Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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< A Statistical Fen Picture of Material
Advancement in Utah.
In-lentInn I'rejects nnd Indnntrlftl Oroirlh
Mcintiina'i Cattle Crop Notnlile Mln.
rrnl IllicnverliMimnmrj" of the
New * of the Northwest.
The annual report of Hon. Arthur L. .
Thomas , governor of Utah , presents a
filatistlcal nnd descriptive pen picture of
the material progress of the territory
for the fiscal year ending Juno < 50 last.
Utah Is unquestionably a favorou region.
Nature has lavished upon her mineral
rlclios unsurpassed in variety nnd extent.
The dovi'loTimonl of her fertile valleys
nttests the foresight of the wandering
trlhcs of ! Jrighamwho first saw nnd sot-
tied upon that mountain-locked garden.
To their plodding industry nnd porno-
voranco the present agricultural development -
opment is due. The progressive enter
prise of later bottlers has its monument
In mineral dovelopmont. manufacturing
and commercial growth and municipal
Governor Thomas estimates the pres
ent population at l2..0.'tO. ! ! against 207-
005 as fill own by the census of 1890.
Growth In population hits hccn in the
towns chiefly. In 1S90 the territorial
school tax levy realized * 5 451,001 ; 1801 ,
$ ( ! 18r , > 83 , and for 1S92 citimatod at
& 5S5.754. Twenty-two hundred and
eight land entries were made during
the year , aggregating 2:2900 : ( ; iii-rea.
The total area of the territory sur
veyed Is 151,188,204 acres. There are
forty-nino Incorporated towns und cities
In the territory , with a total assessed
valuation of SS7.200.181 , anil carrying an
indebtedness of $ L'll"i. 7S. The increase
in municipal indebtedness during the
year was ( il.5 ! ! per cent , and in assessed
valuation l.G per cent. Heal and por-
eonal property and improvements arc
assessed nt $117loO.Sw : , a decrease of
$7,000,000 compared with 1891.
A moderate increase in live stock is
ehown. Assessors report h7,457 hoid : of
horses , 255,575 caltlo and 1OI5OM ) head
of sheep ; 42,000 head of caltlo und 050-
000 sheep were exported. The wool
clip amounted to 12,000,000 pounds.
The mineral output of the territory
for Ifi'.ll was as follows : Refined lead" .
81,79(5,521 ( : unrefined lend , * 10S2S,052 ;
gold , 851,824,928 ; silver , $ S,76 ! > , 'JOG ; cop
per , SlOOj'OSvl. Now mineral develop
ments during the year include natural
gas , slate , triuoht and fluorite , iron
ore , bulphur and onyx.
There are 8S denominational bchools ,
vrith 212 teachers and 0,904 pupils. The
, annual cost amounts to $1.800,919. The
1 public school Bystem is in its infancy ,
I but it is steadily growing and decreasing
I the attendance at the denominational
I schools.
I The spiritual interests of the people
I nro looked after by 89 churches und US
I ministers , with the Methodists in the
I lead. Thcso are exclusive of the Mor-
I xnon church.
I i"ortvthrco banks report an aggregate
I capital of 85.910.55511 , and depositb
I amounting to $11,915,7.)0. !
I Sovontoeu hundred and ono business
bouses wore erected in the cities , ropro-
Bcnting nn outlay of $1.000,000 , and 1,290
residences , worth $1,827,884.
There are 1,109.01 tnile-i of railroad in
I the territory and 74 miles of street rail-
t way in the cities.
A largo increase is roi > orlod in min
ing , trade and manufacturing entor-
i p-iscs. In all there is gratifying evidence -
[ idence of steadv development of re-
L Bourccs and general prosperity.
I Irrigation In Two States.
I In the states of Idaho ana Nevada
' there are millions ot acres of superior
nrablo land , upon which tno natural
I rainfall is too doQciont to render them
I productive. The future proapority of
I these fatutcs depends upon irriga-
\ I tion of the Boil and cultivation of
their now desert valleys. Nevada
has retrograded in population nnd
Trcalth , flays the Portland Orcgonian ,
I becauseof the decline in mining ,
I and nothing but agricultural develop-
\ xnont can build her up again. Hers IB
\ by no means a hopeless case. Francis
G. Newlands has written a pamphlet
Upon the subject of practicable irriga
tion in that Btato , showing how many
thousands of acres might be rendered
productive by comparatively inex
pensive improvements , water being
i taken from the natural water courses *
It is Nevada's misfortune that
oho IB poorly supplied with streams
from which largo quantities of
water may bo tauon during the irriga
ting sotibon. She has vast areas of ex
cellent soil beyond the rouch of irri
gating dltchos from natural streams ,
nnd the great problem she has to solve
Is the placing of water upon these.
