Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Eattblj Remains of Mi % Harrison in The
Final Besting Place.
* _ _ _ _ _
All InttUnnpolU.SlimTi It * Sympntliy VI
the I'rculilcnt In ills Orcnt Afflic
tion nnil Morrow It Mnnlfcsted
on Kwrjr Ilnnit.
lMHUXAroi.1 % Ind. , Oct , 23. The funei
train bearing the remains of Mr * . Harris
arrived hero this morning at tt:30. : All ale
the route after daylight nt the stations pi
plo tfftthcrod to SCQ tno train go I
They scorned actuated not so much
curiosity as by a daslro to tauUy their sy
pathy with the president In his sorrow , n
nearly nil stood vrlth bowed , uncover
heads at the train passed. The sai
rvai true , only to a greater <
Creo , on the arrival hero , where t
deceased and her distinguished husba
are anvcl known. A mats of people jja
crod about the station when the train ca
to a stop , and nil stood reverently with bow
heads as the solemn cortORO .emerged fr
the station and the mourners took places
the waiting carriages ,
The Presbyterian church In which the
ncral services wore held was beautifully d
oralod , chlelly in festoons and rosettes
black and whllo.rollaved hero aaa there w
loops ot smllax. Whllo chr.vftantbotnu
and potted plants \vro olacod on each :
of tbo pulpit and lloral offer in us were li
upon the choir rail. The president's p
\vas draped In black und was not used durl
the services.
After the services nt the church the
mains were laid at rest In Crown Hill cei
terv.When the cortefjfj arrived nt the church
throng of 5,000 people filled the Blduwu
and adjacent nlrcct * and stood resncctfu
silent while the coOln was berne Into '
Thn services were extremely simple.
the coftln was carried up Uio alslo and
ponlted In fronfof thn chancel the orj ;
played softly. Then the choir sans "Lo
Kindly Llclit. " Df. Hnlnoi then offered
hort Invocation ncd read a section from I
The funeral sermon was from the to
"Wherefore , comfort yo ono another w
these words. " and was preached by I
Hnlnci. "God's ways nro not our way
Bald the preacher. . ' 'Wo cannot undorstt
tli era ; pnrhnps wo could not undorstt
thorn It explanations were given. Hurt
Intelligence Is yet too Immature to tiilio
the roach and scope of Cod's plans. Wo
shut up to faith , and In faith is the croat
exercise of tbo spirit of man to , believe
sorrows nro not accidents , that It
nro not Juriemenis , but that they nro chast
inps , permitted in wisdom and klndnc
The Lord rejoicelh over death as well
life , Thn duty of tbo hour Is roslpnatli
but a Christian resignation , not the in
enforcement of submission to the Inovltat
it is the looking u'p into the face of a w
and lovlnc lied mm saying : 'Thy will
done , for Thy will Is our wcll-boinp. '
constant follower of God has bjon called
licr reward. Think not of her as de
Death to God's children is not n wall , bu
catcway. an entrance upon a larcor , sweo
life , in a hltrber roa'.m. To din Is a gain. "
The speaker then dwelt nt length uj
the beauty and sweetness which obaract
ized the life of the departed In every rolat
of life , from that ot a quiet , Christian hot
keeper , full of charity and loving Vindnc
to that of the courteous , Itlndly , thought
mistress of the white house , and , turning
the bereaved members of the sorrow
family , spolco words of consolation ana co
fort , with the assurance of the sympathy
the cntlro nation , exhorting them to "tr
In the Lord and wait patiently for Him. "
At the conclusion of the sermon the venc
bio Lr. Hyno played , commending
mourners , especially the chief mnglstn
to the tender mercies of n devino and 1
Inc Father , that bo might bo stronethei
In the hour of trial to bear his burdens :
finish ibe worlc civen him to do.
Tbo choir then sang u hymn and
services closed with a benediction by i
Haines and the corlogo took up Its line
march to Crown Hill cemetery.
Soon after the triln arrived. At the requ
ot tha urcililont , tbo casket was opened i
the sad ceremony of taklnc n last look at
face of the dead followed , The featu
were calm ana peaceful , as though In sic
It was a sad moment for the president i
ho was nearly overcome.
Leaving the cemetery the president. J
and Mrs. Mclvco and Mri. Unssall Harri
and Mrs. Uimmtok and other near relati
proceeded to the residence of Mr. 11. S. ]
ICeo , where they hud luncheon and were
ited by a few intimate friunas.
Tbo members of the cabinet and their f ;
illes had luncheon at tbo Uonnison bouso.
The special train -soaring tbo proeiden
parly left hero at ! > : , ' ] 0 on Its return to We
ingion. Secretaries Husk and Noble did
go bacK with the party. The former Is go
to Chicnco' and from th ro to Wisconsin
take part In the political campaign and
latter Is going to his homo in St. Louis
tbo same purpose.
General Scbolleld and tils aide , Capt
Bcboflcltl , nnil Secretary Charles ITos
who Joined the partv , have returned wit
to Washington. Ex-President Hayes
companied It to Columbus. Thcro wen
other changes In the D'rsonnol of the pa
A largo crowd assembled nt the statloi
pay a parting tribute to the president.
made no demonstration beyond an unco
erlng of heat's on the part of tbo men an
waving of hundkerchlofs on the part of
women and children. Tbo train Is schodi
to'reach Washington tomorrow evening.
Just before his departure the prosit !
pave the press a note to tbo public , of wl
tbo following U u copy.
