THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 2 ! ) , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL HLUFPa ( THCl. : - NO. I lirEAUL STREET I ellvtrer. rwrkr tnauv pnrtof th ? elt ? IM7. TII.TON. - MAK OEfL 1C V. J'lumulnc ( .e. I'cuncJl HlnJTs Lumber Co. . There nre only sixteen prisoner * In Iba couutv Jail. Permit to wed was yesterday prantrd lohn Mcl'ailUtcrof thwrty : naJ Mils . bnyilcr of I'leainnt 1111 ! , Mo. Who owns Uod l.o.i , tlio running Last tilsbt another set of roplctin unnei-s were bcinc tuada OJt. nnd nt present Indica tions the iiitornrvt will noon own the biRRcr part of tlio auiniM , tt not nl ! oJ him. Special oommunlcaUon ol nitifl Wtv lcdo ; , Ko. rAncient. \ . 1'Vco nnd Accaptud Musono. thli evening for work in tlio second decree. All follow-rrftfutneu In pond MandlnR nto rordlftllv Invited. Hj order of tuo worship ful master. Tbcro tire three prUnners waiting In jail to rocclvotboir .sentence * bavinR boon found RUtl'v. i'hovtxucutru to lo rn their fatu yestt-rdav , but .liirts-s Smith dfclclcd not to tutlBfy inch- curiosity until ! o'clock this luoniltic , whun tbovtiil bo brought beloro bis bar. At tv incoliiii ; of iho llepublican YOUHR Mun's Marching club laV ovonlns : at Dr. Troyncr's ofllce , u ivas decided to ncccpt tlio invitation from Ni-olii tind ultond their -rally on rtovcmbcr 1 , and urce all republi cans to accompany tno club. The hour for leaving u-lll bn mino'Jneod later. Prod llocha nr.U Hlnnche Hrndlcy , both hailing Jrom Soatb Omutio , were nrrcsteil for creating : i disturbance on Lower Urond- xvuy. The \voman was particularly wur- llltu and Insisted oho couluvtnp nny policeman - man tnlhu eitv. It coal nor nbout (2U to Dud out her Hoclic cot on with hnl ( that iiniount. Kov W ii.v. . lice * . formerly pastor of tbe llroadwny .Methodic * Kpl-copal church , will occupy tlio pulnlt there tomorrow morn ing nnd ovaiinir. Wtnlu the worlt oJ putttuc InthoMcnm hratlns plant is proyresslni : moves huvo boon JPI un ul.lch will furiiiiU . heat to male the J'a'ldlHp ' cotniortablo dur ing services. The Jury in the case of Dr. Hood nRatnst tbo Korthwoitern railroad company con trary lo general anticipation agreed upon a verdict lost r'zbt nt ! iK ; ! ) . It was o straipnt uncondilioniil vctdict for tbo dofcndunt , and the doctor gets nothing for the shaUinp up bo cot in the rnihvuy Occident and in the court room dt ritiR tlic tiial. To the Mirnriso of looker -on the arpti- mcnts in tbo case of llooa ncaintt the North western railway came to a Midden end yes terday noon. Attorney Sounders made the opening Hpeoch for Jr. tlood , and then tlie attorneys for the defendant waived then arguments. J'ho case \MIK uiveii lo tbo Jury mid they wilf bold it in tbolr room for some time , according to the general predictions. Mr. nnd MrV. . K. Uawson cntortampJ n mnnDer of llioir friends Thursday cveniuc nt their bomo on Avenue U. Those prcscni were Mss.oVelsnor ! , Thomas , Van Brunt , Ortslily , Oavidion. Lustir , Klnnohum. D.ivis , Hayes ; McsHri .McNilt. Lurinc , Christen- ton , Tompletnn. Hunthorn. Alltins , White , Manstield , and .Mrs. AiUins , Mr nnd Mrt. . -Kcllcv ol Omaha , Mr. : md Mm. UifConbabci of York , Nob. \ \ illiam Mclnordy , wtio has roaidod in tbl < county for n f.c-oro of year * , and wnova' naturalized in Uhlo nearly forty yeais npo , was not ublo to llnd his napors yesterduy , nnrt without , thorn was mm file to rucister . There was i.o * . ti'iio to ? ctid bnck to Ohio tc pot n copy of-ihe records , and as nn caslci coinpliiinro with the law ho went uolon .ludpo Smitii nnd wns upniu made a cltizon 'Jbo deiiiccranc orcnn Is tryinu lo maUi capital nut of this little incident , cbnrgim the republicans with trying to urovciv voters from cxeiclsinn their ncbts. A partj must be in desperate straits when it ho\vli because requirements of law arc complioi witli. _ llriiiililnl IHfliiiicH i.ivi'ii A ay. Chdlpo of 100 liu etc hings given t ( anyone inirchnsinc u frame for UK bnmo. Fine now line of inouldinffs jua received , whicli wo are solliiifrat crenth roilurccl price ? . Hi Icy & Shorradcti Art Einporhnii , 45 Mnin street. If you don't want to buy hard coal yoi had better sou Blxby about these oi burners. They nre adapted for tiso it hot uii- furnaces t > toatn nnd hot vntoi "Uoilors , with noooal or aahcs to hundlo Mow niHttin r- , ju-jt rccoivctl. Srayrni rugs from 7Cu up. Oi ! cloths in pat turns , nnd linoleum- , new line : tils window fihnile3c up. Council J31ulT Carpet Co. Oonuino Jlouiul Oak. Radiant Home 11' . Stewart stoves and ninjjob , tel