Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Misa Glory's Plats for a Week of Grand
Opera About Consummated.
Scenu to I'olnl to Succois
Choral Hnrlcty htnrtml Under Very
I'lixinililo UlrciiniMiinri'tllorr
( IntiiuV Utperloncr.
Ono week from this evening the season ( it
grand onara nrrnnijed fur Omaha will bo In *
BURurntcU nt Hoytl's now thoatjr by n New
York company under Iho londoMhlp of Max
T lie box onico will bo open for tlio holders
of subscription tickets to lomto their 3
on Novembur 3 , 4 iitul 5. No 'eats will bo
old during these dnto , the subscribers
having tliu llrst cholco of scats , nftor which
the sheet will bo oucn for the ccnoral pur
chasers , Leader Mnrotzolc will leave New
York for Oinnhn on November 'J and the
raotnbcri of the company como a Uiy ; Inter.
Miss C. U. ronnant Clnry , who his tnkou
the mannRomcnt of tbU operatic festival ,
writes from New York that cvorythlnR Is
very promising for the success of the von-
turo. Last March Miss Clary began her
work , bho estimated that for about Sl.OUJ
eho could Rlvo a week of crand opera with a
company of acceptable slngor.i , who , though
not Paltli nor Do Koszkoj , would glvo nn
vcu , satisfactory pcrformnnco. For several
months the oncrgotio lady has Uoen laboring
with the waalthy Mid Inlluontlal people of
Omaha and thu outlying towns of Nuhraska
to convince them of tua merit of her under
taking. She has llnolly succeeded in raising
enough money by subscription to cover the
cxpunso of a "XVCOK'S prouuctlon with thrco
operas. "Lucln , " "Fixust" and "II Trova-
toro" are the onoras selected , and the com
pany Includes thosoDranos.Mrco.Kroot.ICroa-
nld and Miss Tcmmnt Ulury ; the contralto ,
Miss Oarrio Morse ; the tenors. 1'ayno Clark
and Mr. Stevenson ; Max Marctze'c ' will bo
conductor. Mayor Gconrn 1 * . Homls will
make aspoccli on the oncninc nlKht , nnd a
number of prominent ministers have secured
& hox. Miss Ulury Is rewarded for her perseverance -
severance by llnulii tno best people of tlie
city enthusiastic for grand opera under the
now plan.
The tickets have been sold at SI each.
Subscriptions uniountinc to 1,800 have been
made , which is enoutjh money to pay all the
expenses of tno production. Some of the
tickets subscribed for will bo sola at the box
onico if possible , the subscribers haviUK
merely guaranteed the amounts of their sub-
ecrlpUonH. Should they b& willing to sur
render somn of their tickets to the bos onicc
and got r. chance of lurnlnc thorn Into monov
they mav do so. The amount tlius realized
would of course bo deducted from the amount
of their subscriptions. Most ol the tickets
worn taken In lots of six.
RSIiotild the performances demonstrate the
possibility of civltiK nn acceptr.blo presenta
tion of grand onora without , the usual enor
mous outlay Miss Clary will go forward
with her enterprise. Her llrst move will bo
to secure from reliable people a guarantee.
that will enable her to give grand opera in
Omaha for live years to come.
Ucslrcn unit Intentions r the Now Local
Musical Orsiiniitlun. .
Last Thursday cveninp Omaha's new
choral society started in on Its work with
nearly a full attendance of enoristors. 1'rcs-
Idout Jules L'tmbard nnd all the ofilcers of
the society \\cro present anj expressed
themselves as hopeful of earnest study under
Mr. Unhm , culminating In as perfect a con
cert performance as has over been presented
In the west. All preliminary business nec
essary to organization bus been concluded ,
ovcrvlhing Is in full and permanent working
shape and hereafter tbo Tnursdnv evenings
at the Huydon's comfortable music room
will bo devoted solely to study and practice
of tlio winter's selected work. All bigns
augur success.
Tno society's directory is anxious to cor
rect wbat It considers a somewhat disparag
ing remark in these columns last Sunday.
The Omaha Choral society was not founded
In any spirit of rivalry to other established
musical organizations ; the only rivalry Its
condudtor will confess to is u most earnest
aesiro to reach the highest possible stand
ard of choral excellence. Omaha hus
already and not seldom shown appreciation
of works not strictly classical , in the com
monly accepted meaning of that much
abused term , and has ubown a ready Impulse -
pulse to follow the load of Boston , New
Yfirlt nnd Chicago In this respect. Mr.
