n\rAiTA n A IT v Amxm A v } i ion > 8PBD1KL NOTICES , AIVKUTI' BMKSTH KOIl THKrlK COLUMNS will ho inkrn until l > :30 : p m for Iho nrnnlnit nnri nntll S 3U I' , in. for the morning or Sunday cdl- No mlf rrllscmrnt tnken for leu thnn 54 cent * for the tlm Insertion , All i1tertl ompnt In tb'sfl columns m crnli . > * orrt for tili > l Insertion unit 1 cent n word for Mien MiWqupnl Insertion , or II..V ) per line per Jnonlli Tcirai c h In nilrnncp Inlllnl flinroi. urmtotn , etc encli eotint n word. All ndvnr- { ( foments mutt run oomocutlvolr AdTortlsrrs , > y rrquosllnir n numbered rhcr-V. rnn hate the Ir-tlcrs nrtdre ( vl lo n numbered letter In mroof 'Jlir. Hr.r Answers o nrt.lro'M'd will to delivered on Iho presentation of the check. NOTICE. Inthn future no advertisements will b tVonfor llio otrnlnj ! edition after U'.W " 'clock. All not'cei ' liroupht Into thn onion nflcr lb.U hour will bo first li'rt In tlm following mornlnir's edition. SITUA'I ION3-WANTKD. _ VVANTKI ) . RlTUATlOX by ulndy of oluentlonnnd experience. AddroM } l li , at aiil.irney street , city. S73I * _ A SITUATION HYUA7CKH.SM AM. TOWN PiUC. f rred. Address 1' II , Hca. MU&3I * _ A POSITION 11V YOUNH I.AIIY WlTFtl-IXPKir. Irnronicadlilnr nnd n'sMnnt bookkeeper ; nn- derMnmls typewriting. licit of reference * . Ad- drr > P 1' . He" . ilHIB " AWAVTHI ) 11V VOItNO MANTII1IKK YI'.AHH In trecllclne ; not ft ( trndtmte ; iinnnelnt ren nn . Would Hko position with prnctltlcnvr. Addr s Lock I'oi 171. lllnlr , Nob. -MISS SI" WANTED -MALE HELP. ) AI.iMMKNtV : Al.\ltVori ; COM- Jmlf lon to linndlu the ne patent elunilcul Ink erinltiK pencil Tlio ermtost ndlllru novelty ever produced ! TIHIM Ink tlioroiiKlily In two ucondns no nbnilon ut pipers * J1 to .Mlpnr conl pront ! nnonffi > nl' * > tlcsiimonntnl HI ) In lx ila'ni nil- other $1 { In two lionrs ; w want oni oiorcctlo Ken- ernl iwent In oicli ntnto mid territory Knrlermi nd nartlonlnrs ndilrcss Monroe Kr.iior Mf . < 'n. , Xfxi. LaCrome.VU. . T' ' _ 33 -MAV WANTnn TO roM.nrr A.NM > SKI.I. IN c.innlry. , Apply at Mnger olllna. 40)nl _ ' 'n-ttl'.l-lAHI.i : MAN AMOIir IV WHO HO.t.MCK Jlto learn nnd nllllnif to work will ba Instructed In our bii lnc sand salary paid whllo luarnltiE. A\ > - ply lllii Douila ! . Bnl ) _ TlV.NTKi > TI1K NAMKS AND J/of eneruollc men nnd women open for perma nent work.Vo ulto oteluslro territory.Vo rnnrnnteocood worker * f.TOu neck. Wo fnrnlsli office , fiirnltiire , delivery team nnd now < pnpor nd- verlhlnit. Our nrtlclo Isa monopoly. It will favo IS per eent of tbo conl bill * of everybody. Kull par tlciilur.s by mnll. I.ltliournpln. pamplil t . etc . free upon receipt of pontnire. Address Konl-Himr I o. , IH Oliver eticet. lloston , Mass. tisu ns * TWANT K 1 1. A I.IV n AfTIVKMAN' WITH Jfino plitek nnd push , to represent in In your locality.Vo Imvo Komctliln entirely now tlmt BOPS , and unless yon cnn mnkn S75 to f'-.V ) per month we. don't need you. NopeddllnlU'ttur write to day Address "JlannfncturerB , " box fxXA lloston , B-rOMlV.TK.STSTKNOOUAPIIKIlS ANDTVI'K- wrlter opcrntora who are out of employment nrci Invited to rail nnd register their names nnd nnallflcitlonH with our employment 'lopnrtment. \Vo niakM no charge to nllhiir employer or em ployed Drop In and nou us : wu take ploasnro In dolnKiill wo pin for the worthy oteiiojtrjipber nnd typewrltlst. Tlio Htnltli 1'rnmior Typewriter Co. . IMM rnrnam st , Omaha , Nob. 3U 'iJ-WA NTKTl , YOUNd MKS' _ A\l > IjADIKS AT- J'tend ovenlna prliool 517 tliocly block. Terms rcasonnulo. J Itbmltli SOI 311 -WA TKlT vTltBV ClTIsH TlOIISKSIIOKII. Address C. Murray , VJt Hast 3rd Bt. , II rand Island , Nob. 43) ) ! _ H-M1NKHAI. AVATKIl SAI.KSMHK WANTKII- JJTIin Wnukesha IlyKCla MliiTal Sprlnus om- -soloconcesslonlsts for -IrlnkliiK water "up- plv nl the. World' " fair , wish to ennano n nrstclnss nnlesnmn to null the trndo In tbo Htato of N'obrnskn. ItefereiH-es rc'iulrud. To tin proper ninn a peed inlnry nnd permanent situation will bo ulven. Ad- drrss Tbo Wnukeidin Ilywela Mineral SprliiKs Co. , S87 WnbnHh ave. , ( hlc.nRO. MM' ' S * _ B WANTKH KXTHACT AND OHOOKIt'S AND driiiclst's nnnilrles salesmen , to visit johbcrn nnd lariro retailers In Iowa and .Nebraska andnur rounding tnrrltory. .Mint be ac < | iialntcd thoroughly vrlth the line of uoods and have an established trade and acquaintance with the dealern. No other need apply Liberal Hilary to unod man. lioom'J. care or Lord X 'Ihomas , Chlcnio. ; H5i3 4 * 75-TO I'AINTKIIS : Hl'I.KNDID CIIANGKTO ( ! KT Dliouse rent In CYchanica for work. Inquire of (3co , N. Hicks.Wi N. V. I.lfu bulldhiK. 333 SI _ B-1IOY WA.M'KD , liri'O 18 YKAItS OLD. MUS. J. llenson. 45 ! ? J fj WANTKI ) . IMMBDIATBLY , TlltST CLASS J ' shirt bosom Ironer. No. 8 Troy mnchlne. eood Yvak'cs. Midway Meant Laundry , Kearney , Neb. 44521 * B WANTBII , BNBItOBTIC M AN TO Ji AiJAHB brnncb otTIco. Itoferenocs and MOOOd cash capital rc'iulred. Salary f'JUO.IO per yearand Interest In busi ness. Address 110X231. Davenport , la. M02. ) 2 * BTALKS TO t'HILDItlTN AHOUT JKSU8. " Onoof tbo most popular books ever published. Foil nut slKht. Credit Klvcn. I'relxht paid. I'cxt Jjook for the holidays. AKcnts wanted also for other books nnd bibles. It. U. Woodward & Co. , ll ltlmore..Mil. Mtlll ) 1 * _ WAN TED-FEMALE HELP. C - AVANKD ( ioooutL o 01 ? N K B AL liousowork. Call 8.13 ( icorHlti are. ( S. VJtti St. ) , two doom north of Mason , ' . ' 7:1 : VVANTBD-ttlltL FltOJI TWULVi : TO FIFteen - teen year * of ave to take chamo of child. Call ntN. W cor. nitli nnd Jones stroou , ! ) I2 inu -WANTB it , vou.vr mm , TO ASSIST WITH housework. Mri. W. II. llowdlenr , 2102 Plerco atrcet. C WAN TK1) . ( JIHI , KOH CKNKHAI , HOUSK work , 8'1'J d'corirlii nvcnuu. 680 ) C-l.lllIj FOll HOUSHWOHK , 2318 CAS3 STIIRin' . .M5J > 'J ! C WAVrii : > , ROOD ciiir , KOU CUNKUAU housework Apply 1035 Hurt ulreul. .MCWI 31' -WANTKI ) . AC ! I 111. TO 1)0 GKNKllAIj HOUSK. nork In fiimlly < Jf Ino , .Mn-t bn n need cook. Apply nl 27.il Jnck on struct Immediately. < U J9 -WATBl ) . A Ullth KOIl UHNKIIAI , I1OUKK- work In n small family with no children ntinx ) N. 21th street. 