There lies at a great altitude in the
Sierra Nevndiw and just across thoCali-
I fornia line , an inexhaustible reservoir
7 of water , tbo broad , deep and beautiful
t lake Tahoo. To drive n tunnel through
| the mountains and tap this great nat-
I ural reservoir would bo an undertaking
| too expensive to bo considered until a
I time when every foot of m able land in
I America shall become of great value.
I It may bo ono of the great engineering
m projects of tbo future but It hi out of the
J question atr present. Nevada may bring
t many thotmndB of acrns under ditch
from her water courses and thus arrest
I lior downward career , but for many
II years to coma the bulk of her arable
U land must rotnaln a desert ,
Idaho is much bettor ( situated in this
res ] > ct than her sister state. Not only
lias she hirgo areas whcro the natural
rainfall is tmtllolont for good crops , but
eho possesses a far greater abundance of
M water in running streams. Much of this
. - IB already used for irrigating and thous-
) unds of acres are yielding prodigious
il crops under the manipulation of the ir-
i | rigutor and his hoe. The majority of
Li irrigating ditches are small , but larger
f onus are under construction or are pro-
joclod , and the etoitdy. onward march
B of Idaho as au agricultural Btato may
mt aufoly be predicted. She possesses some
m creat areas of Irrigable laud still offer-
K 3tig splendid indurcmnnU to capital ,
I nnd experience has shown that few
j Bnfor invostuients than a well located
irrigating canal are to bo found. Enno-
l cialiy JH thu grout val oy of the Snake
rive.r , for 00 miles in length and many
in wullb , us well as vallovs cutting into
M it from both bides , tin Jnvlt'.ng Oeld. A
I vubtPlicool this fertile field will bo
brought under cultivation by the great
Shosho'jo falls irrigation enterprise detailed -
tailed in thesu columns last woek.
HF Monimm Stork.
H The stock- shipping sonbon in Montana
| is drawing to u close. Lust year the
H shipments were estimated at from 200.-
000 to i:23,000 : houd. The bhlptnouta
Hk thla year will fall short of this number ,
theuetlmutes ranging f.-om 175.001) ) to
100,00(1. ( Thu Moutami Block Gro wet
B reports that "cattle are not in as go od
'condition ' this year as they woroliut.
the Into nnd backward tprlno- being
rcsnonslhlo for the unripe condition of
nanny entile. During May the cattle got
thinner , nnd not until Juno did they
commence to put on flesh. This made
them atlc&st n month Inter in fattening1
than last year. Other condition ? were
not so favorable and the Montana cattle
rixto considerable lower in market than
thov did last year. Prices have not
been so good for the s.imo grade of cattle
tlo and numbers will bo kept on the
range , when , if prices had been better ,
they would have been shipped. "
.Monte Crtfttn .Mine * .
Captain Hoopar nnd a noted mining
man have recently examined the Monte
Cristo mines in Washington , and gays
in reference to them :
"I have no hesitation in Baying that
there is hero the basis for a magnifi
cent camp ono of the greatest in the
country. Monte Cristo has the finest
prospects , the biggest leads und largest
eurfaco showing of any camp T have vis
ited from Old Mexico north to this point.
I have visited all the principal mining
regions from Mexico north , and this is
certainly the finest at its stngo of de
velopment that I have ucnn. I started
in ; at Durango , in Old Mexico.
about i three months ago , and
have been working north , up
Ihr.iUgh Arizona. Utah , Montana and
Idaho. 1 hare seen many splendid
prospects , but none on the whole the
equal of this , Of course , but little has
been done hero as yet , and a great dnnl
remains to DO done. It takes time and
long nnd deep workings to determine
the pormaneney of nnj mining ramp.
Whether these veins go down 10,000 feet
otho is a matter that only such working
will reveal. But naturn has done won
ders , and judged by the wide deep cuts
It has uiude , and by auch work as has so
far been done , Monte Cristo has a great
future and will give an Immense impetus
to raining in Washington. "
Laio assays show that the rock w'll
nvoiiigoas high as $70 per ton , rnd ono
of the assays gave iS ! ) per ton. *
Mxitiilnrtnrlti ! : . ' til tint leu.
Census reports on tlio industrial
growth of the northwest furnish cratify-
inp- evidence of manufacturing enter-
Salt Like City reports for 1890 149
estabibhmonts ; Invested capital , $2,018-
17' ' ! ; hands emplovod , 1,9)7 ! ) ; wages paid ,
1,270.219. The "value of the product
xs 851,80 1,402.
Tucomu reports a total of sixty-one es-
.abl'shtnontg ' , representing $0,4111.840
'tipiuil ' and employing 1,921 minds. The
vuges paid vrns $1M5,025 ; , and the value
f the product $4,0 : ! ,005.
