Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    r 7
Ytsterdny's Trailing Wag Marked by ti
Strong Rally ,
After tlm Iiitcrtnl of llrpreiOnn the Sltun-
linn Slrpncthrnrd Materially Mnjr
bolil nt Ilio Lonntt ot tlioCrup
blocks mill HoniU.
OIIICARO , III. , Nov. S A Blrons rally , ix'tor
AII Interval of depression. VT.IS llio feititroof
todny'amnrkot The strenulh uxlondod Into
nil pits llftlnn both cereals and provisions
1'Me'o chances from last nl.'lit , however , are
not rim nrk.ible
In wheat at Iheii irt thcro was apparently
n ceneral f'-nlln. of dlscourazoniont , and free
lliiuldntlon. invrcnsod by riln throughout the
winter vvheiit district. December wu Iho
\\i kcst. ( nuu'C'lm in wusout wllh a slilo-
incut Hi it all reports rotinurt ti { his house
wllh nn intended Piiieo7e | oi th it month , are
niter y vv thoul found itlon. and that ho 10 illy
fed * veiy leirlsh on thu market 'llilsvvus
followed bv vvtnk c ihles. which Increased iho
depression nnd the stMliiu vv is for i tlmo ur-
pent nml v h Ions M ly soul at Iho lowest of
thu crop 1 , iti'i , however , operators liujiin to
fuui tint pnt In us Uiorh id not nclcd wisely I'l
tclllniMi ftcolv .ind boj in lu take back the
Al the same timi- the cstlmntes for tomor
row cuireu ni u illy limit nnd this vvnsinilckly
fol'ovvcdiy llr iilslreet's repott uf llioavall-
nb u supply show In f a much smaller Increase
than expoi ted I nder the Inlliieni-u ot this
news the in irket developed uinsldiirnblo flnr-
mm and prl osroiuluil The otianuu vv is'ic
lowor. nml ptlces decline I from 'iO ' to fc
morn , luliylim Inter iibout "if and e os n <
Eto idy at V troni the lop
KiMioriH tiotn lho norllnvest nro cenernlli
nuroid al out a henvv do , n * INO In fanners
deliveries biillliix ontitry ulovatois indsliii-
trnc'ks uro o eiimdud Hi it 11 o elTuel of thai
In Allnnc'T polls ml Hiiluth ro elpts Is not ex-
pc'clcd lo " .how for somu tlmeyit. A u'ood
lie-in of I'tie nber vbo it held by ( oiinse man
A. llnv vv is oh intil In thc'-ii Into MIIV
Corn vv is vvoil. iluilnx the llrst hour mil
cold HIT sbnrpl > Inlliiuneed I irtfoly by thu
( lownvv ird iindcnej In vvhnnl. for nl ollmr
coildilions vv. . iu fnvoriblu 'I rieelpt" were
Hourly i fle rs | i ss limn i slimntodind rnln
was ruported ever/wbuie In Iho loin bell , but
the Hiiimp In vilio t inrilud ( urn with It.
I.nter. when vvhial liu nn to re.iet , corn
iiil"kly | followed nnd was fuither mruniilli-
rnud bv Ihu HU nil otiiiiuto fet tomoriow
only H CMT' OpenhiK Ir ides wore nt fiom ' , <
to ' .10 ndv mi e , nn I pi lies H i.ed from c to
IP. loai'tltu l ilur from 'ic In " e , ruled nniat.
ubnnsuu some und closed wllh a fraction il
OntH wns Rtendv most or the day , the re
ceipts were only l l cars , whom 8IU hud been
oxpocu d , nnd llio csllm Uu for tomorrow
only 150 ears. 'I ho close wns from Uu lo 40
klmvo ycslerdav's ( Inures
There WIIH sbirp ne'llon In ihu provision
market most uf the HI aslon. Itwis not unex
pected. 'Ihu trudu knew Ihal Die Ciidnhy-
Wrlulit people weio after the Hyan \ - ( o
pork. Minv think this llnu wns sold out this
morning. Tttero a break of " 'Iv ' and then lho
jiinrkot wont soarlnir. Computed with list
nlRht pork ts lf > o lilubcr , Inrd from l4c to 80e
Rlid ribs 7'J" . .1 today udmlileil that
lie was a trlllo ever l.nuO.o 0 IbM short on the
October ilbsUal. Uo also said that ho did
not propose lo solllu ul the nrhllr uy prlcn
Used on Mondny 'Ihu vliror wllh which ho
was pushed In thn poik plv tolnv may or mny
not have son o DenrliiKon the rlbHiloal.
'Ihcro was a Miod domiind for vo sul room
and rates to llnir ilo od > sO to from 3 c
to ' { o for whoit nnd 8'ti1 for com
Kstimitcd rccelnls for tomorrow : Wheat ,
870c'aiH ; corn. ' 'JJ , o.its , 15J ears ; hoes ,
ill.000 bund.
Tno lendliiK futures rumen us follows !
_ _ _ _ -
AllTKI IS , Yff-fj
WllkATNo ' . '
Ivovcmncr CJM 70U
J ccomlicr
tons MI V
Zvoveinbur 41
1) ) ( cciubc'r. .
Mu > 46' , ' {
ovclIlbe'r . 29H SOW
December. . . 301 ( SIM
Mny . . . .
llLhH 1'OIIK
OTCmbe 11 20 '
Decomler II .Ul 11 U ii'w ) 11 M
Jnnnnry . , 1270 12 < U 12 17' < 12 ' .
.November 7EO ro 7 77M
jRiinnrr. . . 7 ft 7 25 7 40
Jlny . 7 J71 ! 737M 7 W
B u OUT Hiiis
Jnnuurjr. . . KM
Cash limitations wcrnns follows :
Fi.ouii Dull and uiuhniued.
WiifcAT No SHprlnir , 7i.Ue ; No 3 sprltiR , 59
© C8c : No 8 red. 7 Me.
COIIN llubcr ; No. 2 , 4I'ic ; No. 3 cash , 40c ;
No. 3 yellow , 4t- © < l'4e
OATS No 2. .oaiO' e : No 8 white , f . o b ,
Bl' : < a.0c ! : No .1 while. Jl
K\B No 8 , IJi.e.
1AIII.I.No ( 2 , ( Wlo4e ; No ,1 , f , o b. , 40 ®
Me ; No. 4. f. o. b . J. < ai5o.
I'I.AX bnrti No 1. $ l.lo < <
TiMoriiv bu i > Prime. 11.71.
1'oiiK Mess inn bbl. . $11 MJcll.G'J'5 ! lard , per
liu Ibs. . J8 L5fs70 ; sboit ribs , sides ( loose ) .
17.75 : drv halted shoulders ( boxed ) .
7.5) ) ; short clem shlCBd o\ed ) . * 7.'J. > 4ib 1 0
W ihK Dislllleis1 llnlshed iuodb , per nil
41 15.
SudAliB Cut loaf. .I'iffll'iC ! granulnlod
5u : si in laid "A , " Ii'jc '
The following were the receipts and ship
ments today :
NnvVoiu MnrlicM.
NEW YOIIK. Nov.S.-ri.ouit llecolpta. 40.30 :
pkKs ; exports , 7,400 bbls. nnd 10,800 sacks
market ijiilet , easy , suing , 0.100 bbls.
COIIN Mp.Air-Cjulet , steady : jollow western
laoniaj 1 10 ,
WHEAT Itecolpts. 121,000 bu.t exports. 142.
COO bn ; sales , IU',0 0 bu of futurts IIIK
144,000 bll. of spol. bpol markcl cnslcr on.
fairly ncllve. clo&liiK eloady ; No 2 red. 7Pj ®
7Jli In store nnd eluvnici ; ' ( ' 40 nlloul
7.1i7.11/c f. o. b. : No J nil , 07 > foj un
RrndcO rod. C7KU7J'jc ' ; No. 1 norlh
orn. 8IM8lic : No. 8 northern , 7J
4V4o. ) ! Opllons weru fairly acllvu at U
lower on onxicr cables , lonxs roilirln ? . repot ti
of rain In the west , II be nil receipt * mid an In
crease of JJ07.UUO bu. cnsl of the Kocklos , nlos
liiKstoidv , No 8 rod , November. 7i'47J1je ' [ ,
closliif ut 7iycj December. 71 H-10'371 7-100.
closing at 71 " .o : March , 70J4(3Siii' ( , closlna at
Bj'.e : Mnv. K ! > 4(2 ( > < > . > < lr , cioslnuatb.JiC.
H\R blonily.
1IAIII.KV Qlllet.
C'niiN itoieiptis , ia5coo bu : oxporip , 53,000
bu , : Hiilus. 005.1HM bll. of futures , .U.OOO bu , of
apnt. Spot dull nnd lower ; So. 2. Mo lu ele
vator , 5u' nllo'it ! ungraded mixed , 40'G10lic. ' {
Opllons ijulet and IrioKular , c'oaloi ' ; blendy
vltli ovombor and December 'idtWc down ,
others ' , © \c up : NovomUir. JOSirjiu c , elos-
ln at 4'JUi'l ' DIH ember , 51 1-1(40)1 ( ll-IOc , clos-
llU at 51'ic'i May , 51 3-U&1l'4C , closing at
OTB-lJocolpl3. 88.000 bu. : exports. 1,000 bu. ;
* nles. .190.000 lui. of futurct ; , ( * ,000 bu of spot.
Spots dull nnd firmer : ( ipliotis moderately
uullvo and stronger ; November , .l.l'jtj&to'ic ,
oloslnc 11130100 ! Deeumbur , ; iU1 < iJ.l.51uC. closing
ut.l7'4c : Maj.yO'.WIO c , closlni : nt 40 > Bo ; No.
2 pot hlte. , Ki4a.FJiia ) ; nnxoil wchtern , J.5 ®
37o : white western , J7Q3sc ; No. 8 Uhle.iKO ,
HA > 1'alrly active , llrm.
lloi'h Quiet , eusv ,
HUOAII Kuvv. inoro active , flrm : sales.
Dues , ( oiitrlfiisnls , ( A test , at 3 > u ox-ship.
nnd 2.R7U hues piuhibsos hiiuur , b'l test , at2'io ;
lollncd , unchnn ed ,
A oi.tHsth rore'lirn , nominal ; Now Orleans ,
dull , stonily : now crop. 'JSii.l.'o
Ilirh tiood iluinnnd , 111 m. *
Kiuis Iiilit receipts ; choice , flrm ; west
er n prime. 'J.I'JOJic ; receipts. J.IWI pic us.
