THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : . SATU110AY , OOTOIWR 20 DEMOCRATS HOLD A COUNCIL Po-wwow of 1lie Big Ohlofs Over the Situa tion in Nebraska , HAS NOT A VERY CHEERFUL OUTLOOK " * J.milrrs nl Ilin I'nrly Admit Itn l'r < i | PCt Arn Very Olooiny Uommrnilpil the Mtn p Coin inlttro an il Ho iniiuecil ( loxcriiiir II TI | Iliiundiy. There was an Inrtux of tlomoerallc wheel- hurscs ycsterdfty tnoriilng , the newcomers being Imbued with tno desire 'to ascertain II there had been any chungo In iho situation as a result of the deliberations of the stnto central committee. Among them wcra HOD. J. Sterling Mor ton of Arbor Loilgo. nominee for covcrnor , Dr. Gnorpo lICelper of Pierce , nominee foe congress In the Third district , W. H. Thomp son of Grand HUnd , tliu old Third district's defeated congressional candidate of two years ago , nnd Uon Sam N.Volbach of Grantj Island , nominee for 11-uteaant gov ernor. They all registered nt tno Paxton , nutl hastened at oncu to the mooUiiBof the executive committee , that was in session all the forenoon in the Paxtoil cafe. Campaign work was outlined In detail and the ontlro situation was gene over ngnin as It had boon mi the preceding evening at the I meeting or the whole comtnitloa. The mem bers tried to llsuro out Iho respective strength of the thrco parllca , and concluded that about the nearest thing to it would bo < ; r > ,000 , TO.IKU ) and SO.UJ ! ) for the democrats , independents and republicans rospaollvoly. Mr. Martin succeeded in convincing the other members of the committee that with the old soldier vote nnd the other part of the people's party vote that would bo sure to go to Harrison , the democrats would have to vote the Weaver ticket almost to a man In order to lose the state to Harrison. Cominriiilliii ; tlio C'nmiiilttm ! * * Work. The committee concluded that- the entire body had done tbo proper thing at the moot ing of thu evening before tn sittlnc down on the proposition to publish letters in the papers - pors throughout the stale advocating the supnort of the democratic electoral ticket , with thu understanding that thu members of th committce would go homo ntid try lo carry out the vor.v opnoslto thing. It was staled Unit Mich rk course would bo very cow- nrdlv , and the committee was commended for Its linosso in using very few wants to say nothing. As one of the members of the com- intttnc oxnrcsscd il : 'Wo have started the right Idea , uud It will work all right If wo don't have to take a club to pound it into tbo heads of our pooplci. " The committee proceeded to stir n little more salt into Governor Boyd's gruol. It was assorted that the governor hud done nothing but run the party into the hole ; that lie had been honored times without number , nnd that it was about titno lor him to taUo u back seat mid Keep his mouth hermetically sealed with reference to the political policy of Ins partv and tbo individual ticU of its members. U was charged tbat he had Hooded tbo stnto with circular letters that ho had no business to write , und that the woods wcro full of literature that ho had token tt upon himself to send out wilbout the ndvico of tinycody. A. S. Campbell of Hastings attempted to defend Iho course pursued by tha governor , maintaining that his nets in the matter had been those of a private ciiueti , and that ho had Just much right to air his views nnd inaUo sutrgestlons us to what should be done us any otncr citlion without having his mo tives questioned. Mr. C.iniiibcll was in a hopeless minority , nod ho was ruthlessly sat upon , for boUro- , ; tnemborcd Unit the commiuco as a whole Is * not given to wholesale admiration of tbo governor's actions , and the majority of tbo members.voro. . . selected because of their Jjnovvn.ndstllity. to him. ' Tlivy Don't I.lkn Kuyil. This was at no time moro conclusively demonstrated than In the Pax tun rotunda u short limu before- Thursday evening's sos- hlon was held. The governor had just ar rived from Lincoln nnd tno talk drifted to tbo investigation of matters connected with the Lincoln insane asvliun by the Board of Public Land > and Buildings. The governor ( stated tbat the Investigation was not ono of his choosing ; that bo was content to rest with the showing that ho bad made as to tuo economical ouer.itlon of the statu Institu tions , ana that ho was content lo bavo his appointees tnvosticalcd as well as these of HID previous administration , as had boon suggested by some. Noses by the score wont Into Iho air at these assertions and sotto vouo lomarks lo tbo effect thai all ot tuo governor's adminis tration had been anylhinir but what ho claimed for it floated out on the perturbed atmosnticre. \Viai | > Iho crowd dispersed the committeemen - men cat lie red In Ititlo knots of twos and threes , and charges of u startling nature were made with surprising recklessness and vehe mence. Men who ran on Iho domocratlo i ticket with Governor lioyd made charuos of unlrulhfuluess and dishonest } ' , und then voiced their principal grievance in the stale- incut that thuL'ovornor hud gona back on his friends ; that they bad furnished tbo money with which ho bud been elected , and that he bad sold them out , body , soul and brooches. U was admitted tbat ho tmulit bo a pretty fair sort of u democrat , "but , " said ono of the faithful , "ho has bad ononch , und the best thiiiL' for him to do is to keep hU mouth shut. He will Keep on Irving to run tbe tliiinocratlii partv in this state until ho will got hurt. Something will drop on him hard , und then hu will wish he hadn't bad so much to say. " K.