Oakland , CaL , presents a total of 103
jstablishmonts , ? 4OI5,014 in capital , an d
2,944 hands employed. Wages for the
'car , 81,701,317 ; value of product , $5-
San Francisco reports 3,965 establish
ments ; invested capital , 505,012,049 ;
"lands employed , 40,830 ; wages paid ,
529,800,057 ; value of product , $131-
All returns show a satisfactory in
crease in manufactures , w.tges and pro
Salt l.Hke iincl I.on . '
Los Angeles'faith in the building of
he railroad to Salt Lake remains un-
'hakon. ' A dispatch from that point
lays : ' 'James Campbell , the projector
ol the Los Angeles and Salt Lake rail-
'oad ' , returned today from Sin Fran
cisco. While there he had a conference
with President S. H. H. Clark of the
Union Pacific , and an , agreement was
iirrived at regarding traflic arrange
ments. Mr. Campbell states that he
lias almost completed his arrangements ,
and that in a year's time Union Pacific
Lrains will bo' running into this city. "
The Salt Lake and Los Angeles road is
in extension long cherished by the
Union Pacific. Financial stringency
[ > roven.tfd the construction of the road
[ > y the company.
Niltunil ( ; s.
Work has Doen commenced on laying
mains for supplying Salt Lake City with
natural gas from the wells fourteen
miles distant. Fifteen carloads of pipe
are already on the ground and more will
bo shipped as soon as required. It is the
intention to push the work as rapidly as
possible , and consumers may have natural -
ural gas furnished them within a few
months. There is rivalry between the
two companies over which will get into
the city first. Both have a franchise
and each is kinking now wells to aug
ment their supply. Recent expert ex
aminations say the gas is superior to
any other in the United States that c'in
) > o used for illumination without re
fining ,
Wood River is to have an Episcopal
A stock company has boon organized
at Doshlor to build n $5,000 flour mill.
Burglars raided three business houses
at Norfolk the other night.
Mrs. W. H. Curtis , a resident of Paw
nee City for thirty-live years , is dead.
The Pythian Sisterhood of Hastings
will hold a fair the first week in Novem
Gibbons' new opera house was opened
last week with literary exorcises and a
grand ball.
Eight children of Elias Conger of
Tiowolls died of diphtheria within the
last to weeks.
A mad dog was killed near Wakefiold
after it had bitten another canine and
killed twenty chickens.
A son of William Horn , near Wol-
hach , wns instantly killed by the acci
dental discharge of a gun.
An Emerson man offers to build a
choose factory there if ho will bo guar
anteed the product of 200 cows.
James CalToy hus been bound over for
trial nt Geneva on the charge of slug
ging and roliblng Jack Freeman.
Noonlo MoMurrnn , n 7-year-old boy of
Oxford , was run over by a horse and
waguu and had his arm fractured.
A tannery with a capacity of 2,000
hides u your has boon established in
Cortland. The output will consist of
solo , harness , upper kip , calf bkins ,
Intngo nnd lace leather The product
ol the tannery will bo manufactured into
boots , shoos , harnost , etc.
A colony of farmers from near Hrun-
ing have removed to Lincoln county nnd
taken up land seventeen miles south
of North Platte.
Rev. C , II. Hlckman. after whom the
town of Hickmnn was named , died there
last week , aged S3 years. Ho came to
Nebraska in 1S50.
John Biirrott , n Lincoln county
farmer , who had hi * band caught in n
threshing machine nnd badly lacerated
two mouths ago , died last week.
Joseph Gray was Injured internally at
Fremont Tuesday by a section of water
pipe that rolled and full on him while at
work in the bottom of a trench.
Hastings parties propose building n
cereal mill at that point. F. P. Tanner
nnd Henry Ingalls of the burned spe
cialty mill offer to subscribe tor stock.
Buffalo county pays a bounty of 3 cents
on each gopher scalp and $ ! on each
wolf Ecalp. Thus far this year that
county has paid for the killing of 12,000
gophers and 300 wolves.
At Kearney the other aay James Wat
son performed the hazardous feat of
climbing a slim Hag polo t vonty-fivo
feet tall fixed to the edge of the opera
house roof at n distance of 100 foot Irotn
the ground.
Plattsmouth people report n four foot
vein of coal discovered on the land of
Joseph Sherry at Rock Bluffs. Richoy
Bros , of Plattsmouth have secured n
twenty-five year lease of the property
and will begin mining operations nt
While a threshing machine was cross
ing a bridge over the Nemahu river ,
lUHir Humboldt , the structure collapsed
and the machine fell Into the stream , a
distance of thirty feet. Freeman Lynch ,
the driver , had his loft leg broken in
three places and his head badly cut. It
is believed ho will recover.