exclusively by Cole A : Colo. 41 Main. .v. i / . i : t H.I aji 1 1'iis. Mrs.V. . M. CSeddes of Grand Island , Neb , is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11 Field. . [ Mini Dooms , who has been visltloB her ol friend * hero lor n few da.v * , bus leturued t her Lincoln home. Mis. L. L. IMincet1 will nrrivo today fret \VutscltD. III. , to visit her anuchters , Mn .1. A. Itoff and MM. K. U. Mullls. Mr. JnniPR V. Hedge , who has boon vlsil nip the family ot W. L. lionUon , bn K turned to his home at Keutculc , la. Mrs. Marv ( i-dlnghcr of Weston has oooi Bpcnoinc u fuw daytith the family u Henry 1'abctu'l on Willow nvonue on bo way homo from n visit to Chicago. W. C. Sloss , a nuphew of C. Wesley o this city , hns Just returned from a visit t bis former home in Muryland , stoppiuR ec route in Obio , wtiero bo took lo uimiolf charming lady as bis wife. Tbey will prol nbly make Council Ulurts their permauen home. Call on Messrs. Day & Hesa and asl to bo shown tha Klein tract of 40J ncro no if on sal o In live and ton acre tracts They will thin ? it frcu to all. Viiuitml to liny. Improved property. Will my cash 1 pi-loots low. II. GMcGea. . 10 Alain street Ilnvo you seen tlioso beautiful lianc painted jardiuiorcs at Lund Bros:1 : Itt-v. Mr. Sharp Accnt . Thoofilolals of tbo 1'n-st Contrrepatlour church yestera.y received the formal ai reptance of Her. Mr , Snarp , who will bejjl Ins pastoral labors ubout the middle of noi month. While it WAR practically decide several day * ueo that such would bo tbeai sworto tbo enthusiastic call extended bin yol there tmvo been fcomo detail : , of nrrangi incuts which nilcht possibly have nroroute the bappv culmination of tbo plans. Ase ; pcctea , the possibility of such duappoia inont hab now iiussod uway , ana the accop unco ik unqualified and certain. Tbo cburc Is to bo coceratulatcd on o bpoodllv fcecij Inc * uoh a tulcntod and warm hearted pu pltcor , unO bo will ktart upon bis worlc BUI ported by uu enthu&tastlo congregation. Save your hurl coal ; use wood , nn rail un Ii A. Cox , 10 South Main streo 13ot > t Missouri wood $ a00 per cord. d ( livoiod. The Ilndiunt novelty huso burnei nro the bo t hoatora Jn the city. So thorn ut Hwalnu's. The Boston Store closes ovary ever Ing ui 0 p. m. except Mondays an Suturdayp , line of han iny lamps , atan lumps , hall lumps at Lund Bros Sco those oil heutura ut Swalne'd , 7 ! Broadwuy. _ Weatherstrips ntltiloy & Shorrndon' Judsou , civil ou meor , 323 Brondwa Darin lor drugs und paiuU. KE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Sever * Trials Which Tefell a Poor , but Honest Stranger. HE LIES THREE WEEKS IN THE COUNTY JAIL Inillclfit fur n Crime of Which tic Wn ( iiilltlrnH lie HHS nil ltilrr A rrctty .Mr.ui ( irtu-rr ) tiiiin'i Part In tlio Amilr. A raso thr > t illustrates several things , amcuK iii-in the iniquities of the present grand jury sxstom , that only hears one slao of a story , wai recalled lo public attention yesterday sy the visit of a clonr-oyetl , but siij-faccil man to thcofUco of Sheriff Ilnzeu. The men caico in to chow that an obligation be had assumed to the sheriff some lime ago bad uctli discharged , and when he went out the kind hearted onicr told tno story. The man is u compar&tiro ctrr.uirer lu the ity. and when he rnm < ) hero n.veral months ugo I.e ohlnliicd omploytncnl in ono of the vatcr vvorls ; gangs , lie had n wife ana 'Maily , and they \\cie i\-ltipinnlltticcot- : ape on the bottoms. One Saturday night , liter bin li.e uorKcu n few ilavi , hoont ton liroadway grocer and ? I15 worth of croccrlcs'utid secured credit until pay day upon the representation that ho was in the employ of tbe wutcr works company and they ucio ndtlitcd to him to an amount greater than the credit asked for. Ttiat nlgbi n i uuibcr of the water works hands nero alscharced and ho amone the others , but I.o did not ascertain Ihn lact until tbe ollowltit ; .Monday. Ta Ihp meantlma the procerynian Locarno u tritto suspicious and went to the company's olllco and 'found upon inquiry that the man was net In their otn- ploy. \ \ iihout waiting to malte any further investigations the gtocarymun went before the grand jury , which was then in s.u sion , und made a statement of tbo cnse. The jury listened to hiffi nno called In Manager Hart of the wntci works company. Getting his infciiination from the payroll of the company at that Utno the manniibrus obliged to say that tiio mnn Was not In his employ. Upon this cxparte statement an indictment was found , and tliu man arrested and tbi own into Juil. where ho lay three