 ( ieo N Mlcks.tUJN X 1 Ifo bulldlinr l 3 1 D-IOIl III NT-IICSIHAI11K 1101 sK * . 8 ANDR rooms , central location In ( iilro 2iltl ! Capitol avenue (027 ( * D-liAHHK HOUSKSUIIAIII.K I-OH HOOMKUS 111 .v still street , partly tilled now Keys 214)1 ) Capitol avenue Mb7J 5 * D-10H HKNT. 2 S HOOM HOUsLb , NKAT UK * pair Inquire 2714 Doimlai XII.82 . < -1-OllltKNTl AN KLKdAM'tOHNKIt IIHICK Hat , 0 rooms.B closets water closet , until , ga mantle and uratc all In oed order. $2200 per month Also re nlco li room cottage clly water , ( IS 00 per moiitn T. C. Hrunuer ro Jin 1 , XX'nre blk 711 1 -TXXO X'KHX lll IH Mil , ! ' . HOI SHb Km rentcheup U XX' P tiiate lilirnrnam M7JO 3 " " FOlTKENT-FURNI 3HED ROOMS. E-NI . HjlNISIllIDI.XHllK 111O.V I' HOOXI 122 N 17th > it M 24 .N9 * T NICKLYliUHNISllKI ) IIOJXI ojl N lll'llsr MflJ 5 * E-KOIl ItKNT , I UUN'ISII ! : ! ) ItOOXH 1 OH MEN. t Ive dollars a month Jltj ) ( umltii ; st (125 J7 UOOMS XV1TII OK XVllllOL'T HOAHD. 2 > 03 JiUJotiglas MI.701 , * ITi-TXVO NICllLV rUllMsm.D HOOMS. S1NC.LK I-ioroiiHiilto all modern conveniences Apply , 1713 Chicago t 71'i ' 5 * K'-FIM IIKI > AM ) UNFITHN HHIM ) Sl'KA.M I heated rooms , near Illtli school , at 2013 Davenport port st. Reference required Mrs M U. HutledKU ErOKUCIll1 HOUSKKKrtPI.Nl , , \HOI3 1UH nlsbod room 1707 Dodge itrcel M7 ! 6 ( FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 17-icLKOANiLV nnt.Niiiiii : ) HOOMS. KIHST 1 class board , at 'ihu Doluu , it and . ' (1 ( N. 18th IJ'-IIOOM ANP HOAIID IN PHIVATK 1'ASIILY for two Kimtlcmcn with references at > per week each , all modern conveniences SIS N."nl st Mltfl 17-IH 5IILXHLH HOOM AND HOAHD IS PHI -I ? vain family 703 N. I'ltli M 4UV _ " 17-NK f.LY HIHM8HLD HOOXI XXI I'll I10AHD X- steam heat Utopia , 171J 1721 Davenport street ti.'il- IJ'-UJHMSHKD ' IIOOMh XX'IIH HOAHD. MOD I ern convenliuces VM N 1'th ' street Mlilb b * 17WANTKI ) , TO HOOXI AND HOAIID IF 1)K J- sired 2 ladles or a nice married couple , ha 'o also 2 unfurnlhhud rooms 151 i N bill st u > 4 3 * IONE HOOM , IIHS'l * 1.0011 , HATH. ( IAS , 2011 Cass street M7.'i ( C 17-MCF.LY FUHNISHKl ) HOOM , SUlTAllLK L for 2 younK ladles or gentlemen 1707 Dodgu stieet. lira 5 iN-a YOUNG MKN CAN UND A PLKASANT homo for the winter In prlvato family ; no i hlldren , no other boarders Hofermices Address P30 , Hcd .M7I8 B' _ ROOMS" p-ttNICK UNFUHMHHKl ) lOOXl , 'xV A'i 'KH. ' vJbath , cloi.ot. etc N 1C cor2J I and .Mlama MOa " UNI-UltNI8HiD : HOOMS SLHAIILU FOH lilnc N XV cor 17lh and Webster st Vi. p-4 HOOMMODKHN COVX'KNIHNCFS , TO V'family without children . 'J01 I arnam Inquire dW 1'axton block 7U8 i'URNISIIUp ROOMS AND 1JOARD. _ n-l F1KAIU.K | HOAllI ) IIY1 HI ! XVFKK HATlls and location oaniiot be excolleci , ut'lho Hill side , n w corrlSth and Dudgt ) MlilSo * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I -1OII HrSNT.THK I sl'DUX' 1IHK 1C HUILDINU , -Ltim iinrnani st The biilldlui ; has a tlroproof cement ment basement , complete atoamboatlni ? llxtureti waturon all the Doors , gai , etc Apply at the olllco of ' 1 he. lloo yia FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. * T KOUNY'H HALL ( OLD MKI'HOI'OLITAN ) SI ' XX' Cor Dodk'O nnd 1 iilirti'i'ntli nlnets Can bo rented for balls , pirtlei , soeletles etc her dates apply VU6 Now X ork Illo liulldlnn J17 i at' WANTED-TO RKNT. K-XVAMKD , 'IO HK.M1 r UHNISHIU ) I1OUSH. with all modern Improvttmenls , 11111 it bo sit uated between XXebtterand llariiey Mreets , and KlKhteenlh and Twenty cUlith ltre t Address Hoom , , J7 , Hoard of 'trade Slid I J * RENTAL AGENCIES. L-PKHSONW Si HISHIIV , TUP. LKADINO HKN- lal managers of South Omaha Ibey havustores , houses , otllcus and rooms for runt tUI N14 r XXi : ( IIVl ! HPKCIAL A'lTKN I ION 'l ( ) TnK AJcaroof rental properties of all kinds , collection rents , paying taxes , etc. If you hnvn any houses , stores or Hats for rent list Ihvm with ( icorguJ , Paul , IUJ fariiuni st Mliti J1 STORAGE. M-HIOHAdl.1 CHKAP , CLb.VN , XYKLLS , Illl r arnam street. 1VI WANTED-TO BUY. -fcT WAM'Kl ) ' 10 lltIV aOMK t ) PKU CKNT Itlriimortesges. itecil i Helby , 814 Hoard Irado , ATSKCOND UAND HOOKb HOL'GIU' 1-OH CASH Xi at the Antiquarian book lore , lilJ t arnam. 071 n | 0 * „ . . 'IO IIUV , A (1OOD SKCONI ) HANI ) delivery wigon. U. Link' , Srt South list st. 7U33' FOR SALE-FURNITURE. O-HlirSALK. ALL JIY HOUiicH Will ttkeOinabaroal e > tat-4np ruuut. - Clouser. 11151'trk sveiiue FOR SALE-WI80ELLANEOU8. p .VoU HAI.V. A HNB DH1V1M1 IlOlibU , OAlf L bettor than three minutes , t cj hinds , weight l.liO tor further putlcuUrt ddre s A. U. Cpurr . , Lreitou , la. tjs ij jTIlOU 8AI.K-UXVO WKLli'MAiniKII 11LACK A driving horses , welulihu about WJ | bi each ; luuitbosolit at a sicrltlca I-Uglily Lomi Ounran- tee Co , room I XX Hbnell bulUlnj ( .all at oncu fllMi 1mi HAl.K , TKAM OK 1IHOOD ilAUKti. 1HON uray , about HvO pounds well matched ; form witfun and harness. Address PM , Hue. Jlli.WC 1J--IOH 8ALK. AT lTALF V.u".UB , A HNK - > - bone , uluglvfoou uiidvr nJdla. troU In about S. can puce lister. Auybody csn drive Hue look' > lag. N. A.KuUn. UtU ud liou.