F. B. Owens , an 18-year-old boll boy
at the Palmer house in Grand Island ,
was arrested Tuesday for stealing from
the guests of the hotel. A search of bis
room brought to light a groit : variety
of articles and u number of letters.
Some of the latter had had remittances
enclosed , but tiie money was gone , and
there were several loving epistles ad
dressed to Grand Island women.
llnst or tlio ItniiKF.
A project i under way to establish
ore reduction works nt Sp'oarfisb , Black
A Black Hills ) quarry will furnish
slono for the Omaha public library
The Bald Mountain mining district
sbippe-1 $ W,000 worth of ore to Doad-
wooa last week.
Wyoming's requisition for White ,
charged with swindling a rich widow
n Cheyenne , has been honored by Gov
ernor Flower of New York.
It is reported that a petition will be
> ut in circulation in Lararnio request-
ng the Union Pacific management tc
> ermit of the establishment there of an-
ither agency for the sale of their coal.
A valuable asbestos formation has
wen uncovered near Casper , Wyo. It
s snowy white and throe feet'wide. .
: i is the best colored asbestos yet found ,
and is pronounced superior to the best
quality of Italian asbestos.
All the machinery for the chlorina-
tlon plunt nt Rapid City , S. D. , is on the
ground and will bo put in place imme
diately. The plant will handle the en-
Lire output from tno Welcome and the
Mark Twain groups of mines in the vi
cinity of Terry's peak.
The epizootic is raging among Idaho
The Ruby silver iniuo in the Slocan
district wua bold for 825,000 to Spokane
A recent discovery in the Poorinun
lead , Ctcur d'Alene , shows four feet of
ore carrying galena and native silver.
The load can bo traced some 2,000 foot
and shows mineral all through.
Near Alton , on the middle Salmon ,
130 miles north of Boise , a new silver-
copper district has been discovered ,
and , although it is late in the season ,
many prospectors nro going in from
Warrens nnd surrounding camps.
The Mountain King , on Sheep moun
tain , is making steady shipments of ore
to Ketchutn. The mine- has developed
into a magnificent property , and several
carloads of high grade ore will be
shipped before winter sets in. The ore
is packed over 100 miles on the bacKB of
mules nt an expense of nearly $50 per
A pocket of gold has been struck in
the Mother Lode mine at Murray that
eclipses in richness anything that hus
yet boon reported. Largo pieces of
quartz have boon taken out that were BO
beamed and bound together with gold
that a cold chisel was necessary to cut
them in two. Among the quartz were
pieces of gold weighing five and six
The Edna , at Beaver district , owned
by John Henry and a New Jersoj- com
pany , is turning out to oe a wonder as n
bilvor mine. At tne depth of forty feet
a cross-cut in twenty-two foot has failed
to reach the opposite wall , and the
quartz IB all rich as cream in the white
metal. A 000-foot tunnel Is running to
cut it at the depth of-300 foot. A largo
mill will bo erected next year.
Alone tlio Coast.
Washington btate has 300 Indian
In 1891 there were 397 acres in hops in
Polk county. Oregon , and the yield was
2,334 bales. This year the acreage is
030 acres and the yield 3,339 bales.
The flooding of Salton Valley ( the
Colorado desert ) has demonstrated that
thu soil Is remarkably rich , and only
needs water to make it a garden spot.
Mining assessments falling delinquent
in San Francisco in October amounted
to $109,000 , of which Nevada mines want
* 55,500 , California 828,600 and Arizona
A Bpeclal train consisting of twenty
box curs loaded with English walnut's
left Los Angeles recently for the oast.
Nearly 20,000 pounds of walnuts were
placed in each car and the estimated
Read the End
of the story first. That's the part that
will interest you most What you
want to know and to consider , is the
result of washing with Pearline. And
it's all told in two words it saves.
Hard work , wear and tear to things
washed ( because there isn't any rub ,
rub , rub ) time , money all saved.
You needn't bother with the other
chapters in the book doubt as to
Pearline1 s ability , to die dam
age it may do if it does the work , &c.
There's nothing in them. Any
woman who uses Pearline can
tell you that.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon ,
Beware "this is as good as" or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S
FALSE Pearline is uevcr toddled , if your crocer Bend's
Vou tn imitation , be honest tenj it kuk. Sit JAMES PYLlT , New York.
vn'uo of onch oar lp.iil U about t2ODiX
This If the first trnln of this character
which hits been shirp8d } across the con
tinent. < * '
Nevndn ranchmen1 ftnd cnttlo owners
nro well prepared for winter ns a rule.