Gnhm says give > way to no ono
In reverence for the work of tbo *
"classic" masters , hut ho holds that
appreciation of the trend of tno musical
Zeitgeist Involves no inconstancy to their
work and that what Is Informed by tno
genius of Mendelsshon , Hctnberger , Sclm-
mun , Dvorak , Schubert , Brahms and Rubin-
stem Is ns worthy of study , nnd tin ply as
truly Instructive , as the legacies loft us by
Beethoven , Moznrt and U.mdcl. To tno
interpretation of all that is bust in the opera
of the modern romantic school the Omaha
Chorat society will Direct its most earnest
efforts. Helnberpor's "I'ogeenburg , " ono of
tbo society's selected works , in typical of
this scboo1 , and McnUulssonn'ti "Walpurgls
Night" ( that perfect setting of ( 'oetiio's
great creation ) , u hich Is the other principal
work to bo studied , Is the most Instructive
link In the evolution from the classic to the
roumntla methods of musical composition.
Those who nro privileged to Join the now
choir may anticipate quite "rt liberal educa
tion. " anil there are still a few vacancies lor
good readers in each of the pans.
fI Mr , Josunh Uahm , the conductor of the
I ocioty , Is admirably lilted for the work ho
ft" has assumed , both as a musician and nn Indi
" vidual. When no llrst carne to America ,
t" now nlnn ycurs ngo , iho critical musical
5 press of the cast hailed and praised him us n
5X < noted pianist , who combined thu llncst tech-
niuuo witti a rare soulful Interpretation of
X the masters' meiinlngs in the ambitious
works ho essayed. Mr. Guhm Is n young man
( another recommendation to the pcoplo of
this adolescent Occident ) , having boon born
as late as IWiO. As u cUUd tin manifested
musical powers of no common order , which
his homo surrounding * were peculiarly titled
to foster und develop. When only 11 years
old liu entered tlio Hoval Bavarian
Conservatory at Uuor/Durer , whence
ho was graduated In li > St ; with tlio highest
honors. Alter readmit * inis country ho
clayed first violin nt the fnniDus old Jlobton ,
theater , followed by a soubon with 1'ntU I ,
under Ardltl'i baton. In 1SS7 ho started In
the \\uKo of the star of empire and settled at
Otiumwn , In. There ho was fully appre
ciated for two year * , doing much to form und
cultlv.uo the musical lusto of that thriving
town throui ; ) ) his choral society and private
Vfork. Then a larger sphere called him nnd
lip cuino to Omaha , where his enviable out
'fully earned standing needs no statement
Mr , Clahm ls nn powerful with rho con
ductor's baton ns ho Is at the piano , nnd
unqer his direction the Omatm Choral soci
ety should surely .command success by de
serving It ,
StrjU-en-llliws I.iut Hurltul.
' 1 ho first annual recital of the , Ktryk-on-
Blaas LuatcluD will bu given at the 6malm
Conservatory of Music , Boyd'l theater , Fri
day evening , November" ! . The tollowing
program hus been prepared by Director
llaolens :
i Overture I'oet und Peasant. r , V. Sunno
Hone. , , , , MI > s Cunlo Muudo rrnnook
1 n Molodlo , lluboiibtelu
1 bHornnndo , , Ji'iucn
Yloloiicollo Solo ( Concerto l ) Itoiubur.
WalU-Mornlm Journals . . . . . . J. Mr.uus
Hone .Mli Uarrlo Maude I'ennuol ;
lnMliuictto , I'll. Svlmrnonku
IbKutro ActuGuvolto , . . , , . . . . .M. Ulllot
Dutch 1'utrol. . . . , , , , Dr. Huottms
Vlullu t-olo-Heono do llnllot He llorlot
Mr. Olut Nordwull.
Operatic Sulootlon Murltuim. , , , , Wallace
TITU lomi Coiiciirt .
Hans Albert played in the Unitarian
church concert at lies Molncs , In. , Thursday
ovonlnp , aud as usual captuicd his audience
to the verge of enthusiasm. I'ho State Ileg-
Istor of tbo Hawkeye capital , nmoui : other
kind things , said this of him Iho foiltrwi'ic
day | "Mr. Albert was superb , us he always
is. Ills selections wore uiado with u view to
testing the skill of tbo performer while at
tttt titmt time appealing in largo measure to
the populnr taste. The recalls that greeted
encn number confirmed the Judgment of the
choice. The violin In the hands of n master
like Hans Albert Is simply Irresistible , nnd
the audience last night , ns on other occasions
when ho has plavcd hero , did not restrain
the expression of Its satisfaction. "
Horr'cn ( Jnhm nnd Albert of this city gave
n concert in Tabor , In. , college chapel last
week. Mr. Uahm plaved , among other
nmr bors. the "ICrontzcr Sonntn" nnd
Chnpln's "Mllitalro 1'olor.aUo" with admira
ble brilliancy , while Albert shonn In Urnst's
Hungarian airs. The concert was n great
Conrnrt tit Miiliiccr' * ( latlory.