HlDKS-Quiul und steidy ; wet saltad ,
No OileiilH tnlectoil , 43 to GO Ibs , 'feTo ;
Texas t-elcctcd , BI to 00 Ibsl4t7c ,
I'IIIIK Aetlvo nnd strong ; cut moats , firm ;
intddle" , dull , l.anl , btrouKcr , ijn'ot ; wust-
oin Ktoaiu closed t JU.lJii bid ; sales , 1.J70
tliTCCD nt 8)U71O9 I21J ; option sites , nouu ;
November , it * Ii bid ; December , J7.8J asked ;
Jaiiiiurv , J7.75 nskcd.
IsuTiKU-Qulef. funcy.stuf.'ly ,
OIIKK K Quiet , lirni ; p irt hklins. : i < 3.7c.
I'm IIIONI'ulr ( leinuud. siuud i American ,
iiilio. naxili.7V
I.KAII-WotUt llOIIIOltltf , USlUO\
TlN-Sluauy ; slnilirhtM. tJOOJ4SWC5.
Illilnuiiil 1'elU.
I'ollowius uru the urlces paid bv Omaha
dculeis for hides and po'tn iii'nted suhjcet to
chiuiuu without nothu : No. I "ic'en hides. Jo ;
No 1 crec u nailed hides. 43 > Ho ; No. 2 ereen
Bulled hide * , J&4VtHs Na 1 KTIIUII BttltoJ hides ,
85 to 40 , bs . 4i4t < u : Na J uroon salted hides. 85
UHlilbi.iriTUte ; No. 1 von cult. Kto I1 Ibs. . Mi
( < : Nn.8 > eulriir. s to 15 Ibs. , Jiio : No. 1 dry
Hint bidets 7 ( > v No. 2 dry Hint hides 5o
No. I drr bulled hIJes. ftftnu ; purl cured
lilces > .e per | U , less , thuu fully cured , bheop
polu-lirctii vnltvil. each. a5citfl.83 ; sreeu
bulled Bhunrlliiirs ( hhorl vvoo'cd u , rly sVlns ) .
l.'O'J.H" dry bhenrlln H itbort wooled
i , Na 1 , each , IGlOc : dry Iieurlmii ;
nhortwooloil fmriT nltliN > , No 2 , eieh , ( lot ary I
flint Ivnnsm nnd Nnbr botcher wool bnlls , I
po rib. antunl woUlit , IOOi4 > { c | drjlllntlvnn I
§ n ind Nehrtskn Murrain wool noiu. per Ib. , I
nellinl wclRht , SiOrJc : drr flint Uolorndn I
butchornool pclU. per Ib , nctml nclRht , 1048 .
Witt dry ( lint I'olorido Mtirrnln wool pells , I
tier IU , nctual weight , ( "iJIOe ! dry fleeces and
buck * , net uu I naUht , 7fl' > c. llnvo feet cut off ,
as It Is lunlcsj to pay freight on them ,
St7 Limit AlnrUcU.
ST. f.otns. Slo , Nov. 2. Pioun-Un-
\\nrAT-Olosed > io under vcslorday ; onih.
65Uc : December. C.iioiij ) May , 74 io.
Lnns I'loci'ii Uo iiloro jcstcrilay ; cash ,
391401 December , j"'iCi May. 4lic.
OATS I'lriii , slow ; cash , Ld'lc ; May. -
3.1 % c.
ll\r. I.owori 4Si < o. Actlto ; lon.asold atMiJ62c. (
HAUnchniiRcd ; prairie , KcOttO 00 : timothy
thy , ntwfi n oo
I H YHt-tli Monily Rt II 07.
HuTrnt sioadoi cro unery , 25i32ae | nalry ,
Ix2i ( * c.
l ( ins- Quiet nt IHc.
foiiNviKU.-I'nsv at $ l. : ( iil 65.
I'novisuiNs Dull , uncli-uidoil : pork , lovvcr ;
J12.14MJ75 I.nrd nominal at 8800 Drv
strips. J7 . ' "i t-iisurcured ham . Ill fiOiit.'W ) .
IlK UPTS I'lour 4,0(0 ( bbls I whoit , 74.010
bu corn II (0) ) bii soil" . 87ooJbu ; rye , 8,000
bu bnrlej , 100 0 bu
silll'vn NTS riour , 14.001 bbl' ! wheat , 110.000
bu corn. l Kliu ) i o.ils , 3I.OOJ bu ; rye , H.OJJ
i u , b irley , 1 > ,0 > 0.
Omiiliii l'i milieu Markot.
( Hvtr I'r I'rln ' chickens are coining In freolv
nnd ducks nro commencing to nrrlvo Quail
nresi-irte. fhn cnu ai weather has Improvc-d
Ihu Kiimesllilnllou I'ralrle chicken$100(2 (
485 ; grouse. , 4't ) : quill. $ -03 ; snipe , Jl OJj
jnck nlpe , 'I 85541 5) ) ; p'ovcr , tl.tlii golden
plover. * l i M 5 > : cinvns-hick ducks t5oiifj
turn ; redhuiid ( looks $ .151 , mall ird ducks ,
$ * , bno win- toil , t " > , preen vvlni ! tout.
? l VI ; mixed ducks H.5i. lick nbblls , $1 OC < ii
I . ' ; snmll I ibli Is i8 \ © I 50 siiiliru1s | $1 50 ;
nnlelopc sadilli . 1IVJ.IV ; ih ers.iddlcs 15111 Ilo ;
nnlulouu c tic issos I ) ii I flu : dunr carcasses , 10 ®
I'.V. llvo pl.'i oii < Jl.5i&l 51.
lltmi u Low Kindes , HillCc1 gooO dairy , 18
I'd ! I.TIM - ( III kens , n'JUTe. ' duoks , 8c.
I'ons lliQJu fui fn sh slo"k
5lnin hi'ttpi ( oiiinii reinl Itctlovv.
VIIIISTFII Nov t 'I ho Gunrdlnn. In Its
cniiitnuiclnl ntulo sis.eeterday's mir-
Kit w iu di i Ideilly ills ippolnlluc to sellers
Although tin ) market wns filrlyllrm. there
vvc'ic fovv opimrtiinltli s of i Ifei tliiK sales I ho
poor ilnin mil was due lothu Initdc'qli lie prices
nircred in Ihu mnikels a told , csiieelnllv 111
the I nltcd s | irs The unei It ilntlus In cou-
neelioii wllh e\cbnii.o nnd the jirob ible outturn -
turn of I'otljin inspired * intloti Doirerynrn
tntnpels snlli'is to nsk higher prices than met-
i limits nro ilHpo ed to ilve. : tlioiuh eMreme
iiiiol illons unto abandoned aim In snmoiises
Ihe innrket wns i ithet oasler Pho sudden
Incio i o In cotton neclpls bus mnde buyers
doubly emit ous
Oil M nlie't.
Nl w YdiiKAII sTUvTi | ov 2i > r-
THiii i -opened llrm ind siibseouenlly bo-
entne htioiu nt the top pt'ces t-peculntloil.
hovvover , wns ( ivtromolv dull I'onnsylv nnla
oil. spol silcs nonu , Ducombor option snlus ,
80 00 1 bbls at M'.di.Jc. Llmu oil , s lies none ,
I'o bid. lot il snles , 2H.10I bbls
TDITON st m On , sirona : jollow 3le.
TAi.tow-rirm but ( jiilet , clly ( JJOO tor
piek ice14'oC !
llosis ( 'nlet but firm , sit lined , common lo
good , $ Wl 14.
Tuiti'isnM.-Iull but llrmit rPJn , e.
ItVKIt0I | ( ) , , NOV. 8. I UIU'ISTINL bl'llllTb
88s pur out >
Knnsns Citv Harkots.
KANSAS CITV. Mo , Nov , 8 Witt * T Lower :
No. 8 hard , fi'ttoi c : No 2 red. n&TWH.c.
OOIIN Irrojular ; No - mlxoil. Jjijwjllc.
OATS ririn ; No 2 mixed 2Cc.
IHY Mrun. , iinchuucd ; timothy , $7.10Q
8 50.
IlprTEit stouly ; cro imery , 81il80c ; dairy ,
Hms I'lrni to active at lie
KKCI II'TShcit , 05ouj bu , corn , 8,000
bu , oat > . nonu
.Siiii'MVMs-UheU , 105003 bu. ; corn. 11,000
bu. ; o Us nonu
coi. . .
cent ! . . ,
cental. " '
CnitN Quiet : dam mil fallen off ; mixed
western , 4b53 < d percental.
LAUD Prime vvestoin , 45sfid par cwt.
Oinnli i 1'riilt Mnilt.'f.
OitM'FS Now York Concords , 26Q.300 ncr
10-lb. bnHkol : IIIFKC lots , 8oaic.
CAI iKiiiMAOitAi'i' , Per crate. $1.50(31.73. (
CAI.UOIIM t 1'fAiis $ J 10J.75 per box.
Ai'i'i ts Western $ J ( 1 73
, 00(3 ; Now York , $4.00
® l 50.
QUINCKS 1'or box , ? 1.71
S 1'ur buiuh , $2 O aMO.
Colleo Market *
NEW VOIIK , Nov. 8-Options opened barely
steady. .5 to 8) ) points down and closed
steady. 10 points down ; bales. tB7,500 buue ,
Inclnilltr. : : November. J15 85 ; .THiuurv , JI4 75
14 S3 ; 1 ohm 11 v. $14 70 ; March. $14 55ffll4 tu ;
May , $14 40 14 f > 0 ; July , il4.8J@H 85 , buot Klo ,
dull , oaH/j No 7 , tlOOI.
.Miimi'iipnllH U'liunt VI u lent.
MiNNEU'oi.m , Minn , Nov. 8. December
wheat obciicd und closed .itf > 7'ic ; Mavopunod
at 7l'4 ' < it7P6c and closed nt "JUc. Good tiudu
In cash Mnv closed nt 71Uc : on triu'f. No. 1
hard , t 0o. No 1. northern , < Ji" ; No. 8 , northern ,
1) ( & < j4o ; receipts , 5.5cnis ,
"MlluiiiiUon ( .1 nn vlnrknt.
MII.WUKI r Wls , Nov. 8 Wilt VT I'lrmer
r\o 8 spring. ( ! > c.
UOUN 'stu.idv ; No 3. 44c
OATfatcndv ; No. J while , JjNo. ; . 3 38J3c.
If. r-Wc.