Mnn.y fnt cnltlo IIHVS been shipped
from the ranges anrt. qld , nil the stock
cattle that rotnnln nro all In good con *
In Or < "pnn there Kt-o 8 religious , G
frntcrnnl. 8 cdurstinnnl , 21 populist , 87
democratic , 44 renuMlcnn , 8 ! ) independ
ent , 3 ngrictfltural , 1-medical. 4 mlscol-
lancouH , 1" ntnateur.iiuid . 1 commercial
publiL-ations. mnkiii ? u total of 170.
It took eighteen men to kill a black
boar at Long Beach , Wash. , Inst week ,
out every man of them feels proiid over
tbo occurrence , seeing that the itnimal
weighed no loss than & 09 pounds , the
largest boat' over hoard of in these
In Virginia City. Nov. , Rock Springs
lump cost sells nt 815 nor ton 75 cents
par 100 pounds ; mlxotl wood sawed in
steve lengths , S10 nor cord ; plno nnd
tamarack wood piwod : to order. $11 per
cord ; best nut pine wood sawed to order ,
$14 par cord.
A lurgo deposit of powdered pumice
hits been located near Pondlototi , Ore.
The deposit covers noirly : tire ncres und
is from eighteen to thirty foot doon. A
chemical analysis shows it to bo t > or-
fectly pure and of a superior quality to
the imported article.
Arrangements are under way to irri
gate that part ot Asotin county. Wash
ington , known as the Hats. A ditch six
teen miles long will be constructed and
the witters of George and Asotiu croolw
will ba used. It is estimated that this
will reclaim in the neighborhood of 50-
OOf ) acre ; of land.
The valuation of lands in the state of
Washington , together with improve
ments , is $102.500,833 ; of lots , J104.161.-
022 , and lot improvements , $27,4GO,0(7. ! (
The teturns show that there are in the
state 170,006 horses , mules und asses ,
224.723 cattle , 240,200 sheep , 4liS ! ) ( hogs ,
29.SG1 wagons and carriages. 15,101 sow
ing and knitting machines. 14,180
watches and clocks , and 0,394 melodeons ,
orgiins and pianofortes.
Tbo financial showing of the Consoli
dated Virginia company in Nevada is
not a favorable ono , and unless some
new and rich development of ore
can bo made during the incoming year
assessments upon the stockholders are
likely to bo levied. The company had
an indebtedness on October 1 , 1S92. of
Sll,541.o7 according to the secretary's
report , against a ca h balance on hand
one year ago of 898,374.94 , showing that
during tne year tlio company lost about
9109,000 over and above its net earnings.
The Umatilla Indian reservation , near
Pondleton , comprises home of the best
farm land in eastern Oregon. There
are 2-30,000 acres in the reservation , of
which 74,000 are tillable and about50,000
are now under cultivation , and about
1.000,000 bushels ot wheat wore raised
this year. Of this amount 7o,000
bushels were raised by Indian labor
alone , 174,000 by 'half ' breeds , 253-
000 by white THOB married tote
to Indian women , aujd the balance by
renters. " "f"
The Cornwall cptupany has at last
struck the coal voinlibe has been pros
pecting for within itho city limits of
Wtiatcom , Wash. , for nearly a year.
They sunk ton holfii , aggregating in
depth 7,500 feet , and/at tne tenth at
tempt , at a depth pf410 feet , found a
fifteen and one-half foot vein , of which
eleven and one-half loot is good steam
and domestic coat.This is undoubtedly
the old Bollmghani bay -vein , which
furnished the coast with coal years ago ,
and which was abandbned while being
worked under Bellingham bay because
of a flood of water.
Another expedition has started in
search of the lost Peglog mine in the
Colorado desert The leader is Con
verse , an old desert hunter , who last
season passed the throe Golden Hills , on
which the mine is. Ho was floating in
a boat on the overflow of the Salton sea
and could not roach the hills to explore
them. Many regard the Pogleg mine
as mythical , and over a score of raon
liuve died in tbo search during the last
live voars. Search has also been made
recently for the lost silver mlno from
which were made the solid silver altar
ornaments of the old mission at Santa
Barbara. The last survivor of the In
dians who knew the location of the mine
died without revealing it , and sinoe
then much money has been spent in vain
efforts to discover the bonanza.
Ignorance ol tbo morils of DeWltt's Little
Early Risers is a misfortune. These little
pill * regulate thn llvor , cure bocaaubo , dys
pepsia , bad broatb , constipation and bilious
Recent improvemontsin photographic
plates have boon so great as to make it
possible to take accurate photographs of
a rifle ball traveling at the rate of 3.000
foot a second.
Give Them a
VORING EXTRACTS a trial , and if
they please you , recommend
them to your neighbor ; if not ,
return them and have your
money refunded. No fears
of your not being satisfied , as
their perfect purity and excel
lent quality ( aje so decided.
