M TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE : "MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 1892. jrj THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL CFFlCEi . NO. ISPnARL-STUKET Delivered ky o.irrlor toanr ptrtof ti city II , W 7'ILTON. - MANAGER. llus nc < nnicc , , Kdllor. .11 i : f. V. Pltimblng Co. I'ounrll lllulTs Lumber Co. . SU Paul' * guild meets tomorrow afternoon ftt 3.I'Jlin ! Mrs. Albcrtson. Thu Kupubllcan Young MoiiM Marching clue will | { 0 to Ncola Tuesday evening. U In sold that the Cooking club , which has Won fnvor in seasons pa t , Is to ba rcor canl/cd. " " The LtcclthoUlan of the Union Depot com pany are to meet again \Vodnosdiiy evenlne ut ( be city building. Mrs. Moggto Mitchell was fined Saturday by Juntlcc Hwearlnu'cn { 5 and cosls for assaulting a lltllo girl named Nina Clatci. She now necks to gut oven by charging one of her neighbors , MM. IJonny , with assault add imttcry. A * nn early hour ycitorday morning a oas- ollnn explosion occurron at iho homo ofV. . .1. Lauterwiisscr , on North I3lghth street. Mrs. Luuterwnsscr was qulio severely burned about the face and bands , but not dangerously so. Mrn. Micbacl Car.o nlcd of rheumatism ycsteiuav morning nt 5 o'clock ut her rest- deuce , torncr of Tuontleth avenue and Ninth street , aged " > . " > years. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon nt 'J o'clock from St. Francis Xuvlct's Catholic church. Mary , wife of Kdwnrd Hirnn , died yester day nt 12 o'clocK , need IS years , after an III- HC5S of n ucok. She leaves a husband and ono child. The funornl will take place to morrow innrnlnc nt 0 o'clock flora the rrsi- Oi'iice , IW ! ! l-.iRlitli uvcimo , tbo remains being Interred In the Catholic cemetery. The fire department was called to the Wcmuii's Christian association hospital ycitcrday inoiinng bv an alarm of lire. A bluzc , or rnthcr smoke , had started In thereof roof ns the result of a detective Hue. The chemical engine was brought into play , and Iho lire was ( -pcoilily cxllnguishcd. The ilnmugo did not nmountlo moio thiin $ 'J" . Kcd Leo , the racn horse which has been the subject ol cnnsldcrablo llticatton in tbo justice tourts. wns Flored under u writ of replevin nnd sold Saturday afternoon by Kluhnrd Itndn , who cl timed him. Bnda wa the onlv bidder nnd ho got htm forfOU ) . The other parties lo the- suit claim that this Is not thu and of the dlftleultv by any moans , nnd fiiiyui low , sepulchral tones of voice that someone will go to ino penitentiary before the deal Is finished. Why is it that p ° oplo use Salvation OU ! Answer : Because it is tbo bast liniment. Boston Store for coats. llcntilltul rirlilnui < > lvcn A\rn } % Choice of 10 ! ) I'm etchings t'lvon to anyone purchasing n fraiuo for the same. Kino new line of mouldings just received , which wo are selling : it errantly reduced price0. Illloy & Shorradcn , Art Emporium , 4o Mtiin street. If you don't want to buy hard coal you had" bettor sco Uixby abjut these oil bitrnois. They are adapted for use in hot nir furnaces , steam and' hot witter boilers , with no coal or ashes to liandlo. Now in'itMngs , just received. Smyrna rugs from 7oc up. Oil cloths In pat terns , and linoleums , now line ; ulso window shudos , "oo up. Council Bluffs Car pot Co. _ iu.niK.it'ns. JJBorn , to Mr. and Mr ; B. W. Fauble , a a.iughtcr. Judge W. C. .lames Is spending a few days in Chicago. Mro. Kdlngorof Watseka , III. , is hcra vis iting her ditigbtcrs , Mrs. J. A. Ho IT and Mrs. H. MullU ! I. T. Howard received the sad news Satur day night of the ocath of u brother , who was kllleu in a railway wreck In the cast. Mr. and MM. J. M. Keith of Fort Smith , Ark. , are visiting Or. nnd MM. Thomas. Mrs. Keith is a niece of Mrs. Thomas. Judge Mary wont to Clariuda to hold court Tuesday. Judge Ueemer open- * court In Hnrlan this week and Judge Smith hero. Judge Thornoll will not hold court until next WCCK , when ho opens In Cass county. An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. OoWitl's Little Karly Risers euro constipation , biliousness and sick head- tube. A Spli'iulld Suc're-n. The great cloak and coat sale at the Boston Sloro the lust throe days of last ( week was so pucocssfiil that , the proprie tors fool like thanking the public for the very generous- appreciation of the efforts made to plenso and suit the thousunds who touk ndviintiigo of this opportunity to got n stylibh and perfect lilting gar ment. The run upon the stock has been heavy , but the Boston Store prepared for u big trade in cloaks and coats this hcason , and there nro still hundreds of f ha-gains in this dcpru tmcnt. Call BOOH nnd see the assortment and select your cloak , for at the rate they are going they will not last long.BOSTON BOSTON STORK , KothoringhamVhlteluw & Co. , lead- era and promote ! a of low prices. Boston Store for hosiery. Cull on Messrs. Day & floss and nsk to bo shown the ICloln tract of401) ) acroj nojv on sale in Uvo anil ton aero tracts. They will show it frco to all. ( Ill til "SCOIII. The youni ; republicans mat ut thn headquarters - quarters yesterday afternoon to perfect ur- rangouicuts for t'olng to Neola tomorrow to take part In tbo rally at that place. It wan decided to extend an invitation through the pnpcrs .o tbo members of the club nnd all others who desire to go. to moot ut the hoad- qmirier , tomorrow evening iitli ( : : ( ) o'clock to tuko tbo train \\lilch Iravos the KOCH IsUncl