Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEt ! ] > IUDAY. OCTOBER 28 , 1S02 ,
V/hchl / Yeslerthy Broke Below All Former
for tlio Yenr.
Bhlpprr. llclil Off for Prur of n Iltnckndo
t IliilVnln , Mhlrli Humor llcolnro l
to ll Imminent lluycrs of
tt lien I Wcro I'cw.
OHICAOO , III. . Oct. S7.-\Vheat today broke
below nil former prices fur tlin year nnd
closed without imr slK" of Improvement. The
notation for December delivery descended
to TJJicn l i. nntl was only 'ic ' up from that nt
tlio end of tlio scsilon. Comp-ired with lasl
mzht wheat Is off > ( < corn from ! t to tie , and
cats from to to 'lc. llyo was ngnln o.Mromoly
week nnd made auoVhcr break of from lie In
December to So and 'J'ic In cash nml Muy re-
pcctlvu.y. 1'ork declined 2.V for October nnd
November and So for January. I.atd Is lower
liy ' "Jo for October an'l 13o for
.limitary. H bs arc uuchanretl for October nnd
November and 5j lower for January. I'or tlio
first t line In many weeks there w > is IIP vessel
room taken for cr.ilu. Tlio boats woio hero ,
lint shippers hnlil nfT for fi'ar of a hlo-kailo at
HulTiilo. Thonlr was thick with rumors ol
sidetracks llllcd with lo.nlo 1 cars of eruln
nun elevators to itntnail Ilium liaril to find. It
Jsnot wondered Hint nndor thoclrciienstiinces
wheat shoui'J have boon won . iiltlioujsh In
truth. ItUsaid thai thocondltlons inferred iv
vnruiio worxo Ilian they liavu been tiny time
In the , pnst llireecok.s. .
Itnyers of wheat worn tow and fur between.
What little nomiind thuro was earno chlJllv
from llio short lull-rust. who ha I protlts In
tholr trades which they fo't Inclined to take
ndvnnt-iei ) nf. Tin- receipt * In the northwest
worn laner. lliotuh arrivals were
nmalloriinil llio withdrawals from store nullc
Inrco. To oirsot till" . however. wcro llu1 small
clo.iranccs of wheat mid r.ither moro favora
ble crop lopnrts. TnoDhlo state , it-port nvirto
the cril ) M > 'IIO r..oil'.OiO hit , larcur than tin :
estimates derived frnin the Kovornment pi'r-
and the " nulnn.itl I'rl-o Curient
avs that niitnmn own whott N Improving
and Is on a fairly satisfactory busts.
O tblrs wore Irruanlar and generally lower.
There \ talk Hint tlio receipts tn Ohli'inu
todnv would have bi"-n heavier If thu road *
oonlci have handled th < ! oars. Stiinpo canc- |
lly ul'owhoro was said ti ) ho nearly uxhiin lotl
nd thlslsnxpo-tcd to turn j-r.iln more ho-iv-
lly In Hi H direction. In vlnw of this , holder )
hneumo more discouraged anil sold fren y ,
Thoopoiiliu wiisnbniil llio same us yoster ;
clay's elii e. to a slndo lower , weak anil
prlees declined fiom % e to 'le.
Horn wis nervous. Initial tra'lcs wore at
about thn llnal iiuotatlons of yesterday , tin ;
receipts falllir. short of the predictions. anil
the weather bolus cloudy winsud n Urm feel-
In ? , but HID olTei tnss were soon Inei eased , one
llrm. In pnrtlcnlnr. s-olllns frnelv. and as tin
local crowd leaned to tlu > bear side the price
nold off from ! 5e to , e. but rallied , recovorlop
iiiostofthodeellne. whoa the estimates foi
tomorrow uamo In. 'Mi ear * . The advance
brought out Increased olTorlncs , and wheat
rullns easier , corn syniiiatlilzcd. rcactlirj
from 5 o to 'Jo. ' chanced some and tuled
steady and clmed with from ' * c to ' 4c loss.
In outs some 6troiilli | was duvulopo I and
luuliilalned thmiiL'h liuy'iin by pronilnuni
houses supposed to Uo for the purnoao of eov :
crlns a line of shorts. Hut top prices roan It
In Increased spocnl'illvo olVorln.-s tinil tin
early fr.ieilnual advance did not hold. M-ij
wns relatively steadier than deliveries
fihlcli welo Inollned to snu In spite of a htxlici
runuo of nriees In the cash market , especially
in soo-d whlto and heavy weight oat .
Provisions opened Urm. hut weakened am
declined In sympathy wllh the dopiesslon litho
the craln pits. Trad n'i was only inodotatolt
active. The manipulators did not manipulate
and the tailors thought It was time to let pi
of pnrlof their hoUlnzs.
Bhlnpers were out of the market for laki
frolshts. The hloekado at llull'ulo and In
nlilllty Insecure proper Hlorau'n accnmiuod.i
tlons at New York made hhlpntna unsafe
Kates were nominally steady at " ' 40 fo
wheat and 2o fur corn to IliitTalo.
The estimated receipts for tomorrow ar
410 eursof wheat. WO cars of corn , 810 cars o
oats nml ' 'II.OOO lie s.
Owlns to the burial of Mrs. Harrison at In
tllanapolls tomoriow. and out of respect fo
the president , the Hoard of Trade will ad Jour
tomorrow at noun.
Tno IcadliiK futures'crt us follows :
ARTICLES. IIKlll. i.ow.
| k' II HAT .NO. V
October 7I 71
Docunibcr. . .
' ' '
L'oiiN No.'i'-
Dvi'Giubur. . .
OATS No. , ' -
November . .
December. . . ni
> li : M 1'iniK-
November . I'I S2i 1707W 12 07 !
Jnuuciy . . KM 13 40 U 4' ' !
LA tin
November. 7 SO 7 81
Jnmmry. . . . 7U > 7 M ) 7 M )
Bnonr III us-
October 10 75 10 75 10 7. ' . 10 75
Janunry. . . " Ii 87 ! 11 M
Onsh limitations wcro as follows :
1'i.otm Onlct ; sales only at buyers' llsuro
WHEAT No. 2 sprln , ' , 71'jc ; No. 3 spring. M )
tlKlc ; No. 2 red. 71'uc.
C ( > IIN-\0.2 : , 45"c : No. 3. 4VS < 3IH5c.
OATS No. 2. itt'tWI'n ' : No. s ivhllc , f. o. I
MUu : No. 3 , white. 3 ! i231'ic.
llvu No. 8 , I'- .
llAin.nvNo. . 8 , GOQfilu ; No. 3 , 4'Jflc ; No.
S. o. b. . 3 < yfl5e. ! )
I'OIIK .Mch . per bbl , . * 8.05ttl3.21 : Inrd. pi
IDii Ibs. , H3 i short ribs , sides ( loose ) . ? ; .su
10.73 : dry salted shoulders ( hotl ) . Jr ,
< 3i7.50j short clear sides ( boxed ) . : U StS.15. \
WIIISKV Dibtlllois' tlulahed uooJs , pur Ra' '
SUOAIIR ruehnncod : cut loaf. Bi3'4 !
Braiiulnted. .VuO : standard "A , " ! > ' < : .
Hucolpts and shipments today were as fi :
lows :
On the 1'ioiliico oxuhauvo to lav the butt
rnarlinl was llrm ; creamery , aiMf.'Hc ' ; dairy , It
4e. Egg * , titm. Strictly fresh , aoO.'le.
Now Yiirlc .tlnrkitts ,
NcwVoitK , Oct. ST.-ri.otill Kecolpts. 3I. (
pkKSi exports 1.7uObbls. , 27.UJO sacks ; quli
? roak ; sale. , 1UI'KI bbls.
COHN MEAL dull , stoaily.
WIIKAT Hecolpts .AXOOJ bu. : oxporta. 4
800 bu , ; sales , MCXi.ll.'O bu. of futures. 11(1,1 (
7fiic. ! Options were active , excited n
heavy , duvlinlnz 7 > u on f reo foreign sooUi
longs llquldatlm : , depressed cables , mi
f.xvorablo woathur , heavy rorolpts , sm
clearances , light export demand ; roactc , ) '
nut closed wmik at < i\a under yestordu
No. a red Dicemln < r , 7r3 cTC'8Ic. ( ! eloalnc
fTtic : .Innuary , 7lia,7li'ie , closing at 7s : Mi
Uvu-Steady unn dull.
llAitl.r.y Quiet ) wi > stern , ( W75c.
HAHI.KV MAI.T Quiet ; city made Canadl ;
COIIN HeeolptK , 50,001 bu : oxportc , 81 ,
bti.t sales , 553,00) bu , of futures , lO.OJJbu ,
npot. tipdls dull and stnady ; No. 2 , 5
( i.Wi'o In elevator ; r/MJ'ij'iiyo alloit ; n
Bradcd ml.vuil. NKTjt.V.'c. Options wuru mod
ntoly iietlve , rather Irresular as Inllurnrod
\fhoatandtliowost , uhnliis stujidv at' U
below yesterday ; llo'-cmbor , BfTjOS'JUc , eli
Inc atBde : .la n nary , fOUc , closing at 5) ? .
liny. 51 U-lWC-'Wtr , uloalni ; utB''c.
OATS-Kci'olpts , li'5o)0 ' bu. ; uxpurta. 3,003 b
ulos , I.88VO Obu. of futures , lif.000 bu. sp
Kpota ipilut bill tlrmnr : .options aellvo I
uu U > r : Novombor. 3 > ? i35 > io , clnslnj nt ; i"i ?
Decomber. : ni' < iii7aiiC : > , eloilnx at37c ; May. \
4t ) ? c , elo-slirt : it 4'Jci ' No. 2 spot whlto , 3M !
UUUet mixed western , 3' , < a'ljo ; whltu we
crn. 3SJt40c ! No , 2 rblcii''o , I15V4C.
HAV Klrinori ehlppliu , 0)in7'o ; eood
oho I co , 7 , ' > 'c 'JOc.
Hoi'8 Oulct but easy ; state , common
choice. 16U24u.