Nice delicacies are never
spoiled by iJ'/pir / use , as they
impart the sweet and natural
, * . > * > '
fruit flavors. ' i
Dr. Price's' . anilla , Lemon
and Orange * can not be
equaled. - *
bnrt of America. In lljn Ulack 11IIU , S.NW taut
nbure tlio ten. A crlro. bracing ntnio | ihere.
Ixivelr wenorjr. Tlienul trurm muillt-lnal wumr
bivecurudihouiandi uf lutlents. Finest plunge
batli In ttio I' , h , TheJUluiA , built or pink > nud-
Blunc. urcoiuudatc'i ! iiO | > eiplo : utrlctlr tint clan :
otipn lire i'luc < uii < te ui Deai/'uloctrin llgbti , rlcblr
( uruubud , tine wide ttrJUOaUi. table a paelaltr
Kliiu autuuirui. tutld ttlnturolluduuod ratobr the
week or month. TliroucU , imlni from Clilcnxo ,
O. b.MAUDKN , The j : m , Uot Blirlno. Dakota.
Save YourEvesiffht
Ey et tested f res by an EX PEttT OPTICIAN
Perfect adjustment. Superior lousej. Nsrr-
oukhe&dacho cured \ > j usln : our Bpoctuolej
nd Eyeilubsoj I'tlvot low for Unit olait
1HS. ICthSL.Crolghtaa Bloak.
TJii > tai > nt Mr. rnlnur PnrumonU C r-
rli-d Him > rr J.nnarnl--itrrj-tinr : Slinttlit
Knnrr the .vinilinn | nml lip nn u r < l.
Mr. Ullton U. P lmrr , of New York Cltr. left
clrrleof friend * ono afternoon rppcnUf untl r -
celved IbplrrnnirrHulallnn mpun hl bright nd
Tluorons npfx'sranro Thot evening hf felt
tlckllnit In Ihn throat , n ullKlil l > ln nrros * the
rip t , nchlllr Rensatlon nnd h eonchpil onoe or
twice. The next riar hU no trlls n-rrn Inflnrned , liln
throat orc hUrhoit palna.1 Mm hl > tnnn nthpd
nnd liocrlt toio nil or or Tlio dar fiillowlnc lie wa
In bed. with | ilij lclan nhatlnc lhlr lipadi , and the
third > l y tie wr\i dead from pneumonia , which he
fnllod to take In time
Ihorp nro ten tliouiand men an I women In
Amcrlra tortnj In the tame condition n Mr. I'almer
whenlaarlni hi * frlrndi , but ther d < i not know It.
The IlKhteit npi-cur.inco of th njiuptonn nliovo
named ihoulil otrlkc trrmr to nnjmn or woman.
Asul.lea chill nmitu the l > cilniliu of nnptimnnla :
nchonnd | ialni throacliout the tiodr are theflrst
trmntoui * . lHj nr-cciimrf lobrlns nhoiil a rcartlon
nt onco. Ilow.thon. Is the l > e t way of Mlnglng
niniutn reictlon' Atk any r-hrMclnn nnd lie will
tell yon to me pure whlikej No inntter how
prpjudln-d any one mar lie. ) inrp whl k oj n
> uch atlmo lnnetc < ltr l it fortunaleljr thpre are
few pure whiskies In the world , nnd. In nurt , there Is
but ouotbatliat rerolvod the unquntlfled endorse
ment of phrilrlnm. chemlnt and the high
est niitliorlllos , nnd that li Iluffr'c I'urc
Malt. Thl * tomnrkahlo whisky , which li sold
bj all first elms drngclits and cn > rcrs , will
alisoluiclj- check the first approach ot pnrnmonln ,
while at the aanio time It licrtnlu to build nptho
wanted MMeui It deserves to tie kept In ovrrj
hounclioldt not only to bo unod In rasps of omer-
conry but to t In prolouclni ; U
health nnd happiness.
Vou can rrdaco TOOT tvciclit from tea
to twenty pounds a month , at liome , with *
out starving , at reasonable cost by the use ot
Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment ,
perfected In many years practice , causes no
HicUncMsorlnjnry to the lu'iilth.lshlghlj
' Indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials.
P.O. I > rntvcr 133. Chicago , lit
If Pr Sclicncfc' * treatment and cure of con urap *
tlmi wen-aomcthlntj new Hiiti untrleil. people might
doubtout wliut itiis iirnvuil Itself through a record as
old a * our K mud fathers , meam Ju t w hut It Is ,
nnd for nl ! dl > enc of tlio I.unzi. No trcntmcnt
tn the world cim tiluren' ninny imrinunent cures of
romuiuiitlnii to in credit la Dr. ichonrit'B NuUiliiK
lu MmirtMicn < > illrectljHDiU'fToctlrcly on the lunc
mumbpiiiva nnd ttiaua , unit so quickly impose * of
tuhrrcir * , ci u.'C9ttoti , IntlnmuiHlloti , colds , coughs
and nil tuu seu'tta ot consumption us
Dr. Schunck's Pu/nonic Syrup
Wtulmess ,
Catarrh or ,
g Clironic ,
Nervous or
DiseasVi ,
. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free
For the Treatment of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
Cured -without the use ot ImiJe , ligature or
CT"T ? 1 f "TTTTT7Giiiiriintoed I'crnMinont-
. . . .
