THE OMAHA DAILY JJEK : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 21) ) , 1802 , 8PBG1HL NOTIGE8. _ VKHTI1 KMlNlir VTllT Tll'lWB'COUIMNH AI nlll .o tnVtn until U M p. in for lli nrpnlnu unit nntll 8 3o p. in fur tlio morning ur Sunilnjr oil' .XttmlTprtliienitnl taken for loss than Si cents for thcntAllntnrtlnn. . , . AllftiMefllftMnpnli In tli o folnmru m M-nU n wtirrt for tim Infortlon ami 1 rent a wont for mri milKcniiont ln crtlon , iir II.M nor line | * r month , Terms cnuli In nrtriincp Initial | l nret. Brmtiiln , itc , encli count n wonl. All nilrrr- tfurmriitd mint run ponMrnllvHr Advertiser * , t > r re < iue tln n nnmliprpil clieele. pan ! I TP llio letter" adilmteil to n inimNriM letter In f rt'of Inr.vVr. Aii nem no mMrcMi-it wilt l > o dcllrercd tin tlio pro'nnl.itlon of ttiotlieek. NOIIOE. Inllic fnltiromi mlTcrllionionti will boUVcnfor tlio I'tinlng edition nf tcr 12:30 o'clock. All notices broopht Into thn offlco after Hint lionr wilt ho first Interim In the. following ninrnlriK'i eilltlon. _ \V\'NTKI > . POSITION nv CWII-HTKNT HOOK- Iktepen Atl < lie sO8l. " Al4lJ Til - . ' > MAN IMIiMIHM A MTIIA- A-KXPKHir.SI'EI position of cecrelnrr tlilrtecM yearn In largo corporation In the oaHlmidcrntands hookkeei.liiB nnd ( ipeclal collcttlomi uooil refer cnce . AddressO47 , Hoc. alt-rtl * - . 1'OHITION IIV I.MV STKSOOUA- L-WANTKII. . Addrens t ) 51 , llge. M'SIO U * , - POSITION IIVF.M'KUIKNt'nit COI.l.HOTOItt LKoodreforenccK. Addresso5- MJJ7SJ * -IIAItllKIt WANTS HTKAHV WOllK. ISA steady man ; niuall town prclerred. O W llec. - : ) , SITUATION AH to run hunters : Ural-class loferencus 1IOX4.V ) , UiicoltuNcb. WANTED-.MAt.E - , . . i 1.1. . rrtur.iN : ON SAI.AIIV Olt.COM- iinlsMon in hnnttlo the new patent clie-nlonl Ink criming : pencil. Tlio Krostosl lllni novelty nver product-it : erases Ink tlmroimhly In Inn ncconilM no nlirnMon of impen V tt > .V per eont prollt : ono nirenl'a mile * nmnuntflil M. " > In sit on" " , an- oilier f inn txrohoiiMS wo want onoiinerKotla uen- eral nuent In e.icli itntn ntul terrltnrr. I or lornn Mftf. Co. . hnit i > arth'iilnraililros9 Munruo ICraior A W , l.s L'roBio.Vls. . lira T-200 HKWliH MP..V. Ali-10 tlltlCKIiATKUS JJirar.ted. I'ny OTcry Hatunlny. DOS Mnlnos , In. McDonald. MI03OA * > -MAN WANTKI ) TO flOI.I.Kl'T AND 3KUMN Joauntrr. Apply at Singer nines. r > -.1IKI.IAlll.i : MAN ABOUT 25 , WHO IM QtllOK l to lenrn and willing to work will ho Ins trurted In our buslncBs and salary paid nhllo loarnlim Ap- ISIllDouiilas. 4UO" ' Jily _ _ _ _ p-WANTBH-TIIB NAMKS ANI > ADIIUKSSKS J'of enerKctlo mnn and women open for perma nent work. Wo Blvo excluMvo territory.n liunrnntee Kood worki-rs ISOa week.o furnun ofllee. furniture , dPllrery team and newspaper nd- Terllnlnu. Ournrtlcle. Inn monopoly. It will imvo ! & per cent of tlm eonl hllln of everybody. I nil I'nr ' ttcuhirs by mnll I Wiournphs. pnmphlotK. elo . Jreo npon receipt of pontane. Address K'ODl-Snnr I o. , 68 UlUer ntrcet. Huston. Mim. M4.B n3 _ "O HOYS WASTKU AT OMAHA 11J.V KACTOHV , -WANil. : . A UVK AC"v MAN WITH J > H < imo pluck ami push , to represent u In your locality. Wo Imvo aometlilnv entlroly now Hint KOCH , nnd iinh > i > K you enn mnke 175 to f'A'iO per mouth wo don't need ) on. K | ii > ddllnir. Itutli'r write to clny. Address "Mnnnfncturera , " hoiMlM. Itoston , ' . ANDTVI'K- -rOMIV.TKNTHTKNOmiAI'Iir.llS JJwrllcr opi'rnlors lioarn out of ciiiploiiienl nrolnvlteil to enll nml reirlstor tlielr iiiime nnil oiiallllcntlon- < with our employment lUipurtincnt. Wo mnkn no ohnrBO to iMtliqr nnployor or nil- jilnyeil. Drop In anil nnn in ; wo lake pleasure In ilolngnll woe-ill for the Trortliy ntunoizraiiher anil typowrltlsu The Pmlth Premier Typonrltur Co. . MU\f \ Kariiam St. . Oinnlia. Neb.'I ' , T > WASTKI ) . YOUNC MiN : AM ) I\IIKH AT- J Jtenil evening .seliool. BIT fcliculy Mock Ti-nni reasonable. J II Hinlth SCI Jl * 8 : Bl'I.IINMOCIlANCr. TO ( ! KT 'iiu-- rent In ovclmnin for work Inquire of Oeo , N. Ulck . : iOiN. V. l.lfo biillillim. M & T > WANTU'li , ( IKNKIlAI.IltTACKSMITII : (1OOIT J iwiicei anil steady Job. Apply to Lock llox 55 , Hrrnnton , .Voh. * H " 0 * -WANTKr)7 rillBT CLASS IIOH8K.SIIOKII. J > Aililre a C .Murray , 107 Kast ra Bt. , CrunU Inland. Nob. t'S ) \ ' 1 > - AN MXIT.HIKNOHI ) MAN WHO OAN TAKK JJentlreehiirBiiof mon's furnli'ilni uooiH stock can Heruroconil uusltlon ami hnliiry by nililrrfsliiK O CT. lli-o. 18is * -A MAN WITH KIIOM JIM TO MOO II * A IllJSt- ncsHtlint iRKtrlctly leulllniiito niul nlll pnyf..00 to f 10.00 per ilay Address OG3 , Hoc. SlOiM * > -HOVWA , TKD. 1UTO 18 VKAU5 OLD. MIIA Xf. Ilenaon. , B SAT.i.HMr.N. : S.I TO $5 I'KU J'duy. Doom 5 Crounno block , cor. llitli nnd Cnpl- tel avenue. < M1 ' . ' 8 * _ T > WANTKII. IMMKDIATKt.Y , I'lIIST OliASS J liunnni Ironer ; No. 3 Troy iiiiichliip/uooil Mld ay Steam Laundry , Koarnuy , .Neb. I : > -I\VANTI'.I > ! MAN rouorificKvouic. . Jl.Miintlio Kooil penman and furiitali references. Ono who linn liiul nonio ilruit o\p rlBueo profi-rrod. flicrimui .V McC.uincll. 131:1 : Dodtto. : M4GI : > U fT-VVA.NTK I ) . M/TJ ? AND \V iT'K I'Oll WOllK IN J3tminll fnmlly ; uoninn must lie irood cook , man for iKimci. c-ow , elo.i Hwcdo or ( lurmnn | > ref rred. Addli'Bl 1' A. Hoc. AUIVi 'M' ' - WANTUn. TWO ROOD 9AI.KSMKN TO travel and rell our line nf hi'llra' nnd misses' line liie i rxporlmiccd Hlioo mon pri'fnfrpd. Ad- ilri' . with refc'rciiccs , L'arroll Hoot nnd Shoo Co. . fill-roll , In. M4JI5 ! IU _ _ -r > WANTKI ) , A UOO1) WATCIIMAKKII , J'Stcnily ompl"ymont at uood wnges. Ariitresa Jl. C. Akin , Di-.iilwooil , S. 1) . Ml 07 W _ 'I' * MBNWANTKn , SAlMHY AND K.IMis. : : . J l'-iiiiiiiH-nl placi- . Apply at ontn. Ilriinn llroj. On. , nuisi-rj mull , Chlcnuo. MiTO ' . " . " AHH YOU A CATHO1I ' ' Alll ! YOU USKM. ploreil ! Will jou work for JIS ner.ook' ' \Villn to mo lit once. J , U. Ciay , 1UI MiullMili Mrcot. Clilcngo , 111. M 17 5J'l | . A MN TO TAICI : AN 'nml reiiro i'nt n miuiiifiu-tiirer ; fjJ nor week ; nmall rnpltnl rennlrcd. Adtlrrci with Ktiinip , Man ufacturer , luix 7U. Went Acton , Mass. .M17J 2J * gEM : ALE HELP. w A ru : , i ; oo o uu ou honiionork. Call 8.IJ Ocoriilti nve. { S. S'Jtli two doom noith of.Mnion. 