\IiV : AM * PltOHlltlTIO.N. I.cgUliitUu Jtttcoril til u IloneliiH County Camtiitalu Set I'orth. DIscUBslui ; iho charge of Iho FaUe-factory tlmt ho voted for a hill enacting prohibition whllo n tnomuor of the io islaua-o , Mr. J. L. KiUoy said to u report or : "Tlio statement or the RiUo-Fjotory is untrue , unfair anil mlslu.iJini ; . 1 was u tnomupr of the legtslaturo of iSS. . , nnd ropro- Boulcil the counties ofVotmor and Frank- Jin. 1 did not vote for u hill prjvlditiK for a prohibitory Inw , as clinr oJ by tint shoal. I did vote for the joint resolution for tlio sub mission of the prohibitory nmondinoai to a vote of the uaoplo , beoauso the citizens whom I roprosentuit lu&lstct on my domst so. Ily roforrliiR to uage 515 ol the house Journal for 1&S5 It will bo seen thai tllO rcbldents of Wobtler county poliuonod to hnva llio nmondmetu subnutled , und on pgoMI ! It , will lioboon thut Oil citUons ot Franklin sent In a ulinllur potlllon , 1 volet for the resolution bcciusa I know that \voult bast represent the sentlinunt of the coiutl tuunts whom I was expected to re ores out Democrats nntl Inilomondont as well as republicans publicans voted for the reiolutioa for siniilm reasons without ro ard to their private preference ! . Aniontr the democrats were suiou men us JuUtfo Matt Miller nnd C. O Caspar of llullur county. 1 was ulwaya op posed to prohibition. 1 was llvluc in Omaht when thu amondmout wni voioUon and voisi and ivorkud against its adoption. " < ; ( Mi > iticii wn.i. it UN. Jinlri > umlcit ) Cuiiiililuto fur tlio Ciiniit'll An iiuiinri'ii troni Kin I'liuitli , At last the taxtmyors of tbo Fourth ivard regardless of politics , htwo a candldato fc tlio city council upon whom they cn.i o unttoaud for whom tboy all cau worl : with great ilugreo of prido. Kver kluco llio nomlnalloii of Jan I II.C. U'but'lcr bj-tho republicans uud Gcorpo ( IVblllock by the democrat ? tha better man i boll ) purllos have been dusatisiled , feolin tuut uolthor of iho candidates was in tu least qualltirjd to represent mo InterciU < iho ward. In tuts coin ) it ion mutters romalne until lust uvonine , when ( Jharlas H , Gooi neb was prevailed upon to bccomo aa ludi pendent cuualJuto for the ottlco , .Mr.Goodrleh'a petition U novrlu tbehanc of tbo city olerk and Is kk'iied b.v aboul rill voters of ( ho ward , Irrespecitvo of purtv. JViaoni ; lUp o who nave pelillonod 1r Ooodrlch to uake too race are uc ) ; prum nont tmslnoss men and ropro < ontAtivn cltl- zonti nt Oeoran H , HORBN Ma Mover , K. Kosowntcr. Moritr. Mnvor , JoinpH tlnvdcrj , O. C. ahorwnod , Hnnrv I'undt , N. A. Knlm , nnd many others. Tttl.i petition wn < circu lated without Mr. Ooodrlch's knowlodRO nntl ho knew nothing about it until it was filed with the clork. After bring Informed what bnd been done , Im sntd ho would not rcfuso to accept if oleclcilj ho had doclluod a * hurtl ii4 hu could nnd ho had meant It , too , but If the people of the ward wore determined thnt linnhould bo tholr candlilntn ho supposed that ho would have to bow lo their wishes. Clusn of thu Onnlii Kpancl Club's I'lrst llpiieli Slio\v. The Jlrst bench show ulvou by the Omalia IConncl club closed nt 10 o'clock last night , after a very successful exhibition. Many more dogs than ware at llrst expected wnro entered , i-onsenueully the nhlo room liad to bo encroached upsti In ordnr to provide a * uf- nciont uuniborof bouctini for iho showing of line animals. Altogether the show was an unusually line oiio , and if iho stnMtii'jntn of exhibitors Uro to bo boliovcrt was fnr nhoad of the Dt-iivcr exhibit last spring. Good crowds ntiondPil every day anil the decisions of the Amoiicnn Kennel club Judgoa gave universal satlHfrtctioti. Every exhibitor was plevscd with hl ] treatment und promised Secretory Mnrslcn to cotnu again whenever tlio Omaha club Kavo another show. Today u ill bo duvotJd to petting the dorfs from abroad crated aad shipped to their homes , consequently the railroad men will bo bjsy handllni : tbn valuable pets. Consld- otanln credit is duo the mnnni-oinont. for the excellent inannor lu which the chow wai tiandled , _ Clnsn nl lliu I'mirnitii ; Colltmt. Giii\TlJi.M ; : > , Kan. , Oct. 2Tuts was the closing day of the meet of the Amer ican Countim association. In the fourth round of the ( Jup stalto Luco's Lndy Barton boat HoeUol's Fanny ; Lowe's Master 1'otor neat Burtoll's Monk Bishop ; Smart's Lady ( Jr.ico tan a live. Fifth Hound Lady Barton Lady ( jrace ; Master Putor r.ui u byo. Sixth Kounil Lady Barton beat Master 1'etcr and won the cup stake. In the third round of the Derby IJartoll's Boomerang beat i'rico & Hoyco's Kivtn ; Laldlaw's ICotcbum boat Luco's Llghtfoot ; Hall-nil's Uiiekskin. , boat How's Uolsarto ; Lyons' Scavcnpor a brc. Fourth Hound Uooiuor.iiiKbcat Kotchum ; ijeavenjjor bent Buckskin. Fifth Hound Hoomorans was withdrawn , liavltiL , ' boon badly rut on a barbed wire fence , loavini ; Scavenger winner of tbo Puppy staltiss. AM'nll-4 < > l tliu l.ncrims Club. The roRiilar incotintr of tnoUaiahu Licross" club will bo hold next Muiiduv evening at 8 o'clock in the ofllco of Messrs. Montaomery , Chailton & Hall , room OJ'J ' Now York Lira bulldiiiL' . All interested nro urgently ro- quustcd to attcnu , as all matters rolatmir to tin1 came with Kcarnov ou TtiankscivInR day will bo llnnlly settled , committees up- polntPd and so on. 1'ractices are held nvery ntternoon at 5 p. ui. , corner Twentr-thlr'd and Haruoy streets , In conjunction ivlttt the Yotinij Men's Christian association's. On Saturdays they uractico nt the fair pi-omuls at ! 