Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1892, Page 10, Image 10

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Advance in Ibis Branch of Agricultural
Industry in Araeriru Incjuraglng.
Tptt of nnrllplp from the Aniprlpan
rnllnrnlUt In U'lileh I'nrniprn Are
Itrriiinnti'iiilcil to Itilsn llm
Ucmm for ilnrtipt.
NKW YOIMC , Oct. 2 ! ) . [ Special toTili :
BKii ] The interest iirountl In llio boot
migar Industry Is taking very definite
Hhapo. The latest nnd most powerful
accession to the cause Is the old Amorl-
cnn Agriculturist of this city , for fifty
yoafs the conservative uuthorlty on the
farming Industries of Iho country.
"While it his given lmloivttonllon to
the sugar question for sovonil yonrstintl
especially during the past year , this
powerful maga/.lno announces u great
department "Our Sugar Industry" In
its forthcoming November Isiuy. Speak
ing of the olTort to establish the boot
sugar Industry on a periniinont basis , it
Bays : "Tho foundation" are being well
laid for this trotnondous etttorprlsa. The
federal and st.ilo governments have
done n vast amount of experimenting to
determine where bcots can bo grown to
advnnt-igo. Tholr results bttvo boon
confirinod by hundreds of farmers who
liavo grown bcoU on n. praclic il poale.
Six boot sugar fuctorion are already In
Hticccssful operation. The sugar trade
nnd capital are interested. The oxpor-
imoiitnl stage IB passed , Lot the Col-
tiiubian your mark the grandest , epoch
yet in American agriculture the caion
fill foiiiidatlon of a system to increase
tlio production of our sugar.
"The most inviting opening for agriculture -
culture nnd capital tint now exists in
the United Stales IH the production of
sugar from boots The bounty of two
cents per pound , ollerod by the federal
government , for all domestic sugar pro
duced until July 1 , 11105 , guarantees sucti
returns to the boot grower and to the
money invested In sugar factories as to
make boots the most profitable crop for
the western farmer and the investment
a most iittnuUivo one.
"Tho market is practically unlimited.
The United Slates consumes about
2,000,000 tons of sugar annually , or one-
third of tlio world's production. Yet
tills country produces harilly moro than
iiOO.OGO tonH , or only 10 per cent of the
sugar we consume. Our use of sugar is
constantly increasing. The average
American f.unily spends moro for sugar
than for Hour. The United States pays
over S100i)0,000 ( ( ) a year to foreign coun
tries for sugar. It could all bo pro
duced in the United States , thus keep
ing at homo this vast sum. If wo pro
duced all the sugar wo consumed the
bounty to those engaged in the business
would bo over $5(1,000,000 ( , besides which
would bo kent fit borne the $100,000,000
now paid for foreign Thus Sl O-
000,000 would bo distributed among our
own people yearly.
"The benefits of the industry and of t
this enormous sum would go , primarily ,
to tlio farmers and laborers who pro
duced the boots , and to the capital in
vested in the sugar factories and the
labor employed in them , thus supplying
the farmer's demand ' '
western for 'more
money. " Thoneo this volume of money
would find it * way into every branch of
trade , stimulating all business , reliev
ing agricultural depression , nnd promot
ing tlio interests of all farmers by re
ducing the area of other crops. Hoot
culture would also promote a
higher typo of farming generally ,
thus enhancing all farmers' profits.
"Once llrmly established , the domestic
production of sugar would make tlio
United States independent of foreign
countries. Dependence on foreign sugar
htis often proven costly ; only recently
the cholera outbreak curtailed sugar
imports , and prices advanced 1 cent per
pound. Kvory sentiment of patriotism
and profit thus calls for the aomostio
production of our sugar simply.
Lot the enterprise bo made a great
national undertaking. Lot the capital tI
bo furnished by our own citizens , the
beets grown by our own farmers and [ I
the management in the hands of our
own business mon. Lot it bo an Ameri
can industry throughout , so that the
full benefit , of the $100,009,000 now paid
for foreign-grown sugar may ultimately
bo oniovod by the citizens of the United
States. '
Just how to establish the beet sugar
business is discussed and the American
Agriculturist's plan is printed in full.
This plan has already attracted the fa
vorable attention of New England and
Now York capitalists and the final slops
in the organisation of the United States
Beet Sugar company are now being
taken. It will have a capital of several
millions of dollars , and mon of the
strongest financial standing will bo interested -
torostod in Uincluding western and Ne
braska men of well known ability and
recognized standing. The executive
management will be in the hands of men
long experienced in large nnd successful
manufacturing enterprise.- ! , aided by the
best technical exports in the construc
tion and operation of sugar faciorios. It
is understood that thu company proposes
to follow the lines laid down by tlio
American Agriculturist , which says :
"Tho greatest nuccobs in the business
ot producing sugar from boots in the
United States will bo governed by the
extent to which farmers and capitalists
ro-oporato in conducting it , So far Ins
the manufacturing part of the industry
is eon corned , it la an absolute and as
sured success wherever there is s111
abundant supply of properly grown '
boots of good quality. The ono vital
point in the whole industry is to get tlio
boots. To liiHtiro a Mipply of boutsthere
fore , the farmer must DJ directly in
terested in the factory. "
After making its suggestions in detail
the arlicle concludes as follows :
"It will boooii > that this plan guaran
tees such prollts lo growers as to insure
u bountiful biipply ol boots to any well
located fnclorv. With such a supply ,
the fcdoral bounty should enable thu
factory to piy $1 pur ton for beota of
iiritno quality , 10 per coi.t on the ran *
Hnl , and after mooting its lesorvcs liavo
u surplus In good years Hiillleiont to pay
u Imtiilbonu uxtru dividend of 10 per
cent on capital , and 50 foniB per ton on ;
boats. With an average yield per acre ,
in Nebraska of fifteen tons , at u cost of
about $ U pjr ton , it will bo soon that the
farmer's actual not profit by this plan
would bo from $16 to $ 'U ) per aero many
times tbo real prollt from the corn crop. "
The importance of fall plowing is em
phasized. The llrst year of the bounty |
la recorded in detail. Kind weds rend
spoken of your Mr. M. A. Lunn and
Prof. C. L. Ingorsoll.
A Sure en * I ill Itnet Ilnrvo lor ,
NOIIKOMC , Nob. , Oct. 31. [ Special to
Tim BBK , ] The beet fliij-ir people and
fa-more are highly elated ut the nbso-
lutosuccosj of uu implement that has
boon hero for over a week which har
vests the boot * in u most perfect man
ner , taking thorn from tlio ground nnd
taking blf the tops. This practically
lovolutionizos the fooling among the
farmers , us one of thuirtfroutosl diUioul-
ties tin1 ? now boon overcome , which
the harvesting of thu tracts , not alto
gether on account of the trouble and
work necessary , but from the fact tint
when the boot Is ripe it U very oison-
tfal that it should bo hnrvu.stod nt once ,
thereby preventing n chanc-e for nocolitl
growth ; und for the further reason , that '
po > plO having largo acreage.find it diffi
cult to cot help in the harvesting sea
son. Hence thu new harvester , which
hn been working hero FO ftttcccssfullv ,
u 111 enable thu plantar to harvest hm
boot * at the rate of three nuru.i u dnv
with ono limn nnd a loun of horses.
All only a largo number of acres bnvo
Loon contracted for next > cnr by the
farmers around Not folk , some of thorn
putting in from three to ton time * tlio
acreage they had In this your.
Some of "tho farmer * in this xl-'imly
hcivo received ns high as $7 n ton for
their bcois this year , nnd tniinv of thorn
harvested as high as fifteen to twenty
tons per aoi'o. Tno tonnage this year ,
however , has boon generally smaller
owing to the excessively dry woatbor of
July and August , but Iho iiold of sac *
charino mailer has been greater than
last year.
Frederick Hasso , llorman Witch tor ,
Carl Uechcr. Louis Wnchlor , \ \ illlnm
Dommor , C. F. llsts o und n number ot
others of Norfolk have gown some very
line specimens of boots , doing the work
nt about one-half of the coat of last yo-ir ;
hence , showing Iho importance of fol
lowing out the information given them
by the agricultural ox-perls which the
company htih had for two years In Its
omp.oy to fu thor the interests of the
farmer nnd the hastening of ibis agri
cultural oroblom , which now no longer
remains si question ol dtnibt , hut is pro
nounced by the host f.irmots ns an abao-
Lafayette Hourne of Norfolk put in
thirty-two acres of boots , thin year , which
he arid bis two buys attended to. llospetit
911-1 in 1 ibor outside of hN own work.
nnd his thirty-two acres yielded him
very rltHo to S1.-100.
Carl Uckur ot Norfolk , who two
years ago put in three acres , and had in
HX.acres tills year , is now talking of
putting in fifty acres for 18' ' ) , ! . and ho is
ono of the most conservative and bcwt
farmers in this locality.
1'ho pulp , whiob is an after product
of the factory , and was given tiw.iy last
year for people to experiment on in
feeding cattle , is in groil demand this
year. The factory sot a price of 1W
cenU a ton , ana they could salt ton
times the amount , which they have ,
which Is something like 15(1 ( Ions a day.
ftlesirs do lit Chapollo , do F.ontaino. II.