The concert given at Llnlncot's art gallery
last Saturday night for the bcnollt of the
Omaha city mission , was n succccs in every
paillciilar. The scaling cnpiclty of the gallery -
lory was taxed to Its utmoit , whllo mauv of
lha auditor * were compelled to occupy tbo
parlors , As Is well known , the proceeds of
Iho entertainment went towurd the support
of the mission , which his for Its object the
helping Df the worthy poor of the city. This
fact caused many to attend the concert , whllo
tbeio weie many others who attended for the
nurpoju of enjoying Ilia rare musical treat
that was furnished by the accomplished ur-
UMs , both vocnt and Instrumental.
The cnllio program wis rendered In
such n delightful manner that the uudmnco
felt many regrets In realizing that it was EO
soon ended. Mrs. Liwrrnco's rendition of
several selections upon the hart ) was ox-
qulsltj and was listened to with marked nt- ,
tentlon. I
Mr. Martin Calm's piano accompaniments
won him now and additional laurels. Mrs.
Martin Calu sanir In splendid voice , whllo
Mr. llesselbere , Mr. Kronberp , Mrs. Percy
Ford , Miss Jamci , Mr. ' . Hitchcock nnd Miss
Allen were frequently encored. Miss Van
Kurnn's aria from "Lucia"
was cordially en
cored In a hearty manner. ,
Tignros nnd ComuinntH nn the Sl
Qualities of Noinu Solillurs.
There nro some * Interesting things in the
nnnnal report of Colonel I ) . W. Bonhom , In-
specter of small arms nractlcu for the Do-
pnrtmont of the Platto. The report covers
the work done by all the companies In the ,
departmental their local riiugoa , ns well as at
the department competition at liolluvuo and
the cavalry competition for the Djpartmonts
of the Kast , California nnd Platte and the
work done by the marksmen of this depart
ment In the army competition at Chicago.
Tuo number of sharpshooters and murks-
men In the department was not so largo as
on tt.o preceding year. There were 249
sharpshooters nnd bU. > marksmen In the do-
imitinent this year , and lust year there were
Itlll sharpshooters und 1,217 marksmen. Camp
Pilot Htitto stands highest this year with n
general nvorago of'J and Port Uanuall
stands at the foot of the list with an average
of 4.1.13..1
The highest skirmish firing per cent was
won by company ( J of the Seventh infautrv.
In the ravalry troop H of the Sixth took
the hlchestrank In skirmish Urine.
Company O , Seventh Inluntry , has the
hichest rank In volley lirmp and troop 11 ,
Nluth cjvnlry , the highest In the same line
of work.
Company ( i has also the nlchost collective ,
figure of merit ana troop II of the Ninth eav-
alrv the blchoBt In the cavalry arm.
The nggiogato strciigtu of the department
is.,4Sj ; solmeis.
Colonel lienham calls special attention to
the exeeptional worn douo by company 1 ,
Elehth infantry , Captain Uuy's company of
Indians. The company has six barpslioot-
era and sixteen marksmci : . The company
tas also seven "first class" men who have
qualified , maki'.g a total of twcnty-nino men
who made a record of 25.71 per cent at skir-
mlsti firing I I'li per cent at volley tiring , a
collective llguio of merit of lil.SS. nn individ
ual llgnre of merit of lll.O.i and a general
Ilguru of merit of T'J.05. Twenty-live men In
tbo company were not classified , out they
made fairly good scores. In order to make
tbo record of this company uupenr in Its
proper light it is but necessary to state unit
there are nine companies in the department ,
thai tiavo not a slngld sharpshooter in them
and thirty-six organizations In thu depart
ment , that hiivo IPSS than this Indian com
pany , and the Indians composing this com
pany have been In the service less than two
yeais. In general lleurc of merit this Indian
company leads more than one-half of all tbo
companies in the department.
In concluding his "report Colonel Bcnbam
recommends idat the army competition for
Ib'J.l ' bu held at Bcllovuo us a measuroof econ
omy , and on account of Its central location ;
that 11 lo 11 ring In ttiu Infantry be made oblig
atory und that I. , " ) per cent bo added to tbo
present , allowance for this practice ; that
some specilic portion of the practice year DO
devoted to estimating distances ; that tbe cav
alry revolver match bo preceded by prelimi
nary prar-tlce , mounted and dismounted , with
ball cartridges In addition to the blank cart
ridges now ullowea ; thiit Iho practice extend
over four duys , tbo Jirst and second days
belli ! ; dcvott'd to preliminary practice ,
mounted and dismounted , and tbo third and
fourth days to the match proper , and tbo al
lowance of revolver ammunition bo increased
accordingly , and that Indian tioops and com
panies hereafter bo Included in the regi
mental liuuro of merit , nnd also In the tables
showing the 11 gitro of merit of pisH , troops
und companies und In the department.
This is probably the moil complimentary
report to the Indian companies of United
States soldiers that has o"tr been handed in
by the head of a department in the army.