MV TKAU Ol.l ) KlIICMIS AND NClflllllOlt
cannot leave you without HayliiR tliat the I
dcrahd grni-Ioim eyinpHlhy wnichyou li
todiiy shown for imi unit my children.
much inori1 , the tnuchliu uvldcnco you li
pi von of your love for Uio di-jd wlfo
mother , huvu deeply moved our breasts.
yeurn to lurry with you und to rest nuur
hallowed emit where your Jovlns luindsh
laid our cloud : but little grandchildren w
In woudeilii3 silence fur our return and u
our cnio and BUIUR puhllu business will
ion uc r wait 11)1011 ) mr sorrow.
May n emulous Hod keuu and bless you
MoU gratefully yours.
1'nrli American Colony Adopt Sulti
Ilr nliitlmi .
I'AUIS , Oct. 28. A ninolins of the An
cans residing In this city was held toda
the legation to tuko action upon the deal
Mrs. Harrison , Hon. T. JeffenoK Cooll
the American minister , prcsidlnc.
Klcg , the American consul genera ) , mai
motion thin tbo members of the Amor
colony. Irrespective of partv , request Mi
tcr Coolidge to convoy to I'reMdout Harr
their sincere sympathy with htm In tbo g
loss bo has sustained. Tbo motion
adopted unanimously.
Minister Coolldga'road a letter from I
Durterin. trip British ambassador to Fn
In li Lord DntTerln expressed the srmpi
of Qucon Victoria utid iho English pc
Rent-rally fur I'rcildent Unrrbou in his r
cut sorrow.
Kx Senator Hatnpdou Ilobu of New
spako as a democrat vvho.o sympathy v
out to tbo man wto bus lost bi * compa
of many ytars and bis best friend.
A number of lauies nttouded tbo meol
Tbo utars and stripes , dnipud and
mtttcil , weio bolstod over thn embassy.
Sjrinputliy In Irelunil.
Dt'nux. Oct. 23.Many puolle board
Ireland have passed resolullons comic
with 1'roildeut lUrruou In the 4o t ot
wife , _
When Nutnro
Npods asttstanre it may oa best to rend
promptly , but ono should romomner to
even the most perlect roraeiilui eely u
needed. The best and most s'.mplo and
tlo rtimody U Ibo 8vrup of Vltt. raanul
urtd by Ihu California l < 1 ? Syrup Co.
Frm-olng nntl interior docoratlnK ;
slRua und ostlmiites furntahod. Ilu
Luhiuunn , 150S DuuL'las blreut.
IlrouEht In Iruui tiraiicl ItluuiL ,
Hutotauson , h tou/h looking
r.en , list returned from Ur nd Islnn * , nnc
nns arrslpnod rcsterday for the burglar
ot UU John' * collegiate church ,
r.KpnMUnn Hull l the IMnre und fl O'Cloc
p. in. Ilin TImv.
If tha expectations of the county commit
tooracn be realized the republican rail ; a
ExpoMtion hall ( Fourteenth street ) IbJ
evening will outstrip any former cffot
of the local party managers. All the ropul
Mean clubs of the city will turn out In ful
force. Each club , led by its president , wll
meet at Seventeenth and Pnrnam street !
where a HPO will bo formed. Tno processto
will march to thp hall , headed by a bant
Kvory man in the city who has a torch U It
vltcd to get In line. Preliminaries hav
been arranged , ana with fair weather th
blpccst demonstration of the campaign I
conflooatly promised.
The rally bai been designed particular !
for the laboring mon , who nro especially It
rltcd to participate , ns then ) will bo a fu
dliousilon of the tariff and Its relation to tti
waco question , Mr. Edward Hosowaterwl
bo ono of the speakers of the evening. I !
will discuss free coinage , paper currency
Uio relations of labor to the wage questloi
IMnkcrtoniatn and the Homestead slrlk
ncllamy and Henry ( Joorgo land and tnonc
scheme , etc. Populists are especially n
vltccl to be present and to ask any quesllot
pertinent to iho Issues under discussion ,
is the Intention of the committee to call ui
on loading laboring men to sneak ,
Exposition ball will doubtless bo packc
his evening , so that It will bo ncccssarv
go early to get a coed sent. . c. T. u ,
Irst fny' J'rnri-nllnc * "f It * Annul
.Session of llnuinal Interest.
DENVEII , Colo. , Oct. 20. The Notion :
Women's Christian Temperance union m
here today in nnnunl session. Miss Frnnci
! . Wlllard delivered her annual addros
covering the work of the union for the pa
ear , spcaltlng of thn worn to come and ma
ng sundry suggestions for the furtheran
of the association ,
Tbo speaker congratulated Kansas repti
.leans on having endorsed woman suffrag
and said her honest fealty had boon give
General lildwcll and Hov. Cranllcld , proh
bltlon candidates for president and vli
president. She still rejoiced In the stroi
"iclp given to civil service reform bv ' tl
democratic candidate , though was sorr'v ' f
bis subservience to the Tammany tlcer. SI
remembered proudly the personal record
Trosldont Harrison , thoueh sorry he usi
ivino and that ho could not return to pow
without the liquor vote. She then express !
sympathy with him In his bsreavemont.
As nu argumcnliu favor of woman suffras
n view of the threatened danger Ircm fo
oign voles , she quoted llgures from Ihosupc
'nlendcnl of Iho census , showing Iho propc
.ion of nntivo born to foreign born worai
u the country to bo six to one.
The sponker devoted considerable space
the World's fair , favoring closing it on Su
dar , and calling on local unions to woi
with tbo state legislators toward closing tl
stale exhibit on Sunday ,
8ho said Chicago would be n saloon ball
ground next year and the union must bo pr
pared to make a light ngalnst It. She said
polyclot temocrhncc netitiou had been slum
this year by 1,112,733 persons , and it w
iirobablo that the patitlon would bo twel\ \
miles long , being names from nil parts of tl
world. Tne peculiar thing about itva < tl
fact that tbo portion from Ibo United. Stall
was the smallest of all.