weeus in default or til 0 bail. The cud of the month hue ! come in the meantime and tha payroll of tlic company snowed sri 55 due a man who had Deon let out ana xvho bad failed to claim his wages. Tbo attention of Mauacer Hart was called to it unit it occuircd to him that tbis might bo tbe man who was lying in Jail. An investi gation immediately maao proved it to be the truth. Tbcn his bond was ( ] uickly filca , through the inilivjnca of Mr. Hart , and ho was liberated , lie bad never been in jail or cborged with u In his life , and the Im prisonment nud ignominy almost killed him.Vlicu he went to his ilttlo cot tage he found still graver troubles nwaitlng him. Ills wife , only able by the use of her sowing tnoebino to mnke onousb money to keep starvation away , bad been unable" pay the rent and under the Icii'O the furniture bad been seized and was about to bo sold. His only hope of saving it was the placing of u chattel loan upon it , and ho found mat this would cust just half the amount of ibe unpaid rent. In bis extremity bo wont to Sheriff Ha/on and begged to b's Diirmltted to saw up n pile of wood that lay behind the jail for any price. Tbo request WAS grunted and the slierid made an extra effort tu ussist him , guaranteeing tha unpaid rent and procuring additional employment for him.Vhon the case came to trial it wa promptly dismissed , but that was small sat isfaction to the inr.n who haa been inaJo to suffer shame ana imprisonment simply be cause he haa tbo misfortune to bu dls- cbarpea without Knowing it. Fire Itrnatlw.iy mill Corner or llcnUiu Street. Our loi-s Dy fire was covo-ort by Iwo policies , both in tlio COUNCIL BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock : the next morning after tho"lire the pocrotary was on the iish lieap , pencil in hand , ready to litruro the loss down to bedrock , which he did , too , saying thnl' it wns his duty and no tinnll part of his business " So long ab 1m did not fro below bedrock we had no reason to complain , consequently the settlement WH- not only prompt , but in ovcrv way satisfactory , so much t-o that in addition to $ ! ) ,200 00 ( seven policies ) carried by this company before the fire wo now nddto it $10,000.00. Doing intimately acquainted with the secictary und directors we cannot bo persuaded that bcttar indemnity ran be obtained than that offered by our homo company , besides \vo believe in p.atron- izlng worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , und unless wo do we shall continue to be dependent ou for eign capital and corporations. ( J. 11. WnEci-nii , JAS. A. HKKULD. Mr. 0. Wolkor wishes to inform his old friends that he has left the employ of his father and uill comtncncf ! to won : for O co. II. Meschendorf S.iturday.wlien ho will bo pleased to wait upon tiiem. Tlio genuine Burr Oak stoves are sold only by t'lins. Swnino , 7117 Broadway. Call anil SPO lliem. S. B. Proffoll , watchmaker , 740 Broad- way. _ Slniv Either there is Bomo reluctance on tbo par of the voters of Council Bluffs to attempt tc tread the mazes of the Australian ballot , oi there Is little interest felt in tbo tmtth of November S. Yesterday was tha tcconc day of registration , and the smallest numbei of names were recorded on Iho pall boolri that has marked any lopls'.ratlon day li roars. Ttu first lay the reei trMlon was ' creator than usual , tm > the p.tco has flagged sharply lcci then , t'tiiess the voters put off registering until the lust day a vorv light vote will bo polled or n no tall swearing will have to be done on uloctioti day. U 11.1. COXTIMT. A I.I. IY TO1IAV , SAT- t ltlA\ . The ' prc l l Clonk Snlr nt HIP Itniton Store to lie i\tcnilril tnrtlio Itcnrllt ot tlie Crowd , Not nenr all of our customer. ' could be . waited tioon nt our special cloak BH'IO ' yesterday , nnd for their bonoflt nnd tlio bcnoflt of the ninny who could not c\cn pet insldo the doors , wo will con tinue the sale nil day today , Sat- urdny. The nRctit of the bi eastern inantifncturor will bo here , nnd _ wo will rcppat everything today ad vertised for yesterday. The ladles of Council BlufTs nnd vicinity will llnd this the best opportunity of the season to see the style ? nnd pel n fit in the newest garments that lia\o been put on tbo nvirUct. Recollect that in addition to this wo have tbo InrKcst s-took of covt ? , cloaks and wraps ever brought to the city. TI1K UO3TON STOUi : , Fothoringham , Whitelaw & C'o , Council Bluffs. P. S. Store open until 10 p. m. this evening. Nr ; < rlnc the Clotr. The fair xvhlch Is bsin ? given bv the ladies of St. I'eter's