-lti CVJ 0 1 TOR SALK-MISCELLANEOUS. Conflnicd nKOH SALIC , A HI.XTV DOLLAH TOP L fnrn.XM ) H K Cole , tontlnrnlal block 21 ! ) f OR 8 ALE -HORSES , WAGONS. _ Q -rOll SALK CHKAP. A SJ-HOH K'POXVhlt _ automatic engine ) also ono 12 horse power up right engine : both In good repair Iliqulro of Kest- ner Printing Co , 1307 Howard street , Omaha , Neb Q -HACK 175 , riUTCIIAllI ) , DOUGLAS BLOCK. QQ1' Q-1' ( PUPPtHS , IIOOM 30 , HAIIKKH HIXCK. foil SAI.1C. IMPIIOVKI ) HASH IlUHNKIt : A n ; SOT North 25th t rT13 * Qo SAt.K. "OllAN'DKATIlKIl" ( Jl OCKS | Ul , < l In ( toed order Hot 14 , ( Inlonn. OhioiWC ( iWC Q -ICK CHUSIUit : ANIl K'K tHKAM OUT HT fur sale cheap N 2 , lice , Council Illulls Jim I 1 MISCELLANEOUS. u OVICUCOATMUI1H CI.KANKD , OVKII , HK- imlrvdclici | > lOJi Hownril street , ofilra room 503 Nil- I R -A iioMu i on i. viiis : Diitivu CONKIM : mcnt tjntilosnitopteil 2 il CumliiUKtrpct ( hnnhit M 110 Nil' TfltlCKV UKPA1IM nentlr Urlt-ntnl run' nlouth Mth MoU & ULAIUVOYANTS \SNIi : V WAItUKN. \IH\OYANT , > 'rclliulu biidlnesii nieiiliiiii llftli rear nt 111) N M Hi (17 C-MADAMI : run/ > 3)rs sTitni'i1 d.Aiii t'ru ) nut niul tmicu niolluni lmli > | > "n lent volant , tell * punt iiml future. maKtietla trciliuont l.mtloi only M. MJ' _ S-M1IH Dlt M l.KdllAVi : , 1'lior M I ' . n < < DKAI ) trnnio clalrvojniit itml IUo reniler tulln your 1U trotn crailla tu iirnve , inn be lonmllcil nn nil nUnlriinr llfo hnn tlio eclcbrnli-it Kiiyiitlaii lin > n t pinto tu unltu tlio popnrnted and inu o tntirrliRi ) ltli nnn you love t'oniuone , rnnianll iml be con * \lnrcil of her rvninrknblo poworn Olllco nnd ro l cli-nen4ITb Ilth t , lie r Un ni to'ip m , .strict llfo chart anil photo of voiir future wiroorliun band cnt throiiiih mult for flOO , chart nlonntJW ) All lettem cuntulnluKl conta In > tamp vrniuptly nnnwereil 707 10 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rp MASAi : 'IKKATJIKXI , III.r.CTHO TllKIl 1 lual bnths , scalp nnil hair treatment mnnlcuro ami chlrupoilUU Urn I'oM.Sl'.ih ' ; H 15tli\S Itulicll blk rp MADAMK SMITH , 1331 CAITIOl. AVKNUK , JL lloom 1 , M Moor. .Mnssmic , nkobol giilpluir niul ten batlin MIJ8 4- MADAX1 81OXVU , MAON'nitC O.'J Pratt it MM9 i MUSIC , AKT AND LANQUAdE. \T ( . I' ( .il.r.MIKCK : ! I1A.V10 'IKAI Hiit : N XV ' tor 1'itli nnd llnrnuj llarncy street cntrnnce JI2 MONEY IO PAN-REALi ESTATE. \\r-LOANSON IMPHOX'lji ) AND UN'lMi'HOX'i ; ! ) city propertyW 000 and upward * fl to 7 per cent No dulaa XX 1 tirntm Smith A , Co ,15th nnd llarnoy S07 \\r-0 K nTuilIbON , 91J N. Y TT K W-7 PKIl CK.NT MOMCX NIU' TO HOIIHOW- ITS on Omaha city property No extra cbarnes of any kind XX'by pay lilsh rates' Xloiior li cheap XoucaUKet full benefit of tow rates from Ulobe. l.omiand _ 'I rust Co . Ihth and Hedge MO \\r-MOHTOAIlK LOANS LKbS'111 AN 7 I'KU CT. * T Including all eharpcs Charlen XX' Halney , Omaha Nnt bank lililkMl \ \ T 1 ANIl a Yl.'AH 1 OANS ON CITY AND PAHM Heed .V. Selby , i14 Hoard of Trade If-MONKX ' 10 LOAN AT LOXVI.S1 HA'lUS. > The O I' . Dnx Is Co . IMj 1 nrnam street Ml V r cnviHALTI/JAN .v 'inusrco , IIUK IILIH. . \V 7 CI1HAI1 MOXHV , 9KE GV. . l . COATKd , Ibll tarnaui Wj f PHlX'XTKXIOS'lJXMbT AND2I ) MOIltA ( ! I ! loans , low rates Alex Moore , Heo bldg f 03 \\r-OXMHA SAVINdS HANK MAKIts LOANS * T on real estate at lowest m irKet rate * Loan * made In small or largo slims for short or long time No commission is cliarnod nnd tbo loans ire. not sold In the cast but ean always bo found at the b luk on tbe corner of nth and Douglas streets \\T XIONLV 'IO LOAN ON IMPHOX'KD tll'X * v property , low rato. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk MO ilKAL HiTXTri LOAN'S , GTO 7PKH CHXT no additional charges for commission or attor ney s fees XV 11 Xlclklu , I Irst National Hank bldg 611 V\"r-LAlt.L ! LOANS MADK ON OX1AIIA. LIN * coin , Council HliirTs business property , ( i per cout. Also fiuall loins OeorgoJ Paul , 1605 l < ariiam XIV.2 M6 * \\r-MO.VKY TO LOAV. IJ003J ' 1O LOAN IN ' I Omalir on bullJInn and lo in plan fl'iSI | > phi monthly will pay off $1,00005 In 73 mouths No commission Hate Is less than ti per cent Poor man's ebancal Do you need mousy ? Can you use money ? Ifso.cill or address room 14 ? , nee building , Omana Neb 40. n I WXN'l 110S Y I OAN AND THUST CO . .118 N Y. Life , lends nt low rates forcholo } H3curlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city propurtv ' vv -0 I'Elt CBN I1 XIUNhON IMPHOYKl ) P HOP- orty 11 , C. Patterson , 42j ItaniKO blk V41 MONEY LO LOAN CHATTELS. V XV1LLLOAN MOVBV ON ANY KIND OF SIS- Vciirlty , itrlctly conlldentlal A I ! Harris , room I , Continental block 512 X - ' , 51 DOUCLAS 1ILK Hi i , DOIXiB. X -1100,000 00 TO LOAN IN AMOUM4 from 110 np on HOI'SKIIOLI ) tUHNlTUHK AND PIANOS , 110HSKS. XX'AOON" . AND CAHIHAOF.S , XX'AIlrSHOUSK HFCK1P1S OH PKHbONAL PHOPKItl'Y OF ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property You can nnvo tlmo and money by calling on OMAHA MOItTliAUK LOANCO ; Hoom H , < rolKhton Illock , 15th and Douglas next to I'ostotllco INtOHl'OllA'IKI ) 616 V MONKY LOANKD CHEAP AT 'XOITHOXVN Vtliue. Nebraska Loan Co , Ultl Douglas t 1117 X MONKY > ) , tO M DAYS CHKAP HA I'FS and easy payments on furniture pianos ll\o stock , etc. without delay or publicity , cish oil hand Duff dreon , room 8 , Darker bloik 51U X -MON'HX"IOLAN ON I-LHNITUHB PIANOS liorses , wat'oua and collateral security Husl ness contldcntlal Ired 'lurry , room 13.1 -DvOcNHKD MONKX ? THK HDKLU'Y IXJAS OUAHANfKi : CO. , Hoom I XX'hltnell block , oar. 15th and Ilarney sts , XX'ILL LEND YOU ANY SUM. I HOM $10 'lOllO.OOJ ON THKDVY XOU ASK tOH II' . \Veinuko loans of any site