On tbo completion by Miss Willard of tl
roaJinp of her address , Lady Somors
moved iho acceptance of it , which was ei
tbuslastlcnlly done. Several bouquets
beautiful ( lowers were presented Miss W :
' .ard by bor friends.
Miss Klizaboth Greenwood , evangelist
Rupcrintendent , commendert the way !
.vhlch . the members of the Woman's Chri
.Ian Temperanca union promotly at the not
hour turn from business nnd praise tho.Loi
and on her motion ( it being 12 o'clock ) a
votlonal exercises were proceeded with.
At the afternoon session tbo report of tt
corresponding secrolar.v , Mrs. Caroline 1
Buoll , was rend , showing the following ge
oral tacts :
Total number of auxiliaries , mcludlr
"Y's , " 7Sj : total membership of "Y's ,
14,7.10 ; total number of "Y" unions , " > (
total membership , 12,1103 ; number of coffi
bouses , restaurants , friendly houses at
reading rooms , 282 ; money raised by loc
unions , f330.244.71 ; money raised by sta
unions. H23.874.70 ; money paid national I
dues , J12.872.02 ; ujonov paid national fi
other purposes , $11.578.20.
The report was unanimously adopted.
Then followed. Miss Esther Pugh , tl
treasurer , in her annual report.
Heports of national organizers wore the
received , showing a condition of affaii
highly flattering.
Mr. Charles W. Everett of Denver , fr
ternal delegate , representing the Christ- !
Knaoavor society of Trinily church , was i
trodured to the convention and rcspondc
most heartily to the greeting of the convc
Miss Wlllard stated that It would be I
order , ana a motion wns made to thatoftec
to send greeting to the National Cbristii
Endeavor society.
A solo , "Just as I Am , " was most exnui
iloly rendered by Miss Maitie Miner.
Tbo convention then teen a recess uu
this evening.
Upon reassembling at 7:30 : Mrs. Mary' '
Curt , president of the Now York Woman
Christian Temperance union , conducted t
devotional exercises.
Addresses of welcome and response we
then made ns follows : On behulf of tbocoi
monwealth , Governor Koutt ; ihecity. May
Uogers and Judge Elbort ; thostutoVotno"r
Christian Temperance union , Mrs. Eva Hi
gins , president ; tbo local Womnn's Christt
Tempornncu union. Mrs. M. A. Cassull , on
ideut. Hesponses by Lady Henry Somcrsi
Mrs. Mnry Jones , provident of Iho Penns1
vanla Women'.i Christian Temperance unld
Mrs , Emily Pitt Stevens , California , i
tlonal organizer ; Mrs. Clara C. Hoffmn
president Missouri Women's Christian To
poranco union , nnd Mrs. Louis S. Kounc
prcsldont Illinois Women's Christian Te
poranco union.
The convention then adjourned until
morrow morning.
CoiuinUloiifrii Ilcucli uu Umlnrstiimll
\vlth Jluyor HrniU on Ilmiils Turk.
At a meeting of Ibo park commission !
yesterday afternoon Mr. Llninzor , from I
committee appointed to confer with Ma ;
Boinls with regard to the improvement
Bourn pam , reported that the committee a
Iho mayor had reached an understaudi
ana the wont was progressing.
The board decided to notify Dr. S.
Mercer that the pirk commissioner * wet
accept tbo three lots ho had offered to ilom
to the city if ho would deed them wlthc
restrictions ,
The commissioners took up lha quest !
of scouring more land for the extension
tbo north boulevard so ns to make a conn
lion belwoen Uio Pantor tract norlhoist
Fort Omaha und too Distin tract uorth
the Institute tor the deaf and dumb ,
boomed to ha the prevailingsontlinontamo
members of the board lual steps should
taken at nnco to secure the laud needed
the extension of the boulnvard.
On account of the fact thui iho avalla
funds are growing low the board decided
discontluuo all work uu parks excepting tl
being duao at UatnU.
Itlr Striku ot ( ill.
Wii.KusiuuiiE , Pa. , Oct. 28. Great excl
raont prevails ui Catwalssa , a small to
fortr miloi from hero along the line of '
Delaware , Lnckawanna & Weitorn ro
It bad been mode known thai oil bad be
found on the land of Wllllem John ,
fanner , nnd hundreds Ilockod to tbo so
and found the report true. Several bucks
ful were pumped out from a depth of 200 f
and it WHS pronounced to be an A Nc
product. The price , of Und Is going
It U for Everybody.
The firs ; niootlnsr for reviewing the to
work of tbo Hoys and Girls Naiional he
will bo bold at Kounuo Memorial church
Sunday night. Pastors of all our chure
have been requested to send committeei
represent their congregations.sMemben
bl | benevolent orders ara urged to ntte
Several persons will address the meotl
Colonel Hogcland , CoJot Taylor. Mr , Cl
und others.
You can't make n new trm with Salvat
Oil , but you can cure ttie bruises with 1L .
Capes. Capes.
Big display at quick selling
prices Saturday.
Fine French Coney Capes $9
Electric Seal Capes $15
Genuine Astrachan Capes
$13-5 °
Extra Astrachan Capes $22
Fine Krimtner Capes $26
African Monkey Capes $25
Rock Martin Capes $25
Black Opossum Capes $22
Our stock is a large and
splendidly assorted one. An
examination of our styles and
prices solicited. Quick sales
and small profits keeps this
department always crowded ,
and enables us to constantly
"catch on" to every new style
as quickly as produced.
Our stock is now complete ;
no old stock to offer at any
price. Ladies will find all the
leading furs represented , while
no prices are lower than ours.
Misses' Reefer Jackets
Marked exceptionally low
for our Saturday customers.