Catholic church at the Mnsonlo temple will close this evening It has been very successful ever since the opening night. Tbo booths are ilnoly decorated ana are tilled with all sorts of fancy articles , while ILc ladles in chorgo have shown themselves udcpts in the an of making men part with their cash without wincing. Last evening v.ns spent principally bv tbo young people In dancing lo the strains , of oicnnstral music. A short program was also rendered. This evening will bo devoted lo vo'iUj * prizes , dancing , and closing up generally the festivi ties of the week. _ r. o. i ) . nmiwv- * Sprelal I'lour S.iln Siituril-ij' , Oetoher 3H. Pillsburv's best Hour , il.lTi. Garland flour , Jl. lo. Hun Shine Hour , $1.10. HoiTmayr's Fancy Patent , 51.10. t IIolTiunyr'b Early Riser , ! (3c. ( Baker's , $1 00. Best Superlative , Sjc. Snow Flake.7rK' . This sale is for ono day only , Satur day , October 20 , at Brown's C. O. D. , Council BlulTs. On Dpinncnttlc Authority. The statemen * . of Tin : Dec that the torches in the democratic proczssiou numbered 2,200 at the sbakedown Thursday night is found fault with. The statement that l.bOO torches were givou out and that the Missouri Valley boys nrouebt down 400 more came directly and ofllcially Irom the democratic headquar ters. If tne story was dressed in diaphanous clothes tbey were solely nnd purely demo cratic garments. No bankrupt , lire-smoked , damuzed furniture at Meyer's , o05-307 Broadway. Clean goods , less than any Omaha price's. Storage roasnnable. 22. 21 and 20 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. .1. K. Snyder. * _ _ Dinner sets , nice line just received. SS.OO. Luad Bros. Don't forget that IS\rnine sells the Elmliuret stoves. Co to Omaha Tonight. All republicans arc invited to join the Younc Men's Marching club in tboir trip to Omaha ibis evening. Meet at club rcoms at C:4j ready to start at 7 o'cloolr sharp. \V. H. Siiri-iKi ) , Secretary. To the colored voters : Vou are invited to attend tbo republican rally at Omunu this ( Saturday ) evening in company witn the Lincoln club. Moot at hoadquaiters at 0:45 : p. in. Gr.onoc A. .Mt NIHX , President. Geatloraeii. the finest line ofiall goods in the city , ju t received. Holler , the tailor , 810 Broadway. Day & Hess report that they are having ' ing a' good demand for the ten-aero lots in the Klein tract. IcOpoople in this city use gu stoves 3 he tins Co. puts 'etn in at cost. Boston store closes every evening at 0 p. m. , unless Mondays und Saturdays. Weather strips at Riley < Sr Sherradon V. South Omnhu'g Itrgi trittlon. Thursday's registration Increased the total number of voters who havo. registered this fall to 1,650 , wnlch , in point of numbers , is far below what It should bo. At the municipal election last April there was cact u total vote of 2,29.5. A conservative esti mate or this fall's vote has been placca at about L',50U. Tbe rogisiraiion up tolast night of the wards by precincts , as com pared with the vote of lust April Is as fol lows : rirstWard Registered. April Vote. 1'lrst pieeliict. . : t..l 41' ' Micoiu pret-lnct . " -b L'll ) Third iireolnct . 2)t wo Total . S13 "hjii Fi'cond Ward 1'lrbt proc-lnct . 2i3 : 441 Sueond precinct . a l''ir Third precinct . M u Totul . 5''J ; jj Third ward Second precinct. . 154 i i TotHl . O 4wo 1 ourlliuril . TU is. Total o : city . J.SiG S.'UO Comparative Tests. aking Powder Purest and Strongest , I- Il Dr. PETER COLLIER , late Chemist-in. Chief of l- lh lp. . the Department of Agriculture , Washington , p. 3. 1. D. C. , having analyzed the chief brands of baking powder , L. d Reports the Royal 3aking Powder the greatest in leavening strength , 8U Yielding over 27 per cent , more gas than the average of the others tested. Dr. Collier adds : "I have made many analyses cf various a brands of baking powders and a "I have always found the Royal composed of pure and whofesorr e ingredients. - > " Peter Collier , M. D. , Ph. D.'j , / ( "April2 , 1892. " , Don't bo deceived liy lent runt , unscrupulous fnklrV nnd confi dence men , nssumiiwj to offer "Indinn Ilemedirannd who pretend tlmt tlicir ilo trums nre made by tlic Indtnnt. KICKAPOO nn < \ other KleVnpoo Indian lcme.tle ! nit ; THK OM.l KM' . IM : iM > H > uiMitius : : : JIMH : AM ) SOI-P IX AMtni : ( ' ( . Tin- won ! " KU-Unpim" ts eopy. righteil and the } dare not steal that. Be mro jou net " nemedle" , " Mid trr tliat rtrr ) liotllr or | itrkier lir m thli rlnillf lpn turr thin : DlntrlhiilliiR ARrntk , .Mil nrnnil Ate. , N lliitrti , Ct. Tlu-M pitiilui Indian Itc-incdlt-j are not | > * -hlU-d but UKnolil nt till drug Morvs. I'lil IlirrcS-r. Mentis In pi ) ( OEr > BIU ] n ( . n | | | m n jm free a tlirllllnc and Inlrnn-ly Intrrrntlnc l > eeL of 17.1 | inirt. mtitlcd "UIK AMI bft.M-S AilO.SU Till : KH'KAI'UO I.M IA > s. " Trlls all Minut the ImileiiJ. Man who gives Ills millions for the found ing of hospitals , colleges nd asvlums is not mor f ol u Tihilanthroplst than is he who is the avowed Of the. bid ; anl the euffering , Ihilielpleis victims ol diKea o. The myrinl ol maladies l.nowu a- Nervous Chronic and Pr.vate Diseases are of so obsllnite and cnmplical > d a char 'cter that oalj- the mast siftoJ , skil.