1'hll idelphl.i ( .run 51.irltot.
l'inr.\ii ) I.IMIM. I'n , Nov 8. WIIIAT Io-
liitssed ; No Jiud. Novomher. "O' Tle.
C'o > LiislurjNo. 8ml\ed , November , 4S > i ®
OATS rirm ; No Smlxud.JTc.
lnlllmor ! < ! ( ir.Un
IlAt.TlMottr , Md. , Nov. 8. Wncvr Easy
No 8 rod , spot nnd November , 0\a.
COIIN Stuiidy ; mixed spot , 48l4c.
OATS-SlBaily ; No. 8 whllo vvoslorn , 3Sffl30o
Cotton .Maiket.
NEW Olll.vANe , La. Nov. 8. rirm ; mlrt-
(111 n. : , 7'ic ; low mlddlln . 7'io ; coed orulnuiy
fiJte ; net receipts , 1. , Ul bnlci ; gross , U,3b
bales ; stoo , lbl,5sObales.
San I'miu'iscoMieat Stock.
SAN TltAvci'sro. Cal. Nov. 8 The stocks ol
wheat on cull board warehouses agnroK
8011,000 tons ub'ttlim 'JOOCl November 1. IbOl.
Traders' Tulle.
CnicAdO , III. . Nov. 8. Counsolmnn A Day
to Coukroll llros. Commission comp.uiv
Wheat ouoncd dull and weak under eenura
bollln ) ; influenced by lower cables und the
iniic'h ncedc'd rains In the central valleys The
prlnolp il fouturu In thu pit was renewed Ilijul
datlon by Ducomber lou s and Ibo dcclluu o !
% o In in it fuluro on llbeial oluarances
Hiualler receipts and nn eslliu lie of an In.
Incrunau of IUHS thnn . ' .OM.UO ) biishola It
hlouks loported by lluiUlrcot'a Thu
buying by hborta ciusod a full recovery Ii
Mnv conlraclH , but Dccomhor vvbeut lost '
for iho dttv. Wu Ihlnk Hint thu May promlun
Is llkolj to widen to 7-Ju ! this month. Con
and oats weio llrm nil day nnd closed frnc
tlonally hlKhuron local buying. Provisions
luul lho uurly liiuak and tbu lulor advance
which VVP predicted yeslorduy 'lho market
Indicates thai puckers , htvliinr auiindaiiHd lho
Idea of ulioap 1 O4s , h.ixo covered Iholr future
sales und will join In udvaucltu the prices of
thu.lanuniy product ,
i. 111. , .Nov. 2 1G I.o an & , Co. to
Duncan , llolllopor.V Co ; markut
opened weak vv lib liberal otTorliuu ot Deeam-
bur and May ' 1 ho openlnu prlcu at Ducombor
wntTlV. ud 11 sold alt to 7l' u on the ostl-
liiuiu of870eitis for toinoriow. The buy IIIK
was Rood and tbu prlco njiiln advanced to
7lfio fur Decumbor. 'Iho closlni ; prlco was
71'tc for May , innuMns from 6Vu to Co over.
Thu miivument of winter wheat shows a
innrkcd falling elf ut the primary murkots
which should at Imst kenp It bteadj , If It does
not uaiisn an ndvanco. Thu rains are Reueriil
In thu winter wheat bolt. Cables nro lower
und exports light , which may dulny thu ad
vance fi ) lone looked for , but with wheat nt
about 78u no ono will net badly hurt to
buy It mid It Is the sufo stdo to bo on.
Any cluuiBO to winter wheat 'or Im
proved exports will vivo higher prices.
Corn In sympathy with who it WHS weak nt
thuopunlii . Muy opeiiou Kt45Vosold elf to
JV4o and closed nt \ \ , Hccelnts for tomor
row uru nil reported sin ill. This hid borne
Inlluenco on the itmrUei , Ihero Is a feelliii
of eunoral conlidunco In corn at present
prlcos. Onls huvo been steady with
lomo gooa buying of thu May
option for investment. The o'oiiInK
prlco win : t.5tAo for Muy. I'rovUh.ns for the
llrst part of tbo session were dull. Towurd
Ihu oloto thoui WHS n 1:001 ! demand , and the
advunru to IIJOO for. I mm ary uork WKB rapid.
OHICAOO , III. . Nnv.2. KonnotU Hopkins f.
To. tu b. A. McWhorteri 'J ho liquidation
started yesterday by ihu Uusilun ctop report
wni a prominent feature ot uarly trading nnd
the CUUHO of wcukiiess. hubnejiiently the
nmrkut rallied modorrttolv on coed clour-
antes nt the eubonrd. lldit cstliuutod re
ceipts for tomorrow cand steady ea-
bleb. The short IntoroJt haa e-ovoruJ
liberally. takliiK the Ion it ntufrjthronn over
board on Ihu break. It U believed that thu
Indluaten tmnller receipt ! uiu In coiuennonce
of the ovurcrovtilud track tpuco in the rail
road yards nnd ( but tluy will be up to lho
Into nvoraco us oem < there uaprospnct tluu
( oimtry shipment ! , will be promptly disposed
of.H I * . howi'MT. tlmo for winter wlieat ehlp-
uictiti tu bliun k niuicrlul reduction und
should j thin occur It would not nn illfflcmlt to
bring l nhoiit * . fnlr rally , nt thn would
rather < bull thnn bear thn market now. In
corn < find oils n minor brllcr do-
tnntiO ' for cash craln oxlsts nnd cuiulry
offrrlnns < am nottine nrelty lleht. Receivers
miv j thnlr pnrchnsrs Rt Inicrlor markets of
both corn and oat > nro uniisunliy mall
This hold * the market llrm and lives holder *
confidence , but the Mf stocks slnnd
In Iho way of any material ad-
vancn nt present. Packers who sold
pork nt hlxhcr prices within the
lust week or two wore need liuvcrs on thn
early decline. I.nrd has been strnni nil day
In consequence of light utook * . Iho trade li (
ralhor bullish nnd Inclined to boi the pro
duct on the breaks.
Spcciilntion on the llrrlmncn Mns I.r S
Aetlvo rhnii of l.itn.
NRVV YOUK , Nov. 2. Spcoulailon at the
Slock oxchnnio was loss ncllvo thnn for some
tlmo pist and the dullness Is attributed to
tbo no-ir appro ich of the presldenll il eleo-
lion , hl h occupies the nttoullon ot llio
street to the exclusion ot every thin ; ; else 1 bo
dullness w is taken mlvatll IRO of to raid the
lo idltiR shares which , bonovor. In.'luilod ' > to
* per cent outside of New HnRlinc ] , Iako
bhorc , Aniorlcan Sunr und Northern Pi-
cllle preferred , the dcollno In which \vas
about a point In onoh c ise I'lnnl sales
wo ro nt a i OKI very of from 'i lo " , percent A
fuw slocks nun oil Independently ot the ll'ie- '
tuitions just iiolol scornijr hlslier quotHtlons
and boldliu llio idvnneo well lo ihu end 1
llnols Central rose 8'i ' per conttolOt : Now
Yor < le'iituil inovol up from 111) ) to Ill n but too lll'i 1 hero was n lively domain !
for New York. bu nuchiinn i A. Westerns , the
common and preferred both ndvtuclni ; i
point l hu vvldosl chtineos of thu d ty worn In
Ohio Southern , which nil Vnnced 4't per oent to
3D on rumors that Iho comp my b id obtained
tha ncccssiiy e.ipitnl to exlc-nd lt systum.
Ibu tndilslilnl croup was quiet nud quoti-
tlous closed about thu simu ns on yeslurdny.
The Mintiot Cioscd stuadv In tone
Tin ) Post s iv s I'ho Inlliibneo tint n presi
dential o ecllou bus on the stoek mirkot In
the closltiu'vveuk of a campilfn was plainly
oIdont lodnv. Pollllcs iilniint nltoiuthur re
placed ( In UK n oven of Iho loom iridor va-
rlclv 'l ho in.irketopened dull and continued
soalldnv Now KnRl mil w is vvoak. as t iljtht
buvo been o\pcutenl uflor uxtraoidlmiry
statements made ntllnitfoid yesterday rc-
Rnrdlni ; Hie eomp iny's bookkeeping The rest
of the m n Ki't wns irieKUlnr , tcndluR to weak
ness , but iireltj well stis'nlned on all do-
I'ho follownu all ) thu ulosln. ! qtiolnllous frt
Iho lenillii' ' stocks on Ibu New \ on , stool u\-
chnn.'o ted i ) .
Atchlsun si Noifnlk X VplU II
Adimi Utprci. * 150 Sortlimerlcnnlo
Alton 1 II .1 Northern I'acltic .
ilo prufeirc'il IW do iiltl
American I * pru * 1.0 I ) I' Den A ( iiur .
Unlllmore A onlo I1.1 Northwestcin 11 ' .
I anniln 1'nplllc KV ilu pfd . . . . 111
( .nnndti ont'iern ' M N \ i mural . . . . HI
( cntral Puclllu JV . > v. x N 1 tig . .
Chin V. ulib ) fi1 Out irin .s Ue'stern
IhlciiKOlton UO Orekon Imp . . . .
till Ilur x Vulni.j 101 OriM'ii ' NIIV . .
Cblc 140 ( lot , . V\ \ I' * I , A I V
( uiiBOlldate-d ( , ns I'mIlln Mall . . . .
C ( I A M I , ,11'eorhi Dec A B . . . . p.
Cole Coal .1 Iron IV !
Cotton OIILcrtir a I'nllimin 1'amco. . . 1'Jl '
Del Iluilfim
I ) 1. A XV 151 Ulehmoml 'tcr
I ) U AC pM 5mii ilo plil
D A'J 1 Co . . . Ob ItloUrnmlo VVoat. . .
ICa t lenn . . . . * ( ilo pW
frlo ; i ! Hock Inline !
ilo pfil . . OJ'4 st | , \s 1 1st pfil
tort \\nyne 104 | -l Paul
( Ircat Northern p < 1 do | ifil 121)1
U A K. Ill pfil . . . . bt I'nul A Umnlin . oJ
Hocklncnllej do ] ) fil 1163f
lllh eli Ci ntral . . Vri Southern I'nclnc . . . , , h > ft
t-t 1'nnl t Duliith 41 iHiiciir Hcllncry . . . "US
Kan ATox pfil . . 'lU.l'mn ( onl&Iron. . It
I.nko Krlo A \ \ e' t . JV < ! lexmi I'nclllc It10H
ilo pfil ! ( P i O i en pfd 7i
I nko bliorc 114 11 n I on 1'BClUc
1 end ' 1 rust . . . . . . 47Will B Hxprcsx
I.oulx t .Nii'h fiSHlw kt 1 Al'
Louis A New Al by 2i K I do pfit
ManlmttanLon . H.nVtll3 Knr o Kxp . HJ
Me-niplilt t. ( M UVcite-rn Union . . .