local depot at 7 sharp. It Is the desire of thu members to got as large a crowd together as porulblc. Tlui postponed rallv , which Is to tulo : place In this olty next Wednesday cvciilnu , wus also talked over und some of the details ar ranged. A commlttco was appointed , con sisting of Thomas .Motcidf , Jr. , Walter Luring , D. 13. Stowuit , H. A. Ualrd mid C. Coffoen , to look nftor tbo illuminations. This com- inlttcn u ill moke the rounds of tbo city end nrgo the business men anil others on the line of march to illuminate their stores and houses , A Dig tlwv In anticipated. Thacall which wits madu by iho rupublican club of Council lilulfs , ir > U strong , UDOII Omaha Sat- urdav nlzht , will be loturucd by the various Oiuuhn t'lubi , who nrorxpecu-d to turn out cnmnsso. A luiga delugatlon will also bo profcnt from Lewis tuivnship , on horeebsck. OthurlotMis havoslgnliliul their Intention of taking nuvaninno of the reduced rates on thu railronds and bending delegations. 1'crfoci action and perfect health result from thoii'cof Ij\Vitt'a LHtlo ICarly Ills- en. A perfect little pill. Boston Stoic for kid gloves. Save your hurl coii : ; use wood , and rail on II. A. Cox , II ) South Main street. Boat Missouri wood sfa.00 per cord , de livered. The Hiidlant novelty base burners nro the host hollers In the city. Sou them ut Swuino' & Murti l.lflil. Sco Ihoso oil heaters at Swalno'a , 737 Broadway. Boston Store for blankets. Woathortilriiuutltiloy&Sborrndon'g. Judeou , civil engineer , 323 Broadway NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Lack : of Fdiicaticml Light Among the Negroes of tbo South. GOOD WORK OF A METHODIST SOCIETY Ittv. II , U' . II. lltet Telli llnw the Orcnnl- iittlnii linn l.ulinrrd to ll pcl li\rk- nnil Iqnnrancn / the Itcmclitcd Millions. "Am I my hrothcr'.s keenerl" This was tbo serious question oaUed by a lean named Cain yonri aijo , and Kav. H. W. II. ilccs uskea It ogam In the pul pit ot the Broadway MothodUt church yesterday morning. And ho answered it In iho afilrmntlvevlth a coart donl of vigor. Mr. Itcos l iho popular prmcher who aorvod as pastor of iho Broadway church fouryonrs , and bolug In iho olty with hU family onrouto to hU new Meld of labor iu Cincinnati , ha accepted the Invitation to 1111 the pulpit In the handjomo now church yesterday at both tnornlnp nnd evening service. The speaker's subject was the FrooJman's Aid and Southc.'n KducatiPiinl society , of which ho Is Iho wording secretary. Ho pre sented It and IU work to the congregation tu such a clour and forcible manner In it at iho close ibo call lor funds rcsulud In iho col Itrellon 1 < of over llID. In his remarks he showed Ilia * , luusoclcly had expended over , $ : iOUOOUO In Iho viont of southern education and had organized ana is now carrying for- wuul over forty schools , ranging from aca- doniles to uclvcrslllcs. His dally teaching thousands of young men nnd young women In thcso schools ntid doing a work , the rnsults cf ivlucti cannot bu measured. Tha obliga tions of this work uro upon Iho church und ibo public , and It should bo done freely , be- causa : 1. Education multiplies wealth. A coin- ttion hcliool cducutlun pivot the Individual thu poivcr to proilucj wealth 51) ) per cent ba- vonu the uneducated mnn , A college educa tion mulllplloa ihu power to produce wealth 100 pur cent. ! I. Education reduces crime. Nine-tenths of Iho crime Iu Ibis countrv is cotu-.uillcd by uneducated pjople. The church Is organ- Ucd lo lessen crlino , nnd so iu doing this work Is exhibiting the principles of a gcnu- Ino religion. " . EdUcatior Increases ono's power to do Rood. ( ! od en n Oo more with au educated than an uneducated man. Ignorance is nn sign of piety. I. The need of these people commands our benevolence. There are 1,500,000 voters In the south who cannoi rend their ballots , and ' . ' .OOO.OOO women in ibo sixteen soulhorn states who do not , know tbo Lord's prayer when they see it , nor this alphabet. To what kind of a destiny - , tiny nro thesn people coming ) What will their children bol Think of tholr Irainlnj , Ibelr future , and ours , it ' .hoy are neglected by us. Inlowiiund Nebraska there are out two out of ovqry 100 who cannot road. In South Carolina there are forty-eight out of every 100 who do not Know a spelling book from the United States census. Ton dollar- , a year will hem n young man or woman ihroucb school for eight moults , iho full school vtar , and lilt up Into intelligence one who otherwise would bo compelled lo sit In .darkness moro appalling than thnt of Iho plague which visited Eitypt in Pharaoh' ? timo. Kvoiy OMO should" help a Hlllo , and Ihns lift up a fallen brother. A'ivitl pictuies nnd strong similes were plvcn to brltiifwithin the grasp of the mind tbo appalling numbers of the uneducated iu the south. If you were to takn a solid sltcot reaching irotn Sin Francisco lo New York , and build It up with houses every forty-llvo feat and put In llvo women in each house you would not find room for the positively illit erate mothers in iho south , but you would have to open a back street almost as long be- foruyou couldnccorumodalo tbom all. On the wall uy the si Jo of the pulpit ho had a lar o colored man showing the percont- iiec of illiteracy In each state ana the amount of money for educational and nil othrr pur poses the uhurch had placed in each of them. This was emphasized by broail colored lines of varying length. A lltllo bluck