1T.I C WANTI3P. fiOOl ) COOK ANII l.AIJN IHiMSS. liujnlro u. w , corner 1'lvlt and tit. Jai-y'M nvo. In 3 dajra. Al'.W / S WANIKD-lllltli KIIOM TWKi.VI1 ! TO Kit-- Vtoen > i-r.r of nuo to take chnixo of child , ( all nt N. . W cor. ilitli and .lotioi ktreot' . 31' ' -\V.\NTKD , A (1001) ( illlli Toll UKNKKAI , liousunork. .Mrs. I ) . O. McKwiiu Illl a Wlh t. M 400 ) _ C-WA.NTKI ) . \N KM-nitlKNCKI ) SAI.KS. woman. Addri-s nttucll ) lufurviicounlr , O or lleo. 41323 _ C-WAVI'II > , A rtAI.KSI.ADY ArOUAIN'l 1511 nltli Hi 11 iiiitrnBuurn uuiliii'Ks. Addrt-it , with Onmlinrofi-roni-n DOS llvv , 4IH3 W A NT II I ' .olll.TOIH IIOUSK work In fnnill ) of two , Mint ho a iood rook , STSI Jactton Uruct tiniiuHllnU'ly. < ll ? J * VATKlA tllllli KOlt riNKIUI , IIOUSK work In nMiinll family nllli no children at'.r.t N.-'ltllftrit'l. 11(1 ( 5'J' WANTKI ) ! tel ) ( illll , KOIt UKNKHAI C lioukon oik In muiill family. Mil. C. W Cnnllnlil Iff ) soiiih n.M rtn-ot. Misu at * WAN'K ! ) . llll < KOIt ( iKNKKAIi U OU ii viork In fiimllyof a. Apply Imniedlittuly nt 61 Bo. "JUi uvoiiuo. -MI7 < SO * Jt'On BENT-HOUSES. - - 1UIUSK NKAU Illllll D-U-UOOM : tHblu ; modern con vtuiloncuj. Tlioi , V , IUII.UI7 I'm ton block. TO -AKnIllAMLilOMIttK 110OMS. Kljll nlnUod or unfurnished , Parties going to t'nll ( ornla. Apply on prvuilnvj , 1113 South Tvntli tlrcot 653 _ -KOIl UHNT. & HOOM fUTTAIIK OX MOTOI 1) line. Ai'i'l ) S. W. corner t'th ' unJ Doiulaj. 1)TV HIM TV TWO MSW UlltCK lIUIfoKH. N1NT. HOOMt 1 'each , IIrut clasi modern luiproviiiient > . Par ) nvtmiioiiud Illckury utri-ol. faclnu Hanscom park J. M. I'.IUmrcli , IllSf'o. ad itroit , M 5 W \-10U ItlJNI' , Df.dlllAllK HOUriH. APPLY /ItlhlDmlk'tf. Mol'J | \ CIIKAP FOHTIlli WINTKII , U IIOOM I'LATf J.'ll 87 North list sticet ; city nator ; ( j. ( ! . I lIuUf.tWHoiith llth atroet. pi ojj p 15 _ Y\-HOUSK OF 11 HOOMS. ALL MODKllN CON J veiilencu * . plea > antly lutatrd near l-nsl ness cen lor. Apply ISJi L'hlcuuo St. , or 1S. bklnucr , 111 1'ariiaiu. _ ( lFOIt ItKNT , 10-IH.H ) rTIbUSI ! . 'J ) OASs Jt40 00. lltcd i belby , Hoard o f Trade. Wl D - - JlO\li5t : , CKNVIIAU.Y I.OOATKD furnace nml nil ImiirOTCiuenli. 7UO N. I'JtU St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ D mItOOM IIHICIC HCUaK WITH MODKIli ImuroTomenti , on nth ) iieut ueur J.oareuwort JnquliM nt tJ7 t-u. lt > th treet , MJ 1 > -i-3 uooMd cTifA rm'ii-u < M NS , _ _ _ 1VA I'AlttIB , l.ltir OK CIIOIL'K llOUfl- J sturi-i. tlati.etc. llouifi from IJOOpcr uiont nil up , Uvuruv J. Inul , IU)1 Knrinai , MJLM NI6 _ : NOUTII uu , iNyuir.K ia JACIISON.MM MM ! r\-l0 ! 8K roil 11KNT , I'llOVIIHU ) l AUTl J /nlll | iurulii | i9utoliold itoodi ; will take Omah reau > t t lu lujriueul. Uvuriie CUuier , Il 5 I'or T IIU . MM ) - HUNT. 7-lttMlJJ MOUKHN VIJL'C I P-KOll bgck | , MINI Tti ron IIKNT.7 J'I.ATa.6 IIOOMSKAI'H.PTKAM ndent. wKterund RHI. litMliiccil rent. Hi ; s. Utli nt Mnton tiloik. John llnmlln. Hfpitt. -"SI D-VOIl ItKNT. OSK 7 , ONK V , AND ONE 10 room moclorn liomo. corner TSlh xt. nml ropplo- lonnto. W I' , llnrtnn. 7. . ! N. V l.lfo lllilit. SV ) -VOIl ItKNT. A 7-11 OM HOfK wlril AM. modnrn conTpnloncisi Inrco inrd , nt Mil South Ji.tli t. , I2S If token for n rear. 2"3 'a "oSTv TWO LKf-FflK TIIK C-1IOOM COT- txecKjuit romplclcil. Itnvoliitth. not and cold nntprnml modern conrrnlcncvs Holralilc liomc-1 for liu'lnrM men In licnnllfnl rttnnfonl circle. Knr pnrtlt-nliin nppljr to Mnr l.oin anil Trust Co. , intents , New Yurk l.lfo tnillillnir. K1 - J , DWKM.INItjI. COTTAOKS IN Al.Ij parts of cltf , Kilkenny A Co , ContlncntAl lilk _ _ _ . _ _ _ VA\ \ 1 -KOlt ItKNT. UOIHK3 IN AM. I'AHTS OK cltr. Tuu O. k' Davli companr , 1 Jlli Karnam SU D-l'Oll UK N'T. DKHIIIAIIU : 9 ItOOM 11OIMK , modern Improvement' , tiaUliborliooJ the host , U. C. I'nlterron. 421 llnmtu block. Ml'JI IlllICK , CIAS. IIATH. KUIINACK. 'lannilry , esst front < everything inortorn. Keys at Dr. K. Scliwartilanilcr'a , IJJI C.tultol arenno. MM } 31 * D-KOlt ItKNT. NI-HT COITAOK. HAJ.KIH.Oriv from tnnlori furnlshcil or mifurnl heili elty waters BorB rooms. Apply to Wclshnn % 411 Knr- bach block. M3CT 1 KOIl IlKNT NKAP. IIASSOOM I'AIIK. B-rooin brick house till S .ISml , * IO. ( > . fi room brick house , earner Wml nnd 1'oppleton nvi' . , IliW ) . 8 room framn house,020 ! 1'npplelnn nve. , fljOO. Bloom hrlck , ulvvnnlly Jlnhhcil , s-Wi Pacific , wm. t > room brick eottnrn. SMI Tupllol arc. . JI3 00 lice , N. lllclw.U'i N. V. l.lfo luillilliiit. .T8J M -STKA"M IIiATTiJ. : MOIIIIIN IMPUOVK ii'.enlB.corner Hal , st-i-onil Uoor,2jrd anil Dnven port streets. JKWS * roU HKST , T-UOOM IIOUSK , llffJSo'OTII VlTl D are. > 13''i3 * T T HOOM COTTAI1K , IIATH , CITY WATIIll , lAlstorn , lawn , tree * , near motor , cvmenteil crl. lars or le o tl" > 0) ) : nlsn S-room l.imsi , ao- eiiiiinioitnllons itpinn as ntiovo ; J l. Hum with nltlter ITilcalrcil. fee ownerml Pnxlon blk. 41.1 COTI'Adi : . 