All wool fancy mixtures , and
comes in sixes 12 , 14 , 16 and
18 years , all at one price , $5 a
Misses' Newmarkets.
With capes , latest weaves and
mixtures , special values :
10 years only $6 Saturday
12 years only $6.50 Quick .
14 years only $7. Price
16 years only $8 Sale
An examination of Tea
Gowns , Wraps , Jackets and
Capes is desired : Our stock
is the largest , most complete
in the city , while our show
room is the largest and best
equipped in the west :
Silk Handkerchiefs.
A large purchase direct
from Japan ; choice stylcsncnt
embroidery , white and colors.
Regardlcs of thk'leccnt strong'
advance of 20 pqr cent , , we
will sell these handkerchiefs
at the old priccTTnotwithstand-
the likelihood of a still
greater advance within the
next few days.
We advise you to . .buy now
as you will not be able to get
them again at these prices this
Lot i , plain colors , embroider
ed , 150.
Lot 2 , white , colors , embroid
ered , 25C.
Lot 3 , elaborately embroider
ed , 35c.
Better ones , 5oc , 75C , $ i and
$1.5 ° -
All the newest things arc
here , Columbia , Shadow , Bor
dered , Gauze and Chiffon and
sewing-silk veilings , the new
shades to match hat and cos
Silk Initial Handker
chiefs 25c
Largest size , handsome let
ter , best silk , special for Sat
urday , only 25c each.
Brussels Curtains.
Special one day Sale
Tomorrow , two numbers ,
fifty inches wide , 3j yards
long , all new patterns.
$14.75 and $175O a pair.
Chenille Curtains
per pair ; heavy fringe top and
bottom , only two colors left
red and Nile green.
Special Saturday price $4.25
Silk Plush Corduroy
At this price \ye will sell cv
ery.yard Saturday ; has been
$5. 50 inchesn.wide and all
creed colors. ' *
Men's Furnishings.
Jaunty Ties , 25c.
5oc qualities , silk and satin
tecks and four-in-hands , splen
did styles in both dark and
light effects
Windsor Bows 35c.
Were 500 ; just the thing for
boys ; plaids , stripes and solid
colors , and made of finest
English twilled silks.
Men's Underwear $1.50
All wool heavy Derby , rib
bed , tans and grays. The fin
est wearing , cold resisting , as
well as the best garment for
value in the city of. Omaha.
Only $1.50 , actually worth
$2.50 a garment.
Men's Wool Hose 25c.
Our leader for Saturday.
Camel's hair and natural , all
sizes , extra weight , made spe
cially for protection against
cold feet.
Balbriggan Underwear
Heavy winter weight , full
regular , full fashioned shirts
and drawers , all sizes to fit
small , medium and extra large
$1.5O a garment is our
Saturday's price.
Men's Night Robes.
A lot of specially heavy
drill. Also a lot of canton flan
nel night dresses , very desira
ble for cold weather. These
'are unpretentious in style , but
for comfort and durability will
outwear any other garment
Men's NightRobes,50c
The bast you can buy any
where for the money. Good
muslin , neatly trimmed , extra
length and all sizes , from
to 1
Becsipts of Wheat Continue Very Large at
Eastern Markets.
ilanufnctorlci liuslly Kmployoil and an
Active Iom ml Tor Their l > roilurlR
llrntUtrcet's Koviow of Trade mid
A Vail Street Clearances.
NEW YoitK , Oct , -28. U. O. Dun's weekly
review of trade says : There Is a car famine
rom Plttsburg lo ihe Hocky mountains.
This single fact shows the bust and the
wont of business. The west Is marketing
enormous crops , probably exceeding in
quantity all official or unofllcial estimates ,
but Europe is buying but moderately. The
demands of tbo east are not greater than
usual , and all tbo elevators , both east and
west , arc crammed with grain , and all ihe
Iho yards full of loaded cars. Wheat U sell
ing at the lowest price ever known
in Now York. Many years ago it touched
70 cents in ono day , Out the quotation Is now
75Ji cor.ts for October clollvery. Receipts nt
all western poinls have been O.JtOO.OOO bushels
in four days and more than SO.OOU.OOO bushels
in four weeks , while iho exports from Allan-
tic ports In four days have been 1,800,000
bushels. The price here has declined 1 %
cauls and the opinion steadily gains ground
that all estimates of Iho crop have been
bslow tbo truth. Corn tiUs advanced ! ' ' , ,
cents and oats 1 coJt. Belief is lhal tbo
yield of corn , though larger than was re
cently oxpecled , will not equal Iho year's
demands. Oats has declined throe.iiuurlew
ot 1 cent , while coffee has risen one-eighth of
1 cent , but iho price of cotton is the same
as a week ugo.
Ki-porti front Cltlci.
At Boston money is firm and collections
satisfactory. Wooion manufacturers are
busy with prices unchanged , and Ibo shoo
manufacturers uro pressed with orders.
Al I'hllaaelDbia Iha iron trade Improves.
Tbo demandfor worsteds is satisfactory and
carpel and knitting works fairly well era-
There has been a Jump In prices of soft
steel at Plttsburg , but iho glass Irada Is not
In good condition.
At Cincinnati whisky is strong , the de
mand incruislng , and . moJlurn or lower
grades of tobacco are sirouir.
General trade Is good at Cleveland , with
roller iron In active demand.
At IndlanupolU trade is unusually good ,
At Detroit trade Is good , with tnonov in
fair demand.
The celebration ot Chicago lias reduced
trade In some lines , and yet receipts of earn
Increased largely , of wheat 40 pjr cent , of
Hour and cheese 23 per cent nnd of butter 7'i
per cent In comparison with last year , but : i
decrouce in oats , rye , hurley , dressed hoof ,
cattle a net hogs.