square an inch long indicated iho illilcracy of Iho northern states and by Its side a great red bund reaching nearly 'across the map imll- catrd the amount of money. ovor- . " > 0,000,000 , which the church had luvustod. A hlaok belt , as long nearly as Iho red one , showed Ilia parcntaeo of illiteracy in tbo south , ana a llttlo rod line the amount of money expended to enlighten it , which aggregated only about $10,000,000. The speaker hold the attention of the con- greijntlon voi-y cloni-Iy and at the close of the service was compelled lo shako hands wilh almost every member. Ho spoke to a largo congregation Iu Iho evening. Uoston Stoio for holiday gooda. rii-n llronilw.iy anil Corner of Ilcutnn .Strcnt. Onr Inlo loss by flro was cororod by Iwo policies , bolh in Ilio COUNCIL BLUFFS INSUUANCE COMPANY. Hy 7 o'olock Iho next morning aflcr Iho lire the seerelary was on Iho ash heap , pencil in hand , ro.iuy lo fitrtirolho loss down to boilroelf , which ho did , too , saying1 th at' it wiw his duty and no small part of his business * ' So Ions as ho did not fro below bedrock wo had no reason to complain , conscqunntly Ilio boilloinont wns not only promiil , but in ovorv way satisfactory , so much t-o that in addition to $ ! ) , iMO.UO ( seven policies ) curried by this company before Iho ilro wo now add to H $10,000.00. Buhls' ' intimately acquainted with Iho secretary and directors vo cannot bo per.Mindcd that bottar indemnity can bo obtained than that offered by our homo company , losidos wo bohovo in patron- i/.injj worthy homo ontororises , ovory- thlnp being equal , and unless wo do we shall continue to bo dependant on for eign cnpllal nnd corporallons. G , H. WIIKKLCU , JAS. A. Boston Store for cloalcs. Davis for drugs and palnta. The Hinton Store closes uvory evening - ing nt ( I p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. _ Boston Store for neckwear. The genuine Burr Oak stoves are sold cnly by Chas. Swiiino , 737 Broadway. Call and BOO them. ' Gentlemen , the flnomlno of tall goods in the city , juat receive- ! . Holler , the tailor , 810 Broadway. Boston Store for blr.nkcts. ( JOT VIUYvir. . Ueorgo Ciuno Trloi toIUIlnn Oregon 1'iiu. tliuru Iu .tied , Mr. Ueor e J , Crane und Dr. Bellinger of Council lllulTs are now In Oregon. A eoullo- man who ariivod from Portland last evening relates an exciting experience tuo gentlemen hud with n furious panther the o'.ber day. Wilh C. W. I'arrish , an Oregon attorney , Mr. Crane and too doctor went out into the wilds oC Tiilaraook county on a thootlng ex pedition , Tno lirst day the party bad poor luck and only tuccended In slaugbterlnira lame old buck. Tbo second day , however , they litlltauu tlk and mot a bear nud two cubs. Ou thu third day they weni near the seasboio waltiiur for deer to comu down to lick ( ho briny waters of the ocean. About 2 o'clock Mr. Crane concluded to walk up ibe beufb tu see wbat ho could beo. Half au hour later bis cuinuaiilouit weio startled by ouo of the most unearthly yells that ever es caped from a huuiaa throat. Iti reverbera tions had not half died away before other screams wore beoru , and tbolwo hunters loft behind readily recognized the voice as that ot Mr. Crane. In au inetaut they were hurrying lo hU rescue. Hounding a point la the i-lioro line they dUcororcd tailr cuamploa tuudrjg wcdtt deep In the wntsrof thol'aelflo sawing thov nlr with his lint at it hlft llfn depended upon his oxortlom and his pltUul scratches \vcro ho.irt-renilln ? . Five minutes more and thov doctor ana the lawyer were within hailing dlitnnce of the distracted Crane , butnilbnl I moment a hu o wave waihnd him out to son and It as bcllovfid that bo would drown. I 1'arrlsh bolnc nn export swimmer disrobed In an instant ami ptunpod into the ocean dc- tcrmlnod losnvo his friend 1 ( tbo foaf.vcro ' possible. At that moment the doctor peri i the cnuso ot Mr. Crane's distress. ' Whllo chasing a Chlnoio pheasant wblch bo I bad hoped to run down and capture olive , i Air. Cr no caino across ouo of tbo largest panthers ever met with in that section of country. Immediately the chuso assuu.ud n different character. The beast concluded that the fat sportsS man would make on excellent meal , nnd having u boalthv npp&tltc , decided to begin business on Mr. Crane's neck. Raising his I rlllu to his shoulder , Cruno blazed away nt , the animal , but missed. Then ho took to his heels , and tbo ocean uolng but a couploof rods a way , ho preferred its sprey to n hungry panther. Finding a solid footing upon n rock out of reach of danger , Iho otugco shouted so loudly for help ibnt a impn jorlwo miles awavdlslinctly brard him. The siD , however , lifted him from his moorlncs , D ind ho had iwlco touched his nnso to the , > and bnforo Mr. I'urrlsh caught him by tlio orctop and lowed him ashore. Ur. Hoin Ingcr had not been Idle 'n the mcautlmo. V bullet from his Winchester him pierced ho panther's heart , and when ho returns * ! o his homo ho will no doubt exhibit Its skin us or.o of the troubles of his western hunt- tig expedition. Mr. Crane , although suffering Intensely from uervcus prostration , was soon able to walk to camp , whom ho remained for a day .tider the doctor's care , after which ho re- urriod to Portland satisfied that there is no uu In life In iho western forest * . Ho declare - clare ? , however , that It war n full grown , nountaln lion and not a panther , that Jrovo ilm out to son. Ho says the panther wns irobably attracted to the bench by his slinatc ng , but thai ho fought many llerco bullies In Iho war of Iho rebellion nud would never surrender an Inch ol ground lo webfoot 'author.Not In a thousand j ears. " If you have piles DoWltt's Witch Ha/.o salvo will surely euro you. S. R l'ro\voll \ , watchniaUor , TlOU.