II. IlaUo. Colonel Cotton. Charles Hudat
and many others of Norfolk are feeding
c.illle near the factory with great BUC-
cosThe cattle are eating from
seventy-five to Io9 pounds a day , and
take on llosh very r.inidly. It is claimed
that they are gaining three and one-
lull f lo live pounds par day. This pulp
Is n grout caltlo food in Europe ,
and is bettor when fermented than
when fresh , cluvntcal changes
talcing place which make it stronger
and warmer food after a certain state of
fermentation. The Stanuard Cattle
company at Amos is ta'cing some eight
cars a day from the Grand Island tac-
tory. and in all quarters the pulp is in
great demand.
In conversation with Mr. Il'imilton at
Norfolk , he stato'd that the best results
tire obtainable from fall-plowed ground ,
and the company desires no farmers to
plant that do not prepare their ground
by deep fall plowing. This not only in
sures early planting , good germination
of seed , but also an excellent stand ,
which enables the bcots to gain size and
grow rapidly during the spring , and
when the hot weather comes they are in
u condition to take on sugar rapidly , bo-
hides the fact that it saves a great deal
of luoor on account of the ground bniiiir
perfectly clean and free from woods.
iillOCl Co > l < ill
Is onu of tlio chief niossinss of every homo.
To mwavs liiMiro irood custard * , puddines.
suucos , etc. , nso Giiil Uordcn "Knglu" Brand
Uondpnsod Ml He. Directions on the label.
Sold by year grooor and
Ho Knew U'luit > U H U'as.
The man was ugly , but the city editor
of the Wcbtorn Wind bi/.nd him up in
two minutes , says the Detroit Frco
"Is this the newspaper office ? ' ' in-
qulretl the caller.
' 'It is , " replied the man at the do k.
"Didn't this paper say 1 was a liar ? ' '
and ho began prancing.
"It did not. "
Didn't it stiy I was n thiefV"
"It did not. "
Didn't it say I was a scoundrel ? "
"Itdid not. "
"Didn't it say I was u bully and brag
gart and whipped my wife ? "
"It did not "
"Well , some pannr said it. ' '
"Possibly it was our contemporary
down the street , " suggested the city
editor as ho caressed a paper weight.
"This piper publishes only what is
- *
If you linvc nn nppotito for breakfast n
pint of Conk's ' Extra Dry Imperial cham
pagne will give you one IimticOtutoly.
Now York Weekly : Young Lady-
How imiun ?
Telegraph Operator Twenty-five
"Kor-thnt one word 'yc ' ? "
"Yos'm. Same price' for ten words or I
less. Yon can repeat the 'yes' ton times
if you wish.1
'Urn n-o , that wouldn't look well
It's tin answer to u proposal o f ma
riago. "
lioeouam's Pills are faithful frionds.
A Thrilling Book , To Any
Reader Of This Paper.
Tolls All About the Indians ,
Latest I'nhllciitlnn III lla Line ,
" l.lru and SCX-IIC-H Anioni ; lliu Klc'Uapim
IndlaiiH" ContuliiH Neurly T n llccndred
I'uiiei. Sent 1'roo Id l erjlicid ) .
Ill older to ninUu the pnhllu fiinilllur with
the habits , inunnuni , ciistonii and hUtoiy of
onu of thu oldest tilhos of Aineilcan In-
illiins u\liint wo have jiciblUliecl nt ( fienl i-x.
l > nio n liirfjo edition of 11 work entitled
" 1.1 found Mccnoi AIIIOIIK tlio KIcKurmo In.
illuii * , " All their pcciilluritles , ti-.idUlor. * ,
luililu , In ( net , tliolr wliulo llfu nnil custoim
uio lolcl In u manner which w 111 Intciost tlio
ronclcr und hold intention to Iho end. TliU
honk itUo explains our cannucllnnvlth thu
tillie , MOW It mine uboiil nnd v Iml hus romu
( ruin U. Tim book , turnover , i * lit no Henna
H nieiu mlveitUliiK ] ) iiniili't | ; but ono well
vcutli iiclollurlf Iteio published lo ho told ,
Ju uliiill noi iiublUli iinotlior odlllon for linb.
lliiclUUIlmtlou.iiml utter Ihu present onu li
citiiuHtrd. thu book will t-lllier bo out of
in Int or gold by thu book dcnlurs ul the iirli-o
nnnii'd above , or moro.
\ \ bllo IhU edition
hull wo will ciul n cony
free In nil who uiiply eiielo-dnt ; tlucc J cent
ttiiiiipa to pay eo-liif no tuKu.
If.\ouwunt It , Hcncl now und BIIIO ilUuik
] ioliitnvint.
\VuwlllKimriintca to ftll all icciucsti 10.
reived within tno ne.xt to \eel3 folio" in *
the iiiuifiiliincu of tills iccUcrll-eiiic-nt , but
limy notboiiblo to do t > o later. It U for jour
Jnteifot thi'tcfoiu to koinl ut oitee. Address
] ii.vivx : nitii. : < t\v ,
Bill Or ud A vnuo , New lluvru , Conu.
§ Scrofula
Mrs. r. .1. Unwell , Meilforcl , M M. , nays lirr
mother liai lieoncurctl of HcrnfnlA by the moof
four bottlci of fSKSfZM nftcr linvlntr liail
lunch other tro ESn * K > Ml ntmont.nncrlielnR ' * MI
toqul ton Inwrtimlitlon
tit health , ns It VKH thought Mio txmlil not Hie.
, Cnrpil my llttln Imyof lieredltary which nipcnrol | nil or
hit r.uc. Tor \cirl had pttcn
njiall ho | > 0it liH irci'mcnjWiH'ii finally 1 wni
Induced to tie fc"3 3t 3E 'cw ' ' "t"03
cured him , nnd | y * ' yl ) no nmjitomsof
thoilUcaso remain : Mii . T I..MATiirni ,
_ Jlathcnllle , .Miss.
Outtaokon Illoo I * l I Sic n I ) , MW mMlcct ttte.
dwipT SPFC.IPIC Co . Aiiinu. r.
l'tlSTVAUI ! ) .
t'nnitnrnrlni : nt Inii'r'ccl'on ' of Fovcntl , nnil
.liu'u-ton streets tlienco toittli on thu eentur
llni'of i-ovonih toeeiiterof tlaion , thcneoe ist
on llio eentur llnu of Mason In llio .Missouri
ri\cr , thoncn nnrtli on the river to ihn center
ofJackion streol. liient'cwest ton tlio conior
line of JiieKson slieut to HIB pliiee of Ue ln-
n In/ .
Commrnrlnz ut tliu lnlor iectlcin of Tenth
n n I .liulson ; streets tlienco HJiilh on the cen
ter line of Ton Hi ilreel to center of M.isnn
street , Ihuneu out on center line of Muscin
sircut to cunt IT of He vein list rent , thrnconnilli
on ino cenlor line of Havutith strcol lo cunler
or Jackiiin street , thoin-o west on lontor line
uf Juukson slruol lu plu o of bLVlnnliM
( "citiinipnolnR nt tlio Intersection of Tlitr-
teeiun .iiul luekson stroels , tliunco oulh on
inut-etitur linu of I'liii teuiitli street to eentor
nl M.iionslr-et , llicnco oust on thoconlor llnu
ofuisjii Hireol to ciintci of Tenth slreut.
UIUIIL'Umirth on iliu eurlcrllnuof Tunth slruel
loei'iiloi of .liiek < oiisuol ! , tliunco wesMjn lliu
etinler llnoof J.ujhbon slrecl 10 ino pluco of
IjLVllllllllf ?
Coiiiinonclni ; nt the lntor--pctloii of Thlr-
luenin und Miison streets , thuneo honlh on llio
editor Hiu of Itiirleoiilh slreul to tlio cunter
ol U 1111mis itruut. u ist on ilio eenlur llnu of
\\llllaiiHslroet \ lo center of Clevc-'iilb street ,
north on tliu center line of lllcivenlti street to
eentur of Mason strcot. wc l on center line of
Mason strecjt lo place of beijltiiiliig.
Commenelni : at thu Intersection of Klovenlh
nnil Mason sit cols , south on the cunter llnu of
1-leventli strent to uentertif I'lorco streut ,
on thu ceiiti'i line or I'lcteo street to centpr of
> i\th sired. not th on thu center line of Sixth
.street to center of Mason slreot. west on tlio
ecnlor line of .Mason slieut to pliuu of bciln-
Commenclm : lit the Intersection of Sl\lh
and Mn son street" , nuiith on cuntor line of
MX th street to ci'iitur of I'len.'u strett. u-iston
ihu center line of I'lurco Htiect to center of
I'onrth sltoel. Minth on the eentur line of
I onrth struct tncuiitcrof Illcltory slreot , east
on thoocnter llr.o of Hickory street to the
il\or. north on thu r. ur to eenlur of
Mason stn > ct extended , Nest , on the center
line of Mason stceet , cMendo'L , to center of
bl\th .street , thu tililec of e nniiK ,
t ominviiclimtil Ilio Intprscetlon of Kluventh
and I'luiue , south on tne center line of i.liu-
cnih tocentei of \ \ Illlain , , on thu cenlui
line of William to center of Tenth , south on
tin * uuntui lln of Tenth to center of Hickory
i-tiei't , oist nn thu ci-ntei llnu of Hickory
street to cuntei of I'mimi stu-et , north on thu
center llnu of 1'onrtii stioot to cutitei1 of
I'lercevost { | on the cunter line of 1'loreu street
to thu pi.ico ( it Ijcxlnnin. : .