Al St. Paul trade is good , though collec
tions are cnl.v fair , but at Minneapolis wheat
rccolpta are 2.i'jJuOU ( bushels and the lumber
trade is excellent.
liuunuss at Su Louis is strong , the grain
receipts being remarkably heavy.
Itutlnois IJruk uc Umuliu.
9 At Omaha trade is heavy In groceries , ID
dry goods and hardware.
At Little Uoott iho oullook is gloomy , but
at LouUvillo trade is taiisfaoiory and at
Memphis aleady , though below normal.
Business Is fair at Nashville , but some
what quiet ni New Orleans , owing to the
labor troublei.
Though U IB not the season for special
ucilvily In boats ana shoos , U Is suttwj thai
not for yearn has there been such a demand
Tha demand for paper Is so large that price :
of fine quality have rlion 1 cent and booV
paper Irora 4 to lf cent. Textile manufac
tures are busy as usual. Structural iron li
ID pi cut demand and sheets are very actlvi
as well as plates , bui bar is but laodorateli
active and raiU remarkably dulL Copper I1
more steady at 11 % cents and tin unchanged
while la coal heavy cutting of prices is ro
Exports of domestic products coniinui
much below last year's in value , as U nat
ural , the decrease nt New York for foui
weeks belnc about 20 par cent , linporli
: outiniio roraark'ably laWo and treasury rc-
: eipts so heavy tha't the .stock of gold in-
: reasoil Sl.300,000 , and , of .stl'-ei- 52,200,000.
ivhilo J , 700,000 raove.j > anor was ' put out. The
stock market has been stron'g 'but specula
tion Is still unsupported by any public de
The business failures occurring througu-
aut the country the past seven days number
1ST , as compared with n total of 255 for Iho
: orrespondlng week of last year.
AKUIII Goes Ahovo tliu SI , 000,1)1)0 a
NEW YORK , Oct. 2S. The following tabto
jorapjled by Brudstreet's gives ihe clearing
liouse returns for Iho weak ending Oclober
27 , and the percentages of increase
ind. decrease as comnaret with the corresponding
spending week last voar :
lluiiilnluii ill' < ) .iirt in.
Vanilla Of perfect purity
Lemon Of great strength-
Orange Economy In their use ,
Flavor as delicately
end deliriously as the fresh fruit
Many a life has been lost
because of the taste of cod-
liver oil.
If Scott's Emulsion did
nothing more than take that
taste away , it would save the
lives of some at least of those
that put off too long the
means of recovery.
It does more. It is half-
digested already. It slips
througlvthe stomach as if by
stealth. It goes to make
strength when cod-liver oil
would be a burden ,
Scorr & BOWNC , Chemists. 131 South 5th Avcnut
Ne * York.
Your dnigEiit keeps Scott's nmultion of cocMivc
oil all ilruggUts ever/where do. } i.
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced t
equal or compare with it as a CURATIV
and HEALING Ai'Pi.ic VTION. It hasbec
used over 40 years , and always afford
relief and always gives satisfactior
For riles External or Internal , BHn
or Hk-edinp ; Fistula in Ano : Itching (
Bleeding of the Kcctum. The relief
immediate the cure certain.
For Burns , Scalds and Ulceralion an
Contraction from Burns. The relief isinstai
the healing wonderful and unequaled.
For Boils , riot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistula
Old Sores , Itching Eruptions , Chafing <
Scald Head. It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and So :
Nipples. It is invaluable.
Price , 50 Cents. Trial site. 25 Cent
ti , or iml | Kwt-ji lil no receipt * .f prli
Anew nnl Comalets Trcnluiant ,
Huppoiltortsi. Ointment la Oapiuldi , alto la I
anOlMlln a I'aililro Uura for liitfrnal. Intai
cllDdor Uleadlnxltg.ila't , OoroQlo , llag ator liar :
Ur/I'llui. TuU UaruuJr h $ noror bjea known
Uli.llparbai. fur < 5i mntur mall.Vjir utfcrfi
tmaturrlbla illioua wlieiu wrliu.i tuar ritj
poiltlTolrKlron Hlihdnjxatorrerunl iliomuaj
noicuroUSdnl BU np fur fra haiupla. ( imran
luatxl bruhn iL'o , lruicl t . solu Aiien'.l.oor
litl' 11 lid lluudai troeu u : .Jiv Nott.
To nil owners of lots or nurlsof Union Do
lusstroot. from VSth htioet to iho west I
of UojesA : Hill's neeond nddltlori :
You uro hereby notified Hint tbo uric
slznod , tlirue dUlntarvslt ) freehold era uf
city of uinahn. n vo bi-eu duly nppolnlud
tlioiniivor , with the npprnvitlof the city eo
ell of bald city , to asiu3 Iho diniuzo to
ownortt respnctlvely < i ( the property ulfer
liv Uio c'luiiiKX of Krade of Don hn HI reel.
c I n red aeuc-iiary by ordlnunve No. ISi , pas
AuKUbl ld , 1 'J. . upprovud AiiisiutSUh. lau
Yuu uro fnrthitr notified tliul. liiivlm
ccptcd MulJ Hppolnliuunt nnd duly ( | uall
us rtxtilr | d by law. ivo mil on the fiiurtb i
aayoC November. 1 OA at the hour of lUo'oi
In the mornliu' . nt the udlco of Uhnrlug I1 , II
juniin. i .oaDoUue street , within tliucurpui
ilinlu of nuld city , incut for the unnioii
cuiKlderlns und nuiUJui : inso.stnont of ( fnin
to the ovvnrrn ruspoctlvcly ot * ald proin
alfected by bald crudliu. tnklns Into con
crntloii uiioclal lienuUis. if any ,
ou are noiIUuU lo be pre unt ut the t
mm place afuru aid uud niako uuy object
to or etuteiuents conceinlni ! bulU us usui
of damugos us you nuiy coiudi-r | pronor.