-ond- ay. ay.No No bankrupt , llio-binoUed. damaged furniture tit MoyorV , JJO.VUU" H roadway , "ileiin goods , loss lhm : liny Oinahn prices. Boston Store for collars .ind Storage reasonable , 22 , 21 and 20 Pearl street , Council DlulTa. J. H. Snyder. _ Don't forgot thnt Swuino sells the Elmhurdt stoves. Boston Store fortoilst art teles. Plies of pooolo have mlcs , cut ieWitt's Witch Hazel salvo will euro them. Miss Sprink has the larpest assort ment of trimmed hats in the city. Call and see them. Boston Store for dress goods. Wedded T e ty r r . Saturday evening Mr. nnd Mr . P. Gun- noudo celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary at their home , 010 Bancroft street. There -vas a large and happy Cath erine of friends , whoso conprutulatlons found langiblo expression In thu form of numerous ( rifts , umonir them u Ilavllaud china hsh set , French chlnn Derr.v sot , salad bowl , vases , croum pitcher , silver mounted rut class fruit stand , etc. Mr. J. M. Galvln made a pleasing presentation speech , and piano soles were given by Miss .Tosio Durban and Miss Ivingan. The wedding fonst was by no moans the least enjoyable foatuio of the ovcninc. AmonK these prcseot were Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Uranam , O'Brien , Maloney , Fiiz- trcrald , Arndt , O'Connor , Kelloy. Tinley , Lower , Dobbins , Lucas , Evans , Blaxslm , Sherlock , Mrs. and Misses Durcan. Mrs. Ciirrii-e , Messrs. Medlar. Cialvln , .1. Kelltir , C. Ivellur. MissesLinke , Wredo , Snrlnlt , Snea , Gleason , Stevens. , Connor , Maducn acd Mnl- onov. Fora disordowJ livjr try Bjjj im'i IM1U ItOpoopIo in this CHV use gis stovoa IheGas Co. puts 'cm m at cost Boston Store for fancy articles. The Louis , Masonic block , will this week have special bargains in fall and winter millinery. Lund Bros , nave received some elegant new out and crystal glass goods and have no fancy prices. Day & Iless report th.it they are hav ing a good demand for the ten-aero lots in the Klein tract Window glass and paints very cheap at Do Iliivron'H drug store. Boston store closes every evening at C p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. Weatherstrips atRiloy & Sherradon's. Fines * , chamber sots in the city at Lund Bros' . TAYLOR IS SMART. Two Very Ciimiliii ; Cnnlldrnca .Men Caught In : iu Oniulm Untul. Oao of the best known confidence and banco men in this country was arrested by Detectives Suvutfo nnd Dornpsoy Saturday afternoon and lodged in jail for n short tijno. The name of thh noted porsountfo is W. W. Taylor , or Colonel Taylor , as. ho en 11s himself , lie is wall Unown a ! ) over the Uaitod States and Canada and his photograph and descrip tion can bo found in the private scrap book of nearly every chief of police in America. The "colonel" is a line looking man , a good dresser ami a pleasant conversationalist. He easily , by his pleasing way * , works hltn- slf Into tbo confidence of the parson ho picks out for a victim and with tbo aid of bis right bower "Lieutenant" Wblttior , , Generally go'.s what ho goes after and that is always money. Two or three days ago Taylor nnd 1m p l drlfied Into Omuba und put uo at the Pax- ten , pjylnt- his board in auvanco. Then ho put In his uiiio looking for prey. Ho found 1 on attorney for an eastern railioad companv , who was slopping at the Murray , nnd soon und a game ot cards arranged. Of course , Wbltticr was in on the gnma and held the winning hand. Ho toolt too lawyer's diamond ring , slud and wau'n us security' for the sta ! > o , while " ( he colonel" wont with his victim to the telegraph ofllco , wnn wanted to send for money. "Tclosraih for 100 , " said Tavlor. "You can cut your ) awolrv bnclc forf OO and thau you will huveu hundred lofi. " This wus done1 , nd tbo money came quickly. In the mcnntitno Cleric Anderson of the Murray called In tbo dotoctlvcs. Ha nuo stopped tbo payment of the money a the sharpers' victim hud been put to bed , somewhat tbu wor < iu from liquor. This move on Anderson's purl balked the gamc > , though Taylor held an order for the money. Hut the way the acbcino was discovered was fuQiiy. Wblttior was wcaiim ; the watch and chain. tSi * the chnin wai n Masonic charm. As r/ia / loafed nbout the barroom hu met n man vno asked him If ho was n Maion. Whittle rtpllcd thnt ho wm , nnd the pair procccdeqjta cxchunqo prlps , but this was where tttH . ' "can" m in's educa tion was deficient. Ho wasn't onto the sign. So It c.inio about th'at the matter wus reported to Anderson , who took bold of the cno and caused the nire ls. Qalto a huMlo xvas made by the "colonel's" friends to get him roloasfld. 