1 o'clock. Tomorrow the pr.ictlco will bo in tbo morning at U ) o'clock , as iho grounds are engaged for the afternoon. Nloux City lo lla\iut ICiirp Alpct , T. H. Bover of Sioux Uity was in the city yesterday nnd made the sporting editor a friendly call. Mr. Boyer was ouo of the Iowa mp.tropolls' old base ball enthusiasts , but ho s-.ivs thuy have gene back on tbo na tional sport un there , and next year , in addi tion to the Corn palace , will have a big race incut. iiul : of tinTnip Miitot. The trap shooUn ! * totirnnmoiit which was in progress on the Domis ( Jun club grounds acnm the bridirc- , was oroucht to an abrupt termination yesterday morniatr ov the hlub wind that prevailed. But oao or two unim portant races were shot , when tUo crowd agro'sd to adjourn. < r Knlilii-r Toinnrriiw Afternoon. Fred Ftiller and J. A. Lingdon will again try Qoncliiblous" with their little rillos Suti- 'day afteriioo : ; on the nc\v srounds across the river. It is now hess nnd boss , and the present match Is to ba the rubber. The con ditions nro ? tt)0 ) a side , fifty shots each , aoi ) yards oft band. "Dolly Varden" aCforus a flno opportunity for studying tbn quality of coniodv that will satisfy an ordinary audience. The play is an unpretentious comedy , with touches of the farcical hero and then ? , but the humor i supplied almost entirely by poor puns and street slanif , which undoubtedly pleased lait night1 , * auditors at the Bnyd. Putti Itosn , a little mature but slill viva cious , not graceful but sprightly , plays a voune American girl visiting iclativp's in England , whom sbo shocks by her Loy- donish manners nnd mysilllos with her slangy language. Other characters thrown in , liueral appropriations from the funny papers and several nongs and unnccs add va riety. There is little story to Iho play , unu that llltlo of no particular iu"rlt , but the per formance makes a light , amusing evening's diversion. MoioiiitMits ol Oucaii StnHiiicr * . , At Scilly Passed Scandla , from Balti more. At Li/avd 1'asscd Hlavonia , from Now York. At Southampton Arrived Augusta Vic toria , from Now York. At Klusalo Passed -Michigan , from Bos ton. ton.At At IJ row Head Passed City of Choitor , from Now York. I'fMWS.ll , l'.lltlUt.ll'lll. Dr. V. T. McCilllycuddy Is nt the Paxtou. A. D. Bradloy. cx-socrolary of tbo Mantt- faclurard association , loft last ovcnlnc on a business trip to Chicago and Cincinnati. Mrs. D. D. Ayrcs , n resident of Omaha twonty-flvo years nco , is visiting Mrs. Arm strong at ! KK ) North Twenty-fourth street. Nr/iV Yoitis , Oct. 2S. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnn.I Nebraska Cltv : J. Fagan , Now York. Kearney : ll. II.Vatson , Union Square. Lincoln : K. Bowman , Hotel Bur- tholdl. CHICAGO. III. . Ool. 2S. [ Special Toli'gram lo TUB HUB. ] Nebraska bolol arrivals ; ( Jrand Pnclllo Miss L. Shirj , Omaha. Sherman John VVllliama , I'almnr L. D. Avery , Omaha. d ! f Faniain Street Theater , Thur day , I'rldny , Sutnril.iy Mat. and fivo. OHU TW1H STARS IN THE WORLD. WILUaDNEWELLWILLIAM , _ _ , L , 1 KT tmrw mf 1. U THE OPERATOR. , _ o- 1 > r Farnam Stmt Thaater 1 OnuVti > k , Caniniunclnir Sunday Mat , Oet IM , . Ii DAVIDSON AMI- MISS RAMlli AUSTKN GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME. Matlncu Wvdnuiday. n'timluy Miitlnou. 'or d. "WONDERLAND nil und IIIJou Thoator. Til fa WKKIv. 411 tpuclaltr AKureEatlon. ami the MACKfi\ HUAMAUU COlll'A.NV. lu II. TUB DAMTKS. C. QOf an.NEHAI.AUMISSIOX , * ' * " - * - ' NO IIU1IIKU in UK IHlli iaiiii.n : Postpaid for-'Sut * . ( urstamp lu- THE HUMAN HAIR , Wh iy U Kolln OlT , Turns Gray , and the reiuod1 ity liy I'rof , UAlil < iV : PAUlvClt. r. IS. A. H , Jl A , I.ONJ * CJll. , IUi3 Arch truot. I'hllivilulphla. I'a. " t\vij : uufilibuldrmkillUli llttlD took. AtUonusuL RAIN MAKING EXPERIMENTS Wcatbor Bureau OJIlolnls Make tv Successful Balloon Ascension. NAVIGATED THE AIR WITH EASE SOIIIP Valuable Information on tlip SnHlcct Sccnrod nt nn ltrT ; : llon of Ono Tlinil. naiul IVot IntpriMtltiK I'eat- ol tlio WAHIII.VOTOV opTttn Bun , , ] filM l OUIUKKNrll SritKR . } WARIIINOTOV , U. 0. , Oet , 23. I Prof. H , A. Hnssan of the weather buronu nnd Mr. John T. Kills of the Agricultural ( lopartmcnt v/ont up In a balloon .vostordny afternoon , mid nftor nsccnilinff tionrly 1,000 feet caino down safely. The nsconslon took pluco from Camp Arlington on the Fort Mycr rosofvnllon and the balloon landed In Mirylatul , nlna mlloi or so front tlio starting point. Tbu noroniuits wont up to m.ilio tests of tbo rclailvo humldlly on tliu cnrtli's surface und nt viirions olovattons. Thn ex periments wcro thorouuhly uatlsfnctory. The ascouslou was prolltninnvy to the export * nicnts In ruin limiting winch nro to bo mndo miller ( Mrvonfurth'j suporvlslon. 