4Iti - " . ) JOB BENT-HOUSES. irk A DKSIIIAIIM : IIO.MH OK a HOOMH. KUK- J-'nlihed or unfurnished. Parties lining to Cali fornia. Apply on promises , 1112 tfoulliTtinlb street -KOU HIC.VT. 5 IIOOM iXJTTAHB ON MOTOH llnu. l Apply H. W , corner I'll ' ) and Douglas. IIIW UKNr , i > isiHAiia nou.ii : . APPLY M81U I D-CIIKAP KOU TUB Wl.NTKlt , 3 IIOOM KLAT8. I.V.M ' 37 North 1'lst sired ; city water ; K > . U. K. Hutu..KO South llth strent , m 343 n 15 D-llOUdi : OK It HOOMS. ALL MIIDKIIN' CO.V- Tonloni'us. | ihia .intly lorntod no.tr buslnosi eon- tor. Apply ldi Chicago st. , or U a. skinner. Hill Knrnniu , MUM T\-10-HOO\I IllllCIC HCUSK WITH MODKUN J-Mmtirovomentfi. on 2Uth s.root uuir l.oarcnworth Inqulro ttl Sil ho. 2tlU ) BtrecU D I 1I I UOOMS CIIKAP AT OW N. 13TH ST.4SO 4SO Nil * TA ijAiici : i.isr or CIKJICIHOUSKS : , J ftores , tints. t > to. Houses from fi00 per month mid up , ( ieurto J. Puul , IWJi Kurnnai. Kurnnai.M&M M&M Is'li * 1 - HOUSK Kll HUNT , PltOVIDKI ) PA11TV j./will piirchunohousehold uoods ; will lakoOmaha realestnto In payiucnl. Hootso Clauser , HIS Park nveiinu. M3W \-KiH HK.NT. 7-HOOM MODKIIN FLAT IN 'l.ntu-j blook , fan a. lath * t. Xil Nl -ID-IIOOM HHICK , ( IAS , HATH , KUIINACK , Jvi/iundry. / east front ; uvorylblni tuodurn. Keys ntlr ) P Schwjrtilauder's , iJJI Cupltol avenue. NIIAT C01TAOK. UALKIUXJCK 'from rn'itor ; furnished or unfurnished ; city witter ; A or 11 rooms. Apply to Welshuns , 414 K baeh block. DKOH IlKNT. 3 KLAT8.8 HOOMS KACII , 8TKAM heat , \iuler nd fiii. Iteduced rent UITS , 13tht l.lutou block. John llamlln , a iinl. r.4 BKOH IlKNT. ONK 7 , ONK V , ANI ) ONI" 10 room modern house , corner Sith si. and Popplo- t o n a vu. W , P. Ha r Ion , 7 N. V. I.lfu Hldtf. M TV -TWO COTI'AIIKS , INgUlllt : liJJ JACKSON. > 1604 TVD" _ D" - . ' . DWKLLINdS. t'OTTAOKS IN ALL P i U of city , Kilkenny .t Co , Continental blk , Wl D , KOH HUNT. IIOUSKS IN ALL PAHTS OK 'city. , Tr.uO. K lavl company , IJUiKaiuani 8t. 8t.t Tk-rKOIt HKyi' , DK8IIIAIILI3 U IIOOM HOU.SK , .UiuodKrn Improvements , iifluhborhood Ibo bi-sl I. II. U. Paltursvu , 4J1 llamge blouk. Mlw \ - KOIl HKXT , MIOOM HOUSK / , HW SOUTH JTI1 > , .MSVS3' Cl > TTAU : , HATH. CITV WATIIlt : , TII , l wn , tret-s. near motor , remeiitt'd eel- lari IIT.OU or lc > u Jli.01 ; alto S room l.ouse. uu > ooiuiuodallonssr.iuuusnl > ortifri. llaru with vlther Ifdoslrvd. bcouwnoruil I'uitun blk , 414 irv-8.iroo.\r wrrAiK. ; nir.MAhoN7 SVIUWM J Uousv , modern , 3lsl A Jlmun. Apuly )13 Mnson. TV llOI'Si : UK MX 1UH1MS. NO. 1510 LKAVKN- A/worth it. , between llth and ICth l. . rent IIS per month ; nl o store ou llth si , No.iftU , near Karnam St. , rtMit IIS ppriiionth Inqulru ut UI7 rtoutb 13th UJolm lUiullu , k'cnu D-tl AND T HOOU KLAT8. hTKAM 1IKATBD. \ all modern cunvvnieucix ; central. J.Il.l'urrotte , room If , DuugUt blk. inn rv-KA8T HALK 2441 DAVKXPOHT BT. "TO JAuisll family InqultelSIb Cnpltol aye. M45T ! DIM PL'K MONTH KXII NICK 8 ItOOM ItKSl. d m on Wst Karnaai street with modern conC - - C , A. bur , U bulldln * . ron Cnnltnue.1. D -NKWT-IKK Mri > TTAOKi i HATH , HOT ANI ) rold "filer , all modern Improvement * . De < lr hla location for biKlnpss men In tx-antlful Stanford Circle. Convrnlrnl lo Omaha and r-outli Omaha. A pply C , U. KlKulter , room 4 , Now Vork Life Milld Inc. Mitt Dr 110 Piil : MONTH 10 PMAL1 , KA.MILY XH'K frroom residence ill norlhivpsl rarni-r llth nnd Dodtto ; noivty pnpercils In ( teed condition ! hastily w ter. C. A. ytnr. lco ! building. MIU-31 ) D-ltlH HKNT , 10 IIOOM HdUfli : , Wli OA83 , IIO.UU. Heed A Sclby , Hoard of'Irailo. min n- in-HOOM " oUHK . CKNTHAU.Y LOCATED ! J-/arnsceand all Improvements. TUd N. IMh St. - 4-IIOOM HHICK KLAT3. 1170 SOUTH ISTlf IH.W month. tat 4 D -l OH IlKNT. KOtnt-HOOM COTTAIIK. NICKLY locntcd. on 31th neir Krnnklln street. Only MU3 J. W. Miilrcs | , 1st .Nail. Hank HI ig 4SI-4 -Volt IlKNT , I7.V. AND ISIS N. _ Wl'II 8THKBT , 7 rooms carh , tnodeni Improvements , In llrsl class xhapp , raci ! ty > , mi N. I'Jth street. T rooms , city water , newer , goad shape , 118. IS.7 N. 19lh ulrivt , 8 rooms , city water , spwcr. Inrvn barn , clot rh"d hem.In > : nod shape , 170. I.V IN. Sidstrpnt , hrlei liomi 7 rooms , modern Improvements , flood sh.ipc , > 2i. SHIIIVKU A O'DtiNAIIOE. 140.1 Knrnamtrpot , M(04 ( Jil \-KOIl HUNT. IIHICK HOUSK. N1VK ItOOMS J 'and bath room , modern conveniences ; fronts pnrk , near motor , ( JO ; keys next door , No 1 151 S , ! Kt have MW. I' _ I ) ANVONR WISHING TO HKNT Till ! 1IKST fnmllr bonrdlnu hoii o In thu city will pleasa cnllnt rental nucncy oft * a. Skinner , 1014 Fhrnnm Mrcot ' D I-Toil IlKNT. (1-HOOM ( fOTl'AUK , .W S. SIST slreel. , Imiulronexl door. MCI I 31' fKOH IIHNT NKMrftANSfOM PAUK. J ' 8-room brlrk house 1141 S .12nd. JIO.UO. S-room brick house , corner Jlnd nnd Popplcton nu1. . JlitlO b loom frntno house. 3270 Poppleton nve. , fiiOO R room brick , elosnntly llnlshed , OJ05 Pncltlc , fi room brlrk cottnro. Still Cnpltnt nve. . $13.00 ( ifo N. Hlcks. : < U5N. Y I Ifo building. 88. ' ? J -bOll HKNT , A T-U'IOM IIOt'sK WITII A1.1. modern conveniences ; lariio yard , al lilt south Jtttli HI. , ta If taken for n yoir. 2T.1V " mu HKNT" JNKATrFlvr.-ui > OM COTTAIHJ.No ( > oed condition , unod neighborhood Hard nnd HOft water. H3.0J per month. IncUlro | SJ5ii Chnrlus strcut , or llonj. Killiolm , oil mill. Iff. ' ? > ' FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. P-NICKI.V KtmNi.iiui > iAHii ( : ruoNTMtooM. ' ' ' ' ' b ' . IUO\Hi AI.I. MOD- Jerri convcnk'iicoJ. Terms reasonable. 513 North aid M3711 J.1-KUONT IIOOM , I1ATII , ( IAS AND UK AT ; JDonrd If desired llUH'nrk nvcnuo. JtKM 31' 171-KOH HUNT , NIUK KHONT ItOOM , MODIIUN IjconToulonces. 