lark'O O < small , on household coed * , pianos , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts and personal property of all kinds , In any amount , without delay , pub * llclty or removal of property , cheapes t ratot rud easiest payments SHU US rl 33J xCHA'J TKL I.OA.NS , SI22 N. V. LI I K. MOIlltlS 483 Nb * buf2000U TO LOAN ON CHAIl'HL buslnesiconlldendal. It 033 Hoard Trade Ml'i7 N7 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y IK you AinHr.rKiN < i A HU INIISS OPPOU tunlt ) requiring small capital In a certain und exccedlnglrprolUablH and growing business and always cash , write-to the undersigned. Inclosing stamp when full particulars will be nlven. O 1C K. H/JL street , Llncolu , Neb. 621 * /-I OH SALK , AT A VKHX'LOXV KHiUHIS , 1 HK l entlro slate Interest In one of the heaviest pay Ing monopolies now before tbo public. It n III save 25 per tent of the co l bills of everybody , and pro- dine better rusulU , liverybudy wants 11 and will have It when keen. A largo business can be done at onie In every county. Hill particulars by mall Address U. K. K. , 1I'"J L street , Lincoln , Neb' 611 Y-tOK K.U.B. KliXV 8HAIIKS HIUJ BACH ) OK thecapllalstoikof the Hnt National bank of Arapahoe , Nebraska , at 8J per cent of Its par in I no Address Perry U Hole , eaibler , the Hank of Arapa hoe , Arapahoe , Neb M31J Y ToHSALK , A JKWKIiltvT HOOK. hl'ATIO.V" cry und musical business situated In a prosper ous neitern Iowa county neat A paying buslnesi and good location. A sploudlit opportunity for the right party seeking n paying business liHu on for dlipuitng of this properly , Address O 01 , euro Omaha lleo. \u-l -COAL AND KKKI ) HUSINKfP , IK TAKKN soon , a bargain. Address P2 Han. M J Y-On8ALKTHK HIHN1TUHK AVI ) LKAHK I of a 35 room , with barroom , steam heat , eli ctrlo light and all latest Improvement * ; good business. Address p 7 , lleo olllco. Ml 4 * "IOil SALK. KUIbf CLAbS IlKhTAUItANT and confectionery store In growing town , tlfty mill's from Ouiab * or purlluulars luuulru at XX' , 1I ioccker's cU r tlqtu. 711 ti loth l. ; iw 4 * V-tOH HALK. AN KHTA1ILISI1KI ) CHATI'KL i loan business , with onica nxtures und Ui good loaiissacurad by chattel morlfauo na collateral In Omaha from 110 lo IIUO each. XX 111 bear Invest I- uallon XVlsh lu it've moutlte Ilinn la other builausi. Addres * PW , lleo. MTU V-WANT A PAItrNKH TO J Citato and linn business Must have at leui tXHOcaihcaplltl. Addrum 188. lleo. M72iU * FOB Z-rOH KXCIIANOK. AM < UY HOUSHHOLI icvods for Oiu bi runl cilatu. Can remain In iioute lo party wlnhluv to runt house , tieurue Uouicr , llli Park nvtuur. y-1011 U.MHANUK , UOOD IMPHOX'KD NK U braik furms lor any coed real or chutte property. , PottolBco box I , Cuadroo , Nob. ron ' / CI.KAH WKSTKHN U)19. ) IKASY THAI ) . S-ifrv JiJoootollMWO worth. Jftl-real or personal property In or near Omnhn. ul m ronunl nlon to party arqiinlntcd here for qick ) ( Itadc , P , O bet M. city.n | Miat ' V-410 At'llKS OK CliKAIt T.AijU ) IN ONK OK * 1 the bent winter whptl rtl trlrt < 4n Kansas in pt change for 10 or 20 aero trad itioar Omaha city limits. XVIII pay cmh illlletomr If property H good Address , giving prlro and location , O2C > . Hen oniccs , Matt TontritANdK-SIorXUTTd'IOPKHTVKm /Jdrug slock In low * Oniabn property for drug lock In Nebraska or Iowa J.nnl | and rash for good country lintel with established tradr orange grove , fall beatlng.'for Umah * property Honda lands for Omaha proprrtK Lands for har ness nnd saddlery stock Clear lands for good liv ery stock , well located Land fur stock of clgnM In Omaha Land and ca h fur f9w > to 110 000 general oral merchandise 12 'OO to4 ( XI ) boot' and b.00 II 000 to IIODUO groceries fJtUlto Iiouo hardware f'iO.10 lu ( JOOOU gents furnishing goods. ote. te. Chance for carpenters or planing mill tIG.OOO Omaha residence for silo a bargilu kpeclal bar gains in Omaha residence property Call nn nr ad dress Nebraska Kuhangn company lieu Hiilldlng , Omaha Neb Ml 4 /-Kill SALK OH PXCIIAMIK. AHOl'T KWO OH -tf KM ) world of ilry goods clothing boots , sboes nnil groceries well selected nnil ilean stock now running sales over II2X dally XXIII name i.ooil prhv fur all cash or take good Improved farmlands In Nebraska or good residence property well located In Cnnlin to Milnn of JMUR ) or f.'i MO. balance rnsbnr good miles XX rlto Lock Hot ' 'I.I for partleulars , ( Mnalia Nebraska 'i ln'.8 rOWN \ 10J I-AUMS IV NTH AM ) DAKOTA * -l\\ III nell or e\ilinni * llox ; i. , I rnnkfott lud Illnlll niAitOMAHA : iii'Ai.i-si AM B volt MIHP l Miliintlon Money lo loin llovjl" , Omnlit fill r/ 1 1IAVP. AllOOl ) FAHM XVHK'II \XII.I. I . II\ ' -'i linuitd fin n olotk of Kcnprnl merrliiuidl e 1 or particular * ) nddreis H (1 ( Curyoll , Ncllitli .Neb. uji NM' 7-i ISM : mini ) , nopni.coirKii UOAD AND / iiddlo horcoXliatlinvo ) ouf Uenl vtrtto or ilrlv Inn tonni preferred X C Kerr , CraU , .Nib y tfin I\CHA.VOK. : sojoi.n nownCAI.K , /Jlialf prlci1 , In hay or urnln .liihn ( t Wllll' ro l- donre , H.I7 N ? jd , onice. 