KioiiTiijisriticr. .
Coiniiieiu'liii ut the Insuiseetlon of Thlr-
tennlu 'ind Wlllliun streets , south on tliccen-
lei-lliiBof Thlrtiunth to the center Him of
IJorras slteut , east on the centur lluo of Dor
cas stieot to the center of Tenth street , north
on the center line of 1'enth to center of Wll-
l.un street , nust on thu center line \Yllli.ini
to centci of Thirteenth btioct , the pluco of uo-
t'oniiiionulim t the Intersection of Tenth
nncl lllfUory stieets thenec south on the cen
ter llnu of Tenth to center of Dorcas street ,
east on tlio center line of Dorcas street , to the
Missouri ilver. noun on thu ilvor tu cantor of
Hickory street , west , on thu center line of
Hickory street to this jihico of ho.'lnning.
TUM'M lllSTItll'T.
iiK ut the Intersection of Tenth
mid Dorcas streets , south on the center line of
Tenth stioet to cltv limits , on city limits
to the .Missouri river , north on the river to
center of Dorcas street , west on thu ccntorllno
of Doicusstioeltoplaioof befjlnnliis. "
CotnrncnutiiR at the Intorsuctlon of Thir
teenth mid UOIXMS sticots , south on the center
llnoof Tnlrtecnlli to center of . ' prlns street.
thenue oa t on thu center of Sprlim streut to
olu county mad , llinncu south to city limits.-
llicnco to center of Tenth stiuut , north on
thocunlci llnoof Tenth to the center of Oor-
c. is street , west on the tenter line of Dorcas
.licut to the place of hi > ; ; liiiiliiK.
bl'.CONlVAUD. ) .
Coiiiiiioncln at the Intersection of Thir
teenth and .Jackson stieets. tlienco west on
i ho center line of Jackson strecc , to center ot
fifteenth street , thunce south on the center
ilno of riftoentli btioet to center of Le.iven-
worth streut. theiKuunston the center line of
l.o.ivenworlh itrcct to the center of Thir
teenth streot. tlionco north on thocentei line
of Thirteenth stieet lopl.ceeof beginning.
C'oiiinioncliiz at the Intursectlon of Thlr-
tcentli and Lr.nonworth tiliuc.ts. thoiK'o west
on the centur line of I.ciuenvvorth .street to
centur of MMounth sticot , thciuo south on
Ihu center line of blMccnth stieet to center of
.Mason stieol , thence west on the centoi line
of Mason street to cunter of KlKhteoiith. streut ,
thence south on the center llnu of Klshlccnth
Mioet to center of I'lorco street , tlionco east
on the center line of 1'lerco street to center of
1 h ileenth street , Ihenuo north on the center
line ot Thirteenth street to the place of bo-
Illllll ) IIISTUICT.
UommoncliiRat tlio lutei-bectlon of Slxtccnlli
nnil ho.ivomvoith SIIOI-IM , thuneu wust on tlio
comer line uf Lcaenwortli streut to cunler of
.Nineteenth stioet , thviu'u-until on the eenler
I.nn of Nineteenth street lo eentur of MIIKOII
stieot , llioneo eisl ; on llio conlerllno of .Muson
bliiMit to ecnler ( it > i\lcunlh slreot , thuneo
noi Hi on llio center llnu of Sixteenth htreut. to
Ihoulucool bu.'lnnlnn' .
Ooniincnoin ut the Interscutlon uf Nine.
U-onlli und l.o.ivonuoith slieoid , thence \\cst
on ihueenter llnu of I.eiivenworth wlrect to
uunlorof Tuenly-hceoml stiout , thoncu south
on thu vinitoi llnu nt Twenty-second Htreut lo
centerof 1'lurcu htreutthoneo easl on thueon-
lerllnoof I'lcrooiticul lo cuntoi of eighteenth
strcot , 'lienc'u norlh on llio ecnler line of
KUIilconlli btiool lo the eonler of .Muson
slreot , llioneo wu-U on thocenterlino of Miison
stteet lo the eentur of Nineteenth slrcot ,
thuneo noi Hi on llio contut llnoof Mnutecnth
Nticul In thu pliicoof bu liinlnK ,
Conunonclns at the Intersection of Tvvonty-
seconil and lua > omujrth stieott. . thoneovmt
on thocontcr line of I.e.ivonuorth street to
thu cuntor of rncnty-fouith street , thunuu
south on thu center line of Tivunty-fourth
struct to cuuirr of U'oolworth a\unuu , thuneo
ojst on the center line \VooUvoithavenuu
to center of Twenty-second street , thuneo
north on the center line ot Twenty-second
htiuut to thu plaou of ho limlng.
ConiniencliiK ut the Intersection of rilxteonth
and 1'lurco .slieels. thpiicu weal on tnu conlor
llnoof 1'lerco s trout to center of Twenty , second
end Dtrcot. thence south on tin ) contur llnoof
Twont.v-sucond strout to thu center of Uontor
htreut , thence on thu coiiterllno ot ( Junior
streut to the ( outer of r-u\piucuntu slreot ,
thence north on the center llnunt > ovcntuuuth
utrent to thu center of U'llllmn stiuut , theuuo
uast on tlio center llnu ot Wlllhiin street to
coi.tur of falxtuenth streut , thuneo noitliou
thu center llnoof Klxteunth stici't tothopiuvo
Of bOn'lllllllIK : IIISTIIICT.
Conunoncln : at the Inteiseetlon of Fotir-
teonth mid 1'iureo streets , thuicovestontho
contei line of 1'iuico street to euntur of hix-
leunlh .street , thuneo south on thu center line
of Mxtcitnlh Htreot to cuntorcifVllliuiiiNtrcot \ ,
thence oust on irnter line \Vllll.ini street to
thu ctMiter of I'oiirtceiith street , thuneo north :
on the center lluo of I'ourtci'ntli struct to thu
plucuot bo liiulni ; .
Commciiolni ; nt thu Intoispctlon of Thir
teenth und I'lcrco slreet.s , thence wo l on the
center line ot i loico streu > . to contur of Four
teen 111 htieut , thence south on the center llnu
of Fourteenth struct to center of Hickory
fatrcet , thencu on cutitui llnoof Hickory
street u > tenter of Thirteenth street , llicuco
i , urth on thu center line of Thlrtueuth atrcet
to the Dluco ot beginning ,
MMII jiiSTiucrr.
Cominonclnv at the Intersection of Four-
tttuith unit William si reels , tlienco west
on the center llnu of William street to center
of fuvei'leeuUi blreet , theneo south on thu
center Hue of riot enteeiith street to thu center
of Martha Hlreet. thuneu e.ibt on the center
llnuot Murtlu street to the center of Thlr-
' tennth , thunue north on thu center llnu of
'thirteenth street to mo ccuter of Hickory
utreet , ihenuu west un the center Hue of llluk-
ory sticut to conl-jr of roiirteonth slieot ,
thuneo noi th on the renter llnu of Fourteenth
utruut to the piucu of he lnnln .
t'ommenclni ; ut thu Inlersictlou of Hovon-
tcenlh unil Center BtroiUr. Iheuuo nekton nhu
center line of Ucntcr to renter of Twcnty-Urst
stri.ut , thence suuth on tlio eunti'r llnu of
T ciily-llibi iireut toeenterof Murthn.lhcni IU
oust on thu ennlur line of Murtha toceuturof
T\ruiitleth street , thence south on the center
Hue of Twentieth street to euntur of Ciiatelliir ,
tbunco oust on I ho center llnu of C'ustollnr to
ctiutnrof bCMjutf euth treet , thuuvo uurtU uu
the center line of Sovcniodtilh slrr t to ilia
( 'onimonolmt nt Uio IntcMiM-llon of Nine-
toentli icml I'litpllfr Mrvot * . thrnro woit on
1 tliocrntcr llnoof ( ttto liirstreet tolhocon-
terof Twentieth Mrcd thi'ii ( ? north onlli1
I'ontpr llnoof Twpntlcllisfcpttothocpiiti'rof
MnMh i street. ticnenTCUOII ! tlio center line
of Mnrtlm street to the center of Tetitr-llrst
vtrcct , thence north on the center line of
Twcntv-tlrst street in the center of tVnlcr
street , llipncu ne < ion the cenfr llnu of 1'on-
, ler \ stieol to the centur of T i'titvpcond
' , street oxteiuleil , ttKcioo north to thoeonicr ot Woolnorlhluenttc cxtpndcil , thence
' i wrst l Ihu CPnterjJif .Tweiitv-fo irlli strit't ,
tlienpo south on tlu ( filter line of Twen'y-
I fourth strool to the center of Vlntnn street ,
thence e isl on the pouter llnoof Vlnton struct
J nnil , northeast aloiu V nton struct to thucen-
IPI l of Nineteenth streol , thenuo north on the
J enter I line of N.noleentli street lethe pluco of
Cointnciu'lns "I llio Intersection of Thir
teenth nnd M'trlli i stri'OH , thence west on Ihu
/rut r llnu of M irth i toconUTiif Seventeenth
stuut. thoiicosniiili on thu eentor 11 IIP of Hcv-
ciitpeiilh to eentor nf Ciislclliir. Ihuileu eton
on lliu eentor llnu of I'mtolliir to cpnlur of
.Nineteenth , tiioneo viiiUi on the ccntol I no ut
Nineteenth lo cunler of Sprlntf streut. thuneu
ci ; t on tlio eintoilino of Spring street ev
tun lo.l to renter ot o'd ' county roul , lliotiro
mirth tot-enter llnu of Sprin sttcot. thuneu
( ' t to coiilcr linn ot Thirteenth , tlionco
nurlli to ilio place of uoilnnlnc
TiliitTEPvrii tiisTittcr :
Commencing nt tlio Intersection of o'd coun
ty ro id und tprln strcol. tlicneu wMt ( on lliu
tentur llnu of Snriiu to i cut-r of Klflitrenth ,
ilii'iicasontli on ccnlcr line of KUIileonth to
uliy limits , thence southeast and oxtiindoil , utoti's ml cltv limit' to center of od
county road , tliuni'o north on tliu center line
of old county ro id to thu nltico ot tiun-lnnng. ;
MUitiet.srit : IIISTIIICT.