212j Harnoy. Hont reasonable i55)-31 ! * TjN1CI3 ItOOM , CIIKAP , 1131 N. 13T11. 1 ? ' NIOULY rUUNiatlUO IIOOM. li)3 N. I1T1I ST i'j MCI8 5 1 - PI.KASANT KUIlNISlini ) KHO.NT HOOM. Ijxroiind Hour , for rent. S la Hurt. MG18 S * E-FUHNISUII ) i.AituT : PHONT CHAMHKH wltli nlcovo. sultablo lorlwo or three Kentle- nicn ; nlso front parlor unfurnished , 17UV ) DodKa Btrt-ct. M'i2t ' ' 1-TTHNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. p-KljEHANTI.Y KUHXlSHP.il ItOOMS , F1H8T 1'class ioard , lit "Tho" Uolan , MJanJill N. ISth street. MWW 17-UOOM ANI ? IIOAltn IN PlltVATK KAMILY JL for two Kentlomon with references at * > | > or week each ; nil modern convonloncjs. 615 N. 2 > d st. MIWI 17-IKS1KAIH.K ) IIOOM ANI ) 1IOA1H ) IN PHI- rvnlofttiully. TOSN. 191J1. M t'M-S' r-.NlCIlY 1UHN18HK1) HOOM WITH 11OAHI5 ; 1-btcaru hcau tllopln. 1711) ) I'it Davenport utrcot. 7-HOOM AND UOAUD KOU UKSTI.KMBN. .218 No. 19th Rtroct. MOUS 31 E-KiniNIKIIKII AND UNKUHNISHKD UOOMS stenm hentfd , rear HlRh school- SU1S Daven port pt House will be open for tenants Nov. z , lleferunces required. Mrs. Uutlodtc. 6211 2'J _ . : : OH KNSUITK.2SC8 1)OUJIAS ST. MI'OI 31 F-KtlitNISHKI ) HOOMS Wll'H IIOAHD. MOD- crn conveniences. y.0 N. IJth street. .MOIU t > * FOR KENT- UNFURNISHED ROOJttS. G-t UNKUIINISHED HOOMS. SUITADIiK KOU liuitsekucplnK. to umill family : central loca tion : cheap runt. Apply to J. H. Wheeler , 417 Kar- bach block. M605 G-KOH HKNT. LAHCK MAY WINDOW UNKUU- nlshed front room , S.'U Soulh 7Mh nvu. M471 1 * G-i B NICK UNKUttMISlini ) UOOMS. WAT15II. bath , closet , etc. N. 1 ! . corSadnnd Mlaina.SJO J G -HOOMSOVKH tr. p. TICKBT otFicB. STAK l.oannnd'lrubtCo. M5II ! FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. lopl Karnani st. The bulldlnz hai a llroproof oa- niont baieiiient , complolf stuamliuitliu tlxtures ; wntur on nlltho Uours , Km , to. Aoply nt the olllco ofThoIIeo. I8 WANTED-TO 11ENT. K WANTKI ) : UNFUIINISHKI ) ALCOVK IIOOM ; KOiilhHi'st tmrtof oily ; mudorn conveniences. Address O 13 , lira. M134 I r-WANTKI ) . TWO UOOMS FUIIMMIKI ) KOU llpht housekecplni ; In private family ; address P 1. lice. a > RENTAL AOEN CIES. -PKUSONS All 811 ItV , Til K UJA DIM } II.KX- lal manngeni of South tm.ih.i. They haveslores , houses , otllces and rooms for rent. f-T N14 H\viT"fTlVB 8I'iClAI , ATTENTION TO TUB carwof rental propcrtluM of all kinds , collecting rents , pnylui ; taxes , etc. If you hiivo any hoimcx , morns or llnta for rent list them with ( ieoriol. Paul , lu rarnainsl. Miaa J STORAGE. M V , CLBAN A. u- nlturo.lW Douelas , Omaha Stove Itopalr works. ; i.S -STOUAOi : CHKAP , CLEAN , WKLI * . 1111 Karnum street. j WANTED-TO BUY. N WANTBU TO IIUV hOMK 8 PIII OK.NT Or ; t niurtk'.iioi , Head Xtfulby , 311 Hoard Trade ! , 75LI T-SKCOND I'ANI ) HOOKS 1IOUOHT KOH CASH X at thu Antiquarian book atoro , IM'J Knrnam. ii77-n FOB SALEFUB.viTUBE. . 0KOU SALK , ALL MY HOUSKHOLI ) liOODS. Will takuOmahareal estiito In payment , ( ieoruu Cluiuor. IIIJ I'ark afenun. " M)8 O t SALK , IIASK UUIINKIl HKATIN ( } stove , , Kood condition , chonp for cash W H. llowdlunr , Moron's carpel department , 4SI-31 I H.o. FOB BALE-HOBalia , WAGONS , ETO. 1)-K01t SALK , X SI.VTV-DOLLVIl TOP HUCGY foMi 00. IL K. Cole , Continental block. 1MJ p-KOll 8AIK-TWO WKLti MATOiIKI ) HIjACK 1drltlnit horses , welehliij about BO ) | bs. each ; must bo sold at rvsacrlltca , Kldellty Loin Ouaran- tiw Co. , room ' I Wltlnifll bulldlnv. Call ut ones. * m fOR S ALE-MIS CUL.LANEOUS. | \-11ACK 7S. PHITCIIAHD , IXJUUI.Aa ULOL'K. W Q-KOll HAI.K CIIKAP. A U-HOI1915 POWKK autonmtloeiiKlnu ; also ouo IS horsa power up- rliiht uniclno ; both In irood rupilr , Inqulro of Kusl- ncr 1'rlutlug Co , , 1307 Howard strict , umaha , Neb. i _ Q -1'IJO PUPPlKS , HOOM SO , 1IAUKBH IJMWK. Q J-NKW HKMINUTON TVPKWHITKH IN roller lop desk. Call and eiauiluo ul room 10 , oiobo hutei. MM ; a p Q -KOU BALK CIIKAP , SKT SI.NOLK HAIINK8S. lea Capitol avenue. JIC21 ! MISOElvLANEOUS. 1) OVKHCUA1M. bUm , CI.KANIID , DYKI > , UK- -lVnairedchu.ii | , iCJ ) Howard itrost , otloa room 2. TIM Nil l * n A 1IO.MK l-Oll I.ADIK8 DUUIN'ti CONK1NK- -IVment , tables udoptud S--'l CuuilnxstreulOmaha. & ] JiO.N2l' i * ' K-SAT1VK AUMKNIAN , TUHKKY. It KIM I US "ueit'lr'OrTeotuiVuKi."ci l ! t'outii'aiih. "MOW' V R-WANTKI ) , KHOM PH1YATK PAHTY. t year , Hr t inertia > : o on HO.lxv buslnrs < blorkln csntcr of city. Will pay Iu per cent , und Ix iiiunlUi Intcri'sl la advance. Address P Vi. 1'ev , ' Mi II s CLAIRVOYANTS. s 1-AIIUIVAL tiXrilAOltUINAUV : UL rovolatlons. Challen.-c the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Leiiravu , dead Irauco clairvoyant , ailrologlst , palmist and Ufa reader : tells your II fi from [ hi cradle to vrava , unltus thoa ptralad ; ciujjiuiir- wllb Iba or.a you luvo ; lolls waara you will succeed uud In hut bu'lneis belt alaptsd for ; hat IhoOi'lobratoJ U.-jrptUa urdailplalu for luck and Ito destroy bad Induencui ; caret till , Inletuperanc * aadallprlvalac33iplalnli with iuau i , bitbi and alcohol treatment , aeni U.OJ. lock o ( hair , naias and date of birth ami roeslvo acciirala H ( cbort ; 3e al > lDslatup > for circular ; clrulaltltli of tao you will marry ; also pbotos of uis. onica 417 houlb Illh * tr eU dr t fluor ; houri. 9 a-ra. lo 9 . 4ITm Coiuoone , euutt all , aad ti oaaflacal of tlili woa- ' C' AIKVOYANTS. i-MAt > AMB KIUTZ. i.vm'A93 STiiKRT. ci.Aiu foysnt nnd Irancfl ino.llnm Indopendtnl toll- past and f uturoi magnetic treatment. Ladles only. MT71 Nil * S-MHS. NANNIK V WAHtlKN. CLA1HVOVANT reliable business mcdlum.nflti renr at 119 N. ICth. Wl S-MhlliM-iIAIAMK ) : 9ANDALL OIVE * AD- vlco on lmslni < > l tuarantpcs to settle family mMtrrsi hn * wonderful Kurptl.nn oharm of Rood luck , I.MS Davenport street. Mini * MASSAGE , 1J ATHS. ETC. TI.