1411 Doilk-o st > i 8 FOK SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1 > KAI , K8TA1K. -li liarKKlnnunly My word U MU > d C XX' Albright. fi31-2J .Now Vork I.lfo f3 17-i OH SAM : , MY HK IDKNUK ATIIII s X si. 1U roomn pndbitlt hot antt cold water , elcetrlo bclH and bumlar nlirm , nt eiklng tube.f urnnco and barn , nlio line vacant oa t front roMdpiica lot 11. U XXIiltuuy , 401 M iihatils .Siitloiial bAiik bl lit < 17 N3 ROMK 11AI1C.AINS 01 Pllltlll ) I1Y KIIIKM'IY Tru t Co . I "HI Pimmm No trouble lo show tlii-m Prettiest 7 room tottniro In the clt > all modern An olpunnteaiit front lot on Lowe a\e , l.n X'cta 1'laeo ibeap will si'll noun I'N oral linn IOH | In luirih purt of rltv tlo o motor $111 to f MX ) , former prito J71KJ to tM3 f.MUOwill bii ) an \ I home- routine nt prencnt for S.'HU pir yenr nliould lirlim ( ! t > J , s > nall pa > munt , will net lUptr lent or more 'IHO sightly full lots lu Sotilh Onialii ttplcndld locution milled alii OUU , Jint one linlf tint amount will taho tbetu HDJilnwn XX 111 double } our money. A beautiful "i-room cottaite lot MlxISI Mi t com pli'teil 7th anil A BtruetH , $ IUU itovrn , b'llnuci ) monthly paymentt Call ( | iik'k bpforo It It nold AMindiilo Park. Ihe Illicit luxliln re'ldenco nilill lion lu tlio elty Jl Ion out of W sold "Incc Ausiuit * 0. Price only fl.tJJ each oil reasonable turmi Call mid nee us about them A four room cottaRfl and half lot Thirty-fifth nnd Howard , worth UUM. only JUSJ J1W ( cash and f 1U per uiontli XVuy pay rent when ottered uch terms ? 3S 7 7O11 HAI.KOK TUADK UY THE OXVNISIl 10,003 -L acroi of Nebraska's flnelt fa.m'.n ' ? land at a rnat sacrlHi.e O. H. Peterson , 1111 SlUh nt niilin. _ M ( llNJi _ A , IIKHHY , 1 HKiAIlMl UKAt , > estate do lcrs of South Omaha XX'o only sol ' 'ariralns ' I.lst yourproporty wltl them bi7 M4 ATA II\HAIV . ' ( H1OICI ! IMfo. SOxllj feet V each , moro adjoining If'deslrMI I'a t fronts' i XX' corner lutli nut Arbor , I'lnon locution in Ity forri'ildonc.0 Block from Huh St motor line Jinrloa Hanloy , IOJ1 so IQth St. , Omilia. MUI1 K KOLNI/.I : pr.Aci : , ONIC V-IIOOM MODKHN liiime. 14 WJ. $50Jcisli , who will bo the llrst to now thli U junta f-'liaj bargain .1 J nibson , ole .iKcnt Koiiutze Place , room JT , Urst Nat bank 131 70U SAliB OOOI ) KKSIDKNll : LOIS IN POT - tor Jt Ccarco Co ' addition'Unit Omaha. $ J50 00 o ( IUO OU , 1 10 mill , balance monthly l.otN In bteele .V XX'oods * nddltloh , on ear line In Kant Omaha , } 7VJOlto tl.VUUD ) i liooil renlitonceluti In 1aei'i ipdltlon , on mill ar > road , motor Hue. JMUUO to } 40l ) 01) ) , terms cai > Aere property nenr Omaha and South Omaha , ultablo for Kardenlnt ; | > nrilio * or subdividing Jail for prices Denlrablo cottage * In uood. realdunco locality icar cur llne,7UJin to fJ.oOJ 00i small cath pay ucni , balanc" monthly. . 'i Potter A l.uorcu Comtiany , llilli and Kmtinr.i St * ANKI.THANT HOSli : 10HSAI.K NBAIl HANS- com park I lia\n Just completed ono of the hnndiimipst rot t'i's In Omaha , tarliiR nouth on .Wnil street , Just lortli of Paclllr with lanrc and beautiful Krounds xno feet , covcreUnlth handsome shade nnd fruit ee1 * , HOIMO I * substantially built tliroiik'liout , nitholo : ant buthrnnm , porri lain lined tub , stationary mai < bio wnsbHtond , Imrdwood llnlvb , apaclou * porches , aplendld bilrk lelliim , etc. NelKhborhood I * onoof ho lliiLst In tbo clt > and the location Is all that can jo deMrt'il Urlio around and sea this property or call and let inn nhow It to you nnd obtain prli o and terms ( ieo .N Hicks , dO'i N Y I.llehlilK OoS 3 2.U A 'UK3 11CAU1I1 LIj VALI.HY AND bHTOM > cnch land In eastern Nebraska , gently uiidulat ni : , richest of soil , line orchnrd. ifood bnlldlneH , lUIni ; water , throe and one half mllen from uooil uaitet Kouil neliool and ihnrch close by. Price sJO UU per aero laud In the vicinity selling for U'lOriiiiulflOUa ,1 r acre 1-nrm will readily rcnl fortJUUUOper > itar , mull rent Address C.I Harrl DII , 1)12 ) .N \ Life , Oman i .MO77 WANT1SI ) , t'AUM NKAllOMAHA XX'nnted , JOO acres at } per aero XVnnted t ! 00U at 8 per cent , bent security. XVnnti'd , $ i)0l ( nt 8 par eent. bout Hecurlty. XXnuted , store near 10th and Karnam XX'anled hon u for elenr lots and iab XVan.ed homo for Lhlcaim lot and oasa XX'anted , builncsii property on Ibth st. XXanted. eottaKO lorKOOit tenant Wanted , HO acres In forpj county. XVnntod , 10 acres for eardunlnu XX Anted , 40 acres In Sarpy c-ounty. C. 1' Ilarrlnon.UU.V. Y Life 7104 100 ACltKS , HAHPYCO. J-.HI ) acroH , Herman , Neb1.13000 per aero. SOU ai res , ( 'ulfnx Co , t.'S 00 per acre. 810 , .Nanro Co , f 16 ( X ) per aero 120 acres near Omaha. I7DOO per acre. (110 ( DoilKoCo , S2 > Uper acre. lliO X'alley Co. , tlO OU pur acre. 1 % ) acres , Cats Lo , U3 UO per acre ( ' . ! Harrison , ill..V Y Life 7104 . AMCK IIO.M15 IN 11)1IC\V1I)1C , NKXV furnace , hhtli , nowernito , paved street , nbarialn lohn ( . XX HllH , residence , 1U17 N. 'JW , olllco 141 DodKOHt b'J7 8 MANY PA1IMS Kill 8AI.K VKHY UHISAP. easy terms Gee XX * . P. Loutes , 1GII I arnnm st ® ll'iur DANCING SCHOOL Mil ANDXIIIS. XIOHA.VD8 DANCINO HCIIOOIy , 1713 CaplUI ave , now open Children Tuesday , 4 Kip m : Saturday , 10 a m and I 10 p m adults ' 1 uobday and l-'rliliij 8pra Asesmblles.lhiirsd iys 1 P m I'rlratolesHons dally Pupils can Join nny tlmo UtiiKO and now dances tauuht The Carlyle , liar vardlinvoto XVontworth , Xlanltou and Columbia ! : i.anulors llHtlilonco 2XH lo < Uo bt. MM ) NI5 LOST. " LOST. KrtX TKItltlKlt PUP , XVHITK XV. "I brown head My name on collar. Howard fo his return. XI A , Hall , Mi Bo sitli nr. FOUND. FOUND , POCKKT HOOK , I.K T ON COUNTKIl In mv store kerural days ago wltli money In It Mrs ,1 llcimon 7141 DKESSMAKINO. 