Mlchlin ( ( cntril 1UJM , Wlicollnu A 1 I
Ml"ourl 1'Hclllu CI'll do'ufd
Xlohlln t Ohio \t V st , I ,
.Nnshvlllo Cb ill Bl D .V H O
National ( ordaie IJl'f ( , cn Klco . . . .
ilo pfd 115 National Unseed. . .
N J C'cnlrnl Kji
* bill
The total sales of stocks todiy were 1CO.ODO
sliares , meludini : : U hie IBO Gns 0000. Dis
tillers. 81)OOJ ; Krlp , .11)00 ; Illinois Cantnl.ft.IOJ :
New England , 8dW ! ; Northern 1'aclHo pre-
fenud , II'IOJ ; Ucadlns , IU . ' 00 ; bt. I'.iul , 12 OOJ ;
fcu ar , b00
Now \orlc llniu-v .M.irltet.
Easier at 5 to G per cent ; last loan. 6 per
cent ; closed olTcred ntb pur cent.
1'niviK MicucxNrii.K rAi'Eit 51SG percent.
faTiuiisi EXOHANOI : rirm. with netuil
business al H $ n , for blxty-dny bills and ft bO'J
fjr dcinanil
ue clostni ; nuotutlons on bonds :
U.S 4s rot IMutinl Union Os . . IU
U H 49 C011D . . . . . . . , N J C Int Curt . . .Ill
IJ 9 4 rcp . . 100 'North I'aclllclsts. 117
I'uclflc6or ! O . . 'Vortb I'aclrlc.'nds Ill5
Louisiana 9t pail 4s III V W Consols . . . . 135
MlssonrlUs 10-5 N. W Con Dub 6 . 105
lenn now net Us 101 t L A I M Ccn 5s. 8.1
To nil now eat . ' / < . 1U1 St I. AS V Gen M. 'OD
Tenn ncir not 1i . st Paul Contoli . . . 128' <
Canada bo Jndi . . . St. 1' C &lUts . . 117
Central Pacificists lex P I , G Ir. Itcts 81
I ) A U G lets . . . . . . . Tex 1' II O Tr Hcts 2SU
I ) Alt r. < s 81 Union I'aclBc IBIS. 101 {
Krlo 2nda 107M West Shore 101
M K A T Oen i.s . SOU O. A It ( ) Ista . . . . n
M K A 1' ( , un Is . (
bid taskid
oriton coitk Ouot.itioos.
Miss. Nov. i I'ho followinsj .ire
the clonus stuck quotitloiis :
San 1'r.iiK Uco .Mtnliij-
SAV PiUNCisci ) , , Nor. I1 The official
closlnz quotulous for mining itocUc toclny
were as follows :
Altn M .Niivnjo 10
20 Ophlr 270
llclclior . . . ' I'OtObl 100
licit Allolelior . . . . IOJ SUVHEU 70
llodlnCon 20 blorrn Nevada . . . 125
Chollar 70 Union Con Hi
Crown 1'oint 140 Utah 16
KurokaCon 150 lollow Jacket lid
Gould A Curry ! )0 ) N Q 6
Halo A Norero&H . 115 II I t
Motlcan 115 N II 1 1
11 ono it > neither ! 1i
iNnvv York Alliilnc ( jiKitiilions.
NEW Youit , Nov. 8. The followlus nro the
' '
: mining iiuotntloiis ;
Crown I'ulnt . . . ItU I'lyironth . ' .J
Con Cal A Va . . hlorri ) Nevada lei
Duadtrood . . . 100 Stiindard 1J5
Gonlrt A Curry . , 85 llnlou Con 100
llnlo A.NorcroBt. iellow Jacket l > 0
Homcslnko. . . 13.VJ Iron silver .15
Muxlrau . . / , . . . 125 Quick bllvur 300
.Northtar BiO do preferred . . 1700
Oiur.rlo UJO Uiuner JO
Ophlr . . . _ . . JU
St. I.null .Mining : Quotatloim.
PT. Louis , Mo. . Nov. L'--On the Mlnlncox-
chniiRo40) ) Aiuerleaii Nettle werosolu
I'oaled ( { uotntlonB woroiiH follows !
block Hid Abkud Htock Hid. AekuU
American N um 3SW 1' Murphy 4 U
Kllzabeth 41' ( Uh blherlloll 15
( IranlteM 775 7 W Hlililll Hopes SO
Hope 4 UP { U
London I'liiHiielnl ICntloir.
[ Copyrighted IBU2 by Jauies Gordon Uennett 1
I OMION , Nov. 'J INow Vorlt Ilor.ild ( Jablo
Hpeclnl loTili : Ili.r.J As roKurda biibtuesu this
has been niUloi.dny ] on tne Slotlt uzchaiiitc' ,
uuototho uncertainty rugnrdhu the course
ofthonionoy market checUliiK now OIIKIIUO-
menla. Consoli close 1 1-1 lid bettor. Indian
rupee paper bun glvnnviiy .d duo to the
weaker lomlencv of nll\or. 1'orolvn KOtorii-
montbocuiltles close u lllllelrrugiilur. Wlilln
( loullnRs Inuo been on \ory moderate scale
some nilluiijs mot wlln comiiarutlvoly lltllo
nttontlon Hrkliton dnfoircd was nioillv dcult
In nnil cloned Hat ul a ( loci I no of ' , per cent with
nfow oxi'optioiHAniurlcunselosedull. North
ern 1'ucifio prtiforoncca huve fallen V per cent ,
Nortliwestorn prefurencii , S per cent , "lid
burorul olbors'i to ii percent , but Illinois
Contriladvanced lit _ | ) nr cent , I.ako bliore ,
I't percent , uno Now S otk Central 1 percent ,
Crund Trunk ctoiod Hat on very lltllo offor-
In of Block. 1'lrst prfforenceH hare fallen 2
percent , second prefercneeu IK percent , and
other Isbuott. ii to ? 4 percent. Mexicans were
ntbor lar oy | dealt In , Last prices wore
not the best. Ordinary preferences loa > e off
H to 1'i uci eeul Illither money ban been In
fnlr ( I em a nil tit l' { to 15. | ierc nt. The dis
count murkol liai been \ery III in , two and
ihreu-mo'iilita bills were quoted ut .1 per cent
und only taken ( subject to any changes In th o
bunk rule tomorrow.
I Inuiiciul Notes.
KANSAS Cm , Mo , Nor. 2 Glearlnfi , * IOA-
l > il.
I'A it is , Nov. I. Throg per cent rontoi , Wf
for the account.
SAN 1'iiANCihCo , c'ul. , Nov. 2. Drafts , ljht
Ntu VOUK , Nov. i Clearings , tlb',070 070 ;
balaucei , I.S'jJaiOi.
IIALTIMOHE. Mil. Nov. ' . ' . Olearln > . 13,811-
S4J ; li.iliuu'es. CiTUMO. .Money , 0 per cunt ,
I'ldLAiiKLi'iiiA , I'u. NoCloarluss , 12\-
100.TUO ; nuluiicci' ' . C.iM.G 4 Money n pcrcinl.
Tcuu , Nov , . ' . .Nc\\ York ci-
chnne nolllnu ixt far Olonrlnc < , Mfll.SMl 1ml-
Nuw OltlKAN .t - . Nov 3-ClonrlnK . M-
MVfliV NOYV YnrkFjchniife , commercial. 11.00
per H.ODO illscouiilVlifTnk , par.
ST linutfi , MO..VIIV. 3 ( lonrlm * . I.T.OV- )
.TiOi b Innco , JITtWJ Money bcllrr at 7 per
cent ExcliiuiKn HO Now Vork , 350 dlicoiltit.
I.OMinv , Nov. l-Alnount of Iniillnn withdrawn -
drawn from llio Hank of Knclnnd on balance *
todny. 110.000 , nuO II for shipment in lltiMln.
NORTON , Mm * . NoviiS Olourlnm. ty.iw.MVi's
bilnneni. ia.4H.7W. .Money , 41iffW per cent.
Kxchnnco on Now > York futuM pir to lOedh-
COllllU 1 '
NEW YOIIK. Nov. 2. [ Spoelil Toloitrntn to
TUB HFE.I Ktchince waiqiiotnil in follows :
Chicago , 8.5o ill'ivmnti topiiri Ilixton , par to
10a ( llocounl ; SI. lintrii. 3Jo discount.
CHICAGO. III , * ov. -Olo imus , 123
Now York ptchAitfeq.sold ut " o ( tl < count.
Stnrllniexcluiiiii ) > ) iipl hut stroir. : ilxty-dnv
.Money ( Inn nnd
1,1 vi. srbcK
Cuttle In ( lood lp .11:11111 : , Hut veirco llo | {
ItDiik Iliulh In I'rlte.
OM IIA , Nov. 2 Three dnvi receipt' foot up
0.2.11 cattle , tl.'iSOhoKsnnd l.'MWihosp. n nlnst
1P , I4I c.itlle , 15070 hops nnd 2 1 l sheep the
first liilf of Insl week , n fnlilim off of iibout
0,000 cattle , J/iOO bars nml 1'JOO sheep
The cnttlo initrkct wns ill r ehiou contl to
choice cattle Supplies of ben' cattle Hero
iiBnln coinpirntKoly llmltc'il , but the few
hero dimmed linnds briskly nt end < .ttoiig
prices. Pair to choice 1.12J to 1,401 Ib cornfod
hteora sold ut from 51 no to Jl 10.lth lininu-
ture nnd ( irussstiilT nt from JJ01 to * 1.5' I'nlr
to good ernss westerns sold nt f rom $ -Ho i $ .US"i
nnd common to f ilrslulT nt from $1 OJ tof ) " " > .
Iliislnoss wns u Irlflos owen Ihe under uriulcs.
bill \ory fnlr nnd tolerably eii.y clonruneo
was niudo
Ions nnd niKcd stock sold at stoidvlo
Btronsor prices nil nround. Thine uincls sold
us low iv s $111 to $1 10 nnd choice i o\\s Hid
liulfeisnshlKlins Jjr > - > to I'.Si Ihulilr bulk
of the f ilr to Rood cows nnd heifers , howoier.
sold at from K1.7U to J.J' llttlU , oxen nnd
sl-izH worn Kenor.illv utichiiiced at from $1 lr
to JJ10 Common yonrlinRs to Rood \o ilcaUcs
sold nt fiom } ! . ' . ' * > to ? , " > ,10.