Comnii-iiplnj nl the Inlerooctluti ofl'lKlit-
couth and .SprlnjjsliuuN. tlicnoo west on tlio
centur line of Hprhu to center of Ninutiicnlh
slroct. tlmneu north on tliu t'cntur line of
Mnoteonlh locenlorof Vlnlon strvol , thoneo
sonthnest und vrcstnloiu tlio vuntur line of
\ Inton to center of T cnty-fonrtli street ,
thi'iieo eolith on tlio center llnoof l'i\ontv-
fourth street toelty limits , tlH'iico nlons south
cltv limits to renter of Kl-'litountli Rtrcct.
tlionco north on tlio center line of KlKhluonth
htreet to tliu uliiee ot bo Inning ,
f'oniiiiencliii : nt. tlio Missouri river at tlio
eentor of C IMS street , thencu wust to eontor of
I lilrtoptithstrcol , tliencn south on the cuntor
line of Tliittcuntli slreot to eentur of D.iven-
nort struut , theucueml on tliu cuntiir llnu of
1) ivL'iiiiort to the Missouri rKur. thence north
U ) Ilio pluco ot
Coininonclni nt the Intersection of Thir
teenth mid J iss sttool.s , tlioiu'o woJt. on tlio
center llnoof I'nss street to ecnler ot 1'if-
tcenth stieut , theneo out'i on tlio eentor
llnoof Kiftoenth slreot to center of Capitol
tueniic , thence oust on cenlor llnu of C.ipllol
itviMinu torunturut Thlrtuonth street , thence
north on llio center line of Thirteenth streut
to thu pluco of iHu
I'oinnienelii : : ; it tlio lnler--ecjtlon of Thir
teenth street unil U.ipltol avenue.
Ilieneo \\cst on tlio eentur line ot
( ' .tp.tol ii\ennu to eentei of I'lftccnth
Klieut ' , thence south on tlio center line of
l-'ifteonlh street IQ c'jntur of ll.irney strent.
tlienco on center llnu of llurnuy stiout to
cuntut of Twc'lfth stu-et. llioneo north on tlio
center llnu of Twelfth street to center of I'ar-
n mi stieut , thoneo west on thu center line of
Karmin street to center of Tlilrteuntli street ,
theneo on tlio confer line of Thirteenth stieet
to pl-ieuof beslnnln ? .
Coniincnetnz ut tlio Intersection of I'lovcnth
und lii\cnport ) streets , tliencu won on the
eentor llnoof Davenpott street to eentor of
Tlilrtccnlh street , thuticu.oiilli on the center
llnu of Thirteenth struct to eunterof Ooiizlus
stieet , tlionco unsluii Ihu eontor llnu of Ilont-
1ns street to cunter of Kloumth stiuot , tlieuco
north on the center line of Klo\cntli htioot to
the pluco of be , : I on I ni : .
iitji "point on the Missouri
rlvornt D.iveiiportjstjcot , thence west on the
center llnu of U.iveiiiiort street to the center
ot Klnvonth struct , theneo sunlh on the center
line of Klovcnth atrcot to the conlor of Do leo
stroel , thence east on the center llnu of Dodzo
struct to tliu Mlssoiuh river , thence north on
the river to thu placef ho/lnnlng.
Cotnmonclns nt lupcRol on the Mls-ourl river
nt the centur of Dodge stro llhuni-o on conlor
line ot Do l o strcetu conlor of Tuntli stiuct ,
thcnco south on thsctj i tor line of Tenth stiout
to thoeonicr of Fajli'j ' n slicet , thence oust on
Ihoccnlor line of f i.t < nun bticut to center of
Ninth street , theney lonlh on center llnu ( ) '
Ninth slreol to c ( ler of .la-ik-on stieet.
Ihcncc o ist on the. ivntcr llnoof .fucuson
Mreetio iho Missouri iTVcr. Ihenco norlh on
llio tlver to lliu nlaco of uei'liin us
SGVKMII msinicr.
Coninicncln'4 ut the Inlerspcjllon of Dodge
und Tonlh sirei'ls , Ihenco west on the cunter
llnu of Dodge street to center llnoof Kluvuntli
streut , tlionco smith on iho center llnu of
Klcrontli st.-oct to conti'i of Doiulni stieot ,
thcncocsl on the contei llnoof Douglas
stroul to center of Tnlrtcptilh street , thcnco
south on thu runlcr llnu of Thirteenth htreut
to euntur of F.u mini slroul , Ihunco uast on Iho
eontor llnu of htrcut to center of
Twelfth slrcot , thcnco south on iho center
llnu of Tivelfili slreot lo eentor of lluinoy
strout , thence caston center line of llurnoy
struct lo center of Tontli stroul ! north on
cpnler line of Tenth street lo place of begin
Conimonclni : ut iho Inloisocllnn of Twelfth
.ind Iliuney slrjets. theneo west on the center
llnu of llurnuy struot lo neuter of Fifteenth ,
llioncu south on the center line uf I'lftcoiith
Htruol to center of .Jackson slrcet , thence 01131
on tliocontor Ilno of JacUson sticot lo center
of Tlilrteuntli stieut. thuneu north on iho cen
ter line of Thirteenth street to center of lloiv-
: cr < l street , thence cant on tliu center llnoof
llmvnrcl struct to'cantor of Tmtlfth btreel ,
thencu north on lliu cunter line of Twelfth
blrcot lo pluco of buxlnnlnt. .
Commencing nt tlio Intursootlon of Ninth
nnd Fnrn.un strumtlionco wust on the eontor
llnu of Kanmin slreul to cunter of Tenth
slruut , thoneo south on the center line of
Tenth street to centur of llurnuy htroul ,
thuneu Must on tlio center line of Iliunoy
streel lo cenlor of TuolfthsUcul. thcncusouth
on the cuntor line of Tnelfth street to cenlor
of Howard stieot , thuneo wust on thu center
llnoof llouard street to centerof Thirteenth
Htrcct. tliunco south on tliu center llnu ot Thlr-
tcunlh Ntieut to cenlor of .laclison strcot ,
thuneo cast on llio ecnler line ol Juulcson
street to cenlor ot Ninth stieul. llienco noith
on ihoeonlurllnoof Nlntli olrout lo pluco of
bcxlnnln .
Jtoilnnlnx at lliu Inlurscotlon of Fifteenth
nncl Clilcairo streets , theneo Houlh on conlpr
line of Fifteenth streut to eentor of
Capitol nvonno , lliunca weston cenlor linn of
C.ipllol avenno lo center line of Nlnuteontli
striut , thoncu noilh lo cunlor of Dtvunpoit
sircut , lliunco to cenlur line of I'.uli-
teenlh street , ihonco r.nrili lo Iho center of
Uhlu.iKO slreot , Ihuncu uast lo iho euntur of
Flf lucnlli streut , ihu pluuo of bOb'Innlnx.