1iNIIA < li'.M15vrS ' 1O DO DHKSSMAKINfl IN . ( families nollclted. Mlsi Sturdy , JW Houth 26th street f MiiUlnll' HORSES WINTDKED. HOHsKS XVINTKHKDON OUH.-KAHM HniHIN Urns , 12111 Park ave ti 407 NM itlK TNSTRUMENTS plaeodQn roeorJ NOT. Z , ) ( S A JonKlnson to Mil a HoVu ' i. lot 23 ( lylnrj bonlli or biinth fliio'Jiillfonila slrcut ) In 10-15-Uuiul tax Wt ' 'I In 10- i ; -u . . . < , + ; % . 15.000 A I < Hilton to M nsuttuifo { ( % SI , block 4 , .Missouri avenue park L. , . . . . 425 1'lrst Oorninn I'resbyturliin iiluiri.'b to J -Lhulbli > . lot llhlocU4iU.Onuiilviu\v , 700 lldullty Tnut coiiiiiniiy to 8 S Urlnnoll , lot si. blocks. Avnndiilo park 1,300 \ \ Illlani-Melvor ti8V Cutnlibell , lot 1 , blouk'i Ccttago park ' . ; 1,000 Arthur Itoinlnztoti ot At to Thomas hwobe. lol W , block 13. OliTa ! ) * Ylow . J.003 I H Tiff t ot at to M I1 Key , 'lot ' a , block 7 , Central prk COO QUIT CLAIil IlKEDS. 1,3 Lewis and luubund to A H Van Court , lots 7. IQ to Jl lAiuUvlllo . . . 2 ii M llnrraiid liusband to I , J I.uwls ot at , Iots7 toll , vo toi'A sumo. 3 of plat of n A Starr's snbdlv of lots 81 nuila , block li , Hanscom ' I'laco. ; Q A ilcnnelKslierim to M H Tlfft , lot 5 , blook 7 , Cuiitrul purk , 650 Total amount of transfers , . . ! l 10.679 vis TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1JOI tfarnatu Street. Ouiaba. A Beautiful Complexion Cnn soon lip gained or evuryladf by uMiiK llio "I'Mi llrnml" Complexion Itrnsh. Ho re Ihp trade nmrk "I Mi llriiiul" li mi each one 'I ho electrical r-ltoctof the noft ruM > or soon brln lh desired ( "fleet nlnl when brought by thl'ln-nn.i 111 t > HMV I'rloo fiOn iSiiiMi If malted , M jour own risk , add lOci money Id Bponipa'iy order Ask your < lrii glt for themor Omaha Rubber Co. . . 1520 FarnamSt TUB SHORTEST USE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. JxoiT ? e1V Ac3a i T a ( FCEDAR RAPID ? 'DESMOIIXES ' Electric Li litaJ , St > im llea ed Vcstibulcd trains leave Omaha daily 317:05 : p. m , , ar riving at Chicago 'at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. NOTICE TO PROHUU'Y OWNUIlsT Vou nro hcroliy nolllluil tlint the b inks of oirtli iiou existing on mil ) lots I , ' , 11 mill 14 of lot UOaiiltul Hldlllonnnd lots Hand tlKi yo's Hiihdhlsion of lot Q Cuitllnl adilltlon. In tln > olty of Oin.iliii hu\o been ilnc'lurcd byordln- 111110 > o .Hi. , to bo u null moe. Von .no hoieby dlrrcltd to nhilt : < m\ld inn- snnuo hy grading tluwn the front u rt of M ild snl > lot * , so as in iircxunt llio w.istiii ) ? . tuning or xvnshliiE of o irth Iheicfroni upon lliu .ulj i- oi'iil < ilile\\ulU "Itliln thirty dujs ftoin the " ? th d ty Oiitnbor. 1SU or said miU.iuoo III uii lib itud by the city ittitliorlth's and llio o\- pcii'-B tlii'rcof lot lou as a spculnl tax n ulnsl tlicpruporiy on which snlil nnl-.ineo \Kts. . I ) nod this .Ircl dav ot .Vivmnhor , 1- ' . ) . ' . I'v. . imtiviiAisiii : Chairman Hoard of I'ubllu Works n I-4-V7-S " Improvement is the order of the age , , " Wo never otpoctod , iti our most sin cruino tnoinotits. such an incrotiso In sales us commenced on the fh'bt of Sop- tomhor. The Smith Premier TypeWriter - Writer is having1 onorinous H.vlos which are \\ido and fur reaching. Those nro the icportsvo uro rocoiviiig noni our many branch olllcos A TRIAL Send for a dcscriplix'o entilo : ruo. 1609 FarnimSl , Omalia , Xcl ) . E II. AIAYimW Mnn n pop RRILWHYTIMEGHRD l avus I ( .UKJAdO HIJllLlMH'Os t Omaha I l ) | im IDfi vi l U > m in O n 11 < 45 p ml CnTcno V irfati > . . . TU ) PiiT 1'fiOa m CluuvfO Kipron IJ i m 1160pm . Chicago Kxpren 4 it p m Clileago V Iowa LOQI ! i.U ) p ui Lea'oi 111UHL1NU1ON & X1O HIViiK I Arrlvoi Omana j IJepnt 10th an I Mason Sti ) Omana 1U1S i ra . .Denver Veitlbuto Urpress. . . 4 Uj p m 10.15 a m * * . Deadwnod Kxpress. . . . . . . 4 0 * p ra 4 M p m Denver Ezpresi 93 > a m 4 Wp m Danvor Limited 11 ( Jp m e.tOp m .Hastings Local , d"7p m 8 15 a m . .Lincoln LocaKKxcoptSun.l. . . 1130 a m leaves I K. C. 31' J. A U. u Omaha. I Oepot 13th aal Xltssi SH n & ) a m . .Kansas City Day Kzpres * . . . | ij.U9 p u ! Mi p m K. U. NUIlt Kip via U. P. Tram | 41 am 8 15 p in St. Louis Bxpress. . . . i 3 40 am ( Joins I CHHJAliO , It. I \ I'AUiriC I From Km. | Union Depot 10th ft Mtrcy Sis I Bait. 10 00 a m Atlantla . b 20 p 111 436 p m X'cntlbulaKxpiass I. Ill p ra t.3i p m . . . . . .Night icxpross , , , . 5 4) a m fiolnx I CHIOACO H I , A PAI I MIX From XVest. IUnlou Depot 10th ami Xlaroy St ) West. 1 JUpml . . .Denver LlmltoJ I12 > n ui .Kainaa City ( ICictiut Sunday ) . . Itf 13 p m Leavoi I UNION PAClUt I Arrlvji Ornaha [ Union DapmlOtli and Xlarcy Bts. | Onu n lloatrlce rCrprosi I ! U p m Dsnrur Btprou 403 p m MS p ml Overlaudhlyar. . , . , . , , , 70) p m 4.u ! p ta | lunacyVs.VStniu'JZ iiat : ( Sun ) 123) p m ttO p ml , ; ? . .I'aclllo Kipraii. . . . . . . 10 1 } a m 6.JO p m. . . . , Denvur Kan XUI1 . . . . 4 J ) p in Lravcs I CHICAGO , Mill i Bl. I'AUI , Arrive Omaha | 0 IT 1' . depot and Marev fin Omahi 70o p m Chicago Kxprun . . . , UJ1 a II Mi ru Chicago Kzpren . . . . 420 p Leaves SIOUX CITY A I'ACIUC. Arrlvui Omaha Depot. 101 h and Maroy Btt. Onu'i i 730 B ml , . tilouz city I'aBiongHr. . . . . . . I02U p m o3j p m | .bt. Paul Kxpreis 1U W ii in leaves I SIOUX HIT * PACIFIO. ( Arrive * Omabal Depot. 