JOHN 1'I ! < AOK ,
. . CXinunitteotif Apnralici
, Neb. , October SM , 1SW. OJM 1
and nolleo In the electors nnd Icsnl vntort i
Ibo city of Onmtin of nn nnnunl clljr nloctlo
of ttio city ot Omnhii. to be held on Tncsdn' '
tboMhdny nf Novt'inlicr. 1KC , for the pui
Hxoof electing unu conticllmnn from one
'o the elector * nnil lojM rotors of the city i
Om'ibn :
I , ( Icorso I' . ItcmK mnyor of the city i
Inmliii. dn ls no thK tny proflutnrvtlon , an
by the nuthnrlly vcMod It inw ns anrli in > * y <
obcteby clvo jinbllc notice lo tlic eltelo :
nil lujnl Totem of Uio citr of Umnlin tlmt i
niuiitl oily clcenoii of the city ot Umnb :
till tiolicW Ins.ildo'l y on Tuc dny. tlipnlclil
iiy of November , IH'.ii ' tot Iho | iuri > o < oof clcc
ne ono connol in.tu from cuch ward ,
The t > ollA' lmll bo ODOII on the < tuy of sal
lectio. * nt olelit oMo > ck In the tnornlns nti
hall conttiiiio open until Alt o'clock in tl
vonlnx of tlm SHIIIO tiny , nt the rt'pcctli
olln ? ( iluco * follovtlnj , to-wli :
ti."Mrct ! S l : corlicr
strs .
h nd Leave ,
fornif 12Ul aud
° r
| f
-8 W C0rn" IOU |
t N Wcoruort1 ) llnd
wtM"X K corner 131 | n
cornur " " ' ana Ton (
corner ratVnd 1 > aclc
corllcr 18lh * n * 1nvci
C ° r" ° r 2"h " ' " ' l'cavetl
worth H'rroitir3 ' K COr"Cr 'M n"d Ij0avcr
VUli''ot7list ' slcl ° ° r South 2Jth .tree
iBposlto I'ODploton aru.
. l'roetiStrlCt""S ! E cor"er Jcth ana 1 > lo
K oor"cr 11Ul Bn(1
t N E Wr"cr ellP nt'i and Cot
W corner Slh ) nni1 Ioro
lllh Ilatrlol-S U oornerMlh and Ilancro :
i lllslrlot-N K corner litli and Vlnlc
13lh District 3V corner iitb ; and Vnllo
Hth District NKcoriieKth.uul ! llouluvar
Tiiutii irAitn.
1st Dlslrlct-S corm-r 12th aa Chlcaj
stro V'SlrlCt ' N Wtorucr tjl' ' "nd DHTOIIPOI
'M District Honth sldo ot Capitol avout
marovcstoO lathhlreot.
llli District West side of 12th street , bi
ween Donclas and Doiliro streols.
Stli District N i : corner lulh und Caplti
Oih Dlntrlot N i : corner tlth and llarnc
7th District E corner llth and Duuzh
ath Olstrlot-N E corner 13lh aud .Tackso
llth District B E corner 10th anil Howar
1st Olslrlot N W corner 17th and Davonpo
Ind District N W corner IHnd and Davcnpo
Jrd District N W corner ST.tli and Dodi
4tb Dtstrlet N K corner 17th and Dod :
5tn DIstrlot-N B oornur 17th and llarnc
tb District N W cornur 10th nnd Iourl ; :
7tb District N W corner ! 6th street and S
ilary's nvonua.
8lb District SW corner Mth street and S
Mary's avenue.
9th District Knst.sldo of South 19th strce
miween llurnoy street ud SU Mary'savonu
lOih District NV corner 18tb nnd Lo.tvui
worth streets.
llth Dlstrlot-S W corner 17th street and S
Mary's uveuue.
rinitVAUD. .
1st District East slioof Sherman aveni
opposite Manderson street.
Jiid District S E corner Sherman uvcni
und Win titreot ,
ard DUtrict S W corner ShRrmnn avoni
and Lane street.
4th District N W corner Sherman aveni
ind Cracu street.
5th District S W corner 17th nnd Charl
uth District Kast side of i-hornnin aveni
about : iJ ) feet north or Nicholas street.
7th Dlstrlol-a E corner lOlh and Iza
Sth District N W corner ICth nnd Ilu
streets. *
9th District N E corner 15th and On
10th District East side North 17th slreet I
tweon California and Cuss streets.
llth District S E corner I8th unil Oa
BIXTIl WAItl ) . '
Isl District S E corner llth strcot and Am
JJim District 3 W corner Mlh street u
'rund avenue.
: ird Dlstnot N E corner 45th and Gra
tree Is.
4tlrDlstrlet-S W corner 21th und Mandcrs
f > tb District SE corner 24th and YTJtitrce
Otti District SV oornur 23rd and 1'arli
7lh District N W corner IUh ! aud Cor
btli District N E corner .Ttb and liurdel
9th District N E corner 2'nd and Orn
luth District N W corner ! Stb und Trauk
lllh District S W corner 21lh and Prank
r-'tli Dlslrlcl S W corner 22nd and Cla
streets ,
1st District S W corner 25th and Mas
2nd District N E corner 29lh aronuo c
Popnloton avenue.
Hrd District a W corner 20th struot a
\VoolMorth uvoune.
4th District N W corner 0tb street o
Arbor stieeu
( ill ) DlHtrlot South sldo of VInton sir
noiir ( east of ) south. 12d nvcnne.
6th District S E corner Win avenue i
1'oppluton iivenuo.
7lti District N W corner 31th and Frat
1st DUtrict East sldo of 2Clb street n
tsouth on Ctiurlri street.