A fnlr buiiliicss wns done In stackers Htid
feeders nnd rit stinidy to Btiou. prlcos for fair
to too I stock. Common stulT , cspeel-illv com
mon llalit slull. wns h ird to mo\e. nnd prlcos
show no sUua of Improvement. Uopresentn-
lUe siles :
nunsssn iirui'
No Av I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No Av. 1'r.
S.'O $ 1 CO 1 11.10 SIM ) 81 18H 1 70
? i i u. ' : i 40 is la'ii 4 to 41 I 105
i p'40 : i w 40. l.'Iul 4 45 10 1401 510
1 1400 ,1 CO
7PS i n 000 1 70 21 078 210
RJJ I Sft 8J7 1 70 21I I 101 I 2 10
Ml 1 M S OH 1 75 41 1011 210
SJl i no 10 S-l ( 1 T > 8 > r > 210
IOJ ) 1 WJ 10U' Hill 1 M ) 1020 210
1(70 ( l r > i 1 I M ) 10. tr > i 2 I >
10V , 1 50 807 1 K5 1)13 ) 220
70) ) 1 53 84 845 1 65 04S
10V ) 1 50 1 O.'O 1 ho 27 1070 8.1)
i no 1..1140 1 OJ 11,10
8 CSO 1 ' ,0 : i s.c.1 1 00 10A ) 8.15
1 50 HI til 8 00 10JO 8 15
.1. 1170 i r > o 105 9.7 8 00
20 SSI i ii 1055 2 10 J .1110 8 45
8 712 1 03
1 210 1 75 1. 00 4 50 ino 450
1. . 71 n oo 1. . ISO 4 50 170 450
1 1-0 4 00 1 . 100 4 50 107 500
1. I'-'O 4 50
40 665 2 05
1210 1 ID I..1250 1 00 8 1200 IBO
IIX ) 1 50 2. 1215 1 00 3 .14.10 200
.1JOO 1 63 1 .1100 1 SJ 1. 1J70 205
1 85 10. . 744 2 3J 11 .113S
G23 1 50 : t ( , 74S 2 .15 57 .101 $ 280
C80 8 00 14 .817 2 50 46 .10J7 2f-0
030 8 10 4. 4.10 2 50 16 110 ! 2fcO
1161 B 15 liu 858 2 50 8)1 ) 200
40) ) 2 85 1' ' > 4C5 2 5J 41 HHS 20J
USO * . trll 4. . OfJ | 2.V > 115 ! JOJ
SOU 2 J5 2015 8 00
No. Av. 1'r No. A v. t'r.
2 cows . . . B7" > $ . ! 00 101 cows 101U $ . ! 75
2 sirs , U0' 10rO 2'50 ' 12) cow . 118. J G5.
2 hulls . ,1150 X 11 1 bull. . . . IJfiJ 1 G5
29 cows. . , , 784 8 20 2 cows . . . 1100 8 40
2 cows . .1105 8 40 1 ulcer . . . . 70D : i 85
0 steers . .1ISS I steer. . . 1J.10 J SO
0 steers . ' SO i 4 sluors.,1050 'J hO
2 feeders 005 8 70 4 feeders 058 8 70
10 feederb. 070 2,70 B steers..1U1 3 10
4 sirs , UK .1UO 885
4 oows 1CU7 2 55 5 eovvs . . .1103 255
3 cows HbO b1 80 steers . . .1JI7 3 85
1 bull H40 i 70 1 cow . . . . 1100 2 10
1 feeder. . , 610 8,50 ( l re'edors . 005 2 CO
3 ! cows. . . .102J 2'yo 1 steer..1140 3 10
14 steers..1105 J 35 84 steers . .1162 J , rt
154 cows 0 ; > > 810 118 steers . .1 50 300
8.1 steers , i:07 3 T5 72 COWL. 093 880
107 sleors 1071 3 40 33 cows. 2 05
80 feeders. , B ! ) 8 M 21 steers .141. ) ; i 25
1 steer. . . . . 10 JO 3 00 3 cahcs . . .140 1 75
'J culvos. . . 101 4 25 1 bull. . . .1400 1 50
1 bull. .1220 1 10 1 bull 1420 1 60
Z bulls 1015 1 05 3 COWS . . . 980 1 50
1 cow 1000 1 75 13 cows . . . 98) 8 JO
4 1 cows TO8 8 JO 4 cons . . .1140 235
S cows . . . 'I7B 8 .5 3 ! cons . . OG6 8 35
7 feeders. .10)4 2 75 21 rcndcrs.110. ! 2 75
IJ feeders OJO 2 75 0 feodois. 071 875'
15 steers . . . .lli > ( ! 3 5 StL'lM..1110 ! J35
1 sleer. , .1100 3 .15 2 Blecrs .1110 3 35
1 faloor . . . .1140 d J5 3 steers 1.2 ( >
12 utcurs. 1WI1 J 45 0 steers 1031 j 45
lions The hoj : market took a big drop Tbo
bru ik was nnvvvhoru from lee lo ? 5e. the worst
slump the market has uxpurlcncud In munv
months Oiruilnps were not uxcesslre , anil
the quality was generally cood. but with east-
urn ndv Ices beiirlsb , a greatly rest i let I'd slilu-
plii ) ; Iniiulry and no tipceiilntlvo demand
whatnver , the supply was emplo enough to
oimbln p.ickcis lo pound the life out of prices
On the eaily iiinrltut , VTlth a vciv fair fresh
moiil demand the ho s bold from lOe to "Oo
lower th in on Tuesday , or at from IS 15 to 85 3J.
The market rather srow worse ns lho morn-
ItiK advanced nnd before noon prlcos were
( iiioliibly 15o . .lo5u lower tliuii Tuovlay , vt
from } 5o5 tot5.5 ! About tvrcnty loads wore
unsol f atnoon but nltcrdlnnerpucHursrnlsoi
tholr h inds a trlllo mid bought up about
everythln/In the yards at from J5 10 to $580 ,
moHttv HI $ i.5 ! Sales were largely ut from
$5 15 to f 180 ugulnbt from $5 JO to $5 40 Tuesday ,
Hcprcsent.itlvo salon ;
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No.C.I. . Av. Bii. Pr.
1 . . ' 40 $3 00 C.I. . . . . .810 J15
14 . . . ? 44 40 5 00 07 , . . . 825 120 615
GJ . . . .804 520 S 05 00 . " ' ' 180 6 15
68. . , . . .814 240 5 10 80 . . . . 248 20 } 517H
0.1. . 100 r 10 70.M . . . 2.8 800 4 174
72. , . .274 240 5 10 .M , . . . .300 l.'O 5 I7K
IV > . . . .217 41) 5 10 58 . . . . .201 120 5 17'i
71. . . . . 251 SCO C 10 f,8 , . . . .2.11 880
CT , , . . . .221 200 a 10 { 54 . . . .805 l.'O 5 Hi ,
08 . . .180 40 J 5 10 6. . . . .858 800 580
( l ) . . . .211 ino 81 . . . .10.1 840 5 JO
73WJ. . . . .24H .100 5 15 71 . . . 81,7 80 580
WJ. , , . . . .211 240 5 11 70 " ' 370 680
71faS . . . .251) ) 240 5 15 ! ! . 875 800 680
faS . . .21.1 H ) 5 15 65 . . . .881 6 JO
74 . 2fil l O 5 15 79. , , . . . .205 840 680
55 . 2.11 840 fi 11 84 21' ) 120 621
70M. . . . 242 280 5 11 71. 874 520 . . . . . 277 40 5 II 77. . . . .310 100 62) )
fit . . .203 2JO 5 15 81 ' 40 580
75 . . . .2.17 4 0 5 15 74 'i85 200 5 80
G5 . . 31'- 3t0 ! 5 15 01 260 800 5 80
Ul 31'4 160 5 15 W ) , , .301 l.'O 583
01 40 5 15 1J4 2 > 0 bO 520
7 . . . -4 100 5 IS 78. . . . 8 0 24) ) 6 80
01 . . 2 > 8 883 5 15 61 850 ire 520
01M . ,2o5 UJO 5 11 78 IIM ICO 510
M . . . 2.12 120 5 15 111 . . . ,870 3.0 588
I ! ' ) . 817 120 B 11 70 837 80 585
sn . . . .2211 200 B 11 III , 30 60 685
6.1 . . 201 120 B 11 75 84i 80 685
iM . . . 27. ! IftO 5 15 48 264 685
52 , . . .2JI 80 5 11 BO 81 625
7(1 ( Ul 0) ft 15 75 1JO 685
81W . . . .2011 8V ) B 15 7J . . . .847 840 585
( W . . . 24S 10) 5 15 CO . . . 871 58,5
77 . . .210 2 10M 5 Id 48 . . 87J 80 ri'Ji
S'J ' . . . .201 M 5 11 7J . . . ,847 80) ) 585
0. . . . S43 ICO B IV - - 156 . . . 3.-0 180 515
8.50 12)Ml 5 UU " , ' " 180Ml ) 5 JO
. . 241 Ml 5 15 AS . 1,241' 300 5.IJ
. . .235 200 B 11 ) * . . . . 8J7 8M 530
. . 241 40 5 11 04 . . . ,800 80 6 JO
. . . 2I'J ' 200 5 15 71 . . .UJt bO 530
1 . . . 470 - 300 .
blirtl1 1'our ilouble dcckfi of common mixed
Mexicans wuro ruqslved und sold roudllya
tJ 50 A sltijlu of mlxud natives was uh > o ro
eolvudund sold for utroni : prices , Dumain
eood ; iniiruui llrni. Qaiitnlloni nro ; l'nlr t
coed nnt ! v on , < JWilt4 & 'ij fnlr lo u'ood viesterns ,
tJ.JiiJSI.25 ; oommoa.nud stock sheep , ij.8.5.125 ;
( rood to cholru 40 to'OJ-lb. lumbs. * 4 01444 70.
KuprcHout UUo ) es :
No. , v , ! A > I'r.
l.U.Mox mixed J. , . . " 7J U 6(1
150 Mex mlxud . . „ „ 7.1 J 5)
7.1 Mex niixeU , . ' ' . ? „ . , ' " J 60
: tO feeders . . 'i. . ? 78 J 25
bbnutlvo mixed M ] . „ 01 1 03
Itucelpti niul ll pu ltion of Stock.