15th an I XVobsur sti I Omalia COO p nil .St 1'tul Limited U2i a m Leave * F. , K A Slu VAILBY. iTrrlvoi Omaha Depot lith an I Woister St < 90J a m . . . . Deadwood ISxprou . . . 6 2J p in UOJ am ICx. Hat ) XVyo Kip ( Kx. Mon ) 5 30 ; i m . . . .Norfolk ( Er Sunday ! . . . . B OJ p in St Paul Kxnraii , . . leaves CHlUAIlOANOHl'UtVKSl'KltNIArrlvai Omabi U P. depot. 10th and Marcy St Omabi 720 a ro Ux. biin'y ) Carroll Pai KWp in 1040 Clileago Express liOi p m 4 05 p 111 , . X'esllbulo Limited , , 9 > U ra 1W p a liattern tlyer Hip 6 40 p in ( Kx Bun ) Ohio. PAII ( Kx. Mon 1 BOia ra CUIciAUOA NOItrUXVUSl'CUN Arrival Transfer Union Depot , ( -ounell lllnlTt Iranifer 1130 a m , , , , Chlcsiio Kxpruti , , . . , , ( ' 10 p ra tin i Vestibule Limited If lO u ra IM c m Uaitern I'lyor l.H p ra tM p m ( Ex Hun ) Atlantla Mail ( Ex Mon ) 741 a ra f 40 a m ( KxHI Carroll I'ufiuiuer ( Kx H ) B ti p m MISSOUHI 1'AUIHll ( Arrival Omaha l ) | .ot latb anil Webster Bti. I Oman * 1.10 p m , HU Ixjuli Kxpron. , , . 6.45 u in 10 00pm .MU Ixiuli Kxpren 4 43 p m 4 tOp n. . .Nebraika Loral HM u in DM A11A A at' . LULHd. Arrlvui Union Dopot. Council lllutft. lrunits 440 m.L. | . Ht. LuuliC _ npnB _ . , . . . . . 13 ji leaves Transfer Union Depot.Council Ilium Tranifu 6V > p m , . .Nlubt Kiprott . . . . . . SJJ a I 10 20 a ra AtUallo Biprji . . . . . . . 545 p in iti p m Vcmlbule LlmlUd 12 60 D m Leaves 1C & . ST. JOB A C. II. ( Arrival Transfer Union Depot. Council HlufTs llranife | 1000 a m , , . .Kan > ai City Day K pru < , . | 63i p in 10 U p ID . . .Kanian ( Ur Mint Kiprim. . . \ 6.1) a in 1015 pra at Ixjuli EIPCIII . . . . icaiau SIOUX CIT'iTA PACIKIO. lArrlvei Union Depot , fount ! ! HlurTs. ( Transfe Tli a m city Aecoiumoaation.IOJW"p | t tM e w . bl. Paul Krpriis. . , . | VIJ Leaves CIIICAIJO , IIUItl/.N & OUINUY , Transfer Union Depot. Council HluO Tranjiti " 10 Ui alu" , . . . . . . , Lhlcago Kxpresi , 6.40 p m 10 li p m Cblcana ISxpreii lj ft ra 7 Dip in Creston Local 10 10 a m Ue&vcs OMAHA 4 lLOUli Arrlvdi Omaha V. P. deput. IQtb and Mnrcy Sti Omaha t. u ml . Si I.QUIITCa-mon llaTT . . i-earui U. Si1. I' . M. 4 O Oinaha , I llopoi. IStu and XVubitor HU ' e 1U 'm . .Slcui Ulty Aocomiuudallan , . uut p m 1.15 p m nous City Kxpren ( Kx HuirJ y ) It 41 p iu 6U ) p m St. l-.ul Umlted I ) J51 m tUp m litaorof 11'iintatur ( Ki. d juJ'f j 8.15 a ui DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL USE MO FUSEL OIL It inn romnlv , a tonic nnd not a It stimiilitt n the t r Milit on , tones up thn 1 IH. purllii" , tbc blooil fi\et brightness nnd Ui't lib to women , strength to m * > n , and is b ln cndors.Hl bv iili\-lol ins a id tnnro rnlVAi o < d thtnki'M It Is the b f.t remedy lor PN 'UMONIA Unnr In mind that 15 ft/ ' * Pun > atnlt h.i < 3 iro\vn lu I'lM'UliiHy lor voirs , tint H is icknowlndijed T ) the only um remedy ol Itk nd on the market , tint u rontii in lusol oil .mil that It In- \-irl b'v tioniilltsnl whi Inlo llgottly ustt Oft Hi otn vour druggist or Kroi r. Send for phnmp ilot to THE DUPJ'Y MALT WHISKEY CO , Booh-stnr , N Y. ' 'SAIS'A'IIVO , " tlir l > r * trrlt > otl forever over no yeurn , cnron nlf Ner- voun lllonnoiit il.urlc of memo ry , Urn 0 n c Ii c , _ \VnKol ti In OH n. Before &Af tor Use. irmisrioim , i.ont 1'liotoRrnptKil from life Blanllootl , or illniliiiilloii or ItioCciH'intUe Oruniix , etc. . niul nil pHVotn cniiM-d by inint abiifien. IMU up convpiilrntly lo carry 111 tlio > i > Nt pu < It r-S. 1'rlrn 9 1 or tt for $5 , with \\i-lltrii loctirmir rrluiul tlip 'iiom-y. tries ti soli > ou Komo 1VOKTII1 < KHS IMITA * TtOJV Hi place ofSAXA'tlYO , nncloio price In omo- loic | nnd wo will send by mall. l'aiitililo ( la plilt nenlnl envelope I rer. AtldroH IK1AURID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch Office forU.S.A. 303 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO , ILL , bANATIVO ii ohl in OMAHA NL11 , h ) Kuhn .S : Co DrtiKtisl3 , C or 151)1 ) \ DoiiKlns 'its. ] A 1 ulltr \ Co , DniKi'.isIs Cor i th A. Uo ilas bis , anil iliustists cc j-rallj. - lliil.lt Ourc < i In I aT llll < nrril. . l.cliaiiiiu. < f. I'UOl'ORALS KOH GKADING. Scaled in oprsnlsn ill ho reeoUol bv the nn- ilerrtluneil until IM : o'elojl. | i in , Noveinboi iMh. li' . for arid ma - Alii pie street from , INt sln'i't tollltb iiNonue ; .l.'nil itreet from M iplu street toCorbv slroi'i : ilnt aliiot fioin Miinlostrcul to for by stteot nnd " 4th stieot fiom I.u i\en orlliilrcot to Hickory street : In the city of Dinah i. In ne- eiidiinei ) with plans anil spi'dlle itlons on llle in Ihn olHio of the bo ml of pub leon.s. . Kills ulll bo iniiile on liilntril blanks fur nished by the bond unil to bj iipconipiinleil wltb eorlllled ehoek In tbo sum of f" > w , piv- nble to the elty of Uinnli t is nn oxhleiiLoof gnorl fiilth The bo ml ipsurves the rlffht to leieet any or nil bills unit In wal f Irilrm in Hoard of Public Work * Oiiiahii , Neb. . Njxcinbei id , 1SJ4 1SJ4n n ( -1-10-11 J" tv Anew aal Coinnlof ) Treatuant coniUtlni ot SupposUorla' Olntnijnt la I'tptulJi , also In Mat nnttlMIU ; a 1'oiltlru Cure for Kvteriul. lutornit bllndor kiloa Iliulla ilru i'ironic , Ito3.itor llurj 11 Wryl'lloi Til < llo-aoly hai noror b > on known to Jail llpjr bor u forjj ; sent by m ill Why lutror from Dili terrllilo dlioio w i j i j wrlttjn k'uirinljj h positIvelyclTon vrltli u DJTOI or rofun 1 tliomonsf If not enroll SOT 1 U M > for frja biniplo Ciiirintl ) lisuod byKuliii A Co . D'n/Kfiti , bolo A e'itJ , oornjf Utl > anil l/ouirj-14 tr39tt o . hi Neb 1)11 K C.XVKSI'3 NKIlVrt AND ItUAl.V T.lcB V. P nuMit , i H3Jl lo for ll/jurlu Dlt/lnjii , t'lti , .Via nilKli lii'HU.iclu ft Tfo n I'Milntoa c-iusjl ui lijuor or loajcc \Vikurulnaii , Maatil Djur.si. xloii oitnossof U3 Iritn cuiili.'ln 11 utir , nilur < dLCiiy.dij itli , L'rj iiii-iro Ul I Atj llirrjiuii. ! .on f Power In clt'i'r JBT. Irapotuncy 1.3 icorraja ml ill Kem tie VVji u.Mi n lurulnnurr l.ajui ripjr matorrlmici 11 jJ Uore etA"tl > to tutjrili tulfibui ever In iulK nca. V moiti1 ! Irjitujis 11,11 for ji by mill Worfu vrmtjuU tijvx t j oiri 1 nch orJoforu uitu wltl li will ml wrlttn xuarantceto rofunllf notoiiril < lutrint9j ( luail only by Theodore. 