O i i.viv- \
- vji\.i-y | cured
, rt'tnoviil com-
jilole. without cutting , cuuallc or Ul.ututlon.
U li res elTcutod at hnino by patient without n
momunt'.i imln or unuuyunco. Cull nn or ad
dress with stump for circulars , free boolc null
bTsearlesi Searles , lls-XVZ'tNemreot'
Neitto I'ostOfflce.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway , as repre
sented on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam HeaC
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at7o5 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent
Tlio IMionoiucnul riiy lcluD , Tuacliur anil Author-
e > , nlll li'ttfli iiclioiu trjrto | > tirMcliminuil ottieri
toeuabla tliem to ( Uux'nuiU < ll > im e anil Klvo the
curative iifBlit withou tunUugqueitlooi. Cumaor
Bend lock of Unlr wltli tl.UU anil Imtu thU demon-
tod. Tin ; HKAi/ni orjMci : ,
4IS N.UtU Bt Dr. JOll.s" BHELUi' , 1'rei
Teeth I'lllod With
out 1'aln liy the
Lutubt Invon-
Perfect ill guaranteed. Tooth extracted In
the moruluc. New DUOS iunarteJ Bvuulaj
of bimo duy.
See specimens of Removable Ilrldze.
S e ijioclmuns of I'lmlDlo Eliutlo i'lati
All work wurmutod as rutirenented.
oaioe , 'Jbird Fiuor. 1'axtoa lllojc.
Tclephuue 1083. ICthaud Farna m Si * .
TuUo Elevator or Stairway from 161U
BtroetEu trance.
Arguments that speak louder than words , are
prices Prices to talk must be loud voiced
How is $3.75
For a loud talker for a o-ood wide wale
cassimere overcoat
Or would you rather have a heavy long
ulster for $5
Or a still better one for $7
And for $8
Ah , that's the stuff
For $8 we have the finest light beaver
overcoat you ever laid eyes on got blue
black brown ones , too Wide wale Box
$8 that's ' our leader ,
You prefer a storm ulster we have them
all prices all fabrics
These are our arguments
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam
Successors to M. Hellman & Co.
EinsticStostinji ,
Truss es ,
Crutches ,
7 isin ; Batier/es ,
Medical Supplis * .
114 S. 15th St. ,
Next to Post oliice.
To J. A. Ilontollo. Mike Yotora , Catharine
Lochlln , M. Severen Sorcnson. A. I1. Ohrlsto-
pherson. Ulnrn Kord. G. It. Ellsworth , Johti
Mohr , CJporKO ItTztohiiokt
You are hereby notllied that the undor-
- iRnod. tbreu disinterested freeholders of the
city of Oiimhn , have boon dulv appointed by
the mayor , with the approval ot theclty coun
cil of shld city , to assess thu damage to tbo
owners respectively of the property declared
liy ordinance necessary to bo appropriated for
thu use of Raid city , for the purpose of opnn-
ins nnd extending inth struct from Vlnton
stroL-t toRoutli olty limits.
You ure further notllied , thut Imvlni : ac
cepted sild appointment imu duly qualified as
lequlred by law , we will , on tlio-'lht day of
November , A. I ) . IS ! ) . ' , nt the hour of 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , nt the olflcit of T. II. Mc'Jul-
loch. room MS N. Y. Llfo Hullilinp. within the
corporxtu llmltn of said clly , meet for tbo pur
pose of coimderln ; und uinkltiK the IIHSCSB-
uii'iit of duimisQ to the ownerb respectively , of
said property , uy reason of such tuklni : nnd
tipproprlntion thereof , t.iklaclnto considera
tion special lioneUts , If ruy.
Thiproperty lielonciny to you. proposed to
ho appropriated us afuros'ild , unJ wlilcli hus
been doclured necessary by the council , by
ordinance , to niiurujirlitu to the use of tno
olty , belli ; situate In i > iild city of O in aim. In
the county of DouKlas , nud sluto of Nebraska ,
Is described as follows , to-wlt :
S 20 feet of w < M foot of lot 40 , S. E. ltoors'
West lOleet of lots 10 and 11. Mottor'e Rubdl-
vKlon of lot 43 , S. n. lEoKuix' plat of Okaboma.