1'ollcp Commis sioner George I. ( Mburt , was om'ploTcd nt nttorncy , and arranged for bondi. Hoth Taylor and Whlttlor wcro released , after do- pooltlnt ; 815 apiece f9r Iholr nppoaranuo In police court this tnornlnp. On the way downtajull Whlttler offered Detective Savueo $11) ) to let him go. but Savage ain't that kind of n man , and pro ceeded on his way to the jail with his pria- oner. oner.After the release of the pair they wont rlsffl back to the Paxton nud tried their hand ncaln. Taylor fell in with a traveling man who had been drinking and proposed n csrriago rldo. The traveler consented and called for a caD. Hofore the rl ? drove up the night cierlt suggested to the traveling man that ho had better leave bis money nt the oftlco , as he might lose. it. As iho traveler turned his roll over to the clerk ' Colonel" Taylor 'remarked , "Well , if you are going to loovo nil your money hero Its no use to go for a rldi1 , " nnd with lh l ra- nittrit iho stately "colonel" turncu ou his heel nnd left the liottl , In spoaklnsr about his ease yeslurday Tay lor did nol deny his business and asserted that ho could skin tbo best man living , llo rein od several amusing cxpoilcnccs to show how green some people nru nnd how smart ho is. Bimt.i XOTOV. la.April , I.ISDI. Dr. .T. II. Moore Dear Sir : Have boon troubled with catarrh In my head anil fnea ( for three ypnrs at tltuo.nutiablo to h-sur had ' a constant ringing In my oin and 101 * two years wks almost deaf. Have tried several oral so-called romeJloi and bsoa treated by regular | physicians and noted specialists , but J failed to eel any relief , I tried ouo botllo of Mooro's J Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. U gave. Immediate relief ami elTeutiiJ a parmauont euro. I heartily recommend It to all suffer ers of this disease and will cheerfully glvo any further Information on being addressed nt my home , Xo.iU \ Swoonoy avo. , UurllnB- on , la. Foi sale by all druggists. Rojpactfulllv , It. L. HEID. I'or sale by all druggists. \ I it r 3/1 ( .11.111.1. Kansas City 1'iipcrn Miirt Aniitlicr Cattle -Mnrl.Tt Houiiirrnng. The Kansas City stock journal' have undertaken the ultlicult task of convluclng Iho public lh.it the llvo stock market of Iho cily on the ICuw Is far superior to Ibat of South Ouiaba , and that catllo bring better prices there Iban hero. A notlnc of Ibo sales for a few days xilll soon establish the fact beyond a doubt that n modern Ananias has been turned loose by these papers. Cattle nro selling today at prices several cents bolter In South Omaha than In Kansas City and the fact that a local packing house has pur chased several loads Ihero and shipped thum hero at prices lower than tucy could have secured upon Ibis marKet , Is proof conclusive that iho snippers are receiving Iho benefit of the superior prices pal'd hero. Western cattle are bringing at South Omaha better pricej.br.jcveral . cents ana in most cases sell at .prices above those paid for nutivo corufed a'llto at Kansas City. Ono of iho Kansas City stock papers se lected lastMonduv as v'day for comparKnns between the tuo markets. South Omaha gets the best of it iby far , and Ihe Kansas City paper his undoubtedly reached the con clusion that it has riyi'up against a buzz saw and is receiving considerably Iho worst ot Iho comparison. On , Iho dav in question cornfcd caltle at Kansas , City biought * a.3r > ( W 4.00 , while ut South 'Omaha cattle direct from the ranco that" njjver saw a gram of corn sold for $ -1 .IOL or-10 cents bttcr tuan the Kansas City corqfcd cattlo. and the same price , r.s Iho top cornfed cattle sold there on that tlay. The llftecn blgheslsfales reported on that day at the South O.iiiha and Kansas City markets are appondodh.ci\no ; and they show up to South Omaha's credil by u very largo majority. \ eiJr SOUTH OMAIIt. , , KANSAS CUT. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. 21 1443 ft 4U 7 ! > of f.'TO } 4 (10 ( l.- > 12 J 415 Wof t.4t II 8J M ii)3 ! ) 400 mof niu : 34i 27 t.27 : 3 ! sicf 1120 : i 33 3i U31 ; IDJ : rro\ nsi : > oo 21 1143 MB. VJTox ! IT1) ) 275 4'l 11 JO 3 7i PITox S'.lj 2 7.'i 20 1210 I ! 75 f.VlTex 1004 240 11 iD7 : 3 CM ! ! 07Col n8 ; 2 ao 104 , .119i 335 147t'ol 8111 225 24 122U BM GiTot 631 225 85 12.41 : C.O 333 TOY 05S 225 42 101)0 ) a..J HUN. M 781 1 E5 20 li.lt 3.10 SB Tex 778 1 8t ir 1184 351 OJTe\ 702 170 The sates taken for comparison nro iho fif- leon highest of western states reported at both points last Monday , and thete can bo no doubt , as lo which market Is pa.ving the i Better prices tor cnttle. The fact is that the Kansas Citv prices are not lo bo compared with the South Omaha prices and Iho south western cattlemen should noi bo slow iu tailing iho cue for their own benefit. HERO OF THE HOTOHKISS. Lieutenant Scclcwlck Illcu of Ilio righting hcvonth Visiting ; In Oinihi. : : Lieutenant Sedgyricl ; Ulco of 13 troop , Sev. enth cavalry , is in the city visiting army friends. Lieutenant Rico won bis spurs nnd for Iho first time smelted powder iu a military engagement at tno brittle of Wounded Knco , two years ago , and these who participated in that sanguinary engagement or witnessed It as spectators will bear evidence that the young gentleman is Jur.tl y entitled to all the honors thai have since mat time neon snow- oiod upon him. It was ho who with a thin skirmish line of K troop hold the mouth uf the deon ravine on that , fatal day against iho numerous assaults of the uesperato warriors urder Hlg Foot , and who when Lieu tenant HnwthoriiQ of the Firdt urtlllery , in charge of a section of a f lotchkisi battery , wus so severely wouudcd as to necessitate his removal from the Held , took charga of his gun und fought It until iho irumputors blow : 'Ueaio ilring. " It wus nt this point where eight men , all uider his command , were either killed or wounded , ana the accuracy of thu lire di rected nt the soldiers may bo coiibidoroJ when it is stated that -svcrv man