- lul and widely exptnensed 1s In the land can comp-alifnil or curs t'lem , for they defy the eilsrtt. of the general prac titioner -who lius not mala taera his Hlj study. The euro Of Such di-ea es aj f yphillis , GoiorrhcBa , Gleet. SpprniaiorrhcKO , Lost Kanhond , Etlects o ) Barlyr Vice , Stricture , Hydroolo , Varicocele. Pilei , and a thousand ether requirB Highest degree of medical bkill , such as but few men possess. The r-eorcl of Drs. Betts & Be ti provei them to be the most able , successful and j-opular specialist , in America , it not m the Worlcl And th * number of permanent cures they have eflected within the past 27 years can not be equalled by any other phyiic.ans In this ur any other country , Send cents for our illustrate ! booUo. Consultation free. Call upon or address with stamp , Drs. Bette & Betts 1 19 So. 1 4th Street , OMAHA. NEB. W .C. ESTEP. Funeral Director , Main Street , Coudcll Bluils. To .1 , A. llentollo. Mll.o Votora , C'r.tliarlno Lciahlln , M Se > ui n Aori'ii un A. 1' . Olirlslo- Dlicrson , dura I'll id , ( i. H , llllhuorth , Jonn llohr. ( Joorse IITziuunak : You are hereby notified tliat the under- slsucd , three disinterested froeholdcri of tliu city of Omahn , huvo hoon duly uppulutu.l bv thu muyor , with Ihn approval of t tin city coun cil of bhld ulty. to iihsess Iliu damaeu to the owners rewpectlxuly of Iho property declared hy ordlnnnee nuceBunry to hoanproprliitxd for the ube of said elty , for the purpose of open- in. : and extending Jllth Bliuot from Vlntoti htreet tobouth city limits. You are further notilled. that liuvln.- - ecpted K id appolntniHiit and duly ( jnallllBd an required by lu . wo will , on the -Ut day of No\u iihcr. A. I ) . ld. ' , nt tlio hour of IU o'clo-k lu the foienoon , at the olllco of T. U. McCul- loch , room MS N , Y. Life. Itnlldinp. wllliln llio corji'iriitu llmlin of hald city , niet-i f jr the pur- posu of consldeilnu and mnUliii thu assess- men t of dumusn to thu owners resueetlvuly , of Fiild property , tiy , re.asoii of Eiiuh taklui : and upproprl.ition thriouf. tikhic Into consldoni- tlon special buiieuth. If eny. Tim propei Iy liolmizin ? to you , proposed to ho approprlutod a.s nfotusuld , aii'J which hits beoii declined nvvunxury hy the cotiuell. hy ordlnuuce. lo uninxiprlutu lo iln use of the. olty. telni ! hltmio In said city of Omaha , In llm county of Ilniiclns , andxtutoof NubraBUa , is deBLTibed as follonK. to-wlt : 8 l"J feet of w BJ foot of lot 43 , H. R. Itours' pliit.OU'ulioma. < \Vuht inteut of IntxjOand tt. Mottor's subd - vision of lot Ji , S. ] ' ItoiiirN1 pint of Okahoiuu , West tin feet of hull loll , lux lot LU West ( if , feet , of 1M > i : > Oak Hill No. i. You'll 7 feet ofitai ai luet of lot 10 , Oak lilll No. S. Went in feet of lolsC. 7 , 8 Mottoi'e sub of lot 4 ? . S , } ' . llomrti' ulutof Okahon.u , North 'M' ) feut of wpbt , OU of lot 4fi , H. I , Jtos- ors' pint Okahoma \ \ e t 'M feel nub lot 4 of tnN lot tU You aru iidtllluil to bu urekcnt at the tlmu tlniiiiiuJ plueo itfprebuld , and innko miy ob jections to or htaiO'.ncnu conccrnlni. ml i pro posed approprl.iljon , or unsensniiuil of dam uifOb , Ubyou may consincr nropnr. T. ii. Met ru.ocn. JOHN r. KIAC1C , JAMF.a bTOCKDAl.r. . Omulia , Oct. L'Cth , 18U. . u-.dt'Jfl rpo THE citnoir Jits or TIM : AMKIMCAN J- \ ler Morkn Company , u oorpuratlou of w . Ttio iindi-iiilsiied was nppolntod rocolverof BalU cor'oraton | : liythocuuil of chancery ol hew Jersey on J uly I'D , Ib'fi ' Ily mi older of sld court , made on tha d nt of tliu dan * of llilb luitlef. you nro required to piovoyourcla ms und Uunmiulb buforu mu to my H aLbfacilen , within four months trom iliu duii hereof , or bu ocludcd from llio benrll of such dlvidundbiib nniy ttieruufter bo mudu of Hie procuudb it the ellOL.'ts of kuld corpora tion. Clulnis should Ua lieiuUod un1 sworn to. und may be forwurJud hy ninll to Coiltni & Cjrbln , bo.lelturk of thu recnlvt-r. 243 