Ofllclul receipts and ( lUposltlon of stock ni
shown by the books of Uiu Union Block Yards
Unscupulous Imitators
liu vu sough t to profit by the hlprh
roputution of Johiinn HolT'u
Malt Cxtrnct. Buvsuru of thorn.
Look for the bi nuturo of
"Johiinn JIolI" on the neck
of every bottle. Eisner &
Moiidolson Co. , Nuw York.
Aionts. For CoughB nnd Colds
use the Mult Kxtract hot nt
bob-tlmi ) and Uiu genuine .lohunii IlolT'u
Mull lionbnns during the day. A pluitB-
unt unil uctivo lumcdy.
rominnr forlho tvvcntv fo irhoiiM cnilliu at
( to'elock p in , ; vivvm iur . ISM.
TATTI r i HIMII . i HllkKI1U " \ ! \ Ml. * , ( Inml lnr llrail llrail
DIME lit
Omaha Parking Co . , , . . 2. I'M
lliod II llnmmoml Co , 811 112
Hwlft Ale 7W KJ )
Thn Cuilthr I'ncklnz Co . 7 , (71
sporty A linrncs (71I I
\Vhlto 1' .v II 107
Morris la
It Decker VI ) . . . . IK
Sipec.Shlppm nml Hccilrs fit 31) )
Totiibi . .1711
i.NTiitisis : ,
SllRlit Drcn n e Nuteil In the Movrinml ol
lloK .
CisrisN Tl. 0. Xov -tspod'il Tolournm
toTiiK 111 r I Tomorrow's Vrlio I'ltrrentwlll
ivi I ho total pn'Mn.for thu week Is about
2\\Hi ( , iKiilnst .AO.IWO last week Per tbu oljhl
summer months endlii ) ' Xovembor I , tbu
In the west in 7.7VI , no. uuiunit iiUXlOJi t i t
von nnd PM'.OIO lu IS'J Prominent pi ices
comnnro as follows for thosomotit
cnn- < IV.H
Chlcauo Sfc7II ( K )
Clly 1 10'iOJl ) iv mu
Onialiii 7JOIMI
U-iWI )
st . . XO.IIOJ .mono
Cliivelnml 11)0 ) OuO
Mllnnukec 2 00 *
Clnclnnntl J'li OJO IPj IW
Ceilnr itnplils . , ll'J OU. )
Ultiiiuun ITO OOJ 100 ( XM
bt Joseph . ICiUlO &IOUO
SlomClty . 1WOOO 1100)0
South St I 'nn I 117 ( KW IDiOOO
\Mihltn 111 UOJ III UIU
Ah others . . . ( sn 000
ChUngo Live Stuck Mllllict.
ClltfAno. Ill , Nov.'J IHpuciil Tolcurntn to
TIIK IH-K l-t'atuo were Htm today : oxtri
drv fed sleets vvu"ouolpil ( | utftotu &Vift lo JiS" > ,
but nolliliu sold ashl | h. nonu of that L'l.idu
helm ; ottered 'I hero vvoiu a number of
trulesnt f rom fi ( M la $5 40. but the prevail *
ItiK prlcos vvero from * .l "O to Sr > 00 for nntlvo
steers , J 1,75 to * J 41) ) foi cows , halters and bulls ,
tiJl to fl.UD for westurns , .ind l SMoiJb'i foi
'le\nti . 1 hero vv is.01110 Iniiulry for stocuou
nnd fueders nt fiom } ! . ( > ( ) to M > 0
boilers uvpenunccd .in oMiemolv tins ills-
facloiy hoi market Thoio was a decline ot
from loc to He ns comiitrcd wllh Tuusdny's
openlnu iiunlnlloim , llio ninrket dropplut ; to
from loj fli fet poor to prlmo Unlit und
from WOi to $ , ,5i for inedlum nnd hoi\v
weights PnekoM r ides sulUrud the most.
Uioy wore not te ulllv moviii at from J" ) 10 to
MS l. The c'Miemu r iiu'o ofsilcMWis fiom
8lOOtot5lH.i iiINhcllliiK .it fiiini Wuito 1150
and u few loads otehoko midliliu inlhuavi
hois jiolnir nl from $ i 051 o Jj da Thopieitu
liirlof thod-'y'a wotk was dune below SM 15 ,
thi ! quality IIMM iRln ; r ither common Iho
close vvis Hat bhcup weio strong todtiv at
fiom } J 50 to } 5 ' > o foi poor lo uxlr.i hhcup and
at from > . ? > to fit-0 for lambs Hut , while
the range of values wns thus wide1 , there
only a small volume of buslnoss outslda of
llio limits of fiom $ J7 > to4 7j for sheep und
from gl.J.5 toS.5.85 foi lambs
Weslorn sheep wuro quoled it from $175 to
f4 ,5 , wllh sales principally at from JI.J5 lo
84 fil' .
Kocelpts Cattle. 17,000 ; ho's , 87.00J ; sheep ,
8,0iO. (
The Kvcnliu .loiirnni icports-
OATTI.E Kucolpts , 17,0)0 ) be id ; shipment" ,
5bO ) huad ; mm kut strong ; best natives $ .585 ®
570 ; others. iflOOffi'i IJ. I'uxans , } J.8jffiJ..5 ; west
erns , $ . ' 73541 01 ; eows. $1,853.100.
lloas KeuolpK JO.ooj ho id ; slilpmunls.
10000 head ; market 1015c lovvei ; roueb ind
common closed , $1 ( u5 05 ; p ickers nnd ml\cd.
Jj 10Iti5 8.5 ; prlmo he iv v and biitchurs' wnUhts ,
o. 5 IO ; Ihihl , J.500S54J
SIIKI.Ilicculols 8)0 held ; Bhlpmonts
8,000head ; iiiirKutblovv. steady ; natives. Jl .50 ®
50) ) ; westerns , Jl 'VS4 5j ; Mn\lcniib. U50.J.OO ;
Tcxnns , JJ 'Y&t 40 : lambs. U75j ,5 bO
Xrvv Voi ic Live. Mm K VI irknt.
NKVV Vnltk. Nov 8 Itl Mis Kccetnts. 1151
hoail , IncludliiK 75eais fors-ilo ; mar ot sloiv ,
fchado e islci ; nallvo hlc-eis. tlJ5'i ' ? .i5 poi 10)
Ibs ; bulls nnd ( O\vs. } | . . , lip ) 1 < H ) ; dressed beef
sle idy al 7(38lti ( ! per Hi ' hipmont ! , today ( ill
bcovcs nnd , lJilu iii | itti-rs of buef : tomorron ,
J05 beovus , JUO sheep , W iiu u tnrb of beet nud 10
ho K
OAI.NES Itecolpts , lCO-i : market lower ;
vc.ils , J"i(0B77.5 ! pet IOJ Ibs ; mnsser * , Jl . , il >
850 ; western calve J',7'iis ' >
SllEEf AM ) iMMiiS-Hcoiilpts. 11,740 head ;
sheep steady ; lamlis sh ide e islor ; sheep , $ J C.5
( SI ! ) l ) ; per 100 Ibb ; lambs. $ .5 J.VS'S8) ) . dressed
muttons 7@SVtC pcrlb ; drusscd IsCmbs dull at
7ao'5c. ( '
lions Receipts O.'JO head , IncludlnK Suam
for sale ; miitkut steady at $ j uJiiij u pur 100
Kaunas City I.ivn .stuck Market.
colpls , 0,100 , shipments , 4,500 , the market vvns
acllvo nnd slron : shlnpliu steers , K.iOfii 8) :
Texas and Indian , JJ.854JJ 7.5 , utockcts and
feeders , $ J.15(2180.
Hods Kccolpt" . 9500 : shipments. 1,010 ; Ihe
market wns dull , closing f/2.IUc lower ; all
prados $510 < a540 , bulk , t > 805JO.
SnhEl' HeeoipM. 400 ; shipments , 400 ; stu.idy
tor peed sheep , others ivuak and ncglcoloJ ;
St. I.nulH l.lvustock M irkel ,
ST.Ijouis , JIo , Nov. 3 UATTt.p Itocolpls ,
4200 ; shipments. JJOO ; market sttoriK ; na
tive steers JJ 1035 lu ; Tuis nnu Indian
steers , iJ.J ) < 3)r ) > 0.
lions UucolpU , 8"0) ; shipments 700 : in ir-
ket lower ; heavy , iV.ofir.lj , picking , $ .5 OJ ©
5.45 ; llcht. S ) I5@54l )
bllEl.p llecelpls 8,810 ; shlpniciila. 800 ,
mm. < el strong , muttons , $ IOOffi4 50
It-iNlnesH Uriels.
Lobcclc & , Linn hu\o sold out thalr stoclt
of hardware in the Hull stoic , ana nro now
taking stock.
l > ta Heed. In the hardware business at
Loouais , hus KIVCII n bill of sale for SJT&U.
ave pile Witch Haze
salvo will auroly euro you.
On the mend
the consumptive
nho's not bereft
of judgment nnd
good sense. He's
taking Dr. Piorj-o'fl
O old on Modicul
Discovery. If
taken in Umo anil
jiven a fair trinl ,
t ill effect a
l euro. Coiibtimp-
tion IB Luiig-
Bcrofula , For Scrofula , it its myriad fw ins ,
nnd for nil Liver , Blood nnd Liinif ( llsensci ,
the "Discovery" is nn unequulcu icincdy.
It's the only yuarantcrd ono. If it doebn't '
bonollt or euro , jou get your money buck.
You only jiuy for the coed you got.
" Discovery" stisngUiens Vt'niK Limps ,
nnd cures Spitting of Blood , Bhortncv ? of
Breath , lironcluUs , Suveio Couchs , and kin
dred nfrottlons. Don't lx > fooled into lakintr
bomotlilii else slid to IKJ " , ' '
; ; , "jnst as good ,
that the dealer inny m.iko n lurccr profit.
There's nothinR at all like the " Discovery. "
It contains no alcohol to incbnato ; no syrup
or sugar to derange digestion.
As peculiar lu its curative effects ns In
ItH composition. Equally good for adults or
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cnttlc. bo ? and i > hoop in trkot In the west
MA11A Wrlto to thli houn fo-
| root Marltat Kupor u.