HcnlniiliiK at the Intersection of Cliloiiso
und KlKlitcunlh atruuls. ihuncu bontli on iho
center llnu of Klzliiucnth slreul lo thu contur
of Davuniiortstreet , ihenco west on thucun-
lur llnu of Duvonpui t slruet lo cunlur of Nino-
luunlh htroet , thcncu south on the cunlor of
Nineteenth strocn to eunterof U.ipltol avenno.
ihuncutest on thu center llnu of Capitol
lit untie lo ihu euntur of Twentieth etreet.
ihuncu north on thu coutur of 'J wunlloth
mreot to the euntur of O.ivunpnrt streul
ihunuo west on the contur linu uf Davjnpurt
slruut to the cunte/pf Twenty-fourth street ,
tliunco south on tno'comor line of Twontv-
fourth slrcjot 10 Hitounlor of Capitol merino ,
Ihonco west on lliy Hunter llnu of Capitol uvu-
nnu lo Iho cenlor nf Ttvunly-sUih Htiuol ,
tliunco north onillK ) euiilur llnu uf Tivunty-
slxth slreol lo the center of Davenport street ,
thuneu est on Ihu cunlor line uf D.ivcnporl
B I reel to ihu center of 1'wcnty-sovonlli u\u-
niiu , thoncu north on cuntor line of Twenty-
seventh uvenno to cuniorof Cliloaxo Nlreul ,
Ihunco on cunlunllnuof Chicago to center
llnu of ruhlounih turuut to pl.tcoot bu ln-
Tlllllt ) JI1STIIICT.
lICKlnnlns at llio Intorsectlon of Twentieth
mid Davenport atroois , tliunco bou'.h on Ihu
center Ilnoot Twentieth street lu Ihu center
of Dod.'O slreot , ihencoust on center llnu of
Do Juo stieet lo lliu center of Twenty-fourth
streut. Ihunuo hotith on Ihu euntur line of
TAcnty-roiulli streut to llio eentur of I'arnam
streut , thoncB wenlou the cunler llnu of r'ur-
iiam Htruut mounter of Twunty-llfth uvcnno ,
llioncu norlh on center llnoot Tweniy-llfth
utuniio to eentur of Douslus stieet , thence !
\vcslon conler line of Uoiixhcs slrout lo conlor
of Twenlv-ulRlilh stieul , thoncu norlh
un u < m-
lerllnuof Twoiity-ululilh utreqt to euntur If
DoJiu stieol , llienco oust on center llnoiif
DodfO btreot to center of T oiiiy-iavuuth
a\oniielhence north on eentor llnoof Tnenty-
iiuvonth uvonuu toconterot D.ivunportscrcut t ,
thence ojst on center line of D.tvcnport
htruot to center of Tnunty-tdxih htrcot.
thuneo south on lonlci ofTwonty-slMh strcot
to center of l/upllol uvonue , tnoiico uan > Itll
oentur line of Cupltol a\unuu to center of
'J wcnty-fonrlh i > trucl , thoneo north on contur
llnu of Twenty-fourth gtroul locontor of Dj v-
onport. thom-ouiisc on contur lluo of Daven
port itrout to ountur of Twuntluth htrcot to
. . „ „ ihn Intersocilon of Klftennth
strcot unil I'nullol avenue , theneo , fouih un
ihuccntcruf I Ifloenlli street 10 the ) t-ontur of
Dou-lus street , theucti weston centur llnu of
D.mclus street to center of .Mnotuontl : street ,
Ihunco north on center llnu of Nineteenth
blicel tu editor uf Cupltol avonuo. tliunco
uast on uontor llnoof Cnpltol u von no to cunicr
of I'lfleuiuh trcut to thupluceof ' ' '
fltlll DlbTlllCT ,
Bcslnnlus ut llio ltilur eotloti of
I 01c tli find Poitslpo stroolt. tlionco ( million
cntnr of Fifteenth Mrcol in ccnlcr line nf
ownrd strcrl , thcncu wr t on center linn of
lltiward 9tn ol to center of sovcntoenth slt-opt
thpnen north tin cpulor line uf f ventoonih
street to epiitcr of llarney street , thence wou
i vJ cenlor line nf II irnpy streut to cenlerof
, Nineteenth street , thenro north on ccntprof
Mnoteonlli xliect to center of lionulnsMroot ,
thuneo uist on eenler ilno nf lljiiglns street
locentur of I'lftpcnth street to pluoo of bo-
fl.XTII lltSTnifT ,
nnlnnlnR nt thu Intcrteutliin ot Nineteenth
street unit Capitol avenue , thence south on
thoeuntar line of Nineteenth street to center
of Fivrmun ' ilrei'l , tlionca waHnn . enter llnu
of 1'nrn nn street to ( . enter of rwoiitj-fonrtli
strcol , thunc'O north en cunlurllnoof twenty
fun rlh it reel Kivuntnrof DoUe streetI bunco
innt on center line of I ) i uo strnul lo ccnlcr
uf Twnnt'uth struct , ihonco north DM center
line of I'woiitleth stieet t.i ocular of Oupllol
iivonuc. llienea u'isliii enntnr ilnn of Capitol
avunuu to eentor of Nlnulconlli slroet to pl.ico
uf luiilnnlni ; .
nt ihu Inlcraocllun of DJIII * ! is
stteui und tnoniyflflli iivtmiic , ihunco south
oncenlei llnoot Puoiitv-flflh uvoiuio to cen
ter nf c'.trnim strodv. ttoncotnt on thu center -
tor line of rurnnm stroel loceiilorof Twenty-
sltth street , tlieneo f.oiiih on center line ot
T eiilv ltth strcot to cuntcr of H.irney
struct , thcncu uusl on cenlor of Ilirnuv slroul
to euntur of Twenty-lit thuvpntiu. thence south
( in ihu center llnu of I'rto'ity-liflli uvcnno to
centerof SI. .Marv's incline , llicnco o.ul tin
ci'iitor llnoot St. Al.irvN u voiuiu to center of
Twcntv-llfili lruct , thoneo south on cuntor
llnu of Twonljr-llflh streul to cunlor of Ie v-
unworlli Htrout , tlioncc wcs. on centur linu uf
I.uavcnwortli slroet to uontor of Twtinlv-
olchtli slreet , thence north on center ilnu of
Twenty-uUlilh streol to center line of rarnuni
street , ihuncu easl on center llnu ( if I'arnam
slicel to cenlur of Twunly-elshtli stroot.
thuiu.'u north cm center line of Twonty-nl hlh
BlruoL to eonter tit loinrlis ) street , ihuncu o.isl
un cenlor Hue of Douglas street to euntur ot
Tweiity-lltlli avenue , the plncu of
nt > Tit.CT.
Hcplnnlng nl the intorsootlon of Twentieth
mid llarncy slruuts , tlionco smith on ( .entor
llnoof I wen tie tn street to ct-n tor of lo.ivuii-
worth atieut , tlicneu west on conlor line nf
Ijua\unworth street to centorof Twonty-llfth
street , theneo north on center line ot Twunty-
llfth street to center of St Mnry'.s uvenno ,
tlionco west on center HI.CI of M Mary'i * uve-
iinu toconlurot rwentv-llfth uvonue. Ihtnco
north on conlcr llnoot Twumy-llflh uxcnuoto
center ol Hnrnuv .slicet. thence east on center
llnoof ll.irnoy street to cunter ot Twunllolli
slrcet , the place of bcjlim n .
e Intotscellon of Haventcontli
ntul llarney streettheneo south on center
line of otcntcuntli slreol lo center of St.
Mnrv's avenue , thciico wust on the cuntoi' line
of HI. Mary's uvenno lo center of Twemlolh
alteet , iheiic-o no-lh on centur llnu of
Twentieth street to centerof ll.irnoy slieul ,
thence weston center line of II irnoy alrcot to
center of THcnly-slMh street , thence north on
center ' llnu of Twenty-sKth streut to center of
I'miiani street , thence uaston cuntor line of
I'.irnam ' strool lo eenlerof Nlnetoonth slruot ,
ihuncu south on ccnlcr line of Mnetuonth
strcol toeenterof llarnev street , thence pu < l
on lenter llnu of llurnuy street lo conlor of
hovciilcenth streut , the ptucoof beslnnlnK.
UoglnnlnK at the Intersection of Sixteenth
and , luckson streets , tliunco south on center
line of Six icentli street to the centorof lc.i\-
enuorth street , tlionco wuston center llnu of
I.o.iven worth street to centur of Twentieth
street , tliunco noi th on cunlor line of Twenti
eth street to center of fcl. Marv's ntonnn ,
lliencu east on the center line of St. Mary's
uvonuo to cuntnrof Kluhtconth .stieet. llienco
south on cunlur llnoof KlRhicunth strcot to
center of .luekson strcel. thunuu east on cun
ter line of .l.tckson stiuot to center of rUx-
toonth street , the plncu of beginning.
. „ attho Inlursucllon of I'lftucntli
und Howard btreof. thence south on ihu cun
lur lluu of I'ltlucnlh street to thu centur of
i-eavunwortli stroel , tliunco wuat on thu center
llnu of l.o ivcinuH-ih sticet lu ihu ccnlurof
oi\lcunth struct , ihenco north on tlieconlpr
lluo of hlMcenlli slruel to the centur of .lack-
sun slicet , thenuo west un thu comer llnoof
JiiuKbun stieot to the t-otitur of Fiiiiteeiith
slreot. thunco norih on Ihe center linu of
KUnlonnth street to the center of Hi. Mary's
nxoniic , lliencp east on ihu conlor llnoof &l.
Marv's . ivuiuii ) and Howard street to Ihu cen
ter of Fifteenth street iho place of beginning.
1'11'TII WAKD.
Cumnicncliii ; at llio corner ot thn
oily llmlis. ihonuo xvu t on DIB ulty limits to
I'wo'illoth street , ihonco south on lliu center
llnu of Twentieth sircnt to the cunlur of Kra-
111 et htroet , thence oust on Kmmut strput to
uastern boundary of llio city , thoncu norlh on
the eastern bonn lury to thu place of besln-
nlnt ; .