Catarrh In the head is a constitutional dis
ease and requires u constitutional remedy
lllto Hood's ' Sarsaparllla 10 effect n euro. .
ONI : IMICK i\cuu9iuN !
To tlio City of .Mexico nnd ( { otiirn.
For the mooting1 of the American
Public Health Association and Interna
tional Medical Congress , to bo hold in
Iho C'ity of Moxlco Novomhor 20 to Do-
comlior " , 1892 , Iho Sintti Fo route will
soil tickets nt ono lowest llrst-dats faro
for the round trip.
This is tin excellent opportunity to
visit Mexico , ono of the most UolipuUul
trips imaginable , at very little cost.
A apodal parly will leave Omaha
Saturday , November II ) , and join n larfro
' from Uostoti and other eastern
i ultio's : it Kansas City ,
i . . . . * . .v
The faro for Iho round trip from
Omaha ib only $01.90.
For further information and reserva
tion of PnlIlium accommodations cullen
on or address , 11 L , PAt.Miii : ,
1'asscnpcr Agent Santa Fo Route , 1.T10
Farmim St. , Om.vha , Nob.
To whom it may concern : This is to
certify that Mr. Albert Sjoborg Is no
longer in our employ , and wo therefore
as ) ; our advertising * patrons to deal
directly with us at our olllco , 1514 Capi
tel avenue. Respectfully , Swedish
TJcal estate.
liargtilns only.
My word is Rood.
W. G. Albright
Cai-lMJN. Y. Llfobldz.
Frescoing nnil interior ilocorntintr ; designs -
signs and ostitnntes furnished , llonry
Lolitiiiuin , 1GOS UouL'lus street.
A few peed biirgnlnB in Btnndard
niti'ies ' iijiflfjlit pianos this \voolc. 113
North Fiftouiith streot.
$ J40 rush for upright pituio at Wobor'a
Music House , 11U Nortn Fifteenth stroot.
Organization nnd Unitsd Effort tbo Spirit
of the Pressnt Ago.
Visit to Omnlin of n Notcil Prison
1st The Asmiclntrd Clinrltlcs Work
for tlioVcok I'olnts from Tow
nnd I'ulplU
Tbo clvlll/.Qd world and oarilculnrly the
Untied States Is t.o\v \ In the midst of that
which may properly bo called the organizing
era. All kinds and conditions of men nnd
women nro organized for all kinds of pur
poses. I'coplo who want to do anything In
these days of associations and eoclntlcs and
all sorts of unions must iniko up their minds
to organize at the outset ot leave hope be
hind them.
This applies to religious matters as well as
to secular affairs. And religious pcoplo
hnvo not uoon slow to learn iho lesson or
catch the spirit of tha ago. Among the
. .
young people this spirit of united effort has
become especially prominent. Voung people
ple In all the loading churohos nro found
either In tbo Young Pooplo'a Society of
Christian Endeavor or In nome other society
more intimately connected with the church
to which they belong. This doslro to organ
ize Is manifest , not only among the young
pcoplo nnd tulddlo-ngcd but among the
children of the churrlics who have boconio
enthused with the working spirit.
JI Junior branches of the various young pee
Ji ple's I societies hive bcon intioduccd In many
of the churches nnd are dolnz satisfactory
work In getting the chlldrou Interested aud
united l In religious exorcises.
The following letter from the children of
the , First Unlvorjallst church of Omaha Is n
capital , Illustration of the spirit of organisa
tion l that has taken hold of this generation.
Whllo UM com-nunlcaiion Is thoroughly
childlike , it possesses elements of business
tnet and practicability very characteristic of
the present age :
The children of the First Uulvorsallst
church have organized n Junior League
Young People's Christian union nnd wo
would Hico to put It In your paper .so It will
bo known throughout the city. Wo are hav
ing a good attendance every Sunday and wo
wish to show the people what , wo can do.
Wo hnvo appointed oftleer' ' , so wo nro nil
rlgh * . Wo have a larger number of mem
bers than the grown young men nnd women.
Wo got n letter from Mrs. Ivimbal of Tecutn-
sch asking If wo would tell her how wo did It
and wo said wo would bo clad to. So you
sco that somebody has found in out. Wo
nirct at o o'clock sharp. I thlr.k this Is all.
Wo would llko you to write us so wo will
know > ou have received this letter , und will
you plcaso tell us how much this will cost ?
Will you nleaso write un answer nud di
rect it to 1815 Locust street ) You will
please wit this in Tim Dnu.
Yours truly , Chayco J. Taylor , president ;
Clarence Holmes , vice president ; Alllo
Hunt , treasurer ; Charlie Baldwin , secretary.
A Wurld-U'lilu Kv.inccllst.