1' l.imla ilriij lit tola nzjiii. koutlloa't ccrnur lut mud harnnu 511 i uiitia sl iiiiuliil c ( bn torpid Ih < T , KtronBtlK-n llio iligrstUn oiKnns reKiilato llm lio\rrlH , anil nr llni'qillllcd iisananti- bllloim incilli lni > . Io4i ! HiMitll. Vrlii- , T.iOllli < > . : IU A : 41 Park 1'lm-o , N. V. 1 . > A UI ' > f'/J WL' % 'lit. FollowinR is tlio story of "The Colonel , " which will Do oosii at Boyd'b for four per. formnncos commcncitiK Friday , Movumber I : Tlio nurrntlvo opens In mi EiiKlish Uouso occupied by a middle-aged Kotitluiuiin of lot sure una inoniis ( Hummer ) and liK mother ir.-UAv. The xvifo Is awcy for a tnonlli : un lo pass the lonclx' liouis tlio rr.nstiT line nmusud hltnsolf by inns riucradinir und inci dcntnlly ra.islilnu. On the < lny llinn nt Aincrlcnn uloco Is oMioeted n X'nrloty uctrcs1 comes In , and to upponsc the inotlior-ln-luw Iliiinmor inliodnces the ciil ns Ills nloco , Tlo : real nleco turns up and Iluinmor sue ccedi In in.iUlnutlio motlior-ir.-lavv think her tlio ac tress. 'J'ho xrifo returns , hoi'httiliot hiK bl other ( Jehosiiiihui ) hns bucn citptiirotl by llio actress , a man xvuo luii been follow nil ! tliu vvlfo duiinir lliu jouiney iiunm turn up us iluinmoi's friend , ihu mother in-liuv tolls Hummer' a wlfo ttiut ho 1ms liooti llli l and tlio second no' close } In n tnbloau of om- barraRScd moti and faintinB xvomon. In tb thlru act ovror > thins ' slralijhtcned out lo ovcrv one's sallsfacltou , Tlio sulo of souls for llio ciiBBBomont o " 'Ilia Colonel" . xxllloi comp.tnj > eii nt i o'clock Ibis inoinini ; Tbo mojt popular uttractions cniitlnuo lo bo made a feature nt the l'.irnuu : blroot Iboutor. "Our lush Vhltors , " wlio uro over xx'eluome , will ha Uio.iUrJctlon nil next week , conimoncing Stuidux' inullnnu , Novem ber 0 , niiU 11 coos without , Bux'ltii ? Ibut and ono xvtio > HC03 that hparkimir muslcul comedy - ody xvlll over ufter bax'o Ihn latcti string out for "Our Irish Visitors. " Thov nro not uoios , but Insleailaroof that lively rollicliint ; class xvlilnti malios ono for o' , the trials and tribulations ot Ihe dax' and glva himself up lo llio bumor wltb x\bicti tbu plav ilsolf is /lllod. The man who sees "Our Irish Vis itors" and gees lo ucd xvilb anyllilni ; uut a llffht heart , must needs se < ) n doclor. Ku- Uruljr rewritten tlio old lavnilto totnos to u this year brim full of novelties In bonus , dan cos und xvlt , fteucdlctand MclCovor , llio maimcers , were not satisfied xvltli buvtiiff u CQOiJ atlrartlon , but bavosunoundod ihuai- selves xx'ltb a company xvhicb Is ono of the iron o'U tbiit ox'or protonlod an atti action of the Ulnd ID Omaha. Scats for the srrand opera festival at Itoyd's theater next xvoelt may bo reserved - served at tbo box onlco by holilars of sub scription tlcKets Thursday , Trlday und Saturday of this xvoolt. After llio sub scribers bavo been served tbo sbool xvlll bo for general purchasers. Olseu 1C news Nntv , This inoriilriK City Clerk Groves xvlll begin the task of burning up a cigar which is ttvo feet in length and txvo inches In tbicUnosi. Mr , Craves xvon this cigar on a Let. Ycstni- day Comptroller OUon concluded Ibut tbo ordering of the ticUeU fnr thu coming elec tion was something that belonged to his do- puitinent of ilia city government and so In. formed the clorlc , xvho could not sea ihu mat. tor In Jiibt thut light. Then tbo txvo ofllclala bat the largest cigar lu town und loft tbo de cision of the qunbtloii to City Atlornoy Con- null. Tbo nUorney bold xvlth Iho clorU. bonco tbe bl FATAL WRECKS IN ENGLAND Twenty People Killed and Mnuy Injured oa the Edinburgh Express. ANOTHER DISASTER NEAR tlVERPOOL Itimllonit ot I'popln INr.ipe Dontti In tlir. .Mi-r rj ItlWr Onlj lo .Meet Ihrlr 1'ntp In n Hull- May Aiclilrut. LONDONXov 2. rhooxpraw trnln from 'dlnburph for London cruvhod Into u frolih tear ThiMlf , Ynrkshlio , thU morning. A " "rightful xxiceU ensuedniul the brolton c.irs took llio In all twenty \ > or ons wore Killed niul nltr o mimbiir Injured. The xxorli of riMcilliiK llio InJur-M niul rooov- cUio bodUn of thu rtoul wii ronitorLMl .lillloiilt on - . - of the inon nt Ihunoi Mnnv bodies xxeio btunod boraml riva.'iiltlon In nn Ititui vloutlio tii\itil ) | of Twooiiilnla wlil that in the time of urn atvidont the ox- iross trnin was tnwehiii ; nt the r.ito of m\ty nilcs nn hour. Tlio freight train Into wlilcti , tie I'vpross ran xx-m loaded with lion. If It huu boon Mnllonnr.v the usults of Ilia collision , In vlnxv of the unoimotis xso'ght ' nnd povxor of resistance , would hive been ur inoio scilous. The shock was novc-rc , iimshlni : thu tinglnc anil tender of the c\- < ie train