Wood Brothers ,
touth Omaha Telephone 11 > 7. - Chicago
NYAI/lUlt K WOOD fMansL-ori
Market reports by mall anJ wlro choorlully
furnluhod upon apiillo itlon _
' - Tl-ilS
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , EastHt. LouU , Kansas Olty , bouth
Omahu. Hloux OltY , Tort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company,1
Hxohanza lliill.llu : , Soiit'i Om.Ui u
Correipondenee ollclte-t nnd uroniptlr aniireril
Upeclal altentluu to orilan I or itocfcort & leaden
d , 161. Inoorpor tj4 , ltJ )
c.plt lfullj pnld ,
Wa ggoner 13irney Company
Write or wire u > ( or prompt anil relUUIu mir jt
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo btiiot CoinmlBslon.
Itoom 01 J-xchuuk-o Hulldln , ' , bauth Omahu
'iulvphouu 1707.
iorors' ani
II , 0 , Daxon ,
miiortomiiiil mfr , Hour * * rt | < 1 on mnnthlr
i r\ > , liurlaix. tnlnu MlU UIN Milt
Morss-Coc Slios C HUM ,
II ' llmviirlirxel
Idrtnrv eorner lltb nnil llonxln * lroi'l
' 'VliT.. ! ! rPrli-'t ; . i i 'i l.u v , ml nro
nllli HUT lnnt <
{ irkciiilall JOIBJ & AM , llni-Sowl
omimnv li ile nio cut shoo ioiiiilliv | limt ,
\ee Hi II nl in Uiitii.or liO' an Irnliher LOO | ,
Mi iuninni ln.MIH 11 nn I HIJ Itdrner
ilDlllnrni-y stniri.
'hulling , nitlom fur.t i
' " * i.lvo in i trill.
OmalidCoal.Cokc.Limo . Co Ihzle Coraiw Wo/fa
Irrd nnil saftroiil. 15 Iron
cor 16th unit Duucnls cornlcH. cnticlc
ntrccH , clc
Illl ) 111.
M. E. Smith i Co , Kilpilric'i ' KOJ'I '
> ryKoo < l notion * fur- Dry Oooili Co Notion *
Conu-r nonu riirnlililni ; mull
lllh 11 1 llottarl i Lur lltlinml Murrey
linaha Uiliols(2i'ing | ( Ca , llccbc i llnnyan
iliol < l" > rnt firnltirj 1 urnltnro Co. . Or 103 nn
IIU 11(11 ( ; ic'iol u strjjt Utlntroo :
I ) UTiJ5 , Kt'C
D. 31. Stccle & Co. lllakc , linice & Co
1201-U 0 > Jono3stroot , 10th and Hirmr lf oat
Oiunhn OmaUi.
An oiilln.incu levj IIIR .1 special 11\ and is-
sossment upon cert iln lols putsof lotnml csinlo In the c'lty of Om.ihu , for Ihu con-
.11 m tlon of wooden sldew tlks
\ \ hero istin ownots.iospcetlvuly , of Ihu lots ,
iirls of lots ind real oil ite hcrulnnfiui do-
setlb'Ml , hive fulled to cnniltiiut ildcnvilKs
vvlllinthi llnu allowed by oidlu nice , afiei
luu mil propui notli'oso to no , and
VMieri-is siieh sidunalKs have beun duly
'onstriictu 1 bj I 1 * Itnovvli'i , the cnntr tutor
to whom w is ivv irtled Ihu couli icl for eon-
imlliU ind lep ilrini : sldOHnlKs ind
VV. li > re is , the sovoi il lol ° , piilsnf lots and
J il i'it ilo havauiii h hei nsput 1 illy bunullitud
lo thu full amount of Ihc spot Inl la\ mil as-
sossiiieiil huiein lev led , by reason of s'ich Im-
priivcmenl opposite thusimo lospecllvuly ;
Tliciefoie. for lho pillpi > so ( if lovur ng .ind
[ i iv Inj ? the cost of such Improvement :
uo It ordnlned by lho city eouncllof lliocliy
of Omab.i.
fco lion 1. Th it the sever il sums sot oppo
site thu lots p n tsof lots ind le il cat itu huie-
tiafltr described , bo nnd thu hiunu nro himby
lespectlvoiy levied mil nsS"ssoJ uiion o lull of
s tld lols n.ulsof lols und ustuto , us fol-
ovvs , lo wit.
1-r.inK Murphy H 1 blK 2.-OCity otOnililia SIO 12
do n't It 8 bill JVi 2J JJ
neouo i : JI.irkui s"s It Hblk850 - ' ( ) UJ
A DUocrnu It 1 blk.57 88 70
101111 001110311211 357 " Jl 14
1 red I'lonlei i r.l Jft It 1 blk 857 " 80 Jb
Valley Loan A. 1'iust Co
It 1 Iloehms sub In
blk''IOiiiulm Vlow
extension 7 : i5
do il J fi .10
do It I " 1)30
uo It 4. " 6 110
Augusta It ithlnil/
w 10 5 ft It 1 blk 4 . .IIIU's 1st acid 13.J
1'utor llenn It 1 blkillto cs.l lllll's.'ud id ! ts 5S shooiui ill il 11 14 blU J lltlr'RM 1'lauo Ii Hi
Nolllu MfltildoliniilU J ' .HO )
l.dvvlu I U.i-h It 14 Ink I " 41 05
. : A Hammond It 15 bll. J JO 75
U A llcnsou It 11 blk 7 " 4b 8S
do It 15 blk 7 " 451' )
Chomlcal Null Hank It II blkS " 4511.
I l/7lo 11.iinpsini It 15 blk H " 41 15
Annul ( 'unveil It II blk II 45 14
I heM Kobe-its H 15 bl ! IJ " 50 fcO
John I' \ \ uc'ilh , , , , ,
nl ) ft It 1 blk 'vumphcll's ad 17 I >
do n4lflH8blJ Hi 01
I'otor Ien ov vv'i It.l blk J " 7 111
James I/arson H4 blk 2 " 1.01
Nuls Ilimmurn'j ' H L blk2 18 5i
A LItcid Tiustcolt7blk2 21 IJ
, lo It B blk 2 " IS 70
MarvlliillnWftllUlJlk'J " 81 t.0
Johanna DVVJUI 111 b'J lllmobuiuh'rt ad 111 67
ilo It.ll blk 8 UK 01
Hnnn ih.Innies w ll's flo'Jj ftltlbJ' 1)77 )
nninson H Jniiuis
, ; llllft P4 | | ft it i blk. ! ' 3& 00
Il.mnuh .Hmes wl,1 ftol.J ft It 1 b.l J OJ
: is no
Ilnnmih .lames vv5) flullOft Itl bJ 10 J ( .
' .aiujison . H Jumis
wild ft nl 1.5 flit 1 blk I : is oo
Hannah James \VJ | ft oil ? f t R I b .1 .101
Suiipsoii 11 Inmts wild ift tl hlk.l 4J 41
M II I'atltison It I'l ' blk 1 Illmobauih A.
I'lUtl'lHOIl'Hhllll SVV'l bU'l ' SUU
i'j-13-1:1 : n r 3
do H8Jbkl ! " 10 U
njmond 1181 blk 1 11 U7
i , lush . . Itiymond . . . ItSJblkl " 1105
O 1 , I'orler T It .M bll 1 ii 1 fl fi 1
M 11 Patleixin It 81 blk 1 10 bl
i'or.u D Miller It 8"i blk 1 11 tO
. uthoi 111 do 1184 blu 1 10 St
Louis llr.dfoid 1187 bk I 10 rj
, ! „ It JS blk 1 in ri
Columnn Ii Portui It'-i Idle 1 10 74
do ll.X ) blk 1 10 0.1
.InmeaPlckrlll It.ll blk 1 II ) hi
M Ii Patterson It JJ b Ic J 10 I..1
Henry \\lloy It'Hblkl 10 711
Junncr Dwycrlt Jl blk 1 10 7(1 (
MJIiilsltMisun II J" > hlh 1 10X5
.1 W l.ymun It.MhlU 1 10 OJ
M 11 Paltorson II ' / blk 1 8 07
(1 ( 1. 1 ln.idluy It j 1 blk I _ HUc.bcock'H add 1. HI
IHtohcouk l.ut Invobt Cell J blk 1
do UJblkl 10b7
do 114 blu1 1 11 17
,10 It.r. . blk 1 15 51
Sarah Ann Doyle It ' blk I 10 S5
hllllo VMnnnliiu It 7 blk 1 10 DO
HltclKO.'U Kut Invest Co IIS blk I 10 .50
It 0 blk 1 11 85
hos W Illnoitbiirn It 10 blk 1 IJ IU
IMvvurdStlleblU blk 8 1. 1.0
do It'blk 2 10 .50
The Or I ) iv Is Co It.I blk 8 10 M )
do 11 4 blk J 10 M
do it .5 blk 2 10 .50
do | | il bill ! 10 M
Win ! ' HonnlhlnyltTlilUS 10 M
Hinuiol II lioitDMltSbik J 10 SO
IMnry rouillon lotO blk 10M
Jacob Jensen It 10 blk 2 10 Ml
do It II blk J u as
John A llorbnuh HO bll , B llnrhicli'hSnd
add extended 2' ! 71
do It 10 blk 8 10 1)5 )
do it 11 blk H 11)05 )
Uo HIJ blk S " I'l ' 0.5
no Itl I blk 8 ' KiOi
do It 14 blk H 1005
do It 15 blk 8 " 10 05
do It 10 blk 8 " 88 7J
Mursarot A Miller H7 blk 0 10 07
Mury I. V.'oiileotljut al II b bllf 0 I'J ' Oi
Ann i M 1'helps it 1 blk 0 Klrkwood 80 7.1
\Vailerllreenll8hlk5 15 M
Mury Miiuuii U Jblk 5 15 M
I.OIIIB K'olluisli.isii It 4 blk 0 " ir. as
\Viii llusiih It 5 blk & " 15 87
lloimnn Husch II 0 blk5 " 11)05 )
M'l ' < J > ! '
fUt I blkfi Koilnt/o'bard add 10 16
I'oter J Herder It7blk It hovvu's add I'l u-J
( JlirMeiiMin Anderson It8 blk U " 10 ( S
fiiorco J I'liulltDblK U " IU 0.
( JhusKrilok It 10 oik II " 10 Oi
Muurlcu Dunujiilt II blk U 10 Oj
Kinmnim Kwlnirltl8blk H " 8005
Walloi II Cook | l 0 blk U I'tohpcct I'lacu ' 8:1 : Ul
( Jeortu ! I' Ituml * It fi blk I ) 10 15
do HO blk I ) " 15 87
do It 10 blk II " 15 b7
du Illl blk I ) ' Ii K8
do It 12 blk I ) " 15 88
do UUblki ) " 1518
do It 11 bill I ) " 20 Oi
J\V , 1'iiul 8 ft HI blk 8 f.l
t ; itlln ell7 fl n 111/ ( I H 1 blk 1' 81 75
J W I'alll U3D1U I "
llcclor i Wilhclmj Co. bbcck & Urn.