3111 MASON. a-HOO.M house , , modern , 3lst .V Jlason , Apply 30.V ) .Miison. D-FOll HKST. NKAT I'lVII HOOM COTTAOII. (3ood condition , itood iielKhborhood llurd nnd Koft water. H200 tier month. liuUlro2U3il | Clmrles i-treet , or llenj. Kdholm.ull mill. < iri Zi * -nonsn OK si.x IIOOMH. NO. iftio I.IA\MN. : : worth at. , hel oen I5lh nml tilth t. , rent ? ! . ' > per month ; al o atorc on llth it , No. r.O'i. near 1'iirtmin t. rent fl.r > periuonth. Inqulro nt 91" South lath iit. Julio Hnnilln , iinrnl. Mtrj : -(1 ( AND T-U 1OM H.ATB , STKAM HBATKII , nil nioilcrn cunvonloucva ; central. J. II. 1'iirrotle , room 2i , UoiiRlas blk. 44'Jli _ D-KAST HALF S.MI lIAVP.NPOItT ST. . TO small family Inquire - > I8 Capllol nvc. .Ml * > 7 1 * D-TWO t'O'l TAtl I'.S. MODIIIIN CON VIINIKNCKS. Ilil I North 25th nnd SB. ? Patrick avenue. C nnd 7 rooms. Inquire 24 ! ; > Pnrkor. M464 30 * -NI'W7-HOOMCOTTAi'.S ; BATH. HOT AND cold wnter , nil modern liuproMMiient ! ! . I'eslrnhlu Inentlon for luminous men in bean 11 ml Mnnford Clicle. Oiuveiilent toUmnha anil outh Omaha. Apply C , S. I'.lKiitter. room I , Now Voik l.lfo build- ItiK MIKI - PKH MONTH I'Oll NH'I ! S-HOOM HHSI- deucoonVost Knrniim stiuet with moilern < Min. vcnlonccii. C. A. Star , lleo bulhlliiK. MIOJ-31 * D-J10 PKIl MONTH 'IO P.XMII.V NICM . - ) room rechliMieo lit nortlnM'st eoi ni-r 4Uh nnd Dod e ; newly papered- wood cundltlou ; hasclty vnter. C. A Mur , leo ! biilldlUK. FOU RENT FUKNISHED KOOMS. ! fitONT m N. nth at MI 1/-NICKLY I'UUNISHKI ) UOOlt ; AM , MOD IJcrn convonlencoo. Tcnua reasonable. OlS North 2M JMS7I 1 J-KIIONT ItOOM , IIATH. ( IAS AND JIKAT ; Jtionrillfiluglreil. HID 1'nrt. nvennu. SUM 31 * -N1C1MIOOM. . C1113AP , 1IJI N. ISTU. Ilj 453 til * E-K17UNISHKI ) HOOM , WITH OH WITHOUT boanl. In private family ; pleasant location. Ail- ill CBH P3 lleo. 4W 110 * PUHNISHED ROOMS AND BOAKD. 1JKUCONT1.V KUItNlSHKI ) IIOOMS , K1HST 1'clnta 'oca. I , at "Tho" Uolan , 20J und211 N. 18th trcot. . MWJ 17-1IOOM AN I. 1IOAIHI IN PItlVATi : h'AMlhY J- fur two nentlemen with references lit ? 5 per week ench ; all moUein coiivenlencss. 515 N 23d t. MHW 17-DP.SlltAllliK SUITK. SOUTH HOO.MS WITH Aboard. 1S CliltaKQ MSKi 30 * 17-llNK OKTIIK FINKST HOOMS IN OMAHA L with llrst-elnss necommoilatlons ; IIKO nuotlier plcusuiit room ; with bourd. 63) N. 23rd street. M41M 30 * l-WANTIn , T.AD1KS OH ( JKNTLU.MAN TC -L room nnd hoiird In private family ; good bonri ! raasonnblo. Address OC7 , lieu. MI.VJ30 * , HOOM AND 11OAIID IN PHI Jvato family. 70S N. lillh. M 481-3 * IT'-KHONT ' KOOIIS VtKU , 1'UHNISHKD WITH -I or without board. i'JO North IVtli Rt. M4H ) 1J-D1CSIIIA11LK .HOOMS WITH IlOAItll A'l 1 ren'Oiiinhlu terms In nmall fumlly , nicely located All modern convenience * . Hofcruncca. 2t17 llnr ncy Htiiu-t , M4SO 30 * FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED HOOM3 -I USFUKXISIIKD UOOM3. SU1TADLK I'OI liuusokeeplr.i ; , to xnnll family : centi'al loon. lion ; cliunp rent. Apply to J. II. Whesler , 117 ICur b.ich block. MS05 G 831 HO * - TWO HOOMS. KUIlNlrfHKD OH L'NKUUN CTWO Islicil , for llKht houm.'keepliu , 813 S. 17lh si. U7 M' G -FOIt HUNT , LAIlfii ! HAY WINDOW I'NKI'II , iilshud front room , i.'t ; South 25th nve. MI7I 1 * TOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES T -roiiiKNT.TiiKi'VDHY iitiuicin.No AOIJ | Fnrnnm st. The bnllJIiii : hii u fireproof CO1 mont basuincnt , complete stonmhentliK tlxtnrosi water on all the lloor * , nas. ' 'tu. . Auply at thu onict ofTliolloe. Ul ! ) WANTHD-TO KENT. WANTKI ) ; UNFUHNtsii .Kit ALCOVI5 ItOOM KOUlliwost partof city ; modern conveuloiincs Address O 13 , lleo. -M13I WANTIID. HOOM AND UiiAUDM.V A Pltl vato fnmlly bv xliiKlo 11111111 Ameilcan ; will b ! > li''nly lioanlcr ; reference. Who has u homo fo lU-li ? AdilrosiOM , Jluc. M4J72-J' K WAS'IIII ) , T\VO , HOO.MS FUItMSIIKI ) l-OI lluht liotisokeoplnnln prhnto famll ) ; uddrcs P 1 , II.-L- . 4H it ) * K WASTKII. A FUHN'ISHKD IIOUSK , 7 TO roonm ( inoderii ) . soulh of Dodite , nest of ' 'Ul David Jiimlciion , 10,1'J Park avenue. J1I7U U > * A MIIUU.IS AOIID IIUS1NKSS MAXDUHIHK K In rent urtiiriilMiPd room nllhiill moilorii In iiruMMueuts. In n htrlitl ) llrrt clims prlvula fnnill ) Would nriniui' for lirenkfntt nnd U u'l-lock dlnnoi Must bo central loojtlon. Address P 0 , lli-eultlcc M(7S ill ) BENTAL AaENCIES , -PKHSONS A ucjjy THH liilmnniiKeriiof South Omaha. They liuvimtoro : lio-4 > ( - > , unices und ruoins tor real. 8J7 .Nit 8TORAQE. TM DltY , CI.KANA PIHVATKI.Y BTOltKD FIJI ullurc-'U71 | > ouiilasOniahabtoro llepalr ivorki &TOIIAGK CHKAP , CLKANYKI.L3 , 111 uinam etrcot. I's'J ' WANTEn-TO BUY. T-WANTKD TO IIUY HOMK 8 PKH CKK' t lint mort.n:3 > , ItooJ A. dalby , Ul tloaril TriiJi 7W AT S-KCONI ) I'ANII HOOKS IIC'UUIIT ' FOH OAS1 1 > nt the Autlqunrlau Look aluro , IM'.i Katuam. C77-H 10 * \r WANTKD , TO illlY A M-llOOM 11OTKI , WIT : ai bar Iu Nebraska : soimiKood Ouiaha real estnl l > arlpiinent. ISO ! 8.13th M. M25I SU N-WANTIU , A FllUSH COW , Apply 1SI8 Fa liam. 4I > ] : d , AiOODNKIlllAMtA , FAKM FO larito elevator ; clear , well located anddolntf 111 business. Ueo , K. Wltkens , Ayrshire , la.MI7I MI7I ) FORSALE-FURN1TURK. 0-FOH tfAI.U. ALL MY HOU.SKHOLI ) GOOD Will takiiOmalm real e > tatu In payment. Ueori Cluuter , Illil'ark u\uiiue. MJ34 0Kt'llMTllltB KOIlSALKCHKAl * . IMI bl'KI | err , ulrect , Kountiu I'lnu- . JOR 8ALB--HOItSK3 , WAGONS , ETl IJ-fOll hAl.K , A H1XTV-DOU.UI TUI > llUtitl L fu- _ > l i u. K. Cole , Continental block. V.MJ p-fOlt 8AI.B-TWO WJ5U. MATCUKIt UIjAC i dtlvlDs liortgi. vplnliliiK ahoul SJ ) lift , eacl uiuttbuioltl at a * &crlUi-e. FlilultT | Loin Oitarn too Co. , room < vvitliuoll Hull Jim. Call nt onre. OB 8 AMJ-MISOBljLANES. HACK 116. i'lUTCHAltU , DOUULA8 IILOCI Q-MH HAI.K CUKAl' , A U-lIOItSU automnUocnulnoi | ta one U liorso | > owr u right vtiBlnoi botli In liutxl ropalr , Inqulru of Kei ' . , 1JOI Uo rU ! ro t , uuabj , Neb. FOU iVnlfntiil. Q - I'L'O I'riTlBS , ItOOlt 30 , 11AUKKH HtXX'K. til Nli Q TOU SAI.K. riHAi1 A organ , IVi , and a handnomo nalnnt wanlrotip , ; nl o two ilellTety wanonn , HO , and one hornoi . Apply 1401 Douiil.ii M. Mltl w 11OVKWOATA S < tJITS. CI.KANHI ) , IIVKI ) , UK- palrcit cheap. 