Snd District West side of 23d street n
( south ol ) I'aul street.
3rd Dislrlcl N W corner 20th und NIcbc
4th District N n corner 29lh and Cum
streets ,
filh District West side of North 25th str
near ( north of ) Cumins street.
Ctli District S K corner 2Jd und Hurt ntrc
7th District S W corner voth and C
1st District a W corner tf.'d and Cuu
sir oets.
2d District N W corner 40th and Cum
ad District N E corner 40th und Kan
4lb District North slao of Davonliort sli
no r twel of ) North U'.M HVOIIUB.
nth tllstriot S E corner Ulut uvcnuo
Dodso street.
Gth DUtrlut S W corner 29th avenue
Jackson ttriot.
In witness whereof I have licrnnnto set
linnd as mayor of bald city of Umahit , 1
37th day of October , l i
( JKO. I' . I1EMIH , Mnyo :
Allmt : JoiiNQiiovei ) , City Oierk.
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
a tier/as ,
Syringes ,
114 S. 15111 SL ,
Next lo 1'osl olfice.
. .
8cDd 10 CCS-TH for our IWi-piEo Kf.EiTUU.Hc
It. It. Ul-lliS. lovrA VM.\S , 1.WA .
rroclMnrU'on nnn notiroot * ul > nkl < * Ion to llis
Blpctora Mill \ ejnvotoN \ r > f Iho city of
Utnnha of the question of UsulnR thn
IxnuM ot th city ot Umiha : In tli utim nt
one liiindtcd thoin-\n I rioilart 'I I ( VVi ) to
linr for thorou of parlnK. roiTlna | or uini
nil-inil'lux the liitiM > ectlon ofrrcv nntt
l.'l o l 'p.Mllo nlleys In Kiild rlty und to
nay tinco < t of tiuvlns In front ot M < nl
iiotsuhjuct to n < > < ei iiieiit of
_ .
To the olocton and legal votori of tVo clly of
Oiiinlm :
1 , Uuoritn V , lii-tnU , mayor ot llic rlty ot
Onmbn. do IMIIH Unit , my proclurn a on , nntl
tiy thnaulluirttr vc. < tcil In mo : < virh nmjor
do lirtoby civi < imbllo nut co to the olcciors
nnil lenal voters of tbo i-lty of Omuli i Hint iv
crncral ulocllon will bo lio'd I7sUd oily on
Tuesday , the clislitti div : of Ntivonibor , 1W ,
for the purKncof snbmltlluff to said cloctort
and lu al volet < the miestlon nhd tinM osUUni ,
follnnliifr , lo < v\lli
"Sn-'M lonO of , the clly of Oinalin In t'nn
stun of ono luinJioa ino. . , n > ] dollnrii UIOOAi.Mi
bo l snod for the piiriuxo of n.iylni the ro < l of
u.tvlna rcti.ivluK or inneikdninUiiu the Inlcr-
cootloniot streets nnd Mttvn * opi | Uo i lloyi
In said fit y , or ( i.tvln : the co t of tuvlnilu
front nt rcul rMiiti not sulijoct to ns < it > < aiiiint
of spools ! tsM-9 for tnvais iHirno > .p < , < \lil
boniH to I nn not inoro tnontr fMtyn'ir *
and to bojir lntoro t pay iblc nvml-nntitinlly
ikta r.itt1 not excceillit ! II MS per cent per nn-
mini , with ronpotfi ntl .rluxl. to ln < cnllod
" 1'AVlni ! iMiniis. unit not to lie olil for lo llim :
pur , the procord nt wlnoli sltrtll I u used for no
ottivr ptirpovo than tmy'nc ' tboctxtof IKIVIH ? ,
rr pft vine or ituiuitclam'zltiK tlm Intorftei'Uonv
ofMreotsnnd spares oposllo | nlleyo In v.U
city , or In fmnl of rcil : rst-ito not snlOwl i * >
n9es < .iiicnt ot ti\us : for p tvliu | iur-
vo c > '
Tliovnld ( ] iic tlon iMul prnposll on nhall lie
snbniUtt'd to sild ulootor-i iMitlrn In ihn urowr
form luovliltnl bv law forolllcUil I ul otn.ltli
thn words * Yo ' " .No" prlntrthcriHii. . All
of Mild ballots liiivltiK nn "X" nmrk foUovr-
Itis the Tu > r l "YtV shiill IM > countctl In f ivor
ot IssiillU it'ilu bonds , nnd nil of said ballon
liavltip uu 'X" murk tollowlnx tliu ord " .So"
Hlutli ho ttunlcd ii ml I'onsUlurcil us acnlnst
tlir l nltn : of M.tld boniK
Tliu poll * hhttll be open iho tltiy of sitlil elec
tion nt elht o'clock in Uio inorutnc niiil Klmll
cunttinidODHii null ! six o'clock In the. evonlni ;
ot the xnnm uuy ut the respective voting
places , as
l'"rilcr 7ll ) nn
C0r" ° r 8lh and 1'
: cor"srlh n
VnM ° stroal b ° -
< 11 slll ° of Cth
Kouth of ) I'nclllc street.
" ' s K oori' ' r ° f 1'arU Wild avunua
imUlllliiin \ .streou
.streouW Cor"orl0tl a' ' > 'l '
lllh Ilstrlcl-S ) > V corner Cth und Ccnlor
i rOlil
lutli Disttlot-N WcornerOth und Bancroft
M roots
N K cor"cr w" ' ana Vliiloa
Sr.OOM ) AVAltlk
trcciV.lslrIut"N W cur"or Utl ! nlul Joncl !