Commonulni ; nt thu Inlursecllon of Twenti
eth und Kimnet streets , thuneo u.i3t nn the
eentei line of Kminct streut to the eastern
boundary of the clly , Ihenco south to the
uuslurn boundary of lliu cllv to a point In
line with Uhlo slrcot , thuneu west on Ihu
centur llnoof Ohio stieet to Twentieth stioel ,
Ihenco north un thu center line of Twentieth
street tu llio place of iiu-ilnnm ; , ' .
Commencing at the Intersuctlon of Twunt- !
pth und Ohlustrputs , Ihuncu caslon the centur
line of Uhlo street lo the u.tslcrn boundary of
thu citv , Ihuncu south on lliu eastern bounda
ry of Iho cily to n in llnu with Uiirduitc
struul , ihuncu weslou Ihu cenlur llnu of llur-
Oettu street to Tueniletli street , thence north
on the center line of't'uuullcth street to the
pluco uf Lo lnnlni ; .
Connnenclns at tliu Inlurscctlon ut Tnentl-
oth and HcirduUe. MieoK thuneu cusl on thu
center line of llnrdettustreet and ihtil'no ' rnn-
nliiK oust f torn Ilnnlullu sircut lo iho cltv
limits on the east , thciicosoiilh on the eastern
boundary of the oily limits to u point In line
with Ciark .street , thcnco wust on Iho center
llnu of Uluik street lo ihu cunlur of Nine
teenth struct , thuneu north on thu cantor of
Nlnctoonlh slruul lo the north line of F. V.
.Smith's addiilonthenco uusl on lliu norlh llnu
of li V. hinltb'a addiilon in llio center of
Twentieth street , Ihenco north on thu conlur
of Twentieth street lo iho place ot huglnnln .
tifin Dts'iiucr.
Commencing nl thu Intcrscclion of Nine
teenth and Clark slrculs , thcncu uast un thn
centur line of Cl.irk slreul lolhu uuulorn
boundary of the clly. thuneo south on iho
eastern boundary ot HIP"clly to n point In llnu
will ) 1'atil htreut , tlienco west on Ihu llnu
riinnlu-- Into I'anl slruul lo iho Intersection of
Nineteenth ami ruul streets , and iliem.ii north
oil lliu center llnu of Mnutecnlh snoot lo
Ihu place of bcslnnlnK.
CcinmoncniR al Ihu Inluraecllcn nf Nlno-
leunlb und I'anl streets , thuneu east on iho
cuntor llnu nf I'.tnl slieut and n line continued
from I'anl .streul to inu u.isiurn boundary of
Ihu oily , tliuneo south tin lliu casiurn bound
ary of lliu clly lo u point In line with Nicholas
utruul , thunc'j uest on thuuunioi llnu of Niche
las stieot to thu intuisoctljn ut Nineteenth
and NIchuluHsticols , Ihuncu north on Ihu cen
tur llnu of Nineteenth street to ihu place of
buglnnlni ;
bi\i'Tii nisnuur.
Coinmenclntc ut iho Inlursoullon of Nino-
tneiilh and Nicholas streulB , tliunco uist on
thu center ilno ot Nicholas sircut to thu uust-
oin boiindurv of Ihu city , tncnco aoiith on iho
eastern boiindury line of Iho city 10 a point In
llnu with Cnnilntf street , thoir.'o wusl on HID
center line of Uiurlugsirool to Iho Inlorsoc-
llon uf Kuvcnlennlh und CnminK streets ,
Ihonco HOiith on the cenlor llnu of bnvonlooulh
street to the Intersection of bovunttiunth und
Hurt si reel a. ihunuo west on iho centur line of
Unit street lo Iho ecu lor of Nineteenth hired ,
anil lliencu north mi tliu center line of Wlno-
tuunth street to the plucu of hu.'lnnln .
KIIII1T1I lllhlllllT.
Ooinnieuolnc nt thu Intorseullon of Nino-
leonin und Hurt streets , theneo uubl on * , ho
center line of Hurt blreut to the ) center llnoof
Seventeenth street , lliencu north on the center -
tor llnu ut fovunlccnth stroul to thu center
llnu of Uuiiilmr street , tliencu cusl on Uiimlai :
street nnd on u line east continued from Cum
in ! ; Htreet tc tliu eastern bojnd.-iry of lliu city
limits , ihcnco honlhon ihuc.islein hountlurj
line of lliu oilto a point In Ilno iih
Hurt slruul , ihuncu Must on lliu cunter llnu uf
Hurt street tu lliu cunlur of sltlcunth si rue l ,
thoncu son tli on thu eonlor llnu of rtiMuentl ,
sirucl lo llio cunlur of Wubslur HUUUI , lliencu
wust on llio cunlur llnu ofVob tor street to
lliu euntur of N notcoiitli htrcot , ihuncu north
on tno coaler of Nineteenth Mieet to the ,
pluco ot bus '
Coninienclnk'ut Ilio Inloracctlon of Blxtoonth
and Hurt slreota , ihunco o ist on Ihu contur ,
llnu of llnu street und on u line u.isl con
tinued from Hurl street to thu oualern haund
icry of timolty. UIUIIL-U south on tno o.isturn
hounuuiy of thuulty to u point In line with
tlioconler of Cam slicul , llionco west on thu
center of Cuss slnet to thu lntcr > rutlon of
l-'lftuunth and ( -.its ' streets , Ihonco north on
the center of I'lftccnth streut lo Ihu
cunter of WelHIur strcot , Ihuncu
west on tliu center ofuhslor \ street
to thu euntur of Blxtoonth street ,
thuneo north on thu center of sixteenth utruut
to the place of
Commonclii'-'at llio Inlorsocllon of Haven *
leontn und Wubstor blrudtn , Ihunco oust on
thu cunter llnu \\ubstor \ atrcui to ihu center
of Klfloonlh clreet. thunce Miillh uu thu cunter
of I'lflconth street to thu center of UhlCHgu
strout , thonoo west on tliu cunlur Hue of Ohl-
ciino ulreot In the center of coventeonth
strcot and thence north on Iho cunlur of
burentoonlh struct to tliu pluco cf beginning ,
CuminenclnK ul the Intorsecllon ( if Nino-
ttionlh and Wuliitor siiuetH. ihunuo oust on ihu
euntur llnu uf Webster clrtiel to the umtor uf
tfmenteunlh slruol , Ihenuii smith on thu cun
lor Hue of Hmcnludiilb slrcel tu thu euntur of
L'hluaKOntruct , Ihuncu nest un lliu cunler line
ot Chic c o street to ihu temer uf Ninulcuntli
Mlrtel , lliencu north uu thu renter ul Nine
teenth blrtut tu thu plate of be lnnln ; ; .
. thu center of Twentieth street
I I nnd north oily limits , thnncn wn < l on north
' city limits to the center of riilrtr-third utrpci
, tmmittod. thencu ontli to the conlor of
, Hpr.ijjno | } j stropt , tlionco oMt lo thn cnntnr nf
' 1'wonlloth siroot , thence north to plapo of
| oosjlnnlnf. '
i lluRliinlne i\t Iho ecnler of Thirty third
street o\icmtn I and thn north cllv'lltnlU.
tlnnco west 10 the wusl clly limits , thonoo
south to thu cunlur of Prut tftlrool uxlondod ,
thoneo to center of Thirty sixth street ,
thence north to tlio conlcr ot pntiMo street ,
tlionco tuU to the center of I'hlrir-tliird
utrnct , tlicnoo north to the plnoa of beginning ,
llcilnnln ? nt llio Inlurioollon of Thirty-
sixth and Pntt Rlrools , thence won on tno
contcrof I'ratt street to the wiMtollr limits ,
thence south to .Mnvnei strool , thoncn east on
tliu ' uontor line ot .May net street to lliu uontor
of 'llilrty-slxlh ntrcot. Ihonco norm to the
plncu of boelnnliiic.
Hoilnnlna nt the eentur of ritir.wto nnd
| I . wontluthfilrcoK thoncH west lo tlioconler
of . Thlrty-slxlh strceMlienco smith to llio
eetiturof , ltoiilov.ini uvcnno. theneo msl to
the centerof Thirtieth street , thoneu north to
thecmilur of llnstol strc t , thuneu unst to thn
cocitorof Twnnty-fonrth stroot. tliunco norlh
tctl tlio center of Knimct street , thuneu ist lo
thu euntur of Twentieth streot. thuneo north
to the pl.xeo of buihintiu.
Itoilnnliu nt Ihu IntoMuetlon ot Twunltcth
nml immct : streets , thoncu wosl to the cunlor
of I wenty- fourth strout , thencu south to the
cenlor of llnstol streetIhonco west to the
I'ontur of Thirtieth strtMil , thoneo south to llio
erntor of nvonuo , tlionco west to
tlio center of Thirty-sixth streot. Ihenoo south
to the center of Locust street u\tundud ,
tlionco oust to the center nf Twentlnlli street ,
thence norlh to tliu piucu of hcxlnulni ; ,
llpilnnlng nt tliulnlor.ioiMlonof Thirty-first
and l.ocnsl < ireuls extended , theneo wint In
thucuntci of Tlilrty-slMlirstrcot. thence smith
to the eonter of toward streut , thence east to
the center of riilrty-llrstslrovt. tneneu norlh
to thu cenlor of Illonclo street , tlieuco oust to
the cjnlorof Thirtieth streot. tliuneu norlh to
thoeonicr of I.ikoslroct , thence est to ihu
center of Thlrty-llm street , llioncu norlh lo
lliu place of beginning.
llojlnnltii ; nl tlio Intersection of I.oonst nnd
I wmilloth streols , llioncu wotttotho center
of Thlrtv-llrsl Htreet , tliuneo Month to thu cen-
ler of 1/alio Htreut , thuneu oialtolho center
of Twontlelh street , ihunco north to llio place
of boitlnnlni ; .