1W1 tlonard utroot , oKlce room 3. JlA IIOMR KOIl IiADIKS DflllNIl COXKINK- mcnl. 2 , ° 31 Unmlng streetOmaha. MSIO N5l CLAIRVOYANTS. C-MADA.MK FIIITZ. IM1CA8S STIIKKT , CI.A1II Oi-oriint and trnnra niaillmn : In Inpomlont Teller's ; tell * past mid future ; magnetic trentment. " 1.miles > im Nia * s MIIS. NANNIi : V. WAIIUKN. Cf.AtllVOYAXT I rellnblo business mediumfifth roar at 119 N. 11th , Wl S AltltlVAI. K.VTHAOIUIINAHV ! WOXKKItKll tj ; Chnlloniies tlio norld. Mrs. Dr. M , lienrave , dead franco clnlrvoynnt , nilrnlosUt , palmist nnd llfo roadcr ! tolU your Ufa from tlio cradle to irrarel unites the sep.iratlj rlBKOtrlth tlio line you loroi tolls whcro you nlll nuccppd nml In nhnt huMnojs bolt n liplnil for : has thocjlobratod llcrptlan ure.i tplat3 for luck nnd to destroy bad Inlluciieni ; citrei tits , Intemperance and nil prlvnto complaints with masiaxc. biths and nleohol treatment , cn.l tJOJ , lock of hair , uama anddnloof hlrth nnd rocnlvc aecuratt life ebarti 2 cents In stamps for circular ! ulro Initials of one you nlll marry ! a < * > photot or simo. Olllco 41 ? South llth street , first tloun honn , ti a in , to ' . < p.m Co mo one. comoall. nnd bucanrlncoiloC this woi- dorfulOMclc. ni3 .N I * _ S-MBKUJM MADAMK BANDAl.I. HIVKS AD- rlco on liiislnoss ; KUarnntecn to scttlu fumlly matter' : lin-i wonilcrfiil Kuyptlnn charm of Rood luck.1.r > ir > Durcnport street. M40.I 2' MAS3Af3EB ATHS.ETC - - < SAH ( ; ! TUKATMKST. Hl.KCTHO-TllKIt- T--MAS nial hnllid , iic.ilpaiiit luilr treatment , mnnlciiro nnd clilropoillst. .Mrs l > ! > tliWlthni > llt > lk. MAIIAMK SMITH , I.Ttl PAPITJIi AVHNUH , lloom .1 , .ill Hour. Massaxo. alcohol , sulphur nml sea bath * Ml.'ij I * rp-MADAM bTOWi : , JIAONI-ITIO IllIAt.KH , JLauj I'mttet. SUM yj * MUSIC , AKT AND I. Vr-a. r.fJici.i.iiNiincK , IIANMO TICUIIUN. : . \v. cor. 15th and llarner. llnrncy etrcct entrnncc. 9(2 MONEY TO LOAN UEAL .ESTATE. Vy-0. F. HAHUIbO.t , 912 N , V. I.H'B. 10 ? .V 7 I'KH OUST MONKY-NKT TO nollllOVV- I' crnon Oniiilin city property. Nooxtrn chances fnnyklnd.'hy pay liUli rate ? Money U cheap , 'oucannet full bunellt of loir rates from ( ilntio ontiuml fruat Co. , liitli nnd Hodsro 931 \XT MOHT(5A < ti : LOANS M333 THAN " 1'IJll CT. " ' Inchiilliitf all clmri-'ci. Chut-lea W. Knlncy. Umaha XaU bunk hid * . { KU vvm 1 : AN1J2.VKAHI.OAVS ON OlTV AND KAHM Heed & felby , 1131 Hoard ot Trnds. l\r C1TV AND PA11M , UKAI. KSTATK LOANS ' at lowest rates ; eonsult 111 hoforo borrowing. i : . C. Oarvln A. Co.'AiS Sbesloy block. I0 r MUSKY TD l AN AT I.OWIIST UATIW. ThoO. 1' ' . Davis company , IWj t'arnain street. \\f-ANTHONV LOAN AND TIIUST CO. , SH N. Y. V > Life , lunrfaatlow r.itei for choloanectirU- Nebraska or lowu farms or Ouiaha city proportr. IT-CKNTIIAI , LOAN iTHUdVCO. , 11GK llf.Dd. V ' .vji UIIIIAP MOXKV , sun a. w. r. COATKS , \v Hill rnrnnin. ' . ' . 'J W UlANdO.V IMI'inVED AMU UMMl'KOVKU city | > i opc'rtr. tl.GOJ unl ; upwnrds.a to 7 IHTcent s'udclnrs. W. Karnam Smith iV L'o.lJt'itind ' llurncy. louo ' PHIVATK MONEV , 1ST AND2I ) MOUTOAOK \ \ loans , low ratet. Alex Monru , Hoi ) bhl . 10. \\7- OMAHA 8AV1XIIS IIANIC MAKKJ I.OAN3 i on ri'ixl I'stntout loirost mnrkot ratos. Innni .mdoln munll or liirno HIIIIS for sliort or Ions time , s'ocommission Is clinrxo I nn'l tlio loum are not old In tlm t'ust. but 0:1-1 : nlwayslio found at tua mile on tlio corner ot Uth and Uouslni streets. 101 W MO.S'KY TO LOAN OX l.M " " > " { ! ) CITY l > rjn-rtj | , low rate. A. C. 1'rost , ouKlaa blk. \\r-UKAI. KSTATK l.OANrt , C TOT I'KH CHNT ; ' noaUdltlimHlclmrcos for commh lon or attor- nor'ufous. W. U. Molkle , First National llanlt.blcU , U7T \ir-MONKY TO I.OAX , JIU.OJJ TO I < OAX IN ' ' Omaha on building anil loan idnn SI.VSl paid montlily will par off 11,093.00 la T3 mooth ? . No c-otnmUslon. Kate Is liss than G per oeat Poor man's chance ! Do yon nt'i'd money ? Can > on n e money. ' If so , call or address room 312 , H0a biillillnj ; , Oniana , Nell. 403 n-4 W-i l CUNT MONIY ON IMPUOVED P1IOP | crty. It , C. PiUtcrnon. < 25 Itanixo blk. VMl A\r L.\ItJ13 LOANS MADK ON OMAII < ) , LIN i coin , Coiinpll Uluffs buslneu property : ! ! pci cent. Also siniill loans. OoortioJ. Paul , 1U0.1 Farnam MSM N14 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WIM. LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK &K X curlty : RlrlcllyronlMentlal. A. E. Harris , roon 1 , Contliientnl block. I0 < ; X PIlITCHAlll ) , 51 lOtiLA3 ( Ul.K , 10 A. DODUl ! 107 XX X LOANS 0V CIIATI'III.S. ItKASONABLK IX. terest , partial paymtMits I to ti months. W. H , Dnvld , 1121) ) , Continental block. Klevutor 15tli Bt.1W 1W X MOX11AT LOW IIATI1S ON ANY KIND Ol accurllv. Keystone Mt.'j. Co. , M Sheelcy block X 1100,00000 TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS from S10 up on HOUSEHOLD FUIINITUIIK AND WANO3 , HOItSKS , WAiONS AND UAUIUAGKd , WAIIKIIOUHK UI5CK1PTS. Oil PKlf < ONAL PltOl'KllTY OF ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can nave tlmo nnd money by calllni ; oa OMAHA .MOItTOAOB LOAN CO. , . Itoomll , Creliihton lllock. 15th nnd Doimlas , next to PostoMlca. INCOill'OHATISI ) . maa X MONKY LOAXKI ) CIIKAP AT YOUK OWf time. Nebraska Loan Co. , U1D DoiiKlus t. X -LOW IIATKS OX KUItNITOIIK L1VK STOCK etc. J , W.Taylor , Pioneer blk. , South Omaha X MONKY 30 , M. DO DAYS. CHICAP UATK : nnd easy paymentx. on furniture , pianos , llvi lock , etc , * * Ithout delay or pnhllctty ; cnsli 01 hand. Dull. Urcen , room 9. Ilurker block. M33J UO YOU NKID MONI5YS X TIIK FIDKL1TY LOAN OUAHANTKK CO. Itoom 4 , Whltnell block , our. IStli ami Hartley sis. WILL LUND YOU ANY SUM , I'ltOM ( lOTOilO.OJ OX THU DAY YOU ASK Foil IT. Wamako Inansof uny nUo , luri or bmall , on lioiiseholil uoods , pianos , horses , WIIKOIIS , wnrehouso receipt * and i > cr t > iiil proiierty of all kinds , In KMT nmouiit , without delay , pub licity ut removaliifpropertyi choapastrntoi rnd easiest payiuents. tittK VA FlllST , XCHATTKL 1WA.NS , l ) X , V. fcll'lJ. S1OIIIIIS ' f-tJOOOJ'rtLOAN