1'rof. Hi\7cn says that in many respects it was tlio most remarkable oscunslon ever tiiiidc in this country. Carried u Heavy I.o.'ul. The balloon contalnea 11,000 cubic foot of the purest hvdrozon Ras , othorwUo it could not have lifted its load of nbaut , ' 170 pounds. Thcro was nt llrat u rapid nsconslon lo fi.OOO feet nnd tbcn u gradual descent owing to posilblo cooling of ' .ho pas , which wus cbccltod by throwing out bilnst. At1:20 : the htsliost pnirit was reached , ! ) , -100 feet , and liore thnro wni'nsin ular stillness - ness of the nlr , xho b.illoon ro"lrinlnlng polsod tor seven mlnutos. Tlioro was n grndtml tiiinlinition tu the vapor from the oarth. whcro the dow point wa& to-ao.O0 nnd the hifihest point with 7.5 = . At"qbout 8.00U foot the nlr was saturated , but this stratum wus barely l.OUl ) feet"thick. . 11 the ob servations showed a remarkable drynuis iu the nlr. The tcmpornturo o- tub nir was ll.4 ! = ntthn hlcbost point , or'a ulmtnutloii ofl = > in 'Ji3 ; foot. Tnis shows a-praat cool- Inp. At all points lu the ascension the ins of the balloon was warmer than the outsldo air , and nftor land In s the Kas vas roninrlc- ublv cold , cooler than the nlr , although ac cording to tUclrostlmnta it should have been " 0 ° wnrmor than tlio nir. The rolatlvo humidity was 41 nor cent nt sturtine , 100 per cent at 8,000 feet and 00 per rent at the highest point. 1'ror. Hnzou sola today : "Tho safety of such explorations with ordinary caio was abundantly attested and it is very much to bo hoped that with Ihisiinsplcloiis opaning the science of motnor- olngv tnav rnnko fresh and most important advances. " WuHtorn IVnsloiis. The following western pjnslous granted nro reported by Tins 15nu nnd Uxuminor Uuroau of Claims : Nebraska : Original George \V. Grimes , Ezelciel Kceran , 1'orry Converse , Jacob Cover , IsuuoC. Underbill , Joseph U. hprin- cor , Frank H. BoUoelt , Wright B. Hiiramond. Additional Thomas D. Case , Christian Wolramood ) , , Thompson Barnhurt , Philip King , John V. Tonnant , Lewis Den nis , Francis P. Ilomnti , James W. Pierson , William Kern , James IJ. Morris. Increase Kobcrl U. UobisoD , Earl B. Shawson , He- issue- Jessie Limber. Original widows , etc. Ida M. Smith , Elizabeth Connor , iniuorsot Shelburno Hcndricks. Iowa : Oricinal Cnarlcs Swords , Ilobort Alexander , .lohn Dodge , Solomon Lint , James M. Mclntosh , John T. Campooll. Ad ditional Horatiol. . Wells , Phllipp Soffol , James W. Grlftln. John Hhadloy , John Neal , Clitistophor C. Still , Kolomon True , Hcnrv Tiller Houcwal and incrca'-e Charles E. SpicKlor. Increase Milton Herring , Joseph Manell. Reissue Harvey N. Brock way. Original widows , etc. Sarah C. Durlinir , Miriam Kern , Cuthcrino Kcnworthy ( motbnr ) , Ellen E. Davis , Elizabeth San dals , Olevin Gray. Hugh M. Mitchell ( futner ) , minors of Francis E. llnrnson , Ann Lischy , Jacob Babbitt ( father ) , Dora LaFraaco. MlHrellniicoilt. Secretary Hallord has canceled the eo- cagornonts ho had made to deliver political speeches in Indiana. Ha feels that the close relation ho bore to the president made it un desirable for him to go on the stump so soon after the [ ifiliction of Mr. Hrfrrlson. Mr. Wanamakcr luis received so mo tnpcntnvl- tatious to speak in Indiana , but ho has had to decline so far , and he will nrobably conllno his speech-making to Dolawaro. "Attorney General Miller will probably spoalt once or twice in Indiana. Jlfr. C/ias. JV. Of Frederick , Mil. , suffered terribly for over ten yearj lilt abscesses and runniug sores on ids lefl log. Ho misled a ay , grow weak and thin , and was obliged to tiio a cauo and crutch Kyer > tiling which could liotlintiRlitof wai done without good icjult , until ho began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla which effected a peifect cure. Mr. Ilnticr h now In thn best of health. 1'nll particulars of lib case will be sent till who address _ 0.1. HOOD It Co. , Lowell , Muss. HOOO'8 PlLL Sara Ilia licit after-dinner 1'lllf , assUt dlgmtlnn , cure lieail.ictie aud blllouiuoi. AMLJ ISMEINTS. NEW i wiiu < ii < tn THEATJIE | Tlm ioy Friday , SalurdaylfldluniiayrOcl. 28 , 29 , .30 Malluoo. ' Patti Rosa IN TWO Krliliy.Halunlay llv' DllflP til'.NIlAV ' NK1I1T , UlJUfc . olly j.erforraiince. WHAT sciuHH , Jtor ait * ciioor. iriT.t , ( IKT Till ! TK.V l > OLT..lll ( lOKlt VlKOl'.V WUr. tboono lrilin fiirincil tlio lamest number < if wiirdi frtini lliuletti'ra In llmunuiuruttl ttorn , unil Inn forwarili'il Ihu lut tutliulioi. olllcu ut UuyU't Thuatni. Tliu cpiumlllcii wl 1 cimvius tlio llsm ( Mil- ur fireniHin.Hiiil Ihu tin will tin Hn'onltnl lo tliu winner bet AOi-atlio nc'iurl anil third acts ut "Holly VurUfli"ut IhoSaturJuy nntliu'u. BOY'S Now Tliealro. ] ' ' Commencine : Monday , Oct. 31 Miss JULIA MABLOW In tliu follonlniroicrtolrci | ol Hlmke | ierlun i > Inxi ; Munday Kvcnlng. Tuesday Kv ASYOUL1KEIT. | | ROMEO&JULIET | Wodnoidny Matlnco. Wodnusday K AS YOU LIKE IT , CYMBELINE , hpeclsl coiicr * bruuiclit fur tliu entire repurtWre. hBle of > < > ali will open SnurJay inurnlni ; . I'urnuot JU'O. Hr.til B ninri In rlrclo II.U ) : UH tire runs In clrclu IU tint fourroni In Lalconr til la t Kto rt > w > AyeVjs Pills Arc bolter known and inorpgoncral ly used limn Jtljy other cathartic. Sugar-coated , piil-cly vegetable , and free from incrhutt * or any otlierinju- rions drug , tills Is tlio ideal family medicine. Though prompt , and ener getic in tlieirnAlioii , the uo of tlicso l > llls IsnUoiulertiu'Hfi only the best results. TheirHTcct is to strengthen and regulate TOe organic filnrtions , being especially lieiieflcinl in tlic * various ( lcrangomcnl'sof the stom- null , liver , and bowels. are recommended by all the leading pliysiohuis and druggists , as the- mdsl prompt and effective remedy for biliousness , imitscn , costiveness , indigu.slion , sluggishness of the liver , jaundice , drowsiness , pain in the side , aitd sick headache ; also , to relieve colds , fcvqis , neuralgia , and rjieumatism. They arc taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers , whether by land or sea , arc the best , and should never bo omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all cli mates , they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. ' "I have scrtAyor' ' Pills in my family for scverar'yeurs , and always found them to bo a mild and excel lent purgative , having a good ellect on the liver. It is the best pill used. " Frank Spillman , Sulphur , Ky. Prepared liy Dr.J.C.Ayrr&Co , , I < onell , Man. Sold by nrugii ta'K\crywhere. ' Every Dose Effective ARE YOUSUF FERINE Female Wcukncss , $ f hJP Catarrh or Rlicnniatssin - , wllftpSoiironic , mf- KHVOK or WlJKf Privalc > U / iJz & - nicnios IP SO Dr. Searles & Searles L * , Consultation Free. AcbnowleilEcillo bo llicunoat succei . . nil I'mvAif , llLoon. NEirvoUd. Sui.x A\I > Uiu.f- AIIV IIISBASKS. j r Conarrlimaln from .1 .to ll day. Syplillls cure ! wltliout.Mprrnry. All slnitoj for Ufa bTHlOTUlir. poruinncmly c-urel. roraoral COTI- pletp. withoutcuttbiit , cfUitla or iltUtalloa. I'nri atTvctoil t homo by pnthiiU wHUjul a mjrusnt'l until or annoyance. I'll.KS. I'ISTlll.A AND UUCTATi Ur.CHlt3 curoJ without pain or.ilutctitlbn from l > inlnets. llYDHOCKIii : AN' ) VAItlCOUGl.K-porminentlf and luecoaifullr cftred. 'ijlrthod nownnd unt.UlliU -WEAK MEM ( VITALITY WKAIC ) , MaUa.10 by too clou nppll- cation to bnaluons or study : 10 vorj niont\l strainer or Krlol ; SUXUAf , IIXUBSSUS la mltldlu IICo. or tromtho rrioctJ of youthful rollloi. WBAK MKN AUK VICTIMS TO NRHVOD3 DIC- DILlTVnr KXUAlHriO.Y , WASTlNfl WKAICNKS3 INVOI.UNTAUV LUJSUS with KAKLV BJAY la YOUNO and MlDDM-2 AUKI > ; laci of vim , vlisor. nil trellKtll. with eoxunl organs luip.ilro.1 aui wBakoncncUiireinaturoly In aiprojclilii | ol I nw All ylald roidlly to our now Iroitniant for loss at vital power. Call on oraitJren with elamp tot clrcuUrJ , frao book nnil roccljil Dr. Searles & Seines , . . . . Next to 1'ostOfflco. TO THE OWNERS OF ALL , LOTS , PARTS OF LOTS AND REAL INS TATE ALONG SUWAUD STREET FROM 20T1J STREET TO 28TII STUKKT AND THE INTERSECT ING STREET : You nro huruhy notifioa that tlio ntidor- slxned , thrco dihliilMiiitluil fri'iiholilureof tlio jltyof Omaha. Invvo Ircun duly unpointed ly lliu mayor , with tliu approval of thoulty POIIII- cll of salil cltv. to assess the danniio tn llio > nnm-3 ipauoctlvoly of tlio property alfpotud J > v thuchanjjo of Kr.ulu of Se nril ( street from Jotli stima tohth struct null Intcrscutlii'j street , declared necessary by unllmiiico Ho. 1(14 ( , passed October 'llth , l < s'X ' ; appioved Ou tobor Kill , ISO1. . You iiro furtlior notified tlmt bavin ? no- ccutoil said appointment , anil duly miallflcd at , remilied by law.owlll on tiio ilnlduyot Novcmbpr. A. I ) . 160J. at tlio limirnf 10 o'clock In iho fornnoun. lit tliu oflliMt of Jolin K. rinek. fiTil Chamber nt Commerce , \vlthln tliu unrpoMto limits nf .said oliv. nii'ut for t'.io jiur- | I09 > ) nf considering and innkins tlio assois- incntof daniaiii ( to tlin ownerrrapcotlvily of s.ild jirojiorty airoctud bv sil < l fliiiiiRO of sniflo tnkiiiK Into consideration lionolltb. If any. You nril notlllod to bo present at tlio time nnd nlncu aforesaid and iiinUo any objections to or Htutntnuiits coneei'nln. huld iixsussinuiu of ( Itinmiros us you may consider iiropor. JOHN R KLAl'li. ' flKOKUi : J. I'AUU JOHN W. KUltlllNtf , Omuliu. Noli. Octouor''J. I8J2 , O..MHit , NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR CHANG F OF GRADE. To tlio owners of all lots , parts of lolsand real I estalo alimi : "Itli ttinut. from I'opploton i iivuinio to Illclcory stiont. You uro lioroliy notllloil tlial tlio nnder- sU'nuil , tlireu dlshituroslod frcolioldt rs of tbu olty of Oinalia , have bueii duly upuolulud liy tliu niiiyor. with tbo iippiovul of tliu ciy ! vniiiicll of aald ulty , toiHto < s tlio danmco to thn owiiura rosiioutlvuly of tlio prouorty alTeeled 1)V cliHnsi > of Rnido of fcftld atroet , ilu- ciareil nueosiary DVordlnanen .No. l ! > "i , iniHhed Untoher II , IB'.li , npproveU Oelolier In , 18'JJ. You uro further imtlflu'J tlmt , liavlns no- copied Hnlil iippolntinVrm ; and duly quHlllliMl n required hy huOmiT'nvlll on tbo 'Ird day of Novointiur , A. Hi' IMJ , ut tlio hour of - o'clook In tliu aftorlibon. ut the ollluo of Hhrlvor & O'llonotioinleHUJ I'nriiatn slrrol. within tlio corporatudirudu ot Hild city , incot for tlio jmrpiiso of comlilerliiK and innklii' Iho assessment of dKiiiucu to the owner * ro- bpoutlvuly of said property , alTuutod hy suld clian.'ii of tsr.tdo. taltlnj Into coimlderutlon special bonellu , If anu > ll Von nro nolllled loibntproiont nt tlio llmo nnil plaeo aforasald , and niuUo nny objuotlons toorHtatonients.conj'driiiiij t , ild asses ii)0iit of d.inmKcs as you niuyt'ouslder troper. M1U1VEK. li ; J. 1'AlHj. I' . KI.AtlK. Cotuinlttco of AiipraUors Omaha . CcloLci V ) . MX. Ol'ldltt NOTICE OF AS liSMUNT OF DAM AGESFOUORADING. To tlio owper * of all ljuuiiri4 { ! ! of lots ntirt ro-il cstato uloni ; llainpuui btrcot from 4.Uli . h'treot to wt'bt city tlmu.s. You nro lioroby notllluil tint 'thn niular BiRiiod. tlireu dUlntcrested fro.diuidors of tli city of Uinnha , have been duly iiptiolnto by tlio mayor , with