An evangelist of national reputation , Mrs
Elizabeth Wheaton Wntson , has been visit
ing in Onihha during the past few days. Her
mission i'J to preach the gospel in the state
prisons , and for ton years she has bcon en
gaged In visltine all the prisons in the United
States. Mexico und BrltUh America
nnd the female prisons in England , Scotland
and Wales. She is sent by no mission , re
ceives no salary , out alone has carried on
this noble workestablishing a national repu
tation and b lng regarded by many ns a most
remarkable woman. She nnd bur husband
have just returned from the Pacific coast and
nro enrouto east to bo at the prison.congross
to bo held in Baltimore. Later on tney will
go to Chicago and establish a mission during
the World's fair , to bo open day and night , u
shelter to the poor und triendlcss. Her ulti
mate object is to establish a homo for dis
charged convicts and already she has
boon offered oiphty acres within 10J
miles of Chicago for temporary use
on which to locate the homo. To some this
may seoai a strange mission , but many con
victs who have hoen Incarcerated for years
and have been discharged walk out of the
prison door nod find themselves homeless ,
the brand of dishonor upon thum , all family
lies severed und they have become in
different to their fate. To r.uch social out
casts a hriof homo may nrovo a future salva
tlon. Mrs. Wheaton \Vatson has carried
comfort and hop3 to thousands of hardened
criminals whom no ono else could reach.
Every Sunday she pronchcs to the urisonerrf
In a dlflercnt state prison and thousands of
convicts look upon her as their only earthly
friend. Tbo mo lest pin that fastens her
white collar was made by u prisoner , her
watch guard , made of hair , is also an odd
memento. Her personal appearance Is so
distinguished as to at once command at
tention. Tall and rather lloshy , wltn features
dcllcato and rotinad , eyes largo and dan ;
and beautiful hair of snowy white ,
forming the border for a beautiful counte
nance , she | is indeed a woman of command
ing appearance.
Mis.Vutsoii says that the prisoners In the
Nebraska state penitentiary receive much
better treatment than the average convict
the country over.
Tlio Asuociuti'd Clmritlca.
The association has undertaken to furnish
ono public entertainment for the purpose of
raising funds for the bonoflt ot tbo associa
tion to help along with the good wcrlc. Tbo
entertainment will be clven on November
21 , 2J nnd " 3 in Boyd's ' now theater. It will
bo Clark nnd Cox's "Hen Hur. " Pupils
from iho Deaf and Dumb institute will
The association now has about 500 mom-
bora , which is about half tbo required num
ber. The names como In very slowly of late.
A number tavo Inquired concerning tbo payment -
mont of the membership fee which Is ? , " ) .
Many will muko p'lymunt on the llrst of
next January. Should It not ba convenient
nt that time , the payment can bo uado later
In the year.
The association Is anxious to know at onca
what to count upon.
During thu week the secretary found
homes for three orphan children. This
makes seventy-two children who bavo been
lurnlshcd homes slnco lust April. Not manv
societies accomplish more ihan this in the
sumo period of lima. Few realize tbo neces
sity and value of this department of the
work Some tuuchlnc letters have come
from these orphan children s'.nco they wont
out Into permanent homes.
A number of cases ot distress bavo been
repotted to the secretary and have been re
lieved. Employment was found for a much
larger numocr than usual last WOOK
and a gtoat many donations of clothing , pro
visions , furjnturo , etc. , were received , and
will bo properly distributed to the worthy
poor. A. W. CI.AIIK ,
General Secretary.
licwaro of Imitations , Take no "Just as
good. " Sco that you got the genuine Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup , the peerless spcclllo ,
The Protestant Episcopal conerul conven
tion decided upon Minneapolis us the place
for the mooting of 1SU5.
$100.00 reward will bo given by Iho
Omahiv Uricidiiyerb union for the recov
ery of tlio body of John Scow , who was
drowned in Missouri river near Cnllio un
on the evening of Oct. 22. W , Houghton -
ton , Pros ; Goo. Clarke , Sec.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No , Alum.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
r'sPills '
Arc better known nml more general ,
ly used than any other cathartic.
Sugar.contciH , purely vegetable , ami
free from marcnry or any other inju
rious drug , this is tlio ideal family
medicine. Though prompt and ener
getic in theiraction , the use of thcso
pills is attended with only the best
results. Their elTect is to strengthen
and regulate the organic functions ,
being especially beneficial in the
various derangements of the stomach
ach , liver , and bowels.
are recommended by all tlio leading
physicians and druggists , as the
most prompt and effective remedy
for biliousness , nausea , costivencss ,
indigestion , sluggishness of the
liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in
the side , and sick headache ; also ,
to relieve colds , fevers , neuralgia ,
and rheumatism. They are taken
with great benefit in chills ami the
diseases peculiar to the South. For
travelers , whether by land or sea ,
are the best , aud should never be
omitted in the outfit. To preserve
their medicinal integrity in all climates -
mates , they are put up in bottles as
well as boxes.