OX CIIATl'Kr. 8KOUU1TY s > bublnei3voiilhluiulal. It. Kit Hoard Trade. MCJT N7 * X MONKY TO LOAN ON FUHNITUIIK. PIANO- liorses , waxuns nnd collateral necurlty , llus : nos > cuiitldent | l , FredTurry. room 4il Kuuinoblk 1ICW BUSINESS CHANCES. Y IF YOU AllKSKKUINK A 11USINK53 OPI'OII tunlty requiring Himill capital. In a cerlmn nil oxcoc.llnnly proHtabla and Kronlnx business , nn nlwnyscash , wtlto to the undar'Uned , Incloiln Btiunp. ulioii full particulars will bo given. U. t K. , H2J L street , Lincoln. Neb. us ; Y FOH BALK , AT A YKIIY LOW I'KiUIUJ. Til entire Halo Intercut In one nf the heaviest pa ) IHK monopolies now before tin publlD. It will sav ' . ' } uor cent of the coal bills of everybody airl pru diice better results. UverjrbJdr w.inti It and wll hnvolt wliennaeii. A Inr/o biulnoii em bi don atones In every county. Full particulars by ninl Address U , i : \ \ I , > t. , Lincoln , Nob. MUM V-FOHHALK. A MILL1NKHY M'OIIK ANII HUB ne s doing n trade of fi5OOJ n year ) will Uk part Inuood reali'stato unlnctimbured. Address ZI , Oinahu lleo. IdJJ > V KOIl BALK , - . ' , ! ) STOCK ( JI'.NUItAtMl'.l i rliandlse In live eastern Nebraska town ] cod Croiltablo business In rich farming lountry. mui Obuld. Address O 40 , care lleo. M-Kll Uj * -FOH SAI.K , FHW hllAUKS ( | ! OJ KACIII O rlock of the I Irst National bank i Arnpahon , Nebraska , at bJ per cent of Its par \nlu Address Perry L. Hole , cashier , the Hank of Arup hoe , Arapahoc , Neb , MiU STUItU IX A 0001) . nnd doing a uuod bnnlnesf , fur aale. Address i K , IU-e. M3I1 81 * _ Y-FOHbAI.K. A JKWKI.UY , HOOK. HTATIO : ry and musical business ultualtd lunpropv oils wrtteru Iowa county eat. A , porlntlinslnn uud Rood locution. A nplcndld opportunity for II rlxht party eeeklni ; a paylug business , lleusonsfi dUpoilnii of this property , Address I ) til , cai Omaha lice , 4 a- ' . ! V' I Olt bALK , OUIt STOCK OF ( HtOCKIIIK turo Hiturcs und delivery learnt a tiood del stock ; Uriua , one naif tash. llluuchard & bnar Keurui-y , Neb. 4:1 i < Y-FOH SAI.K. A DIIUG BTOCK IX LINCOI/ NvUi location Urtt-class and dDlns itood bui utMsj oiruer desire * to i-uuauu In wholesulu ; II i opportunity , lloliu 4 lleod , 111 North llth > tret l.lncolu , BUSINESS C1JANCE3. -COAIi AND 1'KKII soon , n ImrKnln. Adil HAitmVIini x > u OKN-KIIAI. 1 dork wanted In ojulinn i for rush and first clnss wpsicrn lonn f atm pniprrty. i : . It. llnhrork , Matlrovo. In. ' M4U : w rOU EXCHANGE. 7 CliKAII OMAHA IlKAUUiTATK Will MI ) H , SJactual valuation. Monvy la iilan. Hex MS.UmViv 51) : 110 _ y FOU KxriiANitK , tiu < ) tTiMi'itoYiiit : M- : fJ tirnska farms for nny Mnl real or chattel property. Postoltico box 1 , ftiidron , Neb. 3SO utl * , n j 7-430 AtJIlKS OF CIitiAKMiANMl IX O\K OP ' - > tlio lipst winter nhent districts In Kunsis to pt- clinnito for 10 or 5U cro trnrt near Omaha city limits. Will | > .iy cn h rtlUcronco If property Is Ktiod. Address , giving price aiul'locnlloti , O .v . llo otliri-J. M Ci y-t OWN 100 KAHMS IM NUM. ANII IIAKOl'A. U Will toll or < < chanKo. Hot 70 , Frankfort , liul.lrt lrt > _ y FOIl KM'HANIIK , ALL MY HOt'HI'.IIOLIl /Jgonds for Oiunhi real estate. Can rt'iimln In liouno to parly wishing to rent IIOIKO. lieoruo Cloiiscr , lltj Park ntenne. Mai.S y-FOUSAIK OIITHAOK. KlS'f. I'ONY I'ACKIt , /Jbest In the city wllh saildlo for Indy , Must dls poreof It on nccontilof inOvliiBOiil tlio city. Would take In trade Rood typewriter or eafcly. A Idress OW. Hop. MUWS'J * y-OLlCAH WKSTKHN LOTS ( KASY TltAll- 'Jersl tl.Wi to fl.'i.UW worth , for real or personal property. In or ncnrOnmlin Liberal commission to party ncniialnted hero for quick tradu. P. O. hex oil. city. . Ml.WS * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. i'-l-tlll BALK , MY UI 1OKNCI3 AT Illl > < . iTlt | stIOrooms i < iidhttliliotiiid : cold nr.iter. olcctrlo bolls nnd alarm , mvnklni ; tiibc.fiirnnco and bnrn : also line cast front resilience lot II. U Whitney , 401 Merchants National lililK. 4I7N1 JJKAIj KA'I'ATU. IV llniunlni onlr. My wont li nooil. W. ( I. Albrlcht , l > 3l-2-S New York l.lfo. Mil OOMK IIAHHAINS OFFISIIKD 11V FIDELITY OTrust Co. . 170. ! rnrnnin. No trouble to ( how llii-m. Prettiest7-rooiiii-otlaio In the city , all modern. An otoKnntcnst front lot on Lowe uvi1. . La Vela I'lai-p. clipnpi vlll i > L'll noon. Severn ! line lots In north part of city close o motor. $100 to JJOU , former price ? 7UO to f'.KU. tlVO ( will buy nn A I house , rcntlnc nt present for fi'N ) per > onr , should brliiK f'W , amnll payment , will net 10pert-cut urmorc1. Two nlKbtly full lots In South Omaha , uplcndld locution , valued at Jl.UOl ) , Just one-half that nmount will tnko them , f 100 down. Will double your money. A lioniitlfnl STOOIII coltnRp , IntWxl.W. Just com pleted , 27th nnd A idrouts ; flOU down , Imlanco uionthly piiymiMits Call < iulck before It Is sold. Avoiidnlo Park , the llncst Inshlo reshlciicn addi tion In thoclty. 31 lots out of W.1 "Old xlnro AIIKUH &t. Price only fl.,0i ) encli. on reasonable terms. Call nnd Auotisnboiit them. A four-room cottnuo nnd linlf lot Thirty-fifth nnd Howard , worth $ iMW , only tl.lM ; > IW cash nnd (10 per month. Why pay rent when offered miLli terms ? U.S-7 T/Oll SALT50H TltADK IIYTIIK OWNICIl 10.0UO X ncrca of Nubr.iikn'it llnest fai-nilm ; land nt n trront sacrifice. U. H. Peterson , 1112 8.1.1th i > t. Oiunhn. MILU N'J IIKKIIY. TIIK LHADINU It H Al e tate doslers of South Omaha. Wo only ncl bargains , List your property with them. t > . ' 7 .Sit ATA HAHOAIN.3 C1IO1CK LOTS , f > 0xl35 foot each ; moro ndjoluliiKlf desired. Kast fronts ! . W. corner 10th and Arbor. Finest location In Ity for residence , lllock from llth St. motor lino. Clinrloa llunley , 1021 0 10th Su , Omaha M'JII ' M\NY FAltMS I'Oll SAI.K VKKY CIIHAP ; easy terms. Uco. W. P. Coates , 1011 Fnrnnm