Wi-bt ( fl fret of sub lot 1. tux lot a ) .
West W ) feet of lot 15 Oak HIII No. i.
Foili.U7 feet of wes > -'Gleet ot lot 10 , Oak Hill
No. 2.
\Vest 1C , feet of lots fi. 7 , fi Mottor's sub of lot
46. K. F. Honors' plat of Okuhoma.
North MM feet of wcat CG of lot 40 , B. fc. Rog-
crn' pint Okulionui
\VoRt : ; 0 feet bull lot 4 of tax lot 20.
You are notlHod to bo present at tbo tlrno
time and place aforesaid , und make any oli-
joctions to or statements concerning , Ealu pro
posed appropriation , or assessment ot dnu-
uces , at you limy conHider proper.
; Oct. 2Cth , 18i ! )
To the owners of alt lots or parts of lots front
ing on Dosatur Htreot from -1'tli ' to tilst
utroot :
You ure hereby notified that tbo undor-
slcnod. tbrao disinterested freeholders of the
City of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of thu city coun
cil of said city. to Khau tlio dama.u to the
owners respectively of the property utroctnd
by cradln ; : of Doi-mur from 2Uth to Slut
Directs , declared ncoussary by ordinance
.1)1. ) pubseH October T , ItW- , approved October
10. 1HU2 ,
You are further notlDod , that liavlns ac
cepted Hald appointment , und duly qualified
MI. required by l.iw. we will , on tbo Hill dav of
November , A , I ) , Iti'JJ , at the hour of 'J o'clouk
In tbo afternoon , at tno olllco of Oeurzo J.
I'aul. 10iA 1'iiriiUTii street , within tlio corporate
limits of tmld city , meet for the purpose of
considering ana making the assessment of
damage to tbo owners lespootlvely of said
propej-ty affected by sntd grading , tuklnc into
consideration hpoctal bouullts , If any ,
You uro notified to bo present ut the time
and place aforesaid , and make any objections
to or statements concernlm ; culd asBcssuiuut
of danajes as you way consider proper.
Omaha , Oct. 24 , 1893.
Or Uiri JUuor Habit fi lllrrly Curd
adialuUU'rtuf i r. ILklur * '
Uolden r perin .
It oan Ix gl n lu a CUP 01 conco ot t . or In food.
without Ui knowledceorihep tlenu It In b olulel
tiarialcu. and wUl cHect a permanent cud rx-cdy
eurt > . wbctber tlio patlout It moicrale drinker or
an uooholln wroclc. Itbu been elvco In tUou * nd
pi cuei. and ID cv ry tnituio * a perfect eurr hu ( ol.
lowed. Jtnrrer rHlla. Tueej'eiemonoe Impregnated
irttD toe Cpeoiac. ! c beoomeo aa uUer lopnaeiUUty
( or lb liquor eppetite to ciltt.
( JOI.IIEN M'Cf friC CIU 1'nfrt , 0.rlo.i.U. .
* C-p e book , ol carUaulue tree. To I * ii4 of
Ulh aa 03 uelaiSts. . IBtb and
U. Wholesale. Hiako.tiruue & Oo.
ana Ulchurasou UruOo.Omitba , NeIi
16th and Howard Streets ,
BOllooinsforriitlrnt * . OMAHA , NEB/
lror tlio treatment of
Chronic , Privafel Nervous Diseases ,
Piles , Flotilla. Fissure and Stric
ture oi'tlic Itcctum permanent
ly cured without the use of Ktiife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Enclose- In Ktninpa nnd our 107 imce HOOK
on DISEASES mill QticMloti llluoUfi ,
wlllbuMAII < ii : ) 1'KEK.
IRtli und Howiird Sts. , Oiuulm , KcU
W. C. M AXWEI.U M. I ) . . I'res. Broil tbu r p r.
jlf Barytes and other
adulterants of White
Lead are just as good as
Strictly - "
Pure White Lead
why is it that all the bogus and
adulterated white leads are
always branded "Pure. " or
"Strictly Pure White Lead ? "
No one ever puts a mislead
ing brand on an article of mer
chandise , unless he wants to
"work off" an inferior for a
This Barytes or Baryta , is a
heavy white powder , worthless
as paint ; costing only about
one cent per pound and is used
to adulterate and cheapen the
mixture. No one ever adulter
ates white lead with an article
costing more than Lead , t
If you purchase any of the
following brands you are sure
of having
Pure White Lead.
manufactured by the "Old
Dutch" process :
For tnle by the belt dealeri In palnii
Uyou are colnp to paint , It will pay you to
end to u * for a book containing Information
that may save > ou many a dollar ; It will
( inly cost you a postal card to do KO.
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets , ,
St , Louis. Ma