" 1 have used Ayer's Pills in my
family for several years , and always
found them to be a mild and excel
lent purgative , having a good effect
on the liver. It is the best pill used. "
Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky.
I'rcparoil by rr..T.C.Ayer.V ) Co.IowcllMasB.
Sold by Drugglm * K\CTJ where.
Every Dose Effective
Man who gives his million's for the found
ing of hospitals , colleges anil asylums is not
more of a philanthropist than Is he who is
the avowed
G > ti-eina p i o 11
-HT.-vrwji . > jmWLi ! MVJMiuj ! l
Of the sick anl tlvo' suffering , the helpless
victim's of di'wa'i 3. Tlio myriad of maladies
known ns Nervous , * Chronic and Hrlvito
Diseases are ofso obstinate nndcoimUcit tl
n char > ctet thnto-ily the
most gifteJ , bkll- ;
ful and widely oxpenenaed
e GJali jsts
In the land can comprehoncl or curs t'lem ,
for ihay clely ths etl'orts of iho general prac
titioner who hn not maia tuem his Hfj
study. The euro
Such dlceases nt SypHilll'3 , OT lorrhcen ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea. Lost Minhooil ,
Etfects ol Early Vice , Stricture , Hydroclo ,
Varioocole , Pilsj , aii'l a thousand other
kindro.l alHictions require
Highest degree of medical skill , such as but
low men passe s.
The r cord of Drs. Betts & ; Be t ! proves
th'intobe tlio most nblo , successful and
popular hpociahsti in America , if not in the
And the number of permanent euros they
have ell'eeted within the past 27 years can
not be equalled by any other physicians In
this or any other country ,
Send 4 cents for our Illustrate ! book of
Consultation five. Call upon or address
with stamp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
119 So. i4th Street ,
For Farmers , . Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. .A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Max Meyer & Bro. Go , ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
l' ruaiii und I'lftocolh Streets , Oniuhit ,
Proclnnmtlonnnu notice of MihinMilon to the
electors nml lounl vutoM of the city of
Oin.ihixof the iU2 | < illon ot liiiiliiR bnmU of
tlio elty of Oimihaln tlinnmountof "tic hun
dred thousand dollnrsiJIOJ.OW ) to i > iy for the
conitructlon itnd mnlntonnnce of sewers in
the elty of Onnlia.
To lli < j electors und local voters of Iho elty of
Oninha :
I. Uoorco I' . Homls. mayor of the cltv of
Oimilia. ilolsiuo tli s. my proclninutlnn , nnd
ny Iho authority vuitoJ in mo da iloh mayor ,
do licrotiy k'lvo publlj notice I ) the electors
nnd liunl votuisof the elty of Uiuiih i , tint n
ccnornl election will ho liold In s.ild rltv on
Tuesday the nlithtli iliiy of November , 1S.-2 , for
the purpose of submitting to said electors nnd voters the iUc5tlon ] and proposition fol-
lonlnR. to-wlt :
"rfhall bonds of the cltr of Oninha in thu
Hum of ono liumlrrd thoii aml dollars
( $1000(0) ( ) ho Issued for the construction nnd
imilntcnani'o of towers , to run not more than
twenty ) < , to draw interest not tti ex
ceed live per cent nor minimi , whh Interest
coupons nnnoNed therein , mill not to Im sold
for less thiin par , HID proceeds from the silo
thereof tu bo expended fur the construction
nnd niulnteniinco of su\\ers In tliu city of
Umiiln , nnd the proceeds thereof nut to ho < ll-
\ortcu fiom thu objects therein .pcullled. "
Tlio tn'd question in. tl propos.tiuu shall be
Kiihinltted to s ild uloc'tors put ro In the proper
form provided liv law for olllolnl liallots , wilh
th * words "YKS. " " .NO , " printed thormui All
of said ballots bavins an "X" mnrlt followiiu
the word "VKS" shall huc"ountcd In fmor of
ISMlIni ; sn'd houils nnd all ot Mild ballots
li'ivlni ; an " \ " miirlt folloulnutlu < wotd
"NO" shall ho counted nnd considered in
iwnlnn tlio Issuliu of s-ild b inds.
The polls shall be open on the < ! ' ' } of ' 'aid
election nt elclit o'cKiL'l ; In the mornlnx and
'hull continue open until six o'ehuk In the
nof the sumo day at the respective
places , as follows :
nnsr ivAitn
l : cor"or Tth "ml
: inl District N R
cornsr 12th
all eels. and Jones
" District S E corncr 13th
ajil first
. . . . of 1'lurco street. nlloy
5th District North sldo of 1'aclflo
street bo-
twi'pn Clh unit
7th struct * .
rk Wl'd ' avciino
corner 10th nnd Hickory
' corner GUi anil Center
'corner9th ' anil llancroft
F3 corner 13th and Vlnton
corner Hth and Jonoi
! N W cotllor 13th and ' ' -idflo
? .rrthlsilMi"irs w corncr I8lh uml I-"avci1-
' ' ) ' . S U cur"L r 2nl1 ! llli I'Oivoa-
wSft&Sitir3 n conior 2ja nml I-cavcn-
1.1 h DIstrlct'-E st side of South 2Jlh
oDuutttu ' street ,
I'oppleton : ITO.