trcet. MSi'.Hi ' I 011 .SALK-COOt ) UKStUKJiCB LOTS IN POT- tcr V ncorpo Co.'s addltUih : Kast Omaha , fJiOOO o(400UO ; Ml1 cash , hilnncr nnunltiljr. Lots In Bteelo . .tVoo ls * addition , on car line In : st ( > nmhn , S7WOOIO fl..tHJ.O'Jj ( iood residence lots In Lnc ? ; ' * npdltlon , on mill- ary road , motor Ilne.t200.00 to $ ( ! KUO ; terms cany. Acre property nenr Omnhn and South ( im.iha , itiltnblo for Hardening purposes or aubdlvldln . Cull for prices. Desirable cOttnKes In KOoU residence locnllty near cnr line $2,70J mi to MWJtt ) ) ! small cash pay- nent. ImlaiKM luinil lily. J Potter & ( tcoriro ( .ompany lGth and 1'arnam Sts. I'Oil SALK , F1PI V WICL.j [ IMl'HOVKD KAHMS iiciii Omaha , toi to tte , HORKS A Illll. HW 'amain direct. Mail Nt EAUM VOIl SAI.K-1CO ACltKS IN HOXIIUTl'K county. Neb. ChoU-o tract If sold quickly only 1,1-63.00. ( ico. N. Hicks , JOS N , V.I.Ifo blilir. W7'"J T/OIt SALK , NICK li-llOOM COTTAdK , NKAll * - motor ; furnished or unlMrnlshpd ; city water , etc ; barKaln. Wclshans , 414 Karbach block. IfOll 8ALK-ULKOANT MODKIlKiltUILT IIOUSK just completed , near Hnnscom park , all modern convcnlenccf. lanro Rroiinds , with. Jlne shade und fruit trees. If you want a nice homo call nnd see t. Ocorgo N. Hicks , aOj N. 1. Life. 3'JOS'J > AItOAINS IN HUAIl KSTATK. Our list for thin week comprises : A uploniltd plecn of truckage property near Ttlrleenth nnd Jones streets. A forty ncro tract just H miles from the court nouse. An elegant new nnd modern built house with all conveniences , all ready for occupancy , near Hans- com pnrk. A UUSINKSS COUNKIt , 70x'7 ' feet , InterHectlon thrco Htrccts , splendid point for block of stores uud lints. AN IJUCGANT nOUHLKllKHIDKNCi : on ono of the boKt icsldcnco btrrets , with nil modern con veniences , can take part purchnbo price In Kood laud. AN KLKOANT IIHICIC ItLOCK In uplendld noluli- boihood.a llrst class Investment , can tnko BOIIIO Kiiod laud In part payment AN KIGHTY ACItK Til A < ! T close to Oinalm , ono of the tln&ht tracts around the city , can bo platted Into 401) beautiful lols , can take uood Block farm as [ > nrt paynu-nt. KYK1IYOXK Of the nbovo plecpji can bo sold nt IlKuros that imiko them Hplendld InrcHtinents. ( icorri ! N. Illckii , 30SN. Y LIfebulldlni ; . MIVJ -KOUN'I/15 PLACK , ONK V-IIOO.M MODKIIN home. J.500SOU cash : who will bo the llrat to know this Is just a f..OOO liarcaln. 3. J. ( ilbson , solo agent Kountto Place , room * J7 , First Nnt.bnnk. WANTKD , (2,000.00 , 7M PKIl CI3NT , Ili:8T 815- curlty. Wnntcil.liouso for clear lots nnd cash. Wanted , farm land for business property. Wauled , purchaser for Plalnvlow Int nt f.iOa.OO. Wanted , tii.UUO 00 nt 0 per i ent , best security. Wanted , Mil.JO , 8 percent , best security. Wanted , to loan ( .UOOO at H percent. Waiitod. rheiip Iniids for Haiiscom Place liouso. Wonted , f J.OOO 00.7 per cent , on WK ) acres land. Wanted , to buy 10 acres for gardening. Wanted , to buy 40 acres near Oniahn. Wnnled.chi'np farm land for dry itoods. Wanted , VUO acres neur Ouiahn for cash. C.I' . Hnrrlnoii.'jr.'N. Y Life. 411-28 AN ACIIK AT HALP VALl'K : FINU COIlNKIl Inllydo pnrk , ; cnuli fj5 : balsuco on time. Alex Moore , 401 llcohulldlni ; . M4SU M ) FT. COIlNKIl 19I'll AND M BTHKICT , Ifoutli umnliii , otfercd thli week enl ) ' iitnsnap tmrpuln. Persons X llorry. tioulh Oniulm. or i : . II. I'nbcock , Ida Crovc , la. M470"J * 1'0x120 IT. . 211) AND C. SO. OMAHA , FACING prliiR Lake park , at u bargain. K. It , llnhcouk , Iduiiruvo. la. ' MtRb 2tl * EANCINQ SCHOOL. Mil. AND MIIS. MOIIAND'S DANOINO Si'HOOL , 1712 Capital nvn. , now open. Children Tuesday , 4l5p. in , ; Ritiirday , 10 a m. and 1M p. in , ; iidults. Tuutday and FridayR p.m. AHesmblleiTliiirsdariiij pm. PrlrnlelesHonii dully. Pupils can join anytime , Stniiound IIO > T < | AIU-OS tiiuiilit. The Cnrlylo , Har vard ( iavoto. Wentwnrth , .Maiiltou and I'oliimblau l.nnck-rH. llcslilenco , Z.W Do Uu St. M'JJ ' ) Nlr > DRESSMAKING. ENJAfiKMKNTSTO ( * DO .DHKSSMATuNa T5 ? famlllcB uollcltea. Miss Sturdy , SJO Houtli SiJth street. AHi'Jlnll * T ADIKH WANTING TO MJXft.V DllAITING AND iJilrnsB ruttlni : i-all nt 1715 ( Vfubnter street bet. 1 nndnj Instruction free. itAk , M34 < 3l A LADY OP 10 YFAIIS' liXt'KIUKNCH WOUIilt Ilko to do drefsmakliiK In fnmlllcii or take work home , ( iood reference * ufrun If rcijulrt'il.JUIO Lake stroi-l , JT M419 .W LOST. H IOST , LADY'S POCKKTROOIC. HKTUUN TO J.Mrs , r , A. Miller , 3010 Woolnprlh ntcnuo. ' " M4I10 30' LOST lll'.TWF.KN P , O. AND 710 SOUTH IOTII slrcul. a roll of Vceut po > | o o elauips , IAICJ worlh. Tlios. H. Plaller. flltt M4I * S TIIAYKI ) . A t-OHItUl , I1OI | K. HTAIl ON KOIIK. head , whileMocklnxs fronc./cel. X brand on nitht Hunk , lluturu to iW N. t'Jtli and recelvn re. rlard. 410 W HOR > E i WlNa'KRED. II OlthKS WINTKIIKI ) ON OUll 1'AHM. hTUIIIN Ilroa , 1210 l'nt\i \ arc. (07 Mti TAKEN UP. Ur. 1 ( JltAV MAIII5 , I'AHT HAH lii'ssed : ovrucr nruyo liroiiprly nnd unr cliorui't. VNZI > t t , til 3u * REM IN C TYPEWRITERS TON For Sale , Rent ot > Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1.101 fumum Struct. Oniihi. : FARM FOR SALE A fiiriuof iWSucreiln town of l < unn ni lllulne Co. , N U. fcltuutfcl oil HIM Dl.uinluna JII.IUlo . I.uui riTcr , ono mlla from Iiuiiuliu itiillon. un tli'j It. j M. It. II. tor l > ilco and lurini u o\r \ to J.I ) . /.BSIKMIK. I . & iMkf Blreol. CUIcuiiO.llL Do you want to keep your husband home nt night , anJ'keep him agreeable and pleasant ? Hu must smoke , and yet , you don't like the smell of his tobacco. You can drive him away to his club out of just such things come misery , unhappiness and divorce. The tioitble- that he uses poor tobacco. Coax him to get BLACKWEI.L'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO ; its delicate aroma will not be offensive