HUOAU Ituiv nominal : roflnoil fairly nvtl
and nl-a-idy ; elf A , 45-l&ai u-Co ! ; cranulat
. nominal ) Now Oc'.oa
Anil but steady.
HlCE Active and firm.
Eaos Quiet , fnncr llrm : receipts. ? . ! ) ) pk
lllliKS I'lrni , fairly netlvu ; wet Baited , M
Orleans selected ami Tuxuu selected , 43 to
Ibs. . ( , < a7o.
1'oiiuSteady , iiilel | : out munts Rtro
plokled bolllex , hsas'.o : ploUlod Ehouldi
.Ct'Uo : inlildlcs. iiulcti Inrd , wouUer. di
MOBtern steam , closed fHOO : s-iles , 150 thu
to art Ivo nt fS.W ; option sales. VJ'J tlerccsi
tober , itt-UJ ; Nuvomuor , JH.ll bid ) Jan mi
| 7.U2i closiirm JT.M noiiilual ,
JiUTrBii I'lrni. qulctl Klulu. Wo.
( JiiKKsi : UeltordcmuiiJ , fanuy flrmcri r
skims. Hft'c.
I'm IIIDN Vairdomand , steady ; Aincrlc
. . .
tloi'i'KH-r.nsIert lake. tll.O' ll.Tl
I.EAli-Dnllt doniOJtlc. U&t 05.
btralghta. ? .U5Ja'.UCO.
Jllilm unit 1'olti.
ro the urlcea paid bvOmi
dealers for hide * und po'.U quoted subjeo
ohuuiiu without notli'Ol No. t irrt'on Hid en ,
ttaU-roouiiilted tiiatt , 43l ioi Na 2 gr
failed htiloi , : v U < "i No. t green silloil blitcs.
i'.Mo 40lbi. . 4ill'i' ' ! No. 2grocu srxito.l hHoM
to4plbt. , .f'V.Uoi Na 1 veal calf. 8 to I.1 * lbsfii
Cos No. 2 veal < Ml { . H to 15 lln. , it'io ' ; No. I dry
Mint lildp.o. ii-j No. 3 dry fl'nt ' hides A.i
No. I dry silliMl hides. nilJci pirt c'urcd
htdu.s 'iopcr lb. , less than tnlly cnrod. Micop
peltv-tlieen salted , uach. ! tWMI.2.1 ! | ) jroen
Riillod shoarllmi ishorl wou'.ed oirly .sklnsi ,
eacli. J.Wfctv-j dry shoarllnss ( shorl woolcd
curly skins ) , .No. I , uach , sy.lOo : dry nhoarltnizs
nhnrt wnoled early skins ) , No. 2. each , r > c ! dry
Hint IVIIIS.IH itml Nnlirnskn hutcht-r wool poll" ,
perll.nctunl weight. lOftM'lC ' ! dry Hint Kan
sas and Nebraska Murinltl wool nulls , pur lb. .
acinal welcljt , StTJI'-'f : drv Dlut Oolorado
butcher wool pills , per lit , uctiul weight , 1ixid
r.Hici dry llilit Cnlor.iiln Murrain wool pelts ,
per Ih. , actual wo cht , MilOct dry lleuccs nnd
linck * . actual Meluht , TSltW. Havn feat cut off ,
ns H U useless to pay f rohthton th-jtii.
51. l.ouU
FT. loti ; i. Mo. . Oct. 27-l' < t.ouit-Kns7.
WIIKATI'.ifth steady nt ofiut option' . W
lebelowyeslrrday ! December , ssjtcs May,7tiic
asked ,
CoitN-CnOi ( Irm. : 7 ict options.V.lo \ lower ;
November , y ' .e ; DjcuinVicr , 3Jiia37Jac ; May ,
, e.
OATs-Dull , lower ; eaah , November bid )
May. : tiic. (
HVK l.onprat M'.ie.
II A in. KV Dem nml 1:001 ] .
llAV-Dull. lower ; prairie , K.OOaO.OOt tint-
01113tO.'wrai.'I.OO. ' .
llfTtnu1 iichniiRcd : creamery. S5ft'Jsc :
on'ry. ' l.'iii."e.
K itH-l nehniiscd.
WiiiMKv-btumiy. fl.'O.
I'novi.siDNS-l'urk , steady : johhlni. S13.03.
T.niil. nominally lower , at Mas. Dry salt moats
and liaeuu , qitlijt. unchair-'oiK
KlX'Ktl'T.s riuitr. H.OJO bbls. ; wheat. IP.fliO
bu. ; purii. "ilO.Oiji bu. : o.its. 3)UOJbu. ) ; rye , 41,000
bn. : barhvv. iuiu : lui.
i-im'.W..vvs | , 'lniir. S.OO ) bbls.i whsal. flVOOO
bii.icnrii. nxODUbu. ; oats IO/J33 bu. ; WO. "i ° ) : )
bu.f barley , none.
Oniiilia I'roduco .Murltot.
KIIOR Whllo receipts are not particularly
heavy the arrivals move slowly , plvlna thu
mnrket a ilu 1 touu Ucnoral market , IS'ili
Ulc.IIUrniH -Tho supply Is llKht nnd those ivho
IIRVU been nut , ornr the Alato say llinl there
docs not nppo.irto ho much In the country.
r.ickmzstook I4a : cool dairy , IS Jac.
tlAMt : I'ra rleehlekcns nro coining In freclv
nnd ducks nri ) commonctntf lo nrrlvu. Quail
arosunrcu. Thu eoo.or wealhur baa Improved
thn Kami ! situation. I'ratrln chickens , flOOft
4.S"i ! Kroiiso. tl.tin quail. * -.Olj snips. tLO ) ;
Jack snlpn. Jla.Vs6l.riJi plover , tl.Oi ; gnldkii
. tl.'iV'il.'ii : e.invas-baok ducks , J" > dofl )
iVOO ; redhead ducks , nrri ; mallard ducks.
J'l.0 ; h'nw winf ton' , & ' . ' . " > ; preen wins toil.
Jl W : mixed diti'lis l."ii | lank rabbits. * l.ov.7i
4.2i ) "iiiall rnt.b is. J i. a. ® I. Ml ; yiiulrrols. * I.Si ;
antulopu saddles. Itfttrn * : deer s'iddles. l.VjftlOc :
nnliiloiii ! ( "ireas os , tiillOi * : door carcassos. UG
I'.v : live nitrons. } l.a. > (6t..VJ.
l > ol'i.T \ llixil uhluKeni lit evcois of the
demand and slow at 7c ; isoso and dtieks , 8c
S ( ITV. Mo. . Oot. ST. WiiBvr Irraju-
Inr : No. 2 hard. liPiKrtl'ie : No. 2 led. Giiaii'c.
UoilN-Aboilt htoatly ; No. 2 tulxud. : ! IK ll'iC !
No. 2 white , no iilually. 3'i'ie. '
OATS -\Ve.iK ; No. 2 ml.\oJ. aiG5Jjc ; No. :
White , 27S5i' .
Uvi'-I.ower : No. 2 , 47'/iftl-ic.
ix I IIKD Steady at li7tJiV. ( !
HllAN- Jleadv : sacked , MH&'i'e.
\v-fcti.idy iiii'l unchanged : timothy , ? 7.5 (
© s.,53 : prairie. JOB' . Active and llruij creamery , 222 > 2Sci
dairy , 13fi/.2Ui : .
KlCS ( l''irm it Iri'ie.
ItKCBli'TS Wheat. 115,00) bu. ' ; corn , S.COv
bu. : oats. l.03hu.
Silil'iiKNTS Wheat , B',003 bu. ; corn , 2.00 (
tin. ; oats , none.
Oil .MurUot.
NEW VOIIK , Oct. 27. I'BTitot.'jtiM Onctiod
R | . ady. mid WHS dull iur.1 featureless dnrlii'
the remainder ot the day. 1'cnnsylvanh
oil Spot Nii'm. none : November. 5.000 bbls. in
f > 0 ; c : l.lin < oil sales , none.
I'OTro.xSur.u On.-Strom ; and ijulet : yellow
30'e. '
TAiiLOW-PlrniiTor , oulut : city ( J2.00 foi
nackaccs ) . 4 ! l-ir/ai = ic. .
UOSI.N yulut. but steady ; slraluoil , commot
to 1:001. $ l.ioQl,35. :
Tom'KSTivis-Qulct , firm : IIUift'Kic.
per cwt.
Coll'co .tlurkut ,
Nr.w Yosts , Oct 2" . Options opanod stoad.v
and nucliaiizcil to II points up and closet
stundy at from 15 to 8j points up. Kecolpt
5"iOJ ) hii'is , Inoludlni ; : October. $15.5
November.t5 ! S'lfliT'-O1) : Dceomhur.115.3ff"fil5.3" : >
.lanuarv.l5.liJ4l3.2Q ; : Kebrimry5 | 10 : March
il4l5QI5.IO : April. $14.91(3115.00 : May. t 4.St
ll.'O ' ; h-poL Kk > . firm and quiet : No. 7 , 110.51
Oiiiahi : Kriuc .Market.
Oti\i'ES Now York coiuor.U , 23a' 2 po
10-lb. basknt.
iJAiiiKiiitNiA ( ! iAi'E3 I'or cr.ita : J1.39 mtib
cats ! 11.75 ToUays.
( 'AMl'oitNiA I'KAit' ll.V ) par box.
At'i' Western , SJ.73WI.O ) ; Now York , $1.0
© 1.59.
J 1'cr box , tl.TSft'J.OO.
I.ivnitponu Oct. " " . WHEAT Dull : dc
iiiaml poor : holders olfor freely ; No.
California , ( is I0d0s l'Jid ! per cwt. ; No. 2 re
winter. 5 lldB. > s HJJil.
COIIN Steady , demand fair ; mixed westori
4s 5)id ) per eeutal.
Cotton Market.
NEW OIU.EANS. La. , Oct. sr. Easy ; mil1
dllir. , 734e : low middling. 7'-ic ; irood oralnar :
0e ; net receipts. O.ti7 ) ! biles : cross. O..V.
bales ; e.\ports to Oroat Hrltaln. 11.701 bale ;
to the continent , l.l''O ' tmtos ; silcs1.3J ) .