.th Dlstrlot--S
- - K coiner 10th and I'lorco
Mli Dlslrlet-S E corner Uth and William
Uth District X H corner Sixteenth and Cen
ter otn-019.
1 ah District N W corner 3Jth an.l Dorcas
Illlii Dlstrlct-S H corner20th and llancroft
t''lh DIstrlct-N E
corner 15th and VIntou
tilth Dlstrlcit S W corner 13th nnd Vullny
Ilth DIstrlct-N ncorner20th ind lloulovard
Tinnn wAitn.
1st Dstrlet-S W corner Ulh an 1 Chicago
3d District N Wcorner Ulh and Davenport
M District South fildo of Cnpltol avenue
noartwestoO lath street.
4lh DIsiilBl-Wust slilo of I2th street , bo-
ween Douglas and Dod.-c streets.
> th District N 13 corner lutli and Oapltol
Ui District N n corner Oth and ll.irnoy
7lh ulhtrict-S n corner lllh and Dou.-las
Mh District N K corner ! 5tu and Jackson
Dili Dlstrlct-S n corner 13lh and Howard
rouiiTii WAHII.
1st Dlstilet N W corner 17th and Davonuorfc
it roots.
Slid District N W corner S.'nd and Davenport
Urd District N W corner 2jth and Dodge
st roots.
4th fJlstrlct N E corner 17th und Dod-a
"itu District N H oorner 17th and Harnoy
( jth _ DIstrict-N W corner 20lh and Douglas
7th ' DHtrlut N W corner ' 'Oth alrcet and St.
Inry's ineiiuo.
8th ' District S W cornor20th street and St.
Mary's 'MLMIIIO.
Oth Dibtilct Kist s'doof fonth lUth street ,
totwcon Harnoy btrcot und i-t. .M.iry'savunno.
10th District N W "ornnr 18th and Lo ivdii-
Aorth streets.
lllh UMrlct SV corner 17th street aud St.
H ry's uvunuo ,
1st District Knst si In of fcherinan avenue
| ) | ) - , ! .Mandurson sln ut.
'ml District S K corner Sherman avcnuo
mil WJrt street.
Jrd District S W corner Shnrniaii avenue
i lid L.-IIEO stroot.
4th District NV corner ShorniAii avenue
i nil Gracu street.
. " ) th District S W corncr 17th nnd Charles
lilh District Rist side of chernian avcnuo
Uiout.'Dl foci north of Nicholas street.
Till District ii 13 corner Itith and Iiard
8th District N W corner 18th aud Hurt
ureots. v
Uth District N R corner 15th and Oass
10th District East side North 17th street be.
twcon California and fnss hlicots.
Ilth DJstrlci-S 13 coiner Iflh and Oass
8IXTII WAItt ) .
1st District S K comer 24th street and Attics
2nd District S W corner LGth strcot aud
ijrand avonuo.
: ird District N H corner 45th and Grant
4lh DUtrlot S W corner 31th and Manderson
51 h District SE corncr 21th nnd Wlrt streets.
Oth District aV corner itJrd and I'urKer
7th District N AV corner ' . ' 1th and Corby
Sth District N 13 corner 27th anil Ilurdetto
3Uth ? ) lstrlct-N R corner S.'nd nnd Grant
'luul ! District N Wcorirtr 2Sth and rraiilflln
lllh DIstrlct-S W corner 21th and TrunUlIn
Uth Dlstrlct-S W corner Sind and C'larl ;
slreclu ,
1st Dlstrlct-S W corner Will and Mason
S ! JnilDlslrlct N B corner 23th avenue nnd
I'opnlnton avenue.
: id ! Distrlot-S W corner "Oth street and
Wcolworth avcnuo.
nh Dlstilet N W corner Mill street and
HO'District ? South sldo of Vlnton street
iionr ( oust of ) eolith IKd iivonni1.
Oth Dlstilcl 3 13 corner a'Hh avonno and
1'opplelon avonno.
7111 Dlbtrlot NV \ corner Sltli and Francis
ciniiTii w A i m.
1st District Hast sldo of Mill street near
( south "f I Oharlns htreet.
and Dlstiict Wosi hide of 23d street near
( southot ) I'liiilstn-et.