-MASSAOK TUKATMKST. KLKCTHO-TIIKIt- mnj bMlis , Jic.ilpnnd hair Ircatmont. manlcnro and chiropodist. Mrs PostMM * l.V.li\Vlthnoll blk. TI-MADAMK SMITH , ttJI CAPITOI , AYKNUK , lioom .1. M floor. Mas'iue. nlcohnl , sulphur and ! > eit bnlhs. MI.H 4' rp MAOAMSI OWK , MAtJNKTICHKALKIt , A30J Pratt St. M.WJ t * MUSIC , ART AND LANQT7AQE. ITR. . K.llKLl.KMIKCK , 11 VNJO TBACHiilN. W. cor. ISth nnd Hnrner. llnrney street entrance. MONKY TO LOAN HEAL jESTATE. l\r-C HAIUUSO.X , 9IJN. V. I.IKB. OTT VIT 7 PKIl CKNT MONEY-NUT TO HOIIHOW- ' crson Omilii city properly Nootlr.i charge * ofanyklnd. Why pay lilith raloj' Money Uchcip You cancel full bonolll of low rates from Cilobu Loan and Crust Co. , Itilh and DO.IXP. W LOANS l.KsT'rHAN T 1'Klt CT. VY Including nil i Charles W. Unlnoy. Omaha - Nat bank bhU \\r-l ANDJ-YKAH LOAN'S ON CITY AND KAUM i uiortuaites. Heed & Selby , 311 Hoard of Trado. \\r cTTY AND KAHM HUM. ICSTATK LOANS ' nllnirou ratas ; consult in before borrowing. 1C. O Cnrvln A Co , HH Hheoley block. 105 ir MONKV T , ) 1XAN AT LOWIMf UATK3. ' ThoO. K. Davis company , l& > Parnuni street. W ANTHONY I OAN ANI ) THUS f CO. , 313 N. Y. Life , lends nt low r.it9 for e'loloj s.-curlly on Nobraiknor ! Iowa farms orOiuaha city proporty. ' * \v r-CK.NTUAL LOAN &T11USTCO. , 1IB15 111,1)15. T CIIKAP MONKY , SIIK U. W. P. COATK" , Hill Kamnm. t''J ' AV LOANS UN IMPinVKII AND CNIUPKOVKD city proporty. II.COJ und upwards n to 7 percent Nodc.a . . W. Knritnm Smith A , fo.l5th . and liiirnoy. M AI T" PlltVATK MONUY , 1ST AND2D JIOHT(1A12 ! loans , low rate ) . Alot Moore , lloo hldz. 1UJ \v f OMAHA SAVIN'nS HANK MAKIM LOANS > on realeslalnnt lowest niarkelr.iti ! * . I.onns made In small or lareo mnis for short or long lime. No commission Is clnrjod an 1 Ilia loins nrj nol sold In the eiiH.lnte.in nlw.tys bn found nt the bank on the corner of UtU and Douglas streets. 103 W Lr MONKY TO LOAN ON IM > ' " " ? ! ) CITY property , ! ow rate. A. C , Trost , ounlas blk. WW 101 W jlPAlj KSTATB LO VNa , (1 ( TO" PKIl CICNT ; nonddltlonnl clmrsos for commission or attor ney's foes. W. H. Mulklu , First National Uank bldir. 677 \V MONKY TO LOAN , SW.OJJ TO LOAN IN * Omaha on bullrtlnuan.l loan plan fl.'i.SI paid itiontlily will pay oit $1,00 , 03 In T3 \ months. No comiilsHlon. Unto Is loss than ii per cent. Poor man's ch.ina. ! Do you need momy ? Can you use money ? If socall or address room 31 ? , Itoe building , Oniniin. Neb. ! n-l VV r-0 PKIl CUNT MONKY ON IMPHOVKD PllOP- erly. H , C. Paltcrson. 42j llniiiKO lilk. Ull r LAIKSH LOANS MADIC ON OMAHA , LIN- coin , Council Illulfs business properly : Ii per cent. Als'o small loans. QeornoJ. Panliwi. " > I'nrniiiu. . N15' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X WILT , LOAN MONEY ) N ANY KINlToF HE curlty ; strli-llyconadontlal. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. " 105 > PUITCUAKI ) , SI DOUGLAS I1LK , 1(1 ( A DODni ! 107 X LOANS ON CHATTKLS. HKASON'AHLK IN- tcreHt.partl.il ptyinontsl lo 0 months. W. II. Duvta , H-U Continental block. Elevator IJth si. X MONiAT : LOW IIATBS ON ANY KIND OF * security. Kuystono Mtgu. Co. , 233 Slicelcy block V JIOMXW.OU TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS A. from $10 up on 1IOUSKHOLD FUll.N'lTtlHi : AND PIANO3 , HOIISKS , WAGONS AND CAUIUAOES , WAllKHOUaR IlUUBtPTH. Oil 1'KKSONAL PIIOPKIITY OF ANY KIND wlthout-publlclty or removal of proporty. You can nave ttmo nnd money by calling OD OMAHA .UOHTCAIJB LOAN CO. , Hoom II , Crelghton Hlock. ISth and Douelas. next to Postofllca. 1NCOUPOHATBO. m9D3 r-MOSKY LOANKD CIIKAP AT YOUIl OWN k-Ume. Nebraska lioaa Co. . U10 Oouglns nt. X IMVT HATBS ON FUIlNITUrtl ! I.IVK STOCK etc. J , W. Taylor , Pioneer blk. , South Omaha. Xi X MONBY SO , GO , 90 PAYS. CnitAP JlATE:3 : : nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo Block , etc , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dun. lircen. rooui B. Barker block. M3SJ X DO VOU NUKD MONKV1 THi : K1OKL1TV LOAN OUAUANTKi : CO. , Itoom 4 , Whltnoll block , cor. | 5th and Humpy sts. . WILL LUND YOU ANr SUM. FllOM IOTO$10OJJ , : ON THKDAY VOU ASK KOU IT. We maka loans Af auy Blio , liiruo or small , on household uoods , planoi. horses , waxons. warehouse rucalplsnnd personal property of all kinds. In any amount , without delay , pub licity or ramovalof property : choapesi t ratoi rndcaslcsl payments. SKB US l' ° IIt 3S X \-CHATTEL \ LOANS , BZ3 N. V. LIKK. MOI1HI3. 4S3 NO * r-iM.ooa . TOLO N ON CHATTKL SKCIIIUTV Miuslavss conlldendal. U. & 5. Hoard Trado. M41I7 N7 X MONKYTOLOAN ON KUHNITUHK , PIANOS , horses , wagons nnd collaleral nerurlty. llusl. ness contldontlal. t'red Terry , room Ui ItamRo blk. BUSINESS CHANCES. Y ; -1KVOU AIIKSKK1UNO A I1USINES3 OPPOH- tunlty r fiulrlniz small capltal.l n a ocrtntn und oxccedlnxly prolltable and xroivlnj business , nnd nlwayacash , write to HID undersigned , Inclosing slump , when full particulars will bo ulvon. U. K. K , , I4WLstreet , Lincoln. Neb. UJ7 Y-FOII BALI : . AT A VKSV LOW PIOUIIK. TUB entire stnto Intoivst In one of the heavlobt pay InKiuonnpollps now before tin publlo. 11 will save ' . ' 5 uoreont of thocoal bills of everybody nnd pro duce better resulti. Kvorybody wanti It and will have It when H3on , A lar o builnest cm ba donj nt once In every cuunly. Full pitrtlculaM by mall. Address U. K. 1C. . ti'"J L St. . Lincoln. Nob. 1H7) Y KOIl SALK , KKW SHAUKS ( UW KAOH ) OK the capital ntock of tha Kim Nallonal bank of Arapiihoe , Nebraska , nt S ) par cent of IU par value. Adilrem Perry L. Hole , caihler , the Hank of Arupn hod. Arupnhoe , Neb. M3IJ I laN" y-HOOKIIY KTOIIK IN A ( JOOI ) LOCATION " nnd doing n good huslnoi * , for salo. Address O & ! . llco. .M.I 11 31 * Y-KOHHAI.K , A JKWKLUY. HOOK. STATION- cry and musical business sltnatud Inaprospor- ous western lo a county ruiU A paylni ; business and coed Ideation. A splun ltd opportunity for bo rlnfit parly booklni ; a pjylni ; builnnts. U sons or dlrposlmi of this properly. Address o til. earn Omaha lite. 42.1-1 I V 1OH bALK , OUK STOCK OK ( iHOCKIUKS , I store lltiirp und delivery team ; a wood clean stock ; terms , one-half