Wiishins- ton street. Jumey City. N. J. Tliey w.llbo promptly Lckuowiiidit > u\ . , , i : iiYDEKrST. m-celver. - > \\.iBhliiKou Street , Jorixiy Cily , N , J. DuluJ sepiembcr ii , ItUJ DOCTOS. : MCG3SMESW. In the tieatment i f nil forms of PRIVATE DISEASES. una all Wontiiinss nnd Dhorrterof lth losvof eonrnce. ambition und vitality Klcbu-cn years of the most leimiiknblu suei-css In the trcntmcnt of tli s IHH of liKi n o . which is ntovr'i bj- the uniersul tuotlinnnr of tlinii- niids who htivo bejn euruJ \\rile for circu lars und quoit on il U 14 n null I'amain W. PANELE 1. D . . , . , TL Good Simaritan. SO YtarV l JJEADlCIl OF IHSEASKS or MEK AKli WOMKN. I'UOI'ltlETOK OF THIS WUKL.'U'S IIKRHAL. DlSl'EK- or t treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Thront , and I/angs : Dlt. canes of the Eye mid linr.FitSRiil Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Liver Couiplalut. l.lducy Complntnt , Nervous Doblllty , Mental Dcpres- elon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes , Briehfs In-case , St Vitus' Dancer H&evmiatlsm , 1'aralyfKVhito SwellltiK , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors nnd Fistula In ano removed without the knife cr drawins n drop of blood. Women with her dellc.ito orpr.tis re- Dlored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to SSOO forfeit for aay Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without mercury. Tape. Worms removed in twn or three hours , or no jay. Hemorrhoids or I'iles cured THOSE WHO AKE AFrLICTKU Will eave life and hundreds of dollars Ijy calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLFS HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Plij-sleJan who cnn toll vrhwt altl a person without asking n qurstlon. All corrosponacnco rtrlctlycontiOcntial. Medlcin1 sent by cspress. Addiess all letters to G , W , Pangie , SSS Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa Omalia Medical and Soriical INSTITUTE ; I Ere & Gar INFIRMARY FOl-i THE | ] TREATMENT OP ALL Hot farllltlpi , npnanHiK retielioi fir 1 1 ( , ' enl ot e cry lorm ( it dle.ivj reu jir- ii. luudlt-dl or nurjclcal trcJtniunt. fiiriiatli-nn. tpcurJ un 1 nltiiii 1 11i. . | lj t ai comurtntlnnc In thr noil. XVrltn forclreiilur * un dcfornililw unJ lira -01 , truv Ok , cluliftict , c-arratuiBsnf iplnn , plliu. tutijur , , t-uu- ct-r , entarrh , lironehttli , lulmlntlon , oit-otrlr-llj , iur- BlytK upllpixy. kUlni' } . lilmldcr. < ! ji' , u r , Mm mil hlnod aiidatl nur Uat > | u-ratl < iM : DISEASES OF WOMEK Women KKHK. Wo liarr Intel ) atlduj u Ijlnj-ln de imrtraont for women durlnu uontliiitinuiit , Mrk'll/ iirlvnte. Onl ) Uellablu .Moltcal ImlitlUo mliii- ei > cclnltyu { PRIVATE DISEASES All Biooil DuoUies nucco inilly trcatuJ. Snitilllti ! I'nlMiniirpiunTUil from tbi nj-stuni uifrjirr , New Ht'stnnitlve 'J'real.nunt tur 1. > * of VJl'VI. roWlilt. I'er'iiiniiiiaiile tu visit utility In Irjitcl at homo by rorrr < > ! > ouilence. All r Kirmuilu.iH.rii rnntlhentiui MnJIclneiKirliKtra iinntHMit IPJT man u- nilircKH , wctiroljr imokuJ. nn inur i Ki In.llcnto c-.ii tcnm or hi-ndur. Umi pormi nil liiterrlunirulurn \ \ Cull mid consult n or bond hlK nrjr uf your cuss , ml e \Tlllneiid lu plain wrapper , our TO MEN llKS I'l'on ' I'rhii-s S.i9 iu men , , .ln , , „ . Xam)4 , ) M , ( l , . , liuiiottiicj-jiliills | , Uluv'tanl Vurle j.vlc , nlt'a qu > , lion lint. llrocca , .Appllnneoi for Defiir.iiltlei nil Tfimet Onl ) lUBimfartory In ttm of JlEroilMlTV. AI'1'l.IAM'Cd , TIUH K # , KUEOl' . WC IIATTfcllllCs AM ) llii.'iy : Omalia Medical anl Surgical Institute 2Oth and Broadway , Council Bluff i. Ton mlntui's rUe from cpiit rnrOuiU4 o.i Om.ui mrJ u > unil Un \ ulitctrln uiuiur ll.i ) . To the ownern of all lot * or DurU of lots front- hit ou Do'Mtur htruct from ' "Jth lu Ulnl Htrcot : You urn hereby noilllod tliit the nndor- Hlcnud. IhrBodlfiliiterioied frreholilcrs of iliu City of Omalia , htvo huun duly nppolntod hy thu mayor , nllh the approval of thuelty uiuui- oil of h.ild olty. to ussu > s the ilumtro to tliu owneri roiiiectU iiiy of the property ulfeet I by irrudlnv of Duuatur from I'Jtli lo 3lht htrtsuts. dticlnred iiuoi' sary liy ordinuncu : c.'UI , i > ibsun October 7 , IhJi , approved Oetoher UU Ihll ? , Vou 11 ro further nollOed , that h.ivlns ; RC- ceptud bald nniKilniment , und duly ( lualltlud ut , requiruj by luw. wo will , on the. Uth ( lav of Novemlier. A. I ) . 