tlio approval of tlio vlt council of said city , to ubsusi tbo Uaiuaico t iho owners respectively of the propurty af foeted by tradlni ; of said street. declared noo- essary by ordinance nninbur : 112 , u.issed de- tohor ISlb , ! < . ' . approved October lutli. Id'JJ. You uro further notified that tiavliu av ccptetl eald Hpliolntniiuit. nnd duly iinilflud | | : \h icQiilrod hy law. wo will , on tlio ; irn day ol Noveinbur. A. I ) , Is'J'i , at tliu hour of 0:30 : o'clocli In the forenoon , ut the olHco of tiiirlver & O'DonohoH , liai I'arn.ini street , within the cor pnruto limits of ualJcllv , meet for the pur pose of conililerln nnd in.tklii ; the nient of da m use to the oivnerx rospuctlvuly o Bulil property ulfuotoJ by said grading , takln ; Jnlo consideration boueilts , If any. You aru nntllled to ho present at tliu tlnu und pluco aforosnld and , nialiu any objootlon In or st.iteinonu concurnliiT Bald naswsmun of danmsri niyou inav-consldtir proper. W (3. HllltiVliu. (1KOKQRJ. I'AIII * . Coinmltteoof AppruUori. Omaha , .Nob. , Oct. Win , l ui O2IU101 SKWKU 110NDS. l'rocl\mntlonanl ! ( notice of ul > < nlHlon to the nlccton nnil lotfnl voters of the oilr of Onifihiiof the ( incitlon of NinliiR tondt nf the city of Umalin In thn amount of onn luin- ilrod thoiiiiniid < lollnisin.niOIOiv ( ) ) | for the omiitriictloniiml mulntoniinco of foworj It. the oily of Omaha. To thn electors nnd legal volors nf llio city of Onmhii : I. ( Jeoriso I' , 11011111 , mnyor of thn cltv of Oinnba , do liiiio th s. my proclamation , mil by the authority voitoJ in tno ii itl h mayor , do htiroby clto pnlill mulct * t ] the ( doctors nnd loin ) voters of tliu city of Umah i , thtl a ccnprnl oloctlon will bo held In .ild city on Tni-idav the tik-hth d'iy of November. IS 2 , for the pnrposo of submitting to said olcplors and IPRII ! voters the question and | inp ) > i9ltlon fol- lowlnjt. to-wit ! "rfh.ill bonds of the city of Omalm in thp * < um of onn hundrrd tlious mil dollar-i ( $100 Odd ) bo Issued for the construction and nmlntenanco of sewer * , to run not morn than twcntv r.V ) vo irs , to draw intorcit not to ev- cfLMl livelier riMit tier nnnum , with Intcroii rnnuoiK ! inna\ed thorplo. anil not to lu sold for less tb . Vbo nriKHiedn from the salt * thereof tn ho expended for the qunstruutlon nnd iiialntcniinco of sewers In thn city of Umnhn , > uid tbo proceeds thrrcof not to ho dl- \ ortpd ftom thn objects thcroln xpoclllod. " The ia il iiU'.itUin ] and proposil oh b.ill bp subbilttcd tiiHtld c'oclorspnt rn In the proper form provide , I liv la\ > for olllolal ballots , with the words "YiH : , " .NO , " lirlntud thereon. All of said ballots liavlni "X" ! nn m rk follonln thi > word "YK8" shall be coilntnl In favor of Ksiilni : said liotid.s , ami nil of said liai on li'ivln nn " .X" mark following thn word "NO" shall bo cuutiti'il nnd consldorpd as iv iilnat IhqUsilliu of sal , I I ) inda. The polls ihall ho open on tliu dny of snld elect on it. Mluht o'clock In Ihu mornlnc and KlKill font liuii ! upon until six o'clock In the uvoiilnpot the samn dav at the rcspecllvo votlnK places , us follona : I 1.-M WAIIII K eornor Tth liml * ' ' cor'1Qr ' 1211' nlul alloy W1d | ! lx'ullllu n 'l Hloknry corl"-'r f'th ' uud Center N Woor"ur1111' ' ml Unneroft illli DUtrlct-N K corner 13th and Vlnton SECOND WAUII. N W utlr"cr IUh alul Jonc' streets'3' ' ' r'Ct 'S W cotllor lllh : "tl(1 1'aclHo worth' ' ' iyir8 W C" ' " ° r 1Hll > aml 1" > ttV0"- ' " " W CUr" ° r UHI' " "ll - SJd nml Dili Distriut-nist side of South Jth street , ouposlto I'oppleton nVu ah Ilstrlot--S K corner ICth nucl IMorco streets. hth lstrlct-8 ! i : corner llth and William t ! ! ' N ncor"cr Sixteenth and Cen- luth IHst'rlot-N W corner ? Jth and Jllh Dlstrlut 9 E corner 20th .incl Hancioft strents. 14th UI&trlot-N K corner J5th and Vlnton stroots. tilth Ulstrlrt S W u corner lUtli and Valley streuts. llth Ulmlct-N K corner L'Jthind UoutuvnrJ avenue. rilllit ) wAitt ) . 1st DIstrlet-S corner IL'th nml Chlc.iso > tt cuts. VM District N W corner Uth and Dnronnort it reels. .lil District-South side of Caultol avenue iuir ( west of ) liuli street , 4tb District West side of 12th street , be tween Poiitflns and Dodge slreols. fith District N JI corner lutli and Capitol tvuinio Uth District N K corner Oth and Ilarni-y jtreuU. 7lh Islrlcl-S n corner llth nnd Don.-laa Htipets. < tth Distrlct-N K corner I3th and Jackson itteols. nth Dlstrlct-S r corner 10th and Ilonurd > ticcls. FOIJItTH WAUII. 1st DhtrlcV-N W corner lth and Davenport Jtrools. -'ml District N W cornur a iid and D.ivonuort itroots. Ilrd District NV corner > th nnd Dodtfo struolb. Jth Ulstrlot N K corner 17th und Dodjro snouts. fltn District N B corner 17th and Ilarnuy sireots. t > th District N W corner SOtli and Douglas .tieots. 7lh District NV corner SCtli street and St. mry's iminuo Uth Distilut 3 W corner 20th strout and St. Mary's uvenuo. Dili District Hast slilo of South Itlth street , letwpen llarney street Htul h < t. Mary's it VIMIUU. llltli District N W'-ornur IHth und loi\uu- .vorth streets.- llth DHtrlrt-H W corner 17th street nnd St. M.iry's avonuo. VIFTH WAItl ) . 1st District East slloof Sliorman avcnuo opposite Mandorson utrcut. 2nd District a E cornur Sherman uvenuo ind Wlit siroot. : ird District SV corner SliBrman avunuo .ind Lun ; street. 4ili District N W corner Slioiinan avenue ind Gruco street. . - > th District S W corner 17th and Uharlcs sliools. Uh District Kist hide of bhcnnan avenue ihout.'lll foot north of Nicholas stiuut. 