N"uvork Dry ( inoiU .Market.
New YOIIK. Oct. ST. The dry foods marki
displayed a fair demand , wltn rel :
live activity In cottons. The marlcot Is will
out change , but continues under a strong ton
Tmdorh' TalK.
rinrxno. 111. . O > t. 27. Counielman & Date
to I'oekn.'ll llros. I'ommlsslon company
There was little In the way of iiowa tocxcl !
speculative Interest , mil trading In who ;
was aKaln eonllncd chlellyto providing f <
December contracts the Ohio report shin
In. a prediction In 18')2of ' ) 4U.O O.O.i'J bu. naln
4j.500.UJO bu. lust year , and : i'OJO , 00 bn. in IS
was consldeicd very bearish , and starU
heavy liquidation , which continued throuizt
out thu tn t hour. Therj Is still consldorab
DccDiubcr wheatto bn provided fur , and n
country receipts are cheeked for the nrcscn
The shipping movement is very ll.-ht. an
prices are nol likely to have rap
changes this month. Corn is quiet and ou > j
the bullv of May holliiu was by ihlpDori , r.
culvers airl u'.cvators against , e i h corn o
hand. The buying was chlelly for lojal Ion
account. Outs was llrm on' purchases i
about 'lUO.OOJ May for a local speculator wl
has been feeling fur thu bottom , savor
t'mcs sliii-o May oats was .183. Elevator pe >
plu sold about 100,000 and countrv IOIIRS tl
ba'anco. ' I'rovlsions a aln showed tlio neoi
of Wright's support to provuiit a sharp d
cllnc. What Illllo Iho packers offered wo :
moro than was wanted.
CllU'Aiio. 111. . Oct , V7. Kounott , Hopkins
Co. to S. A. MeWhortcr : 1'robably tbo marki
wou'd have been an easier one today in II
abscnco of lulluentl'il nowsforMny. Shor
covered so freely yesterday as to wllhur.i
mnlcrlal suppcrt , but the nuv.-.s lias bcon co
splouously bearish. The Associated I'ri !
told of overstocked elevators In the uort
west an I southwest mid of the doubling
ocean Kialu fielKhts. As cables wcro '
lower It was clear that foreigners did nut I
lend to add Ihu additional < c our IOJ Ibs. to tl
prlcu on the other sldo , but uxpocted ns
laku H oil here. The hardest blow recolv
ny Hie hulls wis tha Ohio orop report Ocelli
IIIK thu yield In Ohio to have be
about.r > , oon.oj'J ' bu. In excess of thouoverume
rei-ort. The Mate's estimates hi MlchUan a
Kansas are areator than Mr , Dodge's by inu
than va.OJO.Ouo. bn. , nnd they suwiost n vc
niateil it Increase. It IB Known that the m
wheat states have maturlally I
their estimates , aim If othur stal
do likewise , . If only to a modorti
o.Uuut , Ills not Improbable that the Wushlti
ton HUH ! estimates will bo In the iiolKhlx
hood of ftKUMO.OOO tfn. Corn and oats contln
Klouily to llrin.lndlcntlni ; pretty KOOI ! > > pscu
tlvu HiipporU lieculpts are fulllii , ' elf , t
stocks nrusolur/o that this U nol likely toe
much figure , 1'ruvlsluns were depress
somuwhal but thn elhino talk confidential
of considerably hhshur prlcon and will not
likely to iicrmlt moro than a moderate roi
tlon for the pro ent.
Speculative Ilusliiiiis ( ; auteruil Almost I
tlrt-ly In Nn\v
Nr.w YoitK , Oet. 2T , Hpooulatlvo Interest
the opening ot business at the Sleek oxcluu
toilay centered almust entirely In Now Ei
land , operators liavlnvf watched anxiously
thu otTcol upon the aspootof the dual consu
mated with the llojton & Maine and Hoadl
companies. An excited crowd ot brokers si
rounded the pyst where New Knilaud v
traded In on thu Iloor of the cxchanzo ant
the llm ten minutes of business fully 2' ' ,
b I Hires of HID slock changed hands. The lit
opened at 414. advanuoa to 4Mi and iiulu
dropped to 4l' . Subsequently u rally lo
ensued and thuHtook declined only 1 per o
f lorn this figure at thu close , dosplto a gcnu
docllnu In the aetlvo list. This comptrai
bloadlncss IH ascribed to Ihu support xlven
those Initrumuutul In urlir.-lun about
latent deal nnd who claim with n ROOU deu
coulldunco Hint the Now Kiislund road will
boiiullted mnterlally bj the lluxton & Mul
ItundliiK comutnatlon.
I'olloivlifs-tha early break la Now\i \
rt them occurred n sudden drop In Dlstllllni : i
nttlefoiHlliii , ' . the utook bullliu elf from
i ) , .i1C3S.ehlully on unit's on stop orders. The
maluder of the aotlvo list ho il tolurahly 1
and Mime of the specialties advanced shar )
Now York , iusquulianna & Western rmo fi
IS ! , to IDii nnd preferred from ini'l to W ,
tiiuHiially largu transuotloni ; . There are
tlinattomi that an Important deal U In pi
ia ros in which this road will eul uu Import
to llguro. Colorado Coil and Iron roaa 1'4
o ; Uonoral Kleotrlu % to 110'i and .
) U loual L ud 1ft to * & ! . Toward
close there was renewed pressure
ix7n'nst ' the market. Iho traders
brlns iho principal nailers. Istilling ) and
Catt efopdltiff , which had r.UiloJ to O7'i ,
( iruliiM'il loM. The reaction othcrwup was
from M to I'i ' per tout ixn.l the tone nt thu
close was weak. The decline- had the oIToct of
rlddln t tbo m.irkot ot a Inr o number of "top
order * , the existence of which lias for a day
or two Oocii looked upon as ti meiineo to the
npwar.l movement. I'or this mason the bulls
themselves htflpud the reaction nlonit. hollov-
IUK that the foreoJ s.dea by weak bolder. * will
result In placing DocitIatlon on u firmer loot-
Ins. The transactions in rullroal bonds m-
crojated The nnrkct was llrm.
Minneapolis & SI , I.uiiU oiiulpmonts jiiinpail
' ! J to lu.'i and second In
come sixes H tn 41V.
The I'Ml says : The rcachlnc out of the
HoadliiB to era' ) ) the cro.itest . railway system
In Now Knlntii Is not the lo.\U sensational
of iho Kcadlue's ninny seusutlons. Hut the
double iiciinlsltton-foriiuch II seems to bo-
loavcslhrco tormldah'.o problems.Vhit : will
bu the result ot the owner-thin with the policy
which H foreshadows on the Hoston & Maine ,
what on thn .Now KiiL'lund , and wliat. finally.
on the Heading Itsplf ? Two nUonritlvos.lla .
before the now coinhlnatlon. The Now i ork
k Now Kiiulnnd road may bo forced to curry
Heading's coal at ratet so low as to undersell
nil of Heading's competitor * . This might
niiikun larger market , but Its results on the
fortunes of the Now Knglnnd nro easy to
If this plan lie dismissed nn effort nitv bu
made to urasp the coal miiructot the east and
lint up prices on consumers. This second pul
ley. It successful , would assiliotho Increased
modi of all three nf the rillrivul * uunccrneJ ,
bin its success Is exceedingly questlonablu.
Such an undertaking must , face thu sum com-
lintlllnn , llrst , ot thu I'ennsylvantn nuHira-
clte supply sent by water or over Iho Now
Irivcn rouli second , ot Iho Ohesapoako > v
Olilo and llaltlmoru tc Ohio , who now main
tain n licet of boats to send their own soft
foal Into M isiiichnsetts unil Conno silent :
third , and not least , a movement which would
eeruilnlv follow exorbitant unlhr.iuitu prices
In New Ktigianil for the removul nt duty on
.Nova Scotia
The following aru the closing iiuotatlons for
Iho loading s'oeks on the Now vorK Stock ex
change toilay
I.VJ Nortb AmcrlvanCu. l-t
Alton. T. H I.VJn : I Northern 1'acltlc . . . l 'l
ilo prufeire.1. . . . 155 | ilii pfil
Alnerlriin K\iri"iti. | l.'O It : . I' , Den. \ Cult. .
Hnltlnmro X ( inlo . . Northwestern
Cnnnla : I'aclllc ilo pfil Ill
Ciiiin.ln ! * outlii'rn . . S. V. Central ! ' ? (
Central 1'iU'lnY. . . . at' ' N V. AN. Knit . . . . 'trfi
Clips. , \ Oblu Oruitou .V Western. l''J ' < i
ClilcaKU Alton Oit'uun Imp lii !
Chi. Iliir. A yiilncy. . 10I > 1 .Orecou Nnv 7l'
i"'l ( I. SI , . A t' . N
Cornnllil.itcM ( in * . . I'nelllc .Mail SIn
( ' . C. , . A Ml. I , IVorlii Hi' . ' . .V K . . . ' . n ;
( 'din , lunl \ lion. . . I'ltt.ibiirtt
Cotton oil ivrtlfs. . i ' ' 1'uluco. . .
Do ) lluiUoa , '
1) . U .t W , ' 5' ' . lllchmonM Tcr
I ) . It. .1(1 pfl tin pril
1) . A ' . ' . ! ' . ( .0 ( ; > " Itlo tiraml-j West. . .
KnnTcnn do pM i-j ;
Krlu Itork IMnnil
ilo pTd St. 11.s. . K 1st pfil.
Port Wnyiic it. I'niil 7'Jt (
Orcnt N'lirthorn p'd. 1:11- : do pl.t
U A. K. 111. pfil 1:11w St. I'linl , V Ouinlui. .
HocliliiK Valley 'I' ) ilo pfil n5
Dili nln C.Mitral w SontliL-rn l'.irllli ! . . .
M. rnill , \ ; Diilulh. . " . " Suunr Itctlncry
Kan. \ Ttix. pl < l . . . . . , 1'riiii. Coil : A Iron. .