1S3J , ut the liour of ii o'cuoek In the afternoon , ut llio otlli-n of ( inurzo ,1. I'nul , Id is Kuril am btrect , wlliiin tlio corporate llmluof buld city , iup t for llio iiurpotic of con IUeiln unu linking thu uHsebsinent of ilnmazo to ! ) > owners rccpenthely of anl property afTcictu 1 liy mid pradlntalcing Into u'irtiduriitlon unoclul uencilu. if any. i ou are notinej 10 ho prubunt itt tlirilmo and pla"o itforubu'd ' , and muku any obje-lions to or Miuemeiils concerning bald nsiChSinunt at dur.uiics usjou may coiiblder inojmr. ( iroituc J \ > A\it. \ .1. r. ri.Acu. T. M'CULUX.II. Omuhn , Oci. 21 , K92. O.'Sdut Cold Snap. Don't take cold ' With the Columbus festivities a frisk ) ' norther has struck us a little fresh , ain't it , especially mornings and evenings protect yousclf with a. warm garment Our overcoats That's what you need and we have them tq suit you in all styles and fabrics , and at prices that take What we can do for you Overcoats at $ $3.75 i come in three shades and are stunners they are woolen o'oods with and without velvet col7 O lars , in gray bro\vn and oxford they * are fully worth $6 call and examine them We have overcoats running from $3.75 , with a gradual rise in price of 50c a coat till you get to ! $30 , the highest , which lit as well as custom- - made-and wear as long At $7.50 Our $1-1 Overcoat is a world beater in tans , blue and black Overcoats in MeltonsCheviots Cassimeres Wide Wales Stockinettes Serge and silk lined Box or long cut Colors tan brown oxford blue black j Single and double breasted Heavy underwear A special sale of 4 cases of shirts and drawers heavy ribbed - full finished French necw shirts pearl buttons , worth fully 50c each to. close 30c each Columbia Clothing Company Cor. 13th and Farnam Suscessors to M. Hell man & Co. 724 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BICEPS , IA. . First class In every respect. Prompt attention given to transient work and satisfae.ion guaranteed. Bast terms to out of towii agents. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS EMPLOYMENT. YV > AN ri.l ) - \ rmiiiole-it | clrl for svnuial ' lioiibiittoiU ( Jooil wanes Call nt GIf > Willow UM'llllO. \\rAXTKD-A uoiiiun us nursu foi baliy J ' a week Apulv Mrs. lloidcc Kveiett. -e'-'ond ' avcnui * and I'iulitli sticet. \\7 ANTi : CoiniiKtuut tlrl for juiieial hnusonnr . 'J ' , > Seeoml iivunnc. HOUSES AND T A.ND. OUANUR srovn In r , oi-Ula unit California for nale or trade. ( JieciuliiuUls , Nluliolnoii .1 C'o CHEAI' timber lands In Minnesota foi t-i'e In quatititles lo suit. Kasy iiayiuunls lirei'iisiuelds , .Nicholson \ Co. FA KM and eltv lo ins. Monny lonuJ n-i htoflv and cr.iln. lti > : il ei-t.itc for halo llwullliunn'tJnisluoss rentals. Monnv lonno I Jorloual Invohtori. LOURCO A : Ton hi , I' Ji I'oarl bt re e t. _ P di : r.xoHASii ? : c'ioHi- niiuitbr-Miftioiri r l.ind for Council lllnlTB ( iropnrlj : Hill nav li for ( Ilffcrt'iice , Urueuhhiuldi- Co. , IWI Ilro id way . FOR SAIjC Ohoicest farm In I'otuiwatri- in o Co. . till acr04 , wo'.l loualtid anJ Ini- provoJ. I'rlt-e JI3 an aera. II It ilio.ifo. 10 AfltnS land for sale : brluccn Council llhill- . and Dniaha : u bat-Eiilii If MIDII On-enslnt ) ds , NIcluilKon & . Co. , Cu'l llroad\vav. Olt ixotlANji-ro : : neru , in I'lilltlps coiiulv , COD , with liiiiiro\uiiienl ° . for Btoulc of dry icundb and eluthlng or utlior IllilBC. U U. t-llUllfO. ON KASV \ > uineiils "i-rciiini IIOIIHB un ' oiith Ut biraet OroonsliloUls , Nluliolboii .V ( . 'o. , I C''l Hrouil\Tiiy. TPOIt HAl/n On smid puynionls , fruit uii'l J-'card en Ian I noir UouncU llliiITi U , li. Hieafe , llroadwiiy un I Main struct. ITUtl'IT LAN II , : Ui ucres foi hulu- Inside i > | tv -L iimitt , , tiruuuhlilulds , MchoUon .V Co , ( i.'l llr'iadway , A\7 AVOu [ ) , OJ. Imvo hiiint ) of tinllnu t ' ' t farms lu imithwe lern lotra for sale- Call and BOO lu ! SJ Main btreet. H OItbKnn'l liuirsy wanted for iiHmimivttil lirotiHrty In norlliuc.l luriof elty Uieutu NichoUon A. Co. , GJ1 llumdway. AI1AKGM.N , iJ-ucro fruit and Kiirdrn traet " < i mlltii from nostotlleD."i uurus in si apes. 1,1 aero In uluukberrles. uij apple trco-i. 73 ylntn irons. : irn-lierry trees , dnrrilliiE. fciuli'.u ' , etcI'rlcut UUH No trad o. i : . II , Miuafu. J1 ACIIE > , Inuldu ulty llinllfcill : hull In lots -Janojieru un lo hiift hiiyur ( iiecnshlclds. Mcho'boii K Co. . KiHruadHiiy. . _ II' VOL liUu Kind trL-ulmunt Hud tiar/ulnt In rtml entitle call on tiretnslilolils , Mcliol- bon & Co. . Oil Uroudwuy. _ Iiy AUHTB of oluur land In Odslcrno - hraska tonxchanco for n ROtiJ rt > i > lduiieii In Council Illuffs. Want hoiuus and lolb for No- hraiiUulmid. Johnston & Van ratten. \\71. HAVE apood leuiiit for u ilvuor BIZ ' ' room house four or llvo