3rd District N W corner 20th and Nicholas
" 4th l/lstrlet / N E corner 20th and Cumin
fith DUtrlct West sldo of North ! Ulli street
near ( north of ) CuinliiZhtrcot.
tlth Dlstrict-S 13 eornora.'d and Hurt streets ,
7tli DlstrlBt-3 W corner With and Oass
strcels ,
1st Distrlcl 3 W corner 3d and Cumlnsi
" ' "
"District N W corner 40th and Oiiinliig
8 '
JS'lhstrlct N R corner 40th and I-'arnati
Btrcu t s *
4th District-North sldo of Davenport itree
near ( west of ) North UU'il a\enuo.
5th district S 1 ! corner iiUt avenue and
W corner Wlh avcuuo ac (
Jacksnn tre t.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sot inv
Intnd as mayor of said elty ot Omaha th !
Attest : Jens GHOVKS. City clt'rl'010oll.d <
National Bank.
. . . $10J,00 !
Siirplits f ( i 5,000
Officer ! and directors llenrr W Vatei , prcsMo
el. C. I'utulriK , vice prailduai , ( ' , H. Muurloa XV ,
Morse , Jolin i , Cullla * J.N , 11. IMtrio * . I. IT | <
UceJ. cmbler.
Two hundred boys'
overcoats for boys up Two hundred boys'
: o a dozen years old overcoats for boys up
n heavy eassimcres to a years old
n handsome stylish in fine all wool Scotch
with line cheviots in nobby
.willed with p 1 a i cl s in beautiful
detachable cape with shades in chrk effects
: o m f o r t in every with more warmth
square " inch v a 1 u c and style than usually
"our dollars at two go together -value six
lollars a n d ninety fifty -at four dollars
; ents.
and fifty cents.
That's the story on boys' overcoats for to
day. We also open in the boys' department
several new styles in our popular line of knee
pant suits at
This line of suits has done more to build up
our enormous trade in boys' wear than per
haps any other one thing. They're made lirst
of all to wear the clolhs being selected for
durability. The suits opened today are in both
double and single breasted in plain colors in ,
plaids in stripes in checks in cassimeres
and cheviots and are as handsome a line of
goods as you'll find. Remember , we make a
specialty of this line oTsLms , and that this quality -
ity commands four dollars usually. Wevill
also place in sTock today for the first time
three hundred of our new line of
These suits are made of very fine heavy
cassimeres pure silk and wool. They are in
superb styles in dark lancy plaids. They are
in nobby shapes , and are finely trimmed.
They are suits the like of which are never
shown even as a "catcher" for less than five
dollars and at our Pe. three-fifty , are the
cheapest fine suits the Nebraska ever offered
your system
ftleed a
Stimulant ?
Cv so , use
For Sale at all High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer docs not keep it , write to
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
T& * eminent npetlnllit In liervoui. cltronlr , prlvnlo. Llond , iktn nd annnrr rtlminat. A recmlnr ant
ed uraduatu In tnuilclnu. us jiiumiujinil | | evrhilvulo' " , ' > " * , " 1111 treilln. ! wllli ogrrnteit i luccmr
B"NorvoScodB , "
"the wonderful rpmrilr
In eojil wltli n writ-
cn Bimra . niicli no Wciik MtMiiurr ,
) , < )3cof lliuln I'on'f r. Il'uU'iclic. W.ikofulni'fii , I.i t Maiihoon , NlKbtlr Units *
Bliin1' , Norvonnr.cii , LaMlludu.alldnlui and limtot imnurof tliiiiii'iivrullra
v or.n * k
POP s.xlo in Omaha by Hhoriitan & MConnoll , 1C15 atroot.
. fiu | > . iitnKfifor duc llne
. L-i .i > ' VJUI S J = IJJ < Ll5' yoiins la'liei ' CoiireoorrluJrll.or.
oucli ; II in lent ainlrt ilppArtnitnlii hiclicst order ti'iit ht rmif tliftlicut Ainvrfrao
ami Kiiropeaii culture ; Ur'cu nli'l ln-nullful crouuJi , IIIIH luilMIng ! , ruoniiHtll
d , Utit ) > l . Tth J'ur Atnlo adthfeii
; < ( by am. Oriin hcplfmbrr ( ue
itfir T. w. IIAIIIIKTC , i'rc . column * , MO.
Cl raao
p. &
The above brands of ( flovos lor sale by
N. W. Cor. lOth.nrd To
Iii the treatment of all foriri jf
ani all U'unlimss and P'sordorof .
1V/TT7 fvl with lottof couriiKC , iimhltlil
lVlJZl\ und tltulltr , KlBhteenyoarfl
ttm moil remarkable si a 'i' if
the treatment of lhln clunof illton i * wuf
U provii'i hy thu uiiivorsat tufllinciny of Hi' ' "
uiidn who huvo boon cured. Write forolm
larsund iue tluu Hit. 14tn unU l'nru
tt tn tt
1) ) '
f > i
Cl | > l
( ro
1 rru
(1IO |