I.nkc KrltVe9l. . . . 2I\I Te.vus 1'iiDlllc
do lifil T. AO. r > n. pfil
InkuSbure t'nlon 1'aollo
Li-ail Trust t.B. ! K\iiri"s fil
I.ouls. . Nnsh \V. St. I , . AP 12U
I.onN.V New Al'by. U l
Muiilinttnn Con. . . , UllLj 'Wells Karen ICxp. . 14 *
.Munipiiii m : , HI iWeiitcrn Union . . . IW2iT
Michigan Central. . , iu ; < 4' ' Wheeling ALvK. . . . 2iT (
Missouri Pnclllc. . iljj ; ! do lifil
.Molilln\ Ohio 3VIM. A St. I.
Nnslivlllo Clmtt. . . , Hi I ) . A U. C 1C
.Vfttlonnl ronte c. , 1.I1H Hon. Klcc
ilo pfd , lilt > ntloiml I.lnsccd. . .
N. .1. Central
The total sales of stocks today were 4''S.OOl
shaios including : Atchlson. 4.7SO : Ohleam
tins. Sl.OlS , Erlu. b.tsari ; .Missouri I'nclllc , r > . . " > s >
Northern 1'iiclllo preferred. r > . : > aJ : Now Knu ;
land , ftr.18) ) : Iteallmr , 113.4'JO ; St. 1'atil. ! B,1UJ
western Union , 11'MO.
New York Mnncy .Market.
Ntw YOIIK , Ojt. ST. Mosr.v o.v CAU-
llas been stuady. r.inzlns from 5 to fi po :
cent ; last loan , 5 per cent : closed olTuicd ati
per eo'it.
I'IIIMI : MiiiicANTit.i : rAiT.ii 'iQ" per cent.
STBHMNfi ExcilANii-Ia ( e'isv with actim
business In bankers' bills al il.S'J'jij'ijl.Svt ' fo
hlvty-day bankers' bills and $ l.8 , " > ! 5SI.8j4 ( ? f j
Tno closing quotations on bonds :
t' S. Is re 1I4IMuliinl Cnlon lii. . . . till
I'.S. it conn H4HIX. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . 111 !
IJ. S. 4H rots ItXlhi'.N'ortli I'liclllc l ts. 117
rncllluCsiit 'ill I07 North. I'aeillvSmla. . 112'pzil 4s. ! UH X. W. Consols iw : !
Missouri ti 103 N. W. Con. lloii. SK. . I'JOJ
Twin , now net lit. . . . lOI Itft. U .V I. M. lien ! n st ;
Tcnn. new sat 5 . . . LO's.tSt. . I * AS. V. Gen.Sl tn
't'lsiin. now set : is. . . 'UK'i't. 1'nul Consuls . . . tnw
Cnttniln Ho. inds 1 ! < l , 'St. I' . (1 , V 1' . Ists. . . \w \
Ci'iilral I'nt'lllclsts. lllillj.Tox. I' . li.ti.Tr. llcts S4 !
I ) . , V It. ( i. Ists ll'.i ' ITor.P.U. ti. Tr. Itcts aoJ
I ) . XII. KiK Union I'aclllc Isls. . 107 !
Krlo ' 'nils 107M Went S-horo 103 !
M. K. AT. Con. Us. . 8'J I ) . .V ll.U VJ
M. K. .VT. ( ion. ! < . 4 i I
bill. l.lbkl'U.
San I'ranotscii .Mining Ouotntlom.
SAN KIIANCISCO. Cal. . Oct. 27. The ofllcln
closluz quulitlons for mining stocks ted a
were as follows :
Alia V.'i iMunu -A
llulner Nnvnjo 10
lielcher so Opblr 2.r > 0
licit Allulcliur IJJ 1'otoM IIS
Ituillu Con . ' . ' 5 Snvoijo H'J '
( .hollar . , bO Slorru Nevada . . . . 125
Con. Cal. A Va L'nlon Con ll.i
Crown 1'oint . 1:10 : Iltnl IS
Klirnkn Con 150 Velloir Jacket IIS
Could A Curry IOJ N. q .1
llnlu .t NororusM. . . ini N. It. t 10
Mi-ilcan 130
Now York Mlnliii ; Otintatloni.
NB\V YoitK. Oct. 37. The following are th
e'oslns minlns quotations :
Con. Cut. \ Ya \-a \ I t'lymuiun tij
Duailwouil 1UJ SIrro Novaila IIS
( lonlil k Curry W Stanilanl iil :
llnlo A Noroross. . . . in Union Con 11. ' ,
Ilnmostako 110) ) Yellow Jacket 11.1
Muxlcnn IM Iron silver 2.1
Xoitb fctar B.VJ Quick Silver TOJ
Oiitr.rlo 'MM do preferrca 170J
Uplilr yi'l
Itoston hcnck Oi
HOSTO.V , Mass. . Oat. 2" . Thu following ar
the closing stock quotations :
Atcll. &TU | > .19)4 ) N , Y. A N. UnKliuiil. 4. >
Huston A Allans' . . . ? UI Old Colony ISO
lliistiui.V .Maine. . . . 1S3 AllouezM. Co.lucw ) 1
c. n. , v g IIWK llOHton A Mont . . . . . " : i
Kltchtinre H. U.pld 85 Calumet A lli'du. . . tW
AIMS. CLMitral ISM Doll'1'oloiilionu. . , . 1'Ut ;
Alex Ccn. mm IS C , M 7
St. ImiU .tllutni ; Oiuitil : Ions.
ST. IoiiiH. Mo. , Oct. a" . The mlnlnu mark-
was dull. Thofollowing qnutatlons wcrumat
today on call :
Stock. III.I. .Ukcil. Stock , lllit.
Am. Nettle. . S7M SO llupo ai'J 401
ICIIinhcth. . . IU 4L I.eo
Cnrokn. . . . liO 1'nt Murphy 4 U
Crnnlto M. . 7.00 .M
r.nndon ll vleir.
[ Copyrlshtcit IS3J by JIUIHM ( lur.liii Ilcaaatt. ]
LONDON , Oct. a ? . [ Now York Herald Oablo
Hpcclal to Tin : llin : . ] Now business has bo
iiuloton iho Stock oxchnnce , but deallnirs
eonnoollon wllh outstanding noeouuta ha <
been fairly numurous and the Bottlomonl co
Hnno.t toen-jazo a KOOJ deal of attentlc
C'onso's are iincliausod. Imllan rupee pup
Is lid easier , l-'orulfii Kucur.tlos after bcl
Kcnorally llrm leave oirirro iilar. Hiimu ri
ways have been innro or less doprrs od i
day. llrlshton defcrrod has been qulto at t
moroy of thu boars , and though n
at their worst close at a dccll
of H per rout. Nearly all othcra a
! o percent down , Amurionns close Hut. so
tnis orders coming from Now York , whllo t
market was disturbed by t\iu \ wlthiJrawal
.r.l-)7uoj ) from llio hank for Iho coutlnu
I'hiladdlphla ' & Heading marknrlsuut 'a I
cent , othurwlHU a mineral dcallno Is osli
llBhod , Including ; % per cent In Ohlcaxo .t M
watikeo , and ! to )5 nor cent In all olhu
llnal qtiotitlous boln ; a .out the wor
Canadian lines nro heavy in sympathy , tir i
Trunks anil Canadian I'aelllcs ulosln ; at h
! i per cent lower , Moxluan have also KIV
way owln. to wuaknuss of sllvur , which f
; id. : : < ; . In the HlHCOunt market , threo-monl
bills worounotod atau purcent. Uall 11101
was plentiful ut M to 1 percent.
I'liianciiil Niitcn ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Oct. S7.-Cloarlns , $ a,0 ;
Nr.w Oat.iiAXfi , La. . OU 3 * . Clearings , i
r."Jfl.'l ,
HAVANA , Oci. ST.-Spanlsli sold , lisouaa.s
Exehaniu quiet.
NEW YOIIK. Oat. 27. Cioarlnsa , 1131,772.1
balances , K.154,184.
IIAI.TIMIMIC. Md. . Oct. ST. Olearlnsu , J'.a :
7.M ; UiilnnceR. J'.W O. Ilato , 0 per cent.
I'llli.ADEl.l'ilu , I'u . Out. a ; . ( Hearings , t
0-H.llli ; balances , J-,07J , ( > y. ' . Money 4i !
MtiMi'ins , Tonn. , . Oct. ST. New York
I'hunne BcMIn ul par , Cleurliuii f'JTf.iUO ) 1
.aiices. UTil.ilM.
OINCINNATI , O. , OoU 27. Money 4QB |
ent , Rxchaii'jc. par to 23s pruuilum. Ulc
HOBTON , Mass. , Oct. ST , Clearings , fIC.Ci : ) , :
Total l u of CITIES ,
Corrrfporulence ollettcd ,
ute 103-109 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
13 Wall Street , NEW VORK.
10 70 Qtatest. . BOSTON.
hilnncn , . .
chuncn un Now YockuAUa lj IH' disoonnt ,
Hr , t.ift ! . Mo , O-l. ; -t'loarlnis. tl.
f'lt balanot > < i , ? . ' . ) ! . M.I. MO-IKV nnlot , n t.i 7 per
cent. Kxuhaiue nn .Now Vork , nJi ! dlscoiint.
I'Aitto. Oct. sr.-Thtos nnr cent rontas mt
! 0e fur the account The weekly bank state
ment nf the IlinU of l-'rauu SIDW.S nn Incnnso
of l,2).iiwjfof ) ( tolti'ririMu ' ( icarotsoot a. , Vo09f
of .silver. 1 (
.ClllCMlO. .III. O tS'-Olchrmis. flT.4Jfi.IOII
Now Vork exchange , Mil I , \t 10o discount.
Storlhii cxolmnmfi.ciuint : sixty tlnv bills.