tilouUh from not > t- otlloo. ( jreenklileldg , Mcholbun k Co. , CJ1 Jlroadway. GCU3 acres o' chuloo plnei luntls for tr.le , jiiBjr I'urvls , Mlis. iu : y leimii In- iiulruof Mrs. li , G. lirouki , or A. T. Itlco , J''s 4th fctriet l CJUlTVin peed Council HtufTb properly. -L Mukt he hold tins wucu. Nlcholkon i : Co. \\7K IIAVKcuitouiorH who wont liouves lo ' ' rent , lluve you the honsck } Cretinkhl lU , MuhoUou .VCo. KANCli of S.U3U ucrui. ncir Clieyenni : . Wru. line linprovcineut-i. S3IMO njcUJ.UCM ultli r.incli ; duett In tlioktato. Will uxehuneu for Couuoil lliuflu nr Uiuuliu nrui rty. ( , RiL-hoUuu & . Co. , CJ1 iiroadn uy. Si CIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOOB1LS AND LANDS. IjiOU KKNT Tli follow. UK L1 10 room dwo UIILUI 1'arlc iivn , tl'l. 8-rooin dwelling. 7'4o Lth st , HI. h-Kioin dnellinc , d-l''tul nve. . * , ' ) . . ' 101)111 ( I WU IlllK. l > IhMIM ) . , tJ" > . 7-rocm > dnulllni ; , ( iliitth u\i ; . , $ i."i. il-ruoni dwell 117 , 1 .1)1 ) Avenue I ) , Jil. 7-room dwelllti ! : , 1K. ! > llro.idwiiy , j.'i. 10- room ( h\ellln : . : ; R" > lluiiton st . i. ) . h-iooiu dwelllnK. ilia A venue 0 , I.H Ci-room dwellinc. 110 N. l.ith ht. , WO. ' -room dnellln , .II'J Lincoln nve. , Jll ) HI , T-rooin dwolllns. " ,0 Iim mony sU. JI5. . 7-Hin ( HvellliiK , I'l ice , 53. . ( i-roBin dwullinjIll Piirlls st , , $15. fi-room flwollln , f.'JI MynstrrM . Jll. fi-ronin ( IwollltiK , 1 2-tiii-il nve. , IJ.l. 4-ioom dwellln ? . f.'l Mynstor st. . 1 12.51 C-room ilwuilh.K. Ijrahan , nve . 112. C-rooin il u.llnir. 1'iUfiiilli avo. , 51- . r-room dwollin ? . Hulibllt 7-nxim [ Uvelllnf. MiirnlnchUlu , Jl'J.r.ll 4-riiiu duelling. li.r > I'ml : a\c , fl'J.vj , D-room dvvclllnir. 1.15 Wuslnncton avc. . S.O. ri-iooin dwellini ; , 4 < M N. litli BU. HO. .Vinnm ( hit lllnir. H''l Avenue Ci. { 13. ri-rnom duoMliikHI N. 7th St. . Ii. ! ( r > -rooin ( luolllnJIM. . ' A vennu l ! IO , 4-rooni ihiulllni.14'irihth ' avo. . tlj. 4-ronin ( hsclllni : . UK Vinu St. , Mil. li-rooni clwulllnItC 17th u vu. , til ) . IV-riiotn dxviilllnir , Iii4 Avoniiu II. HO. 0-roinu duellliiK. 1ll > htlia\e , , fid. U-room dwollln ? , l.VKi A vuniio H , * 10. 0-iooin ( IxvullliiK. 17i ) ) A venue A. 51 ! ) . fi-room dwoliiiiK , uis Avemni C. ti. fi-room dwelling.1st st. and Avrnnu M. ML .ri-rooiii ( Iwolllns. 704 S. Lllnl ht , , ii. fi-room dwelling , JIMO Avuniio A. ti 4-rnoiu dwoilliiR , MM N. 1st t. . (7 , Vrodin dwelling , IIIOO A venue A. tj. S-iootn dnulllin : . 1'IU l..lli u\u. . ID. 'l-rooin Uw line. K'.ll Avenue A. JT. & > iooin ( Inilllnu' ) , KI.H A vcinue I ) , J1. " -room u well InlldO Avt'niui I ) , ! . " > . 4-rooni dnulllni : . - I ! ) Avcntiu I ) . II. : : -rooin dwell ii - , : it : . oiii bi. . ' > . y- roe in dtvullltiK , Kill N. JUtli nu , VL h-roniiKluclllni ; Kv A > n II , rid OJ. 4room dwelling , SIS ! N. iUh. tlO. : i-iooji and A venue I , tl. 4-room dwolllnc , 1.41 . 1st street , ? . 'i'j ' , 6- room dwelling , -'U'K , A vciiuii A. S-l" . . ' "loiini Owelllnp ; , 'MiA venno A , * 10 , 4rooin dwuilln'Jl'J Avrnuud. ( B. I. II. hheafc , rental ui-ent , llroaduny nnl Main urcct _ IflOit nxoilANOE-5.-i.OJD htof1. : cif ueuora/ / inurclmndlBu for iown oreaitorn NeliniHli land. Giot'iisliUildK. Mfliol on X Co. , CJ It way , agents for udmln l > t rut or. ' il'YOU have n-jytliln ; for silo or Undo sot U II. Bho ite. lirot Iwav iin'l M nr ; Htr < nit _ " " G IKNHIIIIII ; : > . - . MOHOI ON" & coj i rnlB for ii'imlnl < .triU > r. have for sal < nun of tlio best 0/j-auro uto.-l ; farms In ern Iown , AKIlAGIi removed. UUHbpllUlg. VHIlIU Ulld eliliiiHuysoloaiiBd. 11 I ) . llurmi Ugy Hide. IT OU HALK-rurnlture. lixturon ttnd -L the furjpat unu Illicit lititol In kou. Nubrahlui. All modern ! tnrovoiiiunli | , olo- Rantfurnlturs. Nut profit * $1,00).U3 pur un' nuiiij Inilkilns newly uu'lt : no competition. 1'rJcdtJ.POJ.J' , lialfcusli. E. II Shunfe , Council Ulugg. lit. . -llnrdwun Htaikv in 'own ' MK ! Nuliruuku , luvolcii. . 5J.JUJ tuir..UU ] _ IL Hlioafu. _ "IT UIt HAI.i ; elitiHU. or In eicliuiizi ! for luud -L.1 un uttalillkliiid lmlno H. Addrcii I' O box i/ii ; , ( jiiincii iiintTi. i-i. OSr-Smnll cn.d mar. toClflu 7th - ' I roe t for ruw.trJ WANTl ! ! ) 'J'o liny H.uu-j . upaclty hot ull furnaciCiil'or adareb < ) .a ) HroaUwny. t DANCINO SCHOOL. * " ONDA VS In it. A. lur.or * . ohUiiron , 4 p in. ; u'Ju'U ' , ? : Jlp 111 Ko lalu fc oond uud fourth Mondays , U p. in , Munlu furnUhoU par tick and club * Addrcb * nt It. A. I'arlurM Coiuioll liluffK , or lo U i < 'urniui fct. , OiuuUn. Wi H. Chftiaberi. Instructor. -A