to you , and it will not fill all the curtains , hangings and clothing with that stale disagreeable odor that now troubles you. Keep your husband home , and avoid all lisks by having him smoke BULL DURHAM TOBACCO. Sold everywhere. .SJLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , Durha M , N , Cj > r.xety MAN ran he SVHONO and VIO- OllOUS In nil 'c pccis _ _ by utlnu SPANISH NlJUVINB.tlicKtcnt bimtUBli Uemcily. YOUNO M1JN Olt or , sulTctlnu Item NHHVOU3 DBIJIMTY , I/OST or FAILING MAnnoOD , nihtlj-ciiis5ioisconvul ! ; ; ioM , neivotu protirntlon , cati3d liy thoiKe of opium , tobacco or ilcoliolunkc- iulncss , Ocprrssfon , lots of power ill cither sex , spermntor- unrnoRK ANII Aiiru USK , tliojacauicillpyselfabina ami o > criiHliilRcnceorDti\ ' ' n scan be it-stored to perfect health and the NOllLU VITALITY OF STJIONO Wo give a written Kiinrantec with 6 boxes to cute any case or refund n-otnoncv $ t o bow0 boics Jj FOP Sal3 In Omalii b/5aow , Lund & Co. " Improvement the order of the age , " Wo never oxpoctoil , i n our most cruino momonts. such tin inoroaso in sales us commenced on the llrstof Sop- toraboi- . The Smith Premier Type- Wrltor is having enormous sales which are wide and far reaching1. Thcso tire the reports wo are receiving from our mnny branch ofllcos DScnd for a descriplivo catalogue. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER GO , , Firmm St. , Oniiij , M. HBALTIirUL , AQREnABLG , CLHANSINQ. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burna , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water "SANATIVO , " tlio AVomlerTii 1 Spnnl li remedy for over 5O years , enrol * nil Ner- VOUH Lack of ITIenio- ry , licit d uc lie , IViike f ii 1 u n Before & After Uso. EmisiiioiiH , 'boat ITInnliood , or fliiiiliiutlon of thoGciicratlvo Orcnim , etc. , and all cllectn canned by pant abuNCH. I'ut ni conveniently to curry In tlie vent i > ecU t. 1'rli-e 8 1 u package , or O for 85vltli a ivrltteii K""rnuleo to euro or refund tlie money. If a dniswlsl tries to eoU you eomo AVOUTHfcESS IMITA TION In place or SANATIVO , ouclOBu prlco In envelope - lope nnd wo nlll ecnd br mnll. 1'ainplilct la plain scaled envelope free. Address , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. . Branch Office for U.S.H. 358 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. ILL. SANATIVO is sold in OMAHA. NEB , liy Kulin & Co. , IJiuRgisls , Cor. 151)1 ) & Douglas Sts. J. A. I-'ullcr Hi Co. , Irniiisl5. ; Cor. 141)1 ) & Douglas Sts. , and druggists neutrally. © © © © © © © It Is for tlio euro of | > ri > ln nnd its I nllriulniiN , xlclliruluuho , uuiutlpu- ' tlouand piles , tlnit luivo 1 > prnnio 80 funiiiim * Tlioy erntlyvlthnnt Kripln or " " " " it" "VoiwilYjltlwi7"ir > iiVi ' * > " ' Orenth. nca.lsdjf , l-c-nt tliurii , ( MU of J , mental iJej reuimi , | > nii.ful { ll , plU'pl rt , SHll'tW t' inplfX- * ererf disease rntiiilUntcirora a. or a failurol y flic r-tonurli , Jhn or in- * Extract of Beef , Do you wiint a cup of BoofTca ? Sco Hint it is inudo from the Gun uino Iiifoinparnbly tlio best. Pure , pulu- tublo.rofresliiuj , ' , lls- soluds cloitrly- the Enron Io bUr'B Hlcrniiura n blue on each ivbol , thus. I > RK. 0. WK3r3 KBIIVK ANIMIIIAIXTIIBI. ! Ml'INT. imiasldj for HystorU. Dlttlnaii , Flu , H < t ru glannnuaohi ) , Nervous Prastratoa c-iusoa u alcohol or tub toco , Wnkefiilnots , Mouttl laur i on.Soltnossuf tlm llr.ilu. cuuilmliiiinUy , inUnr ( Jecay.doutll , Prum-alura OM AKU , lUrr.niJli , l/oi of Powur In either sm , Impotonoy , l < ouaarrhtta an tllFemulo Wuv irj s3. Involuntary I.QIIIII , SPJI mauirrha.icius94 by ovor-e < artlun uf t'u urih belf-abuteover-lndulujnua. A month's Irjitjij.i 11,1 ! for ( > , by null. Wotfuirantoaslc buxdi to our Kachordo foriimtiii , with I ) will unit > rrlttj ( uarantueto refund If not cur Jl. Uuirantos lisua only by Ihcodoro , K. Lu l druxxlst , nolu uitoai outheast corner I'tthand Farnam sts , ( Juuha TUB SHOHTliST LINE TO CI1ICAG is via the Chicago , Milwaukei & St. Paul Railvyay , us rep re sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam ed Ycslibuled trains leav Omaha daily at/ios p. m , , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. n City Ticket Office , 1501 Fai nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. FRANK DEWEV'3 K8TATB. tlmlge r.llrr Tronlileil Alioitt ttie. UltpoMtlon oft lie Money. In it go Kllor ot the probate court lins rt case on his docket thnt ho hardly knqws Just hotv to decide. This luck ot knowlo.tco is not becnuso tlio Jtulpo does not know the Inw , but boeatiso ho wants to do the right tblng with nil parties uoncornDd anil does not It now just how to tto tin * , owing to tlio tniluy comnllcntlons which urlso. During ' .no month or December , ISS'O , Prank S. Dewey , residing itt South Omrthrt , died , leaving nn estate of $1,000 , consisting of n policy In some llfo Insurance company , ho sum was | i.\ul Into court In duo tlmo nntl tier itiHtiy months the motlior , Ailnllno > owoy , tiled her claims , oollln. tip the ( act tat she wns the Itolr nt Inw , as nt the tlmo [ his death Frank S. Dcwcy wns unmarried , 'hu proof wn miulo In the tiropcr form nil U looked us the motlior ould get the money , but mitl- tinly nn obstnolo nroso which comulicatcil 10 whole miitior nml out the former pro- oedlnps nil ntson. On the witness stand to mother luslltled that she wns divorced rom her husband , tlm son's father , ucurlv ilrty ycnra ago nml thnt she hnit not heard torn him for moro thun twenty years. Stio tinposutl Hint ho wns dead , but did not now , ns she hnd no Information of tlio fiiat. it xvns wtmt slumped Iho Jmliro. for If ilia nlhcrwits ullvo ho wns entitled to ono-luilf tlio money , lint If ho wits not than tlio lothor wns ontltlod to llio wholo. The court Ultimo lho mntlcr umlur luivlsomcut nnd auddown hU docUlon loriny. Ciinlm-n When properly iro.itod us soon ns the firs ymptoms cliotor.