JI.KUi ! demand , tlW. < Monoy. firm nt . to ( I
percent i i
I.ONIIDNOct. . 37. Tllobtilllon In the Hank of
I.uuland decreased iMiO.iiH ] durlirx the mist
wcoi. ' . The propoH/n / ( | of the llantc of Knit-
land's reserve to ll > illlty , which Inst week
was 41.11:1 per conU U now 4l.i1. : Amount ot
bullion with trawn from iho Uaiikof l
on balanco.s toJny , JU.87,000.
i.ivi : STOCK .M.vitKin-.s.
Cattle Slrixv it t.lttlo Morn Stronstli UORS
Keep tip \Vrll tn Vnlno.
OMAHA , Oct , 2' . lieculpts contlnuo very
fair. Tbo four days' supply foots up 18.UUO
c it tie , ai.aoil hozs and : l.iiH sheet ) , nenlnst
12,4li ) cuttle. K1..YN1 li'j s iiuJ l.IITU abcop the
sjiuo four days lust wook.
Thu cattle market was nil neht ns tar ns It
wont , butthu real stronsth of the situation Is
not apparent , on nreouni ot thosjarclly of thn
nuirudeslrahlu boot isr.ules. OITcrliisslncliiilod
very few ovnu fair natlvo onttle. none that
could > o callo.l Bond. Sales of crass nnd
corned cattle weru at. aroun 1 M.t.1 and
M2.V A bunch of eholeoVvomlna cr.issurs
nzelosi ) to I.IUO pounds brouRhl J4 20.
hut the bii-kot the westerns were eomioonlsh
and rather on the feeder order. There WRI n
tnlernbiy fren moviimont and sales wuro
mostly around fa.'Jil tu f.l'.V Trade was rather
actlvo throughout , anil a very f.ilr clearance
o Hooted In KOIMI season ,
Thu trade In butchori' sloj'f nurt cnnnors
was iiotlvo nn 1 prices stuuly lostruurnll
nroitnd , Quito a coed many of the cows were
pretty eood and nuu Imu-hof Illl-tt ) . wcstui'iia
broiuht W.0Thu bl built ot the fair to
( rood cows and hnlfuM sold at from H.'O to
? . ' .a.'iand Httlu of any consomieneu had to soil
ntunderl.r > ) . Hull's. o\en nuil sfr s wcro In
nuito supply and sotd freely at fully
steady prices ut from ? I.2S to ti'B. L'alves
woio ecnor.ill.v nnchansod , telling nt from
Thuro was a fair business transacted in thn
Mocker and feeder hno and on the basis of
sUMily tustrniiK prices. KMrumu silos wuru
ut trom f 1.75 to iiathu bulk of thutr.ulln :
bultteut from J..Ili to IJ.85. Hoprusontatlvu
sales :
imr.ssr.i ) iuii' :
No. A v. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Xs. Av. I'r.
0 . UST ) $3 JO 83. . Ilill } : i 13 1'JU .lOliJ M21 ' .
2. . SS.1 1 2. " , 1:1. : . s IK i f.o 1..10SO 200
2. . S75 i 2.5 5..1M7-.J 1 TO : i. . ti.'ii 210
" it. , 7to 1 17. . M > 2 2 0,1
lit" ! ! ) > 1 25 i ) . 1I I 3. . S70 201
33. . UJS 1 35 81. . 1 73 I ! .1031 200
i..mro i n 17. . 1 M ( I. . 87.1 a 10
i. . ? iy 14i itr > 1 8) ) 1. . IVJO a 10
in. . KM 1 hfl S3. . MM a 15
5 ! ! nn i 50 111. . 7.Vi 1 80 19. 1031 aao
a. . 7iw t : ,3 s. . ii n I HJ - 2. . 2l 82)
2J. ion i 5i 10. . Sll 1 So n.I073 2 25
i..i to i ; . ) ll. ! . 8M 1 S ) 2 85
3..iu > i ! I 50 8. . ! ) 1 80 2 25
' ' 8 ! ( ! 8 OJ an. . lee ) 2 25
18' . iv.Ki i 53 5. . k'M ' a 00 1..I2SO 840
13. . O.'l ) 1 53
" . . 5S ) 1 CO c. . sv , i 4) 2. . SO ) 8 33
i. . sra i co 2. . ai.a 2. . 215 375
fi. . 81(1 ( 1 10 a. . ar ; > : i oo 8. . 200 ' 373
1. . S3) ) 1 73 : i. . ai7 : ia.i 3. . 800 450
8. IMO 8 10 j. . are : i ro 1. . 120 4 r. )
1 35J 8 83 i. . : ) 3 G ) 1. . 142 450
5. . TO 8 so
I. . 010 1 13 2.ilDO : 1 Kt 1..1400 100
8..1IIIO 1 13 I..100) ) 105 1..17IO 1 1)J )
i. . mo i : r > 1..I350 1 05 1..1I4I ) 1 ! )5 )
8..1531 1'"I 1 .1510 1 70 I. . 13113 810
i. . sso i r.o 4..1V07 1 73 1..1.VW 880
i. . 7o i no 1..11U ) 1 75 1. . 11120 885
1..12.H ) I ( M lv.l2JO 1 H'J ' 1..1070 825
1..UOO 1 U ) BMSiTi 1 S3
1..1G10 1 33 i..iu7j a so 1..1330 875
1..1103 SCO
1 7.5 8 . 1)3 ) ! I 8 35 2..10I3 2fiO
40) ) 1 nil 2 ? . ! K 3 2 JI3 13. . KM ! 800
h'JO 8 IK ) II , , ! Kii 8 4) i. . : o 80)
(515 ( 8 01) ) 1 , . 870 2 40 If ) . 8 ISO.
rit ; 8 10 UHI 8 40 1. 410 8 05
413 H ' 4. 787 8 4) 1130 2 75
S70 - 0. 1)33 ) 25J 4U. U7J 2 SO
ns5 121 1)7(1 ) ( 2 ft1) ) tttfl 885
IK33 3 23 3. ' .d 8 30 111. .1021) ) 88.5
lilO 2il : 4. , S'ii 2 M 1. . 8'J.I a r.
fill ! 8r : 8.V Hil 8 fifl SJ..IIKS ( as5
8J1 2a5 a , . , bu : a co W..1140 383
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
: il stors..1H7 44 feeders..10SO $100
1 cow 1070 1 73 II cows ! i.8 813
Kl feeders. . DIO 8 51 7 feeders. 10(14 (
IB fopdcrs. . 10(17 ( 8 75 81 steers. . . 10s7 3 IB
I bulls 1 10 1 stai ? 108) 123
1 bull. r.70 1 73
M cows. . . . 1037 2 20 3 steers. . , 325
43 cows. . . . 637 1 70 07 cows .1111 2 05
8 cows. . . . . 108. ) 2 23 1 bull 1370 183
P3 eowa. . . . 1)43 ) 2 10 4 bulls. . . . 1JJI5 l.M
fiO calves. . . 8)3 : i - . - > 102 cows. . . . 1 53
55 feeders. 7111 2 45 8 steers. . 1275 300
1 cow . .117J 1 (15 ( IS cons 100S 8r : >
I cows. .1180 2 It1 * 8) ) stocr.s..H74 385
4 cows. . 1KIJ i a- 5 cuws 816 2 00
1 steer. .1370 33 ( ! B steers. . . . 10HI 300
3 cows. . K8Q 1 5) 4 cows 1017 1 50
1 cow. . .113) ) 1 75 4J cows 1081 8.10
1 cow. . . 70 1 25 5S cows U-fi 1 I ) )
11 cows 3070 a oa 21) ) feeders 8 .T )
3 feeders..1817 30) 1 steer. . . . 1--70 4 " 20
1 steer ,12.10 , . 4 20 17 steers. . . l'J47 4"8i )
2 bteors. . . 181)8 ) 4 80 8 cows. . . . 1800 8 " 5
10 stccH. . ,1210 , 4 S3 40 cows. . . . 831 140
1 bull . . . . ,1410 , I 25 : 'l cows. . . 8JI 8 10
12 cows. . . . . KJ. ) 1 fi.5 10 steels. . . r.3'l 303
! ) * stunrs . .1220 2 2.1 1 bull 1403 100
13 calves. . . 172 423 1 calf. . . 410 1 8)
I ) cows 03J 123 a feeders..1800 8 01
] eow 88,1 1 73 7 fecdard..1lll 8 05
24 cows 813 1 IIJ 3 feoJcrs. . S'J7 805
4 calves. . . 117 a 50
lions Another liberal run and rather boar
Isli oasteru advice ? gave usa lower markcl
The opening wus 60 lower than Wednesday
and the market rather weakened at ono time
about iho middle of the forenoon , price
being about fie to Pie lower. On free bnyln
and favoralilo eastern reports the tr.ulo Im
Iirovcd and closed up Urm , fully as good a
the opening. On an uverago prices rule
about a nlcuel lower than Wedne ilay , the e\
trc-inu r.iuBO being from * 3.40 to { J.iO ( with th
big bull ; of thu fair to uood bogs of all weight
selling ill from * 3.I3 to J3.53 aga list ifi.50 t
if3.CO Wednesday. Heprcbcntatlvo sales :
Which naUiio la conntantly Rlvlnp ; In the nlmpi
of holla , pimples , eruptions , ulcers , etc. Then
ehowtlist thu blood Is contaminated , and sum
iniiat IKJ Riven to rcliovo the tronhlc
In the rcmcily to force out thceo ) iol
sons , anil enable you to
" I have had for yearn a humor In my blood
which niado mo dread to Bharc , as small bolls o
phnplca would hocut , thus causing the t-havinct
l > o a irreat annoyance. After taklnc three bottle
- my face Is all clear and smooth as I
should be- appetite splendid , elcc
well , and feel like running a foi
alj from the use ol H. B. H.
CIIAS. IlEATON.73 Laurel st. Phlla.
Trcatlao on hlonil and kkin dlwascs mailed f rci
8WUT S1' C1F10 CO. . Atlanta. Ga.
Sealed propusalb will bo received by the u
deral-'nod until 1UO : o'olo-jU p. m. Novt'iul
4tb , Ih'.l' ' , fur t'railln.t : ) Jth avunuo from len
enworth street to iho south llnoot Kills I liu
andaamlHtrimtfroin Mnbo'as street to Ola
street. In the city of Omaha , In accorduii
with plan * nnd specifications on llio In t
otllcuof the board of publlo works.