Ilonlnnlii ) ; nt the Intersection of Twenty-
llflh and Iiakoslruols , thuneu wesl to Ihu ecu-
tor of Thirtieth stioot , theiioo south to the
center of Illonno slruol , ihonco east lo lliu
cenlurof TvTonty-nfllislroul , thoncu north to
thouonlor of Ij ike slruft , the place of uoxln-
llozlmilnz ut the center uf Twontluth and
I.uko ' struuts. thuneu west to the conior of
I'honlv-llfUi streul. ihenco south to ihu cen
ter of Hlondo slrt'ot , thunuu UKSI to Ihu ountor
ot Tttunty-fotirlli blreeU llienco soiilh to thu
contcrof Hraco street , thcnco uast to Iho cen
lerof Nineteenth street , tlicneo mirth to thu
north line of K. V. Smith's addiilon. llioncu
west to tliu center of Tn untie th struul , thence
noi th lo llio uiaee of bcxlnnliu. *
IBM it nisi HUT.
HoInnliiK at the Intersection of ( Hondo anil
I wunlv-SlMliKltuuls , thence wcsl to tno con
ter of slreot , thunco south to Iho
cenlur of suward street , thuneu uast to Iho
conler ot Tonlysixth slrcet , llioncu norlh lo
ihu cunlur of illondo slreul , Ihu placu ut be-
lleitlmilnt ; ut thu Intersection of Twenty-
third and ( irtcoslioels. tliunco west lo the
cenlor of Twuniy-fourth stieot , thunuu norlh
to thu centerof Illondo street , thence wust to
lliu center of 'I wonty-slxtn stiuot. thoneo
south to lho center uf Suward street , tliencu
east to the oentor of 1'nuntr-tlilrtl sliuel ,
tlienco uoi Hi to thu place of boglmilni ; .
ItoBlntilti ! : nt thu Inloiscclton ot Nlnoteoiilh
and streols , thence wust to the center
of Twunty-thlrd streut , tliuncusouth to cunler
otSoward street , ihunco east to Twenty-lint
sticet. ihuncu smith lo cenlor of Oh.tries si reel
thence to cenlor of Nineteenth strcol ,
llicnco norlh lu plaeu uf buzinnhiff ,
snvr.NTii WAiiu.
Commencing ut thu Intersection of Purl ;
avenno and I.umunworlh street , ihunco .south
to thu center of 1'uulflo slrcot , llienco east lo
the conlor of Twenty-fourth streoi , llioncu
north to llio conler of lu ivonwnilhstrunl.and
Ihon west to thu euntur of I'urk avenuu , ihu
CommenelnK at Hip I filers-jetton of Parlc avp-
nuo and 1'nulllu streut , lliencu south lo Ihu
center uf Wool worth a\cnnc , Ihunco east lu
the center of Twenty-fourth street , thonoo
norih lo the cenlur of I'.ielllc street , thonoo
west lo llio center of I'.nk .ivcniio , Iho place
Ooiiiinonclnx ut lliu Inteisoction of Park av-
oiinn and Woolwoith avenue , llienco soiitli to
Kit Unil-chf on aveiiiie. thoneo cast to tin cen
ter of Twenty-fourth slrcot , thence puith lethe
the cenlor \Voolworth a\onuo. and thence
wust lo lliu center ut I'.irli avenue.
Commonclns at the Intersection of Thirl v-
socondand ICd Crol.-hton locnoe , tliencu son Hi
lo the cunler of Oak strcot , thoncu uast tu thu
Union I'aulllu rallio.tcl tracl , " , thuneu north on
t'nlon I'aclllu rillro id tracks lo thu C'jntur of
ICd Crcltthtun avenue , tlieuco well to iho center -
tor of Thirty-second street , the plact
n Ins.
Co'iimonciiiK ut llio Inlursuutlon of Twunly-
fonrlh street and F.d Crelu'bton avenno.thence
wusl lo ihu Union I'uclllc railroad Ir.icl.s.
thence south on Iho I'lilon I'aclllc raliroid
tracus lo ihu conler of Oak atroottheoco west
lo ttiucuntur of Thirty-second avunuu. ihuncu
north on Thirty-second avenue to Iho center
of WrlKht btrout , llioneu wosl lo the uunlur of
Halloa uvenno , thcncu south 10 uily llnuls.
ihoncB east on city limits lo lliu conlur of
Twuniy-fourlh slrcet , Ihonco norlh lu the
eunterpf id CrelKhton avonnc. the place of
Coninienelnif at the' Intersection of Thlrly-
slxth and I.cavo'iworlh hlrcets. thencu south
lo thu cenU rot Cuntei , thuneo east lo Ihu con
lur of fail : inuiine. Ihunco north lo Iho centui
uf Lu.ivunworth slrout , Ilionuj west fi ihu
center of Thirlv-sl < lh , Ihunlacoot
hBVKMII DlSlllirr ,
Ooimnonciii ! ; ut lliu liitorsuctlon of Thirty-
sixth and l.oavenwoitli slruots. Ihunco sciiitli
lo llio cenlur of Cuntur slrout , Ihuneu easl to
ihuccnlerof Twuiily-nliilh uvuniiu , btinih lo
lliuuunier of I'd CieUliion utcnnc , nosl to cunlur of Thlily-suuiml avenue , ihonec
south to tliu luntcr uf WriKhl stioel , llionue
wust to thu centur of Ballon avenue , thuneu
south lo the oily limits , thcnco wesl on th <
south ellv limits lowest oltv limits , ihunec
norlh lo thu center of Ie.ueiiivotih slreol.
ihunco u.ibi tu the cciiiur of Thirty-sixth
slrc.el , tu Iho piaee uf hu. Inning.
nitJII I'll WAKD.
CoiiirnonelnK "t Iho Inleisccllnn of Thlrtlulh
ind beward stroiis , thoncu uasl to tlio euntci
t.t rnontv-flftln 'treot , thunou south to the
cciiloi of Indian1 , nui ; , lliuneo wosl to the
enter of Twenlj-o van tn si reel , thunce nurtli
to Hamilton btri'Bl , tlicmu wust to thu canto *
uf Thirtieth ttrfet , llionct ) norlh lu tliu pluto
of beginning.
Cciininoni'lnz ul tie ! inlorHoullon of Tlilily-
lifth und Hinv.ird'stieclH , thent'O oust tu tin
uontur of Tuonty-second Htreet. Ihonco smith
lu thii center of Cumin , ' strcot , ihuncu woit tu
thu cunlur uf Twunly-fourlli Nlriml , thcncu
north to the cuntnrof Indiana avenue , llieni-o
nest to thu center of Tuunly-llfth struul ,
thunco norlh to ihu place of bulnnliu ,
Cuminunoliijt ut thu Inlurbuutlon of Twenly-
Hucond und ho ward ulruuts , Ihuncu uast lo tin
cunlorof Twciily-llMlhlruut , thoncu Minth to
lliu euntur of Charles slicct , thonc' ' ) uasl lo the
cuntorof Nlnulcuiilh slieol , thunuo Honlh lu
Ihu cenlur of I'ninliix utiool , Ihunco wosl lei
lliucciuor uf Twenty-sncond htreet , Uiuncc
norlh lu the uljtu of be.'lnnln .
roiiiiTd IIHTIIKT.
foiiimuiiolnx al the Intorsoctlmi of ' 1 hlrllct h
and Hamilton struuts , tlionco east lu Hi
comer of Twoniy-smonlh stntot , thuneo sou in
to Ihucunlerof Indiana uvuniic , thoncu west
to ihu cunlur of Tttunly-fcuvimth avtinnu
thuneu south to thuvontur of (
ihenco east 10 thu cenlur of 'I wunty-ilMli
Mtruul , IhoiKOsoiilh lo ihu cenlur of C ik.iiio
btreet , Ihuncu west lo tnu cunlor of I lilrtlolh
ttrcet. thuneu north to tlio pluco of ho.ilniiliu
HKTII lllltlHUT.