casli. lllauchard it Hnaro , Kearney , eb. 421 1 * r COAL AND KKKD UUSINKSS , IK TAKKN : soon , a barKaln , Address ! ! ! Hoc , 451-3 * rKOH SALK. TUB KUHNITUUK AND JM L of n 3i-rooiii , with barroom , steam heat , electric Unlit , andalt latest liiiprovenionti ; tcoud business. Add run P7 > Uou ollicu. Y IIAVK na.oaa IN CASH AND OOOD SKCUIU ties for tock of itoods of any kind , Musi tie chrap. Strictly confidential. Uox ti , Kearney , Neb. Kt ! ay ALL KINDS KOH HAL Lparlnershlpi , farms , lots In tha best part of WyoniliiK. Write for particulars. Address I'lonrer Uuslness Afiency , tjhfrldsii , Wyo , IIW 31' iHOTBUS. . IlKSTAUltANT. * . KAI.OONS i other businesses for sale ; also lots , farms. For particular address Ploaeor llusluoss Acencj Miorliinn , Wyo. 111W7 3\ \ > Y-IF VOU AltK LHIKISI ) KOH ( iOOD HUfcl- J neiMtsof all kinds thai will bear Inresllicatloii call or address Ploucer lluslness Avency , rtliurhlan Wyo. MUU7 31 Y KOU SALK. A MILL1NKHV STOIIK ANDUUSI * nessdolnita trudoof f.'l.ujl n year ; will lake part InKood real i-slale untncuubered. Address ikeO X3 , Ointilm lleo. l 5 vv * FOB EXOUANUE. V'TOK.VCHANOK-S1OUX CITY I'll3HKUTY KOH * Jdruit slock In Iowa. Ouiaba properly for drm stock In M-brasktt or Iowa. IJIK ! and c h for liood country hotel with uslabllthed trudu OrnDKO iirorc. full beirlne , for Omabi property Klorlda innds forOuiiha propvny. l nds for hnr u si and saddlery stock. Clear lands lor good lit- Dry stock , wvll located. I.aud for utock of cigars In Omaha. Land and cash for li.OOU to I10.UOU jun : ml uercbiiidlse , | . ' . : < X ) loll.OJJ boots and shors II.UCO to IIV.UU3 groceries. * t.u lo It UJO hardware , ti.UiO to fJU.oaj Kenls f urulshlnv Kood , etc. . etc. Cbmicw for carptiateM or planlnu mill , lld.ogu ! Oulaha rasldeuo for ilt ) , bariftlu. t-pinUlbsr tcalns In Omaha residence property. Call on ur ad dr s Npbraik * i : clianj comuatir , U a Uutldlnv , Omaba , .N b , Ut-l FOB EXCHATJOE. r/-ClRAIl < OMAHA IIKAF/K3TATK KOIl MII3K , A/actusl valuation. Money to loan. Hoi JlS.Oraih V _ ; . _ HO y-KOIl K.XCIIANOK , ? ! ) IMPIIOVKI ) NK- / / lirnskn farms for . any .ypod real or cli.itlol property. PosloIHco box I , LliKdron , Neb. K > i nil * ry-491) ) AdHICS OK CLKAtt .l.AND IN OVK OK 'J the beil winter whoit dlittfets In Kansns to ( < x < < linnnpfnr ID or Macro trVtat near Omaha city limits.VIII pay ciMi dllTcretico If properly Is Bond. Addtess , Klvlim prlco Xod location , OVil , Mod o lllccs. ' ' ' ' - MM5 _ _ _ r/-t OWN 100 KAUMS IN. NK1I. AND DAKOTA } /IJWIII sell or ctchanco. Um W , KrankforU In. . I , _ 18) a _ y KOH KM'HANOK. AM/1 MY HOUSKIIOLD ' 'pooiM for Omaha real uilatn. Can remain In liouso to parly wishing to renl house , ( iourxo ClotiM-r , 1145 Park avcnnr. M.lii y-UI.KAH WKSTKHN LOTS ( KASV THAD- 'Jorsl fJ.DM tollSOM worth , for real or personal properly In or near Omaha. Liberal commission tu party acquainted hero for quick trade. P. o hot UK city , y KoisAi.ioi KXCUANOK. AHOUT ? .uw tm /JfS.OOO worth of dry Boods. Plothln , boots , sluioi nnd itroccrlos. wpll solpclr-d nnd clean slock , now runnlne calps over IIJ3 dnlly Will name uood price for all ra h or tnkoirood Improrpd farm Intids In Nebraska or Rood residence property well localiM in Omnhn to v lno of IVWW or I WO. balance cash or Hood notes. Write Lock Uox SI'J for porllcnlnrs , Omaha , Nchraika S.nn7S V-IMPIIOVKI ) KAIIM 103 AOHKS IN CKNTHAI , 'JNpb. I7.M per npre. 1100 cash : balance monthly pnympnl , Coopcrallve Land and Lot Co. , 2 A No. IClfist. M.V.I1 /-WANTKI ) . TO UXCHANUB KAHMS IXll ACllK properly. Address P 4 , lloa. MJM 31 r/-l Wll.li R.XrUANIIK ( JOOI ) CI.KAIt W1M ) /J land * well locntcd tlmt will nuke excellent farms for rental property or well locntcd loH In Umnlm or Poutli Onialin. Dencrlbo your property , locntlon nnd prlca. Address I * I lloo. r/--A.N i\Tii.U5NT : DltlVINlt MAIti : , CITY fJ broke nnd afe. well bred nnd f. t. to i-ii'lnnm- for Itt < or equity , would nlo put In line plmtton nnd Imrne t If do lred. Dcscrlbu property nnd price. Artdro > I14 lloo. .M.VB-31 r/-OOOI > Cl.iAU 1-AHM TO nXCHANf.K KOU AJrentnl property In Onmlm or South Onmlm. Describe property , locution , price , etc. Address I1 1 , Uce. Mra l ( / - SNAPFOUII SToitita WITH KIATS AIIOVI : AJelKtit ( mlnnten from poftlofllrs ) for unlo ; or trndn forTexns or western Innds. boo owner quick , 3UU3 Woolnortli a > ennc , Omaha , before be return' to Term. MIHU ill * FOR SALE-HEAL K8TATB. I -1XH SA1.K , MY KKSIIIUNCK ATIII18. 23TII > tIDroon i > ndbitli.liotnnit cold water , olcotrlo bells nnd buruUr nlnrm , menklnRtube.fnrni\connd barn ; also line vacant east front reMdonco lot II. \Vliltnoy , 4J1 M.TQhants Sutlonnl bAnkbldz 11 BAIj KSTATIC. Hnrpnlns only. My ord Is irood. W. ( i , AlbrlEUt , 1.21 7-3 Now York T.lfo , " M44 SOMK 1IAHI7AINS OKKKHKD IIY KIDKL1TY Truil Co. , ITU' . ' Kiirnara. No trouble to show them. Prettiest 7-room cnttavaln thu elty , all modern. Ancleuauteasl front lolon Lowe avo. . La Vela Plnce chenp : will sell soon. t evcml tine lots In north part of city close motor. $10. ) to f.VW , former prlco 570J lo JJDJ. fj.uiOnlll buy on A 1 house , renting nt present for f''HIpur year , should brink' fIVJ , small payment , will net III per rent oriuoro. Two sightly full lots In South Omnha , nplcndld locntlon , valued at f l.ouj , Jusl ono half lhal nmoiint will take them , ? ltl'l down. Will iloiible your money. A beautlfnl S-room collate , lot fiOxISU , Just com- Icled Mill nnd A streets ; SIOU down , balance noidhly payments. Call quick before It Is sold Avondnle Park , the finest Inside residence ndill- lon In the city.'I lots out of 03 sold slncu AUL-UU i > . Prlco only ! l.'lD eacli. on reasonable tcriui. Call nnd see usnboiil them. ' A four-room collage and.'hnlf lol Thlrty-flfth nnd Sewnrd , rlh n.'flO. portly ( I.45J ; S1W cash and $10 PIT month. Why pay'rent whoii orfcrod uch terms ? f 313-7 FOll SALK Oil THADK r.Y'THl ! OWNKIl IU.030 acres of Nebraska's HneiV farming land lit a Croat aacrlllce. O. H. Petcrtion , 1412 S.l.lth st. Omaha. Mllll N9 I > nitsoNs A iiKiiuv , THI : I.KAUINC HKAL potato dutlors of Soulh Omaha. Wu only sol bargains. List your property with them. 827.N'11 ATA DAUOAIN. 