1 vie 1 1 prouo < al to bo made on printed blnn
furnlshuJ by Itiu board , and to bu accomt
iilud by n uertllled chojk In thu sum of '
payable tn thu city of Omuhu , as an uvtdui
of cuoil faith.
The board reserves thu rltfht to award t
contract for tliuHiriiot nml uvcnuo to/uth
orkeparatuly. to rojoul any or all bids and
w lvo.l..f . . ot
( thnlrman Iluird of 1'ubllc workt
Omaha , Neu. , October 20th , Is'JJ. o'JO-Sl-a.
Ol .SO 4D RfiS
? . . ' - ' * > K RfiSM
71 . .Vlfl fl
7J . U4I 13J M
ti 3:11 : 4tH * M
70 " > . . . JK7 H ) fi.V.
Ml . CS'Jsi 1W
ra : si s.i
7 rr.s 40
7r,7 f
r,7B ? 1(0M ( B.Yl
. M 6M
08 M . I8J ! ) BB" '
rn ice so )
CS . t'4J 43 r. W
rid ? ASM notion.
2 . 2s' . 4 ' .5 1 . 570 500
i . 1:11 : n u. )
SIIEKP I'our doiihlfl decks of rather common -
mon mixed Now Mexico sheen were tecolvrd.
The market Is rather slow nn that eluss of
slock , tlooil niutlons nro In active demand at
stroni ! prices. 1'alr to eood native1 ! . ? : i.f > 0'ift
4.50 ; f.ilr to eood westerns. Sit.av l..V ) ! com
mon and stock sheen , Ji2.Vifc't,3j ; good to
eholeo 40 to DJ-lb. lambs. Jl.u , l.73.
Iteeelpts : iud lUpii ltiiiu < it Stork ,
ortlelal ri-colpts and disposition of stook as
shown by the books of thu 1'nloit Htock Yards
fomnnny for the ttreuty-four liourj eiulliu at
B o'clock p. in. , October 27. 1SK1
C'hlp uo l.l\e Stock .Market.
ntlRAno. 111. . Oct. 7. lH Telezrain to
THIS HUB I Thcru was a llrm uattle in TUol
today , not only for choice natives , \\hlch were
si'uice , but for common native' and iMimursas
\\o.l. No made any veiy decide. I ualn ,
hut the u'ennral teiuleney of prices appi'areil
to bo uuwnt'.l. Perhaps an CYeepllou thiiulu
ho inado in tlio I'a-ouC Inferior Mrts. 'I hey
am alluL'iMhrr too free , nml will no doubt
continue to soil low for MIIIIO time to immo.
Native oattlo wcro limited all the w.iy from
9I.IX ) to for rubbish , nnd at from &i.U1 to
SVSi : for e.\tra quality steerj. Ue teins wore
in demand at from fl.Ml to ? 4..V , > ind Tc.xnm
\\eio stioiiK at from JI.'J'i to.10. !
At yeslurJay's iluellno thcro was a com
paratively steady tone to the hoi market.
lu.\urs did not nupuar to 1m paiilrularly
hnnjiry for IIOKS. but at from J.'i.l.i to M.T."i for
< 'omnion to prime lliiht. and lit from if.'i.i'i to
S.VJJ for heavy and medium weights , they
stood ready to tauo u'l ' the olTerla s. The
quality uaco.l ; ) , nnd only n llttlo trading
was done bulow M..VI , from J. ' > .rCi to M7."i helm ;
the popular prices. Culls and young pigs
sold ui from ? : i.Uilo & 1.W , r.irl a few lonn * > nf
assorted heavy wolchts fotehol front } . " > .K" >
to JVJt ) . The niaruot closed steady.
Quotations for sheen ranged from Sl.TAto
J..WI for culls' , from * " > .03 to txl.i : for eholeo
muttons though thei-o was Itltlo tradlna outside -
side nf the limits of from KT. ' > to * l.7 : . . West
ern sheep wore quoted at from Sl.f.O to'J.
Tin ) riinso of prices for lamhs was from f ICT >
to * " " .S" ) , the outside price calling for extra
quality. I'rlcesavernsed from I0u to lee lower
th n for yesterday.
lioi-olpis : U.ittle , Ki.OOO : ho s , 2" > ,0)0 ) ! sheep.
The Kvonlii'i Journal reports :
tiATTt.K Uecolpts , iionil : shlpiuoiits.
.00) head : .market steady ; eholeo to extra
oort. * . " > . ( ) flt& : > .5il ; other- " . 't.l.OOQI.l J : rangers ,
l.'jil.a-i ; Tuxans , { -.r. i.'UO.
lions Itueelpls , lJ7.nJ ! ) head ; shipments ,
0.000 head ; market aetlvo. stronc : rough and
'omntuii ' , jv..TO.'UO : ml.\e < l and packer" . $ " > . .Vii )
.I'ki ; prime hniivy i'iid butchers' \velahls , f.X'i )
. | . 0 : lleht. * : tOcT.7.- .
Suiii : : > lioculuts. | i.03 head ; shipments.
, -OU head : market 1Q3tYJ. " > c lower : rams. ? I.-O )
, -'U : stoukors. nr > J < at.)0 ' ) ; owes. { .LMToi-il ( ) ;
il.\ed. SI..Ti ® ! . ? . " ) ! wethers. $ j.UU"i.5J ; lamhs ,
: i.505.7S. _
Kansas City 1'ivn . itoclcliirkot !
KANSAS Oirr. Mo. . Out. W. fATi'NK Itn-
elpts , 7,1)0 ; shinmeiitj , I.TUJ. The nrirket
'or coed c.ittlo was gnni'rally strong : others
toady ; To.vns steers stronc. lEeprusentatlvo
ales : Dressed hocf nml shlppliu steers ,
© ! . .1 : ) : cows'lfil : Texas and Indian
.tecrs , K.15 W.09 : stockers and feeders $2.0.
lions Uccolpt" . 10.200 : shlnmonts. 5.110 : the
naret was steady nt yesterday's general
iitirkdl. or3IOe lower thau the close , I'luilni !
lulj and weak : all grades , JI.OOffi > .U3 : bulk ,
8inii' Hecoipts , 700 : shipments , 2,000 : the
iiaruet was unchanged ; muttons , &l.l5U5./Oi (
aiubs , $3.2jIf'3.5U. (
New Y ru l.tvo nifioK market.
XRW VOIIK , Oct. 27. Hisr.vns Kecelnts. ftsj
load , all for export : no Irido ; fouling llrm ;
roused beef steady at 7'ju per lb. Ship ,
nunts tolav. I.OJ bcovci.
OAI.VKS Keeelpts , 33.1 head : marketaleaily ;
oala , 55.COSt8.00 pur IHO Ibs. ; gtauers ? iUJH
25 : western calves , $ l.5 > .
SiiKEi' AND IMMIIS Heci-'lpts. 7.12J head :
iinrkot stoadv , ulnsliv ; weak ; shoep. )
.5) per 100 Ibs ; lambs , J.7"iG3i ) ; dressed
niillon steady at 73'sC ' per lb. ; drehscd
limbs \viialc at 71ft')1 ) je.
llotls Uocelpta. 7.533. head. Including 8 ear *
or sale ; marltet steady at i3.u"io.13 : ) per lui
St. I.onls I.lvu SI nek Miirltet.
ST. 1,0111 ? . Mo. , Oct. 2" . UATTI.K Itecelpls ,
00 ; hlilpincnt.s. 2.SOO ; market , strong ; native
> luer. , KI.OJ&I.75 ; Tox.tB and Indians. t2.20J (
1.0 I.
Ilons-Hecclpts , 0.10J ; shipments.5.5811 : mar-
( Olstro i and hlghorthuavj3.4023.75 ; picU- :
nc , if5.n3.70 : ; light.40a30'i. .
SlIEur Receipts , l.QjU ; shipments. 100 : mar
iict ' ; ettcr , nrlces r.inglng at JaSl.frU. .
An boncst pill Is the noblest worlc of UK
apothecary. DoWilt's Little Karly Hlson
euro constipation , biliousness and sick head
A si'0)in7 nrrrtce
to weak woinaii-
kind is the llnd-
' ftin ! ? of lost health
1x * ' tbo ImiUling-nn
of ' 'amn-down"
systc'in. Nothing
cfoos it M > Bitrcly
ns Dr. I'i or re's
Fnvorito I'ro-
bcrilI ion. It
cMircH all the do-
ranReinents , irregularities nnd wcuknesspfl
jieculiar to tbo sox. It'a the most jHrfect of.
jitreiiRth-Kivers , imparting tone nnd viralto
the whole sybtein. Kor overworked , clebill ,
tatcd teacher ! ) , milliners , seamstresses , " shop-
girls , " nursing inotbcrs , and fceblo women
generally , it is the greatest earthly boon ,
being unequnled ns an appetizing toriliul and
restorative tonic.
" Favorite 1'rescriptlon " gives mtihfnctlon
in every case , or money paid for it is
promptly refunded. Tliut'H tbo way it's
noli ! ; tbut'fl tlio way ils makers provo thcii
faith In it. Contains no alcohol to inebriate
no dvrup or sugar to derange cligcbtion ; n
legitinmto medicine , not n lierenwr. 1'urclj
vi-jictablo nnd ix'rfwtly lmrnile ? in nny con
ditioii of the tiyhtom. World's Dispensary
Medical Association , 1'ropr'n , UufTiilo , H. Y.
Union Stock Yards Companj
Ilest cuttle , hoi ; and sheep market in the wc <
flAt ' /i / 1 ' ' ° 'I'11lieu to fo ; cor
U.U * | -r Kiild Kip ci-t.
Wood Brothers ,
foulh Omaha Telephone 11'iT. L'hlcas
JOHN I ) . DADIS.MVN. I . , . ,
\VA1.THII K.VOUI ) . fMan .u-ori.