Uoiiimenolnz HI Ihu Inloriuctluii of Twonly-
suventh uvuiinu nnd Indian.i nvriino , Ihuncu
castle ) tlio uuntur of I nunty-fotirlli htruet ,
thcncu sou tli to the center of ( 'unilnstreut ,
thuneo wo.t to thu cenlur of Twuuly-iicveiilh
avunuu , ihuncu norlh to thu place of tju ln-
Commonolnif nt the Inlersoctlon of Twenty-
sovemh avumin mid t'umlnt ! stieot , ihenco
east to thu centorcif Nlneieunlh Hlruet , thcncu
south to the center of Webster strent , Ihunco
wosl to the centur of Twont'fourth struut ,
llioncu boiilli to tl'oconl > ref ( JnllfornUmruul ,
thcncu west to thu vunlemr THunly-sevcntli
avenue. Ihuucu norm to llio placuof
ConiinonolnK at Ihu Interiiictlcm ofMlhund
Oullfornlii 8tre < itn , Ihonco east to the renter of
Twoniy-fourth btrtul , lliencu north to thu
coutcrof WulMlor slrucl , Ihuncu oant to Ihn
conturof Ninotuunth slrpot , thuneu south lethe
the centur of Chlcaeo. thi-nco west to thu
uenlurof T nntylxlh strut t , thcncu north
to the pluco of beginning.
Cominenclii ? at the Intersection of Thirtieth
nnd a . .ird sireuts. ihoi.eo \ < esl to the cuulor
of Thlrth-blxth utrout , thcnco north u tuo
fletilorof i , ' < > '
rionsintslront , tlionco iioiith to thB
center of \\o-.stnr stroel ottondwl , ihonco
os to the ccnlorof riilrtlnth
, tlie
north to the pUce of hoirlnnlin. oo
i . .llt Ul ° " 'tcrsectlon ' of Mnyn
nilt'llrt <
* ' " WM * to the
, n . , city
south to the contrrof Alprc/r
itV ni l'i i'ui" ' ' " ° co tor of l'le
strict , thcnco ; on.V ! n.10 * i nt
to iho
plncj ot bcglnnlnt * .
" ! ' I1 tllu ' loMenllouof
nncl I'llsHiit ' Cnmlnit
slrt't'is , thoneo
west to tlio olty
' ' " < " " 4"1 " "l > ll llniU t -
" ' " "CO Oll t td
limi ° ° Ilorlh lo
OamniPiiolnit at the Intorseetmn of Tldrtlpth
Dm of'pVn'/10 t"c"V 0 cn to thopon.o . ?
ini . 0 < ii\nl \ strout , thence notith lo thom
m in ° ? ' " ' "y"ntli ! ' nvnnin . thpncn
, ' center line of Uhleneo strunt ,
west to the eontor line nf
street thenuo north to iho pluco of hoslnnlnz'
Coiiimonclii ! * j.t the fntcrsoetlnn ot Twonly-
olshth and
Dodau sirents , thence west to thci
comer line of MtMsiiit street , tlionco south KI
thoeonturof II iir-llownrcl itrnot , tlionco oust
to I in conlor of '
- htli street , theneo
nottli to the plucu of boslnninj. .
Ccitiimonclni : ut tim Inlurstvtlon of Twonty-
olglitliniiii | , thcnco west
to the center of I' . ens.iut strcot , thoneo south
10 the center of l.oavenworth , tlionco
east to Ihoi-onler
of Twonty.cUhth atroot ,
thence north to iho uliirn of oKhuinK
1.00ATION OP ' . . '
' : corllor Tll >
W oor"pr Ml
) ' ' ! " N l" Corll8r " > nlll'onus ( '
iatla.Jl , flrst alloy
of | lROin ° strcot boot -
ot oth
! " H W L'orllor l0"1 Ulul Hickory
! " * " " * V 00nlt < r Cth llt"1 Co lor
, t'r'0t01t"lstrlot ' ' N WcornorOtli mid lldiieroft
t N l : cornur Kllh "ml Vlnlon
N W l'orllur mh llntl
nlul sldu of
7ih Dlstrlul S F cornur 16th nnd 1'Iurcu
' 'tlii District S * 12
corner Illh und William
Ulh Dlslrlel N Feornor Sixteenth and Con-
I'llh ' DIstilct-N W ' '
corner 'i'tlt und Dorcas
Illh D.strlcl S i : corner Mill and llancroft
nth DIstrlct-N i : corner 15th und Vlntoii
Mill Dlsirlol-S W corner l.HU and Valley
Iltli District N Kcornur'JOth ind lloiilovurd
Isl I.slrlct-S corner r.'th uinl Hilcisu
SlIL'CtS. °
Sil DislilctNVeornur Ulh and Direnuort
M Ilistrlct Htintli Hldo of Capitol avunuu
near ( uustofl Kith street ,
4th District West sldu of I2lh slreut , between -
tween Douslus and Dudjjt-struuts.
fllh District N K eornur JUlh and Cupltol
Utu District N II corner Dili and llarnuy
7lh DIstrlct-S K corner Iltli and Doujlas
nth District N K corner I3lh and Jaukaon
Ulh Distrlot-S n corner lOlh anil Howard
1st District N W corner tith and O.ivonport .
Vml DIslrlct-N W corner S.'iitl and Davonpoit
slreuis. '
Ird District N W corner 2.Hh and Dodco I
at roots. I
Uli Distrlct-N E corner 17th and Uodgo , '
streets. !
fith District N 13 cornur 17th nnd llarney
lith District N W corner 201 h und Dnuglai '
ill eels. ,
71 h ' District N W corner SGth street and Hi.
lary's momio
lh ' Distilet SV corner SOth street and St.
Mary's uvonuo.
Dili Dlslrlul i : ist Hldo of clnlll I'Jth Htroot ,
lutwcen ll-iriiuy slieut and M M.iry'savonno.
10th District N W cornur ISth and l.o.ivon-
rtorth strouts.
lllh District S W cornur 17th slrcot and St ,
M cry's uxeiiue.
Firm WAUD.
1st , ) ? i let-East si lo of bhorinan avenno
jpposlte Manderson strout ,
-'ml Ulbtrlot H C corner Bhormnn avenue )
ind Win slroot.
.Ird Dlstrlut S W corner Hlinrinnn aveniin
ind L.i KO slrout.
ith District N W corner avunuu
nut Oracestreel.
, 'ith Dlslrlct S W corner 17lh and Chariot
Oth District Kast side of Miornian avenue
tbonl .11) ) feet north of Nicholas slreol.
7th District .4 K corner IDlh nnd Uard
8lh Dlalrlci N W corner Ifilh aud Hurt
illh District N U corner I.llh and Oass
10th Dlsti icl Knsl Hldo North 17lh slreot bo-
iwoen California and Cuss sliooU
Illh Diatrlel S 1) ) corner ISlh und 0.1SJ
Ut Dlstrlut S H corner 24th street and Amoi
2nd District S W corner Glh sticot und
lirand aionnu.
'hd District N H corner 43lli and ( Irani
Uli District rf W cornor''llh and Manderson
Slh District Snenrncr2llli mill Wlrl itreot-s.
Glh DIstrlul S W corner 'Uicl and I'ailior
7lh DIs-lilct N W corner 21th aid Corby
hth lilslrlcl N H cornur 27th nnd llurdullo
B | roots ,
Ulh District N K corner 2.'nd nnd Grunt
I th Dlslrlel N Wuurnor 23lh und rr.uiUllii
Illh District HV eornor 2Jlh und I'lanklhi
l.'th District H W corner SJnil nnd Cl.uu
streets ,
HI District a W eornor 24th and .Mason
2nd District N K corner 20th avenue and
I'npnlnlon avenue.
: < rd Dlitrloi S W corner ZOIh Htreol nnd
Woolworlh iivonno.
nh District N W corner 20th strool and
Arbor Htinot ,
Slh District South sldo of VI n ton stioet
near ( ( Mislof ) Honth il.'d ,
flth Dlbtrlct H H corner autli nvuniiu nnd
I'opplnlon ' avonno
7ln Dlslrlul N W cornur 3llh mid I'mncli
streets ,
1sl Dlslrlel Hast sldo of 2Glh fit rue t near
( south nf iChurliH stioot.
2nd DNIrlct Wosl Bide of 2.1cl btruot nuar
( siiutli oil I'anl street ,
Ur.l Dlstrlut N W corner 20th und Nlehol.ti
lh District N i : turner 2Uth nnd Ccimln
rth District West sliln of North Silli Ntruut
near ( noi Ih of ) ( Jninliu struot.
1,1 h District H ncoii'or'J.M ' and Hurt Hlruoti.
7th Dlslrlel H W corner VUth und Cast
Ul District h W coinui 'Jltl und Cilmliu
: M Dlslrlul N \ \ cornur luth und Oninlng
.Id District N K corner 40lh and rarnuin
4th l/lstrlct North slue of Davenp'jrl sired
Hour ( went of ) Noilh.l.M incnno
Alii iiUtrlot s 1 ! c'orncr UUt uvennu and
Doilue slrcot.
Oth District H W corner 2 ! > lh uvcnuu and
Juclison klroul ,
DAVrt or iiurmriUTiox.
Tunsdny. Dclobur II , 1BX ! .
Wudiicsd.iy. Ujlobur ID. IblU.
Thursday , Oulobur'.T. 1WJ , ' .
I'VIduy ' , Novunibui-4. Ib'/J.
balurduy , November S , IbOJ , ;
Ufcoiinr. ' . ' . HKUIB. 1
Mnyorot thuUlly of Diimho. , .
Attest ; JOHN UiiiiVKrf.
Clurkof thu Ulty of Oinihii.
/ (
> K
l nr
( u
\V \
( H
' { jut