Corner 10th in I 1ncK on Doilor In lnr.l . tc ivn I
Directs mechimlrx tooli
1 1101 IMiuI'M ii tree I
HATS , irrc.
W.A.IilbbonS.Co {
\ \ hell t ilo
11nl < rip < mrnn
klDMK InlltCM'
nml llnrnei
I ! . L-c
llnrdiroinlln ii "rnil Inipnrtnl Vmcrloin IMri
cirppti i ilpi-u ltnli nitnt
„ , . " 'rlnir lhr,1riuli o'diKil nil
ftli uit iioiinlit IcjulnrT iiltn inu
I. Obcrftlilpr & Cj
\Vhili > i1 II ) i ir l r lnimrlrr | niul jiH'l > cr if
1W1 turn mi t inilliiinrjr luitloiu Mill
iT.lors pronipl
ills U south llth < t
Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oil Co. "
I'srrj n full t , r-k of
printing i iitplna an 1 lltMlni'il niul lubrlcili 11
rllliupipi < r Lirlni OIH iuluaromc cii
per i'li I
oYsnits ;
King & Sine 11 DiUiit Cole iCi ) ,
Mfr or K t s tiint < \ \ liotn nlo orstei'i fuiir
ttlilrli , niul oM'ritM t ti\ relertl't ' loth stro-t
rll h south mil-I teleiiiinaTU | )
iMniiiisiii-1 h- <
UiMiich & Co
Whitney & Co.
I'roihu'n fruits nf nn
Mutter , ( 'UK * nmlimiltrr |
, IM.-MiUv ! Ithat
Jds A. Clark & o.
Mutter oh on nttl
POII 11 rj nml ttn-nt
Jl , south Uthil
srovi :
l OnaliaSlo\clci ) \ ! | , ii'W < ki
btovcrcpMr nml nntor
nttnchmenti for nn )
klnil of itoro intiilo
1:0 ; iioiihiii
M. A. Disbrow & Co
Mnnnfnrturnn of nisli
iliori bllnils nnl
moulillnKs llmnrhof
nco , Utli nml Unnl at *
Geor.-o I1 Itoi'ilslt4 blk I' loco
do It 5 blk I' to o ( )
do It 0 blu T Ul Oil
( In It 7 blk P IU Ht
Alice A ( 'lute It 1 Ijll , 7Om ill i View 23 b. )
Pieile.ick Ivi.uiio II 1 blk 'JOm 1,1 1 a Vlnw
CNtcnslon V5 01
Oilxu M 1-eider It IS hit , 81 80 .il
John 1 Iti-dklc It I blk 1 1 sub dH of c"i of
b Us 10- 1 1 , 1 1 Itedick'sudd 27 87
Abhlu A IMIIhu's ltv 1 bl.
KullcK's add U 21
do 112 blk 1 11 ill
SI Ilriclilel07'n ft \ \ A Itedlck's add 81 50
Kslnto of lljion UoLil' . , ft It.'J Uecd's8ud add 8 41
1' T. White ot.i1 wli,5ftblk ( ' . sblnn'mul 52.11
llolscy Is i ii MIII
sjvift it 7 blk \ bbliiu'ti.lrd add 21 201
r.l smith U hblk \ 4J .111
11 no ir i A rieniln .
It 1(1 ( Dili Jl Walnut Hill 15 07
Slary Moore It 17 blk 'I 11 07
KUKilston It I ! ) blu .4 " 1107
Jnnies McCol oiiKh It 1'Hilk 24 " I a 1)7 )
do It .0 oik 81 " 17 6M
Paul NoKon It 1 blk 1 Weal Mdo add , IJ 57
( Vcella 11rmonr It. 2 blk 1 10 5
Knfns II siniiii it I blk 1 " IU ,13
\\m II Druiy It 4 blk I " 1043
M iihew ( Jnlilou Ul blk 1 1057
Isihullri S Hull 113 blkU H 97
John W bin nn It. ) blu ii u ' 17
( hrlstlu Johnson it 4 blk fi 14 111
UCOIKO M 1'i.r.K.ii I M 8J blk 8 " Ul W
M iry 1 , AUer II 1 blk 11 " 2J ,1
John. I hluttiut n'llft ' H20 blKIl " SI 1
May 1) Ldmondi It7 blk 1 1 ' " 2 \ :
do it b bl' ' < 11 " 10 oi
b II II Cl.irk It' ' ) blk I ! 10 iH
do It 10 blk U " 10 ' ) ( '
I'aul Nelson U II blk 1 1 " .M U
1' I' 11 inlon Trustee blk 17 " 18 07
do 111 blk J2 " .11 07
do It II bll , JJ ' ,10 85
llottenso r.smlth It 1 blk , ' 1 " .10 Ml
Win d Itllnml II .1) ) blu Jl " JO 411
Daniel M icl.e m It I blk Ji ' JO H )
Not i Don ihuu It Jil blu JS ' 10 'H
John A Mi saline 11 i blk 'I ' ' 2i 111
Daniel O'lvcefo 11 1 ! but JO Wlkonil ! < ! 10 0)
do U I , blk .0 0 Ul
H \ Ito urs ii' ' j wll'ft t i\ 111) ) hcollun
-0 I > - 1 1 4U 07
J h I oors H > , nil ! fllix It' ' ) Nuctlon
> 0-H II 47 U
J J O'coiinorwl ! J ft of nwUuf HW soc-
llou 20-15 lliiMH'pt M I' U > 1 1 of way .151 5J
SIo I'ue Hy I o wl iJ ft of M I' Ity rt of
way In inv'i of MV\I section .0-15-11. 0101
JIo 1'fic Ky co M 1' Ky it of way be
tween It 7 blk U West Mdo add und
.list Cijirln.0 sliLOt sccllon .10 T 15 U 1 1 80 17
Total . . . . . U754 01
faei lion 8 Tmit the HiKclal taxes and nssess-
incnls luvled and aisoiKe I us ntorcaiild shall
bo diielinintdl itnlv 11,1011 I'm ' passant ) nnd a ] > -
mouilot' ibis oidlnnnuii , nnd Hnnll bdcoma du-
iiiiiiuont II not p il.lMlliln II ! i > diiyu tnurenfter :
and tlioroiion | ) Inl.itut sun 1 b ndded at the
into of ono p r rout n mouth , imvnblo lu ad-
vnine fiom the time Mild t ixos bccoinu BO do-
llniiii | nt.
Hei lion 3. Th it Ibis orJInnnco sbnll t iko
olTnut und bo In fun u from and after In pai- *
( Jlty Ulork.
11 P. DAVIS.
rresldnnlUlly Uoiinull
Approved October 15th , IbJJ.
ciio. : I' . I1KMIH ,
'I ho above tax la now duo and payable at Ihu
oIlKnof Ihoilty tiuiisuter and will become do-
lliKiii'iit | and buur Interim on nml afler Dei-om *
bur .til , IHJ. , in aoi'ii in so thin Jot nuo\oor-
. IIKMIV . .Ol.l.V. .
c'Hy Ironsurur
NO. : mi.
An nnl'iiiincii ' oionllni slreot Imprinomeut
dlslrk't-No I'tj In Ihu clly of Oiuali i , fur Ihu
Impiovliu of Iho illoy In mid dlslrlct by
invlii. nnd ulloHliiK thlity dnyu lo iho
property OHiiorH In ild dlslrlct In which to
( leloriiilnn and ilmlunuti ) thu m.iteilnl du-
Hlrod in bo used for such Improving
Hu II oi lulnod by lliocliy eounull of lho city
ofOmiiha :
huel on 1. 'I h.ilslreol improvement ulHtrlel
No Wl for thn lmprovliin' of till ) nlluy lu H ld
dUtrli t Is heruby uruulud In Ihu city ot
f-uclliiii 2 Th it htruot Improvement dislrlut
No 4J.lhhnll tomurlMi the alloy bctwuen Jlnt
and .l.nd nvunues fiom I'mium btieul tu
DodL'o Htiuul 'D ' llioelly of ( Jinnlm and minll
Imluilu nil loin and toil oxtalii on bulb nidi
ofBiild alloy biuk .1 dlHtuncu of I M foul from
the llnus Ihere-of , and II Is liuroby dcul ired
iu lisas iry to Impiovu Ihu tmmu by imvinir
heulioii I That Hlreet improvumoiil ( Us-
trlolNo 4'H ' In ihu oily of Onmli i bu un-1 thn
Biimu N horohy ordered Impioved by juvlnx
himtlin'4 ! That thlily days nuxi , uflur ihu
p Uitiiuu and approval of iblMOriJIniinuo bound
thus H..U Is hi'iitbv ' ullowud to thu owners of
all lotH ami roil uuilu In Kiild slruot 1m
provimenl district , to deturmlnu and dnsl-
nate the maturl udmlrcd Id bo iiHod for thu
Improvln. of the NIIIIIU , mil notify thu ulty
conn , II thereof. It hiving buun und belli j
hurubv deturmlncd by ihu mayor and fliv
council of H ild nltv , for r IHOHS which uppuur
rl.'ht nnd propui.ih it nil the ruul mtatolusuld
Htreut linprovoiiiunt dlslrlut.uhiill hoohiuxud
uiidimosxi d with thuiost ot Improvliu ; thuio-
In. lo bu tlioruiirtur d iuriulnuu uiu esiuu-
lishuil ucoi.rdliu l tbu hunclltx lo Ihu
property In nild HI rue t improvmunt dlHtriei ,
niul thu Ilo ird of I'tibllo Works IH horuby ill-
reeled to ; : lvii nollcu lo thu ownurH of IJIHH
and loti , Muhjcut to too il nbiusiineiit , for Ibu
eosl of mild ImprovuiiiuiiU , toduturmiiiu nnd
deklKiiulu tlio to bu luol foriiucli 1m-
provniA by publiu itliin In thn olllul il pipur
of lho oily for three count ) ullvo d.iva. it
least llfluon days prior to thu Inp.o of NIU !
thirty < liiv , ,
hoi tlon ' ' . That this ordln mcu shall t.u > 'i
olTcclundbu In force fioi/i and aflur Us pass-
: s ,
( Miy Olcrk
n. I' OAVIb.
1'roildunt Ulty Oaiini'll
j'ia ; i'I uiMlb. ;