hit was moro or loss protected from the Indians' aim. aim.Lieu ; : iant Rico hlmoolf came out of tbo fight with evidences of the Indians' good umrkmanshlp in the way of perforated cloth- luirand a slight lloih wou.id. Ills conduct iu thU , his first time under lire , was such as to call forth iho highest p nil so from his com manding onicarB. And , although In printed accounts of that BffaK'otliers ' have berne off the honors of the light- ; his brother aillccrs of iho Seventh , wlth'ono1 accord , give him the credit for the greatest during. At Ibo battle of thp Iisslon this young of- fleer again distinguished himself , ami hU gal lant behavior und dahng recklessness on that occasion was tbo tbeinbtof many a story ab ut the cnmpfiro Uurlna.iha Sovenlb'H stay at Pine Ridge. For bs\vorlc | at this biittlo ho wus honcrably mentioned In the report of the secretary of war. Lieutenant Ulco w'llV'loavo for his pent of duty , Fort Hiloy , ICftn. , today. Miss Julia Marlowe recently said ; "In love with my art , of course I am , I do uot believe that I couU pTy ! ( successfully unless I wan In earnest and really feud of the pro fession that 1 have choioo. I always try to do my best. Sometimes , of course , I am fatigued wuh travel , roDcarsal , etc. , and do Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. not do in well as on nnleht nftor a peed daj's 10 t ; and sometime * the wcnther tin * n do- prpiMlng effect on me. A frigid udi < nro also takes away p-irt of my cournco , bul 1 always try my bct to overcome lhon obstacles and before iho play U over I generally iiiccced. " Ml'sMiirlowoclnscd u ino lMiccrf,9tul week's cnpaecnicnt in St , LonU Saturday ovenlnp , nnd will make her llrst aprcnrancc in Omalm this t-venliiK t Havd's theatre In Shako- spoaro'ii bcnntllul pastoral comcily. "As You Like It. " The OnmtM ctienjrcmont Is for three nights , and Wednesday matinee. "The Colonel" , which will bs the attrac tion at Uoyd's forthreo nlsnls nnd a matinee , commencing Friday , November 4 , lajs. claim lo bolntr a perfcrminco of refinement and merit. The play Is said to lu rculoto with hlciily nmuvluf ; situation ? , its humor U con- Btnntand rufreshhiR , Its seiitlmant cheerful and , the dialogue rlcvcr. Minply Milrlilr. The coroner's Jury in the case of Cnarloj Wohlford , who killed himself list frlday night , held n short session yesterday mornIng - Ing nud brought In n verdict ol suicide. The funrr.AloC tha deceased will bo held nt the family residence , 112 * North Klhtcenth straot nt UU ! o'clock thli , : inoniin . Inter ment will be In the Protpoct Hill cemetery. Mnydcrcnd Ufxrsthewayyo < treat Ings which nature gives. A few bottles o ! S. S. S. taken at the proper time may Insure Rood licalthforajearortno. riicrcforcactatoncclorlt IS IMPORTANT that nature be assisted nt the tight tlmc.K nev.'r f.illi to relieve the sjstcm of Im-jj , purities , and is an excellent to-.lc also. He Wants to Add His Name. Permit me to add iny name to j ou minv other ccrtlhc.itcsIn commendation of tbo nrp.it curalho proportics contained In Shift's Spc-cilic ( S. S. S ) It Is certainly one of the Iwst tonics I im used. "JOHNV. . DANILL , AndciMjn.y.C. ' Treatise on bloo I nnd sMn diseases mailed reo. ' Sl'JCCinc . WHata.Ga. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia , the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world , is now putting upon the Jan. ] 5oss 1'illed anil other cases made by it , a bow ( ring ) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow , which is simplj * held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY BE HAD wilh cases bearing their trade mark _ Solcl only through watch dealers , without extra chatge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufactureis. _ . . . . ol testimonials. Sco Or. .Miles * book. Now and Miirtllng Facts. Fieo at drug- guts. guts.Two DR. MILES Two Yoara SEW Shortness ot Breath , Fain HEART iu Sides. CURE. Muttering : , Smothering' Spells , cured by ono bottle. iilTn. ALLISON , Ulen Hock , 1'a. Dr. miles' Tliomofit relia . ble cine for all Heart Poiltln Tare for Uropsr , * thia ( , * r. Diseases. Dli. UlliBB MM > IOAL , Co. Elkhart , Ind. Tor sale by Kiilm & Oo Cor. , 15 and Douglas DBIO : , WEira NBKVU AND im.u.vr.ij : vr JIK.NT nsoix la for H/3tJrlv lUilnj i , flti , .Vji rn ulivliBiiaaolij. .Nervous 1'rounton cimol tit tlcoboior tobiojoVaU3fulnoii , .MonUI UJJ.MI. B on.doftnoaiof tlia Ilr iln. cttnlii ; lui I'tttf , mliar/ docH .ilaitli. I'rJ.Hitura UII Am ll\rr.io11 ( , don of I'owurln t'ltlior mt , linpoioncy. Lo'ioorrhji ' n 1 ellKomaloVoikn3S9i3. . lUToluntxrr Ivotiji , sju.- mHtcirrhn.10111331 ( if ovar-sxartlon 01 tuiirtli telC'abu < uor > 9r-lnliileonc3. A moit'i'i ' trjitrui ; llUfirt\tir \VoBiiinntu3iU UJUj to oiri Kncrt onlo foru ujtji. wltti Ii Ul sj 11 trrlltii Knarantceto rafun.llf not cur1. ( Imr.ntaj Inuil only by Tliaartare. K. I.owls ilrnezlii , ta\a \ aj3'it , ioutbcan cornur lotiinna Farnani sit. umiUti bfttceriiftt by dwilcn ho "cut prices " Cult ' - Ins inlii- leads to " cultliiR' ' poods. Vor thU iva" ll nnd to pro tect the public , , the ( /oMiifiir lutxll- ) clues of Dr. tl. V. ricroc , nro now wld only through 1 - n-KUlnrly niilhor- njrents , ho can poll only nt the. follow- Ins loncK-s-iblislicd prices : lr. Picrcc's Golden Mciucnl Discovery , Jl.lX ) tier toltlo. Dr. ricrco'a Tnvorito IYo KTlption , $1,00 per Iwttlo. 1) I'lcm.