anil the uatrlnuc * novt to thorn. nit the pmtorcar Inhluh thu nmriims nt Txxecddalo and the marquis of Iltinlloy worn sittluc stood the Khoek , ullliou ? h the lorvxnrd part wus knocUrit off. The oicupantn In the jiirlor toncti woio nil nslucphcn the col- llMon occurred. It \\usunmi\ol tlint they nil cjcapod ns uoll us thcv ( ltd. jVinoiii ; the kilted aiu the ditvor of the freight ttnln and the llrotmui of the frciKbl It i < ln. The thighs of tlu > tlrivor of the oxmms train woic snnshod. The moniuls nduod Hint the pvoplt * in the 1'iillnnn uarwcro prutty thoroughly frmhtoned whan they \\arcii\val < aiiuil by the crash.Vbon Uiay cot out they found thumsolvos In u terrlulo wreck The unclno und tender were doubled back upon llio 1 1 rat raulaeo niul lh I'ullninn car , lonniiic out ) hu.ip , which took llro from the ted hot coals Iron ) the oncinn futniiio The cnrrliiKo behind tbo Pullman car wns brokun. The ncc'ilont orcurroa iit'OiM o'clock nnd the nlRlit was pitch daik. 'L'hu tiiariils | s ild ho si\v sevcrnl ot ttinsa who Imil buon killed lying by llio rails. Tin ) bodies lie siuv were loss multlatod tlmn mlchl huvo lieen o\pcclcd , considering the bid nutiiro ottho wiock. llo saw the body of n man , lurilblv innnqlcd , crushed iindor the I'ullinnii ooncli. Tliuto cuitii ; pirty was tryinir to oxtiiuiito thu body wuon tlio iiinr- lls lull. Uosldes the innuiuU of Twccildalo nnd the matquls of iluntloy , thuro wnsln thu Pullman coneli Uonoi.il Litnplon and Mr. ICynoch , a railway director. Lady Sluwurt was In nnolhor cnrrinKC. All inl , a severe shiikhiff up. The marquis said tint everything pos sible sccmod to huvo boon dona to ho.p iba sulTcttits A- soon as possible llio wounded wmo tnketi to North Allorton. Tlio marquis of lluntley yotolT the train nt PutarboroiiRb. llo seemed to fool moro scvoiely than tbo others the cITccU of the shock. AiniiMfr thn duiid is Caniain Duncan Mo- Looil of the Foitj-soconu liluhlandors , who was pioccodinc lo Austtalin. ft'any of tbo Injuroil wcro nUo bound for Austrullu and Inilln The causa of the accident has not yet boon dcllnltcly decided uuon , but , tbo fou was un- doubtoitlv an inipoitmit factor. I'lio tola- Kniph olllco nt Tblors Is blocked with busi ness , and cotnmuniciutoi is therefore slow. The liilost nnws Iioiu thu scnno of the disas ter is that moro bodies hnvo buou found , It is certain th it thu teen persons hnvo been killed Some of the wounded have not yet been t'ikcin to the hospital. SlnlT doctors mo attctidlni ; tbiMiion the spot. The mur- quis said ho undci stood the iiLcUlent was duo to the signal ninn boh ) : asleep. nilloi.il itcpiiitH. The oDlclal icpmts of llio killed in the raiU wav accident near I tilers , places llio number at ton The signal inun , who was charged with licintr asleep at bib post , has been sus pended ftom duty pending nn invostigatlon. The oscapn of tlio occupants of tbo wracked INllmnn car was litllo shoit of inltaculous. The w'hocls.voro torn off. but tbo body of tbo concn stoud tbu cr.ibh wltb but llttlo dumaco. Pinioned bnnouth the hugo cnpluc , tbo tesciilni , ' niiily saw n woman. Sbn was In Cio-it BKOIIV , iml scieunlr.j ; lor liolo. They wcio uowoilnss lo help her. llotoro their uvcs the Ihunos cnvolopod hc > r and she was burned to death and her oody reduced to ushes 'I ho dlst routed hnsbnii'l of the poor victim Diteously nnpimlod to tbo would-uo loscutns to si\vo his wlfo. Ttio lire Durneil llcieelv until noon , when the ll.itncs woiu L'oticn undercoatiol 1'ho occupants of oi.o cnrriuco were Im- piisoii'Hi bv d < hns and in Kroat ) ) uril. Thov could POO the ( lames slowly approaohlus ana suffoied fiom the ineroasiiif ; liimt. Tho.r weio tcirilled bo/oiid mcasiiro. and ihriolce'l con tinually for help ' 1 hey were rescued from their hnrriblo position In the nlclc of tlmo. The engineer of the express was badly in jured and bold down by tlio debris , but entreated - treated the rescuers lo save the passooROM and not mind him. IM : KIM.KD , MITV IMIHCKI ) . Train u Kiior CollUlon anil Aid U rocltcd mi Shorn. Livi ni'oor , Nov. " . Last night the people on the liirkonhoua ferry were thrown Into a panic by a collision with the t > hiri Uurydlco , but escaped falnlity. They boirdod a trali on the Mcrsov railway nnd ns it wus leaving the station It was wrecked nnd inn ? were killed and Illtv injuied , some fnlnlly. 'I uiuiij'llvii TininpliMl to Di'iitli. Vir.s'sNov. . ! ! . A pinlrj occurjoa In the vlllaga cliurcli nt Ymuuora on n futso nlurci Hint the lower wns collapslni ; . In the mtd slrugclo lo got out twcuty-iivo PJUOIIS weio linmplcd to death. n.i rut nMJutuKit. David II , Mercer , tlio republican forcongrrai from the Kccond dldtrlcl , U u NoDraskii boy. Ilia fattier , Captain John J. Murror , worveil tlireo ) oars In the union army In Company 13 , Hoynnty-olKbtb rog meet JllmoU Volunloors. Cap- aln Mortur Is a blucksmlth by trade and supported his family by honest toil 41 the forgo and anvil. David II. Mer cer was educated m tbo Nebraska public schools , nnd li it graduate of the Nubrasua and Michigan uuivorallloj , lie U an at- torroy at law by profession , at < honest man , a bard worucr , and p'ossossor of n good deal inoto than the uvorugo of native ability. Ho will innko this dUtrfct a safe , capable , active and ropulur congrcmm , B. H , Komtov , Cliulfnun Confreiilouitl CoiainUte * , Bvooad Dltlrict.