7lh District S K corner lUth and Izurd streets. Sth District W corner 18th and Hurt ureats. Dili Distnot N lo corner 13th aud C'.isg -.troots. 10th District East sldo North 17th street bo. twuen Oulifornla and OHS slroets. llth Dlstilct ti K coiner IKth aud Oasa street * . fii.vni VTAIIII. 1st District S r. corner Mill atreot and Ames tivonuc. Snil DlstrJct- W corner KOlh street uud Urand uiomio. : ird District N K corner 4 ! > th and Grant streuts. Uh District S W corner'Jlth and Manilerson itrouts. flth DMrlct SEcorner 2ltb nnd WIrtjtreels. Oth District S W corner BJrd aud 1'arKor 7tb lilHtilct N W corner 21th aud C'orby strcots Sth District M K corner 27th and Uurdptto slroots. Uth District N E corner S.'nd anil 11 rapt luth District N W corner Mlh and I'lunklln strcutH. lltb District 9 AV corner 2 < th and nnnUlln 12th Dlilrlet S W corner Mud anrt C'liirU stioeU. 1st DIbtrlet a W corner JSth nnd M.ison 2nd Dlslrlct N I1 , corner 29th avenue nml I'nunluton avenue. : iid Dlstilct a W cornur " lh Htreot.aiul Woolworth avenue. 1th District N W corner LDtH street and Arbor street. 5th District Poiilh .side of Vlnton Htiucl nour ( east of ) sontb'U'd uvonim. Cth District a I ! corner : i'Jth ' uvuiiuo und I'ojiplcton iivoiiun. Ttn DisirU't-N W corner : ilth and 1'ianeU streets. F.intlTII WAItll. 1st DUtrlot Kast'sldo of 0th Btrcut near ( Bontb oflClmrles itf'iit. 2nd District W i t Hide of 23d street near ( south ol ) I'uill streot. lini District N W corner -Oth and Nicholas 1th IHsttlct N K corner Mth and Ciimlnz btreots. ftth District Went sld of North 23th street near ( north of ) ( 'tuning strrn't , Oth Dlslrlct H I ! cornur 2-'d and lluit streets. 7th DUtrlct-a W corner Mill und C'.iss streets , NINTH WAHII. 1st District H W corner 3"i ) and Cninlnu 2d District N W corner lOtli and Ginning Ud District N B corner 10th und lurnam * Uh District North sine of Davenport street ne r ( west of ) North 32d iivcnuo. Oth district a K corner rflst avenue nnd S W corner SDth uvenuo uu < Jnckson ntrnflt. In witness whereof I huvo horonnto bet my hand as muyoi of said olty of Uintihu this 17111 duy ° f " ' T/.io'fV. . HEM IB. Muyor. Attest : JOHN CKOVEB. Olty oicrk. NEBRASKA National Bank. 0 , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB fniillnl . . . .7. . $100,09 J SIII-P.IIIS . $ l 3,00l ) onicer ndllrBctorHenrr W , Volei. preiUiiat II. f. c'uiblnK , loB iiruildeai , . H. Maurlea W. V llui j.Julm j. Colllat J. H. U. l * trlo' < . J.girli A Itveil , caililer , THE IRON BANK. Two hundred buys' overcoats for boys up Two hundred boys' to a dozen years old overcoats for boys up in heavy cassimcrcs to a dozen years old in liatnlsomc stylish ia fine all wool Scotch with fine cheviots in n o b b y twilled lini ng with p I a i dsin beautiful detachable cape with shades in dark ellects comfort in every with more warmth square inch v a 1 u c and style than usually four dollars at two o together value six dollars a n d ninety fifty at four dollars cents. and fiftcents. . That's the stoi'y on boys' overcoats for to- ' day. We also open in the boys' department several new styles in our popular line of knee ! pant suits nt * = i $2.50. This line ofsuits has done more to build up our enormous trade in ' boys' wear than per haps any other one thing. They're made first ol all to wear the cloihs being selected for The suits opened today are in both double and single breasted in plain colors in plaids in stripes in. cliecks in oassi meres arid cheviots and are as handsome a line of goods as you'll find. Remember , we make a specialty of this line ofsuits , and that this qual ity commands four _ _ dollars usually. We will also place in stock today for the first time three hundred of our new line of BOYS' $3.50 SUITS. These suits are made of very fine heavy cassimeres pure silk and wool. They are in superb styles in dark tancy plaids. They arc in nobby shapes , and are finely trimmed. They are suits the like of which are never shown even as a "catcher" for less than five dollars and at our price , three-fifty , are the cheapest fine suits the Nebraska ever offered you. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM 16th and Howard Sheets , CO llooms for I'atlcnlR. OMAHA ) NEBi Tor iho treatment of. Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases , AND tMles , Vistula , VihSiiro and Stric ture of ( he Kci'lum pprinanciit- ly cured without the use of Knife , ifrgnturc or Caustic. Euclo f 4r. In Manip1 * nnd otir 107 par" HOOK on UISKAHKSaml Qiii'Mlon llhinhs , * lll bo JJAllii : ) I'KI.K. INTKUNATIONAI. S.IMTAIUU.U , Kith und Ilo\\ird : his. , Omaha , ! \ul > W , C. MASWJSI.lj. SI. ! > . . 1'fl'S. Urnllun lll < pirrr. . . . . . , .11110 flubltC'urrn In < to Uflu.yn. .NopaTllllcurftl. l > r. J. .Slrjihvii * . JLcbuiioii. . Unlike the Dutch Process No Malies on Other Chemicals are used in thn preparation of Breakfast Coeoa 3 which IB tilmolutelj/ pure and soluble. It lias wore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , ami is far moru economical , costing lest than one cent n fnj > - It U delicious , nourishing , u'nt EASILT IHOESTBD. t Sold by Crocors ovorywhfire. & Co Dorchester Mass- W , Raker , , , - fron hynn HXI'U'IT OITIOKX rerft'Otadjusttnunt. Kujiorlor lonsai.Norv - uushoadauhu ourod by nslir ; our h'lio t.iolti and UyiulasdOi 1'iluoi low tut tint ulu < poods. THE ALOE & 'PENFOLO CO , lothSt.C'rdlirhtoa IJ.oj't Dlablwn AFC. > / lelUtl * . I-DII , Alk lirujc'tt ' ' ' > r Ckltltttm tnollik , lii.d Jlu llr.liud ( , iUlue Witt 'it > l wltii Uu rliiiMD. 