- ' * ricasnnt IVllots , 'Jo cents j > erl i. The genuine mnlicincs , \ \ lltran \ l > o hnd only nt thi > o prices , nro the chwipcc.t ixnif- dbs yon can \i o , for thpy'iv i/iiniinifrrif. H's < rvalie rcccivol , " In : or no my every cnsavihcroDr. Tierce's tnedlcinw fail tolvnc- lit or euro , the malcrs : will return the money , llofus.i ovcrythhiR ofTered n < Dr. J'lercc * mcxllcincs nt less th.m Iho nbovo pikvs. They nro RiMicrally spurious. Don't cct something that the donlornixs is "just ns tootl , " it may bo l-cttor for lilm , but it's pretty ccrtnln to lx > worse for you. lipovatl Safety Elevate , KIMBALL BROS. Cor. it'i Street .iu I llth AVJ. , Oouucll IlliiflT COUNCIL BLUFHSTm DT3 WOHJ All kin Isnf Drnlnxnnl Clo.iiiln : ilnno In tn ! I best style of the art. V ulu.l an I FtUnol : iltlcs ) made to In ) 't in uo. > il us IIJ.T Work prumplly done am ) ilulivoro 1 In ill imrtsuf ihu cu.uHry. fcer.U for ui"co IliU U. A. MADtlAN , - - I'KOl'ltHU'Oa HUio-idw ny , Near Vort i.viMinr OJU.SJli UuUl tM. lOVi. to talk about buying a GETTING heater. It will bo cold before you know LATE it ; are you ready for it ? Have you see n th6 latest trulmph of the slovo maker's art ? Wo have it. There is no Jenj injr that the best healers made arc tiio Art Garland and Peer less Garland , Iho oroduct of the largest slovo works in the world. Both are good iind oilhor still ; ono is sure lo. Won't jvnit another day , but como and look over our stock of btovcs nnd ranges , kitchen wnre etc I'ltlCUS ALWAYS Thi : I.OU'KsT. P. C. 1)K VOL , 001 Br.OADWAY and lONor/ni M.viN'ST Council ; * ' ' . . \ / l'v . > j& Twin City Steam Dye Works a A. . aoiioKD-iAOic , PROIMIIKTOK. DYfJING , CLEAHING- AND K.EPINISHING OP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha Olllco , 1521 Farnam SI. ; Telephone 1521. Council Mluu"j Olllca nnd Wor Is Cor , Avo. A and 21UU St. ; Tulephono 310. Send for circulars und priuo libt. TUT ? CELEBRATED 111D SANDWIC Moro aold Ihtin till othora combined. Do not bo deceived by Imitators or by these claiming lo hiivo uluiost as good a raachlno. Huy only Iho SANDWICH OOEN SHELLBR nnd bo protected by direct cunrnntoo from roltiblo nmnufuc- turcra. You can ulwaya depend upon our repairs bolrijr ltoil ) In btoulc by nil lou-al denlors. Apply for our agency , Send for calulofuoi und prlcoa. SANDWICH NUFACTURING CO. , Council DlulTs , lowu. Sl'EOCAL NOTICES COUNCL iLUFFS The wnnt mlrertlvtniouu tipiipatlni In n ncwipiiicr Are otton thu tnoHt Intorestlnx liart of in cnnlcntv They o\nroi the urgent needs , the dully wUhp < nt the | inu , > lo trho wnntvo'retlilns nnil nlu nt * iMllln : lo du coinuthlin. KMPLOVMKNT. \ \ ' AN till ) A enniiat | nl clrl fur erncril h miuwnrk ( lon.l waac < . Ull ut nil Willow l A"woimTn"n < 11 iTr 5 TorTi.i'B'j' j Tl wcok. Apnlr Mrn , llurni-o Kvorotb , : i\cnuunnd Kltflilli sireol. HOUSE9 AND LAND3. AKUAKS- .Mu t IIP Mold ntonco. I ) . J. llutoli Jl 1fl To. , lil ? tlroiulwny- c t vi re . ' . duo lionr'nz. In cliy lliuu\ I ) . J llutcliltnon A Oo. . fll" _ \Vll.ti tr.tilolinii o nii < l lot for stock , 1 , , T , ' > Jlutcliln < ontV. _ Co . 017 llro.tdw.iy. \\TK MA VI' piirchasor lor f.inn oT.'lM orfili ' iirros , wltlilnM inllutDf Ointli.ii mint be Kood laud ; don't euro for liniro\uiucnli | : nil ) liny nil cnsn. I ) . J. llutchlumw .t To , , c.17 UiOEtitwity , OltANOi : Kruv.M in ! ' orlit-t tnilTlVlKarnla for suloor tr ide. Ui-oonshlohU , Nloliulsoii > V Co. /"till : A 1' timber InmU Iu Mlnui < ota for tula iu iiU'iiitltlt-n to suit. ICnsy - . N lohoUon , Oa Tj AKM nti'l ' city loin * . Mom-y UvTnol tt-\ - stock mid iir.tlu. Ui < nl ostnto for silo. Dnolllnmil biislnosi runltils. Monov lo-iuu I for lou il Invuttori. I OIIKOD .t rowlo.M I'o irl Mrcct. _ _ _ 1711)1 ! r.XOIIANUiClnir iiiiTiTor-soctlou lit JI I nut for Coiinoll tlluIN - iiroiii-y | | : will imr rush for dlirorcnop. Urcrnsli.uliK Nicholson , v i o , 0'l ISro.idvMiy. Iroit HAliK Dlinioost firm In 1'ntt.iw.ilti- . in o Co. . 41.1 iicro-s wad Inettu.1 mil tin- | mi\ol 1'rli-o tIJ mi .IITO 11 HSIioifo. In ACltKH lunil for s.ililiot : tvoon Council ItlulNund ( ininlin : ub.ir.mlii U mkan soon. tiroriHli'o d < . NIchiiNun .V Co. , d''l Hroathviy. FO1I 1 XOIIANOK ' 41 ncros in Phillips coiiulv. Coo. with liiiiirosoinuiits , for stOL-lt or dry cools iinil cioililn or uthor imlsi > . I. II. Shu.ifu. OKV ! piiviiiptits .Vrooiii lunisu on uuuth t street QreonalroiiN , NIolioUou , t lo. ! , C.'l Mioadway _ TJ'OIl SAI.n On smut p lyiionts , fruit nud -L Card I'M tun I noir Co melt Iliull'j U , 11. clic.tfp. HrovltYiy , tn I > lalu street. K1UI IT IJ.\"N I ) . Il'i UCMM for s.Jui Insldocllv I llin ts. ( liccnsliloiils , Muliolsnii & Co. , C.'l llr ladw.iy , \\r A.OOI ) i 0 ) . have - o no of" tliu Tlnuu I . ( iinin in soutliwuiturn lowi for mile. Cull nnd 100 us f > 'JJ Muln strout. HOKSKim I IniZKy wantnd for iiulinproxoil nroueriy In nortliwinl pin of olty Orucn- Muclds Nicholson > V Co. CM llioulwny. AHAItOAIN. ll-aoro frull itnd enrdou ir.icb L'li miles from nostollloc.1 ! norm in crapi'i. 