Market rojiorti by mall an I wire uhuorf nil
furuUhod upon application.
- THIS -
Campbell Commission , Co.
Chicago , EastSt. Louis , Kansas City. South
Uinalu , Slout OltvI'ort Worth.
A. D. Boycr & Company ,
CSan'l.V ) Ivxuliair u Itulldln t.South Onrtli L
CorroiionUencuiullultuil imJ uroiuptly uniwor )
ntlu.i tu or , leu for utockun .V fooil jri.
Uitnbllilicd , 1881. - - IncoruoratjJ , tj
Capital fully inlJ , f."JUJJ.
Waggoner BirneConnpanj
\Vrlio or wlra us fnr prompt ami rclU'ilo tuirk
Perry Brothers & Company ,
I.lvu HtouU Uominlsslon.
Koora 51 LxchaiiKo IlulldlQ , ' , tiouth Omuh
Tuluphouo 17J7.
rors and I'S '
AWN1XOS AN'l ) TI-iN'Td.
lomimnr. ti.u , litm * JTonnK invnln , t'ir | > n-
mor\ , oil mil r.U > > > i > r lln , eovor i > r nil kliit ,
i-lotliliiK. nttn'oMe. HIJ llnm. ImnnorK. itiM. . mf
InririniMrei ! ! . | furcntxIiMitnills , I'tth
M , 0 , Daxoii ,
lniiOftoMnniliiirr | , tloir llloyrle < nM on innnltilr
tnk' , hiirl | ir , | rlno. . I. IN. I MM st
OOOTS AND SHOI- ! * ; ' "
. . . ! ' : ! .c'r.y ! ! ? < " " ' Up ) luiil'lKiiuin * Street" .
. mil : ire
ufuoiiK whl.'liivorj . \ ? ne-\U. ;
with nuT.'linnt * .
Ite , Hj'ii-Scyji
.t | ( . | iibi r > ' ) < > " . * vi I ritiluM-iMMil. ' ,
Sluifeoiiiinnv , niJ-IMl- l n nn I 111. ) llnrnoj
BlotcXy'&Caliei "
riotlilnii , mitlnn. fitr.s'i.
lnu . ( live IM n trlil.
Nunplui nro-ijiM IIT x-
prei' . llflllnrncr .
Ivulc Cji'iiin Works ' Mfr . Kilv.uil/oil Iron
nnd juifteoi' . S. K.
cor. lm ( ! and cornice , winiiun c ns ,
slrctti , nictalli ! fkyllulur etc.
11 III , 111 ] D.MlKO-St.
M. I Smith iCe , Kilpitriit ) ! - KOJI !
DrjritooiK nntUins , fur- Dry t ! io.l Co. Kniloa .
liHhlnu k'ouil * . OornL'r cent ' fiirnlnliltrjKuo.1l
lltli nml lto\rinl-MU. : ( . 'or. Itth nn.t ILtrney
Omaha Uphotein , ; Co , Ilcclic i lltinyin
fi-.iltir ) . rnrnltnroCo. . llrj
< | j'ioii | Utlmtrjot.
Wlialaitla o i
| n tu ts , KVU.
D. M. Steels & Co. Blake , Bruce K Co
, I I0li ! anil Him v St.-eat
An ordinance levying a special tax and assis. -
meiiton certain lots and ival estate hit-HI
city of Omiih.i. to cover thoroit of ditmatros
for uradln. Hamilton .struct trom 1'orlv-llftli
streett. ) the licit Line Itallvv.iy right-of-way :
and the alloy IT > m 31st street to31rd street ,
between .Mason and M.irc.v M reels.
Whereas , It having been and belu
hereby adjudged , determined an 1 es
tabllshed that the several lots arl :
pieces of. o't.itj h.'roluaftor ro-
t'erivd to , have oich been sphilly benellttiiil
to thu full amount huroln lev.u 1 and assessed
ugaliibt ouch of said lots and piuci'S of real es
tate , respectively , by rnison ut the damages
for uradlui ; of that part of Hamilton s-treot
trom 1'orty-llfth street to the lie t Hallway
l ht-ol'-wav : and the uley from 31st street to
inl street , between Mason ami Murey street1" .
Tlicrol'ore , for the purpose ot paying the cost
t such ilnmiiBCii for grading ,
loltordaluud bythoclly cnii"ll ut the city of
Omaha :
Suction 1. That the cost of damap.cs for
( railing that part of Hamilton "treet. In thu
Ity ut Om.iha , from 13th xtivct to the Hc-H Hatl-
vaVrhlit-ot-way. ; said daniap-s huluz tliu sum
it fSil.UO , bo and the SAIIIU Is nerebv levied a.ul
assessedaccordln : tospei'lalbeuolltsby ro.tson
it'sald Krndinir.iiiioii the follKnliiK lots nudriiiil
3tAto s8hown by thnRt > nurally ruro nlzud maj )
jf the city of Omaha 1KU. lltiiograpaudand pun.
Uhod by MuIr.tlJaylord In lbisaid ! | cost b.-ttiK
o levied on said hits and real citato , rospustlva
y. is wit :
'i A Hell et al It 8 blk'J Him riders & II Into-
hatigh's add to Walnut Hill it)7 )
Omaha Heal Kstato & Trust C'o
. I , Canan II10 blk 2 2 ! I7
) lloal Kslaln .t Tr Co H 11 blk 2 " 22 h7
ohu ; Hros.slt401)lk2 ; ) " IMifi
lo 1141 blk 8 ' It till
do It. 48 bik 8 II ( I'I
Omaha Itcpuhllean Co It 411 blkS " 11 OG
) m Heal l fitu & Tr Co It H b 8 11 Wide
do It 45 blk8 ' U l.t :
do It 4ib ( 1(8 11 '
do It 47 blk 8 11 Of
lHailiideislt48hl ! < 3 " HO'
do it,4 ! ) bik 2 no :
Jin Heal Kstato & Trust Co ,
' .150 blk 2 " 11 fi
ll.M blk 8 " 11 K
School District of Omaha It .VJ b'J 11 u.
do 11 Kl blk 2 ' II I' '
do 1151 blk 2 II 0
do It Vi blk 2 " U I- !
do lt.51blU8 " 11 :
do H57bll,8 " II 0
do HfvSblkS " 11 ( V
do lift' ) blk 2 " 110'
Om Heal Kslnto A TrColt OOblk 2" II it
do It 01 hi 1S ' 11 O :
do It iWhllCJ " H 0
do U ( VI hi Ic8 " 11 ( V
do itr.i in it 2 n o :
do Hli.5 blk 2 " 11 ( . :
do It W ! 1)11 ) ; 2 " 11 IV
- do 1107 III ) ; 2 " U
Alexander Holmlnj ! It 0-j blk 8 " II 0
do It0'.lblk8 ' " 11 ti
OJfcP 11 Orosholl H70blk2 110
do H7l blk 8 " 'J 5
Walnut HlllSur. & Inv Co
ill blk 23 Walnut'lllll 2rt 4
It 2 bile 23 20 I
It 3 blk 23 2ii I
It 4 blk 2J 8'i 4 :
Henry D Nccly It ft blk 211 " 811
Walnut lllllsuv & Inv Co Hiil)83 ; ; 8'i ' 4
It 8 blk 23 8(1 ( 4
Itiiblks : ! " 8(14 (
II 101)11(23 " 2li 4
It II bll , 83 8ii I
Om Holt l < Ino Italhvhy Co 117 1)81" ) 8ii 4
1th bin 81 " 1 4
" rlsht of way la
HO blk 81 " 8 4
Joseph O Vot/cr
except il-'htof way It ! ) bin 84 " 81 0
Joseph CVl ir It 10 blk 84 8li 4
Oliriba Holt Line Ity Co wo-t 40 ft of tri-
aiiglo piece of land north of Hamilton
Hivel and west of Ihu Hult IIno Hall
way 11 tick 21 1
Total amount ' h8l 0
tectlon' ' . That the cost of daiiiasoi for ( jni 1
liiKlhut part of alley. In the city ot Oinalri
I'lom.'llHtbtnot to 33rd trei-t. between Marc ;
and Mason hlreets , H'llddiunaivg ' being the HUI
of f-'HI.tu ; bBiind the siiliuM hereby levied an
iihschHcd. accordliiK to tpoilul IiunulllH b
ivason of mid nnul I\K upon the follow
In j lots and real estate as show.i bv the ir'incr
ally recoguUe.l map ot tile city of Omaha , HIlH ,
Kraphi'd and published ny Mulr .V Oaylnrd li
INM. Bald cost li.'inn HO lovlfd on said lots an ,
real ostato. rojpotlv < ) ly , us f.illows. to-wlc :
Clifton I'lai'u 10 (
Patty u Wren It I
do US " I" '
W.I Halmlta " 10 (
John ro0'arty It4 " 1" t
do lift " I'M '
.1 H Hpolman HI ! " I' ' <
lii3V H ICnodo 117 " " <
tioo KllnrkurltR " 10' '
IhaaoDChirkolti ) " I
.lames WCarrlt 10 " 10 (
Thomas firllllu It II " '
John Wallace It li " 1" H
elms II Townsend It III " 10' '
11,1 KLMKUII It 14 . , , , " , , I a I
1'atrlclt Hushes It I llonsol k fetpbhen
sub of U Iturtlott'sadd 10 r
OHSeldenltS " JO t
Afrcd Connor itfl " lot
( lei ) l'SiebblusH4 " UK
Julia K Adams lift " lot
Win nriarkollO 101
Mary A l-'arrlngton 117 " lot
W h ( JiuriiultH " W i
llonry Oady III ) " 101
t'atheilnoM Myurs It 10 " 101
WKOlnrKolt 11 " im
do It 18 " " 101
do It 13 " Jin
do it II " IOJ
Total amount J'-tl I
Section a. Tliat the upeciul taxe * aim IIM OS >
munts levied an I iisie-iti ) 1 as iiforeH ltd. sha
bo dtiulmmeillatuly upon t'io possatrJ aud a [
proval of this ordlaan" < , ami a mil bicomo dt
liiKinent If nut pall within llfiyduyit tnvreattoi
anilthoreupon IntiTfl t HUII ! bo adil'id a' tl )
rum of ono per cent a month , payable In ml
viince from tlio I line ul I Uicu4 buc'inu so di
Huctlon 4. That this ordlnanco sliall t-ik
olfoul and bu In force from ami after In pas
President City Council
Approved September 8ird.IWW. . . . , . . . . ,
The above tax la now duo un/l payable at tl
Hector & Wilhclray C . 1/ibcck / & Lim.