'J uuolhrr. A' < A > 'i' " ' " > - vA In lUii'M < * b.rii , jl r . ItclluubUU tl > 4 MII..II. r fur I .dln.'MnR'l r.t ; rrltrm 1UII JO UI > TriU > tM > li > > . " WOODEN SIIK\VALK. ) UKSOLUJJ TIOX. COVSTKUCTION. rounvll I'lmnibi'r. Oniahn. Nob. . 1SJ lie It u-sohed bv the city council nf the city j of liniitbii. tbu inavor concurring : : i Tint uoolen sidi < uallis bo constructed , ' In tbu city of Oman i as dpilmiaicd hplott * . within Ihu < luysiflor the public illou of tlilil involution , 01tlio personal Mirvlcu lherunf'4 a by oiillnam o K iiolliorl/pil nnd rumlrcil ; ; such nliloiMilUs loho laid lo the present riulu' . , on ihcstipci-ispcplllcd liPicln. and lo bo con- ' fitructed of plno plitnU of such width and tlilrkm'is anil bo Inhl upon .ioKls ofsuchdl- ineiislinaiiil In such MI inner IIH is pie * rlbi < d bv the ipi'clllcalloiis on Ille In tbu ufllcu of the lloanl of 1'ulille WorKs and under tin super vision , to-wlt : , , Kastblrteof r.l.-hth slieot. lot 12 , HarUor'sj allotment , prusont iado. 4 foot ulde. j 1'ustsldoof tilounood avenue , lot I ) and I" . * blciulc 11. liemls I'.irk. present grade. 0 foot' ] wli'.c. I Knst slirp of GU'iiHooil avcnlie. lot lit. block 10. ' | llenils I'.irk. jircMinl I4i.ide. II feet whip * North slilo of M liolas ntruut , lot Sfl to r > 0 In- , elusive sun division , lilni'UiA , llespivolr'I pipscnt - radi'.O rpnl wide. Kast sldo of ( ilen\vi ( id aviinup , fioin noitli wi-s' . ioinoilot - 10. liioclc II. Helms 1'iirlf , li * | Inler-eelHiM of CilPinvooil avenue with Uncolii ] I Ilonluv.-ird. nrcsput uiailo , ( > fuel wide. l" \V htsldi-of Ttt-iMily-ll fib HI l net. lots 1,2 a in ! : i. bloi-lc H. I'atHcJi'rt adlllloii. prcsoni Kr.iilp.t , fi'ol nldo. * Ens ! stile of Twenlv-nfth silent , lot 0. blnol < 12. I'arkPr'a mid. prphoutr.icle , (1 ( ft-ut wide ISoith hldo of -'iluu strpct , lot 211 toti lu- i-lusivc , block I. Avunuu I'.irlc , teni- porai-y Ki'aclu , I fi-pt w do Anil bo It further icsnlvpil : That tno Hou-'l of I'liblh ) WorUs bo and huieby Is aiithiir./ed and d IOPU-U tociiusmi copv of Ibis resolution to bo publlshpil In llio olllolal paper of thuolly for ono wook. or bo sorvedoii thu onnuriof said lots and sneliowners simll within llvn ilayi after lliu publication or service of such pnpy conttruct said Rlaowallis as hProlii leiiulicil , tbat lliu Hoard of I'libllu VVoi-l.s cniiso llio N line In Hit iltjiio. thucoitof poiHtriiciliiBsald Kldowitll.s. io.spi'1-llvoly to bo us < ipsud ii alnsttho rout estate. lotor pnrtof lot In front of an I aliut- lIllEHIIOll Hi IllWalUS I'IUMMI Octoboi-Ub and Oi-tobui II. Is'Ji. r Atl ° St : , JO1IX HO\M > , City Oloilc , P. I' . DAVIS. I'nsldunt UitvUoiinoll Alll'rtno'1 ' ' : oKo.iMir.Mrsi , M-iyor I TO CON-Jl'Utlur HIDIiWAMvS. To Iho owiioii of the Inls , pails of lots and real eslrito floscrlbud in tbu above losoln- linn : You and O.-K-II of you /no / hereby notlllu 1 tn ciniHtriii't wnoduu hhluwiilliH us iniulruil hv a ipsol'illonof lliu oltv poiuu'il anil iiiuyorof thucltvof Uuialia.of wblcb Iboubovols acopv I'V. . II1UKIIUSKU. . ( Jlialiinau Ho nil or I'ubllo Works Omaha. Nub. , Owtobor''llh. . " " " OK D.AM ACJKS Kill UIIANUK OK ( iltAIK. To thu oivnors of all lot' , or juris of lotsr.nd int.i lu .iUin.lnl ! friini llaiiiny slrnet lo I.e-iMiiiwoilhsliiint ; , | | | slrout frou. II If Ilinuiid Hlicia to I.H.ivnnworlli ntrfiut ; IMh htienl fioin Havarl to Jonoi strciit uml In torhi-ctltia HtipoU : Vnn aru liuieliv nollll d thu under hlitnud , thrcu dislnlunxicd froeliulilors of tli oily of nuiali'i. ' h.ivu bi i-n duly iiiipo.ntud . y. | iho mayor , ulih the nf Ihu citv roilncllof nld ciiy , lo s u t Ihu ilHiiiuifii I" lliu onnnrs rcspi-cthu y of iho uiopt-rlv ,1 nlU'i'ieil \ > v iiliun.'iJ of uriMlu of mid Minil * , , I ( leliililed nui'ussny KV ur.llliuileoo I H. , pasted OuliihurT , IS . approved Uctobcr I" . IdiU. , t oiiaiufiirlhiiriiollllud.iliatlnivIiMucvuptud ' N.iul aiipoiniinunl , an 1 diilyiju illilu i ai MI- ouiroil liy law. wo will , on lli'i : ird day of Novuinlfpi- . It. . Mi. t tbo hour.f . > , ( OHK ) o'tiloek lii the fiiiitniiiiii. al tliu ollhu of Mulvnr A ; n'limiohop , IKLI I'utiiiiin Hi lent , within lliu eorpor.iltillmllrjfu.ild i-ltv. inuul for thu pur. | io-o of cou idurlnanil nnil.ln tbu asui'Sk. im'lil of O.iin IKU lo llio | .wnor ipspuolho1/ of hitld property iillrolul by said urmlliiv.,1 luUlir. Into i-ou-ilileratloii Kpoulal benollu , | { UH V. You aru lOtlllod to hu inesunt at the nnd placu uforuiald , and niiilio any objui1. . . . toor HtaluiuuntH lonuutrilnK Hild inifHinii iJ ufiliiinrrm : an y ou iiiiiri-uiiHhlqr piojicr. * H I I I i 1 \ I 4 lit ur.o. .1. I'At'i/ . T , II. .Mcl't'l.MKMf , Omaha. Oct. 'JOth. | A o-'JId-Ul sitl MnMlun Unit itc fur III" Iriml nuiili' ) . If you lll HIHII * Hit- omwliy i > t your iliuuli IT hull , ! will wnil-'lirc ) txuni'l'lti ' < n < -lll < ullyii ui' u PELOUBET CHURCH ORGAN , > biiltcii it ) onr iiuiln. \ \ ' < > nr nl > u pn- lunil l I'ulUI CUiircli OrKuim for imMini'ci > 'Ittna liulr iiuniU r . llio cro nhinllin * < il minimi - l.ull'l In Mill- l niiilcli tliu woodwork. Wrtu * fur < lnlKiiN mill pilcf * ' LYON & , HEALY. State and Monroe Stu. CHICAGO. .NullUur fudorliJi ( ircvliicc I'lmiU'l of lUU.Ow