2 CilOICB LOTS , 60x1.15 feet pach ; more adjoining If ilaslrod. Knst fronts ! S. W.cornor 10th and Arbor. Finest location In city for residence. Hlock from llth SI. motor lino. Charles Hunlcy. I0.il ao. lUth.at. . Omahi Mill ! o.P \NV KAHMS KOH 8\LK VBIIY CHEAP ; easy terms. Ueo. W. P. Coates , 1BU Karnam itrcot. M l _ IWH ' SALK. KHTY WKUj 1MPHOVKD KAHMS 'near Omaha , Kii to fM.'Dongs & Hill. 140S Knrnam street. w" ' , M'JfH Nt l _ ; OIl SALR. NICB G-KOOM' COTTAR 12 , N1JAU .motor ; furnished or untarnished ; , city water , etc ; barualn. Wolsbans , ll Iw-irbach block. i M3C4 1 TC : KOUNT/.R PLAt'B. 0"Sh 9-IIOOM MODI5IIN home , I4.MX ) , tiOO cash : who will bo the first loin know this Is juat n JJ.OUO bartinln. J. J. ( ilhson , solo ngent Kountzo Place , room JJ7 , first Nut.bunk. 381 1 OO.OOJ ACHB8 CLKAU LAND FOll SALB IIY the owner. Several Inrco tracts ; would make a tlrst class Investment to hold for the rise In price. . Mlight eichnniru some of It for Ineldo property CO.In Omuha or South Omaha , or aero property or u KOOd farm near railroad within ten miles of Omaha , If you wish to cxchaiiKO describe your property , [ irlce. etc. Address P 4 , lice. MM3 III AUOOD KAUM IS WANTKI ) WITHIN TEN miles of Omaha on sonic railroad In exchange for clear cheaper lands In central Nebraska or Kansas. Dccsrlbe farm , location , price , etc. Ad dress P 4 , Hee. MM3 31 TOII SALIOOD HKSIDKNCK LOTS IN POT- -t-tar A acorpo Co.'H addition. Kastomalia , fJ5300 toUOOUO ; Ml'ciuiu. baluncc monthly. Lots In Steeloi. Woods' nddltlon , on car line In KaslOmithn , f/JOOto II. UOO. Hood reshlonruloia In Liieay's npdltlon , on mili tary rend , motor line. fJOO.OO to 1400 00 ; terms ensy. Acre property near Oniahii and south Omaha , Biiltablu for Kiirdenlni ; purposes or snbdlvldlni ; , Call for prlcci. DcKlniblo cottages In good residence locality near cnr line . ' .7IXJU ) lo K.WJ.OJ ; snuill cusli pay- mcnt , balanca monlhly. Potter .V Ccoreu Company , ICth and 1'arnam Sis. .10 ACIIKS 2 MILKS FllOM POSTOKFICK. PItICK -tfl.IOOW ) per acre , terms very reasonable. Track- nue lot on paved street , only ttlfiOO. W. A. Webster , Ilco % 1 JAlt.M I'Oll HALK IfiO ACIIKS IN I1OX I1UTTK i county. Ncl ) . Cholco tract. If sold ifiilckly only t I.VW.UO. ( ieo. N. HIcka , M N. Y. IIfo bldK. ST ' "J Ii"OH SALK KLKANT ( MODKIIN HUILT IIOUSK Just completed , near Hanscom park , all moilorn conveniences , lame Krounds , with tine nhado nnd fruit trees. If you want a nlco homu call and see U. ( JeorifO N. Illcks. SOj N. V. Life. 3' < T.VJ IN 11KAL KSTATIi. Our llsl for Ibis week comprises : A splendid piece of trncknio properly near TllrteiMith and Jones streets. A forty acre trad Just H miles from the conrt house. An elCKnnl new and modern built liouso with all conveniences , all ready for occiipiincy , near Hans com nark. A 1IU8I.NKS3 COHNKH , TSxM fnet , Intersuctlon Ihree streets , splendid point for block of stores and Hats. ANKLlCOANTDOlinLKIlKSIDKSCK on one of thu best residence streets , with all modern con veniences , can take part purchase prlco In coed AN KLKKANT IIKICK IlLOLU In splendid nclvh- borhood , n llr.it chins Invesluiunt , can tuko bumu Kood lanil In parl paymenl. AN KKillTV ACIIK Tit ACT close to Omulin , nno oflhetlnoil tracts around the city , can be platted Into WU hc-nutlf ul lota , can take h'ood slock farm aa parl payment. KVKUVONK at the above pieces can bo sold at figures that nmko them splendid Investments. ( leork'O N. Hicks , 3U.'i N , V Mfubulldlnir. 3i DANOINQ SCHOOL. Mil. ANI ) MIIS. MOKANIV3 IIANCINII ITUCapllal avo. , now open. Children Tuesday , 4:15 p. m.j Saturday , ID a. m. and 2:30 p. m. ; adults. Tuesday und Friday , 8 p.m. A csmbllcsTliursd > ysH p m. Prlvutuloouiis dally , PupJlH can Join any lime , Mnxeund new danvus tauiihf .The Carlylu , Har vard ( litvoto. Wentwnrth , .MinUyu and 4 oluuiblau j.unclors. Itosldenca. 2JM ! lQ9t ) > St. M'JJ ) MS HOB > E i HOIISKS WINTKUEDON Ot H KAUM. HTUII1N llros. , 1218 Purk avo. J.f , 407 AZU DRESSMAKING. 17INOAOKMKNTS TO UO'-'IIHKSSMAKISQ IN Jfamllles solicited , MlssMttdrdy , 329 Soulh 2 < IU s l reel. _ ' - > ' _ Miainll' T ADIKS WANTING . TO LK.ftN DHAKTINQ AND Ajlroncutlluu call t 1715 Webster lreel bel. and Si Instruction true. . . . . , M344 31 * LOSTT $50 W HK WA IH TfOll TI tt HKT UliN O K M V Ueavle hound. J. II. Suort014 Karuani. 0 M STIIAVIM ) . A hOltllKL HOUSK. HTAIt ON KO11K- hid , white utocklnun fru vfeul. X brand on WHUI tlank , lUturn lo5U N. IJth aud receive re- rlard. _ t 410-yj * LOST. A KriMALK HT. HKIINAIID 1 > ( MI , HOUOII- fonted , with four whit ] feet aud of u roddlih tun color and black musilu : unHKers to thu name of Queenle ; a reward of iXi ( will l.o paid for her return to J. s , McCorailck , WZ N. 13th st. 481 W LOST-HKTWKKN p. o. AND 710 eOUTH 101II meet , a roll ofcent poiUito ktamps. fttUt ) worth. Thos. II. I'lattor , Mil TAKEN UP. rpAKUN UP-TWO WHITh bTKKHS. H. IIAI'- * mur , milk dairy half tulle north Toutunla park Military road. M&at I * REM INC TYPEWRITERS TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDI MEQEATH STATIONERY CO. , XXH l < * uruatn 6ir ou Ouuba. ( V. I am a Trav'llng man I I'll tell you of my plan. In spite of nil temptation I pursue my old vocation , I'm still a Trnv'llng mnit I A jolly Pali-bank man ! CHORUS : For he himself has said It , And It's preally to his credit , That he is a Trav'llng man I That he Is a Fnlrbank nv 5 ' SANTA CLAUS SOAP Sold by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only iff N. K. FAIRBANK & CO , , Chicago , III. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY THEY ARE ALL MADB IN JsMWRASICA L UY THESE , THEY ARE Till : HEST. Noricn THE Improvement over ALL other Bulb Syringes. Jst. The Tubltip- CAXXOT KINK niul ituiiAic. so the Syringe LASTS LOXUICII than any otlior. 2tl. Tito Vttlvos CAXXOT itE IOST nnil the Syringe not work. : iil. All noise in ualiiK the Syrinpo is ruuVBXTno , which is sometimes so nnnoyinp ; . All ( Jcniiluo Sy ringes bear the Tntdo Mark ' 'Flsli " I'll Hr.tniL" Buy no otlior. Among the htrgo va- rinty uinde are a few numbers as follows : No , 8 Allhonvy whltorubber , with three hard rnbb'rplpcs . . ' . ' . $ .T.'icncli No. 'JAI1 he.ivy . whltoruhbLT. thri'oliHid rubber pipes nnd vnulnal eluaulnic . . point I.IK ) o rh No. 10 Hxlra , heavy white rubber llvo hardruhlxT pipes nnd . ' . vaginal cluaiiliiK ' . point l.'S o ell No. 14 Kxlrn . linnvy red rubber , wltli tlireo h.ird rubber pipes . . l.li ch No. 15 ICxtrahtuvy red rubber , three hnrd rubbar plpos and vaiilnnt . . o cleanlUK point No. IB Extra 1..V ) o ch ho , vv red rubber flvo hard rubber pipes and vsiflnal cleaning points 1.7S o ch Ask you" druggist for the "FISU UKAN1V' as above , and titlco no other. For Bale by ALL DRUGGISTS. S nt by express on receipt of price. Manufaclm-orod by OMAUA RUB13EH CO. , 1520 Farnam St. , Cor. 10th. Lady clerk in attendance. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WOHLO Instantly stops the mottoxortiolntini : piilns ; novcr f.ilk to give o.iso to the sulToror : a few applications uotllKomtiQlc , Ciiiislnc the puln to In timtly atop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. ' If only tnkoti In doses of from . thirty to al.xtydrous In half .1 tuiililurof w itor will . nitron a fow.mlmitiw . UriiniH , hiivsms. HnurStomncli. Cnllo. KlntulonoB. Ho irtbnrn. rjitiinor. K.iln Ivunuss. CHOLERA MORBTJ3 , DIARRHOEA , DYSENTERY , rilck lie.i Isicho. Nans , Nervousness Hlnolos | < ins9 , Malnrlu. uncl nil Intorri'il n ilni iirisltit ; from chn''a wcatho other cuusoS"50 CENTS A BOTTLE. SOLD BYOJRTJGGISTS. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN. " MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO " Iinpr ovement the order of the age. " We never oxpoctecl , in our most snn L'uiuo moments , such an incronso in sales na connnonuotl on the first of Sep tember. The Smith Promtoi * po - Writer is havint ; enormous snles oh nro wide and far ranching. Tlicso ixro the reports wo nro racaivinff from our > miiny branch ofllcos urI A TRIAL ME I Send for n descriptive catalogue. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER CO. , tanimSt. , 'Omalia , Scb. E. U. MAYIII3W Mnnaffor , ff TAKE API LLa IV Hobb's Are ths Best on Earth. Act gently yet prompt * DR HOBB'S ' ly on the UVKlt. Kill. , KK 8 and BOUGIE , dis pelling Headaches , Fev LITTLE ers and Colds , thoroughly - ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures Vegetable habitual constipation Tticy are sugar coated , do n t gripe , very smalt * a * easy to talto , and purely Dil I vcireUble. 45 pills In each H HI I X vlat ' I'erfevt digestion : I ILLU follows tliclr uso. The ? - nbiolutolr cure tick Iifio. ache , and are rerorainnid- 1 by Iraoiiin r-7 > lcuni. For ualo by loading dru ' ijlataorHontliyiiiu- : ; . BiloJ. Addrrsd h'3B 3 MIDICINE Ctt , P/cpj , San Fian ' .o H Chic j 51 fOIl BALE IN OMAHA. NEB. . BV t nho & Co. , Cn.r ISth & DocElu bU. J .A. Fuller & Co , Cor. 14tb & JiouKla'i < 3U. i\A Fbiur A Co. , Council UluBj , J Anew al couialei * .Troataioot , conilitlai ot Bappoiltorloi , Ointment la ( Hpiuloi , also la llox ndPills ; Poilllre Cure far EUfrnil. Intornit kllDdor dloadln < llgaln < , Curoalo , Keojntor derail * tuyPtlei. Tols HomBlr ha uofor beua known M fill.IIpur boi. Oforl > | * Jatby mall. Whysusorfrom tblst rrlbla < lliui vrnjn u wrltt > n xaarantag Ii posltlTUlrnl'eo tfllbd tuxai orrafun4 theuioneylt notcurdddauj uttiup for fr bamplo. Uuiruutvi l4ia dbyUuhn ACo. , DriuicUli , bolu Ajea'.i.curasr STIFF DRINK , STIFF COLLAR Corn in IU Nntivo State the Basis for Both Luxuries. SOME NEBRASKA CITY INDUSTRIES How the Kittle' * Stuptfl Product I * Mnti < uccil \ > y tlm Distillery , the Sin. , 1'nctorj , the CiinnlnE I'lntit nnil the Crrrnl .Mill. As I rode past the llclds of grain turning to gold In the mitumn summer this rufralu would occur to ino over nnd over tiRatn : "A precious thing , unharmed by the tur moil of the sky , 'twill nil bo turned to wluiky , pooa bourbon or old ro ; " nnil I thought n lltllo sadly of ttio fate of the author \vlio lovoil old rye not wisely but too wellTalk Talk about Kins Cotton neil King Corn , laud thorn n * you will , mid yet 'tis IClcn Alcohol tlmt roieni. IUdo east n Hold of growing corn , obscrva Ha beauty , philosophize upon tti usefulness nnU the Joy It will bring to tloslrlnp humanIty - Ity , rhnpsodl/o of the golden grain nnd the bountiful hiuvest , but Uo not forgot Hint inticti of It ROCS to mnlto the uiiibm" Rod of multlluilcs. And these nro the various prore es through which the corn pees before It conica forth a formative power for the Keoloy in stitutes. licliolit the Jocund farmer unrouto with liU load of corn to town , uuil illapoilng of it with n KQjd rotisulcnuul Tlio NobraMm Distillery cotnpanv buys It from him utitl from bis compeers. Ci'tllnK at the IKRCIHT. : The innocent corn being stripped from the cob Is ground into small pieces nnd mixed with wtttornftor which it Is put Into tin- mctiso Ircn tilings called cookers whcro It Is subjected to the action of hunt , llultip boiled aulllclciith it ITOUA to a well. It Is now called "tho mash" nml is pumped from the well to the fermenting tub , Hugo wooden vuts which will holdiJI.OOO Kallonb. This pnrtlolly iiquillod tnash runs through n Inrco spout ami ts n dull , rauday looking mlxtura which to the unlnltlntcd eye give1) no sign ot its future powers ai a cruator of ficticious There nro nlno of thnso tubs , three ol which uro lioptlHlod all the limu. In rotation. Uoforo this liquid Is turuod into the tuU malt has bean put iu. A Cluiptor on Mnll. Malt , you It now , is harley put through the following changes : First , it Is soaked In wntcr for four hours and then spread In a Inycr three or four Inches illicit on a cotnant llonr where it is allowed to sprout during tLrco tluvs. It U then it Hod in a kiln and is ready ' for use in thirty days. This'malt or vciusi soon nlTects the mnsb , which begins to torment , nnd can bo seen oubbllng nnd boiling In a way very suggestIve - Ivo ol its nftoreffect. After rotmiliiitiK In the fermenting vuts sovont.v-two hours , the boor ( its new nnuii ) run into what is culled the sewer , a son of reservoir , from whouco it is carried through n pipe enclosed in another pipe filled with wr.tof. to the still room. Wlu-ro Sllll Drunks nrlgltmlu. The still Is of composed twenty-two cham bers of perforaloil pluto. The beer ROBS In at the top of the still nnd is carried Irnm ono chamber to another through six-Inch drop pipes. Steam from the boilers enters the still from the bottom and changes the alcohol of ttio beer into a vapor which is curried to alurgo irou tub called the goose tub , where a copper worm condonsi's it into a colorless liquid. This is tha alcohol of drug store memory. Now the alcohol U sent to tbo rectillor , where it is clmnprod to spirits. The rectlllurs , ofvblcb. there are tinny , are Inrco cylindrical onjoctn llllod witircharcoul. Prom the rootillers tno liquid Is drawn into a capacious cistern , from whence it is Darrcled unit sent forth. The alcohol and high wino or spirits , look exactly nllito as they run through the narrow glass lubes side by sldo. Tlio ( iovoniinoiit Itoyn .Stny by It. Before it can bo sola a trnvornment stnrao must ba applied to every barrel of it , in fact Undo Hum's minions stay with it iu its various stages from corn to high wino which i.i the basis of nil wliisliys. The tax on this liquid Is oul.vOO cents a pallou nnd ono barrel holds about forty-six gallons , so you sea Uncle Sam is just a little iiitcraslod in the manufncturo ol high wino and spirits. Tbo liquid at 120 proof is known as high wine.autl at 100 , spirits. A bushel of corn makes flvo trillions of spirits and the tax on this would bo OJ cent * n gallon of 100 proof or $1.80 per gallon at UV ) proof. The manufacturers make about 20 cents ix gallon prolit , ho it is easily boon how prom inent a part the tipplers and wino blbbora take in keening up Iho running expenses of the government. What is loft cf tha boor after thn alcohol Is extracted is fed to cattle of which the company hits 1,000 , bead. Tlio Stiirrh Factory. When my fir.o gentleman sits up in his stiflly starched shirt front , collars and culls and tosses off his fuvorllo potation of wlilslty in any ono of its different forms ho novar thinks that the sumo Liuouout gram goes to make n stiff collar and a stilt drink , tfotso it is , and Nebraska City hut the good fortune to manufacture the raw nrticlo lor both. The starch factory has now boon In operation so mo savon or eight months and employs about fifty men , women and gins. The corn Is llrat soaked for three days in the sicoplnfrtubs and Is than carried by n spiral convu.vor in a trouch to Ilia olovntor , where it is ground up. It then collects in sliull.s mid goon out througn a spout down an inclined metal planu Into BhuUers through bolting cloth and through nnotncr trough into seine tuba , from whence it is forced up into runs , whuro it 1s washed. Good water is an absolute nocoj- sltv for purifying the starch. From the runs the starcn is aont to molds , where the water is lot out nnd the starch solldined. The water thus drained of Is caught nnd an Inferior starch obtained from it. Prom the molds it goes to thn drying rooms ; It goes through two guts of drving rooms , iho lirsi with ii touiperaturo of CO3 , the second 80 = . If the work of drying Is not done quickly tbo process it Injured , for the starch must como out solid. It comes out with u brown crust which Is snrnpud off nnd the sturcn U iow ready for use when broken up. It Is sent to the wn re rooms , whcro girls and women box and label it. The March mndo In Nebraska City Is called the Arjio and Ii for laundry und tahln use , a different process noinc used in preparing the latter. About TOO uushols of com nro used In a day , which n equivalent to20,000 pounds , The Hivifia itilk used for bolting cloth la very expensive and must bo of ton renewed about ouuo n moub. Morn Corn. But it does not ( julto lese Its Identity at iho Nebraska City Cunning company's fnc- lory , nnd they put u dainty nnd lifelike rep. rt-aontaUon of an onllro nar on thu ouuit'o ' of each can. from thu husking shod whom It. la stripped of its oufur garments ibo corn 1 carried by it conveyor to the second story of the factory , wlioro it is cut off Iho cob by machinery at ihe rate of 1,50 ! ) cans per nour. It Is sent to the lower floor through a nhutoor sillier , which rqinovea nlltbofcllk. From tills ills sent to the cooker along a spiral fcbapcU crow. Hero It is thoroughly liuatod , or , as It 11 termed nt tea factory , cxiiaustod. It then goes to tbo wiping table where it Is put in cans untl made reudv for the cappars on cans , 'i Ho laststagoU a llnol cooking in retort * , whim it 13 rcadv for labeling and placing In boxes , The output of Ibto will bo ! MOOUO cans ot corn. The tomato pack , on account of bad weather , will bo light this year. Berries and ( rult * uro canned In their season , but corn and toinutnoft are tbo staples , Tliu tomatoes uro scalded and pooled by hand , putlu cans and then conked. The can * are mndo at the factory nnd furnish work for the winter and spring , the work beginning In January. The can. nitiR of corn and toinatoc * begins about the middle of July , The factory hai peon ID operation for live roars and employs about sixty people. Most of the salei uro ir.ndo in Omaha , Kansas CItty and tit. inally , the cereal mill consumes a Inrgt quantity of Nebrusku'i sUplo product. M. SiOuu