'i auro In bluckborrios , "Jl uiiplo trees. T3 plum troi-s , : t > uherry tree < . ilnii tins , stable , cU1'rlcofi.UO ) . N'o tr.ulu. P II. flioufo. > l ACUKS , Inside olty limits : will soil In lots Jjnoncro no to suit hnyur. Grcoushlcldg. Nicholson A. Co. li''l Uroiidwny. _ l' VOIT him kind iiu.itinunt i iind liar nlns In teal cst'ilo odl on ( iteonslilold , Nloliol- on . - I'D , , fi.'l llroidwii v. ] no ACIIFS of eluur land In o istnru Nu- lir.islcu toovcli.tiuu for n eno I rt < sliU'iii'o In Coiiiii'll lllulTs.Viuii hoiisi's anil lots for Xu- brasUaluiid. Johnston , V Van I'liHun. L HAVCa pond tun nit fir u flvoor alx room lioiisu fnur 01 IIvo blotUs from posl- olllcu. OiL-0iililulds , Muholsuii ! c Co. . Ull llroiidw.iy , OIVK ) aun-s o' olioloo plno liiuils for sale , inoir I'urvl4 , . .Misliisy terms In- iliiiruor .Mrs. 11. G. llro.iki , or A. rlItleo , r.'i 4lh slicot. EQUITY In pnoil Coiint'll lIlulTH proportv. Must bo sold tins noittt. Urcuiishlclda , Nluhoison A : Co. \ \ lIAVKoustiiinuiii who want hoii-os to 'T tent. Huvuyou the hou > os ? Urcenslilolds , Nicholson t'cCo. ' | > ANfll of'J.O'O acre < . neir Uliovonuo , WTO. - \llno Improvoniuiits. s > mo stoulc fuesvltli raiicb : din-it Iu the stati ) . Will exchange for Council Itiuirs or Omuba property. Urcon- > litclds , Nit-liolsoii & Oo. , till Hro ulmiy. POH i\OIIANOR-V : > .OJO steel : of ccnoral iiicix-liaiidlso for lovv.i or unsturii Nebraska l.'iiul , Uruunslilulris , Mcliol ou & Co. , OJl U'tviiy. agcnu tor administrator. 11'YOl ) liavo n'lytbln ; for silo or Irado S38 III. . She ife. Ilro i Iway auJ M tin strant. GltKiNKIII10IJ)3. MCIIOLbON & CO. . a cnis for iiilmluUtr itor. h tvo for t > alu onn of llio bcatOJJ-.iuru stool ; f. urns In noit- uin lown. _ FOU I'.KXT-The following duelling ! ID-loom dwo lluv. lilt Park avu. . IIJ. 8- room d\volllii . T.'l o. Gth St. , Mi ( . -loom dWL'llin. , 'XII ' "ml nvo. , f.'X T-ioomdwollliiJ. HU 1st avo. , fj > . T-i-ooin ilwullliiK , Ol'l ' Olh iivo. . t. . ' ) . ll-ioom dwell n. , 1 ah si. mid Avcnuo U , J2J , T-IOOIII dwollln" ' . IsIlio idtvtiy , W5. ll'-ioom dwollliiL' . .18' ) lleiitoo at , , ill. 8-iooin ihTullittv , Ul' ' Aveiiuo ( j , Jill ft. X ( ' . -loom dwolllia' , 110 N. l.Mb si , , ! ! r.C3 n-ioum ilvvollln ' . S 'O Aveniii ) II. fls. 'i-ioom ' d\v ultltiKiHH Lincoln uvo. . { 10.01. 7-i-ooin dwollln. % ' . ' U lliirmony sU , (13. 7-iooin dwuilliu , Itahnltt I'l'ioc. ' i . ' ) . ( i-rooiu dwalllii' , ' . JH < 'urta ! st. . Sli. n-rooni dwullli ; , ' , ! WS Mynstorst. . 111. .ri-roiin ilwollliiK. 1 "Hlird uvo. . $1 . { -loom dwolllii ' . . ' > ' . ' ! Mynstur St. , $12,51 C-roOm dwullliig , ( ir.-iliiini uvo , tl. . C-iooin ilncillnr. nuO'.llh avu. . m r.niomdwulilnHabbltt PI ICP. i i'.5) . 7-room ilu-oilln , ' . Moriuir.'sldc. Sr.-n. 4-K.Iiii ducllliu' , { Ci I'll r I ; uvo. . irjfiJ. 'i-iuoin duoilln.iLii Avnniio A , JiO , 5 room dnclllir. . t r W.isbnutoii avc. . IIOi "i-roiMii dwollln , 4')4 ' ) N. lith HI. , { 10. ri-room dwelling. Ml AM > uun ( ? ! . ' . n-ioom duolllns , Mil X. Till St. . I'll. A-ronm dnulllnu' , 103. A Minim I ; . 11 } , 4-ruiiiu \ollliiir. . H'T. Mh uvii. 1IJ. G-IOOIII dwullliu * . AU'i-llh At. , fin. l-roimi dwollln ; , lit * Vlnu St. . jU. | l-ronni dunllinx' . r > IO N. 7lb , HO. d-Kioin chMillliu1. . : > ? I'lli avo. , ill. C-ioom dUDllln. , Kl 4 Avcnuo II. $10. li'ioom duollln' ' , l.r > " > Avunut II , ilO , r.-room dnoll'nz , IIKI llroaihvuy , $10. K-rooin dwelling. 111. ) Kill iivn. , * U. li-room dwolllnITiW A vunuo A , Jlfl. fi-rooin dHi'lllii ! . ' , Grilmni avc , , ni1 , Hisli , IX J-looin lioiisn , 7JI t'o IHh si. , flu. TI-IOOIII dwollln' ' , ' ' 'l Avimuu A , ) . 4-ronm ( luul.ln . , - ' \ Avuiiuii I ) , tt . ' . -loom ( Uvi'llhu , 'MX Avcnuo II , H l-room dwolllnUD : A vvmui a. 14. Ti-room ihMi'ltiu. 'JIJ ' AVUIIUO C , ( > , ll-rooin dwollln , 'Jlsist and A vi nuo M , II r.-room dwollliu. 7W S LMrd ht , . J * . fi-iooin iluiillln. , 'lilO A vuniiu A , 4-roDin dwollln ? , : > v > N , ut ht. , 4-iooin ( luollliu (111 ( MI. Ul si. , J7..U . ' -room dwnllliu' , IH'M ) Avoiiuo A , ti. ri-room dwo llnx.Ill IMh avo. , 83. : i-room dwollliiir , ll J A vnuuo A , id r -ioom dwollhih' , ' . " "IS Avnniin I ) , ! 1 ' . ' -room dwjllln , II'JJ Avc-nux n , I.X 4-roum dwclllni : , --IU A vcnuo I ) . 41. : ! 'inom dwell n ' . - 'I.1) ) ri. (1th ( si. , n : I-IOOH dwotlliv' . --'d nnil AviMiue I. 71. II II. Fhoafc , runlal aguiit. llroadway and Main ttroet. MISCELLANtOUS. "TJlINi ; drug btoru fcrs'ilo , lUlures Included -I. nlll Involi'O about . - f.VWO ; looted III cool leiwu town of .i.fi' ) ! ) population ; doing line bual upas. I ) . . ( , Iliildilnson A. Oo , GI7 llroadway. GAltllA'H ; removed , rimpon'.s. vaults and chliiiiiuynoiii mod. U l > . IliirUn. Olty Illdg. T OK BAMS rurnlluro , ( Ixturoi and loasoot -L Die largest ani IliiuU hiitol In southern Nubr.iulin. All modern Improvements , olo- gum furnlturo. Nnt prollu tlCO.Ui ) ) pur an num ; building newly built : no conipjlltlOn. I'i loci J U1 J J.'J' . half cash. K. II , Slio.ifo , ( /'ounoll llluir * . Iu. . HAI < H MardwiirJ MtujUi In Iowa uri I --'Nobr.isUa. Involues , tlM lullJ.OJJ. I' II , blicafo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F OH .SALT flioiip , or In urelmmri ) for land nn oktabllshDil btislnuns. Address I' U box IIUoiincll ! ) lIluirM. li. : DAKCINQ SOHOOL. MONDAYS In It. A. parlors , cbltdroii. 4p m.i iiilulti. 7:31 p m , rioslalt seooud and finirtli Mondays , I ) p. in , Musle furiiliheJ imr * ties and clubs. Address ill It. A. I'ariurs , ( iiiincll Illiiird , ur lUM I'iirnam St. . Omuha. W K. L'hamburi , Instructor , W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Direoior , bm'ialnnr 114 Main Street , Coudcll HlufTd. t OdllllULIb Allor"eyt atlnw. 1'rao- [ uco i , , tlo | fcll < to „ „ ! foduril conrn. Hooma 3. 4 null o Hliu''ur * liunro blooU , Couuull Uludi. I a.