W eornor 13lh nnd 1'nclflo
8 w corner lsth nu" Lnavcl > -
SJd nnd
Uth IMstr.ot-r.iHt sldo of South 23th street ,
> t > posli I'oppleton i. vo.
sl'rll' District S E corner IGth ami I'lorco
. * b'li Illstrlct-8 H corner Hth nnd William
! > tli District N E corner Sixteenth and Cen
ter streets.
I'jlh nistrlct-N W corner UJth and Uorcaj
lllh l ! strlct-S H corner 20ih and IJnncrott
U'tli District N E corner 15th und VInton
lath llistrlcl S W eornor 13th and Vnlloy
it reels.
lllh IMstrlct-N K corner 20th And Iloulav.ird
.1 venue.
TITIItl ) WAHl ) .
"striit s AV Corner I''th ami Clilcaeo
2il District > { Vf corner 14th und Dnvcnport
: U District-South side of Capitol avenus
lour ( west of ) lath street.
4th District West sldo of 12th street , bu-
LWUCII Donelas and DeUce streets.
: > th DUtrlct-N K corner lulh nnd Capitol
fitli District N n corner Oth und Maraoy
Till DistrictE corner llth and Doujlas
, treut > .
sth District X K corner and Jackson
Dili District E K corner 10th and Howard
it reels.
rouiiTii WAIIU.
1st DIstrlct-N W corner 17th andDavcnpori
1 1 rpot i.
2nd District N W corner 2-'nd and Davenport
it reels.
ilrd District N W coruiir SSlh und Dodge
l reels.
4lli District N E corner 17th and Dodge
5th Dlsirlcl N E corner 17th and llarnoy
Oth District N W corner 20th and Douglas
7th Dlstrlct-N W corner 20th slrcot and SU
.ury'.s iivoiino.
8th District S W corner 20th strcot nnd St.
Mury's nvcnnu.
Dili District Kustslilo of foiith IHth street.
luiwccn Uurney street and Ht. Mary's avnnuu.
10th District N W eornor 1SIU und Lojvrn-
.vortli htreela.
llth District H W corner ! 7th street and St.
Mary's avenue.
1st District Kast si Jo of Sherman uvcnno
opposite Mumlerson street.
2urt Dlstrlct-S E corner Sherman nvcnuu
i nil Wlrt Ktreet.
3rd Districl ti W corner Shnrmuu uvenuo
tnd l.i o strfiot.
4tb District N W corner Ehonu n uvenuo
i nil GracuKUcel.
ath Dlstrlct-S W corner 17lh and Charle
Oth District Kast sldo of Shcrniaii avenno
iboutJll ) feet north of Nicholas street.
7th District H K corner 10th und Izanl
it reel * .
Bth District N AV corner IGth and Uurt
Utli District N i : corner 15th und Cis ; §
10th District Enst flilo North 17th street bu-
l oen Unllfornlu und fans stiecls.
llth DlBtrlcl-a i : corner 18th aud Oasi
1st nuirlct S K corner 2Jtn slreot nnf'l Ainci
2nd DUtrict 9 W corner EGtli street and
l Jr. a avunuc.
lird DUtrict N U cornet 45th and Grunt
4lh District S W corner 21th and Manderson
5IU District PKconier2lth and Wlrt street * .
Oth DUtrict S W corner Xlrd nnd 1'arker
7th District N W corner 24th u-id Corby
Htli Dlslrlct-N n corner 27th and nurdctto
3th DUtrict N E corner 2ud ! nnd Orant
lulh Dlslrlcl N W corner 2Jth and I'ranUlii
llth DlstrIct-8 W corner 4th and Vranklla
12th Dlitrlcl-S W coiner 2Jnd und Claru
btroets ,
1st Dlslrlcl S W corner asih and Muson
2nd Districl N h comer Wtli uvouue and
I'opulelon avenue.
: ird DlHtilct H W cornur tilth street and
Wuolworlli uvenuo.
4tli DlBtrlct M W corner tfltU slrcol and
Arlor Rtreet ,
5th District Souih sldo of Vlnlon slruot
iHuir ( easl of ) south : KI ! avoniic.
Cth District < K corner ; uth uvonno nnd
rouplcton avcnuo.
7ln DIslrlot-N W corner 31th und VrauuU
1st District Kuhl Hlcio of I'Ctli Btrcel near
( south of I Chariot street.
2nU IiUtrlct West side of K5d Btreet near
( smith ui ) I'aul street- *
Hrl Difctrlct-N W corner 20th nncJ Nicholas
nil DUtrlol N K c-ornor Sutli nd
Mil Dtil riot Won sldo of North 'JJlh atroot
near ( north nf ) Cumin , ' htroet.
Olh District H I'cori : > er2Jdnnd Uurt strcuts.
'tli Dtstrlct S W corner vuih and Oiiai
lit Dutrlol 3 W cornurr'.J and Ounilnit
2d District N W corner 40th and Ouuilnz
Ud DiMtrlcl N E corner 40th aud I'arnaui
4lh District North ulae of Davenport meet
e rwuitof ( ) North XM iivuiiue.
Sth district S K corner UUt avenuu and
Dotl co s trout.
Clli DUlrlct-a W corner 20th nvcuue uud
Iii witness whereof I have iiernuutojiet my
IiaiiU as inivor of siM 'city of Omaha , tliU
17th day of October. ! M > !
( ICO. P. IIKMI8. Mayor.
Attest : JoiisOiiovuH , ( JIty Oiorli. oUKr.'lt
, . -i kwl
l t-nrBduiitii uiur c. . KliiB munlml rten rtmenl.
Unuiuul ( acuities for visiting Uni AVorld'a ' Ifclr-tot
{ t"i'lr IU > romuwU-nt lem-Ji/re. n > r rl'imlar
UKS. t. M. WIISOK. l'tln.ilU Luczel UHU