Corner 10th nn'l Jnckion lcslrt
( itrcoK. ini'dintih ' tools.
Kit KjiiKt.ii Mrecl.
Clias. 1L lcc. inn A.
llnntwooil lumber , wool Impofle.l.Amnrlonn I'ort-
carpels nil I p r.ujt
tlourlnx. nnt
rtli nml Dougl.M. giiliiofTtiltolliu. .
Itick & Herbert I. Oberfcliler & Co.
il'nrliT niiil J.itilioM ot
1001 t'araara sU mllllarrr nullmi , M-\ll
uMori | ironipl
.M5-t2tioiillilllli t
Carpenter Paper CoT standard Oil To7
Ciirrr n fall itnrk of
printing , wraiilaa | | nml Itcllnoil niut
olln , nvlo tfnm * . eto.
r. tile.
Kin & Smcal IJaviil Cole Ua ! ,
Mfrsof "K , V 8" panti Wholc'iloovsti'i-i fancy
fuli-rr Hl' ' - ; luili
FlilrU nml ( ivurallv etc.
CH IS South I ltd .it.
i.b.wedisfr : , .
jjranC | , fl ( ] 9.
Whitney & Co.
frail ) of Ml
llaltcr , ram niut poultry. Units , oyster * . Co
lliittcr , oln'1 - > out
poultry mid n.uiu.
317 uali ! Dili 1L
Stove rop\lr ! nmt w.iter
uttiicliniontt for nny
Kliul nfMtora nmito.
I'M' Doii lns.
M.A.lIsbro\v&Co. ) II. Hardy & Co.
Mnintfaclurori nf uili , oys , ilo lln , a I tin m
iloor . M In ill na I Inncy Komi ) , lio'ito fur
mouMlnk'i. Hr.incli o- nlslilUK fuiMli , cilt !
tlcu , 13th inU IiaM all.
MID Fiiriiain St
ollicoof thoelty troasuivr nnl ; will become do-
lln uient and bear Interest on and after Vovein-
her I''th , wja , us neen In se-tl > n : i of ntiovu or-
t Ity Treasurer.
An ordlirinco croatliu the sownr nlstrlct. No.
171 , duUnlng Its limits , sl/.o of snivels and .
elov it loin , nnd directing tlio ho-ird of nnbljo
works to taki ! the nuucssiry steps to i-anso i
the construction of the sewer In said dl
tr ct.
lie It ordained by the city council of llio city
of Omaha. 4
Suction I. That llio newer district No. 171 bo ]
and hnroby U eroato.l In thocltvof Om ilia. \
Section 8. That the sewer district No. 171
shall comprise the following lots and trnots ot j
r-al estate : Lots 7 , S , I ) , 10. II and 12 Inltilrrl
Oak. and astrlpof land 132 feet wide lylna
.lust east ot and adj leout to llio oust Inu ol
2th street and oMunillnx from u iiolntj
132 north of the south line of ta.\ lot N !
section 8.s. tea point 001 foci north of the > -oiiiu |
line of s-ild tax lot. bolus u p'irt of it\lolt : > , l
sccllon2 ? , township r. , ranKO 13 of the lltli ]
prlnuioal inurldliin. J
Section3. That ihc sewer district. No. I'll
shall bo constructed as follows : llo lniilni ;
at , the manholu In the cantor of thu Intursoo- .
tlon of 27th stroot- and Dorcas street with an"
elevation of 127 feet above tbo city datum :
thunen north alons the center line of 87th
street with an 8 Inch plpo sewer to allnsb tanlc
located 25 fcol south of the mirth line of lot" .
In Hurr OaK , wllh an o ovation of 17J foct ,
above iho city datum.
All thoaforesald oluvatlons lo boat Iho ( low
lines of said sewers at Ihu points named.
Tbo alignment , and uradosof said suwors to j
bosliMUhl linesbotwccu nritihoius and othur
mints spew-Hied , as far us practicable , and uc-
rurdlnit to plans and speclllcatlons IIlull with I
iho board of nubile works. t
Six Inch junction ploeus shall bo ptacnd Inl
said sewer every 85 feet , or as ill roc ted In writ-1
IIIK by the i-lty engineer. f
Sewer Inlet ! ) ulmli bo conslructcd in said I
sewer district at such points as thu city en-1
"Ineer may direct. I
So lion I. That thn board of public works Is 1
licruby Instructed to take the noeess'iry Mops I
tocanso the construction of the sewer In said ]
llstrlet. (
Houtlon 5. That this orllnaucn hhall t-ikoi
ofl'ocl and bo In force from ami after Ihu dataj
of Its pissuco.
Passed October 7th. 1SD2.
City Clerk.
15. P. DAVIS.
President City Council ,
Approved Oolobar 1'Jth ' , IH18.
tiF.O. P. IIKMIS ,
To J. A. llontollo. Mlko Volora. f'atharliio
Lochlln , M. Suveron Soremen A. P. Chrlsto-
pliorson , Olara Kurd. ( i. 11. Kllsnortli , Joint
Mohr. tJeoruo HT/.iclinuk :
Von are hereby iioilllod that-lho under *
sl 'iioil , threu ( llslnterusled froeliohlorj of thn
city of Omaln , h ivo buon duly appointed b/
Iho mayor , wllh Iho approval of < heelty connell -
ell of shld city , to assess the daniairu to thu
owners ri'spectlvely of the properly declared
by ordinance neccsjary luhuiippr.iprlaUMl fop
Ihu use of said city , for tlio piirpDsii of open-
in ; and oYtondlux Kith street from Vlntou
stieet toKimtli oily limits.
Vou are furthur notified , that havlns no *
ceptitd s Id appoint iiienl and ( Inlyiiiiiiillled a *
reiiulred by law. wu will , on Iho 81st day of
Novo iihcr , A. I ) . I Ml. , nt the hour uf 10 o'cliuK
In tlio foi'Kiiooii , at thu olllcu of T. II , Mc''iil- '
loch. room 812 N. V. Llfo Iliilldinir. ivlthln thfi
corpuratu limits of xuld city , innut for thu pur-
posu of eonsldcrlii'j and mtiklnv Ihu assess-
mmilof ilainaito to thu owners rusuoctlvuly. of
bald proporty. by reason of such laklnv am
appropriation Ihi-roof. t ildii''Inlo coiisldcra
tlon Hpoclal bonollts , If eny.
The property holonirlnir to yon , proiiosod tn
bo appropriated as afoii'.s'ilil , nn I which has
bcon dcclarod necessary by Ihu council , hy
ordinance , to appriiprtito to the use of tiiu
olty. U'eltiv nltiiitte In H-ild city of Omaha. Ii
thu con nly of Djunlns , and Mint u of Nebraska
Is deserlhud in follows , lu-wlt :
H 20 feet of w 01 foot of lot ti , H. K Ho i
pliit.Olcihoimi. . . . , , i ,
West Klleotof lots 10 and II. Mottor's siibdl
vision of lot 4S , H. li Ho/orn' plat of Okahuina
Wehton fi-ut of sub lot I , tux lot. - ' , - > .
WostOiJ feut of lot 15 Oak HIM No. A
Sou Mi 7 foul of wosl'-'O to.'lot ' lot PI , Oak II i !
We'et 10 feet of lolsO. 7 , B Mollor's silboflo
IS. S. Ii Ho-'ors' plat of Olialniu.a.
North 2X ( ) foot ot west Ml of lot Id , h U llos
01 H' platokahoma
Ui'stOfuulHUlilol4 : of lav lot''O ,
Yon nro niillllod to bo prusont nt the llm
tlmuaml plaeu iiforosald , and inaku any oh
lections toorsl.ale nuntsoniicurulii. . hiilJ pro
poso.'l appropriation , or asiessmonl of dam
< i
.1011N I1. I'l.ACK.
Omaha , Oct. Mth , 18'J' . o'Md'JUt
To thoovvnewof all lots , parts of loUund ital
ustato uloiu "llh ttreot , from J'opplulon
iivonuu to Hickory st runt.
You nro huruliy nulllled Hint the uiidnr-
hlL-noil. IhreodlslnturoUed fruoholdcrs of thn
city of Omaha , h'tve boun duly apmtlulcd by
thu mayor , with thu approval of the city
council ol auld city , to > IM > USS the damagu tu
the owniirs roipuctlvnly of iho pronurty
alTecltid bv chaniu of griiiln of said htri-el. uii'
oluroil nuco-nary uy orillnnniMi No. IH'i. puici
Uciobor II. Ml , approved October If * . IMiA
Yon are further imtlflu-i that , havlnx no
cuptod mild nppultilment , and duly ( juallHcd
a riiNiilroil liy law. wu will on iho 3rd dn
of Novomuur. A. D. 18'J. ' , at thu hour of '
o'olook In thu ufiurnoim. at the ollli'o o
Shrlvor ft. O'Donoho : ) , II'JI : I''ainam htrfi't ,
within thu furpor.ito limits of Haul city , nieot
for the purposu of uousldiirlnK and ma Kim :
iho iisioiamuiit nf daiuugu to ihuou'ncis n >
tpjetlvuly of mild propurty , alTuctod by : 'l' '
I'lrurju of yr.idu. t'lUlnj lulu cunslduratloi
Bpuolal boneflti. If nil1/ . , , ,
You uro imUIIcd to bu niojoiil nt the tlnv
nnd plnou aforesaid , nnd mtUo iiny objtn'tlon
toorHlitomeiilH concurnmx Bald
of dumuijoi as you lll
J. PAIM- .
Conimlttcuof AjipraUen
Omuha , Octoler 10. JHC OSIdlV l