\ can uoarly always o cured. The patient should go immnilintoiy 0 hod mul romaln nt qnlot ns posslblo. Bender or u physician , hut.lnlo nwnlllng lib rrlviil tnko Chamberlain's Colic Cbolorn ud Dinrrhrot Kantony In double dotes uflur itch oponitlon of tlio bowels moro than attirnl. If ihcro Is severn p.tln or crnnn > * alio It in dnubla doses ovcrv lUlcou mlnulos nlll roltovctt. This rnmoily has boon usoit vlth great success in suvon opldamlcs of ysentcry that wcro almost ns scvoro nnd nneorotis ns etiolor.i , nun if usoJ ns directed euro Is almost certain. Kvorv fnmlly shoulil avu a ftU-cont bottle nt hand roitdy for In- taut uso. Af tor the dlsoaso is under control astor oil must on tnltoti to cleanse the ystoni. No other phvslo or substitute will 'o In place of castor oil. For sale by drug- lists. ENDED HIS LIFE IN A KAGE. Vlthclm PropiinU-lin JvlllH Illinsi'lf After AliiiHlni ; MtiiiiliorH of III * rnilllly. At : to : ) o'clock ycjtonlny morulnfi Olllcor iialihvtii wns nskod to como nud tnlto uhurco f n man ntlilil Nortli Twontloth street who vns crnzy. llo Inul been shnntlti ? , smitshing urnlltlro nnd ncUnp lllio n wild boast to Iho error of the iumalos of Iho house , uona of vliottt dared to onlor tlio room. When Iho ofilcor roauhcil the house n lady not him and told him that she thought ho vns nil right , slnco he hud boon perfectly inlet for some timo. Tlio olllcut- naked to sco him , nud entering ho room found \Vilholm Procnnicke , nn ox- aloonUeopor , 1) Injj on the iloor dend. The ocoiiuntH | of Iho house say that Mr. ? roonnlcka has been bohnvliiK straiiKoly foe iomo tlmo. Thursday nftornoon ho cntna lomo ntnboutfi o'clocx. put up his 1 bccnn ubuslntnnd scolding the titQin- bors of the household. llo wns i > nr- Icularly "cranky" > vlth his wife , and tvhon she refused to no- comnuny him for n walk ho looked himself n tbo rjora nnd kept wnlkiut ; back and orih milting to himself. Ho retired latobia arose nRittn shortly after midnight nnd icRan his rowlini ; anil wantlnrlnc until the lousohold becnme alarmed and sent for tbo police. Thcro Is not much doubt that ho polionod liUIBClf. An inquest will bo hold this morn Ing. A Ciiro lor Cliolnru. There Is no use of any one sufforlup wjth .hn cholera when Chamberlain's Cello , Cholera and Duirrlifua Hoinouy can bo pro- curod. H will five relief iu a few oilriulos md euro iu n short tlmo. I liavo tried it , nna mow. W. II. Clinton , Ilolmotta , N. J. 1'hn opldomlc nt nolmotta wns nt , llrsl bullcvetl to ra cholera , but subsequent investigation irovcd a to bo a violent form of uyvaniory , almost ns dangerous as choiora. This remedy wn-s used there with great success. Forsalo by drugslsts. Anioni ; IMIIIIury .llo > . Ex-Oovornor Critlondun of Missouri \vas 1 caller at artnv headquarters lodny. Hois fft making democratic spooahoi throuKh town and ran over from Council Blufti to sea ( Jcncrnl Itrooka and other personal friends about the Department of Iho Platte noad- quarters. The followiniroftlcors have boon designated to witness und report upon the Instruction of the troops in the drill season of the current year : Fort Douglas , U. T. , Colonel M. M. Blunt , Sixteenth infnntry. Fort Logan. Cole , , Colonel II. C. Mcrrlnin , Seventh Infantry , infantry arm ; Major , J. F. lUndlott , Ninth cavalry , cavalry arm. Fort MclClnnuy. Wyo. , Colonel J. .1. Vau Horn , TSIghth in fantry , infantry arm ; Major K. ' O. Fccuet , Sixth cavalry , cnvrdrv arm ; Fort Niobrara , Neb. , Colonel D. S. Gordon , Sixticuvalrycavulrynrm ! ; Captain C.Portor , Klghlh infunlrv , infantry arm. Fort Omaha , Neb , Colonel .T. C. BatoR , Second infantry. Fort Uoblnsnn , Nob. , Colonel J. lilndlo , Ninth cavalrv , cavalry nnn ; Cuptnln A.\V. Corliss , Klghth infantry , Infantry arm. Fort D. A. Hussoll , Wyo. , Colouol .1. S. I'oland. Savoniconth Infantry. Fort Widnoy , Nob. , Uioutonnnt Colouol W. J. Lyator , Twonty-llrst infnntrv. Fort WnshaKlc , Wyo. , Captain P. H. liar. KlRhth infantry , infantry arm ; Captuln W. Unird , Sixth cav alry , cuvalry arm. ( Jump Pilot Uutto. Wyo , , Captain William Qulnton , Seventh Infantry , Now no-failed rnmedlos spring up every day Illto mnshrooms , but tlio pcoplo still cling to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. TIIK KI.VITV : MA incur. TNSTHU.MfcNTS plauod on rouorJ Ost. S3 , WAIIKANTV IIIIKIU. Liiitvltt llnrnlmiii and wife to n II ' 'IVsnhuok , lot J , hiouk I' , liiiriilmin 1'liiuo t .ViO fi It T/schiloU mm wlfn to M K ( J YOIIIIJJH , - sninu ixio Olininn Ohm to ( .incur ( Juloic lit ul , . ' ) iifrea on w linn inv no r.-l.-i : ] goo 11 II U'lloy uinl'.Nlfu to Mnry l.unxi' . lot * ill , blouK I , lilmchatiKh l'attc Qn'd ubllv , . . , 1,000 ( jurr cr.Aiu nuiin.s. V/iiiirtiU ( i.iminon/liid mill wife toJoAiipli Caiiiineii/liiil , ninl ' , , ' n ! 'i w iit.ii 1-lj-lJ i .TosHjili Oiiiiuiinii/liiil to Wonilal ij.iin- niuii/liil , und H a ' , ' , w / so l-l.'i-IS , , . , l IIIJUIH. K A llro iintuoutHl ( mastnr ) to Mutual InvofitiiiHiilL'oiiipniiy , Bill ) lotrt Ifi niij 1(1 ( of lutll , Oupltdl nvo l Total umounlnf transfers , , J L'.aVl Ignorance of the mcrltt of Do Witt's Lltlio JCurly HUut-3 is a misfortune. Tlimc ilttlo pill ) fogutnto thn liver , ctira headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , conHtlpailon and bilious- llOSb , HIGH GRADE. Wart tinted not In petl.xincn at seam nor t pa rate between ( illei anil lo be durable end seolceablc , THIS IH 'IIIKON YIIKl.TMAnK WIIIUJI daooi ) KKUl'Oll THAT Till : .MANUKAU- TIlltKUS IlAlli : HI'AMi' THIO Gl/AUAN- TEE IN HAOH I11 KOIl bKH THAT TliH ABOVE IS KTAMl'KD INTO AM. YOU ill'V.K ' AJtr. HEADUUAUTE * 8 1'OK IT and LKATJIEn. OANUY and COTTON BELTING ; COTTON , LI NUN and HUB UKH HOHK. AM. KIN'O.x PAOKtNQS and .IcS : 01' ALMCINU3.